"Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Should i be a left wing lifter, or a right wing lifter?

    • 12 months ago

      you should be a left-hand path lifter

      • 12 months ago

        Get behind me Satan

        • 12 months ago

          I bow to nobody, this makes me a satanist?

          • 12 months ago

            The left hand path originates from the occult. Did you just type shit without knowing what it meant anon?

            • 12 months ago

              the occult isn't satanic you christcuck

              • 12 months ago

                all magic(k) is demonic in origin

              • 12 months ago

                If you are a christcuck maybe

            • 12 months ago

              >The left hand path originates from the occult.
              Left hand path originates from folk religion side of Hinduism, Shaktiism, as contrasting to Brahminic practices. It is basically part of the real Tantra as opposed to the heavily memed fuggin' rituals.

              Occult was coined by some israelite in early 19th century, I think

              • 12 months ago

                PS The term left hand path. I think it was appropriated by Evola or someone like that? Satanists are a bunch of Atlas Shrugged pseuds that buy St Peter's cross at Hot Topic, don't take anything they say seriously.

    • 12 months ago

      There's a stonetoss comic about people being right wing because they lift. I guess if you want to go the main stream route, right wing. If you want to be contrarian, left wing. But then you probably need to be vegan, use hrt, and not do offending exercises like deadlifts on planet fitness so it'll be a lot harder.

    • 12 months ago

      You can't be a left wing lifter because it's offensive to fatties

    • 12 months ago

      >left wing lifter
      Greetings Gender neutral comrade, this is just a friendly reminder to check your privilege. You know, not everyone can afford nutrition and gear to get as jacked as others more privileged. Your presence in the gym is offensive to our less privileged comrades. Nogoldovich's Gym has requested that you voluntarily redistribute your gains to the curvy genderqueer humans over by the bicycles. No comrade, see this is where you are mistaken. Your gains were not earned, but stolen from the people. They put in as much work as you do, they sit on the bike for 2 hours per day, and you lift 1 hour per day. They have clearly done more labor than you. You obviously stole the gains from them.

      • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago

          Joedan Petergan?

      • 12 months ago

        He said left wing, not lib

  2. 12 months ago

    Does anyone else notice they treat people shittier and have less drive in the gym if they've jerked off to porn recently? I realized it this morning

    • 12 months ago


  3. 12 months ago

    Can I do 5x5 Stronglifts while cutting at a 1000kcal deficit and still expect to linearly progress? I’m about 20-25%bf and I am just getting back into lifting after a long time.

    • 12 months ago

      I think you're going to be too weak/fatigued to do it properly. But you can try I guess. When I've been on a hiatus for a while and need to regain my lifts, I usually start by doing linear progression again. I had a two year break now, started on probably half of the weight on my previous PRs, and advanced really quickly. Muscles were still there but needed to gain strength back I guess. Progressing is a lot easier and I haven't really stalled yet, but I don't think I'll reach my previous lifts with just linear progression.

      • 12 months ago

        Is there a better option for a lifting program when you’re starting on a heavy cut? I want to lose about 20lbs before I start going back up

    • 12 months ago

      Lifting on that much of a deficit is miserable but you can try. Your linear progress is probably going to have a very short run unless you're like 250lb+

      am i pretty?

      Ask your mom

      How legit are resistant starches?

      Also, anybody keeping track of dr Gundry? His diet shit seems to evolve in more interesting directions than just aping keto and minimizing animal protein. I myself can't really let go of starches for more than a year, so that guy's takes resonate.

      >How legit are resistant starches?
      They are a real component of dietary fibre. Claims you can cool and reheat carbohydrates over and over again to develop even more resistant starches are played up for clicks. Sorry man, they tricked me too if it makes you feel better

      Hey anons, I started at 55kg (121 lbs) 6ft. Gained weight 65kg (143 lbs) in 5-6 months. Had to stop because of heart surgery. I've recovered now and want to start again.

      I used to do PPL (because simplicity and no math, just add weight) but I no longer have the time. Looking for a solid beginner program that doesn't involve any machines. Have squat rack, bench, dumbbell, barbell, and plates.

      Goal is to get to 75kg and stay there. Also, what is my TDEE? Desk job but I go cycling for 30mins every other day.

      Please anons, WFH is ending soon.

      Any LP you like the sound of. Just remember, no LP lasts forever and when you hit your plateaus it's time to think about new programming
      What was the heart surgery about, out of interest?

    • 12 months ago

      I've done 5x5 on rolling 48 hour fasts for 3 weeks forever straught and I weighed about 180 at 6 feet in the beginning.

  4. 12 months ago

    am i pretty?

  5. 12 months ago

    How legit are resistant starches?

    Also, anybody keeping track of dr Gundry? His diet shit seems to evolve in more interesting directions than just aping keto and minimizing animal protein. I myself can't really let go of starches for more than a year, so that guy's takes resonate.

  6. 12 months ago

    Hey anons, I started at 55kg (121 lbs) 6ft. Gained weight 65kg (143 lbs) in 5-6 months. Had to stop because of heart surgery. I've recovered now and want to start again.

    I used to do PPL (because simplicity and no math, just add weight) but I no longer have the time. Looking for a solid beginner program that doesn't involve any machines. Have squat rack, bench, dumbbell, barbell, and plates.

    Goal is to get to 75kg and stay there. Also, what is my TDEE? Desk job but I go cycling for 30mins every other day.

    Please anons, WFH is ending soon.

    • 12 months ago


  7. 12 months ago

    in the states do the plates go by lbs or still kg?

    • 12 months ago

      We certainly count them in lbs, but many of them also have kg, kind of like how our car speedometers have both mph and kph.

  8. 12 months ago

    What bench and ohp level do I need to be around to be able to do dips? I'm a 6'4 90kg 20bf% newbie who tried to do a dip without getting close. Yes, I know about assisted dips, I'm just curious as to when people were able to do real dips.

    • 12 months ago

      There are a lot of factors. I could do dips and muscle-ups when I could barely lift the bar for bench and OHP because I was 5’8” 110lbs

    • 12 months ago

      my stats are similar to yours. not a total noob but somewhere between noob and intermediate (dyel). my bench and OHP are both trash but i can do 3x5 + 1xAMRAP dips. hardest part was getting the form down and maintaining it during exercise i.e. not wrecking my shoulders and letting triceps/chest do the work. highly recommend learning dips though, i save it for last because it gives me a killer pump

      • 12 months ago

        Hypertrophy benching is better with dumbbells anyway.

        thanks lads

  9. 12 months ago

    I don't respect nor take seriously any man who's not at least 70% natty limit and over 15% bodyfat.
    Is this normal?

    • 12 months ago

      I think this is fine, most Anglo countries are 70% overweight, so right away there's only 30% of the population who are viable

  10. 12 months ago

    How do I decide what powerlifting program to run? I like the one I've been doing but I don't know whether I could be making better gains on a different one with faster progression or more/less volume.

    • 12 months ago

      Try different ones out for a couple of cycles and use the one you like best I guess. You don't need to do the same program all the time. Most likely you'll progress better if you actually do something a bit different every three months or so, because you get caught in a routine without progressing.

      • 12 months ago


  11. 12 months ago

    could've made a separate finasteride thread, but pharma israelites will try banning me.
    I've experienced sides from finasteride(1mg every other day over the course of 4 months) like severe constipation, little to no erections, watery semen, bloating, slight enlargement of nipples, massive decline in my ability to concentrate & remember and melancholy.
    the positive side effects were significant reduction in acne, lesser need to use the toilet, reduction in varices inspite of doing more physical activity than I'd done b4 and of course hair growth.
    Should i quit or try some other frequency & dosage? I did start experiencing sides right from finasteride on day 5 or 6 when i began taking 1mg every day and decided to immediately switch the frequency as soon as I broke down crying like a woman. The majority of sides were still present but the incidence of feeling that i could faint at any anytime decreased.

  12. 12 months ago

    What are alternatives to 'knee supported dumbbell rows'? I always feel like I was doing something wrong technically. Are there some substitute exercise? I've seen some dudes lying on belly on angled bench and doing this that way, maybe it's a good choice?

  13. 12 months ago

    How can I motivate myself to go to the gym today? I have skipped it for two days and it’ll be three if I skip again.

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      I've started to just start out with the rowing machine when I get to the gym. If I don't feel like it after 20 minutes of rowing, I just go home. But usually I get in the mood to lift afterwards.

      • 12 months ago

        I like cycling, so I would get into 'gym mood' by riding a stationary bike for a little.

  14. 12 months ago

    homie, I cant use my right hand for 2 months! any recommendations for escaping skinnyfat in this situation? will I look like a trex?

  15. 12 months ago

    if I were to bench hypertrophy, aka more reps with lower weight than with strength, would I be okay without a spotter? This would assume that if I fail the last rep, I'd be able to get the bar off of myself without injury

    • 12 months ago

      Hypertrophy benching is better with dumbbells anyway.

  16. 12 months ago

    moron dyel here. Doing romanian deadlifts with 24kg in each hand, feeling some tightness in lower back as well as hamstrings. Is it poor form?

  17. 12 months ago

    lifting or running what will benefit my life more?

    • 12 months ago

      Cardio is probably better for overall health benefits, but lifting is good for a sedentery life style and posture issues and looking better.

      moron dyel here. Doing romanian deadlifts with 24kg in each hand, feeling some tightness in lower back as well as hamstrings. Is it poor form?

      Maybe, but could also be weak core and abs. Do you do back extensions, and obliques/quadratus lumborum work like side bends?

  18. 12 months ago

    What do you do to stay fit while traveling for work? My schedule is generally tight and the only time for a proper meal is during lunch and dinner. I do snack during the day at least. In the evening, I have to choose between working out and getting good sleep, and I choose going to be early basically every time.

  19. 12 months ago

    I'm making a small home gym. I don't have much room, so I've bought a half rack with a pull up bar, a barbell with 220lbs of plates plus another 20lbs of fractional plates. I already have adjustable dumbbells and a bench which I've been using for the last 6 months. Anything else I need that I've forgotten?

    • 12 months ago

      Rings can be hanged from the top bar allowing for a myriad of exercises and skills.

      moron dyel here. Doing romanian deadlifts with 24kg in each hand, feeling some tightness in lower back as well as hamstrings. Is it poor form?

