Didn't see one up.
My questions: Do you need to take Creatine every day, or just days you train?
Also can you get away with a 3 day PPL routine?

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  1. 3 months ago

    How do I train for this?

    • 3 months ago

      No matter how much you train your still going to lose your jaw

  2. 3 months ago

    Just bought a bench and I want to ask something I’ve been wondering for a long time, why can you adjust the inclination of the seat as well as the backrest? What’s the advantage of inclining the seat upwards?

    • 3 months ago

      you fricking Black person homosexual!

      you obviously love throating big black wiener


  3. 3 months ago

    Is 5x running, 4x gym and 1x swimming per week too much?

  4. 3 months ago

    Is a dumbbell only workout a good beginner strategy? Video related.

  5. 3 months ago

    I lifted yesterday

    No sore muscles

    Am i gonna make it?

    • 3 months ago

      soreness is not an indicator of progress.

      Is a dumbbell only workout a good beginner strategy? Video related.

      DB only is going to be limiting for lower body, but it's not impossible to make good gains from them. Harder probably.

      Is 5x running, 4x gym and 1x swimming per week too much?

      Only if you're not recovering properly. You'll know when.

      Just bought a bench and I want to ask something I’ve been wondering for a long time, why can you adjust the inclination of the seat as well as the backrest? What’s the advantage of inclining the seat upwards?

      So you don't slip off at an incline. Having a sharper angle makes it so you have a more stable position for incline. Imagine if the seat was slightly in decline for upright bench exercises. Same idea.

  6. 3 months ago

    How do you guys workout after you’re stressed as frick because wagie shit?

    • 3 months ago

      I failed to progress on bench press today and then went on to progress on every single accessory lift for my entire workout, including DB incline bench and triceps pushdowns. I didn't even feel tired after benching but I failed on rep 7 of my 3rd working weight set (doing 3x8).
      What does this mean and how can I unfrick my bench press?

      Going to the gym unstresses me generally. I once had to work 14 hours a day for about 6 months and I made sure to go to the gym 5 days a week because the stress would keep me up at night otherwise.

      • 3 months ago

        >What does this mean and how can I unfrick my bench press?
        It means very little. Not every session is going to be a perfect session in the gym, a lot of factors like sleep/diet/stress/general mood affects how well we do in any given day. Only if it becomes a trend should you start to worry about it

  7. 3 months ago

    To lose weight, what are the minimum grams of fat/carbs you should eat per day?

    I've read 50g of fat is the minimum for hormones and vitamin absorption. What about carbs?

    • 3 months ago

      Weight loss is exclusively about calorie deficit. Macros don't really matter.

      • 3 months ago

        calories are literally the unit of how much energy each macro gives you ape
        only lifting newbies measure their calorie intake by kcal

        • 3 months ago

          That doesn't change anything I said? Macro ratios don't matter for weight loss. You could eat nothing but carbs and lose weight, nothing but fat and lose weight (that's keto after all) or nothing but protein and lose weight. As long as you're in a deficit, you'll lose weight.

          And what, you're doing the math in your head of how many macros you can have instead of raw calories? That's way more work and less sensible than counting cal.

          • 3 months ago

            >Macro ratios don't matter for weight loss
            true in a sense, but I wish people wouldn't give this out as advice. obviously you need an adequate amount of protein on the cut to be sure that you'll retain muscle and recover well. fats are also very important as anon said in his first post. your hormones get fricked up if you eat less than ~15% of your macros from fat and that would make you feel awful on a cut because your body will cease to function properly. carbs are the only macro you can mostly disregard imo which is why they are the easiest to increase or decrease based on your goals.

            • 3 months ago

              the scenario in which someone is eating less than 10% of their calories from fat seems like a very niche scenario that most anyone doesn't need to worry about. Unless they're vegetarian I guess but even they use oil.

              • 3 months ago

                That doesn't change anything I said? Macro ratios do ultimately matter for weight loss and optimal bodily function.

              • 3 months ago

                >Macro ratios do ultimately matter for weight loss and optimal bodily function.
                but not the point you need to worry about them. Like, that's a 1/100,000 people concern. You'd have to activately make an effort to not intake enough fat. How are you not getting this

    • 3 months ago

      To lose weight you either need to do black magic to calculate the exact 500 cal deficit macro composition with exercise your body needs to burn fat or you have to just stop eating entirely, unless you are 50% bodyfat then you will get progress if you just stop killing yourself with 2 liters and takeout.

  8. 3 months ago

    keto schizo etc
    Just tried keto for 1 week for the first time, the clarity and reduction of bloating are incredible. I ate a giant Caesar salad this morning to exit keto, and it's already coming out of the other end 6 hours later, hardly digested. Normal?

  9. 3 months ago

    maybe im extra autistic today but i had an idea. i want to do more cardio but dont have the effort to go outside and run and i dont have a treadmill desk or anything like that

    my idea is basically if i can stand at my desk and do 1000 bodyweight squats, and if that counts as cardio or not

    • 3 months ago

      >dont have the effort to go outside and run
      >do 1000 bodyweight squats

      come on now

      • 3 months ago

        nta, but you can do squats at a desk, but you cant run at your desk. they said they dont have a treadmill desk, from that its easy to see that they want to watch anime or something while doing squats. or maybe they just dont want to go outside for whatever reason. not too unreasonable of a question

  10. 3 months ago

    Is it safe to assume protein powder from the brand that makes protien shakes I like will be good?

    • 3 months ago

      It might be fine, it might not. Just try it. Most premixed drinks have extra shit in them.

      maybe im extra autistic today but i had an idea. i want to do more cardio but dont have the effort to go outside and run and i dont have a treadmill desk or anything like that

      my idea is basically if i can stand at my desk and do 1000 bodyweight squats, and if that counts as cardio or not

      You're not gonna be able to do 1000 squats, and it's gonna exhaust your legs for lifting days. Just don't be a lazy frick and go for a jog.

      How do you guys workout after you’re stressed as frick because wagie shit?

      I go before stressful wagie shit.

      • 3 months ago

        i can do 1000 squats actually, tried it yesterday and yeah i could barely walk afterwards but now im mostly fine

    • 3 months ago

      If you’re talking about premier protein, don’t do it. Their powder tastes nothing like their premixed protein shakes.

      Here’s my own question. If I’m mainly focusing on losing fat, should I worry about protein shakes or anything? I’m having a hard time making my protein macros. I’m only doing about 100-125g a day.

      • 3 months ago

        You answered your own question. Shakes/supplements are for those who can't get everything in their normal diet.
        >I’m having a hard time making my protein macros.
        Then do it

        • 3 months ago

          Guess you’re right. It seems a waste at the moment but I’ll have to calculate if it’s more cost effective to get protein powder or just eat more Greek yogurt or chicken breast. Ty

  11. 3 months ago

    The guy that's always making qtddtot threads and answering anons, why do you do it?
    What is your endgame? How do you look like? How many years have you been lifting?

    • 3 months ago

      >The guy that's always making qtddtot threads and answering anons, why do you do it?
      To help other people? Not everyone is a sociopathic piece of shit, anon. Also, you *do* know it's not just one person, right? You *do* know it's many different people........... yeah??

    • 3 months ago

      >why do you do it?
      Because we're not autistic sperglords? You should try it sometime, anon. Being nice and helping other people is something that you're allowed to do with your life.

    • 3 months ago

      When I was 18, I came on here because I had no idea what the frick I was doing. QTD threads helped me immensely. I'm passing it on.

      • 3 months ago

        doing God's work anon, thank you

    • 3 months ago

      afaik QTDDTOT threads are done by anyone when they're not up, they're answered by anyone who wants to answer

      you could ask this in the /fat/ threads, which is done by the same person and has a script checking the thread for the fatty contest

  12. 3 months ago

    Hello? Can I have help please??????

    • 3 months ago

      ring the customer service number on the IST homepage
      Good Luck!

  13. 3 months ago

    why was 'Health' dropped from IST- Health and Fitness. I enjoy learning about health from anons

    • 3 months ago

      Turns out most people on here don't know jack shit about health and that makes IST liable for false medical advice. They took it off because it's lawsuit territory and they can say "Well we don't want them asking those questions." To be fair you definitely shouldn't seek medical advice on here.

      5’11, 300ish lbs and need to get back to 210 ASAP. Went through a pretty rough depression episode but we’re back baby. SBD of 405/285/485 when I last maxed out like two years ago. Can I consistently put on muscle and drop weight if I eat enough protein?

      Also, what’s a decent exercise bike I can use in my apartment for after gym cardio?

      You'll get some gains back, but you're not gonna build much muscle on a deficit even at heavy obesity like yourself. Idk about exercise bikes, for you it's not necessary as you're fat enough to lose 2 lbs a week through diet alone.

  14. 3 months ago

    5’11, 300ish lbs and need to get back to 210 ASAP. Went through a pretty rough depression episode but we’re back baby. SBD of 405/285/485 when I last maxed out like two years ago. Can I consistently put on muscle and drop weight if I eat enough protein?

    Also, what’s a decent exercise bike I can use in my apartment for after gym cardio?

