Questions that don't deserve their own thread. Ask you questions

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    I just got through the nastiest flu of my life. I've been puking and spraying liquid shit out my ass for 3 days straight. I've eaten like 300 calories total, which I probably also shat out immediately.
    Did I empty the creatine out my body? How long will it take to refill?

    • 2 years ago

      Possibly, just go for a week long 20g/day load phase after you've healed up if you're worried.

      which body weight exercise I can do at home without any equipment and done between gym days will help me progress faster with OHP?

      Rest days are called rest days for a reason.

  2. 2 years ago

    which body weight exercise I can do at home without any equipment and done between gym days will help me progress faster with OHP?

    • 2 years ago

      If you have a sofa to learn your feet on you can do decline pushups

      • 2 years ago

        >decline pushups
        No thanks!

    • 2 years ago

      handstand push ups

    • 2 years ago
  3. 2 years ago

    What's the best program for longevity and all round strength and wellness?
    I'm getting older and intense strength training just doesn't seem sustainable to me.

    Is replacing 5x5 @RPE 8-9 on compounds with 4x10-12 @RPE 6-7 a good idea?

    • 2 years ago

      May want to look at the stuff fighters/pro wrestlers do for training. Wrestlers are mostly doing recovery and maintenance, fighters the functional strength stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      More isolations and cable/machine lifts, less barbell compounds. The rule of training is that young people do moronic shit like heavy barbell rows and high frequency routines and then once their body can't keep up they get injured and then stop lifting.

      Just do a brosplit. Going to the gym to do "old/fat people" exercises that do nothing, like kettlebell swings, is a waste of time. Brosplits work, you just need try hard on them like any other routine.


      is it viable to do 5x5 every day, with exception of sunday?

      dyel idea

      Tried barbell hip trusts, couldn't do them without feeling horribly out of form. Are barbell glute bridges a good replacement? Or what do I replace them with to target glutes (no homo)?

      Stupid lift just do step ups. Has more glute activation than deadlifts/hip thrusts, you can load it just by grabbing heavier and heavier dumbbells and it also doesn't take an hour to setup or crush your pelvis if you use adult weight. Use straps if the dumbbells get too heavy.

      • 2 years ago

        What if I still want to do compounds though? Just trading progressive intensity for volume.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks lad, gonna do them sit ups to get a juicy ass, no homo.

    • 2 years ago

      lower weight and slow down reps

  4. 2 years ago

    Is starting strength good for you?

    • 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    For cardio, I just skip and then use the rowing machine 3 times(500 skips, 4 minutes of rowing per set), does that fall under HIIT? No rest between exercises.
    I used to do speed skipping but apparently it's unsafe to go over 200 bpm for any activity.

  6. 2 years ago

    I need a 3kg dumbbell with plastic/rubber coating that has exactly zero chinesium smell out of the box and isn't circular at the ends
    bare steel is fine for the grip, just need to be able to set it so it leaves zero marks and doesn't roll around
    any recommendations

  7. 2 years ago

    What's the best starting routine for building muscle, getting toned, and having flexibility and endurance? I was considering starting with calisthenics, a simple routine of pushups, pullups, and cardio, buying weighted vests once I felt comfortable with that routine and scaling things up from there.

    • 2 years ago

      Just need a door pull up bar if you are too scared of entering a gym. Do as many pull ups as you can whenever you pass under it. Run 3 days a week for cardio and beginner leg strength. Ab circuits are good for starter core muscle

      • 2 years ago

        Scared? No. Cheap? Yes. I'm a poor/fa/g and why the hell would I blow money on a gym membership?

        >building muscle
        Any type of resistance training. Weightlifting is king.
        >getting toned
        Toning does not exist. You can cut fat and build muscle and those two combined achieve a "toned' result. Weight lifting is the best way to get there
        >and having flexibility and endurance?
        Any good weightlifting program involves stretching. Add some cardio on off days for endurance.
        Calisthenics are seen by untrained people as the "easy" way, this is a false assumption. Weight lifting is far easier, far more effective, and far safer.
        TLDR: pick a beginner program from the sticky and run it for a month. Stick with it if you like it, pick another if you don't. Eat your protein and do some basic calorie counting.
        Buy actual grip gloves. Grip tape does not stick near as long, and will cost more in the long run.
        No. DOMS is not an indicator of effective training, nor does the absence of DOMS mean the opposite. It might indicate is that your hamstrings are under developped, that you are posterior chain dominant, or that you just did things weird this time.
        My man if you plan to charge people for your services I sincerely hope you plan to get an education better than the kind IST can provide.
        For real you go out there armed with the shit coming out of here you're literally scamming people. I know nutritionist is not a regulated title like doctor is, but fricking hell have some fricking pride in your chosen profession.
        Anything that people say you should or shouldn't do is bull, excepting obvious exceptions like "don't put a dick pic on tinder".
        Think about it this way: you might say women shouldn't put X type of pictures on their profile, whilst those pictures well might attract another type of man. Same goes for the reverse.
        You put the kind of pictures on there that best display who and what you are. That's the way you'll attract someone who's actually into you, and not into whatever you pretend to be.

        Your assumptions about me are wrong. I pick calisthenics because I know it's hard mode, and also, more importantly, because it's cheap.

        • 2 years ago

          >I pick calisthenics because I know it's hard mode, and also, more importantly, because it's cheap.
          Fair enough, informed decision good decision. Have at it bro.

    • 2 years ago

      >building muscle
      Any type of resistance training. Weightlifting is king.
      >getting toned
      Toning does not exist. You can cut fat and build muscle and those two combined achieve a "toned' result. Weight lifting is the best way to get there
      >and having flexibility and endurance?
      Any good weightlifting program involves stretching. Add some cardio on off days for endurance.
      Calisthenics are seen by untrained people as the "easy" way, this is a false assumption. Weight lifting is far easier, far more effective, and far safer.
      TLDR: pick a beginner program from the sticky and run it for a month. Stick with it if you like it, pick another if you don't. Eat your protein and do some basic calorie counting.

      Recommends for grip tape to wrap around winter gloves?

      Buy actual grip gloves. Grip tape does not stick near as long, and will cost more in the long run.

      >did squats to failure (pyramid up, pyramid down, + drop set)
      >today quads are completely fine but hamstrings feel a tiny bit sore
      Does this mean anything? I even switched to high bar in an attempt to hit quads more but they’re still lagging

      No. DOMS is not an indicator of effective training, nor does the absence of DOMS mean the opposite. It might indicate is that your hamstrings are under developped, that you are posterior chain dominant, or that you just did things weird this time.

      Soon-to-be private nutritionist here.

      Was wondering IST opinions on oats, porridge, grains etc. both as a health food and bulking food?

      My man if you plan to charge people for your services I sincerely hope you plan to get an education better than the kind IST can provide.
      For real you go out there armed with the shit coming out of here you're literally scamming people. I know nutritionist is not a regulated title like doctor is, but fricking hell have some fricking pride in your chosen profession.

      I am going to be working on getting better photos of myself that actually do me justice for online dating.
      I heard that you should never put gym photos on, but also that you should have action shots of you doing your hobbies. Should I or shouldn't I take an action shot of me deadlifting at the gym?

      Anything that people say you should or shouldn't do is bull, excepting obvious exceptions like "don't put a dick pic on tinder".
      Think about it this way: you might say women shouldn't put X type of pictures on their profile, whilst those pictures well might attract another type of man. Same goes for the reverse.
      You put the kind of pictures on there that best display who and what you are. That's the way you'll attract someone who's actually into you, and not into whatever you pretend to be.

  8. 2 years ago

    Recommends for grip tape to wrap around winter gloves?

  9. 2 years ago

    >did squats to failure (pyramid up, pyramid down, + drop set)
    >today quads are completely fine but hamstrings feel a tiny bit sore
    Does this mean anything? I even switched to high bar in an attempt to hit quads more but they’re still lagging

  10. 2 years ago

    Soon-to-be private nutritionist here.

    Was wondering IST opinions on oats, porridge, grains etc. both as a health food and bulking food?

    • 2 years ago

      Needs stuff like nuts, fruits, chocolate+peanut butter, etc. added otherwise you’re no better than a Farm animal

  11. 2 years ago

    I am going to be working on getting better photos of myself that actually do me justice for online dating.
    I heard that you should never put gym photos on, but also that you should have action shots of you doing your hobbies. Should I or shouldn't I take an action shot of me deadlifting at the gym?

  12. 2 years ago

    Should I buy a stand to go with my powerblocks or is that just me being a consoomer?

    • 2 years ago

      Seems to me you can pick up something equally functional off of craigstlist for 20 bucks. It's just a small table.


      is it viable to do 5x5 every day, with exception of sunday?

      Rest days are important. Yes you could do 5x5 6x a week. No it would not build muscle faster than doing it 3x a week.
      You damage your muscles at the gym. You end up weaker after a session. It's when you start resting that your body heals back the damage you done did better harder faster stronger. Without time to rest you never recover fully and will never progress as fast, if at all.

      I care about deadlift/squat numbers and upper body hypertrophy. Is it dumb/sub-optimal to put them both on the same routine?

      Deadlift 4x5
      Squat 4x5
      Shoulder hypertrophy

      Chest+tris hypertrophy

      Back+bis hypertrophy

      Read above. Stick to an established program instead of cooking your own shit up.

      • 2 years ago

        I have to, I don't want to lose my gymnastic skills so I have to incorporate them at lower intensities.

  13. 2 years ago

    is it viable to do 5x5 every day, with exception of sunday?

  14. 2 years ago

    I care about deadlift/squat numbers and upper body hypertrophy. Is it dumb/sub-optimal to put them both on the same routine?

    Deadlift 4x5
    Squat 4x5
    Shoulder hypertrophy

    Chest+tris hypertrophy

    Back+bis hypertrophy

  15. 2 years ago

    got some dad science last night
    >decide to paint my nails black because i think it looks cool
    >boomer cook says nail polish blocks nails from "breathing"
    bro where are the lungs in my fingertips? nails are dead cells anyways

    • 2 years ago

      Nail polish on men will always make you look like a huge homosexual anon sorry. You could have gotten away with it a decade or so ago, but you just look like a troony or gay nowadays

  16. 2 years ago

    Tried barbell hip trusts, couldn't do them without feeling horribly out of form. Are barbell glute bridges a good replacement? Or what do I replace them with to target glutes (no homo)?

  17. 2 years ago

    Chewing gum yes or no?

    • 2 years ago

      I chew gum constantly when I'm at work idk why I only chew when I'm there, I go through like a half a pack a day. I notice I burp a lit from constantly swallowing air. This time around I haven't gotten TMJ like I have in the past.

  18. 2 years ago

    can I look good with pecs and somewhat toned abs if I have a conechest or I lost my chances long ago.
    I'm used to my own sight so it's hard to tell how ugly I am...

