questions that don't deserve their own thread
>praying for an answer edition
continued from

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  1. 10 months ago

    How do you get into position for a dumbell press

    • 10 months ago

      Knee assisted db curl the weights. One at a time if necessary. Get that calf bounce on your toes if you have to.

      Or just OHP out of the rack like me.

      • 10 months ago

        Ok thx ill try that

  2. 10 months ago

    How should I address a leg imbalance during Bulgarian split squats?

    I can handle doing the movement with 45 lbs on my right leg just fine. But my left leg is incredibly weak. I'm wobbling and having to catch myself from falling over mid-set.

    I've been doing front foot elevated split squats as an alternative because the imbalance isn't as bad there. Would performing these exercises on a smith machine be better?

    • 10 months ago

      are your legs different lengths or something?
      that seems like a pretty unusual imbalance

  3. 10 months ago

    Can I bring pre-workout powder on a plane without the TSA freaking out? Internet says you can do it under 12oz but I'm curious how they react IRL.

    • 10 months ago

      Do you not have luggage? No real point in putting it in your carry-on if you aren't gonna use it. Either way, you can take a chance with it but I'd only take as much as you're prepared to throw away if asked.

      • 10 months ago

        Fair, that's a good point. Can always buy more when I get there.
        I don't like baggage claim, I only do carryon+personal. I shove it all under the seat in front of me so I don't have to use the overhead bins either.
        I can get up to like two weeks of clothes into a personal bag lol.

    • 10 months ago

      Sure. Just make sure it's Holocaist Insane Black person Rape brand, that's the one they're most familiar with.

  4. 10 months ago

    How do I fix stretch marks from muscle growth
    It took surprisingly little growth for these to be an issue

    • 10 months ago

      Fasting, hydration, and a good lotion after every shower

  5. 10 months ago



    Nobody to to my Q from last thread.
    Why does thicker neck equal lower BF%?

    • 10 months ago

      It's just an estimate, people are all built differently. But neck:waist ratio is probably just a likely indicator of more muscle, less fat, for most people.

  6. 10 months ago

    Have a small home gym (bench, power rack, barbell)
    >My husky stares at me while I workout
    >He also paws the barbell sometimes, occasionally he howls
    >I think he's criticizing my form or the amount of weight I'm using, but I can't understand what he's saying
    How do I better communicate with my k9 lifting buddy

    • 10 months ago

      Make him a set out of wood so he can join in too.

    • 10 months ago

      he probably wants you take him for a walkie

  7. 10 months ago

    >started working out last week
    >sore as frick the day after my exercises
    >almost every movement of my chest/arms/legs made me sore for 1-2 days after
    >going into my second week
    >using the same weight, was able to increase reps by 2-3 each set
    >not even really that sore

    What the frick bros, am I doing something wrong? I was pushing myself to failure on lateral raises and one arm rows towards the end of my workout, and while I'm exercising and lifting I'm having to push hard as frick to get in my last reps, why aren't I sore like I used to be.

    • 10 months ago

      because thats how muscles work. If you want doms again try a different one arm rowing exercise to hit the muscle different and it'll be sore again

    • 10 months ago

      No, you're doing everything right. What you are experiencing is called "delayed onset muscle soreness" (DOMS) which is very common for new lifters. In a month or two you will miss it. Keep going. Stretch, eat well, supplement after lifting.

  8. 10 months ago

    Usually I add frozen blueberries to my protein powder and milk, and some yogurt and a couple of ice cubes and blend it.
    Should I just skip the fruit?
    The only reason I ask is because chocolate is probably the most popular flavor but I don't think it mixes with fruit and I was thinking of getting that instead of vanilla cream pie.

    tl;dr What should I put in my protein drink?
    Also is 2 a day fine? I'm not ready to use pre-workout yet, I don't think.

    • 10 months ago

      2x protein shakes daily is fine but more experienced lifters prefer an actual protein meal. It's more filling and satisfying and has more nutrients.

  9. 10 months ago

    Looking for non-milk based protein powders, is this any good? Are the BCAA boxes checked? I don't know shit about supplements.
    >Pea Protein, Rice Protein, Cocoa, Natural Flavouring, Thermogenic Blend (Sesamin, Green Tea Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Caffeine, Forskolin, Citrus Aurantium, Olive Leaf Extract, Glucomannan Fibre, Cayenne Pepper Extract), Natural Sweetener (Monk Fruit, Stevia), Xanthan Gum.

    • 10 months ago

      Ideally you want your luecine to be around 2.7g, 1.9 is not that great.
      As long as you account for this and not take it at night.
      This seems to be a fat loss blend or trying anyway. If so, remember fasting is king, work in a day or so, 3 days if you want the brain benefits.

  10. 10 months ago

    Got a free month at the gym, no idea what I'm doing, don't want to make a fool of myself.
    Is there just a list of "do this amount of these exercises"?
    I can look up how to do each exercise individually
    Starting skinny, I want to build muscle for aesthetics and long term health

    • 10 months ago

      You want to do starting strength unironically. Best bang for your buck for a single month.


      Looking for non-milk based protein powders, is this any good? Are the BCAA boxes checked? I don't know shit about supplements.
      >Pea Protein, Rice Protein, Cocoa, Natural Flavouring, Thermogenic Blend (Sesamin, Green Tea Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Caffeine, Forskolin, Citrus Aurantium, Olive Leaf Extract, Glucomannan Fibre, Cayenne Pepper Extract), Natural Sweetener (Monk Fruit, Stevia), Xanthan Gum.

      You don't really need to worry about BCAA's unless you're vegan or cutting while lifting heavy. 23-ish grams for about 120 calories sounds fine.

      Usually I add frozen blueberries to my protein powder and milk, and some yogurt and a couple of ice cubes and blend it.
      Should I just skip the fruit?
      The only reason I ask is because chocolate is probably the most popular flavor but I don't think it mixes with fruit and I was thinking of getting that instead of vanilla cream pie.

      tl;dr What should I put in my protein drink?
      Also is 2 a day fine? I'm not ready to use pre-workout yet, I don't think.

      There's no problem with adding fruit to a protein shake, just make sure to add it to your daily calorie total.
      >What should I put in my protein drink?
      Protein is really the only thing you need. Everything else is just toppings.
      >is 2 a day fine?
      It's a bit excessive, you really only need protein powder if you're unable to reach your goal day-to-day.
      >I'm not ready to use pre-workout yet
      pwo is not the same thing as a protein shake.

      Have a small home gym (bench, power rack, barbell)
      >My husky stares at me while I workout
      >He also paws the barbell sometimes, occasionally he howls
      >I think he's criticizing my form or the amount of weight I'm using, but I can't understand what he's saying
      How do I better communicate with my k9 lifting buddy

      Huskies are autists, get him a copy of minecraft.

      • 10 months ago

        >or cutting while lifting heavy
        That's what I'll be doing. What's that shit under sodium doing there? None of the other protein products have them.

        • 10 months ago

          idk man, if you want to get autistic about ingredients this is the wrong place to inquire: no one here knows anything legitimate outside of lifting weights.

      • 10 months ago

        Ty on the shake intel.
        Is pre-workout good though? I don't feel like I have a problem working out. I'm doing Stronglift 5x5 with some ancillary stuff at the end and it takes me about 2 hours to do:
        Squats, Bench, Rows, Lat raises, hammer curls, face pulls, and I'm fat so penguins.

        • 10 months ago

          PWO is literally just caffeine mixed with a couple of supplements. Some people like it, some don't. I like it because I work out first thing in the morning and don't want to slow down and make coffee, so it gives me a little zap to wake me up. Everything else in it I could do without.

          I got a good home gym and have made good gains over the years but I am a massive social autist
          Will making myself go to the gym instead of working out alone at home give me confidence gains?

          it'll probably help you care a little less since you'll notice people mostly just keep to themselves.

          • 10 months ago

            I see, thanks.
            I've never been able to focus on feeling it or notice caffeine when I took it. But I've only ever had it from pop.
            I won't make it a priority as I've actually stopped taking melatonin cold turkey a few weeks ago. The only thing I do know caffeine does to me is it makes me not fall asleep when I want to be sleeping.
            So I don't want to risk not being able to sleep.

            • 10 months ago

              soda is going to have a fraction of the caffeine you'd find in a typical pwo. The stuff I take has 325mg of caffeine per scoop, a cup of coffee typically has 90mg, soda has like 40mg. There are a lot of pwo with even more caffeine than that. If you want to avoid caffeine there are "stim-free" brands that are just the same blends without caffeine.

              I drink about a pot and a half of black coffee, about 4 eggs and a half gallon of milk every day. What is that going to do to my body? I don't want to admit all that to my doctor because he said only 1 egg a day is all you need so now I'm scared to tell him.

