Questions that don't deserve their own thread

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  1. 1 year ago

    What's a good gym routine for a beginner who has lost 40kg and wants to start lifting?
    Need to help my nephew out but don't want to give him a too complicated routine either

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        pls elaborate, what kind of exercises, also I doubt a beginner can stick to 5 workouts in the beginning

    • 1 year ago

      I started on 5x5. Never stopped and got great gains.

    • 1 year ago

      Can't recommend 5x5 enough to first timers. Easy as shit, LP is valuable to beginners who get free progress, and while it's not "optimal", it helps you build mind—muscle connection for when you want to change movements and customize.

  2. 1 year ago



    • 1 year ago

      are you breathing?
      sounds like you have some kind of anaemia
      you can get dizzy and even pass out during lifting, but that happens on compounds lifting heavy where you need to brace which spikes your blood pressure which can sometimes btfo your brain temporarily, not on pushups

      • 1 year ago

        thanks for answering!
        >are you breathing?
        I think so? while exercising I mean
        >sounds like you have some kind of anaemia
        I wish (not really but ykwim) my blood tests were fine
        Time to see another doctor I guess and again thanks for answering!

        • 1 year ago

          you can also get dizzy from doing "high effort" cardio for prolonged periods of time
          that is a possibility as well, your conditioning has to be extremely bad for this to happen with pushups though

          • 1 year ago

            My guess would be that he's pinching the vagal nerve like you might do with OHP, causing a slower heart beat and not enough blood getting pumped to the brain.

          • 1 year ago

            >your conditioning has to be extremely bad for this to happen with pushups though

            My guess would be that he's pinching the vagal nerve like you might do with OHP, causing a slower heart beat and not enough blood getting pumped to the brain.

            >not enough blood getting pumped to the brain.
            Maybe it's a mix of both?
            I've never really exercised before and, while constant, my blood pressure has always been on the lower end.
            what bothers me is that I used to jog and the results were the same.

    • 1 year ago

      Sauce me brother

  3. 1 year ago

    what are typical signs of underrecovery/undereating? im on a bulk rn working out 5 times a week, im gaining weight as predicted (~1kg/month, novice) however i feel like shit most of the time, it feels like my body is SCREAMING for more food but that cant be the issue since im gaining weight, so i am eating more than i burn. what is this? and yes im eating around 0.8-9 per lb of bw in protein, enough carbs and fats etc, my diet is very good and clean, no goyslop.

    • 1 year ago

      If your volume is super high you'll just want to eat the entire grocery store. Powershitters get fat partially because of this because contrary to popular belief they actually do boatloads of volume, like I've seen plg suggest 12x3 squats and that's just the first lift they do and they do it at least twice a week.

  4. 1 year ago

    This is my routine any exercise I should add remove or replace or any general advice would be welcome.
    >Bench/ inclined bench
    >Dumbbell OHP/ OHP
    >Lateral raises
    >French triceps press
    >Wrist roller

    >T bar Row
    >Incline Hammer curl
    >Reverse curl
    I know I'm not doing squats and or deadlifts but I don't have enough weight for the deadlift I have 210 lb in plates but don't really feel anything anywhere when lifting it 1x5 and my grip can barely hold the barbell anyway at that weight and I don't like squats so any alternative for legs would be appreciated.

    • 1 year ago

      Are you training 2 time a week I don’t get it?? And you should go to a gym

      • 1 year ago

        I'm doing A, B, rest, A, B, rest, rest.

        >And you should go to a gym
        Why? I have a barbell, dumbbells, plates and a bench at home.

    • 1 year ago

      I assume you've been doing this AxBxAxxBxAxBxx for a several months
      Are you hands/palms okay doing this high of a volume?
      Did you get any swelling or inflation in your hands?

  5. 1 year ago

    Is junk volume real?

    • 1 year ago

      there's no point doing more "damage" than you can recover from, or is a necessary and adequate stimulus
      there's no point doing a bunch of submaximal sets outside of technique training/reinforcement

      it's impossible to judge volume in isolation, it depends on intensity, frequency and exercise selection

      • 1 year ago

        >If your volume is super high
        it kind is, im running nsuns, which has a lot of volume for the main lifts and variations but the intensity isnt quite as high on the main lifts except for the amrap sets so i figured it cant be that bad
        maybe i have to take another look at what program to run, i thought going high volume while bulking is necessary to make strength gains out of bulking, oh well

        • 1 year ago

          did you reply to the wrong post?
          idk about nsuns but I have been following the gzcl method loosely for my S/B/D and weighted pullups on a 4 day asynchronous split, the deadlift and squat volume is truncated to a single unit, seems about just right for me

          • 1 year ago

            ye i did, frick. meant to reply to

            If your volume is super high you'll just want to eat the entire grocery store. Powershitters get fat partially because of this because contrary to popular belief they actually do boatloads of volume, like I've seen plg suggest 12x3 squats and that's just the first lift they do and they do it at least twice a week.

            • 1 year ago

              I think it's the program, especially if you came into it while already tired from another program. I don't really have any alternate program suggestions because that depends on you. I personally got a lot of mileage out of Texas Method when my novice routine stopped working. It's basically 5x5 for volume accumulation one day then you do 1x5 PR the other day and the weight you use is 80-90% of the weight you did for PR day. Sprinkle some curls, chin-ups or whatever into it (leave the PR day pretty sparse though, it's not the volume day). It doesn't have to be exactly that but that's the gist of it.

              When I've done super high volume shit I would have to detour to a pizza place and eat a large pizza all by myself before I even finish driving home.

  6. 1 year ago

    I broke my ankle and had to get repair surgery and have plates and pins in the left and right sides of my left ankle now. The dorsaflexion is horrible in it now (a little over a year post surgery), to the point where doing squats is not really possible anymore. Is it completely over for me? If you had to replace squats which iso exercises would you put in its place?

    • 1 year ago

      how did you manage to break it
      also doing more than 1 leg day a week is a meme

      • 1 year ago

        I didn't really do full leg days, but liked having squats in my push days so that I wasn't a total leglet

        try romanian split squats with a longer stance.

        romanians are a good call anon, i'ma try those out


        I've done a bunch of mobility work on my ankle and went to physio after the surgery, but I think it's how it was reconstructed + the hardware that just limits the mobility unfortunately 🙁 i'll give a wider stance a shot though

    • 1 year ago

      try romanian split squats with a longer stance.

  7. 1 year ago

    I walk 5 km to and home from work everyday. I thought about putting weights in a grocery basket and carry it as a passive exercise. Like a very long farmer's walk. Good idea? Bad idea? Enjoy Snap City?

    • 1 year ago

      Get a pack and ruck instead.

      how do I stop being sleepy? No matter what I do I feeling like sleeping all the time have a normal diet and do 2-3h cardio a week. t

      Easy answer is stimulants, be it caffeine or amphetamines. Harder answer is get your blood work tested, it could be something like hypothyroidism.

      Gonna ask a bunch of random shit, please bare with me:
      I'm currently 174cm/5'8.5" weighing 150. I used to be underweight, but now I'm "average." Is this a good base to start with?
      What do you guys eat? Do you use a cookbook? I'd like to prep my food during the weekend so I don't have to worry about cooking after work/gym.
      Is protein powder good/necessary?
      Is there any way to intermix calisthenics and weightlifting?
      WebM vaguely related for inspiration; not the size, but the reason. I want to be a buff goofball.

      >what do you eat?
      I eat mostly whatever the grocery store has on sale or I can get mostly cheap with some exceptions. I'll splurge for oat or almond milk because i left some milk out a few months ago and it soured and it put me off for a while.
      Rice and eggs with tomato sauce or ketchup, rice and salmon, bag of frozen veggies + curry + rice, you get the idea. A cookbook would work if you're that kind of a guy but the food I make takes 10-15 minutes (or 20 for the rice) and that's already too long for me.

  8. 1 year ago

    How important is the time between reps?

    yes im newbie, I can lug 35s for curl or 25s in half the time with the same reps, I feel more sore with lower time in between reps but I don't want to be lifting b***hmade, wtf do I do bros, I want gains and idk wtf im doing, just lifting.

    • 1 year ago

      You ideally want the minimum amount of time necessary between reps, as all time spent just holding the weight slowly drains energy for that set. That doesn't mean rush through them, just don't frick around and wait for more than a few seconds between reps. If you get to the point where you have to wait 5-10 seconds between reps the weight is probably too heavy for you.

      pls elaborate, what kind of exercises, also I doubt a beginner can stick to 5 workouts in the beginning

      google "5x5SL" and follow it. It's just a modified version of starting strength anyways.

      I walk 5 km to and home from work everyday. I thought about putting weights in a grocery basket and carry it as a passive exercise. Like a very long farmer's walk. Good idea? Bad idea? Enjoy Snap City?

      Weighted walks are hard on your joints for pretty much zero gains. Waste of energy. Focus on lifts for strength and cardio for endurance.

      • 1 year ago

        >Weighted walks are hard on your joints for pretty much zero gains. Waste of energy. Focus on lifts for strength and cardio for endurance.
        does it really not do anything if I feel it working my arms and sides? I'm lightweight (72 kg at 180 cm) so I'm not worried about a couple more kilos hurting my joints. It's time I can't spend on any other exercise anyway.

    • 1 year ago

      Go with the lower weight instead of struggling with the heavy one, I damaged a wrist tendon badly when I first started and I was semi-disabled for months, didn't trust myself to lift a pot off the stove with my left arm. I still get twinges in it now 2.5 years later.
      Focus on doing good reps with a weight you can handle completely from beginning to end, and then do plenty of reps. You should do other exercises besides just curls (duh) and you'll probably need to use lower weights for those.
      Stop worrying about being b***hmade, just make your numbers and keep lifting every day (rotating exercises in a 2 or 3 day cycle so you don't wear out the same ones every day). Be patient, it'll feel unrewarding the first few weeks but within a month or two you should start noticing more muscle definition and feeling stronger in general. At this point start working the heavier weights in for your last set.

  9. 1 year ago

    3 sets of 15 reps with 8kg lateral raises still dyel territory or is already an achievement?
    (Been lifting from scratch for a year now)

  10. 1 year ago

    Why do I feel like a zombie all the time? Am I dying? Should I just end it?

    • 1 year ago

      Probably you don’t get much quality sleep, try keeping your room at about 20/18 degrees c, with curtains closed and without noises that may disturb you during sleep, try sleeping at least 6-8 hours a night.
      If sleep isn’t the case try fixing your nutrition, cut caffeine and sugar intake as a starter.

