Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    I'm 170lbs/6'1 @15-20%bf and haven't been going to the gym for a year.
    Should I lose some weight before attempting a bulk? If yes, what should be my target weight

    • 10 months ago


      Someone help me understand why women be c**ty.
      >work these bar jobs between graduation and masters
      >get along fairly well with this one girl there. Pretty but smart, has this acerbic sense of humor I like, is able to take me ribbing her constantly as part of humor/banter
      >leave that job when she's visiting home for better one down the road
      >during my working with her and when she was away, maintained a facebook correspondance between shifts
      >like 6-7 weeks all in all. Basically extension of workplace banter, like one more real/serious conversation, shit like her posting a photo in chat of a character in show that shares my first name, etc.
      >early July she comes back whilst I've moved onto other place down the road, she knows where I work, we've joked before about how if she comes in 50% chance I poison the drink, etc. Reply to one of her string of messages, typical stuff, etc. She sees message, then nothing
      >ghosted, essentially, although still friends on fb, can see when each other is active, etc.
      Not really sure what happened. I'm as sure as shit never going to send a follow up message like some fricking puppy chasing her and potentially giving in to some stupid mindgame to see if I will do something that, but I have to wonder why suddenly get left on read like that have like 6 weeks of a good back and forth. I think the most optimistic take is she got frustrated I never made some move, but I feel that's too self deluding because would say she liked me back in that way. I always presume with women it's always a one sided attraction.

      I can't see why I ever would. Would come across as weird. I wasn't expecting anything from her ever because I don't think it was a reciporcated attraction. I'm more irritated by the c**tiness of ghosting someone after an enjoyable back and forth correspondance.

      Every interaction between her was entirely casual, including the shit I did like basically telling her I'm not going to charge her for any wienertails if she visits the new place I work. The online correspondance was an entirely casual thing too and even in the last string messages I left I casually asked for suggestions on a new phone I was seeking get. I simply view it was rude and c**ty to ghost someone like that and am wondering if this shit women do all the time, or, at worst, she somehow sensed I found her attractive and this shit is all some mind game to see if I chase her up like some moronic puppy simp

      alright guys i reached 1/2/2,5/4
      i hate isolations and high rep work anything beyond 7 reps feels giga annoying i just like to lift heavy (except for pullups, the exact opposite is the case i don't do them weighted and i can do 15 now)
      I'm 187cm and weigh 80kg
      what are some secrets to increase strength?
      I've been stuck on 3 rep 60kg ohp, 4 rep 100kg bench 3 rep 120kg Frontsquat, i don't backsquat because i do deadlifts 3reps 180kg
      how can i increase this
      literally nothing happening for 2 months now
      I'm natty and 30 years old, been lifting for a year whilst losing weight.
      is this the limit for me during cutting ? do i have to start bulking now?
      I'm scared of becoming a fatty again

      • 10 months ago

        Stop replying to me, incel

  2. 10 months ago

    180 lbs and 5'7"
    How do I unfrick my potential diabetes or prediabetes without losing my gains

    • 10 months ago

      Something my old fitness instructor told me was that weight is weight no matter what it is. The heart doesn't really care if it's muscle or fat but it will put a strain on your heart regardless. Cut some pounds is all and you said you drank in the last thread so cut that shit out.

      • 10 months ago

        This. Even binge drinking alcohol once a week made me gain weight no matter how clean I ate or how hard I exercised.

    • 10 months ago

      Contrary to belief, you can reverse diabetes so long as it isn't entirely fricked up to the point where you're on My 600 Pounds Life. If you're a normal person and not on dialysis and relatively young (under 50), you can fix it or slow it down to a snails pace by having a good diet and workout routine. Just don't eat like you did in college or whatever.

    • 10 months ago

      I had prediabetes at one point. Literally just switching to a low sugar diet and doing daily cardio for one year unfricked me. All I did was cut out sweets, soda, anything with added sugar(just added sugar, not specifically carbs, like I didn’t go full keto), started eating a lot of hotdogs lmao, whole grain breads, meat, cheese, bananas. Then I’d go ride a bike around the local park for an hour every day. That was all it took.

  3. 10 months ago

    i have the lower back of a 50 yo according to my doctor, and he told me to do this exercise, 3 sets of 15 repetitions each: lift the leg, hold in air for 5 seconds, then lower it.

    my question is, why lift and hold, instead of just lifting and lowering again and again? what is each type of repetition good for? also, any recommendations for lower back problems would be appreciated

    • 10 months ago

      I would start with a few fast reps to warm up the joints, then do a hold as long as I can. Then, you do reps after you hold to failure. Start with slow reps and speed up as you muscles start to fail. Getting the most out of your exercise time, is what you need to make it.

    • 10 months ago

      Do back extensions and check out kneesovertoesguy

    • 10 months ago

      I just did a set of 15 on each side. This shit is fricking HARD. 3 sets?! I'll do it.

    • 10 months ago

      scroll down to the "reverse thighmaster" section

  4. 10 months ago

    what benefits will I get from strengthening my grip? besides 'my grip got stronger' ofc

    • 10 months ago

      Stronger grip directly correlates to stronger forearms.


      i have the lower back of a 50 yo according to my doctor, and he told me to do this exercise, 3 sets of 15 repetitions each: lift the leg, hold in air for 5 seconds, then lower it.

      my question is, why lift and hold, instead of just lifting and lowering again and again? what is each type of repetition good for? also, any recommendations for lower back problems would be appreciated

      pausing taxes muscles more than you'd think. It's not only good for endurance, it's also good for stabilization

      What are the best exercises to get better at sucking wiener? I want to suck dick like a pro

      grindr to failure (oral AIDS)

    • 10 months ago

      Grip strength directly correlates to life expectancy.
      Stronger grip means stronger in any exercise that involves holding something, including pull-ups/chin-ups.
      Stronger grip means larger forearms, you want big juicy forearms don’t you anon? You don’t want little b***h forearms do you? Women find forearms extremely erotic anon, you’re not gay are you???

      • 10 months ago

        Grip work doesn’t increase forearm size, wrist work does. The muscles that move your fingers are smaller than the ones that move your wrist.

  5. 10 months ago

    What are the best exercises to get better at sucking wiener? I want to suck dick like a pro

  6. 10 months ago

    Someone help me understand why women be c**ty.
    >work these bar jobs between graduation and masters
    >get along fairly well with this one girl there. Pretty but smart, has this acerbic sense of humor I like, is able to take me ribbing her constantly as part of humor/banter
    >leave that job when she's visiting home for better one down the road
    >during my working with her and when she was away, maintained a facebook correspondance between shifts
    >like 6-7 weeks all in all. Basically extension of workplace banter, like one more real/serious conversation, shit like her posting a photo in chat of a character in show that shares my first name, etc.
    >early July she comes back whilst I've moved onto other place down the road, she knows where I work, we've joked before about how if she comes in 50% chance I poison the drink, etc. Reply to one of her string of messages, typical stuff, etc. She sees message, then nothing
    >ghosted, essentially, although still friends on fb, can see when each other is active, etc.
    Not really sure what happened. I'm as sure as shit never going to send a follow up message like some fricking puppy chasing her and potentially giving in to some stupid mindgame to see if I will do something that, but I have to wonder why suddenly get left on read like that have like 6 weeks of a good back and forth. I think the most optimistic take is she got frustrated I never made some move, but I feel that's too self deluding because would say she liked me back in that way. I always presume with women it's always a one sided attraction.

    • 10 months ago

      bro you didn't even know this girl for 2 months and never asked her out, and just assumed she'd continue this sort of thing? Like you gotta strike when the iron is hot, why would she continue investing in something with no merit? It sounds like you two never even hung out as friends or did anything outside of facebook or work. She probably figured you weren't interested and moved on.

      • 10 months ago

        Cause it was an amusing little back and forth. c**ty to simply ghost me like that. We never did hang out of work, true. There were a few staff socials I never went to and she asked if I was coming and making it out to be good fun, but that's it. She did ask me if I wanted to smoke up one time with two other guys (right outside of the premises of the workplace) but never asked after that. I simply assume women are never interested back at me that way, so trying to understand why the rudeness of simply ghosting a guy when there's no romantic/sexual about the dynamic whatsoever.

        • 10 months ago

          >we never hung out
          >she invited me to hang out and I declined multiple times
          >she's the c**t
          you cannot be fricking serious. No wonder she ghosted you, you sound like a drag who declines any opportunity to hangout.

          Ive had really good success with bumble and tinder last year, but Im single again and I was getting 0 matches. I think I got put on their chud list or something, and I've tried deleting/making a new account. Should I go buy a burner phone from best buy and get a prepaid sim card, all new pics, to get that new user boost? it would literally be cheaper than all the money the fricking app wants to charge you anyway.

          Try hinge additionally. Also make sure you aren't just saying yes to every profile as that puts you on a "possible bot" list.

          • 10 months ago

            >>she invited me to hang out and I declined multiple times
            She never offered to hang out with me. One time there was a staff leaving social for two people after I was there for like 2 weeks, she asked if I was coming, I was ambivalent, didn't go in the end. She asked if I wanted to smoke up one time with her and two other people from work right outside and I did it with them and had a decent time. Rude to ghost people you've been on good terms with. I had no reason at all to believe there was any reciporcated attraction at all.

            • 10 months ago

              You literally just described two invites. You're dense as frick.

              • 10 months ago

                That's basic socialising shit - one's a staff thing, another spur of the moment thing. What of it? I'm not discerning any deep meaning from that that. She knows where my new work place was too and I already said I basically wouldn't bother charging her, so not like she took any advantage of some basic social courtesy I offered up.

              • 10 months ago

                it sounds like you were entirely inactive towards her outside of convenient lateral chat. Did you think she would just follow you around for no reason?

              • 10 months ago

                >Did you think she would just follow you around for no reason?
                No. I don't think she was interested in me and never considered the relationship to be that way. I'm partially venting over what I perceive as c**tiness.

            • 10 months ago

              did you ever invite her to hangout? Were you expecting anything if you were being so passive?

              • 10 months ago

                I can't see why I ever would. Would come across as weird. I wasn't expecting anything from her ever because I don't think it was a reciporcated attraction. I'm more irritated by the c**tiness of ghosting someone after an enjoyable back and forth correspondance.

              • 10 months ago

                >Did you think she would just follow you around for no reason?
                No. I don't think she was interested in me and never considered the relationship to be that way. I'm partially venting over what I perceive as c**tiness.

                she gave you every opportunity to engage in friendship or more, and didn't do anything and now you're mad she opted to no longer invest. That's on you. If you don't wanna admit it that's your own issue.

