Questions that don't deserve their own thread

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    My right shoulder keeps giving out when doing chest workouts. This started on saturday, two days after I worked out my shoulders after quite a while. What do?

    • 10 months ago

      dead hangs

  2. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >standing worm x F

    • 10 months ago

      how to do butterfly kick explained in 1 image.

  3. 10 months ago

    I was doing stronglifts but I think I got quadriceps tendinopathy and I can't really squat now so I've been doing ppl without the legs part. should I be doing something better, also would now be a good time for a mini cut since im 205@6'3, too bad my lifts are still pretty shit

    • 10 months ago

      If you can walk any time's good to cut tbh

      • 10 months ago

        How about routine? Im still making noob gains but I probably can't keep overloading the same way

        Do leg press, extensions, and curls. Especially leg extension for the inner quadriceps vastus medialis is important to strengthen to avoid tendinopathies. This should probably make you able to squat again.

        will do

    • 10 months ago

      Do leg press, extensions, and curls. Especially leg extension for the inner quadriceps vastus medialis is important to strengthen to avoid tendinopathies. This should probably make you able to squat again.

    • 10 months ago

      are you able to do bodyweight squats or lunges? they might not aggravate the tendinopathy like barbell stuff does, and high reps can be pretty decent cardio
      you can consider it some active recovery

      • 10 months ago

        yeah, but mild discomfort. I did some and next night I woke up to knee pain so I'll be skipping them for now

        Learn to squat properly, Athlean x has a lot of videos on that, for any number of problems you might encounter

        I've tried reading and watching tons of videos but I guess I have to film myself to see what im doing wrong

        I loved doing my PPL until I realised it was doing absolutely nothing for me. Switched to 531 and I wish I'd done it sooner

        Im only doing it really because stronglifts was so squat focused and without them it felt not that good

    • 10 months ago

      Learn to squat properly, Athlean x has a lot of videos on that, for any number of problems you might encounter

    • 10 months ago

      I loved doing my PPL until I realised it was doing absolutely nothing for me. Switched to 531 and I wish I'd done it sooner

  4. 10 months ago

    Does having sex actually improve your hormone levels thus increasing your test?

    • 10 months ago

      It temporarily decreases it. Not sure about long term.

  5. 10 months ago

    Feeling mentally exhausted after workouts normal?

    • 10 months ago

      it can be normal, but it depends on how long this feeling lasts -- the rest of the day, post-workout, or longer? do you feel normal after getting some sleep? is this exhaustion affecting your productivity at work/school?

      • 10 months ago

        It tends to last all day. Honestly there pushing the body a lot to reach a certain goal. HIIT 4-5 times a week, lift, cardio, etc. followed by a certain amount of calories eating clean.

        • 10 months ago

          You are doing too much intensity, probably found some roided inflencer that does it, but trying to emulate that without magic beans is making you feel horrible

          Make sure you eat some clean carbs 2-3 hours before your training, if you plan on keeping up this HIIT regime, consider some multivitamin suplements

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, its normal. Are you doing low reps high weight?

    • 10 months ago

      decrease volume or intensity
      it's normal, you're probably doing too much, you don't get paid to lift bro, you're supposed to enjoy it and feel good after lifting

  6. 10 months ago

    how do i stop butt wink when i squat

  7. 10 months ago

    How do you guys do for bettering your digestive system?

    • 10 months ago

      ten thousand steps
      you'll feel better by 7k, but when you sit you'll feel like shit again
      10k's the perfect amount

  8. 10 months ago

    Will impregnating my gf boost my test levels?

    • 10 months ago

      having a pregnant wife and newborn baby lowers your test level significantly

  9. 10 months ago

    achievable natty?

    • 10 months ago

      that is a cartoon, anon

  10. 10 months ago

    At what point should I stop cutting?
    Went from 180 to 170 lbs for like 11 weeks bf is 10-12% I have no energy at this point no desire to train too. Hunger is ok nothing crazy I could keep cutting 3 week more.

    • 10 months ago

      Whenever you feel like it, it's your body.

    • 10 months ago

      You probably won’t be able to maintain single digit body fat without gear, so now is a good time to bulk a bit and repeat the process.

  11. 10 months ago

    What's best after 90 minutes of heavy cardio: pineapple, grapefruit or banana?

  12. 10 months ago

    Any past lanklets that used to have self hatred for how you used to look? Did that self hatred move onto something else or did it go away when you improved your physique?

    • 10 months ago

      6'5 and yeah I hated being a lanklet. I liked playing videogames so never felt the need for food during big sessions and was skinny as frick (probably about 75/80kg), bulked up to 110kg (got fat basically) and now much happier around 95kg.

      My mates all used to take the piss relentlessly about how skinny I was, but now that they've started complimenting me I'm much happier and not disgusted by my body

  13. 10 months ago

    What's the verdict on Dr Mike Israetel, trustworthy? good advice? complete hack?

    i like his videos but I've been mislead by fitness influencers in the past

    • 10 months ago

      from what I can tell from what others have written he has good advice, but I've mostly just used his guidelines for max recoverable volume

  14. 10 months ago

    Why is it that I can do many reps with certain weight but can't do almost any when I increase it even by a little?

  15. 10 months ago

    does it matter which belt i buy for weighted dips/pullups? or can i just go for the cheapest one?

    • 10 months ago


      Why not an adjustable weighted 20kg west, or some backpacks, front and back filled with water bottles if you want to save money and you lift at home

  16. 10 months ago

    I'm getting fitter and now suddenly my libido is increasing like crazy, for example, this morning I was talking with a cute coworker and all a sudden all I can think about is me and her swapping saliva for 10+ minutes and how soft her skin would feel on my body and of course getting a boner, how do I stop this without jerking off or getting a gf/fwb/whatever?

    • 10 months ago

      you need a squat plug, son

  17. 10 months ago

    skinny anons specifically, how long did it take for you to notice growth in your arms?

  18. 10 months ago

    how many exercises for each muscle are you guys doing in each session?
    should I do like 2 for the back, 2 for the chest(...) or only one is enough as long as you go to failure?

    • 10 months ago

      it depends on what kind of program you're doing, and what your goals are. are you just trying to hit every body part once a week, or are you trying to get yuuuge? do you have specific strength goals, or are you just lifting for general fitness purposes?
      how much time are you willing to spend in the gym each week?

  19. 10 months ago

    I'm slowly bringing up my squat. It is 225 for 5-7 reps 5 sets. If I can leg press 6 plates for 20 rep 5 sets. Should I theoretically be able to eventually squat 6plates?

  20. 10 months ago

    I have to take meds that are essentially very anti-inflammatory. They make me hungry as well but I am worried they will effect my gains. Inflammation is part of the hypertrophy process right? Wont these technically slow down my gains by there being less inflammation

    • 10 months ago

      No. You're good.

  21. 10 months ago

    >Quads get fatigued after 20 reps
    Leg day was 4 days ago and I can do pistol squats easily
    is it the muscle endurance?

    • 10 months ago

      Do cardio

      I'm slowly bringing up my squat. It is 225 for 5-7 reps 5 sets. If I can leg press 6 plates for 20 rep 5 sets. Should I theoretically be able to eventually squat 6plates?

      Stop doing sets of 20
      @45°, 540 lbs is only 380lbs of theoretically resistance but a lot of leg presses are even flatter and that doesn't talk about lack of spinal load, stabilization or cns taxation

  22. 10 months ago

    I've been getting into rowing, I'm still a little confused about the leg- body- arms thing.

    Am I supposed to keep each one separate for the most part? Go legs, then body, then arms. OR am I supossed to do legs and body at the same time (like lean back while my legs are extending)


    • 10 months ago

      >I've been getting into rowing, I'm still a little confused about the leg- body- arms thing.
      >Am I supposed to keep each one separate for the most part? Go legs, then body, then arms. OR am I supossed to do legs and body at the same time (like lean back while my legs are extending)
      what are you talking about

      • 10 months ago

        The rowing machine

        • 10 months ago

          the cardio machine, right?
          I usually extend my legs fully and then pull the handle to my body, but it's still all a pretty fluid motion
          idk if this is proper form tho, necessarily, but it gets the heart rate up in any case. there are probably form videos on youtube

          • 10 months ago

            >heart rate up in any case. there are probably form videos on youtube

            Yea I've been watching some youtube videos and they contradict each other. However I'm really more concerned about getting healthier + not getting hurt

            • 10 months ago

              yeah, I think I get the full leg extension, then pull the handle into my body and lean back slightly in a pretty fluid motion. idk if it is proper, but it feels right to me. that machine is a b***h, I should probably start doing it regularly again

      • 10 months ago

        Push with the legs to get it moving, then lean back to keep it moving, then with the momentum created by the other two movements, use your arms to finish the movement. Then, extend your arms and lean forward slightly, then collapse your legs. It's supposed to be one fluid movement.
        Also hello rowing newbie. Row on setting 3 or 4 to simulate water. Don't put the setting to 10 like John Wayne and try a 500m. There's no point and you'll gas yourself before you can even get any cardio in.

        based row chads. for me I almost don't feel the strain once the whole body is working perfectly in time - like peak efficiency has been reached so the energy expenditure seems way less noticeable and I'm just kinda in a trance. I know I'm still doing work since I can see the split time, but that also wnds up stabilizing perfectly too. it's a really nice feeling.