  11. 1 year ago

    Is it dangerous to squat with anterior pelvic tilt?
    Asking because it's easy to do the wrong thing when squatting, and I don't trust myself enough to do the movement correctly every single time I do on leg day. There are too many things to keep into account for a novice like me.

    • 1 year ago

      idk anon, but that picture looks very moronic, the "good" picture is not good.

      • 1 year ago

        could you link a guide on what is good position and what is not?

    • 1 year ago

      i have it really bad. just remember to not really breathe while moving keep your core braced.
      my lower back pain is finally gone after learning a back arch on deads/squats is shit

      • 1 year ago

        alright, I need some stats. How bad is your pelvic tilt, what's your height and weight?
        >my lower back pain is finally gone after learning a back arch on deads/squats is shit
        so the secret is just to keep your back straight? What if I have long femurs?

        • 1 year ago

          cba with all that. i just put the tilt away when lifting and it works out

          yeah just keep back straight
          >long femurs
          hamstring stretches if you're talking about having difficulty reaching the bar butanterior pelvic tilt/chest out/untucked increases the distance so doesnt really apply
          (also when reach is being absolutely maxed out just to reach the bar you're more likely to move spine during lift and frick it up in another way)

          found this vid in a couple seconds just watch vids see peoples form and you'll notice no ones trying to arch their back and pop their glutes out. even though they likely have huge glutes its barely visible

    • 1 year ago

      >Is it dangerous to squat with anterior pelvic tilt?
      Yes, but newbie lifters just as often try to overcompensate and squat with posterior pelvic tilt, which is also bad. Just focus on a tight braced core (fill belly with air and pull it IN hard), and squeezing glutes. As long as you feel your hips moving and not your back and progress weight slowly/conservatively you'll be fine.

  12. 1 year ago

    Quick question, genuinely asking for a friend: what do you guys think of the navy method of measuring bf%? Good or bad?

    • 1 year ago

      if you can do it the same way every time it's fine for a trend at least. it's a hard number to get accurately so I just recommend looking in a mirror and taking regular pics. we can all take one look at fatso and know that he's fat without taking a measurement. with practice we can sort of tell just about how fat just by looking as well.

    • 1 year ago

      post from a couple angles in CBT asking for a BF%, you will get a better estimate

      How important is the time between reps?

      yes im newbie, I can lug 35s for curl or 25s in half the time with the same reps, I feel more sore with lower time in between reps but I don't want to be lifting b***hmade, wtf do I do bros, I want gains and idk wtf im doing, just lifting.

      take your time on the main compound of the day. for everything else, lower weight and less time between sets is fine. Not to be all Rippetoe on you, but moving heavy weight on accessories isn't super important.

  13. 1 year ago

    How much 1 plate weigh in 1/2/3/4?

    • 1 year ago

      55 lbs

      • 1 year ago

        45 lbs


        So which is it? Is there no standard?

    • 1 year ago

      45 lbs

    • 1 year ago

      20.2 kg

  14. 1 year ago


    >If you are a powerlifter... do this.
    I'm not. Does your advice still apply?
    >put way less emphasis on the glutes/low back.
    that is the opposite of the desired effect. I want stronger glutes and lower back

    • 1 year ago

      If you want stronger glutes+low back then yeah sit back with your ass, and don't have too much forward knee.
      Did it for me.
      Could also just do deadlifts.

      I realizedy grip in benching and ohp are firmly in snap city because my wrists flare back loads.

      I took a deload week to fix my grip and reevaluate form

      Do I continue at the same weights but with a new grip, new arm width etc? Feels like a slightly different rom to what I was doing before and I don't feel adapted to it in the same way

      dumbbell, axle bar, multi grip neutral bar, or smith machine reverse grip might work.
      If you change form drop the weight some. I would start at 75%.

      on decline situps, on my last 2 reps i always try to slow down the eccentric as much as possible as i feel a hard burn in my abs this way. should i maybe do it on every rep which would lead to me getting less reps in total or is it fine to do it on the last 1-2 reps?
      i do them weighted if that matters, i go up in weight when i can hit 12 reps over 3 sets

      I do it on every reps. I don't do weighted because I am weak.
      I find the steeper the angle the more it hits your lower abdominals.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm doing 531 so the week after deload is below training max anyway

        I'm just wondering if I should take down my training max for a cycle to adapt to new form

        • 1 year ago

          I would lower it, but you should be fine if you don't.

          So which is it? Is there no standard?

          my post was a way to get you to aim higher.


          What should my workouts look like to achieve this chest?

          flat bench press.
          175 5x5, maybe 2pl8te 3x8 if you have bad chest genes.

          • 1 year ago

            So just benching can achieve this? I've been skipping bench because there's no safety bars at my gym and I was worried about getting injured.

            • 1 year ago

              an overloading pushup progression is more than enough for that chest. with dips your chest will grow larger than that

            • 1 year ago

              >no safeties
              what the frick kind of ghetto ass gym are you going to?

  15. 1 year ago

    >30 minutes in sauna
    >5 minutes out and drink some water
    >30 minutes back in
    is this smart or am i moronic?

  16. 1 year ago

    I've got COVID and can't lift. Please give me your best remedies.

    • 1 year ago

      NAC powder, D3+K2, zinc.
      Bone broth/chicken soup and rest.
      You'll be fine.

  17. 1 year ago

    I realizedy grip in benching and ohp are firmly in snap city because my wrists flare back loads.

    I took a deload week to fix my grip and reevaluate form

    Do I continue at the same weights but with a new grip, new arm width etc? Feels like a slightly different rom to what I was doing before and I don't feel adapted to it in the same way

  18. 1 year ago

    on decline situps, on my last 2 reps i always try to slow down the eccentric as much as possible as i feel a hard burn in my abs this way. should i maybe do it on every rep which would lead to me getting less reps in total or is it fine to do it on the last 1-2 reps?
    i do them weighted if that matters, i go up in weight when i can hit 12 reps over 3 sets

  19. 1 year ago

    Is Cialis/Tadalafil a good pre-workout? I was thinking about using it.

  20. 1 year ago

    What should my workouts look like to achieve this chest?

    • 1 year ago

      for putdowns if youre fat

  21. 1 year ago

    worked out with high intensity for a year now, the first summer of being fit is here, but I dont dress in skinny fit clothing so no one will be able to tell the difference. I dont even roll the arms of my shirts up high enough to reveal my forearms more than five cm above the wrist

    • 1 year ago

      Why are you wearing long sleeves unless it's really cold where you live? Even in the summer?

      I didn't really do full leg days, but liked having squats in my push days so that I wasn't a total leglet

      romanians are a good call anon, i'ma try those out

      I've done a bunch of mobility work on my ankle and went to physio after the surgery, but I think it's how it was reconstructed + the hardware that just limits the mobility unfortunately 🙁 i'll give a wider stance a shot though

      Yeah if that's all the ankle you can get, you are going to have to get ROM somewhere else.
      Generally it' sin the hips. Don't worry too much about rom, do what you can.

      >no safeties
      what the frick kind of ghetto ass gym are you going to?

      Lots of american gyms have just bench presses with a spotter stand.
      Some have a couple power racks with safeties but ya generally bench on the bench rack.

      • 1 year ago


        >no safeties

        what the frick kind of ghetto ass gym are you going to? #
        >Lots of american gyms have just bench presses with a spotter stand.
        >Some have a couple power racks with safeties but ya generally bench on the bench rack

        Do nonAmerican Gyms have safety bars along the side of the bench? It really doesn't make any sense why a gym wouldn't install these

        • 1 year ago

          save like $20 a bench I guess

  22. 1 year ago

    are these things actually useful or are they just a meme?

  23. 1 year ago

    Is there anything easily obtainable that will give me a boner other than viagra?

  24. 1 year ago

    is the 1 punch man workout any good?
    >100 push-ups
    >100 sit-ups
    >100 squats
    >8km (supposed to be 10km but i've not gotten there yet)
    >every day for 100 days (running every 2nd day)
    i'm planning on proper gym stuff once i've finished the 100 days btw but for a start base is this good?

    • 1 year ago

      >i'm planning on proper gym stuff once i've finished the 100 days
      Why? Just go to the gym. Also that's a pretty shit workout. If you can do 20 reps of a bodyweight exercise you should do harder variations, not just keep spamming it like a moron.

      • 1 year ago

        >just go to the gym
        i want a plan and a little something before i go
        >shit workout
        what would be better then? not being a c**t, just genuinely curious

        • 1 year ago

          Bodyweight workouts can be harder than doing exercises in gym with low weights
          Pushup is about half of your bodyweight without much ways to control the load and if you are in too shit condition to do even knee pushup, there's not many ways to meaningfully lighten the load
          It's not like it's impossible to train your body with bodyweight exercises but there's really no particular reason to do so if you actually have access to gym
          Go to Calisthenics thread if you absolutely must and either check the OP or ask the thread for one of them guides but you would probably get better results from just going to gym

          • 1 year ago

            ok thanks for the advice. also im fine with everything i've listed (100 this, 100 that) so not being able to do the exercise isn't the problem it's just getting to the point where i'm confident to walk into a gym

            • 1 year ago


              >just go to the gym
              i want a plan and a little something before i go
              >shit workout
              what would be better then? not being a c**t, just genuinely curious


              is the 1 punch man workout any good?
              >100 push-ups
              >100 sit-ups
              >100 squats
              >8km (supposed to be 10km but i've not gotten there yet)
              >every day for 100 days (running every 2nd day)
              i'm planning on proper gym stuff once i've finished the 100 days btw but for a start base is this good?

              god what a cute slampig. shame about the red hair, though

            • 1 year ago

              you won't get strong enough in 90 days for it to make a difference, you'll still be lifting babyweights, but if you insist on doing calisthenics choose exercise variations that are hard (fail after around 12-20 reps). Doing 100 reps of whatever is just endurance. Not really the same but think of a marathon runner, is that the kind of strength and physique you want?

              >problem it's just getting to the point where i'm confident to walk into a gym
              that's pretty gay, no one gives a frick about you boy
              but since YOU do give a shit about others, you'll notice many skellies in the gym benching and squatting not much more than the bar. Will you laugh at them? No? Then why do you think others will make fun of you? This is not high school, nothing about your pathetic existence matters at all in the gym. Eventually you'll get big enough that people will start looking at you, with envy, respect or just looking for advice, but until them you'll be invisible.

              Also if you go at off-peak hours (for me that's from 1 to 4 pm) there'll barely be anyone at the gym to make you anxious.

