Are grains bad for you?
I started eating a big bowl of puffed wheat with fermented milk for breakfast everyday, as well as bread and granola bars through the day. This type of food seems to be the only thing I can stomach in large quantities, and I'm a skeletor so I need to put on weight, which I have since I started eating more grains.
But I can't find a defining answer on how healthy or bad this is. Some say it's super healthy others say it's literally toxic. Which one is it?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Caught a bad cold. Any tips to recover quicker beside the standard "hydrate / stay warm / take vitamins"?

    • 2 years ago

      eat as much as you can. don't fast like your body is telling you. a week off of gym is probably going to do you more good than working out immediately after feeling better. go for small (<= 5km) walks instead of working out. you're going to feel some fatigue after sets going back to the gym, that's fine, take it light and slowly get back to normal. if your fatigue isn't gone within two weeks go to the doctors.

      get better soon <3

    • 2 years ago

      Zinc and avoid carbs


      Are grains bad for you?
      I started eating a big bowl of puffed wheat with fermented milk for breakfast everyday, as well as bread and granola bars through the day. This type of food seems to be the only thing I can stomach in large quantities, and I'm a skeletor so I need to put on weight, which I have since I started eating more grains.
      But I can't find a defining answer on how healthy or bad this is. Some say it's super healthy others say it's literally toxic. Which one is it?

      You need carbs and fats to make gains. Anyone who says otherwise is moronic and has never made any notable gains


      Why does the rest you get after you work yourself to the bone feel sooo good


      What's a good resting hear beat?
      I'm not fat but I don't any sport and drink 6 cups of tea every day. My is 70+, and it's worrying me.

      Good is like 40
      Get to cardio-ing big boy


      >no progress in bench pressing for months
      >meanwhile my friend almost bench presses 2 times my bench press weight. Usually i always was just 20kg behind him
      From octobre to february i made a progress of around 30kg, then i cut for 3 months, since then i made pracitically 0 progress. How can i cope? I just changed from 6 workouts per week to 4 workouts. Thats the only difference since i started to bulk again. Also im getting fatter and stronger in other areas

      I would guess you're eating wayyyy too much protein
      Get 0.8g/pound of LEAN BODY MASS(subtract the weight of fat)
      When you eat too much protein is destroys your testosterone making it impossible to make gains

      Get at least double your new intake of protein in carbs and then fill the rest of your calories with fat. Eat like this until your body recovers and starts making test again

      • 2 years ago

        >When you eat too much protein is destroys your testosterone making it impossible to make gains

        • 2 years ago

          homie, just fricking try it. Everybody here fights with me about this but won't fricking try it which gets them a one-way ticket on the gains train

          Testosterone's overarching function is to run the liver (mainly protein synthesis)
          You want excess testosterone flowing through you to give you better pumps, sex drive, blood flow, and stress management

          When you use up all your test on protein synthesis, your body ups the cortisol as a coping mechanism which destroys your gains

          You can't make androgens without carbs (precursor to test) and you can't make test without cholesterol (fat)

          It's not fricking rocket science but every roiders whose ever been paid to shill supplements has said some number way above and beyond what a natty is capable of synthesizing and so everyone gets moronicly defensive about protein intake.

          Can excess protein intake help keep you leaner? Yes. Will it help you make more gains? Absolutely not because gains come from specific hormones(androgens, testosterone), which come from your diet

          I hit 274lbs at <8% bf at 6'4 in 2018 after using the 0.8g/lb of lean mass method for a couple years

          • 2 years ago

            You are a moronic fricking c**t and should kys

            • 2 years ago

              Kek. I love when people seethe over me giving them good advice

              It's why I'll continue to be better than you

              People willing to experiment are the ones who make it. Not the angry rope posters who refuse to think outside the box

              • 2 years ago

                Not my job to educate you misinfo shill

              • 2 years ago

                I'm literally just telling my story and using my experiences to help people

                That's the opposite of being a "misinfo shill"

                Put in your opinion but don't project your insecurities on me. It makes you look bad

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              This proves what I'm talking about lmaoooo
              >High-protein diets cause a large decrease in resting total testosterone (∼5.23nmol/L)

              Also, 3 weeks ain't shit


              Is GVT a meme?

              If you work up to that much volume, you can make gains, but otherwise it's worthless as anything but a cutting program
              It really fricks with your hype tho. I was super razzed all the time after a few weeks
              T. Did volume training for 6 weeks

              • 2 years ago

                Why do volume during a cut?

              • 2 years ago

                For boosting your tdee to cut at your normal caloric intake

                I'm getting my obese 60y/o mother to start lifting with me in my home gym. What routine should I get her on to make her live longer? Thinking more or less 5x5 with some accessories. Today I got her to bench 33lbs 3x8, OHP 18lbs 3x6, squat 18lbs (bad ROM) 1x10, and do 30lb lat pulldowns for like 12 reps. She complained a lot but I don't think it was very heavy for her, she could've done more reps.

                >She complained a lot but she could bench more
                I play that same game every year after my bulk with some dbag pt in one of the meme gyms

  2. 2 years ago

    it's hard to answer this 100%, gluten can technically be bad for you, but then again if you're not intolerant to it, it's not like it's terrible for you. and gluten-free options exist.
    at the end of day, people have been eating bread for at least 14,400 years. only carnivore gays seem to claim "every single plant is toxic to you", which is just moronic.

    • 2 years ago

      Depending on heritage, humans ate bread in large quantities for 8-10 thousand years

      • 2 years ago

        That's true. But the wheat we are eating has more gluten due to selective breeding. A guy won a Nobel prize, because it ended starvation in many places. The bad thing is that in the long term gluten is inflammatory and you should limit how much you eat. But as long as you don't have an issue, eat as much as you like

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, I've heard it plays a big role in leaky gut

          • 2 years ago

            that's having gay anal sex

            • 2 years ago

              Then why don't you have leaky gut anon?

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Gluten is a meme, no one is intolerant to it, you either have celiacs or you have ibs and then a lot of foods frick you up then. Anyone who has claimed cutting out gluten has helped them is merely a experiencing a placebo effect, and has deeper rooted gut issues

      • 2 years ago

        Not sure about that. Regardless, from what I read, gluten technically can damage your stomach and this results in worse micronutrient absorption. Not like everyone has it, but it's possible.
        Also, bread does contain some amount of FODMAP. Although as someone who gets the shits from oats and rye bread, white bread and pasta do very little to me.

        • 2 years ago

          The only people that it damages have autoimmune disorders(or something similar) like ibs, ibd, or celiacs. It doesn’t damage your stomach, it can cause an autoimmune response in the aforementioned individuals in the small and large intestines which causes the symptoms of bloating, bloody diarrhea, and other gut issues. This is not just limited to gluten and can be caused by a variety of other proteins like gluten, some are even found in oats which nobody screams about as much as gluten even though it has the same affect. If your gut microbiome is healthy, and you do not have the previous mentioned diseases, grains(and all their proteins like gluten) should be just fine for the you as well as the vast majority of people that fall under those stipulations. There will always be exceptions but some blacks have IQs above 120 so everything is possible.

    • 2 years ago

      >people have been eating bread for at least 14,400 years.
      Bread just decades ago was nothing like the bread you can buy at the store today. It's gone from 2% gluten content to upwards of 12%, not to mention the amount of additives.

      • 2 years ago

        Make your own, then

  3. 2 years ago

    Yes all carbs are bad, however how much you can tolerate depends on your genetics. Some people can tolerate enough for them not to notice the negative effects at all, others are not so lucky and get autoimmune diseases. Then there's the anti nutrients and pesticides (both naturally occurring and added), etc.
    But in the end it's as simple as: whatever works for you is good for you.

    However there is one caveat: the Randle cycle. Long story short, eating fats and carbs together (aka within a 5 days period) when you are not at a caloric deficit means you WILL store fat, but also become chronically inflamed (that's bad). Storing fat is good, especially for babies, milk is about 50/50 carbs/fat (which is why it's the best bulking food).

    If you have no health problems and don't care about, or actively want to gain fat, then enjoy your carbs buddy. As long as you don't spike your insulin levels and don't eat too much fructose. Why? because fructose while it doesn't raise your insulin, it very bad for your liver and glycates 7 times more than glucose. Glycation, along with oxidation, is what makes your "cholesterol" (in reality lipoproteins) go bad and frick up your health.
    Just only eat OMAD 4 hour window, with maybe something like a small steak 1 hour before workout and 40g of protein 30 minutes after your workout.

