"Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread.

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    How's my workout plan? Is there anything I should add or subtract?

    Day 1 - Upper Body Strength
    1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (treadmill or stationary bike)
    2. Bench Press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
    3. Barbell Rows: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
    4. Overhead Press: 3 sets of 6-8 reps
    5. Pull-ups: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
    6. Dumbbell Flyes (for additional chest focus): 3 sets of 12-15 reps

    Day 2 - Lower Body Strength & Calves
    1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
    2. Squats: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
    3. Deadlift: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
    4. Walking Lunges: 3 sets of 10 reps (each leg)
    5. Calf Raises: 5 sets of 20 reps

    Day 3 - Rest Day

    Day 4 - Upper Body Hypertrophy
    1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
    2. Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
    3. Seated Cable Row: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
    4. Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
    5. Lat Pulldown: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
    6. Superset: Dumbbell Flyes and Dumbbell Pullovers: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

    Day 5 - Lower Body Hypertrophy & Calves
    1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
    2. Front Squats: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
    3. Romanian Deadlift: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
    4. Walking Lunges: 3 sets of 12 reps (each leg)
    5. Calf Raises: 5 sets of 20 reps

    Day 6 & 7 - Rest Days

    • 12 months ago

      I'd probably try to get some triceps work and middle delts work like skull crushers and lateral raises on upper body. On lower body I'd probably try putting in some abdominal and core work, despite the popular opinion that you don't need to when doing compound lifts, my experience is that this isn't true and that you'll stagnate because of weak abs and core after a while. I'm currently doing hanging leg raises (doing deadhangs at the same time) and side rises on the back extension bench for obliques and other core muscles like quadratus lumborum.
      Otherwise I'd probably try to put in some back rear delts work like band pull aparts and face pulls, but that's also stuff that's easy to superset. I also do side steps with rubber bands as a superset with presses.
      I'd probably skip the flyes, walking lunges, and pullovers if I needed to find space, though I guess lunges are great for stability. Depends a bit on your goals I guess.

      • 12 months ago

        thanks, anon. Something like this? My chest is a little underdeveloped. Would you recommend adding in something extra for chest, or is that prob overkill?

        Upper 1
        1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
        2. Bench Press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
        3. Seated Military Press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
        4. Skull Crushers: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
        5. Superset: Barbell Rows & Lateral Raises: 4 sets of 6-8 reps

        Lower 1
        1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
        2. Squats: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
        3. Deadlifts: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
        4. Hanging Leg Raises: 3 sets of 15 reps
        5. Calf Raises: 5 sets of 20 reps

        Upper 2
        1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
        2. Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
        3. Arnold Press: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
        4. Skull Crushers: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
        5. Superset: Seated Cable Rows & Lateral Raises: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
        6. Superset: Band Pull-Aparts & Face Pulls: 3 sets of 15 reps

        Lower 2
        1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
        2. Front Squats: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
        3. Romanian Deadlifts: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
        4. Side Rises on Back Extension Bench: 3 sets of 15 reps
        5. Seated or Standing Calf Raises: 5 sets of 20 reps

        • 12 months ago

          You could alternate extra chest work with skull crushers I guess. Though I think you'd gain more on triceps work than on more chest work. Maybe do some light extra work superset with curls or something on Upper 1.

    • 12 months ago

      PT here. Not bad bro! Find some space for your triceps and abs. Do some shrugs as well

    • 12 months ago

      Change days 1&2 to 5-6 sets of 4-6 and this actually makes sense then

      Strength happens under 6 reps
      Training nothing in that range will turn you into that moron who can deadlift lmao2pl8 for 7 but can't move 3pl8 to save his life

      I would also lose the lunges altogether
      They don't do anything except impede your squat and dead strength and endurance

      T. 3+/4atg/5+ @ <12% bf

    • 12 months ago

      >squats and diddlies on same day
      why do people do this? you're not gonna be able to hit your full potential on your second lift

    • 12 months ago

      I would do 3x3 on bench for your strength day.

  2. 12 months ago

    Bench/Dumbell press 3x8-12
    Incline bench/dumbell press 3x8-12
    Cable Flies 3x8-12

    These chest exercises in a push day twice a week in PPL split equals 18 sets of volume. Is this too much to recover from? From your own experience, can your chest handle this amount of volume or should I drop it.

    • 12 months ago

      Google Dr. Mike Israetel's Training Tips for Hypertrophy for max volume and recommended volume on lifts.

  3. 12 months ago

    How do i implement deadlifts into my workout after doing 2 years of covid laziness.
    I do chest, back, legs, rest, repeat. Most of the time my legs are shot and i can't deadlift properly or my back is done and i can't squat properly. I would like to pick it up again, it's a fun exercise but i am worried that i will just overtrain or frick something up by doing the movement with weak muscles. Any tips?

    • 12 months ago

      Start with lower weights and build up like you would if you were a newbie. At least that's what I do after coming back after not lifting for a while.
      Like this year I started doing deadlifts at 80 kg I think, and two years ago I them them at 150 kg, so almost half the weight. I've added 5 kgs each work out until 125, now I add 2.5 kg each work out. Didn't really take that long to get here.

  4. 12 months ago

    >hear shoulder cracking, no matter the speed or how heavy
    What am I doing wrong?

    • 12 months ago

      Frick lateral raises. Try y raises or do cable raises instead

      • 12 months ago

        Are they that bad? All I got at home are dumbbells

        • 12 months ago

          It just depends on you. Don't get sucked into the idea that you must do a particular lift to hit x muscle. There's always alternatives which might be better for your body. I could never do lateral raises at any weight consistently without pain and I never got a good contraction. I switched to Y raises and/or cable raises and those work for me, but there could be something else better for you. Just make sure to stay consistent with whatever you select.

  5. 12 months ago

    bros protein is expensive, ive been buying whatever meat is on special, and eating like 200g of meat with kidney beans getting around 50 - 60g of protein for lunch a day. Any secret discord tech for getting more for my shitty New Zealand dollar.

    • 12 months ago

      Oats are pretty cheap too, otherwise I guess beans and lentils. Eggs are still cheap in my area, but like in the US they're ridiculously expensive right now. Even pork has doubled in price.

      My shoulder hurts a bit from bjj on friday. I skipped my workout yesterday to let it heal a bit at least, now I have a slight discomfort when I lift my arm, but no pain. Should I go to the gym now? it's OHP day which is my favourite :(.

      Hard to say for sure, could be impingement as you describe it. I'd probably use a nsaids gel for a week like ibux or voltarol forte gel and avoid provoking it, skipping ohp and other shoulder exercises for a week.

      My arms are fricking falling asleep every single night and in every position. They wake right up when I move them but it's getting so old.

      Could be weak back and too strong front causing it. At least I got better when I worked out back more, haven't had it in years.

      Any advice on chest growth? My bench keeps rising (210lbx2 at 185lb bw currently) and it seems like the tonnage is increasing overall, but my chest never seems like it wants to grow in any meaningful capacity. I'm tired of having lackluster breasts.

      I'd do some 5x10 dumbbell work.


      What can I do about hip pain during squats? Picrel area 1 is where the pain is? I’ve gotten my form checked by multiple sources and they all say my form is fine. Working weight is 120kg for 3x10 I’ve taken 2 weeks break as well but it seemingly isn’t going away 🙁

      Work out core with back extensions, abs work, and side bends on back extension bench, and do some proper stretching especially lunge stretches I guess.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, the secret is that every gram above 0.8g/lb of LEAN MASS is hurting your testosterone

      Unless you're a lard ass, there's no benefit whatsoever for natties to consume more than that

      T. Frickhuge natty

  6. 12 months ago

    What are your hunger-satiating snacks when on a cut?

  7. 12 months ago

    anyone have the brian shaw mobile buck breaker pic?

  8. 12 months ago

    My shoulder hurts a bit from bjj on friday. I skipped my workout yesterday to let it heal a bit at least, now I have a slight discomfort when I lift my arm, but no pain. Should I go to the gym now? it's OHP day which is my favourite :(.

  9. 12 months ago

    Does anyone here have appetite suppressant tips / tools to recommend?

    • 12 months ago

      Fasted walks in the morning+Berberine with a carb heavy (but not preworkout) meal and with last meal.

  10. 12 months ago

    Should I cut or bulk? 6'0 175 lbs, physique similar to picrel on the left. If I do a lean bulk, will I start looking more fat?

    • 12 months ago

      Bulk. And fyi bulking will most likely entail a little extra fat too, but it will not matter over time as long as you lift well. If anything youll look a bit fuller in some areas, dont worry about it.

    • 12 months ago

      looking zesty as hell

    • 12 months ago

      What is there to cut other than that shitty hair?
      Lean bulk and enjoy the gains, you'll gain a bit of fat but unless you're a moron it wont be too much and it will be spread over more muscle so it will be less noticeable

    • 12 months ago

      Ditch the fashion underwear. It's probably fricking your balls up

  11. 12 months ago

    I ate some bread and lamb and then laid down while eating some ice cream. Shortly after I had the most insane stomach pain for a solid hour.
    Did laying down right after eating cause this? Lactose intolerance from the ice cream?

    • 12 months ago

      Pain would be from something your body couldnt handle at all (such as with lactose intolerance), sleeping halts digestion and would cause only a bit of haziness and vague discomfort on its own.
      If you only laid down without going to sleep, the change in position would also only cause a little bit of trouble and I doubt would be such a major issue.

