I’ll start, what was the more “proportional” version of 1/2/3/4? Its been said several times and I keep forgetting

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  1. 2 years ago

    The square root of 69 is ate something.. right?

  2. 2 years ago

    I have pain in the base of my hand in the overhead position of the snatch. My hand doesn't normally hurt, just in this particular extended position at an angle overhead.
    It also seems to hurt less when I push away from my head with the hand while holding the bar, so my wrist is rotated toward the thumb more.

    How can I fix it?

    • 2 years ago

      go visit a pyhsio...that is reffered nerve pain from your elbow or shoulder ...it might just be a form tweak issue or you could have some impigement that would require some additional recovery excercises or stretches

      • 2 years ago

        Why do you think it's referred pain? it happens exactly when I extend my wrists backwards.
        If I keep my wrists straight in the overhead snatch position it doesn't hurt.

        • 2 years ago

          unless you have resting pain in your wrist or during the day doing normal movements or using a computer mouse then its not a wrist nerve compression issue....of course its just my guess but when you extend your arms overhead and overextend your wrist you strain the nerve that goes on the inner part of your elbow (which is not unusual) coupled with the fact your shoulders are extended you might have a shoulder nerve impigement....thats why i said you should go to a physio to do an exam and see what exactly is causing it

          • 2 years ago

            I see, thanks bro. I'm too broke for physio but maybe I can try some exercises and see if something works.

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    Hi IST, trying to get back into it as a +30yo former degenerate

    Is imgrel moronic? My plan is to build some strength first before adding a lot of isolation to get bigger. Like the meme.

    My job cucks my schedule a bit. Wondering if this is the best way to do it:
    I can't really do much but eat, sleep and work on the W days. Will this skip frick my progress a lot and is there a better way to maximize gains with my shitty schedule? Also I do light cardio on my x-days because it's fun to run with my dog. Please be patient and thank you

    • 2 years ago

      Greyskull LP is one of the best programs for the first year or so. Make sure you do some face pulls and shit too.

      • 2 years ago

        Long gaps for a strength focused routine doesnt sound very good I think
        High frequency home workouts is pretty good if you’re limited on time. Basically few moderately challenging sets every day for like 15-20 mins

        That “minimalist routine” that gets spammed here is pretty good. I did K Boges’ calisthenics template and saw decent gains

        Could you get a pull up bar, maybe some Olympic rings, and just bust out a few sets of pull ups or dips on some work days? like 3 sets of each. would be enough to maintain your upper body between lifting days at least. maybe a dumbbell for shoulder press. progress would be very slow without anything on W days imo but it would take very little work on W days to keep your upper body in shape. Lower body is kinda fricked tho, might be worth it to up the volume significantly for your legs towards the end of your week off to make full use of a week of rest.

        Thanks for the help bros, appreciate it. Will try to get some home gear and go harder on legs before rest.

    • 2 years ago

      Could you get a pull up bar, maybe some Olympic rings, and just bust out a few sets of pull ups or dips on some work days? like 3 sets of each. would be enough to maintain your upper body between lifting days at least. maybe a dumbbell for shoulder press. progress would be very slow without anything on W days imo but it would take very little work on W days to keep your upper body in shape. Lower body is kinda fricked tho, might be worth it to up the volume significantly for your legs towards the end of your week off to make full use of a week of rest.

  5. 2 years ago


    Long gaps for a strength focused routine doesnt sound very good I think
    High frequency home workouts is pretty good if you’re limited on time. Basically few moderately challenging sets every day for like 15-20 mins

    That “minimalist routine” that gets spammed here is pretty good. I did K Boges’ calisthenics template and saw decent gains

    • 2 years ago

      Meant to reply to

      Hi IST, trying to get back into it as a +30yo former degenerate

      Is imgrel moronic? My plan is to build some strength first before adding a lot of isolation to get bigger. Like the meme.

      My job cucks my schedule a bit. Wondering if this is the best way to do it:
      I can't really do much but eat, sleep and work on the W days. Will this skip frick my progress a lot and is there a better way to maximize gains with my shitty schedule? Also I do light cardio on my x-days because it's fun to run with my dog. Please be patient and thank you

  6. 2 years ago

    1/2/3/4 is proportional. DYELs always think they're special cases that need special treatment. I fricking hate you homosexuals.

    • 2 years ago

      Asked because my press has always been closer to my bench, I’ve seen something like 1.5/2/x/x posted a lot and it made more sense to me

      • 2 years ago

        Bench responds very well to high frequency (4x a week). I didn't train my bench all that seriously and was at 82.5kg OHP 1rm while I could do 100kg bench for 4rm like 10 weeks ago. My OHP 1rm is now 95kg while my OHP is 140kg.

  7. 2 years ago

    Currently doing:
    A- DL + Bench Press + (dB bench + EZ bar curls + chest flys + cable rows/bb rows)

    B- Squat + OHP + (db military press + hip thrusts + ez bar curls + tricep push downs + dB rows)


    5/3/1 BBB on compounds and 4x 12-15 on accessories.

    I still look dyel AF.

    If I wanted to keep doing the big 4 to build functional strength, how can I reorder my exercises to get better aesthetics?

  8. 2 years ago

    Will taking fish oil supplements make my cum taste bad?
    I love my wife and don't want to make her life any less pleasant.

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