"Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Yes, why are you gay?

  2. 12 months ago

    have any of you ever bought a squat rack on amazon? are there any that are good and you would recommend? thanks

  3. 12 months ago

    Is lifting more and more weight while eating the same amount of food a good strat to losing fat if I'm eating at my TDEE? I fricking hate cutting calories and would rather just lift more weight and do more sets

    • 12 months ago

      Why even worry about that bro, just lift heavy and be happy

      • 12 months ago

        because i don't want to be fat it's bad for your heart and it looks shitty
        don't frickin tell people "just don't do it lol" frick you. i have different goals, butthole. frickin twat. yeah great answer, don't frickin answer and just say "lol just be happy, why worry about that specific thing you just asked for for a reason". you frickin c**t. frick you

      • 12 months ago

        What a stupid fricking thing to say

    • 12 months ago

      I wouldn't think lifting burns enough cals to matter. You could use a rowing machine for example, I think a 20 minute session would burn about 200-300 cals.

    • 12 months ago

      in theory it should work anon, but unless you're already relatively fit i wouldn't recommend it, i started lifting 7 months ago, eating the same shit i used to eat, in hopes that eventually i would lose the fat and gain some muscle, i am still a fat frick who looks dyel and i desparately need to cut, which i plan to do when i get 100 kg on bench(my pr is 95kg now)

    • 12 months ago

      I'm permanently 18+-3% bf and I don't give a frick. If you lift for long enough you're going to look good enough. Dysmorphia is real, everyone considers me shredded outside the gym where I'm just one of the regulars.

      • 12 months ago

        You give so little of a frick that you felt the need to announce it to the world despite nobody asking?

        • 12 months ago

          I felt the need to announce it to a probably less experienced lifter on a question thread on a Georgian weightlifting forum in hopes of helping him with his goals and keep him motivated yeah

    • 12 months ago

      Don't eat sugar and do cardio. I lost 17 pounds in 5 months doing this.

    • 12 months ago

      Cardio for weight loss, lifting to build muscle.

  4. 12 months ago

    how do I filter all the coombait on this board?

  5. 12 months ago

    185cm,68kg almost 22% bodyfat, how can i get rid of that and down to 12% bodyfat?

    • 12 months ago

      walk a lot, that's not much fat if any

    • 12 months ago

      As someone who's always 10% BF, keep busy. Every second you're busy is a second you aren't eating. Next find whatever low calorie foods are most filling for you and eat those to feel full when you're feeling hungry. Coffee can help suppress hunger too. Count calories using MyFitnessPal (Free app). Don't guess calories, use a calculator to find your amount and count everything more than 5 calories.

    • 12 months ago

      That's bullshit.
      I'm 184cm, 76kg around 14bf.
      With 68 kg there's no way you have over 20% bodyfat

  6. 12 months ago

    should I buy a dip belt? thinking about doing weighted pullups. I see one on Amazon for $20. pretty cheap so why not?

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah it’s worth it, I bought one for like
      $25 and it gets the job done

  7. 12 months ago

    Can someone R8 or critique my routine? Been lifting for about 3 months now and modified one I found online, just making sure I'm not being moronic

    • 12 months ago

      PHUL is a good program and it mostly looks fine. I'd probably throw in some abs and core work.

  8. 12 months ago

    Currently 6'2 304, lost 31lbs in the last twoish months, 1,200 daily kcal avg
    Please tell me there's an answer to at-home core workouts that take it easier on my legs/hip flexors? My only gripe with everything right now

  9. 12 months ago

    I run starting strength with 1 accessory tacked on each day

    A Day:
    Close grip bench

    B Day:
    Ez bar curls.

    Stats (for reps):
    Squat: 250
    OHP: 125
    Bench: 170
    DLift: 275 (sad, i know)

    I want to try and sneak in a superset during my squats. Preferably something i can do with dumbbells. I have a home gym with limited space/equipment especially while squatting because the cage is occupied.

    Should i superset during squats? Or another exercise instead? What lifts should i do during superset.

    • 12 months ago

      You superset something that doesn't affect the lift. So for squats you could probably superset a push or pull exercise. I think chins would be a bit too much, but something like lateral raises, face pulls, or something else simple that doesn't affect the lift would probably be fine.


      Are we all gonna make it?

      We're all gonna make it brah.


      Currently 6'2 304, lost 31lbs in the last twoish months, 1,200 daily kcal avg
      Please tell me there's an answer to at-home core workouts that take it easier on my legs/hip flexors? My only gripe with everything right now

      Stretch your hip flexors? I do hanging leg raises. I like that I can do deadhangs for grip at the same time, I do them on a fat bar. Suitcase walks or side bends for obliques shouldn't bother the hip flexors that much I think.

  10. 12 months ago

    Are we all gonna make it?

    • 12 months ago


  11. 12 months ago

    Is being sore a sign your muscle will grow? If yes, then why is not being sore not a sign your muscles won't grow?

    • 12 months ago

      DOMS (Delayed onset muscle soreness) is just a symptom that your muscles are doing something they're not used to, and will subside when you do it over a period of time. Soreness like in pump is increased blood flow and increased lactic acid I think because of anaerobic process. Though I've heard it's also because of micro injuries or something that causes growth.
      That a muscle isn't sore doesn't mean it isn't growing.

  12. 12 months ago

    About how many calories will 90 minutes of full-body strength exercise burn? I'm sure it varies depending on person/exercise but a range is okay.

    • 12 months ago

      a rough estimate of 150 calories per hour of moderately intense weight lifting with minimal rests is the common value, but honestly there's so many variables that there's no point in trying to narrow it; don't bother trying to factor it into your daily calorie intake.

      >two day split 3x a week
      >3 exercises, 3 sets, to failure, 5-8 rep range
      >2.5 hours long workout
      >excluding cardio + abs which is another hour
      am I doing something wrong here, am i overtraining, how do I shorten this, I definitely feel like it’s my rest time

      >2.5 hours long workout
      you're doing something really really wrong if 3 exercises is taking you over an hour, that shit should be done in 30-40 minutes tops. How long are you resting?

      how do I filter all the coombait on this board?

      stop coming to this board: it's basically fricked outside of the general threads anyways. Without proper jannie cleanup and dedication to kill the racebait/incel/pol shit that has been spreading like a cancer over the last 8 years there's no saving grace for the future of this place.

      • 12 months ago

        Thanks. I've increased my calorie intake to way above what I should need to gain weight, but I still am not really gaining any, so I'm trying to figure out what the cause could be.

  13. 12 months ago

    I'm going back to the gym after a 2 year break, any advice so I can get my gains back quickly?

    • 12 months ago

      It goes a lot quicker than what it did 2 years ago. I'd just start a linear progression program and work on stuff that you want to work with.

  14. 12 months ago

    >two day split 3x a week
    >3 exercises, 3 sets, to failure, 5-8 rep range
    >2.5 hours long workout
    >excluding cardio + abs which is another hour
    am I doing something wrong here, am i overtraining, how do I shorten this, I definitely feel like it’s my rest time

    • 12 months ago

      >3 exercises, 3 sets, to failure, 5-8 rep range
      >2.5 hours long workout
      what the frick

  15. 12 months ago

    why the frick is my OHP progressing so slowly? work shoulders the same as everything else, but i can 4x12 bp for 155, squat 2pl8, dl 245 where my OHP I'm struggling or hitting failure on 4x12 of 95.
    had a shoulder injury 5 yrs ago but that really only gives me problems on lateral shoulder raises, shouldn't be gimping my OHP

    • 12 months ago

      OHP is a tough exercise in general and you're not alone in stalling on it. I've overhead pressed 2pl8s for a single and the most important thing that helped me was focusing a lot on benching and other hypertrophy exercises for shoulders. You already mentioned lateral raises, I suggest maybe resting a bit and then try to get strong in those, as well as in DB shoulder presses, if they don't case any issues. Don't neglect triceps either.

  16. 12 months ago

    any good alternatives to oats for whenever I'm really tired of them? mainly interested in carbs + test boost

    • 12 months ago

      steel cut oats are an interesting texture but take forever

  17. 12 months ago

    What can improve my program? It's upper lower. I'm at planet poverty, so there is no pull up bar or real free barbell

    Calve Raise
    Leg extension machine
    Hamstring curl machine
    Seated leg press

    Bench press
    French press
    Cable row
    Lat pulldown

    3x8-12 for everything

    • 12 months ago

      Barbell row first or second on B day and add tricep work


      why the frick is my OHP progressing so slowly? work shoulders the same as everything else, but i can 4x12 bp for 155, squat 2pl8, dl 245 where my OHP I'm struggling or hitting failure on 4x12 of 95.
      had a shoulder injury 5 yrs ago but that really only gives me problems on lateral shoulder raises, shouldn't be gimping my OHP

      Cuz that's OHP
      Quit training bench if OHP is the only press you care about

      Is being sore a sign your muscle will grow? If yes, then why is not being sore not a sign your muscles won't grow?

      Recovery and improvement is THE ONLY sign you're growing whether its strength OR size

      Most people frick up for years by "feeling the burn"
      If you can't turn around and do the same thing better in 3 days, you're overdoing it


      Can someone R8 or critique my routine? Been lifting for about 3 months now and modified one I found online, just making sure I'm not being moronic

      You should really be running SS or SL
      You're literally handicapping your long term progress by not running LP

      have any of you ever bought a squat rack on amazon? are there any that are good and you would recommend? thanks

      Watch review vids

  18. 12 months ago

    At what point do you need to start setting days apart to focus on specific muscles? I'm only at novice level, going to the gym every other day (skipping weekends) doing a full body routine.

  19. 12 months ago

    what would you frickers recommend for a 4 day split?

    • 12 months ago

      Something like PPLXUXX or ULUL

      At what point do you need to start setting days apart to focus on specific muscles? I'm only at novice level, going to the gym every other day (skipping weekends) doing a full body routine.

      if/when you decide to do more than 3 days

  20. 12 months ago

    How much should I be lifting before I start using a weight belt?

    • 12 months ago

      I started last week at 250 squat. It is awesome. So much more stability. Jist get it.

    • 12 months ago

      Whenever you want, I pulled 240kg beltless on deadlift and didnt use one but use one for squatting 140kg.

      Dont overthink it

  21. 12 months ago

    if youre doing grease the grove to improve something like oh i dont fricking know, pull ups, youre not supposed to be doing other lifts right?

  22. 12 months ago

    Got decently IST a few years ago but lost most of it. Started running and liftan again 2 weeks ago and realized idgaf about strength anymore, I just want to look good and prevent injuries.

