psychedelics and chronic anxiety

do psychs make anxiety better or worse? i have "ocd" and "depersonalization".

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  1. 11 months ago

    take 5 grams and let us know pussy

  2. 11 months ago

    there is literally a thread discussing this active right now.



    Besides that, you don't just frick with mushrooms, people who are predisposed to psychosis, schizophrenia etc. are at risk. Do you research. Ideally you'd find someone locally who can supervise a trip and help you prepare. They are an extremely powerful tool when used correctly.

    t. been using them medicinally for nearly 20 years, usually as microdoses of 0.2g every few days and heroically every 3-4 years (5g+)

    • 11 months ago

      Lol. Lmao even.

      • 11 months ago

        He said 5g+ anon

        • 11 months ago

          checked. Yes 5+ anything under 5 isn't heroic, and everyone is different, I'm pretty sensitive to it, even 0.2 gives me minor visuals, so 6-7 territory pushes my reality boundaries. The most I've done is 10 or so (an entire pint of fresh, hard to measure dry) and it took me to another world/didn't really see what was going on around me (had a sitter).

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah I typically don't do more than a gram at a time because I couldn't do a sitter or any serious controls. Thank you anon for sharing your expertise unlike that burnout homosexual who tried to belittle you.

        • 11 months ago

          5g wet or dry is a difference in potency of about 600%, for example 5g dry is really close to 30g wet.

          • 11 months ago

            It's more like 5g dry is 62.5g wet. See
            > Moisture Content of Mushrooms: 92% water, 8% dry matter. P. cubensis have up to 1% psilocin and/or psilocybin per dried gram.

      • 11 months ago

        >Gatekeeping drugs dosage

      • 11 months ago

        why are psych gays like this? it's just the same as drunks boasting about drinking tonnes of alcohol and not being affected. as if that makes them better than you, more manly more strong or whatever. it's truly pathetic.

        but the worst part is measuring shrooms in grams is moronic. it's just an approximation/a very rough guide to the intensity of the experience. firstly there's all manner of species with all manner of potencies, then you have oxidation, freshness, whether taken on an empty stomach, etc. not to mention the complete unpredictability of the experience itself.

        it's really just moronic to think "when I took 5g it was the same as when you took 5g and it was fine for me so I'm stronger than you" or whatever these gatekeeping druggie fricking losers think when they say this kind of shit. and it's ironic because the idea is these drugs are supposed to reduce your ego and sense of self but you find this kind of attitude all through psychedelic using "communities".

        • 11 months ago

          Bro, if you're not macrodosing at least 2-3g of APE a day, what are you even doing?

  3. 11 months ago

    there is no definite answer. everyone responds differently.

    i felt great and at peace. like a massage for my brain and subconscious. i wrote some stuff down while tripping which was cool to read again sober.

    i used to have bad anxiety, nowadays its pretty much gone. sometimes i think about my thoughts and feelings i had while high, it serves as a reminder of what life can be like. i trip like 3 times a year nowadays, like a reset for my brain. depending on how heavy your anxiety is your experience will be very powerful and extreme. i have cried my eyes out and laughed till i couldn’t breathe.

    • 11 months ago

      will anxiety make you more likely to have a bad trip or will tripping recontextualize anxiety and cause a breakthrough

      • 11 months ago

        do some proper reading on how to prepare for a trip. Your body will need some prep, minor fasting for example (dont eat a huge meal first) but mentally prepare to face your deepest regrets, trauma etc. If you have mental fortitude and can relax you'll be fine, if you are unstable you may have a bad time. Be prepared to cancel the trip if you are not feeling like you're in a good headspace.

        Seriously, get of IST and do some research if you are serious about mushrooms.

        • 11 months ago

          will anxiety make you more likely to have a bad trip or will tripping recontextualize anxiety and cause a breakthrough

          All good advice, but just want to say, you don't need to start with +5 grams. First time it might make sense to just do 1–2 grams, just to get a feel for what you're dealing with. Also a trip sitter is never a bad idea for the first few times.

