Is it ok if I hit my protein goal in one meal like in picrel?

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Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    What form guide should I follow
    I did SL for a while and then watched SS videos and it's completely different...
    Also my knees hurt after doing ss squats

    • 9 months ago

      Starting strength has better guides on form
      >my knees hurt
      good, it means its working

  2. 9 months ago

    >need some weights
    >look at free weights
    >average price of a 10kg wheel is 50usd

    What in the god damn frick?
    I'll just go outside and grab some rocks

    • 9 months ago

      Buy 1" diameter for home gym
      It's just fine for 90% of what you can do at home, and significantly cheaper to buy second hand even if you just stock up on the cheap vinyl+concrete shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Sandbags are best value tool so on the right track

    • 9 months ago

      Sandbags are best value tool so on the right track

      this for ultimate cheap gym sandbags, bars and gymnastic rings are the way to go

      • 9 months ago

        Sandbags are best value tool so on the right track

        Managed to find 2x 10kg, 4x5kg, 4x 2.5kg, sz bar and dumbells for 200usd. I'm a beginner coming from bands, so it's a great start.

  3. 9 months ago

    Your body can only process so much protein at once and the other digestive processes arent just gonna sit there and wait for it to rot because the protein line is backed up so, it's gonna get stored for later use instead of being sent out to build dem muscles.
    My nutritionalist says 30g a meal is what I want to max. She said it is kind of the same with drinking water. Chug half a gallon and most is just gonna go straight to piss instead of hydrating you like eight 8oz servings over a couple hours would have.
    I started tracking and I was getting tons of protein every meal. Capping them at 30g absolutely sucks but, I believe it will help me hit my calorie budget and allow for more treats throughout the day.

    • 9 months ago

      Ignored. vegan suspected

    • 9 months ago

      >muh 30g/meal
      Don't post this stupid broscience shit
      >muh nutritionalist
      I notice you say nutritionist (spelled incorrectly) not dietician because the latter is a medical specialist and the former is some idiot who decided to preach their incorrect ideas to even bigger idiots (you).
      Don't post crap like this again.


      Is it ok if I hit my protein goal in one meal like in picrel?

      Your digestive system has more neurons than the entire CNS of most other animals, it can change the speed at which food travels to make sure it absorbs as much as possible. Shit is mostly water, indigestible matter (fibre) and dead cells/bacteria. You don't have to worry about eating all your protein in one meal.

      • 9 months ago

        Good info ty

      • 9 months ago

        Who hurt you, bro?

      • 9 months ago

        Sorry but no. Your body will undergo gluconeogenesis if it is looking for energy and can only find protein.

        • 9 months ago

          That's why you also eat plenty of carbs and fat that way your body can utilize protein towards synthesis amirite?

    • 9 months ago

      >she said
      Don't listen to this guy, he listens to women.

    • 9 months ago

      technically the bacteria are breaking the protein down for both their digestion and yours. Yes, it's rotting, but food entering your gut by definition is subject to rot due to what rot really is. Think about it a sec.
      How do bacteria rot shit? Do they just sort of jiggle around and scoop things that they vibrate off? How do maggots eat flesh? Do they have the moutparts to scrape tough sinew into their mouths?
      No, they all use enzymes. Digestive enzymes, in particular. Bacteria secrete them in the presence of food sources to break down food into units it can absorb, just like our own bodies.
      So yes, it's rotting. Everything you eat is.

  4. 9 months ago

    What can I substitute for PB in my post workout banana-PB mush that can give me similar protons while avoiding all the PUFA?

    • 9 months ago


      After you've stayed up all night, what's the better method for regaining your sleep schedule? Nap, then sleep later, or force yourself to stay up all day until you crash?

      Set an alarm for the time you want your new morning to be. Do not eat for at least 16 hours before that time. Ideally you would stay awake until 8ish hours before, but you can nap provided it won't turn into a long sleep (I stopped being able to stay awake longer than 16 hours or so in my late teens) because then your new bedtime becomes whatever time you fell asleep at and you end up sleeping from 4 pm to 2 am and have to start over to fix it.
      As soon as the alarm goes off, have breakfast and spend 30+ mins outside, maybe an hour if it's cloudy. This is to tell your body that this is the time to be awake.
      Next time you pull an all nighter do the fast then. Sugar free energy drinks, black coffee and caffeine pills are fine if you need them to stay awake but don't eat.

      bros i want to drink a glas of red wine. went to the gym yesterday morning and will be going tomorrow morning again. can i safely drink one small glas or will it hinder my gains?

      For me, if I drink early enough that the alcohol has cleared my system by the time I go to bed (IIRC 2 hours per drink) then sleep and gym the next day aren't affected. Alcohol fricks up sleep because as your body remove it, you get the opposite effects i.e. overstimulation, which is why you wake up at 4am wired and hot after a night of drinking. If you let that process happen all in the same day then you'll be fine the next day.

      So I thought I was completely fine drinking milk everyday and found it very helpful for gaining mass, however I did notice one almost instant side effect: bloating. Nothing bloats me more than milk but that’s about the only negative thing I notice from it. It goes away and otherwise, milk tastes and feels good. Should I just not worry about the bloating? It seems that the only thing it truly effects is my self-esteem while I have a beer-gut looking stomach as it digests.

      Just don't drink milk within a few hours of being seen by other people.

    • 9 months ago

      Peanut butter is good for you. PUFA is only bad if you are adding tons of refined fat to your diet.

  5. 9 months ago

    After you've stayed up all night, what's the better method for regaining your sleep schedule? Nap, then sleep later, or force yourself to stay up all day until you crash?

  6. 9 months ago

    Should I cut my sets once I feel like I’m getting a decent pump?
    Been watching alot of Renaissance Periodization lately, and started doubting my ways. Is there any truth to his claims?

  7. 9 months ago

    >ate bread
    Is it over? How do I come back from this?

  8. 9 months ago

    bros i want to drink a glas of red wine. went to the gym yesterday morning and will be going tomorrow morning again. can i safely drink one small glas or will it hinder my gains?

  9. 9 months ago

    So I thought I was completely fine drinking milk everyday and found it very helpful for gaining mass, however I did notice one almost instant side effect: bloating. Nothing bloats me more than milk but that’s about the only negative thing I notice from it. It goes away and otherwise, milk tastes and feels good. Should I just not worry about the bloating? It seems that the only thing it truly effects is my self-esteem while I have a beer-gut looking stomach as it digests.

    • 9 months ago

      you can add turmeric to your milk, 1/8 tsp is fine, and drink ginger or peppermint tea during the day

  10. 9 months ago

    I want to eat more fruit to stay healthy, but I can't really eat fresh fruit because of my job (bringing fresh, squishy fruit along with me is likely to make a juice mess). So I'd like to try dried fruit. What are the best dried fruits should I be eating to be IST and help with a bulk?

    • 9 months ago

      Same fruit you'd eat fresh
      I like bananas, strawberries and blueberries fresh so that's what I'd have dry. I know bananas are nice dried, not sure about the other two. Problem with things like raisins and dates is they have shit micros so it's basically just sugar. Bananas and berries are at least nutritious.

      • 9 months ago

        Thanks! I like banana chips! What other fruits (that can be dried) have good macros?

        • 9 months ago

          Banana chips are usually full of oil. Be careful

          • 9 months ago

            Your pic related is good tho it uses coconut oil instead of seed oil.

            • 9 months ago

              It also adds sugar. Point is be careful.

              • 9 months ago

                3g added sugar is peanuts

              • 9 months ago

                Then stop asking for fruit with "good macros" if you dont care about sugar and oil

        • 9 months ago

          NTA but cranberries are good and dried goji berries have a surprising amount of high quality (for a plant).
          Be warned, my wife and her gay college friend both agree that dried goji berries taste like cum. Do with this information what you will.

    • 9 months ago

      Get tupperware anon, what the hell? you can put grapes, orange slices, strawberries, cherries, in tupperware containers and keep them good all day. Can also get one of those hard banana case thingies for bananas.

    • 9 months ago

      Try them all out. The taste prerrt different. I love pineapple but hate the dried form. Also never really liked apples but I'll eat dried apples all day

    • 9 months ago

      pitted dates are amazing bulk fruit. Very calorically dense and can be kept at room temp for months.

  11. 9 months ago

    Where should I go to get chicken breast?

    • 9 months ago

      the store

  12. 9 months ago

    Should I shave my armpits before wearing a tank top out in public?

  13. 9 months ago

    I've been slowly trying to remove harmful shit from my diet and eating more whole foods and better sources of protein and I came across a concept called "FODMAP" that seems like a very easy framework to follow when grocery shopping or cooking meals. Have any of you tried a diet like that?

    • 9 months ago

      I've not followed the diet per se but i realised that a high proportion of the fruit I habitually consumed (lots of apples mainly) that I had a near-constant supply of FODMAPs and fructose into my system.

  14. 9 months ago

    Just started lifting and doing long runs at the same time. I am extremely sore. Is it okay to continue lifting when I am still sore or should I wait until the soreness goes down or I'm used to running

    • 9 months ago

      Keep the runs to zone 2/3.
      Make sure you keep carbs up for recovery. This is exponentially more important if you're running and lifting. Don't be scared of sugar if its 1hr before or after lifting and running.

