"Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread.

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  1. 1 year ago

    When will people realize that even if exercise does not help you lose weight, that doesn't suddenly make it useless?

    • 1 year ago

      When they start getting issues from never working out in their late 20s and early 30s.

    • 1 year ago

      As a recovering fatty I thank lifting for giving me the strength to stand up without using my hands and arms to push away from my seat or to steady myself. I look around me now and notice friends, family, and coworkers do it all the time. I also find it weird how many of them cannot walk for long without having to catch their breath but I'm still fatter than them.

    • 1 year ago

      so, I KIND OF do this
      my brother is MASSIVE, like, 450 minimum fat, and he always says "Man, I need to go to the gym" and then stuffs his face. I never discourage the gym, but I always make it a point to tell him he's not going to our exercise his diet, and he needs to fix his shitty relationship with food.

  2. 1 year ago

    I ate goyslop today. Mcflurry, and bbq lamb with fries and salad. Is it over? I'm aiming for 2000 calories a day. I couldnt control myself bros .
    I could see 6 pack in good lighting and I'm wondering if to lean out more because I want a body that women would love

    • 1 year ago

      It's just one day you homosexual. Don't do it tomorrow

    • 1 year ago

      >is it over?
      no, it’s not over until you say it’s over
      keep your chin up and grind

  3. 1 year ago

    Reposting for more opinions:
    If money is not an issue are there benefits to consuming duck eggs over chicken eggs? Right now I drink a dozen raw chicken eggs a day and I’m wondering if I should switch to duck as a store near me has them available.

    • 1 year ago

      If they're available, go for it for variety, if possible get goose eggs, those are big frickers.

    • 1 year ago

      I miss when the butcher shop down the road from me had duck eggs.

    • 1 year ago

      I really doubt theres any difference at all besides the size. per gram should be identical macronutrients and near-identical micronutrients. unless the option is caged chicken eggs vs pastured duck eggs, thats what would be likely to make a worthwhile difference

  4. 1 year ago

    how's my routine? been on it for 2 months now and making pretty good gains especially in my arms and chest

    Upper 1

    bench 3x6-12
    chest supported row 3x6-12
    DB pullover 3x8-12
    low pulley cable flyes 3x8-12
    cable lateral raise 2x10-15
    single arm tricep pulldown (kickback?) 3x8-12
    curl machine 3x8-12
    dips 2x8-12
    pull ups 2x8-12

    lower 1

    squat 3x6-12
    RDL 3x8-12
    seated calf raise 3x10-15
    leg extension 2x10-12
    lying leg curl 2x10-12
    ab crunch machine 3x10-12
    decline sit up 3xF

    upper 2

    incline DB bench 3x8-12
    OHP 3x6-12
    low pulley cable flyes 3x8-12
    single arm tricep pulldown 3x8-12
    curl machine 3x8-12
    pull ups 2x8-12
    dips 2x8-12

    lower 2

    leg press 3x10-20
    RDL 3x8-12
    seated calf raise 3x10-15
    back extension 3x10-12
    lying leg curl 3x8-12
    ab crunch machine 3x10-12
    decline sit ups 3xF

    • 1 year ago

      btw i usually do this all in one week. sometimes i go 4 times, sometimes 6,

    • 1 year ago

      god damn this is a frick ton of volume, arguably too much. like are you really getting triceps gains on that last sets of dips AFTER bench, pullovers, and kickbacks? Or are you intentionally lifting light to get everything done? Additionally how long do you spend in the gym? This shit looks like 2 hours with adequate rest times. If you have Marine-level of conditioning and can do everything at max effort good for you i guess but I see a lot of volume and machine fat that can be trimmed.

      • 1 year ago

        Honestly it's not that much volume, it's on the higher end but it's nothing like some of the crazy shit roidtrannies program.

      • 1 year ago

        I agree that my upper days are a ton of volume

        I dropped the pull ups from upper 1 and the dips from upper 2.

        I am still making strength gains from week to week (usually one exercise each week increases by 5 or 10), so I'm not too concerned about the volume/fatigue yet.

        On upper days I'm usually at gym for 1.5 hours. 2.5-3 min rest between compound lift sets, 1.5-2 min rest between others.

        I also just switched out the tricep kickback for low pulley overhead tricep extension today, but I'm not sure I'll keep it.

        If you were to trim, say, one exercise off upper days, which would it be? That is, which is the most redundant/junk volume?

  5. 1 year ago

    How many days can I go without working out before I start melting away all my gains?
    I've been lifting for almost 6 months now and one of my shoulder hurts, probably need to take atleast 2-3 weeks off, I tried 1 week, it felt better then I got back into lifting heavy with a lot of volume and the issue came back.
    I probably should drop Reddit PPL aswell and find something that isn't so taxing on the body, I've been lifting 5 days a week, should I just do 3 days full body after my time off or ULxUL? Barbell bench press and OHP are probably the reason my shoulder got like that.

    • 1 year ago

      I’m not sure, honestly, cuz even if I take a few months off, when I get back in my gains snap back. The key I think is to continue eating a high-protein diet even while you aren’t lifting.

      I fricked up my shoulder when I was a teen by egolifting and doing advanced lifts with my friend who was an actually bodybuilder and roiding. Kept me out of the gym for years. Eventually I had to figure out a way around it, lest I become a full fatass forever. There are exercises to help improve your shoulder as well as ways to progressive overload your delts without hurting yourself. Just youtube “lifts for bad shoulder” and shit.

      • 1 year ago

        I might just do dumbbell variations of bench and OHP.
        I probably have some mild scoliosis and one side has imbalances.
        I remember benching and could never get my spine 100% straight, one side was always overcompensating and sometimes I would even try to fix my posture mid-Bench. Dumbbell pressing felt easier on my shoulder.

    • 1 year ago

      People get injured/aches/pains, it happens. Realistically, just don't push super hard on your pressing movements, try to do things that don't hurt it. If barbell bench/ohp hurt it, then try dumbbell bench/ohp, dips, or machines. You can go for a while like this and not lose muscle size while your shoulder heals. You will absolutely lose strength, but once you start pressing with barbells again, it will come back. Also that program has you doing 20 pressing sets per week. That is a lot, even for a beginner if you are actually pushing yourself. I would aim to do around 10 sets per week if your shoulder can handle it while it heals. If it cannot, even doing just a few good sets will maintain muscle size

      is it ok to do ppl 7 days a week? (so no rest day)
      im on campus still instead of home and legit have nothing else to do besides go to the gym

      No. You need a rest day. You grow when you are recovering. Most naturals have no reason to go to the gym more than 5 times per week unless the workouts are like 10 sets at most. Go to the gym 3-5 times a week, and push hard on those days. If you want to feel like you "worked out" on your rest days, do things like GPP work, light-medium intensity cardio for 15-30 minutes, or work a mobility/stretching routine.

      Is calisthenics a good alternative to lifting if I don't have access to good weights/only have time and space to do equipment-less exercise? I'd like to get built.

      It is better than nothing for sure, but you will not get as big or strong as if you had an actual gym to lift in. If you are okay with that, go for it. You will also have tiny legs.

      why do leg exercise makes me sweat and get my heart rate up a lot more?

      Training legs is harder. Your legs are stronger than your upper body, so you can move more weight for more reps. The range of motion also tends to be greater.


      I'm a beginner and have ok-good form on my lifts. SS has too little volume imo, so I added some exercises, what do you think?
      3x a week, 3x5, ~3 min rest for main lifts
      A squat, OHP, DL
      Lat pulldown
      DB lateral raise
      Biceps curls
      Reverse fly
      Pullups (can only do 2-3)
      Core (always skip)

      B squat, bench, DL
      Chest fly machine
      Overhead triceps extensions
      Pullups (can only do 2-3)
      Core (always skip)

      >yes i know more than mark rippetoe even though I have only lifted for 2 months, why do you ask??
      seriously dude, you should just stick to the program as written. The only thing I'd keep is the extra bicep work. Doing squat/bench/DL/ohp/cleans as written will hit every muscle in your body (besides biceps and calves). Once you are done with SS, then go find a program that has all the extra shit. You don't need it as a beginner.

    • 1 year ago

      A week won’t do much. When you get back into it your working weight might feel a bit heavier. A month I think you actually start losing strength

  6. 1 year ago

    is it ok to do ppl 7 days a week? (so no rest day)
    im on campus still instead of home and legit have nothing else to do besides go to the gym

    • 1 year ago

      If you don't start to feel fatigued then yes.

      Try it and if your body can handle it then you're fine.

      Key signs you need to rest are joint pain and more than normal unwillingness to workout

    • 1 year ago

      Light kettlebell is good for "rest day" lifting

  7. 1 year ago

    Is calisthenics a good alternative to lifting if I don't have access to good weights/only have time and space to do equipment-less exercise? I'd like to get built.

    • 1 year ago

      Get a gym membership. If it's truly impossible because mommy won't give you the money or you live in bumfrick nowhere, calisthenics is good if you're skinny or average.

  8. 1 year ago

    Do I still need to train abs if my routine includes the big 4? I mean to have a visible 6-pack at 15% bf

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah brah squats are all you need for abs. No I will not post body and validate my claims about this.

    • 1 year ago

      if you're comfortably above 1/2/3/4 you'll probably have some definition but to be visibly cut even when unflexed you'll need an isolation at least 2x a week

      I’m skinny fat but leaning on the fatter side (roughly 26-28% bf if I had to estimate) and I want to gain a decent amount of muscle. Can I just stick to eating at maintenance instead of eating at surplus since I already have sufficient body fat? If so, how long can I sustain this before it affects gains?

      you're just fat fat. cut to 18-20% and eat maintenance

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, don't fall for the compounds are all you need meme.