  12. 12 months ago

    I have weights that are pretty pointy on the end, and I'm not sure how to kick them up for dumbbell chest press without hurting myself. I've tried just lifting them up for the press but that tires me out really quickly. Does anyone have any pointers on how to best use these for chest press?

  13. 12 months ago

    My arms are fricking falling asleep every single night and in every position. They wake right up when I move them but it's getting so old.

  14. 12 months ago

    Any advice on chest growth? My bench keeps rising (210lbx2 at 185lb bw currently) and it seems like the tonnage is increasing overall, but my chest never seems like it wants to grow in any meaningful capacity. I'm tired of having lackluster breasts.

    • 12 months ago

      Barbell bench is shit for pec growth. Do dumbbell bench and dips (both unweighted for high reps and weighted for fewer reps)

    • 12 months ago

      dumbbell press, 30° incline even better
      weighted dips
      plate loaded machine press, again incline is better

  15. 12 months ago

    I've asked here before (around 2 months ago) and was told to bulk but I wanna know if other anons will still tell me the same.
    I've been lifting for a year, mostly hypertrophy-focused save for the first lift of the day. Lower days go something like: Deadlift 3 sets of 2-5 reps (strength portion) -> Front squats 3 sets of 6-9 reps (hypertrophy portion) / Back squat 3 sets of 3-6 reps (strength portion) -> RDL 3 sets of 6-9 reps (hypertrophy portion).
    Conventional deadlift seemed to have stalled out at 2pl8 and back squat at 165 lbs.
    Would it be fine if I stopped doing them all together and just did RDLs and front squats (with increased intensity) for a while? I admit that I still wanna achive a 3pl8 deadlift and 2pl8 squat even though I'm more focused on hypertrophy but maybe I can just go progressively heavier on front squats and RDLs for a while and when I get back to conventional and back squats, I get stronger? Or do I really just need to bulk?

    • 12 months ago

      No matter what you do you're gonna stall if you don't bulk/eat at a caloric surplus and get enough protein

      • 12 months ago

        I get that but assuming I bulk even more, that won't mean I can deadlift 235 in my next heavy deadlift day right? I assume that the effects of my bulk will only come to effect after maybe a month. Wouldn't a month of just doing front squats/RDLs with a higher intensity be fine while waiting for my bulk to take effect?

        • 12 months ago

          >my bulk will only come to effect after maybe a month
          Don't think that's how that works. When you're bulking, your muscles will be filled with enough glycogen to do more work pretty quickly. Whether you switch to front squats and RDL or not it doesn't really matter. It's fine since it's the same movement

    • 12 months ago

      You should find a real program and try to follow it. It'll usually give you ways to overcome these kind of plateaus, for example if your program says DL 3x5 and you complete all sets add 5lbs to your next DL day. If you fail a set, try again your next DL day and if you fail again drop 5lbs.

  16. 12 months ago

    How true is the "too many bulk cut" cycles will frick with you thing?
    I was 58kg and bulked to 65kg, I did a bioimpedance bf shit and it came out at 16% which I don't trust at all because it showed 17% a few months ago when I had way less weight.
    I feel like I'm minimum 20% at 5'6, just feeling fat as frick and depressed now that I injured myself and can't go to the gym for atleast 2 or 3 weeks. I started binging a lot during my bulk, it was easier to not eat goyslop during my cut, I legit felt disgusted even seeing it.
    Do I just say frick it and cut again even though I was planning to bulk til end of year?

    • 12 months ago


      Any advice on chest growth? My bench keeps rising (210lbx2 at 185lb bw currently) and it seems like the tonnage is increasing overall, but my chest never seems like it wants to grow in any meaningful capacity. I'm tired of having lackluster breasts.

      dumbbell work.


      I have weights that are pretty pointy on the end, and I'm not sure how to kick them up for dumbbell chest press without hurting myself. I've tried just lifting them up for the press but that tires me out really quickly. Does anyone have any pointers on how to best use these for chest press?

      I use 25lb weights on the end, sit the round part of the weight on my stomach inline with my body, and lean back.
      Getting it to me knees I deadlift it off the ground, and have it sit on the plate part since 25lb weight plates are large.
      I have done this with 10lb weight plates too.


      Does anyone here have appetite suppressant tips / tools to recommend?

      Fasting/meal quantity reduction.

      My shoulder hurts a bit from bjj on friday. I skipped my workout yesterday to let it heal a bit at least, now I have a slight discomfort when I lift my arm, but no pain. Should I go to the gym now? it's OHP day which is my favourite :(.

      Just do lightweight warm-ups first and see how it goes. STuff like slow tempo lu raises with light weight.
      If it goes fine do 50% weight for higher reps.
      Or do a leg day.

  17. 12 months ago

    What can I do about hip pain during squats? Picrel area 1 is where the pain is? I’ve gotten my form checked by multiple sources and they all say my form is fine. Working weight is 120kg for 3x10 I’ve taken 2 weeks break as well but it seemingly isn’t going away 🙁

    • 12 months ago

      Less weight and focus on your quads taking the load.
      Otherwise I would modify the stance/technique to alleviate it.

      I found a $50 Swiss bar. Should I buy it? I know it's lower than the current market value but there's like only a little selection of exercises I can do with it (bench, OHP, rows, skullcrushers)

      >flat swiss bar
      curls, skull crushers, jm press, bench, incline bench, ohp, rows, tricep extensions,
      All I can think of right now.
      50usd is a good price.
      If it's cambered... buy it.

      Way more rom if you have a larger chest. I get around 2+in more stretch on my flat bench with my cambered/seal row bar. With this it's similar to a db bench but more stable.

      • 12 months ago

        You know what, I'll buy it. You never know when you'll come across a deal like this again.
        The quality probably won't be excellent since it's from a Mom and Pop and not a big name manufacturer like Bells of Steel or Rogue but I'm not aiming to bench 500 lbs anyway.

  18. 12 months ago

    Are mass gainers a meme or are they really worth it?

    • 12 months ago

      It’s just expensive, shitty tasting food. Not really bro. If you’re counting calories try to fill in as much as you can with real food and then at the end of the day make the difference with mass gainer.

      If you’re new though the important part is to just keep working out.

    • 12 months ago

      I used one before, It sucked and I actually didn't gain anything at all. Just eat more

  19. 12 months ago

    I found a $50 Swiss bar. Should I buy it? I know it's lower than the current market value but there's like only a little selection of exercises I can do with it (bench, OHP, rows, skullcrushers)

  20. 12 months ago

    Anyone had small amount of blood in the urethra?
    It happened to me yesterday after sex I felt my pp irritated and in the afternoon some blood came out after peeing, I didn't feel the sex was particularly rough anyone had this happen ever?

    • 12 months ago

      How much blood?


      Are mass gainers a meme or are they really worth it?

      They're literally just low quality protein powder (you should only use powder in an emergency anyway) and maltodextrin (the highest insulin response sugar)

      You'd be infinitely better off buying mcdoubles than eating this garbage

  21. 12 months ago

    Stalls in weight loss are normal, right? I've been dieting for almost a month and a half, and the first two weeks I went from 225 to 215, but ever since it's been really slow goings as I've only gone from 215 to 212 since. I haven't done much exercise yet other than some cardio, so is my experience normal or am I doing something wrong?

    • 12 months ago

      Yes. Unless you add cardio, reduce calories, or take PED's it's normal.
      Only way I could get constant weight loss is from STUPID low calories. I don't recommend that because it nukes your T, energy, and gains.

      • 12 months ago

        Frig. I guess I'm going to have to double down on the exercise side of things. I was going to anyway but I was kind of hoping it would just be a bonus, rather than a necessity to reach my target weight within the year. Oh well, I like lifting and running, so it's not a big deal.

  22. 12 months ago

    I came down with a cold last week, I feel fine now but I still have a ton of gunk in my nose and throat and can't really breathe properly. Can I go to the gym like this? How do I make my workout bearable in this condition? Any tips to help purge mucus?

    • 12 months ago

      Take a shower, or do some cardio before.
      Both of those help me purge foul stuff from my lungs.
      if it comes up yellow/green I would keep recovering, or lift near a trash can/outside

  23. 12 months ago

    I'm starting 531 Boring but Big on a 3x week schedule. I had some back issues in the past that were exacerbated by squats, how slow should I move with them? Is slowly strengthening the back likely to help? I'm doing hypertensions as assistance work on OHP/bench days, what else should I be doing for back recovery?

    • 12 months ago

      It depends on the back issues you had.
      I was hit by a car and squats helped my back in recovery, but i took it very slowly. Almost any lower back pain, vertebrae and connective tissues, is too much and usually not worth it.

      • 12 months ago

        Checked, thanks! What to substitute squats with? The rest of 531 feels good and 3x week is ideal for my schedule

        • 12 months ago

          You can try to squat with a belt on, another possibility is Bulgarian split or front squat if you can, if not maybe leg press or some machine alternative.
          But only front squats will fit as a major lift in a 531 template

  24. 12 months ago

    Got surgery 4 days ago to get all my wisdom teeth taken out. How long before I can go back to working out?

    First few days were hell but right now I'm pretty comfortable for the most part aside from not being able to eat solid food. So I was thinking of going back tomorrow

    • 12 months ago

      I was back to gym the next day, idk what hell you are talking about, I had a little swelling, but then again I took one of them at the time, not all four.