    Also fibers can be trouble, while no fibers has no adverse effect (no fibers causing diverticulitis and such is a myth), and keep in mind that carbs are processed way slower in your digestive tract compared to meat, eggs, milk etc.

    Whatever you do, don't change your diet overnight, you need to do it slowly over 6 weeks, or you will absolutely frick your gut microbiome (a series of 3 day fasts will cure that but it's not a fun process)

    In the end, seed oils are way worse than carbs for health so definitely stay away from these, and only worry about carbs if you have issues.

    • 2 years ago

      Post body

    • 2 years ago

      Post body


    • 2 years ago

      damn thats some moronic shit

    • 2 years ago

      moronic low iq subhuman

    • 2 years ago

      >Why? because fructose while it doesn't raise your insulin, it very bad for your liver
      No one has got liver disease from drinking juice moron

    • 2 years ago

      >bad for liver
      citation fricking required. Do you think our early hominid ancestor would have passed up a berry patch?

    • 2 years ago

      Post body

  4. 2 years ago

    The only people calling grains toxic are keto and carnivore shills. Good rule of thumb is to not listen to people whose only income matches what they are recommending and who can't be held accountable. Keto and carnivore grifters check both boxes.

  5. 2 years ago

    I do dumbbell exercises and some weighted calisthenics 3x a week and want to increase overall strength so I started a new progression scheme where I start at 3x5 and add a rep every day until I do 3 days of 3x8 and then repeat with a higher weight. On paper, this will result in a 60lb increase per year (though most lifts are not getting 5lb increments per month). The lower rep sets seem easy for now but I reasoned they'd give me some extra time to adjust to new weights and avoid screwing myself up, esp. shoulders.
    Would adding 1.25lb each week to fixed sets of 3x8 be a better idea? That should also result in 60lbs/year but keeps the work higher.
    I know I'll plateau long before but I wanted to focus on adding weight to these lifts that I'd been sort of stagnating on due to poor progression planning.

    • 2 years ago

      >I start at 3x5 and add a rep every day until I do 3 days of 3x8 and then repeat with a higher weight
      Good, as long as you rest at least every other day (or work a different muscle), give your muscles at least 48 hours to rest.
      >Would adding 1.25lb each week to fixed sets of 3x8 be a better idea?
      Nope, the higher the weight the better (although doing sets of 1RM is fricking stupid and can kill your gainz)

      >The lower rep sets seem easy for now but I reasoned they'd give me some extra time to adjust to new weights and avoid screwing myself up
      If those lower rep sets aren't done to failure/near failure then they are kinda useless in terms of strength gains. If you're worried about joints then either deload every 4 weeks or use the same weight for 4 weeks.

      >I'd been sort of stagnating
      Poor form or not going close enough to failure.

  6. 2 years ago


    Why do men have nips though

    • 2 years ago

      Long story short the human template during development is kinda made to accommodate both sexes. In the case of nipples, they’re there just in case you turn out to be a girl. If you are one, you get boobies and dispense milk through them once puberty hits. If you aren’t, you keep the nipples but don’t get milk or breasts (for the most part) and your body goes down the male development route

    • 2 years ago

      Because all mammals start out as a female, and it's the testosterone levels you get during the first months of development in the womb that determines if you become a male or stay female.
      Also a thing I noticed: This is probably why ftm trannies are so much better at passing as men, than what mtf trannies are at passing as women. Because if women take testosterone, their body will naturally try and change them into men. It doesn't work obviously, it's a bit too late, but it tries regardless because the function is there. This is not the case for males who take estrogen, because estrogen alone isn't what turns fetuses into women, so your body has no function that would turn your male body into a female body

      • 2 years ago

        masculinization is a one way train that only goes forward not back--a women is like a train that never left the station...give her testosterone and with enough time she'll get to the end of the track. The problem that MtF's run into is that you can't really undo the masculinization that has already occurred, which is why there's a big push to start kids on puberty blockers and all that. A biological male who takes estrogen won't lose his facial hair or square jaw, he'll just get little breasts and cry more lol.

        • 2 years ago

          yeah and the even scarier thing is that puberty blocking shit will slow/stop brain, bone, and muscle development so they will be a kid thats been tormented by its parents with the musculoskeletal system of an 80 yr old woman and the brain of an early teen. It's fricking evil.

        • 2 years ago

          can you grow only with kettlebells? using the same weight

      • 2 years ago

        Imagine the girl/guy thing at the 8 year mark telling you his pussy is wet

  7. 2 years ago

    Why does the rest you get after you work yourself to the bone feel sooo good

  8. 2 years ago

    What's a good resting hear beat?
    I'm not fat but I don't any sport and drink 6 cups of tea every day. My is 70+, and it's worrying me.

  9. 2 years ago

    Where can I buy home gym equipment online in Australia? I'm super regional and you can't buy shit locally, and the "gyms" are all just treadmills and exercise bikes.

    • 2 years ago

      I used catch fitness

      • 2 years ago

        what the frick

        • 2 years ago

          >hex dbs
          lol why? just buy adjustable dumbells and change plates.

          • 2 years ago

            It was just the first thing on the list, the price is a bit moronic.

  10. 2 years ago

    >no progress in bench pressing for months
    >meanwhile my friend almost bench presses 2 times my bench press weight. Usually i always was just 20kg behind him
    From octobre to february i made a progress of around 30kg, then i cut for 3 months, since then i made pracitically 0 progress. How can i cope? I just changed from 6 workouts per week to 4 workouts. Thats the only difference since i started to bulk again. Also im getting fatter and stronger in other areas

  11. 2 years ago

    is onions really bad for you? if yes, why?

    • 2 years ago

      i said


    • 2 years ago

      It's less than ideal for males
      You don't need to eat that processed shit anyway. Just eat meat and bread and oils

      • 2 years ago

        what about seed oils?

        • 2 years ago

          If you do cardio at all they don't fricking matter.

        • 2 years ago

          If you do cardio at all they don't fricking matter.

          Meaning hit your fricking macros at all costs (except $°y)

  12. 2 years ago

    Grains are fine, try to get 100% whole grain food items as much as you can. Like everything else the more processed it is, usually the worse it is for you. You should look into muesli. It’s delicious but without all the sugar.

  13. 2 years ago

    I bake bread, if you can control portion size then I don't see how it can be bad. People tend to say bread is automatically bad cuz they can't tell how much they're eating.

    • 2 years ago

      >People tend to say bread is automatically bad cuz they can't control how much they're eating.

      • 2 years ago

        >People tend to say food is automatically bad cuz they won't control how much they're eating
        fix'd your fix

    • 2 years ago

      >People tend to say bread is automatically bad cuz they can't control how much they're eating.

      >People tend to say food is automatically bad cuz they won't control how much they're eating
      fix'd your fix

      All true but the third one is most applicable

  14. 2 years ago

    How to lower LDL? Went to have bloodwork done because of a headache and a bit of fatigue and I've got everything fine except LDL which I have over 160 so I think that's it. I'm going on statis for a month at least but I also want to know what to eat. I stopped eating fat and eating much more fiber plus chia seeds with every meal.

    • 2 years ago

      Stop eating/drinking sugar and alcohol and do more cardio

      Fat doesn't affect ldl as much as people say when it comes to those who are fit.
      You need fat to function properly

      I have a super high fat diet and my only noticeable thing on blood work is my HDL is above and beyond the normal range. Everything else is normal
      I don't drink and I avoid sugar

  15. 2 years ago

    Will one bad sleep day kill my gains from the workout I did in the day

  16. 2 years ago

    Can I get abs by only doing leg raises? Don't really see much use to doing other exercices if they target the exact same muscle, but not sure

  17. 2 years ago

    I am a repugnant fatbody who is trying to get IST. I got a stationary bicycle last year and I'm up to 10 miles/day on it. This seems to have brought my blood pressure down by 25+ points but so far I'm not losing much weight. The doctor says I seem to be gaining muscle mass. My weight is down less than ten pounds in three months.

