Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

fitness questions only
>no relationship/mental health shit
>no medical advice
>no steroid/sarms questions

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  1. 9 months ago

    What swimming technique is best for lats?

    • 9 months ago

      what is the best way to add weight to a machine after you max out on it?

      has to be butterfly right

    • 9 months ago

      I always feel it after breaststroke

  2. 9 months ago

    I maxed out the "abdominal crunch" machine at my gym (200 lbs)
    I can do a 7x5, then still have enough remainder for random sets after to failure, and incorporate drop sets to failure.
    Yet i still have no visible abs.
    Wat do?
    >inb4 cut
    At my current weight you think id see SOMETHING

    • 9 months ago

      crunch machines allow you to cheat form super easy, imo they're useless garbage. You want stuff that actually forces you to engage abs without cheating, like leg raises, dragonflies, decline sit ups, etc.

      also 5 is way too low for reps for abs, you should be going for AMRAP for these kinds of exercises.

    • 9 months ago

      >Yet i still have no visible abs.
      Abs are visible *only* with low BF%. somethingsomething "built in gym revealed in kitchen".
      >At my current weight you think id see SOMETHING
      lol. No.

    • 9 months ago

      Hanging leg raises with strict form will do the trick. They’re difficult at first but can’t be mastered relatively quickly.
      Also post body or tell us what your bf is.

      • 9 months ago

        I know I need to cut
        Right now I'm stll trying to gain size in chest and arms and overall strength tho. Should I still cut? Am I skinnyfat or fatasfatass?

        • 9 months ago

          1. Don't get anywhere close to showing your weiner online.
          2. You are not skinny, so you can't be skinnyfat.
          3. It is your choice. ou're probably like 22-24% bodyfat right now. I would cut, and once you are bulking again, after reaching roughly 15% bodyfat (no abs, but solid enough definition and lines), work more on the pecs and delts, because they are lagging.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, cut down to about 15% body fat. It should take about 12 weeks if tracking macros carefully. Don’t go for longer than this because it gets harder. Lean bulk from that point. Muscle is easier to gain once youre 12-18% body fat

  3. 9 months ago

    Are there any exercises/stretches that can "fix" rib flare?

    • 9 months ago

      Building muscle over the area would probably help it be less noticeable.

      how high is the possibility of snapping my shit up if I learn to power clean using videos and the starting strength chapter on them?

      Start light, and you won't snap your shit. Any type of olympic lift has a risk to it, just be wise and don't ego lift.

      How long/how many "sets" of dead hangs am I supposed to do at the end of a workout? Right now I'm doing 3x40 seconds on my upper body day. Should I be doing these every day as well?

      I think 3 sets of as long as possible sounds fine. I don't see the need to do it more than twice a week.

      I will reliably vomit after going hard on core, how do I avoid this?

      Stop eating before a workout.

      >lunch is two beef patties (around 150-200 grams), some cottage cheese, gherkin and diced tomato
      >feel tired afterward
      >feel odd, sort of empty but not really feeling in my stomach (gas?)
      What do I do. This doesn't happen after I eat breakfast in the morning. I do also have to sit a computer all day due to work but this still only happens right after lunch. Also I go to bed at 11 (probably don't fall asleep until later, also not my choice) and wake up at eight. Am I doing something wrong with my lunch or is my sleep fricked? I feel fine in the morning.

      Maybe you need some carbs? It sounds like your lunch has very few.

      • 9 months ago

        >Maybe you need some carbs? It sounds like your lunch has very few.
        I used to have like 2 slices of sourdough with it but I've been trying to cut. That's only been in the past week or so. Maybe some kind of complex carb or even rice would be better.

        • 9 months ago

          You don't have to eliminate carbs on a cut, carbs are very useful and helpful despite what ketoschizos will claim. A slice of bread or even some fruit could go a long way.

          • 9 months ago

            That's true. I wasn't trying to go keto I was just trying to eat less bread. I'll try some other carb source tomorrow.

      • 9 months ago

        gotta say I love people like you that just come in and answer chit with no bs.

        • 9 months ago

          back when IST was a much better board these QTD threads saved me multiple times. I'm just paying it forward.

  4. 9 months ago

    how high is the possibility of snapping my shit up if I learn to power clean using videos and the starting strength chapter on them?

  5. 9 months ago

    How long/how many "sets" of dead hangs am I supposed to do at the end of a workout? Right now I'm doing 3x40 seconds on my upper body day. Should I be doing these every day as well?

  6. 9 months ago

    I will reliably vomit after going hard on core, how do I avoid this?

    • 9 months ago

      By not going hard on core? Are you eating a large meal right before working out/not drinking enough water?

    • 9 months ago

      Protein after workout instead of before. Maybe a light snack like a banana before workout if you really need and even then give at least a half hour. Ive heard theres not much difference between protein before/after workout. Just as long as you get enough

  7. 9 months ago

    >lunch is two beef patties (around 150-200 grams), some cottage cheese, gherkin and diced tomato
    >feel tired afterward
    >feel odd, sort of empty but not really feeling in my stomach (gas?)
    What do I do. This doesn't happen after I eat breakfast in the morning. I do also have to sit a computer all day due to work but this still only happens right after lunch. Also I go to bed at 11 (probably don't fall asleep until later, also not my choice) and wake up at eight. Am I doing something wrong with my lunch or is my sleep fricked? I feel fine in the morning.

    • 9 months ago

      Getting a dip in energy in the afternoon (after lunch) is very normal. Your sleep sounds fine, so I wouldn't change that.

      It's probably best to do some light physical activity after lunch and/or drink some coffee if it's necessary (but make sure that's at least 8-10 hours before you go to bed, at the latest).

  8. 9 months ago

    I have a hernia in my mid-upper back
    Is it over? Is this permanent? will I ever lift again?

    • 9 months ago

      hernia? Or herniated disc? If disc: see a physiatrist, they'll schedule an MRI to confirm it. They'll require this for any further treatment. If it's minor, physical therapy might fix it. If not you'll need the injection (first 2 weeks will be SHIT, then it will get progressively better)

      t. someone who had a herniated disc

      • 9 months ago

        Herniated disk. I'm just assuming. I have pain from my elbow through my delt, up to my shoulder blade and neck. I was a dumbass and threw a 100lbs item at work while rotating my spine.

        How much would you say you have healed? Do you work out at full capacity again? Do you constantly have to pay attention to it?
        I read that a herniated disk "never goes away"

        • 9 months ago

          >I have pain from my elbow through my delt, up to my shoulder blade and neck.
          Ah, hm. Mine was lower back, so the pain went through the hip/glute, down to the heel. Same idea/path of pain, though. Def get that MRI done. They might push an x-ray on you first as a "let's just check" sorta thing.
          >How much would you say you have healed?
          Nearly completely, it's been almost 4 years since I got the injection. If I let my posture go to shit and sit poorly for several hours I'll get that weird discomfort creeping back. I don't squat/deadlift heavy anymore though, as a just in case
          >Do you constantly have to pay attention to it?
          I have absolutely gotten much more strict with my back posture, both in the gym and in everyday life
          >I read that a herniated disk "never goes away"
          Pretty much. It'll probably never be 100% healed, but you'll definitely get to the "good enough" stage if you get proper treatment and take the healing process/life afterwards seriously.

    • 9 months ago

      hernia? Or herniated disc? If disc: see a physiatrist, they'll schedule an MRI to confirm it. They'll require this for any further treatment. If it's minor, physical therapy might fix it. If not you'll need the injection (first 2 weeks will be SHIT, then it will get progressively better)

      t. someone who had a herniated disc

      Herniated disk. I'm just assuming. I have pain from my elbow through my delt, up to my shoulder blade and neck. I was a dumbass and threw a 100lbs item at work while rotating my spine.

      How much would you say you have healed? Do you work out at full capacity again? Do you constantly have to pay attention to it?
      I read that a herniated disk "never goes away"

      Herniated disk guy here, again.
      Today I did some mild walking and mild stretching/mobility for my shoulders and delts.
      One hour later my hands tingle and I feel like I have a fever.

      My doctor said it was likely a strained/torn trapezoid, but she isn't aware of the tingling.

      What do?

      • 9 months ago

        Hello again, other herniated disc dude also here. Ask your doc why she didn't do any scans? Ask your doc why you didn't get referred to a physiatrist? Get your MRI, you need to know wtf is going on

  9. 9 months ago

    Can anyone here recommend me a grip stregth program? I wanna start working out my grip, but I don't know where should I start.

