Post your longevity routine. Goal is to reach the year 2100 when immortality becomes available.

Post your longevity routine.

Goal is to reach the year 2100 when immortality becomes available.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Lose this absurd fantasy. Your days are numbered, you are one part of the greater human whole, conscious for but a short time before returning to God. Do what you can with the time you've been given, it's miraculous you have your century of life at all.

    • 5 months ago

      >t.50 year old biomarkers

    • 5 months ago

      >he doesn't know how aging works and that its actually not necessary

      • 5 months ago

        Aging is all in your head

        Lose this absurd fantasy. Your days are numbered, you are one part of the greater human whole, conscious for but a short time before returning to God. Do what you can with the time you've been given, it's miraculous you have your century of life at all.

        Life Is fantasy

    • 5 months ago

      you sound israeli

    • 5 months ago

      Biblical figures lived for centuries, up to a millennium. So there must not be anything unholy about having an extremely long lifespan.

      • 5 months ago

        >The people in my fantasy book did X

        • 5 months ago

          Try to keep up with conversations instead of jumping in just to make an idiot if yourself.

  2. 5 months ago

    Cardio every day in some form, usually biking 30-40 min a day + Averaging 12000 steps. Greens and fruit every day. 9 hour sleep (though ive been having some sleeping issue lately).

    Have a BMI of 30 right now, maybe not ideal but have a resting heartrate of 60, trying to get it to 50. When im 30 and can no longer build more to my frame without chems ill go down to 90-95 kg.

    • 5 months ago

      Doing yoga will help get your resting HR down

    • 5 months ago

      How tf do you have a resting heartrate of 60 at 30 BMI

      • 5 months ago

        Don't be fat

        • 5 months ago

          I am at 23 BMI and 15% bf and I get 80
          But admittedly my cardio fricking sucks

      • 5 months ago

        I have resting hr of 55 at 30% BF and 36 BMI. Powershitter lifts make heart strong.

        • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        cardio homie
        I ain't him but have a BMI of 31 and my resting HR is in the 50s.

    • 5 months ago

      excess cardio = inflammation, heart disease. Cardiomyopathy and blown heart valves if you take it to extremes.

      • 5 months ago

        Wrong, every time you exercise your body floods your system with natural antioxidants

        • 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    Is Seroquel making me age worse? I need it to sleep but I don't see anything that makes it especially bad for aging. I heard diabetes is one concern but that's because it increases appetite. Tons of people on anti psychotics seem to age better than average

    • 5 months ago

      Probably not good, it's quite likely a stressor on the body and stress/oxidative stress causes cell damage and thereby aging

      • 5 months ago

        How does it cause oxidative stress? If anything it should do the opposite since adrenaline and cortisol prevents sleep. Seroquel should put you in a lower metabolic state thereby slowing down aging if anything. Thoughts?

        • 5 months ago

          metabolic changes can cause oxidative stress, the drug itself could create free radicals, and seroquel affects the mitochondria which is also involved in the creation of free radicals.
          luckily for you, you can combat oxidative stress by getting a lot of anti oxidants so eat your veggies, berries, nuts etc.

          • 5 months ago

            What this anon says. Somnolence, confusion, weight gain, tremors etc. aren't positive health outcomes. Hopefully seroquel anon has a good doctor who keeps things in check and looks into alternative therapies where possible.

      • 5 months ago

        antioxidant theory hasnt been proven in humans. Vitamin A trials were halted due to excess deaths. If you overprotect cells that are supposed to die, you get cancer

    • 5 months ago

      How do milder sleep drugs work for you? mirtazapine, trazodone, that sort of thing.

      • 5 months ago

        trazodone just gave me a permanent hard on but never helped with sleep. Mirtazapine worked a couple of time but is not nearly as good as seroquel. Seroquel is the only one that has consistently worked. I take about 150mg. I even tried zopiclone which didn't do shit

    • 5 months ago

      homie just drink a cup of camomile tea
      seroquel the type of shit to give you dementia or alzheimer's in old age, shit fries up neurons its like makeshift bootleg electrician work for your synapses, you got molecular type shit running down the wrong cones homie, its gonna rewrite your entire SSD at some point homie you're gonna lose all your memories

    • 5 months ago

      First time poster here, I've been taking Seroquel for years and I feel fine. Like you I've tried the whole bag of shit to help me sleep and seroquel was the best, but your dosage of 150mg is pretty high, try and get to half that, even 50mg. I'd honestly pay money to see the way to get the sleeping power of seroquel without the hunger, I've started working that weight off this year and have lost 10kg, about another 5kg to go.

      However you absolutely do want to watch you don't overeat on it. Also, when you've been taking it for a while you'll notice your memory just gets kind of shit (relax, this effect goes away if you stop for a while, took about a week for me) but you'll get to that point faster on a higher dose.

      • 5 months ago

        Same poster here, also for those taking Seroquel, get your prolactin checked. Of the drugs of it's class seroquel is one of the less-likely things to raise it to stupid high levels but it was when I was really starting to get chunky that mine was getting high that it might have started becoming a problem.

  4. 5 months ago

    I will die young. All my markers are shit, i have depression, anxiety, I'm stressed 24/7

  5. 5 months ago

    Raw vegan is the diet of spiritual masters who live hundreds of years.
    Becoming slow to anger and grateful will also slow age.

    • 5 months ago

      You'll be dead within 10 years on a raw vegan diet.
      >Verification not required.

  6. 5 months ago

    sunscreen, finasteride

    That's all I got.

    I'm kind of considering getting on tretinoin, but I don't know if I care enough.

  7. 5 months ago

    > no alcohol
    > lots of water, minimum amount of sugar
    > skincare routine + SPF sunscreen
    I just need to sleep on a regular schedule and I'll be set

    • 5 months ago

      Don't forget to eat a diet made up mostly of NON PROCESSED plants. Excess protein (eating a lot of meat) ages you
      >no it doesnt haha i look young lol
      excess protein overstimulates IGF1, mTor and GH which all cause aging disease and cancer

      • 5 months ago

        People that eat exclusively raw vegetables and fruits turn into skeletons. We have proof of this stronger than any study.

      • 5 months ago

        reality would like a word with you idealistic 16 year old beta males

        Raw vegan is the diet of spiritual masters who live hundreds of years.
        Becoming slow to anger and grateful will also slow age.

        vegan is no cholesterol or bvitamin heme iron . your brain needs the fatty acids to think like a true enlightened one.

        All the enlightened ones eat meat organs and fruit.

        Your gay weak indian shaman shtick is wearing thin these days. Vegan is malnourishment and self abuse

        • 5 months ago

          Meat rots in the intestines and causes the festering mold and bacteria to sicken you.

