is there a way i can calculate a rough estimation of the calories burned during the workout? pic unrelated

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  1. 2 years ago

    New to regular exercise. Is soreness for days after a workout normal? Is it supposed to go away before you work those muscles again? If it's not normal how do I get rid of it? Am I not eating enough?

    • 2 years ago
      Dr. Chad MD

      Soreness is fine, 2 - 3 days if soreness is normal. Sometimes it will, sometimes it won't go away. Exercise anyways.

      • 2 years ago

        Cheers, thanks doc. I'll keep the rotation going.

    • 2 years ago

      yes its normal
      exercise anyway ,eventually your body will condition itself so you will get less sore for the same amount of exercise.

    • 2 years ago

      Soreness is normal when you start out. Work out, wait for it to go away, work out again, rinse and repeat. Eventually you won't feel sore when you work out unless you really push yourself.

      • 2 years ago

        You don't need to wait for it to go away to lift again

        • 2 years ago

          No, but unless you're in a big fricking hurry for some reason, waiting is fine.

          • 2 years ago

            You should be lifting 3-4 times per week as a beginner bottom line

  2. 2 years ago

    >want to get bigger
    >dont want to gain fat or get out of shape
    What do? Bulk on 200-300 cal above maintainance?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes sir.

      • 2 years ago

        Will that make me grow while not getting fat?

        • 2 years ago
          Dr. Chad MD

          A slight calorie surplus. 0.6 - 0.8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Lifting 4-6 times a week (depending on your routine). Cardio once or twice a week (nothing over-the-top, just to keep your heart healthy).

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks bruv, I appreciate it. What eould you consider sufficient cardio for this case? I currently cycle 20-25 mins at a normal pace 2 days a week. Is that enough?

            • 2 years ago

              bump that to 30 minutes 3 days a week and see how you feel. alternatively, you can just go for a long walk in addition to that. personally, i find it helps stretch out some kinks too so added flexibility benefits.

        • 2 years ago

          If you're already lean (12-10% bodyfat) yes. If you're that, eat the exact amount of calories you burn in a day. It's called "recomping" and you will build muscle while burning excess fat.

          For tracking your workouts, I recommend some sort of fitness tracker. Wear it for a week to get a rough estimate of how many calories you are burning each day. Eat accordingly (track everything you eat). Track your progress with measurements (weight, waist, thigh and arm measurements) and make adjustments based on the results. Progress may be hard to notice because you see yourself every day, but if you stay consistent you will make changes. Others will point it out to you before you are able to see it for yourself.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks m8. And what if I'm slightly above 12%bf? Will that still work?

  3. 2 years ago

    Get a fitness tracker

  4. 2 years ago

    I'm currently cutting, tried fasting for the first time and i really liked it, i don't know why but it makes me super aware and hyped up, like I'm on coffee non stop
    what's the best/healthiest way of fasting? 16/8? OMAD? 24h every other day?

    • 2 years ago
  5. 2 years ago

    I was fat and an alcoholic
    Then I started smoking
    Now in thing and don’t really drink outside of social settings
    But addicted to ciggies

    Which is worse?

    • 2 years ago

      Hard to say, brah. Depends on how much you used to drink and how much you smoke now. You definitely should quit smoking as soon as possible before you develop deep nicotine neuro-pathways, but not if it means going back to being an alcoholic. 2-3 drinks per day for 5 days a week for 5 years a day are way worse than smoking 10 cigs a day everyday of the week for the same amount of years. Also, booze has a lot of calories.

      Congrats on the progress, king 😉

      • 2 years ago

        > 2-3 drinks per day for 5 days a week for 5 years a day are way worse than smoking 10 cigs a day everyday of the week for the same amount of years
        What the FRICK are you talking about


        I was fat and an alcoholic
        Then I started smoking
        Now in thing and don’t really drink outside of social settings
        But addicted to ciggies

        Which is worse?

        Plenty of other ways to get yourself away from calories. I would try weening yourself onto nicotine gum (NOT for long term use, few months max), or nicotine vapes if you're able. Cigs are the absolute worst thing you can do for your body, especially in such amounts.

    • 2 years ago

      ciggies are worse than alcohol but skinny smoker is probably healthier than lardass wino
      also back in the day it wasn't too uncommon for alcoholics to die in their 30s (modern medicine can keep all but the worst of booze fiends chugging into their 50s-60s), whereas it's incredibly rare for smokers to get cancer in their 30s

    • 2 years ago

      Switch to e-cigs so you don't smell as bad, maybe try to ween off the nicotine too.

    • 2 years ago

      Slow death vs fast death, alcohol kills you quick but cigarretes will eventally give you a stroke.
      You probably want to "rehab" yourself and do something to boost your immune system so you can recover properly. I'd advise getting one of those little trampolines and bouncing on it every day, buy a nicer one so that it's not too stiff as that can cause joint pain.
      This is the advice i'd give to anyone new to exercise really, your body is so fricked up from not exercising that you need to boost your immune system and strengthen your bones. The NASA-approved method for this is the little trampoline. Bouncing on those things works every muscle in your body, albeit some of them too lightly but it's a great all-rounder for health if you've been neglecting yourself for years.

  6. 2 years ago

    How do I get rid of bloat?

  7. 2 years ago

    i do bench press 2x a week
    and incline push up 1x a week
    and ohp 2x a week
    do i need to do incline press? (for upper chest)
    ...or a better chest routine :weary:

    • 2 years ago

      Incline press isn't necessary, but more the better right?

      And no need to adjust your routine.

  8. 2 years ago

    How to decrease recovery time (time for respiratory rate to drop)? Recommended drills? Already doing interval training.

  9. 2 years ago

    Bench: 70kg 5x3
    OHP: 41kg 5x3
    Deadlift: 100kg 5x3
    Bent over row: 82.5kg 5x3
    Zercher: 80kg 5x3

    Is it over?

    • 2 years ago

      If you switch the kg to lbs, that's what I'm capable of, so if it's over for you, I'm fricked

  10. 2 years ago

    I'm trying to front squat without a rack and getting too much pain in my shoulders and (to a lesser extent) wrists. I think the problem is getting my elbows up before the bar hits my shoulders, but do you really drop the bar and catch it with your shoulders? My body doesn't want to let go of the bar on the way up so I can't raise my elbows.. I don't think my arm position during the squat is hurting my shoulders/wrists because I can do a zombie squat ok with less pain than cleaning the bar up to my shoulders. Any advice?

    • 2 years ago

      You gotta rest it on your delts. It's a pretty technical lift. Just practice it at a weight you can manage and one day it will suddenly click.

      Bench: 70kg 5x3
      OHP: 41kg 5x3
      Deadlift: 100kg 5x3
      Bent over row: 82.5kg 5x3
      Zercher: 80kg 5x3

      Is it over?

      It's not over until you say its over. But I'm not sure what you mean about the lifts you posted .. is that a single, full body workout? If so they it's fine but splits are easier to recover from.

      How do I get rid of bloat?

      Drink water. But describe what you mean by bloat? Evening bloat? Sleep. A layer of fat around the body? Cut. Food baby bloat? Smaller meals. Water retention bloat? Why do you care but drink water and get your sodium. Carbs can affect bloat too, but only if you are like peak season lean.

      i do bench press 2x a week
      and incline push up 1x a week
      and ohp 2x a week
      do i need to do incline press? (for upper chest)
      ...or a better chest routine :weary:

      What you have now is fine, but you should probably have tricep isolation and chest isolation in you accessories, something like flyes and french press.

      • 2 years ago

        It seems like maybe gas bloat but possibly water

        • 2 years ago

          Are you farting a lot? If so there's probably something in your diet triggering it. You'll have to experience t to identify the problem food and eat around it if you give a shit but personally I wouldn't care.

          • 2 years ago

            I’ve been burping a lot. I just noticed I gain some weight and noticed I’ve been bloated so could be my diet

            • 2 years ago

              I meant to say "experiment in your diet"

      • 2 years ago

        No those are just the compound lifts I try to focus on. I’m trying to just up the weights on everything I can at the moment because they’re quite low. I normally have a back day, leg day, chest day and shoulder day in a week. I’ll do more additional days of whatever I want on top of this usually

        • 2 years ago

          I see. Is there a specific reason you chose the zurcher squat instead of a traditional back squat or front squat?

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah I’m training from home currently because I want to get my lifts up before I go to public gyms again. The bar I have isn’t large enough for me to do back squats with so I started doing Zercher squats instead. Do you think front squats are a better alternative?

            • 2 years ago

              Front squats load the weight a bit further back compared to a zurcher, and it's simply less painful. This could have an advantage over zurcher by have more glute involvement while also having less overlap with deadlift. I think it's worth considering. I suspected you might not have a power rack, and if that's the care then you'll only be able to front squat whatever you can clean, which won't be as much as you should be able to squat. All this to say, if you have the ability to set the weight at squat height then you should front squat. If you can't, consider a barbell hack squat as well. Experiment and see what your body responds to.