    • 9 months ago

      You don't need a program for every single thing, just incorporate a handful of grip exercises into your routine. Farmers walks, dead hangs (any hanging exercise really), and shrugs are all great ways to improve grip.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm a beginner, and having used a normal gripper and pic related has greatly helped with the health of my fingers. The joints and tendons are withstanding a lot more punishment.

      Look into pro/supination exercises too, thumb and pinky finger exercises(they have muscles in the hands).
      Barbell fingercurls is basically the gripper but added load on the wrist.

      Once your fingers are strong, you can do like the other anon said. Fricking up your fingers is game over.

  10. 9 months ago

    How many supplements is too many? My current stack is a Vit D+C+Zinc multivit, b12, turmeric, quercetin, milk thistle and 2 drops of iodine. I have NAC in the mail that I'm adding. I'm starting to think this is quite a lot but at the same time I'm eyeing up more.

    • 9 months ago

      >vitamin C, D
      If you aren't deficient in any of those, you're wasting your time and money. Taking extra vitamins literally doesn't do anything to help you. All you need is enough in your blood to not be deficient. Take a blood test without taking these supplements for a few weeks, see if anything's deficient. If it is, take those supplements only.

      >milk Thistle
      memeshit that is completely homeopathic nothing.

      • 9 months ago

        Turmeric is for anti inflammatory purposes cos of my lower back pain (can assure you this one works). Quercetin is for zinc to enter cells to prevent viral replication (more precautionary cos I don't want to get sick with a israelite flu). I see your points though. Maybe I do or don't need them, I'm just curious if there's a negative effect to taking so many rather than a negligible effect.

        • 9 months ago

          >I'm just curious if there's a negative effect to taking so many
          Look at what this vampire takes. I think Turmeric is pretty beneficial on its own as a supplement.

          >My current stack is a Vit D+C+Zinc multivit, b12, turmeric, quercetin, milk thistle and 2 drops of iodine.
          >I have NAC in the mail that I'm adding.

          What's the iodine for? If you eat alot of meat b12 also seems kind of unneccecary, but if you do take it, take it by using a b-complex (b6 specificially) to compensate for moods when you use NAC. I used NAC as a medicine rather than a supplement though. Apperently it works wonders against corona (if you believe it exists as portrayed)

          Multivit might be better to use moringa powder instead. Look into it. Can use with your shake, practically is a multivit on its own. Though most see it as food.

          • 9 months ago

            Doesn't that freak transfuse his own sons blood kek. Iodine I've been taking for years so I kinda just take it without thinking now, think I originally starting taking it after seeing how many people are deficient in it and all the negative effects that come from having iodine deficiency. I'm looking to take NAC in a similar manner, for medicinal/health benefits rather than performance. I'll look into moringa never heard of it before.

  11. 9 months ago

    i have problems with my left wrist, a lot of pain, i never had problems with my wrists before. What can i do?

    • 9 months ago

      just a shot in the dark here but I also have had a lot of issues with my wrist over the years. I thought it was genetic or whatever but I just have some bad sleeping habits that stacked up along with lifestyle shit. I'm a stomach-sleeper and I would regularly sleep like pic related with my hands and forearms under my pillow for support. Long-term this was compressing my wrists for hours at a time which was causing nerve compression which is where all the pain came from. It was a really hard habit to kick since I find that position really comfortable but the minute I stopped that the wrist pain faded away.

      • 9 months ago

        this is actually a great reply, i sleep like that, how do you sleep now?

        • 9 months ago

          I try to sleep on my back or side and just force it. If I have trouble getting comfortable I just stick a pillow between my legs for support. Not the best way to do it probably but it works for me.

          • 9 months ago

            i'll try the side thing, i have tried for ages sleeping on my back, never could do it. Thanks for help, hopefully it helps

  12. 9 months ago

    How many hours before a workout should I eat so that I can ensure I have absorbed enough energy from the meal and not feel full during the workout? I usually eat OMAD but I am willing to be flexible around my lifts.

  13. 9 months ago

    Can I get some help picking a program/progression scheme? I did 5/3/1 for a while and it was alright, but I want to get bigger, put on mass as quickly as possible. I'm going to start a bulk soon, there's so many options and I feel lost. It's like one minute I knew what I was doing and now I'm hopelessly confused, lacking confidence. I'm almost considering just trying a 5x5 LP program to see if I can still add 5lb weekly and slapping on more accessories and arm work. I've never actually done a planned, thought out bulk in my life, primarily cutting for the majority of my lifting, which I now know was a waste of time.

    Stats for reference:
    162lb 5,11"
    Best bench: 215lbx1
    Ohp: 135lbx3
    Deadlift: 345lbx1
    LB squat: 300lb

    • 9 months ago

      Curious how you think 5x5 will be better than 531

      • 9 months ago

        Well it occurs to me now that most of my strength gains were made on a cut, which would explain why an LP like 3-5x5 would stop being as effective sooner than later. I switched to 531 because the LP stopped, but that was at a deficit. The thought process is that maybe there's still some linear progression to be made when I begin my bulk since I'll be giving my body more fuel to work with.

        • 9 months ago

          but you can LP on 531, that's the purpose of the program?

          • 9 months ago

            I think I might be moronic and Im definitely overthinking this. For clarification I suppose what I mean is that 3 or 5x5, the idea is to jump weight week to week on the same rep scheme which hypothetically should lead to more volume and growth until the weekly gains stop. 5/3/1 uses undulating periodizaton with a focus on hitting rep maxes on the last set, but when comparing the two formats overall it would seem like 5/3/1 has less volume for the main compounds.

            I guess I was asking if it would be a good idea to see if I should try 5x5 again to see if there's any LP left for me on the bulk since my posted lifts are kind of weak, and a weekly jump in weight with the same 5x5 scheme would accumulate volume faster than if I stuck with 531

            • 9 months ago

              I think most of those programs have protocols for when you reach failure. I think you are supposed to de-load for a week and drop the weight by a certain % and start your weekly progression again. This will give your body a break and you can build back to break through the previous plateau. I think you should fail and restart a few times before you give up on 5x5 but thats just my opinion.

              You will definitely plataeu much sooner on a deficit than surplus. Totally depends on your goals. If your goal is more strength oriented than aesthetic I would at least stay in a calorie maintenance while you are working on linear progression.


              Can neck size increase with regular workouts that don't involve it?
              I've started gaining weight while my waist size remained the same, my neck increased about 1 cm.
              So unless I have shitty genetic fat distribution, or what?

              Yea you definitely flex your neck on certain compounds and depending on the genetics and lifting routine will impact how much your neck grows. My neck didnt grow for shit til I started grappling and hitting it directly.

              • 9 months ago

                I think I agree, I'm gonna just stick with 531 for the main lifts on bulk. In terms of goals I'm definitely after aesthetics with general strength, but I know they go hand in hand, so that's the hardest part about choosing the program for me at the moment and where I get the most confused. Strength is so simple, just do the compounds, 1-5 reps. I imagine the simplest way to emphasize aesthetics would be to add more dumbbell/cable accessories for the vanity muscles on top of 531

  14. 9 months ago

    Can anyone remember the name of this program? There used to be a routine people would do for supercharging one lift over a series of weeks, most often i think squats or bench. Most of your other lifts would be neglected, you really couldn’t do much more than the one lift you were focused on.

    It was like a crazy amount of volume that got heavier on some kind of periodization week to week IIR. Maybe it was like 5x5 then 6x4 then 8x3 or something but I’m not sure about that. It felt like some kind of old school Soviet shit. Not the Bulgarian method. Can remember the name of it.

  15. 9 months ago

    It's been 2 weeks and i still cannot bench more than 10 kg is this normal?
    Do i have to put more on purpose even though i can't do more than 10 reps with a bigger load.

    • 9 months ago

      9 year old girls aren't allowed to post on this site.

      • 9 months ago

        So it's over?

        • 9 months ago

          I'll assume you're a skinny guy with no physical activity other than bare minimum body movement to get from point A to B, probably spending a lot of time at a computer.

          If you can't do 10 reps of 10kg you need to do the very basics and build up not only your muscles, but joints and tendons.
          Benching as a beginner is dangerous.

          Bands and barbells, stretching is a good start.

    • 9 months ago

      oh wait it's not 10 kg it's 20 kg.

      I'll assume you're a skinny guy with no physical activity other than bare minimum body movement to get from point A to B, probably spending a lot of time at a computer.

      If you can't do 10 reps of 10kg you need to do the very basics and build up not only your muscles, but joints and tendons.
      Benching as a beginner is dangerous.

