
Why are poor people so fat?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    Because poor people make bad decisions
    One of those bad decisions is to spend all of their remaining money on food
    And because they spent that money on food, they don't spend it on
    >personal betterment
    Which keeps them in the cycle of im poor/im fat and poor/ im depressed, fat and poor

    • 2 years ago

      No, and you're a fricking hick moron. You're a trash consumer talking down on other trash consumers.
      Poor people buy cheaper food, and cheaper food is loaded with Sneed oils even more than other food.

      • 2 years ago

        >sneed oils!!
        Yes moron ice cream has fricking canola oil in it, doesn't it dumb frick
        Poor people make bad decisions. You're mad because you're a broke person who didn't naturally make money like your healthy minded, non npc counterparts

        • 2 years ago

          You're a clown or very young.
          A handful of ice cream brands don't contain sneeds. And the poor are not buying those, which was my point, and even then no one eats just ice cream.
          The bigger point is that they're forced into a lot of shit choices it's not because they are defective human beings

          • 2 years ago

            >forced into a lot of shit choices
            If they're forced into shit choices then it's not a choice - poor people tend to be very short sighted idiots who are their own worst enemy
            >"MAN, the world is against me! None of this is my fault, it's society!"
            >buys booze/weed/cigs
            >buys overpriced quick food vs ingredients to make healthier food for cheaper
            >paying student loan for underwater basket weaving degree

        • 2 years ago

          >Yes moron ice cream has fricking canola oil in it, doesn't it dumb frick

          Actually yes, the cheap ice cream is legally "frozen desert" and it often contains palm or vegtable oil.

          Guess what poors buy..its pic related


          • 2 years ago

            >Frozen Dessert.According to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

            Walmart has the cheapest ice cream there is and there is no "sneed" in it

      • 2 years ago

        >being fat is cheaper than not being fat
        How did so many people fall for such a moronic belief.

        • 2 years ago

          Being fat is literally cheaper than not being fat. I know you're young so that's a huge mental leap, because they're like two things that don't immediately match up so there is another step that you need to think through. And your iq is trash because your whole mother fed you Sneed oil formula as a baby and you're a dysgenic useless trash heap.
          The poorest people in Mexico are obese. The richest in the fanciest down town in America are lean and fit.

          • 2 years ago

            prostitute* mother

          • 2 years ago

            If you are fat then you are eating more than your body requires. Therefore you are spending more on food than you need to.

            Even if you are eating crappy food, eating less the same crappy food/fasting saves money. Being fat is not cheaper than not being fat.

            Poor people are fat because health is the least of their concerns, and they don't want to add the stress of hunger to their other concerns.

            • 2 years ago

              >Even if you are eating crappy food, eating less the same crappy food/fasting saves money. Being fat is not cheaper than not being fat.
              If you go by calories then it is. You get more calories for less money by buying som processed meat balls then you would buying some less processed meat balls or a other type of meat that is not been processed. You get more calories for buying premade processed meals that you put in the micro then if you bought all the ingredients and got clean single whole foods. You get like 200grams of chocolate for very cheap which is like 2000 calories. Which is way more then a healthy meal with some grains, veggies, fruit and meat for example. Or a bag of chips. Hamburger meat is cheaper with more calories then steak or meat-dough, or chicken. Processed chicken is frick ton cheaper with calories then unprocessed chicken, and so and so on.

              • 2 years ago

                >Hamburger meat is cheaper with more calories then steak
                Hamburger meat is literally just steak they put through a meat grinder. How does it gain calories when it gets ground up?

              • 2 years ago

                High fat meat with more calories and its cheaper then meat with lower fat and lower calories.

              • 2 years ago

                The caloric density of the food makes no difference. Whether you're buying cheap, calorically dense crappy food or expensive whole foods, you can simply consume less of it and save money.

                There's no reason you can't make multiple meals out of a single purchase of crappy food. Even if it's a single serving food like premade processed meals, there is no reason you can't split them up into multiples meals if you choose to.

                You can choose how many calories you consume, and given any single product, more calories=more money.

                I'm not refuting that it's EASIER to be fat than thin, especially when poor. but it's definitely not cheaper. There's some sort of trend between the points of eating nothing and paying nothing and eating a frick ton and paying a frick ton, and I doubt it's parabolic.