              My advice is to get your ass to the gym, choose any program you want (SS or some PPL would be good) and start going consistently. I guarantee you'll deeply regret not starting sooner.

  25. 1 year ago

    On GVS channel he promoted the smith machine incline bench for upper chest? Has anyone tried this? Results?

  26. 1 year ago

    No I mean he reverse grip smith machine bench

  27. 1 year ago

    Can I drink 12 tallboys a night without eating and still get shredded?

  28. 1 year ago




    are you trying to lose weight or gain? aka are you FAT or twink?

    if twink eat way way way more.
    also fast acting carbs before workout, i do lots of honey and fruit before deadlifts even eating 3500cal a day ill get lightheaded without honey/fruit

  29. 1 year ago

    How do I initiate a conversation with people at the gym
    Hit 3/4/5 so not a gym noob, just realizing that if you don’t shoot you can’t score

    • 1 year ago

      if it's a roastie, ask to work in
      if it's a boi, ask for a spot

  30. 1 year ago

    for protein requirements; do you need around1g of protein for your weight in POUNDS or in KILOGRAMS? I thought it was pounds but I saw kilos somewhere

    • 1 year ago

      1g protein for 1lb of weight. Or 2.2g of protein for every 1kg of weight. Same difference.

      Can I drink 12 tallboys a night without eating and still get shredded?

      How much protein's in those tallboys?

    • 1 year ago

      1g per lb is a whey supplement company lie. The studies were 1.1-1.6g per kg of LEAN MASS and then american companies sneakily flipped it over to lb. So it's just over half of that recommendation, for the upper range. There is nothing showing that protein outside of that range helps when you use proper statistics and not just see one outlier and make radical assumptions.

      Anyone saying 1g per lb is still on the "watches fake natties on youtube for everything" phase so they're not experts. You can ignore them.

      • 1 year ago

        counterpoint: 1g / lb is optimal for maxing out protein farts

      • 1 year ago

        I agree with you in principle, but I think 1g/lb is still such a simple metric that it's fine repeating, especially to beginners. It's better to be over than under after all. There may be no additional benefit, but being under is definitely a detriment and if people need a 'rule' like that, then they're probably not getting enough to begin with. Anyone saying more than that is definitely incorrect though, I agree.

  31. 1 year ago

    I'm sure it's been asked before, but what's the consensus on working out through DOMS? Should I take an extra day or two to heal up or just push through it?

  32. 1 year ago

    I run a lot and workout 2 times a week
    but all i do is push ups, planks, dumbbell squats and dumbbell curls
    will i look moronic or is this enough

    • 1 year ago

      From that routine youre working:
      >chest/front delt
      >front abdominals
      Ideally I would add in some shoulder presses with those dumbbells (assuming theyre light), lateral raises, pull ups, rows (depending on dumbbell weight), and possibly dumbbell RDLs (for hamstrings).

  33. 1 year ago

    How hard is it to get bulk without much equipment? all i have is a treadmill and like 5 pound weights. The local gym is too far to get to daily.

    • 1 year ago

      A simple rack to do pullups in, along with a bar and basic weight plates shouldnt be too costly if you know where to look.
      Assuming you dont have any money at all, your best bet would be very kinimal calisthenics, at which point a bulk is going to be difficult.

  34. 1 year ago

    What should I look for in a martial arts gym. I want to do Muay Thai and I've been checking out this one place but they only offer classes 3 days out of the week and they mix both advanced and beginners in the same class.

  35. 1 year ago

    I am good looking enough that gays and old women will flirt with me, but not enough to get any free attention from women in their 20s.

    At the gym, (besides old lady powerlifters w maxed out T) I am almost exclusively checked out by women lifting with their boyfriends who are larger than me, better looking. Wtf is this? Is it trying to stir up some shit? Is it because women would stare at a lot of people if mid guys wouldnt hit on them? Are they starved for attention now that Chaddius is scaring away the average Joe? Are they bored of Chaddius and just looking for exit plan?

    These are out of my league hot women, staring at me, while next to their jacked boyfriend who is pretending not to notice. I legitimately dont get it.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm not sure, but I think if you were to put a well placed dumbbell through the skull of of the jacked boyfriend then the hot woman might decide to go home with you for sexy time stuff. Worth a shot anyway.

  36. 1 year ago

    What should I do now that I've found out 5/3/1 is a load of horeshit?

    • 1 year ago

      Pushing your dick between your legs to get in touch with your feminine side while you give handjobs for chuck e cheese tickets oughta do it

  37. 1 year ago

    I'm starting to take creatine, planning on doing 20g a day for a week then dropping to 5g after. I weigh 163 lb. Is there any reason not to do the big load upfront?

  38. 1 year ago

    >be me
    >running Nsun's CAP3
    >fail to get any stronger for like three months

    How can I tell the difference between over training and not eating enough? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong

  39. 1 year ago

    newbie here. will spreading out my workout throughout the day yield the same results as if I did it all in one sitting. like say instead of within the span of an hour doing 100 pushups, instead I do 25 pushups in the morning, 25 in the afternoon, 25 in the evening, and 25 before bed.

  40. 1 year ago

    Before I break my fast I weigh myself multiple times, then I eat a poached egg with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. After maybe 5 minutes I weigh myself again and I am up to 1/2 a pound lighter. What the frick is happening?

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds like your scales suck.


      >your conditioning has to be extremely bad for this to happen with pushups though
      >not enough blood getting pumped to the brain.
      Maybe it's a mix of both?
      I've never really exercised before and, while constant, my blood pressure has always been on the lower end.
      what bothers me is that I used to jog and the results were the same.

      Are you very skinny and don't eat much by any chance?
      Low blood sugar maybe?

      • 1 year ago

        >Low blood sugar maybe?
        doubt so, blood tests were all right but I'll double check when I find them
        >Are you very skinny
        yep, skinny-fat, around 16.8 BMI. been trying to gain some weight but I fear I'd have a harder time exercising if I get fatter

        • 1 year ago

          >I fear I'd have a harder time exercising if I get fatter
          I have a BMI of around 26 at the moment, and my best lift is weighted pullups. My cardio is completely fine too.

          • 1 year ago

            well yes but my muscle mass to weight ratio isn't particularly good

  41. 1 year ago

    Can dumbbell back rows replace bicep curls? I never feel curls in my bicep when doing them but atleast with rows I can get more work out of the movment.

  42. 1 year ago

    How do the bulldog grip and the "bend the bar" cue go together? The bulldog grip requires internal rotation of the shoulder. Bending the bar does the exact opposite and thus rotates your wrist back into a more regular position. "Just grip hard" doesn't work, because the bar will always move a bit up your hand.
    Are your forearms supposed to be relatively "loose" while using bulldog grip? Obviously not talking about just leaving it hanging, but them just not being tense from that external rotation (bending).
    Obviously you shouldn't bend too hard either, because that'll just tuck your elbows. I know that. But even then it just doesn't feel like it makes sense.

  43. 1 year ago

    how to deal with callouses? I swear these little bastards start tearing every other week

  44. 1 year ago

    Any suggestions for a 3x a week routine I could follow?
    Mostly looking to look better while getting stronger.

    I've been going to the gym but I've honestly just been kinda dicking around, doing only squats, bench, the occasional deadlift

  45. 1 year ago

    Everytime I do squats my left (and only the left) knee starts to hurt. It is sorta of above it, but in the general area of the knee… this started when I begin using the bar, with dumbbells it was fine. I already mentioned to a few friends, two that are PT said my movement is fine and that it is weird that I feel pain. What could be the cause of it?

    >inb4 it is the form you moron
    What if it isnt the form, what else could it be?

  46. 1 year ago

    Is it good or bad for hypertrophy to do a pyramid style incline bench where you do a warmup, then a heavy rep routine until you have to reduce weight due to failure, and then keep reducing weight to failure until you can barely even move the bar with no plates? I’ve been doing this and it gives me actual pec soreness whereas normally I don’t get much pec soreness trying 5x5 etc. is it junk volume or effective?

  47. 1 year ago

    >skinny-fat, around 16.8 BMI
    That is just skinny lol. I think we found the problem or at least the larger contributing factor though.
    >trying to gain some weight but I fear I'd have a harder time exercising if I get fatter
    I feel you but reality is that you're going to need a calorie surplus to grow and also considering how low a floor you're at, some fat is really not going to make it any harder to work out. Just think of all the people at BMI 25 or so who do their routine unhindered.

    You said you did two sets of pushups like right after each other and then you got lightheaded, even though you had more in the tank yeah? Might be time to increase the resistance and start a weightlifting routine, or do some variations on your bodyweight stuff that keep stimulating the muscles to develop. If you could just do the regular pushups all day were it not for your dizzy spells then it's sort of like you're just doing cardio and at that point no wonder you're having the problems. Real low bodyweight people get lightheaded or faint all the time during prolonged exercise. You want do something with rest in between bouts of exertion. Hope you make it skellyfren.

    • 1 year ago


      >Low blood sugar maybe?
      doubt so, blood tests were all right but I'll double check when I find them
      >Are you very skinny
      yep, skinny-fat, around 16.8 BMI. been trying to gain some weight but I fear I'd have a harder time exercising if I get fatter

    • 1 year ago

      >I think we found the problem or at least the larger contributing factor though.
      yup that's for certain, time to start eating more then!
      and again thanks for the much needed insight, I really appreciate it!

  48. 1 year ago


    >5x5 is a good beginner program
    but shouldn't he stick to machines only at the beginning?

  49. 1 year ago

    I've been doing calisthenics only for a while, and since I introduced dips my elbows are starting to hurt. I don't know if dips are the real cause or if I've been doing too many pushups. I might have bad form even if I don't feel like it. What's the best course of action here? Shit hurts a bit even right now

  50. 1 year ago

    how do I stop being sleepy? No matter what I do I feeling like sleeping all the time have a normal diet and do 2-3h cardio a week. t

  51. 1 year ago

    Which do you find harder, push days or pull days?

  52. 1 year ago

    Gonna ask a bunch of random shit, please bare with me:
    I'm currently 174cm/5'8.5" weighing 150. I used to be underweight, but now I'm "average." Is this a good base to start with?
    What do you guys eat? Do you use a cookbook? I'd like to prep my food during the weekend so I don't have to worry about cooking after work/gym.
    Is protein powder good/necessary?
    Is there any way to intermix calisthenics and weightlifting?
    WebM vaguely related for inspiration; not the size, but the reason. I want to be a buff goofball.

    • 1 year ago

      Frick, I should have added:
      Are body weight exercises like pushups, crunches, and the like good to start off? I'm very moronic.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes bodyweight is fine. If you can get to 30+reps you can add weight or make them harder via form changes.

