Can't you homosexuals do anything right? Guess I gotta make this shit myself

>Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>Keep it fitness related
>leave relationship/social shit out of here
>Steroids/Sarms/PED talk goes to /fraud/
>none of us our doctors so don't ask for medical advice

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  1. 1 year ago

    dumbbell curls or ez bar curls?

    • 1 year ago

      I've found that dumbbells are easier on my elbows but EZ-Bar is better for moving more weight. I vote dumbbells

    • 1 year ago

      Ez bar is more comfortable than dumbbells, but hammer curls feel the best imo

  2. 1 year ago

    How much volume is needed for reverse EZ bar curls?
    I did 4x10 regular ez bar curls, lowered the weight by 5 kilos then went for 4x10 reverse ez bar curls for forearms.
    Reverse curls are a b***h but the forearm pump was unreal. Never did them before, so my form was was absolutely wack.

    • 1 year ago

      I'd probably limit reverse curls to 10-12 reps max per set, while regular curls can go up to 15.

      • 1 year ago

        >while regular curls can go up to 15.
        why so many? are 10 not enough?

        • 1 year ago

          Biceps can just take it, simple as that. Commonly used muscles like biceps and triceps can just take more abuse, so you ought to max out what you do with it.

          • 1 year ago

            >Biceps can just take it, simple as that.
            I train biceps on 3 separate days in the week, and two of those days include pull-ups. Is this not enough volume for biceps?

            10 reps is fine for your biceps buddy.

            I've read that anywhere from 8-12 is optimal for isolations but I just like the mindlessness of counting to 10

            • 1 year ago
              Dr. Chad

              Ya, 8 - 10 - 12 are all good.

              I'll answer your question to the other guy too. Your biceps are definitely getting enough volume if you're hitting them 3 times per week, especially if you're using them as secondary muscles in other exercises. Obviously the quality and number of sets matters too, but if you're pushing yourself I highly doubt you're under-training them.

        • 1 year ago
          Dr. Chad

          10 reps is fine for your biceps buddy.

    • 1 year ago

      what a waste of energy

      • 1 year ago

        how come? Is there a more efficient way to grow forearms?

  3. 1 year ago

    Knees crack at the quadricep, what do for remedy?

    • 1 year ago

      Unironically stretch and save your compounds for last. I had tendonitis in my quad/knee joints from squatting and all I had to do was stretch a bit better (DYNAMIC stretching), do my concentrated exercises like curls and extensions first, and do my squat reps slowly.

  4. 1 year ago

    Anyone know of anything decent to take to help with sleep anxiety? My job requires me to be on call overnight 4 times a month and even though nothing happens most nights I have trouble falling asleep because of the anxiety feeling like I'm about to be paged at any moment. Melatonin seem to do anything once I get that lump in my chest feeling.

    • 1 year ago

      Melatonin doesn't seem to do anything*

    • 1 year ago

      Melatonin kinda doesn't do anything anyways. tbh that just sounds like a fricking awful situation and I pity you. Is it a doc job?

      • 1 year ago

        It's really not too bad. It's an IT job and when I get paged I just have to hop onto my computer for maybe an hour or two. The fear of being paged fricks up my sleep more than actually being paged does. That's why I just need something that will calm the nerves/knock me out. Booze would work but that kills gains.

  5. 1 year ago

    my traps are severely under developed. i want to train them 2-3x per week but i don’t know if i should focus on hupertrophy(upright rows) or strength(overloaded trap bar and barbell back shrugs). i feel the pump more when i do dumbbell upright rows compared to 2.5 pl8 farmer walks, or is that normal? pls help idk what to do, should i chase the pump? will that lead to better gains?

    • 1 year ago
      Dr. Chad

      Do both. Although I'm having trouble understanding your question. If you're already doing 2.5 pl8 farmer walks you shouldn't need to ask these questions.

      Also, there's no such thing as "strength" vs. "hypertrophy" training. This is a post I made on another thread


      • 1 year ago

        > do upright rows
        > look in mirror
        > mountain traps
        >do farmer walks
        >look in mirror
        >no traps
        does pump affect how good an exercise is?

        • 1 year ago
          Dr. Chad

          It could just be your mind/muscle connection. In the case of upright rows, you're actively pumping your muscles, so it would make more sense for your traps to flare up, although upright rows are more for your shoulders.

          In the case of farmers walks, you're using your traps and core to stabilize your body as you walk. It's a full body exercise.

          Either way you're working your traps as a secondary muscle. If you want to hit your traps directly, you need to do barbell shrugs and seated cable rows.

          >does pump affect how good an exercise is?
          No. I get a pump in my legs when I do cardio on a bike, but biking isn't going to give you huge legs. Just like doing a plank for 2 minutes isn't going to give you a 6-pack, even though your abs will be sore afterwards. If you want to build muscle, what matters is pushing your muscles to technical failure.

          • 1 year ago

            with these exercises you’ll i need to overload it to stimulate my traps or use less weight so i don’t use other parts of my body?

          • 1 year ago

            >biking isn’t going to give you huge legs
            Lol frick off, see pic related and I cycled for years before hitting the gym regularly and my quads look big even by gym goer standards. Uphill cycling is best for it. Just live in a hilly town/city and cycle to and from work

            • 1 year ago

              you know this prostitute would love to have those freakish quads wrapped around her head while getting facefricked

            • 1 year ago

              Post pics of your quads than, before you started going to the gym. I'm sure if they were "huge" compared to people that lifted weights, you would've taken at least one picture.

              (You won't btw, because you're full of shit. Frick off chudjak)

  6. 1 year ago

    Trying to teach my gf to squat but she can't go to depth for some reason. Apparently her calves feel tight when she tries, she can't move further downward past 45 degrees without something hurting a lot. When she reaches that point she has to raise her heels and lean forward, so that the bar path isn't vertical. Tried front squatting as well and it was the same problem.
    She is short (5'1) and not very flexible. What's the issue here?

    • 1 year ago

      she's likely never worked those muscles before so they're weak, and on top of that she doesn't have her footing right. Experiment without the bar, teach her to do a deep squat stretch and see where she's having trouble. She also may just need to adjust her stance narrower or wider.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes we tried without the bar and the issue was still present, she'd lean forward and raise her heels even without the bar. Made sure for appropriate stance too but could experiment with a wider stance.

        • 1 year ago

          Also do stretching.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't usually post on chan but put tiny plates under back of her heels till it fixed itself, don't push the weight.every trainee I had suffered from the same early

  7. 1 year ago

    fat intake
    how much of my fat intake should be from actual animal fats if i want to make sure my hormone production is in order? i dont seem to digest very fatty meat very well, eggs are fine.
    i get most of my fats from nuts, oats, eggs. is it fine to go about it like this or do i absolutely need fat from animals and dairy?

    carb intake
    since i have quite the appetite i eat up to 300g of oats a day
    is this alright considering the amount of fibre as long as i get my calories in? ive read on some sites that fibre hinders nutrient absorption but im not sure if thats some ketoschizoid type thing

    • 1 year ago

      fat intake doesn't matter THAT much. Macros often don't care that much about where they're sourced from as long as it's quality.

      As long as the fiber isn't blocking your shits it's fine.

  8. 1 year ago

    Just got back into working out recently. Was a calisthenics guy, but now I want to do weights. Found this in an my google sheets and don't know where I got it from or if it is good.

    Day A
    Flat Bench Barbell Press:
    Barbell Bent Over Rows:
    Standing Military Press:
    Barbell Squats:
    EZ Bar Curls (21's):

    Day B
    Wide Grip Pull-ups:
    Alternate Dumbell Curl:
    Incline Dumbell Press:
    Overhead Triceps Extentions:
    Seated Dumbell Arnold Press:
    Wrist Curls:

    Day C
    Bicycle Crunches:
    Preacher Curls:
    Dumbbell Bent Over Rows:
    Lateral Rises:
    Calf Raises:
    Incline Dumbell Flyes:

  9. 1 year ago

    I can't sleep well.
    Is this a thing related to Anxiety/stress? Yesterday i had an energy (celcius that had 200mg of caffiene if that matters), then i did everything else normal.
    Then when i was laying in bed I started having bad thoughts (Death, sickness, etc) and then couldn't sleep. I tried to take a little nap just now but couldn't sleep
    Am i going to be okay or should i go get a sleep study?

  10. 1 year ago

    why do i feel more energized in the evening than in the morning?
    it actually sucks because i go to work feeling low-energy as frick, and only after dinner after perhaps 7pm do i start being really energized

  11. 1 year ago

    How accurate are these Calorie Intake Calculators? Pic related are about my height, weight, age.
    I'm still new at this and there's so many terms I don't understand yet.
    I've been trying to take less than 1000 calories per day, but I'm playing it safe in case these calculators aren't entirely preicse.

    • 1 year ago

      Not accurate at all

  12. 1 year ago

    How silly is it to run heavy 3x3-5 OHP then Bench 4x10-12 as an accessory after?

  13. 1 year ago

    Why does IST hate onions

    • 1 year ago

      no idea, onions are a great base for cooking just about anything, especially with a bit of garlic

    • 1 year ago

      If you're meming
      >because the onion juice didn't quadruple our test
      if you got filtered
      >because some study got misinterpreted and a bunch of morons immediately jumped to the conclusion that SEE-OY turned you into a troony

      how fast is metabolic adaptation? is that something that happens over months or is that sth that is noticable rather quick? while bulking as beginner

      There's a lot of broscience when it comes to metabolism, but the thing you need to know is it's just a fancy abused term for TDEE; aka the amount of calories you use in a day. Your body doesn't really adapt to calories unless it's a huge swing, like from 2k to 500. If you're just switching from cutting to bulk it's not nearly that big of a deal, your body will just start storing and using excess.

      got 45kg for 11 on DB rows the other day. the next ones are 50kg each so im wondering if i should move up or wait till i hit something like 15 reps on the 45kgs

      Hit your max reps for two sessions before going up so much weight.