    1. I know 'muscle memory' is a thing, how long until I start to get my old definition back?
    2. Any drawbacks to doing little compound lifting and focusing mostly on accessory work? Currently just doing squats on leg day

    • 12 months ago

      You need strength to be able to pass beyond a certain point, or you'll stall. You could just do a program that lifts submaximally like 5/3/1. There you do 3 sets of each main lift three times, first week 65/75/85 of one rep max, second week 70/80/90, and third week 75/85/95. Should be more than enough to advance and much less straining than doing linear progression and hitting PRs every work out.

      what would you frickers recommend for a 4 day split?

      I'm doing UL and I like it, but I do a lot of core and abs and have a focus on them on lower day.

      How much should I be lifting before I start using a weight belt?

      I think I started using a weight belt when my deadlift was 150 kg. I didn't feel the need for it before.

      • 12 months ago

        wow i ended that post abruptly. what i mean to say is yes, even me as a dyel saw the gains i had at 18 come back fair quickly when i started again

        Ty for the input lads. Blessed be thy gains.

    • 12 months ago

      >1. I know 'muscle memory' is a thing, how long until I start to get my old definition back?
      you’d be surprised. i lifted for a good year and a half when i was 18, gave up because of alcoholism and started again at 24-25, and i’d still consider myself an absolute noob still at nearly 27 now

      • 12 months ago

        wow i ended that post abruptly. what i mean to say is yes, even me as a dyel saw the gains i had at 18 come back fair quickly when i started again

  23. 12 months ago

    It's not a good idea to lift when one of my arms is heavily fricked up from a dog attack, right?

  24. 12 months ago

    when deadlifting how the frick do i keep the bar path vertical while also "dragging the bar over your shins, knees and thighs to the top" i am making myself insane this doesn't seem physically possible

    • 12 months ago

      your legs will be moving in a manner that makes the bar path vertical. Just imagine your hands are hooks, your arms are loose ropes, and think of the movement as just slowly standing upright while gripping the bar.

    • 12 months ago

      Its probably because your starting position is shit. If you have a good solid position just standing up will make you drag the bar up your shins. Your lats should be holding the bar so the bar wont move forward and will go up with your legs. Deadlift isnt only a leg movement. Back and shoulders are much more involved than you think.

  25. 12 months ago

    I feel like my fitness levels are all over the place. Lost about 30 lbs in the last 4 months with a combination of diet and lifting and a lot of walking on the treadmill, down at 203 with about 22% bf ( no idea how accurate this scale is) My legs feel weak though proportionally. I used to be much stronger but I haven't lifted heavy with legs for a long time, as I've been focusing on just doing hour long walks on the treadmill at an incline every day with some sprints thrown in. Should I just lower the intensity on the cardio and start doing Stronglifts or something? I have a flat ass which sucks because it feels like my back/chest are starting to progress. Also I can't seem to make arm gains for shit.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah bro you have to walk 1000 miles every month to get strong legs. Or get fricked in the ass repeatedly to make your ass bigger.

      Lift like a real man and stop walking like a b***h.

  26. 12 months ago

    my gym banned deadlifting. what can I do to replace it?

  27. 12 months ago

    How do my fellow wage slaves keep their fitness levels high throughout the work week?

    On the weekends I usually go on long hikes (at least 1hr), lift weights, swim, box, sauna and sometimes play sports. But during the week I'm booked from basically 8:30 - 5:30. I have a standing desk so I'm not just sitting there but still not really being active. I lift either early morning before work or on my lunch break. Should I add some short walks in every 1-2 hours, do some ab work, what? I'm fairly light and looking to gain weight so more cardio isn't necessarily the best but I guess is better to make up with more calories than to be inactive.

  28. 12 months ago

    There's a girl from work I find attractive and we've had a month-long ongoing facebook convo outside of seeing each other at work shifts. Kind of a continuation of our lighthearted-insulting banter in person, sometimes will send me a photo of something I drew as a joke that she kept and put up in her room, or something on her tv that reminded me of her (like a character sharing my distinct forename). She'll take longer to reply than I do always even if seen my message hour ago, etc. No expert on female mind - don't if this is work friend shooting shit with me online or this sustained convo is meant to be some weird roundabout ioi

  29. 12 months ago

    What body fat percentage is this approximately?

    • 12 months ago

      >ppl or only upper days
      >lower days +cardio
      nah brah.
      tuna fish sandwich+ celerystick +peanut butter
      Depends on how much you are carrying on your back, ass, legs, etc.
      RDL's. Pull first off a rack, RDL for higher reps, and stick back on rack

      If they don't let you do that, good mornings.
      If that's no go, weighted hyperexntensions.
      Do legs. For ass, low bar squats or deads.
      Make sure to do isolations like leg curl/extension too.
      More isolations and coping.
      OHP is slow man.
      Your lifts are all weak especially squat and deads, but that's okay.

      Thanks bros. I'm the skinnyfat loser. Should I get rid of the fat first or build some muscle? My plan right now is to do a moderate caloric deficit with high protein intake and weight training so I can hopefully build some muscle while losing fat.

      • 12 months ago

        I'd recommend building muscle first. Some people are able to recomp when they're starting out, eating at maintenance (no calorie surplus or deficit, staying the same weight). Most of beginners gains are strength, i.e. neuromuscular adaption and less muscle growth, so you could most likely get a lot of progress even without bulking.
        Reason I'm not that fond of cutting when you haven't got muscles is because you're going to cause muscle loss by cutting, and if you're skinnyfat and don't have much muscles to begin with, this might give you some issues. Building muscles first should make you avoid this. But in the end you decide based on your goals.

    • 12 months ago

      At least 25%

  30. 12 months ago

    Ab training recommendations?

    Also, is getting my body fat% mostly a matter of cutting calories? Because I'll eat less if I have to.

  31. 12 months ago

    >try peanut butter and fruit jam sandwich for first time ever
    >few minutes later get pretty much knocked out into some sort of food coma for half a hour (+plus another half for recovery)
    What the frick? Was I this tired or high fat is affecting me like this? I think I get something like this if I get french fried for dinner, but can't never figure out if it's the fat+carb combo or it's just me undersleeping.

  32. 12 months ago

    Cardio on workout days - Go or No Go?

    • 12 months ago

      >ppl or only upper days
      >lower days +cardio
      nah brah.

      What do I replace chips and peanut butter sandwiches with for my lunch? Something I can leave at my desk and not reheat in the gross breakroom microwave

      tuna fish sandwich+ celerystick +peanut butter


      What body fat percentage is this approximately?

      Depends on how much you are carrying on your back, ass, legs, etc.

      my gym banned deadlifting. what can I do to replace it?

      RDL's. Pull first off a rack, RDL for higher reps, and stick back on rack

      If they don't let you do that, good mornings.
      If that's no go, weighted hyperexntensions.

      I feel like my fitness levels are all over the place. Lost about 30 lbs in the last 4 months with a combination of diet and lifting and a lot of walking on the treadmill, down at 203 with about 22% bf ( no idea how accurate this scale is) My legs feel weak though proportionally. I used to be much stronger but I haven't lifted heavy with legs for a long time, as I've been focusing on just doing hour long walks on the treadmill at an incline every day with some sprints thrown in. Should I just lower the intensity on the cardio and start doing Stronglifts or something? I have a flat ass which sucks because it feels like my back/chest are starting to progress. Also I can't seem to make arm gains for shit.

      Do legs. For ass, low bar squats or deads.
      Make sure to do isolations like leg curl/extension too.


      why the frick is my OHP progressing so slowly? work shoulders the same as everything else, but i can 4x12 bp for 155, squat 2pl8, dl 245 where my OHP I'm struggling or hitting failure on 4x12 of 95.
      had a shoulder injury 5 yrs ago but that really only gives me problems on lateral shoulder raises, shouldn't be gimping my OHP

      More isolations and coping.
      OHP is slow man.
      Your lifts are all weak especially squat and deads, but that's okay.

  33. 12 months ago

    What do I replace chips and peanut butter sandwiches with for my lunch? Something I can leave at my desk and not reheat in the gross breakroom microwave

    • 12 months ago

      pizza. you can eat it cold

  34. 12 months ago

    I have only a barbell, dumbell and pushup risers

    I do not have a pull up bar nor can I use one
    I do not have a chair or place to sit on except the floor

    Can you help me with a workout routine

  35. 12 months ago

    Any tips for loose skin? any products that work?

  36. 12 months ago

    Couldn't het a straight answer on the fasting thread. Male, 200 lbs, 6'2", 30% bodyfat. How much weight could I expect to lose doing one meal a week water fasts? Based on my tdee, it's about 4.5 pounds a week. But another anon said I should expect about 1 ish pound a day.

    • 12 months ago

      how in the frick are you 6'2" 200lb with 30% bodyfat? At my absolute fattest at 5'11" and 215 I was only 26%. And honestly anon I wouldn't really trust those fasting threads, weight loss like that can often do more harm than good. Just my two cents, ignore it if you want.

      Thanks bros. I'm the skinnyfat loser. Should I get rid of the fat first or build some muscle? My plan right now is to do a moderate caloric deficit with high protein intake and weight training so I can hopefully build some muscle while losing fat.

      If you're a total beginner I say cut first as you'll benefit from noob gains regardless of whether you bulk or not. Once you hit the end of noob gains I'd recommend starting a bulk to build up muscle and then cut.

      Is it worth buying mass gainer if I already have whey protein powder?
      Also and recs on good gainer brands?

      >inb4 just eat more homosexual
      I'm very lazy with food preparation.

      mass gainer is a total scam and usually tastes terrible. Don't be a lazy c**t.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't know my exact % but the estimates I got on the CBT and reddit bf threads all estimated me around 28-30. Maybe I'm just that much of a lardass, but I'm sick of it, and I'm ready to do permanent damage to my body to stop being a fat piece of shit.

        • 12 months ago

          you're not even obese anon, anything upwards of 1.5lbs a week is a pipe dream for you. Right now you could lose 1.25-1.5lbs a week with a proper deficit, but even so it's still could take the better part of a year to get your body where you want it.
          >I'm sick of it, and I'm ready to do permanent damage to my body to stop being a fat piece of shit.
          You didn't become a fat in a few months, you're not going to undo it in a few months. If you're actually serious about fixing your body, first know that there are no quick fixes and you need to be consistent. This shit will take time. A lot of time. And the people who say they lost 50 lbs in 2 months are lying. If you do a crash diet that loses 10 lbs in a month, but then turn around and binge, you're undoing progress.

          That's why I recommend the traditional cut method; most who do fasts either aren't fat enough to really benefit from the weight loss or become so miserable they turn around and gorge everything they lost. The best diet is one that's sustainable and not fricking miserable.