      Is your back neutral through the entirety of the ROM? If so, you're fine.

      Not lifting related, but I need some input
      >have a degree and steady job (teacher)
      >can go for an additional degree which can open new paths
      >degree costs quite a bit (2k-3k per year) and I have rent and a mortgage already
      >happy with my life and routine now, and I'm not sure if adding courses will cause more stress and unhappiness
      Do I go for the degree or should I just stay content with what I have atm?

      >I have rent and a mortgage already
      Does that actually save you money? Unless you're living with your parents and they charge you little for rent, you should just live on your property.
      If you're under 40, go for the degree. You already have a house you can use as equity if you really need to.

      I think I'm too weak for barbell rows; my back keeps rounding out with just the bar alone. Any recommendations to replace it to work up towards it?

      Stretch your hips and hamstrings.
      Chest supported barbell row. Lying chest supported dumbbell row.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah, I did something similar to this with dumbbells. Thank you.

        • 12 months ago

          Once the weight gets heavier, use the pussy pad at the top end of the bench. Your chest will thank me later.

      • 12 months ago

        The mortgage is for a plot of land in another country, which is part investment and part living opportunity for later

    • 12 months ago

      Exercise bands and a back extension bench. You can do most of the cable stuff you'd otherwise do with bands really. Otherwise stuff like chalk, straps, dips belt, lifting belt, mat for stretches, ez bar, abs wheel maybe.
      Can't think of much else than a rowing machine, but that takes up a godawful amount of space.

  20. 12 months ago

    Opinions on dry fasting?

  21. 12 months ago

    Not lifting related, but I need some input
    >have a degree and steady job (teacher)
    >can go for an additional degree which can open new paths
    >degree costs quite a bit (2k-3k per year) and I have rent and a mortgage already
    >happy with my life and routine now, and I'm not sure if adding courses will cause more stress and unhappiness
    Do I go for the degree or should I just stay content with what I have atm?

  22. 12 months ago

    I think I'm too weak for barbell rows; my back keeps rounding out with just the bar alone. Any recommendations to replace it to work up towards it?

  23. 12 months ago

    I have been abstaining from masturbation recently.
    Today I was peeing and cum literally started coming out, wasn't even excited or felt anything, just cum came out mixed with pee. Is this normal?

    • 12 months ago

      it will come out like this or at night. semen production never stops, so it has to go somewhere eventually

      • 12 months ago

        Thanks that's a relief.

  24. 12 months ago

    Should I be fricking the barbell in deadlift lockout
    thanks in advance

  25. 12 months ago

    How do I know I stopped getting noob gains?

  26. 12 months ago

    should i stretch after and before i ran or workout
    i currently dont stretch at all
    what stretches should i even do that dont take 30 minutes to complete

  27. 12 months ago

    Arms should be mostly parallel at the bottom of a bench press viewed from both the front and the side. I can't get both. Does that make sense? Pinky on the ring will look good from the front, bad from the side (like, my elbow won't just be a tiny bit in front, it's too much). Middle finger in the ring is the exact opposite (like 80 degrees from the floor instead of 90 when viewed from the front). I could probably do pinky, but I'd have to touch below the sternum to get my elbow under it from the side.

    Is perfectly perpendicular from both sides something everyone could reach, or is it more of a guideline? I just feel unsure because needing to go middle finger just to be able to neatly touch on the middle of my sternum sounds weird; it's quite a wide grip. Is that even realistic anatomically speaking?

    • 12 months ago

      it's a guideline anon, obviously every single person is built a little differently and not everyone will be able to get it perfectly depending on their body shape and insertions.

      should i stretch after and before i ran or workout
      i currently dont stretch at all
      what stretches should i even do that dont take 30 minutes to complete

      You should stretch at least a few times a week, it can be any time of the day except before lifting, static stretches before lifting can contribute to injuries. pic related.

      How do I know I stopped getting noob gains?

      Because you'll stop progressing.

      How can I motivate myself to go to the gym today? I have skipped it for two days and it’ll be three if I skip again.

      remember why you started


      could've made a separate finasteride thread, but pharma israelites will try banning me.
      I've experienced sides from finasteride(1mg every other day over the course of 4 months) like severe constipation, little to no erections, watery semen, bloating, slight enlargement of nipples, massive decline in my ability to concentrate & remember and melancholy.
      the positive side effects were significant reduction in acne, lesser need to use the toilet, reduction in varices inspite of doing more physical activity than I'd done b4 and of course hair growth.
      Should i quit or try some other frequency & dosage? I did start experiencing sides right from finasteride on day 5 or 6 when i began taking 1mg every day and decided to immediately switch the frequency as soon as I broke down crying like a woman. The majority of sides were still present but the incidence of feeling that i could faint at any anytime decreased.

      that shit does not sound like it's worth the hair tradeoff. I'd talk to your doc.

      • 12 months ago

        thank stretches felt pretty good
        I like when it hurts a bit

      • 12 months ago

        I guess that I understand that it's a guideline, but usually guidelines don't have massive exceptions. The fact that I need to grip that wide to get a bench press that works (not in a "it's best" way, but just "not shit") kinda threw me off. Especially because it's so close to the max allowed competition width. I assumed that basically everyone would be able to make pinky on ring work and have parallel arms without the bar almost touching their belly. If not, then it's fine.

      • 12 months ago

        >that shit does not sound like it's worth the hair tradeoff. I'd talk to your doc.
        how common are symptoms like constipation and what triggers it?
        Also, About the acne, I've had a sudden burst of it just last week and decided to call it quits 3 days ago. Could it due to constipation? The pleasure of pooping loads of shit today morning was just too damn relaxing bro.
        What's the deal with new korean drug that only blocks scalp dht?

  28. 12 months ago

    I bought a cheapo connected watch with HR monitoring. I'd like to build a base cardio with LISS.

    Does anybody know of an Android app that would send me notifications if I go above target heart rate? The few ones I tried ask for heart rate variability measurements and my watch doesn't do those.

  29. 12 months ago

    My right knee been tweaking a little bit for almost 1 week now, but pain has been decreased significantly recently.
    Should I do hack or bulgarian split squats today? which one is safer for knees?

  30. 12 months ago

    What do you eat eggs with? I always feel hungry after eating them (I eat 5 per serving). Should I just eat bread with them?

    • 12 months ago

      Personally I like eggs with sautéed spinach and some yogurt. I don’t have to do much prep and it uses the same dishes. Wouldn’t be that much more effort to add sliced mushrooms and garlic cloves

    • 12 months ago

      I always like 2-3 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, and an english muffin or some kind of bread so I can make a little open faced sandwich with some hot sauce or sriracha.

      am noob, 20-25% bf
      I keep reading "bulk until you reach about 15% body fat, and then start cutting until you're down to 8-10%". Is this for actual bodybuilders or am i supposed to slim down to that before i even start bulking? I'm already DYEL as it is

      lmao 8-10% is extremely hard to maintain for most people, unless you're just a hungry skeleton i guess. It is strongly recommended to not bulk above like 22-24% as at that point you're just accumulating a lot of excess fat that hides muscles.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm currently designing a recipe of savory swiss meringue to dip in a tomato basil sabayon sauce.

  31. 12 months ago

    am noob, 20-25% bf
    I keep reading "bulk until you reach about 15% body fat, and then start cutting until you're down to 8-10%". Is this for actual bodybuilders or am i supposed to slim down to that before i even start bulking? I'm already DYEL as it is

  32. 12 months ago

    I am 6’2 220. I did sl for 5 months. I can squat 315 high bar, deadlift 315, Ohp 135. Bench and dips both hurt my shoulder. What is a good program for me?

    • 12 months ago

      >Bench and dips both hurt my shoulder.
      Just jump over to a program for hypertrophy where you only lift heavy on occasion. I'd probably do something like Upper/Lower or 5/3/1, you've probably maxed your noobie gains so a submaximal lifting program like 5/3/1 would probably fit you.

      am noob, 20-25% bf
      I keep reading "bulk until you reach about 15% body fat, and then start cutting until you're down to 8-10%". Is this for actual bodybuilders or am i supposed to slim down to that before i even start bulking? I'm already DYEL as it is

      I'd build a bit of muscles before I'd go on a cut because it sucks cutting down to nothing, you'll lose muscles when you cut and might get some issues on the way. I'd probably just do a recomp and eat at maintenance, staying at the same weight every week, losing fat, gaining muscle. This is possible if you're overweight and a noob, but it's pretty hard otherwise.

      Most people here are going to tell you to cut first, but that's bad advice because of the issues you'll get from having no muscles like pain and form issue.

    • 12 months ago

      Sounds like you need to fap with the other hand and learn to rehab your shoulders


      Been lifting 4 months, last 2 following this plan which is modified PHAT to something I enjoy more.
      I'm sick of leg days, feels like I'm training them every day even though it's only twice a week.

      How would you modify this? I'm thinking about doing only a few leg exercises on Wednesdays and replacing them with ab workouts, forearm extensions, neck exercises, random stuff I can't fit in elsewhere time-wise. On weekdays I do 90 mins and 120mins on the weekend.

      Anything else you guys suggest?

      >175cm 107kg fatty

      On leg days just strip it to squats, deads, hip thrusts and ab work
      You can do as much volume as you need and then cardio after will help you recover
      I would probably just run canditos PHUL which is a superior program and will give you more recovery time

      Can someone help me figure out the right amount to eat for a small bulk? 6'3" 181 lifting six days a week for ~45 minutes a day. Seems like it should be somewhere around 2700 to 2900.

      You have to track what you eat and your weight for at least a week
      No one can just tell you your tdee

      do cold showers help with loose skin? I feel like shit after them id hate to be wasting my time.

      If anything I would guess they would hurt them as you need maximum blood flow.
      Cold showers are good for test, but short hot showers don't negatively affect your test so it doesn't fricking matter
      Start supping yohimbe every day and do cardio as often as you can. Also, moisturize the frick out of the loose parts

  33. 12 months ago

    Been lifting 4 months, last 2 following this plan which is modified PHAT to something I enjoy more.
    I'm sick of leg days, feels like I'm training them every day even though it's only twice a week.