          I'm still dealing with anxiety but I had a real breakthrough tripping on "just" 3.5 grams alone. I was almost begging for an anxiety/panic attack and that ended up completely dissolving my anxiety that evening and for a few days, so I've learned the only way to get rid of it is to truly accept it.

    • 11 months ago

      that sounds like a very sound approach, similar to mine. I take a very high dosage of LSD a few times a year and don't have any other cravings since I do that. No alcohol, no weed, no amfetamines, not even sugar, and I was heavily addicted to all of those. I got pretty isolated because of that and spend a lot of time alone nowadays, but it's still way better than it was before.

  4. 11 months ago

    Significantly better but I'm also not wage cucking and was meditating 30 minutes to an hour each day, going on hikes, doing yoga, reading, sitting in my ass, etc. I think anxiety comes from a lack of composure and certainty, and what people call "anxiety" is really something like depersonalization, derealization, hypochondria, angst (restlessness and confusion) or paranoia or any other thing or combination of things. The while the journey to overcoming that is common it is a deeply individual process as the disorders are quite different. For me, psilocybin in particular really helped me stop wasting time.

  5. 11 months ago

    I would guess its different for everyone but I can give you my experience. I picked and dried heaps to try microdosing to try help anxiety and depression. It didn't help at all and just made it worse so after about 2 weeks I decided maybe I'd do a strong trip and I cannot even put into words how bad it was. probably one of the top 3 worst times in my life unironically. I took a very large dose and had a MaSSIVE multi hour panic attack/freakout. like sheer terror and confusion and hallucination for hours on end. I was heavily tripping, hallucinating, depersonalized, derealised, terrified, couldn't think straight could barely actually see my visual field was so fricked up and I really genuinely thought I was dying. I started thinking frick I went out and picked toxic mushrooms and ate heaps now I'm being poisoned by them (which, literally is what happened.. it's basically a poisoning syndrome you try to enjoy?). sweating, manual breathing, chest pain, like severe panic attack at one point I'm pacing round my house in uncontrollabe panic, can't sit can't stand just in utter terror.

    the worst part is you're heavily tripping so there's no normalcy to cling to not even mentally. It's not like "I am me and I took drugs and it's affecting me like this", it's more like "I've lost all sense of what I even am or what is normalcy all there is is a horrific confusing mess of a warping world, kaleidescopes behind my eyes". Like whatever you used to calm your anxiety normally, the self talk or whatever is inacessible because there's nothing left to do it.

    • 11 months ago

      also the effects suck just in general. I don't know why people do this. it never makes me feel good just sort of dark, edgy feeling, an overly conscious sense of my body as well. if you take normal drugs it's very predictable (eg, opiates, bensos). You keep your sober mentality but your body feels good, mentally you feel just relaxed, positive etc. With shrooms it's nothing like that, it's like the effect mostly is on your mental state, your sense of self and time, who and what you are, what the world is. It's like it takes everything normal and just rips it away and you're left with nothing but paranoid intractable confusion and fear. and it's completely unpredictable in the way it does this.

      • 11 months ago

        eh I took a few times low doses and it made me hyper emotional and weird.

        maybe it turns you into a woman briefly, idk how to describe. didnt do anything for my anxiety. otherwise was interesting

        Imo the key is that it needs to be paired with other strategies. You really have to want to open new doors rather than get a renewed sense of normalcy, and if those tasks are complete then shrooms can help you open those doors. Otherwise it's just recreational drugs and probably won't do anything for you in the long run.

        I think that's why people with all kinds of addictions and problems turn to it, because they are already trying other methods simultaneously and deeply want change to occur they just suck at life, but in psilocybin and perhaps other psychedelics they finally find that long sought release.

        • 11 months ago

          I guess you see the world differently on shrooms as they frick with your emotions/senses and that can lead to some long term changes like any very novel experience

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah, that's exactly the point. Even doing new things like really looking at a type of flower unique to you or smelling it, or anything like that will help open new neural pathways. Some types of psychedelics like shrooms,.acid and ketamine do the same thing just in exponentially greater ways and help you break away from your default neural patterns. That's why it helps so many, it's not necessarily that they get a perfect epiphany while tripping or dreaming, even though that sometimes happens as well. I just think burnout types tend to overstate this aspect.