  37. 12 months ago


    Thanks bros. I'm the skinnyfat loser. Should I get rid of the fat first or build some muscle? My plan right now is to do a moderate caloric deficit with high protein intake and weight training so I can hopefully build some muscle while losing fat.

    Meant to tag you aswell.

  38. 12 months ago

    Is it worth buying mass gainer if I already have whey protein powder?
    Also and recs on good gainer brands?

    >inb4 just eat more homosexual
    I'm very lazy with food preparation.

    • 12 months ago

      It's pretty expensive for something you could get cheap. I'd rather just buy bulk rice or whatever cheap carbs you can get instead of expensive mass gainers.

    • 12 months ago

      Mass gainer is lowest quality protein plus maltidextrin (highest insulin sugar)

      Just fricking eat bro
      Burgers, pizza, nothing is off the table if you really can't gain weight
      Id always avoid sugar and fries but any entree with protein in it, you can eat

  39. 12 months ago

    I know someone asked about abs earlier, but I have a slightly different question. A few years back I went hard on some decline crunches after a lazy hiatus of inactivity, ended up that day with awful tearing pain standing up and pissing (in my abdomen I mean). Ever since then it's happened once more and I'm kind of scared of working my abs now. What's a gentle way to build my abs up from 0?

  40. 12 months ago

    >2 russet potatoes
    >4 eggs
    Is this a lot of food? This is usually what I eat for breakfast since I'm bulking. It's probably 600-700 calories. Is it too much?

    • 12 months ago


      I know someone asked about abs earlier, but I have a slightly different question. A few years back I went hard on some decline crunches after a lazy hiatus of inactivity, ended up that day with awful tearing pain standing up and pissing (in my abdomen I mean). Ever since then it's happened once more and I'm kind of scared of working my abs now. What's a gentle way to build my abs up from 0?

      Just sounds like you went at too steep of an angle. Always start at the least resistance when trying a new movement, over-confidence can cause injuries like what you felt. Hell, start with flat no incline crunches and see how that feels.

      • 12 months ago

        How do you guys track this? Most of the apps I found are kind of shitty. Ideally I want one that will let me save a list of ingredients and add them to my day easily.

        • 12 months ago

          lose it is great. You can add things as meals (aka what you ate for lunch yesterday or last friday etc), recipes, or just manually with the barcode scanner.

          >you get your workouts in before and after work hours. I go before work and shower, do cardio in the evenings, post-workout, or during weekends/offtime. If you want it enough, you'll make it work.

          Yeah nerd I mentioned working out before or at lunch. I'm talking to the people on here who aren't obese or skinnyfat and have actual high athletic capabilities. It's different for us and 45 minutes a day isn't enough.

          Don't reply again or I'll stuff you in a locker

          >Don't reply again or I'll stuff you in a locker
          do it homosexual


          Hi IST. I took this image and weighed myself when I woke up before breakfast and after pissing, no flexing (obviously lol) in the first 3 images.
          I've started moving away from strength building stuff and I want to get into pure aesthetics and building muscle mass. I've included my stats and lifts in the image. I'm cutting currently, 180lbs today down from 189 when I started the cut. I'm thinking I should continue cutting until I've hit 170-175lbs.
          Here's what I've done so far this month
          >added more dumbbell and bodyweight exercises for chest
          >started doing isolations for arms earlier in the sessions ie supersetting bench with curls
          >swapping out low bar squat for high bar (I get more quad activation high bar)
          >going to swap out deadlifts for RDLs almost exclusively
          >a lot more supersets for isolation lifts and abs

          I train ULXULXX right now, but I would happily lift five days in a row based on a suggestion of a program that allowed for adequate recovery, I have lingering shoulder issues that I don't want to aggravate
          Based on everything I've shown, what recommendations do you have?

          m8 you probably want to cut until 165, it looks like you have a lot of fat on you currently. My advice for a cutting routine is to literally just do your bulking routine with less volume, so like 1 less set for all exercises across the board. You want to keep the weight the same, if possible.


          Routine advice?
          All are being done at home, with dumbbells up to 100lbs each, mostly 3 reps of 8-15 for all
          I feel like I could do more for the chest and maybe re-balance the second day a bit
          But mostly just want to make sure I'm not missing anything major

          In my experience compounds don't benefit from going beyond 8 reps, you just spend more energy for less gains. You should cap your reps at 12 for accessories and isolations unless you're going for AMRAP or a burnout.

          Skinnyfat here. Lifting since 2 months now and it feels great. But I am kinda in a dilemma.

          I train for hypertrophy, to gain lean muscle mass, but also to loose fat.
          People around me say that I have to not just eat more protein, but also calories to gain mass. However is gaining muscel mass and loosing fat at the same time possible? I would prefer to avoid bulk and cut phases and just have a general healthy diet instead.

          >However is gaining muscel mass and loosing fat at the same time possible?
          not really. Yeah, it's technically possible, but it's so slow that it's literally faster just to do cut and bulk cycles. Proper body sculpting has to focus on muscle gain or fat loss, and outside of gear it's not possible to do both at once, at least not with any desirable results.

          • 12 months ago

            you're probably right, 165 it is

  41. 12 months ago

    Hi IST. I took this image and weighed myself when I woke up before breakfast and after pissing, no flexing (obviously lol) in the first 3 images.
    I've started moving away from strength building stuff and I want to get into pure aesthetics and building muscle mass. I've included my stats and lifts in the image. I'm cutting currently, 180lbs today down from 189 when I started the cut. I'm thinking I should continue cutting until I've hit 170-175lbs.
    Here's what I've done so far this month
    >added more dumbbell and bodyweight exercises for chest
    >started doing isolations for arms earlier in the sessions ie supersetting bench with curls
    >swapping out low bar squat for high bar (I get more quad activation high bar)
    >going to swap out deadlifts for RDLs almost exclusively
    >a lot more supersets for isolation lifts and abs

    I train ULXULXX right now, but I would happily lift five days in a row based on a suggestion of a program that allowed for adequate recovery, I have lingering shoulder issues that I don't want to aggravate
    Based on everything I've shown, what recommendations do you have?

    • 12 months ago

      You look so hot are you into twinks

      • 12 months ago

        Afraid not. I am sorry fren

  42. 12 months ago

    If I fail a deadlift, should I
    >wait 3-5 minutes and try again
    >deload and try again in a few minutes
    >not try again because I might injure myself
    I'm DLing 325

    • 12 months ago

      If you fail call it a day especially on heavier stuff like deadlift. The risk greatly outweighs the reward and your numbers will go up eventually either way

  43. 12 months ago


    >you get your workouts in before and after work hours. I go before work and shower, do cardio in the evenings, post-workout, or during weekends/offtime. If you want it enough, you'll make it work.

    Yeah nerd I mentioned working out before or at lunch. I'm talking to the people on here who aren't obese or skinnyfat and have actual high athletic capabilities. It's different for us and 45 minutes a day isn't enough.

    Don't reply again or I'll stuff you in a locker

  44. 12 months ago

    Routine advice?
    All are being done at home, with dumbbells up to 100lbs each, mostly 3 reps of 8-15 for all
    I feel like I could do more for the chest and maybe re-balance the second day a bit
    But mostly just want to make sure I'm not missing anything major

    • 12 months ago

      *3 sets of 8-15 reps I mean

      • 12 months ago

        Volume is too low. 3 sets for a weighted pushup? That's lame, man. I do 4 sets of dumbbell pushups for deeper stretch following 8-10 sets of barbell benching. For something like pullups, remember you can do negatives too or superset it with your dumbell rowing

        • 12 months ago

          In fairness my chest grows pretty easily, while my shoulders seem to never want to change so I've been focusing on those. I'll probably add some dumbbell benching before hand though

          So sort of a push/pull/legs routine?
          Single legged deadlifts, bench press are pretty obviously missing for a dumbbell program.
          Also a bit weird that you have rows on push day.
          You could also throw in some triceps work like skullcrushers for triceps. And band pull aparts for rear delts, bands are cheap.

          I'd probably just do a burnout/drop down set or two instead.

          Legs/Should+Chest/Back with the bent rows for the rear delts was my thinking, although obviously there's some crossover
          I might swap that one to the pull day to make room for benching on the other.

    • 12 months ago

      So sort of a push/pull/legs routine?
      Single legged deadlifts, bench press are pretty obviously missing for a dumbbell program.
      Also a bit weird that you have rows on push day.
      You could also throw in some triceps work like skullcrushers for triceps. And band pull aparts for rear delts, bands are cheap.

      If I fail a deadlift, should I
      >wait 3-5 minutes and try again
      >deload and try again in a few minutes
      >not try again because I might injure myself
      I'm DLing 325

      I'd probably just do a burnout/drop down set or two instead.

  45. 12 months ago

    Skinnyfat here. Lifting since 2 months now and it feels great. But I am kinda in a dilemma.

    I train for hypertrophy, to gain lean muscle mass, but also to loose fat.
    People around me say that I have to not just eat more protein, but also calories to gain mass. However is gaining muscel mass and loosing fat at the same time possible? I would prefer to avoid bulk and cut phases and just have a general healthy diet instead.

    • 12 months ago

      It's kind of hard to judge without a reference of what your body looks like. In most cases if you're skinnyfat, you can start out by eating at maintenance or a slight bulk to get all of your newbie gains, which come much faster and since you're gaining muscle during that time, your bf% will technically be decreasing. After the base of muscle is built you can start to worry about bulking, cutting, maintaining, etc.

    • 12 months ago

      people who say that shit only have roiders or very advanced lifters as frames of reference, if you're fat your body has enough energy to cover all its basic needs and muscle growth, don't worry about it

  46. 12 months ago

    Are there any recommended Calisthenics + dumbbell routines out there? I got interested in hypertrophy and would like to try both.

    • 12 months ago

      You could just do the ones in the r/fitness and r/bodyweightfitness wiki, just google it.

      How do I do PPL if I only have a barbell and not even a weight bench

      Front squats, clean the bar. Same for overhead press. Do floor presses for bench press.

      • 12 months ago

        >Front squats, clean the bar. Same for overhead press. Do floor presses for bench press.
        Thanks, will into this, besides the squats being for leg, which is push and which is pull?

        • 12 months ago

          Push is bench and overhead press and pull is deadlift and rows.

  47. 12 months ago

    How do I do PPL if I only have a barbell and not even a weight bench

    • 12 months ago

      start by getting a gym memebership

  48. 12 months ago

    I got a job in landscaping for the summer.
    I'm currently doing the juggernaut method, wondering how you guys would program accessories. I just know if i follow my normal routine of 4-5 accessories. I'm gonna burn out.
    Should i just cut everything out? Just do the main lifts then add stuff back in as i get acclimated to the 30k+ steps i do in a day.