    • 3 months ago

      >Can I consistently put on muscle and drop weight if I eat enough protein?
      You seem like you already have a decent amount of muscle. You'll def put on *some* but it won't be this huge gain. You'll def get a bunch of newbie strength gains back just from working your muscles again
      >5’11, 300ish lbs and need to get back to 210 ASAP
      Keep in mind this is going to take more than a year. Even a big and rough cut doing 2lbs a week will still take ~45 weeks, but that sounds kinda miserable honestly

      • 3 months ago

        Really? I don’t mind doing it faster. I completely quit booze, lift six days a week and will be getting back into fasting soon. I think I could do it by winter. Maybe not in a healthy way but I’m a big ends justify the means kinda dumbass

        Turns out most people on here don't know jack shit about health and that makes IST liable for false medical advice. They took it off because it's lawsuit territory and they can say "Well we don't want them asking those questions." To be fair you definitely shouldn't seek medical advice on here.

        You'll get some gains back, but you're not gonna build much muscle on a deficit even at heavy obesity like yourself. Idk about exercise bikes, for you it's not necessary as you're fat enough to lose 2 lbs a week through diet alone.

        I just love to do cardio. Currently every Saturday I like to go for a brisk hike and I realize that’s going to shred my knees. 6 miles is too much when I squat twice a week.

        • 3 months ago

          >Maybe not in a healthy way
          Lol some VERY key words, here. Yes it's definitely possible, but mannn it's going to fricking suck

          • 3 months ago

            Well so does being fat as shit. Thankfully even being as fat as I am now I haven’t quit lifting so hoping that muscle helps burn a bit of calories and make this a quick hell

  15. 3 months ago

    Is there a way to make a high protein steamed bun?

    I love these things, but I always feel like I can't get enough filling into one for it to be "high protein"

    • 3 months ago

      Mix unflavored protein powder into them..? I scoop per bun should do the trick.

    • 3 months ago

      Experiment with the bun itself (sub some of the flour with flavorless protein powder), and add clear whey isolate to the filling. You can also change the size of the bun to reduce the ratio of bun to filling (make each bun a little bigger).

    • 3 months ago

      Fill them with pulled chicken breast or chicken breast adobo anon. Doesn't always need to be a pork bun when you can have a calorie zero bbq sauce and slow cook chicken breast in it until done and fill the buns with that.

      Mondays chest: hit it with my brother currently maxing at 185 for 5 on bench, but typically doing 4-5 sets of standard bench for 12 reps at a plate
      Tuesdays back: typically was only doing pull ups, but I have incorporated more lat pull downs and barbell rows in the last 3 months
      Bicep and triceps wednesday: after back and chest are worked I exhaust these to failure with dumbell bicep curls, spider curls, and barbell curls, triceps with triceps push down 12-15 reps
      Shoulders thursday: lateral raises and military press 4-5 sets 12-15 reps to failure
      Legs friday: barbell squats 5 sets currently at a plate and leg extensions 3 sets all to failure

      >Compound lift
      >12 reps
      Maybe when you're experienced and going for hypertrophy but anon, you need strength. Not hitting 225 bench in 2 years is very sad, I was embarrassed the entire time I was in the gym and pushing under 100kg

      How do you max weekly muscle gain?

      I read the max you can gain a week is half a kilo, but what to do to try to get 100% of that?

      Been lifting 3 months and its so slow

      >half a kilo
      A month maybe anon, if you're controlling the eccentric and concentric, you have excellent form, intensity, diet, sleep and such.
      In my 3rd year of natty lifting I was happy to gain 6lb of muscle over the year. (3kg)

  16. 3 months ago

    Can someone explain to me how this adds up to 50g protein? It's just 2 eggs per dish. I feel like he's flubbing his numbers

    • 3 months ago

      A whole large egg is 50 grams of protein

      • 3 months ago

        derp, 6.3

  17. 3 months ago

    does anyone read the fricking sticky and should i?

    • 3 months ago

      It's a fantastic starting point and will answer like 99% of the easy/dumb questions you might have

  18. 3 months ago

    >be mentally active to reduce dementia risk
    Does IST count?

  19. 3 months ago

    I do full body calisthenics for warm-up. dead hang/pullups. then kettlebell clean/press/squat. then sandbag to shoulder carries/sandbag squat. then a 1-2 mile run. dead hang/pullups. and finally cool down stretching.

    what else can I add to my daily program. I do this twice a day. I'm about to get another kettlebell so I can doubles. I eventually would like a weighted backpack so I can ruck around my neighborhood, it's very hilly.

  20. 3 months ago

    extremely novice lifter, starting from skellymode and doing greyskull LP
    how realistic of a goal is 2pl8 OHP for me? stats are 5'7", 160 lbs, ~20% bf. current OHP working weight is 90 lbs for sets of 5. how many years before I can put 225 lbs over my head bros?

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Take shoulder exercises extremely slow. Very easy to injure yourself so never ego lift.

      • 3 months ago

        funny you say that because I already injured my left rotator cuff in December lmao
        I self-rehabbed using resistance bands, and now my shoulder is more stable than ever and OHPs feel great. but I had to take a break for several weeks and then deload to restart which is why I'm barely back up to 90. it was a learning experience however and I'm more confident now that if I get injured I can heal myself with what I've learned.

    • 3 months ago

      >how realistic of a goal is 2pl8 OHP for me?
      99+% of people will never get 2plates OHP. 1plate is a nice goal and very reasonable but 2 is nearly out of the question entirely.
      >how many years before I can put 225 lbs over my head bros?
      Several, with gear.

    • 3 months ago

      Honestly without steroids there's a near zero chance you'll hit 225 OHP. Very very very few people have the determination/will/genetic luck to be able to reach that high. There are far more people that have injured themselves trying to get that high, than people who *have* gotten that high

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not there after 4 years. 90kg press for reps but 100kg strict eludes me. I always have to add a push

  21. 3 months ago

    If I do a lift how long after do I have to eat above maintenance to get the gains?

    When can I go back to maintenance? 24, 48 hours?

    I want to know how to time my rest and cardio to not leave gains hanging

    • 3 months ago

      Muscles recoup over the next 36-48 hours


      Been training for like two years, bulked originally for like 8 months, cut and lost a of fat over the course 4-5 months and have bulked for 4 months now, is it over? What do?

      Stop posing like a dumbass. Quit puffing your chest out to make it look like you have a giant chest, you're not fooling anyone

      • 3 months ago

        >Muscles recoup over the next 36-48 hours
        nta, could you lift weights all week besides on friday and weekdays, then friday and saturday count as the 48 hours to recoup, then sunday do a 7k cal deficent through not eating and a ton of cardio and gain muscle and loss weight over time that way?

        • 3 months ago

          >could you lift weights all week besides on friday and weekdays
          >lift all week except for all week
          Anon, stop and reread everything you type before posting. Reformat this into something people can actually understand.

          • 3 months ago

            monday lift as normal (eating extra because you didnt eat yesterday)
            tuesday normal (cal surplus)
            wed normal (cal surplus)
            thur normal (cal surplus)
            fri nothing (starting the 48 hours of muscle recoup, and cal surplus)
            sat (ending muscle recoup + cal surplus)
            sun (7000 calorie deficent through cardio + no eat, to remove the added surplusses)

            the goal being maintaining current weight (or dropping even) while gaining muscle mass

            • 3 months ago

              >7000 calorie deficent through cardio
              you don't actually believe that you're burning several thousand calories through cardio, do you? It's like 100 calories per mile in the best case scenario, and I doubt you're running 70 miles.

              • 3 months ago

                ok if i just say that i wont eat anything and go for a 10k run in the morning and do some gardening for the rest of the day and get a 4k ish deficient, is it possible/realistic/legitimate then?

              • 3 months ago

                no jesus christ what the frick is wrong with you

              • 3 months ago

                nothing, im just posing hypotheticals

                >get a 4k ish deficient
                homie what

                you could lose that in day i think, maybe 5k if youre tall and fat (no eat, 10k run, physical work all day)

                anyway no one said if i was right or not about my workout routine i posted. i think if it works it might be the best routine possible in its class so its weird that no one has said it wouldnt

              • 3 months ago

                >you could lose that in day i think
                You have no fricking idea what you're talking about. Just stop. This will not work, you're the dumbest motherfricker I've seen in here in a long time.

              • 3 months ago

                i checked
                its in the sticky for the fatloss general so i think its reasonably reliable at least.
                at 120kg and 195cms the bmr they say is real is just under 3k

                this says that the same 120kg man running for an hour (probably what it would take to run 10km at their weight) loses about 1k calories
                thats 4k already, add in physical work for the rest of the day and no cal intake it seems doable, are my calculators wrong?
                anyway, if i say 3k calorie deficent for sunday is my routine sound? still no one has said either way if it is or not (i might actually consider it if it has some merit to it)

              • 3 months ago

                >get a 4k ish deficient
                homie what

              • 3 months ago

                nothing, im just posing hypotheticals

                you could lose that in day i think, maybe 5k if youre tall and fat (no eat, 10k run, physical work all day)

                anyway no one said if i was right or not about my workout routine i posted. i think if it works it might be the best routine possible in its class so its weird that no one has said it wouldnt

                i checked
                its in the sticky for the fatloss general so i think its reasonably reliable at least.
                at 120kg and 195cms the bmr they say is real is just under 3k

                this says that the same 120kg man running for an hour (probably what it would take to run 10km at their weight) loses about 1k calories
                thats 4k already, add in physical work for the rest of the day and no cal intake it seems doable, are my calculators wrong?
                anyway, if i say 3k calorie deficent for sunday is my routine sound? still no one has said either way if it is or not (i might actually consider it if it has some merit to it)

                Split squats will be your friend, easiest and most effective leg workout with moderately low weight dumbbells. Later you can try one legged squats.

