Questions that don't deserve their own thread
>cool style edition

I'll start. How do I fix:
>creaking knees
>popping shoulder

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago
    OPs Mom

    Can comeone please post the .webm of the bald guy on the cable machine training to fight manlets?

    • 9 months ago

      I added this trip for a meme post and forgot to remove it and made several posts with it and now I'm embarassed

      • 9 months ago

        Well prepare for embarassment round two, because that's a name not a trip

      • 9 months ago

        >name posts


        it's a trip


      • 9 months ago

        Go back to plebbit

    • 9 months ago

      I added this trip for a meme post and forgot to remove it and made several posts with it and now I'm embarassed

      Well prepare for embarassment round two, because that's a name not a trip

      >name posts
      >>>[...] it's a trip


      Haha! I'm also laughing at this moron! But can someone please post that .webm he's probably been looking for days

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        One armed CrossFit tricep push downs

  2. 9 months ago

    I did a 6 month cut + U/L compound Split 4 days 4x8
    Now am doing 2 weeks of maintenace calories + U/L compound Split 4 days 3x5 for maintenace

    Gonna go on a 4 month slow bulk and try out BBB, thoughts?

    • 9 months ago

      Nobody responds to BBB posters
      I don't even know what it is


      Questions that don't deserve their own thread
      >cool style edition

      I'll start. How do I fix:
      >creaking knees
      >popping shoulder

      Stretch and get all the knots out of your calves, hams, quads, pecs, cuffs, delta bis and tris

      • 9 months ago

        Well the routine named Boring But Big

        • 9 months ago

          We know what it's called lmao

          If someone doesn't have a basic rough layout, no one knows what it is except autistic powerlifters

          As long as you're gaining what you want from it, it's fine obv
          The key to becoming impressive is to try things long enough to see if they work from tracking measurements/lifts and then going from there

          So many people come into these threads wanting information they can only get from doing

  3. 9 months ago

    seconding the popping shoulders question
    for creaking knees watch that ryan humiston vid “youre not special” i dont like his content usually but this one was really useful

  4. 9 months ago

    Will eating less salt actually cure my puffy red face? I'm around 15% bf.

    • 9 months ago

      No. Cutting sugar and eating 6 lower carb meals a day, drinking more water and stopping fapping will, tho

      It comes from blood sugar and hormone fluctuations
      Like if you stop smiling, that will also unironically help, but don't get autistic about it

  5. 9 months ago

    Bros I was too hyped for lifting during my last squat session that I broke my 5x5 PR but gave myself glute DOMS that haven't gone away in like three days now.

    That aside, is yoga any good or should I just stick to regular stretching?

    • 9 months ago

      As long as you get the reps (stretch time) in, it doesn't matter what it's called


      I work a 4/3 days a week 12 hour a day split shift. I'm 35 lbs. overweight and have changed my diet but would like to throw in a gym workout. The work days suck trying to get a workout in. Literally 8 hours of sleep leaves 2 hours before and after work, less with getting ready, the commute, and family time. What or how would you recommend to work out on these days at work? Thank you for your help.

      Home gym 5sho

      Am I gay

      Probably bi if you still coom to thiccy briccys

  6. 9 months ago

    My upper traps get sore during and after high bar squats. Is this something I can fix or just have to deal with?

    • 9 months ago

      Sore as in from the bar pressing on them=

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah from the bar. But it hurts deep inside the muscle and not right on the top where the bar contacts my body.

        Are you a noob? It will go away over time as your taps get bigger. Or maybe you just it too high idk

        Yeah I've only been lifting 4 months now. I'm only squatting 165 but I worry if the pain is going to get worse, right now it's just a dull annoyance.

        • 9 months ago

          >I'm only squatting 165
          thats a lot for most people in the world

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah from the bar. But it hurts deep inside the muscle and not right on the top where the bar contacts my body.

            Yeah I've only been lifting 4 months now. I'm only squatting 165 but I worry if the pain is going to get worse, right now it's just a dull annoyance.

            Pounds or foreign units

            • 9 months ago

              >foreign units
              good one america you still use cm/mm

              • 9 months ago

                After converting from inches, I suppose

                But lmao

          • 9 months ago

            Pounds or foreign units

            American burger units.

    • 9 months ago

      Sore as in from the bar pressing on them=

      Are you a noob? It will go away over time as your taps get bigger. Or maybe you just it too high idk

    • 9 months ago

      This is why people lowbar

      With proper mobility, high bar and low bar are very very similar movements

      If you try to lowbar flat footed and refuse to push your hips forward, you might as well deadlift tho

    • 9 months ago

      1. Squat early in your routine so your shirt isn't drenched in sweat
      2. Wear cotton t-shirts
      3. Put chalk on your shirt where the bar will be resting

  7. 9 months ago

    I work a 4/3 days a week 12 hour a day split shift. I'm 35 lbs. overweight and have changed my diet but would like to throw in a gym workout. The work days suck trying to get a workout in. Literally 8 hours of sleep leaves 2 hours before and after work, less with getting ready, the commute, and family time. What or how would you recommend to work out on these days at work? Thank you for your help.

    • 9 months ago

      >What or how would you recommend to work out on these days at work? Thank you for your help.
      Get a home gym if you barely have any free time.

      • 9 months ago

        Picked up a few dumbbells and a kettlebell. Maybe a small session when I wake up. Anybody have any ideas regarding a workout on days off? I was doing a shitty version of PPL on my days off since I can't go everyday. It's something but anybody think there would be a better plan?

  8. 9 months ago

    Anybody here taking metformin?
    I'm taking it to counteract weight gain from other drugs.

  9. 9 months ago

    Am I gay

  10. 9 months ago

    I can only feel tension in my legs on the dumbbell row what do? Barely anything in the lats

    • 9 months ago

      Do barbell and learn to brace, rolling your shoulders back

      Also squat and deadlift more

      • 9 months ago

        I did used to do barbell and didn't have the same issue. Unfortunately right now I'm limited to just dumbbells. I'll try rolling my shoulders back more.

    • 9 months ago

      Row towards your pelvis with a curved travel path. Like a crescent. Rowing straight up and back engages your rhomboids and rear delts, not so much your lats.

  11. 9 months ago

    I'm switching up my U/L PHUL
    Went from everything 4x8 back to 5x5
    Adding 3x5 CG Bench on Upper body days

    Wanted to run this for another week at least
    Then transition to some other high volume routine with a slight bulk
    That sound good?

  12. 9 months ago

    How do I fix scraping scapula?

  13. 9 months ago

    If you lift 6 times a week fairly intense, how often should take a deload week?
    I'm on week 7 and had a dip in performance for the first time since two months, also my elbows have started to become easily irritated. Should I take a week to deload after this cycle?

    • 9 months ago

      >elbows have started to become easily irritated
      Don't even deload, just take a week off of lifting and let your joints heal goddamn.
      Still do your cardio tho!

    • 9 months ago

      >how often should take a deload week?
      as necessary but the cookie cutter response is once every 7 weeks

  14. 9 months ago

    Just starting doing RDLs. They feel a bit weird, not sure if I'm doing them right.

    1. Should you stick your butt out like into an anterior pelvic tilt thing or keep the spine neutral?

    2. How much should you bend the knees?

  15. 9 months ago

    Are pulls, rows, lat pulldowns, face pulls etc enough to work biceps? Lately I've been skipping curls and my bicep still feeps activated. Now I'm wondering if curls are really necessary.

    • 9 months ago

      For most people, no, you should do some accessory work. Depends on a few other factors though, your genetics could help your biceps grow with less stimulus than others, you could already have overdeveloped biceps so they take on more load than they "should", if you are using a supinated grip more often you may need less direct bicep work. Facepulls definitely don't put a lot of stress on your biceps though, not in any meaning full way for hypertrophy or strength gains at least. If you are curious or want a middle ground, the best gains are made sometimes by finding your minimum requirements. So maybe take some direct work out but still do a few sets a week, make them intense, and see if you still see your biceps growing. If they don't, add bicep work, if they do, remove a set and see if they still grow. You will need to do each test over a period of at least several weeks though. You could also lower the direct work and do more supinated grip for your pulling movements.

      Not sure if this is the right place to ask, where can i find routines to fix weak muscles from bad posture and improve mobility, started working out but shoulder and neck are fricked from using my pc for so long, and can't find a way to properly fix that

      reall self conscious about my forward head posture, I’m even developing a little bit of a hump on the back of my neck. Been trying my hardest to stand up straight, how long before it starts to feel natural and what stretches/exercises should I do to improve?