          Genuinely try going whole food vegan for a month and tell me you're not having the easiest poops of your life.
          Your body can produce all the cholesterol it needs, you won't be iron deficient, and you can supplement B12 if you don't have access to unwashed local products you would normally get that from.

          If you are under 16 or pregnant you do need some eggs and raw milk. Though some might disagree with me on that.
          Just never flesh.

          Herb, sunlight, sleep, and love maxxxing are major too.

          • 5 months ago

            your brain must be rotten because you have fundamentally flawed opinions.
            meat doesnt rot your intestines but meat (excess protein) does have negative effect such as overstimulation of IGF1 which causes aging as well as other things such as increasing cancer risk and disease.
            The same goes for "vegan" food, you should not eat lots of pasta, rice or potato because then you get excess carbs and overstimulated insulin.
            What you want to eat is whole food plant based but not those who are loaded with carbs, you should also eat EVOO, nuts, berries, coconut milk and eggs, NOT dairy.
            Sunlight as you said is directly counterproductive as it causes skin damage and ages your skin significantly.

            • 5 months ago

              Is three servings of meat including fish a day okay?

              • 5 months ago

                NTA but he literally told you not to eat meat and told you what to eat so I'm gonna say no

            • 5 months ago

              It sounds like you are just saying the same thing but with scientific language.
              I get that rot is not a specific chemical pathway, but it's completely sufficient as a way to explain the way it causes your intestines to slow down and fester with harmful bacteria and fungus.
              A lot of the reasons for that IGF1 increase is so associated with flesh consumption is the byproducts of these bacteria, as well as the animal proteins entering your blood through perforated intestines.
              I also agree that a vegan who eats refined carbs will have poor side effects. Though I would implore you to give brown rice and potatoes a second look as they are very nutritious. I'd also add that these new fake meats are horse shit peddled by the same demons who brought you the various other toxic industrial byproducts repackaged as food(fluoride, cotton seed oils, iron shaving cereals)
              If you wear coconut oil on your skin and get sunlight casually you will be fine, and having a healthy diet will allow you to build back from any damage it might do. I've read that a white man only needs 5 minutes in the summer sun to get basic daily vitamin D from just their hands and face, so we're not talking about anything near tanning.
              I'm not absolutely sure about fermented dairy or eggs. Metchnikoff attributed the long life of the Caucasus peoples to kefir.

          • 5 months ago

            >Meat rots in the intestines
            imagine drinking the koolaid this hard

      • 5 months ago

        >Excess protein (eating a lot of meat) ages you
        Explain collagen

    • 5 months ago

      Cardio every day in some form, usually biking 30-40 min a day + Averaging 12000 steps. Greens and fruit every day. 9 hour sleep (though ive been having some sleeping issue lately).

      Have a BMI of 30 right now, maybe not ideal but have a resting heartrate of 60, trying to get it to 50. When im 30 and can no longer build more to my frame without chems ill go down to 90-95 kg.

      go to sleep the moment you feel tired and make sure to eliminate all noise.
      >inb4 im not tired
      think about something in greatest detail you can come up with

    • 5 months ago

      >skincare routine + SPF sunscreen
      What the frick is a skin care routine for a man?

      • 5 months ago

        Are you for real? The same fricking skincare a woman would follow you moron.

  8. 5 months ago

    Some people just look younger, it’s genetic. I looked like I was 14 until I was 25, then I looked 20, I look 25 now that I’m almost 40.
    I take zero precautions. I used to smoke like 10 cigarettes a day for a decade, I drank fairly heavily and still drink, I would stay awake for 48-72 hours straight doing combat arms zogbot shit in my 20s, I even worked as a rough neck doing extremely heavy manual labor outdoors in frozen ass conditions in Alaska, midwest, and Canada for days at a time, and I work outside in direct sun for like 24 hours every weekend on my farm.
    I just work out a frickton and eat moderately healthy.
    The people you’re posting are on hormones and getting surgeries, Bryan Johnson is basically a hormone abusing fraud that’s had surgeries and I guarantee the others are too. They definitely all dye their hair, and if you believe them you probably believe athletes and body builders are all natty too.

    • 5 months ago

      >I know nothing about biology but let me say stupid shit
      Either learn about the body and how it ages or just shut the frick up, you provided nothing of value as you don't understand anything

      • 5 months ago

        I literally work in biotechnology Black person.
        Why don’t you teach me since you’re so smart and apparently know it isn’t genetic factors that we don’t fully understand.

        • 5 months ago
          • 5 months ago

            >wow bro
            >this youtube video from a guy that made his entire career off of claims that are unproven and that you didn’t even attempt to explain really proves you’re right
            Truth is, he doesn’t understand why, but has built his career on this claim so has to go with it if he wants his grants.
            Learn to academia bro science Black person
            You probably watch Joe Rogan and take the shills there serious

            • 5 months ago

              >t.coping fat baldie

          • 5 months ago

            I literally work in biotechnology Black person.
            Why don’t you teach me since you’re so smart and apparently know it isn’t genetic factors that we don’t fully understand.

            This is the guy giving you anti aging advice lmao

            Enjoy your “miracle” vaccine from our savior science™ (Almost exactly what he said). This is the career academic you trust is truly and honestly solving aging lmao

            • 5 months ago

              To be fair he's a Harvard professor.
              He knows he has to tow the line, or he will get canceled by the medical mafia.

              • 5 months ago

                He’s exactly the type of person to peddle bullshit for grant money

              • 5 months ago

                >To be fair he's exactly the type of person to be intellectually compromised
                frick better listen to him

            • 5 months ago

              not a trustworthy person. weak males are unable to speak the truth

            • 5 months ago

              Ok explain to me in scientific terms how this Harvard prof is wrong and you are right

          • 5 months ago

            Sinclair is a fraud whi just wants to sell pills. He's literally part of the big US pharma.

            • 5 months ago

              So where can I buy his supplements anon

        • 5 months ago

          So tell me then, on a low level what causes aging, how and why?

          • 5 months ago

            Genetics and nobody really understands.
            Obviously there are outside factors, like smoking, but again, we can currently only speculate on genetics. Things like epigenetics are new field of study that nobody really understands, but they’re trying to map. Anyone selling you an answer right now is grifting.

            Post face white boi

            Lol no, I’m not doxxing myself as I have a professional career.

            Ok explain to me in scientific terms how this Harvard prof is wrong and you are right

            Ok, there is no concrete proof to any of his theories and he has incentive to promote himself.
            >harvard professor
            This homie trusts academia lmao


            What do you do specifically?

            I’ve worked in biomedical research and pharma, not delving deeper than that here. I will say I’ve spoken to a few people who’ve done their thesis on epigentics and things related.

            This is proof manual labor is actually good you, the only reason people age doing so is because their diets consist of meth, cigarettes and monster energy.

