Questions that don't deserve their own thread.

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Why is everyone so angry on IST?

    • 10 months ago

      eat shit Black person

      • 10 months ago

        Why is everyone so angry on IST?

    • 10 months ago

      People tend to vent out and release some of their aggression on innocent bystanders as a coping mechanism.
      I know people who are like this irl. They're a chore to be around.

    • 10 months ago

      You are on IST not Reddit
      If you want your dick sucked, back rubbed, and butthole plugged, go to Reddit, homosexual
      People are real here

      • 10 months ago

        >If you want your dick sucked, back rubbed, and butthole plugged
        Theres a whole world between two polar opposites you know
        I think the average fitizen is just very insecure so as soon as someone disagrees their fragile ego is immediately hurt and as a defense mechanism they get aggressive
        Its dindu behavior really

        • 10 months ago

          Projection. Kys
          >Verification not required

          • 10 months ago

            Case in point, struck a nerve apparently

            • 10 months ago

              You just projecting , we can see it , try going to the shrink...

              • 10 months ago

                Ok Freud

              • 10 months ago

                Why would I go to the shrink? I don’t want to be a manlet

              • 10 months ago


                Ok Freud

                Im worrying about you Anon....

              • 10 months ago

                Thanks for your worry, maybe we should meet up and have some manly fun together

              • 10 months ago

                Im not that easy senpai

            • 10 months ago

              When's the last time you called your mom and told her you love her?

            • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          you have to go back

      • 10 months ago

        we r on 4 chan .. we r not forgetful.. we do not forgive.. we r .. le anonymous.. get ur wiener sucked if u go on reddit!! 🙂

        (that is why we r mean.. it is a test to see if u have da balls... heheh..... frick off!!!)

      • 10 months ago

        Honestly I think people are worse over than reddit than here. Sure you get the infantile responses once in a while, but at least here people are trying to be helpful. If you post a question over at reddit, you can be sure as hell that first response is just going to be someone who answers every question without knowing the answer just so he can get his dopamine fix without being helpful in the slightest, the next is going to nitpick on something you wrote or on details that's not important and won't help you, and the rest will derail everything because they're mostly there to vent out their aggression on random strangers.
        Yeah, I've received much more helpful answers here than on reddit thankyouverymuch. That place is way more toxic than here, it's just not that obvious.

        • 10 months ago

          Same , I left this board for 2 month.
          Been browsing other forum , not reddit tho....
          Got reported for calling someone a pussy and everyone is just fake and gay and a wienersucker.
          Got reported for false accusation of racsim lmao , like seriously... and reddit sucks ass imo , I don't know why people post there nor care.... looks homosexualory.
          feels different when Im posting here to be honest , and also the old forums I used to post got offline... maybe one left...

          • 10 months ago

            >and reddit sucks ass imo , I don't know why people post there nor care.... looks homosexualory.
            mostly because it's the largest and most accessible place to discuss stuff. the sad thing is that quantity don't equal to quality. that place does its best not to work as a community. it's kind of like how the goons in eve online had a communistic approach in a capitalist aimed game. they do everything opposite of what you would normally be doing.
            I just think it's sad. reddit is most likely the first place most people will check out in their fitness journey, and it sucks that they're that unhelpful. though I can't really say anything since this place has had a massive increase of black pillers and demotivatiors lately, completely opposite of what this place really is supposed to be.

        • 10 months ago

          Reddit is filled with pseduointellectuals who are more concerned with farming imaginary points than actually helping. It's not low key more toxic, it just straight up is. The beauty of anonymity is we're all moron homosexual DYEL Black folk until proven otherwise.

    • 10 months ago

      Go frick yourself , like seriously , fricking idiot and shit...

      • 10 months ago

        eat shit Black person

        frick you homosexual have a nice day

        seethe, brainlets

        • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Consider that you might just be annoying and people generally don't like annoying people around them.

    • 10 months ago

      no consequences for honesty, homosexual.

    • 10 months ago

      Roid rage

    • 10 months ago

      It is pretty fun

    • 10 months ago

      because teenagers just learned curse words and they can't wait to wear them out

    • 10 months ago

      frick you homosexual have a nice day

    • 10 months ago

      Because lifting reduces anger and no one on IST lifts

  2. 10 months ago

    Any tips on time-maxxing? What's the most optimized routine for full-body training?
    I won't be able to spend much time on the gym for a couple of months, so I'd like to make the time I can spend count.

    • 10 months ago

      Deadlifts, Pull Ups, OHPs.

    • 10 months ago

      At the minimum you should do bench, bent over rows, squats, curls, and rope pushdowns. You should definitely do more if you have time but that's the bare minimum imo

      • 10 months ago

        If time is really an issue I'd go for machines more like hack squat and chest press

        • 10 months ago

          I don't think there's a machine that's a compound lift that works the hamstrings. Working the quads without work for the hamstrings is going to lead to knee problems. At least with the bent over row you're going to get some hamstring work since it's going to pull in the whole posterior chain by design

    • 10 months ago

      Supersetting is the key to saving time. You gotta have a good exercise selection for that and also decent cardiovascular capacity. I do it extremely often and superset something like overhead skullcrushers with reverse grip barbell curls or doing ab isolation inbetween some random exercise.

    • 10 months ago

      What this anon said

      Supersetting is the key to saving time. You gotta have a good exercise selection for that and also decent cardiovascular capacity. I do it extremely often and superset something like overhead skullcrushers with reverse grip barbell curls or doing ab isolation inbetween some random exercise.

      Most optimized routine is do a push-pull-leg-curl workout (compound movements). Do super-sets for the push-pull and you'll have a short and great routine.

      You can go an extra mile and skip legs many times if you are doing some kind of heavy cardio (outside of the gym) where you can really push your legs, or if you ride a bike a lot, etc.

      • 10 months ago

        Supersetting is the key to saving time. You gotta have a good exercise selection for that and also decent cardiovascular capacity. I do it extremely often and superset something like overhead skullcrushers with reverse grip barbell curls or doing ab isolation inbetween some random exercise.

        Either after three months or after you've started stalling. If you check out strength standards, you'll most likely start stalling around when you reach novice level, though this is a bit dependant on how much volume work you've put in besides the main work.

        phraks greyskull lp probably. Though it's probably better doing rows 3x5 - bench press 3x5 - squats 3x5 alternating with chins 3xfailure - overhead press 3x5 - deadlifts 1x5.

        At the minimum you should do bench, bent over rows, squats, curls, and rope pushdowns. You should definitely do more if you have time but that's the bare minimum imo

        Deadlifts, Pull Ups, OHPs.

        If time is really an issue I'd go for machines more like hack squat and chest press

        Thank you all very much for the help.

  3. 10 months ago

    What's a good amount of time to move on from SS to a more intermediate program?

    • 10 months ago

      >he fell for the SS meme

    • 10 months ago

      0 days because SS is shit

    • 10 months ago

      >moving on from /ss/
      she will leave you when your beard hairs stop coming in

    • 10 months ago

      Either after three months or after you've started stalling. If you check out strength standards, you'll most likely start stalling around when you reach novice level, though this is a bit dependant on how much volume work you've put in besides the main work.