      Number one tip is the constant checking and fixing of posture throughout the day, and as often as you can putting yourself in positions that are easy to maintain good posture in. Beyond that, there are a variety of stretches and exercises that may help but it depends on your individual problems. Do you have tight muscles? Which ones? Do you have weak muscles? Which ones? I would just recommend a daily full body stretch routine that isn't too long, maybe even do it morning and night. Hamstrings, quads, hip flexors, lower or mid back, neck, chest, shoulders, lats, core, all these can contribute to poor posture. Exercises that I like are Prone Cobra, Wall Angels (If that is the correct name), Facepulls, Y raises, neck curls of different kinds, and the ones outlined in this video (https://youtu.be/JGLR46VGJWQ?si=b3EWyT-Q4b2xXZPb). You might be able to tell here, there are a ton of exercises and stretches that will generally help, even just rows or pullups or deadhangs,

      • 9 months ago

        Not sure if this is the right place to ask, where can i find routines to fix weak muscles from bad posture and improve mobility, started working out but shoulder and neck are fricked from using my pc for so long, and can't find a way to properly fix that

        reall self conscious about my forward head posture, I’m even developing a little bit of a hump on the back of my neck. Been trying my hardest to stand up straight, how long before it starts to feel natural and what stretches/exercises should I do to improve?

        Basically try to find out your specific problem and target it, which involves either expert opinion or test/retest. You also need to change general habits. There is only so much you can correct though, so keep that in mind as well. Also sleep on your back with no pillow.

    • 9 months ago

      If you would do chin-ups instead of lat pull downs it could be enough. But you have to do a lot of them

  16. 9 months ago

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask, where can i find routines to fix weak muscles from bad posture and improve mobility, started working out but shoulder and neck are fricked from using my pc for so long, and can't find a way to properly fix that

  17. 9 months ago

    Are stomach vacuums a meme, or should I throw them into my core routine?

  18. 9 months ago

    If I have an injury on my arms can I still work on my legs and be safe?

  19. 9 months ago

    When people talk about bulking and cutting they usually mean over a longer period. Can I just bulk or cut for half a week?

    • 9 months ago

      That would have the same effect as eating at maintenance. It *is* eating at maintenance.

  20. 9 months ago

    reall self conscious about my forward head posture, I’m even developing a little bit of a hump on the back of my neck. Been trying my hardest to stand up straight, how long before it starts to feel natural and what stretches/exercises should I do to improve?

  21. 9 months ago

    Is there any way to train ankle eversion and inversion?
    All the "ankle bulletproofing" I see online just boils down to calf raises and tib raises but I don't see how that would prevent something like a rolled ankle :/

  22. 9 months ago

    Who is this?

    • 9 months ago

      She's my waifu

  23. 9 months ago

    Whenever I do RDLs on the hinge part before I extend, I feel pressure in my balls. Is this natural?

  24. 9 months ago

    when squats are the first movement of my day it feels liek my hip crease? is hurting. i usually warm my hips and adductors up before hand so idk WTF is causing this but it goes away once i start my 2nd actual working set but my first warm up set up to my first working set feel really uncomfortable due to this.
    is there something else i should do or should i just warmup longer? ive been fat my whole life so ive been thinking its just sth i have to deal with due to being obese my whole life and my joints being creeky but its REALLY starting to get on my nerve and im not even squatting more than my BW currently

  25. 9 months ago

    my abs give out earlier than my legs on squats (turn into good mornings), am i too stupid to brace properly or are my abs too weak? how can i tell? and if so, what ab exercsises should i do to strengthen my abs for squats and diddies particularly?

  26. 9 months ago

    What the frick is "foid"? Why do I keep hearing this "foid" term?

    • 9 months ago

      Female-oid -> femoid -> foid

      • 9 months ago

        ...That's fricking dumb. That's almost as dumb as the reason why for the E-Dating term "Catfishing".

        • 9 months ago

          Foid detected

  27. 9 months ago

    How big would you say these biceps are? 15"?

  28. 9 months ago

    any recommendations for power racks/tall squat racks? im planning on hanging rings from them so i can just do weighted calisthenics, but i know nothing about fitness equipment so the Amazon best seller is my only option now
    >poor gay so budget is £120 or under

    • 9 months ago


  29. 9 months ago

    Getting married next month. Am a virgin. Any good book on sex and pleasuring women? I’ve heard about a book that basically tells you to do what you want to be done to you, don’t remember the title

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Getting married next month. Am a virgin. Any good book on sex and pleasuring women? I’ve heard about a book that basically tells you to do what you want to be done to you, don’t remember the title

        >Getting married next month. Am a virgin.
        You've lost me

        • 9 months ago

          Am religious

      • 9 months ago

        Learn to use your mouth so she's super warmed up
        The more warmed up she is, the better it'll feel for her and increase your chances of getting her there

        Don't overfap before or anything as women usually take PE as a compliment as long you get it sorted out over time

        • 9 months ago

          Make sure you only consume 0.8 ml of pussy juice per lbs of weight or you'll go straight catabolic bro

    • 9 months ago

      kama sutra

  30. 9 months ago

    should i still have my protein sippy on recovery days

    • 9 months ago

      also my muscles are bruised and extra sore after lifting weights i’m worried this is not normal

    • 9 months ago

      also my muscles are bruised and extra sore after lifting weights i’m worried this is not normal

      What do you mean by bruised, and what level of "extra" sore?
      For protein, the reasons to have a shake are that you have a hard time hitting your daily goal without it, or you aren't able to eat very before or after the gym for a while. Otherwise your protein intake should be virtually the same every day. What is you weight and how much protein do you get without the shake on recovery days and on active days?

      >They can be good, depends on your weaknesses and how much time you have. I don't think they're worth doing at the gym, in my opinion. Just do that at different points throughout the day. It's isometric so it's mostly strengthening the core muscles involved with sucking it in like that, but it won't help you a ton with growing your abs, but it also means they won't destroy you the next day if you do them at a couple points throughout.

      thanks anon

      You're welcome.

      Should I download a dating app? I just moved to a college town for a phd. I had good luck in my last city by just asking out women I know, but I would like to increase my prospects.

      I'm a 4-5/10 due to being 5'7" with good facial features and 7% BF. I get the sense that being short is more of a problem online than it is in real life.

      about 20,000 students are about to show up in the next two weeks, many of whom know no one and want bfs.


      can someone post /fast/ useful links? for some reason tehy are not posted there

      Make a fasting General or look in the archive.

      • 9 months ago

        bruising from push-up and tricep extension, it aches a lot to lift my arms. seems like this is not supposed to happen idk
        and i currently weigh 150 lbs, i can get about 100g protein through my meals regardless of activity level. i’m vegetarian and so having drinkable protein is helpful for me to be getting some extra amount. but i will try to keep it consistent even when i am resting up

        • 9 months ago

          I'm definitely not an expert but from my internet search: deficient in something or you overworked the muscle in some way. Try deloading tricep exercises a bit and see if it still happens. If not, slowly build up tricep work again. If it does, get bloodwork done or some other way to figure out where you are deficient. Considering you are vegaytarian deficiencies could be it. For the protein drink, you should probably aim for more like 125 grams a day of protein, so if you are getting 100 elsewhere I'd say continue to drink it. Goes double if you are not paying attention to the type of protein you are getting like many vegaytarians and vegans.

          • 9 months ago

            okie thank you!! feeling a lil better today i will just continue to rest up and take it easier next time

  31. 9 months ago

    can someone post /fast/ useful links? for some reason tehy are not posted there

  32. 9 months ago

    Should I download a dating app? I just moved to a college town for a phd. I had good luck in my last city by just asking out women I know, but I would like to increase my prospects.

    I'm a 4-5/10 due to being 5'7" with good facial features and 7% BF. I get the sense that being short is more of a problem online than it is in real life.

    about 20,000 students are about to show up in the next two weeks, many of whom know no one and want bfs.