      Bands and barbells, stretching is a good start.

      >If you can't do 10 reps of 10kg
      i can do them but i tried 30kg today and i coudln't do more than 8 reps with a shitty form near the end.
      Is Benching really that dangerous?
      Thank you for your answer.

      • 9 months ago

        Ah, then that's better. Just keep going. Failure around the 10rep range is a sign of a good weight.

        It's dangerous for beginners since if you don't have the musculature in the rest of the body, chest especially, failing to safely get the weight on the floor can lead to injury. Like being unable to hold it, putting it down on your chest, rolling off onto your throat or stomach.
        Or getting a muscle tear etc, with an instant loss of control and weight dropping.

        • 9 months ago

          Ok i'll keep trying to bench 30kg then.
          Luckily my bench has those safety catches so i don't have to worry about it too much, but i'll stop if i feel something weird in my arm.
          Thanks man.

  16. 9 months ago

    how do I HIIT

  17. 9 months ago

    Alright bros I asked my question like a moron on another thread so here I am.
    So the question I have is, I always feel like my right biceps and deltoid is a little bit bigger than my left arm especially when I have a nice pump...
    Is there any way to correct it or is it just a feeling I'm having?
    I was assuming it was because of all those years I fapped but now I don't really know.
    Should I stop training my right arm and just focus on my left for a couple of weeks?

  18. 9 months ago

    I'm 74kg but I have love handles, is it possible to gain weight while lifting while simultaneously lose the the handles? or do I just have to cut before I do that?

    I should add I'm not obese but my bf% is over 20%

    • 9 months ago

      If you eat maintenance or a slight deficit you can gain muscle and lose fat for a while (first 3, 6, 12 months of lifting, maybe).

    • 9 months ago

      Hip thrusts help me lose love handles

      Alright bros I asked my question like a moron on another thread so here I am.
      So the question I have is, I always feel like my right biceps and deltoid is a little bit bigger than my left arm especially when I have a nice pump...
      Is there any way to correct it or is it just a feeling I'm having?
      I was assuming it was because of all those years I fapped but now I don't really know.
      Should I stop training my right arm and just focus on my left for a couple of weeks?

      It's because of fapping, yes
      You basically have to fap with the other hand and get big enough that the difference isn't noticeable

      how do I HIIT

      Sprint 1 minute on 2 minutes off

      It's been 2 weeks and i still cannot bench more than 10 kg is this normal?
      Do i have to put more on purpose even though i can't do more than 10 reps with a bigger load.

      Eat more obv

      Can anyone remember the name of this program? There used to be a routine people would do for supercharging one lift over a series of weeks, most often i think squats or bench. Most of your other lifts would be neglected, you really couldn’t do much more than the one lift you were focused on.

      It was like a crazy amount of volume that got heavier on some kind of periodization week to week IIR. Maybe it was like 5x5 then 6x4 then 8x3 or something but I’m not sure about that. It felt like some kind of old school Soviet shit. Not the Bulgarian method. Can remember the name of it.

      Conjugate, smolov Jr any periodization program

      How many hours before a workout should I eat so that I can ensure I have absorbed enough energy from the meal and not feel full during the workout? I usually eat OMAD but I am willing to be flexible around my lifts.

      2 hours is pretty good or a pastry right before if you're fasted

  19. 9 months ago

    I know this probably blasphamy but

    1. Is there a website or reddit where it gives tips on how to be an adult? I don't mean "Adulting" but like what to focus on, how to start handling your finances, and stuff like that. I have no idea what I'm doing and I had a death scare with my mother yesterday and I realized I don't know how to do anything. I can't really take care of myself.

    2. What exactly is Junk Volume? especially if you're limited in how much weight you can go up to? I'm under the impression that anything over about 12-15 reps is wasted energy?

    • 9 months ago

      what do you struggle with specifically? chores and shit? ask your mom to teach you how to iron a shirt, fold clothes, do laundry beyond chucking shit in the washing machine and praying for the best, tie a necktie, cook simple meals, etc.
      basic home repair/maintenane goes a long way too.

      for productivity, I use the 2 minutes rule: if you come up with a problem (whether it's sending an email or doing the dishes) that can be solved in 2 minutes or less, you HAVE to do it. no ifs or buts. eventually you can increase the rule gradually until you reach the sweet spot of 5 minutes.

      as for personal finance, well there's

      99% of being an adult means not being a lazy moron and standing up for yourself.

      t. lifelong NEET, mom has cancer. was a latchkey kid so I have chores and shit figured out but I'm still working to undo my lazy Black person ways.

      • 9 months ago

        Thanks man., Sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she beats it, brother.

        • 9 months ago

          Thanks brother. I hope so too but realistically, it ain't happening. Best case scenario is 2 years of relatively good health.

          Also, if you find yourself in my situation, try to squeeze the gub'mint for every possible gibz available. Rental assistance, section 8, neet/autismbux, food stamps/EBT, etc. You might not need it right now and hopping on autismbux will impact your life prospects significantly, but if push comes to shove it sure beats a lifelong soul-crushing job at Wallyshart IMO.

          tl;dr: things fall apart. Plan ahead and stay on top of things.
          Modern life is not the permanent and savage battle of survival it was for our ancestors, and things are more or less set up so morons like us don't end up on the streets sucking wiener for cheeseburgers, but you NEED to pick up your slack.

    • 9 months ago

      what do you struggle with specifically? chores and shit? ask your mom to teach you how to iron a shirt, fold clothes, do laundry beyond chucking shit in the washing machine and praying for the best, tie a necktie, cook simple meals, etc.
      basic home repair/maintenane goes a long way too.

      for productivity, I use the 2 minutes rule: if you come up with a problem (whether it's sending an email or doing the dishes) that can be solved in 2 minutes or less, you HAVE to do it. no ifs or buts. eventually you can increase the rule gradually until you reach the sweet spot of 5 minutes.

      as for personal finance, well there's

      99% of being an adult means not being a lazy moron and standing up for yourself.

      t. lifelong NEET, mom has cancer. was a latchkey kid so I have chores and shit figured out but I'm still working to undo my lazy Black person ways.

      also taking care of yourself (lifting, cardio, grooming, sleep hygiene, etc.) goes without saying. if you're clueless about how to dress you should work on that too:
      I love IST but they can be quite "out" there. they're like the peatgays of fashion. even if you choose to pursue the ISTggot path, you want to stay normiecore until you get the hang of things.

      as for how to make money, I dunno lol. DEFINITELY don't go into debt to get a stupid-ass liberal arts degree. that's all I can say.

  20. 9 months ago

    SS survivor here, r8 my routine

    Full body x3/week alternating A/B

    DL or Power clean
    Seal DB row + ATG split squat
    Pulldown supinated + pushups
    Tric pushdown +lateral raises +abs

    Squat or el. heel squat
    Chins + hyperextensions
    Incline DB press + hammer db curl
    Upright row +triceps extensions +abs

    • 9 months ago

      Is SS seriously a meme?
      Why is it still in the sticky if it just constantly gets memed on.

      • 9 months ago

        It’s not, I made solid gains in over one year, but it’s hard and leave you with no arms if you are lanklord like me.

      • 9 months ago

        Only in the sense that it's always recommended. It also features a lot of squat volume which tended to give people big quads/arse versus their upper half, adding to the meme value

  21. 9 months ago

    What’s a good cardio routine for a /fat/ty like me? I usually do a high incline treadmill walk for 10 minutes whenever I go to the gym, alongside whatever weights I lift.

    • 9 months ago

      Couch to 5k

    • 9 months ago

      Walk 10k everyday, helped me

  22. 9 months ago

    What program should i run this bulking season if im at an intermidiate lifting skill?

  23. 9 months ago

    >lifted for several months
    >novice level lifter on strengthlevel
    >read other people's posts
    >their bw is lower than me and yet they're able to lift more than me despite being complete beginners

    How the frick is this possible? Is strengthlevel full of shit?

    • 9 months ago

      Diet and experience are a factor
      So if they lifted in high school and ate salty snacks instead of sugary ones, they'll be stronger than you who ate only sweets and has never done anything physical ever

      What program should i run this bulking season if im at an intermidiate lifting skill?

      You likely aren't intermediate yet so run Arnie's blueprint but don't be afraid to cut some of the volume

      Is SS seriously a meme?
      Why is it still in the sticky if it just constantly gets memed on.