    • 10 months ago

      Push with the legs to get it moving, then lean back to keep it moving, then with the momentum created by the other two movements, use your arms to finish the movement. Then, extend your arms and lean forward slightly, then collapse your legs. It's supposed to be one fluid movement.
      Also hello rowing newbie. Row on setting 3 or 4 to simulate water. Don't put the setting to 10 like John Wayne and try a 500m. There's no point and you'll gas yourself before you can even get any cardio in.

      • 10 months ago

        That makes sense. It’s like each one is separate but it’s all one part of a big thing

  23. 10 months ago

    Asked this in the last one but think I was too late.

    My knees feel like they're starting to hurt during push ups. Is there something wrong with my form or is this usual and I shouldn't be too concerned with it?

    • 10 months ago

      >My knees feel like they're starting to hurt during push ups
      idk maybe you're flexing your quads too much

  24. 10 months ago

    >all calorie calculators tell me my TDEE is 500-800 calories more than it actually is
    >annoys me so bad I end up measuring and calculating everything I put in my mouth so I know I'm not underestimating how much I'm eating
    >nothing changes
    >have to starve myself and do heavy cardio to lose weight, can bulk at a calorie level lower than my recommended TDEE if I was sedentary
    >it's held true over the years from when I was fat to when I was chubby to now when I'm fit
    What the frick is my problem? Any other anons have mystery metabolism like this?

  25. 10 months ago

    I'm thinking about going up to 3 days per week at the gym, up from 2x full body.
    Trying to decide between a two way chest+back+shoulders/legs+arms+core split or 3 day Chest+Tris/back+bis/shoulders+legs with a little core each day.

    Weekly sets for each body part would be roughly the same between the two, but the torso/limb would be a little higher frequency and arm isolation is separated from the big compound movements.

    What do you think?

    • 10 months ago

      If you're only going 3 days there just isn't a need to do any kind of splitting. Just do full body. Preferably do 1 heavy push, 1 heavy pull, and 1 heavy legs. Then do 3-4 accessories, like dips, chinups, curls, situps, whatever.

    • 10 months ago

      I go 2 times a week at the gym, fullbody, and the third I train at home( i only have a pull-up bar and the floor)

      >>Gym 1:
      Bb squat 4x8
      Bb/db flat chest press 4x12
      Bb pandalay rows 4x12
      Chin-ups 4xf
      Dips 4xf

      >>Gym 2:
      Bb squat 4x8
      Bb OHP 4X12
      Deadlift 2x8-10
      Pull-ups 4xf
      Face pulls 4x15-20

      Pull-ups 4xf
      Forward lounges across the house 4xf
      Push-ups 4xf
      Chin-ups 4xf

  26. 10 months ago

    I am fairly certain that my hips (and in turn my shoulders) and rotated out of alignment due to muscle imbalances. Is this fixable by watching enough youtube shit or should I just buck up the money for a physio visit?

  27. 10 months ago

    When should I fit in my cardio? I lift on monday, wednesday and friday, should I just do my cardio on rest days, i.e. tuesday and thursday?

  28. 10 months ago

    Any reason I shouldn't take zinc? Are there any potential risks like hairloss or something, if it increases test?

    • 10 months ago

      taking too much zinc will apparently deplete your copper, but other than that, there is probably not a downside
      i've found that I get POWERFUL morning wood the day after taking a zinc, especially if I haven't taken it in a while, so it's benefits wrt test seem to be legit
      it is probably unnecessary to take it every day, however -- I pop one every few days

  29. 10 months ago

    6'1 145lbs. How many pounds a week should I be gaining if I'm bulking?

    • 10 months ago

      Depends on your program, diet, and cardio
      Your goal body weighs over 200lb so you have a ways to go regardless


      Any reason I shouldn't take zinc? Are there any potential risks like hairloss or something, if it increases test?

      It only boosts test if you're deficient or have blood sugar issues
      It's literally just a vital nutrient

      When should I fit in my cardio? I lift on monday, wednesday and friday, should I just do my cardio on rest days, i.e. tuesday and thursday?

      Always after lifting

      I am fairly certain that my hips (and in turn my shoulders) and rotated out of alignment due to muscle imbalances. Is this fixable by watching enough youtube shit or should I just buck up the money for a physio visit?

      Just consciously adjust your posture every few minutes throughout the day
      Stretch incessantly

      >all calorie calculators tell me my TDEE is 500-800 calories more than it actually is
      >annoys me so bad I end up measuring and calculating everything I put in my mouth so I know I'm not underestimating how much I'm eating
      >nothing changes
      >have to starve myself and do heavy cardio to lose weight, can bulk at a calorie level lower than my recommended TDEE if I was sedentary
      >it's held true over the years from when I was fat to when I was chubby to now when I'm fit
      What the frick is my problem? Any other anons have mystery metabolism like this?

      Thyroid issues would be the only thing that would cause this besides an absolutely shit diet and lack of cardio

  30. 10 months ago

    how much in gains am i 'missing' if my routine is 5 sets pullups and 5 sets dips, weighted to be 6-12 reps per set, 3 times a week?

    I'm getting push and pull so feels like barebones and useful to me. Anything more and I simply cannot have the energy for it while cutting

    • 10 months ago

      >Anything more and I simply cannot have the energy for it while cutting
      How much are you cutting? Sounds weird to be that low on energy

      • 10 months ago

        I'm in my final probably 5-10lb to lose, and I'm losing over a pound a week. Any more than 10 hard sets every other day is simply way too much effort to expend alongside being an actual adult with a job and house and friends and other life activities besides 'lift 25 hours a day'

        • 10 months ago

          >losing over a pound a week
          Newsflash, you’re losing muscle kiddo

  31. 10 months ago

    How many years for a normal person to achieve this natty? Bale did it in a year but he worked out many hours a day.

    • 10 months ago


      You morons get dumber each day

      • 10 months ago

        I never said he was natty, I asked how long to reach that level natty. It's debatable if he was natty back then.

    • 10 months ago

      How much longer until I achieve this natty from where I'm at? Been training PPL for one year.

      • 10 months ago

        You're there bro, you made it. That last step is the severe cut and dehydration actors do leading up the shirtless scenes but that's not sustainable.
        Seriously bro, you made it

  32. 10 months ago

    Guys, I need your help
    I started going to the gym starting this year and have been pretty consistent through, thing is, at the moment I can only go one day of the week because work + studies + other stuff, what routine (as a newbie) should I follow for 1 day a week type of workout?
    My buddy that has helped me a lot about gym stuff and has curated my routines since the beginning recommended me this routine:
    (He told me to not do military press or deadlift because technique takes a lot of time).

    >3x8-12 bench press
    >4x12 cable flies
    >3x8-12 squats
    >3x whatever-I-can-do pull ups
    >5x12 pull overs
    >5x12 lateral raise

    I wanna keep going since I've gotten stronger and more fit (even though I haven't gotten big or anything, but I don't want to get into hypertrophy atm), but I want to make the best out of going for 1 day.
    Keep in mind the gym I go to doesn't have a lot of machines, just 1 double polley (where I do cable flies), a squat rack, a few benches and a chair to work hamstrings/quads
    Thanks in advance anons

  33. 10 months ago

    when bulking does it help to keep fat off when you consume fat burning stuff like apple cider vinegar and green tea?

    • 10 months ago

      Ideally, you would be pushing your metabolism up as high as you can through cardio and resistance training and eating above your maintenance

      This will minimize adipose tissue gain

  34. 10 months ago

    My father told me I shouldn't exercise the same muscle two days in a row. Is that correct? I'd like to train shoulders every day I can.

    • 10 months ago

      You muscles grow during rest. Usually a muscle or muscle group need to recover for at least 48 hours to be able to be worked out properly again. For stuff like deadlifts it can take a week. Shoulders are not really a muscle group you can work out every day. Back and abs usually handle daily working out.

      • 10 months ago

        got it, thank you

  35. 10 months ago

    anything to be done about stretch marks? have them from my hips to my arms from growing way too fricking fast.

  36. 10 months ago

    Will a gym laugh at me if I, a 6ft 260lb man tell a personal trainer that I want my goal to be a feminine figure?

  37. 10 months ago

    Did really high volume weighted single leg calf raises
    Really bad DOMS for two days
    Left leg has since been kinda.. asleep for a week now
    Not terribly, but enough to notice, around the ankle and up the shin
    I don't think I sprained anything, no pain, I might have hyperextended my knee maybe
    What do?

    • 10 months ago

      Do cardio obv lmao

      Will a gym laugh at me if I, a 6ft 260lb man tell a personal trainer that I want my goal to be a feminine figure?

      Just find a qt juicer who you think would frick you and he might do it for free

      anything to be done about stretch marks? have them from my hips to my arms from growing way too fricking fast.