      • 9 months ago

        Ill look up the zones, but I'm using an app to prepare me for a marathon my friend and I will run, so maybe I cant really change intensity for now

  15. 9 months ago

    No, you just wasted ~100g of good protein. Depending on how much you weigh, how fat are you and, how much protein you ate in your meal before and if you trained in the last 6-12h you have a protein absorption rate of around 25-30% of your daily optimal intake (around 1g/lbs).

  16. 9 months ago

    Your body will be able to fully digest the protein as long as it's animal based or so.e kind of vegan supplement. It will take a while but it will happen. The problem is that only so much will go to the muscles.

    Remember, your body is pretty much protein and water. It will first go to your gut lining, hair, shin, nails, organs, and almost everything else before muscles. Diving up the protein servings will increase the probability it will go into the muscle.

    Still the most important thing is you reach a reasonable protein goal every day.

    That and lifting.
    Short answer is yes but it's not best for muscles.

  17. 9 months ago

    i somehow fricked my shoulder last week on the rings. basically a couple hours my shoulder got all inflamed and had a severe loss of mobility (cant lift my arm to the side at all). the doctor doesnt think its a rotator cuff tear and we are still waiting on x rays so it could just be a really bad sprain/strain. any idea how long this should take to heal? im five days in and mobility is starting to return and the pain is pretty much gone.

  18. 9 months ago

    I know I'll get torn to bits for this but is Planet Fitness worth it if I'm a skinny homosexual that's never been to a gym? I'm kind of iffy about them for a lot of reasons. Should I just do shit at home instead?

    • 9 months ago

      Shitty all purpose equipment is better than a couple dumbbells.
      Go to planet fitness, train smart. You'll make plenty of gains.

  19. 9 months ago

    OMAD is not for making gains.
    You shouldn't worry about protein intake on that shit. However much you get in a single meal is going to be more than enough vital functions and to repair your muscles from whatever hippie stretches and/or cardio you're doing as you try to lose as much fat as quickly as possible.
    When you're done with OMAD you can go back to a good, 3+ meals per day diet of maintenance or surplus calories once you want to increase muscle and actually need to worry about protein.

  20. 9 months ago

    I'm doing a leanbulk at the moment, but think I'm doing it too slowly. My lifts are going up slowly but steadily, even my running is getting faster each week.
    I'm 3 months into it and I've only gained 2kg so far from eating ~3700 calories a day at a 50/25/25 macro ratio (carbs/protein/fat). Would eating more give me more gains or would it just be fat? I dreamerbulked in my first year which meant I had to cut 12kg to get back down to about 12-13% body fat so I'm being cautious this time.
    I just still look skinny in the mirror

    • 9 months ago

      Gaining 2 kg in 3 months is basically perfect. You can’t actually build muscle faster than that.

  21. 9 months ago

    I got a pair of 40 lbs dumbbells where I have been using 35s, but I can only do sets of 2 or 3 reps with the heavier weight. Should I do what I can at 40 and then finish my normal 12 reps with the 35s, or just do more low rep sets with the 40s?

  22. 9 months ago

    My fancy 20$ body composition scale says i lost 5 kilo of weight (70kg->65kg) in 21 days of ADF out of which 4.1kg is fat and 900g is muscle mass.
    Does that sound fair?

  23. 9 months ago

    How do I get this much protein on a vegetarian diet?
    Asking for my vegan gf haha

    • 9 months ago

      TVP chunk/onions nuggets whatever you call them. They're a decent source of protein, but I'm not very sure about their bioavailability though. Still they're hard to beat in pure protein by weight

    • 9 months ago

      meat substitutes and whey are your best sources for protein on a non-meat diet.

      My fancy 20$ body composition scale says i lost 5 kilo of weight (70kg->65kg) in 21 days of ADF out of which 4.1kg is fat and 900g is muscle mass.
      Does that sound fair?

      electrical impedance sensors are extremely inaccurate and I wouldn't trust what they say outside of an extremely ballpark guess.

      I'm doing a leanbulk at the moment, but think I'm doing it too slowly. My lifts are going up slowly but steadily, even my running is getting faster each week.
      I'm 3 months into it and I've only gained 2kg so far from eating ~3700 calories a day at a 50/25/25 macro ratio (carbs/protein/fat). Would eating more give me more gains or would it just be fat? I dreamerbulked in my first year which meant I had to cut 12kg to get back down to about 12-13% body fat so I'm being cautious this time.
      I just still look skinny in the mirror

      >3700 calories a day
      I don't think you know what a leanbulk is

  24. 9 months ago

    Been lifting for about a year now (anniversary is this month) and I'm hitting my first major plateau. My bench and OHP have dropped 10-15 pounds out of nowhere, and it's messing with my head and killing my mood. I came into my workout today refreshed with a good breakfast in me and a clear head, and I still couldn't do what I was doing before. I tried a deload the week before, but it didn't seem to help. Is dropping my old weight permanently and building back up the way forward from here? I don't get why I lost that strength, nothing else changed.

    • 9 months ago

      What's the rush? Build yourself back up and watch your form. If you're feeling bad about it, try doing them with an empty bar. You'll realize how much stronger you've come since a year ago and you'll have nothing to worry about.

      • 9 months ago

        It's just a slap in the face that I wasn't expecting. I had finally hit 1pl8 OHP about two months ago, and I was starting to progress past it by upping the weight to 140-145. Bench was almost to 200 as well. Having to drop back down with no warning just sucks. You are right though, I've made it pretty far from where I started, I should humble myself a bit and be patient. Thanks.

  25. 9 months ago

    What does it mean if these hurt when I bring the bar down on bench press
    Got locked at the bottom and it hurt a lot I had to roll out 🙁

    • 9 months ago

      They're weak. Work your upper back more and do some specific rotator cuff exercises like an external rotation press https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIK0aJDO7Pk

  26. 9 months ago

    Anyone have any success running 5/3/1 building the monolith? Thinking about alternating one cycle of that, and one cycle of standard 5/3/1, indefinitely.

  27. 9 months ago

    anyone have any experience with LA fitness? I recently moved to a new town and it's the only gym that's close and isn't some cardio/crossfit shit.
    anything about the equipment/memberships/etc

    • 9 months ago

      the one I went to had most of the basic equipment you need, but nothing for olympic lifting. pool. I think it was on the cheaper side without being ghetto. But they blasted shitty music nonstop so bring headphones. Why don't you just go and get a tour?

      • 9 months ago

        yeah they offer a 3 day free pass so i'll probably try that out, but i'm autistic and wanted to see if any anons had any experiences before i go

    • 9 months ago

      It's ok. The one I goto on weekends recently got a trap bar. They've got plenty of equipment and sauna.

  28. 9 months ago

    What’s the best way to travel with meals? Ice chest? Or lunch bags with ice packs?

  29. 9 months ago

    >sacroiliac keeps needing popped
    I hate this
    How fix

    • 9 months ago

      >he fell for the chiropractors just do voodoo meme

  30. 9 months ago

    I started doing Allpro, but my new job has me out of town from monday morning to friday morning. Should I keep doing it 2x a week on friday/sunday when I'm home or find something else altogether?

  31. 9 months ago

    Saw a guy leaving planet fitness in an uber... is that a flex, or he's fricking moronic?

  32. 9 months ago

    What do you guys do to get out of a bout of depression? I’ve really been going through it lately. I’ve been having lucid dreams of being with the fiancé that left me a year ago and my waking hours feel like hell.

    • 9 months ago

      wait 2 more years

  33. 9 months ago

    Can I do anything about uneven chest hair growth? Talking about hair directly on inner pecs. Right is visibly less hairy and it's bothered me since I was a teenager, now almost fricking 30 and it didn't even out.

    • 9 months ago

      A daily minoxidil routine would probably work. Up to you if it's worth the effort though. Easier to give it an even trim or just deal with it.

      • 9 months ago

        It's a very small patch of hair missing on right but it's pretty annoying. I might give it a try.

  34. 9 months ago

    I'm 48,what do I tell my doctor so he will prescribe me Anavar or some kind of TRT?

  35. 9 months ago

    Can someone please post the kegal routine greentext?

  36. 9 months ago

    I would be embarassed to discuss this with anyone IRL. I don't know where else to discuss this so I am doing it here

    >was 40 lbs overweight for most of adolescence and teens
    >been 100 lbs overweight for most of my adult life
    >working shitty jobs and making mediocre pay
    >life was going nowhere
    >spent most of my 20's as a salty incel. Didn't even have sex until I was 29.
    >in my early 30's now. After covid I finally realized I need to get my shit together.
    >been hitting the gym 5 days a week for 1 year now. Dropped 50 lbs. Still carrying another 50 of fat but I have faith in myselft to drop the rest of it
    >feel like I'm getting hit with a 2nd puberty. I feel more aggressive, braver, less depressed, more hopeful
    >asked three coworkers on a date in one shift. Got phone numbers from all of them.
    >didn't even go in planning to. I just struck up conversations with them and it felt like it naturally progressed to me getting their numbers
    >sex drive is so high I had three days last week where I couldn't get through my 8 hour shift without going into the bathroom and fapping on one of my breaks

    I guess my questions are has anybody else felt the same after turning their life around and how do I keep this from going to my head?