                Can someone answer this anon? They are right, if this works it would be the best way to maintain ottermode while gaining muscle mass

                okay, the other anon was being super unhelpful so I'm gonna explain to you here why this is just not gonna happen for you the way you think it will.

                "Fast" weight loss is considered 2 lbs a week. That's a deficit of 7000 calories for the entire week at a daily deficit of 7k.
                >if i just say that i wont eat anything and go for a 10k run in the morning
                Calories are energy, and running 10k (roughly 6.2 miles) will burn around 600 calories. If you have no energy to burn, your body will exhaust itself and you're not even going to get to 5k, regardless of fat reserves.

                To burn 4000 calories via exercise, you would need to run 40 miles. I don't think I need to explain why that won't happen. Even if you could run a 10k on empty (you can't), you'd need a dietary deficit of 3400 calories just to get to 4000 calories burned, and for that to be your sedentary TDEE you'd be massively obese, in which case you aren't running 10k.

                It's just not gonna happen anon.

              • 3 months ago

                >at a daily deficit of 7k.
                at a daily deficit of 1k*

                goddammit frick stupid ass typo

            • 3 months ago

              >7000 calorie deficent through cardio
              anon oh my god, anon... lmao you are never, and will never, burn 7 FRICKING THOUSAND calories through cardio jfc you have no idea AT ALL what you're doing

      • 3 months ago

        Homie you are totally right I was posing like a dumbass is this a better photo to gauge what i need to work on?

        • 3 months ago

          Your forearms look like they're bigger than your upper arms. Your shoulders look pretty decent, but no traps at all. And you have the chest of a high schooler. I dunno which routine you (barely) followed but man you def coulda spent your time better (or ate better, if you were strict with the routine). Did you do like.. zero isolation lifts that whole time..??

          • 3 months ago

            ...what is your routine? I find it hard to believe you've been going for 2 years consistently.

            >2 years for THIS
            holy frick anon did you spend 90% of your gym time on your phone??? I'd believe you if you said you've never stepped in a gym before. Did you like.. never eat protein? Never increase the weight and only lifted 25lb dumbbells the whole time??

            Yeah man I appreciate you guys I think I am fricking up and I need to stay more consistent, like i said I 4 months into my bulk, this is me right after the cut 155lbs now I'm 181lbs

            • 3 months ago

              what. is. your. routine.

              • 3 months ago

                Mondays chest: hit it with my brother currently maxing at 185 for 5 on bench, but typically doing 4-5 sets of standard bench for 12 reps at a plate
                Tuesdays back: typically was only doing pull ups, but I have incorporated more lat pull downs and barbell rows in the last 3 months
                Bicep and triceps wednesday: after back and chest are worked I exhaust these to failure with dumbell bicep curls, spider curls, and barbell curls, triceps with triceps push down 12-15 reps
                Shoulders thursday: lateral raises and military press 4-5 sets 12-15 reps to failure
                Legs friday: barbell squats 5 sets currently at a plate and leg extensions 3 sets all to failure

              • 3 months ago

                Dude no wonder you barely made progress, you're only doing 1-2 exercises most days. After your first few months you should be doing 4-6 lifts per session for 3-4 sets apiece. And biceps and triceps don't need an entire day dedicated to them, they should be the end of any upper body day.

                Your routine is a joke.

              • 3 months ago

                Damn good advice I'll seriously start to implement more exercises

              • 3 months ago

                Don't even implement more, run a real routine. Junk whatever garbage you're currently running.

              • 3 months ago

                no dude no. Stop doing what you're doing. Bro splits are objectively fricking stupid, get a real routine if you wanna see any real progress at all, or be prepared to look exactly the same in another 2 years

              • 3 months ago

                Don't even implement more, run a real routine. Junk whatever garbage you're currently running.

                Miss you IST hadnt come here in a year, you guys always you used to tell me shit straight up no bullshit I appreciate you guys.

                Anyone have any names for a ppl split that would help my physique or a upper/lower split?

              • 3 months ago

                >bro split
                >FOR 2 FRICKING YEARS
                It claimed yet another victim. Holy shit anon get a better routine. Upper/lower splits (4 days a week, 2x/week each) would give you twice the progress in less time

              • 3 months ago

                >bro split
                >1 lift a day, sometimes 2
                >12 reps benching
                >all. those. FRICKING. C U R L S.
                >only benching/squatting ONE PLATE after TWO YEARS
                my god dude, you've wasted two years doing frick all. Do yourself a favor and drop that joke of a routine and do either PPL 6x/week for real progress, or upper/lower splits 4x/week

            • 3 months ago


              Homie you are totally right I was posing like a dumbass is this a better photo to gauge what i need to work on?

              natty limit, get on roids

            • 3 months ago

              You look good here. Do you have pics from when you first started?

        • 3 months ago


          Been training for like two years, bulked originally for like 8 months, cut and lost a of fat over the course 4-5 months and have bulked for 4 months now, is it over? What do?

          >2 years for THIS
          holy frick anon did you spend 90% of your gym time on your phone??? I'd believe you if you said you've never stepped in a gym before. Did you like.. never eat protein? Never increase the weight and only lifted 25lb dumbbells the whole time??

        • 3 months ago

          ...what is your routine? I find it hard to believe you've been going for 2 years consistently.

  22. 3 months ago

    Been training for like two years, bulked originally for like 8 months, cut and lost a of fat over the course 4-5 months and have bulked for 4 months now, is it over? What do?

    • 3 months ago

      You should be quite a bit bigger for 2 years. You have like no chest and zero traps.
      >What do?
      Focus hard on chest and cut way further. You look like 20+%BF at least

    • 3 months ago

      if you're gonna gym 3x a week do fullbody

      I recommend going to the gym and training plus fork putdowns x failure

      monday lift as normal (eating extra because you didnt eat yesterday)
      tuesday normal (cal surplus)
      wed normal (cal surplus)
      thur normal (cal surplus)
      fri nothing (starting the 48 hours of muscle recoup, and cal surplus)
      sat (ending muscle recoup + cal surplus)
      sun (7000 calorie deficent through cardio + no eat, to remove the added surplusses)

      the goal being maintaining current weight (or dropping even) while gaining muscle mass

      >sun (7000 calorie deficent through cardio


  23. 3 months ago

    How do you max weekly muscle gain?

    I read the max you can gain a week is half a kilo, but what to do to try to get 100% of that?

    Been lifting 3 months and its so slow

    • 3 months ago

      Muscle growth is insanely slow. Naturals can only expect to put on 0.25-0.5 lbs of muscle a month. That's not a typo. A month will not even net you 1 lb of muscle. It's why roids are popular, it raises that limit significantly.
      >Been lifting 3 months and its so slow
      3 months is a drop in the bucket for a body transformation. Most people can expect 2-3 years for a total transformation.

    • 3 months ago

      >but what to do to try to get 100% of that?
      Theoretically perfect routine, theoretically perfect diet, theoretically perfect lifestyle/discipline, theoretically perfect genetics. And/or steroids.
      >Been lifting 3 months and its so slow
      Yes, natty lifting is very very very VERY slow. You need at minimum 1 entire year to see any meaningful results, and 2-3 years of strictly adhering to the routine/diet/lifestyle to see good results. Or you cheat with roids. This is why you see so many people quit, they think all they gotta do is spend 1-2 months in the gym to look jacked as frick, but they see literally zero progress because they don't follow any routine, and don't eat any protein at all.

  24. 3 months ago

    My routine is I wake up at 9 pm 3 scoops of pre workout in one bottle with a dash of water
    Second bottle fill with water and add a dash of the pre. I drink this and refil with cold water over the session til i go through all 3 scoops
    Snug jumper, roll the elastic sleeves to my elbows for support
    Gym 10 pm - forarms then tricep, lats, then bicep rear delts then chest
    I leave before 3 am or when I can't lift anymore because social anxiety

    I game a bit and sleep maybe 12 hours either do lower body or rest.

    Only really eat tuna on bread, oats fruit and protien powder

    I really wanna grow my forarms

  25. 3 months ago

    Are there programs that have snatch/clean and jerks as main lifts? I'm currently just doing them at the end for fun but it's honestly the only thing I look forward to now

  26. 3 months ago

    when I squat my muscle tightness is fine until I hit a certain point, then it feels like I have to push myself past that wall. what's causing that ? i.e specific muscles?

    its like I suddenly hit a brick wall that I need to push through and separates my squat into 3 parts, descending 1, descending 2 , ascending.

    I've been working on my squats for years but feel like I'll forever be too stiff to make depth

    • 3 months ago

      nobody answered this because some moron posted about losing 4k calories in a day above me.