      Guys, I need your help
      I started going to the gym starting this year and have been pretty consistent through, thing is, at the moment I can only go one day of the week because work + studies + other stuff, what routine (as a newbie) should I follow for 1 day a week type of workout?
      My buddy that has helped me a lot about gym stuff and has curated my routines since the beginning recommended me this routine:
      (He told me to not do military press or deadlift because technique takes a lot of time).

      >3x8-12 bench press
      >4x12 cable flies
      >3x8-12 squats
      >3x whatever-I-can-do pull ups
      >5x12 pull overs
      >5x12 lateral raise

      I wanna keep going since I've gotten stronger and more fit (even though I haven't gotten big or anything, but I don't want to get into hypertrophy atm), but I want to make the best out of going for 1 day.
      Keep in mind the gym I go to doesn't have a lot of machines, just 1 double polley (where I do cable flies), a squat rack, a few benches and a chair to work hamstrings/quads
      Thanks in advance anons

      1 day isn't enough

  38. 10 months ago

    I understand mechanical tension induces muscle hypertrophy, however if I go all out on the first exercise, say dumbbell bench press, my second exercise, incline dumbbell bench press, suffers as I am now fatigued.
    If I want to improve in all of my presses, all I can confidently say is my bench press is doing well, whereas for my incline I'm not sure because I depleted most of my energy for the first exercise so my numbers are generally lower for the second.
    How do I accurately gauge if I am progressing in all of my exercises?
    The first one is easy, but I am ambivalent on the second and third ones as I am getting progressively tired.

    • 10 months ago

      You can rotate which exercise you do first, as your current choice of first exercise has no meaning behind it.

      Or you can trust that since your bench press is going up, and bench press uses the same muscles and incline, that your incline bench press will increase too.

    • 10 months ago

      This is why I like doing antagonistic movements.
      I've been running varying degrees of Arnie's blueprint for a decade and so you do
      Chest, press&back
      Shoulder isos & arms
      Twice a week
      The rest they between your chest movements and back movements give you more time to recover so you can perform and feel better
      Also, most shit people say about hypertrophy is wrong
      Only a 1rm recruits 99% of the muscle fibers, size is your body responding to increased load, lifting heavy promotes increased testosterone, too much volume can bump cortisol up too much etc etc etc
      It's a big balancing act

  39. 10 months ago

    what lotion do you guys like

  40. 10 months ago

    My uh.. friend's cum is thick as pudding and you can stretch a pea sized clump of it almost three inches before it breaks. What can you deduce from this?

  41. 10 months ago

    Any point in training if I got barely 5 hours?
    Preworkout and caffeine in general is really messing with my sleep

    • 10 months ago

      Stop taking caffeine then. It is meant to delay your drowsiness, don’t take it in the middle of the day if the effects last all night. Either cut it out or use it earlier in the day. 5 hours won’t affect today but but 5 hours every day will make it all pointless.

  42. 10 months ago

    What is the best ab workout? The gf loves my (fake skiny ) abs.

    • 10 months ago

      I think that ab wheel is considered the most effective one, but it requires some getting used to. Otherwise I like hanging leg raises, but that's mostly because I'm then doing dead hangs at the same time.

      Any point in training if I got barely 5 hours?
      Preworkout and caffeine in general is really messing with my sleep

      That's fine, only reason to not work out with little sleep is risk of injury if really sleep deprived.

  43. 10 months ago

    Bought some bands for my pull-up bar, what kind of reps should I be aiming for before I move to a lower assistance level? 5x5?

    • 10 months ago

      3x10 or 4x10

  44. 10 months ago

    I don't know where else to post this and I don't want to make my own thread
    I don't have a question, I have a complaint
    I've been exercising for about two years now and my muscles aren't too big but they are big enough that they cause extreme discomfort lying in bed
    I have great trouble trying to sleep
    My abs are hard and my pecs stick out like a woman's chest making chest sleeping uncomfortable
    My arms are like baseball bats attached to cinder blocks, anywhere I put them is uncomfortable
    My legs are like two burning tree trunks
    And my wiener looks smaller than ever
    I only sleep when I can't stay awake anymore
    This is not healthy at all

    • 10 months ago

      Skill issue

  45. 10 months ago

    An incredibly stupid question but if I'm doing one of those 60 day routines, that means I do it for 60 days in a row without a break, right?

  46. 10 months ago

    I've been trying to fix my daily protein intake, so for the past 2 weeks I started having 3 scrambled eggs and 4 breakfast sausage links for breakfast every morning.
    Problem is, every day I started to feel sick to my stomach. Not bad enough to vomit, but it felt like I was on the verge of it for several hours after breakfast every day. I decided to narrow it down and remove one of them at a time, and omitting the eggs and keeping the sausage seems to work fine.

    My question is, what could be the cause of eggs making me sick? Is it just too many? Not cooked enough? Bad egg quality from the store? Egg intolerance? Has anyone experienced anything like this before or have any ideas as to why eggs seem to make me sick?

    • 10 months ago

      I get some gastric reflux which often lead to nauseousness when having eggs, probably because of the high fat content.
      Otherwise I'd guess egg allergy.

    • 10 months ago

      It's the sausage not the eggs
      Unless you are buying those white eggs
      Those chickens are raised in cages, they never see the sun, they're fed a diet of corn and onions
      The reason these eggs can cause nausea is because they are poison
      Buy the brown ones

  47. 10 months ago

    Is it possible to atg squat without your knees going over your toes? I broke my ankle years ago and the scar tissue has my movement almost entirely restricted, I can not get my knees past my toes, even after months of mobility training there was no improvement. I can squat to parallel, but going lower seems to demand my heel raise, and every example I can find online for atg requires knees go way past your toes.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  48. 10 months ago

    monday chest and tri:
    bench press 40kg (i do it around 8-10 times 4 times)
    incline dummbell press 15kg 8-10 times
    hex press 15kg 8-10 times
    should i add chest machine or dumbbell flies or push ups?
    and then i also do tri which is pull down long rope 20kg 8-10 times and overhead 10kg 8-10 times, should i add dips? thats it for my chest and tri (monday), what should i change

    • 10 months ago

      >monday chest and tri:
      >bench press 40kg (i do it around 8-10 times 4 times)
      >incline dummbell press 15kg 8-10 times
      >hex press 15kg 8-10 times
      >should i add chest machine or dumbbell flies or push ups?
      >and then i also do tri which is pull down long rope 20kg 8-10 times and overhead 10kg 8-10 times, should i add dips? thats it for my chest and tri (monday), what should i change
      Ur primary goal should be getting stronger. Every week you should try to lift more weight or get more reps then last week because if you lift the same shit over and over again there will be zero growth and progression.
      >hex press...
      Also stop wasting your time

  49. 10 months ago

    >Height, Weight, BF%

    >Calculated TDEE with sailrabbit and Katch-MCArdle Forumla with Sedentary settings
    it averages out to around 1900 calories.

    >Eat about 500-1000 calories less than your TDEE
    So I'm either eating 900 calories a day or 1400?
    The last time I ate that low I developed an eatin disorder, is it because I was followin obese weight loss advice at a normal weight?

    >How much I work out and what I do
    I workout 5 days a week. 3 of 5 of days are a mix of light cardio (15 mins on treadmill with 12 incline and 3.2 speed) followed by liftin weights, differing muscle groups on different days.

    2 of 5 days is more intense cardio (30 mins, 12 incline, 3.2 speed) with some core workouts and push ups in between.

    I don't think my TDEE is accurate when I use sedentary, that big of a cut does not seem sustainable in the long term, I'm stuck between choosin Lightly Active or Moderately Active and eating 300-500 less.
    I want to push myself to be around 140 pounds if possible and go from there if I'm still not satisficed.

    • 10 months ago

      140 pounds at that height will make you a twink. But if that’s what you’re into (gay) then cut 250 calories and call me in two months

  50. 10 months ago

    When you eat protein only a part of it is used for building tissue and stuff and the rest is used for energy, yes?
    Does it turn into glycogen? Or is only sugar converter to glycogen? If you go keto you how does your body get it? Please explain if you are a knower

    • 10 months ago


  51. 10 months ago


    you just have shitty genes, sorry mate but don't mislead newbies

    • 10 months ago

      Kek wtf are you talking about
      At my peak I was 274lbs@8% bf @6'4

      Gotta get the kids sleeping through the night and then I'll get back to it

  52. 10 months ago

    Why is physical activity so heavily discounted as a therapeutic option when it's been proven to have benefits?

    • 10 months ago

      I think people are waking up to it.

      But generally most people are lazy and would rather take pills.

  53. 10 months ago

    Noob here. Reading around I came to the conclusion that you should do 10-20 weekly sets for every muscle group. Now I want to do 12 sets for chest, should I do 12 sets for mid chest and 12 for upper or should it be a mix of the two, like 8 for mid and 4 for upper?