        Gonna ask a bunch of random shit, please bare with me:
        I'm currently 174cm/5'8.5" weighing 150. I used to be underweight, but now I'm "average." Is this a good base to start with?
        What do you guys eat? Do you use a cookbook? I'd like to prep my food during the weekend so I don't have to worry about cooking after work/gym.
        Is protein powder good/necessary?
        Is there any way to intermix calisthenics and weightlifting?
        WebM vaguely related for inspiration; not the size, but the reason. I want to be a buff goofball.

        You are still pretty light IMO, but that's fine.
        I try to eat healthy, but sometimes I frick up and binge or eat procesed food.
        Protein powder is unnecessary, just a way to get protein in if you are bulking or need some more.
        Calisthenics+weightlifting is what many lifters do. Look up "streetlifting" or "weighted calisthenics".

        • 1 year ago

          Good to know. I'm looking for something I can take to work and microwave to eat that isn't horrible, as I've got an okay diet currently, but hope to expand beyond eating the same thing every week.

  53. 1 year ago

    Muscle memory, out of curiosity:
    if a person who trained for years and carried a shit load of lean muscles would go anorexic and then refeed with kcal surplus. Would they gain back some of the lost muscles by just eating or does muscle memory only kicks in when you actually strain the muscles trough eg exercise?

    • 1 year ago

      Some comes back, but you need to train to get most of it back.

      If i'm going an UL split, will it be better if i'm doing upper day immediately before the lower body day?

      If your goal is upper body gains, yes.
      If your goal is lower body gains, do that first.

  54. 1 year ago


  55. 1 year ago

    Just how useless are these things? My gym has an inbody scanner, i know they're inaccurate because i got a reading of 10% bodyfat and I'm definitely more like 17% but then my friend, who weighs the same as me, while having less definition, and being significantly weaker than me on literally every lift, just got a reading of 8% how tf is this possible. Unless these things are just complete bullshit. It's one thing for them to just consistently read less than they are, but there's no way he can have less fat than me?

    • 1 year ago

      Bad for comparing different people. Good for monitoring trend of one person.

      Which do you find harder, push days or pull days?

      If by harder you mean "putting in enough effort to almost throw up", pull for sure. Rows and pullups can be brutal. If you mean "hardest to progress weight", push for sure. Looking at you, OHP

      Gonna ask a bunch of random shit, please bare with me:
      I'm currently 174cm/5'8.5" weighing 150. I used to be underweight, but now I'm "average." Is this a good base to start with?
      What do you guys eat? Do you use a cookbook? I'd like to prep my food during the weekend so I don't have to worry about cooking after work/gym.
      Is protein powder good/necessary?
      Is there any way to intermix calisthenics and weightlifting?
      WebM vaguely related for inspiration; not the size, but the reason. I want to be a buff goofball.

      Frick, I should have added:
      Are body weight exercises like pushups, crunches, and the like good to start off? I'm very moronic.

      I'd even say bodyweight exercises are superior to start. Only problem is you cant up the resistance once you are deep in "endurance" territory. But first couple months it definitely makes sense to focus on calisthenics.

      For food, main meal of day is meat plus veggies plus carb. Cookbook or online, take on a new recipe each week till youre satisfied. Get a meat thermometer from Amazon to take guesswork out on meat.

      Easiest beginner healthy meal is maxing out your oven: 400f, 40 minutes for sliced potatoes or sweet potatoes (salt + pepper + garlic + whatever else) on an oiled baking sheet (flip half way), ~20 mins on baking sheet half full of salmon/chicken, half full of broccoli (oil this side of tray, season similar to potatoes). time for meat varies, use meat thermometer and learn your oven. Once you have this down, its the easiest, healthiest meal you can make.

  56. 1 year ago

    If i'm going an UL split, will it be better if i'm doing upper day immediately before the lower body day?

  57. 1 year ago

    What is the absolute minimum amount of workout I can do to stay atleast somewhat fit or preserve my current level of gains? I'm forced to give up on working out due to external factors, but I'm trying to exercises even just a little bit so I don't completely have to give up on working out.

    • 1 year ago

      absolute minimum: two day a week full body, 20 minute workout. Two sets of five per exercise. Push compound (bench or weighted dip), pull compound (rows or weighted pull ups), leg compound (squat or leg press).

      Even more minimal if your life has no room for a schedule: push ups + pull ups + sprints, as many as possible, whenever you can get them in.

    • 1 year ago

      weighted dips/chins and KB swings.

  58. 1 year ago

    Will my chicken lose nutritional value if it slightly thaws and I refreeze it?

    • 1 year ago

      Wouldn't think so, but you might get sick from eating it.

      What is the absolute minimum amount of workout I can do to stay atleast somewhat fit or preserve my current level of gains? I'm forced to give up on working out due to external factors, but I'm trying to exercises even just a little bit so I don't completely have to give up on working out.

      You'd probably be able to maintain your gains with only one workout a week, but I wouldn't recommend it. I'd rather do two short work outs, then you might even have a little bit of progression even. Muscles build during rest up to 72 hours after working, so working out every third day would actually be the most efficient way of working out if you do a full body work out. Doing something similar to greyskull lp would probably be your best bet to reduce it to less than half an hour each work out.

  59. 1 year ago

    Got herpes 2, wat do?

  60. 1 year ago

    I've heard that you can work your core every day. Does that mean that if a core injury does occur that it's more serious than others as well? The bottom of my abs, just above my groin, has been sore for a while now.

    • 1 year ago

      Do low intensity high rep abdominal work to stretch and get blood in the area.
      Lay off the hard stuff for a couple days and see if it recovers.

      i've been a dyel runner my whole life, recently started introducing a serious weightlifting regimen. Running 10 miles or more even though i do it several times a week leaves me completely drained, but after lifting for an hour or 2 i'm full of energy. I don't use pre workout supplements. Should i be lifting to exhaustion or is this buzz i'm feeling normal? Like i cam't imagine going to the gym after a run, but after going to the gym all i want to do is get out there and run

      That's normal. Your runs are much more taxing.
      When you get strong enough and do heavy deadlifts or squats you will feel similar

      • 1 year ago

        >Do low intensity high rep abdominal work to stretch and get blood in the area.
        >Lay off the hard stuff for a couple days and see if it recovers.
        I can do that, but actually I asked because I felt pain there while doing bench press today, which seemed abnormal.

        • 1 year ago

          You probably overstressed it and now it's sensitive.
          like when I frick up and feel my low back on bench.... Tended to happen after going ham on squats or deads too much for too long.


          dumb ass question, but i havent rlly got any gymbro friends to help me out here. ive been lifting since last august without much progress in strength, heres my physique rn and before. is my progress just slow or am i doing something fundamentally wrong?

          Not lifting hard enough and not hitting the muscle enough is the general case.
          Whatever you are doing, try something else.

          • 1 year ago

            >You probably overstressed it and now it's sensitive.
            >like when I frick up and feel my low back on bench.... Tended to happen after going ham on squats or deads too much for too long.
            Okay, thank you. I was just worried it was something more serious since you don't really consider bench press to be working abs that much.

  61. 1 year ago

    i've been a dyel runner my whole life, recently started introducing a serious weightlifting regimen. Running 10 miles or more even though i do it several times a week leaves me completely drained, but after lifting for an hour or 2 i'm full of energy. I don't use pre workout supplements. Should i be lifting to exhaustion or is this buzz i'm feeling normal? Like i cam't imagine going to the gym after a run, but after going to the gym all i want to do is get out there and run

    • 1 year ago

      >Should i be lifting to exhaustion
      The factors in lifting are volume, frequency and intensity.
      The time you spend during a session is irrelevant outside of practical concerns, or using rest times explicitly as an intensity metric (total performance will suffer).
      How much are you doing at x weight/performance, how many times do you do it, and how often?
      These are the factors.
      What is too little or too much depends on a lot of things, your training age/status, your recovery, your age and health, what lifts you are choosing, what intensity etc.
      What decides if it's a good regiment or not is ultimately if performance increases and/or growth occurs, depends on goals which also have different methodologies outside of novice level.
      Just start in a common range and adjust. 10-30 working sets per week per body part.
      A working set is nominally "to exhaustion", meaning it's to or close to (0-3 reps) failure, but only within the timeframe of that set.
      If you physically cannot perform another set or the performance has completely tanked on the subsequent set, that is generally an indication that you are done for the day on that lift/body part at least.

  62. 1 year ago

    dumb ass question, but i havent rlly got any gymbro friends to help me out here. ive been lifting since last august without much progress in strength, heres my physique rn and before. is my progress just slow or am i doing something fundamentally wrong?

    • 1 year ago

      >guys is my progress slow?
      >doesnt post lifts, bw, height

      • 1 year ago

        my bad man idk much abt all this. i curl abt 25kg and bench 50 3 times till failure which ends up like 6-10 reps usually. 40-50 kg on most back exercises too. 88kg 184cm rn, was abt the same when i took both pics

        • 1 year ago
  63. 1 year ago

    Anyone here ever run one of Meadows' routines? If so, what was your experience with them?
    natty btw

    • 1 year ago

      No but I like meadows so I would be willing to try.

      Serious question. I dont know anything about money. I want to save up to be able to afford a down payment on a decently sized house with some land. I dont want to live in an urban neighborhood, but rather more in the country where the houses arent so close together and there is more land.

      How much should i have in my savings to go in on this in a state like TX? 20,000? 100,000? 200,000? I dont really even know where to start and im just looking for a number i should shoot for.


  64. 1 year ago

    Serious question. I dont know anything about money. I want to save up to be able to afford a down payment on a decently sized house with some land. I dont want to live in an urban neighborhood, but rather more in the country where the houses arent so close together and there is more land.

    How much should i have in my savings to go in on this in a state like TX? 20,000? 100,000? 200,000? I dont really even know where to start and im just looking for a number i should shoot for.

    • 1 year ago

      Wrong board, homosexual.

  65. 1 year ago

    Best exercises for a soon-to-be pallbearer? 🙁

    • 1 year ago

      🙁 Sorry for your loss bro.

  66. 1 year ago

    can i work softer instead?
    i want to be a gentle femboy :3

    • 1 year ago

      Post body. You're the reason I started working out in the first place. I will frick a femboy.

  67. 1 year ago

    I started 3 months ago, going to the gym 5 times a week, I just do full body and a lot of pull-ups between sets, too mentally lazy to follow a schedule, I just like to feel sore. What should I work more?