              • 2 years ago

                Thanks for the advice. I don’t have a squat rack however the rack I do have is able to get high enough for me to try and front squat. I’ll try it next leg day see how it goes. Also practice form with a lower weight just incase.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm trying to front squat without a rack and getting too much pain in my shoulders and (to a lesser extent) wrists. I think the problem is getting my elbows up before the bar hits my shoulders, but do you really drop the bar and catch it with your shoulders? My body doesn't want to let go of the bar on the way up so I can't raise my elbows.. I don't think my arm position during the squat is hurting my shoulders/wrists because I can do a zombie squat ok with less pain than cleaning the bar up to my shoulders. Any advice?

        >You gotta rest it on your delts.
        Yeah, I know. That's why I said I don't have pain from squatting, just from getting it into position.

        And I am squatting light.. 110lbs from floor for reps I can certainly squat twice that. The squat/weight isn't the problem, the problem is getting it up on my shoulders. It feels weird to let go of the bar but I cannot get my elbows up while holding the bar. Is it just a shoulder mobility issue and I need to stretch more or a technique issue and I need to be comfortable with taking my hands off tje bar before it is on my delts?

  11. 2 years ago

    whats this exercise called? I remember seeing it and that its good for your back or something

    • 2 years ago

      They are called jefferson curls and they are perfectly fine if don't overdo it with the weight.
      Do the movement correct and start light.

  12. 2 years ago

    Is picrel a super food?

    There's a reason 'yos'[::-1] is changed specifically to picrel.

    • 2 years ago

      the word filter is because there was a meme about eating raw onions (layers) to boost test. (ball icing i todays equivalent) and then after the meme there was the meme about how goybeans have phytoestrogens in them and make you effemenate, which other boards picked up and hence the concept of goyboys, so onions became onions and basedboy became onionsboy. oh and to answer you earlier question, no such thing as a superfood. onions are great tho. tasty and good for you.

      • 2 years ago

        I didn't mean super food in the meme way like fatties and diet coke.

        But onions must truly be good for you and boost test if this site is trying to associate them with goy.

    • 2 years ago

      hello fellow pythonchad

  13. 2 years ago

    Does lack of sleep really mess with your testosterone? And if I've done years of sleeping 4-5 hours a night, should I start trying to sleep 10-11 hours to compensate?

    • 2 years ago

      >Does lack of sleep really mess with your testosterone?
      >And if I've done years of sleeping 4-5 hours a night, should I start trying to sleep 10-11 hours to compensate?
      no such thing as "sleep debt." just get your 8 in.
      here's a couple of studies

  14. 2 years ago

    I've been tasked with looking after a baby spider monkey for the weekend, but I just want to torment and scare it. I'm thinking of putting it into a cage and lowering it repeatedly into a tub of cold water in the dark - how many calories would I burn doing this?

    • 2 years ago

      monkey posting isnt funny. its not even a clever dog whistle. frick right off.

  15. 2 years ago

    Call me crazy, but it's pretty obvious that I'm not an immediately 'likable' person based on my very introverted and subdued body language, in addition to my general lack of social 'bubbliness'. Am I just doomed to never really fit the mold at work due to the way I am?

    Most people see me as either too serious, constantly angry/tired or just unapproachable due to my body language. It's probably latent autism or something I guess. Any way to fix this except exposure therapy which I think I've taken to its limit already? Getting more muscles has helped make me less of a target for snide comments and potential bullying at work, and sure as hell helped me get laid, but I find it still hinders me in just getting along with people at work.

    • 2 years ago

      Learn to stalk yourself, see every movement you make and see every movement everyone else, make an effort to mimic their body language. Go to the mirror and try to make the same face when you're mad, happy, anxious and with stalking yourself you'll learn when you're starting to make an inappropriate face or gesture, stop yourself and make the right one instead.

  16. 2 years ago


  17. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >pic related

      Call me crazy, but it's pretty obvious that I'm not an immediately 'likable' person based on my very introverted and subdued body language, in addition to my general lack of social 'bubbliness'. Am I just doomed to never really fit the mold at work due to the way I am?

      Most people see me as either too serious, constantly angry/tired or just unapproachable due to my body language. It's probably latent autism or something I guess. Any way to fix this except exposure therapy which I think I've taken to its limit already? Getting more muscles has helped make me less of a target for snide comments and potential bullying at work, and sure as hell helped me get laid, but I find it still hinders me in just getting along with people at work.

      Depends on your age and your actual personality, bro. If you're an butthole, racist, whatever, then people will be averse to you on a surface level. In saying that, those traits aren't actually mutually exclusive to getting along with everyone - people are almost always capable of moving past things for the purpose of cohesion or utility. If you compare yourself to people around you, you'll probably see that they are also angry/tired or too serious but they still get on fine. Worst case scenario, simply fake it until normal human behaviour becomes natural for you. Emulate what you think the common and acceptable behaviours are (within reason, don't subsume someone else's personality) and grow yourself as a person. Also don't ruminate on yourself to such a ridiculous extent (self improvement and reflection is important, but also masturbatory and self destructive when you do it too much.)


      I was fat and an alcoholic
      Then I started smoking
      Now in thing and don’t really drink outside of social settings
      But addicted to ciggies

      Which is worse?

      Smoking reduces your cardiac output/fricks blood pressure, pulmonary efficiency and hormonal balance. Drinking nukes your brain liver and kidneys + reduces recovery and can destroy calorie counting. Overall, both are not good for you, so probably get off both ideally. Maybe fix your addictive personality.

      How to decrease recovery time (time for respiratory rate to drop)? Recommended drills? Already doing interval training.

      If you're already doing interval training/HIIT then that's already the most efficient. The other less efficient/roundabout way would be to do sustained cardio to lower your overall resting heartbeat, which does have some bearing on decreasing the range your heartbeat will vary during exercise as your vasculature becomes more efficient. Depends how much time you have to train, really.

      You guys have any tips for insomnia? I want sleep gains but have trouble sleeping.

      Less coffee/caffeine. Eat your meals whatever amount of time before you attempt to sleep that your body has decided suits your circadian rhythm. Can vary from 30mins-1hr30mins. Or just take melatonin.

      How do i know if i did deadlift correctly? The guide said that the bar should always be touching the fromt of my legs but that didn’t seem possible. I also don’t feel achy in my back muscles yet

      What guide are you using? Focus on your back first, then drag the bar and miss your knees.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't do caffeine but I'll try the melatonin. Generally I fall asleep after eating but that's a little tough to fit in schedule-wise. Might try splitting meals and see if that helps. Thanks bro.

    • 2 years ago

      Other wonderful advice:

      1. Don't eat. Food costs money. If you stop eating, you'll save thousands of dollars a year. You'll also stop shitting and save like 60 hours a year.

      2. Stop pissing. You're wasting your time pissing and you have to drink water to keep pissing, which also wastes time.

      3. Breathing is for pussies.

      4. Having less blood in you makes you lighter and allows you to run faster.

  18. 2 years ago

    How do i know if i did deadlift correctly? The guide said that the bar should always be touching the fromt of my legs but that didn’t seem possible. I also don’t feel achy in my back muscles yet

    • 2 years ago

      film yourself and ask for form checks.

      You guys have any tips for insomnia? I want sleep gains but have trouble sleeping.

      what are you already doing?

  19. 2 years ago

    You guys have any tips for insomnia? I want sleep gains but have trouble sleeping.

    • 2 years ago

      Nothing, don't really know what to do. Tea or whatever the frick hasn't helped. Tiring myself out by working out before bed kinda works but then the soreness kicks in and I wake up (but I guess that'll happen already so whatever). Tried reading, I just keep reading. White noise or documentaries or whatever the frick in the background doesn't help either.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick meant for

        film yourself and ask for form checks.

        what are you already doing?

      • 2 years ago

        okay heres some th ings that may help
        >no caffeine after 6pm (or 5 hrs before bed)
        >set up Do Not Distrub to automatically turn on three hours before bed
        >get flux, turn on night mode setting on phone
        >spend time outside near sunset
        >avoid spending time in bed when you dont intend to sleep
        >avoid doing anything in bed other than trying to sleep
        >charge your phone where you cant reach it from bed
        >have a small glass of warm milk (or herbal tea) 30 mins before bed
        >stay hydrated throughout the day
        >read something challenging at some point in the day
        >designate "sleep clothing" even if it's nude, and respect it as for sleeping
        >get up at a specific time and be strict with yourself.
        at the end of the day the best you can do is try to sleep. you can sup melatonin or get somethng stronger like trazadone or ambien if its genuinely serious insomnia, but if you can do it without then avoid drugs.

        • 2 years ago

          Good list anon, will try this out. Always been bad when it comes to working on bed so the mental link is likely severed.

        • 2 years ago

          What the frick is it, 2009? Night mode has been built into Android phones and windows for ages.

          • 2 years ago

            Kiss Your Sister

    • 2 years ago

      Melatonin right before sleep, white noise, cool room, no coffee after noon works great for me

  20. 2 years ago

    I eat about 500g of chicken breast a day, does anyone know the best times to have a meal. I heard that when its over 30g of protein (100g chicken breast) that you dont get any added effects. How can I eat chicken breast in the most optimal way?

    • 2 years ago

      Nutrition timing isn't real. Eat when it's convenient for you. As far as amount of protein per meal, that also doesn't matter. Your body will figure out what to do with the fuel as long as it's getting enough.

