questions that don’t deserve their own thread

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    turned 30 this year, last April I was 335 and now I'm 242
    What's a good hopefully short-ish forearm routine? I've just been squeezing a 90lb grip for two-three sets and then forearm curls in regular and reverse grip until failure

    • 6 months ago

      What equipment do you have available or what equipment can you afford? I can help you put together a good routine if I know that

      Do you need to spread out your calories throughout the day on a bulk? Is 1,800 too many to have at once?

      It'd be recommended. You'll get a better muscle building effect spreading your protein and calories out throughout the day. 5-6 meals a day would be optimal if you can manage

      • 6 months ago

        >You'll get a better muscle building effect spreading your protein and calories out throughout the day.
        this broscience is moronic but he's partially correct about spreading your calories out. You don't digest food fast enough for meal timing to effect muscle growth, but eating 1800 calories in one sitting is probably enough to cause a big insulin spike and lethargy.

        • 6 months ago

          Your body is digesting protein all day, and can even store it. Yes your insulin will spike, but 1800 calories of non shit food won't have any kind of adverse effects because you can't instantly metabolised it all. The total glycemic load is lower when eating 1 meal than splitting the same food into 2.

          • 6 months ago

            >can even store
            Souece? Pretty sure the nitrogen makes amino acids toxic

    • 6 months ago

      >good, but short forearm routine?
      >Pullup, 4x8-10
      >Reverse Barbell Curl, 4x8-10
      >Behind the Neck Forearm Curl (palms facing backwards), 4x8-10
      -Deadhang, 4x30-60sec

      shouldn't take more than 15-20min, assuming you take 1min rest between sets

    • 6 months ago

      Barbell wrist curl, easy to setup and add weight

  2. 6 months ago

    Do you need to spread out your calories throughout the day on a bulk? Is 1,800 too many to have at once?

  3. 6 months ago

    I'm looking for olympic dumbbells and some good 2 inch plates to match. Where are good reviews?

  4. 6 months ago

    thoughts on supersetting? is it good/bad?
    i have been doing it to save time because i can do one lift while resting for the other e.g. OHP then calf raises

    • 6 months ago

      forgot to mention home jim so i dont have to care about other people needing equipment

    • 6 months ago

      I often superset the warmup sets for the next exercise or only superset light isolations. Supersetting heavy lifts kinda takes away from the quality of the sets in my case

  5. 6 months ago

    What is wrong with my program?

    • 6 months ago

      Probably you.

    • 6 months ago

      Cut volume in half.

      • 6 months ago

        How would you do that

        • 6 months ago

          Also, I already only do 1 leg day

  6. 6 months ago

    I've been doing the modified starting strength in the stick for about 6 months. I'm overall really happy with the progress but my arms are quite small compared to everything else. I'm already dog tired at the end of each workout so I'd rather not add anything more. Is there a similar program that hits arms more?

    • 6 months ago

      You're supposed to add accessories for arms and stuff in SS after a few months, sounds like you missed it. Add in arm exercises.

  7. 6 months ago

    Does anyone know a good brand of folding bike? or a good place to ask about folding bikes?

    • 6 months ago

      Brompton is the gold standard. Every other folding bike is just a copy of a Brompton.

    • 6 months ago

      >good place to ask about folding bikes?
      /n/ is basically /cycling/ but they will probably tell you to buy Brompton as well

  8. 6 months ago

    Want to cop some nice rugby shorts to show off my leg gains

    What are some good and cheap brands that don't look too gay?

    • 6 months ago

      its in your pic man, cants

      Theyre a bit pricier but super thicc cotton, cannot be beat

      Just make sure they're cotton and you can't really go wrong

  9. 6 months ago

    Most advice starts with something like SS or 5x5 routines or whatever. What if you are someone who is either very skinny/weak, or has an injury which prevents you from being able to ever lift heavy weights?

    How do you get at least vaguely muscular/fit if you aren't able to lift much?

    • 6 months ago

      That's beyond my pay grade, it depends on the injury. For a lot of stuff, you want some skills but not too much, and what is too much varies... Just ask a sports doc, you'll need a personalised approach.
      >very skinny/weak
      If you are ok with not being very skinny and weak anymore, SS works like a charm.
      But you gotta eat, and you'll get fat (like 20% bf, not morbidity obese)

    • 6 months ago

      >How do you get at least vaguely muscular/fit if you aren't able to lift much?
      I'm assuming you're a noob lifter who hasn't touch weights at all. Start off with the empty bar and keep adding weight until you reach 1pl8 on the compound lifts. Forget about strength and focus on do a 8x3 as it guarantees perfect form on each rep and keeps fatigue to a minimum.

    • 6 months ago

      SS with 3x12 instead of 5x5

  10. 6 months ago

    is there any truth to the idea that you need to consume protein within 30 minutes post-workout if you want to “save your gains”?

    to me it doesn’t really make sense. if you do a push day, for example, by the time you go through chest and shoulders + their accessories and get to triceps, it’s probably been 30 minutes already. in a best case scenario you’d only be “saving your gains” for the triceps, no?