      SS is the best novice program
      The only people who talk shit about it are weak af after ""seriously lifting "" for years

      The stronger you are when you start bodybuilding, the bigger you can get as a natty

      • 9 months ago

        >SS is the best novice program
        SS is bad for someone starting from sedentary. If I could start over I'd start with C25K and some mobility exercises, then add one lifting day at a time and reduce running to 1-2 times a week. I would do the same exercises as SS but with squats and deads on different days and some arm exercises. When I did SS I got overtrained and injured.

  24. 9 months ago

    Is my routine enough if I'm training for looks? Ppl 6x a week

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah you're fine but you've got no compounds in there

    • 9 months ago

      This routine is garbage
      You aren't lifting at all

      I'm not saying you need only barbell work but no heavy barbell work will leave you as mediocre at the end as you are today
      The controlled stress of heavy lifting stimulates the hormones (the only important part of any physique) to build the body you want

      Alternate squat/dead first
      Hip thrusts

      Barbell rows
      Face pulls

      Alternate press&a bench variation

      • 9 months ago

        >yet another "if your routine doesn't have heavy barbells you're not actually lifting" dipshit
        God frick off already.
        >The controlled stress of heavy lifting stimulates the hormones
        Citation fricking needed. No one cares about your anecdotal evidence. Plenty of routines have zero barbell lifts and they're just fine. No one cares about how people lifted in the fricking 70s

  25. 9 months ago

    So I have not run since forever, and I have never liked running, but I tried jogging last Saturday, and since then my knees hurt like hell (pic related). I am limping, unable to run and it especially hurts when climbing the stairs. I feel like a grandma walking very slowly. How do I get rid of the pain?

    • 9 months ago

      Run way less and wear those knee compression sleeve things. Start slow stop if you have pain. Run in the grass.

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Run way less and wear those knee compression sleeve things. Start slow stop if you have pain. Run in the grass.

      Newbie rooner here. Seconded for running on grass/dirt. I had some knee pain when I started, but after 3 runs or so it was gone. Probably a mix of muscle imbalances and overuse. I'm a swimgay and breastroke puts a lot of stress on your knees. That said, I wouldn't "tough it out". I only kept running because the pain miraculously went away. Otherwise I would have stuck with walking.
      Also, treadmills might be lower impact than asphalt but they don't fire up my glutes and give me shin pain.

  26. 9 months ago

    >5-6 hours of sleep on weekdays
    >10-13 hours on weekends
    The sun smiles at me with eternal malice

  27. 9 months ago

    Does anybody have a picture of a fit guy with tiny wrists?
    I keep reading it's genetic as it's all bones, but I can't find a single picture of a bodybuilder with wrists as small as mine (15.5cm/5cm). Can working out indirectly increase wrist size, maybe through fat gain or increased vascularity?

    • 9 months ago

      There's a muscle on top of the lower arm, just before the wrist that can add to the girth I believe.
      But joints and tendons also grow like muscles if put to enough stress, with a much longer growth time.

      The wrists is the most telling part of the body that differentiates someone who works out for vanity vs strength.

  28. 9 months ago

    If you wanted to emphasise OHP for a while without letting other lifts suffer too much, would swapping flat bench for incline press and chest dips (alternating) be a reasonable approach? The idea would be to give the shoulders more stimulus without completely neglecting chest.

    • 9 months ago

      You should increase OHP, not decrease other lifts.

      Currently following a running program for sub 45min 10Ks. Should I lift on rest days or should I lift after runa and take complete rest on rest days?

      lifting after running a 10k is like burning all your cars gas before a race. Lift on your non-running days.

  29. 9 months ago

    Currently following a running program for sub 45min 10Ks. Should I lift on rest days or should I lift after runa and take complete rest on rest days?

  30. 9 months ago

    Are sexual health questions allowed in this thread

    • 9 months ago

      Yea bro come on in

  31. 9 months ago

    could I add 2 inches to my calves in a year at a healthy weight if I do calf raises x3 a week i'm still novice

    • 9 months ago

      I'm at 14" atm 6' 78kg

      • 9 months ago

        could I add 2 inches to my calves in a year at a healthy weight if I do calf raises x3 a week i'm still novice

        Maybe. There's no real way to estimate muscle growth as it depends on dozens of variables between person to person

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe, but dont use the seated machine, its shit

    • 9 months ago

      What's the purpose of this ass? Can i store food in it for the winter?

  32. 9 months ago

    Can neck size increase with regular workouts that don't involve it?
    I've started gaining weight while my waist size remained the same, my neck increased about 1 cm.
    So unless I have shitty genetic fat distribution, or what?

  33. 9 months ago

    For an exercise which is done left/right separately (e.g. db rows or split squats), if a set is to be taken to failure, does it make sense to do the weaker side first and do no more than it's failure on the other in order to correct strength imbalances? Or should I fail each side separately?

    • 9 months ago

      its failure*
      Frick phoneposting.

  34. 9 months ago

    >did first workout to seriously target my core in years
    >can't walk without doms so hard I just sit down
    Any way to reduce this shit
    Doms have never bothered me this much

  35. 9 months ago

    how do I get a gf?
    how do I become happy and stop hating myself?
    I feel like I have a heart attack when I train, what lift should I do?
    what roid schedule should I use? which sarms are the besT?

  36. 9 months ago

    everytime I do neck exercises i get nauseous,and it lasts sometimes for the whole day, how to prevent this ? I mostly do neck raises laying on my stomach and on my back, on a bench so my head goes all the way down

  37. 9 months ago

    Why the frick does this Bowflex bench cost $350?
    I saw it on clearnce for $75 and still think that was overpriced.

    • 9 months ago

      quality metal costs $$. Cheap benches feel cheap, the the metal is usually the lowest possible grade they can get away with. I had one that only cost like $100 I think and it was rickety as frick.

    • 9 months ago

      some cheap benches can barely handle body weight, let alone weight on the bar, you're paying for better quality. also, never buy Chinese.

    • 9 months ago

      You're paying for the brand name

  38. 9 months ago

    Does gripper training produce good or even any forearm hypertrophy? If not, what does?

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Just google and choose one for yourself. My friend once recomended me reverse curls to workout forearms

        • 9 months ago

          Alright but the question was more does gripper training actually promote forearm hypertrophy, or is it purely for strength gains?

  39. 9 months ago

    How do I tell if body recomp is taking place? I'm six weeks into my SL5x5 but I'm not sure if I'm gaining muscle or anything. My tummy does look a little flatter but it's hard to tell. First time doing any kind of serious exercises.

    • 9 months ago

      measure bodyfat and muscle size, compare in a few weeks

    • 9 months ago

      body recomp is very slow, to the point it's barely noticeable for most. If your goal is weight loss go for a cut.

  40. 9 months ago

    Hey IST
    I got some pretty bad shin splints when on a run about 3 days ago (still fatgay but I'm down 25 lbs since starting) and they haven't gone away or gotten any better, do you guys have any tips? Thanks

    • 9 months ago


  41. 9 months ago

    I'm starting my first cut next week, how long should it be for?
    Until I have no fat left? I've been bulking so I built a bit of a belly

    • 9 months ago

      The general advice is
      "Cut until you're happy with the mirror, bulk until you're not".

  42. 9 months ago

    As someone who has never used whey should I use whey or should I use creatine? I have heard a lot of good stuff about creatine but idk lolz

  43. 9 months ago

    When the frick did this stuff get so damn expensive? I remember it being like 50bux/tub. What are cheaper alternatives?

    • 9 months ago

      whey prices skyrocketed during covid. Pretty much all groceries did.

  44. 9 months ago

    How often can i bottom before i have to worry about my hole not closing anymore?

    • 9 months ago

      Most wasted digits I've ever seen and I expect it from nu-/fit/.

      • 9 months ago


  45. 9 months ago

    5'10" . 90kgs. started lifting 5 months ago.

    lifting 4 times a week and running a 5k the other 3 days.

    consuming about 1800 calories a day, 150ish grams of protein. im fat and just wanna shed some pounds. what sort of output am i looking at 4 months from now?

  46. 9 months ago

    Trying to get my GF into lifting. What's a good workout routine? I kinda forgot the routine some guy recommended, it was focused on the lower body.