  21. 2 years ago

    Why do i have better physique in mirror but trash when i look down

    • 2 years ago

      perspective and lighting changes. don't worry about it.

      When i'm squatting or deadlifting should I be pushing up with the ball of my foot or the heel?

      heel. your feet should stay flat on the ground.

  22. 2 years ago

    When i'm squatting or deadlifting should I be pushing up with the ball of my foot or the heel?

    • 2 years ago

      Mid foot, unless you wear heels, in which case slightly towards heel

  23. 2 years ago

    If I'm doing a full body routine and want to do isolations for each group, should i do them after the respective compound (bench to chest flies for example) or should I do all my compounds first? been lifting for around a year but i want to simplify my schedule a bit

    • 2 years ago

      >should I do all my compounds first?
      this. you dont wanna use precious energy to do the less precious exercises.

  24. 2 years ago

    The best way to lose bodyfat is with a diet, right?
    also how much can exercise help on that regard?

    • 2 years ago

      its all cico

    • 2 years ago

      having muscle mass increased base metabolic rate, and vigorous excercise makes your BMR increase for 14 hours. YOU TELL ME HOW EXCERCISE HELPS.

  25. 2 years ago

    I am completely addicted to sugar, and I want to stop being addicted. I plan to only buy diet sodas going forward so I can at least have something for pleasure, but should I try to cut them out too? Should I attempt to go cold turkey, or should I limit myself to 1 bag of sweets and 0 non-diet soft drinks or ice cream per week?

    • 2 years ago

      try to go cold turkey for a month straight, that worked for me

      • 2 years ago

        I'll try that

        >so I can at least have something for pleasure
        Are you moronic? What if you had literally anything in the world other than food?

        Stick to water and black coffee.

        I'm chronically depressed and sugar is the only thing in my life I enjoy. Also I can't stand the taste of tea or coffee so that is out of the question.

        Probably bait but no diet goyslurp, buy orange juice or some other fruit juice with NO ADDED SUGARS and use that a bridge if you're too weak to go cold turkey
        >same routine for a year
        anon pls

        That sounds like a good idea, something to at least get some flavour in, but in that case what's the difference between say coke zero and some no added sugar orange juice/orange squash?

    • 2 years ago

      >so I can at least have something for pleasure
      Are you moronic? What if you had literally anything in the world other than food?

      Stick to water and black coffee.

    • 2 years ago

      Probably bait but no diet goyslurp, buy orange juice or some other fruit juice with NO ADDED SUGARS and use that a bridge if you're too weak to go cold turkey


      >newbie gains dried up
      >still in DYEL mode and much harder to notice progress when I look at myself in the mirror
      I guess most of my lifts are technically progressing but it just doesn't feel like it used to. What do? Change off the PPL routine I've been successfully using for the past year? Harder bulk?

      >same routine for a year
      anon pls

      • 2 years ago

        >anon pls
        I hate change.

  26. 2 years ago

    Will sprinting help me be even more lean?

  27. 2 years ago

    wtf do I do after stronglifts

    • 2 years ago

      what are your goals?

      • 2 years ago

        Either building a strong base for oly lifts or just plain getting stronger, depends how feasible getting into oly with home gym is

        depends on your goals. texas method conjugate 5/3/1 sheiko, all good options. but you should only really move onto more advanced stuff if you arent progressing.

        Yeah I'm trying to milk as much gains from SL as I can, but I estimate maybe a few weeks, 6 max more until I need to move on. I'm looking into 5/3/1 but it feels like everyone talks about the same thing but entirely different programs at the same time.

        • 2 years ago

          >about the same thing but entirely different programs at the same time.
          its just lifting bro. i would say at mid to late intermediate to advanced there are two schools of thought
          >progress slowly, patiently, and nail technique
          (TM, 5/3/1)
          >progress in weaker exercise variations until the well-roundedness produces progress
          (sheiko, conjugate)
          they both work. its up to preference. oh and to be clear im talking about strength training.

    • 2 years ago

      depends on your goals. texas method conjugate 5/3/1 sheiko, all good options. but you should only really move onto more advanced stuff if you arent progressing.

  28. 2 years ago

    >calculate a rough estimation of the calories burned during the workout?

    Not in any actionable way, unless it's cardio on a machine, but even then that's just a guess.

    1. Do the same thing every day
    2. Adjust to reach goal

  29. 2 years ago

    How the frick do I do this without shoulder pinching? I've tried various seat heights, grip widths, retracting my shoulders and it still pinches my right shoulder. It's pissing me off because nothing feels as good on the chest but I can't do it

  30. 2 years ago

    I am having surgery soon, as a result I won't be able to workout for 2 months. How can I limit muscle loss? What changes I need to make in my diet? Any supplements can surpass or limit losing mass?
    Help me out bros, it's making quite depressed.

    • 2 years ago

      best things you can do is eat plenty of protein, try to stick close to maintenence calories as you can, and get what little excercise you can. remember that any gains you lose are easier to get the second time anon.

  31. 2 years ago

    >the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must
    what does this mean? weak people only do what they have to and strong do what they can??? i have no idea what this quote means

    • 2 years ago

      It means might makes right. If you are strong enough to do something, you can, regardless of any legal or moral violations. If you are too weak to stop someone from doing something you don't like, you have to suffer, because it's your only option. But this isn't really a fitness question.

    • 2 years ago

      the idea is that "the right thing to do" only exists if you have the power to do it. and that if you don't have the power to do the right thing, you are forced to be subjugated by more powerful people. the slave is only the slave because he has less power. if he had equal power then you could question the status of the master, but as the slave is ultimately weaker (though perhaps more physically fit) he is a slave. its used motivationally to remind you that if you want to be treated properly if you want to be equal to those in power, you yourself must become powerful. and being powerful brings you more freedom. the strong do what they can, what they are able to, and the weak suffer what they must, what they cannot overwhelm.

      What's the best way to do dumbbell curls and hammer curls to make sure you're not cheating yourself?

      elbow on ribs.

  32. 2 years ago

    What's the best way to do dumbbell curls and hammer curls to make sure you're not cheating yourself?

    • 2 years ago

      You can try to fixate your elbows perfectly but it's fine to add a bit of momentum as long as it's controlled and consistent between reps.

  33. 2 years ago

    Is there a version of ab ripper x for beginners? It's the only decent ab routine I could find that doesnt require equipment but I can only get like half way through. Also open to other routines

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah lol, there's a prequel to P90x called Power 90, which comes with Ab Ripper 100 for DYELS and Ab Ripper 200 for when the former routine gets too easy. You can find them both on YouTube, just look for "Power 90 abs"
      t. did these in high school at the request of my 80 year old gym teacher

  34. 2 years ago

    I've stopped doing strength training and taken an approach of sets of 12 good reps like by the 12th rep I'm absolutely struggling and I have gotten doms back in a big way is this normal? It hurts so bad I'm not getting good sleep

    • 2 years ago

      If it's just doms then it's normal and good. 12 rep sets are an entirely different ballgame to what you do for strength. When I was training for strength I'd rarely get doms because the rep range was usually relatively low. Now I'm basically always a bit sore somewhere cause I do between 10 and 20 reps on most exercises. Just make sure your technique is good.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah form has improved alot with the lightened load, I could barley walk at work today.

        I did bench today and my trys are already yelling at me I did strength training with some volume days mixed in and thought I was over doms guess not, I also haven't been eating as many carbs this week so I'm curious if that's playing a roll

        • 2 years ago

          >I did strength training with some volume days mixed in
          I did those too but it'd always bee some low % with like 3+ reps in reserve after each set. Some days I'd go heavier but not that often. With hypertrophy training you're in that 0-1 reps in reserve territory a lot more frequently. It's way harder than strength training imo, every fricking set is suffering by the end and they last way longer.

  35. 2 years ago

    What are some good pieces of fitness equipment for at home use? I'm thinking of getting some parallettes and an assault bike.

    • 2 years ago


  36. 2 years ago

    >newbie gains dried up
    >still in DYEL mode and much harder to notice progress when I look at myself in the mirror
    I guess most of my lifts are technically progressing but it just doesn't feel like it used to. What do? Change off the PPL routine I've been successfully using for the past year? Harder bulk?

  37. 2 years ago

    So a few months ago after a workout I felt soreness in chest mostly where the tedon meets the arm. It's been a few months and there is still slight pain when going deep during a Bench Press. Did I tear something? Surface area looked fine after the workout that day.

  38. 2 years ago

    im 6' 1 125lb
    if i work out 3 times a week and eat a clean calorie surplus what is a realistic goal for weight gain in 1 year?
    im a goal oriented person and find it hard to start things when I dont see an end to them
    anyone started out roughly around where i am?
    howd it go?

  39. 2 years ago

    Is HIIT every other day and getting 10k steps daily enough for cardio?

    • 2 years ago


  40. 2 years ago

    When do I cut? At what weight and when is a good point to stop and start bulking again? Right now I'm 78kg at 183cm if that helps.
    If I eat 500 calories more than my TDEE but do a bunch of carido that burns off that 500 is that fine or am I fricking myself?