  27. 3 months ago

    >skin on hands and fingers can't keep up with the weights I lift
    is there anything I can reasonably do? i don't want to have the hands of some medieval peasant or a miner

  28. 3 months ago

    >chest muscles kinda look like manbreasts when going over 20% bf
    What's the funniest way to have a nice day?

  29. 3 months ago

    I want to do Greyskull LP alongside running to look good. How can I change the program to help with runs and wifh aesthetics? I thought about doing front squats and RDLs instead of back squats and DLs, along with some arm and ab isos.
    Would that work for my purposes?

    • 3 months ago

      you don't need to change it at all, you will be able to run just fine. add the arm and ab work if you want some extra volume.

      I have a hard time eating over 2000 calories, I have an irrational fear of getting fat so I'm not gaining muscles also. Help

      if you understand that it's irrational, why is it still an issue? eat clean, count your calories, track your weight gain. be totally autistic about it and you can assure yourself that you're not going to get too fat.

      • 3 months ago

        I fear that I lift too little compared to the calories and then just get fat

        • 3 months ago

          stick to a small surplus of ~200 cals and that won't happen. but feel free to post your program if you want feedback and assurance in that area too.

  30. 3 months ago

    Theoretically, how much would gaining 5-10kg of bw raise your lifts?

  31. 3 months ago

    Can anyone reccomend a reliable electronic (or analog of electric are a meme) scale for my home. I have tried 3 at different price ranges and after a few weeks they are inaccurate and inconsistent. Then I read that this is just the case with electronic scales. I just want to weigh myself accurately each morning.

  32. 3 months ago

    why are 30% protein bars tasty but anything above 30% disgusting

  33. 3 months ago

    no gym nearby or pullup bar access, how much can I get done with ~30kg of weights at home?

    • 3 months ago

      ~~*the shadow government*~~ doesn't want you to know but dumbbells are good enough for practically everything except your back and (kinda) shoulders
      dumbbells + pullups cover just about everything you're probably interested in barring some leg muscles nobody really cares about

      • 3 months ago

        thanks anon. Is that level of weight enough? Outside of split squats can I make proper gains without progression?

    • 3 months ago

      ~~*the shadow government*~~ doesn't want you to know but dumbbells are good enough for practically everything except your back and (kinda) shoulders
      dumbbells + pullups cover just about everything you're probably interested in barring some leg muscles nobody really cares about

      Split squats will be your friend, easiest and most effective leg workout with moderately low weight dumbbells. Later you can try one legged squats.

      monday lift as normal (eating extra because you didnt eat yesterday)
      tuesday normal (cal surplus)
      wed normal (cal surplus)
      thur normal (cal surplus)
      fri nothing (starting the 48 hours of muscle recoup, and cal surplus)
      sat (ending muscle recoup + cal surplus)
      sun (7000 calorie deficent through cardio + no eat, to remove the added surplusses)

      the goal being maintaining current weight (or dropping even) while gaining muscle mass

      ok if i just say that i wont eat anything and go for a 10k run in the morning and do some gardening for the rest of the day and get a 4k ish deficient, is it possible/realistic/legitimate then?

      nothing, im just posing hypotheticals

      you could lose that in day i think, maybe 5k if youre tall and fat (no eat, 10k run, physical work all day)

      anyway no one said if i was right or not about my workout routine i posted. i think if it works it might be the best routine possible in its class so its weird that no one has said it wouldnt

      i checked
      its in the sticky for the fatloss general so i think its reasonably reliable at least.
      at 120kg and 195cms the bmr they say is real is just under 3k

      this says that the same 120kg man running for an hour (probably what it would take to run 10km at their weight) loses about 1k calories
      thats 4k already, add in physical work for the rest of the day and no cal intake it seems doable, are my calculators wrong?
      anyway, if i say 3k calorie deficent for sunday is my routine sound? still no one has said either way if it is or not (i might actually consider it if it has some merit to it)

      Can someone answer this anon? They are right, if this works it would be the best way to maintain ottermode while gaining muscle mass

      • 3 months ago

        >Can someone answer this anon? They are right, if this works it would be the best way to maintain ottermode while gaining muscle mass
        >samegayging this blatantly
        holy frick how embarrassing

        • 3 months ago

          not the samegayger, but no one gave them an answer. they have an interesting idea at least, even if it certainly wont work

          Split squats will be your friend, easiest and most effective leg workout with moderately low weight dumbbells. Later you can try one legged squats.

          Can someone answer this anon? They are right, if this works it would be the best way to maintain ottermode while gaining muscle mass

          try it, see if you can recover on the monday from the run and work. youll have to count your calories like an autist but that shouldnt be too hard from what youve said here so far. youll also want to have two weightlifting days, on the monday and wednesday with the monday being the most intensive day, ie deadlift.
          did i miss anything?

          • 3 months ago

            >they have an interesting idea at least
            no it's not interesting, it's pants on head moronic
            body doesn't work like some video game system where you can freely shift things around to optimize things, much less some absurd 7000 kcal deficit absurdity which is more than an ultra-marathon

            • 3 months ago

              they said 4k calories at the end, and justified it. plus it would only have to be 3k, "eating" away at the 500 cal surplus for the previous 6 days. how wouldnt it work? that part hasnt been explained yet. oh and lifting weights is very much a video game system. you put points (hours) into things and get rewards out (either muscle gains, money, status etc)

              • 3 months ago

                is the idea just micro bulk and cut cycles?


                Is there any benefit to putting a bunch of weights on one side of a dumbell and doing lifts as if you're holding a sword? Hammer curls, overhead chops, etc. I've been trying it out for a couple of days and I feel like the dynamic nature of the exercise is really helping.
                Pic related, it's basically how I work my shoulders now

                likely all this is doing is working out your wrist

      • 3 months ago


        >Can someone answer this anon? They are right, if this works it would be the best way to maintain ottermode while gaining muscle mass
        >samegayging this blatantly
        holy frick how embarrassing

        not the samegayger, but no one gave them an answer. they have an interesting idea at least, even if it certainly wont work

        try it, see if you can recover on the monday from the run and work. youll have to count your calories like an autist but that shouldnt be too hard from what youve said here so far. youll also want to have two weightlifting days, on the monday and wednesday with the monday being the most intensive day, ie deadlift.
        did i miss anything?

        >these are all the same anon
        >mfw im also that anon

    • 3 months ago

      Okay great, so I should just invest in a pullup bar. I have a bar attachment for the dumbbells, would rows cover the back issue and bodyweight stuff for shoulders?

  34. 3 months ago

    Is there any benefit to putting a bunch of weights on one side of a dumbell and doing lifts as if you're holding a sword? Hammer curls, overhead chops, etc. I've been trying it out for a couple of days and I feel like the dynamic nature of the exercise is really helping.
    Pic related, it's basically how I work my shoulders now

  35. 3 months ago

    Does anyone have one of those old stack images or know offhand albuterol + caffeine stack dosages?

  36. 3 months ago

    What size weights to have at home? I've got a small flat, not much space for much. Just want to get a set of dumbbells to lift.

    No I don't want to go to the gym.

  37. 3 months ago

    I fasted yesterday and today cuz tonight we're going to an "all you can eat" of sushis.
    Will I frick up if I keep fasting like this before such ocations? If I count calories per week, it balances.

  38. 3 months ago

    lets say i am 90kg heavy and i can do 5 dips, complete failure after. is the systematic fatigue caused by this comparable to a 5RM when i bench press 90kg x5 with none left in the tank?

  39. 3 months ago

    dont feel a fricking thing in my right bicep for some reason. its stronger than my left, and when i do curls i end up doing dropsets for my left just to try and bring it up to speed to my right, but i get zero sensation in the right bicep when im actually doing the exercise. just curl, curl, curl and then i cant do anymore, so i stop. i use the exact same movement pattern as i do with the left, and try to visualise the muscle contracting and stretching the whole time, but i just dont get a thing

  40. 3 months ago

    If a woman takes anavar and only work out the abs and ass, would she still get those big shoulders? No desire for the big shoulders, just less body fat and a stronger ass.

    • 3 months ago

      muscles that aren't being worked out won't grow big unless you take truly stupendous amount of drugs
      it can be difficult to isolate as much as you think tho

    • 3 months ago

      No. Also, women don't get muscles from Anavar. It just helps them to look better if they work out hard

    • 3 months ago

      Please do not listen to morons like

      No. Also, women don't get muscles from Anavar. It just helps them to look better if they work out hard

      Anavar has the same virilizing effects as other steroids. If you are on it for long enough, it will make changes to your body. You do not need steroids to look good as a woman. Just give it a couple years, there's no need to be impatient, your ass will grow. Taking what are essentially synthetic male hormones because you want a more feminine figure but can't be arsed training for long enough is a terrible idea. You will regret it.

  41. 3 months ago

    if i'm doing 3xF should i expect to get the most reps out in the first set and decrease from there. i always see people saying you should get the most volume in the second set but that never happens for me

  42. 3 months ago

    Is there a way to lose muscle only on a specific body part?
    I ended up doing too much leg and now I have thick thighs near the hips. I stopped doing leg when I noticed it, but it has been like a year and they still look the same.