    How many calories am I using in those ten miles? When I search for information the numbers are all over the place, from "stationary bicycles aren't good exercise, you use less than 10 calories/mile" to "bicycling 10 miles at a moderate pace uses 1100 calories," both of which seem crazy to me. If it matters, it's a 20+ year old iFit brand bike. I'm doing these ten miles over the course of 55-60 minutes, always with the resistance turned up as far as it will go. The resistance feels like it skips and stutters and cuts in and out, which is probably why I was able to buy the bike so cheap. I guess there isn't anything I can do but try to keep increasing the miles I ride on it, but it's hard when I keep having surgeries and the docs keep telling me I can't exercise for a month afterwards. I feel like I'm starting all over and can't get ahead.

  18. 2 years ago

    Will eating under naintenance while lifting still lower bodyfat% over time?

  19. 2 years ago

    Any of you guys got an Apple Watch? I wanna know if they’re any good at tracking calories. General consensus from what I’ve researched is that it’s quite accurate but I’d like to know if any real human beans here tried them out

  20. 2 years ago

    too many carbs can be inflammatory (yes, even "complex" carbs). some people need less carbs for health reasons. others can tolerate more.

    carbs are good for bulking because they're less satiating. it's basically impossible for me to eat at even a small surplus if i go low carb.

    if you're having a hard time eating enough, one trick i use is to eat some fried bologna. it's not super healthy and I wouldn't suggest eating it daily or anything, but 2 slices of thick cut is like 260 calories and it's real easy to eat.

    • 2 years ago

      >carbs are bad for you
      >just eat these extremely processed mystery meats loaded with soi, nitrates, and God knows what else.
      Brain on low carb

      • 2 years ago

        learn to read homosexual.

        >>too many can be inflammatory
        >>they're good for bulking.

        These are both true. I hope you're a shill because at least then your moronation helps pay the bills.

        bologna won't frick with your blood sugars. i'm a lot more worried about that than I am about a small amount of nitrosamines possibly raising my risk of intestinal cancer, especially since "i wouldn't suggest eating it daily". ain't got onions neither.

        Instead of fear mongering, can you suggest something low carb (or at least very low sugar) that has ~10g protein and ~260 calories, that's ready to eat in 5min and can be easily eaten when you're full but still need to hit your calories? Maybe around 3oz or so? Hm?

        • 2 years ago

          >can you suggest something low carb (or at least very low sugar) that has ~10g protein and ~260 calories, that's ready to eat in 5min and can be easily eaten when you're full but still need to hit your calories? Maybe around 3oz or so? Hm?
          protein powder

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              What, do you fricking choke on it? It's literally a drink.

              • 2 years ago

                chugging 8oz milk+whey is worlds more difficult than eating 3oz of fried bologna. are you esl or just moronic?

              • 2 years ago

                you sound like a little b***h

              • 2 years ago

                >i cant drink a cup of milk its too hard
                gen z gayget have a nice day in a painful way

  21. 2 years ago

    i'm week into carnivore and it feels like i'm fricking dying
    i feel weak, like im about to faint
    my vision gets blurry randomly for few seconds
    my fingers can numb or tingly
    it feels like my head weights 10 kg
    lost 4kg despite eating a frick ton
    i have non-stop thrist
    what the frick is happening

    • 2 years ago

      Don’t do carnivore, meme diets don’t work, and are not sustainable. It will not make you stronger or better at anything. Just avoid processed food and cook your own meals. A diet with meat, veggies, 100% whole grains, dairy, and fruit is optimal. Every top athletic performer does it. It’s far more enjoyable and sustainable. Restrictive diets like carnivore, veganism, and keto are moronic and no body who does them post body or has a body worth posting.

    • 2 years ago

      You switched diet overnight like a fricking moron, didn't you?
      Good job, you fricked up your gut microbiome and your body because you're a moron.
      It's because of mongoloids like you that the carnivore diet gets a bad rap, so please stick to your goyslop and frick off forever.

  22. 2 years ago

    Tried learning the power clean with Mark Rippetoe's videos. How's my form? Am I bending the elbows too early?


  23. 2 years ago

    Just ordered some bar soap from duke cannon. While women find me attractive now

  24. 2 years ago

    How do you guys feels about low reps, high sets, low rest time? For my last two sessions with chin ups I'll do like 5-7 chin ups, rest for 40 seconds, then do it again, and continue to about 7 sets total.

    • 2 years ago

      I think it's underrated, as it allows to do more reps per total time. honestly I don't do it because it's difficult. by about the third set I'll be sweaty and winded but not even be halfway done, so I rather wait longer between sets so as to not be out of breath

  25. 2 years ago

    what's a good meal plan to follow? I've been eating chicken, rice, potatoes, beef, steak - been getting pretty tired of it tbh

  26. 2 years ago

    Which is better: PPL, Brosplit, or Full body ?

    • 2 years ago

      full body 2-3x or ppl 3x. a little daily yoga, non-ass-busting cardio on off days, or adding an extra light workout day (mostly for mobility and blood flow) can be good too.

      grain of salt; i'm not an expert just have a lot of time. also rollan

    • 2 years ago

      I eat a bowl of oats with whey every other day to satisfy my sweet tooth


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Depends on how much you eat

      Will eating under naintenance while lifting still lower bodyfat% over time?

      Depends on your hormones

    • 2 years ago

      full body for me, if u get more advanced u should consider PPL but it just depends on preference diet etc etc

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I just have my weights ready outside and when the mood takes me I run out and do some lifts.

      t. 100kg/220lb OHP

  27. 2 years ago

    I'm 3 weeks into noporn. I've been fapping every couple of days using my fleshlight, am I just fooling myself in thinking this is going to work or do I need to cut down on fapping altogether?

    • 2 years ago

      Nobody is going to argue that porn isn't inherently bad for you, so cutting that out is just good. But nofap is mostly about practicing self control and it wouldn't hurt to try and see if it helps you in any way. just do it gradually, cut it to a few times a week, then once a week etc. and see where it goes. In my experience the first few weeks are the worst but after that the urge is quite easy to resist. My longest streak was 170 something days and I broke it after I had been drinking with a few buddies and was feeling depressed afterwards.
      But beware of one thing, regardless if you fap or not, your body will continue to produce sperm and that sperm will eventuality come out so don't sleep naked


      Which is better: PPL, Brosplit, or Full body ?


    • 2 years ago

      How does it compare to the real thing? Is it realistic? I was thinking of getting one for stamina practice and to cure death grip dick.

    • 2 years ago

      I use my Fleshlight daily, don't worry about it. It's good because it gets your rocks off and you won't feel the need to overcompensate for your hand's lack of simulation with weird porn or frick ugly chicks for that matter.

      How does it compare to the real thing? Is it realistic? I was thinking of getting one for stamina practice and to cure death grip dick.

      It's good for making jerking off feel better. That's all it is. It'll help for death grip as well as porn urges.

  28. 2 years ago

    Can I get jacked by only swimming?

    • 2 years ago

      You can get otter mode if you throw in some lifting. Swimming is the God Kong of cardio, but will age you, so make sure to take extra care of your skin

  29. 2 years ago

    My grip strength is shit and it’s holding my RDL back significantly. How to improve grip strength aside from continually doing heavy compounds? I do 185x failure on RDL and my legs still feel fresh after I’m done the set, my grip just gives out

    • 2 years ago

      Tons of pull ups, fat grips, during heavy deadlifts hold the bar on your last rep at the top for 10 seconds, do more things that require grip more frequently

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks anon

    • 2 years ago

      Farmers walk with bodyweight in each hand

      • 2 years ago

        >body weight in each hand

        • 2 years ago

          You weight 140lbs you carry 140 lbs in each hand, how is that hard to understand? It's a good goal to have.
          Of course a beginner might only be able to carry half of their bodyweight per hand, but you should be fine with at least 0.75x BW/H.
          Heavy farmers carries are done over a short distance, it's not like I'm asking you to go for a marathon carrying that weight.

          • 2 years ago

            I weigh 195

            • 2 years ago

              I could do like 150 each max but the dumbbells in my gym only go to 100, should I just do them until failure?

  30. 2 years ago

    can you look good and kinda big doing calisthenics only?

    • 2 years ago

      ripped big natty, pick 2

  31. 2 years ago

    I sometimes get a pain near my groin on my left leg when coming up from a back squat. What should I do to prevent/fix this?