  33. 9 months ago


    >They can be good, depends on your weaknesses and how much time you have. I don't think they're worth doing at the gym, in my opinion. Just do that at different points throughout the day. It's isometric so it's mostly strengthening the core muscles involved with sucking it in like that, but it won't help you a ton with growing your abs, but it also means they won't destroy you the next day if you do them at a couple points throughout.

    thanks anon

  34. 9 months ago

    I'm seeing this girl tomorrow and not sure if she has a huge ass? I can't really tell, that's the only picture where you can see it

    • 9 months ago

      give me her info, i'll scope it out for you

      • 9 months ago

        I don't have more info, she's on hinge. She's like 5'4 and either morroccan or indian, didn't ask her

    • 9 months ago

      you can see it from the front, of course it's huge

  35. 9 months ago

    how to get topical finasteride? and where?

    whats ideal hair stack? Currently just using 5% minoxidil foam and rosemary oil

  36. 9 months ago

    >weighted chinups
    >weighted dips
    >dumbbell curls
    >lateral raises
    How well do just these cover my upper body workout needs?

    • 9 months ago

      very well imo, dips are amazing (rings is best), same with pull ups, i would still say maybe throw in a pressing movement via dumbells for bench for chest tho

  37. 9 months ago

    If in in a 500-750 kcal deficit should I even bother with accessory lifts or just do heavy compound lifts to burn the most calories? I'm under the impression that I won't be getting much gains from being in that much of a deficit. Am I wrong?

  38. 9 months ago

    I've been lifting for two months and a half now I think, but the left side of my body feels underdeveloped in regards to the right side. You can't see it in the picture, but my right bicep is more round than the left one. One side of my 'abs' stands out more than the other, and the right side of my chest is bigger. How do I solve this problem at home? I don't go to the gym and plan on doing a whole DIY setup. Yes I'm posting from a cabin located in the third world. Also I feel like I'm not progressing fast enough, what do you guys think? Appreciate any advice.

    • 9 months ago

      the human body isn't perfectly symmetrical you dumbass.
      focus on eating instead of your noodle arms

      • 9 months ago

        Literally no need to be rude. All Americans are mentally ill. It's amazing.

  39. 9 months ago

    How much does overtraining matter? I just do a fullbody workout every day and don't feel sore at all after, even if I go for partial reps and cheat reps to still get some negatives in, so I was thinking about just lifting everyday. It doesn't feel like I am ever fatigued outside of deadlifting.

    • 9 months ago

      If you're not getting overuse injuries, you're fine and don't overthink it.

  40. 9 months ago

    I want to start training for mma.
    I got a jump rope, a pull up/dip/leg raises tower and 400 dollars CAD.

    Is there a calisthenics work plan aimed at mma/should I just do a full body workout?

    Is a sandbag a good investment?

    • 9 months ago

      No. A sandbag is not on the list of stuff that your be beneficial. Firstly, you're going to accomplish nothing without a coach, preferably several because you need to focus on different disciplines and not just the "MMA" classes.

      As far as home gym gear your tower is a good thing, an adjustable weighted vest would be another for those pullups, knuckle pushups, and high rep split squats. Beyond that a reflex bag, reflex ball, ankle weights, jawsercizer, grip extensor bands, prowler sled, Landmine platform (Which requires a barbell and plates) or Rowing machine would all be beneficial but not strictly necessary.

      You could get any of these things for under 400 but not all or even most of them. I advise focusing on the first half of the list if you're primarily a striker, and the second half if you're primarily a grappler.

      • 9 months ago

        Couldn't I do the same movement as a landmime platform with a sandbag instead plus zercher sandbag? And wouldn't it be better to training my neck over a jawsercizer?
        Also thanks

  41. 9 months ago

    Does rowing for cardio also increase my arm size?

  42. 9 months ago

    I remember that there was an app that gave you recipes with ingredients you added
    that exists or just dreamed it? also if needs subscription or something like that forget it.

  43. 9 months ago

    what's the best way to deal with the dead skin on my thumbs
    I deadlift hookgrip w/ tape

  44. 9 months ago

    what's your favourite fish? I want to start eating fish so that way i don't have to take fish oil, but i've only ever had salmon.

    • 9 months ago

      Sea bream, I fry it and put it in a baguette
      When frying fish it's normal for the skin to stick, it will unstick by itselt when it's done

  45. 9 months ago

    soon im (26) about to meet a cute, shy girl from a (female) friend of mine.
    that friend told me
    >shes into manly, muscular men, youre muscular so youre fine but you need to stop using female perfums
    im 5'9 (bigger than her), have a babyface, narrow frame and i dont think im muscular, my arms are just a bit bigger and a other friend completely mogs me.
    my question is how manly do i need to be for a girl? what could i do?
    also is it really an issue if i smell like a women? im not a troony

    • 9 months ago

      why do you want to smell like a woman

      • 9 months ago

        i just think women perfume smells better and i want to smell special, not like everyone else

        • 9 months ago

          as someone who likes iris (lipsticky) perfumes, frick it, just wear em

        • 9 months ago

          I feel similarly, but I don't resort to women's products.
          Mostly because I think a lot of their products are absolute dog shit.
          I love when girls use oils instead.
          Patchouli and amber, shit scratches at my primal urges.

          I don't like most mens colognes for the same reason, though.
          "Musky" usually just seems like poison to me.

          This is what I use and I always get complements and smiles.
          Even after hours of sweating, but then you could consider natural BO and diet...?

          Cologne: Givenchy Pi
          Deodorant: Method Men: Juniper and Sage
          Soap: Dove for Men +Care: Charcoal and Clay Exfoliating
          Body wash: Old Spice Revitalising: Exfoliating

          • 9 months ago

            >Fat hands
            Kek it really is these fat fricks who are pretending to get pussy

    • 9 months ago

      Eff her you want to smell nice you use what you like

  46. 9 months ago

    I want to add swmimming as cardio to my routine, any tips or resources, especially technique-wise? I could swim since before preschool, so I never bothered to learn how to do it properly.

  47. 9 months ago

    is doing 5x5 better than 4x8? in terms of hypertrophy

    • 9 months ago

      3-4 sets with failure around 10reps should be the goal. 3 of those reps being very close to failure.

      • 9 months ago

        I always laugh at you people recommending Sets until Failure

        • 9 months ago

          It's the way to go for hypertrophy you moron.

          • 9 months ago

            It is not if you go until failure most likely you'll be sore for way longer than you should be

          • 9 months ago

            The way to go for hypertrophy is less weight but higher volume i.e. sets/reps

  48. 9 months ago

    Think I just had a small tear in my pec, it's over.
    How long for average recovery?

  49. 9 months ago

    >Lower back pain after yesterdays session
    >still feel it this morning
    Should I just lay off the rest of the week? I'm on SL 5x5.

    • 9 months ago

      Deload and form-check, focusing on bracing. Foam roll the area before and after sessions. The pain is almost certainly from the spinal erector muscles, not a herniated disc; if correct the pain will be intensified by foam rolling and gone/much less afterwards. You can also do back bridges, extensions and core work. I would suggest hanging knee raises (add weight if you can do 10) at the end of a workout - gravity will decompress your spine. Focus on keeping your shoulders in the sockets when hanging, and focus on maintaining 90 degrees at the knee - flex abs on the way up and spinal erectors on the way down, which should stop you from swinging back and forwards too much. Kind of the opposite of how you pump your arms and legs to go higher on a swing.

      • 9 months ago

        >knee raises
        Holy shit, thank you so fricking much bro, I wouldn't have been able to get home with the pain. Those knee raises relieved me enough to walk home. Weird the answer was MORE Exercisebut thank fricking you bro.

  50. 9 months ago

    >Be skinnyfat Male 6"3
    >Buy protein shakes and gym pass
    >Lift for solid 3 years
    >Achieve newbie gains (completely clean)
    >Inset Morpheus meme "because you've never used them" about my chest
    >Almost started bare bar
    >Do mostly flat bar bench, incline bench with some chest fly's and pushups
    >My pec's have grown to a size that's i'm becoming self conscious about it
    >It feels like i've got boobs, I feel weird looking in the mirror wearing a fitting shirt, especially with a much flatter stomach. Is this normal? Again, i'm clean it's not a medical issue, but it's like having 2 lumps of muscle on my chest that had always been flat, and my shadow looks sus to me, my gym partner even made a comment about it, but he's a good 2 years behind me and not noobie gained yet.

    • 9 months ago

      It's questions that don't deserve their own thread not blog posts that don't deserve their own thread

  51. 9 months ago

    Red pill me. Pre-workout or double espresso?

    • 9 months ago

      preworkout then espresso intra workout

    • 9 months ago

      Coffee fricks with your electrolytes
      If you're getting enough salt otherwise, pre-workout will still likely be better lmaooo

  52. 9 months ago

    Explain to me what you think muscle soreness is

    • 9 months ago

      When the muscle feels.. sore, when you stretch and contract it. And the severity of muscle breakdown is if it feels sore even after warming it up, massage etc.
      If it's sore after that, another nights rest.