  68. 1 year ago

    Can I workout like everyday? I can't tell if I need to "recover" or not cause I rarely get sore and when I do it goes away in a day or two.

    • 1 year ago

      Muscles grow during rest, so in general you should try giving a muscle group rest for 48 hours. But you can train different muscle groups every day. PPL trains six days a week and has push first day, pull second day, and legs third day. Upper/lower trains four days a week and is, you guessed it, upper body two days and lower body two days.

      • 1 year ago

        I kind of just do full body everyday, seems bad to do one thing in a single day.

        • 1 year ago

          If it's just calisthenics or something light it's probably okay since you'll be able to recover.

  69. 1 year ago

    I'm at a bit off a loss on my weight loss progress. I work an active job and with my gym routine I burn around 3000 each day. I've been ending my days around 2000ish calories consumed. Despite this I see no change in my weight whatsoever. Does eating too little prevent the body from losing weight? I don't sleep all that well, 4 or 5 hours a night, would that be a possible factor?

    • 1 year ago

      Calories in, calories out. You're either not burning as many cals as you think (all the clocks and stuff like that are bogus and overestimate your cal burn) or you're eating more than you think. You need to eat less.

      • 1 year ago

        Well I'm very precise on what I eat so I guess it must be the burned calories. I tried to account for overestimating because 3000 is 700 below my daily average that my tracker gives. I'll try to manually calc it.

  70. 1 year ago

    Is there actually anything wrong with Starting Strength or is that just IST contrarianism? And is it ideal not just for strength but for muscle size? I assume they're closely connected but people say you can train differently for size vs strength.

    • 1 year ago

      >Is there actually anything wrong with Starting Strength or is that just IST contrarianism?
      It used to be the recommended program back in the days, it's the reason there's a T-Rex running around in the sticky. The program is a beginner program made to learn the main lifts and is really just made to be run for max three months. It's completely fine, but it works out the lower body more than the upper body, so people get that typical T-Rex body by doing it, and not the body builder body many starts out for. In addition it adds chins and back extensions late, and uses power cleans instead of rows. Though most people just start with chins, rows, and later back extensions for the start.
      You're going to build muscle almost regardless what you do as a beginner, but this is a linear progression program (i.e. you add weight every work out) meant to train a foundation of strength (neuromuscular adaption and not building muscles).
      If you're starting to get to your middle 30s, I think doing a program that doesn't require you to do PRs every workout would be better, like 5/3/1 for beginners. It's easier getting injuries when you're older, and especially when you're lifting at your max every workout like this. I'd rather recommend doing it for just a couple of months at most and switch to a submaximal method like 5/3/1 instead if you're older to avoid injuries.

      • 1 year ago

        Minimum 2g protein per 1kg of bodyweight if bulking
        If cutting, at least try to do 1g but that's gonna depend on what your calorie budget is like
        Just eat chicken if you don't wanna get whey powder
        If ol cuck Rip would actually come out and say "this is for fatasses to get off the couch and do something more than nothing but it's starting strength for a reason and you'll be moving on eventually" but the fatass insists that everyone should be on permabulk mode and that you can do low volume whole body compounds and nothing else and progress forever and then seethes when people point out the low PRs and shit physiques of everyone that goes to his gym or his cons
        It's fine if you recognize that in 6 months you should be finding something else, but at that point you should just find something that plans for you to be using it for more than six months
        Because most bread is modified slop with sugar added to it and carbs are the easiest macro to hit so there's no need for it

        Okay then, only do it for a few months max, so what do you recommend beyond that? Seems everybody just does their own thing but I'm hoping there's some sort of scientifically proven program for the long term.

  71. 1 year ago

    So how much protein do I need to eat in a day? And what are some easy to prepare / high protein / cheap sources?

    • 1 year ago

      I'd just go for about 0.8g protein for each lbs lean body weight (i.e. just count your approximate muscle and bone as body weight, and not excess fat). Eggs used to be cheap, but they're more expensive now. Otherwise plant based like beans, lentils, and oats, and animal based like chicken and pork are probably your best bet. Whey protein is probably the cheapest powder you can buy, but some people get gas and the runs and don't tolerate it that well.

    • 1 year ago

      Minimum 2g protein per 1kg of bodyweight if bulking
      If cutting, at least try to do 1g but that's gonna depend on what your calorie budget is like
      Just eat chicken if you don't wanna get whey powder


      Is there actually anything wrong with Starting Strength or is that just IST contrarianism? And is it ideal not just for strength but for muscle size? I assume they're closely connected but people say you can train differently for size vs strength.

      If ol cuck Rip would actually come out and say "this is for fatasses to get off the couch and do something more than nothing but it's starting strength for a reason and you'll be moving on eventually" but the fatass insists that everyone should be on permabulk mode and that you can do low volume whole body compounds and nothing else and progress forever and then seethes when people point out the low PRs and shit physiques of everyone that goes to his gym or his cons
      It's fine if you recognize that in 6 months you should be finding something else, but at that point you should just find something that plans for you to be using it for more than six months

      Why do you people shit on bread again?

      Because most bread is modified slop with sugar added to it and carbs are the easiest macro to hit so there's no need for it

  72. 1 year ago

    Why do you people shit on bread again?

    • 1 year ago

      Bread is mostly just empty carbs. It's like rice and potatoes. To be healthy, you'd probably be better off with vegetables and more healthy food. I don't think there's anything wrong with eating bread, but you should try to get more diversied food than just eating bread.

    • 1 year ago

      if youre outside of europe, avoid
      whole wheat, rye bread is good

      Bread is mostly just empty carbs. It's like rice and potatoes. To be healthy, you'd probably be better off with vegetables and more healthy food. I don't think there's anything wrong with eating bread, but you should try to get more diversied food than just eating bread.

      >It's like rice and potatoes.
      potatoes are not empty carbs Black person, theyre probably the most nutritious carb out there

    • 1 year ago

      wheat is often contaminated with pesticides like glycophosphate.

  73. 1 year ago

    y do bicep curls make me honry?

    • 1 year ago

      becus ur lookin at urself in mirror and u gay

  74. 1 year ago

    Bros I need the most autistic and detailed breakdown of taking care of your teeth I can get, I never cared about that shit, but now I have a root canal, a broken tooth and a frick ton of fillings so I have to start getting serious about this. Also, does it help if I don't rinse that hard after brushing so the fluoride stays there longer or some shit like that?

    • 1 year ago

      Just brush your teeth, man, holy shit.

    • 1 year ago

      why don;t you just talk to your dentist?

  75. 1 year ago

    Why do my forearms and hands go numb when I do lateral and frontal raises?

  76. 1 year ago

    My routine:
    8x3 Arnold Press
    8x3 Military Press
    8x3 Barbell Curl
    8x3 Squat
    8x3 Leg Press
    8x3 Close-Grip Pull-Down
    8x3 Bench Press
    20 minutes of Stairmaster

    Should I change anything?

    • 1 year ago

      scrap it and run a real program, this shit is moronic

  77. 1 year ago

    i have been eating more protein, but as a result, i have been having some of the WETTEST poos of my life. im talking the type you have to wipe 20 times. the type where its better to just shower after. hell, theres been times where so much pressure builds up, my little starfish cant even hold it back and just gives out, and i dont even have to push. i even moaned a little last time out of relief

    doni need more fiber? or less?? or do i just call it quits and go back to lower protein.

  78. 1 year ago

    I want to grow batwing lats. Are high rep pull ups (as in 10x5) at the end of the workout a good idea? Any other recommendations?
    I'm always spent, or out of time, at the end of my workouts, but I want to hit abs and improve core strength. Are farmer Walks + l -sit a good enough combo?

    • 1 year ago

      I do a set of biceps and then as many pull-ups I can do, when your biceps are sore you use the lats more

    • 1 year ago

      I want to grow batwing lats and get a thick upper back. Are farmer Walks + bodyweight rows + high rep pulls/chin ups a good enough combo? I already do deadlifts and hate doing weighted rows of any kind because of my lower back

      Damn homie, this shit said "connection error" the first post but sent it anyway, sry lads

  79. 1 year ago

    I want to grow batwing lats and get a thick upper back. Are farmer Walks + bodyweight rows + high rep pulls/chin ups a good enough combo? I already do deadlifts and hate doing weighted rows of any kind because of my lower back

  80. 1 year ago

    Is anyone else here a hypochondriac, if so how do you fix it?
    Last year I found a lump on my balls which I was convinced was cancer, but after going to the doctor and getting an ultrasound it turned out to be nothing, just a harmless cyst or something.
    I've been having acid reflux lately, which of course instantly means some kind of horrible stomach condition.
    A few months ago I noticed more floaters in my eyes which I thought meant my retina was detaching and that I was going blind, but when I went to the optician not only did they say my retina is fine, my eye sight had actually improved since my last appointment.
    And now earlier today I noticed a tiny little bump on my dick, so now I'm sitting here convinced I have dick cancer.

    I don't even obsessively check for problems, but whenever I notice something out of place I panic, even if it's minor, or just something that's probably always been there without me noticing until now.
    How do you deal with this?

    • 1 year ago

      Something bad happened you as a kid, and/or you had a parent that was always satastrophizing and excessively worrying. Try to figure out what the root of that emotional behavior is. IT's clear you're rational enough that you understand you're overreacting and that little aches, pains, lumps and medical issues crop up all the time, that most of them are minor or transient, and can be easily addressed.
      As a coping strategy maybe you should use medical wesbites more (good quality ones like the NIH or education resources that cater to nurses) and get a handle on the many low-impact and low-urgency things that a symptom could be.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks. Yeah I've always had real health problems like an umbilical hernia as a kid, pectus excavatum pushing on my heart, and epilepsy so it never feels too far fetched that something else is going to happen.

        • 1 year ago

          I had some severe health problems growing up too, I can relate. I go through the same anxiety when I notice some problem, I've just learned that I need to be my own buddy and tell myself to chill tf out. Its easier as you get older. Obviously I don't want to have health problems but your perspective on life, death, and suffering evolves too.
          Hope it's nothing serious anon, I'll be rooting for you.

    • 1 year ago

      The other guy already covered it, but I want to add that feeling a lump and being worried is normal; it being a cyst does not mean that the previous worry was unnecessary, it means you got "lucky" (well, less lucky because ball cyst but better than cancer).