            I wouldn’t say my anecdotal experience is proof of anything other than genetics playing a significant factor. But it’s demonstrably fact that exercise and diet are a factor in health and longevity.

            • 5 months ago

              homie you workin at walmart

              • 5 months ago

                >imagine losing an argument to a walmart employee

            • 5 months ago

              >won't go into it here
              well shit where else am I supposed to find people dropping hot sauce on super sekrit research?

              • 5 months ago

                The secret is that nobody knows wtf is going on anymore and everyone is just grifting gullible morons. We are in a dark age surrounded by regulatory capture and charlatans, doctors are literally performing genital mutilation on mentally ill people for profit and suicide is medically recommended in Canada.
                It’s unironically better to look back at health advice given in the 1950s than to trust modern health advice. Saying we’re going to solve aging at this point in time is more ludicrous than Elon actually colonizing mars, in fact I’d say we have a far better grasp on terraforming mars than even understanding what causes aging.

          • 5 months ago

            >So tell me then, on a low level what causes aging, how and why?
            errors in cell replication

        • 5 months ago

          What do you do specifically?

    • 5 months ago

      wow you're so cool

      • 5 months ago

        Yes, it makes you homosexuals seethe

        • 5 months ago

          you're almost 40 and bragging about yourself on a mongolian goat herding forum, get some self confidence mate

          • 5 months ago

            >you’re bragging about yourself
            I’m just relaying a personal experience and the reality behind that. You’re the one that takes it as bragging. I can tell you it wasn’t fun being unable to pick up girls until I was 25 because I
            >looked like a child
            So whatever homosexual

    • 5 months ago

      somebody post the pic about 40 year olds who think they look 20

      • 5 months ago

        I mean... Andy Milonakis looks 20s and hes 47

        • 5 months ago

          Being obese makes you look like a baby, no shit

        • 5 months ago

          Like many of us, he had his time in the sun

        • 5 months ago

          He literally has a genetic disorder that prevents him from aging

          • 5 months ago

            Wait, so he will live forever till illness kills him?

      • 5 months ago

        post it yourself b***h

    • 5 months ago

      somebody post the pic about 40 year olds who think they look 20

      • 5 months ago

        The dentist thought I was 16 when I’m 22

        • 5 months ago

          those are pretty similar ages

    • 5 months ago

      Post face white boi

    • 5 months ago

      This is proof manual labor is actually good you, the only reason people age doing so is because their diets consist of meth, cigarettes and monster energy.

    • 5 months ago

      Why would you even bring up Bryan Johnson as an example. He is a meme. No one thinks he looks young.

      • 5 months ago

        >why would you post about the guy that is almost specific to the subject of the thread and literally in OPs pic
        I dunno anon, weird that I would post about the guy.

  9. 5 months ago

    18-20 hr intermittent fasting, HIIT 3 times a week, no processed meat and sugar, no alcohol, sunscreen.

    Rate my routine guys

  10. 5 months ago

    I take a multivitamin, iron, b12, collagen supplements, quercetin, turmeric, omega 3 fish oil and nmn.

    I drink red wine on weekends for resveratrol.

    I exercise 4 days a week and eat a high protein diet with fruits and vegetables.

    I wear sunscreen and use retinol moisturizer with cleanser every night.

    • 5 months ago

      >high protein diet
      enjoy cancer

      • 5 months ago

        >low protien diet
        enjoy sarcopenia and early onset aging and age related diseases. btw. meat doesn't cause cancer moron.

  11. 5 months ago

    700 mg of tren a week
    Zero cardio
    Excessive opiate consumption
    2 liter of soda a day

  12. 5 months ago

    Immortality is only possible through Christ Jesus.

  13. 5 months ago

    > Devote all willpower to staying ~23 BMI (22 as of now)
    > Lift 5 days a week (I'm a wee bit past 1/2/3/4 natty)
    > 30 minutes of running, 362 days a year. I don't have to do that crap on my birthday, Thanksgiving, or Christmas.
    > No tobacco, easy because it isn't "cool" to me (my parents are 2 pack a day smokers)
    > Don't drink or do drugs, easy because I don't like the feeling of tweaking my consciousness
    > Sleep is pretty good without me trying

    Basically repeat until I either get access to immortality technology, die violently, or die sometime in the early 22nd century.

    • 5 months ago

      running daily will age your face a lot

  14. 5 months ago

    you can tell that chick is 40 in other pictures, 35 at least

  15. 5 months ago

    this has nothing to do with fitness go back to /LULZ/

  16. 5 months ago

    raw primal

  17. 5 months ago

    >wanting to live forever

  18. 5 months ago

    Just have BAC.

  19. 5 months ago

    As a man, if you want to look young, get a hairplant and dye your hair back to your young natural colour.

  20. 5 months ago

    Real talk, we'll have it closer to 2050 and it'll be more focused on reversing aging, which would extend life as far as you want basically. The difference is you'll regen while also improving your genetic structure so you'll not only be young again but healthier.
    Better be moneymaxxing as well, we all know it isn't going to be even remotely cheap or be covered by insurance. It'll be exclusively attenable for the the rich.

    • 5 months ago

      Right now the best we have achieved in animals is a 20-30% extension in lifespan. It's doubtful whether we'll get above 50% by 2060 so if you care about longevity, start now.

      where does its calcium come from? Bet you you could get the real thing for cheaper...what you need a labcoat to boil it in a bensen burner for you and pulverize it? Grow up.

      AKG needs to be bound to something, be it calcium, arginine or creatine.

      • 5 months ago

        and where's AGK from? What's it sourced from originally?

        • 5 months ago

          I don't know, I'm not a chemist.

          • 5 months ago

            See, you don't have to be a chemist to know how to source it naturally...for example, from google :
            >Animal items like meat, fish, and dairy are natural sources of AKG. The body can also produce AKG when metabolizing amino acids, particularly glutamate. Chemical synthesis or fermentation employing microorganisms like Corynebacterium glutamicum or Pseudomonas fluorescens are two ways to make synthetic AKG powder

            So all you have to do technically to develop bioavailable foods high in calcium AGK is to take a food initially high in calcium and ferment it using glutamate as an additive?
            Say for example...fermented fish, like lutefisk might be high in AGK...fermented cheeses with a high calcium content, when mixed with breadings containing fermented bacteria glutamates strain, such as sourdough or rye breads with said high calcium cheeses.

            But by all means please keep buying your pills of calcium dust fermented in glutamate yeast.

            • 5 months ago

              How much AKG is in those food sources? My understanding was that you can't really get AKG in sufficient quantities from food. Your body produces it from citrate but that goes down with age.

            • 5 months ago

              Bro, you get almost no AKG from foods. Get the capsules with 400-1000 mg

            • 5 months ago

              I wonder if a fecal transplant could introduce those microorganisms to the lower intestine.