  43. 3 months ago


    >sounds like a form issue
    shouldve mentioned that it isnt only during curls. if i sit here and try flex my left bicep, it expands and i feel the stretch. if i try flexing my right, i get nothing. its weird man

    • 3 months ago

      it's weaker. That's it.

      • 3 months ago

        but its stronger than my left lmao, i can curl more, and for more reps, and it was my gooning arm during my years of degeneracy

  44. 3 months ago


    >Just stop exercising the area entirely.
    I already did, I haven't done anything leg-related in a long time now but they didn't shrink at all.

    • 3 months ago

      lose some weight, it might just be fat.

  45. 3 months ago


    Thanks and nice trips. this is in reference to the squat question to which you said was a little vague.

    I can squat 110kg x 3 but I only meet, don't break parallel. I tried reducing my weight and working back up but it seems I'm still doing it.

    I squat low bar and I find I get to the point in the squat where I feel like I should break parallel and I end up leaning forward as it feels like I'm getting lower while I'm in the squat

    it's only by looking at recordings that I was able to identify that.

    I've tried changing my stance but no joy. I'm not quite sure what to do as it feels like i hit a wall and can't get any lower without leaning forward

    • 3 months ago

      >I end up leaning forward
      Dead giveaway that your form is off. Read the stronglifts writeup on squat form.

  46. 3 months ago

    I'm a 160lbs skinny fat dude on week 8 of phraks gslp or whatever. (3 days/week). Gains are nice but I'm still out of breath all the time and want to loose bodyfat. Currently eating maintenance, not bulking.

    How much cardio should i do at max? 30 min after each session?

    • 3 months ago

      If you want to lose fat, you need to cut calories, not try to burn them via cardio. Personally I'd advise cutting while you're in the beginner stage because you're going to make muscle gains regardless in this time.

      • 3 months ago

        >you need to cut calories, not try to burn them via cardio
        I hate this nonsensical advice
        it's fairly easy to burn 3k+ kcal a week with cardio, which makes for an enormous difference long-term. sure, you won't out-cardio a bad diet, but if you have an okay diet doing some cardio lets you keep that diet rather than endlessly suffer on unseasoned chicken bread and beans because muh calorie counting.
        and hey, if you don't hate your life because of your diet maybe you'll actually stick to it rather than decide you'd sooner be a fatty than never enjoy food in your life

        • 3 months ago

          >it's fairly easy to burn 3k+ kcal a week with cardio
          you're running 30 miles a week?

          • 3 months ago

            you burn 500-600 kcal in 1 hour on a bike. you burn 600-700 by swimming. you burn 400-600 at the gym, depending on what exercises you do. you burn 200-300 per hour by just going for a walk, unless you're shuffling forward at a zombie's speed.
            if you're even moderately physically active it's very simple to hit 3k a week.

            (and just for the sake of an argument: running 30 miles a week is by no means some ubermensch effort)

            • 3 months ago

              >you burn 500-600 kcal in 1 hour on a bike
              Who is going on an hour bike ride daily?
              >you burn 400-600 at the gym
              > you burn 600-700 by swimming
              You burn about 200-250 calories per half hour Very few people are swimming daily for an hour straight.
              >you burn 200-300 per hour by just going for a walk
              Again, for an hour.
              >if you're even moderately physically active it's very simple to hit 3k a week.
              You're underselling the effort of an entire hour of cardio daily.
              >running 30 miles a week is by no means some ubermensch effort
              I bet you 99% of people on here have never run more than 8 miles total in a week at-best.

              • 3 months ago

                >Who is going on an hour bike ride daily?
                then go on a three hour ride twice a week
                >200-250 calories per half hour Very few people are swimming daily for an hour straight
                you're not supposed to swim daily, just like you're not supposed to bike daily. but if you go swimming once a week then suddenly your 3k weekly deficit is only 2.4k, and if you bike for 2 hours it's now only 1.2k
                if you're on fit and you can't fricking swim for at least 45 minutes then you're clearly failed at something along the way
                >You're underselling the effort of an entire hour of cardio daily
                if you're capable of going to the gym semi-regularly then you sure as frick are capable of general physical activity. who knows, you might even be somewhat healthy if you do something else than mindlessly do deadlifts six times a week
                (pic related: previous month of *still* being mostly sedentary. subtract ~200 kcal from every day which gets added by the general "living your life" effort)
                >b-but those trackers are--
                oh frick off

              • 3 months ago

                >>b-but those trackers are--
                >oh frick off
                Those trackers AREN'T accurate and you pretending they are is only hurting your argument. LMAO if you think you can burn 2k cal through exercise in a day if you aren't running marathons. I can buy someone doing 2-3 miles a day in addition to lifting for an hour daily, I don't buy the idea of telling some dumbass newbie he can burn 7k calories per week through cardio alone.

              • 3 months ago

                >your stats are made up but the stats I make up are $100% true
                >suddenly it's 7k instead of 3k per week
                I accept your concession

              • 3 months ago

                actually dipshit you said 15,000 calories i win bye bye fricko

              • 3 months ago

                >b-but those trackers are--
                >oh frick off
                You are incredibly naive if you think those trackers are in anyway reliable. The fact that you're even posting them throws every post you've made out the window.
                >thinking anyone besides cardiobros will do 1 whole goddamned hour of cardio every day
                They won't. You're confusing "the math is there! It's correct!" with "people are willing to do this every day for months on end". No one will. Yes you're probably right with the math, but I dare you to find people who will adhere to this nonsense *every single day*.
                >then go on a three hour ride twice a week
                Absolutely fricking delusional.
                >if you're capable of going to the gym semi-regularly then you sure as frick are capable of general physical activity
                Jesus christ anon just how autistic ARE you??

              • 3 months ago

                honest question: do you gays just don't do -any- physical activity outside of going to the gym?
                no sports? no physical hobbies? no walking anywhere?

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Anon I was 85 kilos so I went to the gym for hours a night a month straight just sitting on their bikes. I burned between 1100-2000 most nights

                it sucked but I'm a lot happier with my body

        • 3 months ago

          >rather than endlessly suffer on unseasoned chicken bread and beans because muh calorie counting.
          Just because you suck at cooking doesn't mean that a calorie deficit has to be shit. I eat tons of different kinds of foods on my cut with plenty of flavor. Pizza, ice cream, bread, chili, pasta, etc.

  47. 3 months ago

    If I do not feel a strong amount of muscle activation during a lift should I just drop it? I've done so before for abs and replaces them with better exercises but biceps might be different right? Wrong?

    • 3 months ago

      Bicep pull downs are doing nothing for me, should I just drop them?

  48. 3 months ago

    This was my first week back to the gym in two weeks. I consider myself a beginner even though I've been on/off for a couple of years now. I told myself I'd go today but didn't because I was fricking exhausted after work and nearly fell asleep about an hour ago.

    Going to Planet Fitness because I'm a dyel homosexual. Should I feel guilty?

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        What’s the point of feeling guilty? Go if you want to go, don’t go if you don’t. You’re (presumably) not a baby who needs a minder

        • 3 months ago

          Guilty? No. You are the only one you need to answer to. Besides, shame is a poor motivator. You should go because it will make you stronger, fitter, happier, not because you have an invisible whip cracking over your back.

          I guess

          I just don't want to skip a day and then things snowball from there and it's another month before I go again. I want to be disciplined.

      • 3 months ago

        Guilty? No. You are the only one you need to answer to. Besides, shame is a poor motivator. You should go because it will make you stronger, fitter, happier, not because you have an invisible whip cracking over your back.

  49. 3 months ago

    What is yohimbine?

  50. 3 months ago

    Is there any benefit to measure cardio through distance rather then time?

    • 3 months ago

      Endurance over distance is just as useful as endurance over time.

  51. 3 months ago

    Can I do SS but switch around squats and bench so I do squats every 2nd day and bench every day?
    I like the program and how simple it is and how I can feel myself get stronger, I'm just so fricking tired of squats every fricking day

    • 3 months ago

      You could always switch off the beginner program and do a big boy routine

      • 3 months ago

        I tried switching to another program after 6 months but it felt like my weight increase was super slow by comparison and didn't like it

        • 3 months ago

          Bruh that'd be your diet not the routine. Unless you're on gear you're not even getting close to the .5 lbs/week limit

  52. 3 months ago

    Is it actually possible to get a good physique from calisthenics? I just feel like the whole thing is run by grifter influencers trying to promote their programs

    • 3 months ago

      It's possible, but it's slow, requires tons of dedication, and to be honest it requires good genetics too. Gymnasts and climbers get good bodies since the work is so intense. Calisthenics is that much harder since there's less overall resistance.

      Can I do SS but switch around squats and bench so I do squats every 2nd day and bench every day?
      I like the program and how simple it is and how I can feel myself get stronger, I'm just so fricking tired of squats every fricking day

      stick to the program.

    • 3 months ago

      You can get shredded easily. The "Fight Club" body is very attainable. But you'll never get big muscles since that requires lifting weight/progressive overload

  53. 3 months ago


  54. 3 months ago

    Is doing a full body workout three times a week to much?