    • 10 months ago

      You should really just run a real program
      No n00b anywhere should be trying to program anything

      Sorry if this seems lazy but I'm feeling a bit intimidated around all the information regarding fasting when watching YT videos and looking up articles. I've been working out at the gym quite a bit and can feel a bit of muscle through my fat. I want to cut all my fat because I got a wedding to go to in a couple of months. I gained a bit of excess flab from bulking which doesn't look flattering. Does anyone have any reliable resources or information regarding how to fast efficiently? I don't know much about cutting, my initial plan was to just bulk for the remainder of the year but this wedding kinda fricked my plans up. It'll be unable to train for a whole week too which really sucks. I was initially thinking of just eating around 500 calories and continuing my exercise routine as normal, if its too intensive then I would just do less strenuous lifts. Is that sustainable? This is all short term mind you, I just want to lose fat fast, and then after the wedding I'll stop fasting and go back to eating normally and training. Any help is appreciated but if no one replies I'll just go back to researching by myself 🙂

      You can really frick your cortisol which nukes test if you eat too big of a deficit
      You lose weight the best maintaining calorie intake and increasing activity (creating a deficit) because your cortisol doesn't spike as much so you're more likely to maintain mass through your cut

    • 10 months ago


  54. 10 months ago

    Sorry if this seems lazy but I'm feeling a bit intimidated around all the information regarding fasting when watching YT videos and looking up articles. I've been working out at the gym quite a bit and can feel a bit of muscle through my fat. I want to cut all my fat because I got a wedding to go to in a couple of months. I gained a bit of excess flab from bulking which doesn't look flattering. Does anyone have any reliable resources or information regarding how to fast efficiently? I don't know much about cutting, my initial plan was to just bulk for the remainder of the year but this wedding kinda fricked my plans up. It'll be unable to train for a whole week too which really sucks. I was initially thinking of just eating around 500 calories and continuing my exercise routine as normal, if its too intensive then I would just do less strenuous lifts. Is that sustainable? This is all short term mind you, I just want to lose fat fast, and then after the wedding I'll stop fasting and go back to eating normally and training. Any help is appreciated but if no one replies I'll just go back to researching by myself 🙂

    • 10 months ago

      If the wedding is a couple months away, just cut a couple hundred calories each day while keeping your protein high and maintain your workout schedule.

      • 10 months ago

        He'll lose what little mass he has if he does that shit

      • 10 months ago

        Starting to think I'm going about this the complete wrong way.

        I've actually been doing almost exactly this, albeit I haven't been tracking my calories religiously like I probably should be doing. I don't get silly with calories, I eat how much my body requires maybe even a bit more. I've been going with this diet to gain muscle and now because of the wedding I'm shifting toward losing fat. I'm already pretty much struggling with my lifts that are a lot lighter compared to my age group, eating more or less doesn't really seem to help that. That's pretty much why I came up with the fasting idea in the first place :/ I'll try and trust your judgement and simply try harder at the gym and eat a little bit less than what I'm doing now.

        He'll lose what little mass he has if he does that shit

        You're right here I've got very beginner gains. Are you sure that just eating at a lower maintenance won't do me much good?

        You should really just run a real program
        No n00b anywhere should be trying to program anything

        You can really frick your cortisol which nukes test if you eat too big of a deficit
        You lose weight the best maintaining calorie intake and increasing activity (creating a deficit) because your cortisol doesn't spike as much so you're more likely to maintain mass through your cut

        I see. I understand that essentially starving yourself would do more harm than good to your body. I guess it is pretty immature of me to think that fasting for a short period would be consequence free.

  55. 10 months ago

    Is PPxLx alright for a beginner lifter or should I add another rest day?

    • 10 months ago

      There are 7 days in a week, anon

      I would run SS + accessories + cardio
      For 6 months before doing anything else

      • 10 months ago

        I don't follow weekly schedules, so currently I'm doing:

        Week 1: PPxLxPP
        Week 2: xLxPPxL
        Week 3: xPPxLxP


        • 10 months ago

          What are your goals

  56. 10 months ago



    • 10 months ago

      You become a specialist at that rep range

      This is why late intermediates/advanced lifters (not you) need to vary the rep ranges they do

  57. 10 months ago

    Is there a way to
    or it is just a genetic condition?

    • 10 months ago

      Increase mass+ reduce fat

      How to boost my sexual stamina?
      I've recently got a gf, but I cum in few minutes and can't go for another round only after DAYS

      Cardio twice a day


      How much longer until I achieve this natty from where I'm at? Been training PPL for one year.

      You're really close. Movies play lighting tricks for dishonest mass appearance

      Starting to think I'm going about this the complete wrong way.

      I've actually been doing almost exactly this, albeit I haven't been tracking my calories religiously like I probably should be doing. I don't get silly with calories, I eat how much my body requires maybe even a bit more. I've been going with this diet to gain muscle and now because of the wedding I'm shifting toward losing fat. I'm already pretty much struggling with my lifts that are a lot lighter compared to my age group, eating more or less doesn't really seem to help that. That's pretty much why I came up with the fasting idea in the first place :/ I'll try and trust your judgement and simply try harder at the gym and eat a little bit less than what I'm doing now.
      You're right here I've got very beginner gains. Are you sure that just eating at a lower maintenance won't do me much good?
      I see. I understand that essentially starving yourself would do more harm than good to your body. I guess it is pretty immature of me to think that fasting for a short period would be consequence free.

      When you have little mass, your hormones aren't very robust.
      You can cut harder but most noobs I recommend maintaining and lifting so they don't throw their body way out of whack the first week

  58. 10 months ago

    How to boost my sexual stamina?
    I've recently got a gf, but I cum in few minutes and can't go for another round only after DAYS

  59. 10 months ago

    Is honey and walnut good for sexual health?

  60. 10 months ago

    How can I improve my erections?
    My current ones are at 5.5 inches but I got it up to 6.3 once

  61. 10 months ago

    Somebody please help me regarding ab training.

    I have tried so many ab exercises, but I'm having a real hard time seeing them grow.

    Take the crunch machine like pic related. I am not feeling a good ab contraction, and only sometimes feel a burn. I usually write down my thoughts on the exercise after I complete it, but I am getting very frustrated because I feel as if I'm not using the machine correctly.

    Does anyone have any pointers? Do I simply not know how to engage my abs?

    • 10 months ago

      These are what my abs look like. Yes, I am flexing as if I'm about to crunch. Yes, I know I'm a skinny dyel.

    • 10 months ago

      >Do I simply not know how to engage my abs?
      Try using a weight you cant move and try for a few seconds
      You're probably not going heavy enough.
      In my case, I only feel my lats when I go heavy on rows

      • 10 months ago

        Also, try to contract them without resistance, try to feel them tensing up and relaxing.

        This two things are what I do to engage my muscles better

        • 10 months ago

          I can definitely tense them up at will with no weight, and feel them pretty well. I will try your suggestion regarding weight. Thank you.

  62. 10 months ago

    If you've ever enlisted with an 18X contract, what is it like?

  63. 10 months ago

    Is bridging worth it? So many calisthenics progressions seem to ignore it. I'm in the point where I'd like to improve my back flexibility and strength but at the same time am afraid of fricking it up.

    • 10 months ago

      If you're solely doing calisthenics then bridges are necessary. You won't damage your back with bodyweight movements, but if you do some crazy shit you might strain it.

      Hit my first plateau, I'm sitting shitty right around 200. Do I just have to keep at the diet the way I am to overcome it and continue losing the weight, or do I need to lower my calorie intake some more? I have just started a new exercise routine so I will be burning more calories with that, if that helps.

      You should deload, hit some volume work and then work your way back up. My favorite is the Johnny Pain style - deload by 10% and do AMRAP sets. Work your way back up 5 lbs at a time.

      is there something like a cheat day for bulking?
      as in 1 day where you only eat 1800 kcal without considerable negative impact

      Yes. Exactly what you mentioned is fine.

  64. 10 months ago

    I eat this same breakfast every day. Is there anything wrong with it/things I can improve?

    5 pasture-raised eggs cooked in grass-fed butter + salt, pepper
    A few cooked carrots, a small tomato
    20g red bell peppers
    40g green bell peppers
    40g high-quality real cheese.
    Calories = 550.
    Protein = 40g. Carbs = 5g. Fat = 40g

    • 10 months ago

      you sound like a woman with all the buzzwords spamming constantly

      pasture raised, grass fed, high quality 'real' cheese

      • 10 months ago

        It makes a difference. I'm in burgerland and pasture raised eggs = golden yoke, otherwise it's light yellow yokes.
        Grass fed butter maybe doesn't matter idk.
        The cheese matters as most of the cheese here is extremely processed and you have to pay double to get something legit

        • 10 months ago

          i just eat eggs and cheese from Costco and get bigger and stronger

          simple as

        • 10 months ago

          i agree with you man, I always enjoy when my eggs have an almost orange yolk
          and good cheese is worth the small surcharge, it is best to avoid the overly processed shit
          never buy pre shredded cheese, just grate your own

    • 10 months ago

      sounds pretty good to me, man

  65. 10 months ago

    Most raw fruit and veggies give me an allergic reaction,
    Am I just supposed to eat Sardines, Meat, and Skyr?!