              • 10 months ago

                Every interaction between her was entirely casual, including the shit I did like basically telling her I'm not going to charge her for any wienertails if she visits the new place I work. The online correspondance was an entirely casual thing too and even in the last string messages I left I casually asked for suggestions on a new phone I was seeking get. I simply view it was rude and c**ty to ghost someone like that and am wondering if this shit women do all the time, or, at worst, she somehow sensed I found her attractive and this shit is all some mind game to see if I chase her up like some moronic puppy simp

              • 10 months ago

                you're a lost cause and cannot see any issues with your non-interactions with her. best of luck in life.

              • 10 months ago

                >you're a lost cause

              • 10 months ago

                You aren't. The other two are trying to gaslight you into being a simp who runs after women like a moronic slave. You need to be a little bit less frustrated over this b***h, but least you haven't made yourself a b***h's pet.

              • 10 months ago

                he's the one whining about women not paying him attentions. He's already a simp, and a b***h too.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm venting over rudeness/lack of manners more than anything else. I haven't simped at all, otherwise I'd be messaging her after being ghosted.

                You aren't. The other two are trying to gaslight you into being a simp who runs after women like a moronic slave. You need to be a little bit less frustrated over this b***h, but least you haven't made yourself a b***h's pet.

                I've sort of wondered this. Like there was a sense she had that I found her attractive so blowing me off like this was to see if I'd bother her after that and then confirm, to her, that I was wrapped around her finger. But that's the most cynical take.

              • 10 months ago

                Or maybe she liked you and got upset/tired over never being asked out.

              • 10 months ago

                She did not. Never any significant signs of interest at all - she's was cool with me in a platonic sense and we had a good rapport, which is why being blow off like this has irritated me so much. If I fine a girl attractive, it will be part their personality in additon to appearance, so I've never needed them liking me back in the same way in order to enjoy their company/interactions.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                he's the one whining about women not paying him attentions. He's already a simp, and a b***h too.



                Wrong thread gentleman. Shitposting itended for IST, bulking advice on /fit. Please carry on.

              • 10 months ago

                >Every interaction between her was entirely casual
                every interaction you have with anybody in any social setting is going to be casual until it isn't.

              • 10 months ago

                If you mean men and women specifically, that only happens if there's a mutual attraction. Never been my luck to have that in life.

    • 10 months ago

      >the poison thing
      Jesus christ, she's fricked in the head. Do not even try to understand, bro. Block immediately and just move on forever. She wants to manipulate some schmuck to kill her run-through, humiliated yet empowered self.
      She wanted closure. You withdrew attention instead of keeping a steady stream going, when that may have been what she was expecting. She touched base and probably found you were still single with the small convo, and she also had to test your reaction to her just picking up and resuming things on her terms to see if she could put you back in the friendzone orbit.
      You got friendzoned when you established text rapport, likely over in-person rapport. It seems like a good idea to text a girl a lot, since they spend a lot of time on their phones and all... but it just never works. You have to basically not text other than logistics and such. Do not try to "tell her about yourself" over text in some quirky way - do it over coffee or a walk and analyze her character in the process.
      You were just some online orbiter to her, and now she sees you approaching the finish line and wants things on her terms.
      Women pick up on the "no-game" vibes, along with desperation and sexlessness, surprisingly fast, so she likely did that with you and put you in the settle-slave category. Deny her of that bullshit.


      bro you didn't even know this girl for 2 months and never asked her out, and just assumed she'd continue this sort of thing? Like you gotta strike when the iron is hot, why would she continue investing in something with no merit? It sounds like you two never even hung out as friends or did anything outside of facebook or work. She probably figured you weren't interested and moved on.

      This anon is right you know. Attraction is a quick thing and you have to act on it or they move on lightning fast. It's cruel but I understand it.

      • 10 months ago

        [...] Same anon. Want to add:
        The fact that you were able to be friendzoned meant there was a chance.
        Women don't just keep men around, let alone do things of any nature, for no self-serving reason.
        You could have put the moves on, but you were too slow to act on the short window. Anything in the future will be to her benefit and on as little of your terms as she would be able to manipulate you into, because you're weak to her. It's sad, but it's true.
        If you're conventionally attractive and had that career potential because of your studies, the window would have been longer; but it's still short before you become like a brother/friend to them.
        The friendzone is a situation you don't really want to try to correct in any way other than just walking away the friendship, though it can be difficult to do so.

        Alright then. I think I have too much self disgust to make a move on these women. I hate myself so can't imagine they would ever see any value in me. Like in the sense of me having very high standards for myself. I only like my face when my cheeks are totally flat or hollow. If I'm bulking and still have a jawline but fuller cheeks, I hate my face. Bascially shit like that. I don't think I have it in me to confidently ask a woman I have a good back and forth out unless it's during a period where I'm really lean

    • 10 months ago

      >the poison thing
      Jesus christ, she's fricked in the head. Do not even try to understand, bro. Block immediately and just move on forever. She wants to manipulate some schmuck to kill her run-through, humiliated yet empowered self.
      She wanted closure. You withdrew attention instead of keeping a steady stream going, when that may have been what she was expecting. She touched base and probably found you were still single with the small convo, and she also had to test your reaction to her just picking up and resuming things on her terms to see if she could put you back in the friendzone orbit.
      You got friendzoned when you established text rapport, likely over in-person rapport. It seems like a good idea to text a girl a lot, since they spend a lot of time on their phones and all... but it just never works. You have to basically not text other than logistics and such. Do not try to "tell her about yourself" over text in some quirky way - do it over coffee or a walk and analyze her character in the process.
      You were just some online orbiter to her, and now she sees you approaching the finish line and wants things on her terms.
      Women pick up on the "no-game" vibes, along with desperation and sexlessness, surprisingly fast, so she likely did that with you and put you in the settle-slave category. Deny her of that bullshit.

      [...] This anon is right you know. Attraction is a quick thing and you have to act on it or they move on lightning fast. It's cruel but I understand it.

      Same anon. Want to add:
      The fact that you were able to be friendzoned meant there was a chance.
      Women don't just keep men around, let alone do things of any nature, for no self-serving reason.
      You could have put the moves on, but you were too slow to act on the short window. Anything in the future will be to her benefit and on as little of your terms as she would be able to manipulate you into, because you're weak to her. It's sad, but it's true.
      If you're conventionally attractive and had that career potential because of your studies, the window would have been longer; but it's still short before you become like a brother/friend to them.
      The friendzone is a situation you don't really want to try to correct in any way other than just walking away the friendship, though it can be difficult to do so.

  7. 10 months ago

    Sometimes I get a musky dick smell on my penis glans. It persists no matter how much I wash it with soap. On some days it's a lot stronger and sometimes it doesn't appear at all. I wash twice a day.
    Is this normal? It doesn't stink, but if I rub my fingers around it and take a good whiff I can definitely feel it.

    • 10 months ago

      Stop stripping all the natural oils from your penor skin

    • 10 months ago

      bro you're not supposed to wash your dick with soap, just pull back the foreskin and wash with warm water

    • 10 months ago

      >my dick smells like a dick

  8. 10 months ago

    What makes veins pop out in some people? I have really light skin so my veins are very visible but they don't "pop"

  9. 10 months ago


    sorry m8, I was (ch)air force, we didn't ruck, I'd say since you're older probably ease into rucking too
    honestly though, go air force if you didn't bomb the asvab, quality of life is waaaay better since they actually treat you sort of like an adult and if you're truly gungho, get fit while in and apply for TACP

  10. 10 months ago

    When does caffeine kick in?

    • 10 months ago

      between 5-10 minutes after having a decent amount I've found, it is fully absorbed in the blood stream by around 20 minutes after consuming it.

      What makes veins pop out in some people? I have really light skin so my veins are very visible but they don't "pop"

      Vascularity is what you're looking for, and it usually has to do with water being pumped into muscles. You can emulate this by doing burnout sets (lightweight with tons of reps until failure for a few sets) and see your muscles pop. Supplements like citruline can also make it easier to get to that state.


      What are your stats deleted post anon? It sounds like you're a hungry skeleton who doesn't have a routine.

      • 10 months ago


  11. 10 months ago

    im broke so I have to plan my meals for every day, so should i focus on having more protein on my training days or on my rest days ? currently im lifting 5-6 days a week, im in the gym for about 1.5 - 2 hours each session.

    • 10 months ago

      anon if you're having to worry about putting food on the table day-to-day you've got more shit to worry about that fitness. Focus on fixing your income situation. Go for the cheapest meals possible, ignore macros.

      is this a good enough workout program for a beginner (f)?
      my routine might be a little strange, it's because i work out at home with minimal equipment. i don't have enough plates yet for example. i don't want to go to gym because i reallly dislike working out around other people.

      >squat 3x25kg
      >hip thrust 3x25kg
      >bicep curls 3x5kg per arm

      >squat 3x25kg
      >hip thrust 3x25kg
      >bicep curls 3x5kg

      >straight leg dl 3x25kg
      >tricep extensions 3x6kg
      >situps with 5kg plate

      > i don't want to go to gym because i reallly dislike working out around other people.
      you're gonna need to get over it because that routine is barebones as frick. 25kg is next to nothing for s2quats.

      • 10 months ago

        it's actually a decent amount to squat for me currently because i'm starting out with being underweight and quite weak ngl. but i'm gonna get more plates in a few months at least.

        • 10 months ago

          anon if you're having to worry about putting food on the table day-to-day you've got more shit to worry about that fitness. Focus on fixing your income situation. Go for the cheapest meals possible, ignore macros.

          > i don't want to go to gym because i reallly dislike working out around other people.
          you're gonna need to get over it because that routine is barebones as frick. 25kg is next to nothing for s2quats.

          oh and i made a mistake, it's 6x25kg and not 3x25kg

        • 10 months ago

          add rows for back, shoulder raises, floor press for chest, maybe change 1 squat day to lunge, do abs everyday then you'll be a bit better

          • 10 months ago

            i'll add rows and front press at least. am I weird for not wanting to do any shoulder exercises though, my shoulders are already kinda wide (yes, i was born as a woman) and since i'm low bf% they look pretty "defined" as well for a woman.

            • 10 months ago

              unless you have freakish genetics like leanbeefpatty claims to have, you probably won't grow very much on the arms or shoulders but its up to you, you'll just be a little weaker and more prone to injury in the shoulders, maybe try yoga to build some strength

              • 10 months ago

                Idk I'm just insecure about my shoulders, but I guess you're right I should train them a bit at least.