    How would you modify this? I'm thinking about doing only a few leg exercises on Wednesdays and replacing them with ab workouts, forearm extensions, neck exercises, random stuff I can't fit in elsewhere time-wise. On weekdays I do 90 mins and 120mins on the weekend.

    Anything else you guys suggest?

    >175cm 107kg fatty

    • 12 months ago

      I'd just work on legs less. If you have them so much, I'd probably just do squats and deadlifts once a week, and just throw in some calf raises as supersets wherever. You legs are going to grow regardless, they need so little simulation in comparison to the rest of your body to grow.

  34. 12 months ago

    I'm looking for some basic exercises and routines I can do at home for the sake of my health. There aren't any gyms within a reasonable distance of me (under 30 minutes out of my way) except for a Planet Fitness and I don't have much money or space for equipment. What I have is a freestanding pullup bar and dumbbells from 5-25lbs that I got free.

    Getting really big isn't my goal, so I'm not concerned with optimized and perfected routines; I just want to lose 15lbs, gain some muscle, and be overall healthier. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    • 12 months ago

      Do a full body work out with split squats or lunges, floor press and overhead press, stiff one-legged deadlifts, one-sided rows, chins/pull ups and some sort of abs exercise like hanging leg raises. You should probably aim for like 3 sets of 8-12 reps, where you usually use double progression (increase reps from 8 one session, to 10 next session, then 12, then the next session increase weight and start from 8 reps again).
      Planet Fitness is probably fine for your goal and is almost free, and there you'll have access to cardio equipment, heavier dumbbells and benches, and a smith machine if you want to start lifting heavy (they don't have barbells afaik). I don't really think that planet fitness would be that bad for your goals, I know that it's mostly shunned here and other places, but for untrained people just wanting to get into shape it's probably enough and really cheap.

  35. 12 months ago

    So I've sustained a facebook conversation with a girl from work outside of our shifts that's gone on for about a month now, like a continuation of work banter, sometimes her sending a photo to me of something relevant to our conversations/humour, implying she'll visit me at my new workplace cause I won't be so easily rid of her yet, etc. That tend to be a sign of mutual interest? Does that constitute us as "chatting"?

  36. 12 months ago

    How do I get rid of my dandruff?

    Has anything worked for you IST? T he off the shelf Selenium B shampoo isn’t doing it for me. And ever since the winter my dandruff has gotten awful. You help greatly appreciated.

    • 12 months ago

      Quitting shampoo got rid of mine. I shampoo and condition once every week or 10 days, and after a month of that my scalp was doing much better.

    • 12 months ago

      I trade off my ketozoic or whatever the frick it's called (nizoral) with some alternative dandruff shampoo (head and shoulders with medicinal dose). I do them twice a week, usually alternating. That seems to keep my dandruff at bay. I also only shampoo every other day, condition every day.

  37. 12 months ago

    Can someone help me figure out the right amount to eat for a small bulk? 6'3" 181 lifting six days a week for ~45 minutes a day. Seems like it should be somewhere around 2700 to 2900.

    • 12 months ago

      If I check out your stats with the first googled tdee calculator, maintenance for you is 2971 cals with 3-5 workouts a week. So it might be a bit low.

      • 12 months ago

        Alright, thanks friend.

  38. 12 months ago

    do cold showers help with loose skin? I feel like shit after them id hate to be wasting my time.

  39. 12 months ago

    does anyone know if scar tissue is more susceptable to tearing vs regular tissue? I keep trying to up my bench and these old scars on my chest keep getting super fricking sore and I cant tell if its the musculature just beneath or if Im overexerting and close to reopening them

  40. 12 months ago

    My face and palms are greasy all the time. Someone told me that they be less greasy if I'll reduce bf% and fats consumption. Is it true?

    • 12 months ago

      fat consumption has nothing to do with it. reducing body fat will help you sweat less, which might make the appearance of greasiness also less. but usually greasy skin is a thing on its own and you gotta find a facial cleanser that works for your skin.

      So I've sustained a facebook conversation with a girl from work outside of our shifts that's gone on for about a month now, like a continuation of work banter, sometimes her sending a photo to me of something relevant to our conversations/humour, implying she'll visit me at my new workplace cause I won't be so easily rid of her yet, etc. That tend to be a sign of mutual interest? Does that constitute us as "chatting"?

      a conversation is a conversation. you trying to fugg this girl? this is a good sign but you need to make an effort to see her outside of work

      I'm looking for some basic exercises and routines I can do at home for the sake of my health. There aren't any gyms within a reasonable distance of me (under 30 minutes out of my way) except for a Planet Fitness and I don't have much money or space for equipment. What I have is a freestanding pullup bar and dumbbells from 5-25lbs that I got free.

      Getting really big isn't my goal, so I'm not concerned with optimized and perfected routines; I just want to lose 15lbs, gain some muscle, and be overall healthier. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

      planet fitness is better than no gym. you'll quickly grow tired and bored of home workouts with just a pullup bar and dumbbells.
      >lose 15lbs
      >gain some muscle
      >overall healthier
      lift and eat at a slight deficit for 3 months and come back

  41. 12 months ago

    My protein shake tastes kinda chalky...any remedy for that?

    • 12 months ago

      stop buying onions isolate

    • 12 months ago

      dash of milk

    • 12 months ago

      Eat real food instead of paying the pharma israelite
      Your gains will unironically skyrocket

  42. 12 months ago

    what is the difference between:

    rack chins
    horizontal rows
    upright rows

    • 12 months ago

      Upright rows hit the lateral and rear delt as well as the traps

      No idea what the other 2 are
      Just barbell row, do chinups and then upright rows whenever you do face pulls

  43. 12 months ago

    My goal is to train as many muscle groups as possible. What are some safe and effective lifts/calisthenics/whatever to train muscles that would otherwise remain untrained by conventional compound lifts?

    >I do scapular pushups to directly train the serratus.
    >Facepulls for rear delts.
    >Vibram toeshoe rucking for lower leg gains.
    >Reverse curls for forearms.

    What else could I add? I want to train even the most invisible, obscure muscle. inb4 kegels.

    • 12 months ago

      Obliques aren't really hit by the compound lifts and you have to hit them directly. I do side bends on the hyperextension bench, but you can do side planks, side bends with a dumbbell or cable, suitcase walks. Otherwise calf raises obviously for calves, lateral raises for middle delts, neck exercises, side steps for gluteus medius are some of the ones I currently do.

    • 12 months ago

      You can train the lower traps by lifting yourself on a dip station keeping your arms straight up
      So drop to a hanging shrug, lift yourself up

      This is low-key moronic tho because hormone activation is wayyyyyy more important than isolating secondary muscles. When you do too much volume, your body pumps prolactin and cortisol which reks test output
      Test output is really the main factor in how good of a physique you have

  44. 12 months ago

    once I get my goal body/weight, I'm thinking of just doing a 2-day/week thing where I go in, do like bench, lat pulldown/rows, squats, and that'd be it. Just a compound to hit the major muscles like 3x8 or whatev and be done in like 30 minutes, maybe throw in lateral raise for shoulders. Is that the generic end-stage workout everyone else does?

    • 12 months ago

      I switched to powerlifting stuff
      I'll likely never be Bradley Martyn tier again as I'm now a dad and running a business*and* working part time elsewhere on top of that
      If this current project pays off tho I might yeet it this winter

  45. 12 months ago

    how can i turn this 5 day arnold split (ive already dropped 1 leg day) into a 4 day split?
    where and when should I be doing some ab work? id like to hit them atleast 2x a week, also where to put some shrugs?

    • 12 months ago

      Throw two of them together for a upper body workout and just pick the ones you think are most important. Like dumbell incline bench press, cable row, db curls, and skullcrushers or something like that. And just do more exercises if you feel like it that day, like pull down, lat raises, face pulls, after how important they are for you.

      • 12 months ago

        Thank you. Can I also do chinups or pullups instead of lat pulldowns?

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, body builders like pull downs just because it's better for hypertrophy afaik, but I'd do chins instead really.

    • 12 months ago

      PHUL is the only good 4 day routine
      Dropping the second leg day guarantees you won't make it
      Sry bro

      • 12 months ago

        I do cardio everyday and that fatigues my legs a lot

        • 12 months ago

          Change to LISS cardio the days before leg days
          You should be doing cardio after lifting so it shouldn't matter

          >Also, your body maximizes protein absorption under 50g/meal
          is this real life. so if i ate a 12-16oz ribeye then it's just wasted?

          >I would recommend creatine X3 (six star) as an intraworkout if you're cutting to single digits tho
          I normally take the bcaas / glutamine in my water bottle intraworkout for situations i described. somedays im just fricking moving, workout, training all day. lift in the morning, few miles of walking while carrying a heavy backpack, then sparring after in the evening.

          I struggle gaining weight and sometimes i feel like i benefit from my gatorade/bcaa/glutamine mix during my sparring sessions

          You'll have better chance of absorbing steak than powder but protein farts mean you aren't digesting the protein properly

          >Also, your body maximizes protein absorption under 50g/meal
          is this real life. so if i ate a 12-16oz ribeye then it's just wasted?

          >I would recommend creatine X3 (six star) as an intraworkout if you're cutting to single digits tho
          I normally take the bcaas / glutamine in my water bottle intraworkout for situations i described. somedays im just fricking moving, workout, training all day. lift in the morning, few miles of walking while carrying a heavy backpack, then sparring after in the evening.

          I struggle gaining weight and sometimes i feel like i benefit from my gatorade/bcaa/glutamine mix during my sparring sessions

          You aren't gonna gain weight without eating real food
          If your lifts aren't increasing, you aren't eating enough

          • 12 months ago

            Yes I eat plenty of real food. Im just wondering if bcaas/glutamine is useful or completely useless for intraworkout or early morning after a rough previous day.
            Disregarding cost.

  46. 12 months ago

    If I am a fat 220lbs, can I set my nutrition targets to fit the maintenance of my goal weight (200lbs) and simultaneously gain a lot of strength/muscle mass whilst losing fat? I love the progression of strength training, but I am overweight. To my knowledge, I would be able to build lean muscle mass during strength training even while at a caloric deficit, starting from being fat.

    Am I better off on focusing on one thing at a time? I am quite patient, however I would like to do the smartest and most efficient route to meeting my goals. Not interested in torturing myself to achieve these as I want the change to be a lifestyle.

