Questions that don't deserve their own thread

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  1. 8 months ago

    What are some high SFR quad dominant lifts you could do with a barbell or dumbbells that still carry over to the standard squat? I prefer to do squats and deadlifts the same day and alternate the intensity and volume for each lift weekly. For instance if I'm squatting heavy, I do RDLs. I was thinking maybe pairing high rep box squats with conventional deadlift but I wanted a second opinion

    • 8 months ago

      Platz squats

      should I widen my squat stance if I have long femurs ?

      If you want a more upright squat and have both the mobility and hip strength for it, I don't see why not

  2. 8 months ago

    Does anyone have the full size photo of this guy? Hard to imagine someone can look like that on solely McDonald's.
    I tried looking in the archives and couldn't find it.

    • 8 months ago

      CICO is not a meme

      • 8 months ago

        CICO will slim you down, but it’s usually unattainable to get his physique without some form of strength training, unless you have some kind of genetic mutation.

    • 8 months ago

      >I tried looking in the archives and couldn't find it.
      Try harder next time.

  3. 8 months ago

    come here if you want bigger bones on your hands


  4. 8 months ago

    What's your favorite lift for each of the following muscle groups?

    • 8 months ago

      >db curl and jm press
      >chin ups
      >Arnold raises
      >bb squat
      >wrist roller

  5. 8 months ago

    I have long wavy hair and I'm pretty sweaty so I bought a silk dastar which I've read is good for frizz control and prevents sweat going to your face but I get weird looks at the gym when I'm wearing it. What should I do? It was pretty expensive too

    • 8 months ago

      I'm guessing you're in bongland right? Lots of racism over there towards middle easterners, Indians, and Pakistani. I have curly hair and when I lifted while having it I'd usually put it in a ponytail and shower right after lifting. Not too much can be done about it without standing out

  6. 8 months ago

    What's a good protein powder brand?
    Preferably something over 30g of protein per scoop, and reasonably priced.

    • 8 months ago

      Milk and eggs.

    • 8 months ago

      I like nutricost, idk if I can send Amazon link, but its cheap, tastes good, 30g per scoop, and mostly free of goyslop ingredients.

  7. 8 months ago

    what do i do if it’s pull day and i can’t do deadlifts because there’s people using all the barbells?

    • 8 months ago

      Either wait your turn for the barbell or do rows with an exaggerated ROM and some hamstring work to replace deadlifts for that session

  8. 8 months ago

    How to stop using cursing words? how to stop insulting people on a daily basis?
    having the mouth of a sailor it's hindering my health at this point.
    it's taking me to a point where I can't speak or think anything that's not a profanity...

  9. 8 months ago

    Why can’t i get rid of my belly? i run twice a week and i’m on a -800 calorie diet since september

    • 8 months ago

      If you have an especially big belly then it can take longer than 2 months to get rid of. You could also have bad posture so it's making it stick out more

  10. 8 months ago

    fat slob here. Am at around 31% body fat with the navy method. If I don't eat any junk anymore and do daily home workouts for an hour, consisting mainly of situps, push ups with weights and an ab roller how long will it take to get decent looks? 6 months? Can it be sped up by slight fasting, without any major doensides like losing muscle mass?

    Did some situps/pushups yesterday for 45 mins and now my fat belly hurts lmao. Atleast I got a job where I have to walk alot, drive anywhere on my bycicle

    • 8 months ago

      Don't count the time your workouts take. Only count the work done, this way you can measure if you're getting stronger and building muscle. As a fat, you can afford to build muscle while cutting for a while. Muscle costs the body more energy to maintain, speeding up the rate of fat burned. For diet, I do personally recommend intermittent fasting

    • 8 months ago

      >consisting mainly of
      Your workout now consists of RUNNING, since you're doing light bullshit at home instead of training.
      Try this for starters:
      >800m jog to warm up
      >6x 30s sprints, rest 75s after the first one, 15s less for each successive sprint

      • 8 months ago

        but thats bad for my knees my dude. Im fat

        • 8 months ago

          being fat is bad for your knees too.
          and your heart, your spleen, your emotional health...

        • 8 months ago

          Bike or swim until you're not fat, then roon.

  11. 8 months ago

    On a bulk after coming off a cut, any advice for my current physique bros?

    • 8 months ago

      Traps, abs, and biceps need some extra work. They're falling behind. Looking good though bro

    • 8 months ago

      I'd give extra attention to forearms now.

    • 8 months ago

      Just lift.

  12. 8 months ago

    Hang on.. WHEN you digest protein matters?
    Digesting it before or after your workout has a big impact?

    I wanted to do sauces with protein powder for dinner, which I have like 3-4hours before my workout.

    • 8 months ago

      >Digesting it before or after your workout has a big impact?
      Yeah, if you eat protein before your workout you'll need a squat plug, or you'll shit everything out in front of the rack.
      >actual answer: protein synthesis is elevated AFTER a strength workout for about 36h, with a peak of 2x baseline around 24h.
      >you have more than enough time to eat after a workout, and be sure to eat something before to have energy during it.

      • 8 months ago

        >protein synthesis
        Thanks, I can look into this more now.

        • 8 months ago

          I can save you a little time.
          >meal frequency
          Maximizing muscle protein synthesis is going to involve eating protein every 3-4 hours.
          >total protein
          Protein needs change according to your lean body mass and dietary status. If you're cutting you'll need more protein and if you're bulking you'll need less. 0.8-1.2g/pound of lean body mass per day is what you're aiming for as your goal. You can eat more if you want but this is the number needed to reach peak muscle protein synthesis. 0.8g/pound is if you're dirtybulking and 1.2g/pound is if you're cutting into single digit bodyfat. You need more protein during a cut because your body is trying to justify keeping all that extra muscle mass while you don't have enough food to maintain your weight. Muscle is the only way the body has to store protein unfortunately so giving it more protein will allow you to hold on to your muscle.
          >protein per meal
          MPS starts at around 15% of your lean body mass in grams in protein for a meal. It's fully maximized at around 28%. So if you were a 200 pound man at 20% bodyfat, meaning 160 pounds of lean body mass, that would mean that you would want at least 22g of protein per meal and ideally 45g of protein at least a few times per day.
          MPS is also dependent on the essential amino acid leucine. It's easy to get by eating meat, eggs, dairy, a lot of high protein sources of food. Certain foods like wheat are low in leucine so you can't rely on wheat protein to have the same effect as other sources when eaten by itself.

          • 8 months ago

            Thanks! It's quite a shock as to how much protein is needed. And all of the protein powders makes much more sense after I've started researching all this.
            Planning meals is going to be fun.

  13. 8 months ago

    do i do a little upwards shurg at the end of OHP?

    • 8 months ago

      You shouldn't need to. Your shoulder will end up elevated anyways when pressing something overhead

  14. 8 months ago

    this is my push pull workout, should I change something? It's home gym so I don't have many possibilities!

    • 8 months ago

      I'm so sorry that you've been amputated at the waist, it must be very difficult for you.

      • 8 months ago

        I have leg workout but I want help with pp (pepe)

        • 8 months ago

          oh, ok then.
          you have the usual problem of a ppl routine: you're hitting muscles with a ton of shit every time, so your intensity sucks.
          That's why you had to remove deads from the pull day.
          And do you seriously need 2 kinds of curls?
          You could try focusing each day on less but bigger lifts instead.

          • 8 months ago

            He had to remove deads from the pull day because he's using dumbbells
            And even if he has a bar, he doesn't have enough weight to make DLs worth it you absolute midwit

    • 8 months ago

      Switch the rear delt flies and the dumbbell row. Get rid of either the dips or bench press and add another triceps exercise. Maybe something like an overhead extension or a French press since you have limited equipment.

  15. 8 months ago

    Do you guys ever wear sweaters to the gym? I have gyno and am embarrassed to wear a t shirt, but i don't think i am muscular enough to wear a sweater.

    • 8 months ago

      I wouldn't. You're increasing your body temperature already by exercising. Wearing a sweater sounds like a bad idea to me


      will a proportionally stronger back give you a slouch? if so what are the muscles that are too weak that i need to strengthen?

      It's the opposite if anything. A stronger back would make you less likely to slouch. Getting really strong at rows and OHP in particular are known to give you good posture

      Why can't I just look up to get my chin out of the way on the OHP? Staring straight and retracting the head is uncomfortable as frick.

      Looking up is fine. Whoever told you to keep looking forward was thinking of Olympic weight lifting form. If you watch people who do OHP and pushpresses for their sport instead of the jerk, like strongmen, they almost always look up

      should I widen my squat stance if I have long femurs ?

      You should elevate your heels. It's a game changer. Widening or narrowing your stance being good is more a matter of hip structure
      t. long femur haver

      Got any 3-day dumbbell only routines? I've been using reddit's Dumbbell P/P/L one, but I can only go to the gym 3 times a week so the progress is slow.

      Why not do full body 3x per week? A bench press, a row, and a lunge or split squat would do you right as a base. Add in arm and shoulder work on top of that and you're good to go

      • 8 months ago

        i can be really strong at ohp and pullups. rows not so much. is it an upper back weakness then?

        • 8 months ago

          Sounds like it, yeah

  16. 8 months ago

    will a proportionally stronger back give you a slouch? if so what are the muscles that are too weak that i need to strengthen?

  17. 8 months ago

    Why can't I just look up to get my chin out of the way on the OHP? Staring straight and retracting the head is uncomfortable as frick.

