
I want to be able to perform at least 10 perfect pull ups consecutively, but right now I struggle doing even a single one. I can't get a pull up bar installed where I live and I'm not sure if buying a gym membership just so I could just sorta hang there for 10 seconds before falling down is worth it. The only option seems to be pic rel that's in a park nearby.

How should I go about moving from 0-10? I tried watching some vids on youtube but it's going nowhere.

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  1. 7 months ago

    >How should I go about moving from 0-10?
    Assisted push ups are your best bet, you can also start by hanging in the bar for at least a minute.

    • 7 months ago

      I will give assisted pull ups a try but hanging is really hard for me for some reason. My hands start huring really quickly and my fingers soon become unable to hold my weight. I tried yesterday and laster only for about 23 seconds and all the attempts after it were much worse.

      • 7 months ago

        >hanging is really hard for me for some reason.
        you have to fix it with dead hangs then

      • 7 months ago

        >tried yesterday and laster only for about 23 seconds and all the attempts after it were much worse.
        Means you're improving

      • 7 months ago

        you lack forarm strength

    • 7 months ago



      I want to be able to perform at least 10 perfect pull ups consecutively, but right now I struggle doing even a single one. I can't get a pull up bar installed where I live and I'm not sure if buying a gym membership just so I could just sorta hang there for 10 seconds before falling down is worth it. The only option seems to be pic rel that's in a park nearby.

      How should I go about moving from 0-10? I tried watching some vids on youtube but it's going nowhere.

      Pull up progression with negatives and resistance bands if you have to get to your first
      Nail down form correctly, you need good mind nuscle connection for the pull up
      Slowly progress to 5-8
      Do half of your max for 8-10 sets during workouts, around 3 times a week for 4-6 weeks
      Try to incorporate it to your daily life too, pull uos benefit from daily quantity

      • 7 months ago

        So, if I understand it correctly. I should get the resistance bands and keep using them until I can do 5-8 pull ups without them with perfect form.

        Once I've done that I just start doing as many sets as I can until I hit my goal?

      • 7 months ago

        Also if the goal is not huge lats but just doing pull ups, then try greasing the groove technique.

  2. 7 months ago

    >chin-ups if you can those
    >dumbbell rows

    • 7 months ago

      Always do hanging last, or else you get nothing done

  3. 7 months ago

    1. buy a gym membership
    2. use the lat pulldown machine, increasing the weight/reps/sets every week
    Congrats, you will now be able to rep out pull-ups like crazy

    • 7 months ago

      lat pull downs don't have massive carryover to pullups. To do pullups starting from 0, the quickest way is to do negatives and assisted pullups to get used to the movement.

      • 7 months ago

        >two exercises that are a measure of lat strength don't have massive carryover

        • 7 months ago

          He's right though, at least in my experience. I used to be strong on lat pulldowns, but could barely do two BW pullups with decent form. The only thing that made me ok at pullups was pullups, starting with a lot of negatives. Might have just been technique or something, I don't know, but it worked.

      • 7 months ago

        They're virtually the same motions using the same muscle groups. The only difference is where the resistance comes from.

        • 7 months ago

          I top out at six or seven pull ups (controlled reps, no kipping) in my first set, and I fricking suck at lat pulldowns. I've been focusing on pull ups tho, and usually don't do cable lat pulldowns every week.

      • 7 months ago

        >My hands start huring really quickly and my fingers soon become unable to hold my weight. I tried yesterday and laster only for about 23 seconds and all the attempts
        lose some weight first
        pull up progressions don't really work
        what you can do instead is ring rows, cable rows, lat pulldown, and single arm pulls.

        you have heard this on youtube but its not actually true. The way to get to 6-8 pull ups is to do other regular calisthenics to strengthen your core. Your lats are already strong enough to do a pull up. You just don't know how to use them yet.

        Once you can do 1 pull up. You just do a set of pull ups every 5 minutes.

        • 7 months ago

          Ive actually done it you stupid nig.gehr .
          Doing negatives is indeed the best way, it's the part people don't anticipate after they've exhausted themselves doing the positive aspect of the movement.

      • 7 months ago

        I previously could do close to 20 consecutive pull ups mainly because I would spam pull downs. Implying the two dont contribute to one another is lunacy

  4. 7 months ago

    Get a stool you can step on to get yourself into position and do negative reps. A minimum of 4 seconds for each negative.

    • 7 months ago

      >Get a stool you can step on to get yourself into position and do negative reps. A minimum of 4 seconds for each negative.
      I came here to say this

      • 7 months ago

        nta how wide should my grip be? I have one of those usual doorway pullup bars one can hang in place. it has grips for narrow or out wide, or should i switch up both positions?