  81. 1 year ago

    I think I've pulled my subscapularis. I can do pushups and dumbbell flies with light weights OK, but I feel some discomfort there. If I do chinups or deadhangs it feels painful as the muscle is stretched. When I massage it with my fingers the muscle feels hard and sore, if I press down it it's quite painful and I feel some nerve pain running over my shoulder and out toward my tricep.
    Should I be paranoid and let it rest until completely healed, or just keep working around it while being careful not to antagonize it? Is there any point in icing it? I'm in my early 50s so minor aches and pains are a fact of life, but obviously I'd rather not tear a muscle.

    • 1 year ago

      >I'm in my early 50s
      go see a doctor

  82. 1 year ago

    So my gym membership means I can go to the swimming hall too
    I read that ice bath fricks up your gains, so I should avoid the cold pool (~15C)? Which is pity since I quite enjoyed alternating between it and sauna
    The large pool is 30C I believe, that shouldn't be a problem, right? Or should I just avoid water completely on days I go to gym?

  83. 1 year ago

    I think I might be undertraining but I am just trying to follow the advice I have been given. So each subsequent workout I try to increase the reps until I can achieve 12 reps per set. Once I reach 12 I increase the weight. But with this double progression thing, how many sets should I be doing? Most of these guides I see tell me to do 3 sets per workout.

    I'm willing to spend 1-2 hours a day at the gym. I regularly am able to go to the gym three days a week, but sometimes I can do four. This pic is a before and after from last month to today. Does it seem like I am making progress? I am worried I am just overeating since I might be undertraining and packing on fat. Sorry if the pic angles make the comparison shitty I suck at taking photos.

    • 1 year ago

      Assuming you are new. Taking progress pics is good thing to do but don’t use them to gauge your gym progress, If you are adding reps/weight every workout you are making progress, simple as. That said you look like you’ve put on weight and are either eating to much or training to little. Post routine.

      So my gym membership means I can go to the swimming hall too
      I read that ice bath fricks up your gains, so I should avoid the cold pool (~15C)? Which is pity since I quite enjoyed alternating between it and sauna
      The large pool is 30C I believe, that shouldn't be a problem, right? Or should I just avoid water completely on days I go to gym?

      Bud, it’s called an ice bath for a reason, keyword here is ice, water isn’t freezing at 15c, you’re good man, swim away

      should i give up the alcohol israelite

      Limit yourself to drinking socially, unless your friends have no personality or interests outside of hitting the bar every night you’ll be fine, otherwise get new friends.

      • 1 year ago

        I've been trying to eat 250-500 calories over maintenance w/ 1.6g protein per kg. I'm 181cm and weigh 81kg I believe per my scale. I'm not sure what my bf percentage is but I would guess 21-23%.

        • 1 year ago

          as for workouts I have been doing the basic recommendation from the strong ios app. I was only given some slight modifications as I was told to avoid doing dead lifts until I had someone to train me on them.

          Monday (legs) - 3x barbell squat (smith machine), 3x leg extension machine, 3x standing calf raise, 3x machine leg curl.

          Wednesday (chest and triceps) - 3x bench press (smith), 3x incline bench press (smith), 3x military barbell press (smith), 3x lateral raises w/ dumbells raised to the sides, 3x skullcrusher w/ barbell.

          Friday (back and biceps) - 3x barbell curl, 3x seated cable/machine rows (whatever is available), 3x lat pulldown w/ cables or w/ the machine, 3x preacher curls.

        • 1 year ago

          That surplus range is fine but I’d recommend sticking to the lower end most days.

          as for workouts I have been doing the basic recommendation from the strong ios app. I was only given some slight modifications as I was told to avoid doing dead lifts until I had someone to train me on them.

          Monday (legs) - 3x barbell squat (smith machine), 3x leg extension machine, 3x standing calf raise, 3x machine leg curl.

          Wednesday (chest and triceps) - 3x bench press (smith), 3x incline bench press (smith), 3x military barbell press (smith), 3x lateral raises w/ dumbells raised to the sides, 3x skullcrusher w/ barbell.

          Friday (back and biceps) - 3x barbell curl, 3x seated cable/machine rows (whatever is available), 3x lat pulldown w/ cables or w/ the machine, 3x preacher curls.

          so the template you’re using on the app is traditionally a 6day workout scheme and I personally would recommend looking into a 3day full body routine, I can give you one if you’d like but if you like what you’re doing now then just stick to it, consistency matters more in the end, but this program definitely leaves a lot on the table when only done as 3days.
          That said back to the original question, as a general rule of thumb less sets and lower reps are better for compound movements which are generally high fatigue/low recovery like squat and bench. More sets, more reps are better for muscles that recover faster and require more stimulation to grow so like most arm stuff, core, calves. So for example if you’re doing 3x8-12 squat I would recommend going down to a 3x3-5, and if you’re doing something like 3x8-12 of curls, I would recommend adding an additional set so it’s 4x8-12 because biceps can take more.

          • 1 year ago

            What would you recommend for a workout plan?

            I was considering one of those full body workouts for three days a week. I just want to maximize growth.

            I'm already not very muscular so I am worried about cutting and losing what muscle I already have.

            • 1 year ago

              Starting Strength, SL 5x5, and Greyskull LP are the recommended barbell programs. Otherwise 5/3/1 for beginners is okay too, but it's sort of a waste not doing linear progression for a beginner imho.
              Probably better bulking or eating close to maintenance then, a surplus of 500 cals equals about 0.5 lbs weight gain a week.

  84. 1 year ago

    pretty lean in other parts of my body but there is some fat near my stomach and buttocks area. Really frustrating. Is it really just lowering your overally body fat percentage and watching your calorie intake? It's taking me a while bros and actually put on pounds on me by gaining muscle. Need to cut but its difficult bros

  85. 1 year ago

    Landed a job as a fitness instructor in a local gym, I am homegym masterrace.
    What am I in for?

  86. 1 year ago

    should i give up the alcohol israelite

    • 1 year ago
  87. 1 year ago

    Anyone else see a noteable increase in body hair since they started getting fit?
    In the last 3yrs I’ve lost 100+lbs, started weightlifting and started running and my body hair has doubled. My back went from having a bit of hair to being almost as hairy as my chest, my calves and forearms have become jungles, hell I’m even growing hair on my fricking shaft now. It’s driving me nuts, I’m going to have to seek permanent hair removal.
    Could this be contributed to an increase in testosterone from losing body fat?

  88. 1 year ago

    I'd like to buy some affordable rings that I can setup in my home. Any recommendations?

  89. 1 year ago

    For biceps do I need to do anything other than normal bicep curls? I understand there are two muscles but do curls hit both or is half my bicep dyel mode right now?

    • 1 year ago

      please do hammer and reverse curls.

      How do I get fit at home? Frick the gym, it doesn't matter what time I go it's always full and I always have to wait in in line to use something. I've gone at 2 am and there was like 20 people there

      my dad bought me a half rack and some standard plates when I was a teen.
      You could just buy that stuff now. Half racks are DIRT cheap, and standard plates+bar can cope with 300lbs fine.

      Bros, 44/m lifting since I was 13. Libido has always been extremely high. It still is, tho I was hoping it would cool with age.
      Dammit I need some ass.

      get fat or don't meet women
      27 here.

      • 1 year ago

        >hammer and reverse curls
        Will do. Tried reverse curls today and they felt good. Thanks anon!

        Find another gym maybe.
        I made a home gym, but it ended with that I just never worked out at home and got a gym membership again. It's actually pretty hard working out at home. Though it might work better for others.
        If you want to make a simple home gym, you don't really need that much more than a bench, a squat rack, and a barbell preferably olympic. A standard barbell can only hold about 100 kg, so it's usually better going for an olympic barbell, and even though it's a bit more expensive, the weights mostly cost the same. Otherwise those star lock adjustable dumbbells are also pretty cheap. Get some bands, and the only thing you lack for a complete work out is really just a bar for chins/pull ups, and it shouldn't be that hard to find a place in your neighboorhood to do that. Or just buy one that you can hang up on the wall, they're not that expensive.

        You could do arnold curls if you want to hit both with one exercise I guess.

        >arnold curls i guess
        Haha, I'm fine with doing multiple exercises, I just want to make sure I'm not missing easy gains that I could pick up.

  90. 1 year ago

    How do I get fit at home? Frick the gym, it doesn't matter what time I go it's always full and I always have to wait in in line to use something. I've gone at 2 am and there was like 20 people there

    • 1 year ago

      Throw money at the problem.

      But the likely outcome is that you’ll be annoyed by the whole process and never finish given you don’t even have the patience to wait for a bench.

      • 1 year ago

        I just don't like going to the gym and being near people. I just want to be left alone.

    • 1 year ago

      Find another gym maybe.
      I made a home gym, but it ended with that I just never worked out at home and got a gym membership again. It's actually pretty hard working out at home. Though it might work better for others.
      If you want to make a simple home gym, you don't really need that much more than a bench, a squat rack, and a barbell preferably olympic. A standard barbell can only hold about 100 kg, so it's usually better going for an olympic barbell, and even though it's a bit more expensive, the weights mostly cost the same. Otherwise those star lock adjustable dumbbells are also pretty cheap. Get some bands, and the only thing you lack for a complete work out is really just a bar for chins/pull ups, and it shouldn't be that hard to find a place in your neighboorhood to do that. Or just buy one that you can hang up on the wall, they're not that expensive.

      For biceps do I need to do anything other than normal bicep curls? I understand there are two muscles but do curls hit both or is half my bicep dyel mode right now?

      You could do arnold curls if you want to hit both with one exercise I guess.

  91. 1 year ago

    Bros, 44/m lifting since I was 13. Libido has always been extremely high. It still is, tho I was hoping it would cool with age.
    Dammit I need some ass.

  92. 1 year ago

    I went out drinking with da boys, am i gonna lose this weeks gains?

    • 1 year ago

      yes because now your body is preoccupied with processing a literal poison

  93. 1 year ago

    Is there a certain weight I should aim for when bulking or cutting?

    • 1 year ago

      Like, a certain weight in terms of how much I shpuld try to put on or lose?
      On the upper end of healthy bmi, 5'10 167lbs

      • 1 year ago

        I get heart burn easily if I get too heavy, so I try to stay below 200 lbs. I'm 5'10 too. I try to bulk to 200 lbs and cut to 175 lbs or something like that, don't really see the need for cutting more at that weight as I look fine.

  94. 1 year ago

    Do you count the weight of the belt and chain for weighted pullups?

  95. 1 year ago

    I have a Baker’s Cyst in my right knee. How long am I decommissioned?

  96. 1 year ago

    Is onions isolate bad for you? Pure whey is too expensive where I'm at so I'm thinking of buying a blend

  97. 1 year ago

    Fugg lads, how do I train this shit?