    • 12 months ago

      >can I set my nutrition targets to fit the maintenance of my goal weight (200lbs)
      Just set your calories to a deficit of what your TDEE currently is
      >simultaneously gain a lot of strength/muscle mass whilst losing fat?
      Not how it works. You'll get decent noob gains while your muscles adapt to lifting, but you won't see significant size gains
      >Am I better off on focusing on one thing at a time?
      Yes. Cut first, then build off the foundation you'll have
      >Not interested in torturing myself
      Then don't be dumb with everything. Find a routine you like, eat at a comfortable deficit (shoot for -500 at first), understand that it's going to take 2+ months to diet down to your goal weight

  47. 12 months ago

    Are BCAAs / Glutamine useless?
    Let's ignore the cost value, say you got them for FREE
    And let's say your diet is very in check. you get grass fed beef, Lamb, Fish, Eggs , enough calories fruits veggies etc

    If you had a really tough workout, like you did a frickton of squats and deadlifts and bench on the same day for whatever reason. heavy high volume. Then your car broke and you had to run 10 miles home, on the way a church broke down and you had to lift the roofs over and over to save children. Then you kept going home and a 90lb pitbull attacked you and you killed it after a long battle. Once you got home your gf and her best friend wanted to sex u and u had amazing sex all night long. lots of lifting and throwing them and cardio. You eat a few steaks and potatoes and go to sleep.

    Next morning you wake up, before your meal of eggs and streak and onions

    You drink a nice big scoop of protein +BCAA + Glutamine

    Would there be absolutely no benefit at all? It does literally nothing?

    • 12 months ago

      Glutamine supposedly increases atp uptake without the creatine swelling but the creatine swelling actually helps reduce the risk of injury so I would just do creatine instead of glutamine

      If you're deep in a cut and feel like you're going to die if you don't eat something, bcaas are a cool bandaid and can even help complete incomplete proteins but the older I get, bcaas make me get muscle knots so fricking bad while sleeping I've had to stop taking them
      I would recommend creatine X3 (six star) as an intraworkout if you're cutting to single digits tho

      Also, your body maximizes protein absorption under 50g/meal
      If you're a giant like me, that number can be higher but more meals will always yield better results for natties

      • 12 months ago

        >Also, your body maximizes protein absorption under 50g/meal
        is this real life. so if i ate a 12-16oz ribeye then it's just wasted?

        >I would recommend creatine X3 (six star) as an intraworkout if you're cutting to single digits tho
        I normally take the bcaas / glutamine in my water bottle intraworkout for situations i described. somedays im just fricking moving, workout, training all day. lift in the morning, few miles of walking while carrying a heavy backpack, then sparring after in the evening.

        I struggle gaining weight and sometimes i feel like i benefit from my gatorade/bcaa/glutamine mix during my sparring sessions

    • 12 months ago

      BCAA's can help on a cut for recovery. Outside of that I haven't found any use for them.

  48. 12 months ago

    does this shit work?

    • 12 months ago

      Listen very carefully:

      Women are fricking moronic and have no concept of dick size
      When they're more turned on, they think your dick is bigger, when they aren't aroused, they think your dick is smaller
      I have 7.5 inches and I've had girls try to tell me it must be 9" because some other guy lied to them about his (actually) 6" tugboat

      My 7.5" dick will make women literally yelp in pain if we're in certain positions

      Get the girl turned on, eat her out to where she's almost cumming AND THEN put it in. She'll think you're a fricking god

      • 12 months ago

        Good advice for dicklets like me. Thanks dickmaster

  49. 12 months ago

    When people say that under-eating triggers muscle loss, are they referring specifically to the assumed loss of protein intake or are the other lost macros important for muscle as well? If I ate at a calorie deficit but still ate enough protein, wouldn’t I just lose fat but keep my muscle?

    • 12 months ago

      Theoretically yes but most people here eat way too much protein and that drives test down so when they cut, their testosterone plummets so their body doesn't gaf if it burns muscle for energy

      You need adequate test production to maintain muscle through a cut. This means you need low prolactin, low cortisol, low insulin, controlled physical stress that your body can recover from, fat to build the testosterone and carbs to make androgens to signal testosterone production

      So if you eat 0.8g of protein for every pound of LEAN mass you have and you never cut more than a few hundred calories at a time, you should be able to maintain your muscle through your cut.
      But it's more complex than that as hormone output is also dependent on your past diet and activity levels, stress outside of what ecan control, your mindset about things, relationships, sex, trauma and more.

  50. 12 months ago

    What happened to the feels threads?

  51. 12 months ago

    Decided to Change my routine from 3 day full body(with more focus on one muscle group each day) to 3 day ppl. I know, it doesn't sound optimal to train 1 muscle group only once per week but i think it will work for me as i have a hard time recovering and usually need at least 4 days for big muscles. My noob gains plauted after 5 months so i needed to change something.

    • 12 months ago

      The things you need to change are your diet and cardio regimen
      If you still need 4 days eating 1000more calories everyday and doing 20-40 minutes of LISS cardio after each session, you are simply doing too much volume

      You should be able to do the same lifts every 3 days and improve. If you can't, you're fricking up

  52. 12 months ago

    Been thinking about the monke protein anon and was wondering if there would actually be any downsides to buying those buscuits.
    Everything's so damn expensive in leafland and I thought it could be a good suppliment of protein

  53. 12 months ago

    How do I stop feeling tired all the time, I eat right, I have a regular sleep schedule but nothing works

    • 12 months ago

      Get more sunlight especially early in the morning
      Have a stretching routine

      Been thinking about the monke protein anon and was wondering if there would actually be any downsides to buying those buscuits.
      Everything's so damn expensive in leafland and I thought it could be a good suppliment of protein

      Buy the bear biscuits instead. Gorilla food is just soi chunks. Bear food is meat based and no grains or soi

  54. 12 months ago

    When I finish doing my normal sets I like to drop the weight down by about a third and do another set but real slow this time. Like bench, I take like 5 seconds coming down, then up again, 5 seconds down real slow, and just go as long as I can like this. Is this stupid or gay?

  55. 12 months ago

    why are all of my daydreams and thoughts extremely negative? why can't I feel good for once

  56. 12 months ago

    >on a cut
    >family came over this weekend
    >overate a bit
    What do now? Do I go on a harder cut for the next few days then back to my normal cut? Or do I just stay on the normal cut?

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        stay on the same deficit as you were

  57. 12 months ago

    Okay so I'm trying my hand at standardizing the progression for my upper body lifts so that they aren't all over the place anymore and so far I've come up with this
    For week 1 the main compound is 3x10-12 @60%, and the compound accessory on that day is at 2x12 (eg bench 3x10-12, incline bench is 2x12)
    For week 2 the compound is 4x6-8 @75% and the accessory is 3x8-10
    For week 3, the compound is 3x5+ @ 85% and the accessory is 4x10
    On week 4 increase 5lbs and repeat.

    and since I like supersetting pulling and pushing I also made exceptions for callisthenic accessory movements like dips and pullups where I swap the volume and intensity between those depending on intensity of the pressing movement for that day. So in example say I'm doing a day where my press accessory is bodyweight dips at 4 sets to failure, my pullups would be two sets of 5 to 8 weighted. And the opposite applies, if doing weighted dips at 2x5-8, I'd do 4 sets of bodyweight pullups to failure.

    I thought this method would be a good template for regulating fatigue while still also having a good base to track progression. Thoughts?

  58. 12 months ago

    got back into the gym on friday after 2 months and my quads are still very sore, do I push through today anf still squat?

    • 12 months ago

      as long as it's not injurious pain and you know you can handle the weight, keep going. DOMs aren't as common after your body has time to adapt.

  59. 12 months ago

    What longevity supplements would you add or remove?

    >1g NMN/NR
    >1g Resveratrol
    >500mg Quercetin
    >500mg Fisetin
    >500mg GSH
    >500mg Hesperidin
    >250mg Pterostilbene
    >1g Alpha-lipoic acid/ALA
    >250mg Butylated hydroxytoluene/BHT

    Vitamin D

  60. 12 months ago

    How do I strengthen my immune system?
    I'm sick of being sick all the time

    • 12 months ago

      cold showers
      bedroom windows open year round (don't have to by fully open wide but let outside air come in)
      sleep under 2 thin blankets rather than one thicker one
      wear fewer clothes even in winter, maybe have your jacket open (unless it's freezing too much of course)

    • 12 months ago

      If you're overweight lose it. Flu: immune.

  61. 12 months ago

    can I get a bf estimate?

    • 12 months ago

      I'm sure you'd be a very nice boyfriend

      • 12 months ago

        I do clean up nice

  62. 12 months ago


    >It's going to depend on the app to send the notification
    Yes, I want the app to use the watch as an external sensor, do the logic and send notifications.

  63. 12 months ago

    just bought 2 adjustable dumbells, I can't barely do 10 reps yet the sheet asks for 12-15 reps/set. do I force myself, stopping in case of failure or just lower the weight for now.

    • 12 months ago

      If you want to keep to the program, you have to reduce the weight. In general when it says 12-15 reps you're supposed to use double progression, i.e. both use weight and reps to progress. So in essence to 12 reps day 1, 14 reps day 2, 15 reps day 3 and as many reps as possible on the last set, then increase weight and start at 12 again. If you force yourself you're just going to get bad form, for some lifts cheating is fine like for curls and rows, but you'd probably be better off doing it properly.

      • 12 months ago

        is your arm supposed feel numb or fiery if you do it correctly

  64. 12 months ago

    >Bar starts slipping out of my hand during DL
    How do I combat this? I already pull mixed and the bar slips out on the side that's pulling overhand. Should I lower the weight and, pull conventional and accept that it's gonna take longer?

    • 12 months ago

      In general grip shouldn't be the limiting factor of your deadlifts, and you should use straps if you're unable to lift without grip issues.
      Having said that, you can get a long way with chalk and hook grip. You can also do mixed grip, but there's a danger of biceps tear. If you want to train grip, doing deadhangs at the end of your workout session is an easy way to help. Just hang from preferably a fat bar for as long as you can three times. Works wonders.

      • 12 months ago


        But real answer improve forearms and grip strength, use chalk, or get straps

        >Hook grip
        I remember trying this some time ago but couldn't get my thumb far enough around the bar. Maybe there's something I'm missing?
        >Dead hangs
        Gonna give that a try then. Farmer carry has done next to nothing so faralthough it got me good forearms. Thanks!