      How silly is it to run heavy 3x3-5 OHP then Bench 4x10-12 as an accessory after?

      very silly unless you're lifting lightweight on bench


      How accurate are these Calorie Intake Calculators? Pic related are about my height, weight, age.
      I'm still new at this and there's so many terms I don't understand yet.
      I've been trying to take less than 1000 calories per day, but I'm playing it safe in case these calculators aren't entirely preicse.

      gonna need more info than that OP. What are your current stats, whats your goal, whats your routine, etc. TDEE calc's are good estimators of where your TDEE is around, but very inaccurate when it comes to estimated calories burned from exercise.

  14. 1 year ago

    i know roidtrannies work different than natties but how is chris bumsteads diet only 3500 kcal in the offseason according to his latest video? that homie has such an insane amount of muscle mass and is als over 6ft so how the frick? is it just cuz he was hardcore dieting previously so he has to ease into it more instead of just banging down 4,5k+ kcal?

  15. 1 year ago

    how fast is metabolic adaptation? is that something that happens over months or is that sth that is noticable rather quick? while bulking as beginner

  16. 1 year ago

    How do I convince my parents that protein powder, pre-workout and creatine aren't some kind of drug/poison?

    • 1 year ago

      You cant, they have to realise for themselves. Reverse the conversation, ask them to prove it.

    • 1 year ago

      Just explain how it's all normal natural shit
      >Protein powder
      literally just made from milk
      >pre work out
      just caffeine and vitamins
      just an amino acid found in fish, chicken, beef, etc.

  17. 1 year ago

    got 45kg for 11 on DB rows the other day. the next ones are 50kg each so im wondering if i should move up or wait till i hit something like 15 reps on the 45kgs

  18. 1 year ago

    I had some protein powder today but I realized it was from a tub that was opened a really long time ago and just been kept in a kitchen cabinet for god knows how long. The expiration date still says july of this year but can protein powder go foul?
    It didn't smell bad, there was no moisture in there so the powder was fluffy and didn't clump, and it didn't taste bad, although there was a mild metallic aftertaste.

    • 1 year ago

      Protein powder and most powdered/dry food stays okay as long as it's dry. Might be getting worse in quality, and I noticed expired protein gave me more stomach issues than in-date stuff.

    • 1 year ago

      I had a tub from 2019 that expired in october 2022 on my shelf. Only finished it mid february, it was completely fine.

  19. 1 year ago

    Runner here that wants to build some upper body strength. Any programs that won't interfere with my running?
    Also how do I stop my infernal lust after busty black women?

    • 1 year ago

      >Any programs that won't interfere with my running?
      tbh I can't imagine any program would interfere with your running unless you were lifting 6x a week. A 4 day routine would probably do wonders for you.

    • 1 year ago

      >Also how do I stop my infernal lust after busty black women?
      spend time around them, you'll understand

  20. 1 year ago

    My compound lifts are going up but my isolations - eg dumbbell curls - are not. What does this mean?

    • 1 year ago

      If your rows and pullups are getting stronger, it doesnt matter where the frick your bicep curls are.

      • 1 year ago

        My chin ups are not getting stronger but my rows (and other compounds) are ...
        I assume it has something to do with weight gain

  21. 1 year ago

    What do you have do to obtain this guy’s physique? https://twitter.com/apertaechupa/status/1645536472487927808?s=21

    • 1 year ago

      post the picture dipshit

  22. 1 year ago

    My lats are blowing up along with my chest and abs but it's only highlighting my chicken arms which I only recently began to isolate on my upper days. I'm trying to think of a way to programme keeping my lats on the back-burner or at least maintaining while I heavily begin to bias arms. I don't know whether I should cut down on sets or weight. Pls advise. Currently my upper days look like this and always in this order.
    3×failure pullups
    3×failure weighted dips
    3×failure chin ups
    3x5-8 incline press
    3×12ish dumbbell pullover, chest biased
    3x5-8 OHP
    3x10 lat pull down/row with dumbbell, hanging bar leg raises between sets
    3×failure superset hammer curls and overhead tricep extensions

    • 1 year ago

      >chicken arms
      its body dysmorphia, i can bet money that nothing's wrong other than
      >failure dips and pullups before ohp and bench
      flip those around and add heavy shrugs at the end

  23. 1 year ago

    Where do I get a rack in eastern america and what do I look for in racks?

    • 1 year ago

      First look for used, that'll be where the higher quality stuff exists for lower prices. Next, shop around, and consider what you want in a rack. Do you want it to be used for more than just squats? Figure out how heavy you want to go, what you want to look for in safeties, if you want to be able to do pull ups and the like on it. Finally, if you can't find anything, consider building one.

      My lats are blowing up along with my chest and abs but it's only highlighting my chicken arms which I only recently began to isolate on my upper days. I'm trying to think of a way to programme keeping my lats on the back-burner or at least maintaining while I heavily begin to bias arms. I don't know whether I should cut down on sets or weight. Pls advise. Currently my upper days look like this and always in this order.
      3×failure pullups
      3×failure weighted dips
      3×failure chin ups
      3x5-8 incline press
      3×12ish dumbbell pullover, chest biased
      3x5-8 OHP
      3x10 lat pull down/row with dumbbell, hanging bar leg raises between sets
      3×failure superset hammer curls and overhead tricep extensions

      Increase incline press to 10 reps
      don't do pullups and chin ups on the same day
      do OHP's towards the beginning of your session while you still have a lot of energy
      Add in another bicep and tricep exercise, you're barely hitting them as is. Don't go to failure for bis and tris.


      >biking isn’t going to give you huge legs
      Lol frick off, see pic related and I cycled for years before hitting the gym regularly and my quads look big even by gym goer standards. Uphill cycling is best for it. Just live in a hilly town/city and cycle to and from work

      >see pic related and I cycled for years
      he did a different kind of cycling anon


      My compound lifts are going up but my isolations - eg dumbbell curls - are not. What does this mean?

      Not enough info. Where are you stuck at, what exercises are you doing, are you bulking/cutting, current dietary intake, etc etc.

  24. 1 year ago

    rate my pre workout I mix myself

    Beta Alanine 2,3g
    Magnesium 312mg
    L-Arginine 1,6g
    L-Citrulline 2,6g
    L-Glutamin 5g (another 5g in my post workout protein shake)
    Creatine 2,5g (another 2,5g in my morning shake so I get 5g per day)
    EAAs 5952mg

    also supplementing regular vitamins, multi, magnesium, vitamin D and B, omega-3

    • 1 year ago

      overkill, you are just producing expensive piss

    • 1 year ago

      creatine also depends on your body weight, if you're in the 170-200 lbs range take 5g, but over 200 take at least 8g, likewise underneath 160 take around 3g.

    • 1 year ago

      vitamins are a complete waste of money if you aren't deficient.

      • 1 year ago

        overkill, you are just producing expensive piss

        the vitamins are really cheap here so I do not care
        90-120 pills are like 2,50€-3,50€
        I do not buy the marked up fitness brands, just normal pharmacy stuff

  25. 1 year ago

    I have recently been trying to increase my testosterone. I quit drinking and have been doing all the other basic steps I see people recommend to increase my levels. I have also been taking a testosterone booster that gets good reviews from supplement sites. Anyway my levels of aggression and anger towards coworkers and the general population of people has increased exponentially. For example I almost decided to slam a coworkers head off the table yesterday for a slight comment against me. Does this mean my T levels are rising or am I having some psychotic break

    • 1 year ago

      test boosters do not increase T by themselves. They just aim to reduce the deficiencies your body might have that limits your T levels. Thats why they have things like vitamin D and ZInc in them. If your diet isnt trash, T-boosters are worthless.
      Other than that, your issues are in your head. Your levels going marginally higher arent going to make you into an aggressive menace. Chill the frick out before you lose your job.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm pretty sure there are some things like fedoja agrestis that can actually increase test past baseline. But I've also heard that fedoja agrestis can be toxic to the testes so maybe not the best idea

        • 1 year ago

          >fedoja agrestis
          fedora atheists? I don't want that in my body

      • 1 year ago

        >Chill the frick out before you lose your job.
        I am going to beat the frick out of my enemies with a lead club

        • 1 year ago

          it sounds like you're an alcoholic with anger issues

  26. 1 year ago

    i want to take full advantage of WFH and having time on my hands in terms of health routine. what should i be incorporating daily/weekly in terms of decreasing stress and increasing longevity? meditation, etc.

    • 1 year ago

      Not even joking, high-quality meals.

  27. 1 year ago

    how do i fix my (acrimon to humerus?) shoulder connection?

    Its uncomfrotable to do delts on my right and even sometimes when biceps. no pain tho. might even be related to the elbow issues when i try to do tricep extensions.

    do i need to only do posture exercises or something

  28. 1 year ago

    Any recommendation for someone who can only go to the gym one day a week? I just moved into a sober living facility, and sunday is the only day I will have free to go off the property. I'm doing pushups, pull ups, and pistol squats 3 times a week.

  29. 1 year ago

    is source talk banned on IST? or is it just taboo

    • 1 year ago

      There's nothing taboo on this place
      It's because it's banned

      • 1 year ago

        wheres the rule? i skimmed the rules but couldnt find it

        • 1 year ago

          common sense is also a rule. Source talk would get this place in the news and getting in the news means getting the plug pulled.

          • 1 year ago

            There's nothing taboo on this place
            It's because it's banned

            actually on second thought it violates rule 1 lol
            >You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.

  30. 1 year ago

    Whats the most efficient method to improve pull/chinup numbers after being able to successfully do body weight?
    I'm still a 100kg fatty losing weight, but can now manage 5 chinups, should I just keep busting out as many as I can for as many sets as I can, buy a weight belt and treat it like strength training going for 1-3 rep maxes or something else?

  31. 1 year ago

    finally hit 1/2/3/4 (1 rep max) now what? can i switch for something more fun like an upperlower split?

  32. 1 year ago

    How do I reasonably substitute this exercise?
    The machine we have has the handle at a weird angle and the movement just doesn't suit me, it's the only machine I actively dislike.