  19. 2 years ago

    Tell me why i shouldnt do my hypertrophy days only

    I do 5x5 days mo,tue
    And 4x8-12 thu,fri

    Why not do 4x8-12 mo tue,rest,thu fri
    Split in upper lower??

    • 2 years ago

      Isn't that just PHUL?

      • 2 years ago

        The original yeah
        Which is why i'm asking

  20. 2 years ago

    Started doing exercise again (simple bodyweight stuff for now) after a year off, and am getting pretty bad, but fleeting, knee pain on my right knee after lunges. Should I keep at it for a while to see if it stops or just drop it?

  21. 2 years ago

    any feedback on my PPL routine (5 days PPLPP)

    bench press
    incline bench press
    cable lateral raises
    skullcrashers or rope pushdown
    ab wheel

    pull ups
    hammer rows(machine)
    t-bar rows
    hammer curls
    toes to bar

    bb squats
    incline squats
    l sit
    dragon flag

  22. 2 years ago

    does anyone know of an online agenda where i can plan my whole week by the hour? I usually need to stick to a strict schedule or i just start losing motivation...

  23. 2 years ago

    Reposting from the other thread,
    Anyone here have experience worth sharing with these gyroscope balls?
    Been thinking about getting one, my wrists are pretty weak and I have RSI in my right wrist because computer.
    Someone suggested it was a good way to exercise and strengthen the muscles in your wrist and forearm. Is it beneficial? Or just another meme product?

    • 2 years ago

      Anyone at all?

  24. 2 years ago

    What’s some good shoulder exercises? I do DB OHP and Arnold press, with upright rows for lateral delts but don’t feel a great pump or doms despite taking 2 months off and coming back to lifting hard, any tips? My training is focused on strength first and aesthetics second if that makes a difference (no not powershitter just want to be strong and sexy, more so strong)

    • 2 years ago

      For side delts, DB lateral raises and cable lateral raises are my favorite. I like doing DB laterals one side at a time cause I can get more reps and focus more on muh mind muscle connection. For front delts some form of OHP is all you really need. For rear delts I know should probably be doing some sort of targeted movement but I just cope by saying that my upper back focused rows are enough


      Some people are just freaks

      how to circumvent loose skin when losing weight?

      Don't go ham on the deficit. Lift while doing the cut. If you're obese resign yourself to likely having some loose weight at the end.


      I'm a dyel on a linear progression program but my deadlift won't go up every week. My other lifts are increasing just fine and I do RDLs 2 days before my deadlift day. What should I do? Do I need to repeat the whole week or let deadlifts fall behind? I'm eating at a surplus and getting 1g protein per pound of body weight

      It's really hard to tell you why it's happening. What's your BW and DL? Do you do squats or rows between your RDLs and deadlift day? It could be cumulative fatigue, could be a form issue. Could be anything really

      • 2 years ago

        im not obese
        do stretch marks correlate with loose skin? ive got no stretch marks on my stomach, but I do have some on my upper arms and a fair amount on my thighs

      • 2 years ago

        My body weight is 127 lbs and my DL last week was 210 for 5. This week I tried 215 for 5 and failed. On Mondays I do bp, squats, rows, and finally RDLs. Thinking of adding lighter deadlifts on Monday

        • 2 years ago

          Are you a woman on a turbo manlet? Try eating more unironically

          • 2 years ago

            I'm a 5'5 manlet and just finished a big cut because I'm trying to get out of skinnyfat hell. Just started a lean bulk and I'm now eating at a surplus getting at least 130 g protein a day. Even at this weight I'm still like 20% bf

            • 2 years ago

              You're not that far off 2x BW on your deadlift so you could just be nearing the end of your linear gains as bizarre as that might sound considering how low your dl is but it's all relative

              • 2 years ago

                I heard intermediates can progres on a weekly basis though. In any case I still see myself as a novice until I hit 2x bw

        • 2 years ago

          Do shrugs at the end of Monday instead of light DL, traps are more important that they let on for DL growth. Alternative grip for DL if you are trying to break through strength wise, then go back to trad when it’s more comfortable

          • 2 years ago

            >Alternative grip for DL if you are trying to break through strength wise, then go back to trad when it’s more comfortable
            homie what the frick are you talking about lol

    • 2 years ago

      >I train for strength
      >dont feel pump or doms
      then how about you measure your progress like someone who trains for strength and not like a homosexual?

  25. 2 years ago

    I read on leddit that a 30-second pull-up negative is roughly equivalent to one full-effort pull-up, so riddle me this: Why can I do three consecutive 30-second negatives and not a single real pull-up?

    • 2 years ago

      Whoops! I meant 10-seconds. I got the 3 in my head from saying I could do 3 of them. I’m not a superhuman, just a moron!

    • 2 years ago

      Weight? When I couldn't do a one arm pull up I just lost a few kgs and then I could do it. I suspect it's the same for regular pull ups.

      • 2 years ago

        175 lbs, height is 5’9” if that matters. I’m only ever so slightly overweight, my lifting three days a week and cardio three days a week is supposed to be helping with that. I’ve only been at the lifting going on 4 weeks now and am only in my second week of the cardio shit, so I’m not expecting to see results immediately, but this pull-up thing is bugging me.

        • 2 years ago

          Do close grip lat pull down until you reach 3/4 of your bw for 5 reps then try chin ups again or use band assisted chin ups from now.

  26. 2 years ago

    is putting water in my ass while im taking a dump bad? serious question

    • 2 years ago

      >is putting water in my ass while im taking a dump bad
      How do you achieve that while pooping?

      Did you mean doing an enema?
      If you did, then the answer is no, as long as it's just plain water. You might flush some of your rectal bacteria out and possibly irritate your colon if you do it too much but it should be fairly safe.

  27. 2 years ago


  28. 2 years ago

    how to circumvent loose skin when losing weight?

  29. 2 years ago

    I'm a dyel on a linear progression program but my deadlift won't go up every week. My other lifts are increasing just fine and I do RDLs 2 days before my deadlift day. What should I do? Do I need to repeat the whole week or let deadlifts fall behind? I'm eating at a surplus and getting 1g protein per pound of body weight

  30. 2 years ago

    do obese frick like me need preworkout?
    I always have shit energy when lifting at night after work
    t.5'10 260lbs

    • 2 years ago

      Have you cleaned up your diet yet? If you're still eating like a fatty then I'd say fix that first, but if you're eating good and still tired then you can consider pre. I lift after work so I understand your pain. The only downside to pre is that taking it late can frick with your sleep, potentially. If you can take it late and still sleep I say it's no problem but if it's keeping you up past your bedtime then I'd say just bite the bullet and lift tired, sleep is the highest priority

  31. 2 years ago

    Why aren’t there any generals on here for intermediates?

    • 2 years ago

      Cause 90% of the board are DYELs

  32. 2 years ago

    How do I get more of than appetite? It's so hard to eat more, I just end up feeling gross, I really want to gain more weight.

    • 2 years ago

      Smoke some weed

  33. 2 years ago

    1. im 182cm, 83kg (have been gigaobese in the past), i feel so fricking fat when i look down on myself, mostly due to my belly. but when i look atmyself in the mirror, from the side, i look normal, its just my extra loose skin on my belly that looks odd but i dont look as fat as i look from above.
    however i feel like my quads are pretty huge, but when i look in the mirror they look skinny?
    is that body dysmorphia?

    2. pushups focus mostly on triceps and chest, right? what would be a good exercise to add them as SS after on my upper days? rows?

    3. my creatine dose is coming near its end and im starting to notice that its not fine powder anymore, however when i swirl the scoop around its fine powdered again, did it go bad/lose its effect or is it still fine to use?

    • 2 years ago

      >post pic, 83kg for 182 is dyel tier
      >you don't need more tri work on SS, add some pull ups and curls
      >it's fine, creatine monohydrate is a very stable molecule

  34. 2 years ago

    If I just want to be lean and slightly muscular, is this enough for a roughly balanced fizeek?
    >incline bench for pecs + delts
    >pullups for everything else upper body/arms
    >cardio for legs (legs are already big from growing up fat, been a skelly with disproportionately big calves for years now)

    • 2 years ago


      How difficult would it be to learn to swim as an adult? I never learned as a kid because my dad let me almost drown and I used to get panic attacks even thinking about swimming but I've gotten over that and want to try it out.

      not much, when you hold your breath you basically float.

      What's the best program for longevity and all round strength and wellness?
      I'm getting older and intense strength training just doesn't seem sustainable to me.

      Is replacing 5x5 @RPE 8-9 on compounds with 4x10-12 @RPE 6-7 a good idea?

      >Is replacing 5x5 @RPE 8-9 on compounds with 4x10-12 @RPE 6-7 a good idea?
      no, and don't train based on RPE. older people need more stimulation for the same adaptation, but your recovery is also slower. I'd keep the intensity and lower the volume. Andy Baker does 2 days a week for people over 60
      >im assuming you're over 60 and not some lazy 30-40 year old clown

  35. 2 years ago

    How difficult would it be to learn to swim as an adult? I never learned as a kid because my dad let me almost drown and I used to get panic attacks even thinking about swimming but I've gotten over that and want to try it out.

    • 2 years ago

      If you're not scared of being in the water it's pretty easy. It's hard to become a good swimmer but being able to transport yourself from one spot to another isn't

      If I just want to be lean and slightly muscular, is this enough for a roughly balanced fizeek?
      >incline bench for pecs + delts
      >pullups for everything else upper body/arms
      >cardio for legs (legs are already big from growing up fat, been a skelly with disproportionately big calves for years now)

      It depends on your definition of enough but you'll certainly see way less progress than if you did a normal routine

  36. 2 years ago

    If I had a normal enough diet
    And then I added say and extra 40 grams of protein to my daily diet, without increasing how much I ate overall by that much would it then be advisable to increase my water intake by a significant ammount or could I just carry on drinking my normal ammount of water?

  37. 2 years ago

    shoulder been a bit funny lately. On lat pulldows, pulling down is fine, on the way up feels like it wants to go its own way. Feels tender to press in on the side, towards the rear and in up under top of scapula. Was thinking maybe impignement or the bursitis. Its a bit clicky overall. Probably best to go see physio but wasnt sure if there was anything I could try first. What is the best attachment for lat pulldown for a dicky shoulder.

  38. 2 years ago

    I feel a slight pain in the left arm tendon when I do chin ups
    how long should I rest until recover?

  39. 2 years ago

    >finally start seeing girl
    >she realizes my kitchen is only a cast iron pan, tongs, spatula, 1 fork 1 knife, a bowl, and a plate
    >"what do you even eat Anon?"
    >"you can't make everything with that!"
    >yes I can
    >"no you can't! How!"
    >I just buy it and put it in the pan
    >she stares blankly

    next time I'm gonna buy a cake and pretend I made it in the pan.

    • 2 years ago

      kek, measure the pan and cake before you buy so it fits perfectly

  40. 2 years ago

    is there any truth to nugenix from gnc? talking to a former army ranger who went to the chiropractor for years and didnt get much relief but he says hes started using it and took away all of his back pain. im aware that n=1 and the placebo effect. what do you guys think?