      Any tips on time-maxxing? What's the most optimized routine for full-body training?
      I won't be able to spend much time on the gym for a couple of months, so I'd like to make the time I can spend count.

      phraks greyskull lp probably. Though it's probably better doing rows 3x5 - bench press 3x5 - squats 3x5 alternating with chins 3xfailure - overhead press 3x5 - deadlifts 1x5.

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks for the non-meme answer

    • 10 months ago

      ss kek

  4. 10 months ago

    What arguments are there against doing 3 AMRAP sets for an accessory instead of shooting for an equal number of reps (other than making it easier to measure progress or make strength gains) ?

    • 10 months ago

      I don't know. I do both. I also do drop sets once in a while. It's accessories, it doesn't really matter as long as you put the work and volume imho tbh.

  5. 10 months ago

    How often should I deadlift per week. I'm doing PPL and it's been three days since deadlift day and I don't feel like I've fully recovered yet.
    Should I just do it every second rotation and add some other exercise inbetween instead?

    • 10 months ago

      nice trips
      I'd probably try once a week. You could just do rows instead like in the program, or you could do power cleans I guess. Though most people probably just do rows because it's harder to learn olympic lifts than regular lifts, not that power cleans are that hard. Alan Thrall has a nice video on it.

      • 10 months ago

        I've actually gone from barbell rows to inverted ring rows (pull day) because barbell rows are too weird for me. Too hard to know if the form is correct, too stressful on the lower back in compound with deadlifting, too hard to gauge muscle failure.

        • 10 months ago

          I do T-bar rows instead, barbell rows never felt right to me. I think it's because the neutral hand position is more natural to me.

    • 10 months ago

      I justed subbed in romanian deadlifts instead when I did PPL, not even doing regular deads because they take too long to recover from. If you care about powerlifting this is obviously not recommended.

      • 10 months ago

        As much as your program tells you so. You dont need do proper deadlifts all the time. Sub in some RDLs or direct hamstring work and it will carry over to your deadlift. Squats will contribute to your deadlifts a lot too.

        I'm actually doing a bastardized mix of RDL's and normal deadlifts because I have a home gym and can't let the weights hit the floor so I rack them on the lowest safety bar instead which is a little above the feet. Additionally I have insanely bad hamstring flexibility so I figured I wouldn't be able do to them properly from the ground without an extreme knee-bend anyway.
        So I do them more like RDL's anyway (trying to focus on hamstring stretches) but go a little deeper. I hope this isn't moronic to do.

        My newest idea was creating a 2nd leg day doing different exercises (Split squats, hip thrust, good morning) so I'd basically only do Deadlifts once a week.

    • 10 months ago

      As much as your program tells you so. You dont need do proper deadlifts all the time. Sub in some RDLs or direct hamstring work and it will carry over to your deadlift. Squats will contribute to your deadlifts a lot too.

  6. 10 months ago

    is the upper chest general slow at getting good size? do i just spam ohp for better growth? my chest seems to lower chest dominant

    • 10 months ago

      I'd probably do incline dumbbell bench. Try going for 5x10 sets.
      Chest is a bit hard to develop because it needs a bit of volume to get big.

    • 10 months ago

      i found that low to high chest cable flyes are quite good for upper chest

  7. 10 months ago

    Reverse flyes vs facepulls, which ones targets the rear delt better?

    • 10 months ago

      Reverse flies easily. Face pulls end up limiting your rear delt growth because it'll outpace the the rotator cuff

    • 10 months ago

      not really answering which one is better for hypertrophy but I feel like it's easier to frick up your facepulls than it is to frick up a reverse fly

    • 10 months ago

      I like band pullaparts. I just feel them a lot better, and I can adjust the length I'm dragging with the band to really grind out some last reps.

  8. 10 months ago

    >No one replied to my thread so I'll post it here
    I was doing 135kgx20reps on the seated calf raise machine, my gym has a very simple front plate loaded one like the one in the pic and it made a very not good creaking sound that I could hear even through my earphones. Could I be in any danger if the supporting beam snaps off? If so how am I supposed to do my calf raises? They have a smith machine but they only have plastic boxes that I'm not sure would be able to handle both my weight and the weight I'm calf raising.

    • 10 months ago

      forgot pic

    • 10 months ago

      I do one sided calf raises in the stairs just with body weight. Might be a bit heavy in the beginning but you get used to it. It'll be heavier than the machine because machines are never really correct. Otherwise Smith Machine, you can probably just stand on some weights. I think those step boxes are only made to handle about 150 kg.

      • 10 months ago

        I guess I could snatch one of those chunky 20kg plates but I don't think that would be high enough to do a calf raise and if I stack multiple plates on top of each other they will inevitably slip, also yeah I don't trust the little pink plastic box either.

    • 10 months ago

      seated calf raises mainly focus on the least important calf muscle for physique. do standing instead

      • 10 months ago

        They don't have a standing calf raise machine or a stool that won't snap if I try to do heavy weight on the smith machine.
        Also how does the smith machine even work, does it have safeties?

        • 10 months ago

          >Also how does the smith machine even work, does it have safeties?
          I've honestly never used a smith machine for anything else than inverse rows, and I bet that accounts for a lot of people here. You'd probably watch a youtube video and watch other people using it.
          How hard can it be?

          • 10 months ago

            they are supposed to have safety pegs
            I guess I'll look at it next time I'm in the gym and put them about neck height since I'll only be using the thing for calf raises

    • 10 months ago

      You better start doing smith machine+platform, it works it better than the seated machine.
      Hell you can even train calves better on the leg press machine.

      • 10 months ago

        They only have an angled leg press with one of those very shit safeties and I'm not getting into that. They have a plank in there somewhere, I'll just use that in the smith machine.

  9. 10 months ago

    I took to much pre workout what should I do?

  10. 10 months ago

    How much cholesterol do I need to maximize testosterone before I get diminishing returns?

    • 10 months ago

      Recommended fat intake is 0.3 g per lb lean bodyweight.

      • 10 months ago

        Cholesterol though. Not all fat has cholesterol

        • 10 months ago

          Doesn't matter because your body makes cholesterol from fats.

  11. 10 months ago

    Should I go lower with my bent over rows?

    • 10 months ago

      it looks like you're bent to the side, without a full vid of a rep it's hard to tell.

      I took to much pre workout what should I do?

      Deal with it for like a half-hour. You'll probably be jittery.

      >he fell for the SS meme

      0 days because SS is shit

      >moving on from /ss/
      she will leave you when your beard hairs stop coming in

      ss kek

      shoo shoo samehomosexual

      • 10 months ago

        >it looks like you're bent to the side, without a full vid of a rep it's hard to tell.
        yeah I'm, but isnt that a full contraction of the back?
        I'm not sure if this inclination's low enough

        • 10 months ago

          homie I can't even see your form the pic is tiny and it looks like you're leaning over. Post a vid.

          • 10 months ago

            That's because I'm not asking you to rate my form moronic fricking Black person

            • 10 months ago

              you literally asked about your form you fricking idiot
              >should i go lower
              is a fricking form question
              go back to fricking reddit dipshit

  12. 10 months ago

    I'm looking to get a lat pulldown bar. are there any advantages to the ones that aren't the standard? I see ones like these with neutral grips, are they better or just different?