              • 5 months ago

                eh...just go to some deep backwards cheese cave in rural alpine France and look for a very remote rural cheese cave which is made in calcium bedrock then just purchase cheese from there which is air dried or fermented and consume its crust regularly...You can even strike an agreement with a farmer to produce you such a cheese with that exact strain provided you can source it (which I'm pretty sure you can) for agricultural purposes.
                Then just have him make the high calcium AGK cheeses there himself and ship some to you.

              • 5 months ago

                Alright so I delved a little bit deeper into this bacterium and it turns out it can't ferment cheeses or lactose in general, but it can ferment sucrose and glucose...

                >Can C. glutamicum ferment sucrose?
                Sucrose and molasses are attractive raw materials for industrial fermentation. Although Corynebacterium glutamicum shows sucrose-utilizing activity, sucrose or molasses is only a fraction of carbon source used in the fermentation medium in most works.

                So I guess you might be able to use it as a base ferment in a sweet based electrolyte drink, maybe a fermented ginger lemon and honey type drink with added calcium and other minerals. To consume daily...You could brew a big fermented batch and consume it throughout the day in small sips. Like an electrolyte drink.

              • 5 months ago

                So... Kombucha?

                I don't know much about this but according to Sinclair it is far better than Rapamycin. It can basically set a mouse's state back to the equivalent of a person's 18yo state.

                He even said you can repeat the procedure over and over again

                Beware of for-profit research and the academic paper mill.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah...kombucha I guess. I already drink it regularly...but my bacterium in my local green tea based kombucha is probably not corynebacterium glutamate or wtv the frick it's named. I guess you could DIY Calcium AGK on tap with the proper kombucha brew set up and some honey/sugar, albeit it'd be more like mead than kombucha. Might have to strip it of ethanol cause we can't be out here sipping on the juice all throughout the day for some longevity aspect, the alcohol will wreck our liver...So yeah kombucha...

              • 5 months ago

                You are delusional mate

              • 5 months ago

                Bro for what it's worth we could be chatting with that Bryan Johnson gay right now trying to stealth gather some anti-aging tech and god knows many mentally ill celebrity gays post on here, so it wouldn't be far fetched that some rich gay on here would take his next trip to France to sample some local high calcium cheeses...Not all of us are destitute poorgays.

              • 5 months ago

                Theres definitely rich homies that lurk IST. I like trolling them. Im a middle.class.peasent

              • 5 months ago

                My dude's probably buying a ticket to Paris right about now.

      • 5 months ago

        There a lot of money and resources being invested with all levels of class trying to achieve it so we'll be seeing consistent progress.

        • 5 months ago

          So far we have a bunch of pathways being explored but not even the most optimistic combination trials will bring us over 50% extension in some mice trials this decade.

    • 5 months ago

      You should be investing in DIY biotech setups. Make the shit yourself, pirate the software you need, scrape the data with scihub and do your own meta analysis. Run your own underground lab and work towards discarding preprogrammed flesh for programmable tech-compatible flesh. The first step is learning to reprogram the flesh - we do that already with simpler organisms, so that's why we're heading towards the "reverse aging" and mRNA vaccination type technologies; it's a testbed for future developments.

      Do your own research, find companies with good potential, invest in them and leverage their work to your own advantage. Simple as.

      • 5 months ago

        CRISPR can cure AIDS and some other diseases but we're still far away from actually stopping let alone reversing aging processes.

        • 5 months ago

          He means this

          • 5 months ago

            It could theoretically be useful for age-related diseases such as macular degeneration but when tested in old mice, the lifespan effects were very modest. There's over a dozen markers of aging and this just addresses a couple of them.

      • 5 months ago

        The epigenetic reprogramming is still sketchy, I wouldnt try this on myself just yet.
        Main strat right now is to stay lean and healthy and accumulate as much money as possible. Also try not to get overrun by a bus

        • 5 months ago

          Epigenetic programming is not a silver bullet for aging either. It's not even as good as rapamycin.

          • 5 months ago

            It could theoretically be useful for age-related diseases such as macular degeneration but when tested in old mice, the lifespan effects were very modest. There's over a dozen markers of aging and this just addresses a couple of them.

            I don't know much about this but according to Sinclair it is far better than Rapamycin. It can basically set a mouse's state back to the equivalent of a person's 18yo state.

            He even said you can repeat the procedure over and over again

            • 5 months ago

              >I don't know much about this but according to Sinclair it is far better than Rapamycin.
              Sinclair is the person who still shills Resveratrol despite it failing the Interventions Testing Program. He is not to be taken seriously.
              >It can basically set a mouse's state back to the equivalent of a person's 18yo state.
              As I said, they tried it on the mice-equivalent of an 80yo and it got them a lifespan extension of less than 10% despite multiple treatments.

              • 5 months ago

                There is a new study that shows resveratrol activates Sirtuin

                >As I said, they tried it on the mice-equivalent of an 80yo and it got them a lifespan extension of less than 10% despite multiple treatments.
                Then how did he reverse the age of the eye cells completely and cure blindness?

              • 5 months ago

                >There is a new study that shows resveratrol activates Sirtuin
                Okay but sirtuins don't seem to matter a lot since resveratrol failed to extend lifespan in the Interventions Testing Program aka the gold standard of mice lifespan trials. It's the same dead end as NAD booters.
                >Then how did he reverse the age of the eye cells completely and cure blindness?
                They weren't completely blind and reversing one part of age-related decline won't reverse everything. For example, tretinoin will reverse age-related skin damage to some extent but it won't make you life forever either.

        • 5 months ago

          So what you're saying is, business as usual until significant updates occur. Like what I was getting at with return on investment with self-experimentation. (I imagine you're referring to what Thought Emporium did with his lactase treatment?)

      • 5 months ago

        Real talk, we'll have it closer to 2050 and it'll be more focused on reversing aging, which would extend life as far as you want basically. The difference is you'll regen while also improving your genetic structure so you'll not only be young again but healthier.
        Better be moneymaxxing as well, we all know it isn't going to be even remotely cheap or be covered by insurance. It'll be exclusively attenable for the the rich.

        Can I regen as a girl? Like reprogram my cells to double that x and grow wide hips and breasts and a vegana et al?
        Would be hot.

      • 5 months ago

        I have no interest in transhumanism, if you can keep reversing/slowing your age through therapies why would you want to merge with machine?

        • 5 months ago

          Why wouldn't I want to merge with machine? Why would I want to be bound to the flesh of one man?

