Powerlifters and weightlifters are just closet bodybuilders

I think the only exception is strongmen who USED to be closer bodybuilders back in the pudzianowski days but now all only mire fat fricks

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  1. 7 months ago

    And let's get one thing out of the way
    Or course there are the 1% exceptions who will mire the dudes like Lasha and Bell but like 99% of dudes in those sports are really only looking up to someone like Lu Xiaojun or Dan Green or Liu Huanhua or John Haack

  2. 7 months ago

    But anyway the point is eventually all powerlifters and weightlifters realize they actually just want bigger muscles and accept bodybuilding

    • 7 months ago

      Klokov did one bodybuilding competition for the fun of it, but really he adopted crossfit after weightlifting.


      Not got anything else to add just another example of a weightlifter embracing the fact that he's really a bodybuilder

      Toshiki is only doing bodybuilding because he's injured, and can't really do anything else. He said that he wants to go back to weightlifting once his injury heals.


      wrong, I look up to 96kg thicc tao and ilya ilyin


      • 7 months ago

        >just one show
        >I promise bro
        >I just need to do one show!

        • 7 months ago

          So why hasn't he done one since, and why is pretty much all his focus on crossfit?

          Both Ilya and Tian were still jacked at that weight since they were roiding hard
          Can't find pics of them at that weight with their shirt off but I'm guessing they were still sub-12% bodyfat

          >Sub 12%

          lmao you're delusional.

          • 7 months ago

            >lmao you're delusional.
            Dude has abs with shit lighting and without flexing
            And his legs are fricking massive
            And it's well known he was on at least a gram of gear at this point

            You're the delusional one who won't admit he's really just into bodybuilding

            • 7 months ago

              this is 20% bf. even people with 50% bf have abs.

              • 7 months ago

                >even people with 50% bf have abs.

                Do you have a single fact to back that up?

            • 7 months ago

              >well known
              Wtf? No it's not. It's known he got busted for winstrol and Kazakhs are known for loving clen. No one knows anything else or how much he was using.

  3. 7 months ago

    Everyone starts lifting because they want to build a more aesthetic physique, but a lot of guys get tricked into powerlifting along the way without even realising until it's too late.

    • 7 months ago

      >a lot of guys get tricked into powerlifting along the way without even realising until it's too late.
      Agreed and well put
      And add weightlifting to that if you're from an Asian or Euro place

      • 7 months ago

        What do you mean by weightlifting here, Olympic lifts ?

        • 7 months ago


          strongman have great physiques, meanwhile powerfatties look like DYELs


          Yeah I can see me toning it down in my 40s and using the compound lifts with light weight in my 50s. I doubt I'll be able to do it at this level when I'm retired lol

          Hey at least you're getting it
          Almost as if something that you shouldn't be doing in your 40s of all things is something you probably shouldn't be spending much time doing in your life period

    • 7 months ago

      They are too insecure to admit to other people that they want to look good, so they pretend they are actually just purely into strength - then they fool themselves. And by the time they realize this, it is too late.

      • 7 months ago

        Yup. My way of coping was saying if I get stronger then I'll also be bigger too. True to an extent, but it's just so much easier to just build muscle. I guess the "you MUST reach 1/2/3/4" meme got a lot of us

        • 7 months ago

          >I guess the "you MUST reach 1/2/3/4" meme got a lot of us
          Too true
          I went to a powerlifting/weightlifting gym and you had to do 4/3/5 squat, bench, dead before you were strong enough to no longer be considered a beginner

    • 7 months ago

      This happened to me.


      But anyway the point is eventually all powerlifters and weightlifters realize they actually just want bigger muscles and accept bodybuilding

      Then this happened to me.

    • 7 months ago

      I chose powerlifting because I realized I was naturally strong with dense muscles. I'm lean, BMI = 24, and output tremendous power with a 2.8x bw squat, 3.4x bw deadlift, 2.2x bw bench and I'm happy with that. I relegate bodybuilding and calisthenics to accessory work. This is the best kind of powerlifter

      • 7 months ago

        >I'm lean, BMI = 24
        Gj bro
        >I relegate bodybuilding and calisthenics to accessory work
        That's how it starts then the powerlifting becomes the accessory work
        Then it more-or-less disappears altogether only to be done a handful of times a month or year
        Trust me
        And that's ok

        • 7 months ago

          >That's how it starts then the powerlifting becomes the accessory work
          Like I still squat bench and dead once a week but I don't perform them for maximal strength
          I squat high bar atg, bench with no leg drive and rdl/sdl

        • 7 months ago

          >That's how it starts then the powerlifting becomes the accessory work
          Like I still squat bench and dead once a week but I don't perform them for maximal strength
          I squat high bar atg, bench with no leg drive and rdl/sdl

          Yeah I can see me toning it down in my 40s and using the compound lifts with light weight in my 50s. I doubt I'll be able to do it at this level when I'm retired lol

      • 7 months ago

        What's your weight?

  4. 7 months ago

    Not got anything else to add just another example of a weightlifter embracing the fact that he's really a bodybuilder

  5. 7 months ago

    wrong, I look up to 96kg thicc tao and ilya ilyin

    • 7 months ago

      Both Ilya and Tian were still jacked at that weight since they were roiding hard
      Can't find pics of them at that weight with their shirt off but I'm guessing they were still sub-12% bodyfat

      • 7 months ago

        Here's everyone's favorite jacked weightlifter

        • 7 months ago

          Tian Tao actually has a hilariously disproportionate back physique
          Like I've never seen a lifter with so much lower back and nonexistent upper-back but then traps
          God damn hilarious

  6. 7 months ago

    This is the most moronic fricking shit.
    If you don't powerlift you don't bodybuild.
    You aren't building shit doing isolation with no compounds.
    The frick keeps making these dogshit threads?

  7. 7 months ago

    why do dyels sit around worrying about shit like this all day?

    dyel detected

  8. 7 months ago

    blastbro is a manlet ignore him

  9. 7 months ago

    strongman have great physiques, meanwhile powerfatties look like DYELs

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