  66. 10 months ago

    Hit my first plateau, I'm sitting shitty right around 200. Do I just have to keep at the diet the way I am to overcome it and continue losing the weight, or do I need to lower my calorie intake some more? I have just started a new exercise routine so I will be burning more calories with that, if that helps.

  67. 10 months ago

    What's better for aesthetics, DB bench or srated cable press? Pic related

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        That looks like it will frick up your shoulders.

        • 10 months ago

          It actually gave me a very nice chest pump and made my delts look super juicy. Is it worth doing these over DB bench if I already do incline DB bench?

    • 10 months ago

      shouldn't matter at low weights but at some point Newton's 3rd law of motion takes effect and drags the bench back in the cable set up so if you want to keep progressing db bench

      • 10 months ago

        So what's the advice for people doing 90s+ for db bench press? I know the trick with resting them on the knees and swinging them up, but just getting into position is getting stressful. And I lift at a 24 hour gym at 3am when no one is around, so asking for a spotter is out of the question

        • 10 months ago

          You don't need a spotter for heavy dumbbells, you can bail out without injury easily.

  68. 10 months ago


    Can someone please just shill me a decent Upper Lower split? I've been running one that's a mix mash of 5/3/1 with 4-5 accessory lifts and superset combinations after the main lift, and I have an Arm/Lagging parts day in the middle of the week. I've seen decent progress but I keep psyching myself out because of the mirror. One day it's
    >"man my delts are feeling flat, gotta adjust here"
    >"hrmm my upper chest is low, gotta add this"
    >"abs could use more mass, need to add X"
    Until the point where I'm adding and removing shit every week, I know this is foolish and will hinder me in the long run.

    Please help kind sirs

    • 10 months ago

      Here's my program for reference. It's honestly more of a PushPull / gentleman style split

      >Bench 5/3/1
      >incline bench 3x8-10
      >upright row 4-5x15+
      >tri pushdown 3x15

      >deadlift 531
      >Row 3x10
      >lat pulldown 3-4x12+
      Shrugs 2x12+

      >Dips 4xF
      >DB oblique side bends 3x12+
      >BB curls 3-4x8-15, I like to use pyramids for curls
      >long head skullcrushers 4x15
      >situps 3x15+

      >Squat 3-5x5
      Only doing LP here since I'm transitioning from low to high bar and I'm getting used to it
      >RDL 3x10
      >Calf raise 3-4x15+
      This is all I do for legs, but funnily enough they're more developed than my upper body at this point

      >OHP 5/3/1
      Starting to hate this fricking lift. I know the progress is slower because I'm cutting hard but still
      Superset with pullups
      >BB curls following same progression as above
      >Upright rows, same as above
      As of today I did the thing and thought, hrmm need to add incline flyes here

      I don't know, I feel like a moron for getting anxious over it but I know programming for yourself is typically a DYEL move if you aren't already advanced.

  69. 10 months ago

    is there something like a cheat day for bulking?
    as in 1 day where you only eat 1800 kcal without considerable negative impact

  70. 10 months ago

    I keep getting tendonitis in my fingers when doing weighted pullups. Stalls my progress every time and just keeps coming back. Anyone have any suggestions on preventing it or supplements for tendon health?

  71. 10 months ago

    is fasted cardio real or a meme?

    • 10 months ago

      I don't have a personal anecdote to back it up because I don't do cardio, but from what I've looked up and watched it seems to be a meme.

    • 10 months ago

      Doesn’t make any difference at all. Whichever one you like is the one that works for you.

      I don't have a personal anecdote to back it up because I don't do cardio, but from what I've looked up and watched it seems to be a meme.

      This input is worthless, thank you though.

  72. 10 months ago

    what are the best barbell lat exercizes?

    • 10 months ago

      Yates row


      is it good to exercise until you almost puke or is that bad?

      Not good if it happens regularly

      • 10 months ago

        >Not good if it happens regularly
        Doesn't happen regularly, just when I push to try and finish more reps than usual

        shitpiss puke cardio is bad, yes. it doesn't even build mental strength or whatever other BS cope since you can always soldier through the work, the suck comes AFTERWARDS

        I was doing more burpees than usual and almost collapsed after cuz my legs were so tired and then i felt like I was gonna puke so i crawled to the bathroom and just laid on the cold tile floor. felt good. I just wasnt sure if pushing that hard would improve my cardiovascular abilities or if it had diminishing returns

  73. 10 months ago

    is it good to exercise until you almost puke or is that bad?

    • 10 months ago

      shitpiss puke cardio is bad, yes. it doesn't even build mental strength or whatever other BS cope since you can always soldier through the work, the suck comes AFTERWARDS

  74. 10 months ago

    is cns fatigue real? im usually doing ULxULxx but this time my first upper day, a monday, apparently fatigued me so much i was just so tired (a bit sore too but mostly tired), skipped tuesday and went for my leg day on wednesday and it felt WAY better and it felt like i had way more work capacity with a rest day inbetween. i did heavy benching and bent rows, db incline bench, lat pulldown, tri pushdowns, curls and lat raises, all for 3 sets, very close or to muscular failure, my leg day was squats - rdl - calf raises - split squats - crunches
    is my upper day too much "heavy lfiting" (bench and rows)?
    im thinking about always having a rest day between sessions, turninng it into a 4day split in an 8 day week but i hate the inconsistent days. should i just do less on my first upper day?

    • 10 months ago

      Remove the split squats and see how you feel. Maybe the lat raises too.

  75. 10 months ago

    Would anons recommend Super Squats? Im almost at the end of my 12 cycle of 5/3/1 and want to test out a different program before hopping on again. My squats are my weakest link and I was really curious about 1x20 sets.

  76. 10 months ago

    Relatively new lifter following Greyskull LP and I'm having trouble progressing my OHP past 90lbs. Is there anything I can do or did I just hit my cap?

    145 bench
    140 squat
    165 deadlift

    • 10 months ago

      90 lbs at that body weight and with those lifts is normal. OHP is going to progress much slower in general and you are going to hit your absolutely limit very quickly, especially at 135 lbs.

  77. 10 months ago

    My doctor cleared me for lifting again after recovering from a surgery for two herniated lumbar discs
    He says absolutely no squatting or deadlifting but that I need to strengthen the muscles in that region, what are some safe exercises for that?

  78. 10 months ago

    >can bench 1.5pl8 on smithmachine
    >go to real gym
    >try benching 1pl8 on free bar
    >almost spill spaghetti and go to snap city
    How do I bench press with a free barbell without injuring myself? I feel like my training wheels are off.

    • 10 months ago

      Reduce weight and learn how to bench correctly. The smith machine dont require stabilizing muscles so it gets really hard. My squat was 2pl8 before I switched to barbell where I had to drop to 1pl8

  79. 10 months ago

    I've got a pair of 8lb dumbbells, tiny weight I know but I just happened to have found them lying around the house. Is it worth it to do some supplemental workouts at home between gym days with these or is the weight too little?

    • 10 months ago

      How big are u? If big enough dont even bother

      • 10 months ago

        6'1" 210lbs lol. But I'm still pretty fatass mode, so I figured I could do some upper body cardio.

  80. 10 months ago

    how long does it take to notice the effects of zinc supplements?

  81. 10 months ago

    are protein shakes ever meant to be nice, every one I have tried is just variants on less disgusting and I'd never drink them if not for the protein content

    • 10 months ago

      Just chug them. You don't drink them to savor them.

    • 10 months ago

      Try mixing them with whole milk instead of water or skim milk.

    • 10 months ago

      i order unflavoured for this very reason,no bad taste

  82. 10 months ago

    Any good appetite suppression tips? Fasting until early afternoon is easy but then I have a desire to eat like a pig until I go to sleep. Tobacco was my go-to but that seems to have stopped working for me. I can’t drink coffee after noon or I won’t sleep.

    • 10 months ago

      embrace the caffine, down your monster energy ultra

  83. 10 months ago

    Joined a gym recently. Here's a stupid question:

    How hard are you supposed to push?

    I was sitting on a machine to work my shoulders and I had about 35KG on there. I could do five reps easily. Another set of five, starting to struggle, a bit slow, but did it. Third set. I did it, but I was worried I was going to soil myself I was pushing so hard. Pulling all kinds of crazy faces, sweating like a madc**t. Is this pretty much the expected exertion for an exercise? I've dabbled in squats, but no weight on the bar to get my form in a good place, but how hard do you need to be pushing before you risk injury, but without going so easy that you make no gains?

    • 10 months ago

      Pushing yourself to maximum is good but if you are just randomly doing exercise after the another you gonna get lost soon. Follow a proper program.

      You can really push yourself to extremes if you are doing the proper form. Proper program will make that cap go higher and higher every workout.