              That much caffeine is gonna give you the shakes and a nasty caffeine addiction. I'd limit it to 2 cups max. Don't hide stuff from your doc, that's like if your PC lied to you; how are they supposed to know how to treat you if you aren't telling them all the needed info? Let him berate you, it's what he's there for.

              • 10 months ago

                >how are they supposed to know how to treat you if you aren't telling them all the needed info?
                He told me that one egg a day is all you need but Gaston said 3 dozen so I found a middle ground and chose 4. Also, I have 4 chickens so I get 4 eggs a day for free anyway.
                Also, I think that due to my high tolerance for caffeine at this point, I don't get the shakes from coffee.

              • 10 months ago

                >I think that due to my high tolerance for caffeine at this point, I don't get the shakes from coffee.
                you should really drink less coffee.

    • 10 months ago

      Just do Greyskull LP

  11. 10 months ago

    matched with an asian tomboy on bumble today
    >hey, cute pet. what's their name?
    no response. either she found someone better or it's a cold war...

    • 10 months ago

      anon that's a pretty bad opener tbf. You should ask something about her in her profile, if there's anything listed. Ask her what kind of music she's into, or favorite kind of food, or something.
      also I wanna add I had the least amount of success on bumble compared to any other dating app. From my experienced hinge>tinder>grindr (bisexual half-homosexual)>bumble

      • 10 months ago

        Her pet was unique (not a dog or cat) and it was 2 photos of her profile. I thought it was a decent opener, but I guess that's the problem: decent don't cut it. I have another opener for her that's much better but now I don't know if I should say frick it and double message or I just hold out...


        • 10 months ago

          Those sound like song lyrics.

          • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        All of the girls I've seen on bumble are usually fat or single moms.

  12. 10 months ago

    Haven't shat in 3 days, what can I take that'll make me shit my guts out before resorting to pharmacology?

    • 10 months ago

      for me, it's pear juice.

      • 10 months ago

        Are you hydrated? Have you tried drinking 2-3 bottles of water over 30 minutes?

        I drink a ton, just before/during/after the gym it's over 2 litres of fluids, plus whatever I drink during the day.

        • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Are you hydrated? Have you tried drinking 2-3 bottles of water over 30 minutes?

    • 10 months ago

      Fill the bottom of a juice glass with apple cider vinegar (with the mother) and drink it with water first thing in the morning. Eat normally the rest of the day and your colon will be cl-eansed, my boy

  13. 10 months ago

    Should I take NAC if I have ADHD? I heard that it can make the symptoms worse for some people.

  14. 10 months ago

    I got a good home gym and have made good gains over the years but I am a massive social autist
    Will making myself go to the gym instead of working out alone at home give me confidence gains?

  15. 10 months ago

    What are some lower body exercises I can do with a sore knee?
    Don't think I hurt it too badly but would rather not risk further injury.

  16. 10 months ago

    How do I use an ab roller?

    • 10 months ago

      Watch Season 1 of Fish Tank.

  17. 10 months ago

    I drink about a pot and a half of black coffee, about 4 eggs and a half gallon of milk every day. What is that going to do to my body? I don't want to admit all that to my doctor because he said only 1 egg a day is all you need so now I'm scared to tell him.

  18. 10 months ago

    What do powerlifter bros do with their lives? I see these huge dudes squatting 4 pl8 for about 5 reps and then take a 10 minute break. One exercise takes 30 minutes. I imagine their routine takes like three hours after which they are probably so tired that even a desk job would be annoying.
    This is a college gym so maybe they're athletes? Only way you can dedicate half of your waking hours towards this shit when accounting for recovery, travel, meal prep, etc.

    • 10 months ago

      They aren't working out 7 days a week
      The average normalgay watches 3 hours of teevee 7 days a week

  19. 10 months ago

    Pretty sure my knee is fricked. Any advice?

    Been having this persistent slight pain on my knee, only the left one, after working out for a while know. I decided to just lay off it for a while and now almost a month of doing no work on it I still feel it wonky. Like it kind of creaks whenever I go up stairs or squat. Even running kind of leaves me with that slight pain so I limit myself to walking. Can I get this fixed going to some kind of doctor or have some kind of treatment or am I just done?

    • 10 months ago

      Tibialis raises
      Do exercises which promote the flow of synovial fluid within the knee

      • 10 months ago

        Ill try this. Just brisk walks help with synovial fluid so I'll keep it up and see if I see improvement

        do stretches homie

        I definetly don't stretch enough but can it really cause something this long lasting? It's been more than a couple of months now. I'll try just stretching for now too I guess.

    • 10 months ago

      low the frequency and only fo leg press and only do leg curls, leg extentions, for wormup for the presses that is. Also do 3 sets in total for all the exercises, this had helped me to fix my knee pain, this was my quick fix man, no shitting, try it two weeks.
      Go to failure on the last leg press set with a spotter (if you have one) or on the last rep in wich your legs have to get reallly slow and close to failure if you fail move it up quickly with your arms to rack the press.
      That is it, 2 weeks only 2 leg sessions and high intensity and youll be fine. Crazy leg pump also. (every set till failure)

    • 10 months ago

      do stretches homie

  20. 10 months ago

    Are OHP's or shoulder presses better for a push routine? Or should I just put both in that b***h

  21. 10 months ago

    How many direct sets should you do for arms, triceps and delts specifically? My elbows are starting to strain pretty hard and it's uncomfortable. I'm thinking it's because my pressing tends to be on the intense side and it's overlapping with all the tricep work I do.

  22. 10 months ago

    Is there a way to figure out how long it will take to hit a target body fat percentage given a fixed calorie deficit?

    • 10 months ago

      You can ballpark it. Take you current total weight and multiply by bf% as a decimal. So say you're 200 lbs at 25% bf. This gives us 200 x .25 = 50 lbs of fat. So 150 lbs of lean mass. Now let's say your goal bf % is 15%. Let's add that back to your lean mass. So 150 ×1.15 is 172.5 lbs. So 172.5 - 150 = 22.5 lbs final fat. So we know that you have 50 lbs of fat, and want to get to 22.5 lbs of fat. Which is 27.5 pounds, 3500 calories per pound of fat means 96,250 calories. So figure out a reasonable deficit below maintenance to get there. At 500 cal per day, that's 192.5 days, or 27.5 weeks to reach your goal. However, you would need to make constant adjustments to your tdee as you lose weight.

      • 10 months ago

        A little under 3 months with an average 500cal/day deficit.
        Thanks maths anon.

  23. 10 months ago

    How many sets/reps should I do for deadlift? The SS routine recommends 1x5 (I don't do SS, been lifting for 7 months now)

  24. 10 months ago

    >rice with chicken
    >drank 13 raw eggs afterwards, to add exactly 104 g of proteins and 950 cal to complete my 1600~ kal daily goal OMAD
    >"Nooo that much eggs are le bad!"
    Then tell me, what else I can eat to get exactly 100 ish proteins and 900 cal while being cost efficient

    • 10 months ago

      Protein powder

      • 10 months ago

        Hell nah I'm not buying supplements. I guess I'll just stuff myself with eggs then

    • 10 months ago

      Milk and pumpkin seed bro

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      quark, cottage cheese, skyr
      might end up being slightly less cost effective but at least you dont have to drink 13 raw fricking eggs
      might as well drink protein powder at that point too

  25. 10 months ago

    Anyone else have troubles eating enough while eating healthy foods? I eat salads with plenty of meat, stirfry, etc. but then hunger wakes me up or keeps me up.

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like you need more carbs

    • 10 months ago

      Quit stuffing yourself with carbs and seed oils. That's why you find yourself constantly starving for more goyslop

  26. 10 months ago

    Need a new mp3 player for the gym. Little tired of needing itunes to load my ripped mp3s on every time i want to change up my music. Currently using a shuffle. Any recs for a small decent mp3 player?

  27. 10 months ago

    Are there any programmes that are completely for hypertrophy? I’ve seen people saying 5/3/1 BBB isn’t great for it which is what I was planning to do but I just want to focus on gaining muscle and don’t really care about strength

  28. 10 months ago

    I’ve been bulking for a few months and I’ve put on about 8-10 kgs, started at 75 and am now around 85 give or take. I haven’t really been tracking my progress well, but I’ve definitely put on muscle however I’m getting quite fat around my abdomen. Should I start cutting, or keeping going for a bit more.
    t. newbie to bulking

    • 10 months ago

      Get to 90kg then cut and proceed to go on a leanbulk. 90kg for the lulz since its 200lbs and being 200lbs is alpha.

    • 10 months ago

      >few months
      How many months? Losing 10kg will probably take you around 2 to 3 months. If you have only bulked for 3 to 4, you bulked too fast. Maybe try a mini cut for 6 weeks and try to slim down if you are worried about becoming lardass

  29. 10 months ago

    how the frick do you do skullcrushers, drop the bar and weights onto the floor behind you making a huge bang when you're done?

