Pls explain if CICO doesn't work then how do I lose weight???

Pls explain if CICO doesn't work then how do I lose weight???

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  1. 9 months ago

    im assuming you're trying to lose fat and not muscle or water, which is as simple as not eating fat

    • 9 months ago

      no its not if you eat 4000kcal of carbs at a TDEE of 2000kcal you will gain fat

      Pls explain if CICO doesn't work then how do I lose weight???

      it does work

    • 9 months ago

      you're moronic

    • 9 months ago

      Ignore this poster he could not be more wrong.

      CICO is a psyop from the food industry. Calories differ so much from each other in content and nutrient bioacailibility that it's basically useless to use them as a form of measurement.

      A calorie from an organic pasture raised egg vs a calorie from beer or pop soda could not be more different.

      Lose weight by eating a high protein high fat low carb diet and avoid processed food.

      >t. Lost 90 lbs and kept it off for 14 years and have an FFMI of 25 natty

      • 9 months ago

        Nutrient bio-availability**

      • 9 months ago

        post body

      • 9 months ago

        post body. you won't cuz keto morons never do.

      • 9 months ago

        >CICO is a psyop from the food industry
        It's actualyl the rebarnded Atwater System from the late 1800s. Since its introduction, obesity has turned out to be incurable.

      • 9 months ago

        >CICO is a psyop from the food industry. Calories differ so much from each other in content and nutrient bioacailibility that it's basically useless to use them as a form of measurement.
        Then why has it never failed ever even once

        • 9 months ago

          He thinks that the fact that he didn't have the discipline to stop shoveling grease down his throat means that the whole scientific model of metabolism is wrong, kek.

  2. 9 months ago

    Fasting just works. Tried to lose weight by counting calories and walking, but it didn't work for shit. Then I switched to fasting and weight just melted off.

    • 9 months ago

      Of course fasting works, moron. You are not a thermodynamic miracle. Personally I just can't go for longer than 2 days of fasting and then I relapse with binge eating. Eating around 1300kcal everyday works better for me.

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Days 2-3 are the hardest, then you feel basically nothing until the cramps begin, for me at around day 7.

    • 9 months ago

      >weight just melted off
      >boomer infomercial speak
      Their entire vocabulary really is just from shit they heard on tv huh

    • 9 months ago

      >Tried to lose weight by counting calories and walking, but it didn't work for shit
      Because you can’t count, or do math, or both

      • 9 months ago

        Also cause CICO is a food industry scam

        • 9 months ago

          >The laws of physics are a scam
          More evidence you are stupid

          • 9 months ago

            humans are not a closed system. evidence you are a moron and dont understand thermodynamics

          • 9 months ago

            Except CICO =/= not the laws of physics. CICO is a theory promoted by the food industry.

    • 9 months ago

      >CICO doesn't work!
      >reducing my calories by fasting works!
      How can you think like this?

      • 9 months ago

        Because cico approach lowers your metabolism, but fasting doesn't.
        Because "calories" is fake and gay bullshit promoted by the goyslop industry.
        >a cALoRiE iS a CaLoRiE, goy
        >Just eat the slop,
        >Punch it into your gay little calculator,

        • 9 months ago

          moron detected. You never read about thermodynamics, have you.

          • 9 months ago

            > ThErMoDyNaMiCs
            This has got to be bait.

            If not, eat uranium like this brainlet:

            man so many fricking idiots and moronic people here trying to complicate the most simple thing in dieting. CICO is King and obeys the first law of thermodynamics like every system on this Universe and YES YOUR BODY IS A CLOSED SYSTEM.

            Fasting: makes you eat less thus you are in a deficit, might have some additional health benefits but we are talking about weight loss here.
            Clean food: You need to eat high protein to still sustain your muscles while cutting and if you track it you will see that its really hard do have a deficit and still remain at around 160g-200g of protein. Eat mostly unprocessed meat very high on protein low on calories
            Dirty food: avoid diet coke since it makes you crave more sweet stuff. Avoid pocessed food since it makes you more hungry avoid any type of bread because it is super useless and doesnt have any Protein at all.

