I'll start: how often can I train my hip flexors? I do Upper/Lower/Rest/Upper/Lower/Rest... one day will always be either just after training them or just after

Why can I squat about 1.5x heavier if I don't break parallel, what is it about that part of the movement that is so difficult and how do I train it?

My squat in general is terrible, I squat less than my bench but I train it as frequently - what's the deal?

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  1. 9 months ago

    I've noticed some slightly yellowish spots on my forearm, anyone know what's up?

    • 9 months ago

      You've never had bruises before?

      • 9 months ago

        I might be stupid and you might be right, but I don't think it's a bruise, I haven't bumped my arm or anything. And it's shown up before.

        • 9 months ago

          They look exactly like bruises to me
          Go to a doctor if you're convinced they're something else


          Does weightless aka bodyweight exercise count as cardios? What about those sub one hour walks?

          Out of breath = cardio

          • 9 months ago

            Maybe a vitamin deficiency is causing me to bruise easily or something, cause it's a pretty recent thing

    • 9 months ago

      Is this a good routine 2x a week whilst doing Muay Thai?
      >dumbbell swing 3x8 (one side of dumbbell is 73 lbs whilst the other is 3lbs
      >push press+neutral grip chins
      >ring dips+pull ups
      >weighted jump rope/bear crawl sprints1+1x4

      Just a bruise lol


      Are there any mind tricks/substances you can do to overcome psychological ED quickly? Or only the blue pills?

      I'm meeting a girl for sex this weekend, she's hot and I do like her but I already know I won't be able to get hard because of performance anxiety. The easiest solution would be to talk to her about it and take things slow but I'm scared it will destroy my masculinity in her eyes

      Eat fruits, take l arginine and tell yourself it works for you. Go outside and tell yourself wow I really feel like my libido is going up also relax just have sex with her it ain't a biggy

      How does my routine look? I have a lot of lifting experience since years back but am now a DYEL after not lifting for nearly 2 years. I decided to run a modified version of GZCLP with some adjustments to my preferences since I wanna build huge lats and delts.

      Day 1
      >Squat 5 x 3
      >Bench 3 x 10
      >Dips (assisted) 3 x 10
      >Tricep push down 3 x 10
      >Lat pull-down 3 x 10

      Day 2
      >OHP 5 x 3
      >Dumbbell fly 3 x 10
      >DL 3 x 10
      >Barbell row 5 x 5
      >Inverted chin ups 3 x 10

      Day 3
      >Bench 5 x 3
      >Dips (assisted) 3 x 10
      >Squat 3 x 10
      >Inverted pull-ups 3 x 10
      >Lat pull-downs 3 x 10

      Day 4
      >Deadlifts 5 x 3
      >Barbell row 5 x 5
      >Inverted chin-ups 3 x 10
      >OHP 3 x 10
      >Standing dumbbell lateral raise 3 x 10

      I know you shouldn’t focus on accessories as a novice but I do them for the lulz because I like the pump.

      Currently too weak for real chins/pulls/dips, so my main goal is to get to 10 real ones of each exercise. Maybe I’m going overkill on the lats since I’m practically training them every workout and I’m not sure the assistance machine for dips is optimal.

      I’ve also been thinking of incorporating some upright rows in place of the barbell row on deadlift days.


      Not enough jump rope and bear crawl


      How to stay under 1500 cal/day?
      Fasting ain't for me.

      I've been doing this but a LOT of egg whites will make you hate eating

      Bit of a weird one. My gf is really thin, maybe 5'8 and 115 pounds. She's mostly got a great figure but she's really semiconscious of her small breasts.

      Any exercise or nutrition tips on getting them to grow? Is that even possible? She's 24 for the record.

      Get her to eat more wtf

    • 9 months ago

      It's either bruises or leukemia. It's probably bruises tho

  2. 9 months ago

    Does weightless aka bodyweight exercise count as cardios? What about those sub one hour walks?

  3. 9 months ago

    Why no one told me oat is bad for weight loss?

  4. 9 months ago

    Are there any mind tricks/substances you can do to overcome psychological ED quickly? Or only the blue pills?

    I'm meeting a girl for sex this weekend, she's hot and I do like her but I already know I won't be able to get hard because of performance anxiety. The easiest solution would be to talk to her about it and take things slow but I'm scared it will destroy my masculinity in her eyes

    • 9 months ago

      Just tell her you're nervous, anon. Told my current gf that and she was flattered. You shouldn't have sex with someone you can't be emotionally open with.

    • 9 months ago

      You don't need any pills. Just nut an hour before so you can calm yourself down. Also, don't do this

      Just tell her you're nervous, anon. Told my current gf that and she was flattered. You shouldn't have sex with someone you can't be emotionally open with.

      she will lose all attraction for you. Fake it till you make it

  5. 9 months ago

    How do I get leaner?
    Is it just cardio (C25K) + sub 2000 cal/day?

    • 9 months ago

      Basically.. You're working out at least 4 times a week too, right?

      • 9 months ago

        3 times a week, SS.

  6. 9 months ago

    I'm moving and will spend this year near the sea.
    How great is swimming? For mass, cardio, muscle...
    How much should I swim everyday? I consider 30 to 40 minutes.
    I will also have access to a pool. Which is better, pool or sea?
    I'm just a 63kg skinnyfat.

    • 9 months ago

      During one of my boxing classes (started recently) I threw a hook weird and had a pain on the inside crease of my elbow, probably a tendon, made it painful and weak to move. After a hot shower and 4 days of rest it was good, but now it's a bit achy after having boxed a bit yesterday. I can shadowbox fine, and doing push movements doesn't hurt at all, actually helped a bit I think, but I felt it after doing shrugs and hitting the bags. Should I rest more or just work through it and box again today? I know I probably ought to rest but I'm anxious to get back in again.

      Great cardio, will definitely tone muscle but probably won't build it as quickly as weight training or the like. Time depends entirely on how you plan to swim (stroke, intervals vs continuous, etc.) so just go out and try it, see what you can comfortably do. Pay attention to how your shoulders feel since that'll be where any serious soreness will be more than likely.
      Pool is gonna make tracking progress easier, can use a stopwatch more easily, all that. Depending on weather / sea conditions it'll be a little safer too, check for red tide or other hazards in the area, you don't wanna go near the ocean if it's something bad like that. Going in the sea is more fun though imo, just try both out and see. Not a serious swimmer myself though so take with a grain of salt.

      • 9 months ago

        Don't worry anon, I'm a decent swimmer (dad taught me, and I enjoy swimming underwater so much), but I won't do butterfly stroke in the sea, I'm too likely to end up with a mouthful of salt water.
        Honestly I just planned on swimming carefree, without keeping any track (beside roughly 30-40 minutes). Maybe I should at least estimate the distances and note them down.

      • 9 months ago

        Just rest it, man. Take some ibuprofen and ice it off and on for a bit. The biggest lesson when it comes to being impatient with injuries is that if you don't schedule your rest proactively, the injuries will schedule it for you.

  7. 9 months ago

    I used to be able to pull off pistol squats on the spot even after months of not doing legs, now I do them every other day and I still always need to warm up with easier versions first. Is this normal weakening with age or have I gotten too heavy?

  8. 9 months ago

    How does my routine look? I have a lot of lifting experience since years back but am now a DYEL after not lifting for nearly 2 years. I decided to run a modified version of GZCLP with some adjustments to my preferences since I wanna build huge lats and delts.

    Day 1
    >Squat 5 x 3
    >Bench 3 x 10
    >Dips (assisted) 3 x 10
    >Tricep push down 3 x 10
    >Lat pull-down 3 x 10

    Day 2
    >OHP 5 x 3
    >Dumbbell fly 3 x 10
    >DL 3 x 10
    >Barbell row 5 x 5
    >Inverted chin ups 3 x 10

    Day 3
    >Bench 5 x 3
    >Dips (assisted) 3 x 10
    >Squat 3 x 10
    >Inverted pull-ups 3 x 10
    >Lat pull-downs 3 x 10

    Day 4
    >Deadlifts 5 x 3
    >Barbell row 5 x 5
    >Inverted chin-ups 3 x 10
    >OHP 3 x 10
    >Standing dumbbell lateral raise 3 x 10

    I know you shouldn’t focus on accessories as a novice but I do them for the lulz because I like the pump.

    Currently too weak for real chins/pulls/dips, so my main goal is to get to 10 real ones of each exercise. Maybe I’m going overkill on the lats since I’m practically training them every workout and I’m not sure the assistance machine for dips is optimal.

    I’ve also been thinking of incorporating some upright rows in place of the barbell row on deadlift days.


    • 9 months ago

      Also for reference my current stats are:
      >DL 2pl8 1rm
      >bench 75kg 1rm
      >squat 85kg 1rm
      >OHP 47.5kg 1rm

      Been progressing pretty rapidly at nearly 5kg per workout due to muscle memory and I expect it’ll slow down in maybe a month. My stats at peak were 1pl8 OHP, 2pl8 bench, nearly 3pl8 squat and DL (DL always sucked for some reason). Back then I did SL 5x5 religiously but that shit sucked

    • 9 months ago

      Upright rows are a meme, especially if you're already doing OHP and lat raises. They also definitely do not replace actual rows.

  9. 9 months ago

    How to stay under 1500 cal/day?
    Fasting ain't for me.

  10. 9 months ago

    Why do fat scientists tell people that are physically active and fit that eating too much "x", as in any food they deem dangerous for your health and can cause heart diseases or any other form of health issues, is bad? When the issues in question can be avoided if you're physically active.

  11. 9 months ago

    How can I program these exercises in a routine with two pushing days/week so I do each exercise once:
    >chest dip
    >flat bench
    >incline DB press
    Can I do this:
    >workout 1: OHP, chest dip
    >workout 2: incline press, flat bench
    ? or is there a better way?