  30. 10 months ago

    Thoughts on pre-exhausting bigger muscle groups vs hitting them fresh? I think the general consensus is that doing the big lifts first is the most productive because you can still move more weight, obviously more muscle groups are involved, makes progression a bit easier to control and measure. I'm hearing more and more bodybuilders say they like to warm-up and then get a few working sets of accessories / isolations in first and then rather move less weight but benefit from better muscle activation or whatever - and it also specifically allows them to move less weight, so less stress on the CNS, easier on the joints and maybe easier recovery, too.

  31. 10 months ago

    Does supplementing amino acids during workout actually make a difference?

    I'm thinking of ordering a supplement with all 9 essential aminos but wanna know if its bullshit, anyone with any experience?

    • 10 months ago

      All of them are in protein powder

      • 10 months ago

        I know but I go to the gym frick early and can't stomach whey beforehand, plus don't want to spew whilst doing deadlifts or something

        • 10 months ago

          I guess in that case I would get an intra workout that has all the aminos

  32. 10 months ago

    On 5x5 can I do bench 3 times a week? Or maybe Mon and Wed 5x5 and Friday I can do a "light" day with less weight and more reps + sets?

  33. 10 months ago

    once i read about this guy who broke one of his arms, but kept exercising the rest of his body/other arm.
    In an attempt to avoid muscle/strength loss, he did his exercise on his healthy arm, then did it the same exercise in his head for the other arm (with extreme concentration).
    After his brace came off, he noticed his broken arm kept up with his healthy arm in strength.

    So last night i figured instead of falling asleep to some video, i will do mental deadlifts until the abyss claims my mind.
    Tonight i woke up with kinda sore hamstrings and back.

    Is this the true Mind-Body connection and we were only scraping the surface before with "focus on your reps"?

    • 10 months ago

      I don't think the mental aspect really plays a role but you sometimes see in arm wrestlers that used to train both arms but then only focused on one for a year or longer the other arm maintained the size despite not being trained at all in that time.

  34. 10 months ago

    How much egg is too much, or it doesn't matter as long as I fulfill my protein and calorie needs according to my ttde?

  35. 10 months ago

    How do I bear the pain of not being able to work my muscles when I'm injured and am supposed to rest for a week at least?

  36. 10 months ago

    Bros Help I came back from the gym and the crease between my balls and my thigh started giving me some stinging pain. After shower I look down. And I'm bleeding there. Shit stings like a mofo..I googled it and they said it was jock itch but from what I'm aware that's not bleeding just an itch.

    Any help bros? Shit stings every time I walk.

    • 10 months ago

      were you scratching it before it started stinging?
      probably put some neosporin on that shit so it doesn't get infected
      if you actually have jock itch, I would recommend getting a medicated tea tree oil antifungal body wash, you can find a bunch of them on amazon. I had jock itch a few years back, and went through several tubes of lotrimin to no effect, but that body wash fixed me right up. the ones with peppermint oil have a very pleasant tingling after sensation on your nuts and butthole, too -- it's like getting your taint kissed by angels

  37. 10 months ago

    what are some typical numbers for someone who started lifting for a month? ie instead of 1/2/3/4, would it be something like 0.5/1/1.5/2?

    • 10 months ago

      how can you start for a whole month? do you start every day?

      • 10 months ago

        Haha funny
        Answer the question

  38. 10 months ago

    Does lifting slower really make more gains?

    • 10 months ago

      For lighter weights yes because more blood flow and no cns strain
      For heavy weights it's literally the opposite
      The longer you take to do heavy lift the more acid buildup you get which blunts hypertrophy

    • 10 months ago

      King TuT baby, doesn't matter if it is under heavy load or not.

  39. 10 months ago

    When I use a macro calculator, are the results my minimum daily goal or my theoretical maximum?

    For some reason until literally 20 minutes ago I always assumed they were my maximums and the concept of exceeding them was giving me near-panic attacks very often.

  40. 10 months ago

    I've only got time for a two day split, so upper body-lower body. Does this workout set up cover all my bases?

    Upper body: Chest Press(m), Rows(m), deltoid raises(m), shoulder press(m), Lat pull downs(m) and barbell curls with overhead press.

    Lower Body: Warmup, Leg curl(m), leg extension(m), seated leg press(m), hip adductor(m), and hip abductor(m).

    Does this cover everything, and should I add hip thrusts to leg day?

    • 10 months ago

      no need to do barbell curls into overhead press if you are already doing a shoulder press. you need a tricep isolation. do pullups instead of lat pulldown.
      do heavy leg press first, then move to leg extensions. skip the hip adductor shit entirely and focus on heavy leg press for now. you also need back extensions or something like that for your glutes and spine. you could also just squat instead of leg machines.
      >Does this workout set up cover all my bases
      you need to add core, calves, and maybe forearms later. I would honestly recommend you have 2 full body days that are basically push/pull instead of upper/lower.

  41. 10 months ago

    Could training lats and obliques fill that gap?

  42. 10 months ago


    I want to do this program, but I need to lose weight, and this is a muscle building program. I want to incorporate fasting as well. I'm 200Ibs and 5'10. I have to lose like 35 to 40Ibs. The thing is I'm not going to be eating at a surplus , obviously. So could I just do all these lifts at a lighter weight and be fine? Or would it even matter

    • 10 months ago

      the program doesn't matter. lift weights 2x to 3x a week and do cardio at least 3x a week. you'll gain some muscle and strength so you'll be ready to eat at a surplus once you've lost that weight

  43. 10 months ago

    How do I find a good gym? Is there anything I should look out for? If I just want general strength training and a place to exercise, does it matter if they emphasize crossfit or some other cult?

    • 10 months ago

      Multiple power racks, more benches than power racks, a DL area, lots of cable machines, somewhere to warm up/cool down, not crowded/equipment all bunched up. If it doesn't check those boxes, find somewhere else. Strongly recommend that you go check a gym on monday after work hours to get a feel of how busy it can get.

  44. 10 months ago

    I want to start lifting and get fit but I'm 165cm and 72kg, I feel like there's not much margin for "bulking".
    Should I go on a fast first, lose the extra weight and then start the "bulk" process?

    • 10 months ago

      *shoves you inside a washing machine*
      *takes a shit in it*
      *turns it on*
      Care to quantify that?

  45. 10 months ago

    Should I buy adjustable dumbbells?
    There is a 20kg kit at a store nearby with two dumbbells (so each one would be 10kg max but if I only use one and put all the plates i'd have a single 18kg dumbbell).
    I only have a pull up bar and a dips station so I could use the weight for those exercises too.
    I guess my question is, is it worth me busting my ass carrying a 20kg suitcase all the way to my home?
    Thinking back on it I doubt I'll be able to curl more than 5kg so maybe I'm going about this the wrong way? Idk

  46. 10 months ago

    So I'm too weak to do a sit-up unassisted but I'm also too weak to do a sit-up with my legs flat. I've been anchoring my feet under my dresser but for w/e reason when I wake up the next day I don't feel sore despite my abs feeling like they are on fire when doing the exercise. Wtf gives?

  47. 10 months ago

    what are the 3 most impactful supplements bros? as in multivitamins, fish oil etc

    • 10 months ago

      creatine, protein, ashwaganda (this one has very little testing theon'ever), steroids

    • 10 months ago

      the only that work, aside from spicy pharm supps, are caffeine, creatine, and protein powder

  48. 10 months ago

    Been doing Phraks Greyskull for ~6 months and I'm interested in a bodybuilding program. What can I follow that only really needs a flat bench, power rack, and barbell since that's all I have?

  49. 10 months ago

    Which captains of crush do you need to be able to close to strangle a man to death with one hand? Asking for a friend.

  50. 10 months ago

    I've been bulking, essentially escaping skellymode for the first time in my life, reaching ~20% bf. I tried deadlifting with a belt, but the belt keeps digging into my belly. Is this something to just deal with, or am I moronic? Like I said, I'm not used to having a belly, and everyone in my family get fat around their guts first, presumably from genetics

    • 10 months ago

      How big is your belt? If it is more than 4" and it is still digging in you may just be getting too fat.

      • 10 months ago

        I never measured, I just used the ones at my gym. It seems a little weird though, I don't have the kind of strongfat gut, so I don't "feel" like I should be too fat. I'm only around 20% bf

    • 10 months ago

      Everyone gets fat around guts first. Men mostly store in stomach, women store a large portion.

  51. 10 months ago

    Is it bad to go to the gym every single day with no days off? I dont want to stop going but im getting seriously exhausted. I dont care, i just keep on going anyway. Can you power through this fatigue or will I be perpetually tired? Increased risk of injury?

    • 10 months ago

      You're literally not supposed to go every day. The harder you work the more rest you need. Muscles grow during rest, not during work.

