Please assist with food nutrition advice. I am an immigrant farm worker in Canada.

Please assist with food nutrition advice.

I am an immigrant farm worker in Canada. I work up to 14 hours on some days of physical labour. The work is very strenuous, with only one 1 hour break, and one 20 minute break. On an average day I walk anything between 25000 to 35000 steps. And I do a lot of work requiring the lifting or moving of heavy objects or equipment.

On the one hand the work does wonders for my health. I have lost a lot of weight, I have improved digestion, and I seem to have cured my ed. I am also definitely stronger.

However, after four months I am getting exhausted sooner, and I have pain that is not subsiding. I am also 38, so I am not that young anymore.

At the beginning I was trying to eat a healthy diet with minimal processed food. However recently I am so exhausted after a day's labour that I don't have the energy or desire to spend more time preparing food when all I want to do is sleep.

What would you suggest that is easy, simple, and affordable to prepare?

I recently discovered canned lentil soup as it is very convenient. Otherwise I eat mince and pasta, potatoes, salad, steak on some occasions, sardines, eggs, and lots of milk.

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  1. 7 months ago

    i think the food is more nutritious back where you came from and you should go eat it there

    • 7 months ago

      Nope. I am going to earn my right to remain in Canada.

      • 7 months ago

        You don't belong and it will be fixed, earn whatever you think you deserve its up to canadians, not you, to determine whether or not you belong and whether or not you will be expelled.

        • 7 months ago

          Canadian here. I refuse to help an invader. I hope you die. I have a ton of knowledge of diet and nutrition but I won't part it to you. I am being too kind really, I should sabotage you with bad advice.

          Peace be with you.

      • 7 months ago

        Honest question from a born and raised leaf, why? Canada is easily the worst first world country and living standards are in terminal decline. Considering you're a farm worker and eat beef I assume you're Mexican rather than a subhuman ranjeet. Mexico is pretty nice and actually improving unlike this shithole.

        • 7 months ago

          >Canada is easily the worst first world country
          I agree, maybe UK, Australia and NZ have us beat in the Anglosphere. But unless you really like skiing and ice fishing I see no reason to live here if you have the choice.

          • 7 months ago

            as politically gay as australia is, I'm pretty sure it's on the whole much more livable for the average person than canada or the UK

  2. 7 months ago

    Canadian here. I refuse to help an invader. I hope you die. I have a ton of knowledge of diet and nutrition but I won't part it to you. I am being too kind really, I should sabotage you with bad advice.

    • 7 months ago

      Imagine a born and raised leaf being anything other than a homosexual. Truly. Not OP btw

    • 7 months ago

      i think the food is more nutritious back where you came from and you should go eat it there

      i am an anti-immigration australian but don't punish the individuak, punish the system and rulers.

    • 7 months ago

      i am an anti-immigration australian but don't punish the individuak, punish the system and rulers.

      You don't belong and it will be fixed, earn whatever you think you deserve its up to canadians, not you, to determine whether or not you belong and whether or not you will be expelled.

      youre talking like feds

      Tumeric powder or curcumin a extract from tumeric, will really help joint pain and inflammation. It naturally lubricates joints.

      Eggs are a super food and natural source of electrolytes. Electrolytes and high protein food like bone broth, low fat jerky, or protein powder will help with your exhaustion. You also need a a good multivitamin, ashwagandha, fish oil, and good B12 supplement because modern food is shit and it will help with energy. Swiss chard, navy beans, potatoes, tomatoes, will help your potassium electrolyte levels. Potassium is a hard to get electrolyte since it's illegal to get a more than 5% daily value in supplement form.

      The ashwagandha and whole eggs will really help your weight lifting. Studies on both found they both give 25% boost to muscle mass growth and endurance while lifting weights.

      The slow cooker is your friend. It's easy to throw in any protein, vegetable, and tasty liquid and get something solid. It's hard to go wrong. I like beef stew with some bread from a bakery, BBQ shredded pork shoulder, and salsa chicken for burritos especially. You can make 3-4 days worth of food at once and chow the frick down while not doing much outside of throwing it in in the morning and coming home to a meal.
      For your pain though consider curcumin with black pepper extract. I'm an old frick too and it helps a ton with joint and muscle pain. I take 1000mg standardized to 95% turmeric extract every morning with breakfast. Costco has a good cheap one if you have a membership there. It's my preferred one

      youre talking like homosexuals
      what the frick is this thread

    • 7 months ago

      I'm American and I gave him helpful advice. Frick off little cousin to the north. You aren't shit and will never be shit. All you can do is claim moral superiority because we eclipse you in every other metric. We also don't have Trudeau. Eat my wiener and have a horrible day
      What's your favorite curl variation btw?