        • 7 months ago

          Start with it very close together then go for wide

    • 7 months ago

      It's hard because I'm not doing it at home, I would need to buy a chair and then my neighbors would probably steal it if they seen it outside.

      • 7 months ago

        just get a lightweight household step stool and don't leave it unattended

      • 7 months ago

        Don't live around Black folk

    • 7 months ago

      Spam deadhangs until you can do controlled negatives. Then spam negatives until you can do half-assed reps. Then spam shitty reps+negs until you can do an actual pullup.
      Negatives > meme bands. Save your shekels.

      >cuck stool to do negatives
      Ever heard of jumping, Black person?

  5. 7 months ago

    If you can't do 20 pull ups as a fully grown human man then you might as well go full troony b***h mode. Hell awaits.

    • 7 months ago

      Go vax your chest moron, doing 10 is considered enough to be accepted into elite paratrooper units in most NATO countries.

  6. 7 months ago

    Have been in your shoes, can now do weighted for reps. Do slow, controlled negatives, 3 sets of failure, 3 times a week. Try your best to do more negatives than you could do before. Once you can do 5 or so with about a 3 second descent you can do your first pullup.

  7. 7 months ago

    I went from 0 to 2 chest to bar pull up and 3 normal pull ups in 30 session
    Do not follow reddit meme tier routine. I waste a lot of time following that.
    My routine 5 days straight one day of rest.
    5 sets rest 5 minutes between sets ( what I do is one set of pull ups rest 3 mins then a set of dips)
    That worked for me.
    All the sets I go to failure. No elbow fricked so far.

  8. 7 months ago

    im in the same boat as you OP, just started doing negatives and inverted rows, sore af the day after so they must be doing something

  9. 7 months ago

    there are door mounted pull up bars if it has a ledge at the top

  10. 7 months ago

    Focus on getting a good number of pull ups no matter how many sets it take and how long the rest (but stay in an ok frame not one every ten minutes), even if you want to get 5 pull ups and can do only one you'll do 5 sets of one. This at least 3 days per week, 4 if you can. Don't waste time with band, it will be useless

    I wanted to get 15 pullups I started doing sets of 3 but eventually I would give up and this would got me finish with sets of 2 or even 1, then once I was done with the bar a few sets of negative inverted row and mil press on shoulders day
    Then starts to aim higher in both sets and reps and eventually you'll get there

  11. 7 months ago

    I just did heavy rows and preacher bench to get my pull ups up for marine corps.
    Preacher bench helps get pass the half way stick points and rows help you pull. It’s really that easy.

  12. 7 months ago

    Negatives really, really helped me. 8 sets of max negatives. Max is as many as you can do in a CONTROLLED way.
    Dropping weight helped a lot too. As did bicep curls and lat pulls.
    Pull ups, curls, lat pulls in that order. High volume on the last two, but still to failure.
    I can’t do ten, yet, but I went from 0 to 4 and I think once I get off such a steep deficit I can build up to 10.

  13. 7 months ago

    >lose 20 pounds
    unpopular opinion, I know, but I guarantee it will work.

  14. 7 months ago

    Get a doorframe pull-up bar and elastic training bands. Wrap one around the pull-up bar and pull down on it. Choose a band strength that you can do 5-10 reps on. Repeat until you can do an actual pull-up, then do a set of 1 pull-up, and drop sets with the elastic bands (go up in band strength if you surpass it). Eventually do 2, and work your way up. Do it once every other day, recovery is important and if you keep microtearing the muscles without recovering them you're just going to up your fatigue and it's detrimental to training, and could potentially cause injury. Your body is gonna be super imbalanced if you're only doing pull-ups too. Throw in some push-ups, bodyweight squats, and jumping.

    • 7 months ago

      Noobs are also very confused about set/rep range it seems. I subscribe to OYMSM (only your max set matters). I literally do 2x5 of each lift and my weighted pull-up weight is my bodyweight plus 80lbs for 5. I never go above 5 reps because it's not what I'm training for, I do endurance training in the form of boxing and running. But once you can do 1-2 pull-ups, don't bother with drop sets or ramping sets. Waste of time that only raises your fatigue bar and hurts your max set. Only your max set matters, that's the set where you've pushed your body to the point of failure and that muscle group can't do another rep. That's the stimulus that will tell your body to make that muscle group stronger so it can do more. Don't listen to 10shitters telling you you need to do 10 sets, that only works for people on steroids who can handle an inhuman amount of volume.

  15. 7 months ago

    Damn you can’t even do one? How fat and weak do you need to be for this?
    That’s what that machine with the seat and counterweight is for at the gym I guess

  16. 7 months ago

    I'm a girl btw

  17. 7 months ago

    Get some cheap dumbells and do rows+curls+pullovers

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