    • 10 months ago

      I would think a narrower grip and a neutral grip would activate your biceps more. When it starts getting heavy it probably don't matter that much.

    • 10 months ago

      My gym has these. They feel way more ergonomic to me. Also they're really easy to hold so grip fatigue is a non-factor.

  13. 10 months ago

    Is spaghetti or rice best for bulking? Because of increasing food prices, I've got to cut food expenses a bit. Spaghetti and rice costs about the same per kg, but spaghetti has twice as many grams of protein as rice (12 g vs 6 g), and similar in carbs. I've been mostly eating spaghetti to get in some cheap protein, but is there otherwise any reason to eat rice over spaghetti? Otherwise I try to eat healthy with variety, but I've got to reduce expensive stuff like meat and cheese.

    • 10 months ago

      If you can burn pasta's protein I'd choose pasta

      • 10 months ago

        >pasta's protein

      • 10 months ago

        >pasta's protein

        Yeah, as long as I'm bulking and keeping track of my macros, I don't think it should be an issue. Spaghetti has the same amount of protein as oats, and although it has slightly more carbs, I really don't see why it shouldn't be my go to for cheap bulking cals.
        From what I can tell spaghetti and pasta has mainly fallen out of the good circle because of low-carb diets, but from a macros point of view it should be one of the protein sources that give the most bang for your bucks.
        I need to check out other cheap protein sources, beans and lentils aren't that available in my country and are a bit expensive, but sardines shouldn't be that expensive and is also a cheap protein source apparently.

  14. 10 months ago

    I want to add back extension and Romanian dl to my plan. I train legs/push/pull. Where is the best to put them? My plan: Legs: squat, (extensions or rld), leg press, leg curl, leg extension, calf raise. Pull: pull ups, (back extension or rld), bb row, lat pulldown, cabel row, face pull, biceps.

    • 10 months ago

      on pull day back extensions should go at the end or it's going to affect your rowing

      and on legs that's a nice position you placed it in

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks. So rld on leg day, back extension on pull.

  15. 10 months ago

    high bar back squats, how wide should my stance be? i feel like wider stance makes it easier for me to reach parallel but closer stance (about shoulder width) makes my quads burn more

    • 10 months ago

      normal answer would probably be about shoulder wide. but i would not squat alltogether, people apparently die when they fail a squat.

      • 10 months ago

        please don't troll in this thread

        • 10 months ago

          You saying that guy is just pretending to be dead?

          • 10 months ago


            please don't troll in this thread

            >please don't troll in this thread

    • 10 months ago

      Shoulder stance is the normal. You can probably read up on sumo squats, though I haven't got experience with them mysefl.

  16. 10 months ago

    Will an elbow brace sleeve thing hurt gains?

    • 10 months ago

      It's just for stability, pretty sure it won't affect gains in any way.

  17. 10 months ago

    Am I supposed to stand on my tippy toes when doing squats? What about front squats?

    • 10 months ago

      No, that's a form break.

      • 10 months ago

        so my heel should be flat on the ground?

        • 10 months ago

          Squat shoes usually have a little heel. You can put a couple of 2.5 lbs weight places under your heels when you lift if you struggle with it.

        • 10 months ago

          Yes and if you find that difficult to achieve you need to widen your stance/work on your ankle/calf flexibility

  18. 10 months ago

    >dark circles under eyes
    Is more sleep the answer? I sleep 7 hours a day and when I looked it up it said that was healthy.

    • 10 months ago

      eat healthily, sleep well, and stress down
      though in the end it's hard to fix it when you're dead inside

    • 10 months ago

      It's mostly genetics. Having a tan/fake tan can help

  19. 10 months ago

    >weird bunch of dots when I pull the foreskin back
    how the frick do I get rid of this, it's not that visible but it's fricking gross if you see it.

    • 10 months ago

      Anti-fungal cream. I'd probably try clotrimazole for three-four weeks. Use it for three-four weeks even if your symptoms get better after a week, because if not it'll return.
      You can avoid this by not using soap on your penis head or using neutral soap.

      • 10 months ago

        thank you bro, should mention it's not on the head but the skin beneath it when I pull the foreskin back.

        • 10 months ago

          Fungus like places like that. It's usually caused by candida, but if clotrimazole doesn't work, you could try out other fungal creams. But I'd probably consult a doctor then to rule out that it's not something else.

          • 10 months ago

            >But I'd probably consult a doctor then
            Was planning on doing that, there's no harm in trying clotrimazole though?

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah, most common is the most common and in almost all cases it's fungus, so I'd just try it out. If it doesn't have any effect in a week, you should probably consult a doctor, but otherwise it's probably fine.

  20. 10 months ago

    why not?
    >no surgery
    >no hormone altering drugs

    • 10 months ago

      No reason why not, if you can afford it. Get FUE over FUT if your scalp and bank account can make it happen.

      Finasteride a requirement afterwards, in case that's a deal-breaker

      • 10 months ago

        why did the skin below his jaw drop?

        that is a hair system

    • 10 months ago

      why did the skin below his jaw drop?

  21. 10 months ago

    Here's my leg day program:
    inclined leg press
    leg extension
    leg curl
    bicep curl
    Anything to add/remove?

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Are they really needed as a separate thing? They are already massive from squats/cycling/rooning as is.
        If yes, any spwcific exercise you would ewcommend?

        • 10 months ago

          I've got to do them in spite of other lifting and cardio because they're not hit enough.
          I honestly just do one-sided calf raises with body weight. Go for reps until failure for three sets, and top it off with doing both at the same time until failure.
          Have been enough for a while, but they were my weak point.

          • 10 months ago

            okay thanks

  22. 10 months ago

    I can squat ass to grass chink style no problem, any point in getting shoes with elevated heels?

    • 10 months ago

      so you feel sexy, obviously

  23. 10 months ago

    i keep shooting basketballs but can't seem to get past a slow jog. my joints and knee hurt and i feel dizzy sometimes. i am overwieght but no obese, started drinking sweet tea instead of soda.

    • 10 months ago

      sweet tea? that shit has more sugar in it that coke

  24. 10 months ago

    Assuming my diet is clean and I get enough protein, could I just eat a tub of ice cream a week on top of that to get some more calories in on a bulk? I'm really lean from my summer cut and mostly just want to gain size and strength until next year.

  25. 10 months ago

    Having chest pain issues most likely anxiety. Got full blood panel and ekg done and I’m coming up clean. However my CK (creatine kinase) are high at 400UL (normal max is 200ish).

    Doc said to take a week off the gym and retest to see if levels normalise. I’ve also been feeling like I’m not recovered properly this weekend. Am I going to die? I currently train 6x a week but maybe I’m just overtraining? This whole situation sucks 🙁

    • 10 months ago

      I’ll add that this blood test was a couple hours after a leg day.

    • 10 months ago

      CK of 400 is nothing. To have heart disease or rhabdo you need to have CK in the ten thousands. CK can be elevated to over a 1000 by working out normally.
      Sounds like a deload week isn't that bad either, doing a full body workout three times a week or an upper/lower split might be better for you.
      Tl;dr don't worry.