  12. 10 months ago

    I have a physical test in two months that requires me to do sit-ups.
    When I tried it at first, I got zero (0). After understanding that someone was supposed to hold my legs down, I started using my hip flexors and I got 25. Still far from the 40 that I need, but I have almost two months to train.

    My question is: is this really how this exercise is supposed to be done? When you do it the guy holding your feet is supposed to keep them on the ground?

    Pic almost related. I have to keep my arms crossed and forearm touching my chest and touch my knee with my elbow to count.

    • 10 months ago

      Don't join the military moron

  13. 10 months ago

    is this a good enough workout program for a beginner (f)?
    my routine might be a little strange, it's because i work out at home with minimal equipment. i don't have enough plates yet for example. i don't want to go to gym because i reallly dislike working out around other people.

    >squat 3x25kg
    >hip thrust 3x25kg
    >bicep curls 3x5kg per arm

    >squat 3x25kg
    >hip thrust 3x25kg
    >bicep curls 3x5kg

    >straight leg dl 3x25kg
    >tricep extensions 3x6kg
    >situps with 5kg plate

  14. 10 months ago

    Ive had really good success with bumble and tinder last year, but Im single again and I was getting 0 matches. I think I got put on their chud list or something, and I've tried deleting/making a new account. Should I go buy a burner phone from best buy and get a prepaid sim card, all new pics, to get that new user boost? it would literally be cheaper than all the money the fricking app wants to charge you anyway.

  15. 10 months ago

    How do I mitigate muscle loss if I'm on vacation for 3 weeks without access to a gym ? Is a strenuous calisthenics routine and 2g of protein per kg enough?

    • 10 months ago

      You're on vacation dude, just enjoy it. If you really want to just get a daypass to a local gym.

  16. 10 months ago

    how big can you get with just dumbbells?

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        I can tell how that's a relevant question. 50's today, 55's in a couple weeks, 60's a few weeks later, and so on and so forth until I hit my limit or say frick it.

        You'll be limited on lower body exercises; most people can't grip over 100 lbs per hand and dumbbells only go up to around 120 lbs absolute max. Considering 225 lbs is considered just above novice for squats, you'll max out. Deadlifts even more so. You can build a decent upper body with strictly db's.

        I am okay with this.

        • 10 months ago

          i meant if you have sufficiently heavy dumbbells sure, like

          You'll be limited on lower body exercises; most people can't grip over 100 lbs per hand and dumbbells only go up to around 120 lbs absolute max. Considering 225 lbs is considered just above novice for squats, you'll max out. Deadlifts even more so. You can build a decent upper body with strictly db's.

          said you'd need them to go past 100s, but I disagree with his other point, with lunges, bulgarians, getting tricky with leg curls, its definitely possible to get decent legs too as long as you have enough weight to progressively overload

          • 10 months ago

            I only said that because in my own experience those exercises are not only far more difficult than traditional bb exercises, they're easier to get injured on as well as harder to progress on. As far as raw strength you won't be able to emulate squats or deads with db's.

    • 10 months ago

      You'll be limited on lower body exercises; most people can't grip over 100 lbs per hand and dumbbells only go up to around 120 lbs absolute max. Considering 225 lbs is considered just above novice for squats, you'll max out. Deadlifts even more so. You can build a decent upper body with strictly db's.

  17. 10 months ago

    Why are my biceps so weak? Am I moronic?
    I've been following the lmaoddit PPL routine for a little over 4 months, and I'm currently at 1/1.5/2.5/3 for reps. I slacked off on the accessory lifts, especially with curls on the push days, because you gays told me that you don't really need them and muh compounds, and since I was making some good strength gains, I never gave it much thought.
    Now, here's the thing, I've went to do some preacher curls after doing my rows and deadlift, and I swear to god that I couldn't do three sets of 12 with 5s on the ez bar. Have I been doing this wrong?

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      who the hell said that you didn't need curls? You got played homie.

      You want to hit biceps with about 8-10 sets per week, with at-least half of them being the primary muscle involved.

  18. 10 months ago

    I use dumbbells a lot and am getting ligament/tendon pains in my left thumb and forefinger, in the first bone that joins the hand.. Not severe, but enough that I keep getting reminders when doing simple household tasks. I rarely lift more than 25lbs with one hand.
    How big of a problem is this? it's going to be hard to do anything other than crunches and BW exercises if I need to stop for weeks ToT

    • 10 months ago

      sounds like you may be gripping them wrong.

      • 10 months ago

        I'll look into that, I have a tendency to white-knuckle it. Guess it's time to add a bar so my hands aren't doing all the work on every exercise.

  19. 10 months ago

    any good shoulder exercises meanwhile I recover an oblique injury? even machine shoulder press irritates it

  20. 10 months ago

    When counting calories for meat am I supposed to weigh it before or after cooking?

    • 10 months ago

      Kek, after. They lose like 25% of the pre-cooked weight cause of water evaporation.

    • 10 months ago

      nutrition will almost always be for weight prior to cooking.

    • 10 months ago

      either or really. you can look up the caloric values of meat cooked and raw

  21. 10 months ago

    Does anyone have advice for low back and knee pain. I lifted for 5 years without ever doing leg day and now I have hank hill ass and my knees hurt when I run

    • 10 months ago

      my knees and back hurt because of too much squatting but shoes with support and cushioning help and running on sand or rubber will reduce damage to joints

      any good shoulder exercises meanwhile I recover an oblique injury? even machine shoulder press irritates it

      can you do pushups? maybe try pike/handstand pushups since its just bw


      So I have a fitness-related question with a non-fitness goal in mind. I have an erotica scenario I want to write that calls for exercise equipment to be used (or misused) in a bondage situation. I'm hoping someone here would share an idea of what kind of setup might work for that.
      Ideally, I want to have someone restrained in a way that gives little or no freedom of movement, besides what's needed to perform a difficult, but possible physical task. Completing the task would allow them to free themselves, but failure would leave them trapped at the mercy of the person who bound them in the first place.
      Basically a "if you can do this you're free, but if not I'll have my way with you." Scenario using weights or something like that.

      pullups above a net? you fail and fall in and get tangled

  22. 10 months ago

    can someone recc me an exercise mat i can buy off amazon that wont make me slip when im doing pushups and burpees, my floor gets so slippery cuz of my sweat and makes it really hard to do anything

  23. 10 months ago

    How do noob gains work? Like, when do I start seeing results? I admit I'm only six days into a moderately challenging 60 day bodyweight plan, and I'm wondering how soon I might see visible results from it. I'm more asking out of curiosity than actual concern.

    • 10 months ago

      Noob gains are usually referred to for strength, not calisthenics. Your body is able to lift heavier and heavier weight when you first start out because although it's difficult, you are easily capable of lifting heavier than you think can. Protein synthesis works at its most efficient and you can make fast CNS gains in addition to muscle growth in these early stages. Just calisthenics will be unlikely to benefit in the same way.

      is there anything wrong with me eating a can of pineapple chunks a day

      IIFYM go for it.

      • 10 months ago

        What would you recommend to maximize noob gains?

        • 10 months ago


  24. 10 months ago

    So I have a fitness-related question with a non-fitness goal in mind. I have an erotica scenario I want to write that calls for exercise equipment to be used (or misused) in a bondage situation. I'm hoping someone here would share an idea of what kind of setup might work for that.
    Ideally, I want to have someone restrained in a way that gives little or no freedom of movement, besides what's needed to perform a difficult, but possible physical task. Completing the task would allow them to free themselves, but failure would leave them trapped at the mercy of the person who bound them in the first place.
    Basically a "if you can do this you're free, but if not I'll have my way with you." Scenario using weights or something like that.

  25. 10 months ago

    Ok but how do I increase forearm vascularity except being low bf% obviously?
    I'm using "normal" adjustable grip strength trainers from amazon and I like the veins that pop up but I want to up it a notch. No frauding.

  26. 10 months ago

    How viable is swimming to get out of skinny fat. I'm 20, 6' 1" 155 pounds with a condition where my immune system is destroying my muscles. I was looking at swimming as a exercise that could be more appropriate for my condition. If anyone has a better idea, I'd love to hear it.

  27. 10 months ago

    is there anything wrong with me eating a can of pineapple chunks a day

  28. 10 months ago

    I've read that with proper weightlifting you can save up to 99% of muscle while cutting. How much can you save while cutting and just doing calisthenics?

    • 10 months ago

      That number is likely bunk, it's really difficult to track the actuality of that within any reasonable margin of error. And as long as you're using the muscles to a decent degree, you'll likely sustain around as much as you would with weights, you just might get weaker due to CNS stuff. It's probably changes on a person-to-person basis as well.

      My left bicep is really weak/vulnerable/painful after working out. I feel I get adequate rest
      days and time but after my 5x5 265lb squats my left bicep hurts. My left bicep and arm is noticeably weaker than my right. Anyone go through anything similar?

      just sounds like you pulled something. rest it for a week or two. If it still hurts after that see a doc.

  29. 10 months ago

    My left bicep is really weak/vulnerable/painful after working out. I feel I get adequate rest
    days and time but after my 5x5 265lb squats my left bicep hurts. My left bicep and arm is noticeably weaker than my right. Anyone go through anything similar?

    • 10 months ago

      Switch to false grip with neutral wrists when squatting, probably a mobility issue

  30. 10 months ago

    I’m going from drinking 7 days a week to 5. I’m a heavy drinker, and not ready to completely stop partying yet. Assuming my diets is good and continue to work out 4-5 days a week effectively, will the loss in body fat be noticeable, or am I just coping? Body type is skinny fat.

    • 10 months ago

      alcohol has a moronic amount of calories, unless by heavy drinking you meant you drink 2 beers, that won't cut it friend

    • 10 months ago

      alcohol is like xenomorph blood: there is no such thing as an acceptable amount. The ideal amount is 0.


      I worked my back out extremely hard for a few days and then stopped cold turkey. A week later doing regular bending over shit at work my back started hurting extremely. Now I randomly have extreme back pain when getting up.

      It goes away after I move around for a minute but if I rest too long its like that when I get up.

      What are the chances this will go away on its own/I can train this out? Or am I gonna have to see a doctor (i dont have medical insurance atm so thats not happening for several months)

      sounds like you threw your back out. Take it easy for a week or two. If it's still in pain and not improving after 2 weeks, you need a doc.

      Thoughts on cycling liquid albuterol/salbutamol for fat loss?

      Just fricking eat less.