      You need direct ab work if you want to have a good looking mid section.

    • 1 year ago

      you should train abs because the big 4 put more strain on your lower back than your abs, and that leads to imbalances and higher potential for injury

  9. 1 year ago

    How do I talk to the girls at the gym bros?

    • 1 year ago

      don't. No one is at the gym to flirt. Focus on what you're there for.

      rate my upper body at home work out

      >wide arm / neutral pull ups
      >military dumbbell press
      >tricep overhead extensions

      overly basic.

      Do I still need to train abs if my routine includes the big 4? I mean to have a visible 6-pack at 15% bf

      Most people still need to train abs and don't have them visible by default.


      How many days can I go without working out before I start melting away all my gains?
      I've been lifting for almost 6 months now and one of my shoulder hurts, probably need to take atleast 2-3 weeks off, I tried 1 week, it felt better then I got back into lifting heavy with a lot of volume and the issue came back.
      I probably should drop Reddit PPL aswell and find something that isn't so taxing on the body, I've been lifting 5 days a week, should I just do 3 days full body after my time off or ULxUL? Barbell bench press and OHP are probably the reason my shoulder got like that.

      Every 4-6 months you should take 1-2 weeks off. I'm a fan of ULxULxx. Also maybe take a vid of your form just to double check that you've got it down correctly.

      • 1 year ago

        Thank you, anon. Where can I find a good ULxULx program? Is Jeff Nippard one good?

        • 1 year ago

          Honestly just find one you like. Google "X Day Programs" and sift through them until you find something that targets all the things you want to hit. And then don't be afraid to modify the program if it isn't perfect; I started with Lyle McDonald's Generic bulking routine and have more or less customized it into my own thing over time.

    • 1 year ago

      >how do I talk to girls

  10. 1 year ago

    rate my upper body at home work out

    >wide arm / neutral pull ups
    >military dumbbell press
    >tricep overhead extensions

    • 1 year ago


  11. 1 year ago

    Anons I'm so fricking angry at myself I can't squat I just can't, every time I go down with weight I always find myself either bending my neck instead of keeping it parralel, I keep putting way too much pressure on my lower back, on the way up I somehow transfer the weight to my hands and elbow joint, it upsets me as its my one weakness that always without failure leads to my most serious injuries again and again and again and the fact that I've injured myself AGAIN after not going gym in 9 months from these Black person fricking squats upsets me even more.

    • 1 year ago

      have you tried front squats? Those take a ton of tension off of the back. alternatively you can just do BSS and rape the hack squat machine for similar gains without putting pressure on the back

    • 1 year ago

      Hack squat, I have the same problem I recently gave up trying to squat, I just don't have good leverages and mobility for it.

      Hack squat eliminates all your problems. Just have to make sure not to bend your back at all and you're golden.

  12. 1 year ago

    got my test checked and bioavailable test came back at 11.5 nmol/l is that fine? should i also get total test levels checked? doc said they dont matter but i assume hes just lying

    • 1 year ago

      do you mean ng/dl? normal range is 7.0 - 36.7 ng/dL. I want to say the higher end of "normal" is probably more of outliers that just dont fall into a range of concern vs a lot of people having 30+ results. it will probably make you feel better just to get the total T test done, so if its free, do it. if its not free, then keep in mind that there's probably nothing actually wrong with you, you just browse IST

      • 1 year ago

        mine says nmol/l

        im so confused. not finding any calcs that work either.

        are there send away testosterone tests? docs being a moron didnt even test for SHBG

        • 1 year ago

          i think this is about 329ng/dl lmao thats nearing total test levels KEK

          someone burst my bubble tell me im wrong pls

          • 12 months ago

            thats what this says http://www.endmemo.com/medical/unitconvert/Testosterone.php

            I'd have to think that the way its tested for them to give nmol/L is different from the ng/dl test. you have the normal range right there, so your free test is high, but not to the extent of 329 ng/dl on the other test that has a high normal of 36.7, I'd think it would be maybe the equivalent of 40 given the relative standard ranges

        • 12 months ago

          >are there send away testosterone tests?
          there are, but I dont think they're very accurate. test is in very small amounts in blood, so at the doctor they take a good amount, maybe like half a fl. oz. send away tests I think are always finger prick tests since I dont think theyll send you a syringe and tell you to stick it into an artery

  13. 1 year ago

    I’m skinny fat but leaning on the fatter side (roughly 26-28% bf if I had to estimate) and I want to gain a decent amount of muscle. Can I just stick to eating at maintenance instead of eating at surplus since I already have sufficient body fat? If so, how long can I sustain this before it affects gains?

    • 1 year ago

      you need to cut. thats not skinny fat thats obese

      • 1 year ago

        if you're comfortably above 1/2/3/4 you'll probably have some definition but to be visibly cut even when unflexed you'll need an isolation at least 2x a week
        you're just fat fat. cut to 18-20% and eat maintenance


    • 1 year ago

      Fat frick

  14. 1 year ago

    How to improve curl strength? I've been stuck at 70lb for what feels like forever but can never break my lowly rep plateau of 3x8. Tried drop sets, helped get some definition but no luck on actually increasing strength

    • 1 year ago

      Strength is built through the nervous system. You have to lift heavier simple as.

      • 1 year ago

        my thinking is how can I consider moving up to 75 if I can't even do one set of 10 at 70? maybe I need to play with volume schemes or something but idk, my progress hasn't stalled this bad on biceps in a while

        • 1 year ago

          Lower the rep range.

          When my bicep strength increased the most, I kept trying to 1 rep max pr every session.

          I don't suggest you do that since it's probably a big injury risk. But you can try to lower your rep range and try to go heavier and heavier.

          • 1 year ago

            >When my bicep strength increased the most, I kept trying to 1 rep max pr every session.
            so just 1, clean max effort rep? at the end or beginning of working sets? sounds kind of silly but frick it, thanks for the new idea lol

            • 1 year ago

              I used to 1 rep max and then drop set down to 50% of max.

              Did this for two sets.

            • 12 months ago

              I'd say go for 5 rep max, even if you can only do 3 now of 75, you can probably get that up to 5 pretty quick. you could also do some underhand pullups, that way you get some lat gains in addition to the bicep gains

  15. 1 year ago

    What is the optimal routine for VO2 max training.

    I recently started playing football and I realized that the most important factor is pure VO2 max. I only suck at football when I'm gassed.

    What's the best routine to get fit fast. I used to play Rugby when I was a teen so I think it shouldn't take me long to hit a very high fitness level.

    Am I right in thinking HIIT is the best way to go if done correctly. I was going to do 10 minutes every day of very intense bike sprints followed by resting pace.

    Any thoughts?

    • 1 year ago

      runners and sprinters have VO2 maxing down to a science if you want a real answer. I play bball, am terrible when tired. Personally, i just play more, and more aggressive, bball until im in shape. Focusing on outworking everyone despite fatigue. HIIT, uphill treadmill, etc. work but my heart will never be in cardio unless im trying to kill someone else.

  16. 1 year ago

    Can you cure gyno with sarms or pct chemicals? I don't really want to get surgery because I don't want smiley face scars under my nips.

    • 1 year ago

      >"Can you cure tumors with pills"

      • 1 year ago

        You've never heard of cancer medicaitons have you?

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah try getting rid of a fricking tumor with pills moron. Being gyno means it's not treatable outside of surgery, that's why it's fricking gyno.

          • 1 year ago

            >Yeah try getting rid of a fricking tumor with pills moron.
            Like 99% of all cancer medication?

    • 1 year ago

      >Can you cure gyno with sarms or pct chemicals?
      raloxifene potentially (#1 gyno SERM) and a guy in fraud a week-ish ago was talking about Nolvadex PCT reducing his pubertal gyno

      is zzyz Latinx?

      No he's dead. He was Armenian/Kurdish and was born in Moscow

  17. 1 year ago

    Are there really glowies on discord trying to catch people through here? I added some random guy and am paranoid

    • 1 year ago

      Yes FBI agents are all over this site trying to trick morons into committing right wing terror attacks so they can justify more crackdowns on personal freedoms.

      They specifically target morons so I don't know what that says about you.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, that's what I figured. There's no info about it online but of course they'd scrub it if there was. Dude had a picture of an army guy with a gun as his avatar, and the whole thing felt suspicious so I canceled the friend request I sent. I'm not interested in doing moron terrorism, but I think they may have noticed me because I posted a gif of a "literally me" character like this that's violent and edgy along with my post.

        hey bro delete this
        t. cia

        I am not, I repeat, NOT, interested in throwing away my pursuit of life, liberty and happiness (pussy/money) for a sperg chimpout.

    • 1 year ago

      hey bro delete this
      t. cia

  18. 1 year ago

    How do i take good picture of your back if I don't have anyone who could take it for me?

    • 1 year ago

      Get a room filled with mirrors

  19. 1 year ago

    is zzyz Latinx?

  20. 1 year ago

    I've been eating 4 whole eggs a day and my mommy is worried about me. My mommy has cholesterol problems because fat and she's worried it's genetic. All my labs have been perfectly fine though. Wat do?

    • 1 year ago

      >All my labs have been perfectly fine though.
      Tell her/show her that your LDL and HDL are perfectly fine and that dietary cholesterol is hardly correlated to cholesterol levels

    • 1 year ago

      I like that cat image

  21. 1 year ago

    I questions about changing over from strength training to hypertrophy training.