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks, I'm probably doing things in a weird way. I'm new enough that I just want to try the machines and free weights for now. I've dabbled in squats, leg press, bench press, squats, machines that work various muscles. I'm not working to a program yet just because I want to see how things work, what I can do etc. I'm making notes of machine settings, weights I can comfortably lift etc. That was a rare example of me pushing it, just because I was going home.

        Once I'm comfortable with machines and lifts I'll get more serious, I just wondered if it's expected to be 100% intensity 100% of the time.

        If you can't maintain proper form, you're doing too much. I wouldn't worry about doing too little, especially if you've just started. The ape human brain goes 'big number good woohoo me strong' but the ape human spine will go to snap city if you lift that way.

        Thanks, so if I hit a wall, just stop altogether or rerack, lower the weight and complete the set?

        Let's say I've been squatting and manage two sets with effort, but obviously pushing. Third set is fricking me up. Do I just note my limit and try again next time or lower the weight and do more?

        • 10 months ago

          In regards to not being able to complete a set, that's pretty normal. Keep track of your progress in general, if you fail a set, take off 5lbs. If you're still failing that after being able to do the original weight in the first place, typical advice i've seen is to drop 10% and work your way back up.

          • 10 months ago

            Thanks, will do.

            > I just wondered if it's expected to be 100% intensity 100% of the time.
            you can do almost %100 intensity most of the times when you are a newbie but you gonna get lots of stress and fatigue on the muscles if you are somewhat advanced. shit gets more methodical when you are doing it for more than 9 months at least

            OK, thanks, I'll do my best to pay attention to what my body is telling me.

        • 10 months ago

          > I just wondered if it's expected to be 100% intensity 100% of the time.
          you can do almost %100 intensity most of the times when you are a newbie but you gonna get lots of stress and fatigue on the muscles if you are somewhat advanced. shit gets more methodical when you are doing it for more than 9 months at least

    • 10 months ago

      If you can't maintain proper form, you're doing too much. I wouldn't worry about doing too little, especially if you've just started. The ape human brain goes 'big number good woohoo me strong' but the ape human spine will go to snap city if you lift that way.

  84. 10 months ago

    Haven't been here for a while. Does Sir still post those new year comics?

  85. 10 months ago

    Which kind of rows should I do for my upper back?
    The part in between my scapulas, I assume my trapezius.

    I know it's my upper back, but my rhomboids are so much bigger, it looks like I have winged scapulas. It fixes itself when I push my shoulders down but I'm not sure that's the real issue, my posture's good

    • 10 months ago

      >but my rhomboids are so much bigger, it looks like I have winged scapulas
      What kind of rows should I do to fi the first pic?

  86. 10 months ago

    Due to my work, I am away from home for entirety of the week. I can only go to the gym on weekends. What would be a good program/strategy for me to at least try and maintain muscle mass?

    • 10 months ago

      full body twice a week's pretty good, if you do that I dont think you'll be losing much muscle

    • 10 months ago

      you could do full body, primarily compound movement based workouts on the weekends, and then spam calisthenics during the week
      you could get a pull-up bar if you travel to one place, but otherwise, I guess you would have to spam push-ups, squats, lunges, and whatever else you can do without equipment
      that shit can get pretty boring, but as long as you push yourself for the one or two days you are in the gym, you should be able to make some progress. I guess the bright side is that your body should be almost fully recovered every weekend, apart from fatigue from the work week, so you should be able to lift heavy

  87. 10 months ago

    >pull ups
    >incline press
    >tricep extensions
    >upright rows
    this is all you need for upper body

    • 10 months ago

      Skipping pushups for no good reason? That's just lazy.

      • 10 months ago

        pushups aren't even that great of an exercise.

        • 10 months ago

          Biggest cope I've seen all day.

          • 10 months ago

            dips are much better than push ups for muscle building. you are the one coping, and probably also seething

            • 10 months ago

              >if you do this you can't do that!!
              you're the one too lazy to just do both. they work different muscle groups and compliment each other well. continue coping, thanks.

              • 10 months ago

                if you have access to a bar/dumbbells and a bench, there's no reason to do push ups in favor of bench press. Push ups are worse in every single way.

              • 10 months ago

                lmao, whatever you say
                virgin pushupcel vs dipchad
                take a lap, buddy boi

  88. 10 months ago

    Am I get for wanting to have sex with this?

    • 10 months ago

      have a nice vacation anon

      captcha HDS0Y

  89. 10 months ago

    I've had some light tightness in my knee for the past few weeks. There's not really any pain, but it feels strange. Anything I can do?

  90. 10 months ago

    how long after starting a cut do you start to lose weight

    • 10 months ago

      if you're actually in a deficit you should start seeing results on a scale by around 2 weeks. You need to be measuring in the same conditions every time to be sure.

      It actually gave me a very nice chest pump and made my delts look super juicy. Is it worth doing these over DB bench if I already do incline DB bench?

      already makes it worse than traditional db benching by a mile. Great accessory exercise though.

      I've had some light tightness in my knee for the past few weeks. There's not really any pain, but it feels strange. Anything I can do?

      stretch it

      • 10 months ago

        thanks for the info

      • 10 months ago

        Any kind of stretch in particular?

        • 10 months ago

          Check out this chart, I'd recommend doing all of the lower body stretches just for good measure. You should stretch semi-regularly anyways.

  91. 10 months ago

    What happens during the first week of zero carb diet /carnivore diet?
    I always heard that once your body adapts it's great, but until then, how it will be?

    • 10 months ago

      so first off, I'm starting by saying I don't recommend either keto or carnivore, both are diets completely misunderstood by bunk science and morons that's just a standard calorie deficit in disguise (unless you're keto schizo in-which you believe food doesn't contain calories).

      Basically, the process of ketosis flushes out a ton of water weight within the body when you first start out, which is that big zoom that gets people hooked on it in the first place. They think "Wow, I lost 7 lbs in a week? This diet is crazy!" when in reality they likely only lost a pound or two and 5-6 pounds of water weight. After that the body adapts to ketosis which directly uses fat for energy rather than carbs. This process is slightly faster than traditional CICO diets but honestly I find the restriction of so many foods more mentally tiring than just restricting calories.

  92. 10 months ago

    I'm on a cut trying to shred down from 15% to about 10% bodyfat. I'm getting really close to my goal, so every carb and every calorie matters. I ate a protein cookie earlier and it turns out to have been 240 calories with 19g of carbs. But on the box, it say 4g /net/ carbs. (More specifically, it says 11g fiber and 5g Erythritol. So which one matters for me? Is it 240 calories or not?

    • 10 months ago

      what the frick are you talking about do you think carbs vs net carbs changes the calorie count somehow?

      just count calories its elementary level addition

    • 10 months ago

      calories are calories, if you're trying to get down to the nitty gritty of what counts and what doesn't you're going to burn more calories by just trying to fry your brain overthinking it. If you're having issues shaving excess calories off, add more cardio.

      • 10 months ago

        Got it. I've got cardio on lock, I was just wondering if the whole "net carbs" thing adjusted the calorie count in some way.

        • 10 months ago

          People say net carbs because some carbs like fiber are not digested, therefore don’t count toward macros. For the sake of brevity, fiber is the only one to worry about.

        • 10 months ago

          People say net carbs because some carbs like fiber are not digested, therefore don’t count toward macros. For the sake of brevity, fiber is the only one to worry about.

          They already have non-digestible calories in mind when it comes to the nutritional facts. The 240 is including any fiber that can't be absorbed.

          I have to bike uphill from my new job. It's getting easier each time. Does that mean I'm burning less calories each time?

          Potentially if you're losing weight. Otherwise it should burn roughly the same amount regardless of it being hard or not.

          • 10 months ago

            I said it doesn’t count toward macros, I didn’t say shit about calories but thank you for the bar trivia

            • 10 months ago

              >I didn’t say shit about calories but thank you for the bar trivia
              The other guy did autismo supreme learn to fricking read.

              • 10 months ago

                What the frick does that have to do with me? I don’t give a shit. You replied to me I ain’t the moron here

  93. 10 months ago

    for tennis, when you're just hitting and not playing a game, how are you supposed to "not go all out"? my wrist is kinda strained because of overuse(probably due to me trying to rip every forehand)

    just swing slower? more relaxed grip?

  94. 10 months ago

    I have to bike uphill from my new job. It's getting easier each time. Does that mean I'm burning less calories each time?

  95. 10 months ago

    A month back into gym after 5 years off,

    What weights do you guys reckon I need to be pushing until I can run 5/3/1 effectively again?
    Minimum weights for 5/3/1 to be worth running compared to PPL with a compound focus?

    • 10 months ago

      >5 years off
      oh man its over

      • 10 months ago

        I'm 22 and was pulling 465 at 17, shut your filthy dyel mouth homosexual

        Just do 5/3/1 for beginners to start if you want to do 5/3/1 right this second

        Either nut up, just do a deadlift variant/accessory like RDLs, SLDLs, snatch grip, good mornings, etc, or switch to BBS for deads.