  21. 5 months ago

    Cod liver
    Ashwaganda month on month off
    D3 every other day

  22. 5 months ago

    It's simple for me, 80% of it is great genetics from my centennarian side of the family (Meds), 20% is the fact I have an aversion to sugars and oily foods and mostly like herbal/meat/dairy flavors the most. It's just wired in me. Maybe because I grew up in Europe I developed taste and standards for what constitutes food or not...Also feel sick to my gut when I see some sweet foods.
    I did some genetic health research and found out I got like a slew of good gene expressions for longevity...some shit about long telomeres, some shit about having a more developed and strong gut biome than most, etc...Who knows we're still in the pioneer era of genetic research but from anecdotic evidence I do have three close ancestors, grans and great-grans who hit 100. My sister is 31 and still gets carded.

  23. 5 months ago

    Ca AKG, Taurine, Rapamycin

    And then of course the classics - fasting, exercise, sleep

    • 5 months ago

      Problem with CaAKG is that it needs to be fed continuously to have an effect on lifespan. Still, if you have money to waste it's probably the best source of calcium.

      • 5 months ago

        where does its calcium come from? Bet you you could get the real thing for cheaper...what you need a labcoat to boil it in a bensen burner for you and pulverize it? Grow up.

      • 5 months ago

        Don't you need to take all supplements continuously to work? I got my pack from DonotAge, its not that expensive

        where does its calcium come from? Bet you you could get the real thing for cheaper...what you need a labcoat to boil it in a bensen burner for you and pulverize it? Grow up.

        Who gives a shit homie? The point is CaAKG improves lifespan

        • 5 months ago

          >Don't you need to take all supplements continuously to work?
          I meant you need to supplement AKG throughout the day. The mice in the CaAKG studies had it mixed in their food supply so they've had a constant supply of high dose CaAKG instead of just a single low-ish CaAKG dose once daily. This makes sense because AKG is rapidly used up by the body.

  24. 5 months ago

    -Tadalafil and L-Citrulline
    -all the meme supplements
    -various skincare products

  25. 5 months ago

    Smoking drinking and doing drugs every day

  26. 5 months ago

    >Post your longevity routine

    just be me.

  27. 5 months ago

    I've got better things to do with my life than waste it trying to extend it. Ironically, working on a replacement is less wasteful of lifespan than working on extending lifespan. Whenever brain links are sorted out and bio printers are improved enough to print multi-type tissues, it won't matter how long the human form lasts: it'll be replaceable, just like everything else. Learn to adapt and preempt, or become another body in a fleshy mass.

    • 5 months ago

      Wow what a worthless post.

    • 5 months ago

      If you don't extend your life you will not live to see the day to see "bio printers" homie

      • 5 months ago

        We already print monocellular tissue cultures, albeit primarily in laboratory settings. Instead of trying desperately to extend my life while losing more of it in the process (netting a loss), why don't I just focus on developing the technologies that will make it futile (netting a gain)? I'm gonna die before any of this can affect me, anyways; to really extend lifespan, you need good genetic potential, a healthy prenatal, perinatal, and developmental environment, adequate nutrition and exercise throughout youth into adulthood, alongside the experimental treatments that modify genetic expression when the body is growing and modifying the expression of that code the most: while tissues are still specializing (in utero, during puberty, and generally in growth periods). An old fart won't benefit from a % remainder increase when it's already short as frick. But a child has the potential to see modified hormonal expression and receptor sensitivity in such a way that they can be made to grow to noteworthy size in youth while capping that growth and metabolism at adulthood in such a a way to extend their potential lifespan nearly indefinitely. Add to this regular treatments to clean up any potential damage to structures and genes (including epigenetic e.g. excess methylation due to environmental toxins) and you could live well into your 100s.

        • 5 months ago

          You don't need any of that to extend lifespan.
          Keeping LDL-C below 70 (50) mg/dL is already enough to avoid ASCVD which will kill 40% of people in the West. Rapamycin, acarbose and other treatments on top of that will easily bring you over 100-110.
          If you wait for le futuristic AI-crypto powered longevity technology, you'll just die in your 60s, 70s or 80s.

          • 5 months ago

            I know that you're just dicking around, but I'm not concerned with anything science-fiction-adjacent; I'm simply saying that, compared to treatments that address existing damage, increasing potential lifespan starts before birth and continues throughout life. Like a machine, a good design comes first, followed by regular maintenance and repair. If you're given a clapped out Altima and hope it'll run into the 600k+ mileage range, even with extensive repairs it won't get past 300k most likely. Something like an old Honda following factory maintenance scheduling that has never seen poor driving or storage conditions, however, might, while benefitting (minimally) from repair or replacement of parts from time to time. A good foundation from which to build upon should be top priority.

            For someone like me, it would be futile to patch up my injuries; I'll probably die in my 30s. For you, you might see some limited use. But it's not a magical fix like some people want to treat it, and as such, it shouldn't be viewed as the end-all-be-all of life extension. It's just a set of repairs on a damaged platform.

            • 5 months ago

              >I'll probably die in my 30s
              Bro are you living in the middle ages?

              • 5 months ago

                Grandmother died of multiple organs failure effectively out of nowhere, grandfather has dementia, uncles are schizophrenic, and I already have health issues from forced interventions (see: zog-enforced health shit for diplomatic workers). I already have heart palpitations and random spells of dizziness from that.

              • 5 months ago

                I bet you got schizophrenia like your uncle.

              • 5 months ago

                Regardless, I'll be schizomaxxing for analytical gains.

            • 5 months ago

              >increasing potential lifespan starts before birth and continues throughout life.
              The technology to modify an embryo and make it live to 120 and beyond can be used to make a boomer to to 120 and beyond aswell.
              >Like a machine, a good design comes first, followed by regular maintenance and repair.
              The body has the means to repair itself but the pathways to activate said mechanisms are still being explored (verteporfin for example).

              • 5 months ago

                damn thats sad...did a hispanic researcher name that molecule? 'verteporfin' = ver te por fin...see you in the end...maybe wishing to bring back a lost relative? sad...

              • 5 months ago

                Modification of totipotent and / or pluripotent cells is prerequisite to the modification of specialized cells.

              • 5 months ago

                CRISPR allows us to change anything we want.

          • 5 months ago

            all cause mortality is worse for older people with low cholesterol

            • 5 months ago

              True. healthy centenarions actually have above normal cholesterol (HDL and LDL) and low triglycerides.

            • 5 months ago

              True. healthy centenarions actually have above normal cholesterol (HDL and LDL) and low triglycerides.

              That's only in observational trials because dying people generally tend to have low body weight, low blood sugar and low cholesterol (I bet some of you morons will try to become overweight and pre-diabetic because of those observational trials).
              In clinical trials with placebo groups, lowering cholesterol is great for reducing all-cause mortality. The JUPITER trial showed a 20% reduction in all-cause mortality with rosuvastatin and there's studies showing an even better effect with PCSK9 inhibitors.