    1. Should I train for endurance rather than hypertrophy if my primary goal is weight loss?

    2. Which is better: strict sets of 10 or sets of 8-12?

    3) How should I increase weight, sets, or reps in an LP fashion when hypertrophy training?

    • 1 year ago

      * I have

    • 1 year ago

      irrelevant, weight loss is achieved through a calorie deficit which only lightly correlates with calories burned through exercise
      Entirely depends on the exercise, there are no global rules on sets x reps
      normally in a routine you don't mess with sets or rep ranges. You increase weight when you can hit your goal reps for at-least 2 sessions in a row.

    • 1 year ago

      Why do you wanna lose weight to make your body look good?

      Then you should focus on muscle size, so train for hypertrophy.

    • 1 year ago

      so to preface the "strength vs hypertrophy" shit is mostly a meme. Strength training just has lower volume that keeps you farther from failure since that's easier on recovery, which is important if you're trying to hit PRs every session.
      1. just do hypertrophy with separate cardio
      2. Doesn't matter, do whichever one is harder and brings you closer to absolute failure
      3. up to you. if you decide to do a rep range just add reps until you reach the top, then add weight and go back to the bottom
      You're overthinking this a bit too much Anon, just lift

  22. 1 year ago

    do i AMRAP on every final set of every T1 exercise with the GZCL method? Lefever's original blogpost on GZCL says:
    >Doing AMRAP every day on all your main lifts is damn stupid and looks a whole lot like Crossfit. Don’t do that. It’s uncontrolled, haphazard, and fails to properly utilize the concept of over-reaching to your best interests.
    so what exactly should I do

  23. 1 year ago

    why are pushups so fricking hard I can barely do 30 with shitty form towards the end and I have to psyche myself up for it every time

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      They're working your chest, triceps, forearms and cardio. 30 is a wall you have to push through. Focus on your form, if you start losing it rest on your knees until you get your breath back. Don't just plank well, make sure to push your chest all the way to the ground. If you're not doing this already it will be hell for fist couple of weeks as you'll be suing even more muscles than usual. I thought I had decent pushup form, then I looked at the army standards and realized my pushups were halfass.
      Do a lot and it gets easier. I was having the same problem as you, and somehow the first pushup is always as hard as the last one, amirite? I just started doing multiple sets throughout the day. Fast forward a couple months, and now I do 200-250/day which continues to surprise me although I've been doing it a while. I knock out 3-4 sets of 25 while I'm up and about for the first hour of the day, feeding the dog etc. Then do more between other exercises during my workout, aiming to hit 200 before the end. I make sure it's never the last exercise so I can't make an excuse to myself to skip a set.
      Then I'll often put out a few sets during the rest of the day, whenever I get the idea basically. Those are bonus sets and I feel no obligation or shame if I don't do them.
      Even if I'm having a shitty day, knowing I do 200 PUs/day gives me a real mental boost. I was able to ramp up to this # over the space of a few weeks, starting by spreading the sets through the day and only recently concentrating most of them in the morning. You can do it anon, just keep pushing and watch the magic slowly happen.

  24. 1 year ago

    I donated blood yesterday, and afterwards it took me a good 30 minutes to recover, rather than 5 minutes.

    Anyone else donate blood? What do you eat/drink before it?

  25. 1 year ago

    I have a knee buckling a while after a workout with 3x10x135lb squats as a fatty. Is it DOMS causing my right leg to shit itself and lock out when staggering around rn or potentially arthritis/injury?

    • 1 year ago

      get knee sleeves and reconsider your shoe choices. flat rubber sole, or no shoes. t. injured knee haver

  26. 1 year ago

    Are lentils IST approved? Anything I should know about them? They seem like a cheap way to get more proteins in

    • 1 year ago

      Lentils, beans, and oats are good vegetable sources for protein. In general they have lower bioavailability than animal based protein, but the general intake of 0.8-1 g per lbs bodyweight should account for this. You should get B-vitamins and especially B12 from vitamin pills or injection and using mainly vegetable sources for protein might give you some deficiencies.

      do i AMRAP on every final set of every T1 exercise with the GZCL method? Lefever's original blogpost on GZCL says:
      >Doing AMRAP every day on all your main lifts is damn stupid and looks a whole lot like Crossfit. Don’t do that. It’s uncontrolled, haphazard, and fails to properly utilize the concept of over-reaching to your best interests.
      so what exactly should I do

      I guess do it at you main lift or most important lift that day. I don't really see the issue with AMRAP, but he might mean that you shouldn't push yourself that much on every exercise. I've never heard about anyone saying something like this before I must admit.

      I have a knee buckling a while after a workout with 3x10x135lb squats as a fatty. Is it DOMS causing my right leg to shit itself and lock out when staggering around rn or potentially arthritis/injury?

      You should probably deload and focus on better form. It's a form break, and can be dangerous.

      Do I still need to train abs if my routine includes the big 4? I mean to have a visible 6-pack at 15% bf

      In my experience you need to train abs in addition to compound lifts, especially obliques. My go to are host hanging leg raises as you train grip strength doing dead hangs at the same time. Otherwise I've been doing side raises on that hyper extension bench for obliques, but suitcase walks are also fine I think. Side planks didn't work for me.

  27. 1 year ago

    is it possible to make any good progress with really light dumbbells? like, 2kg each? never lifted before but even to me that seems too light, am skinnyfat as shit tho, saw them for really cheap and cant afford much else

    • 1 year ago

      You might as well do body weight exercises instead. You can do much with 2 kg dumbbells. You'd be better off buying an adjustable star collar dumbbell set, you can buy a beginner set for about $20, and you can expand it with buying 5 kg and/or 10 kg plates, and even get a standard 25 mm barbell if you want later on, though these can only handle about 100 kg.
      I bought two sets when I started out and combined them for one dumbbell of 25 kg when I started out, which could be used for a lot. A lot for your money as a beginner, and not a big expense.

      • 1 year ago

        i see, thanks

  28. 1 year ago

    should I stagger my training for muscle groups or train them consecutively?
    Example of what i'm currently doing on my push day:
    >tricep extensions
    >bench press
    >tricep pushdown
    >cable flys
    or should I be doing all my tricep work consecutively followed by all my chest work consecutively?

    • 1 year ago

      Chest work then tri work.

    • 1 year ago

      you do the heaviest weights first

    • 1 year ago

      I googled that shit and found that flies at the end of a workout cause more chest hypertrophy, so do those last.

  29. 1 year ago

    Alright, this is perhaps the stupidest question I have, but it's genuinely bothering me. What should I be wearing when I work out? Like, I have basketball shorts and undershirts for my button ups, but neither of those feel right for working out in.

    • 1 year ago

      what like at home or at the gym?
      just wear your old tshirts, people don't give a shit what you wear at the gym
      though an undershirt is a bit weird if i'm honest

      At home i just go topless, less laundry that way

    • 1 year ago

      At home I'll lift naked. I don't go to public gyms

    • 1 year ago

      Just wear what you feel comfortable in bro. If that's basketball shorts and an undershirt, who cares. You're there to lift, it's not a fashion show.

  30. 1 year ago

    why do leg exercise makes me sweat and get my heart rate up a lot more?

  31. 1 year ago

    Should I use the grip softeners that come with the grip strengtheners, or use just the bare metal even though it hurts my hands?

    • 1 year ago

      bare metal to simulate working hands. turns on the daddy issue girls

    • 1 year ago

      Your hands will develop calluses for that.

  32. 1 year ago

    I ACKED my elbow a week ago doing incline dumbbell press and it doesn't hurt in everyday life but I can't lift at all. Anybody with similar experience?

    • 1 year ago

      ya that is like the norm when you pass 30. something always almost injured. you have to learn to walk the line.

      going too heavy on weighted dips did that to my sternum for 4 months. currently elbow is acked from bad rep of overhead db tricep ext. for some fricking reason my left bicep hurts if i do pull ups, but chin ups or neutral grip are fine.

      listen to your body, be a pussy about that specific injury, but work around it as much as you can. try again after a month, dips are back on the menu, but be honest and shelf an exercise for another month if it still hurts.

  33. 1 year ago

    Been trying to make ny GF work out with me to tighten her body after pregnancy.. shes hype for a week then she gives up. Anyone managed to make their gf be active? We have a homegym and it would take her max 30min still she wont do it.

    • 1 year ago

      takes 3 weeks to make a habit according to basedence
      simply force her to go for that amount of time

  34. 1 year ago

    If you could have one muscle pair from zyzz, which would it be? For me it’s the traps
    >inb4 then do trap exercises
    Yea no shit. I mean instantly

  35. 1 year ago

    I'm a beginner and have ok-good form on my lifts. SS has too little volume imo, so I added some exercises, what do you think?
    3x a week, 3x5, ~3 min rest for main lifts
    A squat, OHP, DL
    Lat pulldown
    DB lateral raise
    Biceps curls
    Reverse fly
    Pullups (can only do 2-3)
    Core (always skip)

    B squat, bench, DL
    Chest fly machine
    Overhead triceps extensions
    Pullups (can only do 2-3)
    Core (always skip)

    • 1 year ago

      If you want more volume do Candito's beginner linear training program. It's free on his site. Trying to do a bunch of accessories in addition to 3 compounds on a single day is just too much for full body.

  36. 1 year ago

    I fricked up my wrist doing OHP 2 weeks ago and it hasn't gone away. Pain on the pinky side of the wrist makes it unbearable to twist my arm or lift anything more than 40lbs, is it over for me?