  18. 8 months ago

    should I widen my squat stance if I have long femurs ?

  19. 8 months ago

    Got any 3-day dumbbell only routines? I've been using reddit's Dumbbell P/P/L one, but I can only go to the gym 3 times a week so the progress is slow.

  20. 8 months ago

    any leaks out there on Black Friday deals? I want to buy some adjustable dumbbells(thinking either powerblocks exp pro with the knurled handles or nuobell) and an air bike(likely rogue, maybe titan if there's a great deal).

  21. 8 months ago

    Sometimes I feel my left nut wanting to enter my body when I do these
    > Heavy squat
    > Heavy deadlift
    > Running
    Is that normal ?

    • 8 months ago

      That sounds like a sign of an impending gonadal hernia. Bumping because I have a similar issue and this is my conclusion so far

  22. 8 months ago

    Is a crossramp good for legs at all? High resistance and incline makes them feel like jelly but maybe I'm just wasting my time.

    • 8 months ago

      It's good for building endurance in the legs but it won't build much strength an size. It's also good for the knee joint

  23. 8 months ago

    How can I mix lifting into my cycling routine to become a better cyclist?

    I cycle 6 days a week, I get ~500km/wk between my indoor trainer and outdoor.
    Not sure when to set rest days, or how often I should lift.

    • 8 months ago

      i'd drop cycling for a bit, gain a decent strength base with SS, then just lift to maintain on ur off days

    • 8 months ago

      You'll only need to do 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps of squats and leg curls per session. Take your sets as close to failure as you can without actually failing. Once a week might be sufficient because you already have so much leg volume by cycling that much. If you can handle more then feel free to increase it to up to 3 times per week but know that you'll be approaching frogmode by that point from how much your legs will grow so long as you can recover. Don't do the squats and leg curls right before or right after cycling. You want to give them their own separate session in the day. Don't try to do a full on leg day like a bodybuilder or powerlifter. You only have so much you can recover from and weight training for the legs is draining; I couldn't imagine how fricked your recovery would be doing a full leg day on top of cycling 500km a week. Keep your rest day each week. You may find you might even need an extra rest day each week after you add lifting to your routine.

  24. 8 months ago

    I’ve been cutting since June 26th by eating 750cal a day and running 4 days a week, and I’ve lost 25kg as a result (90 to 65), but now that I’m going to the gym starting Monday, I’m wondering whether I should stick to my original plan of keeping the cut going through November and then using December to slowly increase caloric intake, or whether I should just bulk now.
    I feel like I'm still too fat to even consider a bulk, but I'm not sure what the right starting point even is, so I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction
    >feat. my filthy mirror

    • 8 months ago

      You're skinnyfat. Eat at maintainence until progress slows, you'll probably start looking ok by then. After that slow bulk

      • 8 months ago

        will do, but what would you consider a slow bulk? +150cal a day?

        • 8 months ago

          2-300kcal is a good number.

    • 8 months ago

      Don't cut, or bulk. Just lift and eat when you're hungry. Trust me.

  25. 8 months ago

    somebody can recomend me workouts like this

    • 8 months ago

      Holding pushups in the bottom position, doing horse stance training, and chin over bar holds would be the full body equivalent to this

  26. 8 months ago

    is there a /fit rated workout app? Doesn't need to be on the playstore, maybe even a cracked_mod_premium.apk?

  27. 8 months ago

    Where can I watch Ngannou vs Fury?

  28. 8 months ago

    if im switching to back/biceps, chest/triceps and legs/shoulders, whats the best day to throw in oblique, ab and neck workouts? should i just switch to a 4 day split to hit all those extra muscles then?

    • 8 months ago

      bumping this

      • 8 months ago

        if im switching to back/biceps, chest/triceps and legs/shoulders, whats the best day to throw in oblique, ab and neck workouts? should i just switch to a 4 day split to hit all those extra muscles then?

        Don't do your ab and oblique work on a day that's going to be followed up with standing exercises. You'll lose performance and gains if you do. Neck work can be placed literally anywhere in a program. It's like calves. It doesn't interfere with any other muscle group

        • 8 months ago

          but i do standing exercises every day

          • 8 months ago

            You don't have any rest days?

            • 8 months ago

              i do now because ive been doing upper/lower and just doing the extra work on my rest, but when i change routines i dont wanna take any. 48 hours between each muscle group is enough

              • 8 months ago

                Just don't go overboard with ab and oblique volume. Increase frequency and don't do a lot of volume per session

  29. 8 months ago

    >How do I train for explosiveness and endurance?

    To be more specific, how do I train my legs for explosiveness and endurance with calisthenics?
    Hill sprints and box jumps? What do I track for progression?

    • 8 months ago

      Stair sprints for time would be a good one. Sprints and box jumps are the way to go for sure. Always put these first in your program for the days you do them
      Literally just spam squats and lunges. Lower body endurance is one of the most straightforward things to train with calesthenics

      • 8 months ago


  30. 8 months ago

    I'd post in the cbt but there's typically too much mental illness there.
    Excuse the blogpost context. I've been lifting for a while, started out with SS, did 531 for a while, then I started writing my own programs with more emphasis on volume and aesthetics. I made a mistake of doing crash cuts for the majority of my fitness process. I recently cut a bunch of weight using a proper diet and I'm eating at maintainence/slightly bulking now, took this pic a day or so ago. No pump/attention to lighting.

    I suppose my question is, does this body reflect a person who's been wasting his time on shit programming? Like, when you look at this, do you think to yourself "bro just do SS again"? I just feel like I've been missing the forest for the trees or something.

    • 8 months ago

      weight/height? what are your main lifts at?

      • 8 months ago

        5'11" 167lb
        Best lifts were when I was doing 5/3/1 at around 175lb bw, but I really should have been eating more during that time
        >ohp 135lb x 3
        >squat 300lb x 1
        >deadlift 350lbx1
        >bench 205lbx2
        But since then I've been going for rep goals and Im unsure of my maxes, for instance I've been doing bench at 170lb for 4x4-8, weighted chins as my main back work, etc.

    • 8 months ago

      How long have you been lifting? What's your routine? How many exercise do you do? What sets/reps?

      • 8 months ago

        consistently about a year, although I was on and off a lot for a few years prior, diet was never on point during those periods though.
        I was doing ULXULXX but I've switched it over to UXLXUXX alternating with LXUXLXX for more recovery.
        >upper body exercise selection
        bench 3-4x4-8, DB OHP 3-4x8-10, weighted chins 3-4x3-6, db rows 3-4x8-10, dips 3-4x8-10, JM Presses, DB Curls, long head skullcrushers, EZ Bar curls, lateral raises all in the 8-12 range. I'm thinking of doing BB OHP again but I have an injury/condition that makes it extremely uncomfortable the heavier I go

        >Lower body day
        Squat 3-4x4-8, RDLs 3x8-10 (haven't been doing deadlift lately) , Calf raises 4x15-20, situps, wrist curls, neck curls.

        I'm thinking of doing 5/3/1 again using the pyramid down method for more volume and keeping the UxLxUxx alternating with LxUxLxx

      • 8 months ago

        consistently about a year, although I was on and off a lot for a few years prior, diet was never on point during those periods though.
        I was doing ULXULXX but I've switched it over to UXLXUXX alternating with LXUXLXX for more recovery.
        >upper body exercise selection
        bench 3-4x4-8, DB OHP 3-4x8-10, weighted chins 3-4x3-6, db rows 3-4x8-10, dips 3-4x8-10, JM Presses, DB Curls, long head skullcrushers, EZ Bar curls, lateral raises all in the 8-12 range. I'm thinking of doing BB OHP again but I have an injury/condition that makes it extremely uncomfortable the heavier I go

        >Lower body day
        Squat 3-4x4-8, RDLs 3x8-10 (haven't been doing deadlift lately) , Calf raises 4x15-20, situps, wrist curls, neck curls.

        I'm thinking of doing 5/3/1 again using the pyramid down method for more volume and keeping the UxLxUxx alternating with LxUxLxx

        Forgot to add, I've been doing 6-7 lifts on upper body days, 5-6 on lower body. Thinking about dropping the number of lifts and just increasing the sets on my focus lifts.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't look at that body and think you wasted your time. You look strong. I saw the other reply that you're doing U/L right now and I think you should be using a different split though. I've found that U/L is great for when you want to maintain your upper body and focus on bringing up your lower body. Like if you did full body twice per week and had 2 arm days a week to bring up your guns, you know?

      • 8 months ago

        Thanks bro. Yeah I agree especially on the arms part. I think I'm going to work in some arm days to bring it together

        • 8 months ago

          I was more giving an example of how you can prioritize a bodypart and U/L is structured like that. Giving a body part its own days per week to exclusively work on it while putting the rest on the backburner is a good way to bring up a lagging bodypart. It wouldn't be a bad idea to do the arm days though and then pick another bodypart after. Chest or back would be a good next choice. You're gifted when it comes to shoulders so I don't think they'll need any special attention

          • 8 months ago

            Gotcha. You know now that you mention it, I have been thinking about trying nucleus overload training for the chest. I have another program written up thats a torso, arms, legs, torso, arms. I was thinking about maybe just adding pushups or pullups on the end of my arm days which would come out to the upper body being stimulated 3 days a week. My main concern with that is overuse injuries so I could work in weekly rotations. I appreciate the extra perspective and I'll be using it going forward

    • 8 months ago


      I’ve been cutting since June 26th by eating 750cal a day and running 4 days a week, and I’ve lost 25kg as a result (90 to 65), but now that I’m going to the gym starting Monday, I’m wondering whether I should stick to my original plan of keeping the cut going through November and then using December to slowly increase caloric intake, or whether I should just bulk now.
      I feel like I'm still too fat to even consider a bulk, but I'm not sure what the right starting point even is, so I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction
      >feat. my filthy mirror

      Damn, is this how people with bad genetics actually look like?