  53. 9 months ago

    >attempt side bends with a 10kg dumbbell
    >50reps in and still feel nothing in the obliques even though my core and arm is fatiguing heavily

    Either I have non-existant obliques and my core and spine is taking all the beating or I have obliques far surpassing the rest of my body?

  54. 9 months ago

    Are barbells a meme?

  55. 9 months ago

    How should i eat if im taking a break from the gym? Just guess at tdee change or go by feel? Can i cut protein if i want, since im not breaking down muscle tissue near as much?

  56. 9 months ago

    DYEL here, what can I do for my arms with only a barbell without a bench?
    I don't even have space for floor press.
    I do rows, ohp and push ups but I don't feel my arms much other than diamond pushups on my knees because I'm not strong enough to do the diamonds regularly.

  57. 9 months ago

    I swallowed a big lump of unmixed protein am I gonna die

  58. 9 months ago

    newbie question, I can't do more than a couple pull ups/chin ups, can I do a set at a time through the day for the this week for strength gains or am I better off doing them one dedicated one hour session at a time in a session twice this week?
    If I get spent doing them to the point where I can do only one rep at a time, am I still getting stronger from that or I just waste my time?

  59. 9 months ago

    Is bussy worth it?
    I've been super horny lately and matched with a Filipino twink on tinder

    • 9 months ago

      please just give him lots of cuddles and kisses after they really like that

  60. 9 months ago

    Is working out twice a day ok for a natural if its maybe once a week you do the 2x a day?

  61. 9 months ago

    Can someone recommend decent quality, wired headphones (but not earbuds) for workouts? Something with a long wire so it doesn't limit my movements when the phone is in the pocket or next to me, even better, with adjustable length, plus they should surround ears nicely to isolate external sound. But above all, the most important thing, they must be wired.

    • 9 months ago

      >>>IST /iemg/

      but to answer you right now, get a bluetooth set that has 3.5mm in. so basically most skullcandy, its cheap and good but tuned for bass. thats why people use them at the gym. you can get crusher ANC for like $100 which isn't bad for what you get, or a different model a bit cheaper.

      then you get your cable. you buy the longest cable you want, make sure its a braided cable, and you just plug it in to the phone and headphone

  62. 9 months ago

    How can I become more flexible and mobile? Is there some beginner routine for that?

  63. 9 months ago

    So since I don't see a related thread, anyone know what the problem with using things like "Ring fit adventure" to get yourself started on fitness?
    I got that around a month ago and with using it 1-4 times per week my girl has noticed im not tiring out in bed as easily. So was i just that out of shape even by ISTtard standards?

    • 9 months ago

      >in bed
      M8 you're so above ISTtard standards it's like in MiB where Milk Galaxy was in a glass ball that aliens played with and you're an alien playing a glass bal inside of which there are aliens playing glass ball in which there is Milk Galaxy

      • 9 months ago

        Milky Way! I now remember how it was called

      • 9 months ago

        Oh right, i wasnt thinking before posting, my apologies.
        In any case im seeing something tangible in return, but it's been the most I've ever been consistent with a routine before so I'm glad for that

  64. 9 months ago

    1 year into lifting, currently bulking with a small surplus
    my bodyweight is increasing, i feel like im gaining proper muscle size but my bench and squat arent improving for a week now, could this be down to technique or should i not worry about it as long as im improving long term?
    i understand that im not helping it doing tri isolations 3x a week but my squat not improving just doesnt seem right.
    currently running boring but big from jim wendler, 6 weeks in but i also do arm isolations on deadlift day, i essentially run xULxUxL (deadlift day is on 2nd lower day)
    food intake is very consistent, sleep is consistent so it has to be a form issue doesnt it?

    • 9 months ago

      Doesn't have to be. I am not super familiar with the BBB program, but you sound like you have been able to linearly progress for a while now. Welcome to the beginning of being an intermediate. One week of not improving is not a big deal. It could be that you need a deload, it could be technique, it could be many things. If you don't improve next week again then examine your technique more carefully and examine your volume. As you said, focus on the long term improvement. Also if you reply with the BBB program details plus your changes I can maybe help more.

      • 9 months ago

        i dont think im intermediate yet, i was supposed to do 70kg x3+ on my main bench set today and i only hit 3 reps whereas two weeks ago i was able to hit 72.5kg x3 on my 1+ set

        programm is just regular bbb with
        alternating compounds so bench 531 + ohp bbb and reverse for the upper body day, 5x10 lat pulldowns (i almost go all out on those which i know youre not supposed to do but i like lat pulldowns), then usually a superset of curls and lat raises and a superset of facepulls and pushdowns after (both upper days)
        leg days follow the same scheme with 531 squat + RDL bbb and then some quad or ham isolation and ab wheel rollouts or knee raises after, on deadlift days i do 4-5 sets of dips depending on how i feel, close to technical failure (around 8-10)
        i also do 5x10 horizontal rows instead of pulldowns on the other upper day, forgot to mention

        isolations are 3 sets each, 8-15 reps

        im thinking it might be a lot of volume but i sleep a lot and eat a frickton
        maybe i need a chest isolation? i tried butterfly machine but just like normal db flyes they dont feel too good on my shoulders and DB inc benching on top of what i do felt like i couldnt recover from it properly

        maybe i should drop the dips from the deadlift day? i do them on sunday and go bench on tuesday so im thinking thats plenty of recovery time but idk

        • 9 months ago

          Overall volume seems fine outside outside of possibly the dips, but that has more to do with their placement. My recc: Keep the same thing for another week, see if your Diddly and Bench are still stalled or decreasing (There is a ton of variation in strength, the weights/reps/sets you described could just be due to small fluctuations in your body). If they still are, drop the dips from that day and add them to the second U day or drop completely and add extra sets to pushdown on that day. If still no improvement, then drop the extra volume completely and see again. After those 3-4 weeks you will likeley have seen improvement in them again in one of those gradiations, or you'll know to cut the extra volume.
          If you've been lifting for about a year you are approaching intermediate.

          Fat. Was in sustainable shape at 240. Now at over 300. Got sick and couldn't maintain a good diet/activity level for a about a year and a half. (Frick the VA) I'm now fully recovered and getting back in the swing of things and want to do a 70lb drop losing as little muscle as possible without wasting any potential gains and spinning my wheels for no reason.

          Then, to your original question, do both. You can even potentially gain muscle.

  65. 9 months ago

    i know this might not be the right place but i got my gall bladder removed due to a lot of gall stones (was fat my whole life), any anons here know if a high-er fat diet might be bad because of it so a high carb one is preferable while bulking?
    google says conflicting things so idk
    my diet is very clean, never eating any slop but i eat a lot of eggs (5-6 a day), nuts/nut butter (without added palm oil or sugar) so im wondering if my body might have trouble properly using the dietary fat?

  66. 9 months ago

    Why am I not progressing on the bench press?
    I tried the ''no breathing method'' (I don't know what it's called) but I only got 1 extra rep in before I started stalling again, and I have been stalling on the same weight for fricking WEEKS and today I actually began smashing my equipment out of frustration like a moronic gorilla.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    • 9 months ago

      Eat more, squat more, deadlift more

      • 9 months ago

        Don't forget to pray to mecca before each lift and don't eat too much protein looool

  67. 9 months ago

    Some anon posted a routine to correct pelvic tilt.

    Dont know where I save it. Someone has it still ?

  68. 9 months ago


    Fat. Was in sustainable shape at 240. Now at over 300. Got sick and couldn't maintain a good diet/activity level for a about a year and a half. (Frick the VA) I'm now fully recovered and getting back in the swing of things and want to do a 70lb drop losing as little muscle as possible without wasting any potential gains and spinning my wheels for no reason.

  69. 9 months ago

    anyone used the RP hypertrophy app?
    22 bucks for a month sub is really steep

    • 9 months ago

      >22 bucks for a month sub

  70. 9 months ago

    How much muscle mass should I expect to lose if I eat around 800-1k calories under tdee? Assuming that I'm weight training 3x a week and eat 1g of protein per lean body mass (lbs). Would upping the protein stave off more muscle loss?