  37. 9 months ago

    A fit-lit question.
    Which edition of The Book of Five Rings should I pick? Was thinking of picrel.

  38. 9 months ago

    I get hand pain under the gap between my ring finger and pinky when doing pushups. Should I power through them or rest up.
    Means I can't box for a week or two though if I rest

  39. 9 months ago

    I'm having trouble with my grip.
    For exercises like reverse barbell row and cable seated row I reach a point where I could still do reps and/or go to an higher weight, so no problems with the back, but my fingers cannot keep the barbell/handle and it falls/slips.
    Is there a way to increase the strength and duration of my grip?

  40. 9 months ago

    how do i read this thing
    >1 gram of chicken
    >144 grams of protein

    • 9 months ago

      what the frick bro how do you eat 640 servings of chicken

      are you seriously this stupid? or do you think it's funny to pretend?

      • 9 months ago

        laugh bro its free
        >Verification not required.

  41. 9 months ago

    what the frick bro how do you eat 640 servings of chicken

  42. 9 months ago

    Is there any disatvantage to spread out reps throughout the days? The pump and cardio be the missing parts, right?
    I have some days where I can't spend the time to give an hour or two for exercise and showering after.

    I enjoy doing a rep till failure now and then in my schedule without getting a sweat so I'm nasty after.

    • 9 months ago

      Technically for size it doesn't matter but cardio is most important for every part of your lifting journey so make sure you do some

      Also, risk of injury is a thing if you're actually lifting appropriate weight cuz you'd need to re warm up every time

  43. 9 months ago

    why does squat weight not translate to weight you can piggyback? i can barre squat 60lbs but i gave a 160lb guy a piggyback ride with ease, any explanation?

    • 9 months ago

      Even when being moved/carried most conscious people are supporting their own weight, also we're talking about dead weight pushing down directly on your shoulders versus someone being spread out and kept close to your body

    • 9 months ago

      Volume/center of mass/muscle burden variation

  44. 9 months ago

    redpill me on peanut butter

    • 9 months ago

      If you're going to eat it you should make sure to get the kind that's freshly ground and contains only peanuts (and maybe salt). Any decent grocery store should have those machines that grind it on the spot.

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          thats so good
          if you eat 5 servings of it you can easily get more than 100g of proteins

        • 9 months ago

          >Worrying about fat
          There's a reason why we exercise

  45. 9 months ago

    Can I quit Minoxidil and Finasteride cold turkey?

    • 9 months ago

      Be careful, your DHT might rebound and you might actually start making gains again

  46. 9 months ago

    Is it ok to have (assisted) dips, dumbbell chest press, and incline dumbbell chest press all in one day? Or should I alternate between normal and incline chest press? I do feel pretty weak by the end of the sets, so I could probably do a heavier weight if I just did one of them at a time

  47. 9 months ago

    A qt smol jap girl came and let me know she was done with the squat rack she was using while I was resting from doing rope ab crunches

    What does it mean?

  48. 9 months ago

    Due to old injuries, old surgeries, and a job that has me sitting on my ass too much, I am at the point where I really need to retrain my core.

    The crux of the issue is that my abdominal are weak/lazy, so, unless I specifically focus on them to make them engage, my lower back ends up doing all the work for any stabilization that needs to happen. This has caused some spasms and shit and can't go on. I've also got solid anterior pelvic tilt, either because of or contributing to the issue.

    My plan is to swap my lifting days out for core training days for awhile, until I feel I'm back at a point where I can start loading my spine again. I plan on working in....
    >KB swings
    >Turkish getup
    > ab wheels
    > plank and side plank
    > hollow core crunches

    as well as stuff like floor press, pull-ups, etc

    Any thoughts, IST? Anything I should add, drop?

    • 9 months ago

      If you were doing your heavy squats, you wouldn't have this problem

      A qt smol jap girl came and let me know she was done with the squat rack she was using while I was resting from doing rope ab crunches

      What does it mean?

      Should have asked her to lift with you lmao you fricking weeb

  49. 9 months ago

    What's the least autistic/cheapest way to do pull-ups at home?

  50. 9 months ago

    I started taking Fin about a month ago and I've found myself having more gay thoughts than usual. Could the two be related?

    • 9 months ago

      Being so self involved that you'd nuke your effective test for a few more months with slightly more hair is gay af

  51. 9 months ago

    Why do sprains really never fully heal?

  52. 9 months ago

    How should my muscles feel when they need a full rest day or two?
    I'm having a lot of leftover energy and I'm bored wanting to do more reps after the workout.
    I can feel my muscles and tendons, aware of them, but nothing really aches. Does that mean I can pop off some more reps?

  53. 9 months ago

    How to train chin ups as a dyel? I can do a set of 5, then I'm so fatigued I can do only 2-3 on following sets. Should I just do 3 rep sets or add negatives/band assistance for greater volume?

    • 9 months ago

      Grease the groove

    • 9 months ago

      bands or move to the lat pulldown machine after your set. you can also do a sort of drop set where you do your pull ups then go immediately to the pulldowns

  54. 9 months ago

    When you measure yourself against a wall, trying your best to stand straight, can you actually measure lower due to day to day bad posture?

  55. 9 months ago


    >Most meals won't spoil unrefrigerated for only an hour or two. If your commutes take longer than that, either get a thermos lunchbox or a new job.
    It's mainly for trips. I go on trips for a day or two and just pack 3/4 of my meals for the day since I cant handle eating out so much

  56. 9 months ago


    >Yes, that's why you don't measure your own height. It's possible to fudge numbers easily if you self-report, get someone else to measure you.
    Even if someone does it for me, is it still possible to be shorter, due to years of bad posture, even if you stand straight against a wall?

    • 9 months ago

      Unless you have a hunchback or scoliosis bad posture isn't going to magically shrink you if you stand up straight.

      • 9 months ago

        Welp, there goes my hopium of growing to 180 cm from 175(potentially could be lower due to self report). I was told when I was a kid that I have scoliosis but I never went through treatment outside of some basic exercises. Although outside of constantly arching to pick items from the ground in a rapid succession I never had back pain(but when I do have to pick shit up it hurts).
        Thanks anon, now I need to investigate the type and severity of scoliosis and what back exercises I need to do to correct as much as crumbly possibly.

  57. 9 months ago

    What exercises can I do for hip abductors? My gym doesn't have the good girl/bad girl machines.

  58. 9 months ago

    Just learned about dragon flag bros
    What an amazingly simple yet difficult to do exercise. Is there anything better for core in calisthenics?

    • 9 months ago

      Roman chair that has a bit of a tilt to it. Way less fatiguing than a DF and has a lower RA bias.

      What do you guys do to get out of a bout of depression? I’ve really been going through it lately. I’ve been having lucid dreams of being with the fiancé that left me a year ago and my waking hours feel like hell.

      Do the small shit your brain is telling you to do even if it seems insignificant and the depressed part of you responds with, "what's the point though?".

  59. 9 months ago

    so i have a bucket of rice and tried this meme rice workout for forearms/wrists because i am autistic but it surprisingly feels great, is this actually a legit exercise or am i basically just jerking myself off in rice for no reason, will my tiny limp dick wrists grow from wanking this rice every day?

    • 9 months ago

      Are you talking about the german dude?

      if you have ayylmao wrists I don't think exercise will do much for that as it's genetics but forearms sure.

      • 9 months ago

        no just some random youtube video i watched of some guy doing this shit. sad about the genetics, but i think i'll try this for a few weeks and see if anything happens anyway because it feels so good.

        • 9 months ago

          Well your forearms should explode which can make your wrists look bigger, did so for me anyway. If you have money to spare a wrist roller works wonders.

          • 9 months ago

            >wrist roller
            wtf how have i not heard of this it looks so fun

            • 9 months ago

              It is, if you plan on getting one have fun with big forearms.

  60. 9 months ago

    How much water should a 160 pounds 20% bf 30 year old manlet drink daily? Looking for something more precise than "drink when you are thirsty." I work a desk job, lift rarely and bike casually to get around town. Looking to change those. No long term lift goal other than building the habit, noob gains should satisfy me for a while then I can readjust.

    • 9 months ago

      if your urine is clear, you're drinking too much. I drink a small glass every few hours and drink water with my meals.

    • 9 months ago

      The optimal amount of water to drink obviously differs by a lot. Weight, age and bodyfat percentage are factors but so are height and activity level. You calculate it by this formula: w = (3.27*a + 0.6695*m*height +10*f)*(Ha/Hr) where:
      w = daily water in ml
      a = age
      m = body mass in kg
      f = bodyfat percentage (between 0 and 1)
      Ha is average heart rate during the day
      Hr is resting heart rate
      In a pinch you can assume Ha = Hr

      • 9 months ago

        height is in cm btw

      • 9 months ago

        ty i got hyponatremia and died

  61. 9 months ago

    recovering strengthcel here, I'm moving out of my home gym and back into a full gym. What are some sane no-frills bodybuilding programs I should look into if I want to switch to a more aesthetically focused training methodology? Or should I just say frick it and do 531 BBB with some additional accessories.