  47. 9 months ago

    what do you guys use for jock itch/general crotch itch dampness. yes i heckin shower

    • 9 months ago

      I've never had it, and I've never heard of anyone that has had it. Talk to a doc? I didn't even know this was a thing

  48. 9 months ago

    having only 3 hours of sleep per night for the past 3 weeks has been KILLING all my gains, bros. I'm slowly going from shredded to no visible abs at all because of this shit.
    falling asleep is ok but I always wake up between 3 and 4 am and I can't fall asleep again. I'm tired, don't have any energy, help me bros

    yes, I'm depressed but sleeping wasn't an issue for the best 12 months. ZMA and melatonin don't help

  49. 9 months ago

    what are some advanced spells to learn to look like picrel

  50. 9 months ago

    Been working through left hip pain recently, I think it’s been the cause of jumpers knee. If I do a hip 90-90 it feels really tight while rotated internally. Anybody have any idea on rehabbing that? Thanks

  51. 9 months ago

    am I overtraining if I sleep 10-12 hours a day?

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe, but check your diet and sleep quality first. I can handle more training when I eat more carbs (2-300g). Try to track your sleep using a smart watch and see if you actually slept the entire 12h. If you fix your diet and sleep and are still fatigued, you'll have to reduce training somehow.

      • 9 months ago

        diet is the casual carbs and protein, same as it was the past 4 years, had taken a month long break after the last blast 12 weeks ago, then immediately went on a cut and been sleeping 10-12 ever since

        not cutting anymore though, obviously

  52. 9 months ago

    How to cut more effectively?
    I'm at this weird stage, my weight is OK.
    But my BF% is on the high end ~18%.
    What can I do to lower it down?
    Lowering my intake make me lose my gains, increasing it and I start bulking up.
    I workout 3 times a week with SS routine.

  53. 9 months ago

    Does anyone have the "cover yourself" pic? The one where twink goes to gym and gets bullied, but gets the protection from anon.

  54. 9 months ago

    How to get leaner more effectively?

    • 9 months ago

      here's anon's 6 panel image that'll give you a comprehensive guide on cutting

  55. 9 months ago

    Thoughts on carb cycling?

  56. 9 months ago

    >back hurts
    >back don't hurt no more
    Why does this always happen? I'm always worried it's going to make it worse and it ALWAYS feels way better after. What gives?

  57. 9 months ago

    What's a good test boosting stack?
    Looking to see if I can increase it through diet.

  58. 9 months ago

    For last 3 months I was working out with some basic full body workout program, but I wanted to hit the gym more frequently.

    Should I do StartingStrength or should I proceed with program that hits different parts of body at different days. What are these types of programs called and what of these would you reccomend for begginers?

    • 9 months ago

      For beginners an upper/lower split would be fine. Or PPL if you wanna start getting fancy

      • 9 months ago


  59. 9 months ago

    How useful are pushups for aesthetics?

  60. 9 months ago

    Since I started exercising again after a long break I sweat way easier and also feel like my sweat stinks a lot more than before. Anyone else noticed something similar?

    Overweight, not obese.

  61. 9 months ago

    I've been going to a workout class, and the exercise feels vigorous to me and I get short of breath/drenched in sweat, but my heart rate is only moderate when I check it. Should I be concerned or am I just being a pussy?

  62. 9 months ago

    is it better to do a certain amount of sets in a 1-2 hour period or to do more sets over 10-12 hours, but not as intensive?
    t. homegym owning neet

  63. 9 months ago

    I find 3-4day/ week hypertrophy routines.

    What's a good proven hypertrophy routine that has a 6-7day/ week layout?

    Also how do I get better at chinups, I gas out at ~3-4 reps with BW+10kg weight and my forearms hurt.

  64. 9 months ago

    Is this routine fine to stick with?
    I train with friend now for different muscle groups per day (back/triceps, chest/biceps, legs/shoulders), but i thought compound would be better, coz you can focus same muscles several times per week. I want to stick with same program for 3/4 month to be able to track progress (which weight and number of reps i can do).

  65. 9 months ago


    Squat guy here. I do my best to be aware of my posture but my job is very sedentary and sitting for extended periods is inevitable. Any advice to mitigate?

  66. 9 months ago

    I got up to 150 bench on 1x5 but I look like a little b***h who's never touched a bar in his life
    Should I go back to 5x5

  67. 9 months ago

    I am having a hard time figuring out if a Burger King Chicken Whopper is good as lunch or not. I read the sticky and it says protein and cheese and whole wheat but also said less processed. Help?

  68. 9 months ago

    Is doing chest/shoulders/triceps/quads/calves on one day and back/biceps/hamstrings/glutes/core on another reasonable if I can only work out two days a week?

  69. 9 months ago

    Am I ever going to make it? I'm 5'5", 68kg, started with recomp/cut as a skinnyfat dyel, now i'm a slightly slimmer dyel. My weight stayed the same while my chest (circumference) rose by 6cm, belly went down 5cm.
    I started eating more because I was discouraged by my lifts staying in place for months, they rose by a bit but after reading that you should up the weights by 2.5kg after every session, I'm finding it hard to keep my spirits up.
    I do get my protein intake, my sleep is shit. Tested my test, 13nmol/l, free test is 21pg/ml - supposedly within healthy range (although at the lower end)
    Should I change programs (started with SL, swapped to Icecream 5x5 ~2 months ago), or is there any other improvement to be had?

    • 9 months ago

      >after reading that you should up the weights by 2.5kg after every session, I'm finding it hard to keep my spirits up.
      theres no hard and fast rules to progressive overload, dont let that get you down
      as long as you increase the work load in one way or another, you will grow eventually

  70. 9 months ago

    What's the barbell to dumbbell equation for a bench press?

  71. 9 months ago

    skinnyfatgay here, eating normally (2 meals and some snacks) and training consistently but seeing no gains. Im tired of fricking around like shit. I really want to fix this

    • 9 months ago

      Doing reps till failure? And if so, you know what failure means?

      If it's about getting rid of stomachfat, it's one of the more difficult ones to get rid off, in terms of seeing results of a sixpack. Loose skin?

      • 9 months ago

        I always go to the point that I cannot even move a finger. I also try to eat high protein. its been little more than 2 months

        • 9 months ago

          b***h it's only been 2 months, you've barely just started. What is your routine and what is your goal (muscle gains, losing fat, just getting stronger, etc)?

  72. 9 months ago

    >6ft2 121kg
    >eat 1600-1800 cals a day / 120g ish protein
    >no processed foods or junk
    >do meal preps on weekend
    >full body workout at gym 3x a week
    >only lost 1kg in 3 weeks
    what the FRICK else am I supposed to do. Things were going alright at around 1kg per week, I was hoping to be back to around 100kg at end of the year

    • 9 months ago

      1kg in three weeks is pretty standard. 1kg per week is very very fast and usually only for those who are mega obese. Additionally you need to lock down that calorie range, 200 calories is enough to halve your loss for a week if you don't keep it consistent.

      Also make sure you're weighing your portions.

    • 9 months ago

      You have to be consistent anon, dont give up

  73. 9 months ago

    Worth a try.Did anyone save the video that was posted recently on the board:
    SLAP Tear Rehab | Shoulder Labrum Injury (Exercises & Education)
    it became private for some reason.

  74. 9 months ago

    Does it mean anything that I have a ravenous appetite?

    I've always been skinnyfat because I was afraid of getting fat so never bulked, but I always had to consciously restrain my diet. Now I've been bulking 6 months and I still struggle make sure I only gain 2 lbs. If I ate "whenever I felt like it" I'd definitely gain a lot faster but I assume it would just become fat.

    Sometimes at BBQs or family get-togethers I let myself live and out-eat everyone, even my big fat relatives, and was recently told "I don't know where all that food goes" (as in, they were surprised by how much I could eat for my size). I don't relate at all to people who say they struggle to gain weight.

    Is this my body trying to tell me it wants to be bigger or something? It's tempting to just eat as I wilt but, again, I'm afraid that would just result in "overbulking" and I'd just become fat.

    • 9 months ago

      >Now I've been bulking 6 months and I still struggle make sure I only gain 2 lbs
      a month*

    • 9 months ago

      Jm&j, who is this bawd

      • 9 months ago

        Her name is Chun-Li

      • 9 months ago

        How do I most effectively get stronger without gaining size i.e. compact my strength to the smallest muscle size possible? I don't mind the weight gain, I just don't want to physically look large but still have big lifts.


  75. 9 months ago

    I need a full-body dumbbell only workout that can be done in maybe 30 min. Any links?

  76. 9 months ago


    >good overall, here are my points ordered by importance
    thanks mate, i'll add this changes

  77. 9 months ago

    Anyone got the neuron activation monkey watching a woman belly through a skirt?