            Actually just fricking eat meat and veggies so you have enough protein and vitamins and be in a deficit every day maybe some rice so you have energy for trainign properly in the gym.

  3. 9 months ago

    CICO only works if you reduce your calories by A LOT. Like 30-40% minimum.
    If you reduce them by 10-15%, like fitness youtubers recommend, you won't get anywhere. You'll waste months of your time with next to no results (except a lower metabolism) and you'll lose all motivation and you will conclude that "weightloss just doesn't work... FOR YOU".

    So instead try sticking to intermittent fasting/ OMAD / or multi-day fasting instead.

    CICOcucks (Cicolds) will always be cucks. Never listen to them.

    • 9 months ago

      >needing fitness youtubers
      Depending on your TDEE, start by eating 500-1000 less than it. Adjust after 2 weeks if it's too slow/fast.
      Also do what

      Here is what you do, you work out at least 3 times a week, hitting all muscle groups. Then you eat ungodly amounts of protein while also having your overall calories be in a slight deficit.

      This will make you BODY RECOMP, aka you will turn into an absolute beast. As you gain more muscle, your metabolic rate will go up and you will burn fat faster.

      said for a burning boost.

      • 9 months ago

        Dingdong, moron alert !!!!
        If your tdee is 2000, then eating 1000 less is eating half your food. Sure it will work... until your metabolism slows and your progress stalls.
        Whereas if you eat your 2000 calories in a 6-hour window, but "fast" for the other 18 hours a day, you will lose weight without fricking up your metabolism.

        Admit it, you've never lost any significant amount of weight, have you?

        Completely wrong advice. If you go in a 10-20% deficit it's very easy to cut down since you run out of glycogen when youre sleeping. If you go into a hard deficit, THEN your metabolism will go to hell and you will just lie around all day.

        /fit as usual no clue wtf theyre talking about

        Get fricked Black person. You've never lost 10kg and kept it off. Why don't you shut the frick up about things you've no experience in?

        • 9 months ago

          I have cut down to 10%, unlike you moron.
          You said a 40% deficit, let's look at that.

          If you need 2500 calories a day, then you'll only eat 1500 calories per day.
          Are you out of your fricking mind? You would have to be an absolute fricking NEET to even get through the day.

          A 10-20% deficit works perfectly, the reason why it didn't work for you is because you are unable to count calories due to severe brain damage

          • 9 months ago

            10% deficit does FRICK ALL unless you're a roider. And even then, it's roids doing the work and not the deficit.
            Frick off back to r*ddit with your cringe fricking youtuber takes, running your mouth off on topics you've no experience in.

            • 9 months ago

              You have just proven that you are a morbidly obese man, which is why you don't belong here. Of course 40% deficit is fine when you are a 500 pound creature that emerged from the sea

              • 9 months ago

                Indeed i used to be quite fat I've tried quite a few methods to remedy the situation. And let me tell you from the vantage point of experience (which you clearly don't have) that cOuNTiNg cALoRiEs is an absolute scam and a waste of time.

                You're even moronic by your own logic. If i was super fat, then a 10% caloric deficit would mean a ton of calories, so "guaranteed weightloss" according to cicolds.

                Anyways shut the frick up, moron and don't reply to me again or else your mom dies in her sleep tonight

              • 9 months ago

                >Counting calories is a waste of time

                Are you moronic? So if you go on a 20% deficit then you will magically absorb more calories through your ass and not lose weight?
                Admit it anon, you were hiding a chocolate bar under that pillow you fat piece of shit.

                Also the fact that you were ever, at any point in your life obese shows you are stupid or weak willed and your advice is not worth much

              • 9 months ago

                Post progress pics. You can't.
                So shut the frick up you prostitute r*dditor

                I'm no longer fat (no thanks to cico), but you're still a dumb NPC sheep strong-opinion-haver.
                Get fricked and die. The world wouldn't notice.