    • 1 year ago

      Good form barbell rows off the floor

  98. 1 year ago

    Sup Brahs, any suggestions to modify my Routine. Its a PPL, whereas legs are trained irregularly because I recently started playing footy once a week. So its more Like ppxppfx

    DB Bench
    Incline DB Bench
    DB ohp (every Side individually to concentrate on the movements)
    Floor DB flys
    One arm DB lateral rise
    Incline EZ triceps Extensions
    DB triceps Extensions (one Side at a time)

    Barbell row
    One arm DB row
    Rear delt row with band
    Incline DB curl (one Side at a time)
    Hammer curls

    Legs would be:
    Bulgarian Split squats
    DB lunges
    Romanian dead lift
    Standing calf raises with DB

    Also got a rowing machine recently, so maybe any ideas how i can incorporate it in my Routine ? Thanks and have a nice Weekend Brahs. Wagmi

  99. 1 year ago

    Rate my routine

    Push Pull
    4x per Week
    Max 2 days in a row

    ABxABxx or something else
    (depends on my weekly schedule)

    Leg Extension
    Calf Raises (Seated or Standing)
    Lateral Raise
    Ab wheel

    Day B:
    Leg Curl
    Barbell Row
    Reverse Flys
    DB Curl
    DB Pullover
    Wrist Roller

    Not sure on some of the isolations. I‘m considering doing two different isolation variations (e.g. doing GHR instead of Leg Curl 1x per week).

    I do mostly 3 sets for all exercises. For compounds I do less reps 5-8 and for isolations more like 8-12 or higher.

  100. 1 year ago

    my heart rate is 44 but I'm not fit, when should I buy my coffin ?

    • 1 year ago

      have you lost a lot of weight recently?

      • 1 year ago

        not a LOT, like 1.5kg in 10 days then slower weight loss before that, like 0.5kg per week

  101. 1 year ago

    Currently bulking from 66kg, keeping it steady so that i dont gain too much fat, when would be a good weight to stop? Can anyone estimate what bf% i'm at right now so i have a reference? Dont want to get above 17% ideally.

    6'1 68-69kg here.

    • 1 year ago

      Here's another without angle frauding LOL

    • 1 year ago


      Here's another without angle frauding LOL

      You're spooky skeltal, I'd just keep bulking unless you're very adamant at having that slim summer body.

    • 1 year ago

      Don't bulk until before your lifts start stalling. (I assume you're aiming for something close to 1/2/3/4). Bulking is a troubleshooting technique, not a training startegy. If you have no form errors, are quality sleeping and are resting enough between sets so that your muscles aren't being artificially stalled by cardio capacity, then bulking should be the last troubleshoot option as a novice. (Intermediate lifters can try backoff sets and other program wide changes before they try bulking).

  102. 1 year ago

    How do I get rid of my breasts?
    I've been on a caloric deficit for weeks but I haven't noticed any improvement.

    • 1 year ago

      it takes a bit
      you can speed it up and make the results more apprent if you lift, but doing just cardio is a meme

  103. 1 year ago

    I can't do more than one full pullup yet, and my gym doesn't have a pullup machine. Is there any good substitute exercise for that?

    • 1 year ago

      negatives, use a step stool or chair or jump uo to the bar then slowly let yourself down. do as many as possible until you can't control the descent, if you can't do a pullup it'll probably be around 4-5 reps. repeat 3x a week until you can do 10 then you should be able to do two full pullups, start doing those 3-4x weekly.

      Is it good to force yourself to exhale through the nose instead of the mouth when lifting, or irrelevant? Sometimes on the more intensive exercises it makes me lightheaded.

      doesn't matter at all, volume of air in and out is all that's relevant, if your nose is clogged up due to a cold or something use your mouth.

      • 1 year ago

        Do negatives.

        Thank you!

    • 1 year ago

      Do negatives.

    • 1 year ago

      Use a rubber band.
      You can use different ones to work your way up to your full body weight.

  104. 1 year ago

    Is it good to force yourself to exhale through the nose instead of the mouth when lifting, or irrelevant? Sometimes on the more intensive exercises it makes me lightheaded.

    • 1 year ago


      negatives, use a step stool or chair or jump uo to the bar then slowly let yourself down. do as many as possible until you can't control the descent, if you can't do a pullup it'll probably be around 4-5 reps. repeat 3x a week until you can do 10 then you should be able to do two full pullups, start doing those 3-4x weekly.

      doesn't matter at all, volume of air in and out is all that's relevant, if your nose is clogged up due to a cold or something use your mouth.


    • 1 year ago

      Your exhale doesn't matter really but I just breath out my mouth. Normal every day breathing: nose. Sharp inhales/exhales working out: mouth. You know those videos of people passing out doimg deads or cleans? That is from holding in a large breath in amd not expelling it fast enough at the top. Your mouth lets the air escape at a better speed.

  105. 1 year ago

    Is one soda a day that bad?

  106. 1 year ago

    I lost 12 lbs in 17 days, is this too much? Should I add a few hundred calories?
    Stats for those who give a shit - 69 inch manlet, 239 lbs, 1500-1600 calories a day, 20:4 if.

  107. 1 year ago

    absolute beginner, want to start doing crunches
    how many, how many sets, how to progress, rest days?

  108. 1 year ago

    Any anorexic anons willing to give some advice?

  109. 1 year ago

    frick didnt see the qtddtot
    Is a 1000 kcal deficit too much?
    184 cm / 6 feet
    88 kg / 194 lbs
    Estimated to be around 19-20 per cent body fat
    Only started going to the gym consistently at the end of last year. I was about 122 kg / 268 lbs at the time. My game plan is to cut down to around 75 kg / 165 lbs as fast as possible then work off that, reasoning being that I don't have much muscle mass to begin with. I usually do five or so full body workouts a week. I try to fit in cardio but some days I can't be fricked, so I'll just say I do it once a week.

    • 1 year ago

      > Is a 1000 kcal deficit too much?
      my gym trainer told me huge deficits are really bad in the long run

  110. 1 year ago

    Is there anything I can take to help me boost my muscle growth? I have fish oil, multivitamins, creatine, and caffeine in my regime already. I don't want to be a roidtroony-- I like my big plump nuts and young face.

    • 1 year ago

      take orals

    • 1 year ago

      I guess hitting your protein goals with whey protein or other good sources of protein should probably be your main goal. Otherwise keeping a healthy and diverse diet and keeping snacking low should do the trick. Your muscles develop during rest and sleep, so having enough resting time and sleeping properly is important, I guess melatonine can help if you have issues sleeping and don't want to use anything addictive.

  111. 1 year ago

    Is it normal to have some soreness (not pain) in my lower back when doing squats?

  112. 1 year ago

    I have a fever of 101, should I skip my workout tonight?

    • 1 year ago

      If you've worked out this week already yeah

      • 1 year ago

        I've done 3 out of 4 this week. First time I've been sick in 3 years, this shit sucks.

    • 1 year ago

      bro missing one workout aint gonna kill you. get well soon

      • 1 year ago

        Thx bb

  113. 1 year ago

    im moving and wont have access to a pullup bar anymore, would doing inverted rows on dip bar paralletes be a viable substitute? perhaps i could get a weighted vest for it.
    i really dont know how else im gonna hit back

  114. 1 year ago

    if youve been doing an unsustainably long actual crash diet (1000+ kcal deficit every day) for the time of over a year, your metabolism tanks, right? is just eating at maintenance, gaining a little bit of weight back until the metabolism goes somewhat back to normal the only way to fix this or did i completely frick myself?
    t. went from 190kg to 100kg within 16 months but im cold 247 now and my resting heartrate is in the low 40s (used to be in the 70s), low blood pressure, feels like my body falls asleep once i sit down for more than 15 mins, lots of daytime fatigue etc

    • 1 year ago

      Well done on the weight loss but yeah you should definitely fix that.
      You can do a reverse diet. The basic idea is you want to increase daily caloric intake by 50-100 every week until you're back up to a normal daily intake for your height/weight. So if you're at a 1000cal deficit it'd take 10 weeks or so. That should a slow enough change to raise the metabolism without dumping a stack of body fat back on. If you went straight to what you'd calculate as your maintenance now there's a decent chance you'd stack the weight on, since you'd be technically eating a surplus, your actual BMR being so low.
      It's a originally a bodybuilder strategy for getting back to a normal eating pattern after shows, there's books and guides you could look up for all the details, look up reverse dieting.

  115. 1 year ago

    hi IST im planning on going to a gym and I wanted to ask you guys what kind of shoes do you use/recommend? I'm was thinking about buying work shoes like pic rel because they are made to be gripy plus they have toe protection and I want that because I read a few Anons broke their toes because the weights fell on their feet. Thoughts?

    • 1 year ago

      Just get some converse and don't drop weights on your toes.

  116. 1 year ago

    Is Stripped 5x5 good or just a sticky meme?

  117. 1 year ago

    Finally on a good disciplined cut and going till I get abs
    The only abs exercise that feels right, good activation, etc. are hanging knee raises and straight leg raises
    If I only do that, with progression, will I wind up with a decent core, or will it look unbalanced with the lower overdeveloped?

  118. 1 year ago

    is hypertrophy training more complex than just "instead of doing 5 reps, lower the weight slightly and do 8?"
    Is hypertrophy training ok to do on both a bulk and a cut?

    • 1 year ago

      well if you're trying to grow with a significant calorie deficit good luck

  119. 1 year ago

    If I start eating less, the hunger will eventually go away right? Because right now I am constantly hungry.

    • 1 year ago

      ye it's gonna take a little while to get used to it. you could try eating foods that are high volume/low calorie, vegetables are pretty good at filling you up

  120. 1 year ago

    >Got a 100 dollar gift card from work
    >Bought 2 2.5's, 2 5's, and 2 10's.
    >Already have a pair of 25's

    Ordering a Bench next paycheck so all I need is a Half Rack and a pair of 45s and I think I might make some progress.

    What extra lifts do I need to make Starting Strength worth doing?>

    • 1 year ago

      hope you can overcome your autism one day, anon, you'll regret not going to a gym sooner

    • 1 year ago

      You can clean the bar to do front squats. Might be hard doing starting strength, but at least you can start working out without a half rack. You can do floor presses with a barbell too. I'd probably just buy a squat rack instead of a half rack, they're just so much cheaper.

      • 1 year ago

        I don't have space for a whole cage, would these work?

        • 1 year ago

          Would probably be more than good enough, it looks better than the squat rack I have.

          Dumbbell everything - yea or nay? I find myself using them for almost every exercise, including bench. Only ones I don't are diddlies, rows, and leg stuff. Any downsides to this? It's just a lot more comfortable to me.