  12. 9 months ago

    Bit of a weird one. My gf is really thin, maybe 5'8 and 115 pounds. She's mostly got a great figure but she's really semiconscious of her small breasts.

    Any exercise or nutrition tips on getting them to grow? Is that even possible? She's 24 for the record.

    • 9 months ago

      Get her pregnant or have her spend lots of time around babies and pregnant women. I'm not joking. Pheromones are way stronger than you think.

  13. 9 months ago

    2 questions:
    My neck cracks a lot when I move it. It even gets to the point where I get migraines. What exercises should I do to strengthen my neck. Or what can I do to strengthen it?

    2. I'm been lifting for 2 months now and my right side is stronger than my left. My left wrist curls inward when benching, and when I squat, my left leg tilts outwards (think of a 100 degree angle turning into a 120 degree angle). How do I fix the muscle imbalance early on so I don't get fked later on down the road?

    • 9 months ago

      For your neck, I would say the usual neck curls/neck extensions, but if it's cracking and giving you migraines that could potentially be dangerous. Also, additional muscle tightness in your neck and traps can definitely increase how frequently you get migraines. My advice would still be neck curls/neck extensions but be super cautious, don't even use weights at first. Just the weight of your head.

      For the muscle imbalance, I'd recommend switching to dumbbells for a while and only doing as much as your weaker side can handle. It'll catch up to your stronger side quickly.

  14. 9 months ago

    Anybody else get bruises near their joints after lifting? When I go hard on squats/leg press I get bruises on my inner quad near my kneecap and similarly on my lower forearm after intense tricep workouts. Not super worried about it but should I be trying to fix this? Iron levels normal.

  15. 9 months ago

    what do you do if you have murderous rage but you already worked out that day?

  16. 9 months ago

    are electrolyte tabs a meme?

  17. 9 months ago

    how do i transition from training 4 days to 6 days a week? i seem to overdo it volume wise on most days on my 4 day u/l program already, how do i avoid this on a 6 day program?

  18. 9 months ago

    why do i feel so much more energetic when i mainly consume quick digesting carbs like rice, couscous without much fibre than when i eat oats, potatoes mostly?
    im not bloated or have any digestion issues with a lot of fibre but its been VERY noticable that im much more energetic when i mainly consumed the carbs mentioned above, im hitting the same amount of carbs every day so im thinking it shouldnt matter at all as long as im consistent.
    am i tripping or is there merit to it?

    • 9 months ago

      Are you moronic? Reread the first sentence of your own post.

  19. 9 months ago

    >start cutting
    >suddenly don't want to go to the gym

    It's my brain telling me I have no energy to do shit

  20. 9 months ago

    3 questions.
    1. How do I train leg flexibility? My sit and reach is awful, and I can hardly go past 90° at my hips.
    2. Good core training exercises? I've been doing leg raises and crunches, but are there any other core exercises you would recommend?
    3. I've lost a substantial amount of weight 220 to 180lbs, but now I've stalled and am having trouble getting below 180. Has my BMR dropped so much that I need to reduce calories even more?

    • 9 months ago

      1: Stretch
      2: Ab wheel and dragon flag progressions, there are easy/medium/hard variations you can look up to build up to it. You can also progress to toes-to-bar as a more intense version of leg raises.
      3: Yes.

  21. 9 months ago

    How do I fix my horrible neck posture? I'm trying to keep it straight right now and I feel so self conscious.

  22. 9 months ago

    I keep getting dizzy during squats, it’s gotten so bad I’ve decided to only do them every other workout without really trying to push the weight up. I can mitigate it somewhat by taking extra deep breaths before starting and really focus on breathing at the base of the squat. After the set my vision usually goes a little blurry and I have to sit down for a bit. I get a little dizzy during sit-ups too so I think it have something to do with head elevation

  23. 9 months ago

    How to make people stop accepting fatness and hairy?

    • 9 months ago

      For most fat people you won't be able to make them change by words. They have to go through an event or something that makes them see they need to change

      • 9 months ago

        This is true for virtually any character flaw. People generally do not change unless something happens that forces them to see the world differently.

    • 9 months ago

      I haven't tried this yet myself, but I think a lot of people would stop eating fast food and the other things that make them fat if you showed them that they're eating it because they're addicted to it.

  24. 9 months ago

    Where can I get pure Testosterone ?
    I would inject that shit.

    • 9 months ago

      What's the name of that pretty lad who's a football/soccer player?

      Am I a joke to you?

  25. 9 months ago

    Is preworkout just a meme?

    Have been flagging a bit lately in my sessions and wondering if it would actually make much difference

    • 9 months ago

      Yes. 90% of the effect from preworkout is just caffeine and sugar.

    • 9 months ago

      Literally just drink coffee or an energy drink before you lift

  26. 9 months ago

    Why do people only use alternating curls when they do heavier weight(50+) on dumbbell curl? Is alternating easier?

    • 9 months ago

      From my experience with calisthenics, any unilateral exercise is WAY easier alternating every rep than doing a full set with one side then the other.

    • 9 months ago


      From my experience with calisthenics, any unilateral exercise is WAY easier alternating every rep than doing a full set with one side then the other.

      It's almost like resting a full second between reps. For curls especially the alternating motion also helps you gain momentum with a reduced stability demand because your center of mass doesn't shift so much.

  27. 9 months ago

    If I can do a weighted dip with a total weight equivalent of 2pl8, what would that transfer to as bench weight roughly? Is one easier than the other or do they translate roughly equally?

    I've never actually benched before and I never intend to because I love dips and don't have a bench in my homegym, I'm just curious on the carryover for comparison.

  28. 9 months ago

    do I have to start with a beginner lifting routine or can I just skip to the one I eventually want to do and just add weight as I go on?

    • 9 months ago

      If you're a beginner it doesn't matter too much what you do as long as you ease into it in terms of volume, the issue is that advanced programs are complex because advanced lifters need complexity. They have to do way more work to get a fraction of the results. You can get great results running super simple programs and should take advantage of that fact by running a beginner program. If you try to do an advanced program, you'll wind up having to learn too much at once and probably frick it up.

      • 9 months ago

        ahhh okay, thanks for the answer bro

  29. 9 months ago

    sticky says about 1g protein/1lb body weight. whats the consensus on other macros like carbs and fat? i figure for most goals, as long as calorie and protein requirements are met, nothing else matters too much does it? additionally, i feel like its almost force of habit to drink protein shake after a workout, but is it really necessary if i met my protein req for the day before the workout?

    • 9 months ago

      >but is it really necessary if i met my protein req for the day before the workout?
      Yes it absolutely is. Growth doesn't occur during a workout, it occurs during/after recovery which takes days. You need to be hitting your protein targets daily.

      • 9 months ago

        i meant that if i workout in the evening and i met my protein req that same day before the workout, then is a protein shake really necessary?

        • 9 months ago

          My bad I didn't read the "for" and thought you meant the previous day. If you're hitting protein targets already then protein shakes aren't necessary at all. They're supplements for people who aren't getting enough through food. Food is optimal so if you're getting enough from your actual diet then that is all you need.

  30. 9 months ago

    If I'm doing assisted pull ups in 5 x 5 how often should I do them ?
    Can Monday, Wednesday and Friday work?

  31. 9 months ago

    Any difference between decline ring pushups and incline ring pushups for chest regions?
    For example ones train upper chest and other lower chest?
    So is it good idea to rotate them on chest day or not?

  32. 9 months ago

    is being a shut in automatically low test? video game playing is minimal.

    • 9 months ago


  33. 9 months ago

    If I add a few sets of squats, taken to failure, to my workout, is it better to do them right after my main leg lifts to really tax them, or should I do them at the end to get more total volume? Goal is hypertrophy.

    • 9 months ago

      What are your main lifts if not squats? I prefer to do squats first, then finish hammering my quads with leg press once my fatigue gets too high to do more squats with good form

      • 9 months ago

        They're either split squats or bulgarian splits, since I only have dumbells. I was doing squats holding the weights at my shoulder but it's getting harder to get them up safely so I'd rather do it at a lighter weight as an accessory, I guess.
        But you go straight from squats to leg presses?

        • 9 months ago

          Ah I see, then in that case yeah doing some extra sets of regular dumbbell squats would be a good way to get extra volume in after split squats.

          And yeah, sometimes. Depends on how I'm feeling, I'm more likely to do leg press after deadlifts but if my quads don't feel tired enough I'll do them after squats, too.

  34. 9 months ago

    What's the name of that pretty lad who's a football/soccer player?

  35. 9 months ago

    Can I only train legs? What would happen to my body?

    • 9 months ago

      You can do anything you want

    • 9 months ago

      well your legs would get stronger. that's about it

  36. 9 months ago

    I heard about eating rice krispy treats as a preworkout meal. Is that shit for real? I didn't want to go full fricking slob so I got some rice cereal instead and ate about a cup of that about 30 minutes before I went to the gym. Problem is I didn't feel any different, no extra strength or anything.

  37. 9 months ago

    Not a question but I feel like blogging about the new routine I am going to try.
    Pull, Push, Legs, Arms [and shoulders], rest, repeat.
    Will start out each day with 5/3/1 for barbell row, incline bench press, front squat, and OHP, then the rest will be bodybuilding work in the 8-15 rep range with 0-1 RIR.

    I bench 3pl8 and squat 4.5pl8 so I'm not some 160 lb dyel making up a new routine. I have hopes that it will work well to help me grow

  38. 9 months ago

    If I feel my form frickup but still complete the lift does it count as a failed set

  39. 9 months ago

    I have two questions:
    Is it normal for one testicle to be 1.5x to 2x larger than the other?
    I've been doing a lot of sit ups and have blisters on my tailbone, is there any way to prevent this or just deal with it (I've left bloodstained skid marks on a towel I do sit ups on)? The sit ups are for a fitness test so I need to keep doing them.