    • 12 months ago

      But real answer improve forearms and grip strength, use chalk, or get straps

  65. 12 months ago

    Since I started lifting and stopped being obese I've started having a hard time getting regular size condoms over the helmet (and having the shaft feel strangled for ages after).

    Does lifting/lower bf% increase girth? Or, am I just getting a proper hard on from higher quality women?

  66. 12 months ago

    How do I eat 4000cal a day without losing my mind?
    Is adding butter, olive/coconut oil to meals good idea to boost calories?
    Give me some meal ideas that don't need much time to prep.

    • 12 months ago

      As long as your diet is fine otherwise, drink your calories. Whole milk or even an occasional (!) cheeky soda go a long way. It's how most people get fat anyway.
      But yeah, butter/coconut oil are also options.

  67. 12 months ago

    Hurt ligament wrist 7 days ago with wrong move with biceps. Didn’t train til 2 days ago and did chest yesterday and now wrist hurts somewhat again. Should I not exercise til it’s better? I keel it constantly, it doesn’t really hurt hurt but I feel it.

  68. 12 months ago

    My female friend is obese, could lose like 20kg to look ok. She asked me for help cuz im lifting, but she cant squat 20kg (bar), can barely deadlift 0,5 plate etc.
    She wants to go to the gym but imho she just needs to do cardio and eat less. Should I just tell her to eat less and move more or should she go to the gym? Seems like a waste of time and money tbh

    • 12 months ago

      She probably should do cardio and forks down. However if she doesn't mess up your workout it might be beneficial.

      Dumbbell squats and deadlifts might be an option starting out.

    • 12 months ago

      If they want to go to the gym and they actually go then it's no waste.
      >she cant squat 20kg (bar), can barely deadlift 0,5 plate etc
      PTs deal with this a lot when an obese client signs up. You just modify the exercises to start since they're already at a handicap.
      For your examples, get them to squat bodyweight; use a broomhandle instead of a bar to train the form and/or work up to the weight of the bar by having them just hold a smaller plate/dumbbell/whatever. Rack pull the deadlifts/have them do Romanian deadlifts, and each time they're ready to progress just get them to go further down until they're strong enough to get it off the floor. If your gym has a 10 or 15 kilo bar that's perfect

      >on a cut
      >family came over this weekend
      >overate a bit
      What do now? Do I go on a harder cut for the next few days then back to my normal cut? Or do I just stay on the normal cut?


      What's "a bit"? Normally you just soldier on with whatever you were at before the speedbump
      rather than try and make up the difference.

    • 12 months ago

      she should just thyroidmaxx and coconutoilmaxx
      any physical activity is beneficial, even if she only squats to take a shit

    • 12 months ago

      make her do squats with kettlebells until she can use the bar maybe? women doing squats and dl makes them look great, so you could try and motivate her with that

    • 12 months ago

      I would tell her not to bother thinking about exercise until she finds a diet that she can adhere to.
      Doing both can lead to even quicker burnout as soon as the initial motivation burst is gone.

  69. 12 months ago

    Low test and doc gave me hcg as a last resort before trt.
    Almost a month in 2000 iu hcg, i gained 15 lbs. Is this normal or should I be worried? (Started at 180 lbs, 5’11 if that matters)

  70. 12 months ago

    Used to lift a shit ton and sports very fit
    Covid closed gyms havent trained in over two years lost a ton of fitness strength and lost muscle mass
    Went back to naturally dyel skinny with abs and lean lost like 15lbs of muscle (was always 10-13%)

    Been lifting for a month again and last two days i went really fricking hard two days in a row even tho i felt beat after first day. Second day had a massive exertion headache , light headed , headache a little dizzy i had to sit down halfway cause i wanted to vomit and got chills. After resting a bit i finished my workout lol but today i feel pretty ass, headache if i push too hard to poop or anything like that. Slept a ton very sore all over.
    How to fix? I didn’t pop some shit in my head right? Sucks not being 22 anymore
    Been back up +10lbs almost tho

  71. 12 months ago

    I have started fasting during the weekends (no food, only water). Any tips? Is drinking electrolytes necessary for such a short time?

    • 12 months ago

      just buy mixed salt (NaCl + KCl) and add a little bit to your water
      even when you're not fasting, 'boosting' your water with some electrolytes will make you feel better

  72. 12 months ago

    Is there any advantage of BB lifts over DB lifts, except for being able to lift more?
    If I got that correctly, DB squats are great in avoiding asymmetries while also avoiding isolated movements even a tad bit more. Wouldn't that mean that, apart from squats and DLs, everyone should avoid lifting with BBs?

    • 12 months ago

      especially for bench and ohp it's much more annoying to incrementally increase the weight as they have bigger weight jumps

    • 12 months ago

      All the negative shit people say about barbell lifting is just plain false

      How tf are you supposed to truly stay even if you don't have a point of reference between the 2 sides of your body?
      In my opinion, no one with any type of asymmetry should ever touch a dumbbell at all as it will just exacerbate the unevenness

      T. 3+/4atg/5+

    • 12 months ago

      Lifting more increases your body's ability to adapt (higher test)
      Bro science about muscle activation and db range of motion is completely moot when you start talking about hormone output
      Increasing your test through bb lifting heavy at volume>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>any perceived benefits you might get from dbs

  73. 12 months ago

    If I'm cutting, do I just stick with the weight I can currently handle, or should I still aim for progressive overload?

  74. 12 months ago

    I'm new to IST and I need dumbbells for a home workout. Any reccomendations for a dumbbell set which will last me for life? Alternatively, what sort of weights would I need for dumbbells to last a long time? Sorry for my bad england.

    • 12 months ago

      buy Ø50mm dumbbells and weights so that if you decide to buy a barbell in the future you can use the same weights

    • 12 months ago

      I just use those cheap star lock 25 mm adjustable dumbbells set and add cheap weights bought on sale. You can even get a barbell that can use the weights, but they can't handle much more than 150 kg, so they're sort of limited. The quality is subpar and it's a pain when you have to tighten them after every set, but they're really cheap and do the job. When I started out, I bought two adjustable dumbbell sets like this for like $20 each and I could combine the weights to make a heavy one at about 25 kg, which kept me going for a long time.

  75. 12 months ago

    just how important is tracking your weights? i don’t really count reps and train on intensity.

    • 12 months ago

      Makes it easier to track progress and find when you are hitting a plateau.

    • 12 months ago

      Less wasted time because of guessing or misremembering what you did last time

  76. 12 months ago

    What do I replace squats and bench press with if I can't get a rack/bench? (Extremely remote area.) Will floor press do the trick (I can get dumbbells)? What about lower body?

    • 12 months ago

      gymnastic ring flies, dips, weighted pushups
      1 leg squats, sissy squats, lunges

    • 12 months ago

      I would get a barbell and rack shipped in or build a rack out of wood and still get the barbell shipped in

    • 12 months ago

      You can clean the barbell for front squats and overhead presses. Otherwise floor presses are fine, though building up some DIY stuff to raise youself a little bit from the ground shouldn't be that hard.

      • 12 months ago

        I would get a barbell and rack shipped in or build a rack out of wood and still get the barbell shipped in

        gymnastic ring flies, dips, weighted pushups
        1 leg squats, sissy squats, lunges

        Thanks anons.

  77. 12 months ago

    ran out of money. Running out of protein sources. I have like a week of maybe 100grams a day with most of it being peas, lentils and oats.
    No more eggs, no more milk, less than a kilo of meat in my fridge.
    Should I take the week off from lifting? Trying to keep my little noob gains for the next two weeks. How would you do it anon?

    • 12 months ago

      I would ask someone for a loan or do I like I did when this exact situation came about and got my first credit card

      If you're 150lbs, 100g is probably enough protein for you tho (you can only process 0.8g/lb of lean mass)

      • 12 months ago

        I'm already paying debts (last time I'm getting indebted if I can avoid it.) and I currently get payed by commission, which I have failed to make for the past two weeks.
        Yeah I have a card, I'm considering using it but I've done this in the past and I fricking hate it I don't want to use credit cards anymore. I'm out of money exactly because I'm paying card debts.
        180lbs, 5'7". Have been lifting at a small deficit for the past 5 months and eating at around 130 grams of protein a day. my goal weight was over 150lbs although I don't focus on the number anymore. I'm already under 20% fat as best as I can tell from online sources, taking measures of my body and such, my current long term goal is 15% body fat.
        I'm proficient at fasting from back then when I had a lot more weight to lose and wasn't lifting.
        I'll try to reach 100grams of protein a day even if its shittier sources and do a 24hs fast this next weekend.
        I need to fricking make commission like my life depends on it too.
        And I'll keep lifting but lighter for the time being maybe?

    • 12 months ago

      I'm already paying debts (last time I'm getting indebted if I can avoid it.) and I currently get payed by commission, which I have failed to make for the past two weeks.
      Yeah I have a card, I'm considering using it but I've done this in the past and I fricking hate it I don't want to use credit cards anymore. I'm out of money exactly because I'm paying card debts.
      180lbs, 5'7". Have been lifting at a small deficit for the past 5 months and eating at around 130 grams of protein a day. my goal weight was over 150lbs although I don't focus on the number anymore. I'm already under 20% fat as best as I can tell from online sources, taking measures of my body and such, my current long term goal is 15% body fat.
      I'm proficient at fasting from back then when I had a lot more weight to lose and wasn't lifting.
      I'll try to reach 100grams of protein a day even if its shittier sources and do a 24hs fast this next weekend.
      I need to fricking make commission like my life depends on it too.
      And I'll keep lifting but lighter for the time being maybe?

      Update, I trained even harder. I'm selling some of my shit this week. Also cutting other expenses.

  78. 12 months ago

    How many pushups will I roll today?

  79. 12 months ago


    What is wrong with fasting the weekends? I am 66.5kg and 8.5% (99% accuracy smart watch) body fat, but still I have to much fat on my stomach. I don't have visible abs as a consequence 🙁

    • 12 months ago

      You look like shit because you don't have enough lean mass
      Fasting makes it almost impossible to gain lean mass
      Also watches don't know shit
      50:1 odds you're over 12% if you don't have abs

      • 12 months ago

        my galaxy watch 5's body fat calculator has the same accuracy as those fancy machines. I am 8.5% bodyfat...

