Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>Ask about steroids (go to /fraud/)
>Ask for non-fitness medical advice (go to a doc)
>Ask non-fitness or relationship questions

>How do I manage weight?
Learn about TDEE, weight your portions.
>Should I make my own routine?
Unless you've been working out for a while already, no.
>What's a good starter routine?
Few can beat Starting Strength, Strong Lifts 5x5, and Greyskull Lift Pull.
>Is [food/drink] good for you?
Read the nutrition facts and decide for yourself.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    How much funugreek am I supposed to eat per day to fatten my loads and smell like maple syrup?

  2. 1 year ago

    How do I prevent overheating acne? Right now I'm good but I start breaking out during the summer because of the sweat and heat

    • 1 year ago

      Try salicylic acid wipes.

      • 1 year ago

        Will do. Thanks anon

  3. 1 year ago

    how do I fix liver?
    had liver for the first time today, some liver and onions
    tasted really good at first but then it had a wet chalk after taste

    • 1 year ago

      Soak in milk for like 30 minutes, dry off, dust it with some flour before you fry it up with the onions. 100x better


      How do I make a sandwich?
      My head hurts when I sleep. What do?
      Can steroids make my penis bigger?
      My crush smiled at me again, feels good man.

      Bread then filling then more bread.
      Drink more water and try to stop stressing so much
      It'll make your dick bigger but you'll die early and all benefits stop once you stop taking it
      Good on you dude


      Is it better to eat a large meal a couple hours before a workout or just stick to my 2 eggs and homemade bread before and then eat something like picrel afterwards? Im just starting out and looking for some critique

      You current plan is good. Eating a few hours before lifting is fine and usually gives people some energy. Individual preference on that one. You should eat some time after lifting though. You have about a 5 hour window to get some protein in

  4. 1 year ago

    How do I make a sandwich?
    My head hurts when I sleep. What do?
    Can steroids make my penis bigger?
    My crush smiled at me again, feels good man.

  5. 1 year ago

    Is it better to eat a large meal a couple hours before a workout or just stick to my 2 eggs and homemade bread before and then eat something like picrel afterwards? Im just starting out and looking for some critique

    • 1 year ago

      I would recommend against eating a large meal within 2 hours of working out, but I literally throw up if I have anything in my stomach while working out. YMMV.

      Soak in milk for like 30 minutes, dry off, dust it with some flour before you fry it up with the onions. 100x better
      Bread then filling then more bread.
      Drink more water and try to stop stressing so much
      It'll make your dick bigger but you'll die early and all benefits stop once you stop taking it
      Good on you dude
      You current plan is good. Eating a few hours before lifting is fine and usually gives people some energy. Individual preference on that one. You should eat some time after lifting though. You have about a 5 hour window to get some protein in

      >You have about a 5 hour window to get some protein in
      This is just a side-myth of the anabolic window, as long as you eat protein sometime with the same day you worked out you'll be fine. It doesn't have to be specifically timed.

      Well rn my right lat is tight and I have been doing stretches based on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgRIZDsEwCk
      to loosen it. It's not as severe like last week when I tried to bend down, this is rather new for me. Futhermore this sensation will be accompanied by dull ache in upper right abdomen where the liver is, worse I can feel something twitching there when pressing my finger against it. Worst case scenario my liver has decided to kick the bucket.
      >never did drugs
      >no caffeine
      >clean water, soda on occasion
      >no alchohol
      >clean diet (whole foods)
      >clean bloodwork
      >weighted calisthenics 2-3x week

      I'm with the other anon, you probably just pulled a muscle. Stop stretching for a few days and see how you feel.

  6. 1 year ago

    I'm feeling a dull ache in my right upper abdomen where my liver is along with muscle tightness at my right lat. I can still work out but I have to reduce ROM. Any workarounds until this subsides or do I have to get a medical checkup?

    • 1 year ago

      Did you pull a muscle? If you twist in the direction of the ache does it hurt?

      • 1 year ago

        Well rn my right lat is tight and I have been doing stretches based on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgRIZDsEwCk
        to loosen it. It's not as severe like last week when I tried to bend down, this is rather new for me. Futhermore this sensation will be accompanied by dull ache in upper right abdomen where the liver is, worse I can feel something twitching there when pressing my finger against it. Worst case scenario my liver has decided to kick the bucket.
        >never did drugs
        >no caffeine
        >clean water, soda on occasion
        >no alchohol
        >clean diet (whole foods)
        >clean bloodwork
        >weighted calisthenics 2-3x week

        • 1 year ago

          If I pull in the opposite direction it hurts yes, don't know why I forgot to add that.

  7. 1 year ago

    > Bothersome internal hemorrhoids at age 28
    What do?

  8. 1 year ago

    what lifts will give me fricking joocy forearms?

    • 1 year ago

      Plebbit grip training beginner routine, then go from there.

    • 1 year ago

      Deadlifts + gripping the bar as hard as possible when doing anything, anything more is wristcel cope

      • 1 year ago

        what if I'm a wristcel with homosexual baby hands?

        • 1 year ago

          what about it? Do the lifts or don't, i don't care about your wrist size.

        • 1 year ago

          Then building your forearms will look crazy. Big muscles on a small frame looks great

  9. 1 year ago

    Knee feels a bit tight and aches after squatting & dl yesterday. How fricked am i

    • 1 year ago

      Do pic related 1-2 a week, more if it's really bothering you, for like 3-5 minutes.
      Keep tension in your hip flexors and abs, stable core and back. Just quad stretch on the ground.

      • 1 year ago


  10. 1 year ago

    Why does strength go up with body weight/fat? "Why does mass move mass?", as the old adage goes. Does having more body fat create some mechanism for increased muscles or is it just a happenstance?

    • 1 year ago

      Your range of motion and leverages are better for static lifts like bench and deadlift when you're fat. You also have more padding around your joints so you can go harder without as much injury risk

    • 1 year ago

      Your body isn't smart enough to burn just fat when eating at maintenance or a cut. During a bulk where you have a good deal of fat, every bit of protein can go to muscle synthesis since the rest of your cells happily burn the huge reserves of fat/sugar.

  11. 1 year ago

    How feasible is it to try and gain strength like Eugen Sandow? I can find the appeal of doing full body workouts while using light weights with higher repitions, but would i see better gains if i just work up the strength to go heavy and keep amping it up? I like the idea of the classic strongman look without being HUGE.

    • 1 year ago

      Sandow went heavy and caught shit from other strongmen like Saxon for lying to people about doing only light weights. They basically only did the extreme ends of the rep ranges back then. Doing heavy push presses for doubles as well as sets of 50 military press with very exaggerated ROM is some turn of the century strongman stuff for example. Can't forget the gymnastics practice too with handstands

  12. 1 year ago

    Not fitness related at all but
    Why do women seem happier when you don’t give a frick about them and just see them as a source of pussy?

    I was just deleting pics of my ex and it occurred to me I don’t care about her again, and that reminded me of a time before I caught feelings where I’m pretty sure she cheated on me but I literally laughed and thought “I’m just gonna dump her in a few months when I have a couple more b***hes” and then forgot about it until now.

    Looking back this pattern has happened with all women I’ve dated.
    >meet, give zero fricks about them but make some interest known
    >start fricking/dating, give zero fricks they could ghost me and I’d barely notice if I had options during
    >start catching feels, her interest dies, relationship goes to shit
    >breakup because I’m not doing that
    >stop caring and move on, sometimes at this point they hmu again like it’s a 6th sense
    So why do they genuinely seem happier when you don’t give a frick about them? Is the idea of finding a mother for your kids/wife a fairytale in the U.S.?

    • 1 year ago

      As soon as she feels she's above you (like if you started putting her on a pedestal because of catching feels and not knowing how to manage that) then you're not attractive anymore. You not caring makes her feel she's a little below you so it's like she's dating up. Women mostly only like to date above where they are socially

      • 1 year ago

        >catching feels and not knowing how to manage that
        so how do i manage it anon

        • 1 year ago

          It’s just shit. Every girl I date things go better and better, catching feels takes longer and longer, but at this point I’m feeling over dating. The last ex I put zero effort in and shit was great, the second I start caring about her it’s just shit. Blatant disrespect, clear loss of interest, etc. I’m glad I can pick up on it so well, and that I never invested too much, but frick. I like that cuddling shit, I can’t do it without eventually catching feels. I’m not going to cuddle a FWB for that exact reason, but I’d really rather not just have some random frick toys that I dgaf about. But that truly seems like the way to being satisfied without the bullshit
          This. What is managing it, just hiding it? That’s easier said than done, like not worth the effort.

          I'm probably a bit older than you two, and I'll say that the best way to manage it is to remind yourself that she's replaceable from time to time. You have to ask yourself "what would I miss about her if she was gone?" There aren't many women in the world that would come back to that question in your mind with much of anything. You can care about her and love her, but don't forget that she's not yours, it's just your turn and she chose you this time around. Don't love a woman like she loves you. If you treat her like a star she'll treat you like a fan. It's that simple any way you want to say it. That's why she's all over you when you don't give a shit; you're not treating her like a princess and putting her far ahead of other things in your life and bending over backwards for her. She chose you and now you're taking her along for the ride in your life and all the interesting shit you're doing. It's an upgrade for her so remind yourself of that too. Don't shove your feelings down deep; you'll become a mass shooter like that. Just change how you frame your feelings towards her and it'll handle itself without you having to be in pain. It was some hard lessons for me to learn but now I don't have women problems anymore and those are two core rules I have for how I view a loving relationship from the man's side.

          • 1 year ago

            I appreciate this but I did this and it still happened. I didn’t just remind myself of her replaceability, I knew it. It’s why breaking it off was so easy for me despite any feels. I still CARED about her in the end.
            Idk what it is. I wouldn’t say I get overly clingy or anything like that. It’s like I’ll think exactly like this
            >frick she’s losing interest… oh well she’s not doing a whole lot in my life except giving me a nut, every other woman can do that
            But it’s like… I think I have control issues actually and I want it to go back but have already built feelings so even with that mindset it never will.
            I do think I did things right and she was trying to call a bluff. I literally told her the things in my life that I need to work on are far more important than she was and if shit didn’t get better I would have to end it to limit distractions. Which is exactly what I did. But it’s like I still cared about her, just not as much as myself and I don’t think she saw or believed that was the case.

            I guess going forward a better mindset for me to carry is a combo of that and truly realizing it’s just my turn. I’m just the guy she’s currently fricking/giving most of her attention to. Like to just accept it’s going to end and she won’t be in my life forever.

            It’s still shitty because I would like to someday have sons and this is sort of like giving up on that.

            women are literally conditioned in modern society to 1- always think they deserve more and 2- to be neurotic messes always measuring up.
            If you gaslight them into thinking you'll always have more to give (pretending not to give a frick) they project their daddy issues onto you and everything works. I've also failed miserably twice already and don't plan on putting them on the same importance as me, as much as it pains me, because it simply doesn't work. They don't want that and i'm tired of pretending i know why or how to fix it.
            That doesn't mean disrespecting them or being mysogynistic, i'll just take the lead and not try to fix them, because being a fixer is seen as being submissive.

            PUA chuds do this because they hate women, but we can take the good and leave the bad. Just accept this as another part of this moronic social contract.

            I’m at the point that I don’t even go out of my way to meet women or try to pull them. I just live to enjoy my life and if one likes me and makes it known or she tries to pull me I’ll then feed into that if I’m attracted to her. I don’t think I will ever be able to take another one seriously though. Like I can’t see myself putting in effort to even go on dates or entertain them in any way that doesn’t benefit me directly. I don’t hate women, I just feel like they’re a waste of time

            • 1 year ago

              NTA but having sons isn't giving up on that. Either of you can leave but you can also grow a bond and a family together if she's worth it. It's up to you to lead the relationship and keep everything in check. My grandparents were married for 60 years and raised 5 kids. The fostered love and a healthy family regardless of the fact that either could have left or that my grandma had chosen my grandpa. Don't give up on having a family and being a good father

      • 1 year ago

        this happens with every woman I date....
        I hate it so much.
        This pattern repeats itself doesnt matter how long it takes, be it months, or literaly years.
        The moment you treat them as not disposable and somebody you want to be with, is the moment they lose respect for you and start acting like shit.

        It's so fricking messed up.
        I hate it so much.
        I just want to love. But the moment I do women turn to utter shit.

        Every fricking time bro. I've legit gone through this cycle 5-6 times.