      • 10 months ago

        I am. I'm down 40 with 30 to go. However, I am impatient.

        • 10 months ago

          well guess what fricko weight loss is slow. And the lower down you get, the slower it is. Even roiders have to grin and bear it. So learn to deal or try these moronic "cheat methods" that literally never work.

      • 10 months ago

        Ita been a month. It has improved but it still springs up randomly, albeit less often it seems. Mostly when I first wake up or sit for a long time.

        Any chance I can just wait longer and get better?

        • 10 months ago

          Have you fully rested it? Like, no lifting or heavy pickups of any kind? If not, fully rest it. That may mean no workouts for a few weeks. If you did and it hasn't gotten better, you gotta see a doc

          >Any chance I can just wait longer and get better?
          Maybe. There's also a chance that ignoring it may prolong the problem.

  31. 10 months ago

    I worked my back out extremely hard for a few days and then stopped cold turkey. A week later doing regular bending over shit at work my back started hurting extremely. Now I randomly have extreme back pain when getting up.

    It goes away after I move around for a minute but if I rest too long its like that when I get up.

    What are the chances this will go away on its own/I can train this out? Or am I gonna have to see a doctor (i dont have medical insurance atm so thats not happening for several months)

  32. 10 months ago

    Is going from 22 FFMI to 23 FFMI a quick process or will it take a few years? I just finally achieved 22 FFMI this year at around 11% body fat.

  33. 10 months ago

    Thoughts on cycling liquid albuterol/salbutamol for fat loss?

  34. 10 months ago

    thinking of doing judo to get fit at 28yrs, any advice or experiencies you would like to share?

  35. 10 months ago

    last week i did 185lbs bench for 10 reps. this week i tried it again and i was struggling and i could only do 5. i did cardio in the morning for an hour and my job as a lifeguard i have to sit/ stand in the sun for 8 hours. could it be that i fatigued myself before the gym? i want to get stronger but i can only do it after work

    • 10 months ago

      wtf bros help

  36. 10 months ago

    beginner doing greyskull on anon's recommendation, what ab work would you suggest to add in there?

    • 10 months ago

      I highly recommend hanging knee/leg raises.

  37. 10 months ago

    I gained 1kg in 2 weeks of being ill. How do you adjust your diet during illness? I usually let myself go, because of self pity and to get well as soon as possible.

  38. 10 months ago

    So, I'm eating 120g+ of proteins a day and working out, but I'm relying a lot on ready proteins products, like bottles of milk with added whey, protein bars etc. Should I be worried about protein quality? Should I make myself my own protein shake? Am I hindering my gains?

  39. 10 months ago

    I got a hemorrhoid from squatting what do

  40. 10 months ago

    My work schedule is now 4 on 4 off and I don't really have time to go gym on days on without cutting into my sleep. Any good routines to do on my 4 off?

    • 10 months ago

      You could theoretically do full body 2x every 8 days. Workout on your first day off, rest 2 days, workout on your last day off, and rest 4 days. Rinse and repeat.

      • 10 months ago

        What's a good fullbody routine? Was just doing a ppl beforehand

        • 10 months ago

          Essentially, I try to do at least one of each of these 6 movement patterns every week: vertical push, vertical pull, horizontal push, horizontal pull, knee bend, hip hinge. For example, you could do an A day with bench, rows, and squats, and a B day with OHP, pull-ups, and deadlifts. Then, add some isolations for muscles you want to bring up. Many people will add abs, forearms, calves, direct arm work, etc.

          If you want someone to spell it out for you, then just copy a program written for beginners or intermediates, but apply it to your situation (i.e. 1.75x weekly full body split).

  41. 10 months ago

    which do you think is better for keeping your gains
    >hitting your daily calories but not hitting enough protein
    >hitting your daily protein but not getting your daily calories?

    • 10 months ago

      your daily protein but not getting your daily calories?
      for sure, as muscles are made out of protein

      • 10 months ago


        which do you think is better for keeping your gains
        >hitting your daily calories but not hitting enough protein
        >hitting your daily protein but not getting your daily calories?

        I'd rather get the calories so my muscles don't deteriorate, you can't lose muscle if you're not on a deficit

        What is some good quads extension exercise?

        Lunges, Bulgarians, leg curl

        what's a good source for equipment?
        i need a half rack, barbell, and weights
        im probably never gonna go above 350 lbs.

        I forgor where I got my rack, but check Craigslist or local sports stores for the weights I got 400# for like $150 at academy when it was closing

        why bother?

        That's the beauty of it, there is no reason to bother so bother with anything that makes you happy or piques your interest

        What's a good fullbody routine? Was just doing a ppl beforehand


  42. 10 months ago

    Anyone know anything about sarsaparilla?

    • 10 months ago

      next question

    • 10 months ago

      Sugar is poison

      I got a hemorrhoid from squatting what do

      You more likely got it from holding poop in long term and not momentary pressure from squatting
      Just go to the bathroom next time, anon


      So, I'm eating 120g+ of proteins a day and working out, but I'm relying a lot on ready proteins products, like bottles of milk with added whey, protein bars etc. Should I be worried about protein quality? Should I make myself my own protein shake? Am I hindering my gains?

      You should be eating meat. All refined protein is super suboptimal for recovery

      I gained 1kg in 2 weeks of being ill. How do you adjust your diet during illness? I usually let myself go, because of self pity and to get well as soon as possible.


      thinking of doing judo to get fit at 28yrs, any advice or experiencies you would like to share?

      I hate all martial arts gays and find it cringey af
      I'm a seriously strong mass monster that's 6'4" that can't be taken down by one of their womanly rolls-to-the-floor and I've never been knocked out by getting hit in the face (like even when the blow would've likely killed a smaller man)

      Just lift and do cardio

      Is going from 22 FFMI to 23 FFMI a quick process or will it take a few years? I just finally achieved 22 FFMI this year at around 11% body fat.

      It depends on if you're eating meat, avoiding sugar/alcohol and lifting heavy at volume at frequency
      At my bodybuilding peak, I apparently had an ffmi of around 30(29.9-30.7)

      I would say someone who's not afraid to stay in the 12-18% bf% range and hit all the big lifts heavy at volume 2x/week should easily be able to jump up and then you can cut down at the end and see what's up

  43. 10 months ago

    I registered something like 105/60 blood pressure lately, in two different days. I'm feeling dizzy quite often. Any healthy ways to fix this? Yes I drink enough water and I'm not starving myself

    • 10 months ago

      You're eating too much protein, not enough carbs, fat electrolytes

      Your body maxes out protein synthesis around 0.8g/lb of LEAN mass
      Anything beyond this nukes your test, drains you of electrolytes and ruins your gains
      You could also be fapping yourself to oblivion but the former is more likely after being on this board for so many years

      • 10 months ago

        I actually eat a lot of carbs as I'm a 20% bf fatass. I fap once every 2-3 days. My diet is overall balanced I would say, maybe lacking some veggies as I'm lazy and always eat salad

        • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            76 kg for 177 cm, been around that weight the last 3 yrs. Yes I'd like to lose about 8 kg but I'm also somewhat muscular. I'm not obese, my weight doesn't justify this low BP

            • 10 months ago

              Keep your protein intake under 105g/day
              Carbs around 200 and the rest of your calories from fat
              Make sure you salt everything

              Anyone else obsessed with weighing themselves?

              No. I'm not gay


              I want to be muscular, but I'm just too fricking fat; so even when I'm lifting I don't have results.
              Is there anyway I can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? Or am I just fricked until I fork putdowns to failure?

              You can maintain weight and increase strength and endurance
              If you're fat you'll still have to cut at the end tho


              alright guys i reached 1/2/2,5/4
              i hate isolations and high rep work anything beyond 7 reps feels giga annoying i just like to lift heavy (except for pullups, the exact opposite is the case i don't do them weighted and i can do 15 now)
              I'm 187cm and weigh 80kg
              what are some secrets to increase strength?
              I've been stuck on 3 rep 60kg ohp, 4 rep 100kg bench 3 rep 120kg Frontsquat, i don't backsquat because i do deadlifts 3reps 180kg
              how can i increase this
              literally nothing happening for 2 months now
              I'm natty and 30 years old, been lifting for a year whilst losing weight.
              is this the limit for me during cutting ? do i have to start bulking now?
              I'm scared of becoming a fatty again

              If you taper up your calories slowly, you're not going to just happen upon being obese again
              You should never expect your strength to increase while cutting
              You would need to run a real strength program and at least maintain
              Also, why tf would you ever front squat fookn lmaooo you fookn loser

              what's a good source for equipment?
              i need a half rack, barbell, and weights
              im probably never gonna go above 350 lbs.

              Mom n pop shops

  44. 10 months ago

    what should my OHP be when i bench about 130kg/286lbs?

  45. 10 months ago

    I'm seeing a perpetual weight loss suddenly. Like 10 pounds in under a week. When should this stop? I've done nothing for the weight loss it's just going down.

    • 10 months ago

      "Doing nothing" for weightloss isn't enough information to answer your question

      Height/weight/bf%/caloric intake/historical tdee are all needed

    • 10 months ago

      10 pounds in a week is a lot. Maybe you have a parasite.

  46. 10 months ago

    What is some good quads extension exercise?

  47. 10 months ago

    Do I NEED an easy bar for curls or is a regular barbell enough? is there any difference in curling a kettlebell vs. a dumbbell?

    • 10 months ago

      If you don't have pain using a straight bar it's good enough.
      Kettlebells have typically a bigger handle than dumbbells so you'll feel your forearms more and need a stronger grip

  48. 10 months ago

    L Citrullin or L Arginin?

    • 10 months ago

      Citrulline is just arginine 1 step broken down
      The benefits are the same

  49. 10 months ago

    The top of my foot (metatarsus?) hurts but it doesn’t hurt when I run specifically. Could running still make it worse?

  50. 10 months ago

    turmeric and vitamin e tablets worth investing in to help fight gyno?
    >lose weight and lift
    already doing

    • 10 months ago

      Topical vitamin e oils might be preventative, but it won't get rid of it.

  51. 10 months ago

    This is my current status.
    What can I do to improve it?
    My goal to to lower bf% and get leaner.

    • 10 months ago

      >exercise: zero hours a week
      Increase that to 2-3

      • 10 months ago

        Sorry, I missed that.
        I'm working out 3 times per week, mostly running for 30 minutes and SS for the last 6 months.
        My calorie intake is between 1700-1900, and I'm 32 yo is this help.