  33. 1 year ago

    What are meals you can keep down for bulking? I struggle to eat because I am a terrible cook(2 meals a day) and am skinnyhomosexual

    • 1 year ago

      anything, but my stomach is indomitable.
      I suggest rice and meat, but I am asian.
      I also am on the other side of the equation(fatter) so my advice may not be useful.
      You should want a little discomfort, and eat when you are bored.


      How do I reasonably substitute this exercise?
      The machine we have has the handle at a weird angle and the movement just doesn't suit me, it's the only machine I actively dislike.

      db incline press, close grip barbell incline press, seated shoulder press with a huge arch.
      I like the close grip incline at a 10-25 degree angle.
      WIth that program I would do the opposite of your db presses.
      So if you db press close with a steep incline try a low incline wide grip bb bench.
      Or the reverse.
      Also, I recommend normal curls before preachers, or even concentration before preachers. First getting a pump in the bicep, and then stretching it is better imo.

      finally hit 1/2/3/4 (1 rep max) now what? can i switch for something more fun like an upperlower split?

      Do whatever the FRICK you wanna do.
      >I want to be jacked
      hypertrophy program
      etc, etc.

      Whats the most efficient method to improve pull/chinup numbers after being able to successfully do body weight?
      I'm still a 100kg fatty losing weight, but can now manage 5 chinups, should I just keep busting out as many as I can for as many sets as I can, buy a weight belt and treat it like strength training going for 1-3 rep maxes or something else?

      keep going imo. Most of the dudes I have seen recommend getting to 10 reps, then adding weight. Could focus on different grips too.
      Could also do lat pulldowns after in a different grip to help finish off.

      Any recommendation for someone who can only go to the gym one day a week? I just moved into a sober living facility, and sunday is the only day I will have free to go off the property. I'm doing pushups, pull ups, and pistol squats 3 times a week.

      calisthenics + fullbody on that one day, with an emphasis on legs. If you can do pull ups do some inverted rows and variations of leg raises.

      Could also do nordic hamstring curls, and buy a set of rings+use them with your pull-up bar.

      • 1 year ago

        >eat when you are bored
        Hmmm I never thought of that. I just hate eating because everything in my house is bland and tastes terrible so I’m just discouraged unless starving

        • 1 year ago

          Well it's time to learn how to cook then. Figure out what you like and start after it.

  34. 1 year ago

    Anyone go to the gym 7 days a week?
    I usually aim for 6, but something usually happens so I average 5.

    This week I'm good to go, but am wondering if 7 is going to do more damage than good and if a full rest day is really needed.

    • 1 year ago

      I do 6 at my home gym.
      7 is fine if you hit smaller muscles that recover fast, or do muscles/movements you don't normally do.

      Say you do PPL. 7th day you could do more core work, forearm work(maybe), back work, calf work, and neck work
      Depending on how fast how recovered you are.

  35. 1 year ago

    Am I being neurotic if I’m too ashamed to go to the gym because the manager there commented that I should eat more food after looking at my body scan results? Am looking for a new gym because of that remark.

    I weight 55kg at 166cm

    • 1 year ago

      No one cares. When you are out off the aushwitz camps you need to eat. Training will help that turn into muscle. Not training will involve some of it turning into fat.
      Your choice.

      If you are that worried do calisthenics and lift up shit at home till you build more strength, then go to the gym.

      Or research online how to do exercises and know more than random. That helped me.
      Or don't be 15 years old and insecure.

    • 1 year ago

      homosexual, any mental worry that prevents you from going to the gym is you being a crazy dumb b***h
      If you shat your pants, sprayed it over every machine, skidded down a path of diarrhea and then slipped and fell on the qt receptionist accidentally sticking your dick in her ass you should still come in the next day for your workout
      If you let anxiety or shame get in the way of improving yourself, you'll never reach the point that you can finally slay those thoughts for good

  36. 1 year ago

    I occasionally pass out. I don't lose consciousness but pretty close to it, and I feel like I'm on the verge of death. It goes away after a minute, then I feel like shit the whole day.
    It's happened about four or five times during my life and it happened again yesterday. I was just doing some split squats with baby weight, and after the second set I sat down to rest and I felt it coming. It's pretty bad and I'm not sure what causes this, I've done plenty of tests and they always turn out fine. I'm thinking it might be low blood pressure which is the only thing I haven't heard measured recently. Any tips on how to prevent this, especially on leg exercises which seem to take a massive toll on me?
    >inb4 the vax
    It's been happening before that.

  37. 1 year ago

    Do parts of your vision go black or spotty after lifting? What does this mean?

    • 1 year ago

      I walked a couple hours a day a few days in a row in an old pair of trainers and started getting pain between the toes and ball of my right foot. Insole of the old trainers was worn out so I fixed that but now there's a small blister making it pain to walk. Do patches like these work or do I need sport tape for it or do I just need to figure out something else for cardio for the next week?

      Assuming you're not diabetic and don't have other eye problems, that'd just be less blood being supplied to your eyes (among other areas) so that the blood can be supplied to the muscles doing the work.

      • 1 year ago

        Thank you for not trolling me and saying ass cancer.

        • 1 year ago

          he forgot to mention that this is still not considered healthy

          • 1 year ago

            Well idk what to do about it because I’m a noob lifter. It was probably just because I ate nothing the entire day and went lifting lol

    • 1 year ago

      do you also get a metallic taste in your mouth? It can also taste like coconut water. You're on the verge of fainting my guy.

  38. 1 year ago

    I'm struggling to gain and maintain strength. I had to post a couple of months ago to get help with runners knee and it turned out that despite all the squats I was doing before I hadn't developed the strength to walk properly. I've followed the advice I was given here and it's worked! I don't want to go back to the pain, I also want to be able to do other things like any other normal adult can like lift things at work or work on my car or do yard work. I'm not pathetic like I was at one time, I can lift some weight but it just feels like I've plateaued very low far below other people's average strength

    • 1 year ago

      You need to eat wayyyyy more
      Cut absolutely all sugar and alcohol and get more electrolytes

      How do you deal with these days where you are just tired, unmotivated, unable to concentrate, and moody in general? I have one of these, can't seem to get out of this loop.

      Rest, recuperate or double scoop and yeet it

    • 1 year ago

      You need to eat wayyyyy more
      Cut absolutely all sugar and alcohol and get more electrolytes

      Rest, recuperate or double scoop and yeet it

      You also have to want it
      People say this but you don't really understand until you get it completely. You have to want it.
      It starts with calmly telling yourself you want to bench 135 and it ends with you screaming at all your demons and the entire universe to let you pull lmao6pl8z off the floor. And then you do

    • 1 year ago

      what are your stats/lifts?

      • 1 year ago

        65 bench/deadlift, ??? Squat since I've been doing cable machine donkey kicks for mobility and this I max out at 75, 25 curl, 50 ohp but that's really hopeful it's usually only 30 or 40. All in lbs

        • 1 year ago

          Keep lifting. Do things that are hard, but don't hurt your joints TOO much. Make sure to push it, eat, and get good sleep.

          Last month woke up and my shoulder/deltoid area hurt a lot. I have no idea what happened to it because I havent even been working or using that area a lot. Now its been a few weeks and doesnt hurt overall but I cant even hold up my arm to do simple shit like comb my hair without it hurting, though it doesnt hurt during the day

          So wtf happened and why wont the pain gk away?

          Heard before that dudes that STOPPED lifting now their joints hurt since they lost muscle.
          If you lifted before hard and heavy, then stopped I would advise you to lift again.
          Just start light and higher reps until you build up mass.

          My theory is this is what happens to old people.
          They naturally atrophy, and all the mileage acrued in their joints + less muscle mass=pain train.

          • 1 year ago

            >get good sleep.
            Haha, I wish. Work is killing me with 10s on top of classes they have me taking plus 4 days a week in the gym when I'm not sick or hurt

            • 1 year ago

              that alone will do it
              >how do you know
              I used to sleep 4 hours and lift.
              bad time.

              Unironically stretch and save your compounds for last. I had tendonitis in my quad/knee joints from squatting and all I had to do was stretch a bit better (DYNAMIC stretching), do my concentrated exercises like curls and extensions first, and do my squat reps slowly.

              You're a bodybuilding now(powerlifters always do compounds first).

              what would be a decent way to train/isolate adductors at home? resistance bands?

              Yeah. If you have a cheap cable setup get a ankle strap and go in with your leg.

              Today's diary
              >skipped breakfast, felt like shit towards end of pull workout, skipped curls
              >bought ~50 euros worth of chicken breasts, beef, eggs, that will only last a couple of weeks, so budget is now 100 per month for meat and eggs, what about you guys?
              >back extensions are great but annoyed with crushed wiener and balls
              >saw 2 broccoli haired zoomers at the gym today, thought this shit was a meme but damn

              >skipped curls
              it's over.

              Should I stop doing chinups for a while? My elbows are hurting since I've started doing them, but I was spamming chinups everyday for a week to learn it. I can do 4x8 now but I feel like might've gotten a shoulder impingement from it aswell.

              yes, I would do pronated lat pulldowns to give yourself variety and a break
              >I hate pulldowns
              then do some band assisted pull-ups so you again.... give yourself some rest.

  39. 1 year ago

    How do you deal with these days where you are just tired, unmotivated, unable to concentrate, and moody in general? I have one of these, can't seem to get out of this loop.

    • 1 year ago

      Do a part of your workout so you can at least put some points on the board. The hardest part is starting so you may find that you'll have the motivation to keep going once you're underway.

  40. 1 year ago

    I did only 5 goblet squats with a 9kg weight yesterday and my legs hurt 🙁 am I supposed to just do 3 until I can do 4, and build it up that way?