              • 9 months ago

                You still haven't explained how you can maintain your weight even though you are in a 10-20% deficit. Tell me anon, do you put chocolate cream on your protein bar?

                Fricking 60 IQ imbecile who doesn't understand biology and science. Nobody on this board gives a shit about your moronic fitness advice, you are a nobody and you can't argue with logic.

              • 9 months ago

                >Muhh logiccc
                >Muh SCOIENCEEE
                >DON'T YOU SEE MORTYYYY
                >iT's THeRmOdYnAmIcSs!!!!!!!

                Holy frick, you absolute midwit. If you had any hands-on experience with this topic instead of just experience with sucking Instagram influencer wiener, you'd see why.
                Also it's not my job to explain to you what is metabolism you moronic monkey

              • 9 months ago

                People find it very hard to accurately track calories, and with such a small deficit it become near impossible to lose anything.
                And even if you're in a small deficit but you're eating throughout the day, especially carbs, your insulin will stay elevated and your metabolic rate goes down to compensate, resulting in you not losing any weight.
                Basically you need to be absolutely perfect in order to realistically lose weight with simple calorie counting and a small deficit. There's a reason why, despite so many people trying it, we're all fricking fat still.

              • 9 months ago

                >500 Calories
                >small deficit

              • 9 months ago

                >eating less is a scam

              • 9 months ago

                But "eating less often" isn't.

        • 9 months ago

          Idk man, my TDEE is 2500 and I eat 2k a day, lift weights from Monday to Friday, walk 10km in the morning in Saturday and Sunday also fasting 16/8 all week and have lost 10kg already since June.

          Have read no matter how small or big a calorie deficit is, your body eventually will reach a plateau and a minimum of 2 weeks eating at maintenance is needed to "reset" your metabolism again.

          • 9 months ago

            Nice, bro. You got a very varied approach.
            You got progress pics? That would motivate others

          • 9 months ago

            I have found the same thing regarding plateaus, in that you can be on a hyper restricted caloric deficit and still randomly stall at a certain weight for a couple weeks.
            Weirdly enough I find that doing a day or two of garbage over eating, and then getting right back to fasting and working out hard, will often break the plateaus. No clue why that seems to work for me.

        • 9 months ago

          >Admit it, you've never lost any significant amount of weight, have you?
          Lost 24 kgs, actually.

          • 9 months ago

            Via cico? And kept it off for over a year?

    • 9 months ago

      Completely wrong advice. If you go in a 10-20% deficit it's very easy to cut down since you run out of glycogen when youre sleeping. If you go into a hard deficit, THEN your metabolism will go to hell and you will just lie around all day.

      /fit as usual no clue wtf theyre talking about

      • 9 months ago

        >since you run out of glycogen when youre sleeping

    • 9 months ago

      >If you reduce them by 10-15%, like fitness youtubers recommend, you won't get anywhere

      >If you're a moron who doesn't actually know how many calories he's getting and so reduces that imaginary number only a little and then doesn't proceed to weigh his food, the actual caloric reduction is going to be lost in the wash, no caloric reduction and no weight reduction

      • 9 months ago

        >Noooooo ur doing my magic failproof method wrong, nooooooo!!!!
        >It's SÓYENCE, Morty, it's ThERmOdYnAmIcS !!!
        >It's so infallible that i must conclude that everyone just doesn't know how to use a scale and a calculator!!!!

        Lol get fricked you Black personloving sóyboy homosexual

    • 9 months ago

      There is not a single shred of evidence to back up this moronic thesis. Even in severe hypothyroidism, the human metabolism cannot slow down by more than ~ 5 %, simply because it's already pretty much as efficient as is physically possible due to evolution.