    • 2 years ago

      if you really want to try it out, just buy the constituent ingredients and save like 80% per dose. but I'm guessing most of the ingredients are unproven other than zinc. l-citrulline is a great preworkout for bloodflow, though. check the other shit on examine.com

  41. 2 years ago

    fell off a ladder and got fricked up and havnt been to the gym in 6 months. Going back this weekend but wanna do full cheat mode and look like a roid freak but dont know any other cheaters.

  42. 2 years ago

    Can you recomp if you're pretty overweight? Like 20-30 lbs? Basically would it be worth doing that over just losing said 20-30lbs?

    • 2 years ago

      pretty much the only time you can recomp with ease is when your a big boi

      • 2 years ago

        you can recomp if you're fat. can't speak on absolute kgs of muscle mass gained, but I gained a substantial amount of muscle while losing 40kg

        I see, thanks. Im around 23% body fat or so, bulked too hard. Just feel like im starting to actually see progress from the gym so the idea of cutting and not making any progress feels pretty shit. Tho i have been cutting for 2 months and ive still progressed so maybe ill be fine.

        Honestly if i t wasnt from the fat/loose skin in my chest from when i was obese af i wouldnt care nearly as much about losing weight atm.

    • 2 years ago

      you can recomp if you're fat. can't speak on absolute kgs of muscle mass gained, but I gained a substantial amount of muscle while losing 40kg

  43. 2 years ago

    I started cutting back in June and I lost 25 pounds by mid-August. I have since been doing body recomp, so I'm still cutting, but I'm lifting and/or doing cardio 6 days a week. I know plateauing is normal when starting to lose weight, but I've been at 195-198 since mid August. Is this normal?

  44. 2 years ago

    Oh shit oh frick I walked with the wrong shoes and now my soles are on fire, what do I put on them tonight to let them heal up bros

  45. 2 years ago

    Currently bulking and I'm gonna continue doing so for the next 8 weeks or so. I bench once a week and my current bench is at 4 sets of 75kg x 5 reps paused for 1 second each rep at an RPE of 6, pretty easy.

    I wanna get a 100kg 1RM on the 8th week. What do I need to lift for how many reps each week to get there?

  46. 2 years ago

    Should I waste time taking creatine during a cut? I found some in my pantry that's still good, but I'm pretty sure that's just bulking juice no?

    • 2 years ago

      creatine is good for bulking and cutting

  47. 2 years ago

    >have epilepsy
    >controlled with meds
    >start exercising to fight depression
    that was about three years ago, made some gains and just recently switched to a ppl routine six days a week. about the same time some of my seizure auras came back. any other anons deal with lifting with a chronic illness? would the increased volume be enough to lower my seizure threshold? or would an increased metabolism mean the meds are clearing my system faster? already talking to my doctor about increasing my dose but if I cut/bulk again in the future I'd like to know if I have to adjust my dosage

    • 2 years ago

      My wife has epilepsy. My advice is stop taking pharmaceuticals completely and treat your epilepsy correctly with fasting + keto diet. Seriously, pharmaceuticals fricked my wife up when she was on them. Cannabis helps too. That was the first thing we used to kick the pharmajew. Eventually started doing keto and 24-48hr fasting together and now she is healthier than ever, she even lost 40 lbs. Keto also treats her eczema and when we occasionally eat higher amounts of carbs for a few days in a row her eczema usually resurges.

      • 2 years ago

        was she doing the traditional keto or modified? before I was diagnosed I was doing something like carnivore to recover from surgery and didn't have problems with seizures although I'm not sure I could workout as much as I do now without carbs. Right now I'm doing intermittent fasting (8 hour window, not related to the seizures just because it fits my schedule), do you have a specific fasting routine you used? I might switch back to a 4 day upper/lower over the ppl just for the extra rest days.

        • 2 years ago

          don't listen to ketoschizo please

  48. 2 years ago

    Anyone know if this is accurate? 30g protein in 150 cals seems like a very good ratio, almost too good.

    • 2 years ago

      Protein and carbs are about 4 Cal per gram and fat is about 9

      (30 x 4) + (4 x 4) + (2.5 x 9) = 158.5

      They are allowed to round calories down on nutritional labels.

      • 2 years ago

        I understand that, but I've had them before and they taste way better than other protein shakes I've had. That's why I'm curious if the protein claim is accurate or if it's just bullshit.

  49. 2 years ago

    Its nearly 2am and I'm wide awake. Been up since 10 yesterday morning but had some coffee in the evening like an idiot.
    Should I just do an all nighter, go for an early morning jog and then gym in the evening after work?

  50. 2 years ago

    Someone recommend me a reasonably priced preworkout, I normally just get c-4 because it's in my supermarket but I'd like some variety.

  51. 2 years ago

    I have trouble keeping my scapula retracted while benching, it starts to slip a few reps into the set. Any cues that might help with that?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes. Maybe. When you grip the bar squeeze hardest with your pinky fingers. When you bench up make sure you are just straightening your elbows and not reaching your shoulders upwards at the top of the lift. Lastly think of bench as an arm exercise. Imagine just using your arms to bench and not your chest and shoulders. This cue helped me stop reaching at the top
      The reason for this is because it pretty much is an arm movement. When you start to max out your arms are the most activated muscle group and your chest takes on more of a stabilizer role. Take a look at the arms on all the top benchers.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks. Will keep all of this in mind next bench session.

  52. 2 years ago

    Are these meant to be a lot easier than the regular standing variation? I usually do them one arm at a time anyways but I did the leaning variant for my second and third set today and got 4 reps more on my second set than on the first set with the regular variation.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm no expert but main point of this seems to be to reduce the bad leverages of lat raises, so in theory should isolate deltoid more with less stress on joint. Just do normal ones though.

  53. 2 years ago

    Not a question but I wanted to blog

    Tomorrow lifting
    >Squats pyramid 195-225 (5 lb jumps) sets of 8 + drop set
    >swiss bar bench 225 3x8
    >krok rows 80s 3x12
    >db shoulder press 40s 3x15
    >chin-ups 3xF
    So ready for this cut to be over, less than 2 weeks to go.

  54. 2 years ago

    Are jock straps more comfortable to lift in?

  55. 2 years ago

    My ass is too big and I don't want to grow it bigger. However, I like the health benefits of doing squats and deadlifts. How can I do both at once?

    • 2 years ago

      Front squat

  56. 2 years ago

    weightlifting shoe recommendations? For olympic weight lifting and not crossfit. thoughts on the do win classic lifter?

  57. 2 years ago

    Aight, so some anon memed me into purchasing vitamin K2 to supplement along with D3. What's the proper dosage?

  58. 2 years ago

    I want to go for an old sea captain or woodsman muscle build. My body is very stocky by default, and I'd say I'm around 25-30% body fat, but maybe lower, I'm trying to over guess.

    If I begin strength training without cutting, what will happen? I'd continue eating the same as I do now (my weight doesn't really go up, if anything its slowly declining or stagnated as I've been 200-215 for like 3 years) and just lift extremely heavy weight, will my body retain the stocky form and just slowly get harder/muscular, or will the fat always remain until I cut?

  59. 2 years ago

    How do I stop getting fatigued during squats so much?

    For squats right now (I do front squats, without a belt, if that's relevant) my leg muscles get way too fatigued and i am struggling to progress doing 5 or 3 sets at increasing weights. This isn't an issue for other lifts like OHP or bench press where i'm slowly adding more weight but keeping to 3-5 sets. I do a lot of cardio and im not a fat frick so cardio isn't the issue. help me bros

    • 2 years ago

      Lower the weight or lower the reps. Sounds like bad recovery.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm only doing 100kg for front squats... it's not that much right? i don't wanna have to do just 1x5 for squats

  60. 2 years ago

    Am currently in the process of losing 2kg of fat per month with a high protein diet (in a calorie deficit ).
    Which body fat percentage looks most attractive to men?

    Additionally, is getting a fit boyfriend who is uglier than me better than holding out for a guy who is fit and better looking than me?

    • 2 years ago

      >Which body fat percentage looks most attractive to men?
      All of them

    • 2 years ago

      Body fat% attractiveness on women is almost solely dependent on how that particular woman packs on weight. Some are thicc goddess at a high fat% others are butterballs. As a rule of thumb though, certainly no more than 25%

    • 2 years ago

      Get with whoever you click with the most. My wife is 40% and losing 2lb a week bc of good influence. Looks will change over time regardless but if someone is a c**t or doesnt share any of your interests thats very unlikely to change.

      • 2 years ago

        How did you look past her obesity if you are fit?

  61. 2 years ago

    What are some methods I can use to curb a sugar addiction? I could unironically get shredded if I was able to put the damn sweets down. I've been craving sweets non-stop now to the point that I've been eating chocolate or a sweet 3x a day. Its ruining my progress.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Addictions are simple and difficult to remove. Literally just don't indulge. You could also try over indulging to the point of it being negative, then those negative feelings will be associated with sugar and you'll no longer crave it. This is risky though because you'll be over consuming something and may not properly cultivate the negative feelings.

        • 2 years ago

          Is it true that sugar cravings deplete after 2 weeks if you don't eat anything?

  62. 2 years ago

    I'm superfat but on a strict diet. Look good at 6ft 215 skinnyfat in the past but i want to start weight training this time. At what point should i start? Im around 300lbs now.

    • 2 years ago

      start now

    • 2 years ago

      Now. Focus on things that are light on the joints, particularly the knees. Don't run on a treadmill or do box jumps for example.
      As a fat person you're daily moving a bunch of weight around. Your lean muscle mass is probably insignificant. Retaining what you have whilst you cut fat is much easier than losing everything and re-building muscles later.
      Do not neglect calves. Calves are a b***h to train and fat people generally have massive ones, if you lose those you'll regret it in a few years.


      Cutting and losing weight nicely, but how do you measure if you're losing muscle? If my lifts are staying the same (even increasing a bit) is that all that matters and I shouldn't worry?

      That is a decently accurate way of keeping track, yes. If they stay the same you're good, if they increase you're very good. If they decrease a little for a few weeks then stagnate that's acceptable and expected.

      Do I actually need a pre workout or is that a meme?

      Preworkouts by and large are a scam. Lots of them are filled with bullshit that "works" technically (can't advertise it otherwise) but doesn't actually do something. Most commonly because it supplements something your body already (should) have from a normal healthy diet.
      Best preworkout is a cup of coffee or a caffeine pill. Caffeine is like 90% of the active ingredients in most preworkouts.

      i wake up with a stuffed nose but it goes away a couple minutes after waking up, whats the issue with that? bad air quality in my room?

      If you're like me: cold dry air through a warm body combined with nasal breathing. Nothing problematic, just annoying.