  37. 1 year ago

    >lift hard
    >get home
    >massive migraine
    >legs shaking, can barely stand

    every frickin time

    what am i doing wrong

  38. 1 year ago

    started doing PPL this week. Yesterday was obviously push day. But the program I looked at said to do lean-away dumbbell lat raises. I tried but I'm way too big and heavy right now to be able to do them without losing form. I was doing them on the cable machine right after some chest flys but even at just 5 pounds I couldn't keep my body and core straight to keep the lean proper, and it also made my ankles hurt really bad because of the awkward angle of my legs.

    What can I do to replace these? I don't like them and feel like I'm going to get injured if I try them again

  39. 1 year ago

    How do I condition my calves for running besides running more?

    • 1 year ago

      I'd just do some one-sided bodyweight calf raises with high reps. You can slow down the eccentric phase to hit more.

      started doing PPL this week. Yesterday was obviously push day. But the program I looked at said to do lean-away dumbbell lat raises. I tried but I'm way too big and heavy right now to be able to do them without losing form. I was doing them on the cable machine right after some chest flys but even at just 5 pounds I couldn't keep my body and core straight to keep the lean proper, and it also made my ankles hurt really bad because of the awkward angle of my legs.

      What can I do to replace these? I don't like them and feel like I'm going to get injured if I try them again

      Can't you just do regular lat raises?

      • 1 year ago

        Stop replying to me

    • 1 year ago


      calf raises x100-200
      one legged calf raises x50-100
      all in rapid succession

    • 1 year ago

      Plyometrics in the gym / at the track - bounding, box jumps of various kinds. Drills (skips, switches) work well though you tend to get odd looks doing these away from the track.

  40. 1 year ago

    How's my routine?

    AxBxx (repeat), I walk 1-3 miles 4x weekly too.

    >Decline press machine
    >Chest flies machine
    >Tricep extensions
    >Tricep push downs

    >Goblet squats
    >Leg extensions
    >Ham curls
    >Leg press

    >Chin ups
    >Lat pulls
    >Machine rows
    >Bicep curls (DB various)
    >Preacher curls (EZ or machine)

    >Leg press
    >Leg extensions
    >Hamstring curls

    Should I add some direct ab work?

  41. 1 year ago

    Should I apply moisturizer in the morning or in the evening? And only on my face? Does it have benefits to apply it to my dick?

  42. 1 year ago

    is my HR basically immediately going down after doing hard 8-12 sets of say biceps curls (say from 110 to 85 within a minute) a sign of decent cardiovascular health?

    probably related but is it normal to not sweat as much pushing DYEL weights unless i go low weight high reps on squats/bench press but even then, i catch a slight sweat and it stop pretty much immediately.
    im making sure i get enough salt in my diet, drink ~4L of water a day. am i "overworrying" about nothing? im not even skinny, i weigh 90kg at 181cm so i feel like i should sweat WAY more / be out of breath more.
    cardio i do a ton is walking, i cycle every day as commute, occasionally do some skipping.

  43. 1 year ago

    just saw this


    post in another thread. it sounds like complete mom science from women who lost 10lbs but gained 20lbs back coping hard with their failure...
    however, ive actually lost around 150lbs and wonder, how much of this COULD be true? im not trying to make excuses etc but googling has led me to studies i am way too stupid to understand properly so i wonder if any of you anons got more knowledge on these?

    >but some of it is also metabolic adaptation. Someone who has lost 200 lbs won't be able to eat as many calories as someone that is the same weight as them.

    >The body responds to massive weight loss by slowing metabolism and extreme hunger following a diet.

    especially the 2nd one. i notice this actually, however ive always thought it was due to me exercising a lot, but maybe im just coping? i eat a frickton of food, however its healthy shit so im not getting fat but if i my diet wasnt as clean as it is currently, i would be getting a lot of it back

    • 1 year ago

      My opinion as a non-expert: It's cope by women and demoralization by already fit people. The body wants to conserve energy so you'll feel more tired and more hungry, giving you the impression that your metabolism has been affected, and the TDEE does go down because there's less actual body mass to support, but the idea that "metabolism slows down" is absolute hogwash. Again, I'm not an expert, but it has to be. If there was a way for the organs to just use less energy, they'd do it already. If the liver needs say 300 kcal a day to function, it will get that 300 kcal. It doesn't make do with 200 just because there's less food around. I refuse to believe it, it makes no sense. Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong (I know I'm not)

  44. 1 year ago

    >weigh around 145-155? maybe
    >have a weak core
    >lay flat on back
    >bend knees up
    >lift feet off floor
    >raise back so only my lower back/butt is touching the ground
    >try shimmying to the side
    >my jello core can barely haul my body along
    >thinking of trying to do it from one end of my bedroom to the other, once a day

    Is this a stupid way to exercise, I'm not going to hurt myself am I

    • 1 year ago

      Anon… why not just do sit ups?

      • 1 year ago

        This seems more challenging and like I'm actively addressing it only using my core and nothing else

    • 1 year ago

      >lay flat on back
      >lift feet off floor
      Just do this part, forget the weird shimmying. If you struggle doing it with straight legs you can bend at the knee and your your way up.

  45. 1 year ago

    >Start getting elbow and bicep pain stiffness and pain after pull workouts, it’s not unbearable but it’s bad enough to be concerning
    >Take two weeks off of pull workouts and it seems healed
    >Do pull workout yesterday after exactly 14 days
    >Everything seems fine doing weighted pull ups, bent over rows, deadlifts, trap work, rack pulls
    >by bed time the injury is back and my arm is fricking killing me
    Bros…what do? I got laid off and the tiny hats who bought out the company I worked for didn’t give us health insurance as part of severance so I have shitty medicaid and can’t go to a specialist unless I ask my parents for money and they’re already paying my rent for me while I find a new job

    • 1 year ago

      Wait a week, do high reps (15-20+) with lower intensity, take advil and use a good anti inflammatory cream on it afterwards. works for me when my elbows start getting sore.

    • 1 year ago

      Wait a week, do high reps (15-20+) with lower intensity, take advil and use a good anti inflammatory cream on it afterwards. works for me when my elbows start getting sore.

      agreed, plus ice the elbow. focus on figuring out which specific exercises are causing issues. for these exercises, you either shelf them for a while, or focus on form and go to maybe a 5 RPE, at most

      if you have tendonitis, you will need to back off. but if you can figure out which specific exercises stress it, you can still have a decent workout working around your issues

  46. 1 year ago

    Hey guys, I really like taking BBC. However, lately I’ve been noticing a shitty smell at work. My butthole has been leaking this brownish fluid. It’s not shit though, more like a bile with the consistency of mucus.

    What are some exercises that can help me with the leakage?

  47. 1 year ago

    Why do programs alternate OHP/Bench and DL/BR? What happens if you train everything in one session?

    • 1 year ago

      Uses the same muscles and you can't max out on them the same day. You won't be able to perform as well on the second lift that day. I sometimes do volume work with the second lift on a work out.

      • 1 year ago

        Ah, okay. Follow-up question: would a weekly MWF program that goes from Overhead to Incline to Bench work?

  48. 1 year ago

    I'm a rower who wants to start getting bigger and stronger in the gym. Is it possible to maintain and improve cardio while maintaining and improving size/strength?

    Can I do 5X5 on MWF and do intense rowing on TTHS?

    • 1 year ago

      It 100% is possible, but you need to understand what your priorities are. You can be a great lifter, you can be a great rower, but unless you have .1% genetics, that chances of you being great at both are low. With that being said, you can gain some muscle doing what you describe. If you see your rowing performance start to dip, or you aren't satisfied with you gym progress, you will need to prioritize one or the other. An extreme example: I am not gonna be prepping for a marathon while also prepping for a powerlifting meet.

      When do you take youe creatine on rest days? The morning, noon, evening?

      Really doesn't matter. It takes a while, days, for the water weight you gain from creatine to go away once you have taken it for at least a week or so. So it is personal preference.


      Is there an alternative way to train side delts instead of lateral raises? Like for example a lift that trains them with another muscle (not in isolation). I have been having shoulder issues and lateral raises cause pain.

      Barbell overhead press, dumbbell overhead press, and machine overhead press will work your side delts, front delts, rear delts, triceps, and even your chest very slightly. Find one that doesn't hurt your shoulder, and stick to it.

      How dangerous to the shoulders are dips compared to barbell flat bench press and dumbbell?

      About the same. If you do any exercise wrong enough it will take you to snap city. Just do it right, if it hurts, change your form or stop doing it. If you do not know if your form is right, there is a myriad of form videos on israelitetube for it. Mike Israetel has good videos on it.

      Second this question. Should I even take creatine if I'm taking a week off?

      Just because you take a week off doesn't mean you suddenly let everything go to shit. Everything besides your lifting should stay the same. Creatine intake, calorie intake, protein intake, sleep, etc should not change just because you don't lift.

  49. 1 year ago

    When do you take youe creatine on rest days? The morning, noon, evening?

    • 1 year ago

      Second this question. Should I even take creatine if I'm taking a week off?

  50. 1 year ago

    Is there an alternative way to train side delts instead of lateral raises? Like for example a lift that trains them with another muscle (not in isolation). I have been having shoulder issues and lateral raises cause pain.

    • 1 year ago

      upright rows but that probably isnt the best idea
      could also try BTN press

      • 1 year ago

        Upright rows might be even worse than lateral raises. The BTN press puts to much pressure on the shoulder joint. What about face pulls? I can feel a pump in my side delts when doing them even though it's more of a rear delt exercise, same thing with rear delts rows. If I increased the volume on these two exercises could I stimulate the grow of the side delts?