              • 2 years ago

                I agree with that. But its a simple fact that dense caloric food is cheaper. And not only is it cheaper its a lot more enjoyable to eat and quicker to prepare.

              • 2 years ago

                Definitely, and while being fat might not be economical, being unhealthy definitely is. The "fat people lazy/stupid" argument is useless, not even because it's necessarily untrue, but because it does nothing to help the situation. Motivating and educating fat/poor people can help a lot, but anons are just saying "these people are inferior cattle that aren't worth our time".

              • 2 years ago

                What are you going to educate them on? Fatties know the shit food they eat is unhealthy, they just choose to eat it. It's gives them a dopamine hit and makes them feel good, like a drug addict.

                One thing that might help would be changing the food stamps system so they get a set amount of food handed out that's "healthy", rather than a debit card they can use to buy soda and junk food. I've seen way too many people try to sell their EBT cards for cash because it's basically a free check.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not well informed on fattie food logic, but I know in my country (Australia) there are towns of aboriginals that have no fricking clue sugar is bad and they drink nothing but soda all day.

                Granted, they could probably figure out they're poisoning themselves and are being intentionally negligent, but there are big efforts to educate them on nutrition, which to my knowledge is kinda working.

              • 2 years ago

                Are abbo's literally moronic?

              • 2 years ago

                Yes. They live in tribes up in the wilderness and every few months they get massive welfare checks from the government, get free cars, houses, etc. They only spend the money on alcohol, get wasted, and drive the cars up trees. I don't know how, but they drive them up trees.

              • 2 years ago

                Same thing happens to Native Americans where I am (Pacific Northwest of the U.S.). They live on their reservations, which are basically slums, and collect checks from the government and/or tribe, and live like alcoholics and druggies in a trailer park, while operating casinos.

                Do they get money because they'd basically be destitute if they weren't being taken care of? Or are they lazy pieces of shit because they get free money and therefore have no ambition to actually lead a decent life?

                One of the great mysteries of the welfare system

              • 2 years ago

                Poorgays aren't good with money or math so they don't realize they could be getting 200+ servings of oatmeal for the same price as 10 trips to McDonalds

                Don't abbos literally drink gasoline too

              • 2 years ago

                No, that's mouthwash/hand sanitiser. Gasoline they huff, often with lit cigarettes in their mouths.

          • 2 years ago

            >Eating more is cheaper
            Negative iq post

          • 2 years ago

            >double digit iq
            >accuses others of being low iq

          • 2 years ago

            Some poor people can't afford to do things that are enjoyable and their life sucks in many ways and food is the only way to reward them self. All they can really do on family gatherings and get together is just buy food and watch TV. And if you go by the price of calories then this is probably true
            >Being fat is literally cheaper than not being fat.

          • 2 years ago

            I think this is bait and I kneel master baiter sama

          • 2 years ago

            >be low IQ, low impulse control moron
            >"mmmmmm dis taste gud so me eat moar"
            >spends shitloads of money on overpriced slop
            >"ughhhh whhaaa what chu mean dis bad for me? you are just on your high horse and brivigedged *BRUUUUUUUUUUPPPP* go preach sum where else stick boy only sissy look at bengeriants"
            >this is usually combined with drinking/weed/gambling/buying shit off amazog/credit card debt/useless degree/poor choice of partner and or friends.
            >"*BURRRRRRPPP* ughhh why dont I *huff* not have any money and why am I so fat?, man this societys is *huff* *snort* like set up for me to fail"
            >see person of normal weight and IQ, see they are not fat and poor.

            I hate poor people, there are a billion and 1 systems and ways for you to not pay out the ass for everything here, everyone has access to the internet, you know the place where you can fricking learn ANYTHING YOU WANT FOR FREE, anytime and any fricking where.
            Just know that if you are poor as a American you are scum and deserve it, if you are fat then you also deserve it if your over the age of 15.

            they wont get it because they refuse to take any responsibility for themselves, give me a fattys food budget for a week and Ill make that a healthy food budget for a month with some left to spare for a gym membership.

          • 2 years ago

            It's not. Poor people are just usually stupid, and fat people are usually stupid, so there's a lot of overlap. Meanwhile smart people are more likely to be IST, no matter what they taught you in school about how everything equals out.