  63. 2 years ago

    Cutting and losing weight nicely, but how do you measure if you're losing muscle? If my lifts are staying the same (even increasing a bit) is that all that matters and I shouldn't worry?

    • 2 years ago


  64. 2 years ago

    Not a question but pls deliver the pic with the guy in punisher hoodie with small weights.

  65. 2 years ago

    I'm 20 hours into my 24 hour fast, why am I shitting my guts out?

  66. 2 years ago

    Do I actually need a pre workout or is that a meme?

    • 2 years ago

      Do you feel like you need one? If you're tired or low energy then take one, or save yourself some money and have a coffee. But no you don't NEED a pre workout, they still let you in the gym without one don't worry.

  67. 2 years ago

    i wake up with a stuffed nose but it goes away a couple minutes after waking up, whats the issue with that? bad air quality in my room?

  68. 2 years ago

    Are there any tips on choosing a multi vitamin? I was thinking of taking them since I probably don't get all of what I need. I already take fish oil.

    • 2 years ago

      Any gendered sports vitamin from any renowned brand. It's not complicated or expensive to make multi vitamins, so long as you avoid the bottom dollar dollar store options there's virtually 0 odds of going wrong.

  69. 2 years ago

    Can anyone redpill me on BCAA's, EAA's, and L-Tyrosine? What do these do, are they a meme or are they actually beneficial in any way?

    • 2 years ago

      If your diet is good you are already getting more than enough amino acids, taking the powder is a waste of money and won't do anything

  70. 2 years ago

    I've had a cold all week and have been blowing my nose non-stop.
    Is there any useful protein in boogers and if so should I just be constantly sniffing instead?

    • 2 years ago

      You know what to do.

  71. 2 years ago


    My TDEE is 2300 calories. I'm eating under 1800.

    • 2 years ago

      No. Your tdee WAS 2300, and 1800 WAS what you needed to eat to cut. Go back to whatever calculator you used and plug in your new weight and other relevant data.
      Aside from that calculators are estimators. The real way to figure out someone's actual TDEE is how much weight they gain/lose over time. Considering your weight has not shifted in over 2 months your TDEE is what you're currently eating.
      Your body cannot maintain the same weight if it is being fed too few calories. Your body does not beat the laws of thermodynamics.

      • 2 years ago

        Do you think I'm moronic? I recalculate my TDEE every week. It was up around 2500, now it's down to 2300. I've been eating a similar diet since I started ~1600-1800 calories a day. I didn't say my body is disobeying the laws of thermodynamics. I'm curious if there is a reason to stagnate during body recomp. If I'm gaining muscle while burning fat, would there be some equilibrium?

        • 2 years ago

          >Do you think I'm moronic?
          As a rule I assume everyone here is until proven otherwise, yes. If you don't state you recalculate your TDEE I'm assuming you don't because the vast majority of people here do not.
          > I'm curious if there is a reason to stagnate during body recomp.
          Right now you're saying two things; your TDEE is 2300, and you aren't losing weight on a 1600-1800 kcal diet. There's 3 explanations here: either you are eating more than you think, or your TDEE is lower than you think. The third option being your body breaking the laws of thermodynamics.
          TLDR: your stagnation is normal because whatever you're eating is your TDEE. If you want to cut fat, eat less.

          • 2 years ago

            So, what TDEE calculator do you recommend? I'm 6'1" and 197lbs. Started at 225lbs.

            • 2 years ago

              Literally any. As I said they are estimations. If a calculator says 2500 and you want to cut you go for 2000kcal. If after a month you have lost 4lbs, the calculator estimate was accurate.
              If however after a month you have lost no weight, the calculator overestimated and your actual TDEE is 2000, and so your cut should be 1500kcal.
              If you have accurately logged your diet for the past 2.5m and know for a fact you've been eating in the 1600-1800kcal range, then your TDEE is 1700 and your cut would be 1200kcal.
              Considering 1700 is a very low TDEE for a 6"1 197lbs man, I would say it is far more likely you have not accurately tracked your food intake and are in fact eating more than ~1700 daily.

              • 2 years ago

                NTA but is that 1700 TDEE based on a sedentary male of that height and weight?

              • 2 years ago

                seems more like the BMR, seems even a bit too low for that

              • 2 years ago

                seems more like the BMR, seems even a bit too low for that

                So long as it says creatine monohydrate, yea pretty much.
                Man's lifting and cardioing 6 days a week.
                There is no possible explanation for the combination of things he claims other than that he's really hard wrong on at least one factor.

                I could be wrong, I'm not denying that. But I find it hard to believe I'm somehow eating 500+ more calories. The TDEE calculators I'm looking at for a sedentary person at my weight is around 2300 calories. I rarely cook with oil and butter, I measure all of my meals, and I drink only water. I could be messing up somewhere, but I don't know where. I'll go down to 1500 calories and see if anything changes.

              • 2 years ago

                I should note I looked at the sedentary amount because I figured any amount of exercise would increase your TDEE.

  72. 2 years ago

    Whats a simple routine I could do to go from skinnyfat dyel to fit? Say four exercises.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not simple, never will be, and looking for shortcuts is not getting you anywhere.
      Read the sticky if you want to invest, if you don't want to invest time and effort in yourself why should anyone in this thread?

    • 2 years ago

      Bench, chin ups, deadlifts, face pulls.

  73. 2 years ago

    while doing ohp, is it cheating to bump the bar up to overhead once and then start counting the reps from the point on the first time i lower it slightly below my chin? also how do i stop being a homosexual and stop using what feels like my lower back to help me get an additional rep when im very close to failure already?

    • 2 years ago

      So long as start and end position are the same, no.
      The lower back can be solved by just keeping your glutes engaged. First thing you do during the movement squeeze your butt together and then start using your shoulders, do not relax your glutes until the weight is resting again.

  74. 2 years ago

    creatine is creatine is creatine, right? There's no advantage to looking beyond the cheapest one for a recognizable brand or anything as long as it's just creatine and not some mix that also includes creatine?

    • 2 years ago

      So long as it says creatine monohydrate, yea pretty much.

      NTA but is that 1700 TDEE based on a sedentary male of that height and weight?

      Man's lifting and cardioing 6 days a week.
      There is no possible explanation for the combination of things he claims other than that he's really hard wrong on at least one factor.

  75. 2 years ago

    I injured myself on my rest day and I skipped a day. How soon can I reset my schedule? Next week?

    • 2 years ago

      How did you injure yourself? How badly? Play it very safe with injuries, or it WILL bite you in the ass eventually. If you suspect you know exactly what happened, look up real doctors' medical advice on how long to rest that part of your body and rest at least that long. You only get one body, don't let compounding injuries screw it up.

  76. 2 years ago

    So when ever I do ab work outs that requires crunches or the likes I get the massive urge to fart or burp. Is this normal or is there an issue with my gut ?

  77. 2 years ago

    I am seeing a stagnation in pec growth. Started benching just the bar ~18months ago and progressive overloaded up to 80kg*6 for 3 sets. Today I was messing around at lower weight and did 60kg*11 for 4 sets. What is the best option here? Purely for muscle growth.

    • 2 years ago

      are you a woman? Because if it took you 1.5 year to reach 80kg 3x6, you're definitely doing something wrong

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry. I am not injecting tren.

        • 2 years ago

          >i am not injecting tren
          you think you need tren to bench 2 plates after 1.5 year at the gym? you don't. either your programming is shit, or your diet is shit

          adding 60kg to bench in 18 months is “extremely slow”? What should I be doing by now? Seriously?

          literally what the other anon told you. my sister and my girlfriend are 1.60 and 1.55, and they benched the bar on their first day at the gym. your starting point was ridiculously low for a healthy adult male, so getting from there to 80kg in 1.5 years is very slow. a 60kg increase isn't the same from 20kg to 80kg and from 100kg to 160kg.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry. I am not injecting tren.

      He's right, 1.5y for 80x6 is very slow progress.
      You need a better program, or better diet, or better sleep, or all three.

      I could be wrong, I'm not denying that. But I find it hard to believe I'm somehow eating 500+ more calories. The TDEE calculators I'm looking at for a sedentary person at my weight is around 2300 calories. I rarely cook with oil and butter, I measure all of my meals, and I drink only water. I could be messing up somewhere, but I don't know where. I'll go down to 1500 calories and see if anything changes.

      I should note I looked at the sedentary amount because I figured any amount of exercise would increase your TDEE.

      Something is incredibly off about what you're saying. I don't know what but there's something big and probably obvious neither you nor I are seeing.

      • 2 years ago

        adding 60kg to bench in 18 months is “extremely slow”? What should I be doing by now? Seriously?

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            6’1, 73kg. 21 yo. Started out at 59kg for reference…

        • 2 years ago

          >What should I be doing by now?
          >>You need a better program, or better diet, or better sleep, or all three.
          Also consider getting your testosterone levels tested.
          Adding and getting to are two different things. +60kg from 100 to 160 in 1.5y is nutty, +60kg from 20 to 80 is not.
          An exceptionally gifted person could reach that in as little as 3 months. A normal range would be 6~9 months for a dedicated but genetically average healthy adult male.
          Also make sure you keep track of your kcal and bw. 59>73 would be a fine bulk for 1.5y, but with your level of strength increase I would be questioning how much of that is lean vs fat mass.

          In SL 5x5, between sets.
          Do I wait for 2-3 minutes before starting the next set?
          Or I can do another set of different workout??
          Or what I should do?
          Not aiming for bodybuilding just general fitness.
          Also SL doesn't workout the abs, what should I add?

          >Do I wait for 2-3 minutes before starting the next set?
          Yes. You may feel like you could do something right now, but that feeling is wrong; recovery is important. Progress as indicated and it won't be long until you stop feeling like that, and not long after that you start taking more time.
          >Also SL doesn't workout the abs, what should I add?
          SL implements squats and deads. Both of which heavily rely on core strength which involve abdominals. For a beginner lifter this is plenty. If you feel like it you can add 3x10 bodyweight crunches, but it won't necessarily be all that beneficial.

          • 2 years ago

            I actually had my testosterone tested about 2 months ago and it was at the high end of normal so I don’t know what’s wrong with me…

            • 2 years ago

              like people told you, either your diet, your program, your sleep, or a combination

            • 2 years ago

              Lol those numbers are backwards. Testosterone is the 200~600 range, and the 783 figure, whereas free testosterone is the 6~28 range and the 26.7 figure.
              Not very important in a vacuum, but it may(!) indicate that whatever entity did the testing is not very exact and precise. Imagine walking into a restaurant and finding the bathroom filthy; odds are the kitchen is filthy too.
              Anyhow assuming the numbers are fine you aren't just "high end of normal" you are in fact in the exceptional range. Again assuming these numbers are correct you are genetically capable of pushing that same bench increase in a 3~6 month time period. Again though; that kind of elementary mistake might mean those numbers are bogus. Look for reviews on that place and consider testing elsewhere.
              This means your issue lies elsewhere.
              It's not calories or lack thereof, you've increased bw substantially.
              It may be protein, do you track what kind of macros you consume? If not: start. Be extra autistic in the beginning so you learn good habits. Look at every label of every calorie you consume.
              It may also be rest. What kind of sleephours/quality do you get? Do you have external stressors like bullshit family, hard job/study/etc? Look into improving those if you do.
              The most important and imo most likely problem factor though is your programming. I'm going out on a limb and assume you have no strict program, walk around the gym looking at what machine/spot is open, don't care much if you can't bench (or whatever) cuz bench is occupied, and just increase weights when you feel like it. If any of that sounds right, we have a winner.
              Read the sticky. Look up the programs listed there, not all links work but googling the name should yield results (name+spreadsheet is also a good way). For now grab any of the beginner programs, stronglifts 5x5 if you need something you can start with "now".
              Follow whatever program you pick to the fricking letter. Do not deviate, do not experiment, do not frick around.