      • 10 months ago

        Thank you medical man. Used to have bad anxiety 2 years back and chest pain is only symptom that stuck around. It’s given me the runaround ever since. Im doing everything right; exercise, stretching, no caffeine, minimal stressors. Doc is going to want me to go to a psychiatrist even though I never feel anxious. Is there any chance they could actually help? I with refuse any gay antidepressants

        • 10 months ago

          Stuff like cognitive therapy could probably treat it in a few sessions, otherwise just getting general psychotherapy about anxiety would probably help. Cognitive therapy is as good as medical treatment, but it's not always as available.
          Exposure therapy is usually a part of it, and if you don't want to go to therapy, there's usually enough free self treatment stuff on both of these around on the internet, though I don't know any good English ones.

  26. 10 months ago

    That stronglift routine in the pin is it really good enough? I care much more about strenght but i guess some muscle showing would be good...

    • 10 months ago

      You’re splitting hairs if you’re currently untrained.

      • 10 months ago

        I used to train like 4 or 3 months ago then i got injured in the back and didn't come back because my bad habits took over me. That's why i'm asking because i want to come back but never asked something like that when i started.

    • 10 months ago

      It's fine, but phraks greyskull lp and variants of that is really what's recommended for beginners today. Mainly because Stronglifts train your lower body more than your upper body so you get imbalanced. If this isn't an issue, I'd recommend Starting Strength over Stronglifts honestly. Though you should switch programs after about 3 months, which is usually when people are done with linear prgoression.

      • 10 months ago

        >I'd recommend Starting Strength over Stronglifts honestly. Though you should switch programs after about 3 months
        Guess i'll give starting strength a try then. But on picrel what does it mean when it says "press". I'm an ESL but there shouldn't be a word before that? I know it says bench press on like wednesday and then just "press" on monday and friday. What the hell is that?

        • 10 months ago

          Overhead press.

          • 10 months ago

            Ok, thank you. So you would recommend starting strength over Phraks Greyskull LP? I'm not really a "begginer" but a moron who drops gym time to time.

            • 10 months ago

              classic, fellow ESL bro

            • 10 months ago

              I would recommend Starting Strength over phraks greyskull lp, but that's as long as you don't mind that your legs get bigger relative to your upper body for a short period of time. There's a reason a T-rex is the mascot of this board.
              You might want to add a little, like after a while you should start alternating deadlifts and rows, you don't really need to do powercleans, and you should really just start off with doing chins from the start. Otherwise putting in some biceps, triceps, additional chest work like incline dumbbell bench, calves, abs and obliques are probably the most important. You don't need to do everything every workout though or at the beginning, but you'll quickly notice that there's some areas that the basic compound lifts just don't cover or cover enough.

              >been working out a mates place for a few weeks now
              >his dad is a pt so has a proper home gym
              >been doing different muscle groups each day
              >i.e. chest monday, back wednesday, shoulders/arms friday
              Is this a bro split?

              >Is this a bro split?
              Yes. It's not really recommended for beginners, as they can work out a muscle group three times a week, and a brosplit only works out each muscle group once a week. It's ridiculously inefficient and are meant for advanced body builders. Or people on roids.

              • 10 months ago

                I've been doing upper body workouts with dumbells inbetween the days I go to my mates, mostly shoulders and arms, you reckon I should be doing more?

              • 10 months ago

                try to get in some volume work so you work out each muscle group two times a week. goblet squats, split squats, lunges instead of barbell squats, stiff one-legged deadlifts instead of deadlifts, floor presses and dumbbell presses for bench press and overhead press, curls and overhead extension for biceps and triceps, and one-sided rows would probably be fine. You're going to advance at a snail pace if you don't work out a muscle group more than once a week, so doing power at your mates and hypertrophy/volume at home is probably fine. I like 5x10 sets for volume.

                Why am I relatively garbage at any lift that isn't 5 reps? From my experience my 3 rep max is only 5 lbs higher than my 5rm, and my 1rm is probably another 5 or 10 lbs higher than that. From what ive been reading my other lower rep lifts should be much heavier. It's been hard for me to choose a training max for 5/3/1 because if I use 90% of my 1rm, it would be far too low costing me months of gains compared to just setting my training max to my 5rm or 3rm

                you git gud at the rep range you train because your cns get used to it

  27. 10 months ago

    Can I do 5x5 for my major compound lifts and 3x10 for accessories in the same workout? This is on a PPL split, mind you. (Shoulders on leg day)

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, you have got my permission.
      Some of the accessory work might turn into junk volume, but you can try it out first and see how it goes.

    • 10 months ago

      No, your muscles would activate the self-destruction protocol

      • 10 months ago

        I am seeking optimization

    • 10 months ago

      If you so much as dare consider mixing those set and rep ranges together, I will hunt you down and murder your entire family.

    • 10 months ago

      We'll, on a pull/push/legs routine you should really press on push day

      I used to do(after working up to it over time) 5-10 sets of 5 on the big lifts, 4 sets of 8 on accessories and then trash volume on isolations or machinrs

  28. 10 months ago

    >been working out a mates place for a few weeks now
    >his dad is a pt so has a proper home gym
    >been doing different muscle groups each day
    >i.e. chest monday, back wednesday, shoulders/arms friday
    Is this a bro split?

    • 10 months ago

      >No legs
      This is why they don't work

  29. 10 months ago

    I've been training seriously for about 6 weeks now for both cardio and strength. My routine consists of at least one hour of running or cycling daily and 40 minutes of lifting 5 days per week.
    The problem is that I've never been more tired in my life. I feel fine when I'm exercizing, but then midway through the afternoon or early evening I have to sleep because I'm so tired. I'm making good gains and want to keep going, but the tiredness is starting to interfere with other aspects of my life.
    Will this eventually go away as I get fitter, or will I have to adjust something to have more energy during the later parts of the day?

    • 10 months ago

      It never goes away in my experience, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with sleeping.

    • 10 months ago

      You're running yourself completely into the ground. I don't think you can sleep and eat enough to cover up for that. You should probably reduce your workouts a bit, like lifting three times a week with like a full body program and have a couple of days a week off from the cardio.

  30. 10 months ago

    Why am I relatively garbage at any lift that isn't 5 reps? From my experience my 3 rep max is only 5 lbs higher than my 5rm, and my 1rm is probably another 5 or 10 lbs higher than that. From what ive been reading my other lower rep lifts should be much heavier. It's been hard for me to choose a training max for 5/3/1 because if I use 90% of my 1rm, it would be far too low costing me months of gains compared to just setting my training max to my 5rm or 3rm

  31. 10 months ago

    Been lifting for 6 months now and I encountered my first "stalls".
    Stuck on 24kg (50lb) dumbbell bench for 2 weeks now. I can barely do 3x8, sometimes I even fail that. No chance adding more weight and I can't even get 1 additional rep.
    I thought about dropsets to get volume up (do you even dropset on bench press?)
    Is that moronic?

    • 10 months ago

      You're probably stalling because you're not able to get enough strength work in. You probably need barbells to advance. You can do dropsets on anything really, but I think it's time you joined a gym.

