Plyometric Lifting

I saw this post on here a few days ago talking about lifting heavy weights at fast speeds. It seemed to make sense as far as wanting to get more explosive in lifts, but I wanted some more insight. I've established a good routine idea, pretty much what the anon said was doing a basic 5x5 routine but with lesser weights and at faster speeds with less recovery time in between sets. I tested it out and it seemed alright, but I'm gonna try this out instead:

-4x3, 1x1 @ 90% with 10 second rests in between and doing a isometric pause on the last set (the 1x1) Pretty much just 5 seconds in 3 different positions.

Plyometrics seem pretty based as far as power training goes, so I want to see how experimenting with triples goes with them. Probably snap city.

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  1. 1 year ago

    >slow eccentric
    >pause for at least 1 second; 3 seconds instead on various exercises for varying reasons
    >explosive concentric
    >iso-hold in stretched position if it is safe to do so after the last rep

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds good, will try. But I think full range explosivity for the majority of the reps is the goal.

    • 1 year ago

      What you posted is fine for developing power but its plyometric

      If you want to increase rate of force development, not plyometric

  2. 1 year ago

    do report on what happens, legit curious

    • 1 year ago

      I tried it like stated as a 5x5 right before my workout and again today, it seemed like I was developing more twitch with my lifts. So instead of slowly trying to pump the weight with control and trying to grind it through, I just dropped to like 65 or 70% of my max and did that. I definitely felt it after in my tendons, very strenuous for something like front squats because of the bar bouncing and choking you each time. But you will get results, I'm just trying to optimize.

  3. 1 year ago

    You will never be Louie Simmons.

    • 1 year ago


  4. 1 year ago

    Just do triphasic, which is a proven program, instead a schizopost workout

    • 1 year ago

      triphasic is schizo shit, literally has you doing slow motion squats for 6 weeks, pretty based though

  5. 1 year ago

    It only takes like 2 years to get black belt in Judo and the dude is acting like this somehow makes him an authority on something only tangentially related to judo. I don't give a frick about the advice, maybe it works maybe it doesn't, but don't come out swinging your dick like that expecting everybody to accept your end all be all advice because you have a hobby.

    • 1 year ago

      are you black belt in judo?

      • 1 year ago

        Frick you weren't supposed to ask me that

        • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      It takes ten years in australia, more than five years in many places in the west, and rarely 3 years. It is only 1-2 years in Japan, stfu

      • 1 year ago

        10 years anywhere outside of Japan or China to reach that status, 100% facts.

        Unless you go an practice other arts and show off your skills to them as well then you can speed run black belts like speed runners on crack playing their favorite game.

  6. 1 year ago

    You are supposed to do fast/explosive versions of your exercise immediately after completing a slow-strength set. You can look it up, it produces optimal explosiveness.
    >5 reps of heavy BB rows
    >Superset with fast and explosive BB rows with a lighter weight
    >Rest and repeat.

    >t. knower

  7. 1 year ago

    >pylometrics memes
    The guy who invented jump training says very clearly in his books MAX STRENGTH FIRST. If you can't even squat 225lb you have no business doing pylometrics because you can't generate *any* force. Max Strength is the SAFER thing to train because fast lifting and jumps are tough on joints.

    • 1 year ago

      Total lies, what about the track & field athletes who never lift a single weight who can break your records?

      "Any Force" is a complete BS advice, because by the fact that you are moving is generating force.

      Mass x Acceleration = Force.

      Tough on joints? Warm up with rotational stretching that's all you need to do, nobody said you have to start from scratch.

  8. 1 year ago

    I was on board until he said you should only rest for 15 seconds
    unless you're doing something sports specific it sounds moronic

    • 1 year ago

      on second thought, I'm gonna try it next time I deload; it sounds fun
      thanks for listening to my ted talk

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