Proper Squat Form?

How do I do a proper squat, what the frick. Every time I will try to look up the proper form, everyone's got like a million different opinions. What should I be doing? Pic related is just an example, I've even come across conflicting and contradicting advice when it comes to form with this.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Ill assume youre a newb. Can you do ATG unweighted squats? What do you want to achieve

    • 5 months ago

      >Ill assume youre a newb.
      Ye, new

      >Can you do ATG unweighted squats?
      I assume that means ass to ground. Like 3 inches off the ground maybe

      >What do you want to achieve
      To not be Hank Hill

      • 5 months ago

        >not be Hank Hill
        Do split squats, kickbacks and hipthrusts

        • 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    I assume you want to do a barbell back squat. Put the barbell on your traps. Put your feet shoulder width apart, which is slightly wider than your normal walking width, toes pointed slightly out. Go down so your thighs are parallel to the ground and then go back up. The main thing is to keep balanced, which having weight will help you do. The weight forces you at least so you wont go too far forward or backwards else you'll fall. The other main thing is you have to have a constant back angle. In particular, when you go up after going down, usually people have their butt go up a little bit before the barbell starts going up. This is because it's easier to do that, and the body wants to take the path of least resistance. There is a lot of other details. I would ignore all of that until you get to a more advanced state.

    • 5 months ago

      alan didn't even figure out supersets yet - he thinks u can superset with whatever, like overhead squats with empty bar and one handed bicep curls standing
      that is true of course but u can also superset squats, curls and chest stretching and set of calves (or calf stretches) in one superset, and if u're really inclined u can add abs and obliques static hold leg raise lying down and once u're at it u can do bridge of sort also static hold & since u're already on the floor u can warm up for one handed tricep extension lying on ur side (short head, the one that matters) and u don't even have to follow one hand tricep extensions with other hand right away, u can literally do whatever u wish inbetween ur tricep one handed tricep extensions lying down on ur side
      >nooo, not possibru !
      and when u get up u can do lunges with a twist correcting posture in kyphotic spine and... - u get the idea
      but he will get there, he's organised and not completely moronic

      i'm saying he's wrong on squats, le little buttwink is WRONG, kyphotic flexion is also wrong, combine kyphotic flection, le little buttwing at the bottom with huge weights and sth fricking gives, usually kenees and hips
      and he knows he was wrong or suspects so
      >but i luve squatting big ass weights, i love muh bench and my deadlift
      WRONG, u like the exertion, if u stop being an moron and find ways to move properly u will get exertion, muscle building AND u will get healthy joints and proper posture
      there's very stupid idea that when u exercise work out your joints naturally deteriorate especially with age, u must have bum shoulders if u're benching, locked, not optimal certainly not properly mobile - that's ur bench moron, STOP BENCHING moron

      • 5 months ago

        his supersets idea, all good but not far enough

      • 5 months ago

        >and if u're really inclined
        u can within this giant 15 minute superset warmup, maxout and do backup/followup for literally anything, say curls or calf raises - yes 15 minutes is enough to max out movement provided u're already warm

        u go from grabbed dumbell and did some rows, minutes later some curls - 5 left 5 right, 10left 10 right, 15 left 15 right and now u're ready to come back in minute or 3 for max set - i believe it's called waves - and when u're done ur max set u can immediately come back to it and check out how many u have left (left right alternating) and how max max it was - bicep curl for bicep is done, u can come back to it in 2 or 3 days
        >sounds a lot like mentzer or yates
        sounds nothing like it, u haven't been paying attention

  3. 5 months ago

    Neutral spine. Femurs in line with feet. Vertical bar path. The rest is just mitigating recovery. "This variation has more shear in the spine" "This other one strains the knees to much"

    Then recover well enough to adapt to that stress.

  4. 5 months ago

    Listen, anon, there's no one right answer. What you want to do is find a squating style that fits you.
    Alot of the blowhards here are gonna b***h and moan over what I'm gonna say, but the truth there are as many different ways to squat as there are people who can squat.

  5. 5 months ago

    Good squat needs these three things

    >Weight balanced on midfoot
    >Entire feet needs to have conctact with the ground
    >At least parallel depth.

    • 5 months ago

      >>At least parallel depth.
      if it's achieved with buttwink is it really paralell? are u rly squatting?

  6. 5 months ago

    The key to good form in 99% of exercises is asking
    >Is my posture conveying that I'm proud to be alive?
    Stand tall, shoulders back, chest out, abs flexed. This is the basis of good form. The other 1% is asking
    >am I in pain/uncomfortable/moving unnaturally?

  7. 5 months ago

    don't overthink it
    keep your feet on the ground, chest up, back straight and go all the way down
    if you can do it in a vertical path, without tipping over, you're good

    • 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago

    Just pick one style between high or lowbar, here:

    Go to yt pick first tutorial about it, just that one, don't you dare look anything else.
    Leave this thread and never come back, you gonna be fine.

  9. 5 months ago

    only thing that really matters:
    hinge at the hip and don't round your lower back

  10. 5 months ago

    just use a smith machine and go as down as you can comfortably go thats it
    you can always waste your time trying do it free weight for no reason what so ever just because guys from IST think its more poggers or w/e

    • 5 months ago

      It's not about being more poggers but balancing the weight and using all your muscles for this. Smith machine wrecks any kind of compound exercise, don't use it. Instead, lower the weight.

  11. 5 months ago

    Frick any guides trying to tell you how to squat, they're dumbshit.

    No normie can do a perfect squat form, their body isn't flexible enough. I just go as low as I'm daring to without feeling like I'm risking falling over.

  12. 5 months ago

    Lower you homosexual.

  13. 5 months ago

    just fricking crouch

    • 5 months ago


  14. 5 months ago

    >Proper Squat Form
    How to squat without increasing thighs?
    And how the frick do I reduce my inner thighs now? None of my jeans fit anymore.

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