      • 10 months ago

        first, thanks
        second, uhm
        >you're not able to get enough strength work in
        what is strength work?
        >You probably need barbells to advance
        I mainly chose dumbbells because it was easier and faster than loading up barbells. I guess I could switch.
        >but I think it's time you joined a gym.
        I... already joined the gym?

        • 10 months ago

          You should probably check out something like phraks greyskull lp or starting strength and start doing that. To advance further you most likely need to start lifting heavy, which is strength work. This is hard with dumbbells alone.

          I hardly ever get morning erections for a pretty long time but I have normal hard erections for sex and the occasional boner when I'm sexting with somebody. What does this mean?
          Note that I seldom sleep much more than six hours and that I usually sleep from 6 AM to 12:30 PM.

          I've never really had morning erections so I don't think it's a big deal.

  32. 10 months ago

    Who would have thought IST used to be vegan

    • 10 months ago

      This place used to have an overly obsession with oats. You'd think oats could've solved world peace or something back then. It was almost religious, and honestly even more zealous than starting strength.
      It has dwindled with time though, but still it was pretty weird.

  33. 10 months ago

    What is a good split if your doing calisthenics and adjustable 20 lbs dumbbells?
    I don't mind doing high reps, like Rich Piana style

  34. 10 months ago

    I hardly ever get morning erections for a pretty long time but I have normal hard erections for sex and the occasional boner when I'm sexting with somebody. What does this mean?
    Note that I seldom sleep much more than six hours and that I usually sleep from 6 AM to 12:30 PM.

  35. 10 months ago

    I have the same question as last thread.


    >Have a popping noise when my left shoulder rotates inwards and extends.
    >Pretty bad pain after incline and overhead press at the front of that shoulder that disallowed me from doing an incline press.
    Am I just being paranoid? I have completely normal DOMS today, but that popping noise in my shoulder is still around.

    • 10 months ago

      >Disallowed incline
      I meant decline, after the incline. I'm a shit.

  36. 10 months ago

    Anons... help me please, I've bought whey protein chocolate flavor and it tastes like shit. Tastes like chemicals.
    How do you consume your proteins?

    • 10 months ago

      You grow a backbone and just drink it.

    • 10 months ago

      Have you tried it with milk?
      it'll change your world

    • 10 months ago

      Put it in a cuppa coffee.

  37. 10 months ago

    Advice on cns fatigue?
    Been just walking around my home to not get fat
    What do I do?
    I sleep a lot, eat a lot
    I relax
    idk what else to do
    I feel fatigued

  38. 10 months ago

    Anyone ever wake up feeling tired and weak? Like all the strength is gone from me, I have no grip strength, couldnt rip open a plastic bag or open a tight jar. Besides that I'm waking up exhausted in general, always needing more sleep and tending to nap during the day which is unusual for me. I'm not short on sleep either, I tend to get 8 hours a night.

    It's been going on now for a couple of months. Possible causes - vaping and or cutting. I tried carbmaxxing for a few days though and it didn't really help. Has this happened to you?

    • 10 months ago

      Have you checked your bloodsugar after waking up by any chance?

    • 10 months ago

      You should probably get some blood work done and check for the common stuff like anemia, vitamin deficit, hypothyreosis, diabetes. Though it's most likely related to cutting, having a check to rule out anything else is probably smart. Tick borne encephalitis is stuff that can give fatigue too.

  39. 10 months ago

    I've been doing the Jeff Nippard beginner hypertrophy fullbody for like a year now. I'm still getting gains, but progress has slowed and the current weight and intensity is starting to gas me out halfway through the workout.

    Should I switch to an UL split or PPL? I like FB becauce it's only 3x a week and hits everything 3x a week, but I feel like I could go harder on a diff split. PPL seems like a lot doing 6 days a week with only the one rest day.

    • 10 months ago

      I like Upper/Lower better than PPL, training six times a week is just too much. It's a lot easier getting in some hypertrophy work on UL than on full body, and training out each muscle group two times a week instead of two is okay if you push yourself hard.

  40. 10 months ago

    how much should i bent over row if i bench 225?

  41. 10 months ago

    Is it possible that only my quads are growing instead of my whole body? At least that's what it feels like

    • 10 months ago

      Your legs are the biggest muscles on your body and the easiest to stimulate to grow more. It is how it is.

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        arent there a lot of back muscles missing? just lats and traps doesnt seem like enough, what about spinal erectors, lower back etc?
        >t. "the back can take a hell of a beating, from different angles, every day"-believer

  42. 10 months ago

    Alright so, is there a 4-5 day program that is "lightweight" i can follow as a beginner? I used to lift way back but its been so long since. Im asking for a lightweight program since my new job will be lifting and squatting all day. (package handler) Best part being, theres a gym open 24 hours on the path i would take so its very convenient for me.

    • 10 months ago

      Doing an upper lower split four times a week where the first sessions are power focused and the second sessions hypertrophy focused like PHUL would probably fit that bill. Then you sort of just lift heavy once a week.

      • 10 months ago

        I found this, hows this look to you? Anything i should adjust from this list or just follow it.

  43. 10 months ago

    What are some cool hobbies that won’t frick up my body? Pretty limited due to a history of injuries (concussions/torn ligaments from sports). Thinking of picking up guitar and marathon running.

  44. 10 months ago

    How to quit cigarettes?

  45. 10 months ago

    What's the easiest way to cook beef? I have a hard time cooking and using a cast iron pan that fills my kitchen and clothes with smoke and grease it's so tiresome I'm not even eating beef anymore.

  46. 10 months ago

    After lifting I get a little bit of energy, then I fall asleep within 2 hrs. When I wake up I’m fatigued, exhausted, brain fogged and feel weak. Idk why this happens. Am I not eating enough protein ( normally get about 1.25g per lb of bodyweight)?

  47. 10 months ago

    can someone explain the deloads / resets on this? seeing a lot of conflicting info

    • 10 months ago

      Squat 1x5 1x5 1x6 @ 200lbs
      Squat 1x5 1x5 1x5 @ 205lbs
      Squat 1x5 1x5 1x3 @ 210lbs <- fail
      Squat 1x5 1x5 1x4 @ 210lbs <- fail again
      Squat 1x5 1x5 1x8 @ 190lbs <- deload (10% reduction)

      • 10 months ago

        great thanks, same story if you can’t make 5 reps on the first 2 sets?

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah, you must hit at least 5 reps on all sets

          • 10 months ago

            roger roger affirmative roger bossman

  48. 10 months ago

    can someone please explain negatives to me like a brainlet?

    • 10 months ago

      It's basically only performing the eccentric part of a lift. It depends on context but let's say you want to train pull-ups and can't perform a single one yet because you don't have the strength to pull yourself up. Instead your starting position will be at the top of the movement (you get there through any sort of assistance) and you lower yourself slowly, that's doing a negative.

  49. 10 months ago

    What kind of warmup, if any, do you guys do for dips?

    • 10 months ago

      Halo with kettle bell really help me open everything up and keep loosey goosey

  50. 10 months ago

    how can i tell if my protein powder has gone bad?