  49. 12 months ago
    Drip king

    If I eat close to maintenance and keep exercising will I lean out?

  50. 12 months ago

    are there any standout accessories for biceps and triceps with SS, or can I just do whatever as long as it makes me feel tired? I'm not strong enough to do real dips yet, but I still want to do some upper body work, since I was already a little stronger in my legs before I started lifting(my ohp and bench is really stalling compared to squat and dl)

  51. 12 months ago

    Cripple here, embarrassingly low figures below.

    Years ago I struck gold and got a good physio. She had me doing high reps lower weight exercises on a multigym for what ahe claimed was stability/stamina and it seemed to work out well. I got up to 40rx37.5Kg x4s using the cables during exercises before the pandemic and they cut the local physio programme & she retired, shit happened and I had shoulder & hand surgery in the meantime.
    I'm back up to 20rx32.5Kgx4s atm and going by the increases we were doing then to add in 1 rep per set every 2-3 sessions until we top out at 40.
    I've read the sticky, read the linked FAQ and most stuff I see seems geared towards higher weight/low reps, bodybuilding & free weights and less towards high rep counts; which I guess are seen as a meme to anything but physios/sports trainers.

    How do you increase weight with a program like this beyond the moar reps point? Obviously you wanna increase the weight up to the next 5Kg tier but it's harder to hit that same equivalent weight. I'm looking at it from the 44x32.5x4 point then taking that figure, diving by the increased load of 37.5 then coming out with 5 or 6 sets of 25-30 if you can take it.
    Is it really just a case of increasing weight, winging it, seeing how many 'til the usual failure zone and increasing sets? That's the tough part.

    If all else fails and this is too moronic, guess I can always aim for the tippy top meme of 1000 reps.

    • 12 months ago

      i'm not expert here, but what you usually do is add more weight, do less reps, if you do 8, do 5, continue doing 5 until you can do 6, then 7, then 8, add more weight and repeat the process.

      Alternatively, train at 100% or near 100% do 5 reps, add more weight next time and train for 5 reps again, and continue until you plateau, pretty much what you do with SS.

  52. 12 months ago

    How to stop being lightheaded when doing squats?

    • 12 months ago

      Have you tried breathing?
      also get your blood pressure tested

  53. 12 months ago

    Is benching twice a week optimal?
    I'm on a standard bulk, 300 caloric surplus and I want to build my chest a lot

    • 12 months ago

      If you're bodybuilding, you should be hitting everything twice a week if you want optimal gains.

      How to stop being lightheaded when doing squats?

      Brace properly, eat more

  54. 12 months ago

    I'm not sure if i should squat 225 x8 this saturday or keep it easy
    on 6/3 i did 265x1
    on 6/7 i wanted to do 245 for 4 but i only got 1 because i was too sore
    on 6/10 i did 275x1 and it felt easy
    on 6/14 i did 205x10 but at rep 5 it started feeling hard and at rep 8, 9, 10 i had to stand there for a bit because it was so friggin hard
    on 6/17 i want to do 225 x8 but I'm not sure about it...

    i did some rows & deadlifts today (6/15) and my back is really sore (i did 135x10,185x6,225x5)

    • 12 months ago

      u got it

  55. 12 months ago

    I keep moving at night. The gf told me I was doing barrel rolls while asleep at night, and I woke myself up by talking. Is there any way to unfrick my shit besides going to a sleep study? I've felt like shit for years because of this

  56. 12 months ago

    >Have barbell weight rack because dad used to lift a lot
    >want to squat, but have no safeties
    What do

    • 12 months ago

      you don't need safeties you can either just keep it sub maximal or just drop it on the floor if you're failing

  57. 12 months ago

    form check? 357 x 2. how does one get to fricking 4 plates

    • 12 months ago

      Nice ass

    • 12 months ago

      can only see your ass fattie, choose a better angle next time
      >how does one get to fricking 4 plates
      bulking even more

    • 12 months ago

      i don't lift 4pl8 but i have become a form sperg and you might have luck pulling your shoulder blades back at the beginning of the lift

    • 12 months ago

      You don't have efficient movement

      Turn your toes out a bit so you can drop your ass a bit
      It'll help engage your glutes
      It's also bad for your blood pressure to stay in the down position
      Brace, do your set, stand back up
      Pissing around bent over is guaranteed missed rep maxes

      It also looks like you aren't engaging your last properly. Throw your shoulders down and back at the start of pull.
      The bar should be taking skin off your shins, not be 2" out from your knees

      T. 5pl8!?! Deadlifter

  58. 12 months ago

    does shaving testicles & scrotum affect testosterone

  59. 12 months ago

    My shoulders suck. I have periodic shoulder pain, my right shoulder isn’t flexible, I can’t keep my scapulas retracted during bench, I can’t keep my shoulders down during dips. What can I do?

  60. 12 months ago

    How do I increase blood ciruclation into my hands?

  61. 12 months ago

    I'm meeting up with a a cute overseas girl in around 2 months. I'm somewhere between skinny and normal in terms of fitness/build but my core strength is abysmal. Like instead of abs I have a sort of pot belly, not a fatass pot belly but it is noticeable when I take my shirt off and bend over. Is it possible to get abs or even some minor form of abs within this time frame? What about other muscles, can I buff myself up within these 2 months? Time is absolutely not a factor because I'm a rich stay at home neet.

    • 12 months ago

      have you tried cutting?

      • 12 months ago

        I'm not emo sorry

      • 12 months ago


        I'm meeting up with a a cute overseas girl in around 2 months. I'm somewhere between skinny and normal in terms of fitness/build but my core strength is abysmal. Like instead of abs I have a sort of pot belly, not a fatass pot belly but it is noticeable when I take my shirt off and bend over. Is it possible to get abs or even some minor form of abs within this time frame? What about other muscles, can I buff myself up within these 2 months? Time is absolutely not a factor because I'm a rich stay at home neet.

        Forget cutting, do a recomp diet, buy whey protein and start lifting weights, read the sticky bla bla bla

        I'm not emo sorry


      • 12 months ago

        Forget cutting, do a recomp diet, buy whey protein and start lifting weights, read the sticky bla bla bla


        Thanks guys. So it 'is' realistic within 2 months?

        • 12 months ago

          No, you won't be able to get buff in two months, but surely you will look much better than you do right now, do 2 hours of cardio per week (not per day), and mind your diet, eat as healthy as you can, and hit your dialy protein goal everyday if you are able.

          You will able to reduce your pot belly but don't expect crazy results in 2 months, keep in mind that most picture of buffs guys or guys with abs are either people that have been training for 7+ years or so.

          Hopefully you will keep lifting after the two months.

          • 12 months ago

            also maybe 2 hours of cardio is too much, do less than 2 hours per week, so you won't stunt your gains

          • 12 months ago

            also maybe 2 hours of cardio is too much, do less than 2 hours per week, so you won't stunt your gains

            Thanks anons, 2 hours of cardio a week is more than okay with me since I go walking and bike riding all the time anyway,

    • 12 months ago

      To add to the other anons, don't do it for the woman. Do it for yourself. Keep at it so that your hapa children will have a strong father.
      Why are Chun Li's legs so small?

      • 12 months ago

        I'm absolutely doing this for myself but it helps having a "goal" in mind since I rarely ever do shit for myself. I'm 25 soon and I heard by 30 you really gotta step up your exercise otherwise it's all down hill (again, just what I've heard) so I'm taking this opportunity to get a head start and not frick myself over later.
        Also idk why lol, I'm too used to the Cum Li version where her thighs could crush a baby elephants skull.

  62. 12 months ago

    >been doing SS for a while
    >i got to the point where all my lifts plateu
    >sometimes I can hit a PR
    >someothers week I can't hit my last PR
    >feel I'm stuck and not progressing anymore
    I feel people that have been going less than me are looking better are and stronger, and it's making me feel useless
    What can I do? I was hoping to transition to the Texas method at some point, but I never got to the recommended strength to start it (I think)

    TLDR, I've been thinking to go back to a 4 to 5 day routine, should I or should continue with SS? What are some good 4 to 5 days routines?

    My lifts just in case:

    Squat: 230lbs in a good day, ~220lbs in average i'd say
    Deadlift: same as squat
    Bech press: 135lbs in a good day, 130lbs in average.
    OHP: This is one the lifts I've been stuck for the longest time, like 99lbs in a good day to 110lbs, but someday I might hit 110 lbs just to get the next week and won't be able to hit 100 lbs
    Aside from that I do Dips and Chin ups.

    Sorry for the shit picture.

    • 12 months ago

      Just from how you're approaching it, the problem does seem psychosomatic. Start doing accessories, though.
      How long have you been lifting? If more than a year, I'd say switch to Push Pull Legs or Upper Lower. If less than a year, deload 10-20% and start doing 5x7-8.
      >I feel people that have been going less than me are looking better are and stronger
      Don't do this. I know it's human, but you have to accept that other people will be better. Other people will be worse, too. The key for an individual is consistency. Just keep getting back on that horse.

      • 12 months ago

        Maybe, I have been frustrated recently, last workout I failed all my exercises, though, it was a very hard day, barely had any sleep because I was studying for a exam, etc, etc, but I have been stuck for a long time now, plus the last 6 months I couldn't train as consistent as I used, lost a lot of weight and made me depressed, but now that I'm almost back, I hit the plateau again.

        >How long have you been lifting?
        More than 1 year, 3 years, first year was just aimlessly training, years actually, but with SS 1 year consistently, that was the best year of my training, and almost 1 year getting back to lift what I used to lift.

        >Push Pull Legs or Upper Lower
        PPL split? I'll look into it, I was thinking to move to one of the Intermediate Routines listed in the sticky, do you recommend PPL over those?

        >Don't do this. I know it's human, but you have to accept that other people will be better. Other people will be worse, too. The key for an individual is consistency. Just keep getting back on that horse.
        Thanks man, thanks for the support words bro.

        Sorry for the blog post.

        • 12 months ago

          >PPL split? I'll look into it, I was thinking to move to one of the Intermediate Routines listed in the sticky, do you recommend PPL over those?
          I went from Stronglifts to PPL and I think it was a good step-up. I saw a noticeable increase in the amount I was lifting and my arms (which were lacking) looked a lot better.
          I can't say anything positive or negative about the other programs because I've never tried them.