    • 2 years ago

      Stretch adductors obv

  32. 2 years ago

    Who was in the wrong here? QRD:
    >found her on bumble
    >my profile made it clear I was a kissless virgin, and was full of self hate
    >her opening message asked me what the frick was wrong with my profile
    >I'm basically an incel but she was willing to talk to me and had incredible breasts so I gave it a shot
    >we end up texting a lot and we get along, we are both autistic INTJs
    >keep asking her out and she always makes excuses that she can't
    >one day she hints she wants to cook for me and I take up her offer but she makes more excuses immediately
    >still claims she's interested in me
    >go off on incel rant that she likes my personality but won't date me because I'm ugly
    >tells me just be confident bro, me being a virgin has nothing to do with looks
    >I keep going on an incel rant and she blocks me

    • 2 years ago

      Bro please tell me you didn't actually write that shit

      • 2 years ago

        the screenshot speaks for itself

    • 2 years ago

      Jesus just KYS so you never post here again. Your life isn't worth the few seconds I spent reading some of that garbage, the world would be a better place without you and your loser attitude.

    • 2 years ago

      consider suicide

    • 2 years ago

      Her constant excuses makes me worry you were getting catfished or something, but your bizarre meltdown doesn’t do you any good. In the event she did actually hang out with you, your insecurities would still come out and she would be turned off. It’s one thing to reveal that you wish you had a stronger chin during a normal conversation, but your self pity tantrum just makes you look like a disillusioned incel. In short your shit attitude is unappealing to women and in the rare chance you do attract somebody you’ll just sabotage it by trying to convince them you’re ugly. Seek therapy

    • 2 years ago

      You look better than me and I still get girls. You really should try to change your mindset.

  33. 2 years ago

    Is GVT a meme?

  34. 2 years ago

    I'm getting my obese 60y/o mother to start lifting with me in my home gym. What routine should I get her on to make her live longer? Thinking more or less 5x5 with some accessories. Today I got her to bench 33lbs 3x8, OHP 18lbs 3x6, squat 18lbs (bad ROM) 1x10, and do 30lb lat pulldowns for like 12 reps. She complained a lot but I don't think it was very heavy for her, she could've done more reps.

    • 2 years ago

      for an old & obese person its probably smarter to go closer to anaerobic/even aerobic fitness, higher reps lower weight, don't go too far, just tire her out

  35. 2 years ago

    Hi fit

    i fricking broke my pinky toe, doctor says it takes 4 weeks to heal, how can i excise like this ? i'm scared as frick to get fat during the recovery time, should i lower significaly my calories intake ? should i go on a diet to prevent the lack of activities ?

    • 2 years ago

      listen to the doctor dumbass, the more you frick with it the longer it will take to heal. Just watch your intake, enjoy the time off.

      • 2 years ago

        that's the problem, i'm a hyperactive idiot and my brains goes into panic mode if i don't do enough exercice, and now i feel like shit for having a tiny little bone ruining my routine
        >enjoy the time off.
        thanks, but it's more a punishment than holidays tbh

        • 2 years ago

          Just become an upper body machines bro for a few weeks then

          Why would you do for example 3x5 with 5 minute rests when you can do 15x1 with 1 minute rests if strength is your goal? I can move more weight that way in the same time

          The closer you get to your 1RM, the more taxing it is. Not a linear relationship.
          You could lift more weight, but you are disproportionately killing yourself with each set

          >8-12 reps for hypertrophy, 5-8 for strength
          What's the equivalent if I use low weight, higher reps? or does it not work like that?

          >Anything I can do to improve my refraction period after ejaculation?

          >Is it safe to start a 3 year old on a body weight workout regime?

          More accurately is how close you get to RPE 10. Lower the weight enough and you’ll get bored or tired waaaaay before you get close to exhausting your muscle

  36. 2 years ago

    Why would you do for example 3x5 with 5 minute rests when you can do 15x1 with 1 minute rests if strength is your goal? I can move more weight that way in the same time

  37. 2 years ago

    >8-12 reps for hypertrophy, 5-8 for strength
    What's the equivalent if I use low weight, higher reps? or does it not work like that?

    >Anything I can do to improve my refraction period after ejaculation?

    >Is it safe to start a 3 year old on a body weight workout regime?

  38. 2 years ago

    How would you improve this diet?

    • 2 years ago

      step one is stop making autistic charts you goober

    • 2 years ago

      no reason to go low fat/fat free unless you prefer the taste or something.

  39. 2 years ago

    How do I jerryrig a calf raise in my homegym? I’ve got a bar and plates

  40. 2 years ago

    Not a question, but went back to the gym for the first time since lockdowns. I am sore. Also lost most of my gains.

  41. 2 years ago

    Are on cloud good quality gym shoes?

    • 2 years ago

      wear converse instead

  42. 2 years ago

    >New job
    >No time to lift before work
    >Best I can do is after work around 6pm
    What should I do here in regards to energy levels? If I take coffee or preworkout I'm going to be wired trying to sleep, I plan to have dinner immediately after so eating some kind of meal other than something small like a banana also won't work

    • 2 years ago

      >no time to lift before work

    • 2 years ago

      >No time to lift before work
      aka i refuse to wake up earlier

  43. 2 years ago

    I currently do PPLPPL, with the first 3 days being strength and last 3 days being hypertrophy. however, I also like to MTB on the weekend

    if I were to not do legs on Saturday and instead do MTBing, including climbs, flat ground, etc, how much would my legs suffer?

  44. 2 years ago

    I'm currently doing SL and do drop sets after the working sets on bench/ohp/curls.
    Is this good from a hypertrophy standpoint?

    Currently drop the weight 5kgs and manage to get 5-10reps out. Usually drop 5ish times.

  45. 2 years ago

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  46. 2 years ago

    I can't overhead press without feeling it in my back. What do?

    • 2 years ago

      Learn to lock and harden your entire lower body
      Brace harder, focus more on bracing than anything else
      Learn to position your head, don’t so much bend your back as bend your neck and tuck your head in

  47. 2 years ago

    Is it worth buying a standard barbell or will it just bend as soon as I put any weight on it? I've got 52.5lb dumbbells that I want to get bigger plates for, and they're standard sized. Do I just save up for an Olympic bar and plates or expand my DBs? Most I'd probably put on it is 180, since I'd be getting 8 10lb plates for the dumbbells.

  48. 2 years ago

    I'm interested in doing sprints. I also like to lift weights. What's the best way to incorporate sprints into my lifting schedule so that they don't interfere with each other?

    • 2 years ago

      lift then sprint

    • 2 years ago

      read the book by jake knapp

  49. 2 years ago

    Jesus ate bread and instituted it as his body so no.

  50. 2 years ago

    I'm moving out and will be living off grid, do you think a 3.5 cubic foot chest freezer could hold enough frozen food for 1-2 months at a time?

    It would be paired with a 3.5 cubic foot fridge too. I want to have a good balanced protein rich workout diet

    • 2 years ago

      What sort of food? In box packages? Vacuumed sealed items? We have a 6 cubic foot and it's never enough space, however we have a lot of junk in there like popsicles and fries.

      • 2 years ago

        Same sort of stuff you'd buy from any grocery store. Prepackaged ground meats, cuts of beef, bags of veggies, etc. If the packaging is overly bulky, Ill repackage but for the most part everything goes in as-is.

        dry age/salt all your meat
        pickle all your veggies
        controlled ferment the rest of it

        if you're serious then you'll have a cellar to keep temps below average, filled with salted wild game and shelves of mason jars brining onions garlic and whatever else grows itself with minimal effort, you shouldnt be allocating a high amount of effort to veggies or farming when there's 4 legged calorie sacks running around. grow medicinal herbs for medicinal herb purposes, otherwise plant the kind of veggies that don't need you to pay attention to them.
        beekeeping and cultivating ideal grow conditions for edible and medicinal mushrooms should be a high priority
        Collecting goats and chickens should be a high priority

        Highest tech thing you "need" is guns, mason jars, glass jugs for proper scale fermentation, as much salt as you can store, and otherwise good tools, textiles, rope, containers in redundant numbers

        I appreciate your confidence in me, but I'm not planning on going THAT off grid lol. It's a tinyhouse on wheels that'll l be solar powered with self-contained plumbing, wood/electric heating, etc. I plan to do supply runs in my truck as infrequently as possible to the nearest town for food/water. I estimate I can go 1-2 months before running out of water depending on how much rain I can collect and store without it freezing.