    • 10 months ago

      Just try it. If it looks the same, mixes the same when you mix it with water or milk, then it's probably still fine. I've used whey that was 2 years past the best before date and it was fine.

  51. 10 months ago

    How can I progress to be able to do pullups/chinups as a beginner?
    Also which exercise is better?

    • 10 months ago

      can someone please explain negatives to me like a brainlet?

      Read this post above mine and it answered my question

  52. 10 months ago

    OMADers - what time of day do you eat your meal?

  53. 10 months ago

    Do ANC earphones cancel out gym music?

    • 10 months ago

      probably not, ANC is really only for constant and consistent noises, like humming from a fan or something

    • 10 months ago

      get canalphones

      • 10 months ago

        these look horrific to use, i cringe at the thought off wearing these

        • 10 months ago

          they're not that bad and they block out pretty much everything. if you've ever worn ear plugs it's nearly the same thing

          Do they also come as a wireless option? Wired sucks in a gym environment.

          I dont think so, theyre kind of niche as it is and they might be too heavy if they were wireless

      • 10 months ago

        Do they also come as a wireless option? Wired sucks in a gym environment.

  54. 10 months ago

    Can I have Whey AND Casein in the same day? The former post workout and the latter before bed.

    • 10 months ago

      no you'll get ass cancer

      • 10 months ago

        Who says?

        • 10 months ago


  55. 10 months ago

    How would you spend a 2k budget on starting a home gym?
    Would it be a mistake to just buy a power rack, bench, bar, and plates from a name brand with that budget? Second hand market is pretty shit where I am. People are selling racks and benches at MSRP so you save on shipping for used goods.

    • 10 months ago

      Get a good bar and a rack that has a decent capacity. If I was you I'd get an adjustable bench just for versatility. I got a flat one and had to replace it eventually. Plates shouldn't really matter at this point, would just go for the cheapest. But yeah, anything else you can always get later on. Maybe also get some dumbbell handles with the same diameter as your bar so you can use some of the plates to load them.

      • 10 months ago

        Adjustable bench was also something I was thinking about. I have a cheap Marcy flat bench but I only do dumbbell press on it. I go to the gym for 2pl8. No fricking way I'm trusting that thing
        I already have some adjustable dumbbells, but the balance on them feels like shit since the locking mechanism makes it unbalanced. I can feel the center of balance shift mid curl.

        I would honestly just spend $500 and save the rest of the money for something else.
        You can get a good enough chink squat rack, flat bench, cheap olympic bar (the cheap ones can handle 300 kg, which should last for a while), and no name plates that you can just add 20 or 25 kg plates for. You really only need to buy two 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 kg to begin with.
        A cheap squat rack is like a fourth or fifth of the price of a power rack and does the job, and if you manage to work out for a couple of years, you should rather invest in a power rack then when you know you'll use it.
        Though I shouldn't say anything as I've spent $3-4k on expensive equipment I don't use I guess. Learning by burning. I just work out better at the gym I learned the hard way.

        Definitely good idea getting no name plates to start with. I don't lift serious enough to need expensive ass calibrated plates. I feel like I've been black pilled on chink racks though. Poisoned my mind with too many israelitetuber videos of those racks wobbling with no weight on them.


        Any recommendations for bars? I see Texas Power Bars get mentioned every now and then.

        • 10 months ago

          Id probably just buy a stiff bar from a reputable company and then a deadlift bar later

          >Just eat meat
          Meat is expensive.

          It's really not expensive when you don't shop at expensive grocery stores
          And now, with trash powder being expensive, it's cheaper to buy meat the vast majority of the time anyway

          What are some good apps for creating routines?
          I've been using SelectTech by boflex for a few years and have enjoyed it a lot but since they've moved on to JRNY it's no longer being updated which is a shame because imho it's much more versatile.

          Just use a real routine from someone reputable


          Of course it converts, obviously not 1 for 1 but it does somewhat. If the only thing I can do so don't be a fricking lart pooper.

          If someone could life 500kg single leg do you think you could say you were stronger at 200kg just because you're doing the oh so holy conventional? Huh HUH?

          1) kys
          2) no it doesn't convert

          • 10 months ago

            You've got to be literally stupid if you don't understand.

            If a person can literally deadlift more than you on one leg you'd probably still say they're weaker because they aren't doing it right kek. Please tell me I'm wrong though because I'll die if any human is actually that moronic.

    • 10 months ago

      I would honestly just spend $500 and save the rest of the money for something else.
      You can get a good enough chink squat rack, flat bench, cheap olympic bar (the cheap ones can handle 300 kg, which should last for a while), and no name plates that you can just add 20 or 25 kg plates for. You really only need to buy two 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 kg to begin with.
      A cheap squat rack is like a fourth or fifth of the price of a power rack and does the job, and if you manage to work out for a couple of years, you should rather invest in a power rack then when you know you'll use it.
      Though I shouldn't say anything as I've spent $3-4k on expensive equipment I don't use I guess. Learning by burning. I just work out better at the gym I learned the hard way.

  56. 10 months ago

    you have to switch programs when your current one plateaus, right? why is this?

    • 10 months ago

      You don't really have to switch, you could introduce some variations, whether that's set and rep ranges, different rest periods or switching some exercises or you could just do a deload and stick to the same program.

    • 10 months ago

      You can't do linear progression forever. After about 3 months, your lifts will start stalling because you've reached the end of your noobie gains, and you need to start using some sort of periodization to progress. Recommended programs like Texas Method, Madcow 5x5, and 5/3/1 are simple programs for periodization. Otherwise you could also switch to something like PHUL, which alternates power and hypertrophy.

  57. 10 months ago

    How to not look like soijak if my hair and facial genetics are gutter trash?

    • 10 months ago

      never wear glasses and have whatever hair you can have instead of being bald

  58. 10 months ago

    If I do a single let Romanian deadlift of 98kg, how much would I be lifting for an equivalent conventional Deadlift?

  59. 10 months ago

    am i kenough?

  60. 10 months ago

    Does Charles Atlas' dynamic tension program actually work? I'm going to be spending this year mostly recovering from multiple abdominal surgeries and I'd like to take the time when I'm a skeleton to try something new besides just heavy weights. I'm less looking for aesthetics and looking good and more being strong and flexible even if it doesn't show beyond just being lean.

  61. 10 months ago

    Be realistic how much does one have to squat to have at least normal looking legs?

    Currently at 175 5x5 which slightly above bw and legs still look like Auschwitz survivor.

    • 10 months ago

      lifting is not required as you've found out. Walking is. The other extreme is that you end up with the starting strength legs once you go heavy enough. Saw a zoom with hairless massive thighs and no calves yesterday. Vile

      • 10 months ago

        Well what should I do?
        I don't even want massive tumor legs, just normal fit legs appropriate for a grown man, should I start hiking frequently, biking?

    • 10 months ago

      They're gonna get normal in less than three months if you work out and eat properly. Legs grow insanely fast.
      Don't listen to the other anon, he's trolling and giving bad advice on purpose. Though hiking is a fine form of cardio. You need to add some calves work to a beginner program, but you can superset them really.

      If I do a single let Romanian deadlift of 98kg, how much would I be lifting for an equivalent conventional Deadlift?

