Please rate my routing bros

>2×lat pulldowns
>2×BB rows
>2×chest supported rows (unilateral)
>2×face pulls
>2×preacher curls

>2×flat bench press
>2×incline plate-loaded machine
>2×high to low cable flys
>2×machine shoulder press
>2×lateral raises
>2×overhead tricep extension

>2×leg press
>2×leg extension
>1×lying leg curl
>2×standing calf raises

All taken to 0 RIR/failure. Too much or too little volume? I've been lifting for 3 months idk if that makes a difference

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  1. 9 months ago

    This program speaks volumes...

  2. 9 months ago

    If you train this way your muscle mass will actually decrease

    • 9 months ago


      not reading your blog queer go die in a fire

      frick off manlet

      This program speaks volumes...


      • 9 months ago

        come say that to my face tough guy

  3. 9 months ago

    not reading your blog queer go die in a fire

  4. 9 months ago

    Fraud routine.

    • 9 months ago


      My routine is basically the same except 4-5 sets instead of 2

      Too much volume imo

      >no ohp
      >leg press
      >massive exercise bloating
      Absolute garbage

      Machine shoulder press instead of ohp. Cba with squats. Exercise bloating?

      come say that to my face tough guy

      Sure, where are you?

      • 9 months ago

        if i was up your butt youd know it

        • 9 months ago

          No doubt

      • 9 months ago

        >machine shoulder press
        activates fewer muscles than standing or sitting OHP
        >cba with squats
        >exercise bloating
        You have too many exercises; get good at one or two things and then add the things you need. Or you can stay mediocre at everything in your routine

        • 9 months ago

          As long as it activates delts im good

          Just doing legs already puts me in top 20%, and im hitting all the muscles so im good for now. In the future probably

          At my gym i probably do fewest exercises. All the guys here tour the whole gym and do 6 sets per machine. Fot what do I do too many exercises? Surely not chest

  5. 9 months ago

    My routine is basically the same except 4-5 sets instead of 2

  6. 9 months ago

    >no ohp
    >leg press
    >massive exercise bloating
    Absolute garbage

  7. 9 months ago

    literally half is junk volume and completely useless. if you do pull-ups, you dont need to do lat pulldowns. if you did lat pulldowns, you dont need to do pull-ups. you are literally just going through the motions. you are not lifting. you are not getting stronger. you are not doing progressive overload.

    after i have done my +50kg weighed pull-ups there is absolutely nothing more that i can do anymore. hopping onto the lat pulldown machine does literally nothing. it is wasted time, wasted effort. i see so many dyels training like this and none of them can do what i can do even though i lift twice if not three times less volume and frequency than they do.

    • 9 months ago

      As you can see most are suggesting i should do more volume so idk

      Why do you only do 1-2 sets? IMO thats way too little volume to have much effect, even if you do a high amount of reps. At least 3 sets for every exercise is the standard.

      Yes the standard is insane amounts of volume. The standard is also to basically frick around for 3 sets and do an actual one in the end and im trying to cut down on fricking around

      Like everyone else has already said, you have a huge amount of exercise bloating. Cut down to 2-3 exercises per muscle group, per session and do 3-5 sets for each one.

      I'd rather do more exercises and fewer sets per exercise. Keeps the sessions more fun and dynamic, if I know I gotta do 2-3 more sets for the exercise i just feel shit

  8. 9 months ago

    Why do you only do 1-2 sets? IMO thats way too little volume to have much effect, even if you do a high amount of reps. At least 3 sets for every exercise is the standard.

  9. 9 months ago

    Like everyone else has already said, you have a huge amount of exercise bloating. Cut down to 2-3 exercises per muscle group, per session and do 3-5 sets for each one.

  10. 9 months ago

    too many exercises that do the same thing. Like other anons have said, get good at a few movements then adjust to your liking. If you are after "excitement" and "fun" in the gym you need to get your priorities straightened out. going to failure all the time isn't even important. It's a useful intensity technique but you can use frequency and volume to balance a lack of intensity in your training style.

    • 9 months ago

      how am i even doing too many exercises? 3-4 for major muscle groups and a few isolations. im not after fun but a bit of fun makes it more productive. otherwise i dont care, am too tired because of volume and cant preform the exercises how i want to

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