  62. 9 months ago

    If I gain weight (muscle) and lower my body fat % will I still get a more refined jawline despite the fact I'm still adding on weight?

    • 9 months ago

      yes, though it's unlilkely that you will add muscle while losing fat at that low of bf%.

      How much water should a 160 pounds 20% bf 30 year old manlet drink daily? Looking for something more precise than "drink when you are thirsty." I work a desk job, lift rarely and bike casually to get around town. Looking to change those. No long term lift goal other than building the habit, noob gains should satisfy me for a while then I can readjust.

      People overcomplicate this. The general advice is "drink if you're thirsty". Try to have at least a glass of water every few hours. That's it.

      • 9 months ago

        My bf% is around 20% from what I can right now. Would it not be easier considering I have more body fat?

        • 9 months ago

          If you're low enough in bodyfat to be leaning out your jaw, you're not going to gain muscle. It's one or the other.

  63. 9 months ago

    What are some decent apps to track the stuff I do in the gym?
    movements, rep ranges, weight ranges etc
    It gets tiresome to scroll through a year of notes each time I go to the gym

    • 9 months ago

      Love Jefit.


      i saw some dude front squatting lmao1pl8 but the discs were off, they started not at the begining of the sleeve but around the middle, about where i drew the orange point.

      i cant fricking recall the name of this type of squat, any help?

      sounds like they were just lazy, it's not like it'd change the mechanics of the squat at all, the weight distribution would be exactly the same. Sounds like a very dumb way to injure yourself.

      • 9 months ago

        if it would be the same how would it be injury prone tho

        • 9 months ago

          Let's say having the weights all the way on is 5% chance of injury via weights falling off the bar. If they're only halfway on, there's like a 30-40% chance of injury via falling off the bar or the weights sliding and changing the balance of the bar.

          Again, the mechanics of the squat are the same, this would just be fricking with it for no reason or gain.

    • 9 months ago

      Strong app on iOS

  64. 9 months ago

    I want to bring protein shakes at work, but we don't have a kitchen, only a fridge. Here are my options:

    1) Bring milk and protein powder, mix there and drink
    2) Mix protein powder and milk at home, bring at work, refrigerate for ~5 hours and drink

    I know that 1 is better, but is 2 doable? Would save me a lot of headache. Also, do you have alternatives I'm missing here? Thanks.

    • 9 months ago

      Why would that not work?

      Am I missing something here lmao.

      • 9 months ago

        Sorry I explained myself badly I think. Would 2) mean that the shake will have a bad taste, odor, consistency? Or would nothing change? I know that protein can get funky in a whim

        • 9 months ago

          I the drink has been in the fridge as you've said it should be fine, best thing to do is to test it out one day.

  65. 9 months ago

    My buddy and his wife are trying to get pregnant. I love them so much and wish the best for them and he told me that he has low. What do I suggest?

  66. 9 months ago

    Why is everyone doing bendover rows

  67. 9 months ago

    i saw some dude front squatting lmao1pl8 but the discs were off, they started not at the begining of the sleeve but around the middle, about where i drew the orange point.

    i cant fricking recall the name of this type of squat, any help?

  68. 9 months ago

    It happened, i fricked my back while deadlifting 100 lbs. I think i better stop deadlifting for a while.
    But - should i stop squatting, too?! That would halt my progress even further...

    • 9 months ago

      How did that happen?
      t. finally progressed in my program to the point where I'm about to deadlift my bodyweight on Friday

    • 9 months ago

      >deadlifting 100 lbs
      like, 100 lbs total? Because that's a really light weight to tweak your back with. Even 145 is barely more than 1pl8. If you fricked your back up your form is very bad with such a light weight.

  69. 9 months ago

    Since chiseled jawlines are mainly an European trait, what can non whites do to work on their jawline? I'm already mewing

  70. 9 months ago

    Thoughts on this ppl an anon gave me few months ago?

    • 9 months ago

      Forgot to add it's with dumbbells only as it's the only thing I have home

  71. 9 months ago

    Hey guys I lost 10 kilos in the past 2 months through fasting. Now I'm looking to bulk and gain some muscle but I'm scared of giving myself metabolic syndrome/diabetes.
    Are my worries unfounded?

  72. 9 months ago

    How do I make staionary cycling/cardio less boring?

    >go outside!
    It's dusty 24/7. Doc said do everything indoors
    >Listen to a podcast
    I don't really consume podcast-type media
    I tried audiobooks but kept getting lost as I was half-focused on the workout

    • 9 months ago

      I got a tablet and played chess. Time flies if you're a slow player like I am.


      Thoughts on this ppl an anon gave me few months ago?

      It's been a few months, you tell us.

  73. 9 months ago

    You dont need that much protein

    • 9 months ago

      144g is not a luxury

  74. 9 months ago

    Which pre workout would you advise a beginner takes, on days they feel tired as frick

    EU too

  75. 9 months ago

    I want to make my own protein bars that are mostly protein. I see a lot of keto bars that are more fat than anything, paleo blogs have some better macros if I cut the sweeteners so I'm looking through those for a few to try. Do any of you have a good simple recipe or tips? Like ratio of wet to dry ingredients or whatever.

    • 9 months ago

      You could probably do something with a little oats and protein powder. Write here if you end up getting a good recipe.

      • 9 months ago

        If I get a good one ill definitely post it. I'm trying to replace quest bars and don't want to buy natural ones like rise bars since they're something I can make. Currently leaning toward coconut flour because of the fiber content but I'm going to try a few things, almonds, oats, idk.

    • 9 months ago

      You could make flapjacks using oats, whey and honey but it might be too much sugar.

  76. 9 months ago

    How do you design and upper/lower program if you only have two gym days a week? I understand you need horizontal and vertical push and pull, something like a squat, and something like a deadlift (hip hinge), but how do you fit all that into one day? I am getting to a point where I can't bench and OHP on the same day without one of them suffering or feeling overtrained afterwards (noob gains running out). But if I only do one push and one pull on upper day I'll have muscles that only get worked every 1-2 weeks.

    • 9 months ago

      you mix it up moron. 2 full body days.
      Day 1
      Day 2
      >Pull Up
      I would personally do calves and core both days but do whatever you can fit in your schedule.

  77. 9 months ago

    What's a good hypertrophy routine, preferably barbell / compount for a beginner(lifting for 1.5 years)?

    • 9 months ago

      SS + appropriate accessories

      If you aren't late intermediate/advanced strength, you should be running a program that's at least LP at it's core

      • 9 months ago

        Hmm could i just do compounds in upper/lower with 3,4 sets of 8-12 reps? Say upper/lower/rest/upper/lower and increase the weight by x if i get all sets + reps?

  78. 9 months ago

    > 0 carbs

    Gonna make zero gains

  79. 9 months ago

    Is attracting a female more personality/social based or physique based

    • 9 months ago

      Attracting them always requires you to get their attention one way or another. With good looks you are more likely to get and keep their attention long enough to get them interested. If you don't have the good looks, they won't want to give you the time you need to convince them that you have other redeeming qualities (personality). So if you aren't attractive you need to make your personality work in your favor and since the woman does not want to spend time around you, it has to happen in an environment where she is "forced" to spend time with you, e.g school, work, clubs. Tl;dr it is more looks based but you can make personality work under the right circumstances. If you really just meant "physique" rather than overall appearance, then I would say it does not matter 95% of the time, it only attracts those that have a strong preference for it. That doesn't mean the other 90% don't like the physique, it just isn't important enough to them.

  80. 9 months ago

    How to succeed in a cut?
    I'm 32 yo, M,, 5'9", 152 lbs, 19% body fat (That's 176 cm and 69 kg for the sane part of the world.) with office job.
    This roughly put my TDEE at 1900 cal, for weight loss, I need to eat at 1400-1500 cal.
    But this very difficult for me unless I do something extreme like water fast, bulking on veggies only.
    I guess I'm at the odd spot where most people plateau in their weight loss.
    My goal is to get leaner as in lower BF% to 15% or something.
    What can I do?

    • 9 months ago

      5"8 here im struggling cutting with 1600kcal down from 79 to 75 in 6 months with tracking calories and lifting 4 times a week
      so gonna bump your question

      • 9 months ago

        Thanks, and yes, I've measured my normal intake just to get an idea on how much I eat.
        It was around 1900-2100 calories.
        Which is is like this menu
        >Breakfast ~400-500 cal
        Bread(Samoon)+(1-2 egg/Cheese/jam)
        Half cup of oat +(Yogurt/Milk)
        >Lunch ~500-600 cal
        Cup of Rice + (Beans/Lentil/potato)
        >Dinner ~500-600
        Bread(Lebanese flatbread)+Protein ~200 g (Sausages, spam, burger)
        >Drinks ~0 cal
        All are without sugar, or artificial sweeteners
        >Snack ~200-300
        Usually less than handful of mixed nuts, some other sweets that I make at home with low calories

        Honestly, I tried skipping meals but this just led me to eat more, or snack more.
        Fasting made me lethargic, and despite having office job I felt sick, so I think fasting isn't for me.
        My workout is just me doing calisthenics in my back yard, since I come home pretty late.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah if i eat under my calorie goal i tend to eat sweets a lot
          I think honestly we just need to power through it, takes time especially the gut part

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah, I get you.
            You aren't fat, but not lean.
            Just average.
            And we need to up cardio, 9 minute mile burn about ~700 cal, so I guess rooners are into something.