    • 9 months ago

      lewd camera angle

  40. 9 months ago

    Is fencing a good, all-round, workout sport? Is it worth investing time into over some other sports?

  41. 9 months ago

    How common is gyno on only one side? Sunday my left nipple started hurting and there was a red rash and a big lump under it, and it’s noticeably bigger when I look in the mirror. I am a 6’1” 170lb man in my 20s, so it’s very unlikely it’s male breast cancer, google results say it’s most likely gyno, but I think it’s strange it’s only on one side. Seeing a doctor about it on Friday, but the hypochondriac in me is panicking since there’s a history of breast cancer in my family (mom had it). Could it be anything else?

  42. 9 months ago

    is juicing IST approved? how do I avoid watery shits

  43. 9 months ago

    Will my glutes get enough workouts from RDLs and Squats or should I start including glute focused exercises?

    I don't want a big ass I just don't want to get bottlenecked by my glutes.

  44. 9 months ago

    >what is it about that part of the movement that is so difficult and how do I train it?

    it requires strength and mobility in multiple areas. not simply hip and dorsal, you need stong and mobile shoulders and thoracic spine in order to maintain the torso upright, otherwise you're already starting the squat with the bar close to being in front of you cog. western lifters are typically bad in this and have developed all sorts of cope to avoid doing the necessary mobility work. they also tend to be quite kyphotic and internally rotated and can't extend their thoracic spine to save themselves. a particularly popular 'spine expert' and his advice simply avoid the problem rather than solving it and is a recipe for disaster. no, you can't fricking hold your spine like this in all activities moron, the whole idea is fricking stupid.

    squating full depth under heavy resistance is a quite skilled activity and requires a lot of coordination as well as mobility to do properly. as i get older i've concluded most people are actually fricking terrible at it.

    maybe check out the calisthenics copy pasta and the thoracic bridge program. that could be a start. working on thoracic extension is probably something everyone needs to do anyway.

    • 9 months ago

      really appreciate the advice anon, I'll check the thoracic program as you suggested.

  45. 9 months ago

    >give fingerguns to a guy after making eye contact by the lockers
    >his friend says "you! you're the fingerguns guy!"
    >say yes, but I've never seen the the guy or his friend before
    >"must be cool giving all those fingerguns, who cares what people think?"
    >stammer something about how it's better than giving middle fingers instead
    >he ignores me, chats with his friend
    I just meant it as a fun friendly gesture what the frick man what are people saying

    • 9 months ago

      have you ever done it towards a girl?anyway pretty cool, i was actually thinking of doing the same

  46. 9 months ago

    Right now I've got arms/chest day on Mondays and Thursdays, Tuesdays and Fridays are back day, and Wednesdays and Saturdays are leg day/cardio.
    Should I add anything else? I'm also drawing a blank for what to do Sunday.

    • 9 months ago

      Why don't you just do PPL at that point?

      • 9 months ago

        I didn't know it existed. Thank you very much for the reply.

  47. 9 months ago

    Why shouldn't I use cardarine for life if I don't care about cancer

  48. 9 months ago

    Does anybody here use the Xiaomi Band 7 Pro?

    I want to get one to better accurately see my daily calories from resting + workouts so I can dial in my macros better.

    Need to lose a lot of fat and I heard it's one of the fitness trackers that I can buy where I'm at, that can do that. The rest just track calories burned when you're working out.

    • 9 months ago

      Chiner will have all your stuff. Get something else.

      • 9 months ago

        What could China realistically do with Anon's heart rate history?

  49. 9 months ago

    is stimulating growth with one set of arms for complete failure enough? Some anon said to do a set, last failure rep to hold it as high and as long as possible then try controlled negative down. And then cheat curl the weight back up and do controlled negatives again untill eccentric failure

    • 9 months ago

      Yes, that's Heavy Duty training and it does work. You'll get so much conflicting info about it on IST because it triggers people to know there's alternative methods to their high volume programs and that you can make gains without spending 2 hours a day 6 days a week in the gym.

      It's also incredibly taxing physically and mentally compared to just churning out RIR sets, so many half-ass it and get no results and they blame the program. People here will either tell you it's the holy grail of growth and recovery or it's a psyop to stop people lifting, so really you just have to try it and see for yourself if you like it.

      • 9 months ago

        Thanks for the reply. I've heard of Mike's program before but didnt try anything, but I'd say a proper set with good form (no cheating,swinging) and then the failure is far better than doing few sets with "semi-failure".

        Mike recommended something between 6-10 reps with moderate weight for bicep curls, wondering if i could try this muscle failure also in some tricep excerise, like dumbell french press or skullcrushers?

        • 9 months ago

          Yes it's intended to be done for every exercise if you're doing the static/negative failure method, if you don't have a training partner then exercise selection is pretty much only limited to whatever you can reasonably cheat to the negative by yourself. 6-10 reps for upper body and 8-15 for legs as lower body responds better to slightly more volume, all at a 4-2-4 tempo.

          I don't want to go into too much about it here because it will inevitably derail the entire thread when some homosexual starts railing against it because of his sunk cost, but if you want more detail then there's usually a HIT thread up at any given time and you can see the shit-flinging first hand, or just listen to the man himself and check out others who successfully followed the training like Dorian Yates (roids) or John Heart (natty) for their interpretations.

          Systemic recovery is a big part of the philosophy also, so it's worth taking a bit of time to make sure you're doing the program correctly if it's something you're interested in.

          • 9 months ago

            thanks ill definetly try it next time

  50. 9 months ago

    What do you guys do to have energy for gym on a cut? I'm very protein-oriented and barely eat carbs, so that might stunt my energy levels. For now I try to eat most of my calories an hour / 2 hours before gym.

  51. 9 months ago

    will taking gear make my buldging disc hurt less?

  52. 9 months ago

    If once a week workout per muscle seems to be working, is there a benefit to trying to go for two? I've been trying but find that twice a week leads to lower performance, I think if I keep at it maybe that level of work will become more doable as my body adjusts but I'm not sure.

    • 9 months ago

      >I've been trying but find that twice a week leads to lower performance
      That is your answer
      >I think if I keep at it maybe that level of work will become more doable as my body adjusts but I'm not sure.
      Your body's capacity for recovery does not increase at nearly the same rate as your capacity for training harder. If anything as you get stronger you need to take more time to recover as your capacity for stressing your body increases.

    • 9 months ago

      >If once a week workout per muscle seems to be working, is there a benefit to trying to go for two?
      If what you are doing is working don't change it.

      If you are doubling your training amount by going for 2 sessions per muscle per week you are over doing it.
      If you do one session of 10 sets for back per week, then you add another session of 10 sets you are gonna be doing to much. If you split that back session of 10 sets in to two sessions of 5 sets and you add 1 or 2 sets per session pushing your volume up to 12-14 sets per week over 2 sessions it might work. But more is automatically better.

  53. 9 months ago

    Why am I in the 70th strength percentile when it comes to dips and chin ups, but can't progress on bench press, overhead press and squats. My deadlift is also comparatively higher. Am I just back muscle and nothing else?

    • 9 months ago

      In my personal experience I found that my compound lifts stagnated due to certain muscles not keeping up with the primary ones. Could be the same here where the lifts you're doing just left certain muscles behind until they could no longer keep up with the primary ones. Like on squats my stability always went to shit once I got near 2 plates. once I threw in Bulgarian split squats, front squats, and RDLs into my program, my stability problems disappeared and now I've been adding weight consistently on back squat

  54. 9 months ago

    How to lose water weight?

    I’m bulking on a moderate surplus, but I’m starting to hold a lot of water, I’ve gone up 10lbs on the scale in a week and my gut is bloated… eating relatively clean, high fat high protein. But carbs with every meal, and 5g of creatine (but I’m already fully saturated for months on the creatine)

    I feel like I would look and feel a lot better about the bulk if I could quickly lose 5-6 lbs of water…..

    Do I cut the carbs for a few days? Cut the salt and sugar? Cut the creatine?

    • 9 months ago

      Stop drinking water, duh.

    • 9 months ago

      Anon, Greetings. You are bulking on a high fat low carb diet? That is fricking stupid and you are not holding water you gaining fat. I am not an expert on this and i might be wrong but a high fat diet is not something that would make you hold more water, if anything a high carb diet makes you hold more water, and it makes your muscles hold more water, which makes you look more full and swole. And it makes you perform better, gives you better pumps and better recovery. I do not understand the rational behind bulking on a high fat diet. That is foolish and leads to suboptimal gains and more fat gained. Change your diet to a high carb medium fat diet while still eating clean. Rice, pasta, oats, potatoes, fruits. Could be high salt intake as well so lower that if its to high, but you might just be gaining fat from bulking on a high fat diet.

      Correct me if i am wrong.

      • 9 months ago

        Ok, yeah I do understand all of that.

        Maybe I was misleading, it’s not a low carb diet, I get plenty of carbs… but I’m also not doing low fat. I do eat bacon, butter, steak, whole milk, eggs etc.. this is how I get the bulk of my calories I guess. But I’m still getting plenty of carbs, doing some quick estimations probably over 200g per day with about 200g protein. I do like to salt my food and I’m also eating some sugar in the form of deserts after a meal just to add calories. I don’t have an accurate macronutrient ratio because
        I don’t really log all that stuff beyond knowing that I get enough protein, I can intuitively bulk and cut and I have done many times. For me the difference between a bulk and a cut can be adding or removing a pint of whole milk and a couple slices of bread everyday. To achieve +500 or something close

        I’m willing to bet it’s the salt to be honest. And I’m going to cut creatine to 5g EOD instead of ED and I bet I still stay full and saturated.