        It’s just shit. Every girl I date things go better and better, catching feels takes longer and longer, but at this point I’m feeling over dating. The last ex I put zero effort in and shit was great, the second I start caring about her it’s just shit. Blatant disrespect, clear loss of interest, etc. I’m glad I can pick up on it so well, and that I never invested too much, but frick. I like that cuddling shit, I can’t do it without eventually catching feels. I’m not going to cuddle a FWB for that exact reason, but I’d really rather not just have some random frick toys that I dgaf about. But that truly seems like the way to being satisfied without the bullshit

        >catching feels and not knowing how to manage that
        so how do i manage it anon

        This. What is managing it, just hiding it? That’s easier said than done, like not worth the effort.

    • 1 year ago

      this happens with every woman I date....
      I hate it so much.
      This pattern repeats itself doesnt matter how long it takes, be it months, or literaly years.
      The moment you treat them as not disposable and somebody you want to be with, is the moment they lose respect for you and start acting like shit.

      It's so fricking messed up.
      I hate it so much.
      I just want to love. But the moment I do women turn to utter shit.

    • 1 year ago

      Every fricking time bro. I've legit gone through this cycle 5-6 times.

    • 1 year ago

      women are literally conditioned in modern society to 1- always think they deserve more and 2- to be neurotic messes always measuring up.
      If you gaslight them into thinking you'll always have more to give (pretending not to give a frick) they project their daddy issues onto you and everything works. I've also failed miserably twice already and don't plan on putting them on the same importance as me, as much as it pains me, because it simply doesn't work. They don't want that and i'm tired of pretending i know why or how to fix it.
      That doesn't mean disrespecting them or being mysogynistic, i'll just take the lead and not try to fix them, because being a fixer is seen as being submissive.

      PUA chuds do this because they hate women, but we can take the good and leave the bad. Just accept this as another part of this moronic social contract.

    • 1 year ago

      Are you the facebook hacker we're looking for?

  13. 1 year ago

    Virgin here what does a female butt actually smell like?

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      butt? Like nothing if you are lucky.
      If you are not, like shit.

  14. 1 year ago

    how much does jump rope/skipping help in terms of losing weight?

    im 5'9 and 67.1kg, so sorta skinny fat and wanna cut down.

    ive started to go on walks but wanna do more

    • 1 year ago

      It helps a decent amount for most people. This calculator is good for figuring out how much you're burning in a session.
      Jumprope helped me a lot personally because it's so fun that I'd do it for like an hour at times. 1500 calories in an hour when I'm really going at it

      • 1 year ago

        >1500 calories in an hour when I'm really going at it
        Hate to be a buzzkill but there's 0 chance you burned 1500 calories in an hour jumping rope. An hour of light cardio (the only cardio you could do for an hour straight) will probably net you 500-600 calories, maybe 800 at best if you're pushing yourself.

        how much does jump rope/skipping help in terms of losing weight?

        im 5'9 and 67.1kg, so sorta skinny fat and wanna cut down.

        ive started to go on walks but wanna do more

        There's not really any feasible way to measure calories burned in exercise, the best we can do is estimate. As far as weight goes, that's all calories. Exercise is just the cherry on top.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm a dripping pile of sweat and near collapsing by the end of it but it's 1500 my man. I guarantee it. I just push through the suck because I'm having a great time. I couldn't do it with any other kind of cardio without quiting halfway through

          • 1 year ago

            I believe you're tired, but you're kidding yourself if you think you can burn 1500 calories in exercise alone in a day. In terms of cardio you'd have to run roughly 15 miles straight without ever slowing down. Do you honestly think you're achieving the same sensation jumping rope?

            Like man I'm happy you've found cardio you like but you have to be realistic about the numbers here. Burning 1500 calories is an insane amount of exercise and probably not something you could do in a single hour.

  15. 1 year ago

    How in the frick do I fix this? How can I separate myself from my phone? This shit is getting absurd

    • 1 year ago

      What do you use your phone for? I unironically used my iPad as a music player when I’m at work since I’m not tempted to waste time on a very obvious and huge screen.

      Maybe you need to diversify your actions.

      • 1 year ago

        Maps and music take up about an hour each, then texting and calling takes up about another hour, and after that it's just a whirlwind of different things. Lots of 4claps and YouTube recently especially

        • 1 year ago

          Damn. I’d argue that YouTube is alright here and there but you definitely have to use this website less. Go on a walk or something if possible. I’m actually quite surprised my usage is so low.

          what in the frick is that routine supposed to be

          It’s garbage, I’m fully aware of that. I’m an autismo that has anxiety about using free weights. So I just get my 3x8s done on the machines and book it back home. I’m gonna look at a couple of beginner routines and stick to it, but I’m still getting used to being in a gym.

    • 1 year ago

      Every time you pick up your phone say "I fricking hate this thing" and put it back down.

  16. 1 year ago

    Almost killed myself today doing skullcrushers but at least I learned my lesson about going past what I’m ready for (used 25lbs because all the 10s were taken). Ideally I want to move away from machines but in the meantime what can I add as a staple lift to do each time I go to the gym?

    • 1 year ago

      what in the frick is that routine supposed to be

    • 1 year ago

      Here is a routine for you fren. It’s a 4 day Push Pull Legs split.
      “Recovery” days are optional. It’s best to do the big lifts on barbells to work stabilizer muscles but machines are fine.

  17. 1 year ago

    tips on balding faster?

    • 1 year ago

      Dramatically low calories, take creatine, and rub asbestos on your scalp (don't do this for legal reasons)

  18. 1 year ago

    >wrist hurts from curls
    >hurts to push hand into a wall or hand together
    What do I have? Is it arthritis? Tendonitis? Is it terminal? If I go to the doctors are they just going to tell me not to use it and "rest" it?

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds similar to shit I deal with, my wrists get injured easily. I doubt it's from the curls alone, or else they would be painful during the exercise. You probably are just compressing your wrists for a long time at rest, either at a desk or under a pillow at night or something. Hard habit to kick but my wrists feel better now.

  19. 1 year ago

    How do I manage caffeine withdrawal? Is there methadone for caffeine like there is for heroin?

    • 1 year ago

      just power through it anon.

      • 1 year ago

        I guzzle energy drinks like there's no tomorrow you probably think I'm a coffee consooooomer but I have an energy drink addiction. Should I swap it out for aderrall or cocaine?

        • 1 year ago

          don't trade a vice for a vice. Caffeine you can taper yourself off of. Stick with black coffee to wean yourself out.

        • 1 year ago

          Just slowly and procedurally decrease your consumption over time. Also, try to switch to healthier and lesser caffeine sources, such as green tea. Do you want to totally eliminate all caffeine consumption, or just bring it down to a reasonable level? It's not bad to consume a reasonable amount.

          Is it normal for a 21 year old to go get there blood pressure checked? Getting your blood pressure checked sounds like something an old person would do...the doctor won't be mad at me for "wasting medical resources and time" if I book an appointment and it turns out to be a nothing burger will they?

          >Is it normal for a 21 year old to go get there blood pressure checked?
          >the doctor won't be mad at me for "wasting medical resources and time" if I book an appointment and it turns out to be a nothing burger will they?
          I doubt they would have a problem with it. My dentist does it to me every time I go in for a teeth-cleaning, and it's just a few seconds of having one of those inflatable wrist monitors on for a few seconds. Actually, you might not need to go to the doctor at all to get your blood pressure checked. Try checking out a local pharmacy (or the pharmacy section of a Wal-mart) to see if they have one of these machines.

  20. 1 year ago

    Is it normal for a 21 year old to go get there blood pressure checked? Getting your blood pressure checked sounds like something an old person would do...the doctor won't be mad at me for "wasting medical resources and time" if I book an appointment and it turns out to be a nothing burger will they?

  21. 1 year ago

    How many days off will result in muscle loss?

    • 1 year ago

      it's probably take a few weeks to start losing muscle.

    • 1 year ago

      Roughly 2 weeks if you're eating enough food. If you're not eating much/your protein is too low it can take as little as 4 days or so to lose a bit

  22. 1 year ago

    Any of you guys had luck reducing puffy nipples? Had them since puberty, 28 now.

  23. 1 year ago

    Is it possible to stay IST and box despite suffering from MS?

  24. 1 year ago

    is muscle hypertrophy only reached between 8-15 reps or can i still get muscle hypertrophy between 5-7 as long as it's failure?

    • 1 year ago

      you get muscle growth at all reps from 1-30 as long as that last rep is near or at failure. 8-15 is just where research found the most hypertrophy

  25. 1 year ago

    How do y'all relax? I've been very stressed lately because of life and bad luck seems to be the norm
    >Be me, yesterday
    >Take day off to destress with a friend
    >Have a fun day with her, walking around, cinema, dinner
    >See ex that ended it a few months ago
    I'm way more build now than when we stopped dating (thanks bulk), so at least I looked good. However, I still feel sick from the stress of seeing her. I know it's a bit odd that it has such an impact but I can't really help it. I just don't know how to relax anymore and am constantly under pressure outside of the gym.

    • 1 year ago

      how do you deal with failure? are you autistic (unironically)?

      Most of my stress is self induced due to my low tolerance to failure. Seeing exes would trigger regret and failure feelings on me;
      Yes, i have "autistic traits". Most men do.

      • 1 year ago

        Nah it's not just failure, it's everything seemingly being against me. From previous greentext to hiring 'professionals' who frick EVERYTHING up I paid them for. I can't even sleep properly lately so everything's a chore.

        • 1 year ago

          failure aversion is not just going mad when things go bad. It's being angry at things not going how you plan/being out of your control.
          Doesn't matter if anything is your fault, you will always be the one to deal with them if you take action. That's the bonus and the curse of being accountable.
          People go through their entire lives shrugging off incompetence and failure, be glad you're not like that. Just don't stroke out being better than NPCs.

          • 1 year ago

            >It's being angry at things not going how you plan/being out of your control
            Pretty sure so much anger gave me hopelessness and depression. How do you manage failure aversion? I don't engage in activities in which my conscious self could willfully make a difference anymore.

            • 1 year ago

              don't mean to be rude but don't be a b***h, you can either gaslight yourself into not caring (big sad) or deal with the things that will actually make your life objectively worse.
              When you quantify everything, instead of your life being just numbers like normies would like you to believe "YOU DONT CARE ABOUT FEELINGS!" you can make sure to be at peace with yourself because you made a conscious decision.

              No one objectively makes bad choices, they just didn't have enough info to make the right choices or cognition to process said information. You can either choose to be angry or deal with teh consequences t. buddha and probably a lot more people

              • 1 year ago

                First anon you responded to. I just don't get why it's still bothering me just SEEING her. I thought I was over her already, but apparently not. We had a great relationship and I'm still not sure why we broke up (sexually nothing was lacking, I was good to her, parents loved me etc.) Maybe it's the ADHD that makes things linger but lately the only thing I enjoy is gym.
                >Just switch your job bro
                I have bills to pay unfortunately.

  26. 1 year ago

    How to regulate my sleep? I sleep too much. I aim for 8 hours and set alarm accordingly plus two to three additional alarms one hour apart each and oftentimes I only wake up at the last alarm (at 10th or 11th hour of sleep). Most of the times I don't even remember waking up at first two alarms and turning them off, or remember having woken up still tired and turning it off and instantly falling asleep again.

    2nd question: am I still "natty" if I supplement whey and creatine? I want to be natty because I want to actually be strong and not have artificially pumped muscles, and I don't want my muscles to deflate when I'm 60. I have a friend who goes to gym and has decent result and he tells me supplementing protein and creatine is natural because whey is just protein like I would normally take from food and creatine is something that my muscles produce naturally as well only not enough if I work out hard, so it's not like taking roids.

  27. 1 year ago

    Would a push, pull, arms + neck, v-taper + core(ABxCDxx) be good for aethetics? Main weakness seems to be chest but on v-taper day you could do a dumbbell pullover and on arm day you could do dips or a close grip BP to make up for it. Push day could have squat and calve raises while v-taper + core could have a DL in it. It covers neck, forearms, and core which most routines neglect.

  28. 1 year ago

    everyone says read the sticky when i ask for advice which is fair enough
    but then the sticky has SS in it and everyone posts stuff like '>he fell for the ss meme' ???