            • 9 months ago

              Man i hate cardio, i really do
              I try to get in 10k steps at work
              Dunno anon, it's almost fall over here so i might just do a 6 month bulk to get a bit more
              Then trim of the fat in a long cut or something
              I honestly sometimes wish i was either skinny or just fat
              So much easier to start off with

  81. 9 months ago

    why am i feeling deadlifts mostly in my lower back`?

    • 9 months ago

      Because it/your core is weak or because you have mechanical issues. How are squats? Consider replacing DL with Romanian DL and add core exercises (hanging leg raises for example).

  82. 9 months ago

    i have hot girls ready to frick but ive been setting meetups with trannies for like 1 month from now

    thing is, the trannies pass really well, but im really nervous around girls, so i want to frick the trannies to get the nerves out the way. but also i dont want to be a homosexual and i also dont want aids. im not really attracted to men but they look like women.

    stuck in my head, should i just bite the nerve bullet n frick up a few woman hookups instead of just being comfortable with the troony and getting the sex confidence to hit a home run with the women?
    its all momentum so

    • 9 months ago

      frick off

    • 9 months ago

      Less chance of stds by buying a hooker than hooking up with a f g

  83. 9 months ago

    Is Coup from Garage Gym Reviews worth his salt? are his reviews legit and worth considering?

  84. 9 months ago

    should I cook my steak in oil or butter? can't use a grill, no space for it

    • 9 months ago

      Use something more heat stable for frying at high temperature, butter will burn before you even reach the temperature needed to get a nice crust on your steak. Avocado oil is probably best. You could add some butter for flavour near the end so it doesn't have time to burn.

    • 9 months ago

      Try a reverse-sear. If you don't have time for that, start it in oil until you're 10 degrees away from your desired doneness, put in butter and garlic + any desired herbs, spoon butter over both sides of steaks for 2 minutes. Seared.

      Can I change some hypertrophy exercises say 3x10 to 3x5 and will that automatically make it into a compound exercise?

      That's not what compound means. And no, changing reps doesn't magically turn an exercise into a strength exercise. You're confusing the results with the process.

      why am i feeling deadlifts mostly in my lower back`?

      Deadlifts hit your lower back, that's normal.

      • 9 months ago

        >That's not what compound means. And no, changing reps doesn't magically turn an exercise into a strength exercise. You're confusing the results with the process.

        Sorry I mean if the 3x5 lower reps were done with more weight compared to the 3x10. Or is it all to do with the certain exercise?

        • 9 months ago

          A compound lift is a lift that uses multiple muscle groups. A squat is a compound lift. A bicep curl is not. And rep ranges entirely depend on the exercise being performed. Hypertrophy is a result of lifting weights, not a type of exercise being performed. Too many people get that confused.

          Muscle growth will occur both in high weight, low reps and lower weight higher reps. Studies have shown to show similar growth patterns between the two. Honestly just do whatever works better for you.


          Intermediate lifter.
          Over the course of a given month I'll make consistent progress on accessory movements but little or no progress on major lifts.
          Do compound lifts take longer to progress on, or should I evaluate form?
          Pic unrelated. just love port, bros

          You should be making some progress at the very least, what are your compounds at right now and what is your routine like? Are you bulking or cutting?

  85. 9 months ago

    Can I change some hypertrophy exercises say 3x10 to 3x5 and will that automatically make it into a compound exercise?

  86. 9 months ago

    Is doing 2 Upper hypo and 2 Upper power a week to much?

    • 9 months ago

      Also to add, 90 second rest for Hypo sets and 2-3 minutes for compound rests?

  87. 9 months ago

    if you fail a rep on the last set, are you meant to retry it or just move on to the next exercise?

    • 9 months ago

      move on

      • 9 months ago

        thanks, and i take it you dont up the weight until you can complete your full sets?

        • 9 months ago

          depends on the program, but generally yes

  88. 9 months ago

    How would you rate this bulk?

    150 lbs. 13.7% bf.
    >6 months later
    165 lbs. 18.1% bf.

    • 9 months ago

      Not very good tbh, that is a lot of fat gain for a relatively low amount of total gain over a relatively long amount of time

      • 9 months ago

        So should I just aim to gain less overall or does this indicate something wrong with my diet and/or programming?

  89. 9 months ago

    Are preworkouts in canned drink form any good? Honestly think Im somehow not built for powdered preworkouts, I tried few, now im on jack3d regular formula (one scoop) but from what i remember they all dont give me that buzz or tingles.
    Rather they make me feel empty, I eat a meal before gym and within 15-20minutes after finished drinking the preworkout i feel a bit empty like I didnt eat anything, weird to describe

  90. 9 months ago

    Has anyone had any success with landmine rows?

    I have limited equipment in my home gym so it's kind of hard to do any decent back workouts.

    • 9 months ago

      i like them more than regular rows as the form isnt hard

      • 9 months ago

        Did you get any good back gains from it?

        • 9 months ago

          idk im dyel

    • 9 months ago

      It’s fine but get a handle

    • 9 months ago

      seems like the narrow grip would be at-odds with your form. Proper rows should have wider grip.

      Are preworkouts in canned drink form any good? Honestly think Im somehow not built for powdered preworkouts, I tried few, now im on jack3d regular formula (one scoop) but from what i remember they all dont give me that buzz or tingles.
      Rather they make me feel empty, I eat a meal before gym and within 15-20minutes after finished drinking the preworkout i feel a bit empty like I didnt eat anything, weird to describe

      They're going to be exactly the same as their powdered form. What preworkouts have you tried and what are you looking to feel? Different formulas have different compounds in them. Tingles/buzzing will be the result of beta-alanine.


      How would you rate this bulk?

      150 lbs. 13.7% bf.
      >6 months later
      165 lbs. 18.1% bf.

      an average of 2.5lbs per month with an estimated gain of 9 lbs of fat and 6 lbs of muscle. Not terrible, not great. You ideally want to end up closer to 1:1 if you can.

      • 9 months ago

        I tried
        GymBeam Enjoy
        C4 (realized it was a meme)
        and now jack3d the regular formula, not the DMAA one with red label, but i dont think it contains DMAA anymore
        But yeah i dont really feel the tingles or hype, sometimes I start without the preworkout so the weird gut empty-ish feeling isnt there.
        Im looking mostly for the reduced fatique i think, my workouts are like 1,5hr and at the hour mark or bit after i kinda feel tired or sloppy

        Would caffeine pills be good?

      • 9 months ago

        >an average of 2.5lbs per month with an estimated gain of 9 lbs of fat and 6 lbs of muscle. Not terrible, not great. You ideally want to end up closer to 1:1 if you can.

        So should I just aim to gain less overall or does this indicate something wrong with my diet and/or programming?

        to you too then. Looks as if I should be aiming to gain no more than 2 lbs a month, right?

        • 9 months ago

          I mean I said "ideally" because there's no real way to perfect a bulk with the exact proportions you want, it's not like you can tell your body "hey turn these calories into muscle but only 30% of them to fat". As long as you aren't upset with your reflection in the mirror, it's a good bulk. You didn't gain a disgusting excess of fat like 20 lbs in 4 months so tbh I think you're fine. 2-4 lbs per month is the typical recommended range for bulks anyhow.

          I tried
          GymBeam Enjoy
          C4 (realized it was a meme)
          and now jack3d the regular formula, not the DMAA one with red label, but i dont think it contains DMAA anymore
          But yeah i dont really feel the tingles or hype, sometimes I start without the preworkout so the weird gut empty-ish feeling isnt there.
          Im looking mostly for the reduced fatique i think, my workouts are like 1,5hr and at the hour mark or bit after i kinda feel tired or sloppy

          Would caffeine pills be good?

          >GymBean enjoy
          You czech? I've been there once.
          Anyways, it sounds like you're crashing halfway into your workout which could mean too much caffeine, poor programming in your routine, or bad sleep schedule. According to the packaging 1 scoop of Jack3d is only 135mg of caffeine which is only a bit more than a cup of coffee so I doubt it's too much caffeine. You might try a blend with a higher amount of caffeine per scoop. (300+).
          I personally like Nitraflex but idk if they sell it in the EU.

          • 9 months ago

            yessir fellow pepik here.
            Hmm ill try doing 1.5-2scoops next time see how it goes. I would want to try gorilla mode from derek but i aint buying that shit all the way from his site or amazon

            • 9 months ago

              I visited Prague back in 2013, had a great time. Miss the street food bad, all those donair stands...
              >gorilla mode
              tbh I'd avoid any of the shilled protein powders as every single one I've bought is over-marketed and underwhelming. Fricking expensive too.