        I’m not clueless, but something in my diet is making my scale weight fly up faster than I would expect and it’s not 10lbs of fat in a week. My abs are still sitting ontop of my gut, but my gut is getting bigger

        Picture is me a bit drier a few weeks ago , and maybe 8-10 lbs lighter

  55. 9 months ago

    Probably a dumb question but how the frick do I give up sweets? unfortunately for me I low will power and am an emotional eater.

    >Just stay away
    Man, I wish I could I live with my parents and they eat a shit ton of sweets, there is always something in the house and everyone once in a while you really need something sweet to take the edge of life off of you, you know? The ironic thing is if I was addicted to drugs rather than sweets I'd be thin in no time.

  56. 9 months ago

    best way to do chest dips at home?

    • 9 months ago

      Rings on a pullup bar, both are cheap as frick and easy to store. Just make sure the bar is on a bracket thats drilled into the wall or it's dangerous as frick, don't just hook it on the doorframe, secure it properly.

      • 9 months ago

        i have a built in pullup bar in my squat rack, found these on aliexpress. Wont the top part slide around on the bar tho?

  57. 9 months ago

    300mg test e/week + 15mg dbol/daily
    just 500mg test e/week
    for very first cycle? pros cons?

    • 9 months ago

      Frick the dbol

      It will give you an estrogen roller coaster and you won’t be able to distinguish high e side effects from the test or the dbol, just stick with test, 350 or 400 a week depending on your BW and how lean you are. And research what to look out for with estrogen sides and how to address them properly. Have your Ai ready to go.

      If you’re committed to using an oral, use one that doesn’t aromatize, in the last 6 weeks of the cycles, when you already have the testosterone and ai dialed in. Turinabol.

      • 9 months ago

        thanks bro much appreciated

  58. 9 months ago

    Does my plank form look okay? I feel like my back might be a little rounded, but it feels really weird when I try to go lower. No one has told me it looks wrong since I was 13.

    • 9 months ago

      It’s fine

  59. 9 months ago

    come on guys how the frick do i count rice calories

    • 9 months ago

      before its cooked bruh

    • 9 months ago

      weigh out as much as you want to make, calculate calories of the dry rice, decide what % of that you want per meal, then weigh it again when it cooked and take the % you originally wanted.

  60. 9 months ago

    I do 3 sets of russian twists/ leg raises /situps. Is that 9 sets for abs or 3 sets of obliques / lower abs / upper abs etc? not sure how much volume I should do for them

  61. 9 months ago

    is having to shit 2-3 times during my squat sets normal

    • 9 months ago

      Is your squat plug causing some irritation? Try a different lube?

  62. 9 months ago

    Im putting together a new workout routine and it got me thinking. Is it better to do all muscle exercises in a row then move to a different muscle group? Or should I mix them all up together?
    eg: bench, incline bench, dumbbell flys, then move on to OHP, lateral raises.
    or bench, OHP, incline bench, lateral raises, dumbbell flys.

  63. 9 months ago

    >programming advice?
    >post s/b/d@bw+height+age

    I can only lift during the weekdays. Which one should I do and why?

    >3 Day

    >4 Day

    >5 Day

    • 9 months ago

      youre strong already go to /plg

  64. 9 months ago

    Anyone else have crippling panic attacks driving home from the gym?
    How do I make this shit stop I was pretty close to passing out in an intersection earlier today.

  65. 9 months ago

    What's a half decent leg exercise replacement for squats? Broke my ankle last year and had to get hardware put in so the dorsiflexion is kinda fricked on one side 🙁

    • 9 months ago

      God dammit answer me you roidtrannies

      • 9 months ago

        leg press but if you can't do that you're only option is leg extension

  66. 9 months ago

    Best exercises for deep neck flexors?
    >supine chin-tucked head barely-raised holds
    >supine chin-tucked plate- or weight- on-head curls
    Best exercises for lower trapezius, rhomboids, and serratus anterior?
    >Face pulls
    >extra squeeze-ups at top of dips
    Best exercises for abs?
    >contralateral planks
    >hanging/lying leg raises (or other hollow body exercises)
    Best exercises for glutes (that don't tax erector spinae so hard)?
    >Bulgarian Split Squats, Lunges, Romaniand Deadlift with knees bent just enough to take tension off hamstrings onto glutes
    Any further tips for improving posture, e.g. relaxing or inhibiting those muscles that are typically tight, or gaining awareness of those that should be stronger and tenser?

  67. 9 months ago

    When doing PPL is it better to split chest+shoulders into 2 different push days or do a little bit of both on each push day? For example
    >Push 1 Bench+Lat Raises
    >Push 2 Overhead Press+Cable Flies
    Push 1 Bench+Cable Flies
    Push 2 Overhead+Lat Raises

    • 9 months ago

      I do a little bit of both. One day is heavy bench/light shoulder press, other is heavy OHP/light chest press. The lighter lift is usually a machine for me.

  68. 9 months ago

    How do I do this push-up variation? It seems really hard.

  69. 9 months ago

    are electrolyte pills a meme product?

  70. 9 months ago

    Is there a general standard for strength progression? I don't know when to up the weight/reps because I want to focus more on proper form.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Literally just pick a number, say 10 reps, then a weight that takes you to failure below 10 reps, then when you are strong enough to do more than 10 reps add 10% weight and you should now be back below 10 reps, repeat when above 10 reps

  71. 9 months ago

    Mass. I want fricking mass. I am stuffing myself and lifting to failure to get fricking big horse wienered arms, cannonball delts and stone fricking pecs. This wasn't a question, I just wanted to share this.

  72. 9 months ago

    Ever since I've started hitting my protein macro my armpits started to smell like cat piss.
    What do? I don't want to use deo because I've heard that they case cancer.

  73. 9 months ago

    I have some weed edibles but I'm also job searching atm. Since there's a chance I'm tested, how long does it take to get it out of my system? I know drinking water and working out speed it up a bit. Also depends on how much you take. If I only had one would I be good in say two weeks? I don't want them to go to waste, but I don't have anything like certain date I'd need to be clean by either

  74. 9 months ago

    Did I do good buying 20kg of whey protein?

  75. 9 months ago

    my jaw slants to the right which means my lips and teeth arent properly lined up. would pushing my jaw to the weaker side and holding it for as long as i could a couple times a day + constantly trying to keep the teeth lined up be enough to fix this?

    • 9 months ago

      help, i want to look normal

  76. 9 months ago

    If i lift today and go to a party tomorrow, am i gonna affect my gains?

  77. 9 months ago

    Who else feels like they have weird fat distribution? Even at higher bf% I feel like my legs and upper back are pretty lean, and now that I've been cutting, my legs and back have some pretty sick separation. I'm happy with the posterior, but it's still a bit fluffier than I'd like. On my next bulk should I just hammer out my abs and chest that way there's more to reveal on my following cuts?

    • 9 months ago


      Shit I typo'd. I meant that my posterior and legs are getting nice separation but my fat distribution is causing the anterior* portion of my body to still look fluffy. I suppose I was asking if building more chest and abs on my bulk would help the illusion of a more muscular front side in spite of my fat distribution.

      • 9 months ago

        same. the fat on my lower back is really fricking stubborn. it's weird starting to see my abs come in but I've got fricking lovehandles

  78. 9 months ago

    coming back from bootcamp completely detrained. should my focus be cutting a little or just getting my strength and size back up? i feel like im ~20% bf right now.

    • 9 months ago

      Strength and size up of course you idiot.

      What did you do last training period?
      > Bulked?
      > Cut

      > Cut?
      > Bulk.

  79. 9 months ago

    How loser is it to go to a bar alone? I used to do this in my 20s but now that I hit 30, feels it's getting weird. All my friends have gfs or don't go out. I just want to be a normie amd get a nice gf but I guess I missed the boat by 12 years and I've been trying to cope ever since

    >inb4 incel/fat

    I'm a 5 on a good day. 5'9 white blue eyes 165lbs about 15% bf, very modest lifts but arms and shoulders are small. I do too much rooning, hockey and football

  80. 9 months ago

    where best to get gyno surgery?
    my local estimates is like 8600 cad
    I need to save money

    • 9 months ago

      Azerbaijan as long as you don't mind Muslims.

      • 9 months ago

        how much did you pay?

        • 9 months ago

          Just my left kidney
          You only need one

  81. 9 months ago

    >try to be encouraging to other gym members
    >guys are pretty cool about it
    >but notice that grils will instead talk to my gym mate instead of me afterwards
    >like full-on ignore me and only talk to him
    >whenever I try and talk my way in, they don't even look my way
    I'm sorry mom I tell you girls sometimes flirt with me at the gym but it's a lie most won't even talk to me except for the nice old ladies

  82. 9 months ago

    help me

    • 9 months ago

      Use the heaviest shampoo with pyro whatever zinc in it

      >try to be encouraging to other gym members
      >guys are pretty cool about it
      >but notice that grils will instead talk to my gym mate instead of me afterwards
      >like full-on ignore me and only talk to him
      >whenever I try and talk my way in, they don't even look my way
      I'm sorry mom I tell you girls sometimes flirt with me at the gym but it's a lie most won't even talk to me except for the nice old ladies

      Post a pic in your gym wear
      Your mate might just be a 10/10 also

  83. 9 months ago

    I went from 230lb to 180lb (24 year old 5'7" I know lol).
    While I look much better and people are generally getting nicer to me I am starting have doubts about it all. I look at my current body and feel like if I were to lose 20 more pounds I still won't be satisfied due to my skin just being stretched out from being a fatass all my life.
    Anyways I'm still trying to get an aesthetic shape regardless of the loose skin. Does anyone who's been in my situation have any tips for what to do to get out of looking like an old man? From dieting advice or ways to deal with loose skin any bit would be helpful thank you

  84. 9 months ago

    Sorry i dont know if this question belongs here but I'll ask
    >be 70kg 165cm fattie, lose 6kg (now 64kg) through ADF in a month (water fasting on fasting days, below maintenance on feeding days)
    >decide to learn to cook so i can make good meals for myself and my grandpa (he doesn't eat much these days)
    >order electronic oven
    >oven arrives, it's a fasting day, decide to make an exception and cheat for the first time in a month
    >parboil potatoes, cut into slices, season with grated garlic, olive oil, salt, chilli flakes
    >bake in oven for 30 min at 200C
    >eat, it's delicious
    >spend the entire night nauseous
    >throw up a lot in the morning, vomit full of yellow bile

    What could have gone wrong?