  31. 8 months ago

    Anyone who had pelvic muscle issues, what was the fastest way to loosen them? I tried stretching and I overdid it and it hurts for a week and even if I did it right it would take months. Is there some way to make this go faster?

    • 8 months ago

      I've read that deep squatting helps a lot with that. Like holding a deep bodyweight squat to stretch out the pelvic floor. Maybe check out stuff by YouTubers like Squat University. They usually have specific content for issues like this

    • 8 months ago

      Had a problem with this earlier this year. It took awhile to fix, a lot of daily stretching/yoga. One thing that seemed to help speed things along was coffee. When I started drinking it things seemed to improve quicker, but IDK

  32. 8 months ago

    Redpillme about nose shape to breast shape relation on females

  33. 8 months ago

    This is a dumb dumb question but I just started so is it better to stack your sets like this:

    Exercise #1, Exercise #2, Exercise #3, Exercise #1, repeat.

    Or to go:

    Exercise 1 three times
    Exercise 2 three times
    And so on?

    • 8 months ago

      If you care about performance in a given movement, the latter. If you want to prioritize your conditioning then you'd do the former. Most programs, unless otherwise stated, would do the latter.

    • 8 months ago

      Personally I find going 1, 2, 3 repeat to be far more sympathetic on my free time as it basically allows my muscles activated for one of the excercises recover while still working other parts of my body
      If I did it the othereway I think I would be waiting between sets too long

    • 8 months ago

      The only time I've done option 1 is when I was seriously training for strongman because I was giving each muscle group like 15 minutes between max effort sets. I'd do a front squat, wait 5 minutes, do an OHP, wait 5 minutes, then do a carry, and wait another 5 minutes, repeated. It's a really specialized way of setting up a session and only has specific use cases. Option 2 is much more effective for most size and strength goals, especially for size goals.

  34. 8 months ago

    Is 9 exercises in a ppl session too many?
    9 exercises for pull
    9 for push
    6 for legs

    • 8 months ago

      That's a lot bro. You're doing this once a week right?

  35. 8 months ago

    How does hard scar tissue react when you're trying to build more muscle? Will it slowly stretch if I make slow progress?

    • 8 months ago

      You mean like stretch marks or like tissue that's healed from tearing?

  36. 8 months ago

    How hard do you work out alone?
    Like, if youdon't have a spotter at the gym, you're probably not going full weight right? Do you just ask someone to help out? I thought everyone on this board is too awkward to talk to strangers.

    • 8 months ago

      If I need a spotter I will always ask. Nobody will say no unless you're a moron and ask them mid set

      • 8 months ago

        How often would you lift to a point of needing a spotter a week?

        Just set the safeties properly?

        How would you set the safeties for bench low enough without crushing your chest?

        • 8 months ago

          I only need a spotter when I'm attempting a new weight on bench press or I'm lifting till failure on bench press

        • 8 months ago

          Arch, like you're supposed to? Then you collapse your arch when you fail. Bench in the power rack if you have to.

        • 8 months ago

          >How would you set the safeties for bench low enough without crushing your chest?

          You can set it so that the safeties are below your chest but above your neck. Then when you fail just slide it towards your head until the safeties catch the bar.

    • 8 months ago

      Just set the safeties properly?

    • 8 months ago

      The only one i don't always take to full failure is the bench press, happened last week where the bar was stagnant for like 5 seconds at the middle, eventually i gave up and just rolled it down from my body. Not ideal, but i don't regret it.

    • 8 months ago

      I have safeties and lift in higher rep ranges. With the higher rep ranges I can generally force the weight away if needed, like on an incline bench.
      Flat bench I use DB's.
      Squats... I don't fail. At most I black out and wake up at the top

      Helps to have a cable machine too. Going to failure is safe then.


      This is a dumb dumb question but I just started so is it better to stack your sets like this:

      Exercise #1, Exercise #2, Exercise #3, Exercise #1, repeat.

      Or to go:

      Exercise 1 three times
      Exercise 2 three times
      And so on?

      First option is better for cardio and quicker workouts.
      Second option is better for maximal lifts.

      The only one i don't always take to full failure is the bench press, happened last week where the bar was stagnant for like 5 seconds at the middle, eventually i gave up and just rolled it down from my body. Not ideal, but i don't regret it.

      Done that multiple times too.

  37. 8 months ago

    1. how do you determine calories in something that's not pre packaged? if you make a casserole or something for example, how do you know how many calories are in a given piece? How do you determine how big a piece should be?
    2. Can you get gains at Planet Fitness? I haven't lifted in years and it's close to me

    • 8 months ago

      >put raw ingredients into calculator
      >cook it up
      >take a portion of it
      >divide total ingredients by portion you're going to take
      >Can you get gains at Planet Fitness?
      Yeah you can get gains there. You'll max the machines out and run out of dumbbells eventually though

  38. 8 months ago

    Am I doing something wrong with my lifts?
    When I bench or do curls, I exercise in the same way that I do other muscles - 5 reps at a weight where I feel like the either the 5th or a hypothetical 6th would be the last rep I can perform with good form and fully complete. I do 5 sets of 5 reps for any weighted exercises. For deadlifts, lateral raises, front raises, and probably most other dumbbell lifts that I do, I feel some soreness the day after, but for bench presses and curls I hardly, if sometimes even not at all feel sore afterwards. I make an effort to keep good form and I do have a gradual progression in the increase of the weight that I curl or bench, though I am confused by the lack of soreness and also it seems that my pecs aren’t growing as much as I would expect them to, at least when I compare that growth to, say, shoulders.

    • 8 months ago

      You could have more slow twitch dominant pecs and biceps. I'd try increasing the reps and seeing if that improves things

  39. 8 months ago

    >How do I train for explosiveness and endurance?

    To be more specific, how do I train my legs for explosiveness and endurance with calisthenics?
    Hill sprints and box jumps? What do I track for progression?

    • 8 months ago

      >Hill sprints and box jumps? What do I track for progression?
      Yes, times cross country runs to whatever is your goal

      • 8 months ago

        >Yes, times cross country runs to whatever is your goal
        I don't have a goal I just don't want my legs to hold me back in boxing. so should I do progressively more hill sprints and cross county runs?

        • 8 months ago

          I'd throw in a ton of 3 minutes on/1 minute off efforts, then.
          3 minutes hill run/1 minute walk, jumping rope with 3m/1m intervals, hell even kettle bell shit with that structure.
          For a measurement, you can go for distance over a 3m run.

        • 8 months ago

          Oh, and I was forgetting, if you can, if you have access to a stadium or something: stair runs. 3m/1m, since that's what you need to train.
          Those will kick your ass.

          • 8 months ago

            I'd throw in a ton of 3 minutes on/1 minute off efforts, then.
            3 minutes hill run/1 minute walk, jumping rope with 3m/1m intervals, hell even kettle bell shit with that structure.
            For a measurement, you can go for distance over a 3m run.

            amazing thank you

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah, it's the obvious thing, but there's a reason if it's so obvious

  40. 8 months ago

    I started SS, I know I need to add accessories. I don't want to do power cleans. I'm fine deadlifting on each day but I want more. Can I add pullups/chinups AND rows to the days I deadlift? If yes, Do I do the pullups/chinups for strength or hypertrophy? And I do the rows for strength or hypertrophy?

    Please respond, I need an answer unless I'm not going to the gym

    • 8 months ago

      >I don't want to do power cleans.
      Then do plyometrics
      It's even better, but it's a b***h to make progress on them, so not really practical

    • 8 months ago

      The point of accessories is to enhance the primary lift. Bent over rows and good mornings will give you a bigger deadlift. Good accessories. Pullups and chinups are their own thing. If your goal is getting stronger first and foremost then you should be thinking about lifts outside of your primary lifts that way. If your goal is mostly muscle size then you're thinking completely wrong and you're using the wrong type of program. Starting Strength is for building strength in beginners. It's right there in the name. It's for aspiring powerlifters

  41. 8 months ago

    Can I get some thoughts on my past few workouts?
    Beginner gym goer, currently 2 months in. I don't think I'm super pushing myself on most exercises but I'd rather not hurt myself just because I'm impatient.
    Fricking hate doing the cardio, it isn't difficult but I'm just getting kinda bored. At least I'm steadily getting faster.

    • 8 months ago

      Get your ass back into SS.
      We'll talk again in 2 months, you won't feel like you aren't doing with anymore

    • 8 months ago

      wut is this rep scheme
      >bicep curl
      I hope those are dumbbells
      >pull ups
      less assist
      >pull down
      >pec fly
      not really a pull movement
      >5'10 105kg
      With those lifts..... you need to cut bad.
      Do that, then do SL/SS OR a better BB program.

    • 8 months ago

      Your exercise order is out of wack. Isolations after the compounds bro. Also why do you have all these exercises at just one set? Did you fall for the Menzergays lies? Do at least 2 sets per lift man. Also what's the frequency here?