      • 12 months ago

        >idk what hell you are talking about
        >Also I've never been through the same thing as you
        Jesus, I was wrong to assume that moronic summergays wouldnt be on here yet

    • 12 months ago

      I got mine removed and dentist told me to rest for at least 24 hours, and wait a whole week before doing anything strenuous

      • 12 months ago

        Guess I'll go light on the weights for now then, cheers.
        Any recommendations for food to eat while recovering? I still have to eat soft mushy shit for now and I dont think that eating ice cream and yogurt all day will help my gains

        • 12 months ago

          Just take it easy and don't experiment with food until the wound starts to close up, gargle salt water, and take your antibiotics. Mine got infected and the dentist had to scrape the tissue without anesthesia because it makes the blood vessels constrict. Easily the worst pain I have been in my whole life

          • 12 months ago

            Noted, thanks mang

  25. 12 months ago

    Is eating raw salmon bad? I don't mean shashimi but just regular store bought salmon. I said online that eating raw farmed salmon was safe but my stomach feels a bit iffy now

    • 12 months ago

      How much you trust raw fish depends on your countries regulations. If there are freezing protocols in place then you shouldnt have to worry about getting parasites when eating raw fish. Then again, how your body reacts to it is entirely dependent on individual factors like microbiota and shit.

      I usually cook my salmon in a pan but leave some raw bits because they taste great with onions sauce

      • 12 months ago

        >onions sauce
        why does it autocorrect s o y to onions?

  26. 12 months ago

    When training shoulders, do I start with a vertical press like OHP or do I start with an isolation exercise like lateral raises?

    • 12 months ago

      Do The Press™, first

  27. 12 months ago

    I stopped training legs and only do 2 days a week of sprints sometimes uphill. Is it fine? Or am i being stupid?

    • 12 months ago

      Just throw a few sets of squats in

    • 12 months ago

      get a bike and youre golden. I dont usually train legs but I used to bike to the gym and my legs got toned with just that. Granted I took a route with a bunch of steep hills.

    • 12 months ago

      You're being stupid. Having said that, you don't really need that much to work out legs in comparison to upper body. You could probably just squat, deadlift, and do calf rises like once a week.

      >onions sauce
      why does it autocorrect s o y to onions?

      >why does it autocorrect s o y to onions?
      >being this new
      I think it's been like that for ten years or something. There was a period where soi was really popular and people started calling those who used soi for soi bois and stuff like that. So mods switched soi to onions. Sort of like wapanese got switched to weeb back in the days.

      >idk what hell you are talking about
      >Also I've never been through the same thing as you
      Jesus, I was wrong to assume that moronic summergays wouldnt be on here yet

      Apparently the summer gay thing is actually just a myth because the traffic on IST is the same during summer as rest of the year.

      I'm starting 531 Boring but Big on a 3x week schedule. I had some back issues in the past that were exacerbated by squats, how slow should I move with them? Is slowly strengthening the back likely to help? I'm doing hypertensions as assistance work on OHP/bench days, what else should I be doing for back recovery?

      I started doing side bends on the hyper extension bench to help out my quadratus lumborum and obliques, and also front squats for the spine and thoracic extension. Apparently the front squats should help for some of the lower back issues to according to some other random guys, though I can't understand how looking at the muscles it works on exrx. Seems to be helping the short period I've been doing it.


      Got surgery 4 days ago to get all my wisdom teeth taken out. How long before I can go back to working out?

      First few days were hell but right now I'm pretty comfortable for the most part aside from not being able to eat solid food. So I was thinking of going back tomorrow

      I removed 3 and was down for a couple of weeks, almost fainted because of pain the first day. But I think I had some excessive bleeding messing it up.

      Stalls in weight loss are normal, right? I've been dieting for almost a month and a half, and the first two weeks I went from 225 to 215, but ever since it's been really slow goings as I've only gone from 215 to 212 since. I haven't done much exercise yet other than some cardio, so is my experience normal or am I doing something wrong?

      Initial weight loss might've been mostly water loss too depending on your diet. A cal deficit of 500 cals should equal about one lbs loss a week.

      • 12 months ago

        You can try to squat with a belt on, another possibility is Bulgarian split or front squat if you can, if not maybe leg press or some machine alternative.
        But only front squats will fit as a major lift in a 531 template

        Thanks anons, I'll give front squats a try

  28. 12 months ago

    whats the latest time i should work out if i go to bed at 10-10:30pm at night? earliest i can usually do is 5pm, finish around 7pm. will this still frick with my sleep?

    • 12 months ago

      >Will getting tired for doing exercise frick with my sleep
      Quite the opposite brotha. Gotta train that big 'ol brain too

    • 12 months ago

      5pm had been shown to result in the best sleep

      I lift in the morning tho . Can't deal with the 5pm morons

  29. 12 months ago

    why do so many people have wonk eye (specifically exotropia)? studies say as many as 1% of the population, but it seems closer to 1/10 if you look at any random group of people. someone pointed it out and i can't fricking unsee it.

    • 12 months ago

      Famous people? Politicians?

      Sometimes the implant fricks the eye up.

      Ask /x/

  30. 12 months ago

    If I use a rowing machine multiple times a week, am I over training my back muscles?

    • 12 months ago

      >If I use a rowing machine multiple times a week, am I over training my back muscles?

      If you are a modern human living in a first world country, and you are not a professional athlete, you are almost certainly not overtraining.

  31. 12 months ago

    What do I wear to a gym?

    • 12 months ago

      Sneakers and whatever makes you feel the most comfortable working out

  32. 12 months ago

    Which are better pull-ups or chinups? I cut down from a bulk after working on my upper body strength and now I'm planning to do some more bodyweight exercises.
    I'll probably incorporate both in my routine once I get good at them, but which s the best one to start with?

  33. 12 months ago

    Thoughts on this chicken I spatchwienered? Had it for dinner and it was juicier than my wife after a bottle of wine if you know what I mean

  34. 12 months ago

    im not really fat but im trying to lose some weight
    im around 70 kg right now wanting to go down to at least 64 maybe then my plan is to start working out and build some muscles
    is it a good idea or should i start working out before even losing the weight
    im currently only doing cardio and eating less

  35. 12 months ago

    Why do you still lift weights and do cardio when they are useless?

    • 12 months ago

      >be me
      >lift weights
      >be stronger than I was and muscles are getting bigger

      • 12 months ago

        just think how much stronger youd be without the weights

        • 12 months ago

          I cannae fathom

  36. 12 months ago

    I have been back to the gym for 1 month (used to work out at home and do Greyskull LP) and the trainer said i can now change my schedule, from the kind of shitty one they gave me, my question is: should i just do Greyskull LP again maybe with some accessory exercises that i can do at the gym or have a trainer write me a new schedule? Thx

    • 12 months ago

      Run SS + accessories and stab your trainer in the fricking throat

  37. 12 months ago

    Should I use creatine while trying to lose fat? I’m still regularly going to the gym and lifting/doing cardio.

  38. 12 months ago

    I used to be into lifting about 5 years ago. Out of shape now, but I had (have) gyno so I never worked out my chest since it would push out the gyno and I was too self conscious. Now I don't care and I promised myself that I would get muscular and in shape before I got the surgery as a good lifestyle change. Never did chest as much as I should, really, and preferred OHP for that reason. My OHP always dominated bench as a result.

    Here's the problem. I started lifting again a couple months ago and gaining my old strength back but my OHP mogs my bench press so much it isn't funny. OHP max is 155 for 3 and I can only bench 165 for 2 (!!!). But I've been benching way more AND doing chest isolations. Why is my bench so shitty and lagging so far behind my OHP? It's really bad. Could it be that my mind-muscle connection to my chest is weak? Could I have bad form on the bench?

    • 12 months ago

      lmao that is an odd ohp to bench ratio for sure. But it's probably a combo of both things you mentioned. I'm the opposite of you, where I can feel by chest working on bench more than I can feel my delts working on OHP. For form, I highly recommend checking out Alan Thrall, he has videos covering just about every aspect of the bench press form. For bench strength programming I run 5/3/1 with FSL or some other chest accessory after the main sets. For mass specific training advice, Natural Hypertrophy on youtube seems very knowledgeable

  39. 12 months ago

    I am in the process of switching from strength oriented work to dedicated hypertrophy training. I've been having some issues escaping the dogma mindset like
    >"you MUST low bar squat"
    My main issue is that the low bar squat and other lifts have been staples of my training since I started, but I know that in my case specifically, there are lifts which are better for generating stimulus in my quads without inspiring dread like the low bar squat, for example, barbell hacksquats and front squats absolutely decimate my quads.
    I want to break out of the novice/intermediate mindset and start programming and selecting exercises for myself and I think experimenting with the main leg movements would be a good start.
    Any considerations or critiques?

  40. 12 months ago

    The only athletic shoes I have are flat-soled converse low-tops. I know those are fine for lifting, but is it a bad idea to go for runs in those, or should I invest in some running shoes?

  41. 12 months ago

    U alive bro?

  42. 12 months ago

    Bros how do I into cardio:
    >Fairly strong at lifting
    >Minimal cardio vascular endurance, run out of breath as soon as high effort is required

    Should I do HIIT or low intensity steady state to build some cardio endurance quick?