    • 3 months ago

      Depends on your goals. Are you doing it for muscle/strength gains? Then yes it's too much, you'll need 2-3 hours in the gym every day to hit every muscle group an adequate amount. For basic health? Nah you can put together a real short n sweet routine that hits everything once, and then maybe have 15-20 min of cardio on top.

      • 3 months ago

        >you'll need 2-3 hours in the gym every day to hit every muscle group an adequate amount
        I hesitate to wonder how you calculated it

        • 3 months ago

          At least two lifts per muscle group, with some isolations. I do upper/lower splits, if I were to combine my upper day (~75 minutes) with my lower day (~70 minutes) then it comes out to ~2.5 hours (plus or minus depending on how much you have to wait for the next lift). Sure you could lift heavy and hard on just 1 exercise per muscle group, but it'd be suboptimal, your gains would be awfully slow.

  55. 3 months ago

    Is it possible to stop or at least to limit traps' growth? I recreationally weightlift so "just stop deadlifting" is not an option, sadly.

    • 3 months ago

      don't isolate your traps. simple as.

  56. 3 months ago

    Anyone have that pdf made by zyzz that had his split and stuff he ate? I can't find mine.

    • 3 months ago

      yeah I remember; he ate sterons.

    • 3 months ago

      Nvm I found it.

  57. 3 months ago

    I just got on a bus and must have made a wrong step, because I suddenly got this stinging sharp pain on the upper part of my left foot.
    Yesterday I spent the entire day walking so it's probably because of that but this has never happened to me before.
    What could it mean?

    • 3 months ago

      Date rape?

    • 3 months ago

      if it was just a moment and you're not in pain anymore, probably just stepped in a way that hit your nerves. If it still hurts, you probably stepped wrong and pulled something or strained a muscle.

      • 3 months ago

        Nah it doesn't hurt anymore. Thanks

  58. 3 months ago

    is ohp and lat raises enough for decent should development? i hate shoulder lifts and id rather throw in an extra chest/back exercise depending on the day instead

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, just make sure something is hitting the rear delts as well

  59. 3 months ago

    Does anyone else get cramping in the goots from eating corn. Added it into my diet last week and have felt pretty rough, esp in the lower abdomen. Will have to look into what it does to the body, was just looking for a bit more fiber.

    • 3 months ago

      u fkn wot

      • 3 months ago

        Sorry, meant guts

        • 3 months ago

          Then no. I fricking love corn I don't have problems. You might be allergic to it. Give it a couple weeks, if you're still having problems then ask a doctor to test you for food allergies

  60. 3 months ago

    >you need sleep to recover and grow
    what if we just naturally wake up early though
    does resting in bed a bit more count?

  61. 3 months ago

    >be 6ft
    >taller than like 90% of the people at the gym
    Is weightlifting something manlets do to cope?

  62. 3 months ago

    Do you guys prefer seated or standing dumbbell OHP? Why do you prefer one or the other?

    • 3 months ago

      Seated. Having something to brace against helps tremendously. Standing for barbell OHP

      • 3 months ago

        helps with what?

    • 3 months ago


      helps with what?

      isolating the delts and overall stabilisation

      Oh sorry, should have clarified I already lost 30kg counting calories. Looking to lose the last 5 without eating under 1200. I keep seeing people on here dunking on pasta and I wanted to know if I'm being lied to or not

      sounds like you need to start moving more if you don't want to eat less than 1200

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah it seems so. It also seems I have fallen for some stupid pasta meme. I gotta be more careful, thanks for clarifying

      • 3 months ago

        Seated. Having something to brace against helps tremendously. Standing for barbell OHP

        Thanks guys.

    • 3 months ago

      Standing. The other guys have weak cores because they don't train them.

  63. 3 months ago

    Is pasta really that bad for losing weight? I'm struggling to get under 60kg and I'm wondering if the amount of pasta I eat is fricking me up. I always measure out 60g which is apprently only 95 calories, I can't really eat much more than that without feeling really full.

    I'm sure the answer is just that I need to start going to the gym but I'm really curious about the pasta thing

    • 3 months ago

      Count calories, nibba
      simple as

      • 3 months ago

        It's literally ONLY calories, quit being dumb about this.

        Oh sorry, should have clarified I already lost 30kg counting calories. Looking to lose the last 5 without eating under 1200. I keep seeing people on here dunking on pasta and I wanted to know if I'm being lied to or not

        • 3 months ago

          >I wanted to know if I'm being lied to or not
          Any time any one says it's anything other than calories, they're bullshitting you. Simple as.

          • 3 months ago

            Noted, thank you

    • 3 months ago

      It's literally ONLY calories, quit being dumb about this.

  64. 3 months ago

    redpill me on mk677

  65. 3 months ago

    Are the other "variants" listed in the stronglift 5x5 worth it for a beginner?
    I'm doing the normal one for about half a year now squats around 90kg deadlift 100kg bench 55kg.
    I do have the time and motivation to hit the gym 5x a week, but I am currently doing a cardio program on off days.

    While I do see progress I also thought that I might want to focus on the upper body more since I struggle with it rather than with the leg exercises

    • 3 months ago

      if you're six months in, you can definitely add some extra accessory work for the upper body. try out one of the four day variants before you go all out on the five day though.

  66. 3 months ago

    i've been sick for a week. I did one push day and one pull day. No legs, because my legs still seem to be sore from over a week ago. Is this normal when you get sick? Should I be concerned?

    • 3 months ago

      If you're a newer lifter and haven't moved around much for a week, yes that's normal. There's no reason for concern unless you're actually unable to complete a set. Moving and warming up will help the soreness. But soreness is not that strong an indicator of how well you are recovering.

  67. 3 months ago

    how to break it to my gf that her fricking deadlifting calluses from her shit grip scratch the frick out of my goddamn wiener when she tries to give me a handjob

    • 3 months ago

      babe, your calluses are turning your hands into a wiener cheese grater. Please for the love of god use some lotion.

  68. 3 months ago

    I love these, but when I add weight it hurts my elbows. What am I doing wrong?

    • 3 months ago

      Added too much weight

  69. 3 months ago

    ive had my gall bladder removed around 2 years ago due to gall stones (preventive, wasnt an active infection but doctor said its better to have them remove just in case sth flares up (colic?)) and ive had the feeling that eating fatty meat makes me really tired immediately, esp red meat. so whenever i eat any amount of 80/20 ground beef, i feel really sluggish and bad after.
    i dont have this when i eat 90/10 ground turkey, 90/10 or 95/5 ground beef and any sub 10g fat /100g pork.
    is this REALLY the extra fat? or is this more likely to be in my had cuz i know my gall bladder is removed? dairy that is a bit fattier gives me the same feeling even though theres way less fat in those but eggs for example dont give me this at all and i eat a lot of eggs per day (3-6). no problem with any kind of nuts either.
    however it gets especially bad if i eat 80/20 ground beef with cheese, even if its not a lot of cheese. probably 200g of meat raw weight
    anyone with a removed gall bladder had similiar/experiences/issues?

    • 3 months ago

      forgot to add, i dont seem to have any digestive problems like diarrhea, bloating etc, all my poops are normal. its just crazy fatigue i feel right after eating mentioned meats

  70. 3 months ago

    Help me fix this. This is build around a cable functional trainer - don't have access to any bench or barbells, but have plenty of weight on the cable machine:

    Day 1:
    Pull Ups
    Back Row
    Dead Lifts
    Military Press
    Lu Press
    Chest Fly Mid
    Chest Fly Up
    Bicept Curls
    Overhead Tri Extension

    Day 3:
    Weighted Lunges
    Forearm reverse curl
    Wrist Curls

    Day 5:
    Chin Ups
    Back cable pull
    Behind back lat raise
    Military Press
    Chest Press
    Chest Fly mid
    Chest Fly up
    Bicept Curls
    Overhead Tri Extension

    Really planning on going hard on day 1 and 5, allowing my body a full three days before going back to upper body. Trying to look great by summer.

  71. 3 months ago

    I have bone spurs and thinning discs in my lower spine. What can I do to lower the pain and get back into exercise?

  72. 3 months ago

    Is spicy food being good for a diet all placebo? Calories are calories.

    • 3 months ago

      I've never heard any kind of mumbo jumbo science that spicy food is any healthier than any other source of calories.

    • 3 months ago

      explain the logic behind that one

  73. 3 months ago

    I have a hard time eating over 2000 calories, I have an irrational fear of getting fat so I'm not gaining muscles also. Help

  74. 3 months ago

    How beneficial would it be to wear a weighted vest all day?

    • 3 months ago

      utterly pointless.

    • 3 months ago

      Chaffing and Minor calf gains.

    • 3 months ago

      Completely worthless. The only thing it'll do is potentially wear on your joints.

      Anon I was 85 kilos so I went to the gym for hours a night a month straight just sitting on their bikes. I burned between 1100-2000 most nights

      it sucked but I'm a lot happier with my body

      >I burned between 1100-2000 most nights
      Those calorie burned estimators are totally worthless anon. Unless you were at an incline the entire time you are not burning anywhere near 1000 calories. If you bike at a moderate pace (Heartrate going, but not racing) you might burn 600 cal an hour at-best. I don't doubt that people CAN burn that much, but 99% of people will not be able to do it even if they want to. Cardio to lose weight is the wrong way of doing it.

