Protein powder fast

Is it possible?

Something like a liquid water/snake diet. How long could you do this for before you get sick/fatigued. People snake/water fast for weeks. You should be able to protein fast for at least a week then no?

5 scoops a day
>600 calories
>120g of protein

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  1. 12 months ago

    Bump. Maybe I'll do it anyway and document my progress

    • 12 months ago

      Im doing the following, 1 week in
      >2 scoops protein powder
      >1 tbsp ground ginger
      >150ml skimmed milk
      >400ml water
      twice a day, nothing else.
      Its doable but what are you looking to get out of it? i also take a multivitamin,magnesium,omega 3

      • 12 months ago

        Its possible but your poop is going to be liquid. You should probably eat a high fiber low calorie food in addition to this. Also a multivitamin. Also how fat are you because if you're anywhere near a normal weight this sounds moronic.

        I'm looking to get lean. I'm 160lbs 15% bf trying to have a 6 pack at 130 or 125lbs.

        • 12 months ago

          I was thinking about making a thread about the same thing but you probably want to throw in 2 meal replacement shakes and a multivitamin. Protein powder doesn't have all the essential nutrients. Ensure high protein is 12g protein, 225 calories each. Not sure if this is a way to fast track getting lean or if it'll result in a lot of muscle loss though.

          In theory you should be 10% bf at around 151lb if you were to only lose fat. A bit less than You'd only have to go down a bit less than that to account for muscle loss during the cut.

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah I plan on using a multivitamin and mineral but I don't want to use a meal replacement because I want it to be like a fast

            True I could make it work at 151, but I find that even at 150 I still have some belly fat

            • 12 months ago

              >I want it to be like a fast
              Anon, I…

            • 12 months ago

              >but I don't want to use a meal replacement because I want it to be like a fast
              You're probably gonna lose a lot of muscle then, you'll feel like shit and not be able to work out with enough intensity. Take a look at this:

              • 12 months ago

                It's only for a week so I don't think that I'll have too much muscle loss or protein poisoning

              • 12 months ago

                Mate you’re not fasting at all you’re just going on a completely fricktarded diet. You’d literally be better off just eating lean meat and nothing else for a week than this shit.

              • 12 months ago

                Why? I know it's not a proper fast, but it's still minimal calories like one. Don't see the real issue other than if its for a prolonged period. Which it's not. Only 1 week

              • 12 months ago

                It’s not a fast at all. It’s a calorie reduction and drinking protein powder instead of just getting your protein from a meat source is an idiotic diet that will only be detrimental to you fitness-wise. That’s why. Either OMAD and have one just lean protein meal a say to receive some of the benefits from the beginning stages of fasting or just eat a low-fat meat source I.e., steak and nothing else. It will give you better results and isn’t likely to make you feel like shit/get the runs.

              • 12 months ago

                A severe reduction is basically a fast. I like the shakes because I don't want to have to cook everyday. I can make a shake in 3 minutes, whereas cooking takes a long time. I could buy prepackaged ham or chicken, but those have high sodium and make me feel bloated

              • 12 months ago

                >A severe reduction is basically a fast.
                This is simply not true tbh. What you’re body does in a fasted state is markedly different to what happens when you aren’t fasting. That’s why fasting works so well. However if it’s just a calorie reduction what you get out of just cooking a steak twice a day - so 7 minutes X2 - is going to be much better for your system to deal with. If you want to then supplement with protein shakes to reach your goal protein wise go wild. But just protein shakes for a week is completely moronic.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                What's the difference between 0 and 600 calories? Not much. Your body is still going to enter a fasted state during the day.

                Sure a protein shake is not the most optimal, and steak is probably better. But people literally fast on water. I fail to see how a protein shake fast is that much detrimental when people can fast with nothing

              • 12 months ago

                Holy moly tbh are you for real :0:0?!?! The difference is that after about 16-18 hours your glycogen stores in your liver have depleted and your body starts dealing down fat and protein for energy (it’s also the starting point for ketosis). This is essentially why you burn fat better and more effectively and efficiently. Just having a calorie deficit on just liquids no less and not entering a fasted state is literally doing things the hard way. It’s so moronic it makes no sense from a practical standpoint.

                Look, if you’re in deficit you will lose weight (obviously) but you will feel like shit and have a much worse time doing it the way you want to do it than simply OMADing it at which point you’re just being a moron to prove you’re capable of being a moron.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm just asking hypothetical questions. If omad is fine, and water fast is fine. Then a protein fast should be fine. It's a simple thought, and it sounds legit. I guess the only way to get you to accept it is to try it out and prove it works. Since you're obviously too close minded to see the logistics

              • 12 months ago

                >you're obviously too close minded to see the logistics
                No anon, you’re too moronic to see that it is a sub-optimal option. I’ve agreed in a calorie deficit you will lose weight (cause I’m not a moron) and then tried to explain why outright fasting and OMAD are both scientifically proven better methods to achieve your goals but you’ve decided to be a moron.
                Many such cases.
                Have fun and good luck though.

      • 12 months ago

        >protein powder fast
        >half a dozen other additions for no reason at all

  2. 12 months ago

    I'd guess that drinking milk with an empty stomach will give you diarrea

    • 12 months ago

      >found the non-white
      Feels good being a European with superior gentics bros.

      • 12 months ago

        I'm a mutt and my diet is mostly dairy, whey, milk proteins. Am I allowed in the ethnostate?

      • 12 months ago

        moron. Try it and see how bad are you shits. It's the same as drinking alcohol with an empty stomach. The body is not made for not eating

  3. 12 months ago

    Its possible but your poop is going to be liquid. You should probably eat a high fiber low calorie food in addition to this. Also a multivitamin. Also how fat are you because if you're anywhere near a normal weight this sounds moronic.

  4. 12 months ago

    IST is great because you can see in real time the thought processes of total morons.

    • 12 months ago

      I hope you're not talking about me (OP)? I'm only asking theoretical questions.

  5. 12 months ago

    Enjoy your damaged DNA

  6. 12 months ago

    You'll be delirious and shitting your brains out halfway through day four. By day ten you'll be pissing kidney stones.

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