  42. 8 months ago

    I can't feel any activation whatsoever in my left side obliques/abs with any exercise, anyone ever had any experience with something like this?
    could it be an unever hips issue? my lats also happen to be very tight on that side

    • 8 months ago

      You should do some banded activation exercises. You don't have good mind muscle connection for that area

  43. 8 months ago

    I'm only 170/5'7 and I think this is my ideal physique for my height. I think anything bigger than this would look ridiculous on my frame. Do y'all think it's achievable without roids? I've been training for several years now, not entirely consistent, but on and off because I haven't had a steady gym membership. But now that I do, I want to really get to this point but I don't know if I already reached my limit by training for so long. Thoughts?

    • 8 months ago

      >I don't know if I already reached my limit by training for so long
      I promise you haven't if you haven't been taking ypur training and diet seriously. The average person can add around 30-35 pounds of muscle to their frame. Imagine those 5 pound roasts you see at the store and how big those are. Imagine 7 of those added to your body mass in a very visual way.
      >Do y'all think it's achievable without roids?
      The size yeah. Without a single doubt. The leanness without feeling like death is another story. You could peak and look like this natty but you can't maintain it. Efron roided and couldn't maintain it longer than a few weeks.

  44. 8 months ago

    Anyone else feel that knurled handles slip MORE than plain smooth?

  45. 8 months ago

    How does one know when they have hit their natty limit?

    • 8 months ago

      you know everything there is to know about training and have accumulated a decade of lifting experience and do not grow one bit anymore

    • 8 months ago

      When you literally cannot grow anymore. No matter what methods you try you can't add a single pound of muscle. You're not getting stronger in the 8-20 rep range and even bulking yields no results outside of gaining fat

  46. 8 months ago

    >spent first 30 years of life sitting down 12+ hours a day
    >decide to improve health because I'm pretty sure I'm developing heart problems and getting fat
    >can't do a single push up
    >do wall push ups
    >feel a kind of burn or tightness in certain positions, think this is right
    >do this for maybe 5 minutes take a break
    >try again in 30 mins
    >arms are involuntarily moving and spasming and it's much harder to do the wall push ups
    Should I keep going? I wanted to "continue until failure" but I also don't want to injure myself and slow things down for weeks. Google gives me a huge amount of stupid unrelated bullshit when I try to search for this.

    • 8 months ago

      Keep going. Focus on back exercises. Supermans need no equipment
      Go to a gym and follow a program like reg parks beginners but add facepulls to the end of every session.
      Do that for about 6 months then consider your next step

    • 8 months ago

      If you can do wall pushups for 5 straight minutes they're far too easy for you. Sets should normally be less than a minute of high effort. Most sets under 30 seconds. You should let yourself rest tomorrow and then try pushups on your knees instead. If that's still too hard do the pushups with your hands elevated on the couch or something like that. Something sturdy that won't move when you put your weight on it. Ideally you should get a gym membership. The equipment in basically every gym outside of hotel gyms goes up from 5 pounds on most the equipment. You can do whatever level you need to there. Follow a basic program like the other anon suggested. He's also right about doing back exercises. You probably slouch from all those decades of sitting all the time. Really weakens your back

  47. 8 months ago

    reg parks or ss?

    • 8 months ago

      The point of SS is that you can just shut the world out and lift, until you're out of your n00b phase as fast as possible.
      So, why are you even asking? You shouldn't be asking that.
      You should be asking
      >how to recover more quickly
      >is my form good
      >is this too much/not enough food
      and reading up about intermediate+ programming.

    • 8 months ago

      Reg parks if you want size more. SS if you want strength more.

  48. 8 months ago

    ima order 2 medium dominos pizza now for 7 bucks each

    • 8 months ago

      That's like a pound or 2 of steak.

      • 8 months ago

        i havent eaten a thing
        and im on a bulk
        its a lazy sunday and restday

        • 8 months ago

          Good reason to celebrate with steak and rice

          • 8 months ago

            not a steak fan
            can not stand rice atm because of my recent cut
            just treating myself

  49. 8 months ago

    can i lift weights while fasted? i wanna run a 5k after every session but if i eat before going to the gym like ive been told to do, then ill just get a stitch

    • 8 months ago

      You can but you will feel like absolute shite

      • 8 months ago

        >can i lift weights while fasted?
        Yes, but it won't be fun and you'll have to limit your volume.
        Intensity can still be up tho.

        guess its back to running on rest days, thanks bros

        • 8 months ago

          otoh, running on rest day is based.
          Active recovery improves your, well, recovery.
          Meaning you can do more in the gym.
          Ideally, you'd have a big session every 4th day, with active recovery days in between, but something weight based too because the stimulus to build muscle lasts for like 36h...
          Yeah, it's all a bit confusing and too strict to be actually useful, but that's sports science for you, you might get something from it, but mostly not really.

          • 8 months ago

            im a newb doing SS kek, im not too fussed about the science or the details behind things, i just want to make sure im actually doing shit

            • 8 months ago

              All that stuff is actually kind of already in SS.
              Going from 3 sessions per week to 2 +1 light, to then something like the Texas Method with just 1 heavy session per week, expecting supercompensation by the end of the week...
              That works more or less with that model (and according to the model, expect big jumps up in strength when you deload)

    • 8 months ago

      >can i lift weights while fasted?
      Yes, but it won't be fun and you'll have to limit your volume.
      Intensity can still be up tho.

  50. 8 months ago

    Should I be training to absolute failure during my cut? During my re-comp this was 'easy' but now I'm so exhausted that I'm considering just going within 3-4 reps of failure, is this good enough?

    • 8 months ago

      forgot pic

    • 8 months ago

      >Should I be training to absolute failure
      Never, unless heavy quantities of exogenous testosterone are involved.
      It just takes too long for your CNS to recover from that, you could work 2-3 reps from failure and be back in a few days instead.

    • 8 months ago

      2 or 3 reps from failure would be fine. The other anon is a moron for thinking you can't recover from absolute failure natty. Going to absolute failure gives more gains but it's diminishing returns after that 3 reps from failure point

  51. 8 months ago

    Doctor told me not to lift weights above 90° while I recover from an injury. Any substitute for bench press and OHP that fits that criteria?

    • 8 months ago

      >didn't ask the doctor
      Dips is the first thing that comes to mind, but it might be bad for you, depends on the injury.
      Maybe some light dumbell work and/or machine isolations(press, flies etc.)

      • 8 months ago

        > depends on the injury
        Rotator cuff

  52. 8 months ago

    I feel dull pain in my muscles(forearms, triceps, delts, traps) through the day and night. It doesn't feel like a DOMS.
    I don't even train that hard, only 1 set to failure on bodyweight exercises and run every other day.

    Do I have to learn to live with this pain if I want to continue training as usual?

    • 8 months ago

      Have you tried taking a few days off?

      • 8 months ago

        No. I'll kill myself if I skip a day.

        • 8 months ago

          I'd bet you are overtrained. On fricking bodyweight exercises.
          Take a few days off, come back when the pain is gone, you'll do 2x the reps you did before.

    • 8 months ago

      First sign you're approaching overtraining syndrome. I'm sure your sleep quality is dropping, you're getting sick easier, and you don't have as much of am appetite too. Cut your volume in half for a while.

  53. 8 months ago

    3rd week of nsuns 4day lp
    pushed through 50kg ohp 5reps and 70kg bench 5 reps

    should i be going on for the next 6 weeks
    or should i put in a deload week in 1,2 weeks?

    • 8 months ago

      you're already doing a very slow progression thing that's more exercise than training, why would you ALSO deload?

      • 8 months ago

        thats what im asking
        i mean its a weekly progress right
        but i feel like my body needs that volume to gain
        i tried a phul variant with 4x8 compounds u/l 4days a week and i think thats not enough

        • 8 months ago

          With your weights, you should be on ss, increasing the weight every single time.
          And you don't have to go up to 8 reps, the adaptation is mostly neural (learning to use your muscles) at this point.
          And hypertrophy activates at all ranges (as long as the weight it's more than 30%ish of your max), it's dependent on fatigue, not on reps.
          It's easier to get there in the 8-12 range, but you can easily do it with 5 hard reps.

          • 8 months ago

            >And hypertrophy activates at all ranges
            NTA But that's a load of bullshite

  54. 8 months ago

    Got soreness and slight pain in the lower back after DL mind you im only at 75Kg

    How the hell do i fix my god damn form?

    • 8 months ago

      Keep the bar as close to your shins as possible and keep your abs, lats, and glutes tight at all times. Thats universal. Depending on anthropometry you'll be leaning forward more or be more upright and have a different ROM for the lift. It'll affect what muscles you're biasing on the lift. Less range of motion means more upper body bias. Longer range of motion means more lower body and low back bias. You could also just have a shitty and weak low back. Adjust your training accordingly based on your proportions and genetic strong and weak points.

  55. 8 months ago

    Thoughts on
    >bulk for 6-8 weeks
    >4 weeks of maintenance

    • 8 months ago

      Why not just slowly bulk continuously?

  56. 8 months ago

    Im casually going to the gym but why does my stomach hurt after lifting some weights

    • 8 months ago

      breathe Correctly

    • 8 months ago

      Is it your stomach, like the organ, or is it your abs that hurt?