    • 12 months ago

      Sounds like you need to eat more and do cardio after every session

      The higher you can push your metabolism, the easier the gains will come

  63. 12 months ago

    Any of you guys tried using the various solfeggio frequencies? I've been listening to 528 Hz frequencies while sleeping and I find myself having the urge to fap go way down.
    Workouts still leave me dead sometimes, I don't know that it helps recovery at all. But I'm at a calorie deficit. Pushing through feeling tired and hungry and wondering why the frick i'm doing it is just who I am now. But I think the frequency stuff is kino. Maybe worth a shot for peeps.

  64. 12 months ago

    Is it bad to work upper and lower body only once per week? My schedule right now only permits one workout during the week and one on weekends, so I alternate between upper/lower body workouts.
    This might sound weird but I think I'm making better progress this way.

    • 12 months ago

      I'd probably do 5/3/1 with bench press/squats one day and overhead press/deadlift the other day, with the usual push/pull/legs exercises since then I'd work out muscle groups twice a week instead of just once a week, but if it works for you. Essentially muscles build during rest after working for about 72 hours, so your muscles aren't getting stimulated for over half of the week this way. But of course if your lifts are so heavy you're not able to recover and you need one week to recover, it's fine I guess.

  65. 12 months ago

    Which weight rating am I supposed to believe? or is 300 the min, and 800 the max?

    • 12 months ago

      >chinesium from Amazon
      >multiple obviously fake reviews saying "it's good up to 800 lbs" with the same formatting
      >multiple reviews saying that parts were damaged upon arrival
      Trust it up to 300 pounds.

  66. 12 months ago

    >Pain in elbows when trying tricep push ups
    ? help?

  67. 12 months ago

    I've been lifting for a month and a half, I'm confident now that I can continue to lift consistently and have started investing more into it. New weights so I can keep lifting heavier, a new bar that isn't rusty, and now creatine.
    Is it worthwhile to take 20g a day for the first week as some people have suggested, or should I simply start with 5g a day and stick with it.

  68. 12 months ago

    What does IST do to boost VO2 Max? Are there any unusual exercises you recommend?

  69. 12 months ago

    So do I subtract the calories burned during a run from my tdee?
    t. newbie on a cut

  70. 12 months ago

    Why do I get shin splints every time I ride a bike? Should I just do It less?

  71. 12 months ago

    Do you guys shave your armpits?

  72. 12 months ago

    Why is the left side of my body weaker than the right and how can I fix it? When I do curls my left arm gets tired quicker, but even rows which hit a completely different muscle group are harder. When I'm doing reps with the right side I hit my 10 rep sets no problem, but with the same weight dumbbell in the left hand it gets really hard around 4 reps in, and getting to 10 is a grind.
    If I was doing barbell work I could understand that maybe my right side is dominant and steals work from the left, but I do everything with dumbbells, so I'd expect to be more proportional.

    • 12 months ago

      I have the same, but my left leg was in fact 5cm shorter than the right one by 14 y/o or so and I had to have leg lengthening surgery. During childhood I had a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, but I'm not really paralytic so frick knows, left arm is visibly smaller than the right one, but not so obvious that you can see it instantly

    • 12 months ago

      Easy way to fix is usually to always start with the weakest side first, and then do maximum the same number of reps on the stronger side. Though I think you'll mostly always be stronger on your dominant side unless you get injured or do a sport that trains your non.dominant side more. Also stuff like which side you sleep on matters, and the core and abs on the like obliques and quadratus lumborum will be tighter on one side.

  73. 12 months ago

    Let's say you have been a lot stronger in the past and now you get back to lifting. Will you still build muscle on much lower weight than you used to be able to lift? The obvious answer seems yes, but in my experience I only gain strength back but not so much of size.

  74. 12 months ago

    I want to build a homegym in a reduced space in mainland EU, can't afford the high end stuff like Rogue so I'm looking for recommendations, currently got my eye on Againfaster and ATX. Basically need a low ceiling squat rack with included low/high cable pulleys.

  75. 12 months ago

    Beginner here, doing Mon/Wed/Fri Stronglifts 5x5. Should I consider adding cardio (running/swimming) in between? Should I do 2 days, or 3? Also, will this bump up my calorie burning to reduce body fat, or am I going to have to cut calories in food intake? I recently gained weight from about 120 to 150, and the mental dysmorphia is agonizing me. I feel like I'm getting fat...

  76. 12 months ago

    >Injure my wrist (long time coming), can barely twist it without pain
    >Have to rest
    Best way to maximize keeping gains? Can't hold anything. Protein is 150g+ per day (6'2 / 188cm and 94kg / 207lbs). Sucks as I just got into kickboxing and was ready to give 200% in my workouts.

    • 12 months ago

      Unless you're under 10% bf, you might need to scale back your protein intake

      The key to maintaining gains when not lifting is to bulk through the break
      Cardio can help if your cortisol and stuff is low enough but bulking is the only guaranteed way to do it
      You can't drink alcohol and you should avoid sugar, but just the calorie surplus will ensure your body doesn't feel the need to lose what you've worked for

      • 12 months ago

        >forced to bulk
        Frick sake, why is my body so frail. I was doing so well, too. I'm going on holiday next week and don't want to look like a bloated frick.

  77. 12 months ago

    6'1 69kg here, can anyone estimate BF%?
    Was bulking but the summer heat is killing my appetite so might just naturally follow my hunger over the season.

    • 12 months ago

      Heres another, been trying to fix my chest lmao

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago


      Heres another, been trying to fix my chest lmao

      You're just generally smol
      You look good but I imagine you're pretty weak without much endurance

      Bulk the second it cools off and don't stop until it's too hot again
      Then cut and you'll look a lot better

    • 12 months ago

      I'd guess somewhere between 12-14%, you look great anon. You're in a really good spot to start a bulk and pack on some muscle. Jelly of your insertions.

    • 12 months ago


      Heres another, been trying to fix my chest lmao

      You look weak, but aesthetic. As long as you only need to face women you are good to go dude.

  78. 12 months ago

    I started to be serious about lifting a few months ago and rapid babby leg gains gave me stretch marks on my inner thighs, despite the fact I never had them back when I was a fat frick. Anyone knows some good remedies for this? Is it preventable?

    • 12 months ago

      Moisturize and stop caring
      Insecurity is the least attractive trait of anyone

      I want to substitute squats with something more quad heavy, are front squats better for that?

      You can add other movements but DO NOT SUBSTITUTE ANYTHING FOR SQUATS AND DEADS

      If I start craving a specific food like liquorice or fish, is that a sign my body requires more of a certain nutrient?
      Or is it just kind of "on a whim" because you need some variety now and then

      There are infographics for intuitive eating that shows what you're craving and what it usually means. I would guess you're low on vitamin D which leads to low calcium which leads to low test

      This image is a simple one but Ive been doing intuitive eating for years and that's part of the reason most people think Im roiding
      Your nutrient needs change over time.

      • 12 months ago

        >Insecurity is the least attractive trait of anyone
        I'd say not admitting insecurity or denying that you don't know something is even less attractive, because that's narcissistic traits.

  79. 12 months ago

    I want to substitute squats with something more quad heavy, are front squats better for that?

  80. 12 months ago

    If I start craving a specific food like liquorice or fish, is that a sign my body requires more of a certain nutrient?
    Or is it just kind of "on a whim" because you need some variety now and then

  81. 12 months ago

    At what point should I go to a doctor for an injury?

    Not sure what happened but my right trap is killing me. It's gotten substantially better over the last two days but I'm kind of spooked. This might be my first lifting injury and I'm not sure if I'm under or overestimating it's severity.

    I get moderate pain when I move my neck in any direction and slight pain when moving my right arm.

    Thank you for your time.

    • 12 months ago

      a rule of thumb I use is if go to a doctor if it's something that is persisting for more than 10 days without improvement, of if there is some improvement that stalls with a baseline of pain/immobility that sticks around despite no additional stimulus.
      Of course there are exceptions, like when you have some acute injury where you can immediately tell something's fricked.

      best of luck!

      • 12 months ago

        Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate it!

  82. 12 months ago

    I started developing tendonitis in my left elbow/bicep and and my right high ankle right around the same time.
    Is it possible there is a dietary deficiency causing this?

  83. 12 months ago

    If I'm already doing incline DB bench press, what would be a better chest lift to get the best aesthetic gains?
    >chest press
    >flat DB bench
    >chest flyes

    • 12 months ago

      If you’re doing incline db press do
      >Incline db flies
      90% of an aesthetic chest is the upper/middle part. Target the hell out of the upper muscles or you end up looking like picrel

  84. 12 months ago

    i can only buy liver in kg packages, how much should i be eating and how frequently?

  85. 12 months ago

    Does boiling meats make them yield less protein and vitamins? What about air frying?

  86. 12 months ago

    How do I get bigger unironically? 150lbs at 5’10 and I can bench 225

    • 12 months ago

      I'm no doctor, but I'd try eating more.

  87. 12 months ago

    I'm getting close to the end of a very extensive cut (dropping from 240 lbs to 175 lbs @ 5' 10'') would it wreck my metabolism to go straight into a bulk? I love weight training and would like to add more muscle, but I can definitely put it off for a bit to do it right. I fricked up last time I lost of bunch of weight and just looked kind of flabby (lots of cardio and a big deficit, no weights), then slowly put it back on over the course of 2 years and want to avoid anything like that again. If I should maintain for a while, how long?

    • 12 months ago

      i would say figure out your maintenance SEDENTARY calories and start from there. ignore the scale for a week or two since the increased carb-water gains and total food volume in your body will increase your weight a bit short term and then work from there and increase or decrease the calories depending on how the scale moves in the following weeks.
      also look up reverse dieting, might be an interesting read

  88. 12 months ago

    I fricked my left wrist up and can't lift with it now for at least two weeks. How do I minimise strength loss? I've just been doing squats and ab work at home, any exercise that doesnt involve grabbing things right now.

    • 12 months ago

      Swimming maybe.

  89. 12 months ago

    Today some small indian guy got a boner when I entered the shower after my workout. He was visibly embarassed and tried to hide ity
    Is that a good sign? Am I making it? Cardiobunnies still ignore me.

  90. 12 months ago

    Has anyone ever tried Colostrum supplements? I'm being bombarded for ads for picrel and the claims seem absolutely insane (more energy, better gut health, curing allergies, hair growth) and it sounds like a bit of a scam. Googling for reviews seems like a mixed.

    • 12 months ago

      You’d be(e) better off buying local raw honey for allergy mitigation purposes

  91. 12 months ago

    Is it safe to do barbell curls 3 times in a week as long as I'm increasing the reps per session and only increasing load the following week?

    • 12 months ago

      If you deadlift twice a week and curl 3 times, you're setting yourself up to tear a bicep

      • 12 months ago

        I usually do heavy deadlift 1x per week and RDLs also 1x week.