  29. 1 year ago

    >started lifting regularly about a half a year ago
    >progress is slow but evident, I'm more confident than ever
    >decide to mix things up for the new year and do two more reps per set
    >fatigue is hitting like a fricking train thanks two those two reps adding up
    Is it better to do less weight but stick with more reps or go stay at my current weight level and go back to less reps? I don't want the fatigue to impact my form or cause me to lift in an unsafe manner but I've heard more reps is good for building endurance.

    • 1 year ago

      seems doubtful that 2 extra reps per set would cause that


      My shits haven't been solid logs lately, what am I doing wrong with my diet?

      more fiber, i use psyllium powder even though its aids to drink

      How much pain should I feel in a muscle when I stop resting it? I'm in a bit too much pain from yesterday's workout.

      if your fatigue will impact your performance in the next workout its ok to take an extra rest day. if your quads are sore and youre b***hing out from training chest and back or something then youre being a pussy

      • 1 year ago

        >seems doubtful that 2 extra reps per set would cause that
        It could totally be psychosomatic but all in all it's like a collective 50-60 additional reps per day

        Just try keeping your current weight with 1 rep. Also, if fatigue is a problem, doing your workouts late and using that fatigue to fall asleep can be good.

        I like the idea of just increasing 1 and building myself up, is good compromise

    • 1 year ago

      Just try keeping your current weight with 1 rep. Also, if fatigue is a problem, doing your workouts late and using that fatigue to fall asleep can be good.

  30. 1 year ago

    My shits haven't been solid logs lately, what am I doing wrong with my diet?

    • 1 year ago

      That's pretty normal if you're trying to lose weight.

  31. 1 year ago

    How much pain should I feel in a muscle when I stop resting it? I'm in a bit too much pain from yesterday's workout.

    • 1 year ago

      Noob soreness lasts about 2-3 weeks as long as you're eating and sleeping enough. The muscle should be tender and sensitive if you stretch it or flex it for about 3 days

  32. 1 year ago

    I'm a skinnyfat and i'd like to lose my breasts in priority. I started strong lifts 5x5, i try to run at least three times a week and i've managed to stay in deficit so far. Anything else i should do ? Do you recommend any particular exercise ? Please this is disgusting, i want it to go away.

    • 1 year ago

      If it's gyno then the only answer is surgery. You'll know it's gyno because it'll be focused more around the nipple. If it's just chest fat then it'll be soft and more spread out. You're doing everything you need to do so keep it up bro.
      If your goal is aesthetics I'd alter strong lifts. It's a strength program first and foremost, it's right there in the name, and it won't build as much muscle as a higher volume program. I'd lower it to 4 sets and up it to 8-12 reps per set and remove the squat on the second day. Also add in some arm work, lateral raises, and rear delt raises on the second day instead and put deadlifts first. Strength programs are notorious for making people have huge legs and small upper bodies (especially arms) so we have to change things to better suit your goals.

      Have any of you ever managed to fix severe anterior pelvic tilt? What did you do?

      Your abs and glutes need to be way, way stronger. Ab wheel roll outs are king for abs. You should also practice the hollow body position. It's great for teaching core stiffness. You might need to start with some glute bridges like picrel if your glutes are really weak as well. At the top imagine you're squeezing a penny between your cheeks. If these are easy then you can do hip thrusts instead or try to progress these to doing them on one leg. You also need to stretch your hip flexors and psoas quite a bit. The whole routine should only take 15-20 minutes max

      So I have this bag of creatine that I hadn't used for maybe 1-2 years. It was left open during it's time in storage. Best before date on the bag is 08/21, but I've seen different opinions on whether that actually matters.

      I don't care that it was open, but would it still be effective to use you think? Should I just purchase a brand new bag? There is still a good amount so I feel bad wasting.

      You risk it being chemically changed being exposed to open air that long. Most likely not as effective as if it was kept properly

  33. 1 year ago

    Have any of you ever managed to fix severe anterior pelvic tilt? What did you do?

  34. 1 year ago

    How do I bench properly? I've watched at least two detailed YT vids, I think one was by that bearded guy, and I get that I'm supposed to bring my shoulder blades together at the start, like making a butt shape with my upper back, but after I do one rep that part kinda just flattens out. Am I supposed to keep that part statically flexed the whole way through?

    Also, where do I put my head compared to the rack and the bar? And what do I do about hand placement if the markings like O-ring are practically invisible on the bar?

    • 1 year ago

      >Am I supposed to keep that part statically flexed the whole way through?
      No, because that's impossible. Remember to pull your shoulder blades together when you come down to your chest and you should be fine.
      >Also, where do I put my head compared to the rack and the bar?
      eyes even with the bar on the rack

      >And what do I do about hand placement if the markings like O-ring are practically invisible on the bar?
      I think it's typically recommended to have the innermost part of your hands an inch from the knurling. If the bar doesn't have one then just eyeball it; grab the bar slightly more than shoulder-width apart and you should hit your chest well.
      >How do I bench properly?
      Sounds like you got a good idea. The only other thing not mentioned is leg drive but that's pretty intuitive and not suuuuper important, especially if starting out.


      I'm a skinnyfat and i'd like to lose my breasts in priority. I started strong lifts 5x5, i try to run at least three times a week and i've managed to stay in deficit so far. Anything else i should do ? Do you recommend any particular exercise ? Please this is disgusting, i want it to go away.

      No; losing weight is not complicated. Spot reduction isn't real, just be consistent and you'll be fine.

      everyone says read the sticky when i ask for advice which is fair enough
      but then the sticky has SS in it and everyone posts stuff like '>he fell for the ss meme' ???

      the sticky is a meme. Half the links are dead and I'm pretty sure one of the links unironically recommends using vegetable oil. No one of any import will get mad at you for asking questions ITT.

      Would a push, pull, arms + neck, v-taper + core(ABxCDxx) be good for aethetics? Main weakness seems to be chest but on v-taper day you could do a dumbbell pullover and on arm day you could do dips or a close grip BP to make up for it. Push day could have squat and calve raises while v-taper + core could have a DL in it. It covers neck, forearms, and core which most routines neglect.

      looks like overcomplicated autism to me. What is the real difference between "v-taper" and pull?

      • 1 year ago

        >No, because that's impossible.
        You should keep your scapula retracted the entire time which is what I think he was asking

      • 1 year ago

        >the sticky is a meme
        in that case what should a completely out of shape skinnyfat office worker who sits in a chair 15 hours a day start with?
        just go to a gym and pick a routine online and try to do it? or should i like, do some bodyweight stuff at home first to not embarrass myself

        • 1 year ago

          Here's a basic program I wrote a while back for a client. Do it Mon, Wed, and Fri. Plenty of variety to keep you from getting bored and very hypertrophy focused. Very little equipment or machines needed and every gym around the world should be able to accommodate this. If you want to swap out an exercise you can. It's very easily modified. Like if you wanted to do barbell bench instead of a chest press machine, or maybe a back squat instead of a leg press, it won't affect the program negatively and you'll still make progress at the rate you should. If you want to add deadlifts I'd recommend doing them on Monday and only doing them once that week. They take a lot to recover from. Also don't do them for high reps. Very low IQ move to spam deadlifts.
          >Day 1
          Bulgarian Split Squat 4x10-15

          Seated Dumbbell OHP 4x8-12

          Dumbbell Row 4x8-12

          Pushups 3xFailure

          GIANTSET x3
          Curl of Choice 8-12
          Incline Skull Crusher 8-12
          Rear Delt Raises 10-15

          >Day 2
          Dumbbell Lunges 4x8-12 (per leg)

          Dumbbell Bench Press (slightly higher incline than flat) 4x8-12

          Chinups 3xFailure (assisted if needed, then it's 6-10 reps per set)

          GIANTSET x3
          Cable Lateral Raises 10-15
          Curl of Choice 8-12
          Cable Pushdown (single arm with the rope recommended) 8-12
          Face Pulls 10-15

          >Day 3
          Leg Press 4x8-12

          Chest Press Machine 4x10-15

          Cable Row 3x10-15

          GIANTSET x3
          Dumbbell Lateral Raises 10-15
          Curl of Choice 8-12
          One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Extension 10-15
          Skiers 15-20

          • 1 year ago

            screenshotted and i'll give it a try thank you
            idk what giant set means though - is that you grouping the 4 below things into doing each 3 times (3 times 8-12 curls, crushers etc)

            • 1 year ago

              You do them back to back without stopping then take a short rest before repeating the prescribed amount of times. When you see two exercises like that it's called a superset, when it's more it's called a giantset

            • 1 year ago

              Not him but giant sets are basically super sets but with more than 2 movements. So you go down the list, doing each movement for a set, and then you do each group of movements however many times it's specified.

      • 1 year ago

        Alright, it's pretty hard to stay consistent but i'll do my best to keep my routine.


        If it's gyno then the only answer is surgery. You'll know it's gyno because it'll be focused more around the nipple. If it's just chest fat then it'll be soft and more spread out. You're doing everything you need to do so keep it up bro.
        If your goal is aesthetics I'd alter strong lifts. It's a strength program first and foremost, it's right there in the name, and it won't build as much muscle as a higher volume program. I'd lower it to 4 sets and up it to 8-12 reps per set and remove the squat on the second day. Also add in some arm work, lateral raises, and rear delt raises on the second day instead and put deadlifts first. Strength programs are notorious for making people have huge legs and small upper bodies (especially arms) so we have to change things to better suit your goals.
        Your abs and glutes need to be way, way stronger. Ab wheel roll outs are king for abs. You should also practice the hollow body position. It's great for teaching core stiffness. You might need to start with some glute bridges like picrel if your glutes are really weak as well. At the top imagine you're squeezing a penny between your cheeks. If these are easy then you can do hip thrusts instead or try to progress these to doing them on one leg. You also need to stretch your hip flexors and psoas quite a bit. The whole routine should only take 15-20 minutes max
        You risk it being chemically changed being exposed to open air that long. Most likely not as effective as if it was kept properly

        Thank you very much anon, i just hope it's not gyno. Do you recommend me to stick to strong lifts or do you think i should try something else ?

      • 1 year ago

        >looks like overcomplicated autism to me. What is the real difference between "v-taper" and pull?
        It is overcomplicated autism but variety keeps things interesting. Difference is there's no direct arm work plus core work instead.

    • 1 year ago

      You're supposed to keep your shoulder blades retracted and down the whole time. There's a more advanced method where you'll arch into the bar as you descend and undo that extra bit on the concentric, but don't worry about that for now. And then you also want to actually arch your back as well. And don't forget to drive through your feet the entire time.

      Eyes right below the bar is a good start

      >Hand placement
      Eyeball it, get a better barbell, measure it out and mark it with chalk, etc.

  35. 1 year ago

    So I have this bag of creatine that I hadn't used for maybe 1-2 years. It was left open during it's time in storage. Best before date on the bag is 08/21, but I've seen different opinions on whether that actually matters.

    I don't care that it was open, but would it still be effective to use you think? Should I just purchase a brand new bag? There is still a good amount so I feel bad wasting.

  36. 1 year ago

    >weird pressure behind my eyes
    uh is this normal?

    • 1 year ago

      No it is not. Doctor time

      • 1 year ago

        Frick you. You're supposed to tell me it's normal ;_;

  37. 1 year ago

    newbie DYEL here, which exercises should I do with a pair of dumbells and no bench at home to get better at pull ups/chin ups? (Currently two reps max as I fail the form miserably at the third but I couldn't even do one before so it's an improvement.)
    Also add fricking push ups too why not? What can I do for those?

    • 1 year ago

      Pullovers and bicep curls will help, but the best thing you can do is give yourself some assistance. What I used to do was put a chair in front of me and press the tips of my toes (not the ball of the foot) into the chair. It took about 40 pounds off the pullups (tested with a scale) and I saw a lot more progress like that than I did trying to do pullups like it was a max lift.
      Pushups you can do some floor presses, overhead press, and skull crushers, but again, some assistance and switching up the variation is the best move. If you get stronger at diamond pushups as an accessory lift then you'll see your normal pushups go up as well. Same if you're doing incline pushups for high reps assuming you can't do many pushups (<20)

      should i weigh myself before pullups/chinups to see if im actually progressing? or is that too autistic?
      also if if the hardest part is getting up from the dead hang, depressing my shoulders but i just cant get up without assistance, what is most likely to be the limiting muscle? scapula? and what assistance exercises can i do to help that weakness without machines?