      23% body fat

      Am I moronic for not wanting to cut and just keep lifting/growing muscle?

      It's funner than cutting and cardio

      It's your body, do whatever you want. But don't come crying here if you're upset about looking fat.

      >met an old gay lifter at gym today
      >chat in between sets, friendly banter
      >receive unsolicited training advice
      >”you’re lifting too heavy, anon. You’ll wreck yourself. You should focus on lower weight with high reps. 15. minimum, better 20”
      >mfw I barely manage 1pl8t bench and 2pl8t dl
      Was he right? Is high-volume, low weight the way to go?

      Never listen to oldgay lifters, half of them weren't even in the gym when they were your age. 1pl8 is already a pretty low weight for bench, going lower is just going to limit you. Also, for weighted compounds like bench or squats going over 10 reps is moronic unless you are really trying to injure yourself.

      • 3 months ago

        >1pl8t bench is low and 10+reps on compounds is moronic
        Thanks, that was kinda my hunch. Also, I’d wager the number of reps is highly dependent on what you actually want to achieve. Grow strong? Lower reps (5-8). Grow big? Mid range (8-12). Endurance? (15+).

    • 3 months ago

      It will destroy your hips/knees/ankles. And I know this because I did it. I also tried 1lb ankle weights and had terrible pains for a month

  75. 3 months ago

    i have a blood pressure of 100/50, its 10:30 pm right now and i ate 90 minutes ago.
    is it normal to have such low blood pressure? im close to being obese (29 bmi) so its not like im a runner skelly. my resting HR is also 40 bpm
    how is this possible? i know low BP isnt really an issue itself but i have the feeling that it takes me a lot of time to "get going" in the gym
    should i increase salt intake?
    the onyl cardio i do is walking (10-14k steps a day) + bike 30 mins a day 5 days a week (commute to and from work)

  76. 3 months ago

    23% body fat

    Am I moronic for not wanting to cut and just keep lifting/growing muscle?

    It's funner than cutting and cardio

  77. 3 months ago

    >met an old gay lifter at gym today
    >chat in between sets, friendly banter
    >receive unsolicited training advice
    >”you’re lifting too heavy, anon. You’ll wreck yourself. You should focus on lower weight with high reps. 15. minimum, better 20”
    >mfw I barely manage 1pl8t bench and 2pl8t dl
    Was he right? Is high-volume, low weight the way to go?

  78. 3 months ago

    What's your favorite (short) program for an intermediate lifter to increase bench? Currently nursing an injury but I can bench, so willing to focus on it for a few weeks. Initially picked Smolov Jr but reading a fair bit of negative reviews.

  79. 3 months ago

    Can I put Mio in my unflavored protein powder shakes with water to make them not taste horrible? I use milk sometimes but I don’t always need the extra calories so I’m wondering if anyone’s tried this, or can recommend something else to put in there that’s easy.

    • 3 months ago

      I doubt mio will do much to help the flavor. What kind of protein you using? Certain brands are much worse than others.

      • 3 months ago

        My protein

        • 3 months ago

          well there's your problem, MyProtein is fricking ass. They only got popular via shilling on here and social media. There was a huge shill force for like 2 years on here. Always thought it was weird.

          • 3 months ago

            Why is it bad? What powders do you recommend?

            • 3 months ago

              It's just cheap d2c shit. It's not made to be good, it's made to cut costs as much as possible and still make a profit. Personally I haven't found many brands I like that are both affordable and decent tasting. I like Optimum gold standard but those prices have skyrocketed after covid and haven't come back down. Syntha-6 tastes good but the macros aren't great. Dymatize tasted good but the price is pretty fricking lame.

              So I guess gold standard remains the gold standard but prices are shitty.

  80. 3 months ago

    >2 scoops of whey
    >1/4tsp salt
    >1/4tsp potassium iodide
    >chase with 150mg magnesium citrate, 500mg vitamin c, and 2 omega369 capsules
    i take that twice a day and eat veggies etc and other supplements throughout the day
    based or cringe?

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        you're cringe

  81. 3 months ago

    The only thing that is consistanly lacking in my diet is potassium. Is there supps for this? Or do I just need to start eating bananas and potatoes?

    • 3 months ago

      I put a banana in my protein shakes. I use a knockoff Ninja blender to make them

  82. 3 months ago

    I do bro splits with no rest days. Is that bad?

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >bro splits
      meme shit
      >no rest days
      Pretty bad

  83. 3 months ago
  84. 3 months ago

    I can't do any leg exercises without my plantar fasciitis flaring up (right heel). Recently I discovered when I try to bring my knee to my chest on the right side my right upper body has a tendency to curl forward, I'm assuming to compensate for something. What exercises can I try to fix this?

    • 3 months ago


  85. 3 months ago

    jogging should i increase my time without watching distance or try to increase distance in a set time?

  86. 3 months ago


    Dunno where to ask this
    >Sleep until I'm well rested
    >Stay awake for up to 24 hours without any signs of tiring
    >Can Push 36 when drinking coffee or doing things that keep normies awake
    What do? I can't sleep and these 24 hours feel normal to me. I've often been sleepless in school, during University I'm still feeling tired and exhausted, never fully locking in, gaining weight, stress is killing me, but as soon as I have breaks (summer break, etc.) I feel alive, lose weight, gain muscle, hair stops falling out, all because I can live on my own schedule, go to bed when I'm actually tired, rest until I'm actually rested, I live all around healthier.
    I feel like my biological clock is running on a schedule that is incompatible to / longer than humanity's schedule of 8+8+8 hours and seeing everyone around me just live so content and healthy with just 24 hours a day is making me feel really awkward.
    I've talked with my father, uncle and brother about this, they're the same so it's almost guaranteed to be running in the family.

    >Have longer wake / sleep schedule, 24+8 instead of 8+8+8 hours
    >The frick do I do with this?

    Pic not related

    • 3 months ago

      Try to get self employed, quit wagie job asap

    • 3 months ago

      Talk to a doc, get on medication/get a solution for sleep problems. Alternative/kinda shitty answer: have some discipline and go to bed when you're supposed to. You're staying awake for too long because you're allowing your brain to stay stimulated. Put down the phone/tablet, get off your PC/console, and chill out. Circadian rhythm disorders are a helluva drug.

  87. 3 months ago

    why I have really veiny arms but a lot of belly fat? should I have my testosterone checked? cutting is not a solution for me because I have a large frame and some of my ribs are still showing, weird pihi

    • 3 months ago

      Fat accumulates at the stomach first (to protect the organs) then spreads outwards to the limbs as BF% goes up. And it leaves in the opposite way as BF% goes down: it fades from the limbs first and the stomach area last. That's why it's so hard to get chiseled six pack abs: the stomach is the very last place to lose body fat, so you need to get down to ~10-12% to see your abs. You could also have visceral fat which makes your appearance way worse.

  88. 3 months ago

    how often should i be having 2 days off gym?

    does having 2 days off in a row once every few weeks limit your gains or your progress?

    usually i go 4-5 days a week, worth doing more or nah?

    • 3 months ago

      >usually i go 4-5 days a week
      You're doing just fine. Only people on gear or those try-hard min/maxers do 6 days/week

  89. 3 months ago

    I have the sickest chest doms like if I just had a really good bench day. Except it was an overhead press day. Is it supposed to do that?

    • 3 months ago

      how strict is your ohp?

      • 3 months ago

        I bring it all the way down to my chest and I might be doing a slight layback. I'd have to film it and see. I don't use any momentum.

        I have chest doms at the moment. Feels like chest is on fire. Id be more worried that it was something more sinister if it was for able to be able to massage my chest and I can feel exactly where its sore.

        For me it's sore in the center. I'm not worried. I love it. I'm wondering if I even need the bench press.

        • 3 months ago

          yea might be a good idea to film next time. I was only asking because if you lean back too much you're going to end up involving the chest a fair bit.

    • 3 months ago

      I have chest doms at the moment. Feels like chest is on fire. Id be more worried that it was something more sinister if it was for able to be able to massage my chest and I can feel exactly where its sore.

  90. 3 months ago

    is getting my squat up to 4x6 100 kg without bulking a realistic goal?

    im 75 kg 6'1 and i can currently squat 50 kg for 4x6.

    • 3 months ago

      No. 2plate without putting on any weight when you're lifting that little is next to impossible

      • 3 months ago

        i dont care if i put on a bit of weight, i just dont want to do a deliberate bulk.

        • 3 months ago

          Well, then.. that sucks for you don't it? You're not gonna straight up double your squat to 2plates without getting bigger legs. Newbie gains are only gonna get you so far

  91. 3 months ago

    I quit weed cold turkey 2weeks ago. I was smoking 10+ joints a day. I need advice from someone who did the same before me on how to deal with the withdrawal symptoms, like extreme mood swings and anxiety.