        One day I'd like to be self-sufficient, but since Im limited to 200sqft and the bed of my truck, It's a struggle to grow enough veggies or store meat from anything more than small game.

    • 2 years ago

      dry age/salt all your meat
      pickle all your veggies
      controlled ferment the rest of it

      if you're serious then you'll have a cellar to keep temps below average, filled with salted wild game and shelves of mason jars brining onions garlic and whatever else grows itself with minimal effort, you shouldnt be allocating a high amount of effort to veggies or farming when there's 4 legged calorie sacks running around. grow medicinal herbs for medicinal herb purposes, otherwise plant the kind of veggies that don't need you to pay attention to them.
      beekeeping and cultivating ideal grow conditions for edible and medicinal mushrooms should be a high priority
      Collecting goats and chickens should be a high priority

      Highest tech thing you "need" is guns, mason jars, glass jugs for proper scale fermentation, as much salt as you can store, and otherwise good tools, textiles, rope, containers in redundant numbers

    • 2 years ago

      Nah go bigger, I've got one that size and it's full to capacity along with the freezer on my fridge. Also, if you want to hunt or anything, you'll have nowhere to store extra meat.

  51. 2 years ago

    i cant go to the gym so i've been training in my homegym, weights are kinda expensive so im stuck with enough plates to fill a 145lbs bar, can i get fit with that? maybe move to dumbells? i've been thinking of buying a pair of russian dumbells would you recommend them? maybe some good routines

  52. 2 years ago

    What are some things you need to research before going to gym?
    Never been there know frick all what to do.

    • 2 years ago

      nothing, just follow your gut. everything on the internet is fake propaganda intended to make you a powershitter

    • 2 years ago

      program and form. read the sticky.

  53. 2 years ago

    I want to do pullups at home but I don't trust any of the door way hanging bars to not leave damage my apartment is going to charge for.
    Do I just bite the bullet on one of those power tower things?

    • 2 years ago

      You can also find any random old ridge or edge to do pull-ups from, but they'll be way harder compared to bar ones

  54. 2 years ago

    Been years since I've been into the IST game and shit.
    So did they make any advance in terms of Whey and Creatine? What should I take for muscle hypertrophy and mass gainz? Does creatin still make you go bald?

    • 2 years ago

      creatine never made you go bald. what do you mean advancement? you can't change whey. whey is whey. eat real food for best gainz.

  55. 2 years ago

    Why does my tail bone hurt/feel sore while squatting and deadlifting? I think my posture is correct.

  56. 2 years ago

    It seems as tho my stomach causes my heart to skip beats. Typically when it's empty it feels like there is a vacuum in my stomach and I feel surges of tension in my stomach and then a skip or multiple in a row.
    Happens daily sometimes once sometimes 30 times.

    Doctor just blow it off because they're c**ts, anything I can do?

  57. 2 years ago

    My wife is Thai and I eat Thai food daily
    Pretty sure I'm eating enough sodium to kill a baby elephant
    What can I do to combat this?

    • 2 years ago

      Ever rimmed her bumhole?

    • 2 years ago

      ask her to put less

  58. 2 years ago

    Grains are fine. It's seeds you have to watch out for.

  59. 2 years ago

    i have extreme neck pains sometimes when i wake up, practically like migraine but in the neck, but thankfully painkillers help with it
    i've been to a doc, did neck/upper chest X-ray and there was nothing wrong so he basically told me to frick off
    i feel like this might be because of my sleeping position, i tried sleeping on my back but always end up curled up on the side
    i have no idea what to do, i thought about getting some special pillows but i always thought they were a scam
    anyone had something like this?
    what helped you?

    • 2 years ago

      You have to release some fascia in the neck and skull region. Maybe try a neck harness for traction.

  60. 2 years ago

    Been cutting for the last 3 months. I wonder exactly how much fat and muscle I've exactly lost. Could I assume 3:1 ratio or am I coping?

  61. 2 years ago

    Please somebody rate this beginner routine,give advice. I have access to a fitness park outside with bars and shit so i could utilize other exercises as well. Therefore i feel there are improvements that could be made but i'm not sure what.Moreover later on i don't know how should the progression look like. Will i need to just exchange these to something else? How would that look like?
    I don't want to split up the workout plan into the usual PPL yet as i want to focus on getting a strong core first and foremost.

  62. 2 years ago

    Are Kip ups a good calisthenic exercise? I know it sounds autistic but I’ve always wanted to be able to do them consistently and easily.

  63. 2 years ago

    my ribcage isn't symmetrical
    the left side is a little concave at the front and curves out for the last rib
    i don't know what the condition is called but my bro has it on both sides whereas i only have it on the left
    i'm not too bothered by it but is there a fix?

    • 2 years ago

      pectus excavatum is inward curving of the ribs. Carinatum is the outward version. It kinda just happens when you grow up and has no real causes. I wouldn’t say it’s too common, but there are for sure plenty of people with it, one of them being myself. Depending on the severity, you might wanna get it check as ask a doctor if your organs have enough space, but that’s only for really severe cases. Most people with it don’t have any health issues, so if you feel ok then you’re all good.

      • 2 years ago

        It's not really severe like that.
        I probably shouldn't have used 'concave' it's more flat. On my bro it looks fine because both sides are even and make his ribs look squared but me it looks weird because it's only on one side.
        On both of us it's not that high up either, it's on either side of the plexus.

  64. 2 years ago

    im gay.

    • 2 years ago

      We know. You’re a IST poster

  65. 2 years ago

    Can I stay lean (~12%bf) year-round and still make gains and do well in the gym? I realised that being lean makes me feel a lot better than being at my normal 15%bf but I want gains as well

    • 2 years ago

      No! Bloatmaxx only!

    • 2 years ago

      Since this board has a lot of good looking anons, some of you might know how to use your looks to get into modeling/acting. Would appreciate help on that here


      Tried that and probably not. Try it and if you're not making progress at all, bulk.


      Please somebody rate this beginner routine,give advice. I have access to a fitness park outside with bars and shit so i could utilize other exercises as well. Therefore i feel there are improvements that could be made but i'm not sure what.Moreover later on i don't know how should the progression look like. Will i need to just exchange these to something else? How would that look like?
      I don't want to split up the workout plan into the usual PPL yet as i want to focus on getting a strong core first and foremost.

      Two things, first off, most of us have no idea what the exercises you mentioned are supposed to be, we've never heard of them and they could be referring to multiple things. Mind explaining what KTE, Swimmer, Bridge Raise, Hinges, Toe Squats and Arch Ups are? That aside, you're way too focused on core work. Core work should be done once the main things are out of the way. Stop falling for the normie meme and prioritizing abs. There's a dozen other muscles that are more important in terms of aesthetics. Also, what equipment do you have there?

      • 2 years ago

        timestamps are in the comment

        this is how the park looks like

  66. 2 years ago

    What's the best way to get raped at the gym? Should I focus on certain times, use the sauna more, what? Also is there a better type of gym to increase the occurrence of these events?

  67. 2 years ago

    >go to bench
    >stinging buzzing feeling in my wrist, thumb and down my arm
    >hurts to bench
    wtf bros this cant be fricking happening how do I fix this? bench is my favourite lift

  68. 2 years ago

    Is zinc a placebo or does it help with lifting?

  69. 2 years ago

    I started jumping rope, but I have no real idea what I'm doing.
    For the last few days I do 10 jumps, rest, 20, rest, 30, rest, etc. until 100 and then I go back down to 10.
    Is it good? If not, what's the best routine?

    • 2 years ago

      Rope jumping is basically cardio so you want to try to jump as long as you can in one piece

      • 2 years ago

        Oh yeah? Just one session as long as I can?

        • 2 years ago

          Yep, do 5-10 minutes or more depending on your fitness levels. It's supposed to be the same intensity as going for a run if you're going at a proper speed.

          • 2 years ago

            >proper speed
            What's the proper speed?
            I noticed that my cruise speed was 2 jumps per second. I go faster but I'll trip eventually.

  70. 2 years ago

    How to get calluses on my penis?

    • 2 years ago

      Please reply

  71. 2 years ago

    Is it worth to get a rice cooker?

