Plastic Surgery Maxxing

all you lucky motherfrickers got good bones, all you have to do is slim down and you look great. What surgeries can fix a face like mine

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  1. 7 months ago

    I have a recessed jaw too. Leanmaxxed to -12% and everything.

    Honestly, you’ll have to get orthognathic (jaw) surgery. You’ll have to have your maxilla and mandible bones broken and pulled forward with a splint. Counter clockwise rotation may also be necessary.

    But I’m not a surgeon but I do understand how shitty having an underdeveloped jaw is aesthetically speaking.

  2. 7 months ago

    Nii-san... What are you doing?

    • 7 months ago


  3. 7 months ago

    Shave the shitstache
    Fix your hair care routine
    Get sun
    Chew your food better and eat chewy food

  4. 7 months ago

    >Just have to lean down
    Nope, I have to wash my face too. Shit is annoying. If I'm using Tinder I have to get a decent picture as well.

  5. 7 months ago

    Either go full heyaheya or get rid of that mane, mane

  6. 7 months ago

    Get invisialign and get new hair. Get rid of your acne too

    • 7 months ago

      I have a recessed jaw too. Leanmaxxed to -12% and everything.

      Honestly, you’ll have to get orthognathic (jaw) surgery. You’ll have to have your maxilla and mandible bones broken and pulled forward with a splint. Counter clockwise rotation may also be necessary.

      But I’m not a surgeon but I do understand how shitty having an underdeveloped jaw is aesthetically speaking.

      how bad is my teeth alignment?

      • 7 months ago

        You look like the Ivanko from One Piece

      • 7 months ago

        you look like an nft monkey

  7. 7 months ago

    you look like shit because of your disgusting unkept long hair

    • 7 months ago

      both were taken post workout when I was sweaty as hell, but true I do need to take more care of it or just cut it off

  8. 7 months ago

    I wouldn't ask IST for plasic surgery advice also stop spreading surgerypill you fricking moron its supposed to be a secret normies need to think all surgeries will botch them

  9. 7 months ago

    You really don't look that bad, just get a skincare routine, maybe condition your hair.

  10. 7 months ago

    Starting braces tomorrow for orthognathic surgery next year ask me anything. I have an underbite.

    I can't fricking wait I'll look like a cletus with a gap tooth and braces for a couple of months but once I'm past that its all good looking from there.

  11. 7 months ago

    Plastic breasts and becoming my wife

  12. 7 months ago

    Chin wing osteotomy.

    • 7 months ago

      frick my jaw is really fricked up from the side, don't know what happened there.

      Would this work in my case?

      I'd say so, don't be afraid to ask the barber to take more off from something like the pic you posted if you don't think it's working once they cut it. These are easy/quick haircuts to do so it's no big deal. A benefit of going shorter is that it will grow to the length of this picture anyway but in the meantime you don't usually need to style it unless you can be bothered. Either way, very slightly longer in the front helps with styling. Either option will frame your face much better though.

      With your hair it will likely look more textured (stylish messy if that makes sense, unless your style it otherwise) on top, and the sides will have more contrast, looking a bit more shaved. Maybe add a number 1 shave around the bottom for a bit more contrast/edgier look. If you want to style it sea salt spray or a tiny amount of putty will add definition/volume so your hair doesn't look dry/frizzy.

      aight, just set up a haircut appointment, ty anons. I'll see what they can do

      • 7 months ago

        pic here cause I'm a lil moronic

        • 7 months ago

          how bad is my teeth alignment?

          • 7 months ago


            holy crap lois it's chudjak

            bruhs I know it's bad hehe

            a lefort followed by a genio or double jaw surgery will be your best best, but again be veeeery certain that you're visiting a surgeon who knows what he's doing too, make sure to have an ample time to recover because this much work done under then knife may take you from 6 months to a year for recovery. oh and don't for the life of you get work on your nose, it's the most risky and useless surgery that exists and can easily botch you

            don't listen to this gaslighting moron, your boneless face is the primary concern of your look not your haircut, good looking people can pull any haircut they want to, it's your gremlin jaw and receding chin that's causing you issues, research MALE PATIENT surgeons in your area for this and never listen to normie fricks because no one ever got good from their advice

            any advice on finding a surgeon that won't paralyze my face or frick it up?
            and damn 6 months to a year is crazy

            • 7 months ago

              according to common wisdom Dr eppley specializes in this, consult an orthodontist first to tell you if lefort is necessary as you most likely only need a double jaw surgery. ask around your city first to make sure you know what you'll get and make sure to have a proper budget
              >but 6 months is so much
              trust me it's all worth it for the different treatment, what is 6 months compared to an entirely different life?

        • 7 months ago

          get glasses and chudmaxx
          in all seriousness, you look fine, your hair looks unkempt tho
          i also have my hair very long, past shoulders, and i'm planning to grow it further
          you should shampoo every day and use hair masks once in a while, like every week or two
          i have the same chin, plus i'm a 172cm manlet, and my body count is 2 if you're worried about girls

          • 7 months ago

            You are my favorite character.

            • 7 months ago

              holy shit that's LITERALLY me

      • 7 months ago

        pic here cause I'm a lil moronic

        Your jawline looks like mine, but yours is much better. Chin is almost perfect, rest of the jawline is very gracile.