    • 2 years ago

      >when do I cut?
      when you're more than 20%bf OR satisfied with your numbers and muscle mass and want to look leaner
      >when do I bulk
      when you're 12-20%bf and unsatisfied with your muscle mass and want to GROW
      >If I eat 500 calories more than my TDEE but do a bunch of carido that burns off that 500 is that fine or am I fricking myself?
      depends what your goal is. bulk? yeah you're fricking yourself. maintain? its fine. cut? you're not losing weight.

      i've hit a platue on DOH deadlift. i've been stuck on 225 5x5 and 275 3x3 and 295 1rm for a month. i've only done mixed grip by accident and switched back because i felt like it was cheating since it was too easy.
      im contemplating because i really feel like if my forearms are holding me back i should overcome it instead of cheating

      im definitely not using straps. that equipment which means equipped which means cheating. i was wondering if mixed grip was too cheating and i feel like it is
      the only straps i get is by the gym feminists when they peg me 😉

      there is no cheating if there are no rules. you are not competing. stop being a b***h and use straps or mixed grip like everyone else. your DOH / forearm strength will still increase over time if you do either of these.

  41. 2 years ago

    i've hit a platue on DOH deadlift. i've been stuck on 225 5x5 and 275 3x3 and 295 1rm for a month. i've only done mixed grip by accident and switched back because i felt like it was cheating since it was too easy.
    im contemplating because i really feel like if my forearms are holding me back i should overcome it instead of cheating

    • 2 years ago

      Don’t be stupid anon. Just use straps. If you aren’t going to compete just use straps. You will get far better results for forearms from doing wrist curls and if you’re worried about grips strength just do farmers walks or even single arm hangs on the pull-up bar

      • 2 years ago

        im definitely not using straps. that equipment which means equipped which means cheating. i was wondering if mixed grip was too cheating and i feel like it is
        the only straps i get is by the gym feminists when they peg me 😉

  42. 2 years ago

    I'm a 31 year old boomer. I want to start lifting but I have pretty shitty knees. Am I able to substitute squats with some other sort of baby woman exercise and still make gains, or am I going to have to live with looking like a chicken legged homo?

  43. 2 years ago

    How much time need each muscle to rest?

    • 2 years ago

      3 but sometimes 2
      minutes, maybe days

  44. 2 years ago

    is there anything you should do to treat extensor tendonitis in the foot besides just standard RICE?

  45. 2 years ago

    I'm trying to get back into working out. I'm currently only doing the big 3 lifts. That's good enough, right? For now at least

    • 2 years ago

      >the big 3 lifts
      anon theres 5, some even talk of the mythical 6th...

  46. 2 years ago

    I workout using dumb bells & pullup bar. I do chair dips & pushup variations as well. If I want to train core & legs as well, should I do these exercises together, on the same day with upper body? Or split them into several days? For example planque & pushup both target core & upper body at the same time, so it'd make more sense to train them together, right?

  47. 2 years ago

    It gets asked occasionally, but there rarely are any answers to it: What are poorgay foods with high protein? I want to cut and need 285 grams a day for my current 190lbs weight. In theory that'd be 900g of chicken breast, but that shit got really expensive in my socialist hellhole. That'd be like 10 bucks a day. Same for eggs, but they don't have a good ROI in the calories/protein department. Same goes for whey, a measly 21g at 100cals a scoop. What the frick am I supposed to do with about 5 bucks a day?

    • 2 years ago

      Milk? You could try and buy some bait and a rod and fish if you're close to water. That would give you as much protein as you can catch. You'd have to learn how to gut and clean them though. Maybe if you get good enough you could even use it to make some money on the side.

      • 2 years ago

        Milk unfortunately is a huge disappointment, a measly 7 grams of protein at 200 calories per glass of skimmed milk. Even more calories at the same protein level for regular milk.
        The fishing bit actually sounds like a great idea though, thanks anon. I'll have to shell out some cash for the rod and a fishing permit (as I said, socialist country) but it would be less than a week of living on chicken.

        • 2 years ago

          >a measly 7 grams of protein at 200 calories per glass of skimmed milk
          what the frick kind of milk are you drinking

    • 2 years ago

      Protein powder
      Greek yogurt
      Cottage cheese
      If you are a seriously poorgay eat beans and rice.
      Cheese in general
      Ground beef, you can get the higher fat cheaper shit then strain out the fat, if you weigh everything you can even autistically calculate the leanness.
      Please realize that a gram of protein has 4 calories. 21 grams of pure protein would be 84 calories.
      Please realize that at 190 lbs you do not need nearly 300 grams of protein to gain muscle
      Also stop being poor.

  48. 2 years ago

    Bros... I bulked too hard and now can't fit my suit that I need to wear next saturday, I'm just barely too big for it, is there any way of losing like 1-1,5kg of weight in a week except dehydration?

    • 2 years ago

      You will lose a pound if you don't eat for 24 hrs. A rolling 48 for a week should drop you 3-4 lbs or a kilo and a half.

      • 2 years ago

        Will not eating at all for a week have better effects? Or is this one meal per 2 days crucial?

        • 2 years ago

          I mean yeah but you gotta get you electrolytes. But also it's pretty fricking hard to do even a 48 hour fast if you aren't accustomed to it. Go ask


          they will help you.

    • 2 years ago

      If you're too fat on the stomach then just not eating for that day might work. Alternatively use warm water and some conditioner to stretch the clothes themselves.

      • 2 years ago

        unfortunately it's my ass that got just a tiny bit too large, the suit was loose on 80kg but now i weight 85 and it's too small

    • 2 years ago

      Stop eating carbs for a few days before and you should lose a few pounds of water.

  49. 2 years ago


    So, I am facing a bit of an issue - Everything in my body is growing, thank god, but the issue is my forearms, despite doing wrist curls and hammer curls, have not been growing in size one bit, I have attempted everything from not using straps, deadlifts and all the good shit.
    Is there a reason for them not growing despite the rest of my body growing? I really don't want to end up like a T-Rex since I noticed that my forearms are almost in size as some girls I know.

    Thank you.

    • 2 years ago

      I have bad forearms genetics and I managed to grow them. What kickstarted growth was ultra high reps with bands, like in pic. I'm talking 50+ reps. I would do one armed till failure then switch to two arm wrist curl.

  50. 2 years ago

    I want to join but Do you know if it's possible to transfer a membership to another country?

  51. 2 years ago


    How is this split? My gym is only open mon to fri

  52. 2 years ago

    How quickly do you lose cardio gains and how quickly can you get them back?

    • 2 years ago

      From my experience they go away very quickly and are hard to build back, but I feel like I'm a genetic dead end when it comes to cardio. I feel like I might have asthma or some shit like that, basically I feel like my lungs just have very low capacity. Could have something to do with the fact that I literally didn't exercise at all during my entire childhood.

      • 2 years ago

        It felt the same way for me when I was running. Had to take a break for 2 weeks and it felt like I was starting over the next time I ran. Was wondering if it's normal.

        • 2 years ago

          The drop off with running is fast but there's also the aspect of how advanced you were before taking a break.

  53. 2 years ago

    Is it better to focus on just strength training/hypertrophy, or do a mix of both? At the moment i do a mix of both for my main compounds but im starting to progress much slower/stall on the strength training side for a few lifts and its making it feel counter productive to my main goal, being muscle growth. Obviously strength training will still put on size, just at a slower rate.

    • 2 years ago

      If you want to get stronger, do strength training. If you wanna gain size do hypertrophy.

      I personally only care about being strong on OHP and DL so I focus on strength with those (volume days are great for hypertrophy on those 2 lifts too) and work in the 10-20 rep range for everything else

  54. 2 years ago

    I have this issues where I go to bed but wake up earlier than I should so I end up just laying in bed for several hours.
    This typically happens after getting multiple days of good rest.
    Any advice?
    I feel rested on these days but I've read that that doesn't necessarily I am rested which worries me.

    • 2 years ago

      smoke half a joint half an hour before bed

      • 2 years ago

        No thanks.

    • 2 years ago

      just go back to sleep?

    • 2 years ago

      Pay attention to what you eat the day before, maybe a pattern will emerge that you can pinpoint

  55. 2 years ago

    I've been doing stronglifts for about 3 months now, but I'm starting to hit some plateaus and really feeling like it's time to mix it up.
    I've been told PPL is the way to go, but I'm having trouble creating my own routine. Does anyone have a good beginner-intermediate PPL routine or source I can use?

    • 2 years ago
      Dr. Chad MD

      I'll post my old PPL routine, take what you want from it. Recently I switched to an Upper/Lower routine to free up my weekends.

      5 minute cardio warm-up and 5-10 minutes of stretching before each workout session.

      Everything is 3-4 second negatives, with a 30 - 60 second time-under-tension and a 90 second rest In-between sets. This routine is when I do my "lighter sets". When I switch to my "heavy sets" my rep range is 4-10, with the same negatives. You increase the weight by 5 pounds if you can get more than 16 reps before muscle failure on your first set. I also do dead-hangs at the end of every workout for my shoulders and spine.