      If you're weighing yourself every morning and exercising around the same time each day then you shouldn't need to weigh yourself before doing them. Also usually that issue is just overall weakness in the back. Check out my response to the other anon in this reply. Also be sure to lean back slightly, pulling the bar to the lower chest and taking the arms more out of the movement. If you wanted to add more and you have a gym then heavy rows would be a good idea to incorporate as well

      • 1 year ago

        >heavy rows would be a good idea
        alright, already doing those thanks. dont have a gym but im working out at home with a good amount of barbell weights etc.
        >Check out my response to the other anon
        NGL i guess im fricking moronic but i dont understand what youre saying there. standing on a chair would put me way too high for the pullup bar and you dont seem to be talking about negatives, sorry if im stupid

        also if my overall back seems to be the weakness, is gripping the pullup bar as wide as possible stupid since that puts the most emphasis on the back? or is that actually more beneficial if i can get the volume in with bands?

        • 1 year ago

          You put the chair in front of you and using just the tips of your toes push up to assist you in the movement. Almost the same foot position as a ballerina. It shouldn't be under you at any point
          >wide grip
          It's not a bad or good idea. It accomplishes the same goal as what I had said about leaning back and trying to pull the bar lower on your torso. Both methods use arm and more back
          Meme for anything but rehab work or powerlifting. I was a poorgay who tried to use bands for my pullup assistance and arm work and got basically no results from it. Many such cases. You can tie it around the bar and use it for like a straight arm lat pushdown to warm up the lats and shoulder joint but outside of that it has no use for pullups

  38. 1 year ago

    should i weigh myself before pullups/chinups to see if im actually progressing? or is that too autistic?
    also if if the hardest part is getting up from the dead hang, depressing my shoulders but i just cant get up without assistance, what is most likely to be the limiting muscle? scapula? and what assistance exercises can i do to help that weakness without machines?

  39. 1 year ago

    What are some good sources of cardio for someone with fricked up knees? Doctor suggested swimming but the closest indoor pool is a half hour away. Any other low impact alternatives or something non running related?

    • 1 year ago

      Biking is much easier on the knees than running. Jump rope is also a good option because the limiting factor is ankle health, not knee health. The doc is right that swimming is good whenever you get a chance.

  40. 1 year ago

    how do i get flexible i have the mobility of an old man. i want to do JCVD splits. tell me exactly what to do in extreme detail i'm a moron and if you make me do any of my own research i'll frick up

  41. 1 year ago

    >go to group cardio classes
    >try to be polite, don't bother anyone
    >basic greetings, thank yous, etc.
    Recently, it seems that folks are avoiding me
    >attempts at basic compliments/comments are met with "good how are you" completely bowling over/ignoring what I said
    >once might be I a simple mistake, but it's happened several times in the same day, telling me it's more than coincidence
    What the frick am I doing wrong that people don't even want to talk to me for basic pleasantries

  42. 1 year ago

    I have some dumbbells at home so I'm thinking of doing delt exercises every other day or at least 3x/week in the afternoons since i do my other work early in the morning.
    My only delt focused exercises in my program are cable facepulls and over head press that I do at the gym.

    I'm considering full rom lateral raises and Bent over dumbell raise targeting rear delts.

    Is every other day too much?
    are those two exercises enough to do for extra work?

    Also if you have tips on exercises to get my shoulders more back very welcomed

  43. 1 year ago

    According to meme internet calculators my BMR is 1650 and sedentary TDEE is 2000kcal, according to IST I still should go on 200-500kcal deficit.
    Honestly eating under 1800kcal makes me too tired and it feels like I dont even recover enough.

    Stats: Skinnyfat.
    Jogging 3times a week.
    Walking around 10k steps per day
    and light bodyweight workout daily.

    Just confirm my suspicion that I am eating TOO little and should up my intake.

    5"7 155lbs/170cm 70kg +23% bf (calculated, but I suspect its higher)

    • 1 year ago

      We can't confirm shit if you don't tell us how fast or slow the scale is trending?

  44. 1 year ago

    ever since i fixed my squat form (going all the way down to parallel) it seems like my quads have exploded and ive suddenly jumped 1.5-2kg in weight despite my diet not changing (eating in a ~250kcal surplus atm) and going back down in weight, am i coping hard here or what is going on?

    also i had to skip two workout from my four workout a week due to a medical procedure, however due to bad FOMO i dont want to neglect one compound. is it a bad idea to do squat and DL on the same day? and what should come first, i assume DL due to the heavier load? or is RDL or even a SLDL a good sub if i want a hip hinge on a squat day that doesnt fatigue me as much as a regular DL would?

    • 1 year ago

      >going back down in weight
      referring to my working sets on my squats not my bw, i spazzed out while typing this

    • 1 year ago

      >What's going on
      Maybe water retention?

      >Bad idea to do squat and dead on same day

      >Which order
      Whichever you like, unless you compete in PL, then you should squat first in most cases.

      >RDL or SLDL
      Those also work

      Are frontsquats supposed to feel like the barbell is choking you? I'm in recovery from a shoulder injury and I still can't comftably hold the barbell for backsquats. I tried powering through the pain but it sort of cramps after 3 sets and I'm scared I'll drop it.
      No alternatives to the olly barbell unfortunately as I lift at home.

      They can, but obviously not to the point of making you pass out. They're not the most comfortable thing in the world but they're supposed to sit in the divot created behind your shoulders by raising your arms up

  45. 1 year ago

    Are frontsquats supposed to feel like the barbell is choking you? I'm in recovery from a shoulder injury and I still can't comftably hold the barbell for backsquats. I tried powering through the pain but it sort of cramps after 3 sets and I'm scared I'll drop it.
    No alternatives to the olly barbell unfortunately as I lift at home.

  46. 1 year ago

    I've subscribed to a gym, planning to begin tomorrow. Have never had anything to do with a gym before. Have always done bits at home, mostly pressups, situps, planks & pullups, small frame, looking to get bigger. What do you lot recommend exercise wise to build strength and mass?

    Ta in advance.

  47. 1 year ago

    I'm currently at 17%bf, and want to be at 15% or below.
    I've calculated my calories and I need it to be around 1600 cal/day, with ~300 g of protein, this make 80% of my calorie intake from pure protein and I left with 300 cal of other macros.
    How do I mange this?

  48. 1 year ago

    i know its a shit meme but my cheap ass scale which has a BF function says im 17% bf, tape measurements come out to 17%, how accurate could that possibly be?

  49. 1 year ago

    I fell for the body dysmorphia meme bros.
    >150-155 lbs
    >22, turning 23 soon
    >"athletic", but not strong or particularly muscularly developed, especially in chest, arms, shoulders
    >dont have defined six pack, which I am just now understanding to be due to having no fricking muscle

    so, I will now begin my first ever bulk, and lift at least 2 times a week. Nothing crazy, aiming for 300-500 calories more than what I usually eat, ideally protein. Luckily my eating habits are actually decent. I have maintained this weight intuitively for a while now, so the gameplan is to make sure protein is included in each of my meals to some degree, and to add probably a shake or some shit post workouts.

    Heres the dumb question though. I want to stay close to my current bodyweight, maybe only going up to 160lbs or 165lbs max. I am looking to compete in sports with weight classes, and that would be the weight class I want to compete at. If I am only looking to put on 5-10lbs of muscle, with some fat included, would that essentially mean the bulk just wont be that long of a process as a newbie?

    • 1 year ago

      >>dont have defined six pack, which I am just now understanding to be due to having no fricking muscle
      I find it amazing how many people LARP like that's pure slimness and 0% muscle.

      • 1 year ago

        not sure what he meant by this?

        Im not saying I have 0% muscle. But I am pretty undermuscled, especially throughout my upper body. My calves are pretty good cuz warehouse job which involves a lot of walking. Quads are smallish, but have decent seperation from work, running, and muay thai. Obliques and serratus are visible. But chest, arms, traps, shoulders and abs are underdeveloped because I dont lift or do anything that would actually work those areas.

        Again, I am 6'0", at like 152-155lbs, and I eat pretty clean and stay pretty active. Im not soft by any stretch of the imagination, I am just skinny/slim. Lacking fat and muscle.

  50. 1 year ago

    How to boost my libido and be horny again?
    I'm 32, and can get nice erection.
    I do cardio, and in a healthy weight.
    But for the last year or so, I no longer feel horny and have general low libido.
    How can I boost it back?
    No tren please.

    • 1 year ago

      Won't stop you posting trannies

      • 1 year ago

        I know.

        Step 1: stop coomposting trannies and fricking up the board
        Step 2: bulk (healthily), hit the gym harder, and improve sleep quality
        The difference is so small that it's not worth thinking about. They have more muscle but the difference that makes is maybe a few calories per set if they're doing 25 reps
        It definitely can. I wouldn't put cycling and squats on the same day
        Change the exercise order for Workout A to:
        -Military Press
        -Cable chest Fly
        Nix the bent over rows since you're doing squats. Not good for the low back. Replace it with dumbbell rows on a bench. Also make Workout C 3x10-15 instead of 3xF. Decent program otherwise
        Up your water and electrolytes. I got that issue when I had a magnesium deficiency and it affected my calves and neck in a similar way to what you described. If you supplement instead of getting it from magnesium rich food take glycinate or bisglycinate. The other forms are laxative in nature
        I detailed how you can alter strong lifts to be a hypertrophy program my man
        >sets and reps
        4x8-12 instead of 5x5
        >exercise changes
        Remove the squat from day 2, put the deadlift first, and add arms, lateral raises, and rear delt raises at the end of day 2

        Already doing it.
        I guess I'll just get cialis and hope for the best.

    • 1 year ago

      Step 1: stop coomposting trannies and fricking up the board
      Step 2: bulk (healthily), hit the gym harder, and improve sleep quality

      does a weak person burns the same amount of calories for example lifting a 15 kg weight 25 times as a buff person?

      The difference is so small that it's not worth thinking about. They have more muscle but the difference that makes is maybe a few calories per set if they're doing 25 reps

      can cycling at moderate intensity 2x a day (morning and afternoon, from and to work, some slight incline at the very end where i can feel my quads burn a bit) cause less performance while weight training, especially during squats?

      It definitely can. I wouldn't put cycling and squats on the same day

      Current Mon-Fri routine - slightly modified since week 1, but into week 6 now of 12 week training:

      Mon: A
      Tue: C
      Wed: B
      Thur: C
      Fri: A

      Each week switch out the days A/B are on.
      A and B days are 3 sets of 5-8 reps, C is 3 sets to fail.

      Workout A (Squat, chest):
      -Cable chest Fly
      -Military Press
      -Pull Ups

      Workout B (Squat, back):
      -Cable Seated Rows
      -Bent Over Rows
      -Pull Ups
      -Cable Back Fly

      Workout C (cable accessories):
      -Cable machine crunch
      -Cable Wood cutters
      -Cable Curls
      -Cable Tri Pulldowns

      Change the exercise order for Workout A to:
      -Military Press
      -Cable chest Fly
      Nix the bent over rows since you're doing squats. Not good for the low back. Replace it with dumbbell rows on a bench. Also make Workout C 3x10-15 instead of 3xF. Decent program otherwise

      >do a big stretch because I had been sitting down for a while
      >tricep suddenly spasms then contracts into the most painful cramp of my life
      >spend a few minutes in an absolute panic as I try to massage it out
      >eventually it settles down and now I have zero pain, cramping, or anything else
      >nervous about tomorrow's push day
      What do we think? It was like an intense charlie horse, but in my tricep instead of my leg. This happened yesterday and was just a random spasm so it shouldn't impact tomorrow or suddenly happen again while I'm holding a barbell above my head, right?

      Up your water and electrolytes. I got that issue when I had a magnesium deficiency and it affected my calves and neck in a similar way to what you described. If you supplement instead of getting it from magnesium rich food take glycinate or bisglycinate. The other forms are laxative in nature


      Alright, it's pretty hard to stay consistent but i'll do my best to keep my routine.
      Thank you very much anon, i just hope it's not gyno. Do you recommend me to stick to strong lifts or do you think i should try something else ?

      I detailed how you can alter strong lifts to be a hypertrophy program my man
      >sets and reps
      4x8-12 instead of 5x5
      >exercise changes
      Remove the squat from day 2, put the deadlift first, and add arms, lateral raises, and rear delt raises at the end of day 2

      • 1 year ago

        I'll adjust strong lifts like you said then. Thanks again for taking the time to answer me anon, that was really helpful.