        • 12 months ago

          Listen to me very carefully:
          Your watch's bf estimation is one of the most inaccurate bf estimates you can get

          You just fricking aren't 8.5% bf
          Order some calipers and be brutal about using them. That'll be 3x closer to your real bf than your stupid little watch
          Only 99% accurate way to measure bf is a dexa scan

          • 12 months ago

            >The readings from a Galaxy Watch4 were compared against clinical measurements performed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan and duplicate laboratory-grade octapolar bioelectrical impedance analysis.
            97-98% accuracy, I am 8.5% body fat. Still no abs... only this weekend did I start fasting. Before that I just ate a lot and lifted weights. All my muscles grew largers and my reps increased. My abs got more volume, but didn't increase in actual size.

            • 12 months ago

              Any striations buddy? Do your muscles have lines on them? Can you see the 3 distinct heads of the shoulder?

              The last time I dieted down to 8%, I could see some striations in the muscle and I could see each head of the shoulder. Everything was lean except maybe my glutes.

              Don’t trust your watch blindly. Do what the other person said and get some calipers, or do a skin pinch test.

  80. 12 months ago

    Bought a frozen dinner, just 300g of fish and chips. 800 calories. Where the frick do they come from?

    • 12 months ago

      300g x 4 calories per gram of protein and carbs = 1200 calories
      Where did the other >400 go considering fat is 9cal/gram

  81. 12 months ago

    I don't really understand how TDEE works. So I lift three times a week, which calculators say means I should have ~2500 TDEE, but wouldn't I just expend that much on the days I actually lift, and not every day?

    • 12 months ago

      You have that correct, but also understand that the exercise calorie estimates are VERY generous and usually inaccurate when it comes to calories burned. Just use the sedentary value and adjust based off your intake and weigh-ins.

      • 12 months ago

        That makes sense, thanks!

  82. 12 months ago

    is there any downside to splitting up my PPL routine like this?


    • 12 months ago

      Not really, but you should consider running a four day program like Upper/Lower or 5/3/1 instead since it'll be more efficient. You'll work out your muscle groups the 1.5 times a week like that.

  83. 12 months ago

    is this an alright push ups progression for a fatass newbie?
    reds are assisted, black are regular
    3 sets each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

  84. 12 months ago

    Do you think that some of the hot girls with perfect booties in the gym are real escorts or am I a pig for thinking this? It seems easy money.

  85. 12 months ago

    Are you expected to go up in weight (liftingwise) on a cut

    • 12 months ago

      yes some progress is possible

      • 12 months ago

        Possible but it's not the norm?

        • 12 months ago

          it's the norm
          you'll have a cap obviously, but you'll be able to progress for quite some time. although relatively slowly

  86. 12 months ago

    Any seated exercises with dumbells I can do while looking at a screen (like at work)

    • 12 months ago

      pretty much your entire upper body, sans maybe core


      Can I use archery to help with ISTness? I'm working my way up to 1/2/3/4 now so this would be supplemental. I only really know that a bow's draw is listed in pounds. Does this translate into any actual workout? Did old timey archers practice just by firing the bow or whatever?

      archery itself is not IST. lots of fatties and twinks that are good with bows. now if you try to larp and be like legolas we can talk about it. but seriously, bow draw is partially functional (shoots bow faster) but is also kind of an ego thing. if anything, your drawing arm will get bigger and create imbalances

      Does hand position/the angle of the dumbbells matter when doing shrugs?

      probably not

      I want to get elastic bands to add to my home gym for accessory work like lat raises, tricep extensions, abd rear delt flys
      what resistances should I get if I'm .8/1.5/2.5/3?

      just get a variety, pick 3 or 4. you'll find a use for all of them

  87. 12 months ago

    Can I use archery to help with ISTness? I'm working my way up to 1/2/3/4 now so this would be supplemental. I only really know that a bow's draw is listed in pounds. Does this translate into any actual workout? Did old timey archers practice just by firing the bow or whatever?

    • 12 months ago

      Yes. Unless you're some reddit tier weirdo who wears leather to try to larp as legolas. Get a proper compound bow(around 62 pounds draw weight is all you need) and watch some John Dudley or Cameron Hanes. 3rd archery shoots are awesome ways to go get some hiking in as well as train your mind. Bonus that it is practice for hunting though there are tons of people who shoot archery and don't hunt if you're not into that.

      pretty much your entire upper body, sans maybe core
      archery itself is not IST. lots of fatties and twinks that are good with bows. now if you try to larp and be like legolas we can talk about it. but seriously, bow draw is partially functional (shoots bow faster) but is also kind of an ego thing. if anything, your drawing arm will get bigger and create imbalances
      probably not
      just get a variety, pick 3 or 4. you'll find a use for all of them

      You don't use your arms to draw a bow. You also should never try to draw a bow faster or slower. Archery trains balance a lot in this way.

  88. 12 months ago

    Does hand position/the angle of the dumbbells matter when doing shrugs?

  89. 12 months ago

    I want to get elastic bands to add to my home gym for accessory work like lat raises, tricep extensions, abd rear delt flys
    what resistances should I get if I'm .8/1.5/2.5/3?

  90. 12 months ago

    Give me a solid upperbody routine with a broken ankle. I’ve been just doing curls and tricep shit, getting bored

    • 12 months ago

      Can't you like almost do any upper body exercise with a broken ankle?

  91. 12 months ago


    >SS or SL
    I ran them, hit the wall, ran 531, hit intermediate numbers. I use SS style progression for new compound lifts I'm learning the technique on.
    I guess I was asking if the method I described was good for someone moving on to linear periodization
    >reasonable rep range
    I know that for the compounds lower reps are better for strength which is why there's a 4x6-8 and a 3x5+. I have the first 3x10 day to get as much volume as possible at the beginning of the 3 week cycle

  92. 12 months ago

    33 y/o chud on week 2 of 5x5. My only problem is a strong pain in my right shoulder from (high bar) squatting. Seems my muscles are too tight to reach a comfy position. It gets a little bit better by really squeezing the shoulderblades but not much. Pain persists for a day.
    I found some back and shoulder stretches (e.g. shoulder dislocations) and have two rest days now. Should i continue squatting after that? Or will i just keep getting hurt this way? Maybe try higher bar?

    • 12 months ago

      b***h pad or low bar squat maybe.

  93. 12 months ago

    First time with PED
    Am I gonna frick up my body? Is this a good way to start?
    >pic related just bought
    > I live in the middle of nowhere so I cannot buy the real shit.

    • 12 months ago

      heart palps

      • 12 months ago

        Rare? Common?

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          nayrt, but there's a steroid general almost always up.

          • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago


            Nvm, not one up rn, but will look for it in the future

            how do I make 1 arm stronger? starting from 0. atrophy like a coma patient. dominant arm is not strong but not useless


            • 12 months ago

              Is 6lb dumbbell enough? How often? just do it constantly? just do curl? its basically just lifting and moving arm, I cant really frick it up with how weak I am, right? any kind of movement will be improvement as far as I see, right? I basically lost 130lb by just sitting in bed wasting away and my right arm is in constant pain if I try moving it at all.

              • 12 months ago

                Find the base weight for your right arm, and base amount of reps.
                Let's say your right arm can only do 10lbs and 10 reps as a base standard and your left arm can only do 5lbs and 10 reps as a base standard.
                You keep working out your left arm till it can do the 10lbx10rep work out.
                Is 6lbs Enough? Idk
                I don't know your minimum strength

              • 12 months ago

                Shit advise.

              • 12 months ago

                Then give some better advice butthole

                Is 6lb dumbbell enough? How often? Just do it constantly? just do curl? its basically just lifting and moving arm, I cant really frick it up with how weak I am, right? any kind of movement will be improvement as far as I see, right? I basically lost 130lb by just sitting in bed wasting away and my right arm is in constant pain if I try moving it at all.

                Simply being physical and existing you will gain muscle

              • 12 months ago

                Buy a barbell and only do barbell curls and keep everything even

                You'll even out after a few months

                Also, fap with the other hand obv

  94. 12 months ago

    >was sick for a month
    >finally back in gym doing PPL
    >hit legs
    >theyre still sore

    its leg day again, should i just rest instead?

  95. 12 months ago

    how do I make 1 arm stronger? starting from 0. atrophy like a coma patient. dominant arm is not strong but not useless

  96. 12 months ago

    Besides melatonin what else can increase my sleep quality?

    • 12 months ago

      Proper sleep hygiene.

      >was sick for a month
      >finally back in gym doing PPL
      >hit legs
      >theyre still sore

      its leg day again, should i just rest instead?

      They'll get less sore if you work them out. It's just DOMS, it's not dangerous.

    • 12 months ago

      not smoking weed because it fricks with your REM cycles
      making it as dark and quiet as possible
      having a dedicated bedroom for sleeping
      taking a cold shower before
      not getting stressed out over stupid shit in your head when trying to go to bed
      not taking caffeine before the afternoon and letting all the adenosine clear up after waking up before taking caffeine
      putting a pillow or something inbetween your legs if you sleep on your side
      using f.lux if you want to buy into the blue light meme

      • 12 months ago

        getting a lot of electrolytes also helped my sleep immensely
        zinc + magnesium before bed is cool too

    • 12 months ago

      get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. don't smoke, but occasionally drink. be in bed by 11 PM, and make sure to get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, you'll have no problems sleeping until morning.

    • 12 months ago

      Everyone seems to forget the biggest one. Go to bed at the same time every night no matter how tired you 'feel.' That's what fricks the majority of people up, they stay up and just to go bed whenever they feel like it.

    • 12 months ago
  97. 12 months ago

    How good is yoga for mobility work and stretching? I never stretch and saw that my gym offers free yoga courses, so I thought about checking them out.

    • 12 months ago

      Most of the same stretches. Just try it out, you might get onto something. I wish I started stretching and doing mobility work earlier before I started having issues with it.

  98. 12 months ago

    >Painful gyno in my left nipple
    What does it mean bros? Does it mean the tissue is dying/shrinking? Is it cancer? Should I go to a doctor?