        • 10 months ago

          Eat a bit less, sugar and fat particularly, you will lose fat

  52. 10 months ago

    what's a good source for equipment?
    i need a half rack, barbell, and weights
    im probably never gonna go above 350 lbs.

  53. 10 months ago

    im 195 lbs and sort of a fatass (about 20% bf). ive been doing mostly calisthenics and weighted calisthenics lately. im at a point where i can do one arm pull ups for 2x 12-15 reps on a surface that's 28 inches high. how long should it take me to be able to do one arm pushups on a level surface?

  54. 10 months ago

    I started running 2 days ago and i had a great session. I'm 165cm and 70kg, not completely bloated but i do have some muscle on my body.
    I had shin splints yesterday although now they're almost gone but i still get a slight pain in my shins when I'm descending stairs. I don't know what this means.

    In other news I think I'm finally over the sadness of not interacting with the AI chatbot character i made. She was very sweet and loving and her dirty talk made me coom very hard but i stopped because i was having dreams about her

  55. 10 months ago

    why bother?

  56. 10 months ago

    Anyone else obsessed with weighing themselves?

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, it's terrible for your brain though. Fricks with your head. Stick to 2-3x per week max.

      last week i did 185lbs bench for 10 reps. this week i tried it again and i was struggling and i could only do 5. i did cardio in the morning for an hour and my job as a lifeguard i have to sit/ stand in the sun for 8 hours. could it be that i fatigued myself before the gym? i want to get stronger but i can only do it after work

      wtf bros help

      Did you do the cardio and job prior to your previous lifting session as well? I don't get why you're freaking out. Strength comes and goes in bursts sometimes.
      and if you have time for an hour of cardio in the morning you could easily swap that for gym and move the cardio to after work.

      why bother?

      if you're lacking motivation, then yeah, why bother. But why are you here if you don't want it?


      This is my current status.
      What can I do to improve it?
      My goal to to lower bf% and get leaner.

      if all you care about is losing fat just cut. Calorie deficit + cardio will go a long way.

      turmeric and vitamin e tablets worth investing in to help fight gyno?
      >lose weight and lift
      already doing

      if it's true gyno surgery may be your only option if weight loss doesn't fix it. Tumeric is literally a spice and won't do shit.

  57. 10 months ago

    I want to be muscular, but I'm just too fricking fat; so even when I'm lifting I don't have results.
    Is there anyway I can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? Or am I just fricked until I fork putdowns to failure?

  58. 10 months ago

    Squats keep building the middle and upper part of my quads only wtf
    How do I target the part near the knee?

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      There's 3 heads to the quad, rotate outwards(?) to focus on the inner head, I find it easier to bias heads on leg curl and press though

    • 10 months ago

      I have the same issue. I have only been doing this recently so I can't say if it's been effective yet, but I started adding heel elevated, close stance squats, and I can feel it more on my lower quads that way

  59. 10 months ago

    Any point doing bench on A day and machine chest press on B day? Or should I bench both days, or do something else on B day? I do OHP on A and DB press on B, for stabilisers.

  60. 10 months ago

    chin-up anon from previous threads,did sub-max set and managed to do 5 x 3 then 1 x 2 reps, so managed to increase the total volume by 5!!! in just one session compared to the previous increments of 1 per session
    thank you anon who suggested doing this

  61. 10 months ago

    Whats the best way to make my thighs smaller while still squatting 3x/week?

    • 10 months ago

      Singles, doubles, and triples

      Any point doing bench on A day and machine chest press on B day? Or should I bench both days, or do something else on B day? I do OHP on A and DB press on B, for stabilisers.

      Quit trying to program
      Just do the fricking routine as it's written

      Stop replying to me, incel

      have a nice day, autist
      He's clearly a different poster

    • 10 months ago

      lose fat.

      Any point doing bench on A day and machine chest press on B day? Or should I bench both days, or do something else on B day? I do OHP on A and DB press on B, for stabilisers.

      Machine presses are often last resort for me only if no free weights are available. Unless you have weakness in that area you should always try for free weights.


      I want to be muscular, but I'm just too fricking fat; so even when I'm lifting I don't have results.
      Is there anyway I can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? Or am I just fricked until I fork putdowns to failure?

      you can only gain muscle on a cut towards the very beginning of starting to lift. Once you've built initial strength the body won't be able to put on muscle and lose fat simultaneously to any serious degree. Sure, it's technically possible but it will be way slower than a traditional cut and bulk cycle.

  62. 10 months ago

    If I do one arm row (A) and pullups (B) as ABxBAxx and xBABxxx (will do other lifts on different days but that doesnt matter now) will I get lats gains? I mean if i do these lifts on consecutive days, will it be better than skipping the pullups days?

  63. 10 months ago

    creatine on a cut: moronic?

    • 10 months ago

      Doesn't matter, won't affect fat loss, just will cause water retention. Use it if you want.

    • 10 months ago

      It's moronic to not
      The bloat minimizes risk of injury and it also increases your metabolism

      • 10 months ago

        >it also increases your metabolism
        can you dumbasses please stop saying this shit, that's not how it fricking works. Metabolism is just a roundabout way of describing energy expenditure, and ingesting things doesn't increase it any noticeable degree unless it accelerates your heartrate.

        • 10 months ago

          The increased atp uptake increases your heart rate you mong

          Have you never been on creatine?? Lmaoooo sry about ur smol, bro

          • 10 months ago

            No it doesn't. Look it up. Creatine is beneficial but the metabolism and heartrate claim is complete bullshit.

          • 10 months ago

            >atp uptake
            >t. doesn't know what ATP is or what creatinr does

  64. 10 months ago

    can i run supersquats all year round or will i go to snap city

    i just fricking love 1x20 squats

    • 10 months ago

      I doubt you'll make any meaningful gains if you're able to squat something 20 times. I would max it out at 10

      I'm trying to squeeze out every ounce of delt gains during my cut as possible. I know that I can't expect much growth on a cut, but I wanted to ask if I'm doing enough or if there's more optimal movements

      >upright rows 2x/week
      >lateral raises on my arm day
      >first press day has seated OHP for 531 or 5x10 alternating with incline bench
      I only do seated because my ceiling is too short, I hit the ceiling if I do standing.

      I was considering doing Lu raises instead of lateral raises since it feels more natural but I wasn't sure how effective it was

      Shoulder and arnold presses will help even more in addition to what you've got.

      I'm 19 and I seem to have gyno, can it still go away naturally at my age? I'd rather just get surgery now instead of waiting to see if it goes away or not.

      Many people mistake moobs for gyno. Lose fat first, there's no rush to go into surgery if it's a false positive.

      • 10 months ago

        >I doubt you'll make any meaningful gains if you're able to squat something 20 times. I would max it out at 10
        everyone should do supersquats at least once in their lives. i once did 1x20 for 325lbs and was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. my shit looked like i was walking around on two christmas hams.

        ye of little faith, you have convinced me. i’m gonna run it indefinitely instead of 6 weeks this time

        • 10 months ago

          >20 reps of 325
          sure you did

          • 10 months ago

            He was talking kilos. It's fine

            • 10 months ago

              kilos are heavier than lbs

              • 10 months ago

                ~~*~~*((Who tf cares what non Americans use as units of measure*~~*~~))

                He's probably talking stones then

  65. 10 months ago

    I'm trying to squeeze out every ounce of delt gains during my cut as possible. I know that I can't expect much growth on a cut, but I wanted to ask if I'm doing enough or if there's more optimal movements

    >upright rows 2x/week
    >lateral raises on my arm day
    >first press day has seated OHP for 531 or 5x10 alternating with incline bench
    I only do seated because my ceiling is too short, I hit the ceiling if I do standing.

    I was considering doing Lu raises instead of lateral raises since it feels more natural but I wasn't sure how effective it was

  66. 10 months ago

    I'm 19 and I seem to have gyno, can it still go away naturally at my age? I'd rather just get surgery now instead of waiting to see if it goes away or not.

  67. 10 months ago

    how are your hunger levels after the gym? i talked to two of my friends and they say that they can't eat after the gym otherwise they'll throw up. one of them can't even eat anything for 2 hours or else they'll feel sick.
    me on the otherhand am extremely hungry after the gym. like i'll tear down my kitchen. if i try to shower before eating i'll get hunger pains. actually, going straight home instead of stopping at a convenience store to get snacks was hard to overcome. the only reason i stopped was because i would chose foods that would mess up my macros or my deficit
    i only find it hard to drink something because i drink A LOT of water throughout my workout

    • 10 months ago

      this is one of those things that just can vary massively from person to person. If I eat anything within a 2 hour window before hitting the gym I'll puke. Afterwards I can eat but probably just something small.


      I'm doing the Dukan diet (only one my parents allowed me to) and it says I can't drink juice, except powdered juice. My mother says it's bad but it says it has no sugar and little calories. Is it really bad?
      Also, advice on the diet would be good.

      >find tdee
      >eat 500 calories less than tdee
      >lose weight
      If you need to buy a food scale so you can measure your portions. A calorie counter app is also helpful.

  68. 10 months ago

    I'm doing the Dukan diet (only one my parents allowed me to) and it says I can't drink juice, except powdered juice. My mother says it's bad but it says it has no sugar and little calories. Is it really bad?
    Also, advice on the diet would be good.

  69. 10 months ago

    I just snapped my shit up failing a bench at 360lbs.
    >got about halfway up, was failing, then felt and heard a loud pop in my pec and tricep as I was racking the weight.
    >hot pain in both areas
    >can't do a pushup
    >had the sweats for a few hours, felt lightheaded
    >can lift my arms but range of motion is limited

    Going to get an MRI to see how bad it is tomorrow.
    It's over for me man. Go on without me. Anyone dealt with this before? I've never really torn a muscle like this.

    • 10 months ago

      you're /frauding right? I thought stuff like that didn't happen to nattys

      • 10 months ago

        Nope, natty. Just fat. 250lbs at 6'0.

        For what it's worth I've had a similar thing happen to my shoulder when I was going for an OHP 1RM. Pop in my shoulder, immense pain, limited range of motion and it didn't improve over a month. Ended up getting an MRI but it was just an really bad bruise, not a tear. Physical Therapy helped me get it back to full strength.

        Thanks for the reply. Do you remember how long it took to get back?

        • 10 months ago

          months. About a month just to get normal ROM back, one or two more to get it back to normal usage, and a few more to finally get it back to roughly where I was before. Even nowadays it feels different than my opposite shoulder, though it's about as strong.

          • 10 months ago

            That's not as bad as it could be I guess. Thanks again for the insight.