    On hiit I can do about 4 30s sets with a minute break
    With steady state I can do about 6mph on the elliptical for 30 mins straight

    • 12 months ago

      Honestly for cardio I think you should do what you find somewhat fun that you can do over a period of time. I currently using a rowing machine, and earlier I used to bike, though it's only fun when it's nice weather outside, and swim but COVID closed down my swimming hall and I never got back into it.

      If you like HIIT go for it. I used to do some interval running earlier and I wasn't that fond of it.


      I hit the gym in the afternoon after already eating all ~1700 of my cut's daily calories, so my next meal will be breakfast tomorrow. Is it bad that I won't be eating a post-workout meal?

      Doesn't matter, you can eat one meal a day too.

    • 12 months ago

      LISS builds your aerobic system (gas tank(. HIC builds your anaerobic system (accelerator)

      Do 2-3 LISS workouts per week for at around 2 months. 30 minutes minimum fast enough so it feels like you are working harder than a walk, slow enough that you can still speak in complete sentences.

      After this endurance block, switch into high intensity cardio stuff (hill sprints, HIIT workouts, etc) do one LISS workout every two weeks to keep the aerobic system topped up.

      For a more thorough breakdown, check out Tactical Barbell 2 or Tactical Barbell Green Protocol.

      t. Ex Trigger Black person

  43. 12 months ago

    I hit the gym in the afternoon after already eating all ~1700 of my cut's daily calories, so my next meal will be breakfast tomorrow. Is it bad that I won't be eating a post-workout meal?

  44. 12 months ago

    I am going through stages of intense depression and rage over it. the depression puts me in a state to slow down on those days for lifting while the rage makes me want to throw my plates through my wall.
    >made home gym since covid
    should i go back to the gym and try to getting back to socializing with people there?
    >still have friends regardless of covid
    or should i look for other factors like diet or change up a hobby?
    find a girl and hate frick her?
    for the record, i have no intentions of hurting anyone.
    what other choices should i look into outside of medication?

    • 12 months ago

      We're not really made to be isolated and alone, and it can make us crazy. It's a reason that isolation is a torture method.
      I recently got back to the gym after making a $3k home gym just so I could be around people and don't feel so alone. It's nice because you can be anxious but it doesn't really matter, and after a while you start getting used to people and aren't as anxious any more. Must admit I don't talk to anyone and wear a head set.
      It might also help that there's cute girls there too, though I don't talk to them. I guess it's just nice seeing them. I think it'd be more healthy getting a proper relationship if you feel like this than you hate frick someone, but then again I've never hate fricked somebody so I wouldn't know.

      • 12 months ago

        Damn bro, didn't mean to make you feel those feels. I know what you're saying though. I tried to pick up a girl at the local mall here after a light day in my home gym from depression. It felt good by getting her number and actually going to see her for a date was a disaster. I must have scared her through over thinking everything which just resulted in getting myself stressed out and frustrated. So I went home and raged hard with lifting. I felt better afterwards but damn, I think I lost myself like so many people through covid.

        • 12 months ago

          I was lost before covid, in honesty covid made me realize what I had become when I started noticing it in others. It feels sort of bad that everyone has become that similar to me. I just took a walk down to the beach for a breath of air, and even though it's one of the hottest days this year, there almost wasn't anyone on the beach. I just feel like everyone is still isolating themselves because they got so used to it, and now everyone are hopeless introverts like me.
          The world got worse after covid in my honest opinion, and I think it'll take time for it to become like it was. It just changed something in society, and combined with social media and other ways to interact outside of being social, people just aren't socializing like they used to.
          This is probably crazy talk, but I kind of feel guilty about the world getting like this and that it's sort of my fault. Covid made everyone suffer like me, and even though I've probably thought a couple of times why do I have to suffer like this, it didn't really help that everyone else suffered too.

          • 12 months ago

            You may think its crazy talk but you speak a mountain of truth. I had seen it myself, covid hit, i felt the urge to be more outdoors and social. the hope was to show people that fear was getting a grip on them. but now, for me, its this weird stage of depression turned to rage.
            here is to hoping its just temporary. the urge to find a woman and mate is taking over and its driving me nuts.

            all i will say is this, be a leader among men. do not push others away.

  45. 12 months ago

    Why didn't anyone tell me when I cut i would lose all my gains? I went from 200 to 250, got super strong, then cut to 225 and lost most of my strength. Now my lifts are all exactly where they were when I weighed... 225.

    • 12 months ago

      Don't let it get to you, keep going. It is a vicious cycle.

    • 12 months ago

      t. my ass and conjecture I've seen talked about, but those might not have all been gains you lost. If you cut correctly and look better in the mirror, then what might have happened is that due to the physical reduction in your weight and size, your leverages became less optimal for raw output, which is why you seem weaker.

  46. 12 months ago

    Tips on warmup for someone who workout only with dumbbells and a pullup bar at home?

    • 12 months ago

      stretching, lots of stretching. not to stretch muscles but to decompress your spin and bring out more flexibility.


      Is it healthy if I have a slice of this daily with my eggs? If not, is there a better alternative?

      its not real cheese.

      • 12 months ago

        does somewhere like Walmart sell real cheese?

        • 12 months ago

          sure, just don't buy american cheese.

          • 12 months ago

            this is actually the only one mentioning it's made from cows and not processed. Good or still bad?

  47. 12 months ago

    i’m on a lean bulk and just ate around 4000 cals of doughnuts.

    what should i do? should i go in a deficit for a week or just accept the far gain and continue with my lean bulk

  48. 12 months ago

    how can i get dense & firm muscle as apposed to puffy muscles?

    • 12 months ago

      Strength training at volume and eating at maintenance

      i’m on a lean bulk and just ate around 4000 cals of doughnuts.

      what should i do? should i go in a deficit for a week or just accept the far gain and continue with my lean bulk

      You did that because your body was starving. On a bulk, you shouldn't have cravings like that
      That means you're eating way too much protein and not enough carbs and fat

      I am going through stages of intense depression and rage over it. the depression puts me in a state to slow down on those days for lifting while the rage makes me want to throw my plates through my wall.
      >made home gym since covid
      should i go back to the gym and try to getting back to socializing with people there?
      >still have friends regardless of covid
      or should i look for other factors like diet or change up a hobby?
      find a girl and hate frick her?
      for the record, i have no intentions of hurting anyone.
      what other choices should i look into outside of medication?

      Try supping rhodiola twice a day


      Should I use creatine while trying to lose fat? I’m still regularly going to the gym and lifting/doing cardio.

      It increases your metabolism
      Just know that you'll be bloated for a couple weeks and your weight will still be high after the bloat dissipates

  49. 12 months ago

    Is it healthy if I have a slice of this daily with my eggs? If not, is there a better alternative?

  50. 12 months ago

    my cheapo aldi large eggs sometimes have two yolks... do i still count the calories for a single egg?

  51. 12 months ago

    Can a short cycle of steriods help me recover from injuries?

  52. 12 months ago

    Kind of a stupid question, but I'm bulking for the first time and struggling to get enough calories whilst still eating a healthy diet. On days I work I can easily burn 3k calories, and it just seems like there's not enough time to eat that much. I've been mostly filling the gap with milk, but is there anything better?

  53. 12 months ago

    Thoughts on fermented foods? Are we krautmaxxing?

    • 12 months ago

      I hate vegetables, hate them. But pickled ones are not bad do there may be something to it.

  54. 12 months ago

    not sure if this is the right thread but is it uncommon to have the top of your hair to be thinner/less dense than the sides/back? I buzzed it a while ago and only realized how thin it is, it was probably like this for years(i had long hair beforehand), my hairline/crown are both intact it's just the density.
    i'm only 22 man wtf.

    • 12 months ago

      Eat more carbs and fap less

      • 12 months ago


        not sure if this is the right thread but is it uncommon to have the top of your hair to be thinner/less dense than the sides/back? I buzzed it a while ago and only realized how thin it is, it was probably like this for years(i had long hair beforehand), my hairline/crown are both intact it's just the density.
        i'm only 22 man wtf.

        Alternatively, eat a balanced diet and fap when you feel like it.

        • 12 months ago

          You can't out eat overfapping
          There's an argument to be made for those individuals that eat 5000 calories a day and do more than one hour of cardio every single day, but those people don't post here.

          The issue is that guys make it part of their routine which really fricks people up when your nutrient needs and diet changes day to day but you keep depleting those specific nutrients and nauseam

  55. 12 months ago

    is drinking baking soda bad for you?

    • 12 months ago

      Unnecessary for you

  56. 12 months ago

    Is 6 a week PPL a bad idea for a complete beginner? Is Starting Strength going to get me a fat arse and nothing else?

    • 12 months ago

      SS only makes you fat if you make yourself fat
      SS allows you to make gains under every circumstance

      I would NOT run ppl as a beginner. SS would be ideal, stronglifts is okay and the other LP programs come in 3rd.
      I run 6day ppl all the time now but I didn't start until I was reasonably strong

  57. 12 months ago

    i only squat on leg day
    should i add something else

  58. 12 months ago

    Sup dudes. Turbo-dyel here(31, 168 lbs, about 20% BF). I've literally never lifted a weight in my entire life besides a 35 lbs kettlebell so I did a bunch of research and bought a rogue half rack, barbell, a plate set, and built a pulley out of stuff from the hardware store and started doing GZCLP 4 days/wk. I'm not gonna lie bros every single time I start a set I say frick me I don't think I can make it through this one. But then I surprise myself and manage to get through each set. I know a lot of people on here will razz me but I don't give a frick, I WILL continue to progress, I WILL reach 15% bf, and I WILL make you proud of me. Thanks for reading my blog post. I might continue to post updates on QTDDTOT week over week.