  57. 8 months ago

    deadlift day today, was supposed to do 120kg 1+ amrap, warmed up and worked up to it and pulled it once and it felt easy so i thought frick it, 130kg. got it off the floor but had to drop it shortly after.
    mental went boom and i put 120kg back on and thought that i probably wouldnt get it up once with good form but managed to pull it 5 times, what the frick? should i have gone to 125 x1 and then to 130 or how was there much more left in the tank? usually when i fail a orm attempt my whole session goes to complete shit. how do i prevent this in the future?

    • 8 months ago

      When working up to a 1rm attempt you should ramp up to it. Start with half the weight for a few reps and add a little weight each set after and decrease the reps as you go. Once you start getting within 2 or 3 sets of the attempt only do singles. You should be able to do around 135kg for your 1rm btw. You should also give yourself about a week's worth of rest if you're going for a 1rm attempt to make sure you're as fresh as possible

  58. 8 months ago

    how do i get other people to stop testing if i know something
    >"so yesterday i was doing x. you know what x is right?"
    >me: "yes"
    >"liar. explain what x is then"
    this happens only to me constantly. i never see people interrupting others to test them.

    • 8 months ago


  59. 8 months ago

    how much water and salt consumption alter body weight on a cut?
    I'm drinking around 6 L per day and adding lots of salt to my food, body is more ripped but weight is going up wtf

    • 8 months ago

      Your muscles and organs are holding more water. The same thing happens for me if I'm drinking milk on a cut. My weight stays steady or increases but I get more muscular and leaner because I'm more hydrated. You have the same thing happening

  60. 8 months ago

    Not a question, more of a progress report from a beginner. I moved my weights to under my desk and it's made it a lot easier to ocasially pick up the weight and do some reps throughout the day. Is it optimal? No, but it lowers the bar far enough that I can actually be bothered to work out.

  61. 8 months ago

    I confused myself by reading too much shit at once.
    Can anyone explain what (probably) exactly happens to my body if I am on a diet but also lifting. I'm 6 ft 220 trying to get to 180 and been on starting strength for about 3 months now. I've lost 10 pounds since starting, obviously not enough to see any changes happening, but I'm just confused on what exactly I should expect. Will I be "skinny fat" once I get to my goal weight and then need to bulk to gain muscle mass?
    Also since I'm doing mainly 3x5's at 85~%, to actually gain muscle I need to do something more like 3x10s at 70~%?

    • 8 months ago

      You'll end up around 20% fat.
      Not great, but acceptably overweight, and your fat will make for fuel to build more muscle.
      By the time you're out of starting strength, you'll be a low tier of builtfat, and will have to decide what to do.
      >Also since I'm doing mainly 3x5's at 85~%, to actually gain muscle I need to do something more like 3x10s at 70~%?
      Muscle gain goes along with fatigue. It's easier to get fatigued on 10s, because those last 2 reps won't actively try to kill you, but with starting strength you're hitting 5s heavy enough that is fatiguing. So, in theory, it should just be a matter of numbers of sets.
      4 or 5 sets would be better, but don't do it now - it will be too much and you won't progress as fast, wait until you're out of SS and move on the Texas Method, that's based on 5x5, and don't worry you'll be fatigued enough for growth.

      • 8 months ago

        ty anon

  62. 8 months ago

    How worried should I be able declining strength on a cut?
    6 weeks in out of 10-12 (so I have 4-6 more weeks to go) week cut and my bench press has gone from an easy 275 3x5 to a rough 250 3x5.
    Arms have also started shrinking from 15.25" to 14.5" [unflexed]

    • 8 months ago

      That's a normal amount of strength loss. When you exceed around 10% loss it means you're cutting too hard. That size loss is a lot though unless you naturally hold a lot of fat on your arms. Same thing happens to my calves.

  63. 8 months ago

    complete newb here. my first day at the gym is tomorrow, but i'm still confused on a couple things
    >how many warm up sets and reps do i do for each exercise
    >it says to add in parallel bar dips on fridays after 3 weeks, but im already doing dips on friday on workout A, so does that mean do the dips on workout B, and do the skullcrushers on workout A?
    i know these are moronic questions, but itd be nice to get some help

    • 8 months ago

      1 warmup set per muscle group. ie if you're doing dips after bench, you're already warmed up so dw about it

      idk about the dips or the format of that workout plan, it seems like not enough information so either ask who made it or do whatever. my only guess is that he means seated/bench dips on workout A?

      • 8 months ago

        wasn't a plan, I just did pushups and situps until I couldn't continue either one, then switched to the other. But the planking was a 8 min video with different methods

        For bodyweight shit?
        You can even do twice a day, you'll get used to it.
        And magnesium is good, but I just use fake salt instead of a tablet

        yea bodyweight shit, my body has a lot of weight actually. 105kg

        man do I feel embaressed, my dumbbells are still not here

        • 8 months ago

          >man do I feel embaressed
          Don't be, if you're sore after bodyweight exercises you were very sedentary before, so that's improvement already.
          Don't worry too much, take a hot shower and sleep it off. Tomorrow you'll be fine, then you can work out again. With time, your recovery time will get shorter.

  64. 8 months ago

    Anyone here tried the Doggcrapp program? Wondering if it’s good for strength gains or if I should stick to a more traditional powerlifting style program.

    • 8 months ago

      It's a great program. One of the better ones you can follow

  65. 8 months ago

    Guys help!! After years of neglect, i did some push ups and crunches the day before yesterday for an hour, then yesterday also added planking variations but it already hurt and did only 30 min. Now it hurts too much to do any exercise. Am I fricked? Do I've to train an hour per day, then rest the next day until it's not sore anymore?

    • 8 months ago

      further, shouldnI start taking one of these daily from now on again?

    • 8 months ago


      further, shouldnI start taking one of these daily from now on again?

      definitely make sure you rest/recover enough, but i usually find 1 hard workout that i've never done before leaves me sore for close to a week. do whatever other exercises you can, and the next time you shouldn't be nearly as sore after.

    • 8 months ago

      For bodyweight shit?
      You can even do twice a day, you'll get used to it.
      And magnesium is good, but I just use fake salt instead of a tablet

  66. 8 months ago

    How do I save .webm's with their title automatically?

    • 8 months ago

      have you tried lifting weights?

      • 8 months ago

        The .webm's are with people lifting weights.

        • 8 months ago

          Ooooh, kinky.
          You're a naughty, naughty boy!

  67. 8 months ago

    What’s the best way of training to grow dl/squats and bp?
    once a week 3x5? 1x5 max weight 2x5 backoff sets?
    Assume I’m eating in a caloric surplus, sleep 8h/night, hydrate properly, hit my protein intake and use creatine.
    I want to hit 2/3/4, as I’ve already hit 1pl8 ohp

    • 8 months ago

      eddie hall says it takes 10 days to recover from a max DL. in that situation, you're better off doing 3x5 (maybe pyramid sets, lower weight in set 1 higher weight in set 3). also, don't skip your accessories. i like pendlay rows for DL, tricep extensions for bench, leg press or hack squats for squats

      • 8 months ago

        Thanks anon

  68. 8 months ago

    Wrist feels kinda funny. Should I risk it and work out anyway or take the safe route and skip today? I'm two weeks away from my rest week, so I'd rather not skip any workouts until then, but the last time I fricked up my wrist I couldn't work out for about 2 weeks until it felt good enough to lift again.

    • 8 months ago

      wear a brace if you're worried, and be extra mindful of form. go lighter on exercises that put your wrist in a compromised position.

      i think i've heard supplementing collagen as a good way to repair connective tissue damage to prevent this in the future, but grain of salt

    • 8 months ago

      Skip it or be more wary. Take it easy on your wrists
      t. got lots of injuries from ignoring how my body felt

  69. 8 months ago

    After one year of gym my left shoulder and area around it started hurting but not during lifting, it hurts when I push it down and/or back like I'm flexing my lats, otherwise it's fine. Is this a muscle injury or something else? How long would it take to heal and do I have to stop lifting for a while :/

    • 8 months ago

      Rotator cuff injury. I had that before. To fix it I'd do light internal and external rotation exercises. I'm talking 5 pounds or less on a cable or with a light band and doing isometrics against a wall. I also did adduction, abduction, rotation, light pushups, and taking my shoulder through its more extreme ranges of motion where possible. Picrel is a visual of almost everything I did. I'll reply to this with another pic that shows more exercises. I did these exercises twice daily for 2 sets of 20 without going even close to failure. I also stopped lifting weights outside of legs for a few weeks while this healed. I especially didn't do anything that heavily strains the triceps or lats. The way they attach to the shoulder blade would irritate my rotator cuff more. I didn't use NSAIDs and Advil to help with pain, they slow down the healing process significantly, and I used heat for pain instead of ice. Not medical advice. A physical therapist would be able to give you specific advice for your issues. This is just what I did to heal mine.

    • 8 months ago


      Rotator cuff injury. I had that before. To fix it I'd do light internal and external rotation exercises. I'm talking 5 pounds or less on a cable or with a light band and doing isometrics against a wall. I also did adduction, abduction, rotation, light pushups, and taking my shoulder through its more extreme ranges of motion where possible. Picrel is a visual of almost everything I did. I'll reply to this with another pic that shows more exercises. I did these exercises twice daily for 2 sets of 20 without going even close to failure. I also stopped lifting weights outside of legs for a few weeks while this healed. I especially didn't do anything that heavily strains the triceps or lats. The way they attach to the shoulder blade would irritate my rotator cuff more. I didn't use NSAIDs and Advil to help with pain, they slow down the healing process significantly, and I used heat for pain instead of ice. Not medical advice. A physical therapist would be able to give you specific advice for your issues. This is just what I did to heal mine.