              • 2 years ago

                >high end of normal testosterone means good lifting genetics
                it doesn't. there are olympic medalists who have posted labs with low levels of T. stop spreading bullshit broscience

              • 2 years ago

                High test strongly indicates, does not outright prove, good lifting related genetics. Secondary indication is his physique despite his #. Combined those two all but prove that yes, he does in fact have very high end genetics when it comes to building muscle.


                Big answer thanks.
                The numbers aren’t wrong, they just use those units in Australia because… they just do. I don’t know why. I put a conversion in pic.
                I’ve been trying to hit 150g a day, though this is a fairly recent thing- last 6 months or so. I didn’t know much about that before then, didn’t use IST etc. been consuming that protein through eating meat, which I do at least twice a day. Or just through plain unflavoured whey protein powder.
                I sleep well, as I said always 8 hours a night, the issue might be that i stay up too late (it’s 1am now for example, but I don’t need to be up until 11am tomorrow) Since I often don’t have pressure to get up early. Still, always minimum 8 hours a night, and never wake during night etc.
                Aside from some minor depression it’s pretty good… uni is a breeze, no job, etc
                Now, I do have a program. Though I sort of did just autistically make it. But it isn’t totally unstructured. I go to the gym 4 days a week. Every session I rotate between these:
                >session 1
                - 4*8 squats
                - 4*6-8 bench
                - 4 sets seated bicep curls to failure
                - 4*8 OHP
                - 30 pull-ups.
                Some sessions I switch between pull-ups and do ab roller or a lat pull down.
                >session 2
                - 4*8 squats
                - 4*6-8 bench
                - 4*10 leg press
                - normally then either RDL, DL, 4*5 or so on a higher weight.
                - sometimes a bit of core.

                I’ll look around for programs I guess.

                >The numbers aren’t wrong, they just use those units in Australia because
                Ah my bad, did not look at the units used. Those are solid numbers regardless and again combined with pic are strong indicators you're fricking up rather than are limited.
                Make sure you keep readjusting your protein intake as your bw goes up, same with kcal. More lean mass=more protein required. More weight=more kcal to keep bulking
                Timing matters a little, but no more than a little. Most important factors by far is time and quality, which you get so no issue. Other lesser important factors are timing (more about if it's dark where you sleep) and consistency; people that sleep at random times due to night/day/night shift routines reduce quality a bunch.
                That said sleep does not sound like an issue in your case, not even a little bit.
                Lesson the most importantest: if you made your program, it sucks. No ifs, no buts, it's bad and you should put it to the torch.
                You do not exceed the level of knowledge that people like mark rippetoe have. Very few people match it, and if you'd ever be lucky and skilled enough get to that point you'd be 40+yo. It is a common folly of youth to dismiss the older, learn this lesson and apply it everywhere in life.
                Do bear in mind the old can be dumb as frick as well. So do your due diligence and check if someone is renowned or just blasting out of their ass. When it comes to fitness a simple rule of thumb regarding programs: the more people talk and discuss if it's any good, the higher likelihood the program is good. Or at least it'll be good for a specific goal.

              • 2 years ago

                >High test strongly indicates, does not outright prove, good lifting related genetics
                it doesn't. testing your T is literally a meme shilled by clinics in the US that specifically cater to people who want a legal prescription for trt

              • 2 years ago

                It is, if you think differently link your sources. PMID's will do.
                "olympic medalists with low T" is not a source, nor is it even supporting evidence. That, at absolute best, proves that low test is not a contra indicator for lifting potential. At worst it means those guys managed their achievements in spite of it, or that they have achieved increased test levels elsewhere.

                Thanks a lot anon. I appreciate the help and the thorough answers. Hopefully this won’t take too long to turn around.

                Good luck mate. Your natural ability has put you where you are right now. Hard work effort and intelligence will carry you far beyond the average. What's yours is yours to do with as you please, but I'd still like to say please don't waste your potential. It's a shame for any man to grow old without having seen the strength that which his body is capable of.

                cheap ways to rack your plates?
                i got new adjustable dumbells and my floor is even more covered in plates now

                If you have some sturdy walls and some DIY know-how you can buy individual plate holder sticks and mount them.
                Otherwise hit up craigslist for a used plate tree.


                I feel like actual shit for days after leg day. Brain fog and extreme fatigue. How do I stop it?

                CNS fatigue, most likely. Could also be a lack of nutrients if your diet is shit andor lacking micronutrients.
                Look up both and see what fits the bill the most.


                I started stronglifts 5x5 last week at monday because I really wanted to get my squat numbers up. I'm planning to stick to it because at the last workout of week 12 I would be squatting very close to 3pl8s for reps which has always been a long sought after goal for me and it's 2 days before new year's eve (one more off the bucket list for me before the start of 2023).
                my current 1rm is 125kg and the spreadsheet I'm using gave me 55kg as a starting weight, but I'm starting to get anxious about failing my reps and being forced to deload for that means I won't be hitting my goal this year.
                can anyone who experienced plateauing share his story, anything that might ease my mind or simply tell me how "fecal matter doth occur" and I should just accept that dream don't always come true.

                SL5x5 is a progam that gets most people to the 125kg point, but not much beyond. Let alone at a linear fashion.
                Those kinds of gains in that time period is daunting, to say the least. You'd have to really nail every thing, every day, and have some serious unrealized potential.
                That means training exactly right, eating exactly right, sleeping exactly right, and being fricking lucky with your body.
                I'd be cautious about setting this goal and aim for a more realistic one.

                I'm a 19 old lifter. I've been lifting (kinda) consistently for exactly 2 years. I gained 17 kg. Now I'm in a new city for university and:
                1. I have no money
                2.gyms next to me suck
                So i thought about replacing gym with boxing.
                Will i lose all of my gains and transform into a goblin if i start dedicating only to boxing (3 days a week) and leaving lifting?

                No. You lose muscle mass very slowly naturally, so long as you don't go sedentary. If you stay active and keep eating right you will not lose muscle mass.
                You may lose some work capacity in certain exercises. IE if you don't lift for 3 months you may find that you can't do 5x5 squats at the same weight, or that it takes more rest in between, but your 1rm should be virtually the same.

              • 2 years ago

                >prove a negative
                not how it works pal

              • 2 years ago

                Thanks a lot anon. I appreciate the help and the thorough answers. Hopefully this won’t take too long to turn around.

              • 2 years ago

                Big answer thanks.
                The numbers aren’t wrong, they just use those units in Australia because… they just do. I don’t know why. I put a conversion in pic.
                I’ve been trying to hit 150g a day, though this is a fairly recent thing- last 6 months or so. I didn’t know much about that before then, didn’t use IST etc. been consuming that protein through eating meat, which I do at least twice a day. Or just through plain unflavoured whey protein powder.
                I sleep well, as I said always 8 hours a night, the issue might be that i stay up too late (it’s 1am now for example, but I don’t need to be up until 11am tomorrow) Since I often don’t have pressure to get up early. Still, always minimum 8 hours a night, and never wake during night etc.
                Aside from some minor depression it’s pretty good… uni is a breeze, no job, etc
                Now, I do have a program. Though I sort of did just autistically make it. But it isn’t totally unstructured. I go to the gym 4 days a week. Every session I rotate between these:
                >session 1
                - 4*8 squats
                - 4*6-8 bench
                - 4 sets seated bicep curls to failure
                - 4*8 OHP
                - 30 pull-ups.
                Some sessions I switch between pull-ups and do ab roller or a lat pull down.
                >session 2
                - 4*8 squats
                - 4*6-8 bench
                - 4*10 leg press
                - normally then either RDL, DL, 4*5 or so on a higher weight.
                - sometimes a bit of core.

                I’ll look around for programs I guess.

          • 2 years ago

            Bodyfat is rather low… l just cannot seem to put on muscle mass though. Pic is abo a month old…

            like people told you, either your diet, your program, your sleep, or a combination

            Of anything I think it would have to be my program? I sleep minimum 8 hours a night and eat quite well (just probably not enough).

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah looking at this I'm 99% confident its your programming. Getting that physique with those numbers indicates the test levels are accurate, your kcal and protein levels are adequate also, and 8h of sleep is fine.
              Get a good program and listen to it. Programs have been written by experts with decades of non-fricking around experience and have built their knowledge base on the combined experiences and science of thousands of other such experts.

  78. 2 years ago

    In SL 5x5, between sets.
    Do I wait for 2-3 minutes before starting the next set?
    Or I can do another set of different workout??
    Or what I should do?
    Not aiming for bodybuilding just general fitness.
    Also SL doesn't workout the abs, what should I add?

  79. 2 years ago

    what's a good simple push-pull split program to get big and strong? i'm tired of tracking autistically too many shit

  80. 2 years ago

    Squat question: I focus on raising my hips but I still feel significant tension on my knees, am i doing something wrong or is this fine? how do i know i squat good

    • 2 years ago

      Check if your knees are in a weird angle while you squat.
      Also, check if your knees go forward while you squat, your knees shouldn't go past your toes unless you are going absolute ass to grass.

      • 2 years ago

        what would be a weird angle tbh

        i go ass to grass and i think they go past my toes a little if my movement isn't perfect but not a lot

        • 2 years ago

          Not him but one thing I always try to make sure is my knees bend in the direction of where my feet are pointing. I guess a weird angle would be if you have your toes pointed too far out and it makes your knees bend in an unnatural direction.

          There's a korean at my gym who squats like she's doing ballet with the barbell

  81. 2 years ago

    >10x70kg bench press
    >13x70kg incline bench press

    how is this possible and how do i fix it. i can bench 2pl8 incline but not flat

  82. 2 years ago

    Recently (around 3 weeks ago) i started a calisthenics routine for my core, i workout everyday and it usually takes me around 40 minutes (i keep going until i can't do another rep with good form), however, yesterday i felt i could just keep going forever, don't get me wrong, my abs were absolutely doing the job, but my muscles weren't tired at all, in the end i just stopped after 90 minutes because it felt closer to cardio than a muscle workout.
    Is this shit normal with calisthenics?