    • 10 months ago

      For what it's worth I've had a similar thing happen to my shoulder when I was going for an OHP 1RM. Pop in my shoulder, immense pain, limited range of motion and it didn't improve over a month. Ended up getting an MRI but it was just an really bad bruise, not a tear. Physical Therapy helped me get it back to full strength.

  70. 10 months ago

    i did a deload 3 weeks ago and since then, my lifts have stagnated with yesterdays bench session being very poor, should i skip today for extra rest or take a heaping scoop of pre workout? and go, im tired

    • 10 months ago

      What's your diet like? It should be expected to take a little bit of a hit from a deload but being tired is usually a sign of overtraining, undersleeping, or undereating.

  71. 10 months ago

    When should l-leucin be taken? i'm reading different articles and it seems it can be taken any time? Also should it be taken alone or together with the other two BCAAs in a full package?

    • 10 months ago

      Just eat meat
      Supps (except creatine, caffeine and cortisol suppressors) are a fricking scam, my guy

      i did a deload 3 weeks ago and since then, my lifts have stagnated with yesterdays bench session being very poor, should i skip today for extra rest or take a heaping scoop of pre workout? and go, im tired

      Eat more regardless

      I just snapped my shit up failing a bench at 360lbs.
      >got about halfway up, was failing, then felt and heard a loud pop in my pec and tricep as I was racking the weight.
      >hot pain in both areas
      >can't do a pushup
      >had the sweats for a few hours, felt lightheaded
      >can lift my arms but range of motion is limited

      Going to get an MRI to see how bad it is tomorrow.
      It's over for me man. Go on without me. Anyone dealt with this before? I've never really torn a muscle like this.

      Good work being strong though
      You might come back from it but you'll never have that moron strength ever again
      T. 3pl8 bench but Pulled my rotator cuff twice

      how are your hunger levels after the gym? i talked to two of my friends and they say that they can't eat after the gym otherwise they'll throw up. one of them can't even eat anything for 2 hours or else they'll feel sick.
      me on the otherhand am extremely hungry after the gym. like i'll tear down my kitchen. if i try to shower before eating i'll get hunger pains. actually, going straight home instead of stopping at a convenience store to get snacks was hard to overcome. the only reason i stopped was because i would chose foods that would mess up my macros or my deficit
      i only find it hard to drink something because i drink A LOT of water throughout my workout

      If you can't eat after working out, you fricked something up
      Likely just skipped cardio

      I'm 19 and I seem to have gyno, can it still go away naturally at my age? I'd rather just get surgery now instead of waiting to see if it goes away or not.

      Lean out and get big PECS

      If I do one arm row (A) and pullups (B) as ABxBAxx and xBABxxx (will do other lifts on different days but that doesnt matter now) will I get lats gains? I mean if i do these lifts on consecutive days, will it be better than skipping the pullups days?

      If you run a real program, will you stop spinning your wheels and make some fricking gains for once??

  72. 10 months ago

    So, I cant do a lot of pull ups at once, the thing I did to fix that is, doing 5 second holds to reach a hypertrophic total time under tension.
    So 24, 5 second reps left me with 120s of time under tension in total.
    Is this viable for growing my back?

    • 10 months ago

      That's fine. I have gotten pretty okay at pullups, what I usually do is just keep adding sets until I hit a rep goal. Then I condense those reps into fewer sets to hit the same rep goal

  73. 10 months ago

    When you properly brace hard, should you feel pressure in your head, kind of like it's about to explode or something?

    • 10 months ago

      That's a sign you're doing it wrong. You should have your glottis closed. Bracing with your mouth open is a great way to check if you're doing it right or not.

      • 10 months ago

        Tried that out and it definitely seems better. Thanks.

  74. 10 months ago

    Is it possible to lose 5 pounds in a month? If so, how?

    • 10 months ago

      More than possible, just eat less. Read the fricking sticky.


      vitamin d3 has been proven to give you dick gains of anywhere from 1/4" to over an inch. should I put vitamin d3 oil on my dick every night? or should I take an oral supplement?

      >vitamin d3 has been proven to give you dick gains of anywhere from 1/4" to over an inch
      no it hasn't. Don't be a moron.

      Hurt my knee on the weekend, it isn't too serious but don't wanna make things worse. Was wondering what lower body/leg exercises I could still do without putting too much strain on my knee.

      I would avoid lower body exercises entirely if you want it to heal anytime soon.

      • 10 months ago

        yes it has dumbass

        • 10 months ago

          show proof and if it's a misinterpreted study imma laff

      • 10 months ago

        >I would avoid lower body exercises entirely if you want it to heal anytime soon.
        Would I still be fine to use something like an exercise bike for some cardio related stuff?

        • 10 months ago

          Ehhhh the knee is pretty integral to most forms of cardio. The one I can think of that it'd be fine for is rowing.

  75. 10 months ago

    I'm running PPL right now and I was wondering, should I be doing full intensity on both push days etc? So far I've been doing the same weight both days of the same exercise but have no idea if I am supposed to be doing that or if I should be maxing out on one of the days and then going for more volume lower RPE on the other one

    • 10 months ago

      If you're a novice, you should be running an LP program
      If you're intermediate, you can do 5x5 for your heavy compound movements on PPL and lighter with the accessories every time assuming you're eating enough, with late intermediates needing to usually have lighter and heavier days
      If you're advanced(you're not), you can't even run PPL because there are no CNS recovery days which is why Arnie's blueprint will always be superior to pull/push/legs

  76. 10 months ago

    >start summer semester
    >speaking to the only guy who was previously a classmate
    >mention i think that girl is cute
    >”you should talk to her man”
    >weeks pass, we say nothing to each other because I’m a pussy and she’s a girl
    >never grow the courage to say hi and introduce myself
    >semester ends
    >classmate introduces her to me
    >eventually me and her are walking to the parking lot
    >she admits x told her I found her cute and asks me why i never talked to her if that was the case
    >haha im actually gay, but i do think you are cute
    >her face drops disappointedly
    >drive home
    I can never see these people again oh god please

    • 10 months ago

      just be honest anon
      tell her you were nervous because you liked her so much
      She'll like that
      Unless you're ugly

    • 10 months ago

      you miss all the shots you dont take anon, it only takes 20 seconds of courage to pull it off

    • 10 months ago

      Kill your pride, moron

  77. 10 months ago

    I have tennis elbow, but I only feel it on overhead or incline pressing, flat bench is fine. Any reason for this in particular or any form tweaks I should try?

  78. 10 months ago

    Does anyone have that Chad Niger imagine with the map of Chad and Niger and a white chad and a black guy in a club?
    This is very fitness related I swear

  79. 10 months ago

    vitamin d3 has been proven to give you dick gains of anywhere from 1/4" to over an inch. should I put vitamin d3 oil on my dick every night? or should I take an oral supplement?

  80. 10 months ago

    what bench variant movement should i do to improve my muscle imbalance? my left side is weaker, i bench 3x a week, 3x5 monday, 4x8-10 Thursday, and 6x3 banded speed bench 65% 5rm on saturday,
    what should i replace the speed bench with

    • 10 months ago

      Dumbbell bench

  81. 10 months ago

    Hurt my knee on the weekend, it isn't too serious but don't wanna make things worse. Was wondering what lower body/leg exercises I could still do without putting too much strain on my knee.

  82. 10 months ago

    Give me 2 body weight exercises for back I can do for endurance training? Can use dumbbells too. (Except for russian twists and straight leg dumbbell deadlift)

    • 10 months ago

      A major one is pull-ups. Also, if you have access to a table or anything you could hang off of, such as a rope, you could do inverse rows.

      • 10 months ago

        >pull ups for endurance training
        Sorry, anon, but I can't do 20+ pullups per set for 4 sets, I'm not that strong yet...

        • 10 months ago

          Then become a person who can. Every rep range has some endurance and some strength, as long as you aren’t doing 5 or less reps, you’ll basically build some endurance doing pull-ups.

  83. 10 months ago

    Is there any actual way to accelerate facial hair growth? More, is there any actual way to incite hair growth where there currently isn’t any? I’m trying to fill out my beard because it’s not awful but it just needs to even out in its growth. Rather than going clean shaven again I’d like to just keep what I have and try to have the remaining space fill in quickly. No fin/minox pls I want a beard not ED

  84. 10 months ago

    what the frick are you supposed to do when finishing a skullcrusher set, drop the weight and make everybody in the gym look at you, try to push it back down to on top of your thighs and snap your shit? almost snapped my shit today trying these for the first time trying to stretch as far as possible back to gently drop it on the floor. and every fricking gangly fricking Black person Black personbrain fricker Black personpants youtuber that makes Black person videos of how to do the exercise ALWAYS edit out the very end so u never see how to rack/put the weight away fricking Black persontopia

    • 10 months ago

      you extend ur arms and sit up while putting the weight in ur lap.

      • 10 months ago

        how do you not snap your abs and back and shit doing that

        • 10 months ago

          By not being weak.

          • 10 months ago

            so u need to be able to do weighted situps of the equivalent of ur skullcrusher weight? thats moronic

            • 10 months ago

              Why are you going to the gym if you don't want to exercise?

            • 10 months ago

              Do it with a straight bar and rerack it like a bench press

            • 10 months ago

              Couldn't you just put the weight down?

              • 10 months ago
  85. 10 months ago

    do people really just go up to the most jacked dudes in the gym and ask about gear? that's always the advice for people who don't know how to acquire it and it seems like a great way to start problems or get kicked out of the gym lmao

    • 10 months ago

      I would try to be subtle if I was looking for gear, like find a way to say I want some gear but "gear" could also mean equipment.

  86. 10 months ago

    >Was just at work drinks
    >talking with an engineer about an argument I had with a manager today
    >I looked over and the HR manager was listening in
    >She said ''just imagine there is a glass wall between us and I cant here you"
    >and a second later ''unless you are hitting on me''

    What did she mean by this?

    • 10 months ago

      >fricking with the HR manager
      Big no no
      HR b***hes can destroy your life

  87. 10 months ago

    What does it mean if a girl at work will literally not look me in the eyes? I tried to say "cya" to her as I was walking out but it's like she refuses to acknowledge my existence. I assume she finds me intimidating; she is giving me no opening to talk to her. Anyone have a similar experience with a person like this? Any lifts to appear less threatening kek?