        Try losing about 20 lbs, build your neck with neck curls/extensions/laterals (low weight or use bands & an Iron Neck harness, high reps), and come back in 6 months.

        It's not bad enough to risk Hgh, aromatase inhibitors, and testostsrone and your growth plates are probably almost closed anyway.

        Try the looksmaxx forums, check their best of the best threads board, look for threads on jawmaxxing surgeries or the electric impulse implant.

        It's not that bad tbh. Mine is far worse. Just build your fashion around it, get jacked, and socialize.

  13. 7 months ago

    >What surgeries can fix a face like mine
    A haircut, a smile and a shave.

  14. 7 months ago

    Just Cole Sprouse maxx

  15. 7 months ago

    That haircut is ridiculously unsuited to your face. Ask any basic barber for a number 2 shave on the back and sides with the top 'point cut' shorter but with a little bit of length and you won't even need to brush it, you're welcome.

    • 7 months ago

      What would that look like? just like picrel?

      • 7 months ago

        With your hair it will likely look more textured (stylish messy if that makes sense, unless your style it otherwise) on top, and the sides will have more contrast, looking a bit more shaved. Maybe add a number 1 shave around the bottom for a bit more contrast/edgier look. If you want to style it sea salt spray or a tiny amount of putty will add definition/volume so your hair doesn't look dry/frizzy.

        • 7 months ago

          don't listen to this gaslighting moron, your boneless face is the primary concern of your look not your haircut, good looking people can pull any haircut they want to, it's your gremlin jaw and receding chin that's causing you issues, research MALE PATIENT surgeons in your area for this and never listen to normie fricks because no one ever got good from their advice

          • 7 months ago

            Moronic comment. Yes, good looking people can pull off any haircut but anyone who isn't blessed with perfect facial structure needs to consider haircuts that suit them -- per the advice given -- and will look significantly better than when they don't. This guy isn't even horrifically deformed lmao he just has and the presentation of an internet shut-in. A haircut and a bit of sun is an easier step to probably being fine with his looks than fricking surgery you weird doomer. Besides, that remains an option after getting a $20-30 haircut first. Odds are some simpler improvements will address the insecurity that generates a desire for surgery, good presentation is a low bar thanks to normies and losers.

            • 7 months ago

              Also OP your facial structure has some decent elements, you eye and brown area are well structured for instance. I have ties to modelling/fashion but heaps of friends with shittier bone structure and higher body fat than you getting model tier ass, tbh more on average. Similarly, heaps with perfect bone structure getting frick all. A lot of girls even find that perfectly sculpted presentation offputting or just do this weird thing where they assume perfect looking dudes are gay lol. Presentation etc goes a lot further than requiring perfect bone structure. You're not deformed or whatever to the point where that would be a defining characteristic -- don't listen to the angry-at-the-world doomers on a frickin weeb/sadc**t forum, work on the other shit first.

              • 7 months ago

                >your eye and brown area are well structured for instance
                ty tbh, at least there's something salvageable.

            • 7 months ago

              >he just looks like an internet shut in
              have you ever wondered why did you make this assumption about him? did it cross your dumbass brain that lacks self reflection why did you classify him as an "internet shut in"? you know why? because he has the bone structure of a child that's why, his face didn't develop past the age of 10 that's why, that's what makes you think he's an shut in, it's your subconscious brain making a split decision based on his facial structure that made you make a biased decision about someone without ever knowing him, and this is what he struggles with daily and that's why it's good for him to consider surgical options because you and your cult of normalgay passive aggressive bullies are the reason he feels like shit, at least I'm telling him how to get results not some pseudo dogshit advice about clipping your hair and thinking this will change your skull

              • 7 months ago

                ignoring my jaw is there any other fixable flaws with my skull/face here?


                pic here cause I'm a lil moronic

              • 7 months ago

                yes your maxilla is also recessed resulting in a flat faced look

  16. 7 months ago


    If you can pull off the kpop hair and look you will be swimming in endless zoomer pussy

    • 7 months ago

      damn I really want to. I guess I'll try it out, if it doesn't work out I'll go shorter

  17. 7 months ago


    I'd say so, don't be afraid to ask the barber to take more off from something like the pic you posted if you don't think it's working once they cut it. These are easy/quick haircuts to do so it's no big deal. A benefit of going shorter is that it will grow to the length of this picture anyway but in the meantime you don't usually need to style it unless you can be bothered. Either way, very slightly longer in the front helps with styling. Either option will frame your face much better though.

  18. 7 months ago


    why the frick was my post deleted dayum

    • 7 months ago

      Janny is an ugly boy so he deleted your post

  19. 7 months ago

    a lefort followed by a genio or double jaw surgery will be your best best, but again be veeeery certain that you're visiting a surgeon who knows what he's doing too, make sure to have an ample time to recover because this much work done under then knife may take you from 6 months to a year for recovery. oh and don't for the life of you get work on your nose, it's the most risky and useless surgery that exists and can easily botch you

  20. 7 months ago

    holy crap lois it's chudjak

  21. 7 months ago

    Try cutting your hair so you don't look like a pre-op troony. Ps looksmaxxing is for literal trannies and gays. Man up and go get a job

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