    • 9 months ago

      You're already eating too much protein such that you're probably already hurting your gains with it
      (You can only process 0.8g/lb of LEAN mass. The excess gets dumped or stored as fat as the cost of testosterone)

      How much mass you're going to lose really fricking depends

      How strong are you?
      How much cardio do you do?
      Are you adjusting intensity/volume for your cut?
      Are you increasing TDEE through increased activity for the deficit or just reducing calories?
      Do you get a well rounded diet devoid of sugar, alcohol, processed protein and bowel irritants?
      Do you eat enough fat and fiber?
      How long will you cut for?
      Etc etc

  71. 9 months ago

    >Feel like trash after 10 mile run on Saturday
    >not hungry, nothing tastes good, want to vomit up the calories I forced down my gullet
    >Same feeling Sunday
    >Same feeling Monday
    >Take massive toilet clogging shit this morning and realize I have hardly pooped since Saturday morning
    >Taste and appetite comes back
    Does constipation frick up your entire body?

    • 9 months ago

      well your body runs completely off your digestive system. if something is wrong there it can throw a lot of things off

    • 9 months ago

      How little water did you drink Friday, Saturday and Sunday? Lmaoooooooooo wtf are you doing

  72. 9 months ago

    would getting foam/rubber floor tiles dampen sound significantly? I've got a b***hy neighbor living on the floor beneath me and she's complained that I'm "drilling and moving furniture" when I'm just lifting

    • 9 months ago

      Probably but ask IST not here (be prepared for rude responses, IST is one of the rudest boards for some reason)
      Sound attenuation notwithstanding having these would be good for practicing imanari rolls and judo breakfalls

    • 9 months ago

      Yes it I will help. I have those same mats and I haven't heard my roommates (my parents) complain since I bought them.

    • 9 months ago

      Stall mats work well in addition to these.

  73. 9 months ago

    I've been using this method for warming up my shoulders on chest day, and shoulders day and it's worked really well. My shoulders pop and crack like crazy if I don't do these.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pjMki88Qd8

  74. 9 months ago

    What do I eat as a pre-workout meal on my hour drive from work, so I can workout right when I get home? On a 2500-2800 cal bulk. A banana sure, but what other carbs would be good to eat with that while I'm driving.

    • 9 months ago

      protein shakes are great for commute food

      • 9 months ago

        as a preworkout though? I usually get all my protein from food.

        • 9 months ago

          protein shakes are great for commute food

          Never eat protein pre-workout
          It literally does the opposite of what you want lmaoooo

          If you eat really clean and are tired at the end of the day, I would eat a pastry like a donut and then some 1-200mg caffeine pre-workout like 20 minutes from home

          If you use 300mg stuff, just skip the pastry so you don't get diabeetusss

          • 9 months ago

            Proteinschizo, pls

  75. 9 months ago

    i'm 6'1 and 185. i want to be 200 lbs, lean, and natty. is such a thing possible?

    • 9 months ago

      Yea, but it will take like 10 years being strict

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah. You can do it in just few years, but you'll need to have your diet on point, increase lifting volume and cardio while bulking to like 240-250 and then cut at the end

      Absolutely no alcohol, no sugar except pre-workout and all your protein (0.8g/lb of lean mass) from meat

      T. 6'4" and peaked at 274lbs@8% bf after seriously bodybuilding 6 years

  76. 9 months ago

    So I need to start doing my lifting in the morning and I usually do it in the afternoon. I'm lifting heavy now and I do use pwo so I'll have a pump but do you guys ever eat before you lift in the morning

    • 9 months ago

      You can just eat the night before for your workout (carbs)
      If you don't want to do that, just hit a pastry with your pre

  77. 9 months ago

    How do you guys sleep after lifting at nights?
    Do you avoid it altogether or do at least two hours or something before?

  78. 9 months ago

    REEEEE IM moronic IST

    Everywhere I look I get a different answer, HOW MUCH FRICKING PROTEIN DO I NEED?

    Is it 1g/lb of bodyweight? is it 1g/kg of bodyweight? is it 1g/lb of lean body mass of your goal weight/body composition?

    I just want to weigh like 155-165lbs at 12% bodyfat, but depending on what people say the range can be anywhere from like 80g of protein to 250g of protein a day. WHAT THE FRICK

    • 9 months ago

      1g/lb of bw is completely fine

      • 9 months ago

        That's too much bro
        Anything above 0.8g/lb of LEAN mass lowers test and gets stored as fat

        • 9 months ago

          Source? I'm 180 lbs 20% bf, that works out to like 110g protein/day.

    • 9 months ago

      0.8g/lb of lean mass (weight minus estimated fat weight) is your body's maximum synthesizing ability

      You can actually hurt your gains eating more than that
      It's also important that the protein you eat is digested at a rate your body likes (whole, unprocessed meat, dairy, cheese, etc)

      Beyond that, it's also super important to get enough fat and carbs so your body can use that protein effectively.

      So most people need 2x-3x that number for grams of carbs per day

      Beyond that, it's ultra super important to get adequate fat for testosterone creation. Testosterone is entirely responsible for processing protein and is built from cholesterol (fat)

      Avoiding sugar and stopping all alcohol consumption will aid greatly in your body's ability to recover and gain mass as well

      Cardio, when properly eaten for, can also increase lean mass gains simply through elevating the operating level of your whole system (better digestion, better water management, more nutrients to your muscles, etc)

      • 9 months ago

        Seriously, source. You keep posting this stuff that nobody else says, it needs to be sourced or it's broscience.

    • 9 months ago

      Depending on your height/past bodyfat%s, you might not be able to be 160@12%

  79. 9 months ago

    VERY serious question, will I get mercury poisoning from eating two cans of 100 grams of tuna every single day?
    I've already been eating for the last month and half maybe I am already at the critical level???
    My shits have been smelling like rancid tuna for the last two weeks or maybe more already but it could be just digestion as expected.

  80. 9 months ago

    how much l citrulline should i take per day?

  81. 9 months ago

    How do I stop a running nose?

  82. 9 months ago

    Should I just use the weights at Planet Fitness or should I use their machines? I'm trying to lean up from skinny fat and I'm honestly kind of scared to start going to a gym as I've never been to one before and don't want to look stupid trying to exercise or have someone get in my face over something stupid

    • 9 months ago

      Use the weights for most work, machines for a few things. Don't be afraid of looking stupid. No one who has actually gotten atrong or big cares or will think someone looks stupid, it's awlays the dyels and weak people. Also watch this: https://youtu.be/6yp4c55-KgA?feature=shared

      • 9 months ago

        thank you anon, I've been thinking about starting strength for my first program. any other advice for not getting in the way or just making the experience as simple as possible?

        • 9 months ago

          Not really. Can't speak to beginner programs too much as I never did one, I just started lifting with my dad and then learned basics of exercise science and did my own stuff, but it should work fine. I have seen people say there is too much lower body or not enough accessory work, but any basic beginner program where the main lift progression is linear for a while will be fine. Only other issue is how are you going to do Starting Strength in Planet Fitness? Beyond that just eat fairly well and don't get impatient with your progress, whichever program you end up running with.
          Don't be overly autistic on form, or throw your body around to hit weight marks. Controlled movements, good form, slight and controlled body english as you approach failure. So if you do a row don't jerk your back up to get the weight to your stomach/chest, but slightly raise your back as you row to make the angle easier throughout the range of motion. Don't overthink it though.
          Last thing is don't be afraid of throwing in something to make the workout more fun if it is something that helps you. I'm not saying to change the whole program, but you are tired of just cable pushdowns every time? Do skullcrushers or french press. Throw in a fun cardio or core exercise, etc. Beginner programs are meant to maximize beginner gains, but maximized beginner gains are wasted if you stop working out in the middle or at the end of the program because you hate it so much.
          Final thing, though this applies less to Planet Fitness, ask people for help or advice. No question is stupid, especially if it's something related to safety. Good luck on your lifting bud. I come in these threads a decent amount so feel free to ask questions and give updates every once in a while.

          • 9 months ago

            >Only other issue is how are you going to do Starting Strength in Planet Fitness?
            i imagine they have free weights there and it's the only gym near me. do you think PF will be an issue?

  83. 9 months ago

    How long would it take to go from skinnyfat dyel to this mode bros?

    • 9 months ago

      He's just lean so like 6 months of lifting+moderate cardio

  84. 9 months ago

    Ubernoob here : What 1/2/3/4 means?

    • 9 months ago

      It’s the amount of reps you should do

    • 9 months ago

      They're the plate (45LB) amounts you should be doing for the big compound lifts.
      OHP - 1 plate
      Bench - 2 plate
      Squat - 3 plate
      Deadlift - 4 plate

  85. 9 months ago


    i am a complete dyel. do i get rid of fat before i lift for strength, or do i just start lifting? 6'2 ~210lb. i am overweight for sure.