  78. 9 months ago

    Tomorrows my first day in years.
    Can i use T-bar deadlifts to replace both my deadlifts and squats? I really fricking hate doing squats

    • 9 months ago

      you wont hit quads but thats about it. add a quad exercise and youre good

      • 9 months ago

        Will do, thinking of landmine hack squat or simply a machine, want to keep it safe though. Thanks

        • 9 months ago

          yeah squats where you are holding the bar or resting it on your shoulder are not safe or effective, maybe try this:

          • 9 months ago

            Thoughts on this one? Looks similar to yours, seems to have lots of quads activation

            • 9 months ago

              that seems reasonably safe but I think the awkwardness/load of holding that bar towards your chest will be the limiting factor sooner rather than later. but it sure beats doing nothing

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, it might put pressure on the arms eventually, i think i saw a video of what to do to learn front squats or getting used to squats, maybe ill have a look at that, its hard to find a substitute for the squat it seems. I have abnormal big legs so i should be good at them, but for some reason i always sucked. I bet i could do enourmous amounts on deadlifts though, prob 100kg easy even if i havnt gone to the gym in 7-8 years, i usually lift my moms mobility car with her on it with one arm if i have to change its direction

  79. 9 months ago

    >buy new tv
    >play game for 30 minutes
    >eye pain and pressure behind eyes, headache, dizziness, nausea and sweating
    anyone else have this? it can happen on my pc too but only with a few games, usually it means the field of view or perspective is messed up
    i also get motion sick easily in cars (not when driving)

    • 9 months ago

      you might need glasses, get your eyes checked

      • 9 months ago

        i have glasses, had them since i was a kid, even got brand new ones like 2 years ago
        didn't get motion sickness until i was an adult either

  80. 9 months ago

    moron here. Help me with macros.
    All I need to track is carbs, fat, protein (and calories)?

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        yes, fat, protein and carbs are the macronutrients

  81. 9 months ago

    If i eat a lot of lean protein and work out a lot, can i escape skinnyfatdom while growing muscle?

    • 9 months ago

      if youre trying to put on weight, dont worry too much about avoiding fat in your protein
      just eat slightly above your TDEE, get enough protein, and lift hard
      assuming youre a healthy young man, you can probably gain muscle and shed fat at the same time

    • 9 months ago

      the whole recomp thing will work if youre new, youll put on some muscle just working out and eating enough protein. but at some point youre going to have to eat in a calorie surplus, usually no more than an additional 500 calories per day, or youre just not going to grow jack shit. anyone who has big muscles and says they do some stupid recomp maingain bullshit thing are all on a wienertail of roids

  82. 9 months ago

    How many reps/how long do most fitboys do any single type of exercise?

  83. 9 months ago

    My upper body is pretty strong but I can't squat for shit and it's genuinely embarrassing and discourages me from trying, can I just do RDLs and Leg Press. I know I shouldn't be self conscious but it's hard

    • 9 months ago

      you can do whatever you feel comfortable doing, anon
      nobody cares

  84. 9 months ago

    Body composition scales

    When would you set them on normal mode and when would you set them on athlete mode?

  85. 9 months ago

    > have one coffee a week
    > always a 50/50 roll on whether or not I’m going to be perfectly fine or have minor chest pain via making costocondritis worse and medium anxiety for the day

    Bros I wish I wasn’t so caffeine sensitive. I can drink decaf fine and do but actual caffeine fricks me up. Any tips on reducing sensitivity? I just want to enjoy a cup without rolling dice 🙁

    • 9 months ago

      drink coffee more than once a week

  86. 9 months ago

    I really like reclined leg raises where you grip onto a handle behind your head, feel a great contraction in abs. but how to progressively overload with them? Doing 30x a set is fricking annoying. is there some way I could make them weighted?

  87. 9 months ago

    Realistically speaking, is working out a muscle group one day out of the week enough to become defined at a 20% body fat? For reference, I'm 28 years old. And with the current intensity I lift at, my muscles take about 4-5 to fully recover. I'm able to work that same muscle in the recovery period, but I can only maintain that for a few couple of weeks.

  88. 9 months ago

    What is a good aesthetic routine to do after 5x5? Looked into ppll stuff but they are always like 12 weeks?

  89. 9 months ago

    How can I fix my posture with yoga?

  90. 9 months ago

    How much warm up should I do for 5x5 bench? Currently benching 60kg, should I do warmup of 30kg bench and then do 5x5 with 60kg or incorporate the warmup into 5x5?

  91. 9 months ago

    Why is eating snot nasty? It's literally just leaving and then reentering your body. When you sniffle hard enough you swallow it anyway

  92. 9 months ago

    28 year old guy that can pass as 21 year old here. Trying to get girls on campus but it’s like super small and don’t wanna be that guy. Been told multiple times that I shouldn’t bother by my friends but honestly they ain’t got no chicks either.

    • 9 months ago

      Unironically online dating. Weeds out those looking from those that aren't. Even if you want a gf, make it seem like you're looking for casual fun just so no one gets too attatched unless it happens organically in person.
      Dating irl is possible in small towns but... much less risk of becoming "that guy" this way.

  93. 9 months ago

    I want to get into road cycling casually. How much will I frick up my gains if I replace one day in my PPL split with a 100km ride?

    My goals overall are primarily for health so varying the type of exercise is nice (cardio); however I also want to keep my gains. Should I take the plunge?

  94. 9 months ago

    what are some exercise I can do at home to reduce my stomach? I hardly gained any weight yet my stomach is fricking huge now.

    • 9 months ago

      beer putdown till failure

      • 9 months ago

        I don't drink so that can't be it.

  95. 9 months ago

    Whats the best exercise(s) to replace good mornings with? Trying to do them after deadlifting and they just dont feel right, I got semi badly curved lower back

  96. 9 months ago

    What would you recommend someone doing if they having been stalling weight loss for an extended amount of time?

    • 9 months ago

      Put down the fork. Get back on the treadmill. Drink water only. No diet soda. If you must have caffeine black coffee or caffeine pills are solid.

  97. 9 months ago

    are there any cooking channels that have good recipes for us with super simple ingredients and preparation ?

  98. 9 months ago

    how do I stop clogging?

  99. 9 months ago

    Where can I find real, full rom bench press standards, and not pic related?

  100. 9 months ago

    Nugay here
    Make it very simple for me. What should I do every day to achieve this look?

    • 9 months ago

      Trenbolone acetate

      • 9 months ago

        Don't steroids make you flabby?

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah they also shrink your penis make your skin turn green and you go blind
          Underage homosexual you arem't grtting that shredded year round unless you do an intense sport like mma 6 hours a day or roid

          • 9 months ago

            Fair enough

  101. 9 months ago

    can anyone advise what to work on, currently 94kg at 6'4 and bulking - should i just spam abs as mine are non existent or is it pointless on a bulk?

  102. 9 months ago

    No seriously tho frick reps, can't I just do lifts until I say it's enough?

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah pretty much. If you're natty and you're not like an elite athlete, you get pretty much the same results for anything from 5-15 reps. But it's easier to track progress if you count reps and some people find it encouraging to see they can do 6 reps with a weight they couldn't lift 4 months ago.

  103. 9 months ago

    Is my full-body routine any good (full body, ABA and BAB alternating weekly. All exercises include one warumup set at 65% and 85 %, so I'm only doing 3 working sets)

    >OHP 5x10
    >Chin-Up 5x6
    >Deadlift 5x5
    >close-grip Bench press: Dropset x 12
    >barbell curls: Dropset x 12

    >Bench Press 5x10
    >Row 5x10
    >Squat 5x5
    >Pull-Up 3x5
    >Calf-Raises 3x15
    >Skull-Crushers: Dropset x 12

    Homegym masterrace, so only have barbell & ez-bar, no dumbell

    • 9 months ago

      This program is really good overall

      Don't steroids make you flabby?

      Lost lmaoooo


      Nugay here
      Make it very simple for me. What should I do every day to achieve this look?

      Fork putdowns and cruising grindr


      Where can I find real, full rom bench press standards, and not pic related?

      Lmao what

      how do I stop clogging?

      Stop lusting after his creamy dreamy

      are there any cooking channels that have good recipes for us with super simple ingredients and preparation ?


      Chicken+ Greek seasoning+ salted rice + veggie
      Burger, no sauces + salad
      Gyros (meat is usually preseasoned and cooks fast)
      You literally just take seasoned meat add carbs and fiber

      • 9 months ago

        >Burger, no sauces
        I wish people would stop promoting bland burgers. That (not even) 50 calories in sugary sauce is negligible. live a little!