  70. 8 months ago

    My squat is disgustingly bad compared to my DL (265 1rm vs 400 1rm)
    I've been told I should low bar because I'm tall/have long femurs but it feels fricking awful on my back and I never feel like the bar is actually in a safe spot. Is that just normal/part of doing low bar? It psyches me out and stops me wanting to change.

    • 8 months ago

      Ass to grass.

    • 8 months ago

      You need to lean forward like you're doing a hinge when you squat low bar. You can't stay more upright and move big weight with that squat form.

  71. 8 months ago

    Ok bros I am in a bit of a pickle.
    Besides lifting I also do HEMA with a side sword focus, and this has lead to my right lat being larger then my left one. What's the best way to fix this? I have been doing more reps of lat raises and rows on the weaker side, but are there other methods for this? Or could I just do some sets on my left side only on the days I do HEMA, to balance the work my right one gets?

    • 8 months ago

      Same. I can do 40 lbs dumbbell curls right arm but only 20lbs left. its over....

    • 8 months ago

      >he's not working both orthodox and unorthodox stances

  72. 8 months ago

    Does listening to an audio book count as reading it if I can remember the plot?

    • 8 months ago

      Kinda. The benefit of reading is that it causes you to use your imagination and forces the brain to work to visualize and compartmentalize information. If you just remember the plot then you did half of what reading does

  73. 8 months ago

    Is this stuff any good? Or should I buy something else with other things in it?

    • 8 months ago

      It's good. It's as good as other products in the same category

  74. 8 months ago

    are nuts not supposted to be that filling? i burn food quickly and im skelly, but i eat 100g peanuts between meals worth 600cals but not even hour later its like i didnt even eat them

    • 8 months ago

      Nuts are notoriously good bulking food because they're not filling at all. The body has two things it checks for when it relates to satiety; stomach stretch and nutritional value. Nuts are so low volume for the calories they provide they don't cause a notable stretch in the stomach for a normal portion size. Because of that they won't keep you full for long at all.

      • 8 months ago

        ahh thanks man, thought my gut was weird or something

  75. 8 months ago

    So I get that I have to progressively make my lifts heavier after each workout but what do I do if I can't complete a set?

    If I was meant to do 10 reps in a set but could only do 6-7 because the weights are too heavy now...what do I do?

    • 8 months ago

      Keep the weight the same and increase your reps instead. Progressive overload doesn't just mean increasing weight. I'd also go for a normal rep range instead of a static rep range. Like aiming for 6-10 or 8-12 rather than 10 on every set like you're doing now. If your first set is the top of the rep range or more and the rest of your sets fall within the rep range, then increase the weight. Rinse and repeat for quite a while

  76. 8 months ago

    Is dryer lint microplastics??

  77. 8 months ago

    Can I offset eating fast food by working out a lot and only eating one full meal a day, that being that. Basically is it still okay to do nearly every day As long as I keep the calorie deficit. I hate cooking

    • 8 months ago

      You could but it'd be shitty for your health. Why not order food from a meal prep service instead?

  78. 8 months ago

    Does anyone use club bells (Indian Bats?) regularly? I'm wondering how their weight is balanced, like are they top heavy, heavier at the grip, etc. I'm thinking about picking up a 5lb one so I can practice HEMA indoors with a ~foot long club vs a 4+ foot long sword that'll break shit.

    • 8 months ago

      they do NOT remotely approximate the feel of a sword.
      Literally pick up a cricket bat, but imagine the end is 3x as heavy.
      Also if you try to manipulate them like you do a sword, you'll snap your wrist quick. You use them in big arcs or as levers when using 2 hands (this will gas you quicker than an assault bike).

      • 8 months ago

        Frick, alright. Do you have any idea on what could work as a short training aid for my sword shit? I really don't want to break everything in my living room.

        • 8 months ago

          Just go outside.
          I think a good weight umbrella is actually quite nice to use. Wrap some wire around the handle until it feels alright.

          • 8 months ago

            >Just go outside
            >I think a good weight umbrella
            I'm not sure if I've ever seen/held an umbrella weighing close to 3lbs, especially one that would hold up to being swung around. And if I'm outside, I may as well just use my longsword.

            • 8 months ago

              I've had a few that were in that range.
              The weight doesn't matter though, only the balance. Ideally it has a crook as the handle.
              and if it really is too light, just wrap fencing wire around the handle until it feels good. That's what I do with my training swords.

    • 8 months ago

      Macebell is better for sword fighting purposes.

      • 8 months ago

        Wouldn't that still explode my wrists just as much as

        they do NOT remotely approximate the feel of a sword.
        Literally pick up a cricket bat, but imagine the end is 3x as heavy.
        Also if you try to manipulate them like you do a sword, you'll snap your wrist quick. You use them in big arcs or as levers when using 2 hands (this will gas you quicker than an assault bike).

        said the bats would? Also that looks long as frick, the idea is that I'm looking for a small alternative to swing around so I don't murder a shelf or lamp

        • 8 months ago

          if you try to use it like a sword it will delete your wrists, yeah. Also if you want that, just buy a sledgehammer for 10% of the price lmao.

          • 8 months ago

            Sledgehammer is a bit more complicated than a Macebell thanks to the sideloaded weights, macebell is easier to rotate around, nobody said you have to use it like a sword to get benefits for swordfighting, plus it has less danger of hitting you on the way back.

            • 8 months ago

              I regularly swing a sledgehammer around like a moron and throw it, it's really not hard.
              I even strap weights to it so it weighs more, the shape doesn't do anything.
              Highland games aren't finna train for themselves.
              Actually, I think buying the highland games maces will probably come out cheaper than that powerball for basically the exact same product. They will have an extremely marginal flex in the handle, but that's it.

              • 8 months ago

                Talking about an untrained beginner in ballistic equipment.

  79. 8 months ago

    anybody have advice for tinnitus?

    • 8 months ago

      move to the countryside and relax. it will go away.
      in the city best you can do is white noise cancelling headphones.

    • 8 months ago

      You just have it. It doesn't fully go away. Move somewhere that's quiet most of the time. I live in a wooded suburb. The most noise I hear is some neighborhood kids playing soccer in the field nearby or a neighbor mowing their lawn. Otherwise it's just birds and light wind. It was way worse when I lived in a heavily populated area
      t. lifelong tinnitus haver

  80. 8 months ago

    is it true that on long water fasts you can get constipated? it doesnt make any sense tbh.

    • 8 months ago

      Your body poops out waste products anon. The reason it's brown is because of denatured proteins that are getting shuttled out of you. Your body is still processing protein even if you don't eat any of it and it gets sent to the intestines regardless to get pooped out. Same with various lipids and other things the body needs to get rid of. Without any food in the intestines to shuttle it out it builds up. If you're not drinking enough water to get the waste through your intestines you end up constipated while on your fast. It can even cause an impaction if you're doing a long fast.

  81. 8 months ago

    How much cycling do I even have to do to get fit?
    It's so low-impact is genuinely hard for me to judge if I've gotten enough of a workout sometimes.

    • 8 months ago

      2 and a half hours a week for optimal heart health. Up to 5 hours a week before health benefits start to decline. Too much past that and you're doing more harm than good long term

  82. 8 months ago

    Why the frick haven't any of you morons synced up Forces to any of Guts anon's vids of him swinging a mongoloid sized sword around in his back ard yet?

  83. 8 months ago

    How can I add more protein to my diet without dairy (I have a specific allergy to Casein)?

    I tried Vegan Protein Powder but that shit is expensive and it tastes so bad it makes me gag.
    I tried using brine canned fish (Tuna and Sardines) but the quality in my country is genuine trash. It's like eating salty, fish-flavored slime... Also they smell so bad.

    • 8 months ago

      Normal meat?

      • 8 months ago

        Expensive, hard to prepare at a moment, lots of cleaning
        I eat chiggen or fresh fish for lunch, I'm looking for stuff more... supplemental

    • 8 months ago

      Expensive, hard to prepare at a moment, lots of cleaning
      I eat chiggen or fresh fish for lunch, I'm looking for stuff more... supplemental

      They sell egg white protein too. It's nearly flavorless and has a wider variety of flavors

  84. 8 months ago

    1hund slippers, notorious lift slippers or wrestling shoes (Asics Matflex 7)

    • 8 months ago


  85. 8 months ago

    What's a good minimalist routine? I can go to the gym frequently I just get bored being in there for a long time

    • 8 months ago

      5 day bro split
      Rotate indefinitely and take days off as needed. 2 lifts per muscle

  86. 8 months ago

    How come some peoples sixpacks have each side line up but others seem to alternate
    paintjob pic related

    • 8 months ago

      Genetics. When they don't line up, they're usually just called "zipper abs," btw.

      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      usually non-whites have the below pic related abs.

  87. 8 months ago

    currently running gzclp

    thinking of changing program to either PHUL or 531 BBB. i seek a hypertrophy based program and both look good to me. PHUl just seems to have more variety?


    • 8 months ago

      PHUL is the better between the two if hypertrophy is your main goal

  88. 8 months ago

    beginner here
    today i was doing deadlifts and my vision started blacking up on my first rep, twice. It was a PR since i'm still on linear progression and pretty baby weights, 95kg
    i still finished the 'first rep' properly, stopped a minute or two, tried again, and it happened again the same way
    I stopped after that because I dont wanna pass out while holding heavy ass weights

    what gives and how do I prevent it

    • 8 months ago

      Dehydrated probably. Even if you thought you weren't, you'd be surprised.