      • 1 year ago

        >It definitely can. I wouldn't put cycling and squats on the same day
        Well its not like im doing it on purpose, i have to get to work somehow. Good to know though, maybe i should remember that if there are days where i feel like im weaker than my last workout despite still being in my newbie phase

  51. 1 year ago

    does a weak person burns the same amount of calories for example lifting a 15 kg weight 25 times as a buff person?

  52. 1 year ago

    can cycling at moderate intensity 2x a day (morning and afternoon, from and to work, some slight incline at the very end where i can feel my quads burn a bit) cause less performance while weight training, especially during squats?

  53. 1 year ago

    Can i be 230 ibs of muscle if I'm 5'7.5?

    • 1 year ago

      Depends on your frame, but probably not if I had to guess. Also you didn't give a body fat percentage.

  54. 1 year ago

    Thoughts on this dumbbell and barbell set from Walmart? The one review says the cap loosened for them. I don't wanna break my wrists/neck but it's so cheap. Does anyone have experience with it?


    • 1 year ago

      Dude just order good shit from Bells of Steel/Titan Fitness. I know Titan Fitness can be a bit dubious but it's better than buying garbage and buying into standard.

      • 1 year ago

        Yea but the price is too high for good-quality adjustable dumbbells and I'm just starting out. I'm looking for a cheap 20-40 lb set that won't kill me. Any suggestions?

        • 1 year ago

          Titan Fitness has some loadable Olympic DBs that are relatively cheap (given that they're just mini barbells) that will allow you to stockpile Olympic plates. Other than that, I don't have any other suggestions for you because I don't buy garbage that isn't upgradable/doesn't fit into a larger ecosystem. Maybe garage gym reviews' article on various adjustable dbs will be helpful.

          • 1 year ago

            Attaching the handles to form a bigger handle is a dumb gimmick. But grabbing some adjustable set of regular dumbbells from anywhere will work out just fine for a noob, no need to CONSOOOOM like the other anon suggests when just starting out. I bought some dogshit ones from Amazon way back when and got by just fine until I was tired of doing ten zillion reps and just went to the gym.

            Thanks, guys. Will browse a bit more but likely gonna go with the cheap stuff to start out.

    • 1 year ago

      Yea but the price is too high for good-quality adjustable dumbbells and I'm just starting out. I'm looking for a cheap 20-40 lb set that won't kill me. Any suggestions?

      Attaching the handles to form a bigger handle is a dumb gimmick. But grabbing some adjustable set of regular dumbbells from anywhere will work out just fine for a noob, no need to CONSOOOOM like the other anon suggests when just starting out. I bought some dogshit ones from amazon way back when and got by just fine until I was tired of doing ten zillion reps and just went to the gym.

  55. 1 year ago

    Current Mon-Fri routine - slightly modified since week 1, but into week 6 now of 12 week training:

    Mon: A
    Tue: C
    Wed: B
    Thur: C
    Fri: A

    Each week switch out the days A/B are on.
    A and B days are 3 sets of 5-8 reps, C is 3 sets to fail.

    Workout A (Squat, chest):
    -Cable chest Fly
    -Military Press
    -Pull Ups

    Workout B (Squat, back):
    -Cable Seated Rows
    -Bent Over Rows
    -Pull Ups
    -Cable Back Fly

    Workout C (cable accessories):
    -Cable machine crunch
    -Cable Wood cutters
    -Cable Curls
    -Cable Tri Pulldowns

    • 1 year ago

      Shit, meant to ask at the beginning about any advice / suggestions / comments on the routine.

  56. 1 year ago

    >do a big stretch because I had been sitting down for a while
    >tricep suddenly spasms then contracts into the most painful cramp of my life
    >spend a few minutes in an absolute panic as I try to massage it out
    >eventually it settles down and now I have zero pain, cramping, or anything else
    >nervous about tomorrow's push day
    What do we think? It was like an intense charlie horse, but in my tricep instead of my leg. This happened yesterday and was just a random spasm so it shouldn't impact tomorrow or suddenly happen again while I'm holding a barbell above my head, right?

    • 1 year ago

      >What do we think?
      We think you're a gay skeleton

  57. 1 year ago

    How do I fix my lats imbalance… right lat is lacking…
    Also… can I consider myself a wode back haver?

    • 1 year ago

      It's not a huge imbalance. Do some single arm isolations at the end of your lat work (don't know your program) to failure and you should be good. Wide back hasn't been achieved yet but it's definitely getting there. Keep up the good work dude


      are pullovers - the exercise that works serratus - a shoulder exercise?

      Primarily chest and lats. The shoulders aren't worked much during that lift

      • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        >Keep up the good work dude
        Thanks, anon
        I think I’ll do pic related the way you said, thanks for the tip

  58. 1 year ago

    are pullovers - the exercise that works serratus - a shoulder exercise?

  59. 1 year ago

    Anyone have a good morning & pre-workout stretching routine?
    My mobility is really shit after falling off the workout bus and I don't want to injure myself again.

  60. 1 year ago

    I’m 29 and I feel my energy levels are so much worse than when I was younger. It’s gotten far worse since I started working remotely.

    What can I do to get my energy back?

  61. 1 year ago

    are lunges a good accessory for squats? I feel like my squats are stalling hard compared to my other lifts and I dunno why. I do Squats, RDLs, Deadlifts, leg press/curl/extensions and calf press each week. Maybe I need something else? Suggestions?

    • 1 year ago

      feel the burn

      • 1 year ago

        frick, I was hoping someone would tell me it's moronic I hate lunges

        oh well. My lower days were feeling a little quick anyhow.

  62. 1 year ago

    I've always wanted to find a sport I enjoy recreationaly playing but completely wasted my youth and didn't get fit until my mid twenties. What is a low barrier of entry sport I can try to get into after age 30? Mostly to get some cardio as I fricking hate treadmills anymore. Baseball? Volleyball? Rugby? What does IST enjoy? I have no real particular one calling my name but think it would be good for my overall health and also mental health to join a team as well.

    • 1 year ago

      gonna try curling myself actually next winter
      rugby is fun but intense

    • 1 year ago

      based as frick. Good cardio, very social and friendly, but can also scratch that competitive itch. Good way to meet women or make sportsbro friends. Usually pretty easy to find a group, and not that expensive. Only downside is there will be some technical shit you will have to learn to actually enjoy the sport and not "drag down" the people you play with. Luckily there are a bunch of channels on youtube with concise, well made tutorials, and most people in these groups would be willing to work with you. If you can learn to receive, you'll already be like 70% good for casual pick up games.
      >similar sports to volleyball such as badminton
      >combat sports
      Can be trained just as a hobby. Best cardio workout ever imo. If you arent looking for brain damage, you can just spar light and tell the people you train with its just a hobby. Downside is its kinda expensive, but the barrier for entry isn't the worst imo.
      only con is that people are cracked at this sport. The barrier for entry is low, but the skill ceiling is high and most people have been playing since they could walk. Itll take some time to "catch up". You may find it less enjoyable during that catching up phase, but that goes for any sport
      >Rock climbing/bouldering
      Less cardio, but really good for tendon and joint health, muscualr endurance, back and shoulders, grip. It can be expensive depending on how much you invest into gear and your local gym. It can be relatively social, women, gymbros etc, but again depends on your local gym. Some are full of twink zoomers with bad personalities, some are full of chill, strong as frick competitors who will help you out.

      • 1 year ago

        Not really looking to spend a fortune or compete with assblasted tryhards and want something more chill so I guess Volleyball or Rock Climbing would be the better choices then. All the technical shit in Volleyball does look like it would be annoying to memorize though

        • 1 year ago

          yeah I feel ya man.
          If you do decide to go for volleyball, I highly recommend the channel Elevate Yourself on Youtube. He's a volleyball coach that makes quick and easy tutorial videos from the complete basics all the way to actual team coordinated play.
          Like I said before, if you learn how to receive/pass, youre already like 70% of the way to what you realisitcally "need" to play the sport with other casuals. Shit like rules or positions dont matter much at low level, and people will just tell you as it comes up or if you ask. Learning to receive can take literally less than a week to get "good enough" to start playing in a casual setting, so dont let the skill curve discourage you too much.

          Good luck with whatever you decide to go for

          • 1 year ago

            Thanks a lot anon, I'll check it out

  63. 1 year ago


    I fell for the body dysmorphia meme bros.
    >150-155 lbs
    >22, turning 23 soon
    >"athletic", but not strong or particularly muscularly developed, especially in chest, arms, shoulders
    >dont have defined six pack, which I am just now understanding to be due to having no fricking muscle

    so, I will now begin my first ever bulk, and lift at least 2 times a week. Nothing crazy, aiming for 300-500 calories more than what I usually eat, ideally protein. Luckily my eating habits are actually decent. I have maintained this weight intuitively for a while now, so the gameplan is to make sure protein is included in each of my meals to some degree, and to add probably a shake or some shit post workouts.

    Heres the dumb question though. I want to stay close to my current bodyweight, maybe only going up to 160lbs or 165lbs max. I am looking to compete in sports with weight classes, and that would be the weight class I want to compete at. If I am only looking to put on 5-10lbs of muscle, with some fat included, would that essentially mean the bulk just wont be that long of a process as a newbie?

    thanks for the feedback. Im looking to bulk up to, then maintain around 165ish, preferably at a decent to low bodyfat, that way I only have to cut around 10lbs in time for competitions. I dont want to be one of those guys doing crazy weight cuts to be honest. If 250kcal more a day would take me 6 months, would it be safe to assume 500kcal more would make it approx a 3 month bulk? Is that how it works? Or does that start to run the risk of putting on too much fat too quickly? For reference, I do also work a physical labor job, so I will be staying very active, even on days that I am not training or lifting.

    I am tempted to bump the calorie intake higher, more in the +500 range and just monitor my weight and strength gains.

    • 1 year ago

      Taking the slower approach would be better. Muscle building is a slow process and doubling calories won't double the muscle. We've all tried that with dirty bulking

      • 1 year ago

        gotcha. appreciate it

  64. 1 year ago

    does anyone have a starter routine for someone who can't get to the gym? I only have a pull up bar, some dumbells and those L sit handles.

    • 1 year ago

      Startbodyweight's routine or leddit's r/bodyweightfitness routine

  65. 1 year ago

    I've been working out since august 2022, I was an obese frick of 330lbs at 6'4. Now I have gone down to 260llbs, but my weight loss has seriously plateaud. I think I gain more weight rather than losing it. I am stronger than ever before and break my personal records time and time again.
    My gym buddy said that I am one of the people doomed to be "fat"
    What gives?
    I eat once a day, but as much as I can at one go, and what I cook myself, I dont eat out. I dropped all extra sugar, and I dont do snacks like popcorn, potato chips or such anymore.
    I still partake in alcohol, is that keeping me away from my 220lbs goal weight?

  66. 1 year ago

    How do I deal with sleep apnea without a cpap machine
    >inb4 lose weight
    It's affecting me now

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      I have sleep apnea as well, I sleep on my stomach. I do toss and turn and my "gurgles" for breath wake me up when I sleep on my back.
      I do have a mouth brace that takes the edge off from me sounding like I die every 10 minutes, but it only does so much. Also if you have a big pillow, get a small and flat one to keep your neck straighter.

  67. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Defective genome geared towards instant gratification and other people's view of you above all else.
      Incredibly disrespectful, hostile, and violent to host populations despite being nothing but guests.

    • 1 year ago

      Socioeconomic factors every single time

  68. 1 year ago

    hey anons
    i'm a femoid, not really IST. just here for some advice
    i just went to the doctor, and found out i've lost 15 lbs without really changing my diet at all. i'm now barely 100lbs. i was curious if anyone has food recommendations that are healthy but can help me gain a bit of weight. i feel like shit, like i have no nutrients in my body, probably because i'm severely anemic right now. typically i only eat 2 meals a day and snack occasionally. but i have trouble eating things that aren't...easily/quickly made in the morning as i tend to lose my appetite pretty quickly for some reason
    basically just looking for some healthy meal options that are nutritious and easy, thanks in advance

    • 1 year ago

      breasts or gtfo

    • 1 year ago

      Eat more, move less.
      Breakfast full fat yogurt with fruits or a handful of nuts
      Lunch, anything but a salad.
      Dinner, anything but a salad.