      Neutral Grip Pullup, 4x8-16
      Low Cable Row, 4x8-16
      Dumbell Bicep Curl, 5x8-16
      EZ-Bar Reverse Curl, 5x8-16
      HexBar Trap Shrug, 5x8-16

      Angled Leg Press, 5x8-16
      Leg Extension, 4x8-16
      Prone Leg Curl, 4x8-16
      Seated Calf Raise, 5x8-16
      Weighted Abdominal Crunch, 5x8-16

      Dumbell Flat Bench Press, 4x8-16
      Dip, 4x8-16
      Machine Pec Fly, 4x8-16
      Dumbell Shoulder Press, 5x8-16
      Tricep Pushdown, 5x8-16

      Pronated Lat Pulldown, 4x8-16
      Machine High Row, 4x8-16
      Dumbell Bicep Curl, 5x8-16
      Machine Rear Delt Fly, 5x8-16
      EZ-Bar Reverse Curl, 5x8-16

      Angled Leg Press, 5x8-16
      Hip Abductor, 4x8-16
      Hip Adductor, 4x8-16
      Seated Calf Raise, 5x8-16
      Weighted Abdominal Crunch, 5x8-16

      Dumbell Flat Bench Press, 4x8-16
      Machine Pec Fly, 4x8-16
      Dumbell Shoulder Press, 4x8-16
      Dumbell Side Laterals, 4x8-16
      Tricep Pushdown, 5x8-16


  56. 2 years ago

    I only take nutrition knowledge from you fine gentlemen here, I know this gets asked a lot but I feel like there's different answers everywhere.

    How much protein can I consume in one sitting without wasting it? I read 30g everywhere but that seems really weird. Can I do ~100g protein shakes or are they moronic?

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Thanks anon

  57. 2 years ago

    whenever it is school season, or when i'm working fulltime, i feel too exhausted at the end of the day to go to the gym. tomorrow, i'm starting a new job. I don't want to go through this all over again. i want to push myself to keep going to the gym. did anyone else have similar experience balancing work and gym? I'm looking for a way to make myself go to the gym regardless of how demotivated i feel

    • 2 years ago

      Do you have the option to go in the morning before the new job? I found going in the morning to help because the gym was less crowded, I put myself on a little bit of a time schedule so I worked out harder and faster, I felt better and more focused at work in the morning, and I had evenings free so I didn't dread going after work

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for the reply. just called the gym and apparently it opens at 9 am, i don’t know my work hours yet but doubt i could squeeze in a work out before work.

    • 2 years ago

      I keep my gym bag and a change of clothes in the car and go straight to the gym after work. It helps for me that I have to pass it on the way to my house, but pretty much it never makes sense for me to not go because 1)it's on the way 2) I have all my shit in the car ready to go. Just have to swing thru and do it.

      • 2 years ago
        Dr. Chad MD

        ^ Same thing I do. Best way to keep yourself going.

  58. 2 years ago

    Can someone post the (updated?) stack for increased cumming

  59. 2 years ago

    Best lift for bigger abs?

    • 2 years ago
      Dr. Chad MD

      Just do crunches with a plate or use a machine and add weight. Treat your abs like every other muscle.

    • 2 years ago

      Ab roller or hanging leg raises, nothing compares to those for working abs

    • 2 years ago

      Getting a strong squat/deadlift. Ab wheel for accessory.

  60. 2 years ago

    I don't want to train for strenght, just for looks and to be fit. What routine should I follow?

    • 2 years ago
      Dr. Chad MD

      Upper/Lower or PPL, with one or two days of cardio and lots of machine and isolation exercises. Higher time-under-tension sets, like 30-60 seconds and 3-4 second negatives.

      When I do lifts in a rep range of 8-12 or 15-20 it takes much much longer for them to progress in weight than the compound lifts I do with 5 reps. Is this normal?


      good or bad idea to train to failure while doing stronglifts 5x5

      You should always train to failure or within 1-2 reps on failure on every set. If you're using barbells ALWAYS have a spotter, period. If you're using dumbells, you can go without a spotter, just try not to drop the weight on your face.

      I'm 87kg at 186cm, lifting consistently for one year with sort of decent lifts (1 plate ohp 2 plates bench, for one)
      I'd rather not post a pic of me but considering I feel very fat (I'm around 18-20%bf) and only care about looking good in the mirror how good of an idea would it be to cut down slowly to 75-80kg?

      18% - 20% bf isn't fat buddy. This board doesn't understand bf% for shit (no offense). 18% bf is a healthy level. Most people on here that think they're fat are probably 25%+ bf.

      You're 6'1", 190 pounds? That's a completely healthy weight. You don't need to cut or bulk at all. Just recomp (lose fat while building muscle).

      • 2 years ago

        >18% - 20% bf isn't fat buddy...
        Here are various angles of my body, I don't think I'm too far off from my estimations. I know I'm not really big enough to cut but I feel too fat and just want to be lean. Terrible idea? I have 195cm wingspan so it's hard to fill the arms

        • 2 years ago
          Dr. Chad MD

          You look good man, just recomp (lose fat, gain muscle, while maintaining the same weight). Most people on here would be jealous t.b.h. You can cut if you want, but I'd say 10 pounds at most (4.5 kg).

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks dr. Chad! God tier answers

  61. 2 years ago

    When I do lifts in a rep range of 8-12 or 15-20 it takes much much longer for them to progress in weight than the compound lifts I do with 5 reps. Is this normal?

  62. 2 years ago

    good or bad idea to train to failure while doing stronglifts 5x5

    • 2 years ago

      Eventually you'll be getting very close to failure if you run the program for long enough. It's common to fail 3 times in a row and deload by 10-15% and work your way back up again, but you should just switch programs at that point tbh.

      It's hotter than satans butthole here and no matter how much chalk and wiping my hands keep slipping during DLs. It's honestly about to send me into an autistic frenzy. What the hell do you guys do when you get too damn slippery.


  63. 2 years ago

    need intermediate strength and aesthetics routine 4-5 day, I can take as long as I want on saturday and sunday but I got like 50 mins before work mon-fri to lift (gym opens at 5 work at 630) wat do

  64. 2 years ago

    I'm 87kg at 186cm, lifting consistently for one year with sort of decent lifts (1 plate ohp 2 plates bench, for one)
    I'd rather not post a pic of me but considering I feel very fat (I'm around 18-20%bf) and only care about looking good in the mirror how good of an idea would it be to cut down slowly to 75-80kg?

  65. 2 years ago

    What's the best way to deal with plateaus? Increase time over tension? Dropsets?

    • 2 years ago
      Dr. Chad MD

      Sometimes, you just need to take a break for a week or change your routine.

      When I start getting fatigued from my high rep exercises, I'll switch to my low rep, heavier weight exercises. When I get tired from those (or end up hurting myself, usually my shoulders, like a dumbass) I'll switch back to my high rep, lighter weight exercises again.

  66. 2 years ago

    Best cable row grip/accessories for lat work? Was doing the close grip triangle but since I’m now doing heavy bb rows 3x a week I want to switch it up for cable rows

  67. 2 years ago

    Arms not growing despite curls, rows, chin ups, caloric surplus and 1.2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, what do IST?

    • 2 years ago
      Dr. Chad MD

      What kind of curls are you doing? Are you going to muscle failure on every set?

    • 2 years ago

      Are you progressively overloading? No gains on the movements = no gains on your body

  68. 2 years ago

    It's hotter than satans butthole here and no matter how much chalk and wiping my hands keep slipping during DLs. It's honestly about to send me into an autistic frenzy. What the hell do you guys do when you get too damn slippery.

  69. 2 years ago

    I want to cut down on protein bars because of the insane farts but I can't think on any alternatives for snacks on the go. Any ideas?

    • 2 years ago
      Dr. Chad MD


      • 2 years ago

        Pretty obvious in hindsight but I completely forgot about them. Thanks!

  70. 2 years ago

    My jaw clicks when I open it wide. What can I do to stop it from clicking?

    • 2 years ago

      Have you tried asking your dentist/chiropractor?

  71. 2 years ago

    How to work the long head of my biceps more? They're lagging compared to the short head

    • 2 years ago

      Do you normally use a wide grip when curling?

  72. 2 years ago

    I’m done with SS, Best routine for hypertrophy?

    • 2 years ago
      Dr. Chad MD



      Upper/Lower or PPL, with one or two days of cardio and lots of machine and isolation exercises. Higher time-under-tension sets, like 30-60 seconds and 3-4 second negatives.




      You should always train to failure or within 1-2 reps on failure on every set. If you're using barbells ALWAYS have a spotter, period. If you're using dumbells, you can go without a spotter, just try not to drop the weight on your face.

      18% - 20% bf isn't fat buddy. This board doesn't understand bf% for shit (no offense). 18% bf is a healthy level. Most people on here that think they're fat are probably 25%+ bf.

      You're 6'1", 190 pounds? That's a completely healthy weight. You don't need to cut or bulk at all. Just recomp (lose fat while building muscle).

