Pls... Used to be fit as frick,,, Ruined my body with amphetamines

I need actual advice, outside of the normal shit. Genuine advice from those who can help.

>be 18, varsity sprinter, 8% body fat naturally, body weight 160lb 5'11".
>got my GED and decided to take a year off
>started getting really into drugs, after never trying any before.
>started off with molly, then acid, then coke, then finally found the golden goose: adderall.
>feels like a coke high that doesn't expire in 15-20 minutes, begin buying it any chance I get and consuming it during night time.
>would wake up and notice that I was even skinnier than the night before, only now realize that it was due to dehydration and lack of sleep.
>eventually get a prescription
>prescription is granted and get my first bottle. begin taking it every day, quickly realize i need to up the dose and eventually get 30mg xr.
>notice a shift around the time the dosage got increased, now I just spend all night jerking off, multiple times without stop, after every nut busted just pop another addy and wait for it to kick in.
>after a while start getting comedowns form these sessions that hurt, couldn't sleep them off cause amphetamines, just have to deal with it.
>eventually find out the holy combination of addy and alcohol. take the addy, jerk off, then drink for the comedown... like a brand new drug.... amazing feeling....
>realize that I've been slowly putting on weight after about 2 years of this, no more lower abs, pecs smaller, belly fat increase... weight is now 190, but i chalk it up to muscle.. am 22 at this point.
>3 more years go by and im 25 now, find myself hovering around 230, its not muscle either, am a total fat frick.
>I've always been lean, now I cant stand the sight of myself but now matter how many long i abstain from alc and addy, I still am having a hard time losing weight.

Bros, im at the end of my rope here... Have I completely wrecked my hormones? Can I ever recover? anyone have similar stories? I could really use some advice and guidance.

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  1. 3 months ago

    what alc u doin?

    • 3 months ago

      Just vodka, but what started with a few shots is now a full blown bottle. My rec dose of addy is 120mg. how screwed am i? I dont do that dose every month though, I only get 30 pills a month, usually run out of them after a week.

      • 3 months ago

        It's going to take you years of abstinence to ever recover.

      • 3 months ago

        120mg? what the frick lmao
        I'm on 20mg ritalin XR and still take constant breaks, 120 is insane

  2. 3 months ago

    Am also going through something similar, haven't ballooned up to 230 yet but I feel like shit after a binge and the desire to attend a gym session decreases greatly. Would also like help on this.

  3. 3 months ago

    Deserved, because of fatasses like you i cant get normal access to a drug that is difficult to abuse for me and helps me do everyday chores. Almost every pharma wagie thinks im a junkie

    • 3 months ago

      I have legit ADHD, problem is I get impulsive when I haven't been taking it regularly and as such take a high amount as soon as script refills. At first I was taking my recommended dose and it worked like a charm, felt this was a miracle medicine. I abused it willingly and freely, now I'm dealing with the consequences but seek redemption. I haven't been taking any for about a month now, I strongly advise to look for natural remedies rather than attempt to use this as medication for ADHD.

      • 3 months ago

        >I strongly advise to look for natural remedies rather than attempt to use this as medication for ADHD.
        A junkie's advice holds as much merit as my own shit.

        • 3 months ago

          Genuinely made me laugh, partly because it's true but also partly because it's unwise. By all means, don't listen to my advice on success. But, if there's ONE thing I'm good at, it's knowing the method of my destruction... It's not worth it bro

        • 3 months ago

          >Junkie tells you not to do the drug that they're addicted to
          >I'm way to smart to listen to this guy

      • 3 months ago

        >but seek redemption
        >Nnnoooooooooooo that's harrrrrrrrrddd
        Then die, hedonist scum

      • 3 months ago

        Or, I don't know, don't abuse it? The literature's quite supportive of long-term THERAPEUTIC dosages which is an entirely different bag than speed abuse.