      Nobody knows. Easiest way to find out would be to just start out with a weight you know you can deadlift for 5 reps, do 5 reps, if it's fine add 2.5 kg and do 5 reps, if it's fine without slowing down or losing form add 2.5 kg and do 5 reps, repeat until you slow down or break form and use that weight or the one before.

  62. 10 months ago

    How fricked my progress is? Started lifting last year june. 174cm 81.5 kgs as of today. Numbers are 75/110/150/170 currently. Keep in mind that I saw all of these numbers at around 86 kg. I have started a huge cut so my numbers are all over the floor now but is my progress shit? I keep seeing dudes that lift much more than me while weighing 10-15kgs less than me.

    I think I'm gonna keep cutting for another 1-1.5 month then gonna start bulking again.

    • 10 months ago

      All of those are intermediate level after one year. I'd say it's perfectly fine. You're making a big deal out of nothing. The others have probably lifted longer than you. Just keep at it and you'll get there.

  63. 10 months ago

    where the frick do i get vars?
    ive tried two different places and lost $400 in bitcoin so far

  64. 10 months ago

    im a homejim gay and im about to have a first session in the gym tomorrow
    im using a 190cm long 10kg bar, will the weight distribution of my current bar compared to a 220cm 20kg oly bar be something i need to look out for? i bench 70kg x5 atm so should i work up slowly to it or can i just do my usual warmup? also how do i adjust the way i unrack the bar compared to my home setup? am kinda scared to frick my shit up

    • 10 months ago

      If it's a standard 25 mm bar then it can handle max about 100 kg. If it's an olympic one probably more, but you'd have to check it. 10 kg is light for a 190 cm bar.

      • 10 months ago

        i think you misunderstood my question

    • 10 months ago

      sry, thought you were doing homegym for the first time and not going to the gym
      just start with the bar and add up slowly as warm up to get used to it
      shouldn't really matter, in the end it's mostly like driving another car

      • 10 months ago

        alright, ty

  65. 10 months ago

    Fellow ketoschizos, what do you drink with alcohol since coke and juices come out of the question

  66. 10 months ago

    Do you start counting your reps as soon as your being the exercise, or do you start counting once you start to feel the burn?

  67. 10 months ago

    why do i feel so much soreness in the muscles between my armpits and manbreasts after doing dips the day before?
    >t.fatty with no body/fitness knowledge

    • 10 months ago

      uhhh because Dips work those muscles?

      • 10 months ago

        but my arms have zero pain in them whatsoever, did i frick up the movement to the point where it only stretched one of the muscles its meant to target?

        • 10 months ago

          Its cool if there is no pain with movement. Probably just soreness.

        • 10 months ago

          The more you lean forward during the dip, the more you target your chest muscles. However regardless of form it always uses both triceps and chest muscles. If you're sore in particular places it simply means those muscles have never worked while your arms might have. Soreness means nothing overall. If your arm muscles feel tired after the workout then you obviously used them. Additionally your strength/stamina may give out before particular individual muscles have completely reached failure. Thus you won't really feel their exhaustion/pain the next day. However that doesn't mean they won't go, as long as they are reasonably stressed. It's one of the few downsides of compound exercises. On the other hand those weak muscles that limited your rep max will quickly grow stronger and be in a similar level to your arms and then it should be more even.

          • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      that's normal doms. now if it's painful while you're doing the movement then either you've got an injury or you're fricking up the form somehow

  68. 10 months ago

    I'll be taking the week off lifting because of some work stuff. Happy to have some time to fully recover, but what are some ways to make my recovery even better than my usual deload week? I'm thinking some stretching and maybe some bodyweight stuff.

  69. 10 months ago

    The program I’m doing is a ton of volume. I think way too much volume possibly. Anyway, Im chugging water like crazy but my shits are all rock hard and Im constipated even after eating things that typically come out of me as fast as they go in. How can I more reliably shit?

    • 10 months ago

      Eat more leafy greens.

  70. 10 months ago

    Is 1800 cals a day too little? I workout 3-4 days a week and 81kg. Somewhere around %20 bf

    • 10 months ago

      how tall

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          it's not too bad, as long as you're hitting your protein

  71. 10 months ago

    Based on some of the other comments in here saying that you should only stick with Stronglifts for a short while, my question is, what do you do after that?
    Started lifting very recently and while I'd like to say I care mostly about strength it's probably a 40/40/20 split between aesthetics/health/strength.

    So with that in mind, what should I do after I move on from Stronglifts?

    • 10 months ago

      I'd recommend 5/3/1 personally. There are many variations that can push you really forward. The old 5/3/1 is boring and really stale PRs wise but the newer programs are more than ok. Try it for some cycles and maybe check Candito,GZCLP.

      But I think there is a good enough variation for everyone in 5/3/1.

      • 10 months ago

        Alright, I'll look at some programs while doing Stronglifts so I have a plan for once I'm not progressing on it anymore (assuming that happens)

  72. 10 months ago

    What happens to your body if you're doing pushups or any other bodyweight excercise evey day? Do the muscles get stronger / more endurant or are you just tearing your muscles?

    • 10 months ago

      Look up greasing the groove.

  73. 10 months ago


    Of course it converts, obviously not 1 for 1 but it does somewhat. If the only thing I can do so don't be a fricking lart pooper.

    If someone could life 500kg single leg do you think you could say you were stronger at 200kg just because you're doing the oh so holy conventional? Huh HUH?

    • 10 months ago

      Sorry, messed up the numbers, single leg 200kg and conventional 300.

  74. 10 months ago

    What are some good apps for creating routines?
    I've been using SelectTech by boflex for a few years and have enjoyed it a lot but since they've moved on to JRNY it's no longer being updated which is a shame because imho it's much more versatile.

  75. 10 months ago


    >Just eat meat
    Meat is expensive.

  76. 10 months ago

    Why do I feel that when I'm cutting my perception of time is slower?
    It's like days last more longer

    • 10 months ago

      same happens with me, i guess time just feels longer when you spend less time eating or are waiting to lose the weight or some shit

      • 10 months ago

        yeah I think maybe is due less energy. When you have normal energy levesl you can do a lot of stuff through the day that keeps you occupied. The less energy you have the less time you spend doing things.

  77. 10 months ago

    how do I get stronger without getting more muscular ?

    • 10 months ago

      Eat at the maintenance calories or less and have a good program

  78. 10 months ago

    what's a good all-round nootropic? one that has a bunch of good shit in it with some decent backing.

  79. 10 months ago

    Is zercher deadlifts easy way to snap city? Im a medic and sometimes I have to carry patients like that and wonder if I should keep doing normal deadlifts instead of zerchers? The movement is similar to what I do at work so was curious.

    • 10 months ago

      They're a great exercise, but you have to start modestly if you want to avoid injury. Start with 25-30%1RM for 5.

  80. 10 months ago

    How do I get stronger on OHP fast? Is there a good program for it? Is Smolov Jr good for OHP? Other upper body lifts are not that important.

  81. 10 months ago

    lads so I walked and jogged for a total of 3kms
    my apple watch says I burnt 240 calories

    is this it? I think jogging also speeds up the body and hastens daily calorie consumption of our bodies as well right

  82. 10 months ago

    Is salt consumption a big deal?