  41. 1 year ago


    >Fat intake is tantamount to testosterone production
    >I eat 0.8g of protein per pound of LEAN mass, double that for carbs and then rest of my calories are fat
    >My test is upper range
    yes im aware im just asking because of the fat sources but i guess that doesnt matter as much as the total fat intake. like i cant imagine gulping down rapeseed oil to for my fat intake has the same effect as getting it all from eggs/meat but i will just down more eggs or eat the fat heavy meats in the evening

    • 1 year ago

      You don't drink oil, you just eat real meals and then you can add it to your cooking or if you eat out, it's already worked in.
      Just eat whole, prepared-to-eat (not processed and frozen or similar) foods and you should be fine
      This is actually one of the many reasons protein powder is super sub-optimal protein intake

  42. 1 year ago

    Why white rice when cutting? Why not potatoes or sweet potatoes?
    I understand why no pasta etc, but why is rice the go to?

    • 1 year ago

      Is it? it's my go to for fast bulking.
      I try to do low carb when cutting.

    • 1 year ago

      Starch helps things to stick you fool. Potatoes are good bulk food though.

    • 1 year ago

      Is it? it's my go to for fast bulking.
      I try to do low carb when cutting.

      It's simple convenience. Cheap, goes with everything, and the most important part is how easy it is to weigh. Potatoes come in varying units of 'potato' and some people don't have the willpower to not eat everything they make. You could easily do potatoes or any (whole) food.

  43. 1 year ago

    why am i progressing on my ohp (38.5kg 3x5) but hardcore stuck on my bench (1pl8 3x5)? shouldnt it be the other way around?

    • 1 year ago

      do more bench and pec work. Some people are better at different lifts.

      • 1 year ago

        >do more bench and pec work. Some people are better at different lifts.
        ppl here keep saying to stick to the basics + max 1 iso per movement, what should i do for pecs then? im limited by my home gym for pec isolations. chest flyes? pause bench?

        • 1 year ago

          >home gym
          do dumbbell flys, or like an incline db press.
          You want something different, but effective.

          You can just do the basics and that's fine, but isolations are to hit weak points or body parts you want to grow.

        • 1 year ago

          >home gym
          do dumbbell flys, or like an incline db press.
          You want something different, but effective.

          You can just do the basics and that's fine, but isolations are to hit weak points or body parts you want to grow.

          Different anon here. I've heard that triceps are usually the most common first point of failure for newbie lifters and skullcrushers or overhead tricep extensions should be one of the first isolations you work in as a newbie lifter.

          • 1 year ago

            That's fine and if you want to get your ohp/bench up they should be hit.
            I like to do those and pushdowns.

          • 1 year ago

            i see, will consider it

            >home gym
            do dumbbell flys, or like an incline db press.
            You want something different, but effective.

            You can just do the basics and that's fine, but isolations are to hit weak points or body parts you want to grow.

            point of failure for me is to get the bar off the chest, lockout isnt the issue so i think its my pecs. im already doing those tri isolations you mentioned so thats probably why tri isnt the limiting factor yet

            • 1 year ago

              frick i messed that one up, meant to switch those up

            • 1 year ago

              defintely do some pec work, and if you want do some spoto presses/paused bench.
              Might have to cope with using less weight but those directly target your weakness.

              • 1 year ago

                alright will do, thanks.
                might replace flat db press on my OHP day with those if im stagnating next bench day

  44. 1 year ago

    Last month woke up and my shoulder/deltoid area hurt a lot. I have no idea what happened to it because I havent even been working or using that area a lot. Now its been a few weeks and doesnt hurt overall but I cant even hold up my arm to do simple shit like comb my hair without it hurting, though it doesnt hurt during the day

    So wtf happened and why wont the pain gk away?

  45. 1 year ago

    What's the 1/2/3/4 equivalent for chin-ups and dips?

    • 1 year ago

      There isn't one. 1/2/3/4 is only for 1/2/3/4. It doesn't translate to anything else.

      Last month woke up and my shoulder/deltoid area hurt a lot. I have no idea what happened to it because I havent even been working or using that area a lot. Now its been a few weeks and doesnt hurt overall but I cant even hold up my arm to do simple shit like comb my hair without it hurting, though it doesnt hurt during the day

      So wtf happened and why wont the pain gk away?

      Possible that you somehow seriously bruised your arm. A few years ago I got a bad shoulder injury that forced me into PT for a few months, similar symptoms to you couldn't even raise it parallel to the ground


      Why white rice when cutting? Why not potatoes or sweet potatoes?
      I understand why no pasta etc, but why is rice the go to?

      Rice is more filling and lower calories than pasta, stays good for months unlike potatoes, and it's dirt cheap, even more than potatoes. Sweet potatoes are a good choice though if you just want it; there are no strict rules when it comes to cutting.

      I did only 5 goblet squats with a 9kg weight yesterday and my legs hurt 🙁 am I supposed to just do 3 until I can do 4, and build it up that way?

      DOMS, happens to everyone when they start. And yes that's progressive overload.

  46. 1 year ago

    what would be a decent way to train/isolate adductors at home? resistance bands?

  47. 1 year ago

    >last year
    >measured myself at 180cm
    >last month
    >measured myself at 182.5cm
    >felt tired with lower back pain during the whole month
    >measured myself and it 176cm
    Why is this happening?

    • 1 year ago

      are you sure your measurements are accurate?

  48. 1 year ago

    Today's diary
    >skipped breakfast, felt like shit towards end of pull workout, skipped curls
    >bought ~50 euros worth of chicken breasts, beef, eggs, that will only last a couple of weeks, so budget is now 100 per month for meat and eggs, what about you guys?
    >back extensions are great but annoyed with crushed wiener and balls
    >saw 2 broccoli haired zoomers at the gym today, thought this shit was a meme but damn

  49. 1 year ago

    My skull literally expanded sideways during the past few years, I’m 21 now, wtf

  50. 1 year ago

    Should I stop doing chinups for a while? My elbows are hurting since I've started doing them, but I was spamming chinups everyday for a week to learn it. I can do 4x8 now but I feel like might've gotten a shoulder impingement from it aswell.

  51. 1 year ago

    this guy natty? also 60g of fat and 300g of protein as a 105kg guy, isnt that a fricking insane amount of protein? cant say its moronic when he looks like THAT

    • 1 year ago

      You can synthesize as much protein as you roid for

      He's probably destroying his liver like the liver king guy does

    • 1 year ago

      Definitely natty

    • 1 year ago

      I didn't answer your question
      No, he's not fricking natty you window licking booger flicking click bait clicking piece of shit

  52. 1 year ago

    I am in the process of selling my company and plan to take about ~3 months off to do "nothing". I want to maximize my gains during this time and looking for some pro-tips.

    >Lift casually, 2-3x per week
    >Not very strong, hit 1/2/3/4 previously but probably closer to 0.5/1.5/2/3 now (3x10)
    >I popped my ulnar nerve a while back and I am restricted to machines for chest and shoulder work
    >Diet is okay, about 30/50/20 protein/carbs/fats. I try to eat clean but usually snack a bit throughout the day
    >High stress job, caffeine consumption is quite high, not as hydrated as I should be (probably)
    >5'8, 140lbs at 15% bodyfat

    Anyway, I'm looking to develop a new routine and diet plan to help myself lean out, gain muscle and overall optimize my health. I can't do SS due to the pressing work, and I'm not sure that's even going to be most effective for my goals right now.

    Guidelines and recommendations are appreciated. Here's what my loose plan is:
    >Weightlifting 3x per week
    Push / Pull routine
    >Bench machine, decline bench machine, lat raises, tricep work
    >Lat pulls, row machine, curls (2x variations)
    >Legs (alternate); leg press, hamstring curls, extensions, squats every other leg day
    >Do 30m - 1hr of steady state cardio every other day. This will probably be casual hikes or trail walks and not just treadmill crap.
    >Clean up diet, shoot for 1g protein per lb/bw, water only, reduce caffeine to 1 cup of coffee every other day
    >Sauna every time I'm at the gym, ice bath daily

    What am I missing or where am I fricking up?

    • 1 year ago



      How do I get motivated and excited about going to the gym again? I don't know what happened to me, but these last few months when I go to the gym I feel unmotivated, with low energy and my diet turned to shit. I'm not depressed, nothing happened in my life, I just don't feel the gym the way I used to feel it.

      You don't. You just do it anyway because you want the results. If you need continuous motivation then you probably don't want the results as much as you think you do. Most personal development will be due to consistent effort that you put in _regardless_ of how you are feeling.


      I feel like I spend too little time at the gym.
      I usually spend 30-40 minutes there, do my workouts without breaks, then leave.
      How long should I spend there if I want to do a full body workout?

      Depends on your routine. 30 minutes - 1 hour seems about right depending on your intensity. When I'm using machines I push through a workout in 30-40 minutes too. On days where I'm utilizing the barbell and heavier weights I tend to rest more and am there closer to 1 hour.


      what should i do about my fat fricking love handles? i'm skinny already, losing more weight makes me look even smaller.

      You look fine, but if you think it's an issue just eat maintenance and do some steady state cardio. Clean up your diet if it's not already - you're probably still eating some junk leading to the fat stores. Again though you look fine IMO.


      These spots started to appear beneath my manboobs a few years ago, what could they be?
      They don't really itch or feel any different from the rest of my skin.
      Is it some sort of fungal infection?

      I also recently have gotten what appears to be the same thing under my balls, except the spots are completely white/lacking pigmentation instead of being reddish.
      No itching or other symptoms there either.

      thankful for any input

      Looks like fungal. Try clomitrazole, you can get it at walgreens. I got this in my crotch and when I switched to cotton boxers it went away - I assume it was due to sweat and a humid environment in there.

      What would you guys have for a routine if your worked a 48/96 work schedule. (2 days in a row, 4 days off). Sleep can be sporadic on the two days, but you have access to a gym and are encouraged to workout. Right now I do push/pull on the days at work and climb/hike/run on my off days but I'm starting to feel super worn down.

      If you aren't sleeping well on those days at work you should cut to 1 workout instead of 2 and then use one of your good days to do the other workout. I'm guessing your a firefighter/emt, would recommend scaling down the cardio a bit since you probably deal with high stress/cortisol levels and that only makes recovery more difficult.