    • 10 months ago

      I was like you training every single day like a moron for months, and barely any progress. Stop being a low iq moron and properly assess how you're progressing in your journey and adjust accordingly. I started seeing more progress immediately when I was lifting like 3-4 times per week. Bear in mind, I do exercise everyday, just not lifting

  52. 10 months ago

    You literally should suck my wiener

  53. 10 months ago

    Is rolling out your muscles with a roller actually helpful for muscle growth?

  54. 10 months ago

    When cutting, is it more adviceable to do strength or hypertrophy training?
    I was doing both but now I'm wondering if it's worth to do strength now that I'm in a deficit. Or if I should do it specially to not lose gains. I have absolutely no idea.

    • 10 months ago

      There’s no point in weightlifting while cutting, you can’t gain muscle in a caloric deficit.

      • 10 months ago

        >There’s no point in weightlifting while cutting, you can’t gain muscle in a caloric deficit.

        >There’s no point in weightlifting while cutting, you can’t gain muscle in a caloric deficit.

        >There’s no point in weightlifting while cutting, you can’t gain muscle in a caloric deficit.

        >There’s no point in weightlifting while cutting, you can’t gain muscle in a caloric deficit.

        >There’s no point in weightlifting while cutting, you can’t gain muscle in a caloric deficit.

        • 10 months ago

          35 is a lot for 2 months. Might be worth keeping an eye on and seeing a doc if it continues.

          dumbass take

          I dunno if it helps muscle growth, but it definitely is great for recovery. I roll my back out at least once a week and it always feels way better after.


          you dont gain during a cut. you only gain when you're eating more calories ie a bulk. you all fallen for meme tier shit like maingaining. nobody has gained anything during a cut. simple as

          • 10 months ago

            What about fat people

          • 10 months ago

            You actually can. It gets harder the more advanced you are and the leaner you are but it absolutely is possible. Look it up. There was actually a trip on /plg/ that gained muscle mass (confirmed by dexa) while on a cut.

      • 10 months ago

        You don't do maintenance after a bulk?

        • 10 months ago

          no, the muscle/strength you lose comes back once you bulk again
          (muscle memory)

          35 is a lot for 2 months. Might be worth keeping an eye on and seeing a doc if it continues.

          dumbass take

          I dunno if it helps muscle growth, but it definitely is great for recovery. I roll my back out at least once a week and it always feels way better after.

          >dumbass take
          how? I'm not wrong.


          >Shit bait
          it's not bait.

          • 10 months ago

            *changes your diaper*
            See where this went? Understand the issue?


          • 10 months ago

            So then how are you improving? Your just gaining and losing muscle, at least if you are on maintenence you preserve some.

            • 10 months ago

              I bulk, gain muscle.
              Cut, lose insignificant muscle.
              Bulk, gain the muscle I had before + more.
              >Muscle memory, you can't lose muscle permanently. Nuclei are permanent.

              • 10 months ago

                So then how are you improving? Your just gaining and losing muscle, at least if you are on maintenence you preserve some.

                link if you don't believe me because I've been called a moron like 10 times this thread
                >Once you start eating in a calorie surplus, you’ll regain ALL of the muscle you lost during your cut.
                >So, say you lost 5lbs of muscle during your cut. You’ll get your muscle back by overeating and gaining 5lbs.

    • 10 months ago

      Just cut, then once you're happy with how skinny you are + still have energy, start lifting for aesthetics.
      If you wanted strength you wouldn't be cutting.

      • 10 months ago

        My main concern is aesthetics but I also lift for strength to make progress in the long run. It's not like they're mutually exclusive, if you make strength gains you also develop muscles and raise the weight of your hyperthrophy range, making each work out more efficient.

        • 10 months ago

          You're gonna be super low energy when you cut, you need to find out your practical, sustainable limit before thinking of pushing that limit.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah I get dizzy when working out sometimes. Wanna minimize the loss tho.

            • 10 months ago

              How hard are you cutting? Workouts shouldn't be making you dizzy.

  55. 10 months ago

    It's "adviceable" to bend over

    • 10 months ago

      Ok but should I bend over 3x5 or 5x10?

  56. 10 months ago

    You should bend over 3x8 and open wide 12x3 with 50% band tension

  57. 10 months ago

    If your doing PPL+Upper how do you programme your upper day?

    • 10 months ago

      With what you're lacking first.


      >well those muscles are where you want to fill in so go fricking figure
      Yeah, but will it actually fill up or will both just get bigger and keep that angle/gap?

  58. 10 months ago

    can someone recommend me sandbag exercises? I'm trying to replicate picking up log rounds off the ground and loading them into a flatbed. I was doing it at working at it was a really good exercise. sort of a deadlift into an overhead press. I'm thinking my sandbag should be 50-60 pounds.

  59. 10 months ago

    How much weight loss is alarming in a 32 year old man? I've lost 35 lbs, currently 165, with no change in diet or exercise. That is to say, I eat junk food and don't exercise outside of busting my ass at work. The only variable I guess is that it's been 10-15 degrees F. higher per day on average. Feel like I'm wasting away, and there's still two months left in the work season.
    Cancer or diabetes? I don't have insurance so I guess it doesn't really matter.

    • 10 months ago

      Over what period of time?

      • 10 months ago

        Sorry, 2 months. I work in direct sunlight. In previous years I'd be down like 15 pounds total by October. Not 35 by mid-august.
        It would comfort me if you tell me I'm just being moronic.

        • 10 months ago

          35 is a lot for 2 months. Might be worth keeping an eye on and seeing a doc if it continues.

          There’s no point in weightlifting while cutting, you can’t gain muscle in a caloric deficit.

          dumbass take

          Is rolling out your muscles with a roller actually helpful for muscle growth?

          I dunno if it helps muscle growth, but it definitely is great for recovery. I roll my back out at least once a week and it always feels way better after.

          • 10 months ago

            >a doc
            ah FRICK

            • 10 months ago

              what good is money if you're dead anon. If it continues see a doc. You should definitely count calories during this time to make sure you're not just undereating and freaking out over nothing.

              • 10 months ago

                You're right, thanks for the response

  60. 10 months ago

    I fricked up my back about an hour ago.
    On my my 3rd set of 275lb barbell squats I messed up.
    I've done this before and was feeling good about today's workout but I didn't tense up my muscles, went down too fast and went forward and applied too much pressure to my lower back as a result. I went forward, rested the barbell on the safeties and lied on my back on the ground for about a two minutes from the pain.
    I've hurt myself before but this is definitely the worst.
    My thighs are also unusually hurting in a dull tired way when they usually don't feel painful even after workouts.
    The pain is more tolerable now so staying positive any tips on recovery? My body says to rest but some Youtube stuff says to move and try to push past the pain to recover faster.

    • 10 months ago

      Also can I workout my arms still? Bench press and pull/chin ups.

      • 10 months ago

        active recovery is usually good, but you're going to have to see what your body can tolerate

  61. 10 months ago

    Whats a good pre-workout supplement thats Under or around 100mg of caffeine?

  62. 10 months ago

    Could mewing have saved him?

  63. 10 months ago


    >soreness does not correlate with effort or burn. try lifting weights.
    I would if I could afford it.

  64. 10 months ago

    Fatty worried about my heart
    Starting to walk/ride a bike a bit for cardio

    Whats the best smartwatch for someone who wants accurate heart rate monitoring and logging, but doesnt need the other in depth fitness features yet.

  65. 10 months ago

    newbie, What is this 1/2/3/4 for 5 thing im seeing

    • 10 months ago

      Put your ribs on the smoker for 3 hours uncovered, 2 hours wrapped in foil, 1 hour unwrapped basted in BBQ sauce

  66. 10 months ago

    What do you guys think is an ideal weight for someone who is 5'9"? I was thinking in the range of 170-190, but I don't know what specific weight I should be aiming for.

  67. 10 months ago

    How bad is taking sleeping pills daily? I'm on Doxylamine Succinate almost every night now along with melatonin because I just lay in bed with my eyes closed if I don't take them.

  68. 10 months ago

    Are 90 degree dips good enough?
    I just tried my one rep max and could only go that far

    • 10 months ago

      It's fine if you're just testing out the 1rm, but for normal training, no

  69. 10 months ago

    Does anyone have that pic about a minimalist program where all the guy does is pushups, pullups and running or something like that?

  70. 10 months ago

    Anybody do heart rate zone training? I was trying to stick around zone 2 but just got into a rhythm here. Didn't feel like I was busting my balls as hard as it was. How do you stop yourself from pacing like an ape?

  71. 10 months ago

    Do people really not silently judge the newbies? I'm skeletor and need to gain

    • 10 months ago

      Don't worry about what other people think, simple as. Harder than it sounds, but remember it

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah you're right. Frick it, let's go

        • 10 months ago

          That's the spirit. WAGMI brother

    • 10 months ago

      I dont really pay attention to dyels in the gym

  72. 10 months ago

    How does this heavy-light-medium setup look like? I REALLY want to bench 3 times a week because I love it so much, but I can't consistently do it for 5x5 same weights every week.