      Carbs for weight gain

      • 1 year ago

        i honestly...barely move at all, that's why i'm so confused about how i've managed to lose so much weight. i pretty much sit at my pc all day. i used to have an eating disorder and during the height of my ED, i was working out and walking every day, only eating 500 calories a day, and it was a struggle to get below 100 lbs. now i am fully recovered, eating tons of carbs, barely moving, and losing weight consistently, it's really fked
        will definitely be going with that breakfast suggestion though sounds very yummy and filling, thanks anon

  69. 1 year ago

    I have a blood enzyme that helps babies; I give blood every 12 weeks. Is this affecting my gains? I eat 800 calories after donation to make up for the blood loss.

    • 1 year ago

      i don't have an answer for you but i just wanted to tell you that you are very, very based, godspeed anon

    • 1 year ago

      Every 12 months? Probably, but also probably not to any meaningful extent in the grand scheme of things.
      And in any case, you're giving the gift of gains to others. And that is one of the noblest things one can do. Forget your muscles, you've got more gains than most of us will ever have.

  70. 1 year ago

    Last year I finally hit 1/2/3/4 for 5 reps. Should I switch to 3x10? My friend claims it’ll give me more aesthetic muscles

  71. 1 year ago

    is it worth impregnating a Black person woman to have heightmaxxed and bonedensitymaxxed Black personling spawn to my last name?

    • 1 year ago

      Bone density thing I get but where did you get heightmaxxed from

  72. 1 year ago

    Where can i find a repository of studies related to fasting? A few fasting subreddit had them but they've been scrapped.

  73. 1 year ago

    If I spend 15 min on the stairmaster, medium intensity (85-100 SPM) it will say i've burned 600 cal. which would be 2400 cal/h.This can't be right? How much should i estimate that I've actually burned?

  74. 1 year ago

    From a fitness perspective what lube is the best value to price? I asked LGBT but those gays are moronic.

    • 1 year ago

      I like the cum lube but silicone based might do you well in the long run

  75. 1 year ago

    I need some help deciding if now is the time to cut. Picrel is my current physique. 186cm, 85kg. I have been lifting for a year (6x a week) and am plateauing hard (for 1.5 month I’ve been doing the same weights). I want to cut because I feel uncomfortable at 85kg with my leg, face and belly fat. I was thinking of cutting down to 80 over 10 weeks (0.5kg/week) at 2400 calories. Just want a third person perspective for IST if this is a good idea and a general judgement/ rate on my physique. Cheers

    • 1 year ago

      You don't really have enough muscle to justify cutting imo. you'd just look skinny. Then you'd want to bulk again, so it would just be a waste of time.

      • 1 year ago

        What do you suggest I do instead? Lean bulk? Maintain? I feel fat af

      • 1 year ago


        you need to bulk first, you would look tiny after a cut. you look like you did a cut 2 years ago and have been at maintenance ever since

        be very honest with yourself and analyse your
        >stress levels in life
        >eating habits
        >cardio levels
        >screen use
        >pre-bed routine / timing
        If any of these areas isn't up to scratch, correct it

        Stretch, reduce squat load and focus on form, film and see if you're off balance, work on isolation exercises. Maybe see a sports physio.

        Google "0to1650"

        See a doctor.

        Calorie dense foods are typically cheaper per cal than cutting foods. People usually find the opposite problem to you unless they're trying to to it super-clean - which is honestly only viable for those with decent money.

        Cursed physique poster from


        I need some help deciding if now is the time to cut. Picrel is my current physique. 186cm, 85kg. I have been lifting for a year (6x a week) and am plateauing hard (for 1.5 month I’ve been doing the same weights). I want to cut because I feel uncomfortable at 85kg with my leg, face and belly fat. I was thinking of cutting down to 80 over 10 weeks (0.5kg/week) at 2400 calories. Just want a third person perspective for IST if this is a good idea and a general judgement/ rate on my physique. Cheers


        What I’ve gotten from this is that my physique is pretty shit and I need to lean gain even more weight even though I dislike my current weight. I really feel like I’ve been putting in a lot of effort and have just misplayed my hand as I’ve only started calorie counting recently (Couple weeks). I know, dumb of me. I’ll look into changing my program to a 4 day intermediate program and lean bulking till like 90kg or whatever. Then from there I’ll definitely cut. Being dumb fricking sucks. Do I even look like I lift at all? lmao.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm one of the replies you're responding to (

          you need to bulk first, you would look tiny after a cut. you look like you did a cut 2 years ago and have been at maintenance ever since

          be very honest with yourself and analyse your
          >stress levels in life
          >eating habits
          >cardio levels
          >screen use
          >pre-bed routine / timing
          If any of these areas isn't up to scratch, correct it

          Stretch, reduce squat load and focus on form, film and see if you're off balance, work on isolation exercises. Maybe see a sports physio.

          Google "0to1650"

          See a doctor.

          Calorie dense foods are typically cheaper per cal than cutting foods. People usually find the opposite problem to you unless they're trying to to it super-clean - which is honestly only viable for those with decent money.


          Don't get us wrong - you don't look bad! Sounds like you have some dysmorphia based on your comments (talking about feeling fat, feeling that you look like you don't lift, etc). You look like you lift and pretty lean.

          It's just that your question is about cutting, which isn't where you're at.

          You're fine maintaining where you're at, but IF you want to change then 6 months bulking (while upping training intensity, not necessarily upping number of sessions) followed by 6 months cutting (maintaining your bulking training intensity) would be the way for a recomp.

          • 1 year ago

            Cheers for so much help. I definitely want to recomp so will follow through on this advice.

    • 1 year ago

      Need more advice on what to do with my physique. I feel fat and small and weak but am always willing to improve.

    • 1 year ago

      you need to bulk first, you would look tiny after a cut. you look like you did a cut 2 years ago and have been at maintenance ever since

      sleep health

      >sleep paralysis demon regularly ruins my sleep
      >try to fight it but feel paralzyed
      >not actually paralyzed
      >people have told me I get up screaming/punching the air and run around the room
      >scared to sleep
      >get a HEPA air filter for white noise
      >seems to work; got a good rest
      >next night have a dream I locked some evil ass entity in a room deep underground with a door that had a window
      >see electrical charges from inside the room creating St Elmos fire on the window
      >my bedroom ceiling fan lights turn on
      >wake up immediately
      >stare at it for a minute
      >lights turn themselves back off
      >check my security camera feed
      >it cut out
      >next morning go to turn the light back on and it doesn't work until I flip the switch once to "reset" it and then back to on

      I have never in my life been religious but this shit is starting to get too creepy. How the FRICK am I supposed to sleep without fear

      be very honest with yourself and analyse your
      >stress levels in life
      >eating habits
      >cardio levels
      >screen use
      >pre-bed routine / timing
      If any of these areas isn't up to scratch, correct it

      im getting pain on my right calf from squatting a lot, what do

      Stretch, reduce squat load and focus on form, film and see if you're off balance, work on isolation exercises. Maybe see a sports physio.

      Is there a swimming equivalent to a c25k?

      I hate running and I love swimming but I also want to improve my cardio.

      Google "0to1650"

      I took a muscle relaxant norflex 100mg and now a week later my butthole won't close and i'm leaking gas constantly. Kegels made it worse. What do?

      See a doctor.

      how the frick do you people afford to eat 2800+ calories a day

      Calorie dense foods are typically cheaper per cal than cutting foods. People usually find the opposite problem to you unless they're trying to to it super-clean - which is honestly only viable for those with decent money.

  76. 1 year ago

    sleep health

    >sleep paralysis demon regularly ruins my sleep
    >try to fight it but feel paralzyed
    >not actually paralyzed
    >people have told me I get up screaming/punching the air and run around the room
    >scared to sleep
    >get a HEPA air filter for white noise
    >seems to work; got a good rest
    >next night have a dream I locked some evil ass entity in a room deep underground with a door that had a window
    >see electrical charges from inside the room creating St Elmos fire on the window
    >my bedroom ceiling fan lights turn on
    >wake up immediately
    >stare at it for a minute
    >lights turn themselves back off
    >check my security camera feed
    >it cut out
    >next morning go to turn the light back on and it doesn't work until I flip the switch once to "reset" it and then back to on

    I have never in my life been religious but this shit is starting to get too creepy. How the FRICK am I supposed to sleep without fear

    • 1 year ago

      Try with all of your might to flip your sleep paralysis demons the middle finger. Sleep paralysis is often a very state of mind thing, and the best thing you can do is make the whole situation comical. So flip em the bird, frick em, try to tell em "go frick your sister, or I'll frick her first".
      If you can get over the fear and just make it fun, you can have some real fricking *fun* with sleep paralysis. I'm talking wet dreams on command, brother.

      • 1 year ago

        Wow, I thought I was fricked up but you're into some weird shit man.

        • 1 year ago

          I mean I don't do it on purpose, but if sleep paralysis is coming up (and you can always tell) it's really a matter of making the best of it.
          It's cringy, but a really fricking great moment for me was when it was coming up and I just started listening to space oddity in my mind, and it was a minute of some psychadelic drug kicking in just the right way. I've only ever done that kinda shit once, and honestly it doesn't even compare to that moment.

  77. 1 year ago

    I only have access to dumbbells for my home gym currently and am trying to find a beginner friendly dumbbell only program. Would this one be serviceable? https://www.livestrong.com/article/13723865-full-body-dumbbell-workout-beginners/
    I'm a fatty just looking to lose some weight and maybe cultivate/save muscle for when I'm cut. I don't have a lot of lifting knowledge beyond machines and doing bench press/squat on racks, but this program looks doable for me. Planning on doing this 3 days a week and cardio for another 2, mixing in 2 rest days between. Ideally I'd like to get racks and stuff, but I'm a poor student atm.

  78. 1 year ago

    im getting pain on my right calf from squatting a lot, what do

  79. 1 year ago

    Trying to figure out if I need all these for back day, or maybe only 3/5?
    -Seated cable row
    -Bent over row
    -Lat pull down
    -Pull ups
    -Cable back fly

    I feel like the motions and activations in lat pull down and pull ups are similar, but pull ups work stabilizers so I could just do those instead of lat pull downs? Also I’m thinking about just sticking to one row. Please help.

    • 1 year ago

      Keep the lat pulldown if you're getting less than 5 pullups per set. Both rows are good to keep because the upper back is really endurant but I'd change the variation to the dumbbell row to bias different muscles in the upper back. I'd change out the back flies for something more targeted for the rear delts though. I'd structure a back day like this
      Bent Over Row 4x8-12
      Pullups 4xNear Failure
      One Arm Dumbbell Row 3x10-12
      Underhand Lat Pulldown 3x12-15
      Reverse Pec Dec OR Skiers 3x15-20 (push way beyond failure)

      If my main focus is to get big without being to fat and getting man breasts when should I cut? And what body fat percentage should I be at the end of my cut, 15%?

      I don’t really care about abs or anything but don’t want to turn into fat ass.

      Upper limit to stop a bulk for most people is the high teens/low 20% range. It's when your abs disappear and muscle separation isn't there much anymore but you're not overweight. 15% is damn lean and a good place to maintain bur unless you're aushwitzmode skinny its probably not where you want to stop. Check the picrel here for reference for what that looks like



      is this anygood or crap? its "belveder cod liver". it has a bunch of fat but no protein or carbs lol

      Way better source of omega 3s than the bullshit fish oil pills and is a full of vitamins. Idk why they'd stop listing the nutrition content with just the 4 required ones though. The vitamin a and all the b vitamins it has as liver far outshines those and should have been on the packaging


      Need more advice on what to do with my physique. I feel fat and small and weak but am always willing to improve.

      Me again. Triceps, front delt, traps, and chest are weak points. Do more bench, incline bench, and OHP. Legs, serratus (rib muscles), and side delts are strong points and can go on maintenance to make room for more pressing and isolation for the muscles that need it. Rear delts and abs could also use some work but they're not that bad. Definitely prioritize pressing muscles above all else

  80. 1 year ago

    If my main focus is to get big without being to fat and getting man breasts when should I cut? And what body fat percentage should I be at the end of my cut, 15%?

    I don’t really care about abs or anything but don’t want to turn into fat ass.

  81. 1 year ago

    is this anygood or crap? its "belveder cod liver". it has a bunch of fat but no protein or carbs lol

  82. 1 year ago

    Is there a swimming equivalent to a c25k?

    I hate running and I love swimming but I also want to improve my cardio.

  83. 1 year ago

    I took a muscle relaxant norflex 100mg and now a week later my butthole won't close and i'm leaking gas constantly. Kegels made it worse. What do?