  73. 2 years ago

    Correct me if I'm wrong. If you have love handles or fat in some other places that you want to lose there are only two ways of making that body part look better (I repeat, "look" better):
    >lose overall body fat as spot reduction doesn't exist
    >build muscle in that specific place.
    If pic related gained 30 pounds of pure muscle only on his arms he would still be skinny fat, right? My questions and answers to them may seem obvious to you but I sometimes feel like anons miss the real fix to skinny fat when giving advice. The will say
    >don't cut or you wil enter skelly town just bulk and lift
    when in reality that will only lead to an individual who carries the same amount of disgusting fat that may or may not look better. Wouldn't it be just better to always cut to the bone and then rebuild why minimazing fat gain through bulks that are at most lean?

    • 2 years ago
      Dr. Chad MD

      Unless someone is overweight, I just tell them to eat healthy and lift, or recomp. I guess it's a lazy answer, but I've never been a fan of the whole cutting and bulking thing. The only people that should cut are people that are genuinely overweight. Skinnyfat people shouldn't bulk or cut. They just need to get on a healthier diet and start lifting weights.

      I was never skinnyfat, just plain skinny, but my example might help.

      When I started lifting I was 6'4", 160 pounds. My bf% was probably around 18% or so, so when it came to overall fat percentage, I was healthy, but obviously I was underweight, even though according to the BMI I was just making it into the "normal weight" range. I was already a healthy eater (lots of fruits, vegetables, meat, carbs, etc.). Rarely ate candy, chips, etc. I just didn't eat a lot.

      Once I started lifting weights (I skipped SS and went right into PPL), I just naturally began eating more healthy food, as I was getting hungrier more often, I also added more milk and a scoop of protein powder to my diet, adding about an extra 40 grams of protein on top of the extra food I was eating.

      In 6 months I had gained 20 pounds and I had cut my bf% down to about 15%. I simultaneously lost fat and gained muscle mass.

      I'm now 6'4", 200 pounds and my bf% Is around 13% and this is where I like to stay, so now I just maintain.

      I hope that helps people understand what I mean when I say recomp.

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you for your answer.
        If by
        >They just need to get on a healthier diet and start lifting weights.
        you mean doing the same thing you did shouldn't they be technically on a cut seeing as you lost fat? Maybe I'm overcomplicating things but I am really interested in getting down to the nitty gritty like the autist I am. Great progress btw. How long did it take you after those initial 6 months to reach your current body?

        • 2 years ago
          Dr. Chad MD

          Well, not necessarily. A cut means you decreased your calorie intake, in my case I was increasing my calorie intake, my carb intake and my protein intake. My bf% went down because I started lifting and getting more protein/muscle mass. In other words, maybe I gained 1 pound of fat, but I gained 19 pounds of muscle, which would lower your overall bf%.

          So, when you first start, as long as you do everything right, eat healthy and really go hard in the gym, you will usually have really fast "noobie" gains. I gained 20 pounds in 6 months. After that, it took me another 3 years or so to get on another 20 pounds. I work and all that and I'm not a pro. 200 pounds is basically my limit. Obviously I could get bigger, but the amount of time and money I would need to put in on food and all that isn't worth it to me.

  74. 2 years ago

    Six weeks back into lifting at 33, been nearly ten years since I was active and going to the gym regularly. Basically doing the same as before, SL5X5 then 5/3/1.
    What's different this time is the muscles have been tight at start last few trips to the gym. Quads, calves, and tris especially tense up and get really hard just halfway through the rom. It hurts enough just dropping into movements without load that stretch the muscles and I have to stop. Is this a secret part of getting old that nobody talks about or is something fricky? Only thing that helps is moronicly slow warm-ups and light stretching before going near weights.

    • 2 years ago

      you might benefit from doing some light cardio (about ten minutes or so) when you first arrive at the gym. I usually hop on the exercise bike or rower for a bit, or shoot around on the basketball court, and I think this helps to get my body temperature up and get some blood flowing before starting to lift.

  75. 2 years ago

    I'm a pianist and I think I tired out my hands or arms. How do you ensure optimal recovery for those muscles, tendons, etc?

    • 2 years ago

      protein, hydration, and sleep

      Six weeks back into lifting at 33, been nearly ten years since I was active and going to the gym regularly. Basically doing the same as before, SL5X5 then 5/3/1.
      What's different this time is the muscles have been tight at start last few trips to the gym. Quads, calves, and tris especially tense up and get really hard just halfway through the rom. It hurts enough just dropping into movements without load that stretch the muscles and I have to stop. Is this a secret part of getting old that nobody talks about or is something fricky? Only thing that helps is moronicly slow warm-ups and light stretching before going near weights.

      >Is this a secret part of getting old that nobody talks about or is something fricky?
      why do you think boomers walk the say they do? they cannot stretch anymore. the tendons get tighter without use. you need to do stretches after your workouts and on off days. its literally the only way to stay nimble through old age.

  76. 2 years ago

    Where can I rent different types of beds? Is there like a hotel or something with different types of mattresses available? It feels awful to gamble on one you might not like and could leave you stiff.

  77. 2 years ago

    spergcel here, I was out on a party yesterday and I met my co-worker that works at my new job there. I don’t even think we’ve talked before but when I met her there she reached out to hug me, does she think I’m attractive?

    • 2 years ago

      maybe she us a huggy person. if she is a qt just be friendly and nice to her int he future.

      Where can I rent different types of beds? Is there like a hotel or something with different types of mattresses available? It feels awful to gamble on one you might not like and could leave you stiff.

      one night stands with people lmao

  78. 2 years ago

    How so I stop feeling nauseous while working out? Every time I go to the gym I don't stop because I'm physically exhausted, but because I feel like I'm going to be sick everywhere

    • 2 years ago

      go to the bathroom, vomit, drink some cold water and eat something carby. the nausea will disappear once you get used to the stress.

  79. 2 years ago

    how do I talk to girls bros, I'm so absolutely terrified but I don't want to be alone anymore. I tell myself that anyways, but then when there's girls around I start freaking the frick out inwardly and get really hot and sweaty and nervous and then do whatever I need to do in order to leave the location. I haven't spoken to a woman outside of work in 5 years at least. Weight finally coming down, but lifting doesn't cure autism. I once spoke to an actual alleged sex worker and I felt the same. Went to a bachelor party at a strip club with some friends and felt the same.

    How do I move past this debilitating fear of women? What do I do?

    • 2 years ago

      If you see a girl regularly looking at you and smiling, take this as a 100% guarantee that she wants to frick you. Even if it isn't it might be and its probably the best mindset to have

      • 2 years ago

        how do I stop avoiding them though? I'm sure that's great advice - if I were ever able to look a woman in the eye when they are around. I don't understand why I'm like this. I have those "reshape your life" self pep talks at 3am like everybody does and insist to myself that this is the beginning of a new me, but then when the time comes and there's actually women around then I go back to my old ways and just run away. I don't look at people left or right of me at stop lights. I don't look around when I'm at a restaurant. I don't go to bars because I know there's women there. How did I reach this point? I'm just so defeated. I'll be 30 next year with absolutely nothing to show for it.

        • 2 years ago

          literally just practice. you had to overcome fear to learn to ride a bike, you had to swallow the fact you might fall down and get hurt. you need to do this exact thing many times in your life to experience greatness. swallow the fear and be bold. no one is brave, everyone has the same fear, there are just some people who decide to not allow the fear to make their decisions.

          • 2 years ago

            i don't know how to ride a bike either. I understand the sentiment I think but I guess I'm just making noise to make noise. Thanks for your time.

            • 2 years ago

              you dont know how to ride a bike? jesus christ anon...

            • 2 years ago

              You talk to women the same way you learn to ride a bike, with practice.

    • 2 years ago

      Start by taking it slow with some woman you don't care about, a woman you won't care if she thinks you're a weirdo, even if you have to drive to another county.
      Go, say, to your local shartmart or one far away and start by saying "good morning" to the cashier, even if it's not morning, specially if it's not morning, because then she'll try to correct you and continue the combo from there or you can just laugh it off and say "oh yeah" also by adding this controlled silliness you can shake off your anxiety.
      Escalate this with time until you can talk to women, also remember that the person you're talking to, is an idiot and that you're an idiot too, don't go around pretending that women are above you or the other way around.

    • 2 years ago

      You have to go and get rejected. First time I got rejected sucked like hell, 20th time not so much, by the 100th time you’ll not give a frick. Reach those 100 rejections asap, most men get rejected by ~ 5 women in their whole life and spend countless nights thinking about those 5. Approach, get rejected, move on to the next one.
      Realizing I’m a man helped me too. Women can stay shy and hope that after 2 hours of make up, men will approach them, it’s been like this for centuries. We men are supposed to overcome anxiousness and face fears. What you’re doing is acting like a sweet feminine girl ‘>.< so shy can’t talk to her uwu’, against our own nature.

  80. 2 years ago

    I tried to do the conjugate meme but I'm legit too moronic to follow it or set up my own program with it.
    Whats another full body program I could try?
    My current goal is to lose weight and I tack on like 45-1h of cardio after every strength workout already.

    • 2 years ago

      5/3/1 or 5th set

  81. 2 years ago

    I'm feeling insanely fatigued from my last workout 48hrs ago, not sure whether to give myself another day or so of rest Anons, or make a large meal, see if I can eat it then lift if I feel better.