    • 1 year ago

      upright row or pick up a dumbell and lift it up along your sides with your shoulder. kinda like a shrug

    • 1 year ago

      Behind the neck press. Basically an assisted OHP that allows you to tire out the lateral delts better. It's not dangerous if you low it light

  51. 1 year ago

    Sup Brahs! Hope you all doing good. I started recently to play Football (soccer for you Special snowgays from US of a) once a week in addition to my Lifting. My left knee (weaker foot) seems to be more instable, so i am afraid to snap the Shit Out of it during rapid turns and movements. Can you recommend me a good band or Something to stabilize it during the Game and also maybe one or to lifts i can incorporate into my leg day? Following is what i am doing (irregularly as I Work Out legs at Most once a week in a PPL Routine)
    >Bulgarian Split squats
    >Romanian dead lift
    >Calf rises
    Thanks in advance and dont give up your Dreams. Wagmi

  52. 1 year ago

    How dangerous to the shoulders are dips compared to barbell flat bench press and dumbbell?

  53. 1 year ago

    >hooked up with a good buddy’s friend at his wedding this weekend
    >everybody knew I was just visiting from out of state
    >she kept saying how handsome I was, how we should’ve been doing this back when we were in college together, etc
    >texted me the morning after thanking me and followed me on Instagram
    You guys think it’d be weird if I messaged her trying to hook up again before I leave? Does it come off as desperate?

    • 1 year ago

      Dude she expressed that she wishes you would've been plowing her years ago. I think you're fine

    • 1 year ago

      frick off

      • 1 year ago

        No frick you, buddy

  54. 1 year ago

    Because of work I'm going from a 4 day to a 2 day, but longer workouts, split. Do I still need to take creatine every day or just the days I actually workout, seems stupid to take creatine on the 5 days I don't do any training.

  55. 1 year ago

    Anyone else have their resting heart rate 90-100 for hours after hard lifting? My EKG and bloodwork were normal, I just don't calm down for hours. Doctors see no problem.

  56. 1 year ago

    Why does the area in red hurt so much when I do squats? It feels like a sharp, shooting pain that happens sometimes as I get close to the bottom of my squat, but its most pronounced when I'm pushing on the way up.

    • 1 year ago

      saem might be the adductors idk

    • 1 year ago

      post vid of form

  57. 1 year ago

    >started going to the gym recently, been like 7 times
    >feel like i'm doing absolutely everything wrong and making 0 gains

    i thought the laziness to go would be hard to overcome, or the anxiety of people at the gym
    but its the constant fricking nagging of 'you're doing it wrong' that fricks me up, how long does it take until you kinda feel comfortable on your lifts? My chest press for example with dumbbells feels atrocious, i feel barely anything in my chest and can barely lift like a 10 in each hand

    • 1 year ago

      Just be patient anon. Focu son it being good, and just do reps. for light weights like that, build up to 60 reps/workout then consider adding a little more and dropping back to 40, building back up to 60. ime it takes about a month before you begin noticing results from a particular exercise.

  58. 1 year ago

    if apple watch shows i did like 500 cals cardio can i eat like 200 cals more that day?

  59. 1 year ago

    I'm trying to switch to rowing machines as my main form of cardio but that stuff is seriously wearing me out and thus affecting my lifts. Are there any routines/programs I can lean on to get some streamlined progress or should I just stfu and grind?
    Or did I get memed on and should focus on other things entirely? I also cycle from time to time or use the elliptical when in the gym. No running or treadmills for me unfortunately because my knee is shot.

  60. 1 year ago

    Should I eat 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast or 4 raw eggs?

    • 1 year ago

      Cooked eggs have a lot higher bioavailability than raw eggs, so you should in general always cook them.

      I'm trying to switch to rowing machines as my main form of cardio but that stuff is seriously wearing me out and thus affecting my lifts. Are there any routines/programs I can lean on to get some streamlined progress or should I just stfu and grind?
      Or did I get memed on and should focus on other things entirely? I also cycle from time to time or use the elliptical when in the gym. No running or treadmills for me unfortunately because my knee is shot.

      You're probably on too high resistance, start lower.

      >started going to the gym recently, been like 7 times
      >feel like i'm doing absolutely everything wrong and making 0 gains

      i thought the laziness to go would be hard to overcome, or the anxiety of people at the gym
      but its the constant fricking nagging of 'you're doing it wrong' that fricks me up, how long does it take until you kinda feel comfortable on your lifts? My chest press for example with dumbbells feels atrocious, i feel barely anything in my chest and can barely lift like a 10 in each hand

      Do you have a friend or something that can teach you the lifts? I'm self taught, but I read the Starting Strength book when I started out and watchd the DVD (yeah, this is like 15 years ago or something, I'm old). That was a nice starting point for me, but there's probably better videos to explain lifts than back then.
      Otherwise you could always get help from at PT, but in most cases I feel like they have no idea what they're doing.

  61. 1 year ago

    Say I fail on the second set of three at a new weight (+5 lbs). Would it make sense for my muscles to become fatigued to the point of not being able to do another set of 5 at a weight that's 3 steps (i.e. 15 lbs) lower, or would that hint at some form issue?

  62. 1 year ago

    Partially tore my right patellar tendon doing high bar squats about 4 months ago. Been messing around with straight machines since.
    What would be a good compound for quads that puts less stress on the patellar tendon? I was thinking about low bar squats, Bulgarian split squats, lunges, etc.

  63. 1 year ago

    how much water / sodium to maximize vascularity ?

  64. 1 year ago

    My collarbone come out to little points on my shoulders. I'm happy with hoy my shoulders are developing from skelly after 3 months of calisthenics/lifting, but the top of my shoulder around where it meets the collarbone feels super prominent and bony. Is this just quirly genetics or is it a stage with building bigger shoulders? I don't lift too heavy as I'm older and don't want to mess up my joints.

  65. 1 year ago

    Are there any full body workout movements? Like a clean & press with squats thrown in?

    • 1 year ago

      Rowing machine trains like 85 percent of your body.

  66. 1 year ago

    What bench should I buy so I can get IST as an autistic shut in?

    • 1 year ago

      Whatever you can afford. Most benches adjust from flat/45 degree incline, vertical. You should be able to get a sued one for about $60. Just make sure it's not wobbly/stinky.

      • 1 year ago

        Any brands in particular?

        • 1 year ago

          idk I'm not an equipment fetishist. I bought a used bowflex bench the other day for $55, and it's solid af. Look on craigslist, check the manufacturer names, read amazon reviews. Anything branded as Rogue will cost 2x because marketing. In general simple & ugly is better than complex and fancy (and more likely to break). Look at what else they're selling, if it's a pile of very light weights it's probably a woman and the quality will likely be lower because it's not designed for heavy use.

  67. 1 year ago

    my right calf has been hurting all day and i dont know what to do

  68. 1 year ago

    Can I still do cardio everyday if I'm recovering from a upper body injury or is it better to just rest?

  69. 1 year ago

    Can someone tell me how to deal with leg doms?

    3 days after my leg day I'm still fricking sore and deadlift day is supposed to be right after so I end up taking way more rest days then I can afford.
    Is there some mysterious way to eliminate muscle soreness faster? All I do for leg day is squats, calf raises, and OHP because thats when i fit it in my schedule.

    • 1 year ago

      have 2 leg days per week and deadlift before squat day

  70. 1 year ago

    >no porn
    >same woman for 20 years
    >dick can't last like it used to
    >could easily nut in 10s if I just let it rip or went doggy
    what gives? This part of getting old?

    • 1 year ago

      Why don't you just wear a condom so you cant feel it, dork?

  71. 1 year ago

    Is Tadalafil a good pre-workout?

  72. 1 year ago

    >Have a really bad day at work
    >still stressing about it while at the gym
    >can only lift like 75% what I normally can
    Is this normal? I figure hueg amounts of cortisol are fricking up my lifts, but idk

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, stress is pretty terrible for athletic performance and gains.

  73. 1 year ago

    What are some safer alternatives for the bent-over row that still works the same muscles? Would one arm bent-over dumbbell rows be fine?

  74. 1 year ago

    What is the point of training hip flexor muscles? Will it help fix my ATP?

  75. 1 year ago

    is it true peoples ancestors who did not die in wars
    are stronger and more masc than people's whos ancestors who had to fight?

  76. 1 year ago

    question: what were zyzz's best numbers?

  77. 1 year ago

    Oh great god Zyzz, is it better to do 6 sets of 10 reps for maximum gains?

  78. 1 year ago

    Is it fine to do one hand dumbbell presses? Like chest press one hand at a time, shoulder press one hand at a time, etc.

  79. 1 year ago

    HIIT: How to recover faster? Not between workouts but between individual sprints. Does it just improve with practice and good breathing or is there some technique that should be applied during the recoveries?

    >30 y/o, HR max ~190bpm
    >Run 10km/h+ for the intervals and walk 5.5km/h for the recoveries
    >I wear a HR monitor; picrel today's session
    >I try to take it to >170 for 20 seconds or so then let it come down to <130
    >Sometimes it remains stubbornly >135 like you can see after the fourth interval. Overall feels like it's taking forever for the HR to come back down that last bit
    >Was doing this whole routine wrong for a while and still ironing out bugs. I did a one-minute interval/one minute recovery for 20 minutes a couple times a week but after a month I got the HR monitor and realised my HR was just >150 the whole time

  80. 1 year ago

    I got my hands on clen and t3

    Clen 2 week on/off up to 0.1mg and the t3 building up to 0.1mg daily right anons?