    • 9 months ago

      >If you reduce them by 10-15%, like fitness youtubers recommend, you won't get anywhere.
      Pragmatically not wrong. There are basically 2 aspects that have to live with the fact that CICO works
      >the food labelling of calories can be legally off up to like 30%.
      >it's very hard to determine the exact metabolic rate of a living creature
      So yeah, if you go a bit overboard with your cut you will dodge that 30% uncertainty from the israeli companies. If you normally eat a poptart after having luch, not having it is literally all you have to do while on a cut phase

  4. 9 months ago

    Only morons say CICO doesn't work.
    But only morons only use CICO to eat 1200 calories of chicken nuggets and try to call it a day.
    You're not losing weight, you're losing health.
    You need a variety of nutrients and if you limit your calories you limit your chance at required nutrients.
    It's just that frickin' simple.

  5. 9 months ago

    just eat 1200 calories of chicken nuggets and take a multi vitamin

  6. 9 months ago

    Here is what you do, you work out at least 3 times a week, hitting all muscle groups. Then you eat ungodly amounts of protein while also having your overall calories be in a slight deficit.

    This will make you BODY RECOMP, aka you will turn into an absolute beast. As you gain more muscle, your metabolic rate will go up and you will burn fat faster.

    • 9 months ago

      >As you gain more muscle
      >in a caloric deficit
      You have no idea what you're talking about.

  7. 9 months ago

    zelenskiy is hot

  8. 9 months ago

    CICO is king. If you eat more than you burn, you will gain. If you burn more than you eat, you will lose weight. The issue is not every "calorie" that goes into your mouth is used by your body equally, so the "CI" part of the equation is not as straightforward as what you read on a package. Sugar isn't the same as fiber. PUFA isn't the same as MUFA or saturated fat. Protein bars are not the same as meat.

    Generally speaking, avoid processed shit, cook for yourself, eat food as close to its recognizable form as you can, and your calorie tracking will most likely be sufficient. Protein, fiber, and fats will keep you satiated. Refined carbs will tend to make you hungrier.

  9. 9 months ago

    Down 25 lbs in 1.5 months.
    Seems to work. Maybe you're just moronic?
    I just do ADF, since I dont care to count calories. 36hrs fasted, 12 to eat. Impossible to not end in a deficit, since the 36hrs shrinks your stomach back to empty and eating anything will immediately fill you up.

    Obviously I am also changing what I eat so that when I go back to OMAD I will be able to sustain the change.
    I dont track macros or calories. I just eat high protien, veggies, and some fruit and nuts on occasion. Maybe twice a week I will have rice with my meals.
    What am I eating today? A huge slab of salmon I caught, some grilled asparagus, and butternut squash soup I made last night. A massive quantity of each, and it will barely top 1000 calories.

    I'm 6'3" to all the people who will see 208 and think fatty. I am at 220 now. Dirty bulked up to 250, got too fat, started cutting again.

  10. 9 months ago

    Cut out seed oils and activate your almonds.

  11. 9 months ago

    I've been eating 1600-1800 daily calories and lost a couple kg already in the past two months. High protein too, still lost some muscle tho but the cut is going well.
    I don't see how you can fail at such a simple task. Sure the first couple of weeks were hellish but now I'm used to being on a deficit and don't feel particularly lethargic or useless.

  12. 9 months ago

    it doesnt because in this specific x scenario it actually is off by 3 % so therefore its shit and the only way to lose weight is a memediet ok ?!?

    • 9 months ago

      >kek calls fasting, a practice followed for 1000s of years by all cultures, a "meme"
      >but cOuNtiNg cALoRiEs is totally legit
      lol, go eat plutonium brainlet

      >weight just melted off
      >boomer infomercial speak
      Their entire vocabulary really is just from shit they heard on tv huh

      as opposed to you, who got all his opinions from r*ddit

  13. 9 months ago

    >doesn't work
    What now we gonna brake thermodynamic laws ?
    Black person just eat less if u're fat and get ur ass off that couch

    • 9 months ago

      >muh thermodynamic laws

      Why do you cultists keep.repeating this line ad nauseum? Listen if you drink a litre of zero calorie diet coke or whatever everyday you will still get fat because the zero calorie artificial sweetners are foreign chemicals your body does not know what to do with. The chemicals will sit around in your gut for a very long time, eventually bacteria will slowly consume the poison and the process will damage your mitochondria making you dumb and lethargic.