    • 2 years ago

      yes, and it's the reason they suck. progressive overload is limited for the upper body, and impossible for the lower body on a bodyweight routine

  83. 2 years ago

    I know you don't want to let your shoulders move forward while doing them. But beyond that, do you want to pinch your shoulder blades back when you do them? Or just keep them kind of neutral?

  84. 2 years ago

    0-4 for chest day
    5-9 for shoulder/tri day
    >t. nonroutine chad

  85. 2 years ago

    cheap ways to rack your plates?
    i got new adjustable dumbells and my floor is even more covered in plates now

  86. 2 years ago

    I feel like actual shit for days after leg day. Brain fog and extreme fatigue. How do I stop it?

    • 2 years ago

      There isn't a way around it as far as I know, heavy leg training shocks your CNS no matter what

  87. 2 years ago

    Recommendations on good sets of adjustable dumbbells? Price isn't much of an issue if they are going to last and are good quality.

  88. 2 years ago

    I started stronglifts 5x5 last week at monday because I really wanted to get my squat numbers up. I'm planning to stick to it because at the last workout of week 12 I would be squatting very close to 3pl8s for reps which has always been a long sought after goal for me and it's 2 days before new year's eve (one more off the bucket list for me before the start of 2023).
    my current 1rm is 125kg and the spreadsheet I'm using gave me 55kg as a starting weight, but I'm starting to get anxious about failing my reps and being forced to deload for that means I won't be hitting my goal this year.
    can anyone who experienced plateauing share his story, anything that might ease my mind or simply tell me how "fecal matter doth occur" and I should just accept that dream don't always come true.

  89. 2 years ago

    I'm a 19 old lifter. I've been lifting (kinda) consistently for exactly 2 years. I gained 17 kg. Now I'm in a new city for university and:
    1. I have no money
    2.gyms next to me suck
    So i thought about replacing gym with boxing.
    Will i lose all of my gains and transform into a goblin if i start dedicating only to boxing (3 days a week) and leaving lifting?

  90. 2 years ago

    what are some calorie dense food? i want to gain weight but i don't like eating
    please no peanut butter, i'm tired of eating it

    • 2 years ago

      Irish cheddar cheese
      fatty steaks

  91. 2 years ago

    Either I got carpal tunnel or i fked up my wrist reracking after my squat. What is the best way to recover because ive been out of commission for a week and it hurts when i use my arm to support myself up

  92. 2 years ago

    Recently started kickboxing classes and it's great. I really want to go today, but I'm still sore from pull day on monday an leg day yesterday, plus my right foot hurts slightly.
    I'm thinking the wise thing to do is to skip todays class, rest and go tomorrow.
    Should you train with sore muscles?

    • 2 years ago

      You can practice form and technique but I wouldn’t recommend kicking a heavy bag or anything like that.

  93. 2 years ago

    Are these good routines? I'm a newbie and just trying to get in shape. 6foot3, 180 lbs skinny fat.
    Im alternating between those two workouts with one rest day between.
    A: deadlift, overhead press, pull up, seated incline db curl, barbell shrug.
    B: barbell front squat, barbell row, bench press, calf raises, neck curl( is this a meme?)

    I'm doing 3x8 with current weight until I get to 3x12 then I'm adding weight. Is this good? Also how much weight should I add once I got to 3x12. 5lbs? 2.5? How do I properly do progressive overload?
    Also I'm doing some grip training with grippers for forearm. Is this shit even worth it? Should I add more excercises? Currently a workout takes me about 1 hour in my home gym. I'm scared that it isn't enough. I've been at it for about 2 month now.
    Any advice appreciated, homosexuals.

    • 2 years ago

      That's a typical 5x5 routine with a few accessories added except you're doing 3x8-12. It's good but I'd add even more accessories for upper body, such as:

      A: + lateral raises, close grip bench
      B: + rear delt flyes, hammer curls

      • 2 years ago

        thanks fren. Appreciated. I'll try it.

  94. 2 years ago

    When working around my 5RM is it better to do sets across or ladders? Assuming my goals are strength and hypertrophy.
    So 5x5 for 25 reps or 3 rounds of 2-3-5 reps for 30 total reps but fewer hard sets?

  95. 2 years ago

    Is Intermittent Fasting a meme?
    I read that it had many health benefits and even increases life span.

    • 2 years ago

      It is and it isn't. There's not yet been enough hard scientific research about intermittent fasting to say anything conclusively yet. What limited data there is though suggests the same thing other meme diets have been proven to be: an alternative method of achieving the same goal: calorie control. If you can effectively control your eating to meet your goals without resorting to keto/fasting/etc, there is no real benefit to them. If you cannot, then they might help.
      Any article that claims life expectancy increase is complete bull, without a shadow of doubt. I can say this confidently because intermittent fasting is a relatively new phenomenon, even if someone set up a study straight away there has literally not been enough time to measure this effect.

      at what point does doing the same compound 2x a week become bad? like say i do ohp twice a week, should i sub one of it with seated db shoulder press for example just to get a slightly different stimulation?
      i also deadlift 2x a week but i guess its not heavy enough yet to completely destroy my cns but should i be cautious and maybe add RDLs as a substitute once instead of deadlifting twice?

      I would not worry about that until you actually experience negative effects.

      How tf do I get stronger? I am overweight so that means I am eating in a caloric surplus or even eating at maintenance at the very least and I eat home cooked meals with a lot of protein. Im still stuck on all my lifts and I am not getting stronger and I look the same. I finished my linear progression strength and moved to an intermediate program but I’m still weak and look DYEL. wtf am I supposed to do? I don’t want to cut cause I’ll look like a Holocaust survivor

      >I finished my linear progression strength
      How do you "finish" a linear progression strength program without getting stronger?
      You go from 10kg the first week to 12.5 the second 15 the third and so on, that's what a linear program is. If you haven't done that to the point where you reached a certain weight goal, you haven't finished it.
      I'm with

      chances are you just drink more of it
      the "destroy my cns" broscience has no basis on reality. variation is good however, and it depends on your programming. Assuming you're an intermediate on a classic HLM weekly-biweekly progression, I'd suggest doing variations on the light and medium days.
      As for which variation to do, it really depends on you and your goals. On the deadlift, I do RDLs for medium day and pendlay rows on light day. On the squat I swap light day squatting entirely with leg extensions, but still prefer to do classic low-bar for medium day. On BP and OHP, it really depends on whether you're looking to autistically raise your numbers or not. I'm not a fun of BP and OHP barbell variations, and I personally prefer to do either dumbbell work for variation. But if you're looking to raise a stalling OHP-BP, chances are doing halves would help you more. There's also the "as fast as possible" conjugate stuff, but I never fricked with that so I can't really comment on it
      >I am overweight so that means I am eating in a caloric surplus
      No, it doesn't. That means that in the grand scheme of things, you ate at a caloric surplus in the past. It doesn't mean that you're currently eating at a surplus
      >I eat home cooked meals with a lot of protein
      If you don't could your macros, you can't be sure. An experienced lifter can maybe eyeball macros at an adequate level of accuracy, but novices should definitely weigh and log what they eat. Your mum's "nutritious" 1000kcal 12g protein meals might not be as nutritious as you thought
      >I finished my linear progression strength and moved to an intermediate program but I’m still weak and look DYEL
      What program did you do? Did you stall? Chances are you didn't squeeze out the noob gains because your diet was shit. What program are you doing now? what are you lifts/weight/age/height etc? more info needed

      You are lacking in a lot of foundational knowledge, I strongly suggest you go and read the sticky. Read it, understand it, read it again in a week so you're sure it sticks. Actually do the things it describes instead of... whatever it is you did.

      • 2 years ago

        >it is and it isn't
        >life expectancy is a myth
        What about Okinawa people though??

  96. 2 years ago

    what is it about ab wheel that it gives you sore abs every time next day? I'm doing it for about twice a week for a month and I still feel next day like I was doing for the very first time.

  97. 2 years ago

    what would a modified SS routine look like if i was to go for 4x a week instead of 3x with accessoires added?

    • 2 years ago

      accessory-wise (assuming you're a novice) all you need is pull-ups and some curls. I also did rear delt work (bent over lat raises)

      • 2 years ago

        alright, thanks. about the power cleans, what could i substitute them with? i saw anons saying theyre way too hard to get down properly, what could i substitute for them?

        • 2 years ago

          I'll tell you, but let me also tell you this: power cleans aren't THAT hard to learn with semi-decent form. If your gym has oli lifting capabilities and you have some proper shoes, it doesn't hurt giving them a try. Watch Rip's long vid on youtube where he breaks down the movement into separate ques, and if you feel like you can't do it you can substitute them.
          That being said, I did barbell rows because the power clean essentially serves as a light-day pull for the deadlift. When I say barbell rows I mean explosive pendlay rows (like in the SS book).

  98. 2 years ago

    i noticed that when i drink tea (unsweetened) somewhat close to bedtime, like 2-3 hours, i gain a lot of water weight but when i drink regular water i dont. does the warm fluid from the tea just get absorbed better?

    • 2 years ago

      chances are you just drink more of it

      at what point does doing the same compound 2x a week become bad? like say i do ohp twice a week, should i sub one of it with seated db shoulder press for example just to get a slightly different stimulation?
      i also deadlift 2x a week but i guess its not heavy enough yet to completely destroy my cns but should i be cautious and maybe add RDLs as a substitute once instead of deadlifting twice?

      the "destroy my cns" broscience has no basis on reality. variation is good however, and it depends on your programming. Assuming you're an intermediate on a classic HLM weekly-biweekly progression, I'd suggest doing variations on the light and medium days.
      As for which variation to do, it really depends on you and your goals. On the deadlift, I do RDLs for medium day and pendlay rows on light day. On the squat I swap light day squatting entirely with leg extensions, but still prefer to do classic low-bar for medium day. On BP and OHP, it really depends on whether you're looking to autistically raise your numbers or not. I'm not a fun of BP and OHP barbell variations, and I personally prefer to do either dumbbell work for variation. But if you're looking to raise a stalling OHP-BP, chances are doing halves would help you more. There's also the "as fast as possible" conjugate stuff, but I never fricked with that so I can't really comment on it

      How tf do I get stronger? I am overweight so that means I am eating in a caloric surplus or even eating at maintenance at the very least and I eat home cooked meals with a lot of protein. Im still stuck on all my lifts and I am not getting stronger and I look the same. I finished my linear progression strength and moved to an intermediate program but I’m still weak and look DYEL. wtf am I supposed to do? I don’t want to cut cause I’ll look like a Holocaust survivor

      >I am overweight so that means I am eating in a caloric surplus
      No, it doesn't. That means that in the grand scheme of things, you ate at a caloric surplus in the past. It doesn't mean that you're currently eating at a surplus
      >I eat home cooked meals with a lot of protein
      If you don't could your macros, you can't be sure. An experienced lifter can maybe eyeball macros at an adequate level of accuracy, but novices should definitely weigh and log what they eat. Your mum's "nutritious" 1000kcal 12g protein meals might not be as nutritious as you thought
      >I finished my linear progression strength and moved to an intermediate program but I’m still weak and look DYEL
      What program did you do? Did you stall? Chances are you didn't squeeze out the noob gains because your diet was shit. What program are you doing now? what are you lifts/weight/age/height etc? more info needed

      • 2 years ago

        >Your mum's "nutritious" 1000kcal 12g protein meals might not be as nutritious as you thought
        At the end of the day I get in minimum 100g of pro.
        > What program did you do? Did you stall?
        Madcow 5x5. Yeah I stalled. My 1rms were
        I’m 170lbs 5’8” 22y/o. Right now I’m doing 531 BBB

        • 2 years ago

          >At the end of the day I get in minimum 100g of pro.
          count macros. if you did madcow correctly, that's the only variable other than not sleeping properly that needs fixing.