  81. 1 year ago

    Can I see anons feet and dick pics?

  82. 1 year ago

    What's your favorite processed food/borderline goyslop that still fits into your diet? Mine is homade apple chips

    • 1 year ago

      I guess technically protein bars. They are obviously just disguised candy but I don't find enough reason to care for how rarely I have them.

    • 1 year ago
      Most pasta dishes
  83. 1 year ago

    I've had my current bag of protein powder lying around opened for at least a couple of years and it expired this January. It still smells and looks fine, though. Is it okay to consume it?

    • 1 year ago

      I still consume my protein powder that expired in August 2022. I've had no adverse effects from it, but if it still works as it did when it was new, I've no idea.

    • 1 year ago

      Try it. Mine was like 3 years expired, mixed worse, and gave me diarrhea.

      How often should I test my 1RM?
      is once at the beginning of the month good enough?


      Am I supposed to get weaker on a cut?
      Cut down my weight from 90kg to 80kg to get lean for summer and all my lifts went to shit
      I feel weak and tired all the time

      That's the cutting life. If you up your calories to your new maintenaince for a week your strength should get closer.
      However then you won't be cutting...

  84. 1 year ago

    If I eat a sublingual powder does it stop its effectiveness? I bought nmn, and can't keep it under my tongue.

  85. 1 year ago

    How often should I test my 1RM?
    is once at the beginning of the month good enough?

    • 1 year ago

      About once a month is good if you don't want to overtrain, yeah
      But honestly, you don't really need to test your 1RM that often, it's better for gains to progress in 5-10 rep ranges

  86. 1 year ago

    Am I supposed to get weaker on a cut?
    Cut down my weight from 90kg to 80kg to get lean for summer and all my lifts went to shit
    I feel weak and tired all the time

    • 1 year ago

      Same is happening to me.
      Weight I was throwing around 2 weeks ago is now too heavy for reps.
      It is what it is, just keep lifting what you can lift until you finish your cut.
      There are ways to mitigate it but all the methods i've seen extend the cut by weeks and months. Frick that, i Want 15% bf before august.
      If that mean i'm lifting less, then i'm lifting less.
      The opposite will happen when you start your bulk, though. but that should be a huge increase in gains.

  87. 1 year ago

    GUYS, if you are have stiffness or problems with upper back, do controlled, high rep, lowish-medium intensity, bent over front raises.

    I've had upper back 'pain' (more like stiffness), that no amount of rowing, pull/chin ups or stretches could fix for YEARS.
    Met a gym acquintance and he recommended me the exercise (which i could not find on exrx at all btw) two weeks ago any my aches, stiffness and everything vanished.
    Did high reps, medium intensity (5x30), did them one on/one off schedule
    see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWXX64A4RhA

    • 1 year ago

      what i forgot to mention is to extend your arms, similiar as if you were raising them 'above your head'

  88. 1 year ago

    Best calorie calculator for homemade food?

    • 1 year ago

      Sum the macros of the raw ingredients

  89. 1 year ago

    I just bought the following books about bodybuilding
    >The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding
    >Joe Weider's Ultimate Bodybuilding
    >Bill Pearl's Keys to the INNER Universe
    >Jim Stoppani's Encyclopedia of Muscle & Strength
    >Frederic Delavier's Strength Training Anatomy
    excluding Mark Rippetoe's books, what else should I buy?

  90. 1 year ago

    Is 60lbs dumbbell bench / seated ohp still novice? Thinking how far my dumbbell set can take me

  91. 1 year ago

    lowest weight to put on a belt for squats and deadlifts without being cringe?

    • 1 year ago

      Whatever weight you are currently struggling with

  92. 1 year ago

    If I gave my gf 5-10mg of anavar a day for 4-6 weeks and she fasted/limited calories + did cardio would it really help her shred some body fat? At that dose I really dont see much risk of side effects and she already does worse things to lose weight.

    • 1 year ago

      Put on her diet of she wants to lose a bit of fat there is no reason to frick with gear

      • 1 year ago

        I'm interested in seeing results of taking stuff. Just don't know how effective it is in that short period purely for fat loss. Admittedly she is probably taking hardcore drugs to suppress appetite so this would probably be a better solution.

  93. 1 year ago

    >do hip thrusts for the first time
    >Not high weight at all
    >Balls are a little sore a few hours later
    >Go on hour run the next day
    >Balls lightly sore for a little bit after
    >have comedically weak hips and stability muscles
    What's the over/under on a groin pull vs a hernia?

  94. 1 year ago

    How can they be questions that don't deserve a thread when they have their dedicated thread?

    If they aren't deserving of a thread, they shouldn't be anywhere.

    • 1 year ago

      because the questions don't have their own thread, it is one thread with multiple questions you dumb c**t

    • 1 year ago

      They could be their own threads but fitness isn't about lifting anymore, it's all coomer bait so questions go here.

      should my neck be sore after Overhead Press

      I'm DYEL and this is the first time I tried OHP, but I did look up the proper form and I think I followed them close enough

      Just make sure it doesn't get worse. When you strain really hard you can get sore neck muscles.
      Just means you could add neck curls at the end of the workout for more gains.

      I want to make my core and pelvic muscles as the strongest part of my body, I don't want to gain mass but be lean/tone.

      what's a good simple at home exercise I can do bit by bit to improve here

      whatever you want. Just look up core exercises you can do, do those for higher reps.
      Same with pelvic muscles. Don't focus on higher weight, reps is what you want.

  95. 1 year ago

    should my neck be sore after Overhead Press

    • 1 year ago

      I'm DYEL and this is the first time I tried OHP, but I did look up the proper form and I think I followed them close enough

  96. 1 year ago

    first time getting bruises after working out

    cause for concern?
    just a small patche on both of my upper arm

  97. 1 year ago

    What's the cheapest and most reputable brand for creatine?
    My usual gnc stuff has shot up in price.

  98. 1 year ago

    I want to make my core and pelvic muscles as the strongest part of my body, I don't want to gain mass but be lean/tone.

    what's a good simple at home exercise I can do bit by bit to improve here

  99. 1 year ago

    R8 my plan? Trying to retain muscle as I get my bodyfat down. May attempt powerlifting in the future, 2+ years out if my numbers look good. Just wanted to know if I'm missing anything obvious in my current setup. I do this Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday due to time constraint being a >normie. Current weight 240 goal weight 210

    • 1 year ago

      Btw, not reflected is that I do squat Monday and Deadlift Thursday. I switch it out in the app

    • 1 year ago

      what the frick
      >more lower body exercises, with lots of sets(unknown reps)
      >squat damn near at the end
      Are you a woman?
      >upper day
      >overhead press into shrug
      >bent over row into seated row, no vertical pulls
      >then bench at the end
      What is your reasoning for this lower body focused lifting program.

      If you want to get more muscle I see no isolations for
      >delts rear, or side

      You can do what you want. But most programs have the harder compound lifts first.
      If you want to space them out that's fine, but at the end of the workout is far away.

    • 1 year ago

      its fricking dogshit
      do PHUL or some shit and swap out exercises if you rly have to if you want to do U/L

  100. 1 year ago

    My abdominal muscle are tight at the left side along with my left oblique, are there any stretches to mitigate this? I can still move fine through a wide range of motion, but whenever I lean forward the tightness would be more pronounced.

  101. 1 year ago

    has anyone experienced disruptions in their sleep while cutting? Like randomly waking up in the middle of the night?

    • 1 year ago

      Nope, how hard is the cut and when do you tend to wake up?

      • 1 year ago

        a 500 cal deficit will have me waking up around 1-2AM

        • 1 year ago

          Black person, i'm in a 2000 calorie deficit and I climb mountains and train 5 times a week.

        • 1 year ago

          dang man.... either wait it out and see if the body adapts, or maybe try eating most of your food at dinner.
          That's what I do with omad. Otherwise I won't even fall asleep.

  102. 1 year ago

    anyone got a tdee template where you enter stuff like this, or maybe the exact one in picrel? just saw it in another thread but it 404d

  103. 1 year ago

    What is a good alternative to a post-workout protein shake?
    I'm tired of having the same thing every time I get home.

    • 1 year ago

      Can of tuna if you don't already eat them. You'll have to add some flavor though to make it not suck to eat. I usually have one every other day.

    • 1 year ago

      just get a different flavoured protein powder homie

    • 1 year ago


  104. 1 year ago

    How do i ottermode?

    Anyone here ottermode? Please give me a routine

    • 1 year ago

      Lift regularly and eat good but not good enough for more. Works out fine for me but I started as a skelly from fat you might need to lose it first

  105. 1 year ago

    I no longer think about fricking every cute girl at the gym when I see them walking around in their tights or spats, what does this mean? Is my T dropping or have I just ascended to the point where I can only think of the iron?

    • 1 year ago

      The novelty wore off

    • 1 year ago

      You grew up and realized that no one at the gym wants to talk to each other. Even if they were interested in you, they wouldn't talk to you at a gym.


      What is a good alternative to a post-workout protein shake?
      I'm tired of having the same thing every time I get home.

      You don't need a protein shake immediately after a workout, you don't need protein shakes at all. Just have some if you need extra protein for the day.


      anyone got a tdee template where you enter stuff like this, or maybe the exact one in picrel? just saw it in another thread but it 404d

      Why not just use a calorie counter app? Same functions more or less.