      In fact try eating a diet of processed McDonads and Beer but only under your TDEE and get back to me on that weight loss progress (you will get fat).

      • 9 months ago

        >Listen if you drink a litre of zero calorie diet coke or whatever everyday you will still get fat because the zero calorie artificial sweetners are foreign chemicals your body does not know what to do with.


        >In fact try eating a diet of processed McDonads and Beer but only under your TDEE and get back to me on that weight loss progress (you will get fat).
        >Professor loses weight on junk food diet
        Totally doable and done. You'll feel shitty

        • 9 months ago

          Okay give it a shot yourself and let us know how it goes

        • 9 months ago

          One guys self report is not sufficient evidence

  14. 9 months ago
  15. 9 months ago

    You lift heavy, you walk on the threadmill for 30 mins after you're done lifting, you mind what you eat. That's all there is to it.

  16. 9 months ago

    reduce insulin by exercise, fasting, stress reduction, and reducing dietary glycemic load

  17. 9 months ago

    By eating real (organic) food not processed garbage. If you eat real food there is no reason to count calories you won't get fat.

  18. 9 months ago

    Why do you guys get so worked up and angry over these topics?
    You all have the mental fortitude and self control of children.

    • 9 months ago

      This was my thought reading this entire thread, I don't know why I come back hear other than to laugh at fph and braphogs

      You are all fricked in the head, CICO works in most cases, fasting works in most cases

      Imagine seriously arguing that either of these techniques are useless and never work

  19. 9 months ago

    by lowering your insulin. simple as

  20. 9 months ago

    man so many fricking idiots and moronic people here trying to complicate the most simple thing in dieting. CICO is King and obeys the first law of thermodynamics like every system on this Universe and YES YOUR BODY IS A CLOSED SYSTEM.

    Fasting: makes you eat less thus you are in a deficit, might have some additional health benefits but we are talking about weight loss here.
    Clean food: You need to eat high protein to still sustain your muscles while cutting and if you track it you will see that its really hard do have a deficit and still remain at around 160g-200g of protein. Eat mostly unprocessed meat very high on protein low on calories
    Dirty food: avoid diet coke since it makes you crave more sweet stuff. Avoid pocessed food since it makes you more hungry avoid any type of bread because it is super useless and doesnt have any Protein at all.

    Actually just fricking eat meat and veggies so you have enough protein and vitamins and be in a deficit every day maybe some rice so you have energy for trainign properly in the gym.

    • 9 months ago

      Ummm, source???

      Pls eat uranium, sweaty. Thaaaasnksss

      • 9 months ago

        Calories get two definitions. One is as a measure of how much energy something contains. The other is as a measure of how much energy a person can get from it. The usage for Uranium is the first one, as you don't get energy from eating Uranium; you just get cancer.

        • 9 months ago

          Huh? But i thought "a cALoRiE iS a cALoRiE".
          And eating goyslop is as perfectly valid as eating non processed food.
          "Just count the calories, sweaty"
          Isn't that the whole premise of CICO?
          Or are you ANTI-SCIENCE???
          Then you might want to take it up with Mr ThErMoDyNaMiCs here:

          I just cant believe all morons on the internet, probably you dont even have a highschool degree and you are asking for a source. Bro you are not even educated enough to read IST. The only matter exchange you have is food, so you limit the intake of those calories every day and you lose weight. The micros are what defines what you lose more muscles / water / fat. So you go high protein, some carbs for energy to train and fat. Almost no sugar since its useless and only destroys your motivation to stick to any diet plan, everything processed has lower quality of protein.

          > The only matter exchange you have is food, so you limit the intake of those calories every day and you lose weight.
          Wew lad, you went from a "closed thermodynamic system" to "matter exchange" (an open system and not a thermodynamic one) and back to "calories" awfully fast.