  86. 9 months ago

    I'm feeling a bit malnourished. What am I missing? I eat eggs, dairy, beef, chicken. What are some good nutrient dense recipes/foods?

    • 9 months ago

      Probably low on carbs, fat and electrolytes since you just listed meat

      You should eat 0.8g of protein per pound of LEAN weight and no more. Then double that (or more) for carbs and the rest of your calories from fat

  87. 9 months ago

    Thoughts on this? I’m not gonna have testes that don’t produce T afterwards right?

    • 9 months ago

      lol good one
      >guys I ate stinging nettles, now I'm big like Arnold

  88. 9 months ago

    how to improve grip strength while deadlifting? my back is able to lift heavy(200+kgs) but my grips gives up before i am able to reach the top of full range of motion.

    • 9 months ago

      Forearm exercises, especially ones that require you to keep a tight grip while flexing your hand back or forward, to get some hypertrophy. Other than that you just need other holds, like farmers walks, single arm bb holds, bb holds, holding longer at the top for warm up or cool down sets, deadhangs, pulling exercises that require grip strength, use fat gripz, use a towel as a grip for pulling movements, all of these will help.


      i am a complete dyel. do i get rid of fat before i lift for strength, or do i just start lifting? 6'2 ~210lb. i am overweight for sure.

      Just start lifting.

      How do you guys sleep after lifting at nights?
      Do you avoid it altogether or do at least two hours or something before?

      You should definitely have some time in between. Two hours is a good mark.

      So I need to start doing my lifting in the morning and I usually do it in the afternoon. I'm lifting heavy now and I do use pwo so I'll have a pump but do you guys ever eat before you lift in the morning

      I tend not to, but if you do just grab a snack, not a full mean (Depending on how long after you eat you will be working out), especially something that will quickly translate to help during your workout, like a banana.

      For fat loss, is working out on an empty stomach better or no? I always feel so lethargic if I workout without having eaten/fasting. So far, in a year, I've lost about 65lbs of fat, which is great, but it was mostly diet. For my last ~20lbs or so, I want to start really taking working out seriously.

      It may have a slight effect but the gym workouts or cardio will all contribute to fat loss much more. As long as you are hitting your calorie deficit, you should eat beforehand so the workouts are able to be hit hard as that will contribute to better fat loss long term.

  89. 9 months ago

    When using a plate loaded machine (hammer strength, etc) do you let the weight rest on the stops at the end of the range of motion, or stop short to keep tension on the muscle?Sometimes it seems like the machine wants to stop when I have more ROM left, for example at the bottom of a row or chest press.

  90. 9 months ago

    My friend always makes fun of me for being old. He’s 1.5 years younger than me (I’m 23 hes 22). How do I respond without sounding mad/coping

    • 9 months ago

      "Listen here young'n. When I was your age, I showed elders the respect they deserve" or something
      You have to make it a joke/bit or it's just seething

  91. 9 months ago

    >do same sets of bicep curls that I've done daily for a long while now
    >been 3 days of soreness and discomfort hindering me from doing any sets

    I haven't changed anything, sleep, diet etc. What gives?

  92. 9 months ago

    Is the hammer strength chest press machine adequate enough stimulus for strength gains / slight hypertrophy compared to the bench press? I got tendonitis in my triceps on both arms and I can only do this compound lift without it hurting like hell. Also, would the progressive overload gains on the chest press machine translate to the flat bench press at all when my tendons heal?

    • 9 months ago

      >Is the hammer strength chest press machine adequate enough stimulus for strength gains / slight hypertrophy compared to the bench press?
      Close enough. You'll need more volume though.
      >Also, would the progressive overload gains on the chest press machine translate to the flat bench press at all when my tendons heal?

      • 9 months ago

        Good to know, thanks anon.

  93. 9 months ago

    That knees over toes stuff is some sort of scam, right? I've been having creaky knees (no pain though) and feel like I should probably do something about it.

    • 9 months ago

      Why would it be a scam?
      You're stretching key bodyparts for the betterment of your health.

      • 9 months ago

        There's an enormous amount of scammy fitness advice out there.

        • 9 months ago

          Knees over toes is more of a term for being able to do a deep squat. Meaning the hips, knees and ankles are very flexible and durable.

          Being able to deep squat for a long period without discomfort is basically going to make you feel 20 years younger once you're up there in your 50s etc.

          • 9 months ago

            Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was talking about the Knees Over Toes guy who sells that "Knee Ability Zero" course.

    • 9 months ago

      Knee over toe only as far as you can keep them both aligned and maintain a good medial foot arch.

    • 9 months ago

      Lol literally just stretch and work on mobility
      It's a fricking meme

  94. 9 months ago

    So, I'm bulking and somehow in a few days I lost half an cm on the biceps on my right arm. The total weight remained the same. How did this happen? On the left hand everything is the same as it was.

  95. 9 months ago

    what is the ideal weight for a 5'5 manlet?

  96. 9 months ago

    How much of a problem is it to work out every day? I do some full body programm every second day and try to reach failure too by adding partial and cheat reps with negatives as slow as I can, but I don't feel shitty or anything afterwards and can still perform, but less.

  97. 9 months ago

    what are the fewest ingredients i can eat every meal + supplements and be high functioning
    ex: chicken, rice, broccoli

  98. 9 months ago

    Late to the party here.
    Hindu squats have helped my knees, no harm in trying them

    Popping shoulder, I found handstand training helpful as it's opened them up and stretched out many tight spots

  99. 9 months ago

    can i use my weight belt to do squats or do i have to buy a barbell

  100. 9 months ago

    Do foam rollers actually do anything if you're overweight? (Not obese)

    • 9 months ago

      Would probably hurt(fat layer) and not get into the deep tissue enough. But hey, they're cheap, worth a try.

  101. 9 months ago

    why did they stop posting the useful links in /fast?? Could someone please link them here

  102. 9 months ago

    Eh... Worst case I'll be able to use the foam roller after the cut

  103. 9 months ago

    For fat loss, is working out on an empty stomach better or no? I always feel so lethargic if I workout without having eaten/fasting. So far, in a year, I've lost about 65lbs of fat, which is great, but it was mostly diet. For my last ~20lbs or so, I want to start really taking working out seriously.

  104. 9 months ago

    Best exercices for thicker neck ?

    • 9 months ago

      Neck Curls, reverse neck curl, side neck curls. Also things like shrugs or incline rows that involve your upper traps will slightly grow your neck as well.

      • 9 months ago

        Neck curls + shrugs

        Ok, thanks brothers

    • 9 months ago

      Neck curls + shrugs

  105. 9 months ago

    i used to think that RDLs made my glutes sore af when i did db BSS after, turns out, it wasnt the RDLs but the split squats causing the doms. they were horrible but i kinda miss them now, should i add some light-er ones near the end of my workout even if i do leg extensions on the same day?

    • 9 months ago

      *leg curls, not extensions
      forgot to add, my leg days look like this

      squat heavy 3 sets
      RDLs 3 sets
      bent over row 3 sets
      leg curls 3 sets (failure)
      calf raises on leg press
      3 sets of abs to failure

  106. 9 months ago

    I don’t sweat during squats even when they’re really heavy but then I do bulgarian split squats right after and I become soaked in sweat.
    Why might this be?

  107. 9 months ago

    How do I get better at doing Reverse Flys/Inclined Reverse flys? Been making good progress on all my flits except those. I don't know if I just have poor range of motion in my shoulders but I have a lot of trouble lifting the weights up to shoulder/ear height. I do it at a much lower weight than my other exercises and I feel like I've made no progress in weeks. It unironically feels like the toughest workout I do just because I cannot get my fricking arms up to the correct level and they feel exhausted after 1 set.

  108. 9 months ago


    Thank you, my dude!

  109. 9 months ago

    Someone asked a similar question before, but do any of you have recommendations for wireless earbuds that do not have rubber tips? I want ones made of entirely plastic because rubber tips never fit in my hear correctly and fall out at the slightest movement. I want to listen to music while I workout but if I use the stupid ones I have now they fall out every few minutes.

    • 9 months ago

      You can buy memory foam replacement tips for most headphones for like $20 for a set of 3. I like them and use em with powerbeats wireless, which are the only headphones I’ve owned that can withstand actual sweat and even rain when I’m out running

      • 9 months ago

        Maybe I should try that then. I legitimately do not understand the rubber tip meme because they have never worked for me ever and I've always hated them. Do you also have issues with rubber tips and thus got memory foam ones?