  83. 10 months ago

    How meaningful are front lateral raises?

  84. 10 months ago

    How much should I weigh at 5'7 (171 cm) to be lean? Assuming some amount of muscle.

    • 10 months ago

      There's no specific number to go for as you could be entirely just fat and bones. There's an estimated range based off of BMI but it's only semi-accurate. According to my tdee calc site your ideal weight is between 144-147 lbs.

      How meaningful are front lateral raises?

      Meaningful? Like, they work your lats, I'm not sure what kind of answer you're looking for.

      Is salt consumption a big deal?

      It's overblown really, salt is easily filtered by your own digestive system. There's no real need to go for sodium-free or no sodium added brands unless you just like the flavor better.

      lads so I walked and jogged for a total of 3kms
      my apple watch says I burnt 240 calories

      is this it? I think jogging also speeds up the body and hastens daily calorie consumption of our bodies as well right

      So it's really hard to estimate calories burned since there are so many variables that go into it. Even the best fitness trackers are considered inaccurate whereas more common watches can be wildly inaccurate. The general bit of advice that goes around is you can estimate around 100 calories burned per mile jogged, probably a little less if you walked. 3km jogged is roughly around 180 calories burned according to this method.

      How do I get stronger on OHP fast? Is there a good program for it? Is Smolov Jr good for OHP? Other upper body lifts are not that important.

      OHP is not something you get stronger on fast, it's arguably the hardest lift to achieve linear progression on. If you just want to get stronger with all other consequences be damned, bulk the entire time even if you're getting fat. Even then I bet you'll get stuck occassionally though. Hit OHP 3x a week until you're where you want to be strength-wise.

      • 10 months ago

        >Meaningful? Like, they work your lats, I'm not sure what kind of answer you're looking for.
        Your lats? That's a surprise.
        I just was looking for opinions on whether they're a productive way to work your front shoulders/upper chest.

        • 10 months ago

          >Your lats? That's a surprise
          aw frick i'm hungover as frick. They work your delts hurr durr i'm an idiot

          They're good for your shoulders, upper chest you probably want a push exercise rather than a pull like lat raises.

  85. 10 months ago

    How feasible is to do a 3 week double training (first hour in the morning and then afternoon after rest) + 1 week of rest? Consider that the muscle groups get 1-2 days of rest and the trainings range from weights / yoga / mobility / bodyweight / running / cycling.

    • 10 months ago

      That's just stupid anon, you'll already have worked your muscles beyond the point of recovery.

      • 10 months ago

        What recovery frequency you recommend?

        • 10 months ago

          Ideally you want large muscles to have 48 hours between workouts and at-least one rest day a week.

  86. 10 months ago

    i just mixed my preworkout with salt, creatine, l-arginine etc with water and put in the fridge, i plan to work out tomorrow in the afternoon but i wont be home until after the gym... can it go "bad" if i keep it in my bag for 3/4rd of the day?
    i know i shouldve just put the powders in and mixed water with it later but im fricking moronic

    • 10 months ago

      it'll be fine, just make sure to mix it well as it probably will settle on the bottom

    • 10 months ago

      what compelled you to prep this overnight? cant you make it in like 10 secs?

      • 10 months ago

        i was preparing food etc for the next day so i thought i was smart and made it all in one go and didnt use my 2 brain cells
        (i am moronic)

  87. 10 months ago

    How do I maximise homegym gains? I'm mostly moronic about diet

    • 10 months ago

      Run a real program and don't drink alcohol or eat sugar

      • 10 months ago

        I don't drink or eat sugar, but I still don't know how much I can eat to actually gain shit. I fear that I'm not doing enough and I'll just get fat but I'm not getting any results because I don't eat enough to build muscle.

  88. 10 months ago

    Anything I can do to relieve intracranial pressure while I lift? I'm breathing during sets and don't ego lift to the point where I feel like I'm straining my face but by the time I'm done with my first full lift the sound of my own breathing is like I'm underwater and it doesn't go away until at least an hour after I'm done for the day

  89. 10 months ago

    When I was young, I noticed that most of the guys that I saw as 'chad' used to be fat during their early teenage years, but then got to a normal weight.
    Has anyone else noticed this?

  90. 10 months ago

    Is it worth drinking protein whey for only three months? only as a small bump

    • 10 months ago

      You should learn to get all your nutrients from food
      If anything, a short term stint would make you lazy and less likely to reach your goals since you wouldn't be habitually getting all your nutrients from food

      Anything I can do to relieve intracranial pressure while I lift? I'm breathing during sets and don't ego lift to the point where I feel like I'm straining my face but by the time I'm done with my first full lift the sound of my own breathing is like I'm underwater and it doesn't go away until at least an hour after I'm done for the day

      Inhale before a rep and brace, exhale as you return to starting position
      You can't just hold your breath and expect to not die

      Is salt consumption a big deal?

      You need adequate electrolytes or you'll die(pretty much)
      Protein synthesis uses a lot of electrolytes cuz liver function so being low hurts you bad

      • 10 months ago

        >You can't just hold your breath and expect to not die
        >I'm breathing during sets
        Uh thanks I guess but you could've read the whole thing

        • 10 months ago

          You aren't breathing properly/enough if you're feeling like you're going to die.
          I would mostly recommend more cardio, but you should really learn to breathe adequately

          I don't drink or eat sugar, but I still don't know how much I can eat to actually gain shit. I fear that I'm not doing enough and I'll just get fat but I'm not getting any results because I don't eat enough to build muscle.

          If you hit everything heavy at volume twice a week, you just need to eat such that you gain weight

  91. 10 months ago

    Any good options for pull up bars? Live in an apartment so can't mount anything to the walls or doorframes

    • 10 months ago

      Thinking a Power Tower is the only good option

  92. 10 months ago

    How the frick do I get rid of outside elbow pain? I sperged out and lifted too often with no rest days and now my right elbow is absolutely fricked. I can't even do upright rows anymore. Someone save me.

    • 10 months ago

      Stop fapping with that hand obv


      What supplements should I take and are they safe? Doesn't daa ruin your liver and kidneys or something?

      Zinc, creatine, panax ginseng or rhodiola

      • 10 months ago

        Doesn't ginseng ruin organs too?

      • 10 months ago

        And creatine fricks up kidneys

  93. 10 months ago

    What supplements should I take and are they safe? Doesn't daa ruin your liver and kidneys or something?

  94. 10 months ago

    I eat a frick ton of tuna. It's so cheap and requires zero prep and it's versatile. Typically 2 tins of tuna in a bowl with a little mayo and some relish. Fricking delicious and great macros. I do this every day, sometimes twice a day.
    Is that mercury poisoning shit real? Or is it just overreactive broscience like fearing trace amounts phytoestrogren from onions?

    • 10 months ago

      and get fricking mercury poisoning

    • 10 months ago

      the s o y shit is overblown af, i wouldnt eat that much tuna tbh tbh but up to you, that shit is real

  95. 10 months ago

    Vegetables are carbs. Carbs are bad. Are vegetables bad?

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