          • 2 years ago

            >count macros
            I do.
            if you did madcow correctly
            I de loaded like the program said to but my lifts wouldn’t move

            • 2 years ago

              if you did count macros, you'd be talking macros and not telling me "I eat homecooked meals and at least 100g of protein every day". You obviously don't count macros, don't know what you want me to tell you

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                even for an emperor of the manlets, 2247 might be a deficit if you lift 3-4 times a week. don't know what your goals are, but if you're cutting it's normal for strength gains to stall and if you're trying to bulk you're eating too little. the protein could be a bit higher too (my 5'2 gf eats 125g per day), and if you're bulking i'd also switch to a HLM because 5/3/1 is objectively shit

              • 2 years ago

                >2247 might be a deficit if you lift 3-4 times a week.
                That’s my maintenance right now…I just want to get stronger and look better so I went into 531BBB since it claimed to be a strength+hypertrophy program

              • 2 years ago

                if you want to get stronger and bigger, go at a slight surplus of say 300 kcals, and pick a better program. I personally prefer HLM programming for intermediates, you can do volume on medium days and high intensity sets on heavy days

  99. 2 years ago

    at what point does doing the same compound 2x a week become bad? like say i do ohp twice a week, should i sub one of it with seated db shoulder press for example just to get a slightly different stimulation?
    i also deadlift 2x a week but i guess its not heavy enough yet to completely destroy my cns but should i be cautious and maybe add RDLs as a substitute once instead of deadlifting twice?

  100. 2 years ago

    How tf do I get stronger? I am overweight so that means I am eating in a caloric surplus or even eating at maintenance at the very least and I eat home cooked meals with a lot of protein. Im still stuck on all my lifts and I am not getting stronger and I look the same. I finished my linear progression strength and moved to an intermediate program but I’m still weak and look DYEL. wtf am I supposed to do? I don’t want to cut cause I’ll look like a Holocaust survivor

  101. 2 years ago

    hey IST hows my routine? I'm on my second month of training and so far I am enjoying how I feel and the results anyways it's a PPL routine but I am throwing in cardio too. PCPCL is this a dog shit regimen? I am trying to cut body fat and recomp/gain muscle mass. Lead a very sedentary life style up till like 2 years ago when I began manual labor. Rn I'm 180lbs at 6ft. I am still looking kind of skinny fat, but I can see bf going down slowly but surely.

  102. 2 years ago

    I've been lifting for about a year and a half. When will I start to feel better mentally? You guys told me this would help and I do all the shit, I read books and sleep 7 to 8 hours a night, I lift weights 4x a week and walk in sunlight, I meditate and I avoid substances..... When does the mental change kick in

    • 2 years ago

      Mental issues are not fought at the gym. People treat the gym as a therapy replacement when it is not.
      If you have demons in your brain that you haven't been able to beat in 1.5y, you need a person educated and trained in such matters to help you. Also known as a therapist or psychiatrist.
      That being said; it's a lot easier to be healthy mentally when your body is too. A lot easier to slip down the slope when your body is making you feel worse, as well. The gym has value in that battle, it is just not the most critical aspect of it.

      • 2 years ago

        I've been duped.... I will never mentally recover from this

        • 2 years ago

          >I will never mentally recover from this
          Yeah you will mate, just gotta get the right gloves for the match.

          Looking at bikes and they have 'intended' heights for riders, I like the shorter ones though and Im just wondering if this has any effect on eneegy output when it comes to doing cardio on bikes

          Go with the right frame for your height, it matters. Source: I'm Dutch.
          For real tho; wrong frame size leads to wrist and lower back issues, reduced control over the bike, and yes reduced power.

          • 2 years ago

            This is a mountain bike not a riding bike, also, I don't mind if it has reduced power, what I want is to just work as hard as possible on it.

            • 2 years ago

              Doesn't change the facts. Good posture=good for body. Bad posture=bad for body.
              You can ignore the advice of the shops, you can ignore common wisdom, you can ignore the advice from a man who's been riding bicycles since the same year he learned to walk. You're free to do this, have fun.

              • 2 years ago

                I wasnt trying to ignore you man, I just didnt know the differences, but yeah Ill probably go along with your advice because of your point there, I just wanted to be sure.

  103. 2 years ago

    Looking at bikes and they have 'intended' heights for riders, I like the shorter ones though and Im just wondering if this has any effect on eneegy output when it comes to doing cardio on bikes

  104. 2 years ago

    How important is eating a surplus for muscle growth? I've been toying with the idea of drinking a daily protein shake to get some extra calories. I am slightly worried I will just gain weight but not muscle.

    • 2 years ago

      read the sticky

  105. 2 years ago

    my fat normie roommate just won't grasp the logic of bulking
    >lol why do you put peanut butter in there
    >why do you drink milk??

    • 2 years ago

      >fat normie roommate just won't grasp the logic of bulking
      How did he get so fat then

  106. 2 years ago

    I understand that I could very well end up just pissing away hundreds every year but if you were to take vitamins/supplements how does this combo sound (all from the same brand "life extension")
    >"super K" Vitamin K1 and K2 - MK4 & MK7
    >Omega-3 EPA/DHA Fish Oil, Sesame Lignans & Olive Extract
    >a multi that includes D3 and zinc

    • 2 years ago

      get basic bloodwork done?
      you tinfoil moron whats the point of paying for upmarked vitamins if youre not deficient?

      • 2 years ago

        Vit D was a little low and my zinc was slighty out of range(low). I have no clue what's going on with my k or omega 3 levels, I'm operating under the belief that like most Americans I'm deficient in both. Especially because
        >I don't touch greens
        >Canned tuna is the only fish I eat once in a while and to my knowledge it's an abysmal source of omega 3

  107. 2 years ago

    What exercise should I rotate in as my primary horizontal row? I did barbell rows but found the fatigue to be too much for the stimulus I got out of it. I've been doing DB rows for a long time now and I think it's time to rotate them out. What else even is there? There's no chest supported row at my gym. Wish there was a seal row bench but alas

    • 2 years ago

      It's time for pendlay rows my son

      Is lifting 6 times a week and running everyday too much?

      If it's working then it's fine, if you're not progressing then no

  108. 2 years ago

    Is lifting 6 times a week and running everyday too much?

  109. 2 years ago

    >stuck at 75lbs OHP for over a month
    >finally get 3x10, try for 3x8 80lbs
    >8 reps
    >7 reps
    >4 reps
    Is this the most awful lift in existence? No other lift has me stalling as hard as OHP

    • 2 years ago

      It's normal to not get 8 reps on all 3 sets. Just work on it till you get to 10 reps on the first set then increase the weight again. Also look up dynamic double progression.

  110. 2 years ago

    Redpill me on muscle endurance workout.
    Should I add it to my weekly plan?
    What benefits would I gain?

  111. 2 years ago

    Asking here as well. When doing an intermittent fast like 18-6 do I eat normal TDEE calories or cutting calories?

    • 2 years ago

      Isn't the whole point of fasting to lose weight..? Why the hell would you ever eat at or above maintenance when fasting??

  112. 2 years ago

    I'm getting a job that involves walking 10+ miles a day. What's a good workout+diet routine for me?

  113. 2 years ago

    I currently do the leddit PPL routine 6 days a week. A friend of mine does calisthenics and is really big into bouldering. I've tried the bouldering a few times and enjoy it I'd like to do it on a weekly basis but how should I go about fitting it into my weightlifting routine?

  114. 2 years ago

    What does IST think of muscle-ups?

    • 2 years ago

      >tfw no shirtless bros to applaud your reps

  115. 2 years ago

    stupid but what if I worked out until I threw up? At least that way as soon as I leave the gym I won't feel like I did nothing or I didn't do enough

    • 2 years ago

      Go ahead and give yourself rhabdo and then report back.

      • 2 years ago

        wew lad that's pretty metal haha
        but seriously why do I just feel deflated after the gym? Sometimes I used to feel good but now I just come out and feel like I could turn around and spend another two hours in there

        • 2 years ago

          Then add more weight or more reps. Or add another lift to each muscle group dunno I've never felt like I haven't gone hard enough in the gym

          • 2 years ago

            okay I think I'll just add more sets to what I'm already doing and see if that helps

  116. 2 years ago

    Do Jeff Nippards programs ever get leaked here?

  117. 2 years ago

    cant tell if hungry of if i just went too hard on abs

  118. 2 years ago

    I had the absolute worst day at the gym today. All of my lifts went down at least 15 pounds, my knees hurt like hell afterwards and I left the gym with a pounding headache. I did some push-ups at home and tapped out at 19. How did this happen to me? There have been no significant changes in my diet or routine. Am I sick with something and just don’t realize it?

    • 2 years ago

      You had a shit day. Happens to the best of us

  119. 2 years ago

    is doing omad with 2 salmon filets every day stupid? like what else should i eat with it, a fricking potato or broccoli or what. i need something balanced but idk where the balance lies. i'm trying to eat 1k calories a day to lose weight but wanna make sure i'm getting the proper nutrition still.

    • 2 years ago

      Stopped reading here. Get a proper diet and not this meme shit. It's not hard to eat at a deficit, just stop being a damn glutton.

      • 2 years ago

        it's not sustainable and i'm not gonna do this for the rest of my life lmao. i just want to cut out like 5-10 lbs quickly

        • 2 years ago

          >i just want to cut out like 5-10 lbs quickly
          This dumbass zoomer mindset is why people stop going to the gym. "hurr durr I don't look like prime Arnold after 2 weeks wwwaaaaaahhhh" god just do normal progression like everyone else. Get a real diet, stop being stupid about this. If you needed to lose weight "quickly", then you should've started over a month ago.

          • 2 years ago

            i'm not opposed to the gym i'm trying to work it into my budget this month actually. i just don't wanna frick up my joints doing something stupid that my fat ass isnt capable of

            • 2 years ago

              You misunderstood. I'm talking about the "I was results and I want it NOW" impatient mindset. You will never ever get results quickly, this shit takes *time*

  120. 2 years ago

    Considering how much effort it takes for a women to look fit, is it a red flag for mental illness or disordered eating if a woman looks like this?