    • 1 year ago

      Doctor time

      how the frick do you people afford to eat 2800+ calories a day

      Olive oil, milk, and potatoes are dirt cheap. Add in some meat, rice, and eggs and you can bulk up pretty easily. Add more vegetables than potatoes so you can get more nutrients though

  84. 1 year ago

    After an injury at work that gave me a slightly herniated disc I've been doing physical therapy to help with the sciatic pain, but the doctor told me not to do exercises that have a lot of movement with the back, basically bent over rows and deadlifts I have to avoid
    Are there any good exercises that work the same muscles? I was just doing the basic 5x5 type exercises and I want to continue working all the same muscle groups, but while bending over too much , is it even possible with that limitation?

    • 1 year ago

      Look up Stuart McGill’s big three back exercises AND Bill Starr’s back rehab program. The first is static the second is movement. Both will help. I did the first in the morning and the second in the afternoon.

      • 1 year ago

        Exactly the kind of stuff i was looking for!
        Thanks anon

  85. 1 year ago

    I looked into starting strength, but which press exactly is "Press"?

    • 1 year ago

      Overhead press

      • 1 year ago

        Thank you very much

    • 1 year ago

      OHP/Overhead Press

      • 1 year ago

        Thank you very much too

  86. 1 year ago

    how the frick do you people afford to eat 2800+ calories a day

  87. 1 year ago

    Is this possible?
    Can I ascend?

    • 1 year ago

      Possible, just difficult. Get started immediately

      What do you do with your shoulder blades when performing a dip?

      Always pack your shoulders down and back

      • 1 year ago

        Even at the top of the dip? That doesn't seem right.

    • 1 year ago

      do you already lift/bodybuild? are are you new and this is your dream physique?

  88. 1 year ago

    What do you do with your shoulder blades when performing a dip?

  89. 1 year ago

    Anyone have good recommendations for dealing with a chronic should/rotator cuff? It's at the point where it flares up even benching 1 plate.

    Apart from seeing a physio / doing band work (the former I can't afford, the latter I am doing)

  90. 1 year ago

    What does "onions" mean

    • 1 year ago

      this board has an autofilter for "s o y" which replaces that word with onions, because it kept getting spammed as a phrase

  91. 1 year ago

    Just wanted to thank the anon that suggested light cardio against doms. Worked light a charm. 15 minutes mid-resistance on the excercise bike and feeling way better.

  92. 1 year ago

    does it even make sense for me to go to the gym if i know im in a caloric deficit and i want to gain muscle? (im not fat)

    • 1 year ago

      read the sticky newbie

  93. 1 year ago

    I have
    >a bag of sand in a hiking bag
    >literally nothing else
    best exercise (or combination of exercises) available with my limited equipment to increase my capability to hip thrust?
    if there's an affordable piece of equipment, willing to buy

  94. 1 year ago

    How do i get proper skin care? i have pimples since i was 15 and my skin looks malnourished, i figured part of it was because i dont shave correctly, but i want to know what else i need to do.

    • 1 year ago

      about the shaving bit you might want to try a different method of shaving like a straight razor or a safety razor
      shaving with a straight razor worked in making my facial skin a lot better
      I don't even do any of the fancy shaving soap or aftershave shit I see marketed everywhere, I just use basic shaving foam
      I know someone who found safety razors to be better for their face (also no fancy shit)
      both are almost as fast to shave with as modern multiblades once you get used to them

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, since i took notice of things you shouldnt do while shaving i came across many mentions of safety razors, so im going to get myself one, do you know how expensive they can get? Also im thinking of getting a cream or someshit for skin hydratation but i know many products are bullshit.

        • 1 year ago

          they really shouldn't be expensive at all, I think my friend paid ~30e for a good fully metallic handle
          I think even very good blades for them are <1e
          straight razors are more expensive, I paid ~150e for a good blade+strop

  95. 1 year ago

    As a complete beginner how much does caloric surplus/deficit effect your gains/prevent muscle loss for the first 1-2 years of weightlifting?
    If we assume
    >500kcal daily deficit with subpar protein intake, less than 0.7 grams per bodyweight in lbs
    >300kcal daily deficit with minimum protein intake 0.7-1 grams per bodyweight in lbs
    >maintenance with minimum protein intake 0.7-1 grams per bodyweight in lbs
    >300-500kcal surplus with plenty of extra protein intake 1.5+ grams per bodyweight in lbs
    Basically I was a DYEL fat frick that looked skinnyfat but I'm actually skinnyfat now after losing some weight, should I start seriously training in lifting now or wait a month or two to get actually skinny so I can bulk or leangain/maingain whatever the frick it's called.

  96. 1 year ago

    What will happen if I try doing bench presses in a bench without these side bar holding things?

    • 1 year ago

      If you fail your rep you have no place to set the bar down other than your chest. Not that much of a problem if you have a spotter.

  97. 1 year ago

    How do I do legs at home? Pistol squats, elastic bands squats and what else?

  98. 1 year ago

    What is the absolute minimum number of days should you wait per muscle group as a newbie?
    I think I'm ready to go from 2 times a week to 3 times a week if I slow down on progressive overload and get totally fricked in every single fibre of a tissue for half a week straight.
    When I try to increase the sets or the weight too much too aggressively I get sore for 3-4 days but maybe I should just increase the number of days first?

  99. 1 year ago


    >Also h+w
    176 cm, 72 kg
    5'10", 160 lbs

  100. 1 year ago

    what do you like to eat on cheat meals/days?

  101. 1 year ago

    my shin hurts when i lockout my knee. Help

  102. 1 year ago

    Please explain to me how the frick recovery works.
    I want to keep going to the gym almost every day and lifting weights, I want to get stronger, but apparently if I do what I do I'm just shooting myself in the foot.
    Let's say I go to the gym one day, get a good upper day in, have a protein shake, then sleep. What do I do until I can go do that again?

    • 1 year ago

      >how the frick recovery works
      Working does some damage to muscles. They need some time ro recover, growing stronger in the process.
      Loft every other day.

  103. 1 year ago

    how about we update the sticky?

  104. 1 year ago

    Will getting my wisdom teeth removed change my face at all? I heard someone say that getting your wisdom teeth removed can give you a leaner/hollower face, is that true?

    • 1 year ago

      seems like bs imo. You could lose jaw width if anything. Hollow cheeks are largely about cheekbone placement and fat %.

  105. 1 year ago

    Can I have a compound+biceps exercise set followed by a compound(different stuff)+triceps exercise set the next day? I feel like google and normie guides are scaring and bullshitting me by saying I can lose my muscle if I train too much or get no progress. They also claim doing more than 90 minutes of training is bad too while my current plans take about two hours.

    • 1 year ago

      if you do compounds that don't involve biceps the following day sure. Otherwise, you will lose a lot of your strength. As far as training duration 45-60 minutes of intense training is optimal and if you're training properly you shouldn't have much left after that. I do subscribe to the high-intensity Dorian Yates-type training though as I believe it works best for natty. Avoid junk volume though.

      • 1 year ago

        I see, yeah, that's probably doable then, thanks. I am a bit uncertain about how much time exactly I spend, so what would you say is the optimal amount of exercises? (Most of the ones I do are 3 sets x -something depending on the exercise)

  106. 1 year ago

    Is whey protein the best way to hit 300 g of protein a day?

    • 1 year ago

      No, chicken/turkey breast is the most protein rich thing you can get pound for pound. I guarantee that you don't need 300g of protein if you are asking this kind of question.

  107. 1 year ago

    Does anyone have that pic of Shinji from NGE deadlifting? I need it.

  108. 1 year ago

    Are you supposed to get soreness inbetween the horseshoe in the arm? First time doing overhead tricep extensions and after 3 days I'm still sore in that area between the horseshoue. Usually I stick to tricep pushdowns and skull crushers so it's not like I don't train anything that islolates the tri's.

  109. 1 year ago

    What do you guys do when you need to fart in public? Just hold it in or do you fart when nobody is around/hope it's a silent one?

  110. 1 year ago

    What weight would be the female equivalent of lmao2pl8?

  111. 1 year ago


    >128g per day is the goal
    I can get this from regular food, no?
    Or do I need protein shake?

  112. 1 year ago

    How much sodium is too much if no other health issues? Also, feel like it may have a negative effect on my look, bloated and washed out. I permanently lost a majority my sense of taste a couple of years ago but salt increases enjoyment of meals somewhat. I end up consuming upwards of 8-10 grams of added iodized sea salt and half a bottle of hot sauce in a day. Blood pressure is no issue, I actually normally run low blood pressure

  113. 1 year ago


    thanks for the advice, frend, then I'll start doing 3x10 for my compounds. I already did 5x10-12 for my isolations

  114. 1 year ago

    Redpill me on walking with a weight vest- how does it compare to jogging for liss cardio in terms of calories burned, heart gains, etc?

    • 1 year ago

      I just use back bag with my old heavy 15" laptop

    • 1 year ago

      It burns twice the calories of walking, but jogging burns 3 times the calories. It's also harder on the knees

      Am I good if I have to squat unnecessarily low to get enough bend in my back to do rows? Feel like I really have to get down there because I have shit flexibility

      You should work on hamstring flexibility. You said yourself in the question that you're squatting unnecessarily low compared to what you should need

      • 1 year ago

        Well I am working on it but I really can't keep letting my garbage flexibility stop me from working out. It's what has always killed my other gym runs.

        • 1 year ago

          Why not do cable rows and chest supported rows until your hamstrings are flexible enough to do the bent over row properly?

  115. 1 year ago

    When cycling on my old 15kg/33lbs mountain bike I usually maintain a 25kmh/15.5mph speed at around 75-80% of my full force.
    How can this translate to a road bicycle? Is there any point of getting a road bicycle beside just going faster? My mountain bike is overloaded for more leg gains.

  116. 1 year ago

    Am I good if I have to squat unnecessarily low to get enough bend in my back to do rows? Feel like I really have to get down there because I have shit flexibility

  117. 1 year ago

    How often should I be increasing my dumbbell weights and how much? As of now I'm just eyeballing it and feeling what is too much heavy and what is too light. Only been going to the gym for 1 week and I can only lift comfortably 5-6kg, I tried to jump to 8-9kg the other day and it was too heavy.

    • 1 year ago

      Try the classic progressive overload. Do, for examle, 3 sets of 8 reps of 5 kg for a week assuming you do that in 2-3 workouts. Next week, after hopefully eating some good amounts of protein, go for 3x10 and, you guessed it, 3x12 after that. Or, alternatively, just increase the weight on the next week. I am not sure what would work best, personally I try to hit a good amount of reps (5 for compound stuff like bench press, 8 for isolation like dumbbell curls) before attempting to increase weight. If that doesn't work out (heh), then I aim for more sets and or reps and try again later.

  118. 1 year ago

    Is it okay to mix ground lamb with beef liver? For some reason it feels wrong to mix animals up like that.

  119. 1 year ago

    I think i have a pinched nerve or some sort of problem in my upper back that is causing my rhomboids to have constant intense soreness and occasionally pain, because i can make it go away on demand by raising my arm above my head.
    Is this something i can fix myself with the right stretches and exercises, or should i fork over the cash for a physical therapist?

    • 1 year ago

      Upper back is gonna be tricky, but you try lacrosse balls to massage it out and maybe get gravity to help by hanging face down off a bench or a bed. Might need PT though, I had a pinched nerved on my shoulder something awful and they used an electric pulse machine from hentais to pop it free. It feels really good, kind of makes me want to buy one to help me to jack off.

  120. 1 year ago

    i usually do inc benching at an 21° angle which is rather low, should i switch up the angle with say 21° and 42° (my bench settings) occasionally or does it not matter as much?

  121. 1 year ago

    skinny with belly fat here
    I'd like to get visible abs by next summer
    last year I tried bulking and while getting nice chest and shoulders after gaining 8kg, belly was equally fat
    I lost all those 8kg now
    should I do cardio besides lifting? or should I eat less? I can't cut anymore since I'm already at 18.5 BMI
    is recomp the only answer even if it will take much longer?

    • 1 year ago

      I think the belly isn't so bad. Its just that the rest of you is so fricking thin by comparison. Why not beef up a bit more? I'm not advising you to dirty bulk into obesity, maybe just leanbulk for a year until you have more lean mass to complement your frame.