    • 2 years ago

      If you eat rice daily and suck at cooking it on the stove or just have a stove that sucks for cooking rice, yes.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm coming back from keto and plan to eat only white rice and potatoes for cooked carbs. So I'll go ahead and get one, it's only 60 euros and came out on the market 2 years ago, praised in the reviews. And yeah my stove and kettle sucks ass for rice

  72. 2 years ago

    I have lower body issues, bad limp from a few surgeries etc. my dad knows a guy who does “massage therapy” on the knees and calves and he claims this will help get my “nerves to start working again”
    It costs 35 for like 30-40 mins. This is a scam right cause it sounds bs. I am desperate to work out and be healthier but I don’t want to waste time and money on nonsense. My doctors themselves told me to shy away from stuff like chiros

  73. 2 years ago

    I've just gotten into lifting. I'm looking to buy protein powder. There are a million brands out there, what should i get? also i can see that a lot of em are pretty much scams, some have like 40% protein content while others have 70+, wat do?

    • 2 years ago

      Eat meat. Waste products, artifically sweetened powders only lead to digestion issues in the long run.
      My 2 cents

      • 2 years ago

        okay bro sure thing, but you didn't give an answer

        • 2 years ago

          You could check labdoor protein rankings. I used to do myprotein whey isolate back in the day. Isolates are generally the more tolerated ones, makes you fart less than concentrate

        • 2 years ago

          You could check labdoor protein rankings. I used to do myprotein whey isolate back in the day. Isolates are generally the more tolerated ones, makes you fart less than concentrate

          Whey isolate that is

  74. 2 years ago

    just had a very acute sudden lower back pain, it hurt really bad. all i did was picking up something from the floor in a sitting position on a couch. i inmediately stood up, fought the pain for a few seconds and now i feel a mild pain and some stiffness in the area. i'm 32 years old, 95 kg, started weightlifting about 1 month and a few weeks ago.

    what the frick did just happen to me?

  75. 2 years ago

    i know you're not supposed to frick right after a wax but can i make her jerk me off with 99% aloe?

    • 2 years ago

      the frick? who said that? pound that pussy anon, don't hear troony bro science

  76. 2 years ago

    Thinking about getting on gear, where do I start

  77. 2 years ago

    Does anyone have the Conan meme where his dick looks like another one of his arms? It’s very important

  78. 2 years ago

    How many FRICKING protons are there in chicken breast, I'm going to fricking lose it, it's always been 30 grams per 100 grams, but now it's 20 apparently. How the frick is there a 50% difference between mainstream normie sources, this is like nelson mandela being spelled "berenstein" on god fr fr no cap I'm going to shoot myself in the head if I find out I've been overestimating my daily proteins by 30 grams for like the past two years.

    • 2 years ago

      the chicken is injected with water to weigh more. 20 fewer grams of protein and 20g more of water. If you buy the mass produced chicken at the grocery store it usually says on the package that they inject water into it

    • 2 years ago

      25g in lean breast without added salt/water

      • 2 years ago

        the chicken is injected with water to weigh more. 20 fewer grams of protein and 20g more of water. If you buy the mass produced chicken at the grocery store it usually says on the package that they inject water into it

        Alright alright but wouldn't the water just frick off after I air fry it? I weigh the finished grilled chicken breast that's honestly pretty dry. Also that's scummy as hell, I never knew about this. Do they do the same thing with ground beef and steak cuts?

        • 2 years ago

          Weigh it raw and just buy shit without added water. Price is cheaper lb wise anyway since youre not paying for the water only 100% chicken

  79. 2 years ago

    If anyone is looking for affordable veg protein i have enjoyed this unflavored blend of rice and pea protein. 15 lbs for about $105. If you’ve never had unflavored protein it will kinda taste like sand/dirt but its 100% free of all the artificial sweeteners and flavors.


  80. 2 years ago

    I have severe knee damage from a 15 year old injury that was never rehabbed properly and a herniated gastrocnemius muscle. This has led to an extreme strength asymmetry as I had to get on with my life and just strengthened my dominant left side further to cope with the issues on the right. The right leg has continued to deteriorate though, to the point that now going down stairs is causing problems and I pretty much can't train any symmetrical lifts/right side. Surgery is not advised on the hernia as (and please don't quote directly, I'm not a surgeon) something to do with the muscular sheath isn't strong/reliable enough to stitch back after reseating the muscle (medical advice has been to stick to light physical action for the next 50 years and start getting used to a cane in about the next decade, and hope that surgical intervention improves in that time).
    moron question is as follows. Are there any training or exercise methods that I can do to mitigate the decline of use in my right leg? The exercises would have to be extremely low impact, (as the hernia just fricking slips on no notice, it has happened during fricking for frick's sake) but if there is any way I can get some strength back in the lower leg it would be greatly appreciated. I'm not looking to win a comp or anything, I just want to be able to walk down steps like a 30 year old and not a 60 year old like I currently have to, and be limited in what I can lift by what I can lift and not what my left side can lift.
    >tl;dr exercises to strengthen damaged calf without said calf falling out of leg.

    • 2 years ago

      are things like body weight calf raises out of the question? What about the ones where you weight your upper foot/toes and lift up that way, called tib lifts I think?

      • 2 years ago

        I already do calf raises, they have twice caused the hernia to snap badly when I pushed myself (pushing yourself on bodyweight sounds gay as frick but I can do single leg raises on the left leg, but raises on both legs with equal loading can cause the right to go) so I am a bit concerned going back to them. Frick, it sounds gay as frick to type out that fricking calf raises can injure the leg, but yeah, that should show the gravity of the problem.
        I think what you are talking about is tib raises? I used to do those when I was rehabbing the knee, I might pick them up again, had forgotten about them. Can't hurt aye?
        Thank you for the honest answer anon, I guess I should stop looking for a miracle exercise and instead find some way to do calf raises without aggravating it worse. Shit just fricking sucks, I don't lack strength overall because I've spent years just putting all the weight onto the left, but the right is now feeling frighteningly close to being too far gone, I don't want it to slip beyond because I fear obesity and laziness lie that way.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah it sounds rough as hell man good luck with everything. I would definitely try the tib raises again I've started doing some with dumbells on my feet and I'm thinking of making a little weight holder because it's not exactly comfortable. It does seem like it would help. I would just look up the various muscles of the lower leg and find lifts that are comfortable for you. May be able to strengthen whatever it is that easily fails over time. I know it's probably very hard to find desire to do them because progress is slow and you feel so weak, but it is what it is and you may be able to vastly improve it with time. If that fails maybe get like a cool cane sword or something lol.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks anon. The depression about it isn't as low as it has been in the past (at the lowest point I considered cutting circulation long enough to guarantee an amputation was the only medical solution, so that I could start from scratch as a para athlete and get full support that way) but I'm in a much better place now. My brain is just petrified of going the way my dad did, he was an extremely active person despite malformed disks in his lower back, ended up with a long injury list that got him off his feet and then he fell into extreme obesity because what motivation is there when you can't do anything active anymore without extreme pain? He lost the weight later in his life (well, some of it, is still in the highly overweight category but no longer morbidly obese) but it really is a future I fear and want to avoid.
            I've already resigned myself to the reality that I will probably be on the cane within a decade, but I don't want to be weak on the cane, I want to be strong on it. I don't want to be on the cane to get by, I want to be on the cane to thrive. I'm not going to let it beat me, I am going to redouble my efforts to find solutions. I guess if the doctors don't have a fix, the physios don't have a fix and the PTs just made things worse by not even thinking there was a need for a fix (I had one look at the ~2 inch bulge of a just snapped out muscle and say "whoa bro that is some real pump you got going there") then I will just have to become the fix myself.

  81. 2 years ago

    wouldn't sugar free ice cream be amazing for keto?
    mostly fat, nearly 0 carbs, any insulin increase wouldn't impact you more than eating a vegetable would

    just replace sugar with monkfruit or something?

  82. 2 years ago

    Cutting sugar
    How fun is first couple of weeks going to feel like?

    • 2 years ago

      unless you are a full time alcoholic, not hard at all. i'd advise to avoid going to parties or social events for a while that'll probably lead to 'just to take a couple and that's it'. it really depends on how serious are you about it
      same as alcohol, but harder if you are a manchild. again, it depends how seroous are you trying to quit, and in some degrees, the reasons (is it making you too lazy? are you smoking as an escapism mechanism? etc)
      probably the hardest for people used to gulp a can daily. i don't know what to advise other than lots of water, as i never had the habit of soda drinking. good luck

      • 2 years ago

        The things us, I have been serious about many things plenty if times in life. Just to never follow through. I already feel agitated from not smoking, the second day hangover is also not nice( it's ok tho I didn't go to work) but it will get better soon. As for sodas, I'm sticking to water from now on. I guess I'm just a lazy c**t but soon I'll have to cook salads and buckwheat.