    • 9 months ago

      probably had sprouted potatoes.

      "Glycoalkaloids in potatoes are toxic to humans and can cause acute gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stomach and abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. Severe cases may be accompanied by neurological effects such as drowsiness, restlessness, shaking, confusion, weakness, and disturbed vision"

      • 9 months ago

        Frick man
        First time i try to cook and i end up poisoning myself
        Thank the gods grandpa didnt eat any

        • 9 months ago

          Don't let it take the wind out of your sails, you learned a positive lesson from a negative experience. Your wisdom is in profit. Practice makes perfect.

      • 9 months ago

        Frick man
        First time i try to cook and i end up poisoning myself
        Thank the gods grandpa didnt eat any

        I don't think it's just "sprouted' potatoes. Those are fine if you cut them out but "green" potatoes will make you sick.
        It happens to older potatoes but especially when they're exposed to a lot of light. This is why folks keep em in dark places.
        Just don't eat if the skin has turned green.

  85. 9 months ago

    1. Must I sweat a ton for a workout to show result over time? There's a back room at my work place where I can use to work out in secret but its heavily air conditioned
    2. Can anyone give me an abs routine that I can do once a week?

    • 9 months ago

      Please respond

      • 9 months ago

        why in the world would sweating matter
        it honestly doesn't really matter, hypertrophy them like any other muscles 2-3 times a week with whatever exercises you like

        • 9 months ago

          >why in the world would sweating matter
          I thought it means waste excretion occurs which is good
          What that?

          • 9 months ago

            Did you fail out of middle school
            Sweating is just something your body does to prevent overheating
            It barely burns any calories

    • 9 months ago

      Sweating is just a reaction to being too warm and your body trying to cool off, it has nothing to do with weight gain or loss. I usually work out in shortshorts and a tanktop, and I very rarely get sweaty unless I do very high intensity in a short time span, or naturally during cardio, and it doesn't affect gains in any way.
      Unironically link related has a good of short "ab workout" clips on youtube, just search "ab workout leanbeefpatty" (no I don't care about her or egirl frickery, this is all I use her "info" for) and you'll find several

      I found a power lifting gym near me. I’ve never lifted before. 300lbs 6’1. Will I get laughed outta there/should I go somewhere else and focus on cardio?

      furthermore, no one will mock someone trying to better themself.

      Okay, maybe this sounds like a troll post since i sound ignorant and i don't regularly browse IST, but does 'diet' or whatever it's called really matter? I used to be weak and struggle to carry even a single sack of cement, but lately, I've been doing push-ups and lifting a concrete barbell (not mine tho it's just there since i was moved here) for few months. Now I can easily carry two sacks of cement plus groceries, so I think doing push-ups and lifting weights really does make you stronger. So I wonder if lifting more weight at the gym could make you even stronger without having to worry about dieting or some nonsense calorie and protein calculations math shit? Or in the end do you really need to think about nutrition shit?

      diet just matters either when you want to gain, lose, or maintain weight (or rather, keeping track of your intake vs outtake), or in general when you want to be healthy (not eating trash food, or at least not often)

      • 9 months ago


        Cool, I’m going to check it out after work. Really excited.

      • 9 months ago

        Frick, can I replace it with crunches instead or anything else? In fine with everything else

  86. 9 months ago

    Thoughts on alternating between pull ups and chin ups on ULxULxx?
    >U day 1

    Bicep curls
    Weighted pullups

    U day 2

    Weighted chin ups

  87. 9 months ago

    I found a power lifting gym near me. I’ve never lifted before. 300lbs 6’1. Will I get laughed outta there/should I go somewhere else and focus on cardio?

    • 9 months ago

      Incredibly fricking gay.

    • 9 months ago

      I have never had any man even meet eyes with me much less talk to me in a gym
      Is it full of actual ghetto Black folk

      • 9 months ago

        Bro I am an actual ghetto Black person. I ate a buncha smaller actual ghetto homies and that’s how I got fat

    • 9 months ago

      Nobody spoke to me for a while when I first started going to my gym but when I became a regular and people knew I wasn't going to give up they became very friendly and always offered to help me out with tips and advice. I've never seen anyone (except for a bully) get laughed out of the gym. Half the battle is getting to the gym, go for it anon

  88. 9 months ago

    serious question bros: whats the exercise to thrust harder and longer while doggy my gf? hip thrust? squats? or even fricking cardio shit plx help.

    • 9 months ago

      No need to thrust harder unless you have a tiny dick it will frick her cervix up lmao
      I just train stamina
      What's your marathon pace? Get it under 4 hours and if you aren't satisfying women at that point you are doing sex wrong lol

      • 9 months ago

        yeah there's no need for me to thrust harder. she's tiny (155 cm 43kg and i have 17cm dick) one time she said i overdid myself and she bled a little lol anyway your right i will train stamina more. thanks

        • 9 months ago

          >he jackhammers his gf (...) until she bleeds (bruh?)
          what the frick are you doing
          also stop fricking kids

          • 9 months ago

            we fricked after she had periods. maybe thats why she bled a little. she just smol not kid lmao

          • 9 months ago

            Where do you live where kids are 155cm mate
            That's pretty fricking tall unless you are nordic

  89. 9 months ago

    >go on a bike cause it's the last of the good weather
    >get tired and don't feel like lifting weights this day and the next
    >lift weights
    >get tired and don't feel like going on a bike or something this day and the next
    why it gotta be this way

  90. 9 months ago

    How do I increase posterior mobility? I have a lot of trouble with doing exercises that involve squatting and my back?
    >Done kettlebell swings and now lower back is killing me

  91. 9 months ago

    Okay, maybe this sounds like a troll post since i sound ignorant and i don't regularly browse IST, but does 'diet' or whatever it's called really matter? I used to be weak and struggle to carry even a single sack of cement, but lately, I've been doing push-ups and lifting a concrete barbell (not mine tho it's just there since i was moved here) for few months. Now I can easily carry two sacks of cement plus groceries, so I think doing push-ups and lifting weights really does make you stronger. So I wonder if lifting more weight at the gym could make you even stronger without having to worry about dieting or some nonsense calorie and protein calculations math shit? Or in the end do you really need to think about nutrition shit?

    • 9 months ago

      noob gains will give even starving african kids a boost in strength and endurance
      if you actually want to gain muscle beyond the first few months which are freebies, nutrition and caloric surplus is very important. for the most part if you eat a bunch of protein and don't starve yourself it's probably good enough

  92. 9 months ago

    How much protein can we really need?
    >average western male non-lifter eats 60 g/day which is considered more than necessary
    >avergage natty gains <5 kg in their first year, which equates to about 14 g/day
    >even if we assume the whole 14 g is protein, and double it for safety, we end up with 88 g/day for an average male
    Surely it's more important to get enough carbs and at the right time to have enough energy to train well, build muscle and not have to burn amino acids for energy.

    • 9 months ago

      bro do you think that 1g of protein ingested == 1g of protein muscle built? like god damn. nothing in life is that efficient. the body is fricking messy I imagine you're losing a shitload due to all the metabolic processes that food undergoes inside your body

      • 9 months ago

        Animal protein bioavailability is usually over 80% (whey is nearly 100%) but that's why I said double it. You could even triple the 14 g and still only be needing 102 g/day. That should cover digestion and the possibility that you might be able to build muscle faster than average.

        Sauce: https://www.cksociety.org/protein-bioavailability/

  93. 9 months ago

    How can I sleep better? The only thing that keeps me asleep throughout a while night is pot and I'm trying to not be a degenerate.

    • 9 months ago

      Usually I only have trouble sleeping when something is off - examine, is something off for you?
      Are you uncomfortable in bed - too cold, too warm, physically uncomfortable in the positions?
      Are you hungry or dehydrated when you go to bed? Are you shifting your bedtime, like trying to go to sleep at 12 when you usually go to sleep at 3 am or something?
      Is something troubling you, and can that thing be affected? Do you use electronics, or something that excites you either mentally or physically just before bed? Do you look at any bright light, or light source like a screen close before bed? Are you content with what you've spent your day, or at least your free time, on?
      All of these things, and probably more, factor in sleeping better.

  94. 9 months ago

    Can doing Nofap increase my Test + Does more test = More fat loss

  95. 9 months ago

    If I'm doing an AB split 3 times a week and trying to lose weight is it better to bookend the lifts with 10-15 mins of cardio each day, or do dedicated cardio for 60-75 mins instead of one day of lifts?

  96. 9 months ago

    I wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I have a full bladder. I go to piss and 2 fricking drops dribble out and the feeling goes away. I go back to sleep. Is this normal.

  97. 9 months ago

    For the last 2 years, I've stopped doing normal chest lifts, and have only done upper chest, yet my upper chest is still nonexistent.
    >incline bench 5x5
    >incline db bench 3x12
    >low to high cable cross overs 3x12
    I'm at 2plate bench and 85s on db bench. Is upper chest supposed to be impossible to build?? The weight keeps going up but I've seen zero physical changes

  98. 9 months ago


    >you're likely hurting yourself by not doing flatwork
    Anon I did flatwork for like 5 years. My flat bench was 285x6 reps when I stopped. I maxed out our damn chest fly machine.

  99. 9 months ago


    >crunching movements just crease the fat to show their shape

  100. 9 months ago

    DYEL here.
    I think one of the obliques are inflamed or the tendon is fricked.