          You could just dumbbell everything and lift heavy barbell once in a while for strength. You're going to stall after a while with only dumbbell because you can't lift heavy enough, but otherwise I see no apparent issues.

  121. 1 year ago

    Do fatties all just eat 3500+ calories on the daily and lie about it? Do they just keep it under wraps in public and then eat entire cakes at home? Because I do some real fatass shit at least once per week (entire bag of chips, package of Oreos, etc) and I've maintained at 170 lbs or less.

    Granted I work out, but otherwise my metabolism can't account for the discrepancy.

    • 1 year ago

      Often they just eat a lot of regular food, or a lot of junk food. I used to eat like two bags of chips and drink 2-3L of soda every week and didn't gain any weight, just maintained at like 75kg.

  122. 1 year ago

    Dumbbell everything - yea or nay? I find myself using them for almost every exercise, including bench. Only ones I don't are diddlies, rows, and leg stuff. Any downsides to this? It's just a lot more comfortable to me.

  123. 1 year ago

    I have a question on tabata pushups
    It seems very difficult to look up stuff on increasing pushup reps in a 2 minute window for a PFT. All results are by normie civilian fitness industry about "muscle building" when I'm actually looking for tips on muscular endurance.
    I'm just looking for advice on Tabata pushups
    Would tabata pushups frequently build muscular endurance if I keep greasing the groove with doing 4 min tabatas over and over throughout the day and throughout the week in various hand placements? I'm hoping it would be and that it wouldn't be a waste of time.

  124. 1 year ago

    I've got severe tightness in both traps from working outside and doing shit like lifting trees and swinging axes all day. I laid on a lacrosse ball earlier and it helped for a moment but I've got limited ROM in my neck on both sides. Any tips/ideas on how to fix my shit besides rest?

  125. 1 year ago

    I got into a fight today, can't stop thinking about how exciting and fun it was, I wanna fight, like all the time but I'm fat as frick, live in an isolated village so no gym. So does anyone know of any good heavy material that I can lift, toss and swing around to get endurance? Also, does anyone know how to convince people to go all out and fight?

  126. 1 year ago

    I don't care that you don't care nor did I ask

  127. 1 year ago

    I got bit by a dog a few months ago, on my forearm, got some puncture wounds. After it healed up (and got a couple of scars), I find that it's harder to do curls. It's not a muscle loss thing, but it feels like my wrist hurts / is at a bad angle.

    Can you get wrist problems from an arm injury?

  128. 1 year ago

    Is it possible to get to 80kg bench by the end of the year if I work out regularly?
    I can do 60kg now.

    • 1 year ago

      You could probably do that in a month.

  129. 1 year ago

    is 6-7 minutes of rest between sets too long? I don't really care about hypertrophy but I found that I'm not progressing anymore, should I use smaller weights and strictly keep pauses to 2 minutes?

    • 1 year ago

      Rest time between sets is a way to do progressive overload and grow. Some programs like Deep Water I think the name is uses this for hypertrophy. You're mainly progressing with work capacity.

  130. 1 year ago

    Is facial fat with you forever? I've been slim my entire life everywhere but my neck and face, losing even more weight hasn't made a difference. Honestly am considering lipo at this stage like picrel.

    • 1 year ago

      no, just lose more weight.

      Why does Starting strength not have shoulders

      starting STRENGTH not starting HYPERTROPHY.

      If you want more gains just do BTN OHP or DB OHP instead where you press from the ears.

  131. 1 year ago

    Why does Starting strength not have shoulders

    • 1 year ago

      Overhead press is mostly shoulders.

  132. 1 year ago

    How many pushups will I roll today?

  133. 1 year ago

    What can you do to help getting rid of FUPA and improve PCOS?
    I've been losing weight through diet alone, switched to diet soft drink, I don't eat breakfast, and just have lunch, and my dinner is fruit salad and popcorn.
    I feel like my weight loss have plateaued, for the last year.

  134. 1 year ago

    I'm pretty poor and wanna build muscle but it seems like the most cost effective way to get protein in my diet would be drinking a shit ton of this stuff. Is this a bad idea? It would be about 64g protein per liter at 720 calories. I was considering having atleast one of these a day.

    • 1 year ago

      >He doesn't know about GOMAD.
      It'd probably be even cheaper if you managed to buy it of a farm directly or something.


      What can you do to help getting rid of FUPA and improve PCOS?
      I've been losing weight through diet alone, switched to diet soft drink, I don't eat breakfast, and just have lunch, and my dinner is fruit salad and popcorn.
      I feel like my weight loss have plateaued, for the last year.

      Calories in, calories out. Most likely you're eating more than you think. Also some sort of working out would be recommended to not lose too much muscles during weight loss.

    • 1 year ago

      that and eggs, also oats for good complex carbs.

      Get whatever fruit you can buy that's cheap, frozen is actually better than fresh because frozen is picked when the fruit is ripe and then frozen, fresh produce is picked before its ripe and thus has less nutrients in it.

      Ham is also a very good source of protein and is usually really cheap and it's lean.

      You can also buy beans and rice and mix those into your meals, these create complete proteins. Peanut butter is also a pretty good source of calories / proteins / fats.

  135. 1 year ago

    How can I train for self defence alone? I did join a couple of different clubs like boxing and taekwondo but I couldn’t really get on with the people there, plus the taekwondo was mainly for parents and their kids so was extremely awkward. I can’t really throw a punch properly

  136. 1 year ago

    Say I'm new to this stuff.

    Say that I'm reading around that 5x5 is basically your starting point for everything/everybody.

    Say that, for reasons, I'm working at home with one (probably shitty) case of weight from Amazon, so the upper weight limit is fixed and pretty low (like 65lbs, which is, like, starting weight for some of that stuff, and for other it would last a couple weeks at best).

    So, the question is: is there anything of a basicness comparable to 5x5, in which you up the reps instead of the weight?

    I don't care if it's not optimal, I don't care if it could be better, I pretty much just want to catch the bug and I'm pretty sure that endlessly chasing the tiniest details for an optimal start is the worst thing one can ever do.

    • 1 year ago

      lift weight until you feel like you can't, rest for a minute or two, do this 2-3 more times

      repeat for every exercise

      do this at least 2x a week for whatever muscle group you want to grow.

      congratulations, you now do not have to listen to any fitness influencer ever, you've solved muscle growth.

      • 1 year ago

        Even with the same set of low-ish basic b***h weigth instead of, you know, the endless pursuit of pic related?

        • 1 year ago

          weight doesn't matter, fatigue does. Fatigue your muscles, rest, do this 2-3 times and you've worked out your muscles.

  137. 1 year ago

    Is it okay to work forearms more extensively than other muscle groups?

    I've received pointers that my forearms are considerably small in comparison to everything else so now I'm considering adding in like 6 sets of forearm work every other day
    Would this work or would I be overloading myself? I've heard the meme with construction workers and plumbers and shit having big ass forearms because they manually screw shit and do shit with their hands every day so I was thinking it could work

  138. 1 year ago

    Either right after sleep, or right before sleep.
    Which one?

    • 1 year ago

      Working out? If I work out right before bed time, I'm not going to be able to sleep. Working out in the morning is hard though, so neither of them are preferable. I've worked out in the morning in periods though.


      Is it okay to work forearms more extensively than other muscle groups?

      I've received pointers that my forearms are considerably small in comparison to everything else so now I'm considering adding in like 6 sets of forearm work every other day
      Would this work or would I be overloading myself? I've heard the meme with construction workers and plumbers and shit having big ass forearms because they manually screw shit and do shit with their hands every day so I was thinking it could work

      I'd just do extra pulling and dead hangs. Hold the deadlift some 10-15 seconds extra on the last rep. Stuff like that. You can do supination/pronation stuff and wrist curls and stuff like that I guess if you want, but the most important muscles for looking big is grip.

      Say I'm new to this stuff.

      Say that I'm reading around that 5x5 is basically your starting point for everything/everybody.

      Say that, for reasons, I'm working at home with one (probably shitty) case of weight from Amazon, so the upper weight limit is fixed and pretty low (like 65lbs, which is, like, starting weight for some of that stuff, and for other it would last a couple weeks at best).

      So, the question is: is there anything of a basicness comparable to 5x5, in which you up the reps instead of the weight?

      I don't care if it's not optimal, I don't care if it could be better, I pretty much just want to catch the bug and I'm pretty sure that endlessly chasing the tiniest details for an optimal start is the worst thing one can ever do.

      Increasing sets, reps, and decreasing resting time are probably the go tos if you have a fixed weight like that. I'd probably do one sided exercises for a lot of stuff, like lunges, stiff legged deadlifts, one handed press and rows, and decrease resting time.

      People can like get big with no equipment at all really, so learning some calisthenics is probably not wrong either. But I think you could do a lot with 65 lbs.

      I think that the general opinion that the only thing worth working out with is barbells, and that dumbbells and machines aren't effective enough is just a hive mind of npcs who's not able to find ways to work out besides what's in their manual. Rubber bands too can work wonders.

  139. 1 year ago

    Anything I should add or subtract? Got time for 3-4 workouts a week

    Day 1 - Upper Body Strength
    1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (treadmill or stationary bike)
    2. Bench Press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
    3. Barbell Rows: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
    4. Overhead Press: 3 sets of 6-8 reps
    5. Pull-ups: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
    6. Dumbbell Flyes (for additional chest focus): 3 sets of 12-15 reps

    Day 2 - Lower Body Strength & Calves
    1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
    2. Squats: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
    3. Deadlift: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
    4. Walking Lunges: 3 sets of 10 reps (each leg)
    5. Calf Raises: 5 sets of 20 reps

    Day 3 - Rest Day

    Day 4 - Upper Body Hypertrophy
    1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
    2. Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
    3. Seated Cable Row: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
    4. Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
    5. Lat Pulldown: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
    6. Superset: Dumbbell Flyes and Dumbbell Pullovers: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

    Day 5 - Lower Body Hypertrophy & Calves
    1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
    2. Front Squats: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
    3. Romanian Deadlift: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
    4. Walking Lunges: 3 sets of 12 reps (each leg)
    5. Calf Raises: 5 sets of 20 reps

    Day 6 & 7 - Rest Days

  140. 1 year ago

    could I modify any fitness program to include double progression? If so, should I try to get every workout to comfortably 12 reps per set before adding weight?

  141. 1 year ago

    5.6 60kg skinnyfat. injured right hand. cant use it for 2 months. what to do for lowerbody w.o weights?

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