    Monday - 5x5 bench +5lbs a week
    Wednesday - 5x5 bench @ 80% of Mon.
    Friday - 5x5 bench @ 90% of Monday

  73. 10 months ago

    Going shopping, what should I get/do for meal prep.

    Target daily calories is 3000

  74. 10 months ago

    how many Black folk does it take to reach the center of a tootsie pop?

  75. 10 months ago


    >but because you should be varying your food intake more at that point.
    Is that just to avoid boredom from eating the same food, or for health reason? BTW, thanks for the respond

  76. 10 months ago

    will fin+min regrow some of my hair or just stop me from losing more? It's not like I'm Constanza-tier bald: one of my temples is a little bellow nw2, I can see more of my scalp and my hairline is slowly receding.

    • 10 months ago

      Min should stop it, while the fin should lead to regrowth. You are only NW2, which is great since you are starting early. Be warned, when stating min your hair will shed. It's scary, but that means it's working. It will take months for any actual progress. Make sure to talk to a dermatologist so they can monitor your testosterone levels. If you feel funky on fin, they can look for other potential drugs. Also, use a derma roller.

      • 10 months ago

        thanks for the reply.
        >Make sure to talk to a dermatologist so they can monitor your testosterone levels
        Wait, fin fricks with my test?
        >use a derma roller
        Doesn't dermarolling causes long term skin damage?

        • 10 months ago

          >Wait, fin fricks with my test?
          Yes, hair loss is caused by a hormone (DHT) that is created by testosterone. That's why some people have funky feelings when using fin (low libido), but these affect a low amount of people. There is a possibility that fin or min doesn't work for you, which is why the dermatologist can recommend other drugs. You do have to take it, though, for the rest of your life to maintain your hairline. Once you stop, you will start seeing your hairline receding again. Fun fact, the only reason we know about fin is because it was originally used to shrink the prostate. When studying it, researchers found that the patients also had their hair grow back, which led to it being also used for hair loss treatment.
          >Doesn't dermarolling causes long term skin damage?
          If you use the wrong one/cheap shit, yes. There are ones online, for instance, Dr Pen or the Derminator 2 (commonly recommended) that work. Be warned, they are expensive, with the range being $35-$200 depending on where you buy it from.

  77. 10 months ago

    Is it true big guys tear muscles bc they only train them to be strong from a limited number of angles and if they put the same weight on the muscle at a different angle it tears? If so how do I avoid this? Using pecs as an example do I need to do normal BP, wide BP, incline BP, etc. and flys, pullovers and crossovers to hit every angle?
    I care about functional strength btw not just bodybuilding.

  78. 10 months ago


    >you might actually have an eating disorder

    I do, I'm 3 years deep into anorexia recovery with shit tons of setbacks but I'm in the best position now than ever before, I understand my calorie and macro counting go against the idea but it's just mentally unavoidable for me with ADHD and OCD on top of, and probably the catalyst of my eating issues.

    I just think knowing the answer to my question will help me along the way in terms of lifting more restrictions

  79. 10 months ago

    Best way to train farmers carries? My arms got sore carrying 7kg water for a couple of miles yesterday and I would like to improve

  80. 10 months ago

    My max bench is only like 200lbs for a single or maybe 2 on a good day, looking to get it up to 2pl8 soon. I usually warm-up with 1pl8 right away and never encountered any issues as long as I did some mobility work before. Can I just stick to that or should I really lower the weight for warm-up?

    • 10 months ago

      I usually go with 5x50kg, 3x75kg, working sets. At these levels you don't really need much of a warm up. You should still do your shoulder mobility crap though.

      Do people really not silently judge the newbies? I'm skeletor and need to gain

      If you just spam curls and go home, you will be judged.


      How does this heavy-light-medium setup look like? I REALLY want to bench 3 times a week because I love it so much, but I can't consistently do it for 5x5 same weights every week.

      Monday - 5x5 bench +5lbs a week
      Wednesday - 5x5 bench @ 80% of Mon.
      Friday - 5x5 bench @ 90% of Monday

      Why are you sticking with 5x5? 3x8-10, 4x7-9, 2x9-11 on flat, 2x9-11 on incline.

      Is it true big guys tear muscles bc they only train them to be strong from a limited number of angles and if they put the same weight on the muscle at a different angle it tears? If so how do I avoid this? Using pecs as an example do I need to do normal BP, wide BP, incline BP, etc. and flys, pullovers and crossovers to hit every angle?
      I care about functional strength btw not just bodybuilding.

      Tears come from lack of controlling the negative then catching the weight with a lot of force, tendons being weaker than the muscle, zero warm up and heavy work sets. Mostly occurs on ego lifters and guys on gear. Don't worry so much, it's extremely rare to get one of those complete tears.
      >I care about functional strength btw not just bodybuilding.
      BB is more functional.

      >there are far better adjustable dumbell sets you can buy than the one you are describing.

      Any brands you can recommend that won't cost me more than 100€?
      I wanted to buy these because they cost 60€ and they're at a store nearby so I won't have to bother with the delivery guy fricking it up.

      Go with second hand around your area. There's always someone who used a set for a week or two then never touched it again.

  81. 10 months ago

    What's so special about rice and potatoes as carbs? I really like using bread to make a chicken breast sandwich as my lunch but people go on and on about rice/potatoes as the 'better' carbs. I'm not hungry so I don't need more 'filling' food

    • 10 months ago

      less processing, some more nutrients in potatoes

  82. 10 months ago


    >there are far better adjustable dumbell sets you can buy than the one you are describing.

    Any brands you can recommend that won't cost me more than 100€?
    I wanted to buy these because they cost 60€ and they're at a store nearby so I won't have to bother with the delivery guy fricking it up.

  83. 10 months ago

    If I don't care about BMI and only judge my health based on my waist size, what's the healthy waist size I should aim for? I'm aiming for 30-31 while I'm around 35, and I wonder if that's too unrealistic and tunneling my vision for that goal will lead me into getting anorexic instead of simply getting a healthy cut

  84. 10 months ago

    Is this too much?. I feel exhausted afterwards

    • 10 months ago

      How long have you been training? Also, the exercise order is cringe.

      • 10 months ago

        3 years

    • 10 months ago

      just get rid of the shrugs and back extension, they're probably junk volume anyways

  85. 10 months ago

    i have to condense my upper and lower day to one full body day for this week, i usually focus on a big movement per day, so upper would have been OHP 3x5, bench 5x10 (BBB style) + rest, lower deadlift 1x5, front squat 3x6-10 + rest (back stuff mostly)
    1. how do i decide what working weights to use since i will be heavily fatigued from whatever movement i do first compared to other days.

    2. im planning on doing DL -> OHP -> chinups -> accessoires (skipping front squat), going from the heaviest to somewhat lighter for total load, is that smart despite wanting to focus on OHP rather than diddies?

    reason for this stupidty i was hiking yesterday and im fricking moronic and didnt apply enough sun lotion so im massively burnt and my legs feel kinda empty (not the usual soreness), was a long hike, hence why im skipping the front squats

  86. 10 months ago

    Thoughts on using weightlifting shoes vs barefoot shoes in the gym? Just for basic shit like squats deads row bench etc not fancy oly lifting.

    • 10 months ago

      It's personal preference. Some people like the heel, others prefer flats. I'd say flats are better if your ankle mobility isn't garbage though.

      I'm considering Hepburn or German Volume Training. Which is better? My goal is strength right now.

      GVT is garbage, Hepburn is miles better but you gotta be careful with the power vs pump work. It's really a lot.

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks. I'm just going to do 4 x 8 and add reps

        • 10 months ago

          >4x8 and adding reps
          Those are not the same thing

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks man, I'll stick to the flats. I was just wondering if it would give me a bit of a boost to my numbers.

  87. 10 months ago

    I'm considering Hepburn or German Volume Training. Which is better? My goal is strength right now.

  88. 10 months ago

    >2019 test level was 500
    >2020 was 450
    >2022 was 400
    >now is 250
    Wtf bros what's happening to me?

    • 10 months ago

      >2019 test level was 500
      >2020 was 450
      >2022 was 400
      >now is 250
      >Wtf bros what's happening to me?

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not a troony

        • 10 months ago

          >I'm not a troony

  89. 10 months ago

    arnold's golden six
    is bench and ohp on the same dame 3 times a week too much?

  90. 10 months ago

    must be sad being an ameriturd and having to warm up lmao
    just walk to the gym moron

  91. 10 months ago

    when do I replace running shoes? When the sole pattern starts smoothing/wearing out? “When it starts to hurt running” seems like it’d be too late

  92. 10 months ago

    Is this skin cancer? Near my elbow about the size of an eraserhead. Kinda tender to touch like a wound or burn

    • 10 months ago

      >IST - Oncology
      See a doctor. It looks like a scab but how the frick should I know? Also you should get the skin around it checked because it looks bad.