        I'm switching up to a new program that replaces Deadlifts altogether with just RDLs and leg curls.

        • 12 months ago

          Why would you change to a garbage program??
          Just don't curl the days before you trad deadlift

          So when you deadlift on Wednesday and Saturday, don't curl on Tuesday or Friday

  92. 12 months ago

    why the frick is my gyno getting worse at 30yo?? i'm not even gaining fat

  93. 12 months ago

    What fit take on tattooes? I'm considering one but never saw good reasoning, I want one to remember myself that I managed to stay alive on the worst period of my life, like a badge, but I hate every single piece of shit that do it everywhere over their body.

    • 12 months ago

      Tattoos are the mark of criminals and scoundrels, plain and simple. That's IST's opinion, and you can lay to it.

  94. 12 months ago

    How can I show that I have a pretty good body on tinder?

  95. 12 months ago

    I know that the best thing for the jawline thing and the rid of the face fat is your lose bodyfat and build muscle but let's say, there is any workout that can focused on the face for that? I don't wanna into any mewing shit because i will use retainers

    • 12 months ago

      also don;'t buy those fricking rubber jaw things, they'll frick up your teeth

  96. 12 months ago


    also don;'t buy those fricking rubber jaw things, they'll frick up your teeth

    Thanks anon, when i was underage i was very skinny and has a fricking good jawline, but my bodyfat grown and started using braces (i don't know if this affects too the jawline) is it over or i can just down the bodyfat and restore it? I'm 20

    • 12 months ago

      Braces wouldn't effect your jawline, the fat padding in your cheeks and lips will hide them. Just diet down anon.

  97. 12 months ago

    How likely will I be left with loose skin if I'm going from a 42in waist (205lbs) back down to a 32 inch waist (130lbs)?? and how severe might it be??

    • 12 months ago

      Hey, i'm this dude here

      I'm getting close to the end of a very extensive cut (dropping from 240 lbs to 175 lbs @ 5' 10'') would it wreck my metabolism to go straight into a bulk? I love weight training and would like to add more muscle, but I can definitely put it off for a bit to do it right. I fricked up last time I lost of bunch of weight and just looked kind of flabby (lots of cardio and a big deficit, no weights), then slowly put it back on over the course of 2 years and want to avoid anything like that again. If I should maintain for a while, how long?

      This is all anecdotal, but it's also my 2ed go around losing a pretty significant amount of weight, so I think this is still helpful.

      I still have 15 lbs to go down from the listed goal, but I haven't noticed any significant loose skin. I think this will likely be the case for you as well, as long as you aren't exceeding 1% BW loss/ week (probably even healthier to shoot for .5%-.75%/week), you maintain some weight training, and you are relatively young (for ref I'm 27).worst thing I got out these experiences is getting streach marks from gaining weight too fast.

  98. 12 months ago


    I mean what kind of picture is good, Black person

    • 12 months ago

      frick off moron, if you can't figure out how to take your shirt off you're not worth the time of any person in this thread.

      • 12 months ago

        There seems to be a consensus on the internet that pictures where you’re just shirtless for no other purpose are terrible

  99. 12 months ago

    Whats best for cardio? running swimming or bicycling?

    • 12 months ago

      Unironically the one you like the most to do and enjoy and look forward to.
      I'm using a rowing machine currently, which also is nice for my back. I can listen to music and chill, but the setback is that it's a bit boring. I think I'd rather be bicycling and getting some fresh air honestly, but I need to service my bike for the season.

    • 12 months ago

      running is really bad for your joints, swimming or bicycling would be easier on your knees and ankles

      • 12 months ago

        Running doesn't require any equipment besides shoes and can be done more or less anywhere though.

    • 12 months ago

      Swimming is the best if you can do it. It's the easiest on your joints

      Running doesn't require any equipment besides shoes and can be done more or less anywhere though.

      Yes, running is best for Kenyan people

  100. 12 months ago



    Does boiling meats make them yield less protein and vitamins? What about air frying?

    Is right about overcooking for meats but cooking in general will do that for meats. If you're really autistic but don't wanna have a nice day by doing something as moronic as eating raw chicken then something like sous vide/low temperature pasteurisation is a good solution and you get to keep any and all fats & juices afterward.
    but that's a meme lifestyle

  101. 12 months ago

    whenever I OHP, my forearms flare in towards my torso. ive heard this is bad form but it allows me to press off my lats for strict form.
    straightening them out makes the movement much harder but in a way that completely moves the explosiveness. am I cheating myself or is this weird technique fine? my grip is the traditional slightly more than shoulder width and I feel no concerning pains

    • 12 months ago

      the real question here is if it's ok to retract scapula on OHP? I roll my shoulders back and press off my back like how you make a good shelf for benching

      • 12 months ago

        Always retract, push your head through at the top, try not to shrug through the movement so all the weight gets moved from chest and shoulders

    • 12 months ago

      You're overthinking it unless you want to compete.
      If youre getting stronger and it doesn't hurt its right, everyones body is built diffrent.

      • 12 months ago

        don't wanna go to snap city bro

        • 12 months ago

          You're overthinking it unless you want to compete.
          If youre getting stronger and it doesn't hurt its right, everyones body is built diffrent.

          anon is pretty much correct. As long as the form you use doesn't cause you pain, stimulates the desired muscle, and lets you progress at a reasonable rate, then it's totally fine.

  102. 12 months ago

    is it true that women can only 1x their bodyweight in squats and DL after 6-24 months? don't mean to come off as a /misc/ post, this just seems incredibly sad if true

    • 12 months ago

      Sounds about right, most of them start deadlift at about 30kg from what ive seen, so newbie gains calculated they would reach about body weight or above at about that amount of time

  103. 12 months ago

    This evening
    >At grocery store with wife
    >Wife says she wants to grab a cookie from the bakery
    >Notice that there are chocolate chip muffins, looks bretty gud tbh
    >Grab one
    >Think to myself "what would IST think of me, eating a muffin after I had a hoagie for dinner"
    >Put the muffin back
    I'm currently 19.5% BF but I WILL hit 15% bros

    • 12 months ago

      good for you bro, stay focused and shit will work out

  104. 12 months ago

    what's actually a good dosage of zinc? and for how long before you have to take a break? The pills at my local store are 15mg, also does time of day you take it make any difference? I'd like to get my libido back (currently a week into quitting porn)

    • 12 months ago

      Unless you're deficient taking extra zinc will do nothing for you. Actually taking even a little too much can make you extremely nauseous in my experience.

      I'm doing madcow and I'm recently seeing very little progression (<5lbs per week for squat, <5lbs per 2 weeks for bench press). I'm on a slight cut (basically recovering fatty) with shitty numbers (not even 1/2/3/4).

      I want to give PPL a go, but I don't want to visit gym 6 days a week. Is there a way to make it work with 3-4 days?

      If you're a beginner you're not going to get near 1/2/3/4 anytime soon, that's more of a long-term goal for a lot of people. What are your current lift stats?

      • 12 months ago

        135 OHP
        185 BP
        280 Squat
        300 DL

        All 5RM

        • 12 months ago

          The reason you're seeing little progression is because your lifts are pretty good, you're not going to progress constantly anymore, particularly on a cut.

          Looking for that crazy regiment anon did before a pool party date and told his date he fasted for like 72 hours.
          I’ve got a pool party coming up and want to look as cut as possible if anyone as the fast plan drop it.

          3 days is hardly long enough to make a noticeable difference in your physique, just go to the party fasted and drink lots of coffee prior; the best you'll get is a dehydrated/dry look.

    • 12 months ago

      it's fun to take before bed because you will have very vivid dreams

  105. 12 months ago

    I'm doing madcow and I'm recently seeing very little progression (<5lbs per week for squat, <5lbs per 2 weeks for bench press). I'm on a slight cut (basically recovering fatty) with shitty numbers (not even 1/2/3/4).

    I want to give PPL a go, but I don't want to visit gym 6 days a week. Is there a way to make it work with 3-4 days?

    • 12 months ago

      >I want to give PPL a go, but I don't want to visit gym 6 days a week.
      Do Upper/Lower instead. I'm currently doing it. You could probably combine it with 5/3/1 or something for submaximal lifting, like just do the 5/3/1 sets as accessories like you would for upper/lower.

      • 12 months ago

        That's a very good suggestion, gonna give it a try

  106. 12 months ago

    Looking for that crazy regiment anon did before a pool party date and told his date he fasted for like 72 hours.
    I’ve got a pool party coming up and want to look as cut as possible if anyone as the fast plan drop it.

    • 12 months ago

      Fasting is basically just not eating and taking salts to prevent salt imbalances and just drinking water.
      You'll look leaner because not only will you lose weight, but you'll also have a lot of water loss and look less bloated.
      Basically just add add some sodium and potassium to water and maybe a little magnesium and bicarbonate (bicarbonate makes you feel less bad) and you'll be alright.

  107. 12 months ago

    Am i screwing myself out of gains if i do bench press and overhead press on seperate days?
    I:E, I do bench on wednesday ro hit my chest, and ohp on friday to hit my shoulders?

    • 12 months ago

      You're screwing yourself out of gains if you're not mixing cardio into your routine

  108. 12 months ago

    I've tried various dietary restrictions over the years but no matter what most of my shits end with a bunch of little dollops of peanut butter consistency shit. I can't tell when I still have to shit more and I have to strain like hell to get each one out. It makes my shits take 10mins longer, wastes TP and is annoying as frick.
    I've heard anal prostitutes do kegels to damage control their ravaged buttholes. They do it to hold their shit in, but does it work in reverse? Will it help me expel all these peanut butter motherfrickers in one fell squeeze and get on with my life? If not, will another exercise? This could save several trees in the long run.
    Thank you for your asshitstance.

    • 12 months ago

      Just eat more fiber

      do you guys shower every day? its been so long where ive been homebound and only shower once a week i no longer know whats normal

      Yeah. Beyond smelling good it just lifts my mood to feel clean. After a day or two without showering I just feel really greasy and shitty.

  109. 12 months ago

    What always inevitably happens to people who lift as they get older? Do they always end up lifting less and less weight starting in their 40s, then slowly decreasing until they're only lifting 10 lbs dumbbells in their 70s?
    Does the weight someone lifts always inevitably decline? When I look up senior lifting videos on youtube (just out of curiosity, I'm not a senior), I always seem them lifting smaller weights.
    So at what rate does the inevitable decline in weight happen? Is like 10% reduction each decade starting in your 40s?