      • 1 year ago

        Thank you, i'll try to get some clomitrazole

    • 1 year ago

      But who was real (barbell) lifts

  53. 1 year ago

    How do I get motivated and excited about going to the gym again? I don't know what happened to me, but these last few months when I go to the gym I feel unmotivated, with low energy and my diet turned to shit. I'm not depressed, nothing happened in my life, I just don't feel the gym the way I used to feel it.

  54. 1 year ago

    I feel like I spend too little time at the gym.
    I usually spend 30-40 minutes there, do my workouts without breaks, then leave.
    How long should I spend there if I want to do a full body workout?

    • 1 year ago

      As you get stronger, your sets get heavier, your rest time increases. Eventually that 15 minute deadlift segment will stretch to nearly 45 minutes all on its own

  55. 1 year ago


    >What are your measurements?
    178cm 106kg. yes i got fat in the process
    waist: 108cm
    flexed arms: 41cm
    flexed forearms: 36cm
    chest: no idea
    shoulders: no idea
    back: no idea either but im wide

    • 1 year ago

      oh i forgot neck: 43cm

    • 1 year ago

      For your size, those are decent numbers
      I'd run
      Upper compounds
      Shoulder isos & arms

  56. 1 year ago

    what should i do about my fat fricking love handles? i'm skinny already, losing more weight makes me look even smaller.

    • 1 year ago

      body dysmorphia
      see a therapist

    • 1 year ago

      Hip thrusts

  57. 1 year ago

    I spent 4 months walking 6-7 miles a day, every day to lose weight. I lost 3 pounds a week this way, and 30 pounds total (I lost a little less every week)

    It's been a year, and I basically gained it all back. I don't have the time I had last year to spend 3-4 hours a day just walking. I'm considering jogging but idk. I'm 5'8", ~210 lbs (180 when I lost it all), and I have a large chest kind of a mesomorph physiogmy.

    I'm wondering if this weight is good or bad. I mean, it was pretty stupid of me to stop training after I lost the weight, That's probably why I gained it all back. But I'm beginning to wonder if I should focus more on muscle building and less on losing weight. I don't know how much I should focus on either though. Should cardio/weight loss be an afterthought? Should I be eating a lot instead of very little?

  58. 1 year ago

    These spots started to appear beneath my manboobs a few years ago, what could they be?
    They don't really itch or feel any different from the rest of my skin.
    Is it some sort of fungal infection?

    I also recently have gotten what appears to be the same thing under my balls, except the spots are completely white/lacking pigmentation instead of being reddish.
    No itching or other symptoms there either.

    thankful for any input

  59. 1 year ago




    How do I reasonably substitute this exercise?
    The machine we have has the handle at a weird angle and the movement just doesn't suit me, it's the only machine I actively dislike.
    Why tf isn't bench, dips, ohp and incline bench on this list?
    What absolutely j o k e s t e r wrote this garbage lmaoooooooooooo

    Idk im a beginner, saw this recommended places.

    • 1 year ago

      Just run SS or SL for a few months and then do an actual bodybuilding routine lmaooo

  60. 1 year ago

    whats the best exercise(s) for deep cervical flexors? chin tucks are too easy and doesnt do dick

  61. 1 year ago

    are eggs still the meta?

  62. 1 year ago

    What would you guys have for a routine if your worked a 48/96 work schedule. (2 days in a row, 4 days off). Sleep can be sporadic on the two days, but you have access to a gym and are encouraged to workout. Right now I do push/pull on the days at work and climb/hike/run on my off days but I'm starting to feel super worn down.

  63. 1 year ago

    I keep thinking my belly is bulging out, even though i've been close to underweight my whole life. It looks flat from the side. Am I being paranoid? Is this a posture issue? BMI is18.7

    • 1 year ago

      might be APT

  64. 1 year ago

    am i missing out on upper chest gainz as a newbie when i skip out on incline pressing but do regular flat bb benching + db ohp and ohping + flat db benching?

  65. 1 year ago

    Anybody have an updated version of the sticky, half the shit on there is not archived

    • 1 year ago

      the sticky isnt that good. what do you need info on? if its diet, the FAQ section on tdeecalculator.net should be sufficient. if its workout plans, most free plans should work as long as it has progressive overload or harder progressions if its calisthenics and that you stick with it. if its cardio, anything works as long as it gets your pulse up for an extended period(jogging,jumprope or rowing is pretty damn good)

  66. 1 year ago

    Just got my test results back. I'm sitting at a low 366 total test and an average free test at 19.4. I feel depressed and unmotivated a lot of the time and always thought that was due to porn. Should I think about hopping on test? I take vitamins and have a decent diet and exercise routine.

    • 1 year ago

      >I take vitamins and have a decent diet and exercise routine.
      Post them before thinking it's certain.

      Anybody have an updated version of the sticky, half the shit on there is not archived

      unfortunately the sticky isn't as versatile as it used to be and has some disproven info speckled throughout it. The mods have given up on this board so they're uninterested in updating it and few anons are willing to put in the work to rebuild it.

  67. 1 year ago

    i hear people always say that its possible to take steroids and still look crappy... is that true? i mean i get that steroids are not a super soldier serum but could they be people who dont even look like they go to the gym (dyel?)
    i read that 10%-50% of people in a commercial gym could be roided but i couldn't even say people at my gym take steroids... like maybe 2 are big but i've talked to them and they are really nice and helpful and always do advanced stuff with resistance bands

    • 1 year ago

      It is 100% possible to blast yourself through the gills and still look like an obese fatass. Steroids are kind of like raising the natural limitations of the human body. Even if you raise those limits, if you aren't hitting them in the first place you won't benefit from the potential. Bad diet, bad stacks, bad sources, bad bloods, and bad routine/programming can all limit a cycle.
      >i read that 10%-50% of people in a commercial gym could be roided
      bahahaha fricking 50% hahahahahaha. Total bullshit number. No doubt you'll find a handful of people who are obviously juicing, but most people who are going to commercial gyms are gonna be natty.

  68. 1 year ago

    Some fricking person at the gym tried stealing my airpods. I put them down at my bench to go refill my bottle at the fountain and when I look back he scoops them up and walks continues walking. I tell him those are mine and he told me he was looking for his. WTF???

    • 1 year ago

      Could've been genuine, could've been a little shit. lesson learned though, keep valuable shit on your person.

    • 1 year ago

      Keep your case in the car and the pods in your ears. If they ever come off, they go in your pocket

  69. 1 year ago

    Is it worth going to the gym if you’ve only had 4-6 hours sleep? I’m going away with my girlfriend tomorrow but she’s picking me up at 10. I can get a workout in if I wake up early enough or I can sleep longer and not work out
    > t. dyel been doing 5x5 for about a month, enjoying i

    • 1 year ago

      >Is it worth going to the gym
      The only time the answer to this would ever be no is if you have a serious injury.

      • 1 year ago

        if you're tired to the point of feeling lethargic, it's worth skipping the session. If you're just yawning a bit, at least try. If you feel like you have no energy halfway through just call it early.

        Thanks anons. I’m new to all of this so genuine ignorant. But from what I’ve heard sleep is important for gains, so I was unsure whether going to the gym would actually benefit me if I was super tired

    • 1 year ago

      if you're tired to the point of feeling lethargic, it's worth skipping the session. If you're just yawning a bit, at least try. If you feel like you have no energy halfway through just call it early.

  70. 1 year ago

    Anyone has experience with back injuries? I've had this right lumbar pain for the last few days. It seemed to be getting better but last night it came back strong. I'm getting paranoid it could be a pinched nerve or something since I don't feel pain when touching. Like it's deeper than on the surface muscles

    • 1 year ago

      rest it for a week. RICE method. If it still hurts next week rest it an additional week. If it's still fricked see a doc.

  71. 1 year ago

    Just did a TDEE calculator thing, it says that my resting metabolic rate is 2,170 calories a day while with light exercise (considered by the site to be walking at least two miles a day at a moderate pace), that number jumps up to 2900 calories a day.

    Being honest about everything I've eaten so far today, my calorie intake is currently at roughly 1500. I still feel like I need to eat something. Can I afford to? Should I consider 2170 or 2900 my maintenance number? Trying to lose weight. I was thinking of getting some frozen vegetables to heat and eat, like brussel sprouts.

    • 1 year ago

      always go for sedentary with TDEE calcs. the estimated calories burned from exercise are notoriously inaccurate.

      • 1 year ago

        Roasted potatoes and brussel sprouts it is.

    • 1 year ago

      You HHAAVVEE to track your calories AND your weight for a few weeks
      If you have too big of a deficit, you'll frick yourself up


      Anyone has experience with back injuries? I've had this right lumbar pain for the last few days. It seemed to be getting better but last night it came back strong. I'm getting paranoid it could be a pinched nerve or something since I don't feel pain when touching. Like it's deeper than on the surface muscles

      Do ab workout and stretch every part of your legs

      i hear people always say that its possible to take steroids and still look crappy... is that true? i mean i get that steroids are not a super soldier serum but could they be people who dont even look like they go to the gym (dyel?)
      i read that 10%-50% of people in a commercial gym could be roided but i couldn't even say people at my gym take steroids... like maybe 2 are big but i've talked to them and they are really nice and helpful and always do advanced stuff with resistance bands

      A lot of people who share their stacks prove that there's more to being impressive than just pinning

      You have to eat a frickload of real food and actually lift and do cardio and watch your kidneys and liver etc etc

  72. 1 year ago

    Fat lonely muscular gym goer here.

    How real is the lean pill? How big would the change be if I finally lose those 35 pounds?

    • 1 year ago

      it just means you're leaner. Up to you if you want it or not.

    • 1 year ago

      More mires but you have to improve yourself socially for real change

  73. 1 year ago

    Don't know if this goes here but frick it.
    Any anons that can rate this routine for an absolute beginner and as you can see for an absolute unit? What would you recommend?