          • 2 years ago

            >eating 5000 calories of shit food a day is cheaper than eating 2000 calories of shit food a day.
            This moron

          • 2 years ago

            it literally isn't
            being fat means that you are LITERALLY consuming more calories than someone that is not fat. it's LITERALLY more expensive to consume more calories. Doesn't matter if its pizza, chips, cheeseburgers, like just eat LESS of them and you will eat LESS calories and not be fat.

            instead of eating the entire pizza, eat half. instead of eating pint of ice cream, eat half pint. LITERALLY cuts the cost in half.

          • 2 years ago

            >Being fat is literally cheaper than not being fat

            >And your iq is trash because your whole mother fed you Sneed oil formula
            Schizophrenia is a serious issue, friend. Get help.

            >The poorest people in Mexico are obese. The richest in the fanciest down town in America are lean and fit.
            Speaking of IQ, it's a better indicator of fitness and healthy lifestyle choices than income. Funny how that works, it's almost like stupid people can't understand how to properly diet and make informed food purchases, instead opting for the path of least resistance, i.e. extremely palatable, high calorie foods.

          • 2 years ago

            Medium quality bait, got replies for sure

        • 2 years ago

          The goal is to turn everyone fat, demoralized and depressed so that they overly consume and die early. Of course one of the talking points would be that consuming more is cheaper than consuming less.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh ok. So why are poor people in farming communities where food is really cheap also fat?

        • 2 years ago

          >food is cheap in farming communities
          Sure, if you want to buy 500lbs of raw wheat berries.

      • 2 years ago

        You're completely moronic, bet you're poor but "it's not your fault" lmfaoo

      • 2 years ago

        rice, beans, eggs, oatmeal, pasta, potatoes, bananas, cheese.... all cheap, healthy, and easy.
        poor people would rather spend $20 on fast food and vending machines every day rather than get off their fatasses and cook something for once.
        seriously don't understand how they can be so lazy. if they simply learned to cook not only would they save a metric frick ton of money, they'd also be much healthier overall.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah I'm at the grocery store with my stew meat and oats and milk and the other poor people are there with their fritolayspepsico microwave ready whatever
          ebt is basically a cash transfer indirectly to the biggest corporations

          • 2 years ago

            Well EBT is also an essential cog in the machine that is the spic-nig cycle.

      • 2 years ago

        >Poor people buy cheaper food, and cheaper food is loaded with Sneed oils even more than other food.
        Ah ofcourse everything is the cause of sneed oils.
        >Being fat is literally cheaper than not being fat
        Can you get even more moronic? Or are you simply coping about being a poor fatgay?

      • 2 years ago

        you just buy the wrong things, I live off $50 a week max. Can't show the whole thing but it's 34 items of fruits, oats, fish chicken, yogurt, cheese only $50.

        • 2 years ago

          You eat quite a lot of fruit my man, or do you just stockpile fruit every so often?

          • 2 years ago

            fruits are healthy, taste good, and satiating. On a 1000-1200 calorie diet, just fruit and protein.

            • 2 years ago

              If it works for you, it just looked a lot, but since you're on a fruit diet, that explains a lot.

    • 2 years ago

      Also they eat tons of processed calorie dense foods that are cheap and they don’t know better (cuz they are poor)

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know how they can afford essential junk food like chips and soda. When they're not on sale they're $4 a bag and up to $6 for a 12-pack.

      • 2 years ago

        Because that's all they eat. Watch your average poor mother go on a grocery run and she'll buy almost exclusively heavily processed foods, mostly made of empty carbs. The only whole foods you're likely to see if milk and maybe eggs, and those are eaten in unhealthy ways.

    • 2 years ago

      >Because poor people make bad decisions
      Lol you're moronic. You think just because someone has more digital monies than you that means they make smart decisions?

      • 2 years ago

        Unironically yes.

        It's been shown time and again that there isn't a neat linear relationship between income and savings for example. Say the textbook guidance is for everyone to save 10% of their paycheck. People with a higher income will actually tend to be saving and investing a much higher proportion of their income, because its a meaningful amount, because they're making use of tax privileged schemes, and so on. They'll save more regularly and in longer term (higher yield) investments as they have the financial security to not worry about covering living costs month to month.