  83. 2 years ago

    Obv scale isnt gonna be 100% accurate so 23-25% body fat lets say. I want to cut to 15-18% maybe 18% and just maintain for a bit. My question is, should i keep doing low rep high weight? like 2-5 rep range for stuff like squats/bench/ohp or would it be better to bump it up to the 4-8 rep range? Im already doing bench and ohp in the 6-10 rep range anyways and squat variation in the 4-8 rep range.

  84. 2 years ago

    I need your opinion bros, what would you do?

    >I met this qt a few days ago.
    >she's like an 8 or 9, beautiful face and body. Hot as frick
    >also a little bawd
    >We started doing the thing in the car.
    >Foreplay, kissing, fingering etc.
    >we were in the middle of nowhere
    >there was no one around but I was still nervous
    >I felt watched
    >the obvious happens
    >my dick refused to get hard
    >she tells me to stop and take her home
    >she got mad and called me a dumbass, she thinks i did it on purpose or something because according to her i wasn't attracted to her
    >she's very attractive, it was the place and the situation that made me nervous
    >she doesn't believe me
    >the next day she texts me and tells me she's sorry
    >she didn't mean the things she said and wants to see me again

    What do you say bros? This happened just 3 days after we met, so if she is giving me this massive red flag right now I don't know what could happen next. I want to give her another chance, my dick says yes but my brain says no.

    • 2 years ago

      massive red flag, fren
      stick your dick at your own risk

    • 2 years ago

      Continue at your own discretion without knowing more about her that behavior could be a huge red flag or that she doesn't have much brain power left when horny.

    • 2 years ago

      Women universally think that inability to get hard means youre not attracted to them, unless you were shit faced drunk.

    • 2 years ago

      Smells suspiciously like Cluster B, anon.
      Sticking your dick in crazy makes for a wild night, but this is the kind of rollercoaster you will endure with trait disorders. Tread carefully.

  85. 2 years ago

    How do you properly measure the calories of stuff like steak? I mean, I'm not eating the gristle nor the bone if there is one. Do I just guesstimate the amount that I ate?

    • 2 years ago

      if you are serious about it, use a calorie counter app (lose it is pretty ok), get a kitchen scale, and weight your food AFTER you cook it. register the data in the app and you'll have a somewhat accurate calorie measure.
      of course, do not weight bones or shit you won't be eating

      • 2 years ago

        >and weight your food AFTER you cook it.
        Not sure if trolling or moronic.

      • 2 years ago

        >and weight your food AFTER you cook it.
        Not sure if trolling or moronic.

        SHIT, genuine fricked up. i meant before. english is not my first language

        pls no bully

        • 2 years ago

          No time to bully I have to be somewhere.

  86. 2 years ago

    I need to improve my conditioning but I do flooring for a living so I'm trying to avoid anything the really impacts the knees, like jogging. What are some good options? I might just work on improving my sprints but I don't know how much that's going to help me in boxing.

  87. 2 years ago

    is doing
    >4x8-12 barbell row
    >4x 8-12 bench press
    >4x 6-8 OHP
    too much for compounds for my upper A workout on a 4-day upper lower split? i rest 2-2:30 min between sets, 3-4 min between exercises and do lateral raises, bicep curls, skullcrushers 3x 8-12 after with shorter rests between sets

    • 2 years ago

      I've always understood that 20 sets per week is the upper limit you'll want for any major compound movement. I say do more but you know your body better than me.

  88. 2 years ago

    What is a good routine if I want to be lean and look good? I'm considering PPL or PHUL

    • 2 years ago

      both are ok and somewhat the same. if you really have the time to spare, try ppl until you inevitably burn out for spending 6 fricking days at the gym, then try phul. or maybe you're ok with it, idkman.
      i couldn't keep with ppl for this reason. i do not enjoy going to the gym that much and started skipping days, so i changed to phul with an extra day of cardio. i still don't like going to the gym, but it's way less taxing on my will

  89. 2 years ago

    I can bench 185lbs for 6 reps what would you say my max is?

  90. 2 years ago

    RanDumb question, I had to eat out for lunch and I went to Whole Foods and got a couple of chicken strips from the hot food bar. They have the calorie count posted, are they accurate or just random numbers they stick on the signs? I can never find the foods in the calorie trackers and sometimes whats listed for SODEXO doesn't match what Wholefoods lists the calories as.

    • 2 years ago

      i'd never trust food i didn't personally cook.

  91. 2 years ago

    Does your sweat smell worse after drinking alcohol? I usually don’t drink and my sweat doesn’t smell so bad, but yesterday I got drunk and today it smells like it was fricking venomous

    • 2 years ago

      thats because you sweat the alcohol out

  92. 2 years ago

    no. If grains were bad for humans, we never would have made it past the middle east.

  93. 2 years ago

    when benching what does the cue "try to bend the bar" mean? is it bending downwards towards the floor, or inwards towards your knees? and either way what does it do to bend the bar apart from fatiguing your forearms?

    • 2 years ago

      Try to bend it outwards.

    • 2 years ago

      fires your lats. the thing is though these extra techniques are mostly for powershitters who just want more weight on the bar, for your average person just lift less weight. you dont need to be doing anything more than stay tight and retract your scapulae.

      • 2 years ago

        actually when I started doing it my working sets dropped significantly

  94. 2 years ago

    what are the best times to go to the gym and have it be empty cause i'm an autist and don't want to interact with people

    • 2 years ago

      The designated time for you people is in the early mornings.

    • 2 years ago

      that depends a lot on the gym, if you live in a big city, and time of the year mostly, but most of the times, very early in the morning, just past lunch or late night are the safe places. if the gym is 24/7, you can bet no one will be there at 3-4 am

  95. 2 years ago

    Eat whole grains. It is necessary for a strong body.

  96. 2 years ago

    How do i get over being anxious/squeamish over getting a blood test
    im really skinny (6'1 125lb) and something about a needle going into that vulnerable area of my arm fricks me up
    im usually fine with vaccines going into my tricep tho
    i wanna get my T levels tested before and after i start eating a different diet and supplementing

  97. 2 years ago

    I realise that old IST is dead and it's just zoomers here now, but still better than going to Plebbit.

    How does this routine look for someone wanting to get back into lifting? Before the plandemic I was hitting a 3pl8 bench for reps but stopped working out over the past 3 years, got married and had a kid. Want to get back into lifting but don't have the time to go to a gym as we're rural but I've got a cage, barbell and various plates.

    I've used the barbell only workout from "MuscleAndFitness" and then thrown in a CrossFit workout on "rest" days with no weight. Leg Day on Saturday seems a bit lacking though there's not much I can do with what I've get. Up the sets or just add in something like lunges?

    Ideally want to follow the routine for maybe 12 weeks until I'm back to speed again and get some more equipment in. Not risking heavy DLs as I've injured myself in the past.

  98. 2 years ago

    What are the negatives that come from having little to no protein in your diet? Going more towards an energymax currently as a fatty, is adding a good amount of protein conducive to that or is it more just for building/retaining muscle or whatever shit?

    • 2 years ago

      This is what happens. Don't be a fricking moron.

  99. 2 years ago

    It depends

  100. 2 years ago

    Grains were designed for people toiling in fields.

    Grains are great for maintaining weight, fiber and cardio. And yes, oats and seeds count.
    Oatmeal and other meals are super versatile. You can actually make protein bread with whey, the actually liquid.

    • 2 years ago

      Must be weird being brown or poor enough to feel like you've got some kind of genetically infused connection with literal slaves and fully dominated submissive proles with no other options who toil the fields

      • 2 years ago

        The majority of your ancestors will be the same.
        >inb4 that one royal/noble rapebaby

  101. 2 years ago

    Considering the state of the average American diet, isn't it kind of amazing the body is able to process all that slop and let people live as long as they do?

  102. 2 years ago

    Bracing to squat makes me dizzy and I'm afraid to brace as hard as I would need. Is this normal?

  103. 2 years ago

    I've been going to the gym for almost 2 months and I've been mostly doing machine presses because I'm a pussy. I decided to try a dumbbell chest press and even with light weight those frickers were wobbling. I'm guessing this is because of my stabilizer muscles? I can press way more on the machine but I'm afraid it will harm my results in the long term. Thoughts?