      • 1 year ago

        >Just have some if you need extra protein for the day.
        I can't manage to get enough pürotein from regular food so I just use a shake to get an extra 60-70 grams at the end of a day

        Can of tuna if you don't already eat them. You'll have to add some flavor though to make it not suck to eat. I usually have one every other day.

        >Can of tuna
        good idea if it didn't taste like ass
        tuna is good in a salad or maybe on a sandwich but not as a solid meal

        • 1 year ago

          Sometimes if I'm really lazy I just mix the tuna with some kind of sauce, heat it up and add a bit of salt. Usually ends up tasting decent enough.

        • 1 year ago

          >to get an extra 60-70 grams at the end of a day
          how much protein are you trying to eat? You should easily be able to get at-least 70-80 grams through real food.

  106. 1 year ago

    >haven't been exercising
    >jump rope 5mins
    >20 situps

    is this decent from going from 0/couch potato to "exercising"

    • 1 year ago

      It depends on what your objectives are, if you want to just get your heart rate up a bit for general health it's fine, if you want to make cardio gains or lose weight it's basically nothing

  107. 1 year ago

    I can crack one side of my neck but not the other. What's going on?

  108. 1 year ago

    How bad is 5rm benching two days in a row? I know that it's moronic to schedule it like that in a regular manner, but I really want to try some form stuff that won't be visible on low weight reps. Should I still be at close to peak performance, or is the fatigue the day after big enough to noticably affect bench performance? Maybe I'll try to do 95% of that 5rm instead?
    >just wait one more day
    I know, but I really, really, really would prefer to do it today for various reasons.

    • 1 year ago

      short term it will be fine, long term it's gonna slow your gains by a lot.

  109. 1 year ago

    Dairy, buckwheat, red lentils and nuts good enough protein profile? Meat is just too expansive for me right now

    • 1 year ago

      milk/dairy or eggs not an option?

  110. 1 year ago

    Can someone tell me why the jannies deleted the meta thread half an hour after it was posted?

    Did it have something to do with someone posting that big discord collage depicting a IST janny grooming an underage boy?

    • 1 year ago

      iirc metathreads aren't allowed anywhere

      • 1 year ago

        Hiroshimoot said one per board is acceptable ages ago, jannies are just little kiddie-diddling b***hes as usual

  111. 1 year ago

    I'm poor right now and can't afford to go to a gym or buy at home equipment. Are there any good exercises besides push ups, sit ups and running that I could try at home until I can afford a membership?

    Also I want to try and ween myself off of sugar and energy drinks but I'm finding it difficult. Anoyone have any advice on how to make it easier to not crave them? Thank you and have a good day everyone.

    • 1 year ago

      Stop buying sugar and energy drinks so that you can afford a gym membership.

    • 1 year ago

      You can not actually get addicted to energy drinks. Any "withdrawals" are minor unpleasant feelings that you can power through in three days. Anon, it's very simple: stop buying them and other sugary garbage. Even if you crave one you can't grab it if you don't have any in stock. There is no in-between or smooth "ween off" way.

      If you really don't have money do what

      Stop buying sugar and energy drinks so that you can afford a gym membership.

      says. If you already spent what little money you had this month on a membership then you can't even buy energy drinks no matter how badly you crave them.

      You want to get fit right? Harden yourself and say "frick it". If you keep eating and drinking trash then you don't genuinely want it. Stop larping and theorizing, and start doing.

  112. 1 year ago

    I developed an allergy to certain fruit I used to be able to eat no problem. Any way to reverse this bullshit?

  113. 1 year ago

    how do you pronounce DYEL? is it like d-y-e-l or dial?

    • 1 year ago

      for me? dye-ell
      t. esl

  114. 1 year ago

    >Be 5'7", 186 lbs
    >Stop being a fat frick and drinking all the time and cut eating unhealthy shit and stopped drinking
    >Weight goes down to 180 lbs for a while
    >Get COVID and can't really eat
    >Three weeks later now weight 168 lbs
    >Don't really eat all that much and don't exercise much aside from long walks
    This has to just be water weight right? I can't really see how I dropped 22 lbs in a month unless I really was that much of a fat frick

    • 1 year ago

      I don't think almost 20 lbs is just water weight, I'd doubt that water weight accounts for more than 8 lbs. Most likely you've had such a low calorie intake that you've lost weight. If you fasted for like a week, you'd lose about 10 lbs too, so losing 10 lbs over one month with severe malnutrition sounds reasonable for me.

      • 1 year ago

        > If you fasted for like a week, you'd lose about 10 lbs too
        actually it'd only be about 4 lbs if everything went correctly.

        • 1 year ago

          I've fasted for five days twice and lost about 10 lbs each time, minus the water weight. To be fair I did a lot of cardio in addition almost to the point of fainting.

  115. 1 year ago

    How can I get into clean & jerk or the variations? Right now I do a deadlift then reverse curl it into front squat position then do an OHP. I really like the compound movements

  116. 1 year ago

    Can't go to the gym for awhile, can I get a decent body working out with 30 lb dumbbells 4 days a week 30 minutes each workout day on a clean, high protein diet?

    I'm 6 feet 180 and have an ecto-meso build.

    • 1 year ago

      >can I get a decent body working out with 30 lb dumbbells 4 days a week
      Yes, but ideally do 5.
      >30 minutes each workout

  117. 1 year ago

    Dumb Questions

    Are Green Smoothies really worth anything? the only sweetining I use in them is stevia and fruits.

    Cheapest source of protein?

    Chino Shorts or Jean Shorts?

  118. 1 year ago

    got kicked out of the "yell and throw weights" gym for getting a boner about a hot girl dressed like a prostitute (was getting a good test boost from watching her butt while she did meme exercise)

    now its either planet shitass or homegym

    I choose HOMEGYM
    my question to you homosexualS is: what kind of power rack should I buy off amazon?

    • 1 year ago

      nice fake story bro

    • 1 year ago

      could just say you're a noob who's too much of an autist to get a gym membership and wants to train at home

  119. 1 year ago

    >waaaaah waaaah nothing ever happens bro

  120. 1 year ago

    Asking here instead, I'm going into PT and I can't squat for the next two months. What should I do instead?

    • 1 year ago

      leg press


      got kicked out of the "yell and throw weights" gym for getting a boner about a hot girl dressed like a prostitute (was getting a good test boost from watching her butt while she did meme exercise)

      now its either planet shitass or homegym

      I choose HOMEGYM
      my question to you homosexualS is: what kind of power rack should I buy off amazon?

      Whatever you can afford. The cheap fitness reality ones have taken 700 lbs from the top of a squat. Anything better is nice.

      >Be 5'7", 186 lbs
      >Stop being a fat frick and drinking all the time and cut eating unhealthy shit and stopped drinking
      >Weight goes down to 180 lbs for a while
      >Get COVID and can't really eat
      >Three weeks later now weight 168 lbs
      >Don't really eat all that much and don't exercise much aside from long walks
      This has to just be water weight right? I can't really see how I dropped 22 lbs in a month unless I really was that much of a fat frick

      nah three weeks of sub 500kcal eating can drop a ton of weight. Some water, glycogen, etc.

      Most people have more weight to lose then they think but once you go on maintenaince calories you might regain 5lbs or so and be stronger.

    • 1 year ago


      leg press
      Whatever you can afford. The cheap fitness reality ones have taken 700 lbs from the top of a squat. Anything better is nice.
      nah three weeks of sub 500kcal eating can drop a ton of weight. Some water, glycogen, etc.

      Most people have more weight to lose then they think but once you go on maintenaince calories you might regain 5lbs or so and be stronger.

      You sure? For reference the reason why I can't squat is because I can't flex my ankle well. I genuinely can't get more than 90 degrees.

      • 1 year ago

        You didn't say you can't flex your ankle.
        If that's the case do leg extensions, leg curls, maybe stiff legged deadlifts/rdl's.

        I just heard
        >going to a pt, can't squat.
        So I thought back problems, or stability issues, not ankle mobility.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah yeah you're fine, just thought I'd clarify if need be, thanks for the suggestions.

  121. 1 year ago

    I nearly vomit whenever I push myself on leg days and it's to the point where my physique is becoming topheavy. I enjoy doing legs but I have to go easy on squats and when I finish leg press I'm usually burping up breakfast and dry heaving in the gym toilet. Anyone have experience with this? I think I may not be hydrating enough but idk.

    • 1 year ago

      Don't eat breakfast.
      Otherwise do isolations to failure or hard as well
      Try some different things Low hydration for me ends up with just feeling a little sick.
      Where as if I eat pre workout I will feel sick if I lift hard.

  122. 1 year ago

    Is judo or karate a form of cardio? Would it kill my gains to start training a martial arts? My uni will be offering free classes in august and I'm interested

  123. 1 year ago

    >waaaaah nothing ever happens there's no way a person could actually be asked to leave a gym because it's never happened to me so heh yeah gotcha heckin autist!
    >mommy look I pwn3d the larping autist on fourchannel dot org!!!

    • 1 year ago

      get a gym membership, training at home sucks and you'll give up in no time

  124. 1 year ago

    how to get ripped without free barbell? can the gay smith machine actually be of use?

    • 1 year ago

      I love training at home.

      >to dumb to figure out ways to make gains

    • 1 year ago

      In what world would the smith machine not be useful? Even if you're going to argue that the tension helps you lift, then just put on more weight. It's crazy how you morons think that the smith machine defies physics or something; like the weight your lifting doesn't count because of the memes. God I fricking hate you zoomers.

  125. 1 year ago

    If I do high rows should I switch to lat pulldowns? I like how high rows can be adjusted with free weights though.