        • 5 months ago

          >why don't I just focus on developing the technologies that will make it futile (netting a gain)?
          Because you are not gonna develop jackshit. You are a little fat man on a Chinese cartoon forum

          • 5 months ago


  28. 5 months ago

    people(women) always tell me I look older, in my 30s etc. Im 26.
    its not my fault guys look like they just came out of the womb

    • 5 months ago

      How bald are you? I still regularly get treated like a early 20s when I shave despite being 28. And that at over 6'.

      • 5 months ago

        I have a full head of hair.
        My Dad and my grandfathers on both sides are not bald.

        • 5 months ago

          If you’re slim, maybe you would benefit from fat grafting on your face to look younger?

          • 5 months ago

            >If you’re slim
            I used to be really fat, lost some weight but not slim by any means.
            >fat grafting on your face
            wtf sounds scary, I think Ill skip that

  29. 5 months ago

    2100?? What the frick are you smoking. It'll be a routine consumer healthcare prescription by 2050 at the absolutely most delayed latest.
    Realistically more like 2035 due to regulatory approval processes. Remember, kids: exponents are fricking wild and AI has literally solved the protein folding problem already (not technically, but good enough to basically declare the problem functionally resolved for the purposes of pharmaceutical development) ... and that entire database of hundreds of millions of protein sequences? Published open source for free by Google's think tank headed by Demis Hasabis.
    The first person to live for a thousand years has already been born.

    • 5 months ago

      If you follow the actual science, the best we have right now is rapamycin+acarbose which extends lifespan in mice by 30%.

      • 5 months ago

        >At high doses, rapamycin and everolimus slow cell proliferation, which decreases blood cell counts. As a result, mild and reversible thrombocytopenia (low platelet count), anemia and leukopenia are their most common side effects. But a mild reduction of platelets may be beneficial.

        So you mean to tell me the best we have is to self-induce mild anemia, and mild leukopenia? Thanks but I don't need some soil extract from the Easter Islands to do that. All it takes is reduce my consumption of iron or find ways to excrete it at higher rates via diets (diuretic consumption like high quantities of green tea, etc).
        It's like these homosexuals are trying to reinvent the wheel backwards instead of just going for the most natural bioavailable way the oldest farts have been doing it, being iron deficient women who drank tea all day...But please keep gobbling your little soil pills you mongoloids, surely we're getting close to immortality with you couch cushion eaters...

        • 5 months ago

          >muh side effects
          Just take it once a week/biweekly/monthly like the rest of the longevitymaxxers and you'll be fine.
          >(diuretic consumption like high quantities of green tea, etc
          Green Tea failed the Intervention Testing Program btw.
          >instead of just going for the most natural bioavailable way the oldest farts have been doing it,
          You mean the stuff that has a track record of not working?
          >surely we're getting close to immortality with you couch cushion eaters...
          I'd bet that obese Americans eating pills all day will live far longer than dumbass ""naturalists"" who somehow fell for the carnivore diet and natural herbs.

        • 5 months ago

          You're not gonna find some fat 80 year old moron farmer who is gonna give you life extending cheese bro. You're trying too hard here

    • 5 months ago

      The protein solving problem is the one I needed resolved for my large-scale communication problem. Are you familiar with electron transport proteins? They can be scaled to arbitrary lengths given proper structural support. Neurons can communicate with machines as-is. Just a few steps away from high-resolution real time brain-machine interfacing.

  30. 5 months ago

    Where to find functional medicine doctors to fix my autoimmune diseases in the uk?

  31. 5 months ago

    Trying to go for longevity, while in of itself is not bad, is an easy spiral into chronic anxiety.
    You can pick a healthier diet and exercise regularly in all the pillars of fitness (cardio included).
    Once you start fretting over every minor detail, that's when you begin spiraling. You go insane trying to put these weird little biomarkers into their optimal ranges.
    Once again, I'm not saying you shouldn't care about your lifespan, nor should you ignore maintaining and improving it. What I'm saying is don't go insane trying to add an extra year or two at the expense of your mental health.

    • 5 months ago

      The idea is that AI will accelerate technological progress 10 fold. Basically the AI can solve problems instantly that humans would need months or years for.

      So if you manage to survive long enough you might be able to use some of the longevity tech. Probably need to get a lot of money though

      • 5 months ago

        so what happens when billions of people never die and keep reproducing?

        • 5 months ago

          Most people (including everyone on this board) has too low T to reproduce

  32. 5 months ago

    >living in an era of rapid cultural decline
    >science mostly stagnant since ww2
    >thinking that immortality is around the corner

  33. 5 months ago

    I don't have one. What I do have is plans to extend my actual lived life; there's a difference between existing for 100 years and actually getting to live 100 years, you feel me? All biology dies, I probably won't live to see 2100; in all likelihood, I'll die around 2077, but I insist that, when it happens, I will die asleep in my own home, still able to live by myself, lucid, active, and loving life until the last breath.

    • 5 months ago

      That makes no sense anon. Since an anti aging routine makes you generally more energetic physically and mentally and allows you to perform better in every other part of life. Also allows you to have more fun and be happier.

      If you decide to "just live it" you might be disabled at 35.

  34. 5 months ago

    >Post your longevity routine.
    Sleep 8 hours a night, same time every night
    Eat a plant-based but varied diet to hit all my macros and micro goals
    workout consistently and daily; lifting and cardio
    Have a good social life and partner I'm in love with
    Visit the doctor yearly, blood work, and dentist cleaning 2x/year
    donate blood (removes microplastics; blood pressure gets taken 6x/year, more standard blood work)
    don't smoke or drink (well. I smoke cigars/pipe maybe 4x/year, and I drink a glass or two of tequila once a month. Essentially 0)
    Fast every once in a while
    Everything else is bikeshedding

    • 5 months ago

      >donate blood (removes microplastics
      Does this actually work? I've been doing all I can to eliminate microplastic consumption

      • 5 months ago

        There's some evidence donating blood or plasma can remove forever chemicals from your body.

        • 5 months ago

          >doesn’t even bloodlet or leach

        • 5 months ago

          So does it work like this:
          >suck out blood along with microplastics
          >body automatically make new clean blood

      • 5 months ago

        Donating plasma >>>> donating whole blood. The microplastics and forever chemicals are in your plasma, not the platelets. Also you can do it twice a week so far more efficient, and you get paid.