    • 12 months ago

      I saw a video of Mark Rippetoe DLing 500 pounds at like age 57 ish.
      You probably do lose speed of gains and maximum potential, but I assume you can still be multiple times stronger than any untrained 18-30yo

      • 12 months ago


        What always inevitably happens to people who lift as they get older? Do they always end up lifting less and less weight starting in their 40s, then slowly decreasing until they're only lifting 10 lbs dumbbells in their 70s?
        Does the weight someone lifts always inevitably decline? When I look up senior lifting videos on youtube (just out of curiosity, I'm not a senior), I always seem them lifting smaller weights.
        So at what rate does the inevitable decline in weight happen? Is like 10% reduction each decade starting in your 40s?

        Hepburn could squat over 600lbs into his 60s

        • 12 months ago


  110. 12 months ago

    do you guys shower every day? its been so long where ive been homebound and only shower once a week i no longer know whats normal

    • 12 months ago

      I usually shower before work. Lot more lax in the weekends I guess, shower after working out but sometimes I go an entire weekend without showering I must admit.

  111. 12 months ago

    Where the frick do you guys buy clothes from? I can't find a single brand that caters to my dimensions.
    >bulk from 83kg to 100kg over 18 months
    >wear L-XXL pretty comfortably but they're loose at the waist
    >can still squeeze in to 32"w jeans in the loosest fit available (skin tight through the legs)
    >cut down to 90kg at 11% body fat
    >tried on some old clothes
    >now even L fits me like a tent below my chest but need XXL to fit properly in chest and shoulders and arms
    >30"w jeans in loosest fit falling off my waist even with a belt done all the way up. The only thing keeping them up are my glutes and quads/hams tight against the fabric

    pls help

    • 12 months ago

      I should also add that I still look dyel, so I don't look great naked

    • 12 months ago

      Get bigger
      You're a spooky skeleton if you're under 12% bf at 220lbs at 6'3
      I didn't look big until I hit 265lbs@6'4
      I would say I was ottermode around 245

      • 12 months ago

        Well yeah that’s what I’m doing now. It doesn’t help with where I can buy clothes that fit me now. My waist won’t grow much and that’s where everything is too big

        • 12 months ago

          You'll never find a good fit
          Lucky brand jeans fitness cut are pretty good but in every other brand, I buy1-3 sizes up and belt them

  112. 12 months ago

    How do i straighten out my back and improve my posture

    • 12 months ago

      deadlifts and squats

  113. 12 months ago

    Am I going to make it?

    • 12 months ago

      You're going to make it.

      How do i straighten out my back and improve my posture

      Depends a bit on your posture issues. Best would probably be to get a psysical therapist appointment, they're used to working with this all the time. If you have anterior pelvic tilt with lordosis and kyphosis, it's important to try to hold good posture, and strengthen your body. Your hip flexors are usually weak and needs to be stretched with a lunge stretch. Your glutes, spine, and abs need to be strengthened. Squats for glutes, back extensions for spine, different abs exercises like hanging leg raises and side bends on back extension bench or suitcase walks for obliques and back core muscles. Single leg deadlifts for stability.

  114. 12 months ago

    How often can I do rotator cuff exercises? I'm talking like 10 sets

  115. 12 months ago

    How do I manage sugar cravings? I'm trying to drink less and apparently that is where the sugar cravings come from, I've heard lemon juice mixed with water helps? Should I stop eating fruit too?

  116. 12 months ago

    Complete sedentary guy here
    I think I'm having some sort of misconception about working out

    Am I supposed to work out every single day?
    like do PPL 6 days a week?
    so I probably should exercise till my muscles and sore and unusable?

    • 12 months ago

      Best way to start out for beginners are usually a full body program two to three times a week. Starting Strength and Stronglifts 5x5 are recommended, but if you have issues with looking like a T-Rex for a short period of time, you can do Greyskull LP instead. Which basically is the same program, but just squat and deadlift less.
      Muscles grow during rest and they grow 48 to 72 hours after working out, so working out a muscle group every day is diminishing returns. Programs such as PPL and UL (Upper/lower) makes it possible to work out every day because you don't hit the same muscle groups every day. I like Upper/Lower better than PPL because then I can more or less switch between working out 2 to 6 times a week. You burn out quickly on PPL.
      You get DOMS the first times you work out until you're used to using those muscles, so you should start out a bit carefully just to get used to the stimulation. You should probably read a bit more, but in general you should do a sets and reps like described, and if you do an AMRAP set (as many reps as possible) you should do as many reps you can with god form, not until exhausted.
      During off days you're recommended doing cardio for most programs, but I do cardio usually before my work out too.

  117. 12 months ago

    Can I train core everyday?

    • 12 months ago

      I would never hit abs before leg day
      After legs is fine and 2 days before is fine so on a reasonable 6 day split where you hit legs twice a week like you should be, that gives you 4-5 days a week where ab work is fine

  118. 12 months ago

    Can I deadhang if I still have shoulder discomfort or is the "deadhangs will cure your shoulder" bullshit?
    Also, would doing cardio 5x a week 15% incline 3mph frick with my recovery?

  119. 12 months ago

    What would be an antagonist exercise for crush grip?
    Just hand extensor bands?

    What about reverse curls, would that do anything for crush since that is working the other side of the forearm?

  120. 12 months ago

    When using a weight vest for calisthenics do i leave the weight vest on the entire workout or take it off during rest in between sets??

    • 12 months ago

      If you're a beginner/lifting light weights just leave it on. Don't do anything that requires a lot of torque or plyo shit with the vest, you'll wear your joints out.

      Can I train core everyday?

      Yes, 2 sets per day on shit like decline sit ups.

      Can I deadhang if I still have shoulder discomfort or is the "deadhangs will cure your shoulder" bullshit?
      Also, would doing cardio 5x a week 15% incline 3mph frick with my recovery?

      What's wrong with your shoulders? If it's some office work related thing, sure, it'll heal you.

      Complete sedentary guy here
      I think I'm having some sort of misconception about working out

      Am I supposed to work out every single day?
      like do PPL 6 days a week?
      so I probably should exercise till my muscles and sore and unusable?

      Too much for you and you'll stuff yourself up in the long run because you won't have anywhere to go in terms of adding volume.

      How often can I do rotator cuff exercises? I'm talking like 10 sets

      2-3 sets with every session. You're not meant to hammer them.

      Am i screwing myself out of gains if i do bench press and overhead press on seperate days?
      I:E, I do bench on wednesday ro hit my chest, and ohp on friday to hit my shoulders?

      That's fine.

      • 12 months ago

        >What's wrong with your shoulders?
        I don't know. Trying to get an MRI but I've had bad posture for years.
        Only been lifting for 6 months and they started to feel sore more than usual, actual discomfort. It's only one side.

    • 12 months ago

      When doing calisthenics, you need to log into Amazon and buy a power rack and weights

      • 12 months ago

        >>epic lulz were had. Someone give this guy reddit gold!!

  121. 12 months ago

    I now weigh less than and am leaner than I was in highschool and a lot of my depression and anxiety issues have resurfaced seemingly out of nowhere. How normal is this? Does have a lean composition just make some people crazy? Should I up dietary fat and see where that goes? (currently at 30-40g a day of mostly monosaturated fat)

    • 12 months ago

      >30-40g a day
      homie WTF are you doing
      eat more fats
      youre not a roidtroony prepping for a contest

      • 12 months ago

        It seemed like enough when I was cutting. I'm just guessing I'm not using my own fat for this kind of stuff anymore.

    • 12 months ago

      You're not eating enough
      Hormones are dictated by diet

      Find your lean body mass in pounds.
      Take that number by 0.8, that number should be your protein per day
      You need at least double that in carbs
      Then the rest of your caloric intake should be fat. Saturated vs unsaturated fats really hasnt been found to make a difference

      You should be doing cardio and hitting enough heavy compounds every week that you end up getting a bunch of fat every day.

      At my peak bulk before I cut to my bodybuilding peak, I was eating 200g protein, 500g of carbs (not sugar or alcohol) and then the rest of my 4500+ calories we're all fat (1700 calories of fat or 200g of a fat)
      I then optimized down/cut to my leanest biggest self

      To maintain the most lean mass, your metabolism needs to be as high as you can possibly get it
      In doing this, you'll feel amazing, you'll look amazing, you'll have amazing numbers and energy levels etc etc etc

  122. 12 months ago

    I'm an average weight guy who's never done any real exercising before. 5'10" 170lbs. Basically just a dad bod. Not fat, but not fit.

    Lately, I've been getting into running. I found this plan for working up to running for extended periods by starting out with alternating between running and walking and progressively tilting the ratio towards running only.

    Here's my issue. After doing just the beginning sets, my ankles go fricking numb. After 30 min of walking/running, I can't seem to bend by ankle anymore and I have to basically drag my feet back to my apartment. There's no pain and it doesn't last, it's just stiff and numb, like after sleeping on your arm or something.

    Is this gonna go away as I run more or is because I'm wearing the wrong shoes/socks, am I just running wrong?

    • 12 months ago

      Sounds like your shoes are probably too tight. It should go away but it's possible you're too heavy/have such poor mobility right now you can't run correctly since that's an issue specific to your physiology I can't say either are true.

  123. 12 months ago

    What exercise would help me the most to get through a festival?
    Aka standing for a long time and going hard in the moshpit.
    Some kind of cardio surely?

    • 12 months ago

      Walking for hours every day
      Take a few days off before the festival

      • 12 months ago

        But the moshpit stuff itself seeks almost like HIIT. But something in between l. I gas out after minutes

        • 12 months ago

          That means you aren't eating enough
          You should be doing cardio multiple times a week regardless

  124. 12 months ago

    Hey anons, I started at 55kg (121 lbs) 6ft. Gained weight 65kg (143 lbs) in 5-6 months. Had to stop because of heart surgery. I've recovered now and want to start again.

    I used to do PPL but I no longer have the time. Looking for a solid beginner program that doesn't involve any machines. Have squat rack, bench, dumbbell, barbell, and plates.

    Goal is to get to 75kg and stay there. Also, what is my TDEE? Desk job but I go cycling for 30mins every other day.

    • 12 months ago

      >heart surgery
      is your heart still a problem?

      • 12 months ago

        I'll get the official green light next month. But it has been months since my surgery and I feel normal. It was a minimally invasive procedure so don't have any scars either.

    • 12 months ago

      Forgot to add, I liked PPL because of its simplicity. No % 1RM math or anything else, just had to add constant weight each session.

    • 12 months ago

      I'd probably just do a full body program with linear progression like starting strength, stronglifts 5x5, or greyskull lp. Otherwise I'm doing upper/lower now, and I like that I can adjust it from working out just two times a week to every day. I'm not really doing PHUL, I'm mainly focusing on hypertrophy and do heavy lifting once in a while.
      Otherwise I like 5/3/1 and I'm thinking of incorporating it in my Upper/lower split later on, but not right now.