    • 1 year ago

      You should do them both. High rows hit a different angle and use similar muscles but differently.
      If you do underhand high rows try pronated or neutral grip pulldowns.

      Make sure to do a lower row of some type too. Like a t-bar row, neutral grip row to the stomach, or bent over row.

      • 1 year ago

        Okay. Luckily I already do BO rows. I alternate high and BO. So what about a pattern of Lat Pulldown, High Row, and BO row every week?

        • 1 year ago

          Try it out

          • 1 year ago

            Eh, what the hell? I'll give it a couple of months.

            • 1 year ago

              I do a high, low, and vertical pull every back workout.
              I don't know what volume you can take, how far you push it, etc.
              This is why I can't say. I just know each one has it's value and hits different parts of the back.

  126. 1 year ago

    anyone use these things, any complaints?
    I'm considering 'em because I'm doing dips with pvc pipes on ropes atm

    • 1 year ago

      It's a bar dude. I'd bet whatever they cost, they'll work for dips. It's not like you can screw up the engineering.

  127. 1 year ago

    Is working towards max weight and failure then slowing scaling down until you can barely lift the bar an effective way to build muscle for bench?

    • 1 year ago

      Think that's a pyramid.
      I haven't tried it, but I know many powerlifting programs do something similar, they just go up to a "top"/heavy set, and do some reps with less weight after.

      Your route would be pretty brutal and take some experimentation to see what's do able.

      is it possible to lose weight just from exercise? i tried multiple times to count calories, be in a deficit and all that but it's all just so fricking tedious
      Not obese though just average guy (19% bf) trying to go lean

      Yes, just exercise the whole day like hiking, cycling, backpacking, running.
      For your bf% that could be enough.

      For me it's easier just to do OMAD's or Fast to reduce calories and still get a decent meal in.

  128. 1 year ago

    is it possible to lose weight just from exercise? i tried multiple times to count calories, be in a deficit and all that but it's all just so fricking tedious
    Not obese though just average guy (19% bf) trying to go lean

    • 1 year ago

      >is it possible to lose weight just from exercise?
      Yes but it's also possible to out-eat any exercise you're doing, particularly if you just end up feeling hungrier and eating more without restrait. Try it for a while and see where your weight goes.

  129. 1 year ago

    What is the best site to get accurate nutritional values of foods?

  130. 1 year ago

    estimate picrel's bf % height and weight

    • 1 year ago

      The big guy?
      6'3 250lbs
      20% bf or more.
      >small twink
      5'7 140lbs. 15%

  131. 1 year ago

    Can mewing realign my jaw?

  132. 1 year ago

    I did an impedance test at the doctors today, they said it was "good" given my health condition. I've been going to the gym for 2 years and it looks like its just calling me dyel.

    Do any IST bros know how to read these? Is it at least better than the average non-gymbro?

    • 1 year ago

      The doc didn't walk you through each part?
      >body fat %
      Self explanatory
      >visceral fat
      Subcategory of body fat. It's fat that is specifically around the digestive organs (from the Latin, viscera). Lower is better. I don't know why this brand of body scan gave you a "level" rather than a percentage or a weight value. Either way a high amount of visceral fat would be a strong risk factor for diabetes, strokes, heart diseases, cancers, the usual suspects.
      Side note: You know type 2 diabetes can start reversing by losing as little as 0.6g of fat? Unfortunately it's got to be the 0.6g that's choking the pancreas.
      Self explanatory
      >fat free mass
      Basically mass that is not fat from the categories above.
      >sarcopenic index
      Sarcopenia is muscle atrophy associated with getting old or becoming immobile. Some brands of scanner call this a skeletal muscle index which I think is a more intuitive name. It's just the mass of muscle you have for every cubic meter of volume your body takes up. A score below 7.25kg/m^2 for men would indicate you're old or bedridden.
      >body water
      The amount of water in your body. Very exciting.
      If this was higher than expected range you'd probably have edema (swelling, fluid retention). If it was low I'd suspect something was seriously wrong with your kidneys.
      >phase angle
      Nerds came together and turned the electrical impedance value the machine gets from you into a measure of cellular health based on the amount of water in cells, outside cells and the state of your cellular walls. It's kind of interesting but also kinda useless because those things all influenced by a million factors. Are you stressed, do get good sleep, do you eat a lot of sugar, processed food, do you get a lot of exercise, are you sick with anything, long term or short, do you drink alcohol, do you take drugs, pharmaceutical or otherwise and so on and so on and so on.
      >segment distributions
      Self explanatory if you've played an RPG game with stat sheets like these

    • 1 year ago

      The doc didn't walk you through each part?
      >body fat %
      Self explanatory
      >visceral fat
      Subcategory of body fat. It's fat that is specifically around the digestive organs (from the Latin, viscera). Lower is better. I don't know why this brand of body scan gave you a "level" rather than a percentage or a weight value. Either way a high amount of visceral fat would be a strong risk factor for diabetes, strokes, heart diseases, cancers, the usual suspects.
      Side note: You know type 2 diabetes can start reversing by losing as little as 0.6g of fat? Unfortunately it's got to be the 0.6g that's choking the pancreas.
      Self explanatory
      >fat free mass
      Basically mass that is not fat from the categories above.
      >sarcopenic index
      Sarcopenia is muscle atrophy associated with getting old or becoming immobile. Some brands of scanner call this a skeletal muscle index which I think is a more intuitive name. It's just the mass of muscle you have for every cubic meter of volume your body takes up. A score below 7.25kg/m^2 for men would indicate you're old or bedridden.
      >body water
      The amount of water in your body. Very exciting.
      If this was higher than expected range you'd probably have edema (swelling, fluid retention). If it was low I'd suspect something was seriously wrong with your kidneys.
      >phase angle
      Nerds came together and turned the electrical impedance value the machine gets from you into a measure of cellular health based on the amount of water in cells, outside cells and the state of your cellular walls. It's kind of interesting but also kinda useless because those things all influenced by a million factors. Are you stressed, do get good sleep, do you eat a lot of sugar, processed food, do you get a lot of exercise, are you sick with anything, long term or short, do you drink alcohol, do you take drugs, pharmaceutical or otherwise and so on and so on and so on.
      >segment distributions
      Self explanatory if you've played an RPG game with stat sheets like these

      Anyway, your doctor said your results were good because they're good and on the face of things you're a healthy guy. Remember, they're an MD. They're not calling you a dyel. They're interested in checking if you have treatable diseases, not what your bench 1RM is.
      >Is it at least better than the average non-gymbro?
      Go peoplewatching at the supermarket checkout for like 5 minutes and you can answer this one yourself.

  133. 1 year ago

    Took a 2 month break from gym and already felt my knee squatting again almost immediately what could it be? Wasn't very heavy. Didn't feel anything deadlifting after.

    • 1 year ago

      It's adapting to the load again.
      Give it a day or two and you will be fine.

  134. 1 year ago

    Is it normal to get lightheaded after doing some light exercise?
    Like after doing a few sets of pushups, while I feel like I could do a another set or two, I'd get incredibly dizzy and have to call it a day.

  135. 1 year ago

    can you guys recommend me some easy & cheap protein snacks that i could eat daily? not talking meals or anything, and i'm already taking a protein shake

    • 12 months ago

      Cheese my homie, no carbs, decent protein.
      Also eggs.

  136. 1 year ago

    >6 weeks ago
    >playing rugby, catch the ball, sprint full speed tryna run over a fat asian guy
    >snap the frick outta my collar bone
    >have to get surgery to get plate put in, can't do any exercise, not even run
    >get call from doc yesterday
    >"yeah it's taking longer than usual so still no exercise"
    >Desperately ask if there's ANY exercise I can do
    >Only two safe options, swimming (only breaststroke) and stationary bike.

    Welp guess it's time to go full otter mode, anyone know good way to combine these two activities to good effect?

  137. 12 months ago
    6'ft 127 lbs

    hey anons I already looked through the archives for an hour but havn't really had a good consensus so here I AM asking away,

    the subject is deep frying and calories;

    what are some good methods to calculate that?
    I only use peanut oil or extra virgin olive oil
    I'm really confused on how to calculate calories when you deep fry

    • 12 months ago

      nevermind I spent another hour researching but ended up asking AI bot it said about 3 Tbsp of oil per serving so I guess Tesla was right about the 3-6-9
      I guess AI bots are the future since humans fricking suck at giving you advice

  138. 12 months ago

    How to get rid of forehead creases? I am turning 24 this year, and since i was around 20 i developed deep forehead creases that seem unusual for people my age. Anyway to grt rid of them?

    • 12 months ago

      Try to hold less tension in your forehead, unclench jaw, relax face
      >t. 31yo anon with the same

  139. 12 months ago

    Let’s end the debate - does cardio kill gains?
    I’m talking 2 1hr sessions per week, mid-high intensity.

  140. 12 months ago

    what are typical signs of underrecovery/undereating? im on a bulk rn working out 5 times a week, im gaining weight as predicted (~1kg/month, novice) however i feel like shit most of the time, it feels like my body is SCREAMING for more food but that cant be the issue since im gaining weight, so i am eating more than i burn. what is this? and yes im eating around 0.8-9 per lb of bw in protein, enough carbs and fats etc, my diet is very good and clean, no goyslop.

  141. 12 months ago

    Am I supposed to see a body weight increment if I take creatine on a fat loss? Pic related

    second, I get a crazy pumps and doms on pecs but after I cold down I get cramps, Am I stimulating pecs too much? Lifts are improving tbh

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