      • 1 year ago

        >Why not beef up a bit more?
        I hope to gain 8-10kg by next summer, but I know I can't go any further than that
        call me a pussy or whatever but I simply can't fricking eat more without puking
        thanks for the advice, guess next summer was too much to ask for

        That’s not belly fat, that’s just your body without muscle.

        Try to lift weights for a change.

        >That’s not belly fat, that’s just your body without muscle.
        maybe I was angle frauding unconsciously, but there's definitely fat there
        >Try to lift weights for a change.
        started recently, will keep going

        • 1 year ago

          Don’t bulk, just lift weights and build some newbie gains. Youll notice your body adapting and you won’t see the belly anymore. Give it 6 months.

    • 1 year ago

      That’s not belly fat, that’s just your body without muscle.

      Try to lift weights for a change.

    • 1 year ago

      You don't have that much fat left based skelly poster (although technically the answer is still yes your abs are being hidden by what little fat you have left). You a) dont have great ab genetics sorry and b) therefore need to make your abs bigger. Body weight resistance training (v sits, leg raises, crunches) will get you a bit further and better development but don't fall into the trap of thinking your abs are different from other muscles. Do a bulk with some specialisation ab work thrown in moving to weighted crunches and that sort of thing when the body weight stuff gets too easy and you should see some fairly rapid improvement. Don't half ass it and you could be prime otter mode in no time.

      • 1 year ago

        Don’t bulk, just lift weights and build some newbie gains. Youll notice your body adapting and you won’t see the belly anymore. Give it 6 months.

        thank you based anons
        have a coffee pic

  122. 1 year ago

    I've been lifting 3 months now on a linear progression program (Ivysaur 448). Every workout is starting to feel more draining and I'm stalling a bit - still adding weight to the bar but at a much slower rate, probably fail and deload once for every time I'm successfully going up 2.5kg.

    Should I slog it out with full body workouts and keep going until I stall properly, or switch to LUxLUxx slightly earlier than I had intended (I was planning to after hitting 1/2/3/4)?

    My weight has stayed pretty constant so the answer could be to up the calories but I'm quite happy with the recomp-like results that I'm achieving. My overall goal is to become more athletic (and a six pack for summer would be nice), the strength standard is just a sub-goal along that path.

    Stats (4RM) are:
    89kg @ 5'11"
    OHP - 55kg
    Bench - 95kg
    Squat - 120kg
    Deadlift - 150kg

    • 1 year ago

      OK so you realize that most people say 1/2/3/4 is for your 1RM right? I would strongly suggest that you can probably 1RM 1/2/3/4 right now if these stats are correct.

      Having said that if you don't care about developing strength then why are you training like a strength athlete? 1RM is almost irrelevant to the goal of being more athletic and is actively working against the idea of getting a six pack. If you want more muscle you want to focus on approaches to failure. That means more sets, going to the gym more often (which LU will do but in reality you want to be going as often as you can recover from, 6 day PPL would probably do you one better).

      Getting a six pack is all about cutting. If you aren't like skelly boi above then you need to cut down (which you aren't with these figures). If you cut down with the lifts you're describing you would in all likelihood have decent abs at maybe 70-75kg, give or take. That's nearly 20kg, if you don't want to lose all your muscle and do it the right slow way (and avoid becoming skinny fat) thats more like a years work so kiss this summer goodbye (sorry).

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks for the response.

        I've seen some discussion over 1/2/3/4 being for 1 or 5 reps. I suppose it's just a made up internet standard so can be either, but you're correct it does seem to be for 1 rep more often than not. I was personally aiming for 5+ reps of each, I forgot that in my post.

        The logic behind training for 1/2/3/4 was to have a good base of strength to then train more athletically (moving the same weight either faster or for more reps + introducing plyometrics and olympic lifts) in the second stage of LUxLUxx programming. Maybe this is flawed logic but that was the plan?

        Also when I say "being more athletic" I include maximal strength in there. For example I thought it would be fun to get my lifts to a decent standard (1/2/3/4 for example) then aim to maintain them whilst pursuing another goal (a half marathon for example). I just want to be well rounded in my fitness.

        I don't think I can fit PPL into my schedule due to work commitments. LUxLUxx is a bit of a compromise.

        I'm not sure you're right about me needing to cut down to 70-75kg. I have some abs now (somewhere between a 2 and 4 pack?!). I'm confident I'll have a six pack in summer by just upping the cardio in spring (once the weather is nice enough to run outside every day)

        • 1 year ago

          You know your body better than me- if you reckon its not that far then good luck to you, but I will say you are either further from a well developed six pack at that weight OR you are under performing your lifts at that weight (so actually maybe you might need MORE of a strength training focus, contrary to what I say above), hard to say online.

          The rest of it sounds fine - I took more athletic to mean "look more jacked", if you are just having fun in the gym and not focused on a real goal (no offence! there's no need to have a set "I will look a certain way" or "lift x weight in y competition") then there's no real wrong way to go about it - set your fitness goals yourself and work towards them!


          Is 155lbs leg extension good for untrained?

          Are you a man? Young, old? Injured? way too little to say for certain. Also who cares about leg extensions?

          Should a person be able to upright row as much as they bench


          Should you go "all the way down" on dips?

          Does it hurt your shoulder joints to do so? Then no. If you can, deeper and fuller ROM is usually good, but again look after your shoulder joints, they're pretty fragile.

  123. 1 year ago

    i ve been cycling for a few years, for the last year i cycled 32 km (20 miles) 5 day per week (going and coming back to work).

    i plan to start boxing, but i'm afraid my legs wont hold the added effdort, some day they feel already quite tired (i also spend 9 hours standing up at my job)

    do you guys have any tips for me to optimize my rest/recoveries ?

    my nutrition is half decent and half total shit (lunch is vegetables/meat/a bit of fruit and dinner is often a shitty fast food burger/fries) i think i need to work on that, but if you have any guidelines i would be happy to read them


  124. 1 year ago

    I got a couple 15lb kettlebells for free from a coworker who is moving. Never used them before. What are a couple good exercises to start with? I will probably just take what is recommended and imitate the israelitetubers

  125. 1 year ago

    Is 155lbs leg extension good for untrained?

    • 1 year ago

      > Is 155lbs leg extension good for untrained?
      Yes. You're definitely in the top 10% for untrained, but make sure you're using proper form - bring it all the way down, all the way back up, and squeeze and hold for a moment before lowering.

      A lot of the times when starting out you might do heavy weights, and then a month or two in dial it back to nail down your form.

  126. 1 year ago

    Should a person be able to upright row as much as they bench

  127. 1 year ago

    Should you go "all the way down" on dips?

    • 1 year ago

      are dips your mom?

  128. 1 year ago

    5.8ft 214lbs dieting fattie here, is it normal for me to be unable to do pullups? I can do bodyweight dips well enough with reps progressively rising on weekly basis (3x12 last push day), so I dont think core strength is problem. Is my back just too weak (3x12 on both Seated Row and Wide Grip Lat Pulldown on Pull day), or do I just need to keep cutting until I can make it?

  129. 1 year ago

    Underhand BB rows with lower weight yes or no
    After normal BB rows

  130. 1 year ago

    >I'm doing some weighted jabs (holding a 4lb dumbbell)
    How fricked am I in the long run?

  131. 1 year ago

    any 5"8 skinnyfats itt?
    how do i escape it

  132. 1 year ago

    what's the easiest cleanest and cheapest way to add 200 calories to my diet

    • 1 year ago

      1.3 cups of whole milk or a few tablespoons of peanut butter come to mind

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      1) Whey protein (mix with water and drink, dont overcomplicate it)
      2) Can of Tuna
      3) Yoghurt

  133. 1 year ago

    Does sniffing your gf’s ass boost your workouts or is it just broscience?

  134. 1 year ago

    Is 250 calories above maintence enough to do a lean bulk?

    • 1 year ago

      It's on the lower end but still valid. Keep track of how much weight you're gaining and actually progress your lifts. If you're stalling and you're not really gaining much weight then try and push it to 400

      • 1 year ago

        nta but
        what if youre stalling and your weight is going up

        • 1 year ago

          Depends what you mean. If you've been training a while you can't just progress every session and that's where you'll need advanced programs that bring in stuff like periodisation.
          If you're still relatively new to lifting and this is happening just make sure you're doing your deloads properly and you'll clear the stall eventually (and if done properly build muscle during the deload period)

          • 1 year ago

            how do you deload as a beginner say lifting for about a year

            • 1 year ago

              Easiest way is drop the weight by about 10% and just run it back up the standard progression. Additionally it can help to increase the reps as well or change the last set to AMRAP.
              If you stall out again a good tip is to do a larger deload (say 30%) and swap that exercise for a different but similar one. For example swapping regular bench press for incline bench or even to dumbbell bench. This has the effect of still targeting the same muscle group but a slightly new approach which is both rewarding from a variety standpoint but also seems to train the muscles better than constant 10% deloads on the same movement.

              • 1 year ago

                sounds good! thank you anon

  135. 1 year ago

    Does the constant small body aches and feeling drained go away?

    > Been lifting for 18 months
    > Mainly to improve stress tolerance and feel better in my body.
    > Around 3 times per week + 30 min cycling daily + weekly 4 hours skiing/cycling session depending on seasons.
    > Made decent progress (1/2/3/5)
    > 190cm, 122kg, 35yo.

    While it has done wonders for general stress tolerance and I like how I look now I am constantly feeling a worn down, which would make sense since I usually have at least one hard workout in the last 48 hours. I am sleeping well and been weight stable for the last 18 months so eating more or less maintenance. In the beginning I assumed my body would adapt to the load but since you have to increase it to keep making progress I am never actually feeling like I'm not wearing myself out constantly.

  136. 1 year ago

    is bulking a meme? I have gotten a little stronger, and a little more mass, but im also getting some stomach fat.

    I started my bulk jan. 2022 and went from 160 to my current weight at 182. and im 5'11 btw. its been rough cause im not used to eating so much food so its been quite difficult to actually gain any weight but despite that, I still have gained stomach fat. so in saying that, is bulking, and even "lean bulking" a meme? should I just go ahead and cut, so I am actually lean and look good? I can bench 2 plates, ohp 145, squat 245, and I dont deadlift. i want to cut, but at the same time I feel like I still haven't gained that much ass, I still feel like a skinny shit. im starting to think I could have low testosterone or something, or maybe ive been israeliteed into believing through IST and "influencers" trying to sell me shit.

    idk, guys. I just feel like im barely making progress despite my hard efforts. I really feel like I train close to failure on every set, and make sure I eat high protein, and I take a d3 supplement on the side. ik its a slow process, but is building muscle this hard?? also before bulking I had been lifting around 6 or so months before just doing whatever, being moronic.

    • 1 year ago

      Takes time

  137. 1 year ago

    Anyone have a shaker bottle brand or type they want to shill, or are they all just the same shit?

    • 1 year ago

      All the same, just make sure you get one with the mixing ball like in the image.

    • 1 year ago

      They all come from the same factory. As long as you have the mixer ball you're good

      alright. got major FOMO due to being a homegym gay without having access to all these great machines for all kind of isolation work, especially for legs

      You can get similar results to leg extensions with Sissy Squats and way better results for hamstrings with Nordic curls compared to leg curls. Those machines are honestly overrated


      Yes or no

      Decent intermediate program. Critiques:
      >The reps for deadlift are way too high
      >Good mornings should be sooner in the day
      >Calf raises shouldn't be done that early in the day
      >No need to have wide grip bench
      >Front raise not necessary with OHP in the program
      >Rep ranges need more variety

  138. 1 year ago

    can you get a decent looking physique with just barbell, dumbbells, pullup bar, dip station, half rack? given the right programming, nutrition, recovery etc

    • 1 year ago

      That's pretty much everything anyone would ever need (plus weight plates of course) so yes.

    • 1 year ago

      for sure. that's all I have too, minus the dip station. you have everything you need, anon. now train, and train hard.

      • 1 year ago

        That's pretty much everything anyone would ever need (plus weight plates of course) so yes.

        alright. got major FOMO due to being a homegym gay without having access to all these great machines for all kind of isolation work, especially for legs

        • 1 year ago

          Machines are handy and I do miss some of the cable stuff but going home gym was the best thing I ever did.

        • 1 year ago

          same here only got a barbell and squat rack

    • 1 year ago

      >can you get a decent looking physique with everything you need
      gee I dont know, stupid fricking homosexual

  139. 1 year ago

    Yes or no

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