  91. 9 months ago

    Are compound exercises only good for say 5x5 sets? is it fine doing the same exercise with say 3x10 with a lower weight?

    Or are some exercises only good for compound and others only good for hypotrophy?

  92. 9 months ago

    Can i fast if my BMI is 22.2 and currently doing

    See, i cant cut a lot of foods because my GF is
    bulking and we buy shit together, as we poor
    we cant buy shit for me and shit for her, i think
    that fasting like the muslims do may be
    benefical, but idk.

    Also i do Calisthenics three times a week and
    roon the other days resting on sunday.

    What do you guys think

    • 9 months ago

      you can always fast, and BMI is weird because it often doesn't take into account frame. I'm 6'4 and weigh 195 but my frame makes that look more like ottermode than anything skelly because my shoulders aren't super broad. My friend on the other hand looks less in shape than I do at 6'4 210 because his shoulders are broader and he's a naturally more muscular person

      • 9 months ago

        im lean-ish, but have some fat on my abdominal area, i was thinking on dry fasting maybe three days a week and eat healthy the rest of the days, still a little bit anxious as to will it help if i only do it 3 days a week?

  93. 9 months ago

    Any reason not to do full body workouts in cycles?

    I used to do a reg park 5x5, but this winter I did a workout where I'd do:

    >15 pushups
    >15 jump squats
    >7 pull ups
    >Plank with arms at 135 degrees obtuse angle for more intensity
    >Dead hang 1 minute

    Repeat x4

    I feel like this gives me more strength overall compared to your classic do x amount of sets and then move on to next exercise, I just want to add in some more specific arm and calf work, and see how that goes.

    Also I do that above exercise 4 times a week with Wednesday as my rest day

  94. 9 months ago

    what's the best way to keep a clean shaven face? my face is very sensitive and when I use a razor it feels ruggedy when I'm trying to shave that shadow the next day. yes I use a double edge razor.

    • 9 months ago

      Get better shaving foam. Rub the first layer into the skin then apply another thick layer. Go very slowly with minimal pressure. Try warming your face and razor with hot water.

    • 9 months ago

      I just switched to electric man

  95. 9 months ago

    Is Bodbot actually good for routines?

    • 9 months ago

      sounds like overcomplicating something that was already simple. I wouldn't trust AI to make legitimately good routines.

      • 9 months ago

        It's not simple when you have no idea of routines.

        • 9 months ago

          liftvault.com is probably better
          and yeah no shit stuff is hard when you haven't done the first bit of research on it. I still think using AI is overcomplicating something fairly straight-forward.

  96. 9 months ago

    Lately my heavier 1 and 2 rep deadlift sets have been failing halfway up, like right at or above my knees. This is a problem because it still saps a lot of energy and then I have to drop the weight more than I’d like to be able to finish and it takes forever.
    How do I fix this? I just went for 375x1, it rocketed up off the floor and then just stalled at my knees and I bailed when I felt the pressure on my lower back

    • 9 months ago

      grip issue?

      • 9 months ago

        Don’t think so, my grip was holding me back at 350 lbs so I switched to mixed grip and it solved the issue. Some research tells me it’s because I’m letting the bar get out in front of me so I think I need to work on leaning back and concentrate on using more of my legs

  97. 9 months ago

    Fell in love for the first time in 8 years today. Might see her again tomorrow, how do I get her number?

    • 9 months ago

      Not fitness related and you can't claim to be in love if you've never even talked to her properly. You don't even know her yet.

      • 9 months ago

        I did but I didn't get her number. More fitness related than 80% of threads too.

        • 9 months ago

          you're not in love with her. You can't be in love with someone you don't have any kind of normal relationship with. You are in love with your idea of her, not the actual person behind it.

  98. 9 months ago

    I can bench 95lbs 12 reps 1 set, and then 8 for the next 2. Should I wait until I can 3x12 or move onto 105 lbs?

    • 9 months ago

      going over 10 reps for bench is stupid. Even 10 reps I feel is too many for a compound unless you're just trying to show off. Max it off at 8 with 6 as a minimum.


      Can you still make it without vertical presses? I have an injury in my left arm that gets really irritated when I do any barbell, ohp DB ohp, or bb incline bench. The best I'm able to do is db incline bench without causing issues. I can still do bench and pretty much everything else without problems.
      I was thinking about maybe alternating between regular and close grip bench on my upper days, and throwing in extra lateral and rear delt work to compensate

      Unironically see a doctor for your injury. Consider physical therapy.

      • 9 months ago

        I've been wanting to see a doc for it, but I have little money to spare and no insurance at the moment. The injury seems to be cubital tunnel syndrome and I'll likely need surgery.
        In the meantime I'm just looking for some workarounds.

      • 9 months ago

        Thanks fren. How many reps should I try for in squats? Rn I do 10 for 3 sets

        • 9 months ago

          Personally unless you're doing pyramid sets I don't see the point of going above 8, minimum of 6.

  99. 9 months ago

    Can you still make it without vertical presses? I have an injury in my left arm that gets really irritated when I do any barbell, ohp DB ohp, or bb incline bench. The best I'm able to do is db incline bench without causing issues. I can still do bench and pretty much everything else without problems.
    I was thinking about maybe alternating between regular and close grip bench on my upper days, and throwing in extra lateral and rear delt work to compensate

  100. 9 months ago

    Intermediate lifter.
    Over the course of a given month I'll make consistent progress on accessory movements but little or no progress on major lifts.
    Do compound lifts take longer to progress on, or should I evaluate form?
    Pic unrelated. just love port, bros

  101. 9 months ago

    Don't want to roid but I'm curious, do aromatase inhibitors do anything on their own? What would the muscle gain be like compared to other gear?

    • 9 months ago

      ask /fraud/, everyone in here is a dumbass.

  102. 9 months ago

    is a 40lb curling bar the same as 2 20lb dumbbells?

    • 9 months ago

      Technically no, a bar is easier to curl because it's more stable compared to a pair of dumbbells, plus more muscles are able to support your arms in bringing it up. Stabilization plays a big part in difficulty of a lift.

  103. 9 months ago

    How long do you rest between heavy sets like squats? I've had a lot of people say they do 1-2 min at most but I usually feel like im anywhere from like 3-5 min

    • 9 months ago

      if your squats are anywhere near heavy you will need a minimum of 3 minutes rest between sets. Beginners can probably get away with 1-2 minutes but I'd say once you hit around 2pl8 you'll need a bit more than 2 minutes.

    • 9 months ago

      I always give it 3-5 minutes on squats if I'm using real weight.

  104. 9 months ago

    forward lean on the rise of barbell squats. what do I do to fix it besides drop the weight?

  105. 9 months ago

    If I want muscle gains with push up variations how many sets of each to do?
    I do regular,.diamond, decline, wide grip and pikes to hit different areas. What should weekly volume be for EACH

  106. 9 months ago

    How tf do people enjoy lifting. I usually stick to /roon/ I can run for 2 hours and not feel bad within 30 minutes of being done, but I just hit weights for the first time in 2 weeks (since the last time i gave up for the 100th time) and I feel so weak and crappy.

    > When do start enjoying this shit?

    • 9 months ago

      I could say the same about running anon. I literally feel terrible every time I run, even if it's just for 20 minutes. You don't have to like it, but you need to be able to tolerate it. If you can't do that, then maybe lifting isn't for you.

    • 9 months ago

      I could say the same about running anon. I literally feel terrible every time I run, even if it's just for 20 minutes. You don't have to like it, but you need to be able to tolerate it. If you can't do that, then maybe lifting isn't for you.

      one of you is lifting too much or too heavy and the other is running too fast or for too long
      you have to ease into physical exercises if you haven't done them before, or don't regularly do them
      it's perfectly okay to do little until you get used to it
      I used to swim a lot and loved it in every way, now I very rarely go swimming and it always feels (physically) awful afterwards

  107. 9 months ago

    6'+ anons what the frick is the key to gaining weight? It takes everything I have just to eat 3 meals a day. What tf are you guys drinking and how many cals do you aim for a day

    • 9 months ago

      You just need to count calories consistently. Find your sedentary tdee and add 500 calories plus 100 calories per hour of lifting

  108. 9 months ago

    Never lifted a barbell before, first gym day is tomorrow. Scrawny upper body, somewhat thicc calves/quads. Last time I tried working out was with 25lb dumbbells and I struggled with those - could do rows, curls (small reps), presses, and skull crushers, but struggled hard with OHP.

    What do you guys reckon I should start with in terms of weight? For better or for worse I'm jumping straight into PPL and need to do some estimations. I'm thinking barbell + 15lbs on each side. Is that reasonable?

    • 9 months ago

      maybe i'll try this after some more research:

      >bench press, squat, overhead press
      55 lbs/25 kg

      95 lbs/43 kg

      >barbell row
      65 lbs / 29k kg

    • 9 months ago

      I read that you should do 3-5 sets of what you can do 8-10 reps with. That’s what I do. The one thing I can think is that I don’t rest long enough between sets. But if you wait 2 minutes between every set it’s so time consuming. Do you alternate through the exercises or do you do them all at once them move to the next one? Is there a scientifically better method per se? I don’t feel like the actual lifting is overly difficult in the moment, but after I’m gassed

      I could say the same about running anon. I literally feel terrible every time I run, even if it's just for 20 minutes. You don't have to like it, but you need to be able to tolerate it. If you can't do that, then maybe lifting isn't for you.