      Unrelated, I haven't used IST since I left in 2017. This captcha system is dogshit now.

    • 8 months ago

      Hypotension during the lift. Its a version of orthostatic hypotension. Drink more water, eat more salt, and learn to breath while staying braced

  89. 8 months ago

    My Qs that doesn't deserve its own thread is:

    Why can't I get a chest pump? I make sure to use proper form

    Why do I love leg day, and hate everything else? Isn't that the opposite of most people?

    • 8 months ago

      Do push ups and chest flies for pump and bench press for heavy lifts unless you do flat bench, just imagine a balloon in your chest blow up as you squeeze it with your chest, each time you thrust the weight up

      • 8 months ago

        You're a saint. I'll give it a go.

        My chest has felt tight sometimes a day after, but never sore like other muscles have.

        • 8 months ago

          Care to report back how it went? I know it works for me but I'm a freak when it comes to getting a pump.

  90. 8 months ago

    should I just quit coffee from now on fit? is coffee bad for you unironically


    • 8 months ago

      All the evidence suggests that coffee is good for you as long as it doesn't keep you from sleeping. So just keep drinking it but don't have any past 2 or 3 PM.

      • 8 months ago

        ok thx. Atleast one thing I can still have. Fasting sucks ass

  91. 8 months ago

    How do I motivate myself to workout? Like what's the payoff? I'm 6'2 165lb so I'm in fine shape. I'd like to get bigger but I just don't see a significant reward. I can spend an hour working out every day or every other day, tear my muscles, spend more on food to bulk up, and the payoff is maybe 2 years from now I look in the mirror and go "I look pretty good." I want it to be worth it but I just don't see how it is.

    • 8 months ago

      main reason is improving life expectancy and quality of life as you age
      if you're still stuck in the moronic young person mindset of "hurr i want to die before i get to 40/50/60 anyway" then just keep doing what you're doing. you'll get there at some point

    • 8 months ago

      >all those downward facing nails just above the grip
      It's like my man wants to frick up his hand while beating someone to death.

    • 8 months ago

      You get more options when it comes to women and men automatically respect you more if you're muscular. You get more leadership opportunities as a result of the latter. You also maintain your health and strength as you get older

  92. 8 months ago

    I tore my supersprinatus.
    How do I train my upper body now?

    • 8 months ago

      It abducts the shoulder. Lateral raises are out now completely. You're going to have to be careful with upper body compounds now and isolations may be a better option to include more of for you. Go to a surgeon to get it fixed and an actual physio for a routine to heal it back to normal.

  93. 8 months ago

    I recently started to not want to be a fat frick. I changed diet to below maint. high protein and started walking a frickton + Gym 3 days a week push pull legs, until I can recover fast enough to go 6 times. First how can I recover faster and what to do to not have violent protein shits?

    • 8 months ago

      >push pull legs
      Read the sticky, do starting strength.
      If you're going 3/week, make it 3 fullbody sessions at least.
      >recover faster
      Lots of high quality sleep, saunas (30min at extreme temps actually boost hgh), active recovery (those walks you do? Do them on rest days), a low stress life (as if that's possible), and eating clean (means, easy to digest and with few toxins. Alcohol, sugars, vegetable oils are bad) and eating enough carbs and protein - more would help more, but you're on a caloric restriction.
      As for the shits, eat your veggies, they're low carbs but high in micros and fiber

    • 8 months ago

      Violent protein shits only come from supplementing instead of eating your protein.

    • 8 months ago

      You'd be better off doing full body 3 days per week to start honestly
      >how can I recover faster
      More sleep and better quality sleep is one of the most important parts of recovery. Even more than diet. 1 extra hour of sleep each night adds a huge amount of recovery.
      >high protein
      >violent protein shits
      How high protein are you eating exactly? Are you getting a lot of your protein from supplements instead of actual food?

  94. 8 months ago

    Is using the stretch reflex on OHP cheating?

    • 8 months ago

      If you're trying to do a strict press then yeah

  95. 8 months ago

    are parallettes worth getting if i already have rings?

    • 8 months ago

      They're worth it for handstand stuff and having a stable base to do L-sits and other stuff like that

  96. 8 months ago

    how does a homie with fast metabolism bulk up

    • 8 months ago

      eat more

    • 8 months ago

      Vertical diet is the best diet for skinny dudes. I was eating literally 5000kcal a day and would wake up hungry every morning. I also looked better and was stronger than ever. Don't do the meme shit version of living solely on ground beef and rice with chicken stock and orange juice every once in a while. There's protocols involving going for 10 minute walks after meals, sleeping properly, a post workout drink designed to get as much glycogen back into the muscles as fast as possible, proper hydration, and more. You can find copies of the older versions of the book online for free. If you want you can buy the most up to date version from the creator but he charges $100 for the ebook.

      • 8 months ago

        im still really skinny so for bulking i need to hit 3k calories which I do, however it can be quite inconsistent due to night shifts here and there. I often eat milk and yogurts, dried fruits,cashew/peanuts for snacks, pastas, chicken & pork, quite minimal beef. For breakfasts depending if im home i do protein porridge or 3-4 egg omelette. Even if i did workout wrong or not hard enough, the bulk calories would atleast fatten me up a bit but not here, still a skeleton

  97. 8 months ago

    >be me
    >do somewhat physically demanding hobby
    >my everything is sore the next day despite not feeling overworked or pushed anywhere near my limit during the activity
    What do? Is the answer just more exercise?

    • 8 months ago

      Do more of your hobby.
      You'll get used to its specific demand, and won't be sore anymore.
      Lifting more would also help, but you'd still get sore, by being stronger you'd probably be better at your physical hobby tho.

  98. 8 months ago

    I bought some Ashwagandha
    What am i in for?
    I stress easily and talk very fast

  99. 8 months ago

    I am a weakling. I just built myself a pullup bar in the back garden. I want to do pullups/chinups and other exercises where you hang from a bar. I have no access to gym equipment other than my little pullup bar. How do I best train for this, currently I cannot do a full pullup from having my arms completely limp, but i can do 2-3 if i dont lock them out and the end and keep them a little bend still
    Do I just keep forging my way through with moronic little sets and deadhangs or could pushups or planks or something help me.

  100. 8 months ago

    How do I improve my sleep gains? It seems like I just can never fall asleep or get comfortable. And my mattress isn't even a year old.

  101. 8 months ago

    >first day at the gym
    >planning on doing SS
    >get in
    >literally too weak to do more than a 2 reps with just the barbell
    >say frick it and switch to machines because im not going home without actually doing something
    >barely feel them in the muscles theyre supposed to be targetting
    >assume i have dogshit form and ask people nearby for tips on correcting it
    >i fix it and i still dont feel shit in my chest, hamstring, back etc
    >go home humiliated
    so pathetic. i dont want to quit, if anything im more motivated than before, but i need a new routine that uses entirely machines which just feels embarrassing, even though i knew i was insanely dyel

    • 8 months ago

      next time check if your gym has olympic training barbells or womens barbells, they're lighter

      • 8 months ago

        will do

        Do your fricking 2 reps with the barbell, until you can do 3. Think about it as 15 reps per day, not necessarily 3 sets of 5.
        Then do 4, 5, and start the progression.
        It's probably all neurological adaptation, it will come quickly.
        Don't get off the path. You've already seen it, machines are piss easy.

        i did at first, but when i asked people working there to check my form they kept telling me to go with machines and dumbbells until ive got the strength needed to do barbell shit without any base for technique

        • 8 months ago

          Because they don't want to be responsible if you frick up.
          Just take videos of yourself instead of asking randos.

    • 8 months ago

      Do your fricking 2 reps with the barbell, until you can do 3. Think about it as 15 reps per day, not necessarily 3 sets of 5.
      Then do 4, 5, and start the progression.
      It's probably all neurological adaptation, it will come quickly.
      Don't get off the path. You've already seen it, machines are piss easy.

  102. 8 months ago

    First day of leanbulking after a year of weight loss, I've barely even ate and I'm still too bloated and full to exercise. How long until my body adjusts to normal caloric intake? Also, could I just do a slight deficit on lifting days to avoid the bloated sensation and compensate for it on rest days?

  103. 8 months ago

    How do I stop premature ejaculation?

  104. 8 months ago

    yesterday i did
    deadlift heavy 1x5
    squats 3x8-10
    leg extensions 3 sets to absolute failure
    chest supported tbar rows 2x8-10 (to failure)
    kroc rows 2x10-12 (to absoulute failure)

    today a friend asked me if i want to go train with him, he says hes doing back/chest
    back exercises are mostly vertical pulling (chinups/pulldowns and deadlifts?) and benching
    i like him and i wanna go cuz hes a fun dude and i dont want to be autistic about not doing exercises cuz uhhh muh recovery
    is it stupid to do those back exercises the following day since the ones i did are horizontal pulling and pulldowns/chinups are vertical without fricking my shit up?
    obviously skipping the deadlifts cuz that will defo frick me up

    • 8 months ago

      Do half the sets you usually do for half the reps (same weight, or even lower it), and call it an active recovery day.

  105. 8 months ago

    I'm 35yo.
    Since I started lifting 2 weeks ago, my random erections returned like I'm in my early 20s, again.
    I've never lifted before this.
    Is this normal?