  4. 3 months ago

    I used to abuse addy too, although probably not to the extent that you did. I never got a script because I knew it would cause problems for me, but I was buying it off and on pretty regularly for a couple of years.
    I didn't have any weight gain like you did, but I highly doubt your hormones are permanently wrecked. You'll be able to get the weight off fairly quickly if you are diligent about dieting and exercise -- you're not that big compared to other people, and you're still pretty young, so losing the weight shouldn't be that hard. Have you committed to stopping the adderall abuse? That is step one if you want to get out of this hole. You probably need to give up drinking too, at least for the immediate future, as that will tempt you to relapse. Alcohol makes losing weight a b***h too, obviously. What is your diet and exercise routine like at the moment? And how long have you been off the orange pills?

  5. 3 months ago

    You've fricked yourself up beyond repair. If you're being honest then you've been consuming this drug for about 7 years now, which means that every single month you've trained yourself to expect huge amounts of reward (dopamine), as if that wasn't bad enough, you decided to couple it with alcohol. You may have all sorts of problems, least of which is body weight. I'm talking diabetes, BPD, and any number of heart conditions. While it's WAY too late for you, let this serve as a prime example for anyone coming across this thread: don't frick around with amphetamine.

    • 3 months ago

      don't be an butthole. he's jacked up his brain chemistry for sure, and created psychological dependence, but it is fixable in the long term with lifestyle changes.
      you have to commit to the changes tho, OP

      • 3 months ago

        Thank you for the kind words, but the "butthole" may be correct on this one.

      • 3 months ago

        I've worked in pharma for 20 years, and I've less than five people go clean from amphetamines abuse in all that time.
        It really is grim. It's really like 1 in 20000 people that are capable of it. And op clearly doesn't want to change, he just wants it both ways.

  6. 3 months ago

    Cant enjoy thread, no boobs

  7. 3 months ago

    With this kind of thing it's mind > matter with a slight caveat. You could drop the Adderall cold turkey and it would suck but you'd be okay. Depending on how much alcohol you've been using, here we can run into problems. Alcohol withdrawal can be deadly, so I'd talk to your doctor about how much you've been drinking and whether or not they need to get you on Librium protocol. That being said it's never too late to change, frick these people who say you can't do it. Your hormones are probably fine, estrogen might be a little high but that's just due to your adipose tissue, which can be corrected by losing said adipose tissue. Find your "why" and instead of numbing yourself to life i'd recommend actually living it and feeling all the pain you're about to endure. Cuz at the end of that road it'll be worth it. Trust. Just don't be an idiot and die of an alcohol withdrawal please. Talk to your doc and good luck.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm Slavic, dying from alcohol WITHDRAWAL is not allowed. But it hasn't got to that point where it'll kill me if I go cold turkey, truth be told I never liked alcohol until I began using addy. When I don't have addy I legit don't consume any. Which is why it's kind of odd that I'm unable to shake the extra weight despite being sober for more than a month... Thank you for your earnest reply, everything else so far has been sarcasm or not helpful.

  8. 3 months ago

    Fellas im really dyin here, any help would help.

  9. 3 months ago

    Also, this was me at 20, still thin but the addy and alc are beginning to make their way on lower belly.

    • 3 months ago

      Frick the aesthetic. You gotta stop drinking a bottle of vodka a day for your goddamn liver. You are already fricked if you try to go cold turkey at this point though. Get ready for delirium tremens withdrawals

    • 3 months ago

      Well… what do you look like now?

  10. 3 months ago

    My ex-gf used to take that shit and was horny as frick all the time. She got increasingly horny to the point where it was even too much for me. We went swimming at a semi-secluded river, walked about a mile into the bush until we found a private sandbar next to the river bank and then began to tan in the summer heat. She popped her prescription and in about 50 minutes she's leading me behind some bushes cause she wants to give me head. About 5 minutes in and a dude, must've still been in high school, saw us and she straight up tried to blow him. He literally got scared and left XD Anyway, my point is youre basically a b***h

    • 3 months ago

      Do you think she cucked you a lot? I might give that shit to my b***h but I don't want to be a cuck

      • 3 months ago

        nah, it wasn't like that. she was a distraction at that time, very hot, way younger, but nonetheless, an airheaded distraction. I'm not the cuck type but the kid she wanted looked hella cute, no homo, coming from a super straight dude, but he wasn't a black dude or anything like that. Literally a kid fresh in HS. So it was almost erotic, although, i only really felt that way cause she was blowing me lol

  11. 3 months ago

    Just fast with water and electrolytes only for as long as it takes. Yes, as long as it takes.