          Care to upload a photo of your high school degree real quick? I'm doubting you have one.

          • 9 months ago

            What you have is a cognitive dissonance, any proof will set you off. You will argue every point to a detail until you find some wrong articulation in some sentence to disprove everything.

            If i say caloric deficit will make you loose weight. You will instantly argue that hur dur you los muscles water bla although i havent even talked about muscles fat or anything. But you are so painfully stuck in your believset that nothing will prove you wrong.

            But if you just care to read for one second that I then afterwards said micros influence what you lose and since i am already at it. Training also impacts what you lose more or less. And you know what its not a either or but both are true.

            I can show you my degree and body but as if you give a shit. I wont respond to you any more, I just fricking hate idiots like you who overcomplicate this issue for the new guys and discourage new people with their idiotic bullshit.

            Summed up CICO is King and always will be, take care of your mikros aswell and only eat clean food.. everybody know that died coke is not CLEAN FOOD you fricking dipshit idiot. The uranium thing really cracked me up how much of an autist do you have to be to forget that i am talking about food and bringing that example, lost.

            • 9 months ago

              >Writes an essay about how cico is bullshit
              >Concludes that "cico is king"

              >screams about "first law of thermodynamics" and muhhh science and muhhh fancy high school degree
              >Goes "reeeee ur nitpicking" when forced to admit that the human body isn't a closed system and not a thermodynamic one

              Lmao, brainlets with an inflated sense of own intelligence will never not be funny :*~~*~~

              Anyways, nice essays bro. You can shut the frick up and stop embarrassing yourself whenever you want.

              Just remember this little exchange next time you enter a thread screaming
              >LaTesT pSyOp is KING !!!!
              >I have sóyence and my highschool degree to prove me right!!!!

          • 9 months ago

            >And eating goyslop is as perfectly valid as eating non processed food.

            When you only consider weight loss instead of overall health and well-being, yes, of course. The problem with that approach is that you develop deficiencies and feel constantly hungry if you only eat slop, but that's a different issue.

      • 9 months ago

        I just cant believe all morons on the internet, probably you dont even have a highschool degree and you are asking for a source. Bro you are not even educated enough to read IST. The only matter exchange you have is food, so you limit the intake of those calories every day and you lose weight. The micros are what defines what you lose more muscles / water / fat. So you go high protein, some carbs for energy to train and fat. Almost no sugar since its useless and only destroys your motivation to stick to any diet plan, everything processed has lower quality of protein.

    • 9 months ago

      Bullshit, you'll CICO into being a little b***h as your body becomes more efficient and is cannibalising the unnecessary muscle to reduce resting metabolism consumption.

      Fasting is muscle sparing because it's not CICO since you're shutting down your upper digestion completely and you go into ketosis, so metabolism remains constant and it only slows down slightly as you lose fat due to lowering your thermal mass. You don't get into ketosis if you are doing CICO and even if you do keto CICO it's still stupid since you'll be nutrient starved. And your digestion goes as usual, making you feel like shit and actually turn into shit.

      >You need to eat high protein to still sustain your muscles while cutting
      No protein requirements be it on a cut or bulk are the same and vary with the amount of training. On a cut you either fast, or you keep protein the same 1.6g/kg is enough for most people, and you only cut the fats and carbs slightly. You need to eat more fats when you bulk and you always need carbs, so you cut some of the fats during the cut.

      >avoid any type of bread because it is super useless and doesnt have any Protein at all.
      Kek. Stop eating readily available starches for energy, overeat protein, so your liver turns it into glucose instead, trust me bro.

  21. 9 months ago

    that's an angry looking israelite rodent fella there. good thing he's opposing the kremlin c**ts

  22. 9 months ago

    Try COCI, It's similar but more efficientm

    • 9 months ago

      >You have to burn a certain amount of calories before you even think of inputting any additional ones

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