    It's a sharp pain now and then. Pretty sure they are working overtime from lack of muscles in the rest of the back.

    Is this common? It's not nerve pain.

  101. 9 months ago

    why do i get the feeling of impeding doom when trying to sleep? it only happens occasionally and only when i'm trying to sleep in bed. i don't take any drugs besides nicotine (through e-cigs) and caffeine, i excercise regularly and i'm not diagnosed with any mental issues

    • 9 months ago

      Only moment of silence and being alone throughout the day?
      Take a chug or three of vodka to ease of the brainpatterns.

      Wah lah.

      • 9 months ago

        could be. i've been skipping my daily meditation sessions recently but i still don't take my phone with me to the shitter on purpose so i get some silence throughout the day

  102. 9 months ago

    Will fat burners help me maximize fat loss, or are they a meme? I started lifting weights about 6 months ago, but haven't seen much progress, am I being impatient?

    • 9 months ago

      >or are they a meme
      They always have been. Just eat less, it's that easy. It's LITERALLY the only thing that matters. Just fricking eat less.
      >I started lifting weights about 6 months ago, but haven't seen much progress, am I being impatient?
      You.. should be seeing a lot of progress in 6 months, if you're talking about weight loss. You should be, bare minimum, down 20-30 pounds. You need to put the fork down and stop eating so much.

    • 9 months ago

      >Will fat burners help me maximize fat loss, or are they a meme?
      90% of your progress for losing weight is eating less. That's it. That's all it has ever been. It's that easy. The only people that "can't lose weight" are the same people that stuff their faces every second of the day. There's no shortcuts. There's no cheat codes. Literally just stop eating so much.
      >am I being impatient?
      No, you're being dumb by continuing to eat so much. If you took this seriously you'd be losing at least 1lb/week. So that's ~24 pounds down, at least.

  103. 9 months ago

    What does iron deficiency feel like?

    • 9 months ago

      Anyone? I've been feeling exhausted, unmotivated, and abnormally sore even after very light cardio. Diet is normal-ish, eating meat is rare, but I eat a ton of dairy products.

  104. 9 months ago

    How much is the carryover of dips to bench press?
    Are handstand push ups enough for the clavicular portion of the pec?
    I dont have a lot of equipment, and while I could set something up I dont feel like it, prefer two chairs and a wall.

    • 9 months ago

      Get a gym membership, skelly

      • 9 months ago

        I'm bigger than you

  105. 9 months ago

    I'm 30 and want to start boxing.
    I have never done anything sports related since swimming when I was a kid.
    I have no idea where to even begin, is there a website or a book I can reference for the type of exercises I need to be doing ?

    • 9 months ago

      Youtube has replaced all books etc.
      I'm going to guess that beginners need to learn the motions of punching from your feet and condition your hands and wrists to the repeated trauma.
      The core should be the most important part to exercise I guess too.

  106. 9 months ago

    why are my triceps taking so long to recover?
    I've been doing pull ups everyday and at the start I felt my triceps. Are pull ups really this fatiguing for tris?

  107. 9 months ago

    What’s up with all the focus on high intensity, single set workouts lately? The mike mentzer stuff?

  108. 9 months ago

    >Wake up slightly too early, so I have like 6 hours and 45 minutes of sleep instead of 7.5 hours
    >Feel sick, like part of my brain is still shut off
    >Physical activity is impossible for me until I go back to sleep, even 30 minutes is enough to get rid of this feeling
    This doesn’t feel like normal tiredness, it’s so weird. Anyone else get this? What is it? Is it a chemical/hormonal thing where my brain isn’t releasing the right chemicals?

    • 9 months ago

      Your body needs a certain amount of sleep before it can "wake up" properly, even a slightly less amount of sleep can have weird responses.
      The worst is when people force themselves through this feeling and get used to having low amounts of sleep and its side effects.

  109. 9 months ago

    If I work out 4 times a week, and do cardio everyday but eat calories at a maintain level (healthy diet) will I get lean or do I have to do that all while eating sub -2000 calories?

  110. 9 months ago

    My gf basically has a bad knee as a result of being born with patellar instability. She's had surgeries and while they did not completely fix the problem, the instability and potential patella dislocation chances are much lower.

    Tl:dr, in spite of training with a medical professional and knee massages she's still afraid of bending her leg. She is going to the gym with me but basically uses very little weight or machines, in spite of doing shit like hip thrusts and squats. She's miserable at the gym and I can tell she hates it/compares herself to other women. Ironically enough she still mogs most of them due to good genes, previous effort put in and not being a dumb pig.

    How can I instill in her the mindset to enjoy the gym and be more daring in her workouts?

    • 9 months ago

      Tell her to try a bit more if shes comfortable, if theres any discomfort or pain thats usually the point to take a pause.
      If she can do exercises without pain then theres no real reason you cant push it a bit more.

      • 9 months ago

        Tried that, she's too afraid to go past a certain level with weights. Usually she says that it's not pain but her knee feeling too unstable to continue.

        Honestly I know that she has to push herself and try to beat prs/achieve small goals if she wants to progress any way regarding her physique or strength and I worry she's wasting time a bit.

        • 9 months ago

          The best pace to go is the one she's comfortable with, when she's ready to push it a bit further she will.
          I can completely understand that she wants to play safe after having surgery on her knee.

          • 9 months ago

            Yep, and I don't want to force her. Her trainer okayed going a bit harder but I guess she ain't mentally there yet. The surgery has been a good few years ago so it's not fresh at all though.

            • 9 months ago

              >The surgery has been a good few years ago so it's not fresh at all though.
              That stuff can leave mental scarring that lasts years, I still get cold sweats when I think back to when I had to have surgery because of infected hair follicles.
              I was only in bed for about 2 months after that surgery (removing around seven perianal cysts that left a golfball sized hole near my tailbone) but I never want that shit to happen ever again.

  111. 9 months ago

    Hey fellas

    I’m a newb to working out but at the gym I’m doing rows on the row machine but I find my biceps are fatiguing before I’m getting adequate fatigue in my back/shoulders

    Gauging by next day soreness, my biceps are 9/10 sore but my back only 3/10 sore

    What do?

    • 9 months ago

      I means your back is more muscular than your biceps, this is normal, just keep training until your biceps catch up to your back.

  112. 9 months ago

    Okay to take this and make it a 6 day per week program? I love lifting. Beginner. Not hitting my max on any lifts. Stop after 9 reps on AMRAP sets.

  113. 9 months ago

    I'm borderline early advanced now. Should I switch from my current intermediate program to an advanced one? Should I wait a little longer until the rest on the intermediate program isn't sufficient? I'm leaning on waiting a little longer.

  114. 9 months ago

    I was struggling to reach protein and calories so i started adding half a pound of beef daily to my diet, some days i eat a full pound. I've heard this is bad for heart health so I'm wondering if it's bad enough that it'll affect me negatively even if i run often. I use butter to make my burgers like pic related, if that makes it any worse.

  115. 9 months ago

    Anyone had a meniscus tear before? I landed on one foot and my knee had a giant pop. It didn't really hurt until the day after. Everything I'm reading says meniscus tear
    Should I wait and see if it heals on its own? Or is this something where I need to get an xray ASAP?

  116. 9 months ago

    is it normal for arms to be sore doing negative pull ups? dyel here

    • 9 months ago

      during or after?

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          Yes lol. Any time you use a muscle in a new way or more intensely than before it can get sore hours or days later and stay sore for up to a week (IME)

  117. 9 months ago

    Hello,so i've been doing full body workouts but switched to PPL this week. My question is whether what i did was at least decent or not:
    1x4chinup->1x5self-assisted pullup,
    1x8self-assisted pullup,
    1x8self-assisted chinup
    3x8 inverted body row on around 50cm height bar
    3x5 chinup negatives
    1x15 inclined pushup
    3x8 pike pushup
    2x3 ,1x4 dips
    1x10,2x8 pushups
    3x8 chest press
    1x15 inclined pushup

    Since i did pike pushups the first time(along with dips) and seeing that i can do them fairly easily,should i switch up and do dips first in the workout? Also is there any big mistake with the orders or with the exercises themselves?

  118. 9 months ago


    Yes lol. Any time you use a muscle in a new way or more intensely than before it can get sore hours or days later and stay sore for up to a week (IME)

    thanks shit is tough esp being a rooner lol

  119. 9 months ago


    >What are your stats and goals
    Male, BW ~90 kg, Age 20.
    I just want to get stronger.

  120. 9 months ago


    >Legs up crunches are the best overall mass building crunching specific movement
    what about cable crunches so you can add progressively overload? that shit makes my abs so sore

  121. 9 months ago

    Noob question please help. Hurt my shoulder doing OHP 2 weeks ago. Feels slightly better but still have popping in rotator cuff. What should I do? Should I stop lifting for a while? Does collagen help? I'm scared I'm fricked.

    • 9 months ago

      Do warm-ups please for the love of God. Band facepulls to failure, multiple sets. Do dedicated rear delt and rotator strength work. You'll thank me when you never have a shoulder issue again.

      • 9 months ago

        Will do thanks

  122. 9 months ago

    is my upper/lower program good?

    • 9 months ago

      No. You don't have any free weights
      Just squat, deadlift, hip thrust abs and cardio on lower
      Row, bench, chins, press, pullups, shoulder/chest flies arm work cardio on lower

      Stop using machines
      You're supposed to be the machine, not a small part of one

      Best shirt to cover my gains? I am cutting and want to go hard for my goal and not see myself for the next month or so. Mirrors are already covered. No I am not autistic.

      You're autistic senpai and tf are you talking about. You have to be able to see yourself to make sure you're not fricking up.