  12. 3 months ago

    Been there before. Just gotta cut the alcohol completely and probably the amphetamines, too. Its a slippery slope, but the alcohol is a lot of calories and slowly wears you down with no long term returns to show for it.

    25 is a good time to realize that drowning your emotions and avoiding things only fricks you over later in life. You can physically bounce back pretty easily, there's time to turn shit around, and people will be happier about you and having you around.

    It's gonna suck a bit learning to avoid coping with alcohol and gooning, but it's better than the eventual worse wake up calls you'll have, if you ever have any more before you're just an old, washed up loser.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah but without these distractions, what else is there to do? every time I go sober it just seems so boring

      • 3 months ago

        It takes time for your brain to reset and enjoy things that seem more mundane again. You've been over stimulating your brain for awhile and you have to just pass the time until your brain can level back out. Then you can figure out what you actually want to do or deal with what you're trying to avoid.

        In either case you have to work to create the life you want, you can't just stop the pills and drinking and everything is just magically fine. You'll have to learn to enjoy working out again if you don't want to be fat. You'll have to learn to say no to things and learn how to actually master yourself. Will it be a guarantee that life will be magical? Again, no, but the alternative is doing this same thing in 5 years, older, fatter, now 5 years further behind with nothing figured out or learned.

        So, in essence, you have to find excuses to skip the bad habits and reasons to do the good habits if you really hate being fat, out of shape, and unable to control your addictions. You did do this to yourself, after all.

      • 3 months ago

        Could always move overseas where you cant get the drug anon. Or just tell your physician who cave you the script that youre addicted and maybe they can give you something for that.

  13. 3 months ago

    waste of space addict, kys

  14. 3 months ago

    >He gained 70 pounds despite overdosing on adderall for 7 years

  15. 3 months ago

    you ruined your brain. stop doing drugs and take 6000mg omega 3 a day for 6 months. or you can disobey me and continue to decline

    i ruined my brain by doing a bunch of molly in 2016. my neurotransmitters have never been the same but i have recently embarked on a new journey of recovery and will fix this

  16. 3 months ago

    At least when drug addicts seek adderall they know what they’re getting into. All these kids trying to get a study aid are so naive about stimulants. It’s one of the hardest drugs you can take, there’s not much beyond it in terms of uppers.

  17. 3 months ago

    there is nothing you have to do differently then anyone else trying to get in shape.

  18. 3 months ago

    >Have I completely wrecked my hormones?

    Alcohol and lack of sleep completely fricks your testosterone. This combined with becoming overweight is going to drastically increase your estrogen.

  19. 3 months ago

    You were not lean at 160 even. This is just you waking up. 8% bodyfat with 160 screams being out of touch.
    Go on the carnivore diet and thank me silently in your prayers in 3 months.

  20. 3 months ago

    >>be 18, varsity sprinter, 8% body fat naturally, body weight 160lb 5'11".
    kek cope, you were a skinny homosexual

  21. 3 months ago

    Protein fills you up really quick, so focus on those foods, then just exercise at a gradual pace. Not all at once lest you get burnout, but little by little, make the needed changes. This is pretty much basic behavioral psychology to guarantee for the most part a change in habits.

    TLDR: Protein and incremental steps.

  22. 3 months ago

    Lol your just lazy and getting older. It gets worse if you don't get your act together.

    Nearly everyone who I hung out with in high-school that was an athlete became fat in their early 20s.

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