    • 10 months ago

      good morning sar please redeem elbow

  93. 10 months ago

    Can I do exercises out of order? The squat racks at my local gym are very popular while the bench is sparsely populated so it's a lot easier for me to do the bench, then squats/dl/ohp/etc

  94. 10 months ago

    Finally got my adjustable dumbbells in and gonna start with a beginner weight routine tomorrow. I’ve been eating OMAD at dinner time, but am planning on doing the weight routine in the morning. Will the fact I’m not eating near my workout time matter in terms of muscle growth? Or will it not matter much since I’m a dyel

  95. 10 months ago

    So what muscles are getting stimulated while riding a bike? I wanna stimulate my calves more, should I put force on my toes or my heels on the pedals?

  96. 10 months ago

    Does the body reach a point where I no longer have DOMS after training?

    • 10 months ago

      They get less intense the more frequently you exercise. Eventually you'll get to a point where you don't really notice them or aren't bothered by them.

      I'm 175lbs 6'2" trying to gain weight so I'm eating a LOT. I like to think I'm eating healthily. Brown rice + quinoa included in every meal for the last 2 weeks. Last 2 nights I've been waking up in the middle of the night with stomach discomfort and feeling kinda queasy during the day. I think I might not be shitting as much as I'm eating. Anyone know what to do?

      > I like to think I'm eating healthily.
      Just count your calories. Types of food really don't matter as long as you're hitting your macro goals

      How fat can you get before you get problems with loose skin after cutting?

      I went from 86 to 90kg at 190cm after 3 months of lifting. I still feel skinnyfat and would like to keep going, but I don't want long term problems.

      I'd say once you pass 30% bf it's really just luck and genetics if you end up having excess loose skin.

      If after I finish SL5x5 I move on to an intermediate strength program, will I still be able to get a good body (provided I don't get fat of course) or should I just switch to hypertrophy program if I don't care about strength THAT much?

      hypertophy is just a strength program with less weight and more volume: Follow any routine you like that pushes you in the direction you want. You don't need to commit to the first one you try.


      Suppose you have been in a vacation for 7-8 days and you have been eating good (surplus). How do you go back to workout after vacation? lift same weight pre vacation? Go easy first couple days? Or just feel it out and see how you perform?

      > lift same weight pre vacation?
      yes. It's only been a week after all.


      > working out for two years at this point
      > at this point for the past 6 months all my lifts have either stalled or gone backwards
      > used to squat 140kg for 3x5 ATG; now can barely manag110kg for 3x5
      > have done deloads and even rested for an entire week; always weaker or the same as before
      > weight hasn’t changed in 6 months (not counting calories tbh; trying to eat 3100 cals for 3 of these months and was almost and impossible amount of food)
      > doing 6day reddit tier PPL for most of this period

      help me

      when was the last time you took an extended break? Every 6-8 months you should take a week or two off.

      • 10 months ago


        > working out for two years at this point
        > at this point for the past 6 months all my lifts have either stalled or gone backwards
        > used to squat 140kg for 3x5 ATG; now can barely manag110kg for 3x5
        > have done deloads and even rested for an entire week; always weaker or the same as before
        > weight hasn’t changed in 6 months (not counting calories tbh; trying to eat 3100 cals for 3 of these months and was almost and impossible amount of food)
        > doing 6day reddit tier PPL for most of this period

        help me

        I thought maybe I was overtraining so I’ve taken a week off a couple weeks ago. Still not gaining after that. My bloods are fine as well.

  97. 10 months ago

    I'm 175lbs 6'2" trying to gain weight so I'm eating a LOT. I like to think I'm eating healthily. Brown rice + quinoa included in every meal for the last 2 weeks. Last 2 nights I've been waking up in the middle of the night with stomach discomfort and feeling kinda queasy during the day. I think I might not be shitting as much as I'm eating. Anyone know what to do?

    • 10 months ago

      eat less fiber. just eat white rice lil bro.

  98. 10 months ago

    when i do movements that rotate my shoulder i feel like my bones rub against each other in the red spot and then it starts to hurt there, any advice how to recover from this? it makes me depressed because for last 15 days i did nothing but rest and it hasn't changed for a bit

  99. 10 months ago

    How fat can you get before you get problems with loose skin after cutting?

    I went from 86 to 90kg at 190cm after 3 months of lifting. I still feel skinnyfat and would like to keep going, but I don't want long term problems.

  100. 10 months ago

    If after I finish SL5x5 I move on to an intermediate strength program, will I still be able to get a good body (provided I don't get fat of course) or should I just switch to hypertrophy program if I don't care about strength THAT much?

  101. 10 months ago

    I have a pec flexibility issue problem. My right side is too tight to extend, so I can't fully go back on rows/pull-ups, and I get less ROM on rear delt shit. Should u focus on strengthening my right rear delt? I did some weighted stretching for 4 minutes today, it felt better at the end but didn't fix the issue. Suggestions?

  102. 10 months ago

    Do you guys do these or did I get meme'd?

  103. 10 months ago

    Suppose you have been in a vacation for 7-8 days and you have been eating good (surplus). How do you go back to workout after vacation? lift same weight pre vacation? Go easy first couple days? Or just feel it out and see how you perform?

  104. 10 months ago

    I want to try Arnold's split after doing PPL exclusively since I started. Anything I should know before hand? Is my back lifts going to suffer after starting with chest and such things?
    And is Arnold's split truly superior?
    I have been lifting for 5 years

    • 10 months ago

      I'll be able to tell you in two months.

  105. 10 months ago

    Is the water weight added by Creatine worth it? I'm afraid it will make my runs and rucks worse (I'm in the military)

    • 10 months ago

      Its definitely kind of a net loss. Not military but I did wildland fire on a hand crew for about four years. Definitely made rucking and running harder, although not by much

  106. 10 months ago

    Swissbros, any good gyms where I can do powerlifting and weightlifting around Murten?

  107. 10 months ago

    if i'm on antibiotics twice a day for an infection, and don't sleep do I just take them the same time the next day?

  108. 10 months ago

    did 1 cycle of GZCLP and made some pretty good gains as someone just starting out. does pic related look like a good program for my next cycle? or should I just go back to the GZCLP Boostcamp one

  109. 10 months ago

    > working out for two years at this point
    > at this point for the past 6 months all my lifts have either stalled or gone backwards
    > used to squat 140kg for 3x5 ATG; now can barely manag110kg for 3x5
    > have done deloads and even rested for an entire week; always weaker or the same as before
    > weight hasn’t changed in 6 months (not counting calories tbh; trying to eat 3100 cals for 3 of these months and was almost and impossible amount of food)
    > doing 6day reddit tier PPL for most of this period

    help me

  110. 10 months ago

    I haven't swum seriously in ages. I want to be able to meet amateur standards for lifeguards as a personal competence goal. Is it worthwhile to have someone train me to fix my form/etc., or should I just swim a bunch on my own until I get good?

  111. 10 months ago

    doing flyes with a neutral grip like this feels weird as shit on my shoulders, but they feel fine if i use a pronated grip. im pretty sure my form is fine and my shoulders arent rounding and im not keeping my arms straight. im also sure im not pressing it and cheating it

    should i just keep doing them pronated, it just feels better

    • 10 months ago

      try a flye-press or cable flyes

      • 10 months ago

        fricking make me

  112. 10 months ago

    Should I be doing lateral delt work (lateral raises/upright rows/Y raises) a day before I do some horizontal pulling (chest supported rows/Meadows row)
    I'm asking because I do horizontal rows to bias the upper back muscles like middle and lower traps more than the lats. But I remembered that lateral delt exercises also hit mid and lower traps. So I'm not sure if it's a good idea to do them back to back.

  113. 10 months ago

    Was supposed to do this today for deadlifts:
    (+5 lbs over last week for each set).
    I got halfway off the ground with 370 and failed. Waited 2 minutes, Tried again, same.
    Dropped to 365, failed, probably because I just tried to max out higher.
    Moved on to 355. Completed rep 1, failed rep 2 about 2/3 of the way up. Paused, tried again, failed again.

    Almost quit and went home.
    Instead I dropped to 315 and did 3 sets of 5. Ultimately this was more total volume than I would have done if I had completed my initial planned workout.
    Does this mean it wasn’t actually a failure of a workout? Will I still make gains from this?

    • 10 months ago

      that is what you are suppose to do, if you can't carry out the movement with correct form you deload by 15% and try again, if you still can't do it deload 15% again. You might want to look at some other of your lifts that work on the same muscles as well, either there is an imperfection in your deadlift form, or another lift you are doing is malformed making weight you are suppose to be able to do harder than it should be, because you are maybe ruining yoru form to cope with a weak muscle or muscle group.
      I've had weak abs for litearlly decades and never realized it because my posteior and superior chain both took on some of the stabilization responsibilites so my lifts ended up being lower than they should have been because my shoulders and hips where fronting all the load that my abs should have been taking.