    • 1 year ago

      You'd be infinitely better off running starting strength
      There are no shortcuts, the harder you work, the more you gain

      • 1 year ago

        What's your plan? What are the other days like? What's your goal?
        Whatever you do, don't listen to [...] unless you want to either get fat or get nowhere

        Dyel detected
        t. Not him but no programming makes you fat and SS is great for beginners

        Terrible. Do SS or SL or GSLP, whatever takes your fancy.
        >nless you want to either get fat or get nowhere
        he's already fat as frick and no matter what LP he does he will progress and get somewhere, even while cutting. what are you proposing he should do? keep fricking around and doing 7kg side raises lol?

        Thanks for the feedback the other day looks like pic rel, if I'm understanding what you are saying correctly, should i just do squat, bench press and deadlift and keep adding weight each time? What about reps? Do i do more each session? Also my goal is to lose weight, don't care much about gaining muscle, just don't want to be a fat frick anymore, I'm doing this and the other routine every other day.

        • 1 year ago


          >Don't care about gaining muscle
          All NLPs cover the vast majority of muscle in your body. It's important to lift to preserve muscle while cutting. Plus if you gain muscle then that means you have a higher end weight than you would if you did no lifting.

    • 1 year ago

      What's your plan? What are the other days like? What's your goal?
      Whatever you do, don't listen to

      You'd be infinitely better off running starting strength
      There are no shortcuts, the harder you work, the more you gain

      unless you want to either get fat or get nowhere

      • 1 year ago

        Dyel detected
        t. Not him but no programming makes you fat and SS is great for beginners

        • 1 year ago

          Blobby, you're the last person I'd take advice from

          Terrible. Do SS or SL or GSLP, whatever takes your fancy.
          >nless you want to either get fat or get nowhere
          he's already fat as frick and no matter what LP he does he will progress and get somewhere, even while cutting. what are you proposing he should do? keep fricking around and doing 7kg side raises lol?

          I stalled under 100lb bench forever on a LP because I was cutting. Progress my ass.
          And yes? You need to do a lot of movements if you want to look good. Curl bros unironically get it right. You get minimal results with minimalist routines.

          • 1 year ago

            And when you stall you move on to something more advanced. It's not SS's fault that you're a dumbass lmao.

    • 1 year ago

      Terrible. Do SS or SL or GSLP, whatever takes your fancy.

      What's your plan? What are the other days like? What's your goal?
      Whatever you do, don't listen to [...] unless you want to either get fat or get nowhere

      >nless you want to either get fat or get nowhere
      he's already fat as frick and no matter what LP he does he will progress and get somewhere, even while cutting. what are you proposing he should do? keep fricking around and doing 7kg side raises lol?

  74. 1 year ago

    Thinking about going the TRT route. Got checked and tested at 414 ng/dl as a 30 year old. It looks to be in the normal range, but I know they keep lowering the reference range.

    Should I pursue TRT or something else to increase my test levels?

  75. 1 year ago

    I chug water and piss all day at work at my office job. I’ve noticed in the past few weeks that I get a really bloated stomach, almost like those african kids you see on tv. What causes this? Not sure if I’ve changed anything in my routine lately but I barely noticed my distended my belly gets from water

    • 1 year ago

      >I chug water and piss all day at work a
      unless you're trying to skip out on working there's no reason to do this

    • 1 year ago

      Just my personal experience, but forcing yourself to drink water even if you aren't thirsty is fricking moronic.
      I also fell for the "stay hydrated" meme. But the more water you drink, the more you pee and the more electrolytes you lose.
      How about... And hear me on this one.. you only drink water when your body ask you to drink water?

      Don't be an npc anon. Don't do unreasonable shit just because they told you so.

      • 1 year ago

        There's where you're wrong kiddo. I fricking love drinking water and no one is going to stop me

  76. 1 year ago

    I broke my wrist in January and I just started lifting again last month. I'm a dyel, I've never taken lifting seriously, but I'm trying to dead lift and I'm only at 175 pounds and my left wrist can't hold onto the damn bar. I think my broken wrist has completely diminished my grip strength. The bone itself has healed and doctors say I can lift, but my grip strength won't let me.

    Should I just kill myself?

    • 1 year ago

      Farmer walks/dead hangs are your friends. Best grip strength exercises by a significant margin

    • 1 year ago

      Straps obv
      Train bare double overhand until you drop and then use straps
      T. Can bare hand lmao4pl8 and hook grip 5

      Thinking about going the TRT route. Got checked and tested at 414 ng/dl as a 30 year old. It looks to be in the normal range, but I know they keep lowering the reference range.

      Should I pursue TRT or something else to increase my test levels?

      Stop all porn, eat more calories (fat) and less protein



      Thanks for the feedback the other day looks like pic rel, if I'm understanding what you are saying correctly, should i just do squat, bench press and deadlift and keep adding weight each time? What about reps? Do i do more each session? Also my goal is to lose weight, don't care much about gaining muscle, just don't want to be a fat frick anymore, I'm doing this and the other routine every other day.

      Do a tried and true real program like as or sl
      Don't do this meme bullshit
      Blobby and I are strong AF and I actually cut once a year to single digit bf%

  77. 1 year ago

    The frick happened to my lower back during squats? Warming up with 1plate and my lower back seized up and the pain is unbearable, can't even sit/lay down without pain. Getting in/out of my car after bailing from the gym was near impossible, couldn't move anything between my mid back and hips. Felt like it was bracing/arching a little too much like yellow box? I can squat 275 why/how did my back get rekt with 1plate

  78. 1 year ago

    I'm trying to lose fat and achieving decent progress. Thing is, it's my birthday today. You guys think I can have a slice of cake if I go to the gym afterwards, to kinda "burn off" a bit of it?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes you can, just work hard at the gym. And no more cake for another year.

    • 1 year ago

      Happy birthday anon
      Eat your cake and then PR your 1 rm tomorrow from the extra calories


      The frick happened to my lower back during squats? Warming up with 1plate and my lower back seized up and the pain is unbearable, can't even sit/lay down without pain. Getting in/out of my car after bailing from the gym was near impossible, couldn't move anything between my mid back and hips. Felt like it was bracing/arching a little too much like yellow box? I can squat 275 why/how did my back get rekt with 1plate

      You're likely one of the dudes who doesn't understand that your ribcage is supposed to sit on your abs and your glutes are supposed to be holding your hips neutral

      DO NOT, under any circumstance, EVER

      Your erectors are just cables holding you at neutral

      Stretch+ice+heat rinse repeat
      I've hurt my back every which way and I'm still fine
      T. 3+/4atg/5+

    • 1 year ago

      happy birthday homosexual.
      if you arent doing any kind of low carb diet the go for it. otherwise it isnt worth it.

  79. 1 year ago

    Is there a tangible difference in harm in drinking alcohol on your rest days vs. drinking on workout days or is it equally bad?

  80. 1 year ago

    are these my abs or am i just a schizo?

    • 1 year ago

      You don't look like you have any muscle definition at all. Lose more BF and check again in a month or two

  81. 1 year ago

    I have done a run of the mill full body routine for for two months now, starting from never having worked out at all. I am progressing in everything, but I feel like I'm somehow not able to do reps until failure in upper body exercises, since I only ever feel any soreness in my leg muscles and my shoulders.
    I feel nothing in my chest from my pushing sets, and my arms just feel shockingly weak after working out, especially around the medial head triceps area.

    Is this normal for first timers, just extreme weaknesses around my upper body that will have to mend before other muscles like pecs can properly activate?

    • 1 year ago

      Not really, you should experience great newbie gains for a good while in the beginning. All your numbers should be going up

    • 1 year ago

      Feeling sore doesn't mean you had an effective workout, and not feeling sore doesn't mean you had an ineffective workout. If you're progressing, then you're progressing

  82. 1 year ago

    i went from 80KG to 60KG in half a year, why don't i look like brad pitt in fight club ?

    • 1 year ago

      this is 60kg? how tall are you?

      • 1 year ago

        167 cm 5'6

        • 1 year ago

          that makes sense. you must have been super fat at 80kg, nice work

  83. 1 year ago

    lifting while fasted at 6am

    • 1 year ago

      With pre-work out it's okay but I'd eat a small donut or something to maximize strength
      T. Morning lifter since 2018


      i went from 80KG to 60KG in half a year, why don't i look like brad pitt in fight club ?

      You need some abdominal mass and shoulders and arms

      Feeling sore doesn't mean you had an effective workout, and not feeling sore doesn't mean you had an ineffective workout. If you're progressing, then you're progressing

      Blackpilled posting my dude


      are these my abs or am i just a schizo?


      Is there a tangible difference in harm in drinking alcohol on your rest days vs. drinking on workout days or is it equally bad?

      So your body repairs after a workout for 48 hours. Since food stays in your system for 24 hours, your feeding window for a workout runs from 23hours before to 24 hours after lifting

      Introducing alcohol any time in the 48 hour period will inhibit protein synthesis
      Since alcohol irritates the bowels, you're actually robbing yourself of nutrients from up to 23 hours before drinking to something like 20 hours after drinking (drink, sleep, shit, eat, shit, eat, bowels normalize later in the day back to regular programming)
      So if you lift, take 2 days off, drink, take the next day off and refered and then lift the following day, there will be minimized effects on your physique except for whatever the estrogen decides to do

      • 1 year ago

        >With pre-work out it's okay but I'd eat a small donut or something to maximize strength
        >T. Morning lifter since 2018
        Caffeine always gives me jitters. And on an empty belly it makes me want to bang my head on the walls. I'll consider the donut though.

      • 1 year ago

        >So if you lift, take 2 days off, drink, take the next day off and refered and then lift the following day, there will be minimized effects on your physique except for whatever the estrogen decides to do

        Will do, thanks for the write-up anon

  84. 1 year ago

    How do I stop fapping out of boredom? I know I shouldn't do it, but I am weak and still give in.
    Any tips?