    • 12 months ago

      >built a pulley
      post it bro
      I wanna your contraption

      • 12 months ago

        Basically just some vinyl wrapped cable(you can buy it by the foot at Lowe's/HD for like 80 cents per foot) the thimbles, clamps, and pulleys will be right next to it. With veterans discount I think I paid $38 total. Throw in another $30 for a lat pulldown bar from Amazon.

  59. 12 months ago

    Best exercises to develop a nice plump ass? Yes, Im a dude

  60. 12 months ago

    whey protein before working out worth it?
    reading online that its definitely worth it but i dont know if its real or if its big protein propaganda

    • 12 months ago

      Better than a lot of preworkouts I'd say. Try it out a few times, see if it makes you feel any different doing it. You've very little to lose with a short experiement.

      Thoughts on fermented foods? Are we krautmaxxing?

      Yummy. But, stuff that's been made shelf stable has nothing going on inside it. If you care about probiotics or whathaveyou I think you're looking for stuff that's refrigerated, or that you get into making your own.

      my cheapo aldi large eggs sometimes have two yolks... do i still count the calories for a single egg?

      Calories will probably be close enough. Unless the whole carton was doubles.

      Best exercises to develop a nice plump ass? Yes, Im a dude

      For me, it's the maximum gay sex machine.

    • 12 months ago

      You should never eat powder protein ESPECIALLY before a workout
      During a workout you need blood pressure and high blood sugar to carry you through, powdered protein does the exact opposite

      Have a pastry or something, don't buoe your hype with some bro supplements

      Also, get all your protein from meat. You don't know this, but you're seriously hurting yourself by not doing this. It's how the body was made to function
      You only need 0.8g of protein per pound of lean mass per day. Beyond this lowers your testosterone

      Natty bodybuilding peak stats: 274lbs@8% bf at 6'4

  61. 12 months ago

    Has anybody made changes by just writing something over and over again? I don't mean like manifesting, I mean like Simpsons intro Bart, "I read a half hour a night. I read a half hour a night."

    I'm trying to be more action oriented rather than goal oriented and I just don't give a frick about anything.

    >It's after work, I should unwind.
    >It's the weekend, I want to relax.

    I'm so tired and I only do the bare minimum.

    • 12 months ago

      Supplement rhodiola, stop eating sugar, stop drinking alcohol, and learn how to not stress yourself out about everything

      To achieve things, there's this thing called "discipline" where you decide what you're going to do and how you're going to act and then carry it out objectively and without waivering

      Most zoomers Haven't heard about discipline but it's what they mean when they talk about growing up

  62. 12 months ago

    hELP How do I stretch properly I can't squat parallel because it hurts my knees so I tried to force my knees apart and it pulled on my groin muscles and my lower body is very tight in general but there are so many stretches out there so I don't know what to do

    • 12 months ago

      You just stretch, man. Start with these if it's too hard to pick out what to do. You'll learn some extras here and there as you get to know the muscles better. Couple extras I like to do are bar shoulder extensions (just with a broomhandle) and 90-90s (helped me squat a wee bit deeper)

      Your motion will probably improve as you keep lifting too so don't worry about parallel too much. You'll get lower when you can. Part of the reason people insist on good form is getting it right with lighter weight opens up that range of motion so you actually have the mobility for heavier weight. Also a good reason to not sleep on your warm-up sets.

  63. 12 months ago

    if i walk 10-15k steps a day, whats the likelihood that i will see some kind of result, and how many months will it take

    • 12 months ago

      changing nothing else, and starting from absolute sedentarity, assuming you're overweight you will lose weight within a month and look notably different to your peers within 6

      • 12 months ago


  64. 12 months ago

    Is the stairmaster just glorified cardio? Or does it actually give passive ass gains with repeated use alongside a normal weightlifting routine. Is it hard on knees and joints?

    I'm autistic and like to find cardio workouts that I can do everyday with no change. If the stairmaster slowly puts too much pressure on joints over weeks/months then I should avoid it.

  65. 12 months ago

    I'm new to lifting, I was doing pilates, yoga, and walking a lot before. I'm looking for a good app for building some kind of circuit to do, focusing on different muscle groups every time. If it has instructions or pictures on how to use the weights or machines even better. Any suggestions?

    • 12 months ago

      Illegally download starting strength by mark rippetoe, run the program and don't post about it here until you've stalled and reloaded 3 times

    • 12 months ago

      I like Caliber (but I picked it because it seems to be the least intrusive about ads and subscription shit, I haven’t really compared it to other apps in terms of features). I think it has all you’re asking for.

      • 12 months ago

        Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for!

  66. 12 months ago

    at what point do you know it's time to move on from starting strength? I've been doing that one for a few weeks but I just want to get a gameplan in order for when my noob gains start to run out. My gut tells me that I should move on after I can do 1/2/3/4 consistently but I'd like more experienced opinions

    • 12 months ago

      SS is a meme and is shit. Move on ASAP, incorporate compounds and isolation and cardio into your workouts. Cardio maybe on rest days

    • 12 months ago

      SS is where you want to be
      You should really run the program all the way out to 3 stalls and deloads when maintaining/bulking
      If you get bored, just add in more accessories.

      The stronger you are when you switch to a bodybuilding program,the bigger you can get.
      I've hit unbelievable natty bodybuilding stats but it was only because I was so focused on strength at volume, not just volume

      Don't let the crabs pull you out of your ideal noob program. Remember, they're whiny little b***hes who just don't like actually putting in the calculated work to make maximum gains and they think there's some magic shortcut.

      I still run SS to get back up to speed if I get injured and have to take time off

      T. 3+/4atg/5+ @<15% bf

  67. 12 months ago

    Is 2 days a week at the gym decent?

    • 12 months ago

      Tot optimal but better than nothing.
      I'd consider 3 full body days to be the bare minimum.

      • 12 months ago

        Thanks. I'll do 3

    • 12 months ago

      You build muscles up to 72 hours after working out, so in theory it's the most efficient way of working out. Though I think three work outs are preferred.

      at what point do you know it's time to move on from starting strength? I've been doing that one for a few weeks but I just want to get a gameplan in order for when my noob gains start to run out. My gut tells me that I should move on after I can do 1/2/3/4 consistently but I'd like more experienced opinions

      You're probably not going to reach 1/2/3/4 with Starting Strength. It's probably just better doing it for a set time like 3 months and then switch. I probably went on it for too long, and instead if switching to a proper program, I started adding hypertrophy and volume training instead. In hindsight I probably would've progressed better with a proper program.

  68. 12 months ago

    Caffeine has a half-life of 6 hours.
    If I take 200mg at 8am, there will still be 100mg of caffeine circulating in my blood at 2pm, but what about after 6 more hours have passed at 8pm? 50mg? 0mg?

    • 12 months ago

      Yes. as caffeine is broken down, you produce less and less of the enzyme that breaks it down in the first place.
      Someone smarter than me did the calculations, it takes around 40 days for caffeine to be entirely broken down and no longer in your system.
      Not to be alarmed as the physical and mental effects of caffeine is long gone before that.

    • 12 months ago

      t 1/2 = 6 hrs, t 1/12 x 2 = 12 hrs, t 1/2 x 3 = 18 hrs etc.

  69. 12 months ago

    My wrist has been hurting since I tried kickboxing after overheadpressing a week ago. I can squeeze it no problem, but things like bicep curls hurt. Did I frick my ulnar nerve, can I go gym? Or am I fricked and need to see a dr or something.

  70. 12 months ago


    >and make sure you're not putting weight on it when you sleep.
    Pretty sure that's what I did the first night lmao. Been a week or so already, all I did was ice it sometimes.
    >take plenty of anti-inflammatories
    Like paracetamol? Will that help?

    • 12 months ago

      like ibuprofen.

      • 12 months ago

        Ibuprofen is really fricking junky though. Fricks with your guthealth, fertility etc.

        • 12 months ago

          says fricking who? Taking ibuprofen daily for a week isn't going to give you a fricking vasectomy. i swear you guys are worse than homeopathy morons sometimes.

  71. 12 months ago


    >3k isn't easy to burn
    I work in a lab (science), but the place is really badly designed so I spend a lot of time walking around site carrying materials. It's large scale reactions, anywhere from 1L to 600L, so there can be a lot to move around. I can't drive either, so I walk everywhere outside of work too. The 3k is according to my fitbit so probably not 100% accurate

    • 12 months ago

      >I work in a lab (science)

    • 12 months ago

      Do you have steps counted? I still have a really hard time you're burning 3k a day, that's marathon runner levels of energy.

      • 12 months ago

        Here's a screenshot of my fitbit from yesterday, this was only 12300 steps (including a 30 minute run). Honestly you're making me think that my watch is just broken. It's over 5 years old at this point, so it's possible

        • 12 months ago

          don't get me wrong a step counter is nice to know how active you're being, but 12.3k steps ain't 3000 calories. I'd say 500-600 tops, maybe 700-800 if you're carrying heavy things.

          Either way, all that really matters is what your weigh-ins are saying. If you aren't gaining weight, add 200 calories per day for a few weeks and see if that changes things. Keep dialing it in until you're at the loss/gain you want.