  92. 3 months ago

    my gym is getting an oxygen capsule apparently
    is this 100% a meme

    • 3 months ago

      Always has been. Professional athletes do it because they think it speeds up recovery or gives you a boost due to having more oxygen in your blood, but it's entirely heresay and has very little evidence

    • 3 months ago

      >Measured continuously after exercise, however, the blood lactate levels of athletes who inhale pure oxygen are practically identical, on average, to those of athletes who breathe normal air.
      >Some physicians have ridiculed the use of 100 percent oxygen, noting that athletes recover perfectly well by breathing regular air, which is 21 percent oxygen
      I laugh at everyone who says these things do fricking anything for you.

  93. 3 months ago

    I used to be able to do full ROM ab wheel rollouts for reps, now after not doing them for a good while I can only do one. Also, it takes me like four warmup sets (of 3) to get there. I've been doing this every other day for a couple of weeks with no apparent progress, anything else I should try?

  94. 3 months ago

    In 4 day split with dedicated arm day, would you pair chest with shoulders without vertical presses or pair shoulders with arms?

    • 3 months ago

      I run that sort of split and do side delts on chest day and rear delts on back day.

      • 3 months ago

        >and rear delts on back day.
        good idea

  95. 3 months ago

    exercises for slim legs my guys? i want something akin to atrophy for thighs.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't know what you're asking. Like.. exercises to make your legs smaller..?

      • 3 months ago

        a diet, a system, an exercise...anything. i just want my thigh muscles to be smaller. I can deal with fat easily.

        • 3 months ago

          Starve yourself and get literally zero exercise. That'll make your body start eating your muscles to feed itself once you run out of fat

          • 3 months ago

            a diet, a system, an exercise...anything. i just want my thigh muscles to be smaller. I can deal with fat easily.

            Do this but also get someone to hit both of your legs repeatedly with a baseball bat. Injury will absolutely help you reach your sensible goal.

  96. 3 months ago

    Lifting more?

    Im doing that superman exercise with 50kg dumbells

    I can do a higher weight but I keep getting light headed or dizzy aftet 5 reps or so but my muscles are fine

  97. 3 months ago

    If i work different parts of my body each day. Do I still need rest days?
    Like my muscles for my back are resting when i do my legs or something.

    • 3 months ago

      depends. if it's at least 72 hours between hitting the same muscle, and you aren't doing strength training or excessively fatiguing yourself in anyway, you can get by.

  98. 3 months ago

    Why is it that when I eat 1000 calories worth of steak I don't feel full, but when I eat 2 mchickens I get sick from to much food?

  99. 3 months ago

    Is doing 20 push ups every hour going to increase my push up max for one set? I don't know what my current max is, a few months ago it used to be 20 but I've been doing some shit program I made up since the start of this month where I try to do 3 sets of 20 push ups. I usually gas out on the last set, only reaching 12 or so.
    I want to be able to do 50 or 100 push ups without stopping. I don't know if those are reasonable goals or not.
    I don't know too much about lifting or fitness, I really only know "do perfect form", eat ~0.5+ of protein per pound of bodyweight and calories in/calories out.
    I've heard of "junk volume" but I don't understand it.
    Any answers appreciated

  100. 3 months ago

    This is embarassing but whenever I squat down with heavy weight you can see my balls poking through my shorts. How the FRICK do I stop this???

  101. 3 months ago

    What do you think about this routine

    PUSH 1
    Bench Press +2*10/1*8/1*12
    Machine Incline Press +2*10/1*15/1*8
    Peck Deck 2*12/1*10
    Machine Shoulder Press +2*10/1*8/1*12
    Seated Lateral Raise 1*15/1*12/2*20
    Triceps Rope Pushdown 2*10/1*8/1*12

    PULL 1
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown +2*10/1*8/1*12
    Wide Grip EZ Bar Seated Pulley Row +2*10/1*15/1*8
    Lat Pulldown Bull Horns Attachment +2*10/1*12
    Standing Unilateral Machine Row 1*12/2*10
    Face Pull 1*12/2*20
    Unilateral Scott Bench DB Biceps Curl +2*10/2*12

    LEGS 1
    Leg Press +2*10/1*8/1*12
    Reverse Hack Squat +1*12/2*8/1*10
    DB Lunges 2*16/1*20
    Quadriceps Extensions +2*10/1*15/1*8
    Adduction Machine 1*15/2*12

    Crunch Machine 4*20
    Hanging Knee Raises 4*20

    PUSH 2
    Smith Machine Incline Press +2*12/1*15/1*10
    DB Flat Bench Press 2*12/2*10
    Incline Bench Cable Flyes 1*15/2*12
    Unilateral Lateral Cable Raise 2*12/2*10
    Bench Supported Lateral Raise +1*12/2*10
    EZ Bar French Press 2*10/1*12/1*8

    PULL 2
    Posterior Cable Crossovers +4*10
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown +4*10
    BB Seal Row 4*12
    DB Row 3*12
    Hammer Curl 1*15/2*12

    Crunch Machine 4*20
    Hanging Knee Raises 4*20

    LEGS 2
    Smith Machine Squat +2*10/1*8/1*12
    Romanian Deadlift +2*10/1*12/1*8
    DB Bulgarian Squat 2*8/1*10
    Seated Hamstring Extensions 1*15/2*12/1*10
    Seated Calf Raises 3*12

  102. 3 months ago

    does anyone have the screenshots of the anon who fricked a woman like picrel and delivered pics? her body would giggle like jelly

  103. 3 months ago

    What bodyfat % am I at?

  104. 3 months ago

    How do I fix pic related as a man?

  105. 3 months ago

    What's the difference applied to my bicep if I do a bicep curl, a hammer curl, or a preacher curl? Why should I do one over the other, doing all three in the same work out or other bicep-targeting lifts?

    I don't understand.

    • 3 months ago

      each exercise works a different part of the biceps and the brachialis

  106. 3 months ago

    How do you measure progress in terms of muscle growth ?

  107. 3 months ago

    Any type of knee over toe quad exercise makes my calf muscle hurt insanely much, like it's getting way to stretched out, I've tried on hack squad moving my feet up for less flexion at the feet but still intense pain..
    Can I replace squat type move with leg extensions? Or should I do something like split squats where 2 foot is on a bench?

  108. 3 months ago

    Is it true that beginners shouldn't do deloads? I've been lifting for 4 months and I'm not making much progress anymore despite eating and resting right, and I don't feel energized while lifting anymore, it's like exhaustion sets in the moment I step into the gym. From what the internet tells me it looks like I've accumulated fatigue, but the internet also tells me beginners shouldn't be accumulating fatigue. Did I do something wrong and should I deload?

    • 3 months ago

      Eat more carbs

    • 3 months ago

      you're allowed to take a deload week if you want. noones stopping you. you probably need to eat more too.

  109. 3 months ago

    Let’s say by some miracle you are able to consume 50,000 calories of food in one sitting. How many of those calories would your body just outright shit out instead of absorbing or storing?

  110. 3 months ago

    I have a very wide and big ripcage, does this make me a neanderthal?

  111. 3 months ago

    Hi anons, this really embarassing but I got no else to ask this to. I think my work life is causing me to become depressed and anxious and that is resulting in me losing my appetite. My weight gain stopped and the progressive overloading I was doing has also stopped. Obviously can't quit job. What do I do?

  112. 3 months ago

    Trying to figure out how much sugar is in sushi. I read its about a tablespoon per cup of rice. Is this cooked rice or uncooked?

  113. 3 months ago

    Is it okay to throw in some curls at the end of every workout on SS?

  114. 3 months ago

    I'm new to this and tried doing Nick E's bodyweight primer build up day 1 (https://nick-e.com/bwf-primer-build-up-day-1/ 5x5 push ups)
    I tried doing these flat on the floor and struggled to do so towards the end, only finding out later that you can use an incline to ease yourself into it. However, afterwards, I noticed that my upper pectoral where the torso meets the armpit is sore; I did this 3 days ago and it's still uncomfortable. It's not uncomfortable to a light touch put is a sore when pressing on it, and also feels uncomfortable to reach each arm to the opposite side of the body.
    Can I keep progressing with the build up routine or did I have bad form and have to wait until it's better?
    Also, how do I combine this build up with brisk walking? Can I do both each day or do I have to alternate days?
    179cm 53kg
    5'11" 117lb

  115. 3 months ago

    How bad is mayo? I want to make chicken salad because I think it'd be a good way to have a quick snack at work.

    • 3 months ago

      look at the nutrition facts and decide for yourself.

      Is it okay to throw in some curls at the end of every workout on SS?

      Sure, it's recommended to add some accessories to SS after a month or two.

      Hi anons, this really embarassing but I got no else to ask this to. I think my work life is causing me to become depressed and anxious and that is resulting in me losing my appetite. My weight gain stopped and the progressive overloading I was doing has also stopped. Obviously can't quit job. What do I do?

      Look for another job. My old gig was fricking horrible so I started trying to get interviews at other places, and eventually got one after getting laid off anyways. Life has been way better since.

  116. 3 months ago

    can everyone feel the individual ab muscles beneath the skin without there being definition?

  117. 3 months ago

    If i have really big legs in comparsion with upper body, Will it be good change to stronglift5x5(i do 3x5 cause of not having enough Time) i change squat with benchpress (i have underdeveloped chest)
    So my A workout would be bench OHP, Deadlift and workout B would be bench squat row

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