  82. 2 years ago

    Can someone please post the load-increasing infographics? Turns out my girlfriend loves big loads.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Okay now what are the negative side effects to these supplements?

  83. 2 years ago

    how aesthetic can i get with just pullups pushups dips and other bodyweight stuff like that? i have pullup/dip station at home (and an ab wheel) and im too cheap for a gym. im willing to buy a belt and plates for weighted calisthenics too if needed.

    • 2 years ago

      if you do them weighted you can make good gains. using just body weight will do next to nothing. if you're going down the calisthenics route, rings are a great investment too.

  84. 2 years ago

    Anyone have experience with DMAA? Should I just snort 10mg of it before the gym? Will my foreskin shrivel up and fall off if I stack it with caffeine like I did with ephedrine?
    Pic not related

  85. 2 years ago

    I have a crude sense of humor that guys think is funny but I think you need to be more clean and generally more clever when telling jokes to women. Should I still try to goofmaxx or would douchemaxxing be more achievable if I'm pretty good looking

  86. 2 years ago

    I understand the significance of 1/2/3/4, but how many sets and reps should I aim to do?

    • 2 years ago

      4/3/2/1 sets

    • 2 years ago

      its up to you

  87. 2 years ago

    injured myself on a cut, would it be a good idea to eat at maintenance instead to help with recovery?

  88. 2 years ago

    Shrugs. Do you pull you shoulders back and in or just lift like you would actually just be shrugging your shoulders. One feels like its just working between should blades while the later works higher up around base of neck.

  89. 2 years ago

    I'm 29, 170lbs, basically full on Auschwitz mode. How do I make myself look better? Are pushups and sit-ups a good start?

    • 2 years ago

      170 isnt auschwitz unless youre like 6'2''

      • 2 years ago

        nta but my roommate is 6'3 145 lbs and he thinks he doesnt need to gain weight.

      • 2 years ago

        I’m 6’7”, this is very much auschwitz

        • 2 years ago

          SS + gomad, my child

    • 2 years ago

      read the sticky, eat lots and go gym

  90. 2 years ago

    Is Dexa scan or RMR analysis worth it? See ok prices at 150 for both but not sure if it's bullshit or not

    • 2 years ago

      >worth it?
      if you really give a shit then yeah. but you can just get good comparative measurements with $20 calipers.

  91. 2 years ago

    Keep finding myself injuring my right shoulder from OHP, is my grip too tight or? Feels like every time on the lift up my deltoid blows up despite both arms being roughly equidistant apart.

  92. 2 years ago

    A guy I know whos about my age (low 30s) damaged his rotator cuff and now need surgery. How do I avoid these types of injuries I don’t want to go under anesthesia

  93. 2 years ago

    How is PHUL routine for someone who is novice/intermediate? I was doing PPL but i can't go 6 days a week so I want to shift to something like ULUL and PHUL seemed nice

  94. 2 years ago

    Anyone ever take pre workout and jerk off?

  95. 2 years ago

    I put on a cam model video when i workout at home, it gives me a boost. any downside to this phenominal idea?

    • 2 years ago

      pornography rots your brain.

  96. 2 years ago

    Need help fit
    >be skinnyfatfatfat 186 lbs 30% BMI 5'7
    >no muscles at all
    >Start going to the gym a year ago
    >changed my diet
    >down to 145 lbs 20%bmi
    >my strenght is nonexistant
    >barely can bench JUST the bar even after a while
    >decide to bulk and started SL before i was doing a standard PPL
    >bulk up to 158 lbs
    >my lifts are still a POS can bench 65 lbs
    >afraid to be fat again
    >start cutting
    >need help

    Why i am so fricking weak is too frustating, i have the same strenght as a 16 years old girl.
    I'm looking to change routines again since SL is not working anymore, i am not able to progress on any of my lifts i have been stuck on the same weight for 2 month everytime i add 5 lbs is way too much for me. Need help

    • 2 years ago

      Time to move on to intermediate programming. Don't expect to make much progress while cutting though.

      Currently 194 lbs 6'3 skinnyfat. I was thinking on cutting to 175 and then focus on building muscle. What would you suggest?

      You should still lift while cutting, would hold onto more muscle/build a little more muscle than you would otherwise have.

    • 2 years ago

      If your other lifts are anyhting like your bench, here's what I think.
      First off don't move on to imtermediate programming like the other anon said. I think he straight up missed the part where you can only bench 65lbs after a year of lifting, which is highly abnormal. I wish I had a concrete answer but you might need a lot of accessory work just to build up enough strength to lift the bar and honestly may need a break from barbell lifts in general. And eats lots of protein

      • 2 years ago

        Nah I didn't miss it, but why force beginner programming if it's not working for him anymore? Some people are just not genetically gifted and didn't do any physical activity growing up either. Some people have to be on the left side of the Bell curve. Obviously there could be some hormonal bullshit going on (which wouldn't be a bad idea to pursue with a doctor) but intermediate programming generally has more accessory work and gives more time to grow. As long as he finishes cutting quickly (which I can't imagine he won't), he'll be back to bulking and putting on muscle in no time.

        • 2 years ago

          Do you have any intermmediate program in mind? which one do you advice?
          Thanks btw

          • 2 years ago

            Probably do something bodybuilding oriented like PHUL or PHAT, or maybe Baby Groot by John Meadows. I doubt you'll get far on traditional strength programming and you'll need more volume to grow.

          • 2 years ago

            Probably do something bodybuilding oriented like PHUL or PHAT, or maybe Baby Groot by John Meadows. I doubt you'll get far on traditional strength programming and you'll need more volume to grow.

            Or maybe do 5/3/1 with loads of accessory work

  97. 2 years ago

    Currently 194 lbs 6'3 skinnyfat. I was thinking on cutting to 175 and then focus on building muscle. What would you suggest?

  98. 2 years ago

    I'm skinny fat as hell and 6'3
    when I started lifting and eating healthy at the start of the year I weighed 87 kg.
    Now I'm weighing 78 kg and can see a little muscle on my arms,legs and bigger shoulders.
    But my stomach is still skinny fat as hell and I can literally see no change. I know that stomach fat is some of the last places you lose fat but is it normal to no see any change at all?
    How long until I start seeing some change?

    • 2 years ago

      Have you actually taken pictures and compared? Because there could be changes and you just don't notice them because they're so minor.

    • 2 years ago

      You're 6'3 at 170. The problem isn't there being too much fat anymore, the problem is that your abs aren't large enough. "Abs are built in the kitchen" is utter bullshit, they need to grow if you want them to show just like any other muscle.

  99. 2 years ago

    I've been consistently in the gym for around a month and a half now, my frame is being built but I have no idea how to proceed. I'm around 225 rn and was thinking to just range around 220-230 for a couple of months to make the most out of my fat then cutting down to 180.

    Should I follow through with this or start the cut to 180 already?

    • 2 years ago

      You are terrible at photoshop

  100. 2 years ago

    Whenever I bench press my right shoulder feels fine but my left doesn't feel great. Any way to remedy this? This only happens when benching so I think it's a mix of form and muscular imbalance

  101. 2 years ago

    I still get doms even a year after I started going to the gym. Is this normal?

  102. 2 years ago

    >do my first lifting session today after finishing 25CK and reaching the end of the program
    >feel like I've barely burned any calories or worked up a sweat compared to running for 30 minutes
    >don't have enough time to do both 3 day of lifting and 3 day of running and can only choose one and squeeze a session of other one at best
    >feel like I've cheated on my workout by doing easier lifting
    how do I cope with this bros? did I burn the same amount of calories and I'm just coping? why does lifting feels easier compared to running and cardio?
    please guide me and knock some sense into my dumb head before I have a panic attack

    • 2 years ago

      lifting is not for burning calories, its for building muscle. once you start increasing the weight and pushing yourself it won't feel so easy.

    • 2 years ago

      >feel like I've cheated on my workout by doing easier lifting
      It's not really cheating if you didn't know ot was going to be easier anon

    • 2 years ago

      why not find a happy balance and keep it in rotation. think about your goals, and do what will help you achieve them. congrats on c25k, very based. thats difficult for many and it takes gumption to keep at it. i personally would focus on lifting but remember, this is the aspect of your lifestyle you use to stay healthy and able bodied. its not a race anon. best of luck and try not to stress too much.

  103. 2 years ago

    what happens when you dont eat enough protein when you work out? i am trying to repair my severe muscle atrophy, so i need to focus on gaining strength. problem is that i cannot eat very much meat because i just dont digest it very well and it irritates my gut problems. my calorie surplus has been carbs basically

    • 2 years ago

      can you digest other forms of protein easily i.e. milk, eggs, and plant-based protein (rice, beans, nuts)?
      if you don't get enough protein your muscles will recover more slowly, and hypothetically won't come back as strong. if you don't respect recovery you can be more prone to injury. best of luck anon. I hope things work out for you. WAGMI

      • 2 years ago

        >plant-based protein
        i can eat rice and beans, not nuts cause they scrape my ulcers. im pretty sure these arent complete proteins that can build muscle though.
        >milk, eggs
        i can drink milk and bone broth as other animal protein sources. i cant drink tons of milk to get close to that 1g/kg ratio though. scared to eat eggs again cause i pooped out blood last time i ate them.
        >hypothetically won't come back as strong
        would they still get stronger and stronger, even if it's slower?