      • 12 months ago

        hes talking about calories burned in total, not with exercise alone

  72. 12 months ago

    Are dumbbell hamstring curls a good replacement for dumbbell stiff legged deadlifts for working the same muscle groups in a dumbbell only workout plan?

    • 12 months ago

      No. You should always mimic the big lifts if you really insist on handicapping yourself with a dumbbell only workout

      For the bro science you're looking for, leg curls don't hit the bulk of your posterior chain- traps, retractors, lats, erectors upper glutes also grip, bicep and rear delt

      Get a fricking barbell so you stop wasting your time

  73. 12 months ago

    Redpill me on power cleans. Are they really a top tier lift? I enjoy doing them alot.

    • 12 months ago

      They're more dangerous than full cleans but most people don't do enough volume of other leg stuff to really make them dangerous

      • 12 months ago

        In what way are they dangerous?

  74. 12 months ago

    Help me clearing this shit up in 24 hours pls?

    • 12 months ago

      wash with soapy water, rub a bit of salicyclic acid on it from one of those over-the-counter acne treatments. wait a while, keep it dry. repeat as necessary. you can try popping it if it has a head, but otherwise just keep it clean.

    • 12 months ago

      quit cumming on your face

      • 12 months ago

        I heard cum is best for forever young looking face. Heard the same about pee.

        Any anons that could confirm this? Maybe their mothers?

        • 12 months ago

          Are you chinese
          because the yang of cum and heavy yin of piss is fricking awful for your body's acupoints. piss drinking chinese grandpas are idiots that are just willing to try everything to extend their easily manipulated life.

          • 12 months ago

            No, I just seen some roasties claim they use their bfs cum as face packs and it's better than anything.

            Then I seen this Spanish dude and his followers using their own pee as facewash or whatever and they looked really good for their age.

            Just asking.

  75. 12 months ago

    if there was only one skincare product you could use what would it be?

  76. 12 months ago

    Why does the back of my knee hurt while doing squats?

    • 12 months ago

      For me, knee pain usually results from uneven tightness across the joint

      When I have front knee pain, I need to stretch my hams, when I have outer knee pain, I need to stretch my inner and so on

      You can't do the big lifts and not stretch/do recovery work
      You'll grind your knees to dust

      T. 3+/4atg/5+ @ <15% bf

  77. 12 months ago

    >be short (5'0) woman
    >engaged to tall (6'1) man
    How do we ensure our babies don't turn out to be manlets? Each of us are the shortest of our siblings if that matters.

    • 12 months ago

      Womanlets like you shouldn't procreate

      • 12 months ago

        Leave that man alone with your midget mudgenes you shitstain. Subhumans like you shame men for their height while being literal cripples and genetic dead ends then shit out 5'6 men. Stop cursing the gene pool.
        Not like there is any problem with short kings but hags like you make their already obstacled lives hell.


        • 12 months ago

          Stacy with her long legs and non midget proportions will steal your man anyway.
          You stump legged piglet.

          • 12 months ago

            homie your post shoots itself in the foot in two ways.
            >Making her more desperate to keep her man, thereby making her more receptive to fug
            >Reinforcing the need for women in future generations to find the inexplicable 6' 6" man with 12" dick that you aspire to be but simply are not.
            Spite is a gainz-killer

            • 12 months ago

              Stop trying to psychoanalyse replies, you way too stupid to do it.

              I would never frick a womanlet.

              • 12 months ago

                Then why simp for people that are better than you? Low-T move brah

              • 12 months ago

                You must be some brain damaged autist moron. Drool somewhere else haha.

    • 12 months ago

      Leave that man alone with your midget mudgenes you shitstain. Subhumans like you shame men for their height while being literal cripples and genetic dead ends then shit out 5'6 men. Stop cursing the gene pool.
      Not like there is any problem with short kings but hags like you make their already obstacled lives hell.

    • 12 months ago

      Shortness is usually a symptom of poor sleep in childhood.
      Let the kids sleep so they can grow. No midnight "conversations" when you know for a fact your kids can hear.

    • 12 months ago

      >Each of us are the shortest of our siblings if that matters.
      Look at the b***h. She still has the audacity to put shade on his tall man while she is being a literal disabled moron. I hope he will realize what kind of of trash midget you are before he ruins his life and genes.

  78. 12 months ago

    Am I supposed to be fricking the barbell on a deadlift lockout please respond

  79. 12 months ago

    >Got back to a serious 4day UL split a couple months ago
    >got back to doing dips, then weighted dips about a month ago
    >somehow I got to Proficient level
    >bench and ohp barely intermediate and my triceps are not that strong (60lb pushdowns for 8ish last time I checked but I dont do them much)

    What could be the reason for dips being disproportionaly stronger, is it my longass forearms?

  80. 12 months ago

    where do you place the bar when bench pressing? when I started, I put the bar near the top of my hand, but athleanx says I should put it in the middle

    • 12 months ago

      What do you mean? Your grip width?

      • 12 months ago

        I try to grip the bar about shoulder length apart (my pointer fingers are on the ring). I'm talking about how to place the bar in my hand

  81. 12 months ago

    Do I need to apply the same principles of progressive overload to my cardio? Or can I just keep running the same trail over and over?

  82. 12 months ago

    >squat heavy
    >go just above parallel
    >quads are taxed and sore, body feels worked
    >fml half reps

    >squat light to focus on form
    >drop down as low as possible
    >lose all strength in my body
    >have difficulty moving 185 lbs
    >no soreness, body feels untaxed

    What's going on here? Should I keep squatting in the way that allows me to progress or am I wasting my time because I'm not reaching full parallel? When I squat a2g I almost feel like I'm losing balance and I'm standing back up using significantly less musculature.

    When I say "just above parallel," I really mean JUST above parallel. But I can lift nearly 75% more weight and it feels so much better.

    Every other leg exercise I do I'm very strong at. Strengthlevel places me in the 75%+ range. But my squat is so fricking bad when I squat a2g. What are my weaknesses here? Is a2g a meme?

  83. 12 months ago

    Is Athlean Jeff a meme or does he have solid advice?

  84. 12 months ago

    Will Stronglifts do this to me? How do I avoid it?

    • 12 months ago

      If you're fat and bulk this is what happens. SS and SL are legit programs you just have to bother reading the smallest bit before committing yourself to something moronic like bulking when you're 20% BF.

    • 12 months ago

      Most likely. You train lower body more than upper body, and legs naturally grow faster than upper body.
      You can either just suck it up and admit that you'll be unbalanced lower vs upper for a short period of time until upper body catches up in a couple of months. That the overall smartest solution. Or you can do something like Greyskull LP and alternate squats and deadlifts instead. Which works fine, but is kind of stupid really. You also lose out on growth hormone production by not working out both squats and deadlifts as much, which will help build the rest of your body, so it's kind of hard to recommend really.
      Also start doing chins, rows, and back extensions from the beginning, and preferably some incline dumbbell bench press for chest growth too.

  85. 12 months ago

    i don't get how to setup my rack
    first of all the spotter arms don't go low enough, pictured is the lowest setting, so i can't use them for bench wtf
    in general they seem very limited in adjustability, like having dumbbells but only in 20lbs increments
    i can't do overhead movements inside of the rack because 90" rack height but i had to move the crossbeams down to have enough space for the multi grip bar, so i have to do those movements outside with the spotter arms as safety, but monolift blocks so have to move monolift inside bench inside
    however now there's no way to fit pin pipe safeties inside of the rack (spotter arms block holes) so i have to constantly move spotter arms around wearing them down by metal on metal
    how am I supposed to set this up
    feel like i wasted a massive amount of money

  86. 12 months ago

    Why are my squats so goddamn weak? Plateau'd at 95kg 5rm squat and 70kg 5rm front squat while my bench (82kg 5rm) and rows (75kg 5rm) are still continuing to increase
    This is after about 8 months of lifting, although my legs are still gaining mass and definition

    • 12 months ago

      That's ridiculously slow progress for eight months. Are you on a proper program? I would think that linear progression is near the end, so something like 5/3/1 for beginners or Big but Boring might fit you better.

      • 12 months ago

        I'm not on a strength program tho, just looking for hypertrophy
        I do slow and controlled reps instead of explosive

        • 12 months ago

          You won't advance if you don't train strength though. 5/3/1 trains strength submaximally, as do most of the other more advanced lifting programs. You need to get stronger to build hypertrophy after a level or you'll stall. 5/3/1 is mostly a hypertrophy program though.

          • 12 months ago

            I might try the boring but big, thanks

            • 12 months ago

              I like it and it's probably my favorite 5/3/1 program.
              Though I must admit I've only done the beginners program and BBB because I've been satisfied with them.

              So apparently an Americano (espresso shot with hot water - no milk) is still 18 calories. What's the threshold? Cause everyone seems to say coffee is "safe" and yet it has a tiny amount of calories.

              I haven't water fasted in a couple of years, but iirc the only thing I had was black coffee. I think I had an occassional no calories energy drink, but it's not recommended because the sweeteners can frick up your insuline level and make you get too low blood sugar. I think I had almost hypoglycemia levels when I fasted last time, which probably was kind of extreme.