    • 12 months ago

      yes you should see a doctor

  99. 12 months ago

    Is holding flat-footed squats for over five minutes (just staying in the same position for five minutes) a good stretch for lower back and ankle mobility, or is it just a meme? I read that it helps for lower back pain, knee pain, doesn't seem like there's and end to what it can do.
    I feel a good stretch in my lower back when doing it so I think I'm going to test it out, but I've never heard about it before and now it's suddenly the next big thing or something.

  100. 12 months ago

    I want to be able to move like these grills. Does that make me have the gays?

  101. 12 months ago

    Werid question but I'd figured I'd ask.
    Yesterday was Father's day, I ate multiple servings of lazagna and garlic bread as well as a bunch of wine, jack and cokes, and key lime pie. I woke up today with really bad heart burn and I've noticed I'm getting more and more easily after going 1 meal a day and low carb. I'm confused if the heartburn is coming from the alcohol or the carbs, After I woke up with a hang over and stumbled to the bathroom I took 2 shits within an hour of each other, the first one was fine but the second one was acidic as frick and stung my butthole and basically ruined my day, its still stinging hours after shitting.
    So wit that, what is causing it? The carbs? The Alcohol?

    • 12 months ago

      That wasn't carbs' fault, that was a ton of fat and booze. Greasy food is what causes heartburn and it's a lot worse when you combine it with booze, and it's especially worse when it's the only food your stomach is running on for the day. It's a miracle you didn't chuck it back up.

  102. 12 months ago

    I take 5gr creatine a day and it makes me feel slightly sick for an hour. Is this normal or should I spread it out over the day?

  103. 12 months ago

    if the weekly or every 8th day number of sets and reps is equal, does it matter if you do fullbody or split?

    • 12 months ago

      For short term size gains, no
      For strength, programming matters
      For long term size, you need to gain strength also so overall, yes it can matter

  104. 12 months ago

    I have resolved to quit edging to yoga-pants prostitutes on reddit and instagram because my libido is absolutely fricked. To anybody here who has quit this kind of thing, how long did it take for your brain chemistry to level out?

    • 12 months ago

      I quit porn a few years ago. I'm still fricked but feel good about it regardless.

      • 12 months ago

        Fricked in what sense? I just want to feel normal horny again… I miss the excitement of seeing a sexy woman IRL but now I’m so numb

        • 12 months ago

          I still have unreasonable standards (myself and for grills). But libido is fine.

  105. 12 months ago


    Heard on the cumming part, I think the reason why my erections suck so fricking bad is that I just keep the pattern of looking at pictures for so long. I honestly don’t see myself every quitting jerking off entirely because I go fricking insane after a couple weeks, but maybe just using my imagination is healthier?

    • 12 months ago

      Fapping to your imagination is what you're supposed to do

      Porn gives a drug high and cycling through pics of different women creates a short feedback loop that amplifies the drug high

      Make sure to only cum when you're rock hard also. This will take relaxing and figuring out how to have a real boner again

  106. 12 months ago

    I hit a plateau two weeks into my weight loss. I was shedding 200 grams a day, but now for the last five days I've weighed the exact same thing. I'm doing 700 ish cals a day. I bike 2 hrs a day, and have gone swimming on the beach, where the water is still pretty chilly, every second day. I'm much more active than I was before so I'm praying to god that this plateau is my fat being replaced with muscle. My thighs feel significantly firmer, and my bike ride has started to feel like a breeze. I hope it won't be too long now until I've developed all the thigh muscle that this level of activity warrants, such that I'll start seeing the numbers drop again. I wanna see those numbers drop so badly.

    • 12 months ago

      I would track your measurements and not your weight
      As long as you're hydrated and your measurements keep dropping, that's good progress because fat has more volume (higher measurements) than muscle due to density

      So many autists here really frick themselves up because 1) they think their goal body weighs 40+lbs less than it does and 2) they stop caring about anything but the scale

      That's how you end up an unimpressive skeleton who only looks good with his shirt off with a pump in extreme lighting

      • 12 months ago

        How the frick do I determine my goal measurement?

        As of now, my goal weight is at the first quarter mark between underweight and overweight; A bmi of 19.8. But you're right; If I keep it up like this that'll land me at a much lower bodyfat percentage than I intend to go for, considering that I'm probably building muscle.

        How about this instead:
        I set a temporary goal weight at the middle point between under- and overweight, and once I get there I'll set a goal for my waist or my thighs?

        • 12 months ago

          Well, I would set strength goals in conjunction with measurement goals
          It's mostly important just that the measurements keep dropping
          It's difficult to actually guess goal measurements

          I just hit my 1/2/3/4, but look like absolute dyel shit.
          Now what?

          Do then for sets of 8 and lower your bf

          >improper movement of spinal fluid
          >you might just have spinal compression
          I have a feeling that you have no idea what you're talking about.

          They're 2 different types of pain with 2 different causes
          I get bad vertigo when I have spinal compression. I have a painful spot and stiffness when the fluid isn't flowing properly

          I've had back pain more times than youve squatted.

          Why is it called "skinny fat" and not "skelly with a belly"

          Why is it called being a normie and not "not making it"

          im trying to do chin ups but after just a couple my heart hurt likes hell and i need to stop

          Check your form. Are your scapula retracted? It sounds like you might be Rollin your shoulders forward and are using your chest and not lats

          • 12 months ago

            I just wanna get slim and toned. I don't wanna build. While I'm losing fat I'll abuse the frick out of my thighs because they're the biggest muscle in the body and so using them is the most efficient way to burn energy, but I intend to let them get small again as well, once I've burned enough fat.

            How about I track my weight, but I'll keep a separate column from which I'll subtract a wishful 150 grams every day it stalls. And then once that imaginary number reaches my goal weight I'll look at myself and ask if I feel like I look slim enough? I've done that for the past 5 days and it feels pretty good.

  107. 12 months ago

    I just hit my 1/2/3/4, but look like absolute dyel shit.
    Now what?

    • 12 months ago

      Focus on hypertrophy instead. I'd recommend an Upper/Lower split, then you can work out every day and just take a rest day once in a while when you feel like it. It's better than PPL that only works out muscle groups twice a week, as you get in one more workout.
      You could do the traditional alternating power and hypertrophy workout (PHUL), but I'd probably just do something like 5/3/1 with bench and ohp on upper and deadlift and squats on lower, and just blast them with a lot of volume exercises.

      • 12 months ago

        Clear and comprehensive, thank you very much sir.

    • 12 months ago

      >permabulks for strength
      >hurr why am I dyel

  108. 12 months ago


    >improper movement of spinal fluid
    >you might just have spinal compression
    I have a feeling that you have no idea what you're talking about.

  109. 12 months ago

    im trying to do chin ups but after just a couple my heart hurt likes hell and i need to stop

    • 12 months ago

      Either a weak heart and can't stand blooded pressure rise or shit stamina

  110. 12 months ago

    Why is it called "skinny fat" and not "skelly with a belly"

  111. 12 months ago

    Is it ok to power through the pain of bruised sides. Got hit a week ago kickboxing and it still hurts to do stuff like situps but it's tolerable now

  112. 12 months ago

    Noob lifter, trying to dial in my squats. It's my fourth session and I feel like I'm just about starting to push my legs at 3x5 75kg, but when I finish a set I get lightheaded and my vision narrows for about 20 seconds. Am I doing something wrong here? I feel like I could probably lift more but I don't wanna pass out

  113. 12 months ago


    >As long as you're getting stronger it doesn't matter
    Thanks for being real with me

  114. 12 months ago

    Why do people hate ON protein? Cheaper to get than MP, and thats even when MP has their usual sales. It’s also easier to get, no waiting for shipping since you can get them at Costco.

    • 12 months ago

      don't listen to this clown

      Lifting belts make lifting heavy safer
      They reduce spinal compression when properly braced and reduce rates of lumbar injury
      They aren't a magic wand but I would have one on hand cuz you'll need it sooner or later
      T.lmao5pl8?! DL

      Protein supps are a fricking meme
      Eat real food and stop paying for that trash

      Uhhh that sounds like lying to yourself idk

      This is why real LP programs start you at the bar
      You gain experience and figure shit out before you get to taxing weight

      >Shit talking strength
      I love when smolbois start beating their chests like anyone's listening lmaoooooo

      It can be difficult to get enough protein in a day particularly if you have dietary restrictions or are on a cut. I don't know that people hate ON as much as they don't like the price. For me it's a consistent quality that tastes decent, mixes well, and has good macros. MP just has a really nasty cheapness to it and I hate relying on shipping.

    • 12 months ago

      don't listen to this clown [...]
      It can be difficult to get enough protein in a day particularly if you have dietary restrictions or are on a cut. I don't know that people hate ON as much as they don't like the price. For me it's a consistent quality that tastes decent, mixes well, and has good macros. MP just has a really nasty cheapness to it and I hate relying on shipping.

      I bought a tub of ON because I wanted to keep the tub for putting cheaper whey in later. Honestly, taste's fantastic. I just really don't want to pay that much per pound.
      I don't know why they don't sell refills of ON whey in bags. When I got the tub it was only like 3/5ths full because it all settles in transit and I can't imagine shipping that much air is cost effective. I guess the rigid tubs are the iconic part of the brand and they don't want to seem non-premium by selling in bags.

      • 12 months ago

        They do sell in bags in some places, I have a 5 lb bag from costco. All tubs no matter what the brand do have a lot of air in the container and that's most likely some kind of non-oxygen filler at the factor to prevent aging or whatever, tons of food products do this. Almost all packaged food is sold by weight, not volume.

        • 12 months ago

          My kingdom for a Costco...
          >All tubs no matter what the brand do have a lot of air in the container and that's most likely some kind of non-oxygen filler at the factor to prevent aging
          Ahh, okay. Never considered there might be something more inert than just regular air in there, but that makes a lot of sense. I suppose they wouldn't want people scooping the forbidden pillows into their post-workout shakes by accident so they gotta have something else to keep it shelf stable.
          >Almost all packaged food is sold by weight, not volume.
          I understand this. What I'm not understanding why there couldn't be a part of the production line that would tamp the whey powder down into a smaller tub so the same weight would occupy less physical space. Other than of course an extra machine being an extra cost and an extra point of failure and maybe tricky to retrofit into the production facility.