    • 2 years ago

      Always better for the bar because you need stabilizer muscles.

  104. 2 years ago

    >fasting for longevity
    I'm losing weight rn so fasting isn't a problem (planning on doing 36 hour fasts 3 days a week)
    How do I fast while bulking though, when I'm working and going to the gym I can burn over 4k calories a day. If my weekly calorie requirement is like 30000 is there still a way to get fasting benefits?

  105. 2 years ago

    I'm planning a diet. So far I have:
    Two premiere protein shakes: 320 calories, 60g protein.
    1 pound brined baked chicken breast: 480 calories, 128g protein
    1 head broccoli: who cares.

    Thats my protein goal and only 800 calories. What would be best to eat to get another 800 calories or so? Milk? Peanut butter sandwich? Eggs? Rice?

    • 2 years ago

      and sort of carb and veg

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        So maybe a pound of peas? I can do that. Maybe a sweet potato.

        • 2 years ago

          sweet potato
          milk with your shakes if you aren't already

          variety is important. a pound of peas sounds ridiculous.

  106. 2 years ago

    What does it mean when I progress with my lifts (being able to lift more) but don't get more muscular?

    • 2 years ago

      Two things: your muscles might be getting denser instead of larger, or you are training your nerves to function better without more muscle mass. Nerves are what let you make your muscles contract more quickly and evenly.

      • 2 years ago

        Sooo... How to fix this? I wanna get bigger though I'm skinny fat so bulking might also not be the best option.

        • 2 years ago

          Read the sticky. The quantity of reps determine if you are training strength (3 to 8) or hypertrophy (9 to 16).

          • 2 years ago

            But I do this! I never go for a higher weight if I can't do 3 sets with 15 reps each.

    • 2 years ago

      Sooo... How to fix this? I wanna get bigger though I'm skinny fat so bulking might also not be the best option.

      how long have you been lifting? visual results can take up to 6 months to show. if you've got a high bf% its not going to help either.

  107. 2 years ago

    When I deadlift my recovery time has gone to shit. I am sore for over a week. For example, I do a 5 x 5 deadlift at 405 and 3 x days I could barely lift 365 for 5 x 5. I tried just doing more hinge movements at lower weight, but if I try to do deadlifts 3 x a week I just can't.

    Is it because I am not eating enough? I'm still improving. I just lose so much strength and don't recover until over a week after deadlifts.

  108. 2 years ago

    Is it degenerate to frick escorts?
    Been on nofap for over a month now and was seriously considering fricking an escort last night because I was so fricking horny

    • 2 years ago

      Porn gap<Escorts<Normal fap<hookup<Fwb<partner is what I’ve been told by another anon. I definitely agree with escorts being worse than a normal fap though.

    • 2 years ago

      It is more degenerate than fapping, yes.

  109. 2 years ago

    I hate squats, can I just do more deadlifts or something? For real. What is replacement exercise I can do? My mobility is not good enough to do them without pain.

  110. 2 years ago

    I'm about to start a 1000+ cal deficit. Any tips regarding meal macros and timing so I can limit the "about to pass out" feeling as much as possible?
    My plan is to just eat a shitload of lean protein. Timing is the main issue, I can only eat 2 full meals a day and I just can't work out on an empty stomach in the morning

  111. 2 years ago

    are jaw trainers legit

    t. jawlet

  112. 2 years ago

    What's the proper gym etiquette for where to do OHP? I've heard people say that they were given dirty looks for doing OHP in squat racks.

  113. 2 years ago

    I've jumped a lot of rope yesterday and now my calves hurt.
    Should I train less today or none at all?

  114. 2 years ago

    Hey guys.

    >211 pounds
    >been on a cut for near a year
    >lost 120 pounds
    >supposed bf% is about 18%

    Should I bulk? My strength is stunting now, my newbie gains have stopped.

  115. 2 years ago

    is this kyphosis/lordosis? is my posture fricked?

    • 2 years ago

      not sure what one it is, but its bad.

      • 2 years ago

        okay, would you say it is incurable? today I've started doing some stretches, sleeping on the floor, as well as watching my posture. would i ever be able to revert back to healthy posture? which of the curvatures is worse?

        • 2 years ago

          everything can be fixed. lift weights, stretch, remind yourself to stand up straight every time you stand. it takes time to correct issues that have been present for years so just be patient and consistent. eventually perfect posture will become normal and you won't even have to think about it.

          • 2 years ago

            whoa, thats awesome to hear! you've made my day, I've been so upset about tue possibility of irreversible damage.
            i went to a physio and she recommended me some stretches which i do everyday. youtube and google overwhelm me with the huge variety of back stretches for kyphoscoliosis, so much so that i don't know what to choose. are there any stretches you would recommend?

            im also planning on doing Calisthenics because i love pullups, chin ups, dips and push ups

            • 2 years ago

              picrel is good. listen to your physio though, since they're an expert.

              • 2 years ago

                priceless advice, thank you!
                is it true that i must stay away from exercises like hanging knee raises? because they tighten the hip flexors more? i might have anterior pelvic tilt which is caused by weak abs and glutes and tight hip flexors.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't see how doing hanging leg raises would cause any problems. do them if you'd like.

  116. 2 years ago

    My right shoulder is hurting, it's not a very strong or sharp pain, and I mostly feel it when I move my arm in certain positions, specially when I move move my elbows backwards (like in a push up).
    It's not swollen and I can't feel anything by touch either, I'm no expert but I think it's more of a muscular pain (deltoid) rather than a joint problem.
    I've done push ups, pike push ups and pull ups lately, the most likely culprit is the pike push ups, I didn't have any accident, my workout went out normally and I started feeling the pain a day o two later.
    Any day what could it be? I'm only putting ice on my shoulder for now

    • 2 years ago

      Pike pushups are probably what's done it. I tweaked my shoulder once doing them and I felt something like this for a week.

      • 2 years ago

        what did you do about it? the pain is bearable and my range of motion is normal but I should probably rest for a few days or a week
        I'm also dead hanging a bit here and there since I heard it's good for the shoulders but I don't think is doing much for this particular pain

      • 2 years ago

        Between dips and those variations of push ups, I'm starting to think that dips aren't as good as people make it out to be if it has a high injury rate.

  117. 2 years ago

    If you get freshly milled flour and make sourdough then that bread is fantastic for you

    Most of the modern bread in stores are full of shit

  118. 2 years ago

    had a really sleepless weekend after a sleepless week and now im back at my desk. Not sleepy but kind of zoned out. 3 cups of coffee and a mcdonnelz dinner doesnt help. Im having problem getting started. What do?

  119. 2 years ago

    Tried nutting in my mouth after seeing that post in the last qtddtot about the girl that would rim me but it's harder to do than I expected. Any tips to improve my accuracy?

  120. 2 years ago

    Twice a day same exercises?
    Is my routine too much volume?

    Morning and Evening

    8x3 bench press, dumbell curls, and shoulder press.

    As long as I eat enough and rest the next day we're good right?

  121. 2 years ago

    Is it possible to get your body used to eating say 1500 calories indefinitely? Or will you always continue to lose weight?

    • 2 years ago

      no your body continues to lose weight eating itself from the inside and you eventually turn into a black hole consuming the earth.

      Why would you continue to lose weight forever?
      the answer is no.

      • 2 years ago

        >lose weight
        >turn into black hole
        The American education system everyone

      • 2 years ago

        I guess I should have stipulated whilst persevering most muscle mass, obviously you would get to a point where it was your bmr. I’ve just been playing around with calorie counters and found a diet that has 100% micro and 200g protein for only 1500 calories and wondered if it would work

    • 2 years ago

      depends on your size and weight target
      some hollows live OMAD

  122. 2 years ago

    Basically when I workout I follow a 5x10 or even 6x10 structure for all of my big compound lifts (OHP, BP, dips, pull and chin ups). Am I moronic and missing gains?

  123. 2 years ago

    How to increase my sex drive bros. I could be with the hottest woman, kissing and doing some foreplay, but I just don't feel horny and obviously my dick doesn't get hard.

  124. 2 years ago

    Does anyone have a form video for a mid chest cable fly?
    Also is it normal to feel your bicep alongside your chest after flies?

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