  106. 8 months ago

    I ran smolov jr for bench press and finished the 3 week cycle 2 days ago. was at a 210 bench press expecting to get 225 but could not press it up. Was I supposed to deload for a week after the 3 weeks to get the strength gains or should the strength gains have come in 2 days after the 3 week cycle?

    • 8 months ago

      The gains will be maximal once fatigue dissolves.
      How's your recovery?

      • 8 months ago

        ow long does it usually take to for fatigue to dissolve? I train usually 4 days a week with no issue so recovery is fine.

  107. 8 months ago

    Been doing 3-4 full bodys a week plus cardio at the end of each session,. Good results at first, dropped about 25lbs. Also works fantastic with my schedule. In a bit of a plateau now, wondering if i need to switch out for splits or just find a more effective full body.

  108. 8 months ago

    >dead hangs with core engaged: no stretch throughout back, feel like I'm wasting my time
    >without core engaged: feel the stretch but get lower back pain from arching
    How do I stop being dumb with this? I don't feel anything besides forearm burn when I engage my core

  109. 8 months ago


    >Pull your hips forward
    I'm already doing that. "Hollow core" or whatever it's called. I'll try the knees tonight, though

  110. 8 months ago


    I can't get bloated with just chicken, must be the rice since it stocks up water.

  111. 8 months ago

    If I have a test of 230 ng/dl, what would be the upper limit of my strength? Could I eventually bench 225 5x5, or am I screwed?

    • 8 months ago

      Nobody has an answer for you but if natty girls can bench 2.5-3 pl8 then don't be a pussy

  112. 8 months ago

    Hi guys, I'm 31 and in "average" shape, I don't look like I lift but I do look healthy and in shape. My lifts are below, I've been a casual lifter for like 10 years but never really took it seriously, just did it for general health purposes. I'm 5'9", 145lbs.

    I recently inherited a bunch of money and I'm quitting my job. I'd like to spend a few months prioritizing my health and wellness, and getting as fit as possible. I don't really know what to do though, I don't think SS is going to get me to where I want to be. Ideally would like to gain aesthetic muscle and not just brute strength.

    >OHP 95 (3x10)
    >Bench 155 (3x10)
    >Squat (185 3x10)
    >No idea on deadlift, stopped doing them after I hit 315

    I don't really try to go past those numbers but sometimes I'll do singles heavier than the above.

    Is something like the below a good plan or what am I missing?

    150g protein/day, prolly more carbs than fat for remainder of calories. Surplus of 2-400 cals/day.

    I'm going to drop my caffeine intake since I don't need artificial stimulation from being bored af at work, so maybe that will help lower cortisol and help with recovery too.

    I'll drink like 80oz of water (+ electrolytes) per day, probably just 1 cuppa and maybe tea in the evenings.

    No supplements.


    Chin ups
    Lat pulls
    Cable / seated row
    Preacher curls
    DB curls or rope curls

    Chest press machine or flat bench
    Incline / decline press (rotating)
    Pec deck machine
    Lat raises
    Tricep push downs
    Tricep extensions

    Leg press
    Hamstring curls
    Calf raises
    Usually dedicated cardio on this day

    >Rest days
    Regular walking every day
    Maybe golfing 9 holes 1x per week
    Tennis for 1H 1x per week.
    Sauna 1x per week for 15 minutes total
    Sometimes I do cold plunge or ice bath

    Anything you'd do differently or something I definitely should not do? I hope my sleep quality will increase from lowered stress/no work/lower caffeine too, which should help with recovery and everything else.

    • 8 months ago

      >150g daily
      >2-400 cal surplus
      Just hit all of the major compound lifts (bench, OHP, squat, deadlift) and possibly add in lat pulldowns or something to hyper focus on your back, and then add in accessory lifts for aesthetics like bicep curls and whatnot and you literally cannot fail. If you get up to around ~175 pounds then stop bulking and start maingaining.

      • 8 months ago



        Not a bad plan. Be sure to have a higher meal frequency too. Eat protein 5-6 times per day including first thing in the morning and an hour before bed. I'd also recommend some sugar and electrolytes right after lifting. A large glass of chocolate skim milk was what I used to use when I was fully dedicating myself
        PxPxLxx is a bad split. The foundation of your routine is bad. It's not enough frequency to get you where you want to be. You should do an asymmetric routine if you don't have a work schedule to adhere to. There's no reason you have to do a 7 day plan if you don't have to plan around the rest of the week. If you wanted to do PPL you could do something like PPLx or something with pull going first. When I was in a similar position as you're in now I'd just lift every day and take days off when I felt I needed them. You can add a planned rest day too for sure but I've found they're not necessary that often when you have all the recovery you need through sleep, food, and low stress. I'd do
        As my split and I'd cycle through it indefinitely. Every afternoon I lifted and every morning I'd do some light cardio. 2 lifts per body part except for the back, forearms, and core which got 4 lifts each. I did 2-3 genuine all out sets per lift. I got so muscular over 6 months of that plus lots of food and sleeping that my family I haven't seen for a while asked if I was taking steroids and they were only partially joking. It's not sustainable for years but since you have the resources you should be training almost like a pro bodybuilder if your goal is to get as muscular as possible since you said you want to focus on aesthetics.
        >Rest days
        The active recovery you have planned is a very good idea. Keep this in for sure.

        are you saying lift every day or do AxBxCxD?

        yeah I think if I commit to it for like ~6 months I can get decently muscular and then ride that / just maintain and be content

        • 8 months ago

          I lifted every day. I only took days off when I woke up and felt like I wasn't feeling recovered. Getting out of bed you feel oddly heavy and like you need another few hours of sleep. If I got up and felt normal I lifted. I never planned a day off

    • 8 months ago

      Not a bad plan. Be sure to have a higher meal frequency too. Eat protein 5-6 times per day including first thing in the morning and an hour before bed. I'd also recommend some sugar and electrolytes right after lifting. A large glass of chocolate skim milk was what I used to use when I was fully dedicating myself
      PxPxLxx is a bad split. The foundation of your routine is bad. It's not enough frequency to get you where you want to be. You should do an asymmetric routine if you don't have a work schedule to adhere to. There's no reason you have to do a 7 day plan if you don't have to plan around the rest of the week. If you wanted to do PPL you could do something like PPLx or something with pull going first. When I was in a similar position as you're in now I'd just lift every day and take days off when I felt I needed them. You can add a planned rest day too for sure but I've found they're not necessary that often when you have all the recovery you need through sleep, food, and low stress. I'd do
      As my split and I'd cycle through it indefinitely. Every afternoon I lifted and every morning I'd do some light cardio. 2 lifts per body part except for the back, forearms, and core which got 4 lifts each. I did 2-3 genuine all out sets per lift. I got so muscular over 6 months of that plus lots of food and sleeping that my family I haven't seen for a while asked if I was taking steroids and they were only partially joking. It's not sustainable for years but since you have the resources you should be training almost like a pro bodybuilder if your goal is to get as muscular as possible since you said you want to focus on aesthetics.
      >Rest days
      The active recovery you have planned is a very good idea. Keep this in for sure.

  113. 8 months ago


    RE: FB 3-4. On it for about 3 months now, sleep averages between 6 - 8hrs a night. Diet fairly clean (high protein, moderate carb, lower fat) but yeah, drink a few nights a week (maybe 2 pints every other day) and obviously a culprit. Still keep it around 1700ish a day. 6'2, 190lb. Skinny fat, but strength has definitely gone up in the past few months.

  114. 8 months ago

    do i need to add any more shit to this routine or can i just stick with something this minimal until i die?

    >saturday: chest and tris
    Bench press
    Pec deck
    Wrist curls and reverse wrist curls

    >monday: back and bis
    pull ups
    chin ups
    pendlay rows
    bicep curls

    >wednesday: legs and shoulders
    hamstring curls
    leg extensions
    calf raises

    doing leg raises and decline sit-ups on every workout day, plus running 5km on 3 of my rest days. i could throw in a extra gym day on sunday but i wouldnt know what do add

  115. 8 months ago

    What improvements can I make to this program?

    (sets x reps)
    incline bench press (3x8-10)
    barbell rows (3x8-10)
    landmine twist (3x8-10)

    weighted dips (3x6)
    weighted pull ups (3x5)
    leg press (3x10-15)

    ohp (3x5)
    weighted pull ups (3x5)
    farmers walks (3x30m)

    hang cleans(3x3)
    trap bar deadlifts (3x5)
    medicine ball jumps

    i dont have many exercises here since i do boxing 3 days a week but would like to get strong

    • 8 months ago

      >i do boxing 3 days a week
      if you right hooked a grandma as hard you could, how far would her dentures fly?
      round your answer to the nearest foot

  116. 8 months ago

    I'm tall and lean and I tried working my abs for like 90 days last year and didn't get anything to pop
    The muscles right around the diaphragm seem pretty well developed but there's no defined split, every thing else is worse
    Lankoids, what do you do to make those abs shine?

    • 8 months ago

      I always forget how Tyler grew up. He grew up in some of the richest black neighborhoods in the USA and he legitimately looked down on most black people

  117. 8 months ago

    Does anyone have good bluetooth earbud recommendations for lifting and running? My old one went to shit recently and I'm looking for a new one

    • 8 months ago

      the pixel pro buds are legit if you can get them while they are on sale. Never had them fall out once even when im at a full sprint.

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