        Poorgays will save proportionally less, if at all, because of less money security, the perceived futility of saving a handful of dollars each month even in the long term, and miserable interest rates for the last 14 years have given little incentive. Poor gays do however want to be consumers, because ~~*capitalism*~~ tells them its preferable to be flat broke with Netflix and a daily Starbucks, than being modestly frugal and "stooping to" shameful consumer behaviours like bulk cooking generic brand foods, buying preowned, repairing instead of replacing, etc.

        So yes, poor people make terrible financial decisions mostly due to pride and a YOLO mindset.

        • 2 years ago

          You're a moron. Plenty of rich people live pay to pay. You ever heard of lifestyle creep? Or all those sports stars that went broke?

    • 2 years ago
      I hate women

      >Because poor people make bad decisions
      there’s a reason poor people are poor; even when they win the lottery they end up even broker than before

    • 2 years ago

      You're right to a point, they're also raised into that shit with no other frame of reference

  2. 2 years ago

    fast food is cheap

  3. 2 years ago

    they can't plan for the future so spend their money on stupid shit as soon as they get it for that quick "reward" of retail therapy
    the same lack of impulse control causes them to crave and continue to eat instantly "rewarding" calorically dense food/drink

    • 2 years ago

      People are poor because they are stupid and lazy
      People are fat because they are stupid and lazy
      Man I really wonder why so many people are both.

      Is it comfy to suck fox News wiener and work as an unpaid champion of corporate interests?
      You trash morons need to thing about which side you're actually on and which one you're being a useful idiot for

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >I looove the heckin proles so much!
        >I just loooove the proles
        Fox News watchers and Trump voters are 'the proles' btw

        • 2 years ago

          What you don't get is that we are all the proles. That's hard to grasp. You, the engineer with 150 iq, the check out girl, the obese poor trash in a trailer, the manager, etc, that's all prole to the people that you're shilling for.

          • 2 years ago

            >Everyone who isn't a 1920s factory owner is a prole!
            Commit suicide. Actual working men hate you and always will and I know you hate and fear them.

          • 2 years ago

            Just like you can't plant a forest with one tree and expect it to grow and be healthy, a society needs all its members at its best. Your dream is to plant one society with only what your pathetic Sneed oil formula brain thinks is the right tree

  4. 2 years ago

    People are poor because they are stupid and lazy
    People are fat because they are stupid and lazy
    Man I really wonder why so many people are both.

  5. 2 years ago

    Poor people work very hard on shit jobs that barely pay and most of them are too exahusted to do something about their situation and eating unhealthy food is a cheap pass time, especially when you can't afford anything better. So it's an endless cycle for these npc broke wage slaves, they work to barely earn money, they spend whatever money they have left on the only pleasure they can afford which also makes them more exhausted all the time. Perfectly designed by ((them)).

    • 2 years ago

      I think you've pretty much got it. The sheer amount of stress and nothing in the future to look forward to must make them want to live 100% in the moment. The sugar highs are just another form of addiction, only this one is cheap, plentiful, and socially acceptable.

    • 2 years ago

      People are very uncomfortable discussing the heart of the problem, which is the g factor aka "general intelligence." There have always been dumb people making bad choices but as processed foods have come on the scene these choices have turned from not just those that make you poor but also those that make you fat. This is why obesity radiates outward from the south, where the poorest and lowest IQ scoring groups reside. is on to it, I'm just taking it one step further back to point out the reason these people are poor. Obesity will never be a systemic problem for high earners except in cases of psychological disorders.
      I truly feel bad for for people whose low voltage brains keep them in these patterns, and all the data points towards the sad conclusion that nothing can be done to raise general intelligence. You've got what you've got.

      • 2 years ago

        G factor is great and even the biggest mouth breathing knuckle dragger would not be obese if what was put in front of him was actual food.

        >I looove the heckin proles so much!
        >I just loooove the proles
        Fox News watchers and Trump voters are 'the proles' btw

        I only love your sister.

        • 2 years ago

          >G factor is great and even the biggest mouth breathing knuckle dragger would not be obese if what was put in front of him was actual food.
          >It's the food's fault!
          First of all fast food is actual food. McDonald's probably has higher standards for food quality than your local restaurants
          Second of all you can eat that shit and not be fat. The problem is these are people who will drive a block and a half to the corner store to buy a 2 liter of soda and pack of camels
          They are LAZY and GLUTTONOUS
          You can eat whatever you want and if you are a lazy glutton you will get fat and if you aren't you won't

          • 2 years ago

            moron post is moron post

        • 2 years ago

          >if what was put in front of him was actual food
          Correct, but we don't imprison less intelligent people and tell them what to eat. They will choose what is most palatable and cheap and advertised.