  125. 12 months ago

    I struggle to do dumbbell rows with my left arms at the current weight, while I do them fine with my right. Should I go down a weight and exert my right arm less while not half-failing with my left or just keep at it?

    • 12 months ago

      You should stop using dumbbells and only use barbells until you even out
      Also, obviously, fap with your other hand

      • 12 months ago

        >Also, obviously, fap with your other hand
        Yes yes, I figured that was coming, thank you.
        But I'll give barbell rows a try, even if I can't really track the same weight as dumbbells

      • 12 months ago

        arent barbells supposed to cause even more imbalance?

        • 12 months ago

          No. You're able to actually keep the bar path even and see that you're staying in line
          Trying to even out with dumbbells is like trying to level 2 kitchen cabinets with each other across the kitchen using 2 different levels and nothing else.

          >>epic lulz were had. Someone give this guy reddit gold!!

          I just gave you the best advice you'll ever get and you think this is a fricking joke?
          Good luck with your non existent gains, big guy. Can't say I didn't try

          T. I've been lifting longer than you've been alive

          • 12 months ago

            Post body then boomer moron

            • 12 months ago

              Millennials are now up to 58 years old

              Sorry bro

  126. 12 months ago

    Has anyone had any experience with acupressure mats? Do they aid in recovery at all, or are they just a meme?

  127. 12 months ago

    Tier below DYEL here. What's wrong with my back? Am I not hitting some muscles below my traps or what's with the hole?
    I do wide grip lat pulldowns, rows, reverse flys (all on machines) and power shrugs for the back. I also do deadlifts on one spine day and rack pulls + good mornings on the other.

    • 12 months ago

      s'pose I'll make a thread

  128. 12 months ago

    Would a partially torn bicep grow back or will it always look weird? Asking for a friend.

    • 12 months ago

      Your friend needs to see a doctor.

      • 12 months ago

        He doesn’t have insurance.

        • 12 months ago

          If it really is just a partial tear, then the muscle will heal itself over time. It's worth the cost of seeing a doctor since, depending on the severity of the tear, the muscle could heal in a way that impedes the use of that muscle in the future.

          • 12 months ago

            I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. There is like a dent at the inside top of my bicep and then it bulges out towards the bottom. It definitely wasn’t like this before I worked out the day before yesterday. It’s not extreme but it is visible and it creates a shadow midway down my bicep. I can feel it with my fingers too and my other arm isn’t like that.

            • 12 months ago

              You lying shit, I thought it was your friend's arm.

              • 12 months ago

                You can't trust anyone on an anonymous basket weaving forum anymore.

  129. 12 months ago

    How do you make gains with gerd?

    • 12 months ago


  130. 12 months ago

    Any recommended lifting belts? Don't need something expensive, I see a couple options between $30-$40 on amazon, but I don't know whats good.

    • 12 months ago

      Schiek and harbinger with metal clasps are best cheapies

      • 12 months ago

        Ok, I just got this one. Quick search and a lot of people were saying it's not good for squats for the contour, so I'm hoping they're wrong.

  131. 12 months ago

    I'm definitely not close to 12% body fat. Is this thing accurate at all?

  132. 12 months ago

    does being in water help burn calories?
    me and the boys will go on a boat trip this summer and we'll be eating, drinking a lot without too much physical activity I reckon so question a, how can I ensure I can at least not gain weight and b, does being present in salt water help you lose calories? I guess it might as you waddle around and shit right? and I always feel tired after sea sessions

    can an anon walk me through specifics of calories, sea and offer some tips for an efficient 10 minute HIIT program maybe?

    • 12 months ago

      you cannot be serious

      • 12 months ago

        I am serious to some extent
        mind you, being in the water is not swimming for 40 minutes, its just staying afloat

    • 12 months ago

      you're kinda a moron but just suck it up, have a good time, and then deal with the caloric consequences of your binge drinking when you get back

      • 12 months ago

        (we are planning 70cls of liquor per person, and 6 beers, and a 3 egg ham and cheese omelette, a kg of meat and 300 grs of rice for two meals)
        (per day)

  133. 12 months ago

    >beginner trying to recomp, currently ~22% bf
    Been working out for few months and suddenly I became more veiny on forearms, they are more visable through skin when resting and pop out a little on a pump.

    What's the cause? Is this a sign of a succesful cut or do veins get bigger when working out regurally? I've been maitaining weight for a while now and I swear these veins were not there before.

    • 12 months ago

      >Recomp at 22%

      • 12 months ago

        whats wrong?

        • 12 months ago

          You shouldn't be trying to recomp at such high body fat. Your priority should be losing fat right now, cut to 15% at least before doing recomp.

          • 12 months ago

            What? It's the untrained with high body fat that are capable of recomping? You're giving terrible advice.

  134. 12 months ago

    >trying to bulk
    >slowly getting belly fat
    >legs getting no fat
    I'm squating 3x a week and I'm seeing growth in that area, but I want my legs even bigger. Do I just keep eating?

  135. 12 months ago

    28 yo virgin here, any of you actually got laid after lifting or am I doomed and would just become a gymcel?
    Doing it either way to feel better with myself, don't get me wrong, but I just want to know if it's over for me

    • 12 months ago

      Honestly the reason you'll get laid by working out is more likely to be caused by increased confidence and being more outgoing than because of your muscles. Girls don't care as much as we like to think.

      • 12 months ago

        Having a nice body helps them look past some of the weird shit we do, though. Before I got IST, not a single girl would listen to me talk about disc golf without laughing at me, now they act like it's a real sport when I talk to them about it.

    • 12 months ago

      moronic question
      when you look at these transformations where people go from skinny/fat to adonis, do you really think they didn't start receiving mires from girls?
      >Doing it either way to feel better with myself,
      Don't fricking lie to me. Wanting to get pussy is much more powerful goal. Remember, every missed workout puts you further from tight teen virgin pussy

      • 12 months ago

        I work out because my body stops working if I don't. It's a pretty nice motivator.

      • 12 months ago

        >when you look at these transformations where people go from skinny/fat to adonis, do you really think they didn't start receiving mires from girls?

        IDK anon

        • 12 months ago

          Did any of these guys confirm that they situation hasn't changed? or is that what you assume?
          >lose incel glasses
          >better haircut
          >take photos at complementary angle with better lighting

        • 12 months ago

          guy with the glasses in the middle has a pretty okay face, too bad he is so small though. Honestly some of these are funny because they look like their heads were photoshopped onto their bodies, the dudes with the more rounder faces are holding water weight from gut inflammation, probably eating processed food once and a while or sugar. Alcohol and caffiene can do that too.

        • 12 months ago

          Better ugly and ripped than ugly and fat if I'm honest.

  136. 12 months ago

    looking to start working out at home very soon. never worked out before but i'm excited as shit, always wanted to, was just too stupid/lazy.

    gradually increasing my caloric intake right now as i average anywhere from 1200-1600cals a day (5'9 130lbs, fast metabolism, always struggled to gain). getting dumbells soon and just going to start basic bro split.

    if i've done my math right, i need to be getting at least 2300cals a day if i want to fill out and gain muscle. is that right? just looking for some more experienced anons to double check me. again, I've never worked out before, didn't play sports past age 7, never had athletic friends, so i feel like a complete dumbass trying to get started. general advice would be appreciated, especially from any anon with similar starting body


    • 12 months ago

      >fast metabolism
      first thing you should learn is that there is no such thing as fast or slow metabolisms outside of diseases like PCOS and diabetes. Your body will only burn the amount of energy you use in a day, it doesn't magically decide to burn less or more. The biggest thing you can do to improve any kind of struggle with weight gain is to WEIGH YOUR PORTIONS. Tons of people think they are eating more than they actually are when it comes to weight management, so actually finding the exact number of calories you're intaking is vital.
      >i average anywhere from 1200-1600cals a day
      It's also very important to make sure you're eating a consistent amount daily. No "2300 calories here and 1500 calories there", it needs to be 2300 cal every day, period.
      >i need to be getting at least 2300cals a day if i want to fill out and gain muscle
      Honestly according to a tdee calc you probably want to increase it to 2400 if you want to regain any calories you burn during exercise.
      >general advice would be appreciated
      make sure you're getting in enough protein as well. You want to intake 0.82g/lb of lean body mass (body weight minus fat). So if you're, like, 12% BF, you want to be eating a minimum of 95g of protein a day. This will increase slightly as you gain weight.

      How do I manage sugar cravings? I'm trying to drink less and apparently that is where the sugar cravings come from, I've heard lemon juice mixed with water helps? Should I stop eating fruit too?

      it's not a fun answer, but stop buying and eating sugary things. That's really it. The cravings will be there and it sucks, but there's no way to "overwrite it" really. Diet soda is okay to temper the intensity of them.

      28 yo virgin here, any of you actually got laid after lifting or am I doomed and would just become a gymcel?
      Doing it either way to feel better with myself, don't get me wrong, but I just want to know if it's over for me

      yes, but the ironic part is most of the people I've hooked up with prefer a dadbod/slightly fat look compared to cut lean muscle.

      >trying to bulk
      >slowly getting belly fat
      >legs getting no fat
      I'm squating 3x a week and I'm seeing growth in that area, but I want my legs even bigger. Do I just keep eating?

      how hard are you bulking? What's your current bodyfat%? How many pounds are you gaining per week?

      What? It's the untrained with high body fat that are capable of recomping? You're giving terrible advice.

      he's not, recomping is already a dumb idea to start with and it's borderline useless with excess fat. You want to cut during a beginner phase to maximize fat loss with noob gains.

  137. 12 months ago

    My twink friend says milk gives you hollow bones in your later years and is fully against drinking it. Sounds like horse shit...right?

    • 12 months ago

      my grandmother said carbonated soda makes your bones brittle

    • 12 months ago

      a whole website called google exists for this dumbass questions

    • 12 months ago

      Most likely it doesn't get much more wrong than that.

  138. 12 months ago

    once I get my goal body, I'm thinking of just doing a 2-day/week thing where I go in, do like bench, lat pulldown/rows, squats, and that'd be it. Just a compound to hit the major muscles and be done in like 20-30 minutes, maybe throw in lateral raise for shoulders. Is that the generic end-stage workout everyone else does?

  139. 12 months ago

    When comparing to upper/lower 4day split, would I be leaving gains at the table if I did 4 day PPL split where on 4th day i do push/pull?

  140. 12 months ago

    Is taking kratom every other day gonna hurt my gains? It sure does help with motivation by a lot.
    Is mixing coffee with creatine bad?

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