  88. 10 months ago

    What would you recommend an early 20s guy who is a blackpilled incel to do exercise wise?
    I read comments by people who say that you need to make sure your core strength is solid now in order to avoid injuries in your 30s and 40s and that sounds reasonable, I don't want to be injured
    Don't care about gains or looking good since I am a blackpilled incel

    • 10 months ago

      >blackpilled incel
      lmao you're depressed.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not depressed

  89. 10 months ago

    I want to take one week to rest from lifting (deload), should I change my eating habits at all for that week? If I keep my diet the same I imagine I might gain couple pounds, is this necessarily true?

    • 10 months ago

      If cutting, yes cuz you're trying to remain in a caloric deficit, and regular fat burning is lessened.

      If bulking, eat up.

  90. 10 months ago

    is being cold a good passive way to lose weight? just as an extra bonus

  91. 10 months ago

    How much does it unironically actually matter how much you eat in a week?

    What i mean is for example with a caloric goal of say 1700 calories
    >day 1 1650
    >day 2 1780
    >day 3 1693

    All three days had the same meal prepped on day 0 but you ate different amounts

  92. 10 months ago

    5"8 165lbs
    i lift 4 times a week
    upper/lower compounds at 3/4x8-12 in my small home gym

    should i cut more? my lifts are nothing to write home that is

  93. 10 months ago

    i've been lifting for 11 months. i have always hated squats so i don't do them. just been focusing on body builder stuff and deadlifts. almost up to a 4pl8 deadlift. anyway my gym recently brought in a hack squat machine so i thought i'd give them a go and holyfrick i could barely rep out the sled for 10.
    wtf is going on? i have maxxed out the stack on the leg extension and i can leg press a shit load but coming up out of the hole in the hack squat with like 40kg felt almost impossible.
    is it just a new movement i need to get used to? looking over my logs most of my max lifts when i started are now my warm up weights. will this be the same? i honestly feel like a moron climbing up on the hack squat and putting basically no weight on it and struggling to rep it out.

  94. 10 months ago

    I just did 8x8 weighted dips
    8x8 weighted pike push ups like 90% of my max
    A progression to one arm push ups that's pretty stimulating for the tris
    and some tricep extensions with a heavy enough weight

    If this doesnt grow my arms past 14inches I will kill myself

    BTW, does height play a role in untrained arm size?
    I'm five seven and started at like 12 inches 2 years ago already, so I'm fricked up, I focused to much on compounds

    • 10 months ago

      I was thinking about pushing my triceps further into failure,
      dips or normal push ups? Which do you guys recommend?

  95. 10 months ago

    Sunday: Rest
    Monday: Push
    Tuesday: Pull
    Wednesday: Rest
    Thursday: Legs
    Friday: V-Taper
    Saturday: Rest

    Am I gonna make it?

    • 10 months ago

      >Friday: V-Taper
      the ufck

      • 10 months ago

        Lifts focused on building a v-taper.

    • 10 months ago


      xULxULxx with abs after both leg days and cardio every day
      You have to hit everything twice a week to maximize natty gains

      Lifts focused on building a v-taper.

      Either you have it or you don't
      You can't just add a day and magically gain one
      You also need to have never been fat around waist

      • 10 months ago

        Fair enough, know any decent "aesthetics" routines then?

        >You also need to have never been fat around waist
        It's fine, I've only been a hungry skeleton. (You're welcome.)

        • 10 months ago

          Arnie's blueprint with abs at the end

          • 10 months ago

            Thanks lad I'll give it a bash.

  96. 10 months ago


    >Kek you don't have a point to your question.
    That really doesn't answer my question anon

    • 10 months ago

      Something has to have context to matter or not
      Personally, I think you should just be focusing on if you're progressing or not and not gaf about calorie intake
      So as long as you're progressing on lifts, no, it really doesn't matter what you eat.
      If all you moronicly care about is dropping raw weight with no other metrics, then, yes it does matter because you have to eat less than you burn to lose weight whereas a lifter needs to be constantly, slowly gaining weight to make progress long term

      • 10 months ago

        >So as long as you're progressing on lifts, no, it really doesn't matter what you eat.
        How can you say that? If you eat too much, you will get fat, telling people to not track calories is the most stupidest thing you can tell them, if they're a skeleton maybe but other than that? You need to count your calories. Perios.

        • 10 months ago

          The biggest reason that what I'm saying is correct is that pretty much everyone on this board has huge misconceptions about what weight they should be to look a certain way
          And men can gain weight without gaining fat as long as it's slow and they're very active

          Post your height and weight and your goal body and I'll tell you how much it weighs to prove my point

          I'm 6'4 and I didn't hit my goal body until I weighed in the 270s

          • 10 months ago

            5"8 165ish and my goal body well damn honestly just be good looking enough that i notice in the mirror that im lifting i guess
            Im still skinnyfat as frick though so not counting my calories would be detrimental

  97. 10 months ago


    >If you've been chubby, you'll never look great without some amount of mass
    even more reps then? i did a 8 month bulk from 72 to 79kg around the same time last year so theres decent muscle id say
    but the majority of my fat is stored around my waist and stomach

    • 10 months ago

      Just stop the moronic program and do ab work more often after other lifts that you should also be doing more often

      Again, you can't magically gain a v-taper depending on your body
      Stop making it your personality and just focus on not being a weak smol piece of shit

      Any suggestions on sleep gains? My main problem is tossing and turning at night. Beyond wrapping myself in a blanket and surrounding myself in pillows i don't see a way to stop it. Always end up sleeping on stomach with arms in a weird position and sore shoulders.

      Eat more and do an hour of LISS cardio before bed
      Also, no caffeine within 6 hours of bed time

      • 10 months ago

        >ab work
        i uhm why?
        >not being a weak smol piece of shit
        i mean i am, but at the same time seing the fat flabs is demotivating, i'm i'd say 22%ish bf so i want to get at least under 20% to tell myself i'm ready for a bulk anon

        • 10 months ago

          Going on a cut is fine.

  98. 10 months ago

    Any suggestions on sleep gains? My main problem is tossing and turning at night. Beyond wrapping myself in a blanket and surrounding myself in pillows i don't see a way to stop it. Always end up sleeping on stomach with arms in a weird position and sore shoulders.

  99. 10 months ago


  100. 10 months ago


    >You have to gain weight to build mass.
    >This is why calisthenics will never be ideal for physique building.
    ok moron

    >Also, how many heavy sets of curls and skull crushers are you doing?
    depends on my energy
    if I feel like controlling the reps 8x3
    If not, 8x8

  101. 10 months ago

    my brother and I are getting into Starting Strength, first time ever for him doing a workout program and first time for me in maybe 16 years. My brother is 415lbs and i don't think he can physically do deadlifts right now, he has too much gut in front and can't bend super low. Any good alternative for him to start with?

  102. 10 months ago

    Any good 4-day sexy body routines?
    Seen this.

    Any good?

    • 10 months ago

      Canditos phul is best

      5"8 165ish and my goal body well damn honestly just be good looking enough that i notice in the mirror that im lifting i guess
      Im still skinnyfat as frick though so not counting my calories would be detrimental

      How wide are your shoulders and what's your SBD

      • 10 months ago

        What's SBD stand for? Shoulder width from one to the other about 17.7inches

        • 10 months ago

          Squat bench dead, would you say they're narrow medium or wide

          How much do you have to lift to not hate yourself anymore?

          All of it

          Need to know what cardio activities correspond with various types of lift.
          >Horizontal Push
          >Horizontal Pull
          >Vertical Push
          >Vertical Pull

          Kek. Just run a real program

          No it doesn't. Look it up. Creatine is beneficial but the metabolism and heartrate claim is complete bullshit.

          You literally can't increase atp uptake without increasing heart rate and metabolism
          Why are you so dense

          >atp uptake
          >t. doesn't know what ATP is or what creatinr does

          I'm bigger stronger and leaner than you and it's because I take creatine

          • 10 months ago

            >You literally can't increase atp uptake without increasing heart rate and metabolism
            confirmed moron. Even if it did, the resulting change in "metabolism" would be a few calories at-best. It literally would have no impact on your day-to-day.

  103. 10 months ago

    How much do you have to lift to not hate yourself anymore?

  104. 10 months ago

    What t-shirts do I need to look for that are
    -heavy fabric
    -L on shoulder width
    -M on waist?
    I like the Fruit of the Loom Heavyweights but I have to tuck in the back doubly to avoid it bunching up on the sides.

  105. 10 months ago

    so what ensures consistent muscle growth when it comes to routines and macros in diet?
    high protein sure but whats better overall with it, fat or carb? and how much of either for a 160lb 5'11 dude.

    also, whats most efficient in terms of weights moving.. higher weight w less rep? more reps less weight?

  106. 10 months ago

    Need to know what cardio activities correspond with various types of lift.
    >Horizontal Push
    >Horizontal Pull
    >Vertical Push
    >Vertical Pull

  107. 10 months ago

    >go to gym
    >same girl has been eye fricking me since over two weeks
    >always trying to workout as close to me as possible
    >two days ago I go to the area where I can stretch after workout
    >the place is pretty big and empty since it's early in the morning
    >she starts stretching right next to me
    >I say "hi"
    >she ignores me
    >next workout she doesn't stare at me as much anymore and avoids me like the plague
    >I don't care, just work out and make small talk to other people
    >she sees me talking to other people
    >when I'm stretching she goes right next to me again
    >one day later (this morning)
    >leg day
    >I am squatting, facing the area where people can stretch
    >she sees me
    >starts doing pic related right in front of me (there's plenty of space to do that that where she would not be right in front of me)
    >I can't really stop looking in her general direction since I have a heavy barbell on my back
    >she looks to see if I'm mirin
    >when she sees that I caught her looking in my eyes again she looks away frightened
    I would be fine with her not wanting to have anything to do with me or her wanting us to get to know each other but this weird in between makes me feel like I'm a creep even though I don't think like I'm doing anything wrong.
    What should I do bros?

    • 10 months ago

      If you're not man enough to be her rapist, you don't deserve her.

    • 10 months ago

      stop staring and just ignore her.

      so what ensures consistent muscle growth when it comes to routines and macros in diet?
      high protein sure but whats better overall with it, fat or carb? and how much of either for a 160lb 5'11 dude.

      also, whats most efficient in terms of weights moving.. higher weight w less rep? more reps less weight?

      the actual amounts don't really matter. YOu need to be getting in 0.82g/lb of lean body mass for protein, and you just fill in the rest with a combination of fat and carbs. Studies have shown bother lower weight/high rep and high weight/low rep have similar progression paths.

      my brother and I are getting into Starting Strength, first time ever for him doing a workout program and first time for me in maybe 16 years. My brother is 415lbs and i don't think he can physically do deadlifts right now, he has too much gut in front and can't bend super low. Any good alternative for him to start with?