          • 2 years ago

            You don't physically do that with jail cells. But they are absolutely imprisoned in an open air prison that the media tells you you is the best thing ever, anywhere.

        • 2 years ago

          The marshmallow test still stands, mouthbreather

    • 2 years ago

      Have you ever actually met any of these people?
      They are lazy and stupid. Cheap food is healthy. They eat junk. They smoke. They drink. They spend all their money on bullshit.
      Nobody is too poor for food or "pass times" or whatever you are insinuating.
      Commies are all totally detached from the real world and real working people. It's embarrassing. You know if you actually worked one of these jobs they would all laugh at you, and you hate them for it.

      • 2 years ago

        >Nobody is too poor for food or "pass times" or whatever you are insinuating.
        Not everyone is as privileged as you. Most people can't afford to travel, some can't go to the cinema or do exciting things like clubbing or whatever (I don't know what normies do for fun). But everyone can afford cheap fast food, cheap unhealthy food, cheap fattening food. That's all I'm saying you dimwit, nothing commie about it. Americans really are dumb.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm not talking about you in Honduras, Diego, I am talking about Americans. American poor people can and do pretty much whatever.

        • 2 years ago

          Look at your posts moron, you're in no position to call any person dimwit, dumb or anything hintig at the being low iq.

    • 2 years ago

      >Poor people work very hard on shit jobs that barely pay
      lol no
      working 40 hours per week gives you plenty of free time, and anyone who works more than that gets overtime and has plenty of money.
      >b-but what about the illegal hispanics who work very long and don't get shit!
      they should go back to their own country lmoa

  6. 2 years ago

    Poor people here are lambs to slaughter. Good night homosexuals

  7. 2 years ago

    Workers of the world unite!

    Noooooooo not like that noooooooo

  8. 2 years ago

    it seems like they're always fat or really skinny. no in between

    • 2 years ago

      Exactly, that's what prompted me to ask the question. I'm in a higher socio-economic class and rarely see or interact with poor people outside of their service industry jobs. I went to a large pubic gathering today and was struck by how 90% of the people were obese and 10% were meth-head skeletons.

      • 2 years ago

        And let me guess, you're "better" than them because your priviliged enough to have access to a gym and affluent enough to be able to eat less?

        • 2 years ago

          >your priviliged enough to have access to a gym
          You donn't need a fricking gym to workout you stupid frick
          >and affluent enough to be able to eat less?
          jfc, do you have to remind yourself that you need to breathe every few minutes?

  9. 2 years ago

    Poor person here, although I'm not fat. It's because, when you have so little money, you spend it on things that make you feel good. I mean, we all do. But like, a billionaire might buy a new Lambo or something. Me, I'll buy a nice steak.

    • 2 years ago

      poor people don't buy nice steaks
      they buy cigarettes, booze, fast, food, opiates, etc
      because they are just so worn out from the 12 hour shifts in the coal mines right?
      no because they are low impulse control short time horizon low quality people
      if you give them money you get the same exact shit, a million examples of that

      • 2 years ago

        >poor people don't buy nice steaks

    • 2 years ago

      I'm also poor. Processed food is much easier to eat but also more expensive. Most days I spend $2-5 on food-- that's the cheapest cut of chicken, frozen vegetables, and beans/yams for carbs. Today I splurged and bought a pizza for $12. Its much cheaper to eat clean.

      Poor people eat like shit for the same reason anyone eats like shit. It's easier and tastier. Despite what activists will tell you there's no great mystery at the heart of it.

      • 2 years ago

        >be fat
        >have no idea how your body works
        >spend all your money on food
        >be fat
        >be poor
        it's not hard to figure out really

        This about sums it up lads

  10. 2 years ago

    Amerigolems aren't people.

  11. 2 years ago

    Poor people are shit people. It's no coincidence that someone who is poor is also more likely to be obese.

  12. 2 years ago

    Fat poor people who are lurking - tell us why you're fat. It's anonymous, don't be shy.