      Shit I typo'd. I meant that my posterior and legs are getting nice separation but my fat distribution is causing the anterior* portion of my body to still look fluffy. I suppose I was asking if building more chest and abs on my bulk would help the illusion of a more muscular front side in spite of my fat distribution.

      Thats life senpai

      >Legs up crunches are the best overall mass building crunching specific movement
      what about cable crunches so you can add progressively overload? that shit makes my abs so sore

      Some study looked at a bunch of movements and found legs up crunches to be the best
      I assume cable stuff lost out cuz you can cheat


      >What are your stats and goals
      Male, BW ~90 kg, Age 20.
      I just want to get stronger.

      Ask /plg/ if you're training for strength
      I'm at 3/4/5 but am massive from a decade of successful body building so I'm not strong for my weight despite mogging 99.9% of IST when I actually make it to the gym everyday 3 weeks in a row

      • 9 months ago

        Not autistic kek, just want to be done with cutting and tune down the bodydysmorphia a bit. I weigh daily to measure, I just want to wow myself ij a few weeks by being lean and having progressed.

  123. 9 months ago

    Why do preacher hammer curls tire me out more than any other exercise apart from maybe squats or deadlifts? I get the feeling of nearly blacking out every time I do them like when reaching a new PR for squats and diddies?

  124. 9 months ago

    How is 450 test at 29? Should I blast and cruise? Do a cycle or two to max genetics then get off and try to hold onto 70 percent of the gains or so? Or am I fine I just keep going natty?

  125. 9 months ago

    do people actually do meditation to enhance physical performance?
    if so: what are they actually doing?

    because as far as i can tell most meditation is just a trick for cluster b people to calm their breasts.

  126. 9 months ago

    A simple one: I have somehow injured my arms and they hurt really bad when I do any exercise (including something as easy as driving a car), so I have decided to have a rest week from my strength routine. Should I keep bulking during this week or should I switch to maintenance?

  127. 9 months ago

    a bunch of different tdee calculators tell me different results for my maintenance calories. is there any good one that i should use?

    • 9 months ago

      doesn't really matter they are just guessing pick one use the number for a month or so eating at what it says is maintenance and see if you gain or lose weight

  128. 9 months ago

    Who else just love squeezing their forearm muscles? Such a marvel of muscles and tendons.

    • 9 months ago

      For me it's calves. I seem to be one of the lucky ones who can grow their calves without being a fat c**t.

  129. 9 months ago

    Bulk or cut?

    158 lbs 181 cm

    • 9 months ago

      Serious question? Bulk. You have visible abs, why would you cut?

  130. 9 months ago

    yah yeah “progress man” etc. etc.
    can I get a bodyfat % estimate on left and right?

  131. 9 months ago

    >Try to work out
    >Pull a bunch of tendons
    >Give them a while to rest
    >Get less fit while resting them
    >Even harder not to pull them next time
    How to break the vicious cycle?

    • 9 months ago

      Try not being a spaz. Slow your reps down, increase the weight slower, get someone to teach you correct form, fix muscle imbalances or whateved. It really depends. If all that fails and you have inherently weaker tendons somehow, spend a month doing isometric exercises as a last resort.

    • 9 months ago

      You are doing something very wrong if you are “pulling tendons” ( that’s not a thing btw) that easily

  132. 9 months ago

    Noob here, trying to bulk up leanly. I haven't seen any change in weight for 11 days, should I increase my CI? I've been working out for over 2 months now so I do see some noob gains but I ate lower before so I suppose I was recomping. If this is too short to tell, how long should I monitor to know if I'm eating enough? I'm at 3200 kcal now.

    • 9 months ago

      As a noob you should be bulking
      You should be weighing yourself to make sure you're gaining
      Cardio helps ensure mass gainer is leaner than otherwise
      A healthy lifting adult male should slowly gain mass into his 50s

      A simple one: I have somehow injured my arms and they hurt really bad when I do any exercise (including something as easy as driving a car), so I have decided to have a rest week from my strength routine. Should I keep bulking during this week or should I switch to maintenance?

      You have knots in your traps


      do people actually do meditation to enhance physical performance?
      if so: what are they actually doing?

      because as far as i can tell most meditation is just a trick for cluster b people to calm their breasts.

      Meditation can help all aspects of your life if you really don't know how to manage your mental health

      How is 450 test at 29? Should I blast and cruise? Do a cycle or two to max genetics then get off and try to hold onto 70 percent of the gains or so? Or am I fine I just keep going natty?

      Your test should peak at 30 so that's pretty low tbh
      I would do more cardio, eat more fat and cut out all sugar and alcohol and keep protein below 0.8g/lb of lean mass

      Why do preacher hammer curls tire me out more than any other exercise apart from maybe squats or deadlifts? I get the feeling of nearly blacking out every time I do them like when reaching a new PR for squats and diddies?

      You're doing them moronicly obv

      • 9 months ago

        >You have knots in your traps
        Hard to believe: the pain is in my biceps. It feels like it comes straight from the bone even.

  133. 9 months ago

    Who weighted stair climbs here? I just did 20 reps with 10 kg. I don't like cardio but I don't want to be the BBer who gets out of breath going up stairs. Should I increase the reps or the weight next time?

  134. 9 months ago

    Requesting the meme picture of that uge riot cop bending his billy club after 4 scoops. I need it urgently, matter of life and death.

  135. 9 months ago

    What's the deal with rucking? Is it safe?

    Currently walking 3 miles to the gym fasted every morning. Six miles total. Was wondering if rucking 5-20 pounds would help burn fat and tone.

  136. 9 months ago

    So I've been dieting and running/hiking for a good couple months now and practically everyone I meet says I've lost weight and I can see it too but my scale is at most going down by like one or two pounds. Is it just cope that I'm losing weight or is this just how things are.

    • 9 months ago

      It sounds like you're losing fat and slowly building muscle. So the scale may not move much but the body composition is changing.

    • 9 months ago

      Measurements matter more than weight

      >You have knots in your traps
      Hard to believe: the pain is in my biceps. It feels like it comes straight from the bone even.

      Did you have your bf rub the knots out of your shoulders yet or no

      i want to work out at noon tomorrow, i usually do so in the afternoon but tomorrow i will have to make due with noon.
      can meal timing the day before help with making sure i perform well? im on 5/3/1 bbb and tomorrow is heavy 1+ day on diddies so i want to make sure i perform as well as possible.
      and what do i eat if i wake up at 8 am and want to get going the gym at 10am? quick digesting but still health carbs and protein? i usually eat a big ass bowl of oatmeal with skyr and eggs in the morning but all that fibre and fat might be a slight hinderance so im just thinking couscous/bulgur cooked with some whey and cinnamon and some dates to top it off, sound good or am i stupid for slightly overthinking this?

      2 hours pre-workout you should have a carb and fat heavy meal
      Some powerlifter does like 6 slices of toast with peanut butter and 6 eggs or something

      I know that girls don't exist on the internet, but I'm going to take a shot in the dark.
      I'm 11 weeks postpartum and exclusively breastfeeding. With my first child I was calorie counting and would eat 500 calories below tdee, which is more like 800 - 1000 when breastfeeding and never lost any weight. I finally lost 20 pounds right around when my first kid was weaned.. (Wondering if it was postpartum thyroiditis or something?)
      This time I'm attempting the same, but via alternate day fasting because I prefer fasting.
      Any women or anyone know women who've done similar? How did you/she deal with hunger while breastfeeding? Did alternate day fasting ruin your/her milk supply or effect your/her baby's growth or development?
      Instead of the usual effects of fasting, feeling energized and refreshed, I feel weak and exhausted. It's awful.

      My wife needs to eat a complex carb rich diet steadily to have consistent feeds
      I would straight up not recommend what you're talking about because of it

      You should also be eating more when breast feeding and not trying to lose weight as you should be burning way more calories regardless

      • 9 months ago

        Maybe I need to go get my thyroid hormones tested.. When I eat at my normal tdee I gain weight, when I eat at my adjusted tdee for breastfeeding I gain weight quickly. When I eat two to five hundred below my unadjusted tdee I maintain my (over)weight.
        This is happening while eating whole foods and not junk.

        • 9 months ago

          How often do you poop?
          Also, if you're gaining weight, it's over your TDEE
          You can't just declare your TDEE
          Whatever you need to eat to stay the same weight is your TDEE

          • 9 months ago

            Not often enough, like twice a week if I drink coffee regularly.
            Well, I guess I never did think of it that way. Silly me, I was too concerned with calculations and forgot about real world results. I will consider my real world results as my tdee instead.

  137. 9 months ago

    i want to work out at noon tomorrow, i usually do so in the afternoon but tomorrow i will have to make due with noon.
    can meal timing the day before help with making sure i perform well? im on 5/3/1 bbb and tomorrow is heavy 1+ day on diddies so i want to make sure i perform as well as possible.
    and what do i eat if i wake up at 8 am and want to get going the gym at 10am? quick digesting but still health carbs and protein? i usually eat a big ass bowl of oatmeal with skyr and eggs in the morning but all that fibre and fat might be a slight hinderance so im just thinking couscous/bulgur cooked with some whey and cinnamon and some dates to top it off, sound good or am i stupid for slightly overthinking this?

  138. 9 months ago

    Calisthenicsgay here, I want to start training my legs. I don't really want big legs, I would like some legs that look trained. The split squat hits quads, glutes and hamstrings all in one exercise, is it enough for my objective? You have to think that I still have beginner gains in my legs and I have access to limited weights. If I do 4x10 2 times a week it should be enough for my whole leg to grow, right?

  139. 9 months ago

    because of the way my life is I can only go to the gym on odd days of the week. because of this my gym routine would have to be UxLULxx. Thoughts?