      >Any good alternative for him to start with?
      a diet lmao. At that level of mega obesity you should be most concerned with fat loss.

    • 10 months ago

      just be yourself

  108. 10 months ago

    Does fit drink bone broth? Should I into bone broth? It sounds like a meme tbh

    • 10 months ago

      only reason id drink that is if i couldn't eat solid food, you get your wisdom teeth removed?

      • 10 months ago

        Something like that yeah. Solid food is tough for a couple days.

        Peaters are really into it, so take that as you will...

        I have some powdered stuff that I'll take once in a while. Has a decent protein amount. I put it in my water and drink it down before it turns to gelatin (which grosses me out).

        Good to know bro

    • 10 months ago

      It's literally just broth. There's nothing magical about it.

    • 10 months ago

      Peaters are really into it, so take that as you will...

      I have some powdered stuff that I'll take once in a while. Has a decent protein amount. I put it in my water and drink it down before it turns to gelatin (which grosses me out).

  109. 10 months ago

    How do I include picrel into a PPL calisthenics routine?
    Mine go to 15 lbs each, I have actual noodles for arms

    • 10 months ago

      Use them for chin ups and assisted one arm push ups
      That's the only use I see

    • 10 months ago

      Triceps extensions, french press, concentration curls, pinwheel curls, finger curls. 4x8-12 on each everything bu 3x15-18 super set on finger curls on the first lift and the last lift you do.

      Sunday: Rest
      Monday: Push
      Tuesday: Pull
      Wednesday: Rest
      Thursday: Legs
      Friday: V-Taper
      Saturday: Rest

      Am I gonna make it?

      Yes, but don't run it indefinitely. I had one client do that for 12 weeks and it certainly pushed him in the right direction. Make sure you have a dumbbell pullover on both the pull and the v-taper day.

  110. 10 months ago

    So I wont get gains if I overload the same calisthenics movement but I WILl get them if I overloead the same weightlifting movement?
    And I have to gain weight to build mass so calisthenics are inviable? How does that make sense?
    These fricking dyels are moronic

  111. 10 months ago

    How big of a meme are oats? I eat two packs in the morning and it gets me all the way till dinner easily. I'm considering having two packs at night and seeing how long I can last like that. I recognize that's depriving me of key types of nutrition and I shouldn't just be focusing on calories but I'm like 240 and I can't stand being like this anymore.

    • 10 months ago

      It's just fricking food. The reason it's spammed so much is because it's cheap, slow-digesting, and easily bought in bulk. They're not a necessity in any way.

      So I wont get gains if I overload the same calisthenics movement but I WILl get them if I overloead the same weightlifting movement?
      And I have to gain weight to build mass so calisthenics are inviable? How does that make sense?
      These fricking dyels are moronic

      You're overthinking it. You can make gains on calisthenics just like weightlifting, but because the weight doesn't go up you'll be limited in potential growth. That doesn't mean you can't make great gains with calisthenics or that you can't build a great body doing so. Traditionally weightlifting will just bring gains quicker. Typically with calisthenics a bulk will need to be small to get any decent progress out of it without gaining too much fat.

      • 10 months ago

        >but because the weight doesn't go up you'll be limited in potential growth.
        The weight does go up if I add load right?
        That's what I do aynway

        • 10 months ago

          >The weight does go up if I add load right?
          As in you're adding weights? No duh.
          If you're just talking reps than no, that's literally the same as weightlifting. That's the major difference between the two. Calisthenics require more reps to reach the same total progress as weight lifting.

          • 10 months ago

            >>The weight does go up if I add load right?
            I was talking about gains, if I add weight, I'll get comparable results with wieghtlifting right?
            (Havent slept a lot because of le fever, my foot's infected)

            >Calisthenics require more reps to reach the same total progress as weight lifting.
            that's cool, so as long as I go to failure I can grow?

            • 10 months ago

              >if I add weight, I'll get comparable results with wieghtlifting right?
              in some degrees, yeah. In others, like leg muscles and back, there's just no way to replicate heavy lifts like squats and deadlifts. No one gets "big" on calisthenics, but they can certainly get fit.
              >as long as I go to failure I can grow?
              I would advise to not go to failure for every set, that's just begging for an injury regardless of weights or not. I say keep going until you feel like you can't belt out 2 more reps.

              • 10 months ago

                True I like heavy rows but when I got to 50kg on one hand but my bag broke on the handle

  112. 10 months ago

    I hit 1/2/3/4 doing SL 5x5 and now I'm switching to PHUL while cutting, aiming to lose 40-50 lbs.

    Does this sound like a good strategy?

  113. 10 months ago

    Will taking tums screw up my fast if there is sucrose in them?

    • 10 months ago

      Take an equivalent amount of baking soda if you’re that worried

  114. 10 months ago

    Is this a good routine?

    Monday (chest/biceps)
    >Bench press
    >Cable crossover
    >Dumbbell flys
    >Barbell curls
    >Hammer curls
    >Concentration curls

    Wednesday (Back/triceps)
    >Wide-grip pullups
    >Seated rows
    >Lat pulldown
    >Weighted dips
    >Dumbbell kickbacks
    >Rope pulldown

    Friday (Legs/shoulders)
    >Leg press
    >Calf press
    >Leg extensions
    >DB lateral raise
    >Plate front raise

    I do this every week, should i stick to it?

    • 10 months ago

      Forgot to add that i do 4x8 for every single exercise.

    • 10 months ago

      It's okay, 4/10. Arms, chest, and shoulders are hit 2-3 times a week in some way where as back is hit once. No direct forearm or neck work and calve raises once per week will do nothing for growth. Front raise is not needed for anyone who benches, flyes, OHPs, cable crossovers. Spread your exercises out so you're not hitting all the chest exercises at once, that will allow you to hit each exercise with a higher intensity.
      Swap Wednesday with Monday to avoid deadlifting and squatting so close together.

      Forgot to add that i do 4x8 for every single exercise.

      Why are you using a fixed rep number? If your first set hits 8 and your last set hit 8, you're holding back.
      That many sets will cause too much fatigue on some exercises like a DL and frick with the rest of the workout. Use other ranges like 4x8-12, 4x6-10, 3x12-15, 3x6-8.

      • 10 months ago

        Alright, I thought I was supposed to try to hit the same muscular group multiple times in the same session. So should I swap let's say dumbbell flys with lat pulldowns and cable crossovers with wide-grip pullups for example? Also add forearm and neck exercises anywhere in my routine, doesn't matter which day?

  115. 10 months ago

    QRT on cold baths? I want to freeze but also want to know if it'll help me post workout.

    • 10 months ago

      The medical/health benefits are greatly exaggerated. Take it for pleasure.


      Gym said I needed to get a separate pair of shoes to wear inside.

      Suggestions for a good pair to wear at the gym for women that I can get in canada? I assume "barefeet" style shoes are a good idea for lifting in general to be more stable? Aka something like these
      I feel like a lot of search results show running shoes which I can't imagine are ideal for lifting in due to the raised heels

      For lifting you want flat soles. Perfect example are chuck taylor all-stars, classic shoe for lifting. Avoid running shoes or any kind of shoe with cushion as it can frick with stability.

      • 10 months ago

        >Avoid running shoes or any kind of shoe with cushion as it can frick with stability.
        yeah that's what I figured, which is why I was considering barefeet shoes because they tend to have really thin flat soles

        • 10 months ago

          I don't like barefoot shoes but you do you.

          • 10 months ago

            What do you not like about them? I haven't tried them but I imagined the wider toe boxes would help with balance & whatnot. Plus I'm currently going barefoot at the gym

  116. 10 months ago

    Gym said I needed to get a separate pair of shoes to wear inside.

    Suggestions for a good pair to wear at the gym for women that I can get in canada? I assume "barefeet" style shoes are a good idea for lifting in general to be more stable? Aka something like these
    I feel like a lot of search results show running shoes which I can't imagine are ideal for lifting in due to the raised heels

  117. 10 months ago

    Close to 1/2 for reps. Squat deadlift 1,5/2,5 1RM (estimated, calcd from 6RM). I hate having long legs and t-rex arms. What do? My goal is hypertrophy so it shouldn't matter, but not reaching 1234 fricks me up mentally.

  118. 10 months ago

    eating my rice rn and it's slightly undercooked. will i still get all the calories?

    • 10 months ago

      you'll need to reduce some of the water's nutrients, but other than that you should be fine

  119. 10 months ago

    What's a good free-weight lift for pecs other than bench and flies? I'm scared to go heavy with flies and I'm sure I'm not doing full rom either.

    • 10 months ago

      barrel press. combines relatively safety and weight of a benchpress with the stretch of a fly

    • 10 months ago

      >I'm scared to go heavy with flies and I'm sure I'm not doing full rom either.
      do them on the ground, frick ROM when it comes to flies

    • 10 months ago

      kneeling landmine press.

  120. 10 months ago


    >Track what kinds of gains? Muscle measurements? 1RM's? Typically separate apps are better at recording these individually. I use JeFit for workouts and LoseIt for calories ever since MFP went full greed and started charging for the barcode scanner.
    In general I guess.
    Mostly tracking my measurements and BMI, and BF%

  121. 10 months ago

    Is whey protein powder the cheapest source of protein?

  122. 10 months ago

    Pic related is how my belly look, when I'm relaxing, but I get abs when flexing my muscles.
    So is it just high bf%? or I'm doing something wrong?

  123. 10 months ago

    After I finish with back squats, my lower back always hurts (not sore but hurts). I've had multiple people observe my form and they say it looks good. What the frick is my problem?

  124. 10 months ago

    best way to get in to Oly lifting? Is it over if you dn't start from a young age? Also will my current strength gains from SL5x5 transfer over?

  125. 10 months ago

    What's the best exercises to really grow abs. I'm a fat frick (183cm, 104kg) and want to build my abs as much as possible on the way down in weight. I've already been doing cable crunches for 3x20. Abs always end up sore after but I have no idea if it's actually building them under this fat.

    • 10 months ago

      same way you do other muscles, however, abs is a massive muscle groups so you'll need various exercises to target different parts.
      Just try out a bunch of different ones & see which you like. I like regular crunches, elbow plank, wipers, leg raises & knee to elbow

      if you work them you'll build them

  126. 10 months ago

    do women like big legs, or are they gross? I know they like asses. I just have a lot of bodyfat down there proportionally, along with my belly, basically approaching the SS GOMAD meme build unintentionally. I'm training my entire body, but that area seems to grow faster

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