    • 7 months ago

      Unless you're First Nations, it's pretty rich of you to be throwing around the word "invader" like that.

      • 7 months ago

        >unless you invaded the country through the siberian land bridge a couple thousand years ago you have no right to call people an invader
        where do you draw your imaginary line in the sand friendo? you are aware that when "first nations" "people" came here they committed a genocide of their own?

        • 7 months ago

          So maybe they don't have that right either- you have even less of one.

          • 7 months ago

            The country wouldn't even exist without white people.

            • 7 months ago

              And? You're still no less of an invader than them.

              • 7 months ago

                sure I am, I was born here, my grandparents were their grandparents were, their grandparents were and so on, my family's presence here predates the creation of "Canada" by several hundred years

              • 7 months ago

                So how were your great-great-great-grandparents not invaders then?

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not my great-great-great grandparents, and they were also born here

              • 7 months ago

                Your however-many-greats-grandparents who came here, you know what I mean. What gave them any more right to be there than OP whom you're hating on?

          • 7 months ago

            Ive been here since the dawn of time 20000 years ago. Theyve been here 4 or 5k toos. Youve been here 4 months

  3. 7 months ago

    The slow cooker is your friend. It's easy to throw in any protein, vegetable, and tasty liquid and get something solid. It's hard to go wrong. I like beef stew with some bread from a bakery, BBQ shredded pork shoulder, and salsa chicken for burritos especially. You can make 3-4 days worth of food at once and chow the frick down while not doing much outside of throwing it in in the morning and coming home to a meal.
    For your pain though consider curcumin with black pepper extract. I'm an old frick too and it helps a ton with joint and muscle pain. I take 1000mg standardized to 95% turmeric extract every morning with breakfast. Costco has a good cheap one if you have a membership there. It's my preferred one

    • 7 months ago

      Thank you. I will take your advice. I like the idea that the food can last for a few days. And thank you for not being rude.

      • 7 months ago

        No worries. Don't mind the chuds. Whenever you see one of their replies remember that at least a portion of them look like this dude in the webm

        • 7 months ago

          Thank you.

          I am actually very concerned for Canadians in general. Many are very kind and decent people. But as a whole I find them too overweight, comfortable, and lazy. And they find themselves too distracted/entertained to notice the degradation. The decadence of material surplus I suppose.

    • 7 months ago

      eating enough meat (protein)? like anon said use a slow cooker. easy, quick and plenty of recipes. you can chuck in bones as well to help flavor whatever you are cooking. not sure what your local grocery stores are like, try to get seasonal things, should be cheaper that way. keep grinding bro.

  4. 7 months ago

    How did you find IST? What made you ask this question here?

    Very elaborate troll post

  5. 7 months ago

    Tumeric powder or curcumin a extract from tumeric, will really help joint pain and inflammation. It naturally lubricates joints.

    Eggs are a super food and natural source of electrolytes. Electrolytes and high protein food like bone broth, low fat jerky, or protein powder will help with your exhaustion. You also need a a good multivitamin, ashwagandha, fish oil, and good B12 supplement because modern food is shit and it will help with energy. Swiss chard, navy beans, potatoes, tomatoes, will help your potassium electrolyte levels. Potassium is a hard to get electrolyte since it's illegal to get a more than 5% daily value in supplement form.

    The ashwagandha and whole eggs will really help your weight lifting. Studies on both found they both give 25% boost to muscle mass growth and endurance while lifting weights.

    • 7 months ago

      Thank you.

      I have made notes of your advice. I will apply this.

  6. 7 months ago

    Go 100% vegan. You'll feel better

  7. 7 months ago

    Good morning sir

  8. 7 months ago

    >food advice
    >i am an immigrant in canada
    Try 9mm

  9. 7 months ago

    >I am an immigrant farm worker in Canada
    go back to where you came from

  10. 7 months ago

    > in Canada.
    > CANADA.
    > CAN'Tada even finna some food to eats ah.

    no wonder Chinese love Canada.

  11. 7 months ago


    >AUS and NZ are better than us by a longshot.
    nah they gave up their guns, we can still get some good ones

  12. 7 months ago

    Hey fellow immigrant farm worker, what kind of stuff do you that at that farm and how's the pay?
    I too suffer from the same calorie deficit but I don't work 14h days, and there's not much heavy lifting since I mostly pick veggies and fruits.

  13. 7 months ago

    >What would you suggest that is easy, simple, and affordable to prepare?
    Rice and beans, add oil for calories
    Pick up a whole rotisserie chicken. They are like 5 bucks
    Quiches and premade lasagna (or make your own ahead of time)
    Precook sausages and make sandwiches
    Boiled eggs, mix with mayo and eat on toast

    Hope that helps.

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