        • 9 months ago

          Or just use mustard, hot sauce, onions sauce, etc. Even ketchup is pretty marginal, 20 cal for a tablespoon of ketchup really isn't that bad. Just avoid super sugary and mayo based shit

  104. 9 months ago

    My doc said I should exercise more. I already commute by bike, so I figure I should start doing some morning exercises. I'm a poorgay and I've got no money for equipment though, so I figure it'll have to be shit like push-ups, sit-ups, that sorta shit. I'm kind of moronic and new at this so I don't really know what numbers I should be aiming for.

    What are some good morning exercise routines for a beginner with no equipment?

  105. 9 months ago

    do i have a girlfriend? asked out the girl at the gym that we'd always stare at each other almost three months ago. now she's sleeping over 3-4 times per week, grocery shopping and cooking for me. are you supposed to ask "are you my girlfriend?" at some point or is she just being nice? i feel like if i saw somebody else in my situation, i'd assume they were together, but it feels like it would be odd to ask.

    • 9 months ago

      Did you kiss her?

      • 9 months ago

        yeah way past that we have sex a few times per week. this is all new to me, so i think it would be presumptuous to even ask her if we're together. if she laughs in my face for even assuming that, i feel like it would completely break me

        • 9 months ago

          Guys, quick update, we are now married and and our second kid is going to college next year. D-Do you think she's into me???

          • 9 months ago

            kek i understand the absurdity of the situation, but i'm a IST autist and i'm new to dating so i don't have a clear grasp on this shit

            Usually the girl asks you to define the relationship at some point. You can wait for her to ask or if you can't handle the ambiguity you could ask if she thinks you're boyfriend and girlfriend.

            i'll wait then. if it's a woman thing to define the relationship, it would make me a pussy for even trying to?

            • 9 months ago

              >it would make me a pussy for even trying to?
              No, do what you want.

    • 9 months ago

      Just start calling her your girlfriend. She will go along with it.

    • 9 months ago

      Usually the girl asks you to define the relationship at some point. You can wait for her to ask or if you can't handle the ambiguity you could ask if she thinks you're boyfriend and girlfriend.

  106. 9 months ago

    Lost 9 kg in 5 weeks. Now I can't lose more in last 7-10 days. Did I hit the plateau and how to get back to losing weight?

    (I'm eating ~1800 kcal a day + gym 2-3 times a week + stationary bike 60 min 5-6 days a week)

    • 9 months ago

      Eat more fat and fiber and poop more
      Also, do 40min of LISS a day


      My doc said I should exercise more. I already commute by bike, so I figure I should start doing some morning exercises. I'm a poorgay and I've got no money for equipment though, so I figure it'll have to be shit like push-ups, sit-ups, that sorta shit. I'm kind of moronic and new at this so I don't really know what numbers I should be aiming for.

      What are some good morning exercise routines for a beginner with no equipment?

      Just watch p90x on that Chinese YouTube site


      Is my full-body routine any good (full body, ABA and BAB alternating weekly. All exercises include one warumup set at 65% and 85 %, so I'm only doing 3 working sets)

      >OHP 5x10
      >Chin-Up 5x6
      >Deadlift 5x5
      >close-grip Bench press: Dropset x 12
      >barbell curls: Dropset x 12

      >Bench Press 5x10
      >Row 5x10
      >Squat 5x5
      >Pull-Up 3x5
      >Calf-Raises 3x15
      >Skull-Crushers: Dropset x 12

      Homegym masterrace, so only have barbell & ez-bar, no dumbell

      Go to Walmart and buy the cheapy dumbbells that have the loadable plates if you think you need DBs.
      I think controlled hammer curls straight out from your body are the supreme bicep movement but you can achieve the same growth doing normal and reverse grip ez curls

  107. 9 months ago


    Reverse crunches working up to dragon flies are exactly what I need for thanks Anon

  108. 9 months ago

    >laugh at some kid using straps when he does deads next to me and a friend
    >he keeps going up
    >muscles enhanced by laughing testosterone in the room
    >he's approaching 380
    I can't go over 4 without cheating

    Do i let this dyel outlift me? or do I put on straps and annihilate him? I am well-known here.

    • 9 months ago

      lol get fricked schlomo

      • 9 months ago

        i had to leave the gym

        • 9 months ago


  109. 9 months ago

    Question regarding 'variety'
    - why do I have to make my diet diverse? Why can't I just eat a dozen of eggs a day as my sole protein source and call it a day?
    - if you still insist that I diversify my nutrient intakes, how diverse should it be? For example protein wise, is it enough that I took eggs and chicken for multiple source of protein, maybe I add a scoop of rice, some vegetables and a cup of oatmeal for carbs and fibres.

    • 9 months ago

      >can't I just eat a dozen of eggs a day as my sole protein source and call it a day?
      If you can hit your protein requirements leaving enough calories over to still get all the other micros you need then you probably can do that and be healthy.

    • 9 months ago

      >can't I just eat a dozen of eggs a day as my sole protein source and call it a day?
      If you can hit your protein requirements leaving enough calories over to still get all the other micros you need then you probably can do that and be healthy.

      Should add that the important thing for protein is to get all the essential amino acids (which eggs do, as do potatoes). For fat you only strictly need omega 3 and 6. Eggs don't have much omega-6 or any omega-3 but if you cooked them in olive oil you might be OK. You don't technically need any carbs to live, just vitamins and minerals that are hard to get without eating plants. You could live on eggs and potatoes for a long time, perhaps indefinitely if you took a multivitamin.

      • 9 months ago

        >You could live on eggs and potatoes for a long time
        Won't I get constipated without the greens?

        • 9 months ago

          Probably not

  110. 9 months ago

    what's the website that allows you to check, based on your age / weight / height and given exercises, if you have beginner / intermediate / world class performances ?

    If i remember correctly, it has a color pattern for each category on the body, so that it's easier to see if you're overall strong or not

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        thx anon, i gladly appreciate it !

      • 9 months ago

        Is there one for calisthenics?

        • 9 months ago

          Ya its called gaysex.com

  111. 9 months ago

    any sites where i can buy fin pills to ship into EU? some anons recommended zava or inhouse pharmacy but they dont deliver to my country

  112. 9 months ago


    >by doing it
    How do I into yoga?

    • 9 months ago

      attend a yoga class or watch some form tutorials on yt

  113. 9 months ago

    Recommendations for full body workouts I can do between rolling fasts on refeed days? I'm doing 96's, so that would mean 2 days of gym in the week.

  114. 9 months ago

    im a lazy frick and i want a good, prerably healthy carb source that is quickly cooked (speak:2-5 min with heated water -> done).
    im already eating a frickton of oats, i preferably dont want to eat wheat but i tried couscous/bulgur as well and they were tasty af but theyre wheat too.
    do you guys know anything else that is doable with a water cooker, letting it soak that isnt normal wheat?

    and in general, whats your guys opinion on stuff like couscous or bulgur that stems from what, good/bad? most bread here, even the whole-wheat bread, has added sugars for some stupid reason and i just want my food to have as little ingredients as possibly

    • 9 months ago

      frick i meant to ask, couscous/bulgur as a RICE replacement as well

  115. 9 months ago

    someone give me a morons guide to diet please im a moron i cant use my brain for more than 2 seconds at a time thats who retarted i am.

  116. 9 months ago

    Will walking 45 minutes every day along with lifting actually reduce fat, or is that just a meme?

    • 9 months ago

      Lifting will reduce fat if you're in a caloric deficit. If you're in a caloric surplus, you'll still gain fat, but your bodyfat % will still go down because you'll gain more muscle.

  117. 9 months ago

    I can workout Mon, Wed, Sat and Sunday, is a
    a good split if my arms are lacking compared to other body parts?

  118. 9 months ago

    Noobie here, when I am doing
    I run out of breath and pause for a couple seconds to top off my remaining reps until my muscles actually get tired, do these non straight sets still count for making big gains or are they pussy sets now and I should take a note of them differently on my training log?
    Also when I am doing
    >bent over rows
    my hands start hurting from my lack of grip strength so I also rest a couple seconds for these for the last few reps, are they same in that regard?

    • 9 months ago

      SS + GOMAD

  119. 9 months ago

    Lost some weight and it seems like I have a flared rib, what is the best exercise to fix it?

    • 9 months ago


  120. 9 months ago

    I wanted to do a PPL routine, but I also want to make sure I workout each muscle group twice a week. Six days a week at the gym is too much to fit in my schedule (full time job + job certifications + part-time grad student). I've decided to do. Additionally, I want a routine that covers both saturday and sunday since those are the easiest days for me to get high quality workouts at convenient hours.

