PSA to keep you're whole back supported by the bench and to not risk your long-term health when lifting

PSA to keep you're whole back supported by the bench and to not risk your long-term health when lifting

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  1. 9 months ago

    If you build strong glutes by squat and deadlift you'll automatically arch and bench will be optimal while flat

  2. 9 months ago

    I'm not saying having an arched back is good but it seems to me like once a opinion is developed on something, redditors just repeat it over and over like parrots regardless if it has any validity or not.

    • 9 months ago

      >Stay safe doing these exercises beautiful
      You can read the virginity

      It is good to have some arch. It allows you to stretch your pecs a bit more and keeps the shoulders in a safer position. Her arch is a bit exaggerated IMO, but the bigger problems in that pic are: the extremely wide grip, which shortens the range of motion way too much and that I'm not there with my face buried on her pussy smelling her sweat, which causes a drop on my test levels

      • 9 months ago

        >but the bigger problems in that pic are: the extremely wide grip
        He doesnt know what wide grip bp is..

      • 9 months ago

        >Her arch is a bit exaggerated IMO
        That's a perfect arch for non-competitive purposes. Still a very large range of motion, and not like the meme-min/max that you see in comps.

        • 9 months ago

          her ass isn't on the chair, doesn't that destabilize the back?

          • 9 months ago

            her ass touches the bench and you should support the weight on your feet, not your ass anyway, the main issue is that her heels are raised

    • 9 months ago

      >I'm not saying having an arched back is good but it seems to me like once a opinion is developed on something, redditors just repeat it over and over like parrots regardless if it has any validity or not.
      im not trying to defend redditors or anything but this is kind of how I make decisions. I'll do a frickload of research and see what the best practice is, then I'll notate that it's the best practice but forget all the rationale and reasons and evidence in favor of that best practice. I only remember the fact that it was the best option.

      I won't die on the hill or anything but my mind is made up because I know I did a frickload of research on it once already, unless someone makes a very compelling argument the other way

      • 9 months ago

        >im not trying to defend redditors or anything but

        • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        >I did a frickload of research
        No you didn't, you never have you little shit

  3. 9 months ago

    Why do people arch in the first place? When i first got a bench I tried lying on it that and immediately thought it didn't feel right.

    • 9 months ago

      >Why do people arch in the first place?
      rom cheat

    • 9 months ago

      To cheat in competitive powerlifting because it’s “technically” legal according to the rules even though it isn’t a real benchpress. Like doing a half pushup and claiming it counts. moronic normies that don’t even compete then do it thinking it’s a good idea and get little to no gains as well as a fricked up back. Some competitors themselves are stupid as frick and only bench with an excessively arched back. If they want to take advantage of the loophole and still make gains they should bench normally while training and arch only during competition

      • 9 months ago

        >Why do people arch in the first place?
        rom cheat

        a 1-2 inch ROM decrease is not a ROM cheat. also a mild arch increases pec activation so it is actually how ur suppose to grow optimally on the bench
        >inb4 uhhh powershitter

    • 9 months ago

      apart from the frauding for reduced ROM, a small arch gives you a more strong position and is pretty easy to accomplish because you're retracting your scapula anyway to protect your shoulders

    • 9 months ago

      >Why do people arch in the first place?
      because it's the proper way to bench and they don't want to frick up their shoulders?

    • 9 months ago

      While the arch is a little excessive, arching of the back indicates that it is proper form. I take issue with her foot positioning.

  4. 9 months ago

    doesn't a slight arch, like the one in pic related, actually make it safer on your spine? What are you talking about op?

    • 9 months ago

      that is not a slight arch at all her ass is off the bench lol.

  5. 9 months ago

    OPs a homosexual
    On a bench press planting your feet, engaging your quads and glutes will naturally extend the spine. Loading the legs and pushing off them during bench press will increase your bench and put the spine in a much safer position.

    • 9 months ago

      True, but AT MOST you should look like the pic. I see way too many morons damn near bracking their back from excessive arching

      • 9 months ago

        On the excessive arch I agree. Aside from power shitters I dont see too many people engaging their legs on bench. Anons could stand to listen and try driving the lift with their legs on bench press.

  6. 9 months ago

    Exact opposite. Lifting with an arch makes you more stable. Why do people who don’t know what they’re talking about share their opinion online?

  7. 9 months ago

    Doesn't the load of the bar simply transfer through your shoulders and upper back ? Meaning it has no effect on your spine. What am I missing or is OP a massive moronic homosexual and form nazi ?

  8. 9 months ago

    Maybe my back is too stiff, but I can barely arch when on a bench.

  9. 9 months ago

    Imagine being a fat weak moron and comenting on a movement you know nothing about.

  10. 9 months ago

    benching with flat back will frick up your shoulders, moron. slight arch is the proper healthy form

  11. 9 months ago

    I am whole back supported by the bench you say!?

  12. 9 months ago

    I use arch back to escape when I hit failure since I never ask for a spotter.

  13. 9 months ago

    I thought people with tattoos were cool wtf?!!? Scared of people??!!?

  14. 9 months ago

    bench is a stupid lift anyway

  15. 9 months ago

    yeah there's no way to mess up your back benching.

  16. 9 months ago

    Why do people insist upon being moronic frickups? The arch secures the shoulder blades. None of these people can bench grown man weight.

    • 9 months ago

      This is correct.

      a 1-2 inch ROM decrease is not a ROM cheat. also a mild arch increases pec activation so it is actually how ur suppose to grow optimally on the bench
      >inb4 uhhh powershitter

      Your first statement was correct, it was not a rom cheat. However pec activation is the least of the reasons to arch. If anything it's worse for your pecs because it neglects the upper portion and leaves you with that b***hbreasts look.

      >I'm not saying having an arched back is good but it seems to me like once a opinion is developed on something, redditors just repeat it over and over like parrots regardless if it has any validity or not.
      im not trying to defend redditors or anything but this is kind of how I make decisions. I'll do a frickload of research and see what the best practice is, then I'll notate that it's the best practice but forget all the rationale and reasons and evidence in favor of that best practice. I only remember the fact that it was the best option.

      I won't die on the hill or anything but my mind is made up because I know I did a frickload of research on it once already, unless someone makes a very compelling argument the other way

      A frickload of research would end in retention enough to explain your stance on a subject. Dipshit.

      To cheat in competitive powerlifting because it’s “technically” legal according to the rules even though it isn’t a real benchpress. Like doing a half pushup and claiming it counts. moronic normies that don’t even compete then do it thinking it’s a good idea and get little to no gains as well as a fricked up back. Some competitors themselves are stupid as frick and only bench with an excessively arched back. If they want to take advantage of the loophole and still make gains they should bench normally while training and arch only during competition

      No, you absolute dyel homosexual.

      >Why do people arch in the first place?
      rom cheat

      Holy shit no you incomprehensibly dumb frickup.

      Why do people arch in the first place? When i first got a bench I tried lying on it that and immediately thought it didn't feel right.

      The arch flattens your shoulder blades securely against the bench, minimizing any instability in the shoulder girdle. Small amounts of eccentric wear can become spreads and tears quickly under large weight.

      Do not listen to the rest of these monkeys in the thread. They live unexamined lives.

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