      I didnt love running just tolerated it, but I never got overly fatigued from it. I just kept doing it and eventually enjoyed it after many months of forcing myself to do it. I have lifted for a few months before and never felt I was any closer to actually liking it or looking forward to doing it like running. Maybe I will rethink how I am doing things or find like an actual program instead of winging it.

      Also the other guy is right. You gotta run slow and maybe mix in some walking starting out

  109. 9 months ago

    Am I crazy for feeling that I look like I’ve lost weight on my face after only dropping ~3kg (from 88 to 85). I swear it looks different

    • 9 months ago

      Fat gets stored around the jaws as well, that's usually referred as the double chin popping in. Losing some fat means you're going to show off some of your defined features that were hiding underneath it.

  110. 9 months ago

    Is buying canned chicken/tuna the best "cheapest" option for protein daily? It caps up to 35 bucks for 100-120 grams of protein in a day. Ground meat isn't as cheap as me doing that instead. Barring mercury poisoning shit which means I'd mostly just be sticking to the canned chicken stored in water. Total sodium is still under the daily value as well when all five are put together.

  111. 9 months ago

    For the past week I've been waking up an hour before my alarm, no matter when I fall asleep in the first place, barely getting over 6 hours of sleep on average
    I've tried sleeping with both the window opened and closed, thinking it was a noise issue, but it's made no difference
    It's crushing my recovery, and it's not as if I feel well rested when waking up
    Anyone got a clue on what to do?

  112. 9 months ago

    Am I just delusional or does my body not change? I went from 85kg from January to 91kg now. I'm 180cm. My bench went from 70x5 reps to 82.5x4 reps, ohp from 40x2 to 47.5x6. Granted, my training is shit. Still from pictures I have and mirror my body looks exactly same.

  113. 9 months ago

    How does protein uptake/amino acid metabolism work exactly?
    My current understanding is that when I eat a meal containing protein, it raises my blood serum concentration of amino acids.
    Then over time it comes back down as they are incorporated into various tissues, most relevantly here into muscles or fat.
    What determines how much is used for building muscle? I understand the amount of torn muscle fibers and hormones play an important role.
    Does the concentration of the amino acids also matter? Does my body only convert significant portions of it into glucose/fat if more than a certain amount is present at one time?
    Is that where the principle that "more than x of protein per meal is pointless" comes from?

  114. 9 months ago

    does proper abdominal bracing give you roidgut?

  115. 9 months ago

    >be me
    >have ulnar nerve/elbow issues
    >can't ohp properly for about a year because of it
    >tonight, brain blast
    >take out the rods in my elbow brace, tighten it like a sleeve
    >attempt ohp, feels 100% fine at any grip width/wrist position
    You have no idea how excited I am. Exactly how moronic am I for not even considering elbow sleeves after a year of elbow pain?

  116. 9 months ago

    I don't feel my chest on bench, how to fix

  117. 9 months ago

    Hey guys, been trying to improve my pull ups, I can now get 10 in a row but I only ever feel it in my arms and occassionally my upper back. I've tried a bunch of things like thumbless grips and gloves to avoid gripping the bar so hard, as well as pulling with my shoulders and focusing on squeezing my back, but I can never seem to activate my lats. Any advice anons?

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe try doing scapular pullups to get to know how to activate your back better.

  118. 9 months ago

    I'm starting to get a big ass from squatting twice a week. Should I embrace it or actually tone down.

    I lift for women btw.

    • 9 months ago

      Embrace it. In the same way you have to gain fat to gain muscle, you will be mired by both more chicks and more gay men as you get bigger.

  119. 9 months ago

    Seated bicep curls.

  120. 9 months ago

    What is the short and long term difference between doing 5x5 as heavy as you can, and 5x10 with lower weights (~20kg lower)?

    • 9 months ago

      studies show heavy weights with lower reps and vice versa build muscle at similar rates, long term difference would probably be small enough to not matter.

      Given diligent training/diet/rest and no injuries, how long is a realistic amount of time for a person to expect to hit a 2.5x bodyweight squat?

      Too many variables in that question to give an even remotely accurate answer.


      How do people progress in such manner that their body weight is smaller than their working set weight and not lifting more weight by simply adding more mass to their bodies? I'm asking because I've never managed to lift x times body weight in my life, yes im a weak c**t but ontop of that i've only managed to progress in the number of weights i lift by just gaining more fat/mass or how ever u want to call it, on the other hand are considered strong when they're able to lift above their weight which never happened to me besides maybe bench press and that was just 10kg more than me.
      >a man who weighs 75kg lifts 120kg for x amount of reps

      then there's me

      >weigh in about 70kg, able to press 60kg, only able to progress to 65 kg in the bench if i'll weight 75kg

      They build muscle. Muscle is denser than fat. That's literally it.

      how the frick are you guys hitting 1g/lb protein, i'm eating 3 meals + shake and i'm barely hitting 100g, are you guys just downing multiple shakes

      You don't hit 1g/lb because that's overkill for an overwhelming majority of lifters, especially if you're natty. You only need 0.82g/lb of lean body mass.


      I eat a can of salmon (~16 oz) every week. Is that enough Omega-3 fish oil? Is Omega-3 even important or just a meme?

      I don't have a study to prove it but I see it as a meme from supplement companies to get you to buy fish oil pills. Billions of people get by fine without it.

      I can't exercise right now. How do I improve heart health? I'm obese and drinking energy drinks every day.

      Stop drinking energy drinks. Those things are fricking terrible for you.

  121. 9 months ago

    Given diligent training/diet/rest and no injuries, how long is a realistic amount of time for a person to expect to hit a 2.5x bodyweight squat?

  122. 9 months ago

    best traps exercises with dumbbells?
    i don't have a bench btw

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


      just do your meme shrugs like everyone else in the gym. Surely they'll grow this time, right??

      • 9 months ago

        okay i'm gonna trust you

  123. 9 months ago

    210 homosexual losing weight, I've been doing chinups at the park but now I want to do a pull up at home. You guys got any insight on how strong a door can take a bar?

    • 9 months ago

      Unless you mean 210kgs then youre good brah

  124. 9 months ago

    Is there something going on with the image hosting right now? I can barely expand any image, and if I open them in a new tab it either takes 5 minutes to load, if it even loads. Everything else is fine.

  125. 9 months ago

    How do people progress in such manner that their body weight is smaller than their working set weight and not lifting more weight by simply adding more mass to their bodies? I'm asking because I've never managed to lift x times body weight in my life, yes im a weak c**t but ontop of that i've only managed to progress in the number of weights i lift by just gaining more fat/mass or how ever u want to call it, on the other hand are considered strong when they're able to lift above their weight which never happened to me besides maybe bench press and that was just 10kg more than me.
    >a man who weighs 75kg lifts 120kg for x amount of reps

    then there's me

    >weigh in about 70kg, able to press 60kg, only able to progress to 65 kg in the bench if i'll weight 75kg

  126. 9 months ago

    how the frick are you guys hitting 1g/lb protein, i'm eating 3 meals + shake and i'm barely hitting 100g, are you guys just downing multiple shakes

    • 9 months ago

      Are you cutting or bulking? And how much do you weigh?
      On a bulk, I've always been able to hit 150g or so easily from just food, then whey can add an extra 25-50g. If you can't manage that your diet is not right. Quark, milk, jerky, chicken breast and whitefish are your friends.
      On a cut it's a lot harder and some days you might end up needing 3-4 scoops.
      Btw you don't really need 1g/lb, it's just easy to calculate. Imagine two people who weigh 200 lbs but one is 10% bf and one is 30%. Why would they need the same protein when one of them has 40 lbs more lean body mass (LBM)? Idk what the right ratio is but aiming for 1g/lbs LBM would be more than sufficient and a lot easier to reach consistently.

      • 9 months ago

        6'3 150lb skeleton just getting into lifting

        • 9 months ago

          It definitely shouldn't be hard to get 150g, especially with whey.

    • 9 months ago

      a gmo fricked chicken breast is like 60g protein. two glasses (big glasses so adds to 6 cups) of milk is ~50g on top of that. an oats/yogurt breakfast and moderate lunch would get me the rest of the way, and then protein powder if I'm still short.

    • 9 months ago

      50g peanut butter - 15g
      150g greek yoghurt - 15g
      3 eggs - 20g
      100g Tuna/Chicken breast/Beef/Steak - 30g
      200g Chicken breast - 60g
      Protein Shake - 30g
      330ml milk/kefir - 10g
      Nuts and Seeds - 10g

      This is roughly 180g protein and most of this stuff doesn't even need much preparation. Can throw in an extra protein shake if lazy. I usually only have one after gym when I want the extra absorption speed from whey isolate at the peak of the muscle synthesis spike.

      Just the chicken breast you have to cook every few days to keep it in stock. Try to keep it to 50g protein max per meal and space it throughout the day though.