              • 12 months ago

                What I'm worried about is, would I not grow more on a pure hypertrophy program with mostly isolation exercises? This is what I've been doing and the results have been very good

              • 12 months ago

                It's the main compound basic lifts that make you big, and focusing on these will improve your looks more than just doing isolation exercises. Since BBB focuses on hypertrophy and a lot of accessory work on the main lifts, it's recommended to just do some extra lats and abs work and not more than that, since your main goal is working on your main lifts.
                You don't have to do the program forever, you can do it for 12 weeks and 4 cycles and then switch to a body building program again or another 5/3/1 program that focus more on other lifts, like 5/3/1 for beginners. There you do extra work more or less like you want, with 50 reps each of pull, push, and legs/abs.
                Tl;dr: Working on main compound lifts will build muscles more than isolating them.

  87. 12 months ago

    Is Stripped 5x5 a good starting program? Been doing it a few weeks now.

    • 12 months ago

      From a quick glance, my first impression is that it's similar to most of the other linear progression programs like Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5, and Greyskull LP, but it's doing the lifts in a stupid order. Deadlifts before rows? That's moronic.

      • 12 months ago

        >Deadlifts before rows? That's moronic.
        Should I switch them then? I feel like I'm underperforming on the rows, but I just figured that's because I'm a beginner. Also I'm doing dumbbell rows, rather than barbell ones.

        • 12 months ago

          Do Workout A as rows, bench press, and squats, and Workout B as chins, overhead press, and deadlifts. Just check out Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5, and Greyskull LP for more information. They're basically the same but just better. Dumbbell rows are fine really, I prefer them myself just because I feel they hit better, though you can't lift as heavy and will stall after a while. You're most likely underperforming on your rows because of it crashing with the deadlifts are my guess.

          • 12 months ago

            Alright, thanks, I'll give that a try instead and see if I do better!

  88. 12 months ago

    Is Myprotein really as shit as IST has me believing? Why?

    • 12 months ago

      From what I can tell from a quick google search it looks fine nutritional, so maybe it has a bad and cheap taste?

      What breaks a fast? Can I have sugary drinks? Milk? Yoghurt? What is the threshold that cancels ketosis/autophagy/whatever "fasting mode" is?

      Anything containing cals. You can break a fast and the metabolic process with ridiculously little intake, I think it's like 20g carbs or something. You should really just avoid anything with cals. That's why it's fasting and not keto in the first place.

    • 12 months ago

      What's wrong with it? I only use their shit. I look like shit too.

    • 12 months ago

      Stop believing people on this site, if something is popular it's bad, if it's good it's bad, zoomer incels on here think that's all it takes to be edgy anymore, just being moronic and contrarian
      It's one of the highest rated protein brands on Labdoor and it costs less than most other brands

  89. 12 months ago

    What breaks a fast? Can I have sugary drinks? Milk? Yoghurt? What is the threshold that cancels ketosis/autophagy/whatever "fasting mode" is?

    • 12 months ago

      its literally just calories. anything with 0 calories will not break your fast. anything with calories will break your fast. anything with a considerable amount of carbs will break ketosis too.
      coffee is safe if there's no added calories, sugary drinks aren't, drinks with 0 calorie sweeteners wont break a fast but will give you cancer/man breasts

      • 12 months ago

        From what I can tell from a quick google search it looks fine nutritional, so maybe it has a bad and cheap taste?

        Anything containing cals. You can break a fast and the metabolic process with ridiculously little intake, I think it's like 20g carbs or something. You should really just avoid anything with cals. That's why it's fasting and not keto in the first place.

        So apparently an Americano (espresso shot with hot water - no milk) is still 18 calories. What's the threshold? Cause everyone seems to say coffee is "safe" and yet it has a tiny amount of calories.

  90. 12 months ago

    lads for biceps I do
    >alternating dumbbell curls
    >hammer curls

    but they dont grow big enough, why? my delts traps etc even my triceps are looking way better compared to my biceps

    • 12 months ago

      Do more. My biceps are stubborn mfers. I saw the most growth when doing 20 sets/week in the 8-12 rep range. Do preachers, do hammers, do concentrations, do cable curls, do literally everything. Train them as often as possible, they're small and will recover quickly. Just hit them constantly. You will not overtrain your biceps. Train more than you think you need to, then train more, then do it again the next day.

      • 12 months ago

        quality post
        thanks lad, will do, already did some additional pullups today

  91. 12 months ago

    every time I take my pants off, I get hit by a smell of shit
    I wipe well, I'm not fat, and I spray up my ass in the shower, idk what else to do. I don't think its worth seeing a doc over.

  92. 12 months ago

    >Gym is absolutely packed at 9pm, usually its winding down to be pretty empty
    its been like this for a while, but its getting worse and worse
    have any anons seen anything similar in their gyms? We have gotten super nice weather recently, so I think its normies that know nothing about fitness that are trying to get le beach body ready and le six pack in 6 weeks.

    • 12 months ago

      1-2pm seems like the sweet spot for me, the gym is usually almost empty

  93. 12 months ago

    Will suffering mentally and physically make me a better person?

    • 12 months ago

      Imho I think that it's more likely to make you bitter and cynical than a better person. Though you grow on set backs I guess.
      I've had to many set backs in life to really consider that I've grown on them. I think they have reduced me as a person honestly.

  94. 12 months ago

    My nose started bleeding for the second time while working out. Never happens otherwise. Should I be concerned?

    • 12 months ago

      Probably not. You can visit your doctor and take some blood samples if you're worried. But otherwise it's probably just increased blood pressure causing it. If it happens frequently you might need to get treatment for it, though most general practioneers can probably help out with that.

    • 12 months ago

      Maybe it's a humidity issue. Do you use a humidifier?

  95. 12 months ago

    My dad's trying to help me get muscular like him and he's getting me to start working out since I have been having some trouble with formulating a plan. I am worried though he might be going a little too easy on me with his requests but he has more experience so I don't want to question him.

    (main rule: stick to weights you can do 8 reps minimum. Repeat sets with the same weight until you can do 12 with them, then increase the weight).

    This what he had in mind for chest & triceps day, for example:

    2 sets of Bench press.
    2 sets of pec decks.
    2 sets of machine incline bench press.
    2 sets of tricep pushdown
    2 sets of skull crushers.

    • 12 months ago

      It's hard saying anything else than that you should probably just do a proper program like Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5, or Greyskull LP instead. You'd be better off with a full body program three times a week than the typical bro split your dad is thinking of having you doing. With a bro split you train a muscle group once a week, with a full body program you train it three times a week. Which in essence means that you're likely to progress at least three times faster, and probably more honestly.

    • 12 months ago

      His "main rule" is a good one, try to increase either the weight or the number of reps each workout. As for the push day, it may be a bit low volume. That split is fantastic if your workout frequency is 6/week.



      P: Chest & Triceps
      P: Upper Back & Biceps
      L: Legs
      x: Rest

  96. 12 months ago

    What's the difference between rows and chin ups

  97. 12 months ago

    My friend wants to join the gym but has never worked out? What are the chances he will stick with it if I show him the basics?

    • 12 months ago

      most people don't stick with it, but only you can really judge that of your friend. statistically speaking, the chances are very low it will become a part of his lifestyle rather than just a <6 mo "thing".

      • 12 months ago

        Thanks for the response.

  98. 12 months ago

    form check?

    • 12 months ago

      Looks fine

      • 12 months ago

        /plg/ tells me my back is rounding too much and to deload

        • 12 months ago

          Well I'm not a powerlifter but my understanding is that thoracic spine flexion is normal. They'd know better than me though.

    • 12 months ago

      Yea, for me this would be too much rounding of the back, especially considering it's with a belt. Everyone is different, but if it was me with that form it'd only be a matter of time before I tweaked something. Try pause rack pulls, I've found it's a good way to target erectors. De-loading, and doing a cycle of higher rep, lower weight deadlifts (no straps/belts) might be a good idea, do hyper-extensions if you can. To be clear, this looks to me like a rounding of both the lumbar and thoracic spine.

  99. 12 months ago

    I have some serious hip mobility issues, looking out for some solutions. Stretches really helps only little bit. When I am squatting wide, 90% of the range of motion is easy but the remaining 10% at the bottom is extremely hard, even holding a bar in that position is very very hard for me. I feel a lot of tension at the bottom and pushing to full depth is impossible.

    What should I do?

  100. 12 months ago

    When I do leg lifts I get a tight feeling in my abductors and it restricts my ROM. What are good exercises to loosen them up?

    • 12 months ago

      *Hanging leg raises, not leg lifts. My bad.

  101. 12 months ago

    What does it mean when I need lack calcium and need it in my diet? Is there an underlying issue or what?

  102. 12 months ago

    Assuming that my diet and rest time are impeccable, what is the best physique that I can obtain with only pic related

    • 12 months ago

      ottermode at max.
      >fully maxxing out the dumbbells
      Depending on the rod length you could get pretty big.
      I have seen some handles that are 22in long. Running standard 25lb plates you could have a ton of weight on there.

  103. 12 months ago

    Why is my pull way better than my push? not even close
    On push I do flat and incline press and flyes, ohp side and rear flys, dips and some variant of cable pushdowns for the triceps.
    I train both push and pull twice weekly with two days off recovery. What should I do to improve other than keep going?

    • 12 months ago

      genetics, enjoyment, and focus.
      Also, try an overhead extension too. Dips and cable pushdowns don't give the best stretch for them, where as an overhead extension does.