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, they don’t fit well and fall out easily. The memory foam ones you scrunch up before putting in your ear and they fit nice and snug—but it doesn’t feel like you’ve got something wedged in your ear.
          These are what I use. They do lose their structure over time but as you can see the 3 pack has lasted me over a year and a half

          • 9 months ago

            Cheers, I'll give them a try then and see how they work. Appreciate it, anon.

  110. 9 months ago

    So....I started taking protein powder around the same time I gave up on women and decided to try being gay. Now I'm experiencing gassyness and constipation. Could that be from the protein powder or the anal masturbation?

    • 9 months ago

      You're a fricking mess buddy

      Protein powder is super suboptimal, just eat real food.

      Also, make sure you're using soft toys
      The tissue tears easily and you'll give yourself ass cancer

  111. 9 months ago

    I am a man in my early thirties, want to take better care of my health, and don't want to drive to a gym so I got some kettlebells (1 each of 35lbs, 53lbs, and 70lbs) and a pull up bar and am finally starting to use them. Lmk if this weekly routine is ok or if it sucks.

    Day 1: 4 sets of pushups (1st set as many reps as possible, then 3 sets of that many reps with pauses at top of movement as necessary), 4 minutes HIIT kettlebell swings at 53#

    Day 2: 20 total chinups (increases weekly by 5 or less), 4 sets of goblet squats at 53#. If I can ever do 4 sets of 20-30 I will increase the weight.

    Day 3: 3 sets of kettlebell press with 1 rep in reserve at 35#, 4 minutes HIIT swings with 70#

    Day 4: 35# kettlebell mile walk for time, 4 minutes HIIT swing at 35#

    • 9 months ago

      Kettlebells are gains goblins.
      Just actually lift and do cardio.
      Don't do this worthless shit

  112. 9 months ago

    Say I can't find a place to do pullups; what is the next best thing?

  113. 9 months ago

    If I currently lift 0.75/1/2/2.5 and run a mile in 9 minutes what should I aim to achieve by EOY next year? Planning my NYR.

  114. 9 months ago

    I just got made fun of at the gym because I let pee drip in my underwear after peeing. I am a 30 year old man and I always thought it was normal. What are you actually supposed to do?

    Btw if I try to shake it piss flies all over my pants and shoes so it’s even worse

  115. 9 months ago

    Bros, does anyone has the copypasta of Jay Cutler giving Ronny a golden shower?
    I-I need it b-buddays..

  116. 9 months ago


    Few drops, rarely more, enough to make it visible on my underwear. Someone saw the spot in the locker room and pointed it out

    • 9 months ago

      You realise that happens to everyone right? Anyway the solution is to pull your pants down further, go into a stall if necessary. Your dick is like a bunched up hose when you pull it over your waistband, it's impossible to get the last drops out in that position. You have to let it hang free, then nothing will leak out.

  117. 9 months ago


    I do Bicep Curls, Bent-Over Rows, Reverse Flys/Inclined reverse flys (trying to figure out which one works best for me), Shrugs, then finish it off with Bicep Curls to exhaustion.

    • 9 months ago

      This is the entire workout?

      • 9 months ago

        For that day, yeah. I want to eventually add pull ups or leg lifts to that but not strong enough yet.

  118. 9 months ago

    how many heavy singles should i do

    • 9 months ago

      Of what.

      This is the entire workout?

      Ok. Do rows first by the way. What sets and reps for rows and what sets and reps for reverse flies?


      If I manly do bent over rows and RDLs with some pendlay rows and yates rows do I still NEED to do deadlifts to cover up some other muscle groups?
      I also squat all the time and I like it but I always end up with sore back if I deadlift around 8 or less rep range.
      Apparently nobody gives a shit about back extensions on my area because no fricking gym has it for some reason but let's add the 9274929th treadmill to the fricking gym why the frick not we need more people walking inside the gym not outside on the park or something.

      You should do deadlifts, and consider Good Mornings as well. What gym do you go to that has no back extension?

      Should I skip a workout if I had really shit sleep? (5 hours)

      Depends on your exercise frequency and what the workout is. Likely answer is don't go quite as hard but still go.

      • 9 months ago

        Second response meant for

        For that day, yeah. I want to eventually add pull ups or leg lifts to that but not strong enough yet.

      • 9 months ago

        Second response meant for

        I do 3x12 for everything, except I could maybe move it up to 4x12, right now I am still moving up in weights. I started at the lowest and each week have been increasing it, I have adjustable dumbbells and a weight bench. Reverse Flys are the only exercise I have not really been able to do that with.

        • 9 months ago

          Couple last questions. What equipment do you have available? What weight do you do for reverse flies? What is your hand position (thumb up, thumb down, neutral)?

          • 9 months ago

            I have two adjustable dumbbells that go up to 55 pounds. I am currently doing 7.5 pounds on reverse flies while my other workouts are at 15 and will likely go higher because I can still do 3x12 reps. My hand position is neutral I guess, I just hold it like I would normally.

            • 9 months ago

              Ok. 1. Put them earlier in your workout, if not first. 2. Try different grip positions, especially pronated (Palms down if you were standing and had your arms out in front of you) 3. Do more sets of reverse flies, if needed drop the reps slightly for each set 4. try other exercises that will strengthen the same muscles but in different ways, like Y raises with your chest on the bench, Delt backs (chest on incline bench, arms by your side holding the weight, hands go from hanging straight down to back to your pockets-ish), or dumbbell incline rows with your elbows out to the side more. 5. if you are able to go lower in weight, go lower, control the lowering of the arms like 2-3 seconds down.

  119. 9 months ago

    If I manly do bent over rows and RDLs with some pendlay rows and yates rows do I still NEED to do deadlifts to cover up some other muscle groups?
    I also squat all the time and I like it but I always end up with sore back if I deadlift around 8 or less rep range.
    Apparently nobody gives a shit about back extensions on my area because no fricking gym has it for some reason but let's add the 9274929th treadmill to the fricking gym why the frick not we need more people walking inside the gym not outside on the park or something.

    • 9 months ago

      >If I manly do bent over rows and RDLs with some pendlay rows and yates rows do I still NEED to do deadlifts to cover up some other muscle groups?
      Last time I did deadlifts my whole back was sore, while back machines only made me sore on the upper back, and rows the same as machines. So try to check it out
      In my opinion, back should have frequency 3 for max gainz

  120. 9 months ago

    Should I skip a workout if I had really shit sleep? (5 hours)

  121. 9 months ago

    any anons with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)? The chest pain, lightheadedness, and dizziness have been bad lately but I have my days. What routine would you rec to lose skinnyfat and just tone up? I'm fine with noob gains but just want a semi decent body. I'm afraid I'd pass out from lifting too heavy or just lifting in general; I haven't touched weights since before I was sick

  122. 9 months ago

    Assigned Male At Birth

    Eating 1600 calories per day

    Going to gym like 3-4x weekly, using the machines for now because I’m a fat weakling. I mostly do leg press, butterfly machine, chest press, and static row machine.

    I get pretty decently sore after each workout.

    I still look like a fat ass and my weight isn’t going down.

    Idk if I need to decrease calories, keep doing what I’m doing, or ????

    I want to get to 12% bf and have moderate muscle.

    Am I on the right track??

  123. 9 months ago

    Is your dick supposed to grow thicker after you gain weight? I feel like that's what happened with mine

  124. 9 months ago

    When I do dips I feel them in my collarbone. How do I fix this

    • 9 months ago

      Don't do dips or check your technique.

      How do I program gripper exercises

      Like specifically one of those things you squeeze together?

      • 9 months ago

        I did dips on assisted with no collarbone pain but the second I started doing unassisted the collarbone pain popped up. Am I just over exerting myself?

        • 9 months ago

          You likely are changing your form between the two in some way, either because of where the assistance is on your body or because you aren't strong enough.

  125. 9 months ago

    How do I program gripper exercises

  126. 9 months ago

    Had a totally insane thing happen to me last night.
    Was sleeping, and alongside what sounded like a gunshot in the room with me or an explosion outside my window I JOLTED the frick awake, my entire body flailed to the point where I basically launched an inch off the bed.
    Took me a while to fall back asleep because I couldn’t tell if someone had just fired a gun or if it was in my head.
    Apparently this is called exploding head syndrome and happens.
    Ever experienced this, IST?