    • 1 year ago

      Get a job and a side job and a hobby
      Your refusal to improve yourself such that you're "bored" is your fault

      I work, I remodel houses, I lift in the morning and hang out with my family in the evening

  85. 1 year ago

    apparently I have high Glutamic pyruvic transaminase and CRP counts in the liver
    can adding more cardio to my workouts fix this or is it more of an alcohol problem

  86. 1 year ago

    6’2” 160lbs went from skinny, to skinny-fat, back to skinny. What’s a good resource to start educating myself and building muscle? Recently “inherited” a pretty decent home gym set up and would like to build a solid foundation. The sticky isn’t that helpful

    • 1 year ago

      You can read and learn, or watch videos and learn.
      Either way you need to lift and try things out AS you learn to find out what works.
      Realistically you just need to put in hard work and keep your joints alright.
      I don't want to recommend people since I don't know what you will like or do.

      How do I stop fapping out of boredom? I know I shouldn't do it, but I am weak and still give in.
      Any tips?

      I do things I would rather do. I train my relatives, work on my projects in the garage, and research particular subjects to a stupid level like lifting or wrenching.

      An easy thing to do is go outside or be in public and do something you enjoy.

  87. 1 year ago

    Has anyone had a hair transplant in Turkey?

  88. 1 year ago

    How my set and reps of pull ups should I be able to do to say publicly "Yeah I can pullup easily"

    • 1 year ago

      when you can do pullups easily.

  89. 1 year ago

    >legs really strong
    >like 1 rep max on leg press is 600 pounds
    >but no endurance
    >get told to get on the stairmaster to fix that
    >at the gym earlier
    >do just that
    >heart rate at 160 after 30 seconds
    >legs are starting to give out at 3:40
    >nearly fall off the machine
    >force myself to hit 4 minutes and end it
    >completely cashed out
    >barely make it back home
    >been home for like 15 minutes now
    >legs are spasming
    >not sure I'll be able to get back up from my chair to go to bed
    >heart rate still at 140 despite just sitting in chair for 15 minutes


    • 1 year ago

      leg press numbers dont mean anything
      do more cardio fatty

  90. 1 year ago

    on deadlifts, during my top set i notice my grip giving out after 3 reps, is switching to mixed for another 2 reps a bad thing or ok?

    • 1 year ago

      dont know, but you should definitely practice hanging. if you do pull-ups, hang for as long as you can after your sets and use a stop watch for the extra push

    • 1 year ago

      get straps


      Doing skull crushers with barbell and feel a tendon flicking over a bone in my elbow. Switch to EZ bar and now it doesn’t happen as much but recently it’s gone up again. What should I do?

      db french press or standing cable extension overhead.

      Accesories are not base lifts thou, I want to increase my weight in OHP and Bench, and actually doing the excercises should make them improve better?

      do a variant like close grip bench, dumbbell, incline.
      Or just a different rep range. like how SS is 3x5, do bench with reps of 10+.
      Ohp is the same
      Just realize you will have to watch out for overuse.

      Oh, and isolations are equal if not more important then "base" lifts.

  91. 1 year ago

    Doing skull crushers with barbell and feel a tendon flicking over a bone in my elbow. Switch to EZ bar and now it doesn’t happen as much but recently it’s gone up again. What should I do?

    • 1 year ago

      DB varient allows your elbows to do what they like. Make sure your elbow is in the same plane as your wrists and shoulder and the weight is stacked under the muscle so there's no side torque.


      How my set and reps of pull ups should I be able to do to say publicly "Yeah I can pullup easily"


  92. 1 year ago

    I’ve been sexting with this Indian girl and she’s been telling my how much she wants to frick me, how horny she is etc. I’ve never sexted before though and I’m a social autist. Do you guys have any tips for doing this? What do I say to keep her interested and maybe send nudes?

    • 1 year ago

      Respond frickers I don’t know what I’m doing

    • 1 year ago

      stop wasting your time and invite her over to frick already.

  93. 1 year ago

    Doing starting strength for a month now, but Bench and OHP is lacking.
    Can I do both OHP and Bench 3 times a week or will that be too much volume?
    Day A
    Day B
    Alternating ABAB etc

    • 1 year ago

      Just add in accessories like dips and tricep extensions at the end of a given session. Dips on bench day and tricep extensions on ohp day. Or move on to more advanced programming

      • 1 year ago

        Accesories are not base lifts thou, I want to increase my weight in OHP and Bench, and actually doing the excercises should make them improve better?

        • 1 year ago

          Accessories should be helping with your primary movements. That's the main purpose of them. Fricking with the program beyond that isn't going to help you, because you're interfering with how it works at the base level. You could do db bench and db ohp as accessories as well if you want the movements to be more specific but I wouldn't recommend doing both on the same day during SS.

  94. 1 year ago

    beginner here with tons of loose skin, esp hanging saggy breasts. what can i do to fill out my upper chest more, db ohp or inc db press? on top of regular benching

  95. 1 year ago

    How good are prison workouts is it a gimic

  96. 1 year ago

    What the frick does it mean with the barbell flyes?

    • 1 year ago

      Seems to be mixing up freaking push-ups on a bar and normal db chest flyes.
      just AI things.....


      When doing barbell biceps curls, when my back arches back does that mean that the weight is too much and I'm compensating or is this fine?

      Depends on the arch and when it happens
      >first rep and omega arch
      cheat curls
      >kinda arched whole way through
      maybe fine, do you have a good MMC/pain with your biceps? Fine if you do. Really any form is fine as long as you stress the shit out of your biceps and keep consistent.
      >fairly straight until last couple reps
      this is what I do. I only count the stricter reps, and a cheat rep or two after is just a bonus.

  97. 1 year ago

    When doing barbell biceps curls, when my back arches back does that mean that the weight is too much and I'm compensating or is this fine?

  98. 1 year ago

    Making a PPL for home that suits my own needs and writing up a leg day. Trying to find a substitute for leg curls.

    Would it be wise to just do 6 sets of RDL's instead of 3 sets RDLs and 3 sets of a substitute for leg curls? Or even do 3 sets of RDLs, a different exercise like lunges in between, and then 3 more sets of RDLs?

    • 1 year ago

      nordic curls might be a good replacement but hard to set up

      • 1 year ago

        I think I'll try to figure something out with that. I assume it should be 3 sets to failure at the end of the workout? Thank you for the suggestion.

  99. 1 year ago

    Lower my caloric intake or exercise more to get rid of this last bit of belly fat?

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Honestly cant tell if troony or not.



        lift weights.

        I'm trans btw if that matters

        • 1 year ago

          >hey guys i posted it again

          you guys beat jokes to death harder than redditors or 9gaggers ever did

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly cant tell if troony or not.

      • 1 year ago

        Could be the angle but the hips seem a lot wide than the shoulders. I assume it's a girl.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      lift weights.

  100. 1 year ago

    Other than pull ups, what exercises should i be doing with a bar like this?
    I remember seeing an infographic with several exercises with a pull up bar, does anyone have something like that?

    • 1 year ago

      >pull up variants
      neutral grip chins, wide neutral grip, wide grip pull ups
      get them and you can do tons of work
      push-ups, flys, rows, curls, etc.
      Just look up ring training.

      You could also get a pulley and do tons of cable exercises.

  101. 1 year ago

    Had a break for 5 days because I was feeling shit. Back at the gym and I’m hitting all my PRs and doing more exercises. I’m a beginner by the way. Are these just early gains?

  102. 1 year ago

    I tried to do bench press after heavy deadlifts and pull ups. I was feeling great, but suddenly with higher weight on bench press I started to feel jolts going through my palms, especially in the nerves. Im definitely certain that I had enough in me to do few more repetition, however I got scared that Im gonna drop it on me. I was losing sensation in my hands. After doing a proper rest I could continue my workout no problem (no BP tho). What do you guys think?

    • 1 year ago

      >especially in the nerves

      • 1 year ago

        Im ESL, but you get the gest of the issue, numbness in the palms, tingling (almost pleasant) sensation. I could have dropped a 200 lbs on my neck. Please guys its the first time something like this had happened to me

  103. 1 year ago

    >be 6’2”
    >198 lbs
    >have 29” waist
    What does my body mean by this?

    • 1 year ago


  104. 1 year ago

    im having lots of stress mentally that i just cant let go off, especially during the evening. im feeling this is killing my newbie gains. i hate the idea of that but is sth like ashwaghanda or a magnesium supplement sth i should consider taking before bed? just to calm my mind down and get proper rest which i feel like im not getting due to poor sleep quality

    • 1 year ago

      mag is good for sleep but it's not going to fix you completely. you need to remove whatever is causing the stress.

  105. 1 year ago

    Is this salvageable?
    I lost about 55lbs, I'm only 22lbs away from the "healthy" range and I still look like this

    • 1 year ago

      "Salvagable"? It's your body, you dumb frick, the only thing in the universe that allows you to exist, not a car. You won't get a new one if you give up on it, you will die fairly quickly.

    • 1 year ago

      no offense anon but did you lose all those 55lbs in your upper body? i lost around 80kg and your upper body almost looks as bad as mine which i thought was pretty incredible
      also how tall are you

  106. 1 year ago

    Would cardio be more effective without good air conditioning? I mean, thermoregulation is responsible for the majority of calories that get burned in the day for a sedentary person. So, wouldn't letting your body run hot and forcing itself to expend more calories to thermoregulate be better than, say, have a fan blowing on you while walking on a treadmill?

    Basically, fan durio cardio, good or bad?

  107. 1 year ago

    I need some help bros.
    One day during October of 2021, I woke up with my upper/mid back hurting out of fricking no where and my neck cracking from every small movement I do (without pain) as if there's some sand/little particles in my neck, I'd only get minor pain in my neck if i throw my head back. I also have lower back pain randomly when I run and do certain poses with my body and my entire back cracks like crazy. If I stand still for more than 20 minutes I feel like my back is about to collapse. I had ZERO issues with my body before that dreaded night and now I feel like this shit is not gonna go away easily.
    I got an MRI (for my cervical) and turns out I have a minor disc at C4/C5. Doc told me it's nothing to be worried about and I can go to the gym and do whatever I want. Did a few physical therapy sessions and he sent me on my way (told me I have starting signs of scoliosis).
    But idk I feel like he's talking from his ass. I don't feel ready yet to do Starting strength. I feel like I need a base first before attempting the program. I can't even do a single pullup/chinup. and I can do max 8 pushups. I joined a gym and tried doing deadlifts with one plate and next day my lower back felt kinda more tense and tight and would hurt if I twist my torso in certain directions, which doesn't seem like one would get from deadlifts.
    My current plan is to do a lot of core/glutes work. Shit like pilates and stretches that target the hip flexors/hamstrings and upper back. Planks, leg raises all that stuff. and do some body weight exercises like bulgarian split squats and pushups, and some workouts that don't destroy the lower back like romanian deadlifts and back extensions. I'll also do cardio and lose some weight (5'6 weigh 77 kgs).