  104. 12 months ago

    Are there any apps that dont suck ass? Preferably one which tracks weights and recommends new ones based on equipment.
    I have tried fitbod, but it keeps recommending me equipment that I have told the app I dont have, like a moronic dog fetching a non-existent stick. and it keeps recommending me cardio without actually marking it as such. among other stupid stuff.

    • 12 months ago

      p.s. I dont mind paying a subscription (thats reasonable), because I am on that Defense deskjob payroll

  105. 12 months ago

    Can i use collagen + milk combo as protein source instead the usual protein powders? I know collagen isn't a full protein because it lacks some amino acids but milk has them.

  106. 12 months ago

    What are some good alternatives for erythritol-based sweeteners? I don't like the increased rate of clotting even if I'm not otherwise at risk.
    >stop liking sweet things!!!

  107. 12 months ago

    Left buttcheek hurts after squatting. Not really DOMs more like pain. Wtf can it be?

  108. 12 months ago

    I feel like a complete idiot.
    I have been using olive oil to cook my food while i'm supposed to be cutting.
    I only just realised how calorie dense that shit is.
    What are some low calorie alternatives I can cook with instead?

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        air fryer
        non-stick pan
        once you stop using olive oil you wont even miss it

        thanks bros

    • 12 months ago

      a reduced quantity of olive oil

    • 12 months ago

      air fryer
      non-stick pan
      once you stop using olive oil you wont even miss it

    • 12 months ago

      Fats are calorie dense by definition so really just minimise use. Get better non stick cookware and non-scratch utensils (silicon and wood for different jobs), then just use less or get some of the spray oil.

      • 12 months ago

        Forgot pic
        Other suggestions were also good. Love my air fryer.

  109. 12 months ago

    How to fill out those parts at home, with bw exercises?
    I got some dumbbells and could make some smaller investments if I must. I wanna have that visible separation going up as far as possible.

    • 12 months ago

      if you have dumbells try incline chest press, might want a decent amount of weight though.

      • 12 months ago

        Is that all I can do?

  110. 12 months ago

    Barbell only routine to move to after doing an SS adjacent one for 3-4months? Also have access to pull-up bar/dip handles.

    Looking to work more areas of the body, no specific major focus, just want to look better and feel stronger. Thanks.

    • 12 months ago

      Ppl or something like Arnie's blueprint but not so much volume

      >But also overwhelmingly full
      Does anyone else get this? Trying to keep my macros up but I can't stand the thought of eating anything. Even on cardio days I still feel like this

      That means you're eating way too much protein
      Your body needs fat and carbs to use it properly anyway
      Those protein farts you get mean you're fricking up your diet bad

  111. 12 months ago

    >But also overwhelmingly full
    Does anyone else get this? Trying to keep my macros up but I can't stand the thought of eating anything. Even on cardio days I still feel like this

  112. 12 months ago

    is it easy to paint over lifting shoes? there's a really flamboyantly colored pair of adipower weightlifting 3 on sale(for that color only), I'd save like 33%

    • 12 months ago

      Please don't try this, I'm sure they look fine. You'll look 10 times more stupid with your bad arts and crafts skills on display

      • 12 months ago

        If it's non-trivial then I'll probably not do it. The shoes are pastel green with pink spots which makes me afraid of squatting with my back turned away from the wall

        • 12 months ago

          Can you post a pic of the shoes? The type of paint you use would depend on the material.

          • 12 months ago

            I ended up grabbing them regardless. Saves me quite a bit of cash.

            • 12 months ago

              >Women's shoes
              jk I'm actually eyeing these up on assumedly the same site now

              • 12 months ago

                I just love the idea that these are on sale because they're marketed towards men, and the colors are so bad

        • 12 months ago

          You're moronic
          Just wear them as is

  113. 12 months ago

    Why don’t straight men at the gym have gaydar?

    I’m a lesbian and guys at the gym hit on me even though I give off strong queer vibes. At my office the guys just know and adjust their behaviour accordingly.

    • 12 months ago

      I've had straight men hit on me after I tell them that I have a girlfriend. They'll think that you're "in need of correction" is what I assume.

      • 12 months ago

        >They'll think that you're "in need of correction" is what I assume.
        you do need correction. lesbianism doesn't exists, you just projecting your issues onto a women.

    • 12 months ago

      the tomboy tuesday thread should still be in the catalog

      • 12 months ago
  114. 12 months ago


    >You do this so you have days off to recover. If you were strong at all, you'd understand
    Black person I promise I am stronger than you. I squat on lower day, diddly on upper. Alternatively squat on push and diddly on pull. You obviously have 0 idea about programming if you thini squats & deads on the same day is ideal.

    • 12 months ago

      >I'm stronger than you
      >I won't just post my stats
      Classic n00b posting in these threads

      I can squat 4pl8 at the ground and pull 5

      If you aren't giving yourself 2+ days between them regardless of same day or separate days, you will not optimize strength gains regardless

      If you're bodybuilding, you can burn yourself out if you're legitimately strong and lifting legs heavy so many times a week. They train approximately the same muscles which is why doing them the same day is fine as long you get those 2-3 days between them

      I would guess you're either weak or you only hit those lifts lightly if you think you can hit legs 4 days a week

      There's obviously programming workarounds with periodization or just taking steroids but natties who don't want to have to deal with that shit can have plenty of success hitting them the same day as long as they swap which is first or they might find focusing on one will bring the other up over time due to the movement overlap

  115. 12 months ago

    Friend made this routine for me (Edit of NH) made for home workouts with DB and pullup bar. Thoughts? Should I add in row somewhere?

    • 12 months ago


  116. 12 months ago

    whats the amount of protein to stay in positive nitrogen balance again? Like the cutoff. Iirc its 0.6gr/kg body weight but i cant find source again.

  117. 12 months ago

    It's been years since I achieved the pull up.. but I cannot even hold the weight of my body with one arm.

    How can I even work my way to the one arm pull up?

  118. 12 months ago

    Rate my diet:

    Breakfast: coffee, cardio
    Lunch: oatmeal w/brown sugar, bananas, an orange or kiwi, fish any kind that was on sale
    Afternoon workout: 1 scoop in 20 oz of milk
    Dinner: rice or a couple baked sweet potatoes, whatever veg was on sale usually eat a couple raw carrots while things are cooking, pork or lamb or mutton again based on sales, maybe an egg if I haven't had one in a couple days.
    Dessert: gaye with a tablespoon of whatever jam/preserves or honey and pistachios

    • 12 months ago

      based clearance consumer
      >fish any kind that was on sale
      I love doing this so much
      I literally feel joy when I buy fish on sale, cook it and evaluate my dinner for some minutes

      no other meal nor full price fish gives me the same amount of pleasure

  119. 12 months ago

    What program or exercises would you recommend to a female newbie?
    Lately I've been going to the gym with a coworker and I've been teaching her all the compound lifts from Strong Lifts and we are basically doing the program but 3-4x10 instead. Sadly there isn't a squat rack where we go so we use the Smith Machine and we do incline dumbell bench press but just yesterday I taught her how to barbell bench press (she benches 10kg lmao spaghetti arms).
    My approach was to teach her new compound lifts besides all the meme leg machines she did before and now she is basically my new gym bro and asks me about protein and creatine supps. Surprisingly she is enjoying it so far and likes the upper body exercises.

  120. 12 months ago

    >be me
    >enjoying last week of glorious NEETdom
    >go to gym yesterday
    >deadlift warmup feels lighter than usual
    >frick it, pr day is today
    >rack third plate
    >destroy first rep
    >oh baby its happenin
    >smash next 2 reps
    >veins poppin, blood pumpin, grip failin
    >start raise on rep 4
    >grip slips for a split second
    >bakc sags while lowering and trying and recover grip
    >drop bar, put plates back in barely manageable pain
    >walk around like a tard taking in what i just did to myself
    >try hydromeme massage bed my gym has
    >cannot move legs without massive pain for 5 mins after
    I'm so pissed bros, i had sick plans to live the fricking life for the last 5 days and now i can't fricking lift and can't walk without my lower back spasming in pain. It's better today but im figuring the next week at the minimum is out the window for lifting, for fricks sake. I'm almost 100% its muscular and not a disc, since when I lay down I can twist my lower back without the pain, which is only there when my lower back is engaged (ie standing, crouching, walking to a lesser extent)

    so my question is how can i best recover? i've been icing and taking advil and it kinda helps.

  121. 12 months ago

    Hi, some time, long ago i stumbled on an anon that sent a video about getting taller.
    Since this board is about self improvement and working out, i wanted to ask, if some of you have any tips, or esoteric knowledge you'd share to me because im really small and i wanna get taller.

    • 12 months ago

      you're talking with lunatics in those circles. There is no way to get taller outside of not being malnourished during puberty. Your genetics are the limiting factor. Limb-lengthening surgeries severely damage your joints and bones and can lead to permanent damage or even crippling yourself.

      Learn to love yourself, your time will be better spent doing that anyways.

  122. 12 months ago

    Does alcohol "make you fat" because of anything special or is it just the calories?

    Does coffee affect 16:8? I drink black coffee throughout the day at work

  123. 12 months ago

    Pretty new to all this. Can someone recommend me healthy sources of carbs?

    Currently getting them from vegetables and oatmeal but I'm only getting about 100g a day which is probably way too low.

    • 12 months ago

      White chicken, typically breast meat
      Tilapia (my favorite)

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