  127. 9 months ago

    To hit upper chest, is it better to use a 30° or 45° incline bench? (Dumbbells)

  128. 9 months ago

    I have lost around 6+kg (14 lbs) since april. I still have some fat around the waist. Also when measured i have higher than recommended visceral fat. Should i continue to cut in order to clean rest of the fat/ visceral fat or start gaining some weight. I'm now more defined than ever i want to start bulking for winter.

    I do cali only and my goal is muscle gains. I'm 174 cm tal (5'8 i guess) and 69 kg right now (152 lbs).

    • 9 months ago

      BF is around 18%, forgot to write it down.

  129. 9 months ago

    Does this kill gains?

  130. 9 months ago

    If I know I'm gonna have drinks that evening is it still worth training or should I leave it for the next day? I do mon/wed/friday but have a friends birthday coming up next friday and we're gonna have some drinks so Idk if I should train that morning or leave it til saturday, on the other hand I might be hungover then and it would mean training sat/mon/wed/friday meaning saturday can't be a rest day for the week after

  131. 9 months ago

    Just ordered 500x5mg tadalafil / cialis for $0.17 a pill what am I in for

  132. 9 months ago

    Does it make sense to do both zercher and back squats on leg day or should I choose one?

  133. 9 months ago


    So don't train on the drinking day or the one after and just do mon/wed/friday the week after? What if you have a couple to get a little buzz and sober up before going to bed, I used to be able to sober myself up mostly by drinking a ton of water, having a big meaty meal and a cold shower before bed

  134. 9 months ago


    What does a good form ohp look like? I lean back to like 100 degrees so the bar doesn't hit my face on the way up. I also clench my glutes

  135. 9 months ago

    Anyone do their foam rolling as part of a warmup? Makes me feel nice and loose, just wondering if there is any reason I shouldn't do it.

    • 9 months ago

      I do it after the workout to keep lactic acid from building up

      • 9 months ago

        >to keep lactic acid from building up
        ??? lactic acid is a waste product of metabolism, it builds up during exercise not afterwards

        • 9 months ago

          >??? lactic acid is a waste product of metabolism
          what a complete myth
          lactic acid is en ENERGY source.

          • 9 months ago

            lmaooooo don't you know muscles get energy from interacting with the gellar field and lactate teleports into the muscles when demons flash their genitals in front of your third eye? You need to eat less protein bro it clouds your ESP which you need to lift weight.

            • 9 months ago

              >Lactic acid has three main uses in the body: as a major energy source for mitochondria. as a precursor for producing glucose.

            • 9 months ago

              >Doctors previously thought that muscles produced lactic acid when low on oxygen. ResearchTrusted Source has shown this to be false. Lactic acid production is fully aerobic, meaning it occurs during normal respiration.

            • 9 months ago

              >Neither lactic acid nor lactate are responsible for muscles soreness or burning sensations from exercise. In fact, lactic acid is an important fuel source for muscles during exercise, including those in the heart.

              >Muscle soreness after exercise occurs due to microdamage to muscles. It is not the result of lactic acid buildup in the muscles.

              >Muscle fatigue and burning during high intensity exercise result from an accumulation of intracellular metabolites such as inorganic phosphate and hydrogen ions that impair the contractile function of the muscle.

              >Intracellular metabolites are substances within cells that the body makes when it breaks down chemicals in a person’s system.

              I hereby revoke your right to answer QTDDTOT for 3 days.

              • 9 months ago

                I was mocking you, you idiot. In an attempt to get you to stop shitting up the thread with unsourced schizobabble. Clearly it didn't work.
                >muh "ResearchTrusted Source"

              • 9 months ago


                >Lactate as a fulcrum of metabolism
                >istakenly thought to be the consequence of oxygen deficiency in contracting skeletal muscle, we now know that the L-enantiomer of the lactate anion is formed under fully aerobic conditions and is utilized continuously in diverse cells, tissues, organs and at the whole-body level. In contrast the D-enantiomer is not typical of mammalian metabolism and has negative consequences that have been described previously [22,49]. Because in mammalian systems L-lactate is the inexorable product of one metabolic pathway (glycolysis), and the substrate for another pathway (mitochondrial respiration), lactate is the link between glycolytic and aerobic pathways. In contrast to its early portrayal as a metabolic waste product and fatigue agent, lactate is the principal messenger in a complex feedback loop system. According to the Lactate Shuttle Hypothesis the linkage between driver cells of lactate formation and recipient cells of lactate use or signaling can transcend compartment barriers and occur within and among cells, tissues and organs [14,16,18,19,73,172] (Fig. 1). Challenges to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) supply stimulate lactate production, leading to immediate, short- and long-term cellular adaptions to support ATP homeostasis. The physiology and biochemistry of this topic was recently reviewed and should be consulted [22,49], but subsequently new information has become available, particularly with regard to the role the lactate shuttling in metabolic signaling [85,154,161,176].

                Sorry, your fitness knowledge is 40 years out of date grandpa.
                The Science™ has literally changed. Our understanding of lactate metabolism has fundamentally altered since the 1990s.

              • 9 months ago

                Idc about lactic acid. I was trying to shut up the poster who was answering every question in a different post with unsourced rubbish about protein intake. I assumed that was you talking about lactic acid bc of similar post style so I mocked you as well

              • 9 months ago

                Don't assume everyone in a thread is the same person. The reply chain concerned didn't share any posts in common with the person making protein/bodyweight recommendations (who is not me, as it happens)

              • 9 months ago

                Alright, my mistake, you just had a similar writing style and you both stopped posting when I started mocking him.

  136. 9 months ago

    >just keeps posting the same made up schizo shit

  137. 9 months ago

    >thread limit reached because a schizo decided to answer every question, one post at a time, with made up nonsense

  138. 9 months ago

    Frick thread’s at limit but I’ll ask anyway because it’s been eating at me lately. I found out I have a partial apo b deficiency. Thankfully it’s extremely slight, but will it have an effect on my fitness?

  139. 9 months ago

    How the heck do I do hamstrings without machines? Squatting?
    I got 5 stairwells to climb if that would do anything, like walking down 2-3 steps at a time?

    • 9 months ago

      Romanian deadlifts, good mornings, glute ham raise, bodyweight leg curls

  140. 9 months ago

    Is it better to do compound lifts or isolate? Like say if I don’t have a lot of time but I still want to get a good workout.

  141. 9 months ago

    Can I shave with just a razor blade head? I have lost my razor but I have the spare razor blades. I need to shave asap and I need to know if I can shave without the razor handle. Fitness related bc it's health safety related

    • 9 months ago

      Yes, I’ve done it before. Works just as good, sometimes the head can get a little slippery…pause

  142. 9 months ago

    What do I set my activity level to? I lift 3-4x a week and do like 1-2 10 minute cardio. Is that still sedantary or lightly active?

    • 9 months ago

      Just always put it on sedentary. It is never gonna calculate it right. I just view working out as bonus calories burned.

    • 9 months ago

      Don't. Spend a week eating whenever you're hungry and track everything. Then take the average number of calories for the week, and try to eat 100 less every day the next week. Keep subtracting 100 calories a week until you're satisfied with the balance of weight loss, hunger and recovery.

  143. 9 months ago

    >incline bench
    Do I even need anything else for chest?

  144. 9 months ago

    Is rolling my sleeves up to see my arms on bicep say douchey? How the frick do I develop the confidence to just do whatever the frick I want baka

  145. 9 months ago

    i recently started eating 150-200kcal more (on a bulk) and i feel like my recovery and cns recovery especially has been WAY better, is this all in my head or how does such a small amount of calories make such a massive difference?

    • 9 months ago

      It may be enough extra food to put you RELIABLY in a surplus at exactly the time you were missing it before, or you may have consistently been hitting maintenance to a 200kcal deficit.

  146. 9 months ago

    looking to run 531 for beginners, anyone here got recommendation for 1-3 additional isolations i could do if i have the time that dont negatively impact my recovery and progression for the main lifts?

  147. 9 months ago

    Should I start buying more plates if I can do 15+ reps with a dumbbell? Or I can just keep being a cheapskate and just do a failure reps of four sets?

  148. 9 months ago

    every time i take citrulline, beta alanine and l-arginine as a PWO (no coffeine or other shit) i feel like im stronger and more enduring on my main compounds, could it be that it is mostly mentally cuz i know what i took beforehand so i perform worse when i dont and better when i do? im afraid i kinda made myself reliant on those

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