    Monday: X
    Tuesday: Push/Quads
    Thursday: Pull/Hammies+Brapper

    Will I over-train with this schedule? I'm still a beginner, but have gotten past the newbie gains phase. Additionally, I'd like to add in cardio. What is the best place in the routine for cardio? The rest days? Or after the workouts?

  121. 9 months ago

    I clogged the shitter again today. Had to get a stick from the yard and cut it apart. Threw it in the fireplace after.
    What lifts for this?

  122. 9 months ago

    Do I have to lower the barbell to my knees after a power clean can I just drop it? I’m having shoulder pain from lowering it.

  123. 9 months ago


    Push/quads is overhead press, DB incline press, barbell squat, Bulgarian SS, sometimes Dips and other tricep shit. Usually in whatever order equipment is available in my busy gym.

    Pull/hammies+brapper: barbel row, Romanian deadlift, chin up, lat pull-down, hip thrust, curls and arm shit, shrugs, rear delt shit.

  124. 9 months ago

    Anyone know where to find j hooks for a power cage that can fill a 1.14 inch hole? Everything on Amazon is 1 inch or .98.

  125. 9 months ago

    Recommended exercises for hip flexors?

  126. 9 months ago

    I am an american and I have $1080 credit with an airlinne, good for 1 year.
    I have 2 main options of travel:
    1. Go to the caribbean where a friend lives, likely will be very unhealthy while there as in lots of drinking and cocaine, lots of promiscuous sex maybe even with prostitutes. This would be a lot of 'fun' but would really set me behind spiritually I believe, healthwise (am really into and well progressed in fitness) and financially as I would be buying lots of drinks, drugs and frivolous shit, although would get to stay at my friend's for free.
    Option 2 is to find literally anywhere else. Except I have no fricking idea where, because I am a single male with no friends. Even if I went to a place like NYC, Tokyo, London, what would I do all by myself? It would be much healthier, still expensive, but no 'fun', not like the other place is. But I get to hold onto my gains. Really not sure which way to go, what would you do?

    • 9 months ago

      Surely you could find a gym and eat semi healthy and frick some hookers and do blow.
      Just do it on moderation.
      I'm sure there's some amazing active/ fitness related experiences you could have in the carrivean, even if your cycling, running or snorkeling around the islands or something.
      Sounds like an awesome experience

      Go anywhere in the world with a gym and easily available healthy food and pretty women and you'll be sweet.

    • 9 months ago

      You have enough gains to mire yourself in the mirror?
      You can't look at self in mirror?
      Does the credit expire? If it does go somewhere, I guess. If it doesn't, save till you're where you want to be, instead of cheat days, stay grinding toward this cheat vacation.
      You can still abstain from alcohol and drugs, and Im certain you can get a nice pump from bodyweight excercises and plowing chicks. Think of the tan you'll get too.
      Have you ever been to the carribean? If you have maybe go somewhere else.. but it sounds like a great time and relatively cost effective, hotels ain't cheap.

  127. 9 months ago

    I usually run for a mile before lifting for an hour and finish out with a 3 mile bike at 10 resistance. Am I fricking gains by inserting ~20 minutes of cardio in my routine?

  128. 9 months ago

    Should I do back/pull before chest/push in a 3/4 day split?
    Sam sulek said he does back first cos he doesn't want his back tired after doing heavy chest the day before.
    My chest is a little overdeveloped compared to my lats.

    So example
    Pull day
    Push day

    I do a seperate arms day at the moment because I'm struggling to keep the energy going to train arms with intensity after doing all my compound lifts, I get hungry and tired easily during workouts even with my pre workout and snacks.
    My rest days aren't scheduled, it's basically whenever I've got time after work to go to the gym, some times it's 6 days a week and other weeks it's3-4 days a week
    So it kinda evens out. But eh.
    I know rest days are important


  129. 9 months ago

    Last Monday, I was 183 lbs. I took a week break and enjoyed food. Tonight, I'm 195lbs. How much weight did I actually gain vs water/carbs? How can I go back to 183-ish soon?

    I'm thinking maybe a fast? Idk.

  130. 9 months ago

    You guys hear of tongkat ali? Seems promising from what I can see.

  131. 9 months ago

    How concerned should I be if my knees are making clicking/popping noises when I'm doing squats or getting up from a kneeling position?
    I'm 30, 85 kg, 181 cm, been taking exercise seriously the past few months but I feel like lifting has not been kind on my joints.

  132. 9 months ago

    I got 2 questions
    Is there any long-term benefit to training for size?
    Once I get to a size I like (think a little below intermediate body builder) how well could I maintain it with boxing and calisthenics?

  133. 9 months ago

    any IST approved form videos for free weights?

    looking mostly to improve my:
    Overhead press
    Hip thrust

    • 9 months ago

      You don't need videos. Just experiment with the movement until you find whats most best for you or your goals

      • 9 months ago

        I heard certain movement queues which have drastically improved my lifting on many of these exercises. hip drive in squats, and driving the heels forward in bench to name a few. if you find someone who is good at giving certain queues which mesh well with your movement it will undoubtedly help.

        • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Athlean-x videos has given me the best experience.

  134. 9 months ago

    If I'm doing an AB split 3 times a week and trying to lose weight is it better to bookend the lifts with 10-15 mins of cardio each day, or do dedicated cardio for 60-75 mins instead of one day of lifts?

  135. 9 months ago

    Goblet squat really frick with my knees. Im not overextending them, so what can be the problem? im quite tall at 6'3 if that matters

  136. 9 months ago

    I can't do heavy curls or my hand just cramps up. Has been like that for years. Has ANY anon had this happen and fixed it somehow?

    • 9 months ago

      I haven't dealt with that specific problem but I get cramps less often when my potassium intake his higher.

  137. 9 months ago

    >paychologist diagnoses a disease that isnt scientifically recognized instead of add (irlen, basically all the symptoms of add but way more dyslexia and no treatment)
    What should i do for a second opinion, other than going to a psychiatrist instead? What red flags are there to look out for in psychos and what magic words are necessary to properly explain the problem?

  138. 9 months ago

    I never do deadlifts with reverse grips, should I?
    Apparently it would result into a weaker grip in the long run, and I kinda want to have a strong grip too. My deadlift max is only 285lbs.
    Is it just a matter of choice?
    >Reverse grip if i want better deadlifting numbers
    >no reverse grip if i want to train grip strength more
    Or can i just substitute this with other grip exercises?

  139. 9 months ago

    I can't get hard enough to have sex since yesterday
    what the frick is going on? I'm not fat, I'm not eating junk food. help

  140. 9 months ago

    If i didn’t eat anything for an entire day should i eat twice my calorie intake the next day?

  141. 9 months ago

    hey guys, for adding size on arms should i go for more strength (more weight less reps)? Im still quite skinny, i did get some definition in biceps and triceps but when not pumped i dont look like i even lifted the bar with my arms.
    Currently doing more hypertrophy in the arm lifts, should i switch?
    I lift 3x a week, in Monday its (seated dumbell curls 12kg 12x3, triceps french press 16kg 12x3)
    Wednesday (skullcrushers 12kg 10x3)
    Friday (seated db curls, skullcrushers, same weights like above)

    Thinking of adding atleast ez bar curls to wednesday or am i autistic?

  142. 9 months ago

    so ive been doing this and wondering if its moronic

    just for example lets say im doing dumbbell bench press and im doing a 4x8-12. i judge my ability to go up in weight mostly on my first set. so if i get anything less than 12 reps on my first set i do not go up in weight. if i get 12 reps on my first set i do. the rest of the sets i just try to push them hard within that rep range. it seems to work for me, i tried the double progression before where you try to get each set to the max rep in the rep range but it just takes too fricking long imo

  143. 9 months ago

    Is there a way to avoid looking like an idiot when doing the farmer's walk at the gym? I go in circles around the weight room, but I have never seen anyone else do them.

    • 9 months ago

      isnt it better to do straight line walk, turn around and repeat rather than circles? But if the gym is full i understand

  144. 9 months ago

    How much tuna can you eat before you start running into mercury issues? I had 1 can of yellowfin a day for the past 3 days (12oz total,) and I've got two more cans to eat, but I feel like I should hold off for a bit.
    Also I'm 160lbs, just for reference

  145. 9 months ago

    Best five-day split for AESTHETICS?
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