    > TLDR am couch potato with zero sports exp, 25 yrs old, have back pain in my mid/upper back and my neck and my whole back/neck cracks like crazy. Feel like I'm gonna go to snap city if I attempt deadlifts/squats. wat do bros?

    • 1 year ago

      >and some workouts that don't destroy the lower back like romanian deadlifts
      What I'd do in your case is do a FRICK ton of general back work. Upper back, mid back (lats) and lower back. Hyperextensions are good, but I'd keep on doing deadlifts. They 100% bulletproof your back as long as you don't overexceed what it can handle.
      SS is an awful idea because it WILL make things worse with how pushing-biased it is.
      If your neck hurts consider doing direct neck training (both flexor and extensor work).
      In general, you're in the right track. Do a good bodyweight routine, add in cardio/conditioning work (you NEED it if you want to get anywhere) and learn your body's limits (pain management is an important thing to learn since it either holds you back if you overreact or sends you to snap city if you underreact).
      Look up r*ddit's bodyweightfitness FAQ and start from wherever you feel appropiate.
      Don't skimp on the squats for now though. Do goblet squats, they're good for the upper back and don't hurt your lower back.

      Can anyone recommend a routine for someone who only has access to free weights one day a week? I'm doing body weight squats, push ups, and pull ups three days a week. was thinking deadlift, Incline bench, and Barbell rows would fit the bill. Curious as to what IST would do.

      >free weights once a week
      High-bar back squat (or front squat if you're a masochist), deadlift, leg extensions, leg press, knee flexion exercise (glute-ham raises are my favorite) and calves (maybe). Add in some other fun exercises if you can handle them.
      All you need for upper body is a pair of rings and you can do every damn exercise in the world for the upper body. Meanwhile whenever I've had to work out at home I've had to rig some atrocities for lower body (I had to use three 2U rack servers, a wooden coffee table and a normal belt to make some ghetto nordic curl bench that barely even fricking worked)


      How do I into ab training?
      I am at 1/2/3/pleasedontask and have never trained them.
      What are the one or two best exercises.

      Cable crunches
      Dragon flags

  108. 1 year ago

    How do I stop the cracking in my arm when doing pushups?

  109. 1 year ago

    >be me last night
    >pushing through my last few sets of curls at the end of my workout
    >in the zone, not really thinking about breath technique, holding it in
    >squeezing out one more rep on sheer willpower
    >hear a "shwoop" sound in my right ear
    >instantly that ear sounds like it's muffled
    >absurdy loud ringing starts
    >figure it'll go away in an hour or two
    >it doesn't
    >everything in that ear sounds like it's coming through cotton balls
    >high frequencies are basically nonexistent
    >go to the hospital
    >they think I might have popped a blood vessel in my head
    >CT scan comes back normal
    >they shrug their shoulders, refer me to an ENT and send me home
    Has anyone experienced this? After all my years of listening to music it's crazy that this is what gives me tinnitus finally.

  110. 1 year ago

    can i get a form check? nonmeme responses if possible

    • 1 year ago

      move the bar further forward so your legs have room to come forward and down, you'll be better able to arch your back. Stop training with a belt when you're not even at 3pl8

  111. 1 year ago

    Can anyone recommend a routine for someone who only has access to free weights one day a week? I'm doing body weight squats, push ups, and pull ups three days a week. was thinking deadlift, Incline bench, and Barbell rows would fit the bill. Curious as to what IST would do.

  112. 1 year ago

    Are leg extensions and seated leg extensions the same thing? I only have a seated leg extension machine but my PT called for leg extensions not seated
    Yes I’m noob btw

    • 1 year ago

      same thing

      • 1 year ago

        What a relief. Thank you very much!

  113. 1 year ago

    will drinking kill all the gains from my exercise today?

    • 1 year ago

      no. and stop thinking about gains as a daily thing.

  114. 1 year ago

    I am having many issues, doing IF is like my body is rejecting the IF. Either I go for longer fasting periods that make me chilly and sometimes make me feel weaker. Or I can't hold till the refeeding time, also weight loss is not working I'm only 6 lbs away from when I started IF. Aside from keto is there another sustainable way of losing and keeping weight off while training hard 4 days a week? Maybe I should switch to 5-2 diet any feedback on that? I usually see it paired with IF. I've also noticed that people on fasting threads doing rolling 48s are above 200lb and usually don't lift. I can't do keto as I have a low tolerance for high-fat food.

    • 1 year ago

      >also weight loss is not working I'm only 6 lbs away from when I started IF.
      troll post

  115. 1 year ago

    How do I into ab training?
    I am at 1/2/3/pleasedontask and have never trained them.
    What are the one or two best exercises.

    • 1 year ago

      hard to do better than leg raises, decline crunches, and ab rollers

      • 1 year ago

        try some side crunches and mountain climbers too

        >and some workouts that don't destroy the lower back like romanian deadlifts
        What I'd do in your case is do a FRICK ton of general back work. Upper back, mid back (lats) and lower back. Hyperextensions are good, but I'd keep on doing deadlifts. They 100% bulletproof your back as long as you don't overexceed what it can handle.
        SS is an awful idea because it WILL make things worse with how pushing-biased it is.
        If your neck hurts consider doing direct neck training (both flexor and extensor work).
        In general, you're in the right track. Do a good bodyweight routine, add in cardio/conditioning work (you NEED it if you want to get anywhere) and learn your body's limits (pain management is an important thing to learn since it either holds you back if you overreact or sends you to snap city if you underreact).
        Look up r*ddit's bodyweightfitness FAQ and start from wherever you feel appropiate.
        Don't skimp on the squats for now though. Do goblet squats, they're good for the upper back and don't hurt your lower back.
        >free weights once a week
        High-bar back squat (or front squat if you're a masochist), deadlift, leg extensions, leg press, knee flexion exercise (glute-ham raises are my favorite) and calves (maybe). Add in some other fun exercises if you can handle them.
        All you need for upper body is a pair of rings and you can do every damn exercise in the world for the upper body. Meanwhile whenever I've had to work out at home I've had to rig some atrocities for lower body (I had to use three 2U rack servers, a wooden coffee table and a normal belt to make some ghetto nordic curl bench that barely even fricking worked)
        Cable crunches
        Dragon flags

        thanks lads, I'll try them all and take the two easiest lol

    • 1 year ago

      hard to do better than leg raises, decline crunches, and ab rollers

      try some side crunches and mountain climbers too

  116. 1 year ago

    im doing madcow program, im struggling on bench compared to my other lifts, do i add accessories every time i bench? if so, how many?
    5'8" 150lbs

  117. 1 year ago

    I began getting really sharp, stinging pain along my sternum a day and a half after doing some chest presses for the first time in a long time. The weight was incredibly light, as I have been out of the gym for two years. However - during the exercise form and muscles felt good and fine, and there was a minimal amount of normal muscle fatigue. This was very unexpected.

    Am I gonna die now?

  118. 1 year ago

    I don't have room for a real exercise bike or a treadmill or anything like that. Is this any good?

    • 1 year ago

      why not go for a run outside or buy a real bike?

      • 1 year ago

        I don't want to leave my apartment

  119. 1 year ago

    where do i fit incline pressing in?
    could i just treat as an isolation movement with lighter weight after lat pulldowns? or is just replacing it with db ohp the smartest move?
    upper A
    3x3-6 BB bench, 2x 8-12 hypertrophy
    4x6-10 Pendlay rows
    3x8-12 seated DB OHP
    4x8-12 Lat pulldown
    +3x lat raises, 3x triceps pushdowns
    (bicep work on following lower day)

    or maybe replace flat pressing with DBs on this day with incline? i really like doing that movement tbh so i dont really WANT to replace it but im unsure
    Upper B
    3x4-6 BB OHP
    4x Chinups
    3x8-12 flat DB BP
    3x8-12 one armed rows
    2x skullcrusher SS facepulls
    2x reverse curls SS lat raises

    • 1 year ago

      Do the 3 sets of incline instead of your backoff/hypertrophy barbell bench work.
      Or don't do them at all until you want to later.

  120. 1 year ago

    the older i get the worse i become at sticking to any form of routine or diet, its becoming a joke at this point.

    are my dopamine receptors fried, is it low t? i dont fricking know anyone experienced this and what did you do

  121. 1 year ago

    Seated military press machine. Am I supposed to stop short of full extension for shoulder health?

  122. 1 year ago

    anyone able to redpill me on MTHFR gene mutation?

  123. 1 year ago

    im getting paid a couple hundred bucks to have some girls kick me in the nuts tomorrow. its gonna be pretty hard, are there any secret martial arts techniques or something to endure it better or lessen the pain?

  124. 1 year ago

    why am i getting a much better chest pump doing 8-12 rep work incline benching than doing the same intensity/effort in the same rep range on flat benching?

  125. 1 year ago

    What stretches do you guys do to not get fricking destroyed lifting? I don’t wanna take any chances

  126. 1 year ago

    I started lifting after a long-term hand injury that led me to not using it for a majority of everyday tasks that require any sort of strenght. As a result, one side of my upper body is slightly but def. noticably weaker than the other (form slipping, tilted bar when benching close to failure etc).

    Should I do lifts specifically to strengthen this side, or will it even out with beginner gains?

  127. 1 year ago

    I had to deal with fever yesterday and my throat is sore as hell today. Should I still go to gym or take a rest?

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