punching power

inb4—I know I should just train a martial art, but I can't right now. how do I get a stronger punch? is there maybe some routine / exercise that will give me more punching power, e.g. how they train it in boxing?

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  1. 1 year ago

    proper form
    hitting the bag
    strong legs, core, upper body
    >t. boxer

  2. 1 year ago

    Technique, weight.

  3. 1 year ago

    Form is number one
    You can be strong as hell and throw pussy punches because you have shit form

  4. 1 year ago

    Like the others said here, technique is what gives your punch the actual power. So you have learn and train how to properly throw those punches in order for them to be strong. And the rest is your muscle mass and genetics.

  5. 1 year ago

    You have to punch to punch better. So do bag work. Also it's all in the hips.

  6. 1 year ago

    Are you the guy who asked about throwing the right hand the other day?
    I made a big effortpost and he never even responded
    Any moron can swing hard enough to knock someone out, but if you want to throw a good punch, you've got to learn how
    Your pic shows the correct chain of movements:
    >weight forward from rear foot onto lead foot/knee
    >rear hip rotated forward
    >opposite side obliques crunched
    >shoulders rotate head out of the way
    >rear shoulder pushed forward & raised
    >fist released, caught at full extension
    Exercises to develop this:
    >do whole movement slowly in full
    >hold the final position and (a) make sure you're really extended (hip, shoulder) (b) feel how it feels
    >practice each component in isolation i.e. weight forward onto lead foot/knee, rear hip rotation, shoulder rotation, rear shoulder throws the fist
    >layer them together in proper order with proper chain sequence
    Feet have to be in - roughly - the right position to start, not too linear

    • 1 year ago

      >Are you the guy who asked about throwing the right hand the other day?
      no, not him
      thanks for the insight. but, that seems related to full body blows, right? what about quicker attacks, e.g. jabs / hooks? any work i can do to make those faster / stronger or it's also mostly form?

      • 1 year ago

        Nta but, Form and practice, also, don't "try" to punch hard, youl tense up and just slow yourself down making it weaker, stay relaxed and just "do the movement" this is best demonstrated by having someone else punch a pad your holding, if you get them to really go for it you'll notice that despite putting in a shitload of effort and really trying to smash the pad, it's not actually that impressive powerwise, whereas getting them to hit fast clean shots with good technique produces extremely sharp hard hits because they arnt focused on juicing their hits, whichs keeps them relaxed, which keeps them fast

      • 1 year ago

        > what about quicker attacks, e.g. jabs / hooks? any work i can do to make those faster / stronger or it's also mostly form?

        The difference between a ranging jab and a power jab is really just how much you step/lean/rotate into it. The form is the same. You can kind of do a "cheat rep" type action where you are doing the same form as a regular punch but focusing more on speed and snapping your hand back, which ultimately leads to less rotation of the torso and less forward exposure (since the purpose is to create/maintain distance). It comes naturally when you start practicing combos.

  7. 1 year ago

    Watch this before you take anyone's "sport specific" training advice.

  8. 1 year ago

    As a boxer, the biggest thing is literally just your weight class. A 120lbs boxer with crisp form is going to throw a weaker punch than a 220lbs boxer with mediocre form. That's just how it is. Form obviously makes your punch more precise, clean, and sharp, and being able to effectively rotate your whole body into it will definitely give it more power, but there's a fundamental limit based on your overall bodyweight.

    So if you want to punch hard, adding mass will have the most notable impact, then form, then overall body strength

    • 1 year ago

      is there some limit to this? like eg past 300lbs its diminished returns and you're just a fat frick?

  9. 1 year ago

    why do you think that everybody who trains martial arts has to do tons of push ups on their fists?

  10. 1 year ago

    Do Drills on the heavybag + shadow Boxing drills

    Watch videos on YouTube

    Record yourself and analyze your form and make corrections

  11. 1 year ago

    Not sure why noone else has mentioned this; Serratus Anterior, literally called "boxer's muscle"
    I prefer pullovers but Id assume cable punches are the best for actual fighters.
    Push ups, shrugs and arm curls help too but those dont work neglected muscles

    • 1 year ago

      Because the effect on power is negligible. If you want power, you need to learn to punch, end of story. Similarly, working shoulders won't magically teach you to swim

  12. 1 year ago

    Isometric holds of knuckle push ups, upward dogs, hindu squats, lunge walks, dips, speed bag drills done in shadowboxing format, 5 minutes each, also running for general cardio as far as "free" exercises go.

    • 1 year ago

      Also just doing the karate style straight punch drill will be plenty good, its not just a straight, you grab and pull as you strike with the opposite fist to the opponent's solar plexus.

      • 1 year ago

        Daily reminder that bruce lee was a twink homosexual who was never in a real fight in his life and would get btfo by any 14 year old mexican kid in a shitty hole in the wall boxing gym.

        • 1 year ago

          Daily reminder, you are a homosexual that doesn't know history.

          • 1 year ago

            >only recorded "real" fight
            >is a sparring demo going 50% effort with bad technique

          • 1 year ago

            Not him but if you think this footage is impressive, it's not
            It actually perfectly illustrates the problem with righties going southpaw, which is that you turn fighting into a fencing match. You favour your right hand, and neglect your left.
            But barehand fighting is not fencing; it's like sword & shield. Your lead hand is your shield - it blocks, it wards off, it's active, it measures and blinds and distracts and covers. Unlike the movies, the shield is an offensive weapon, used to set up your right hand, your sword. Everything the shield does sets up the decisive stab with the right.
            But righties doing the southpaw meme end up with overdeveloped rights and a pathetic left. It's evident bruce hasn't even trained a left straight (you can tell because his stance is too wide to throw it). A fighter without a sword can be walked down and smacked about for free. Real fighting is not like a video game where one guy gets hit and goes into hitstun, fighters trade hits and hit while being hit. I will eat bruce's mighty intercept counter to land my right hand - I'll only have to do it once while he hastily attempts to work out how to box better than a junior three weeks into the sport.
            Post the footage of him working a bag next lmao

  13. 1 year ago

    Probably do that twisting machine.

  14. 1 year ago

    Big george says chop wood.

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