        Wasn't aware this existed, thank you very kindly sir

    • 10 months ago

      Just do 5/3/1 for beginners to start if you want to do 5/3/1 right this second


      I currently live in fear of deadlift day.
      I'm doing 5/3/1 big but boring, and the 5x10 sets of deadlifts are legit the hardest fricking thing I've done in my entire life.
      I end up putting it off for days and fricking up my consistant lifting. How do I overcome this fear

      Either nut up, just do a deadlift variant/accessory like RDLs, SLDLs, snatch grip, good mornings, etc, or switch to BBS for deads.

      • 10 months ago

        I hope I can nut up, I feel like a fricking man after I do them but fugg they're hard. Might just start taking pre-workout only on DL day or something

  96. 10 months ago



    I do bot upright rows and rows but I cant seem to grow the part I was talking about.
    And I know this because I've been tracking my progress and most of my progress is in the rhomboids and lats.

  97. 10 months ago

    Since I took a break in the beginning part of stronglifts should I drop back into starting strength?
    I moved and found a new gym but got covid for 2 weeks afterwards and ended up not lifting for about 5 weeks total. I stopped on the 5th week of my stronglifts program. Should I restart week 1 and give myself 2-3 extra weeks to build or do SS until I stall again?

  98. 10 months ago

    I was doing seated rows and the center of my chest started to ache with a weird pressure after I lifted it off. Other people I've asked about it told me that it's not supposed to hurt, so is this normal? It also happens when I lie down on my stomach.

  99. 10 months ago

    bros my sleep pattern is fricked. I go to sleep at a reasonable time (11pm), I take about 40 mins to go to sleep, but I always wake up 3-4 hours after and it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to go back to sleep because my body thinks it's recharged. How do I fix my body so it gets at least 7 hrs of sleep so I can maximize gains?

  100. 10 months ago

    I currently live in fear of deadlift day.
    I'm doing 5/3/1 big but boring, and the 5x10 sets of deadlifts are legit the hardest fricking thing I've done in my entire life.
    I end up putting it off for days and fricking up my consistant lifting. How do I overcome this fear

  101. 10 months ago

    What is an actual beginners hypertrophy routine? Is it really just do SS, than PPL like so many people say

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >What is an actual beginners hypertrophy routine?
      an oxymoron

      When you eat protein only a part of it is used for building tissue and stuff and the rest is used for energy, yes?
      Does it turn into glycogen? Or is only sugar converter to glycogen? If you go keto you how does your body get it? Please explain if you are a knower


      like all macros, excess calories are converted to fat and stored. That means it can be broken down into glucose.

      I hope I can nut up, I feel like a fricking man after I do them but fugg they're hard. Might just start taking pre-workout only on DL day or something

      get a belt

  102. 10 months ago

    Is there a way to know if I've gyno or if it's just tit
    >lose fat
    in progress

  103. 10 months ago

    >years of squats/deadlifts and leg curls
    >haven't felt hammy DOMS in who knows how long
    >decide to do 3x8 good mornings, just the bar
    >almost failed out last set, literally just the bar wtf is going on??
    >cannot walk right, sitting down/standing up is near impossible for the last 2 days
    holy mother of frick what have I been missing out on??? What other niche/uncommon lifts should I be doing?

  104. 10 months ago

    dumb ass question, is there any way to make weight heavier with pulleys? maybe not the total force but if I pull one side and the other side moves twice as much that would still effectively be heavier than a 1:1 movement of the weight even if it wasn't double the weight stationary.

  105. 10 months ago


    >Memesters love the. Cuz they """feel then""" but that doesn't mean they're actually that good for you
    Thing is, my gym took out all the lowerback equipment/machines, and I had a lower back machine slot on that day. I'm mainly doing it for the lower back movement, but the hamstrings shit just came outta fricking nowhere

    • 10 months ago

      If you diddly, you don't need lower back specific work

  106. 10 months ago

    What is better for recovery, ULxULxx or UxLxUxL ?

    Natty 35 yo.

    • 10 months ago

      Probably the second but I would try each and see whichever one gets you a better leg day

  107. 10 months ago

    Which barbell should I get for my home gym? So far I've just been using a 6ft rackable bar since that's all I had room for, but I'm getting an actual space now where I can have a full length bar so I'm going to upgrade.
    I've been looking at either the Rogue Ohio or the Ohio Power bar. Is one of those better than the other, or is there another one I should get?
    I do basically everything with my bar, so I bench press, squat, RDL, OHP, barbell row, etc if that makes a big difference.

    • 10 months ago

      I would just buy any stiff bar
      My second purchase would be a deadlifting bar

  108. 10 months ago

    I've been trying machines at the gym since I've gotten an oblique injury that gets agitated by barbell compounds(I will swap back when I'm healthy dw)

    My question is: on the chest press machine, I felt a jolt down my wrist even with baby weights as I tried to push. I adjusted the seat like the graphic told me to(handles mid-chest), but it wouldn't stop giving me that jolt right away. Am I moronic, or is the chest press not for me? Should I try the pec deck instead?

    • 10 months ago

      It's completely impossible to see/know what's wrong without seeing you do it. Pec deck sucks tho imo, use the pec fly machine instead. Just make sure to get some other tricep exercise in

  109. 10 months ago

    Hello, I want to simplify what I eat to save time and not worry about what I need to eat. I want create a meal plan which doesn't change from day to day. So basically I want to eat everday the same meals + random fruits/vegetables.

    Fast to prepare
    TDEE 2500-3000

    I started eating additionaly to what I eat 4 slices of bread with a total 100g peanut butter everyday. That's only ~900kcal. What could foods or meals could I implement?

    • 10 months ago

      Milk. Half gallon is $3, 1400 cal, takes 0s to prepare, has 72g protein. It's 4 glasses, ez, one pb sandwich and one glass of milk, later another, one before bed and one when you get up.

      Which barbell should I get for my home gym? So far I've just been using a 6ft rackable bar since that's all I had room for, but I'm getting an actual space now where I can have a full length bar so I'm going to upgrade.
      I've been looking at either the Rogue Ohio or the Ohio Power bar. Is one of those better than the other, or is there another one I should get?
      I do basically everything with my bar, so I bench press, squat, RDL, OHP, barbell row, etc if that makes a big difference.

      >Which barbell should I get for my home gym?
      the one you can get used for 20 bucks

      Is there a way to know if I've gyno or if it's just tit
      >lose fat
      in progress

      home biopsy. do it fgt, and post pics


      I currently live in fear of deadlift day.
      I'm doing 5/3/1 big but boring, and the 5x10 sets of deadlifts are legit the hardest fricking thing I've done in my entire life.
      I end up putting it off for days and fricking up my consistant lifting. How do I overcome this fear

      >5x10 sets of deadlifts are legit the hardest fricking thing I've done in my entire life.
      that's just dumb. 3x5 is enough.

  110. 10 months ago

    is it normal to still feel a bit sore/DOMS after every workout, even if you've already been lifting for months?

    • 10 months ago

      I've been lifting for decades and I'll still get DOMS occasionally. Every time though? No, you probably are hitting it too hard, not getting enough rest or your nutrition sucks.

  111. 10 months ago

    Are there any real benefits to fasting that are lasting, weight wise? will it help with leaning out?

  112. 10 months ago

    >do farmers
    >mild electric shock sensation in neck, through traps, fading to the middle of my shoulder blades
    >Not enough to make me drop the weight and not even something I would class as painful, but goncerning :DDD
    Bad? What do?

  113. 10 months ago

    My left side is weaker than my right side and it shows. My left triceps and biceps aren't as developed as my right side. How do i fix this?

  114. 10 months ago

    Tell me about heavy landmine presses pretty please. Specifically how you are picking them up.
    >pick up by bar with hook grip, rest on leg and flip hands around for press.
    What I do now but I dont like the rest on leg part.
    >pick up by the bar standing parallel to it and do a 90 degree turn in the process
    feels good and fluid but worried I'll hurt my back turning and lifting
    >like a power clean toss it and catch it
    do people actually do this? feels unsafe
    >pick it up from under the plates
    >lift feels *really* nice, press from the plates feels weird and is underhanded instead of neutral grip

    Doing double handed now at 170-190lbs for 15-20. did a bunch of single handed at 140 trying to find what feels good. How do you make the transition between lift and press feel good with heavier weights?

    • 10 months ago

      Anyone? How do you make the transition between lift and press feel good in landmine press?