  35. 5 months ago

    MODEBAMS(Meat, Organs, Dairy, Eggs, Berries, Avocados, Mushrooms, Spices/Herbs)

    Supplements - magnesium, fish oil, zinc, vit D, vit K complex, DHEA, hyaluronic acid

    Protien Bowl 1 time daily - 1 part yogurt, 1 part Kiefer(both whole) mixed berries(strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries) scoop each of protien powder, collagen powder, creatine, and colostrum.

    skin care - Cerave, red light therapy, microneedling every so often, and retinol cream in evening

    excersise - 3 sets each of 10 push-ups, 10 sit ups, 10 crunches, 10 squats, 1 minute plank in morning. 10 minutes of HIIT afterwards. 3 sets again in evening

    meditation daily

    • 5 months ago

      bryan johnson eats vegan + collagen for a reason. that meat is aging you

      • 5 months ago

        meat doesn't age you vegan shill. stop listening to homosexuals like him and David Sinclair. plant based protien isn't a good source of protien (DIASS). anti meat shills love quoting Mtor mouse studies. last I checked, we aren't mice. don't bother quoting the Okinawan diet because that study used data from 1949(which left okinawans with almost nothing but sweet potatoes) they eat high amounts of meat, pig and red meat, alongside daily excersise. and hate to break it to you, carbohydrates also activate MTor. insulin activates mtor. low protien(that includes plant based protien which is low in leucine, EAAs and BCAAs alongside anti nutrients and low bioavailabilit) is a recipe for sarcopenia.

        • 5 months ago

          The funny thing is the one who is verifiably plant based, Bryan Johnson, looks bad. He has an uncanny, vampire look, which is probably the result of his deficient diet in addition to being unnecessarily lean, in addition to the procedures and lack of sunlight, which effectively just makes him look like someone who's 46 but with clear skin because of his skin treatments. Nothing he's doing actually makes him age less, the only saving grace in his lifestyle is the fact that his lack of sunlight leads to less sun damage, which of course is trade off since he looks kind of ghastly. The other saving grace like I mentioned before are his skin treatments, but no matter how many treatments you do for your skin you can't fake the aging process, people who take tretinoin for example have a similar sort of look, sunken yet clear skin.

          • 5 months ago

            Bryan Johnson is hilarious, he’s some mormon guy that made an ass ton of money before divorcing his mormon wife and embarking on an insane midlife crisis. The funny and entertaining part of this is that he has enough money and influence to have this spectacular melt down on epic scale in front of the entire planet. The guy is literally stealing his son’s blood and hiding from the sun.

        • 5 months ago

          >let me educate you with my opinions
          okinawa diet is well researched, they have their own research institute which has also confirmed the sweet potato diet. they didn't have enough pigs to support a meat heavy diet and couldnt even eat pigs daily with the amount of pigs they had, rather it was used during holidays and they were too poor/too remote for trade.
          It's not meat per se but excess protein that cause aging, disease and increases cancer risk due to IGF1, mTor and GH overstimulation. You often get excess protein (above 80) if you eat a meat heavy diet.
          But I will end this by saying, the body is very complex, this is the best of our knowledge this far but it doesn't mean it's 100% correct but if you look at the people in the OP image it seems to have some merit. As for Bryan Johnson he is doing a lot of things at the same time and has only been at it for 2 years. They do however eat less meat/protein and they are aging great on a mostly plant based diet.

          • 5 months ago

            You neurotic biohackers will literally die earlier, just eat meat ffs, this shit about excessive protein is just shit you made up with your uninformed lay opinion, just use your common sense and intuition instead of meming yourself into stupid diets. You're not getting"excessive" protein if you don't eat too much, you'll get the amount your body needs, the fact you're even worrying about such dumb shit on a fitness board of all places where people want to gain muscle and have the opportunity to when most people in the world would kill to have enough quality protein shows how much of a midwit idiot you are. Someone will drink whiskey and smoke cigs and live to 100 because they don't stress over this shit meanwhile the stressed out, over-complicating, neurotic biohacker (you) who eats bugs and pea protein will die at 70.

            • 5 months ago

              >this shit about excessive protein is just shit you made up with your uninformed lay opinion
              yeah, excess WATER, vitamins, minerals, carbs, fats etc cause problems but protein? nonono no problems at all, protein is our savior, hail protein.
              You're dumb as frick

              • 5 months ago

                >Excess xyz is a problem
                >Therefore i have to eat this stupid meme diet
                (You)r moronic logic

                >pitt mogs cruise
                who cares they both look old and wrinkly if it wasnt for surgery, look at the people in the OP instead. no surgery, health and diet is the cause of real youth

                The guy most obsessed with health and diet looks the worst out of them all (Bryan). Just goes to show that becoming a neurotic biohacker obsessed with anti aging actually ages you more and not even millions of dollars can save you or give you an ounce of common sense given the fact he'd rather eat pills than meat.

              • 5 months ago

                >balanced intake is a meme diet
                okay moron

                bryan has been on his health journey for 2 years, the other two has been eating mostly plant based since their 20s, of course there will be a huge difference.

            • 5 months ago

              Many longevity influencers actually support high protein intake due to risk of sarcopenia from low protein.

              • 5 months ago

                Black person if you get sarcopenia its because you ate excess protein and ruined your IGF1.
                >High protein intake was associated with sarcopenia

              • 5 months ago

                Observational trials are fricking worthless if causality can't be proven via Mendellian Randomization. More likely than not this study is just the result of reverse causality again -> old fricks with sarcopenia get told by their doctors to eat more protein.

              • 5 months ago

                Same study as

                Black person if you get sarcopenia its because you ate excess protein and ruined your IGF1.
                >High protein intake was associated with sarcopenia

                >High protein intake was associated with increased odds of low muscle mass, and low protein intake was associated with reduced odds (i.e. protective) of having low muscle mass. However, for sarcopenia, the association was only found for ‘high’ protein intake. This suggests that the established relationship between protein intake and muscle mass does not explain all of the relationship seen, and there is a unique relationship between the sarcopenic phenotype, the combination of reduced mass and strength, that is associated with an excessive dietary protein intake, which warrants further exploration.

              • 5 months ago

                Black person if you get sarcopenia its because you ate excess protein and ruined your IGF1.
                >High protein intake was associated with sarcopenia

                Here's a video debunking this shitty study. Never trust observational trials.

              • 5 months ago

                Observational trials are fricking worthless if causality can't be proven via Mendellian Randomization. More likely than not this study is just the result of reverse causality again -> old fricks with sarcopenia get told by their doctors to eat more protein.

                Keep eating lots of protein for no benefits and get sarcopenia when you age then. What causes sarcopenia? Lower IGF1 responses. What causes lower IGF1 responses? A damaged IGF1 caused by years of over stimulation.
                Keep destroying yourself, not my problem. You don't even need more than 60g protein to build muscle.

              • 5 months ago

                >Keep eating lots of protein for no benefits
                Other than increased muscle mass.
                >get sarcopenia when you age then.
                This is what will happen to all the low-protein morons who fell for yet another Sinclair scam. I bet you slurp reservetrol directly off his dick.
                >What causes lower IGF1 responses? A damaged IGF1 caused by years of over stimulation.
                Bro science at its best.
                >You don't even need more than 60g protein to build muscle.
                Why not completely stop eating protein? Since you're an inbred mice in an Indian lab, I'm sure you'll live 15% longer this way.
                We humans work best when eating 1.6g/kg of protein per day spread over 2-4 meals (2g/kg for people over 60).