  114. 10 months ago

    Mike Mentzer

  115. 10 months ago

    What microneedle size do I buy?

  116. 10 months ago

    took a blood test and literally everything is abnormal, I admittedly was going a little heavy on the carbs during the bulk in the past 3 months but my a1c is 7%, I cannot fathom this. do I have a permanent mark on my medical record as a diabetic now? I have a phone appointment with my doctor but she gonna drag my ass in to yell at me isn't she?

    • 10 months ago

      bro that’s fricked. are you on gear or something? are you living in any way an extreme lifestyle?

  117. 10 months ago

    Anyone else ever get a day where it feels like all their muscles are begging to be flexed hard? And when you do it feels really good. Been happening to me lately since I put down the weights after a severe calf injury that kept me in crutches for 3 months.

  118. 10 months ago

    How much do you guys pay for a gym pass?

  119. 10 months ago

    Why doy thumbs get bruised in this pattern every time I deadlift? I use hook grip btw. Roughly 3 months in.

  120. 10 months ago

    Can anyone recommend a decent pair of gloves for bag training? I literally have no idea what I'm doing, zero experience and I just wanna grab a pair and start. Also, preferably from Amazon because I have gift cards from Christmas and shit. Thank you.

    Pic related is pretty much where I am irl

  121. 10 months ago

    Bros, what is the best brand of condoms?

    • 10 months ago

      sagami or okamoto, the 001 ones

      • 10 months ago


  122. 10 months ago

    How long should you wait after twinging your back in the gym. As soon as it starts to feel better or longer

  123. 10 months ago

    are planks and ab crunches on a decline bench enough for ab workout, don't want to bother with meme variations?

  124. 10 months ago

    How do I increase the amount of deep sleep I get?
    Most nights recently I've been getting around or even less than an hour of deep sleep and I blame that for constantly feeling tired and underslept
    I don't drink coffee besides in the morning

  125. 10 months ago

    Hello! I’ve got a question about progressive overload. I’m really weak and can barely do 5x5 bench presses with 20kg. This past week I’ve been really struggling trying to push myself to add 2.5kg on both ends of the barbell. I can barely do 3 presses with 25kg and I feel really pathetic seeing other dudes my age already at 2-3 plates. Am I doing overload right? I’m pushing myself to do more than 3 but my body can’t take it, will I still get stronger regardless and eventually do a full set at 25kg? I’m doing the full 5x5 with 20kg and then add the 5kg and try and do as many presses as I can. What am I doing wrong and how can I progress?

    • 10 months ago

      fricking eat more

    • 10 months ago

      fricking eat more

      This. My gym buddy is like this struggling hard at the beginning of SL5x5 when he should be cruising through the beginner weight because he refuses to simply track his calories

      • 10 months ago

        fricking eat more

        Hello! I’ve got a question about progressive overload. I’m really weak and can barely do 5x5 bench presses with 20kg. This past week I’ve been really struggling trying to push myself to add 2.5kg on both ends of the barbell. I can barely do 3 presses with 25kg and I feel really pathetic seeing other dudes my age already at 2-3 plates. Am I doing overload right? I’m pushing myself to do more than 3 but my body can’t take it, will I still get stronger regardless and eventually do a full set at 25kg? I’m doing the full 5x5 with 20kg and then add the 5kg and try and do as many presses as I can. What am I doing wrong and how can I progress?

        shouldnt beginner cns gains carry those guys through low weights like that? he doesnt seem to be a woman and being stuck at 20kg for 5x5 seems VERY odd even if he only eats 1000kcal a day

        • 10 months ago

          Nah for skellies with no muscle mass and who aren't used to carrying around fat bodies it will be hard but eating at a good surplus should solve it. It shouldn't be THAT hard to where you're plateauing at the bar. The only other explanation is terrible form I suppose.

        • 10 months ago

          Well, maybe anon-kun suffers from muscular dystrophy or anorexia and just so happened to forget to mention such a tiny detail, or maybe he's literally 10 years old and just reached his natty limit, who the frick knows
          But based on the information provided in that post my most likely diagnosis is that he needs to fricking eat more and once that problem is out of the way we will see if it'll get better or not

        • 10 months ago

          I’ve lived a mostly sedentary life without much physical activity. I’m a dude and I definitely eat more than 1000 calories a day. I’m just really scrawny I guess.

          fricking eat more

          This. My gym buddy is like this struggling hard at the beginning of SL5x5 when he should be cruising through the beginner weight because he refuses to simply track his calories

          I’m really used to skipping meals and not overeating so bulking is a really strange lifestyle change for me. I don’t track calories because I try and eat as much as I can without overeating. After every meal I feel full I can’t really comprehend eating more than three meals a day. Maybe I’ll just put the work in and track my calories.

          • 10 months ago

            >because I try and eat as much as I can without overeating
            bingo, we got him

          • 10 months ago

            >I’ve lived a mostly sedentary life without much physical activity.
            i mean, i get you. i was like you except for me being massively obese, crash dieting to a normal weight and trust me, i was (and still am) incredibly weak.
            height/weight? still living a sedentary life? physically active job? how much calories are you eating?

            • 10 months ago

              > 19
              > ~177cm
              > 69-70kg

              I don't know if I would say I'm still sedentary. I go to the gym every two days but in the meantime I'm just sitting down at my computer all day I've been a neet for this whole year. I used to count calories but I stopped, if I had to guess it'd probably be around 1800? I really don't know, I think my maintenance was around there or around ~2200. I don't feel like I'm undereating? I don't pay attention to calories because my thought was that bulking was just eating a lot but I guess I just wasn't eating as much as I should.

          • 10 months ago

            OK, so track your calories eat more, you have to do it if you want to progress on your lifts and aren't fat. Then ask for advice if you still struggle to bench the bar, instead of wasting people's time.

  126. 10 months ago

    Stupid question (but that’s the point of the thread). I’m on vacation for a week with no gym access. I know I won’t maintain the same physique because I’ll be eating and drinking lots of alcohol. But if I eat at a caloric surplus will I keep my muscle and just gain some fat? Or will I lose some muscle too?
    I hope it’s the former so I just have to eat in a deficit for a bit to fix it. Thanks.

  127. 10 months ago

    Why do so many fat people call themselves fat frick

  128. 10 months ago

    Are these things a meme? They seem nice, but also kind of seem like a gimmick, and most gimmicks prove to be shit in practice

  129. 10 months ago

    What does IST read in their spare time?

    • 10 months ago

      I've been reading the 4-hour workweek by Tim Ferriss right now.

  130. 10 months ago

    Are these micros good enough? (Sodium is probably a lot higher bc I don't track table salt.) I'm cutting atm and this is what I have after eating all my calories for the day.

    • 10 months ago

      Idk but why don't you switch out your table salt for NoSalt? Lower sodium intake and higher potassium intake.

      • 10 months ago

        Because I've never heard of it. Does it taste like normal salt?

        • 10 months ago

          not exactly the same but it's good enough.

  131. 10 months ago

    I don't have a gym near me, or have a homegym. Is lifting and swinging logs while wearing a full heavy backpack in the woods good enough?
    >t. fat, sedentary zoomer.

  132. 10 months ago

    Do ab wheels, push up bars and jumping jacks do I need them?

  133. 10 months ago

    Does Kratom kill your gains? It's the only thing that kills my Autism.

  134. 10 months ago

    Have a small home gym (Power rack, bench, barbell). What program can I run now that I've reset/stalled a couple times on Starting Strength?

  135. 10 months ago

    Why do I still have doms after a week of one minute of biking?

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago


  136. 10 months ago

    What sort of weights should I be at before moving on from stronglifts? I'm at 130kg for deads now and 115kg for squat and I feel like I'm hitting my limit (although I am a fatty on a cut). I think I can squeeze more out of it for bench and OHP but my row at 80 I think is almost at the highest point. I know that the answer is 'when it stops working' but do you guys think those are reasonable weights to switch to intermediate programming or are they still laughably low?
    >t.173cm, 90kg BW

  137. 10 months ago

    so today I did 5 sets 5-8 reps of ohp 65 dumbbells. second set I did 6 reps by the third I was smashed and lost complete feel of my muscles contracting. Finished last 3 sets 3-4 rep range.

    What I want to know is for the steroid users here. Do you feel your muscles contracting more before you get smashed or it makes no difference?

  138. 10 months ago

    What would be a better 4 day routine for someone between beginner and intermediate: nSun's 4 day or PHUL 4 day?