          • 12 months ago

            I believe they attempted this with a bunch of different kinds of snacks, but saw sales dropping because people saw the smaller packaged and thought that it was less value.
            Customers are used to a certain amount of air being sold with a lot of their products so without it they'll feel cheated...

  115. 12 months ago

    How long can you skip rest days for?

    I've been doing PPL nonstop for two weeks, missing 2 rest days. I'm considering missing a third. My shoulders are the only thing that's worryingly sore. I could just avoid anything that uses the shoulder in this next week.

    Lifting is the only thing keeping me from mentally cracking right now and I can't imagine the pain of not being able to go for one day at this time

    • 12 months ago

      You can do that but I would fully suggest a rest day as I recently fricked myself up in exactly your situation and overtrained on squats, then had to take a month off and realized all the extra gains I got form skipping rest was taken away and then some by the extended break.

      But...the extended break made me realize I was overtraining my shoulders for ages anyway and now they're better than before.
      In your case I'd suggest getting on the assault bike or something like that and grinding out 300-500 calories and going home, or go for a swim. Both of those aren't joint impacting.

      Noob lifter, trying to dial in my squats. It's my fourth session and I feel like I'm just about starting to push my legs at 3x5 75kg, but when I finish a set I get lightheaded and my vision narrows for about 20 seconds. Am I doing something wrong here? I feel like I could probably lift more but I don't wanna pass out

      Probably when you rack the weight sit down but keep your hands on the bar, like that stretch you see guys doing before big lifts. That way, you're getting more time to have the blood go where it needs to and you're less likely to pass out - and if you did not much will happen as you're in a safe spot.
      Unlike the guys you see in those gym fail videos where they do a big deadlift or something.....pass out against a wall....then the bar rolls back and snaps their knees.

      If I wanted to swim for fitness, should I hire a coach to learn proper technique or should I just get in the pool and swim?

      Just swim for a month or so and see if you can actually tolerate it at all, consider investing in swimming headphones (they exist) and listen to podcasts or something while swimming. Swimming half an hour without something like this is excruciating.

      • 12 months ago

        What do you mean tolerate? I walk for 3 hours every single day with no headphones phone or anything so I don’t think swimming for 30 minutes without headphones will be an issue for me.

  116. 12 months ago

    as a fat guy on a cut, should I lift heavy or small weights for high reps?

    • 12 months ago

      ideally you want to lift as heavy as you can and just lower the volume by a set or two.

  117. 12 months ago

    If I wanted to swim for fitness, should I hire a coach to learn proper technique or should I just get in the pool and swim?

  118. 12 months ago

    Today I pulled out a 3 plate deadlift pr for the first time after training since new years, the personal trainer at the gym however recommended I get a lifting belt if I want to get into heavy loads. Is it necessary to own a lifting belt? Does it help avoid injury? I don't care much about how much I'm lifting but rather progress and to stay healthy, I'd like to stay on the safe side of things and not frick up anything. Will any other things make me avoid any possible injuries?

    • 12 months ago

      belts just feel great and safe. Alan Thrall's video has some straight to the point info on what to expect and how to use one

    • 12 months ago

      Lifting belts make lifting heavy safer
      They reduce spinal compression when properly braced and reduce rates of lumbar injury
      They aren't a magic wand but I would have one on hand cuz you'll need it sooner or later
      T.lmao5pl8?! DL

      Why do people hate ON protein? Cheaper to get than MP, and thats even when MP has their usual sales. It’s also easier to get, no waiting for shipping since you can get them at Costco.

      Protein supps are a fricking meme
      Eat real food and stop paying for that trash

      I just wanna get slim and toned. I don't wanna build. While I'm losing fat I'll abuse the frick out of my thighs because they're the biggest muscle in the body and so using them is the most efficient way to burn energy, but I intend to let them get small again as well, once I've burned enough fat.

      How about I track my weight, but I'll keep a separate column from which I'll subtract a wishful 150 grams every day it stalls. And then once that imaginary number reaches my goal weight I'll look at myself and ask if I feel like I look slim enough? I've done that for the past 5 days and it feels pretty good.

      Uhhh that sounds like lying to yourself idk

      Noob lifter, trying to dial in my squats. It's my fourth session and I feel like I'm just about starting to push my legs at 3x5 75kg, but when I finish a set I get lightheaded and my vision narrows for about 20 seconds. Am I doing something wrong here? I feel like I could probably lift more but I don't wanna pass out

      This is why real LP programs start you at the bar
      You gain experience and figure shit out before you get to taxing weight

      >permabulks for strength
      >hurr why am I dyel

      >Shit talking strength
      I love when smolbois start beating their chests like anyone's listening lmaoooooo

  119. 12 months ago

    Frick me, shoulder impingement again. I like the relief when I pull back my shoulders. Are there any good shoulder wraps that keep my posture in check?

    • 12 months ago

      The posture band thing

      Hello folks,

      I have been injecting test cyp + using exemestane for a couple of months now and I do want to come clean to my primary care doctor because I feel that is the right thing to do. Is there any chance that I would get reported to the feds since test is a controlled substance?

      I would allude to it vaguely and see how he reacts first before just coming out
      I assume he won't do anything after you admit you're a cumgargling homosexual, but it's good to check first

      • 12 months ago

        >cumgargling homosexual
        >average IST poster can't submit a post without including gay shit

  120. 12 months ago

    Hello folks,

    I have been injecting test cyp + using exemestane for a couple of months now and I do want to come clean to my primary care doctor because I feel that is the right thing to do. Is there any chance that I would get reported to the feds since test is a controlled substance?

    • 12 months ago

      Check the laws on doctor/patient confidentiality in your state/country and what they're legally required to report, as well as professional standards for doctors that they could lose their certification over if they were found to break them.

      Typically as far as legal requirements go (at least in most anglosphere, common law jurisdictions) doctors only have to report serious indictable offenses, or knowledge thereof. We're talking offences on the level of homicide, sexual assault, grievous bodily harm, reckless driving causing injury - rule of thumb, anything that has caused serious injury to a third party or could lead to the apprehension of someone who caused such injuries. Professional standards aren't as strict and mostly deal with meeting minimum standards of care but they usually encompass a requirement to report such offences as described above.

      Also note the possession or supply of a controlled substance is usually the actual crime, not the act of having used it. And just think logically about that, right? If having done too much coke or methamphetamine or tren or whatever was putting someone's life at risk, but getting medical care for it would automatically implicate them in a crime, barely anyone would ever go to the hospital for their overdoses for fear of being put in handcuffs. There'd be dead bodies piling up and upset citizens everywhere and it would just be a mess.

      In your case telling the doctor should be fine because 1) no third party harm and 2) you're not even in possession of the substances (right? Right?)

      >t. aussie lawgay
      >t. also not your lawyer

      What's the best way to eat ginger to reap the hormonal benefits? I just bought a root, washed it, and grated it into a bowl. Can I make this into a tea?

      No idea what benefits you're looking for exactly but I love fresh ginger and lemongrass tea. The finer you can chop/grind it the stronger the flavour and I suppose the more of whatever compound you're trying to extract out of it. Ginger has a thousand culinary uses, maybe ask on IST 's QTDDTOT for a laugh?

      Thoughts on creatine?

      Getting too expensive for my tastes, but very real.

      • 12 months ago

        Thanks for taking your time kangaroo. Definetly not legal advice, gotcha.

        • 12 months ago

          My pleasure. I get activated when a QTDDTOT from my like three areas of expertise actually come up. Not sure where you in the world so sorry the not personalised legal advice is a little generic. If you're in the EU same deal should apply, even though those are civil law states. If you're in some non-EU post-Soviet state then I guess be absolutely sure the doctor is gonna be chill about it and fingers crossed lol.

  121. 12 months ago

    What's the best way to eat ginger to reap the hormonal benefits? I just bought a root, washed it, and grated it into a bowl. Can I make this into a tea?

    • 12 months ago

      Good fricking question bromigo
      You'd be better off swapping meat for the protein powder you eat if we're being honest tho

      • 12 months ago

        yeah definitely, but I want ginger in my diet, I've heard so much about ginger, I need to figure out how to eat this shit lol.

        I'm a raw egg guy too.

  122. 12 months ago

    Can I get pointers or thoughts on my workout schedule

    >Push Day (Mon/Thur)
    Inc. Bench Press 4x8
    Overhead Shoulder Press 4x8
    Dumbell Lateral Raises 4x12
    Chest Flies 4x12
    Triceps Dip 4x8
    Tricep Pulldown 4x12

    >Pull Day (Tues/Fri)
    Pull Ups 4x8
    Bent over Rows 4x8
    Lat Pushdowns 4x12
    Bicep Curls 4x12
    Cable Curls 4x12
    Cable Pulls 4x12
    Forearm Curls 4x12
    Shoulder Shrugs 4x12

    >Leg Day (Wed/Sat)
    Squats 4x8
    Deadlifts 4x8
    Calf Raises 4x20
    Bulgarian Split Squats 4x8

    >Every day except Sunday
    Cable Crunches 4x10
    Hanging Leg Raises 4x15
    Russian Twists 4x15
    Ab Roller 4x20

    I also jog for about 1.5 hours every day but Sundays

    • 12 months ago

      If I am understanding correctly, you are doing from 8-12 exercises, all 4 sets each along with 1.5 hours of cardio. That seems very excessive to me.

      Look up "Junk volume" on the Interwebz and trim the fat out of your shitty workout program.

  123. 12 months ago

    Thoughts on creatine?

  124. 12 months ago

    I got my CK tested and it is 914. Should I hold off on my workouts until I see a doctor?

    • 12 months ago

      Not alarmingly high, could get that high just from a hard training session. Rhabdo is like when CK is ten times that or more.

  125. 12 months ago

    So I got a whey protein thing on a family raffle (not the one in pic, mine's isolate or smth)
    Is it any useful for a skinny frick who doesn't even exercise?
    I never tried this shit and honestly figure it might have more value if I give away or sell it to someone else.

  126. 12 months ago

    >gonna have sexo for the first time in months tomorrow
    >fapped like 4 times today
    how do I optimize my wiener in a short period of time? I'm certain I'll still get hard but it won't be my best work.

  127. 12 months ago

    cardio to improve my sexual performance? I sometimes get out of breath. is any cardio ok?

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