            • 11 months ago

              Ketamine is a dissociative, but also seems really promising. The research is really interesting. I really hope soon we'll see countries open up to use these to deal with treatment-resistant disorders.

        • 11 months ago

          im in therapy, ive been lifting, and im fully functional, but i just dont feel like im making any progress and i need something radical to reorient my perspective.

          • 11 months ago

            Sure you are doing all the right things externally, how do you feel internally?

            • 11 months ago

              i feel better but i still dont feel as good as i want to feel. i feel like ive become stronger but the burden isnt becoming any lighter

              • 11 months ago

                I think mushrooms have a way of sparking that almost childlike wonder we used to have. I find myself looking at the good things around me instead of focusing on the bad. At the same time, it's never been a cure all. Meditation however, has been the most powerful tool in my kit. I was a miserable c**t many years ago.

                I tried to find a suitable info-graphic but there's so much research out there. I started at 15min per day.

              • 11 months ago

                would microdosing be a good option for anxiety

              • 11 months ago

                I suppose it depends on your source of anxiety. Mushrooms can change your world view and make it easier to tackle change in your life. If making those changes or your world view shifts, your anxiety may diminish. I have a moderate amount of social anxiety, it did get better when I started Microdosing, but it likely had more to do with the life changes I was able to make, healthier eating, better habits etc.

          • 11 months ago

            well i have made progress but i still feel like im stuck in the cycle and im still depersonalized but i dont freak out and obsess over it anymore

    • 11 months ago

      I had this exact experience, but I was on edibles. It was like being buried alive.

      • 11 months ago

        same weed is the fricking worst for me.

    • 11 months ago

      I had this exact experience, but I was on edibles. It was like being buried alive.

      I did 3.5 grams and I had an awful terrible time but at no point was I not aware of who or what I was. The entire time I was completely me. Just with me with pure terror and uncomfortableness and the sensation my arms were twisting tree branches but still me. The ceiling fan shot out colors and when I closed my eyes to escape I saw infinitely twisting fractal patterns. I imagined myself as being a castle under siege and after a wave of anxiety and panic passed I'd just be bracing for inevitable return of it. This went on for 5 hours. Then I thought about my mother who I hadn't spoken to in years and felt terrible and guilty about it. So when I recovered the next day I called her and then she talked for 2 hours about herself and I was reminded about her being the worst.

      Frick shrooms stupid drug.

      • 11 months ago


        I took 3.5gs , laid down in bed, closed my eyes, and traveled inside my own brain. I began to chase my own consciousness trying to pin down where “I” actually existed. It was a bouncing white light that was always never where I chased it to. From there I chased it down tunnels with light flowing through the walls. When I emerged I saw giant cosmic whales feasting on celestial bodies calling others over to where the food was. I interpreted this to mean that our reality is manufactured by these cosmic beings and our reality willl cease to be when their food dries up / the being dies.

        I knew it wasn’t “true” but during the experience I believed it all to be true. It opened my perspective to faith which was something I was totally blind to before.

        10/10, would trip again.

        • 11 months ago

          do you have anxiety issues? I had anxiety before even taking shrooms.

  6. 11 months ago

    eh I took a few times low doses and it made me hyper emotional and weird.

    maybe it turns you into a woman briefly, idk how to describe. didnt do anything for my anxiety. otherwise was interesting

  7. 11 months ago

    If you are someone who can go with the flow and doesn't freak out on substances, excepting that you may not have the experience you are desiring, than sure. I didn't do big doses, but i used it as a nootropic and has changed my life for the better.

  8. 11 months ago


    This is a good analogy, can confirm it's pretty accurate. Mushrooms are strange, it's not like you lose your cognitive abilities or inhibitions like when you using say, alcohol. That said, everyone responds differently to the world melting around them. I'm an easy going guy, did the massive trip first and it was great, never really had a bad trip yet and it's been years of dabbling (currently cozy in a half gram).