  139. 10 months ago

    i'm on day 1 of taking a 1.5g fish oil supplement and eating some fish each day for a total of 150% of the daily intake of omega-3 after consuming no omega-3 for years. what can i expect? did anyone else do this and see results? i'm expecting my joints to improve but they're not really that bad to begin with

  140. 10 months ago

    I have a year to get big, I've been lifting for a little over a year now with mediocre results, no gym just been working out at home with freeweights. I've been doing full-body 3x a week and I only really noticed the growth in my lats, traps, biceps and hamstrings, everything else seems to be about where it was a year ago. I've alternated between bulk/cut/maintenance with varying levels of success and have been >100g protein every day, currently 170lbs.
    I'm tired of working hard for mediocre results. Is there a sure-fire hardcore bulking program that works that I can just follow blindly? I haven't had access to a full gym and I will starting next week hoping machines work better. I want to add about 15lbs of muscle and finish with a cut to get rid of the fat.

    • 10 months ago

      What exactly was your routine? It just seems to me that you are limited by your weights.


      i'm on day 1 of taking a 1.5g fish oil supplement and eating some fish each day for a total of 150% of the daily intake of omega-3 after consuming no omega-3 for years. what can i expect? did anyone else do this and see results? i'm expecting my joints to improve but they're not really that bad to begin with

      I am convinced that fish oil is a complete scam. Unless you are deficient there's no reason to take those pills.

      so today I did 5 sets 5-8 reps of ohp 65 dumbbells. second set I did 6 reps by the third I was smashed and lost complete feel of my muscles contracting. Finished last 3 sets 3-4 rep range.

      What I want to know is for the steroid users here. Do you feel your muscles contracting more before you get smashed or it makes no difference?


      will have the users you want to hear from

      What sort of weights should I be at before moving on from stronglifts? I'm at 130kg for deads now and 115kg for squat and I feel like I'm hitting my limit (although I am a fatty on a cut). I think I can squeeze more out of it for bench and OHP but my row at 80 I think is almost at the highest point. I know that the answer is 'when it stops working' but do you guys think those are reasonable weights to switch to intermediate programming or are they still laughably low?
      >t.173cm, 90kg BW

      Once you plateau, that's when you should switch.


      I don't have a gym near me, or have a homegym. Is lifting and swinging logs while wearing a full heavy backpack in the woods good enough?
      >t. fat, sedentary zoomer.

      Any physical activity is better than nothing, but if you're specifically trying to bodybuild you'll get better results with weights. For the fat, just diet.

      Why do so many fat people call themselves fat frick


      • 10 months ago

        8059 here, routine is full body so same every day, worked out tues/thurs/sat with 1hr 15mins zone2 cardio on sunday and friday.
        4x12-15 Deficit pushups
        4x8 Pullups, alternated with Chinups
        3x8 OHP, I used dumbbells sometimes and the bar other times, I hate moving the weights around. I progressed to 4x10 at my max weight (107lbs, 12lb bar and 95lbs in weights) and reach technical failure around 6-7 reps on the last set, I don't want to push farther as I don't have a cage so the dismount is me slowly dropping the bar onto my bed.
        4x8 High-bar squat, alternated with goblet squat until I couldn't handle a heavy enough dumbbell. I can't do front squats, can't hold the bar stable with the way my arms are laid out.
        3x8-12 Crunches, I got to 12's about a month ago and have been adding a 4th set to failure which is usually 7 or 8 reps.

        I looked into some higher volume routines that work different groups 6x a week like arnold's golden 6 and some variants on PPL, I don't know if that will be better than what I've been doing, I don't really want to start a different program that isn't tried and tested.

        • 10 months ago

          5 exercises, only 2 of them weighted? That's pretty limited anon. I'm not surprised you've had lackluster results.

          • 10 months ago

            I'm always completely gassed by the time I'm doing crunches, and my performance is always best on tuesdays. I can't see any way to add more volume. I'm eating at maintenance now, I don't really notice any energy difference between this and a 1k calorie cut, bulking gives me a little more gas and I made most of my progress while bulking but I put on way too much fat and got discouraged.
            I think I should just bulk again, swap pushups out for bench/inc bench, and do some machine for abs and horizontal/upright rowing. I feel like that'll just marginally improve my already mediocre results though, that's why I want a completely different vetted program instead.

            • 10 months ago

              bro I'm just gonna say this nicely: your routine is bad. It's unbalanced, programmed in a way that prevents progressive overload, and limiting. YOu have no hamstring exercise, no real back exercises (pull/chin ups aren't enough), no arms/triceps, no chest, hardly any shoulders...it feels like a program slapped together without any real thought behind it.
              > I don't really notice any energy difference between this and a 1k calorie cut
              a 1k deficit is a huge deficit. If you're not obese there is zero reason to cut so hard, it'll only hurt your performance and potentially cause some muscle loss.

  141. 10 months ago

    Does anyone have good advice on how to scarf down 3000 calories a day while still meeting their protein goals? It feels like I don't have the appetite even though I've tried a few things to help increase it.

    • 10 months ago

      Protein suppresses appetite, as does caffeine. If you're trying to eat more calories and can't get them down, drinking them is the easiest way. You can make a milkshake with some low-fat vanilla ice cream, protein powder and some fruits and add a tbsp of olive oil for an easy ~800 calories/40g protein and down it in 30 seconds.
      If you're trying to eat more protein and hitting calories too quickly, eliminate any liquid calories or other calorie dense/nutrient deficient foods like cookies and the like, especially oils. Eat more chicken breast, veggies, eggs and milk.

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks anon, I'll try out the milkshake idea and probably cut back on the caffeine in general, don't think it's helped me too much.

  142. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


  143. 10 months ago

    0 muscle mass, like 15% bodyfat, training 5 days

    Is cardio 3 times a week for 10/15 minutes enough?

    • 10 months ago

      enough for what? Cardio? How intense?

      • 10 months ago

        enough to burn fat and don't become too bulky

        • 10 months ago

          fat gain and loss have little to do with exercise, it's about diet. You can't gain muscle without also gaining fat. I suggest reading the sticky as you sound new.

          • 10 months ago

            what about body recomposition?

            • 10 months ago

              It's possible but greatly exaggerated. Most people seem to think "lose weight and gain muscle at the same time!" but it's actually lose hardly any fat, and gain hardly any muscle. It's much slower than just going through traditional bulk and cut cycles.

              I wake up early to workout. Should I eat something before or after I workout?

              I never eat prior to a workout personally.

  144. 10 months ago

    1 P+Core
    2 P
    3 Cardio
    4 P+Core
    5 P
    6 Cardio
    7 P+Core
    8 P

    1 P+Core
    2 Cardio
    3 P
    4 Cardio
    5 P+Core
    6 Cardio
    7 P

    Which of these splits is better considering that cardio and lunges are the only things I do legs wise and only have access to pull up bar equipment wise(basically bodyweight but I can scale it with some weight in few weeks).

    • 10 months ago

      Forgot to mention I used to do PP+Core in one day for around 7 weeks now but I think my stamina isn't quite up there or I'm simply doing a decent volume cause I noticed I feel much better on push when I do it on separate day. I think ultimately I need to focus more on muscle mass than cardio but I've been running consistently for over 2 years now and want to keep my condition at least maintained.

  145. 10 months ago

    I'm moronic for thinking of doing Madcow 5x5 on a deficit, right?

    • 10 months ago

      ideally you want less volume on a cut, not more. 5x5 is a lot if you're lifting even kinda heavy.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, I guess. I was doing Greyskull some months ago but I decided to lose weight instead so I've been doing 2 compounds plus some accesories since then. Most of them at 3x8 except deadlifts where I go AMRAP.
        I guess I'll continue doing that while still losing weight and do strength work again when I feel like bulking.

    • 10 months ago

      HLM or Madcow wouldn't be awful but the ramp up period of Madcow might detrain you on a cut

      ideally you want less volume on a cut, not more. 5x5 is a lot if you're lifting even kinda heavy.

      Madcow 5x5 only has like 2 real working sets with the 5x5, they're ramping not sets across

  146. 10 months ago

    does not working out for a week really shit gains by 10%? I forgot where i heard this but its made me really worried ill go back to dyel tier if i ever take a break/vacation

    • 10 months ago

      no. Are a ton of you homosexuals going on vacation all at once? This is like the fifth time I've seen this question this week. One week is fine, you'll start seeing CNS strength losses around week 2-3, and muscle atrophy would start at around 2 months if you were doing literally nothing to stimulate it.

    • 10 months ago

      That's a deload.
      You're fine.

  147. 10 months ago

    I wake up early to workout. Should I eat something before or after I workout?

  148. 10 months ago

    What does it mean when one can do >10 pull ups (pronated grip) but only 3 chin ups (supinated grip)?
    Also the chin ups need to be as close-grip as possible.

  149. 10 months ago

    Should I start doing pushups in between all of my push related sets

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