  13. 2 years ago

    >be fat
    >have no idea how your body works
    >spend all your money on food
    >be fat
    >be poor
    it's not hard to figure out really

  14. 2 years ago

    >Why are poor people so fat?

    $2.11/lb for apples or 99.0 ¢/lb for Microwave Frozen French Fries.

    • 2 years ago

      >living off fruit
      >7 limes
      Now do oats, rice, beans. Cheap whole foods exist, fatties just aren't smart enough for them.

    • 2 years ago

      Why do people jump into long threads without reading a single post and imagine they're saying something that hasn't already been said a dozen times already.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago


  15. 2 years ago

    Nobody wants to say it, but simply low IQ.
    The lower the IQ the less the person earns, even with a bad start, it evens out over time.

  16. 2 years ago

    Multiple reasons. Being poor is highly correlated to being dumb and thus makig bad decisions. Also the stress of having to scrape by can also lead to stress eating.

  17. 2 years ago

    ITT, a handful of weirdo commie dyels can't copewith the relation between poverty and obesity, and the relation between obesity and failing to take responsibility for youself.

  18. 2 years ago

    more of a factor of lifestyle
    sedentary habits come in to play along with the
    crushing grind of a routine and having to go to work.
    so poor people don't really count calories they just plan on affording the cheapest surplus of food that's available to them. most usually it's got seed oils, corn syrup etc..

  19. 2 years ago

    >all the poorgay cope and rage in here
    Holy frick I really am better than you. I feel like a Chad. I save up a lot of money and enjoy my life a lot.

  20. 2 years ago

    Poverty and obesity are directly correlated with intelligence and education.

  21. 2 years ago

    because poor people are lazy and stupid 95% of the time, and being lazy and stupid will lead you to becoming fat.

  22. 2 years ago

    Food eaten by poor people tends to leave one unsatisfied and peckish, since poors eat the same things due to a low variety diet they eat the same shitty food that leaves them hungry with more calories
    It's literally impossible to starve to death in America, you can find free food everywhere

  23. 2 years ago

    Eating like shit makes you poorer. My sister in law works as a nurse but is always complaining that she has no money. She drinks monster energy twice a day, orders junk food multiple times a week, and always buys snack foods to fill her cupboards. As a result she wastes half her money on crap and thinks she's poor despite making a decent salary for our area.

  24. 2 years ago

    Real answer:
    Poor people tend to be dumb
    Dumb people make bad decisions repeatedly

  25. 2 years ago

    high quality food which is satiating, nourishing and enjoyable at the same time is expensive. cheap low quality food is designed to be enjoyable and stimulate appetite, effectively causing high calorie malnutrition and overeating

    • 2 years ago

      >high quality food which is satiating, nourishing and enjoyable at the same time is expensive
      To a certain point you're right. However you can make top quality food that does all those three things with cheap ingredients as well, you just have to know how to cook. Those 3 times as expensive ingredients value is lost on most people that cook them anyway due to improper cooking.

    • 2 years ago

      just learn how to cook

    • 2 years ago

      the problem is you're trying to eat food for pleasure, it's not suppose to be, it's fuel for your body so everything else about your life is pleasurable. After a few months of switching to a wholefood diet everything like fruits will taste a lot better. Pink salmon, greek yogurt, eggs, cheese, doesn't taste good, but dirt cheap, healthy and more satiating than anything.

      • 2 years ago

        > Pink salmon, greek yogurt, eggs, cheese, doesn't taste good, but dirt cheap, healthy and more satiating than anything.
        Literally all of that stuff tastes good what are you talking about

        • 2 years ago

          And salmon isn't cheap in most countries and i bet in the US too

      • 2 years ago

        >the problem is you're trying to eat food for pleasure, it's not suppose to be, it's fuel for your body so everything else about your life is pleasurable
        Food is supposed to be pleasurable, but due to society occasional delights such as sugar have become main staples instead of occasional delights. And this poisons our tastes so that people can't even taste or appreciate subtle flavours you can find in a tea blend.

  26. 2 years ago

    >Be Poor
    >Oh shit time to cope
    >Eat shit to cope like mcdonalds or drink beer and shit

    >Be Rich
    >Oh shit time to cope
    >Take cocaine or some other fancy drug and gets shredded

  27. 2 years ago

    For the same reason they are so poor: bad diet. Can't achieve anything if not feeling well and tired all the time.

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