    My non metaphor

    >0.2g: You feel a bit lighter physically, your inner voice is a bit more noticeable, minimal or no hallucinatory effect. Expect some deeper thinking to push forward and zone you out if you've been ignoring a problem. Creative focus is ideal here.

    >0.5g: All the of the above but more intense + some static hallucinatory effect. You can really be creative here as well but can lose track of what you are working on if something else draws your attention (internally or externally).

    >1g: All of the above but you may see some streaking along with the static.

    >2g: All of the above but you might really zone out into an internal thought/dialogue, harder to ignore something stressful or bothering you. Things around you start to feel animated/alive and connected to you. Visually there is some pulsing, almost as if everything is vibrating/emitting something.

    >4g: Very intense visuals, things may look completely different than they really are (human faces may change entirely into something else). Everything feels alive and connected to you. Inner thought can become a deep nightmarish hole, you can feather into non-reality spaces momentarily/disconnect from your external senses.

    >5g+: You may become unaware of your surrounding entirely. Best to be laying down with a sitter here. May talk to entities or other guides/beings wtv your world view is.

    You'll feel pretty fatigued the next day after I'd say anything over 2g. I like to take a day off of anything social/work and reflect on the trip + plan life.

    • 11 months ago

      What do you mean “plan life”

  9. 11 months ago

    Drugs are bad lb

  10. 11 months ago

    useless for anxiety

  11. 11 months ago

    I have bad anxiety. So back in 2021 I bought some golden teacher spores and spent months doing the PF Tek. Dried my harvest and ate 3.5 grams. It was the hardest experience of my life. Real bad time. And then I continued to have relapsing panic attacks for months after.

  12. 11 months ago


    >You may want to find out what water feels like before you try to swim
    Lol frick that. #yolo.if you die you die

  13. 11 months ago

    Was probably dumb of you to just jump right into a 'strong trip' after dicking around with .5gs for a few weeks and not enjoying it. You should've done like 2grams and see how that felt. That way if you did freak out you're still aware of who you are and that you're high and it will end. Also having someone there to tell you you're fine and comfort you would obviously help.

  14. 11 months ago

    psychedelics can be useful for some mental issues like addiction or anger, anxiety is not one of the things it helps with and they will probably just make ur anxiety worse

    • 11 months ago

      can you elaborate pls

  15. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      tried ssris for a while. gave me insomnia and emotional flattening.

  16. 11 months ago

    I smoke dmt and 5meo every weekend. I live a life people dream of.

  17. 11 months ago

    It really depends on the person. Some people it literally cures it, gives them a new perspective. Others it can make it can do nothing afterwards , a small percentage makes it worse.

  18. 11 months ago

    they *can* dig out hidden trauma. So if youre lucky your doul can heal faster, but if youre a little b***h it can destroy you

  19. 11 months ago

    anxiety and depression is a pattern of thinking in your mind, your brain constantly firing signals in pattern. Overtime this pattern becomes stronger. Imagine trail that was hike on a lot. That trails becomes more pronounce over time. That is your brain and your state of anxiety. Psilocybin allows the brain to become more malleable thus breaking free of the usual anxiety pattern state of thinking consciously and subconsciously. This is why you have to prepare yourself prior to doing psychedellic. Your "setting" must be free of triggers, you must try to think positively and get rid of stuff that's triggering your anxiety. Doing that ensure a good trip and allows your brain to rewired to become more positive or whatever you want it to be.

  20. 11 months ago

    How different are shrooms from cannabis?

    • 11 months ago

      Extremely different. But smoking while shrooming always calms me down.

      What do you mean “plan life”

      Was hitting character limit. I meant plan my life, like, what changes I want to make in my life

  21. 11 months ago

    Hey, i would really try some shrooms, but after reading these posts I am conflicted. Been working hard on myself for these past few months but i had a history of depression. I am just interested in the experience, not expecting something life changing. Is it worth it?

    • 11 months ago

      Do you like getting very high on weed?

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, I do, did some yesterday but its been kind of falling off lately. Still had a great time though.

  22. 11 months ago

    I like shrooms and I grow my own. But they give me the worst shits and it can ruin a trip.

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