    • 2 years ago

      No, that's perfectly normal levels of fit. If anything, it's impressive.

    • 2 years ago

      Are you delusional? That's 100% normal. What the frick do you think "normal" is supposed to look like??

  121. 2 years ago

    Have you ever tried adding yoga to your routine? For flexibility or just a change of pace?

  122. 2 years ago

    if i only have a properly defined and visible six pack when doing side planks, does that mean that i need to keep working on my oblique abdominals before i get a six pack?

  123. 2 years ago

    Can I realistically teach myself how to swim well enough to do it for cardio? I can float okay and am not scared of the water I just don't know actual swimming techniques like treading, freestyle, breaststroke, etc.

    Tried getting adult classes but they're booked until next year and I'm too poor to afford a private instructor.

    • 2 years ago

      I got a triathlon swim coach to give me private coaching for $40AUD per session a couple of years ago. We did one session per week and I did practice on my own in between classes.

      Took me 6 lessons to get from just being able to float to doing laps of freestyle and backstroke.

      Check the notice boards at the pool or swim squads in your area if you want some coaching.

  124. 2 years ago

    i just booked my first session with a personal trainer. what should i do/prepare to make the most out of m money and how often should i do sessions because they’re pretty expensive.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm gonna be realllll fricking honest with you. With the rise of video platforms like youtube, personal trainers are pretty much completely useless now. There are like.. *millions* of videos out there about routines/form/diet/things to focus on. The only thing you're gonna "need" a trainer for is a form check and maybe some info/personal advice from them. Everything else you can teach yourself. Read the shit in the sticky, start watching videos for basic beginner lifting stuff, and you'll quickly get to the point of not needing a trainer ever again.

  125. 2 years ago

    holding glute bridges on the ground without a barbelll vs doing it with a bench vs doing reps with a barbell?

  126. 2 years ago

    is there any ppl 6 day program around that takes around 1h per workout? im currently doing a 4 day u/l and my workouts take around 2 hours per session, so id like to reduce the session length in favor of more frequent training, without neglecting accessoires and no access to machines.
    i have a bb + rack, adjustable dumbbells, dip bars, pull up bar, kettlebells

    also how the FRICK do you keep your lower back on the ground while doing leg raises? it just feels like im using my hips to lift them up or is that normal?

  127. 2 years ago

    as a novice, is it bad to start with an upper lower split 3-4 times a week because your upper or lower body isnt used to that much load per workout or will the body adapt after a few weeks?

  128. 2 years ago

    What’s a good hypertrophy program? I’ve been focusing on strength and neglecting my arms and other muscles. I also need to lose weight since I’m overweight but I want to look good.

  129. 2 years ago

    Does anyone else struggle with plain squats? I can't keep my balance while doing them without a weight of some kind whether it be my kettlebell or bar. My upper body usually gives before my lower but I can't even continue without weights because of this.

  130. 2 years ago

    >6' 270 lbs fatass
    If i manage to lose weight and drop to 200 will i end up with loose skin like the people on 600lb life? Most of the fat is in the abdomen region.

  131. 2 years ago

    I was woken up at 3am and now feel like shit. Should I still work out today?

  132. 2 years ago

    How to motivate and convince my wife to go to the gym and stop letting herself go?

  133. 2 years ago

    I'm 32 yo, weight 164 height 5'9".
    TDEE 2100, consuming Calories 1500 a day, BF 19%.
    I got slimmer, but my BF% didn't go down
    Why is that and what can I do?

    • 2 years ago

      How long have you been cutting for? Do you consume enough protein? and do you work out whilst losing weight? How much weight have you lost how quickly?

      How much weekly volume of deadlifting is necessary in an upper/lower split? I find one RDL session per week blasts my legs enough but it makes that leg day very short in time. Would added volume just be fluff or will it help?

      Deadlifts are more of a back thing than a leg thing. Quads are activated some but most of the work is done through the posterior chain.
      Incorporate back exercises on deadlift day.


      Is there a way to make Madcow 5x5 into a 4-day-routine, adding actual volume, not just redistributing what you'd normally do in 3 into 4 days?
      Should I just turn what would normally be day 1 of week 2 into day 4 of week 1 and so on?

      Do not alter programs. Instead find a 4day program that works for you.

      Can somone post couch to 5k?

      If you're too lazy to google, how the frick are you actually gonna get off the couch?


      My gyno touches the ground when I do regular push-ups let alone deep ones. Is this fine or will it diminish the efficacy, and if it does what should I do about it

      Won't do shit for pushups. It'll reduce your body weight by like 1% at the lowest point, inconsequential.
      Talk to a doctor though dude, that's something you need surgery to fix.

      Is DOMS in the back of the hand possible or am I just mental/have arthritis or some other shit?

      Possible, but unlikely. If you've done some kind of finger spread exercise yes, if not I'd look into other causes.

      • 2 years ago

        >How long have you been cutting for?
        3 months
        >Do you consume enough protein?
        I guess
        >Do you work out whilst losing weight?
        >How much weight have you lost how quickly?
        6 lbs over 3 months.
        My body fat % remained at 19%

        • 2 years ago

          For one you need to *know* you are consuming enough protein, don't guess: track.
          For two: you are either under reporting kcal consumption, or your tdee is lower than you think.
          A TDEE-500kcal should result in 1lbs/week, give or take. 6lbs over 3 months means you've had a total caloric deficit of about 21000 kcal over a 12 week time period, or about 250kcal a day.
          TDEE calculators are estimators; they cannot be fully accurate. Use one to get an estimate then follow that estimate for about 3 weeks, then use the progress you've made in that time period to actually nail down your exact TDEE.
          Spend more effort and you'll see better results, you've gotten started and done the hardest part. Just need a touch more.

          • 2 years ago

            >For one you need to *know* you are consuming enough protein, don't guess: track.
            Or just consume a stupidly high amount. The whole "protein bad for the liver" pseudoscience is based on a single studies done on diabetic rats in the 60's.

            • 2 years ago

              True to some extent. You still need fats and carbs and whatnot.
              More relevant for most people is that protein is expensive, and past a certain point less than fun to eat. Especially on a cut you really do want some of the "good stuff" to level out a meal.

              Am I a Black person for refusing to give up my seat to an elderly woman who asked for it on the bus?
              >inb4 you're a Black person for taking the bus
              Just answer the question please

              Unless your leg broke or something, yes.
              If someone asks that means they're one of two types of people; someone who's fricking selfish, in which case they'd more likely be telling/demanding than asking. Or someone who's actually in pain/uncomfortable standing up.
              If your body works well it's very little inconvenience to ease someone else's ride.

              • 2 years ago

                You're a double Black person.

                You're a Blackisraelite for sitting down in the first place.

                But why?Apart from her age she looked perfectly fine and I was arguably more tired than her. Also I hate women

              • 2 years ago

                >arguably more tired than her
                If you're so tired you can't stand up for a bus ride, you need to manage yourself better and keep 2~3 reps in the tank, work smarter not harder.
                In the end though, following the policy of "if they don't ask for the seat then it's their problem" is OK.

              • 2 years ago

                >Apart from her age she looked perfectly fine
                Plenty stuff is not visible. Age by itself is already a strong indicator someone is not physically prime.

  134. 2 years ago

    How much weekly volume of deadlifting is necessary in an upper/lower split? I find one RDL session per week blasts my legs enough but it makes that leg day very short in time. Would added volume just be fluff or will it help?

  135. 2 years ago

    Question for the Ketobros. So I just started a Keto/CICO diet and I know about the 5% and/or 50gs of carbs to stay on ketosis but what if I am on a 1500kcal diet and my 32 grams of carbs represent a 10% of my macros? Should I follow the 50 grams thing or the 5% one?

  136. 2 years ago

    Is there a way to make Madcow 5x5 into a 4-day-routine, adding actual volume, not just redistributing what you'd normally do in 3 into 4 days?
    Should I just turn what would normally be day 1 of week 2 into day 4 of week 1 and so on?

  137. 2 years ago

    Can somone post couch to 5k?

  138. 2 years ago

    Best rep range for rdls?

  139. 2 years ago

    My gyno touches the ground when I do regular push-ups let alone deep ones. Is this fine or will it diminish the efficacy, and if it does what should I do about it

  140. 2 years ago

    Where to buy accutane online Canada no prescription? Want it delivered to my door, dont want to go in for bloods, dont care how much it costs

    • 2 years ago

      Darknet markets. Google Dread forum.

  141. 2 years ago

    Is DOMS in the back of the hand possible or am I just mental/have arthritis or some other shit?

  142. 2 years ago

    doing PPLPPLx, where can i add some light cardio in? Thinking about getting a rower and doing it 3 days a week

  143. 2 years ago

    Anything I need to know before buying resistance bands?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, be frickin careful with them if you use them for pullups/muscle ups. Consider wearing a cup, shit aint fun.

      Squat is my only leg movement (beside calves extension). Do I need to add an hamstring isolation movement to prevent assymetry between my quadriceps and hamstring or is squat only ok?

      You need more than that for everything mate. Grab an actual renowned program and follow it if you want to make progress.

      • 2 years ago

        >Yeah, be frickin careful with them if you use them for pullups/muscle ups.
        I'll keep it in mind.
        Can you recommend a brand or rather any characteristic I should look for?

        • 2 years ago

          Not really, when I need one I use the gym's.

  144. 2 years ago

    Squat is my only leg movement (beside calves extension). Do I need to add an hamstring isolation movement to prevent assymetry between my quadriceps and hamstring or is squat only ok?

  145. 2 years ago

    Am I a Black person for refusing to give up my seat to an elderly woman who asked for it on the bus?
    >inb4 you're a Black person for taking the bus
    Just answer the question please

    • 2 years ago

      You're a double Black person.

    • 2 years ago

      You're a Blackisraelite for sitting down in the first place.

  146. 2 years ago

    Got some results from the doctor today, among which were my testosterone levels. I went to get it checked out due to the following:
    >Lack of morning wood
    >Can only really jack of maybe twice a day max, but it drains me
    All of these are probably related to being addicted to porn, but anyhow, the results are as follows:
    Testosterone: 29 nmol/L
    SHBG: 36.2 nmol/L
    Free testosterone: 0.641 nmol/L
    Bioavailable testosterone: 15 nmol/L
    Are these results within the norm?

    • 2 years ago

      >Got some results from the doctor today
      Why didn't you discuss the results with your doctor?
      But yeah those are fine levels.
      No morning wood is not necessarily a low test symptom, nor is tiredness. They can be, mind, but just as likely to be the result of a thousand other things.
      People that are truly low test cannot jack it once a day, let alone twice.
      Your issues are elsewhere, speak to your doctor.

  147. 2 years ago

    are back extensions on an exercise ball a meme? thinking about doing them or supermans to strengthen my lower back

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