  115. 10 months ago

    Sup guys, stupid question here, was thinking about getting back into training, this time with weights on top of calisthenics, but my aim this time rather than hypertrophy or pure strength is to get better for judo and jiujitsu, should i make any adjustments to a regular PPL routine to make it better for judo? i already practice grip strength with grippers

  116. 10 months ago

    Does porn REALLY cause a dead libido?
    Anyone here quit porn for good and go from no libido/libido that just drives them to stare at pixels to a healthy libido, needing to jerk off like a healthy human? My dick is absolutely dead but I crave porn. Doesn't do anything for me at all. But I do also have an EXTREMELY tight pelvic floor, so. Could be all that.
    >pic heavily related

    • 10 months ago

      in my personal experience with nofap you go through phases, and it also REALLY depends on your level of fatigue you achieve throughout the day, genetics, etc, if you are extremely active, work a lot and reach bedtime tired like it happend to me when i was doing near slave labor you won't even feel the need to fap and you can spend weeks without fapping/watching porn, on the other hand if you do nothing all day you'll be fapping a lot, now back to what i was saying about phases, if you quit porn cold turkey (and you are the sedentarywho does nothing all day) then the first weeks are going to be painful, but after 2 months or so i experienced my libido was completely dead, if you ask me you should quit porn ASAP, and each time you might be tempted try to take action immediately (close the suggestive threads or drop IST completely since theres always a suggestive thread active, close the incognito tab as soon as you open it, etc) but dropping porn is the best thing you can do, on top of that try nofap just to test how long you can go without ejaculating , fapping/having sex is normal but the stimulus from porn fries your brain, hope it helps fellow bro

    • 10 months ago

      Let me put it this way, nofap decreases "want to watch porn and get hard randomly when thinking of it" libido, and it doesn't touch "I want to have real life sex with my partner/that one girl" libido.

      • 10 months ago

        That sounds amazing and from my experience it's real but I'd love some concrete explanation of the endocrinology behind it.

  117. 10 months ago

    I gave myself a rotator cuff injury flying off my bike at a BMX park. obviously, I can't do any lifting for the time being. Can anyone recommend light exercises I could do while it recovers besides walking?

  118. 10 months ago

    I had a muscle injury and I'm ready to ease myself in after a month
    as a slightly overweight guy (178, 79 kg) - should I do lightweights or body weight to have an easier session?

  119. 10 months ago

    How much time should I take between protein shake and high protein meal?

    I drank 40grams of protein, and now I've got two portions of pasta with two portions of chickpeas in the way, I'd be eating 78 grams of protein with an hour in between
    Is my body going to absorb the protein or it cant?

    • 10 months ago

      they get absorbed at different rates
      i wouldnt worry about it

      • 10 months ago

        Im a poorgay and cant afford to waste my food lol

  120. 10 months ago

    Are pause reps broscience? Should I always just bounce back at the bottom of a squat or bench? Dont really care much about strength, mainly training for hypertrophy

    • 10 months ago

      it's sort of the same principle as doing box squats and deadlifts. the initial move from a dead state initiates more muscles

  121. 10 months ago

    About to switch off Stronglifts for 531 BBB. My concern though is I travel a lot for work and my shifts are usually long 12 hour days so hitting the gym is usually a no go. With stronglifts missing wasn't too bad since I'd be able to work out when I got back which was usually 6 or 7 days later. Since 531 is a week to week thing does that frick me up?

    • 10 months ago

      if you're unable to get the workouts in regularly you're gonna suffer in progress. How often are you able to get a workout in?

      I had a muscle injury and I'm ready to ease myself in after a month
      as a slightly overweight guy (178, 79 kg) - should I do lightweights or body weight to have an easier session?

      Your excess bf has little impact on your choice, just do a reduced amount of weight to ease yourself back into your routine.

      • 10 months ago

        Comfortably 3 times a week every week, travel is about every 3 or 4 weeks.

        • 10 months ago

          I'll be moving to 4 a week for 531 though of course, main reason I'm switching is stronglifts is taking too long each workout and 4 a week would take too much time.

          • 10 months ago

            Stronglifts is taking too long? Isn't it only like 4 lifts per day?

            • 10 months ago

              3 but the weights are getting heavy (for me) enough that rest time is taking significantly longer between sets.

              • 10 months ago

                how long are we talking? And how heavy? Even with 5 minute rests for every set it shouldn't take more than around an hour.

              • 10 months ago

                5 minute rests per set is an hour of just rest...

              • 10 months ago

                it's only 15 sets, surely you're not resting 5+ minutes for EVERY single set and lift?

              • 10 months ago

                OHP 101.5
                Bench 126.5
                Squat 231.5
                Dead 226.5

                4 or 5 minute rests between and rests between lifts too, plus warm-ups and it's like 2 hours and change.

              • 10 months ago

                m8 that is way too much downtime for those lifts. You don't need to be resting more than 3 minutes for that bench or OHP and you only need to do a full warm-up for your first lift, other exercises you should be able to jump into with minimal warmup needed. 2 hours is extremely excessive for a beginner's program.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah I know, started from no experience or sports as an almost 30 office worker. I'll keep grinding.

              • 10 months ago

                I mean you don't really need experience, you're just over resting. The only lift that you should even consider a 5-minute rest for is deadlifts and yours isn't really heavy enough for it. I'd recommend
                5 minutes for heavy deadlifts (3-4 if lighter)
                3-4 minutes for squats
                2-3 minutes for bench and OHP.

              • 10 months ago

                Oh yeah no I get it, just meant that I'm exerting myself more than someone else would who started earlier for pretty unimpressive lifts. I'll cut down rest this next session and see if it's just mental.

  122. 10 months ago

    Not sure if this is the right board, but can everyone un-focus their eyes at will or no? I just mentioned it to my brother and he looked at me like I was crazy.

    • 10 months ago

      Pretty certain everyone can unfocus their eyes at will.

  123. 10 months ago

    Should I work out if my muscles are still hurting after a rest day?

    • 10 months ago

      Are you newbie or did you do a new exercise? If so, yes because it's just doms. That will go away once your muscles are used to getting worked out. The first couple weeks can be a bit rough, but the pain doesn't happen once you get more experienced.

      If you're experienced and still sore, then it could be an actual injury and I may skip probably not the whole workout, but like, don't OHP if it's your shoulders that are in pain or whatever.

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks. I'm newso it's probably just a matter of getting used to it.

  124. 10 months ago


    >What do you mean by seated row?
    With a machine like this.

  125. 10 months ago

    Redpill me on Sucralose

  126. 10 months ago

    I have a really hard time reaching 3000 calories every day as a lanklet, can i drink a couple glasses of chocolate milk to reach the goal of 3000? Apparently each glass contains around 200kcal

  127. 10 months ago

    What's the fastest you think you can do a workout but still make good gains? About to start full-time job but don't wanna get home and immediately spent an hour and a half at the gym anymore

    • 10 months ago

      The trick is to balance your workouts and time. If your workouts are taking too long, find out why. Maybe you need to go one more day to get the time of each session down.

      I have a really hard time reaching 3000 calories every day as a lanklet, can i drink a couple glasses of chocolate milk to reach the goal of 3000? Apparently each glass contains around 200kcal

      Milk isn't that heavy in calories for the amount of calories it contains, 8 oz is only 160 cal and the fat content is high. This would actually make you feel more full which is probably not what you want if you're having trouble reaching there already. Easiest foods to get yourself up there are empty carbs once you've reached your macro goals: bread, chips, limited amounts of sweets, starchy vegetables, etc. A spoonful of olive oil in a protein shake also increases calories by 100+ calories for barely any volume. There are fat-dense snacks as well like mixed nuts.

  128. 10 months ago

    >two separate girls I really got along with at different jobs and ended up finding attractive
    >maintain a bit of an out of work correspondance (one of them was like a 7 week back and forth and basically extention of work place humor)
    >don't even conduct myself as a simp as such, considering with one of them my humor with her was basically ribbing the shit out of her
    >ghosted both times
    Meh, what gives? The optimistic answer is that the second one in particular threw up her hands in frustration because I didn't escalate/try to frick her enough, but that presumes she'd ever find me attractive back in the first place

    • 10 months ago

      >job relationships
      there's your problem. Don't shit where you eat.

  129. 10 months ago

    A-am i gonna make it, bros?

    • 10 months ago

      post bussy

    • 10 months ago

      L O N D O N

  130. 10 months ago

    When you measure the circumference of you bicep unflexed do you do it when you're arm is down by your side or bent like you're going to flex it?

    For me there's about a 2cm difference between the two states of rest.

    • 10 months ago

      you do it flexed.

  131. 10 months ago

    How transferable is seated dumbbell OHP to standing barbell OHP. Trying to hit my 1pl8 but currently only doing seated - repping 25kg dumbbells for 8 reps. Would I be close to my 1pl8 yet?

    • 10 months ago

      standing is much more difficult due to less stability. Dumbbells will be more difficult than a barbell for the same reason. I would still expect to be weaker standing

      • 10 months ago

        I suppose an absolute strict ohp would be more difficult but surely, even not intentionally, you'd generate some force through your legs for the movement.

        If anyone who regularly does both seated and standing ohp could post their comparative sets that would be amazing

  132. 10 months ago

    why is everyone getting into bjj all of a sudden

  133. 10 months ago

    I just got a job with construction, building houses and such. What kind of gains can I see from this?

  134. 10 months ago

    Any good pull exercises that don't need good grip strength? Deddies murder my hands real good but I need more volume.

    • 10 months ago

      Good mornings. Alternatively, invest in some straps

  135. 10 months ago

    is the bar supposed to rest on the actual front delt or the bone where the clavicle meets the shoulder? if the former I can't get it to work, on matter how mucho I try

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