              • 5 months ago

                >>Keep eating lots of protein for no benefits
                >Other than increased muscle mass.
                Not unless you're already a bodybuilder or on steroids
                >>get sarcopenia when you age then.
                >This is what will happen to all the low-protein morons who fell for yet another Sinclair scam. I bet you slurp reservetrol directly off his dick.
                Sarcopenia has only become more and more common as we eat an abundance of protein
                I'm saying you shouldn't consume protein in excess, not that you shouldn't eat any.
                >>You don't even need more than 60g protein to build muscle.
                >Why not completely stop eating protein? Since you're an inbred mice in an Indian lab, I'm sure you'll live 15% longer this way.
                We humans work best when eating 1.6g/kg of protein per day spread over 2-4 meals (2g/kg for people over 60).
                Because I said I am not saying you should stop eating protein, I am saying you should stop consuming it in excess, just like any other thing you eat, vitamins, minerals, even water in excess causes problems. Protein does too but you are too moronic to understand that.

              • 5 months ago

                And no we don't work best eating 1.6g/kg, the body can't even use all of that.


        • 5 months ago

          I agree with that. The biggest issue with (red) meat is the high amount of saturated fat which increased apoB levels and thus leads to heart disease. If you can keep your apoB under control via medication there's not much of a downside to red meat. Even the weak association with cancer is most likely just a result of not taking every cofounding factor into account (people who go vegan also try to live healthier lives in general). It's still a good idea to keep fiber (liquid and solid) intake high regardless.

      • 5 months ago

        He's also on test, estrogen, hgh, creatine and supplements amino acids.
        Not to mention, collagen IS a animal protein. So he isn't vegan in any sense of that word.

        meat doesn't age you vegan shill. stop listening to homosexuals like him and David Sinclair. plant based protien isn't a good source of protien (DIASS). anti meat shills love quoting Mtor mouse studies. last I checked, we aren't mice. don't bother quoting the Okinawan diet because that study used data from 1949(which left okinawans with almost nothing but sweet potatoes) they eat high amounts of meat, pig and red meat, alongside daily excersise. and hate to break it to you, carbohydrates also activate MTor. insulin activates mtor. low protien(that includes plant based protien which is low in leucine, EAAs and BCAAs alongside anti nutrients and low bioavailabilit) is a recipe for sarcopenia.


        • 5 months ago

          He's not on test anymore

      • 5 months ago

        >bryan johnson eats vegan + collagen for a reason.
        Because he's a hack, he takes plenty of supps because he admittedly says being vegan without them wouldn't be enough for the body. This is the same guy who eats like 1500 cals a day, if you're not on the andrenochrome and stem cells diet too you're basically starving yourself for fun.

  36. 5 months ago

    Valter Longo literally wrote the book on this, minimum adequate protein diet with lowish carb, 90 percent vegan med diet basically with a lot of olive oil. This slows the two major aging pathways.

    • 5 months ago

      >minimum adequate protein diet
      That only works in some mice breeds. As a human you'll simply die of muscle atrophy. High protein and using rapamycin is a far better option to both maintain muscle mass and keep mTORc1 activity low.

  37. 5 months ago

    >Goal is to reach the year 2100 when immortality becomes available.
    >thinking plebs like you will be allowed immortality treatments


    It'll be billionaires only for that. Poors will never be allowed to live forever, they need you to die off.

  38. 5 months ago

    >Fast for a week a couple of times a year
    Also quite good for shaving off an extra 10lbs or so of fat. Basically guranteed never getting neurodegenerative disease or cancer. Immune system exhaustion reversed.
    >Get Vit D from pills. Never touch a UV ray without sunscreen.
    >NAC, Methylcobalamin, Glycine
    >Denounce the talmud and the torah.
    That's it. I'm immortal.

  39. 5 months ago

    I go around sucking the cum out of hanging corpses

  40. 5 months ago

    I have fricking hated alcohol since adolescence
    My hatred towards that vile substance paid off in the long run
    I got kicked out of the casino for being too young
    Despite being almost 30

  41. 5 months ago

    I don't really care about biomarkers and supplements and shit. But what kind of exercise is best to keep feeling good for longer? I currently do moderate-intensity calisthenics and a lot of walking, mostly because I like it

  42. 5 months ago

    >live till failure

  43. 5 months ago

    I put a moisturising sunscreen on my face most days. That's about it.

  44. 5 months ago

    Then you have guys like Brad Pitt who smokes, drinks, smokes weed, eats junk food and does none of that anti aging shit and still looks like this at 60 lol.

    • 5 months ago

      Sure homie, brad pitt aged like shit

      • 5 months ago

        nice cope but he still mogs 99% of male population that age (and even younger) and has like 30 years younger gf.

        • 5 months ago

          that's because of his money and fame, not because of his looks. on the left he looks like shit literally the skin of a 70 year old

          • 5 months ago

            >that's because of his money and fame
            he was literally voted as hottest guy alive multiple times. he was also caught having sex with mike tysons wife (both famous and rich). but hey, too bad he does not appeal to basement dwellers on korean porn forum.

            • 5 months ago

              >he was literally voted as hottest guy alive multiple times
              2 times, 1995 and 2000 which was AGES ago, he was young back then, he's old now. He looks old. Do you know how age works?

              • 5 months ago

                My comment was response to your claim how he has younger gf ONLY because of his stauts and money.

                And yes he is older now but objectively speaking if you compare him to other 60 year olds he looks better then 99,999999% of them. Also, learn how to read.

              • 5 months ago

                This thread is about longevity it doesn't matter if you look hot, it's about how young you look. He looks old and only not as bad due to plastic surgery. He aged like shit even if his look are good

              • 5 months ago

                NTA but you're a fricking moron.

                Pitt mogs Cruise aging wise at the same age and Cruise was never a smoker and never did drugs or excessive alcohol.

              • 5 months ago

                >pitt mogs cruise
                who cares they both look old and wrinkly if it wasnt for surgery, look at the people in the OP instead. no surgery, health and diet is the cause of real youth

  45. 5 months ago

    Ice hockey 4 days a week

  46. 5 months ago

    >0 results found for "metformin" "rapamycin"
    ngmi bros

    • 5 months ago

      nvm I was hasty, a few of you mentioned rapamycin, but it should be used in conjunction with metformin

    • 5 months ago

      nvm I was hasty, a few of you mentioned rapamycin, but it should be used in conjunction with metformin

      Metformin on its own is fricking useless and personally I would rather use acarbose together with rapamycin since metformin blunts exercise performance.

  47. 5 months ago


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