    • 9 months ago

      That's fine

    • 9 months ago

      i personally would do LxULUxx in that case, gives more rest between leg sessions

      • 9 months ago

        okay that makes sense, i’ll try that

  140. 9 months ago

    I know that girls don't exist on the internet, but I'm going to take a shot in the dark.
    I'm 11 weeks postpartum and exclusively breastfeeding. With my first child I was calorie counting and would eat 500 calories below tdee, which is more like 800 - 1000 when breastfeeding and never lost any weight. I finally lost 20 pounds right around when my first kid was weaned.. (Wondering if it was postpartum thyroiditis or something?)
    This time I'm attempting the same, but via alternate day fasting because I prefer fasting.
    Any women or anyone know women who've done similar? How did you/she deal with hunger while breastfeeding? Did alternate day fasting ruin your/her milk supply or effect your/her baby's growth or development?
    Instead of the usual effects of fasting, feeling energized and refreshed, I feel weak and exhausted. It's awful.

  141. 9 months ago

    How much weight can one reasonably lose in 1 month doing PPL 4x a week w/ cardio 2x a week on a cut with a 5-7% deficit? Going on a trip, don't expect anything miraculous, but am curious on how far I might get?

    • 9 months ago

      I would cut until the last week then refeed so you have some semblance of musculature

      • 9 months ago

        Thanks anon, appreciate the answer.

  142. 9 months ago

    can i eat corn on the cob with my meals sometimes

    • 9 months ago

      Sure, but only if you eat it the long way

  143. 9 months ago

    I just noticed when I was wearing a polo shirt that my right bicep is hugged by the sleeve while the sleeve is loose on my left bicep. I’m left handed so my right arm is my non dominant arm. It seems this is normal but how should I train my left bicep to get as big as my right? Should I do extra reps for the left or something?

  144. 9 months ago

    Dumb question, what does a hernia feel like? I had something that may or may not have been a hernia as.a teenager (one doctor was absolutely certain I had one and referred me to a surgeon, go for the consult and the surgeon says I don't have one). At the time, I had an occasional but not very intense pain slightly below and to the left of my belly button, and also on occasion a general feeling of malaise with my stomach, not even a stomachache, but like a subtle feeling of needing to shit but no actual shit there. This was a decade ago. It went away eventually and I felt perfectly fine, but I think I fricked something up in the area again when doing hanging leg raises and I'm getting the same shit all over again, except also with muscle pain in my left oblique. Could I have had a hernia that healed itself, and then fricked it again?

  145. 9 months ago

    is it just me or have more people been complaining about erectile dysfunction lately on this board. Every time i open this board i see at least 1-2 separate threads about it

  146. 9 months ago

    Why do I feel taller recently?

  147. 9 months ago


    Ty anon I’ll check this out. I do notice I get the attacks worse when I haven’t eaten much, probably a factor.

  148. 9 months ago

    When I stop working out for a week, I start feeling weakness in my muscles. Makes me feel like lifting heavy objects, like muscles asking me to use them.
    Any science behind this phenomenon? Is it chemical reactions in muscles or my brain?

  149. 9 months ago

    I started lifting a couple of months ago, I still don't have anything to show but it still feels like one of the best decisions i've taken in my life, I've got some questions though, how do I gain flexibility? any resources out there anyone can recommend?

  150. 9 months ago

    Does 5x5 build some muscle?
    I found 8 reps to damage my muscle quite a lot, and I want to lift big boy weight so I'm not going to decrease the weight.

  151. 9 months ago

    will ashwagandha turn me into an ssri zombie? ive heard really good stories about it but also some anons saying it fricked them up mentally for a time as well

  152. 9 months ago

    my goal is aesthetics / hypertrophy. if i’m doing 3x8 squats but i have to pause in between reps on the last set, should i lower the weight. how much should i struggle on reps if i’m focusing on hypertrophy?

  153. 9 months ago

    >be me
    >native american
    >almost no body hair because indians grow absolutely nothing
    how do I not look like a twink? I'm kind of stubby, will that help?

  154. 9 months ago

    >doing leg exercises
    >have to take a piss between sets
    >power output reduces substantially afterwards
    what the frick? why would that happen?

  155. 9 months ago

    any secrets to making Tilapia more exciting? I've tried the usual lemon garlic salt pepper thyme combo for fish, but the tilapia still ends up a little bit lame

    • 9 months ago

      Anon if you aren't eating 2lbs of it at a time you are too small

  156. 9 months ago

    I was uploading my thesis but I uploaded the regular pdf file instead of the pdf/a that the faculty requested? what's gonna happen next? they tell me to make another upload in the correct format?

  157. 9 months ago

    is the mercury in tuna actually bad or is it an eco-tard psyop?

    • 9 months ago

      everything is made to stop you from achieving greatness. Every time you hear shit about water, bananas or mercury in fish it's because people want you to feel bad about being healthy.

      The amount of homies that died from flouride in water, vit k in bananas and mercury in tuna is likely 0.

      the average gay probably gets more mercury from their rainbow vape

    • 9 months ago

      bad enough to never eat it? no
      do you want to eat a can a day? probably not since mercury accumulates over time

  158. 9 months ago

    Gimme a bodyweight leg workout routine I can do once a week. I'm thinking 20X4 squats, 20X4 jumping squats, and 20X4 Bulgarian squats, is this sufficient, not enough or too much

  159. 9 months ago

    how many calories are there in turkish bread like this

  160. 9 months ago

    My muscles seem to be able to recover very quickly from workouts, even though I lift to failure, but I get CNS fatigue if I work out too many times. I did compound lifts 3x this week (m/w/f) then yesterday I was bored so I went into the gym and did a bunch of isolations (curls, tri exts, leg exts and leg curls) and I was adding weight despite having worked some of those muscles to failure on friday. Today I feel lethargic but not sore, I could probably lift but I would hate it due to CNS fatigue. I might be overexcited but I'm wondering if this means I have good muscle recovery genetics that I can take advantage of if I figure out how to avoid/fix CNS fatigue. Thoughts?

    • 9 months ago

      I assume you're an absolute noob
      Also "going to failure" means different things based on set rep schemes and what movements you're actually doing

      Why are my dick and balls always shriveled? Everything used to just sag and hang out. Now it's always tucked in

      You have to poop

      How much is too much? I have no idea what is actually something "reasonable" to do. For example I was thinking to changing gyms and running. It would be about 3.5km there and I'd probably go 5 days a week. Is this too much or something everyone does and I just don't know.

      I also heard that cardio fricks your gains is this bullshit?

      You don't really have any clear question

      You need cardio to support more mass but most people won't eat enough fat or calories overall to support the cardio to help themselves grow

      How do I force myself to wake up? I had an alarm set for 9am, woke up, turned it off and then slept until 1pm.

      Eat all your food for the day by 16 hours before you want to be awake the next day

      Always wake up at the same time
      Never eat late or take caffeine within 6 hours of when you should be sleeping

      It also helps to set your alarm and tell yourself you have to wake up at that time multiple times so your subconscious feels the urge to rise

      • 9 months ago

        >I assume you're an absolute noob
        >Also "going to failure" means different things based on set rep schemes and what movements you're actually doing
        OK but what can I do?

        • 9 months ago

          don't bother, the mass replier(s) come in these threads to "answer" qs with halfbaked bullshit they made up, not to actually help anyone

  161. 9 months ago

    Why are my dick and balls always shriveled? Everything used to just sag and hang out. Now it's always tucked in

  162. 9 months ago

    Whenever I do OHP I have a sharp compression in my ribs when I push up what is this?

  163. 9 months ago

    How much is too much? I have no idea what is actually something "reasonable" to do. For example I was thinking to changing gyms and running. It would be about 3.5km there and I'd probably go 5 days a week. Is this too much or something everyone does and I just don't know.

    I also heard that cardio fricks your gains is this bullshit?

  164. 9 months ago

    How do I force myself to wake up? I had an alarm set for 9am, woke up, turned it off and then slept until 1pm.

    • 9 months ago

      If you live alone then set the alarm somewhere else in the house/room. Then just do your best to sit at a chair or something instead of lying back down. Maybe immediately showering or splashing your face with water would help.

      • 9 months ago

        If it's in another room I won't hear it.

        I assume you're an absolute noob
        Also "going to failure" means different things based on set rep schemes and what movements you're actually doing

        You have to poop

        You don't really have any clear question

        You need cardio to support more mass but most people won't eat enough fat or calories overall to support the cardio to help themselves grow

        Eat all your food for the day by 16 hours before you want to be awake the next day

        Always wake up at the same time
        Never eat late or take caffeine within 6 hours of when you should be sleeping

        It also helps to set your alarm and tell yourself you have to wake up at that time multiple times so your subconscious feels the urge to rise

        I'll try fixing my eating habits if that helps

  165. 9 months ago

    does anyone use olympic dumbbells for a home gym? how annoying are they to get into position for bench press? i want to get them for working out at home because theyre kinda cheap

  166. 9 months ago

    how much do EZ bars with 50mm diameter usually weigh? it doesnt say on the bars at my gym and theres a slightly shorter and a slightly longer one (no staff there to ask)
    10kg a fair assumptions?

  167. 9 months ago

    why do i get sharp pain in my chest (right boob muscle idk) when i do sit ups or just sit up in general like getting out of bed?
    doesnt hurt at all when doing pushups or dumbbell presses or anything other than sit ups
    been happening for weeks

  168. 9 months ago

    Is it wrong to use gloves? My hands are sweaty and using gloves really improved my deadlifting and pull ups, but some people say you shouldn't use them

    • 9 months ago

      Using anything that can get caught in the tools is dangerous.
      That's why people take ofd their rings.

      But people do use gloves, just don't drop/throw the weight.

  169. 9 months ago

    im trying to get 10+ sets each week, i train every other day. is the move just do do 3 sets on each? im not trying to be in the gym for 1.5-2 hours

    • 9 months ago

      i count incline bench as front shoulder sets
      and push b was suppost to be mid delts not rear

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