      • 9 months ago

        How many calories is that, approximately?

  127. 9 months ago

    I eat a can of salmon (~16 oz) every week. Is that enough Omega-3 fish oil? Is Omega-3 even important or just a meme?

  128. 9 months ago

    I can't exercise right now. How do I improve heart health? I'm obese and drinking energy drinks every day.

  129. 9 months ago

    where to buy finasteride pills as a yuro? or somewhere on amazon?

  130. 9 months ago

    How long/how many "sets" of dead hangs am I supposed to do at the end of a workout? Right now I'm doing 3x40 seconds on my upper body day. Should I be doing these every day as well?

  131. 9 months ago

    Hey can I get a form rate? I've recently switched to high bar squat for more quad activation after doing nothing but low bar forever. I had a 300lb low bar before the switch, but high bar feels so odd and I'm still getting acclimated. Having these long ass legs is making it hard not to good morning it up. I thought about taking a wider stance but intuition tells me that would move stimulus away from the quads.

    • 9 months ago

      Knees aren't going forward enough. If your doing highbar you need to break at the knees first and keep your torso as upright as possible.

      • 9 months ago

        >keep your torso as upright as possible.
        why do dyels always say shit like this?

        • 9 months ago

          Cause it’s true. High bar and front squats require an upright torso, low bar has a forward leaned torso. The bar should sit over the middle of your foot and when you start reaching big boy numbers that forward lean in a high bar squat will cause you to lose balance

          • 9 months ago

            except for the fact that his back is already upright and his angle is consistent throughout the whole movement. absolute dyel advice

            • 9 months ago

              You can see him breaking at the hips first and loading the posterior chain rather than the quads.

            • 9 months ago

              You can see in the second squat him beginning to lose his balance mid rep and having a forward shift, due to excessive torso lean. When you atg with high bar and front squats you have to open your hips up more in order to maintain good bar trajectory

              • 9 months ago

                You can see him breaking at the hips first and loading the posterior chain rather than the quads.

                Hey I read your posts and tried to keep
                >"knee forward"
                >"hip open"
                In my head as I did these. Lowered the weight for pure form focus. Any better here?

              • 9 months ago

                NTA but the one thing you need to be VERY careful about, is not force-arching your lower back to keep your torso upright. You're gonna hurt yourself that way

              • 9 months ago

                Kinda this

                Hey I read your posts and tried to keep
                >"knee forward"
                >"hip open"
                In my head as I did these. Lowered the weight for pure form focus. Any better here?

                Your are hyper extending your lower back, also keep in your set of cues that you need to keep your core tight, tight as frick like you are clenching your guts and abs like you’re about to get punched all the way from the top of the rep to the bottom and back again, straight lower back, core so tight that 5 reps with only the bar will still make you tired because of how tight you were

                Otherwise… good mobility

              • 9 months ago

                NTA but the one thing you need to be VERY careful about, is not force-arching your lower back to keep your torso upright. You're gonna hurt yourself that way

                Thanks again for the help, I wouldn't have thought of that. But now that you mention it, there is a trend of lower back pains probably related to that. I think I was doing that to prevent butt wink. I'll start doing doing extra form work on my squat days to get that sorted out

              • 9 months ago

                I would worry less about a tiny bit of buttwink at the bottom that I would about hyperextending and rotating the hips forward at the bottom of the squat, the purpose of the tight core is to keep your lumbar spine safe and keep your pelvis under you, hope this helps

          • 9 months ago

            Well, not totally upright. There's SOME back angle but way less horizontal than low bar

          • 9 months ago

            Stop having a weak core

      • 9 months ago

        Shit you're right. I think I still have the low bar "throw the ass back" que stuck in my head causing too much torso lean. I reckon I'll drop some weight and work on that

  132. 9 months ago

    can someone rate this routine
    3x a week

    Monday (OHP, squats, seated dumbell curls,neck curls, calf raises, seated tricep french press)

    Wednesday (bench,deadlift, T bar rows, skullcrushers,pullups, dumbell chest flys, calf raises)

    Friday (bulgarian squats, neck curls, chin ups, seated db curls, ez bar curls, calf raises)

    my lower legs and calves are really shit so thats why i do weighted calf raises at each session

    • 9 months ago

      Why so many curls? 3 sets for biceps but only 2 for triceps? Get rid of one of the curls on Friday and change it to a triceps exercise.
      You also need more for your upper back. Add facepulls or external rotation press.
      Make sure you do the calf raises slowly with a 2 second pause at the bottom stretch - absolutely no bouncing

      • 9 months ago

        stick arms,
        >facepulls or external rotation press.
        doesnt look like i can do these at home gym, dont have rope
        i do the calf raises on elevated surface so the heel is "under the toe" at the bottom for the full stretch

  133. 9 months ago

    Should I just give up on lifting if I've been doing it for five years and still don't look like I lift? I don't really like doing it and I don't see the point anymore.

    • 9 months ago

      >inb4 post body so we can see if you actually look like you don't lift
      No. Just take my word for it. I'm still basically skinnyfat except for my chest I guess.

    • 9 months ago

      >inb4 post body so we can see if you actually look like you don't lift
      No. Just take my word for it. I'm still basically skinnyfat except for my chest I guess.

      just lift more weight

      • 9 months ago

        I'm not really progressing anymore though.

        • 9 months ago

          just do more reps

        • 9 months ago

          Eat more, sleep more, lift more or pin

    • 9 months ago

      You never asked for help despite not seeing progress? What the frick is your routine and have you ever bulked or cut?

      • 9 months ago

        I've asked for help but people always just go "hmm yeah weird, you're eating/training/sleeping enough, you're using proper form, your routine is good, etc." I don't know why I even bother anymore.

        • 9 months ago

          I don't believe you. Post routine and current lifts plus goals. Otherwise stop posting for pity.

  134. 9 months ago

    Best tech setup for listening to listening to audiobooks/podcasts while running?
    If I have to run by a road sometimes I miss a sentance and have to stop and rewind.
    I need to distract myself from introspection.
    Is it worth trying over-ear ANC instead of in-ear ANC?

  135. 9 months ago

    Theoretically, if I was gay, what exercises should I do for a bigger ass? Just squats?

    • 9 months ago

      Abductors, hip thrusts, split squats/one-legged press, RDLs and prone leg curls; basically anything hitting your glutes and hamstrings.

      Best tech setup for listening to listening to audiobooks/podcasts while running?
      If I have to run by a road sometimes I miss a sentance and have to stop and rewind.
      I need to distract myself from introspection.
      Is it worth trying over-ear ANC instead of in-ear ANC?

      over-ear is probably not the best choice for running, the movement knocks the cups off your ears. Some ANC is better than others, and foam tips can further help block out noise.

      The way I like my podcasts while I run is I grab my earbuds, sync them to my smartwatch, and listen to them via watch. You can rewind 15 seconds in chunks if you miss something.

      • 9 months ago

        >basically anything hitting your glutes and hamstrings.

  136. 9 months ago

    Going on a date then hopefully frick. We'll be on our feet for atleast several hours. How hygienic are women down there after an afternoon?

    • 9 months ago

      Source on the movie?

      • 9 months ago

        Its my first fight. My unibrow cousin filmed it.

  137. 9 months ago

    Eating 2000 calories and burning 500 calories through exercise or just walking/cardio is better than eating 1500 calories and no exercise right? assuming you 100% hit that burned daily 500 calories goal.

    • 9 months ago

      You're not gonna burn 500 calories through exercise. Unless you're an avid runner it's not gonna happen.

      • 9 months ago

        Running for an hour easily burns 500cal.

        • 9 months ago

          Oh yeah, you're going to run for an hour every day. Sure. That's a moronic amount of effort for something you could literally do by just not eating the calories to begin with. If you want to offset it, do a reasonable amount, like 2 miles ran and a 300 calorie deficit. 500 is stupid work for mediocre results, even if you did manage to do it every day.

          • 9 months ago

            NTA, but I biked for an hour every other day, burning around 300-400 calories every time. It's not really hard work or feels like a waste of time since I like biking

            • 9 months ago

              Biking is significantly easier than running, so that's not really a good comparison.

  138. 9 months ago

    natural hypertrophy is constantly talking about evolving rep ranges. isnt what hes talking about dynamic double progression? like 3x8-12 and you get 12,11,10 so you go up in weight because you hit 12 on the first set. thats dynamic double progression right?

  139. 9 months ago

    some1 explain these results

  140. 9 months ago

    Recommendations for a full body workout routine? Something I can do on refeed days during long term fasting.

  141. 9 months ago

    I'm not sure if other people seem to have the problem, maybe it's cause I obtained it from a friend. So I had a friend who gave me a bunch of polyester workout sleeveless shirts. I've used them a couple of times, and wash them after use. But it has a sweat and stink odor that comes from them, even though it's been washed. Is it a matter of not using enough detergent? My cotton clothes are fine.

  142. 9 months ago

    When is the best time to eat oatmeal? When stomach is empty? When I'm really hungry but I feel like I don't want to eat? When I feel like pooping but also not so oat can flush out my gut?

    • 9 months ago

      It does not matter at all.

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