        • 2 years ago

          won't come back as strong
          >would they still get stronger and stronger, even if it's slower?
          yeah anon. yeah. sounds like you got some serious dietary issues. even so, you seem to want to grow. and thats pretty based. i pray for you success. even if slow, you are gonna make it.

          • 2 years ago

            >you got some serious dietary issues
            yeah it really sucks. i got really sick and got down to 102 pounds at 5'10 so ive got to dig out of that. its really hard when your intestines are ruined by inflammation and all the gains foods cause me to poop out blood and lose weight again. on the bright side, i think being at rock bottom means that i can get gains just from eating a little fish a day lol

  104. 2 years ago

    >take a really ripped strong man, starve him to the point where he's a hungry skeleton
    >take someone whose been hungry skeleton all their life, never has purposefully exercised

    Will they have the same body? The same strength? If the former body builder starts working out again will he progress faster or start at higher weights than if the hungry skeleton started lifting

    • 2 years ago

      >Will they have the same body?
      probably not, the og skelly will be fatter.
      >The same strength?
      probably not. the ex bodybuilder would be stronger
      >If the former body builder starts working out again will he progress faster or start at higher weights than if the hungry skeleton started lifting
      yes to both. muscle memory and lifting technique are important parts of lifting. plus the bodybuilder knows how other aspects of lifting work.

  105. 2 years ago

    Are there any surefire ways to sleepmax? For the past five nights I haven't been able to properly sleep at night. I go to bed at 10pm and fall asleep shortly after, but I will reliably wake up after one or at most two REM cycles, and then just stare at the ceiling for another six hours. I'm tired as frick, I just can't sleep.
    So far I've tried no screen and no food 3hrs before sleeping, changing drapes and bedsheets, a new pillow, nothing works. I can't nap during the day so the lack of sleep really is getting to me.
    There's not even something particularly stressing going on in my life, quite the opposite a huge work project concluded the day before this shit began. I figure at this point my body will either take the required amount of sleep soon or kill me, but I need to be functional at work or in traffic. This shit is literally killing me

  106. 2 years ago

    >fell into the trap of wanting number to go up instead of paying attention to proper form
    I want to kill myself for wasting my time

    • 2 years ago

      its number go up AT perfect form. no sense wallowing in it brother. deload, reset, and get back in there.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      same, and now i'm recovering from a back injury as a result of deadlifting 4pl8 with bad form

  107. 2 years ago

    how long should I eat before going to the gym

    • 2 years ago

      2-3 hrs . 100g carbs.

  108. 2 years ago

    Are fitness watches a meme? I've started running but don't really track anything, I thought it might be good to see how I improve over the same distance idk

    • 2 years ago

      >a meme?
      yeah. people been running for a long ass time before them.

    • 2 years ago

      Obviously you don't NEED one to succeed, unless you're a professional athlete. However it is handy to track and quantify your progress if you like numbers. Just be aware that a 30 buck fitness watch with a cheststrap tracks your vitals a lot better than a 600 smartwatch with fitness watch functions.

  109. 2 years ago

    >skinny af
    > this part of my body, on side view, is more "bigger" than others, than chest
    What is it? I dunno and want to find out if its lack of muscles or some genetic shit.

    • 2 years ago
  110. 2 years ago

    I have a weird sensation in throat near Adam's apple. It kinda feels like I was hungry or thirsty. Any idea what it can be?

  111. 2 years ago

    without getting your blood taken, what are signs of low t? ive been a fat frick my whole life until recently, ive got lots of beard growth but 0 sex drive (khv), i never jerk offd (tried when i was 12-13 but didnt rly work) either. 28 now
    did being a turbobese ruin my test levels too? ive been lifting a lot and i notice some muscle growth but the no sex drive thing makes me wonder.

  112. 2 years ago

    bros, how many sets and reps should I do to get definition? Not strength, not growth: DEFINITION
    I want to define my muscles, not get big or strong.
    Thank you very much.

    • 2 years ago

      you eat less for that, moron

      • 2 years ago

        ok, bot how many sets and reps?
        I see some people telling me to stay between 6 -8 reps (4 sets) and other tell me to be between 12 -15 (4 sets)
        which one should I do?
        Thank you very much sir

    • 2 years ago

      ok, bot how many sets and reps?
      I see some people telling me to stay between 6 -8 reps (4 sets) and other tell me to be between 12 -15 (4 sets)
      which one should I do?
      Thank you very much sir

      bros answer me

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Eat less (1500-2000 calories) definition: rep out 30+ range every time you need a pump.

  113. 2 years ago

    I think I might have low testosterone from stress or something
    I got a new job and recently (2 months ago) did a pretty big cut. But I started having ED problems every time I got in bed with my GF. My libido is basically gone. I'm tired a lot, I get distracted easily. I feel sensitive all the time.

    I stopped the cut right away and am now back to above maintenance calories. I don't watch porn anymore either. Every once in a while I might take a look to see if my erections come back. Sometimes they do. Most times they don't or are at like 30% what they should be.

    Has anyone here gotten test therapy (not full on roiding, just taking supplements) and want to share how it went? This shit really bothers me bros.

  114. 2 years ago

    I have been doing a somewhat casual workout 3 times a week for over 8 months and would like to know if there is something that I could improve on. I would appreciate any kind of feedback even if its pure slander. I am doing bodyweight only at home and have a metal bar I use for other stuff that helps. Excuse my lack of professional vocabulary.

    >rotate stretched out arms individually and both at once in both direction 5 to 10 times each
    >rotate stretched out legs in both directions 5 to 10 times each. then do like 2 squats.
    >5 side abs push things (i think its called oblique), elevated

    >pushups to failure
    >inverted row while stretched out like a push up to failure until i cant get up all the way anymore
    >leg crunches to failure until i cant get them to 90° anymore
    >repeat these 3 exercises to failure again, usually with less reps
    >repeat for a 3. time, but this time i do an easier variation right after i hit failure: - elevated push up - inverted row with legs closer to the bar - and leg crunches with legs not stretched out.
    >squats to failure or when i get scared to hurt my knees when they feel off.
    >face pulls but i do the motion without any machine

    I think it is working out pretty well but I am a complete novice. Please rate, thank you.

  115. 2 years ago

    I mis-weighed my vermicelli and accidentally just ate 85g of carbs for lunch, how long til I frickin' die

  116. 2 years ago

    What should I be doing for abbs? Are body weight abb workouts a meme?

  117. 2 years ago

    I just cut from 176 to 162 over the course of about 2 months. My gut is gone but I don't have visible abs. I feel like I've lost considerable strength and went from being kinda big (the biggest I've ever been, at least) to being a weak skeleton again.

    To make matters worse I've apparently lost 4 lbs of muscle and only 10 lbs of fat. This is terrible news, but I'm not sure how that's possible. I don't think my scale is very accurate in measuring muscle mass. That said, I do feel weak and small. But I was lifting extremely heavy the whole time, eating copious amounts of protein (>160 grams/day which should be more than enough) and was only in a 500 calorie deficit.

    What the frick happened? This is so disheartening and awful. I feel like I just threw out my progress without actually getting shredded. Should I just bulk again? Should I keep cutting until I'm 10% bodyfat, even if I become a weak skeleton?

  118. 2 years ago

    So my question is about cholesterol. Many of the men in my family have incredibly high cholesterol and most of the relatively young deaths that happen to men in my family come from heart problems. However, none of them are particularly fit and have a load of other issues with weight, diet etc.

    So should I be worried about cholesterol? I love eggs and red meat and have made amazing gains from them, but I do not want to have a stroke at age 50. I have not had my levels checked, so obviously I need to do that, but based on my genetics it is incredibly likely.

    • 2 years ago

      Dietary cholesterol has no link to blood cholesterol to the best of my knowledge. You still might have to cut down on red meat though. Depends on what your doctor says and does

      • 2 years ago

        Alright thank you anon

  119. 2 years ago

    are 5k or really long farmer walks a thing or will this destroy the body? Im thinking on doing one with weighted vest and pair of dumbbells.

  120. 2 years ago

    what is this exercise called? it looks like some kind of core exercise, is it any good?

    • 2 years ago

      Instructions unclear, could you illustrate movement pattern with arrows?

      • 2 years ago

        the movement is curving your spine sideways and keeping the weight on your thigh

        • 2 years ago

          I would call it the Romanian Side Twist cuz it will steal your gains.

    • 2 years ago

      Db side bends, decent for obliques

      • 2 years ago

        yea thats it, thanks

  121. 2 years ago

    How would you rate my "I'm going to die doing what I love" routine?

  122. 2 years ago

    Im new to lifting and my grip strength is preventing me from deadlifting as much as I should, are farmers walks and dead hands enough for grip strength?

    • 2 years ago

      Use mixed, hook, or straps. You will never double overhand a reasonable amount of weight compared to what you need for working sets.

      • 2 years ago

        really? I dont even deadlift that much yet, well below 4 plates

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, really

  123. 2 years ago

    is bench pressing 2x 17,5kg dumbbells 1:1 the same as benching a barbell with that weight?

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