    • 6 months ago

      nutririon timing is mostly a meme but a postworkout shake is a good way to make sure you get enough protein which is far more imooirtant than when you consune it

      >work out on Tuesday after a long break
      >things are fine
      >wake up today with crazy delayed DOMS in my left brachioradialis and nowhere else, like, can barely straighten my arms level of bad that was nowhere yesterday or the day before yesterday

      What happened? It can't be that I slept on it too hard, it's my bracioradialis in my left arm and nowhere else. And I only jacked off twice.

      its just DOMS, nothing to trip about

    • 6 months ago

      Protein synthesis is boosted for like 36h post exercise, with a peak around 24h.
      Having some protein immediately before, during, or after working out is great, you won't lose the initial phases of the boost, but if you fast the day after, it's all worthless.
      If you're a bodybuilder on a split, you don't even notice but you're hitting the peak from the previous day with a perfect timing.

    • 6 months ago

      theres no way, youd need much longer to digest it

  11. 6 months ago

    >work out on Tuesday after a long break
    >things are fine
    >wake up today with crazy delayed DOMS in my left brachioradialis and nowhere else, like, can barely straighten my arms level of bad that was nowhere yesterday or the day before yesterday

    What happened? It can't be that I slept on it too hard, it's my bracioradialis in my left arm and nowhere else. And I only jacked off twice.

  12. 6 months ago

    how the frick do i do a proper facepull, every video is different

  13. 6 months ago

    todayi had an upper body session but due to time constraints i had to cut my session short so i skipped bis and rear/side delts
    its 5pm now, can i just do those tomorrow morning? i do deadlift/squat volume/chest supported rows/cg bench on sunday, surely like 3-4 sets of hard bicep and hammer curls + rear delt flyes and lat raises wont hurt any of those lifts too much since they recover fast... right?

  14. 6 months ago

    Glucose levels getting high (>100 mg/dL), probably from all of the rice I eat. Any suggestions for replacing rice? Current plan is to just eat less rice more chicken or something.

  15. 6 months ago

    Anyone here ever ran one of bald omni man's programs? I'm getting tired of mine and I was thinking about trying out his beast slayer program

  16. 6 months ago

    Why am I getting sharp pains in my right lower neck when I do Barbell rows?

  17. 6 months ago

    How do you avoid spinning your wheels?
    I've been lifting for about a year and a half and have barely increased the weight of any exercises and I'm still skinnyfat. During every session at the gym my body shakes from fatigue even when I'm just warming up.

    • 6 months ago

      sounds like you need more rest
      and maybe more food

  18. 6 months ago

    How's this routine:
    >M: pullup/deadlift/OHP
    >W: pullup/squat/bench
    >F: power clean/push press/box jump/bb curl/db pullover/knee raise/calf raise
    >S: swimming HIIT
    >S: swimming steady-state
    I only do one set of the power exercises and I'm short of time in general, hence putting all the isolations on one day

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        >presumably only two days of cardio
        >back to back
        that alone is fricking moronic

        • 6 months ago

          I can't get to the pool on weekdays but HIIT isn't the same as cardio
          What about the lifting days?

        • 6 months ago

          >calls others moronic
          >thinks hiit is cardio
          don't answer questions if you don't know basic shit

          • 6 months ago

            I can't get to the pool on weekdays but HIIT isn't the same as cardio
            What about the lifting days?

            over all its retared because you have this weird over lap. why dont you just do a push/pull/legs? or a full body twice a week since you have so few exercises. then you have push press AND OHP. bicep isolation but not tricep? and the bicep isnt even on a do where youre doing pull ups? the spacing between the deads and squats is moronic and they should be swapped around. theres just too much wrong with it. that said, it 'seems' like this is specific to a certain sport? if so, maybe mention that.

            • 6 months ago

              >full body twice a week since you have so few exercises
              I am doing full body. Squat/bench/pullup and deadlift/OHP/pullup both train full body.

              >push press AND OHP
              OHP for strength, push press for explosiveness.

              >bicep isolation but not tricep
              DB pullover trains triceps

              >the spacing between the deads and squats is moronic and they should be swapped around.
              What do you mean? I spaced them apart because I find it too fatiguing to do more than one lower body compound in a day (I'm on a cut) and my form breaks down on the second one.

              >it 'seems' like this is specific to a certain sport?
              Not exactly. The two main compound days are training for strength, the power clean/push press day is training explosiveness to help with swimming and for martial arts (I don't take classes atm but I practice to keep the skills I learned) and the isolations are for hypertrophy/filling in gaps left by the explosiveness exercises.

              • 6 months ago

                >I am doing full body. Squat/bench/pullup and deadlift/OHP/pullup both train full body.
                wrong. youre missing a horizonal pulling (rowing) movement and a vertical pushing movement for shoulders and the same for the second except you have a vertical pushing movement but not a horizonal. do you even know the six main compound movements?
                >OHP for strength, push press for explosiveness.
                >DB pullover trains triceps
                they do not. the tricepts are not being contracted in an eccentric way and they arent the primary muscle being used (might be using the wrong words there but whatever). not isolation
                >What do you mean? I spaced them apart because I find it too fatiguing to do more than one lower body compound in a day (I'm on a cut) and my form breaks down on the second one.
                you have deadlift x squat xxxx. do you see the issue with spacing?
                Not exactly. The two main compound days are training for strength, the power clean/push press day is training explosiveness to help with swimming and for martial arts (I don't take classes atm but I practice to keep the skills I learned) and the isolations are for hypertrophy/filling in gaps left by the explosiveness exercises.
                if you want to train for strength, then... strength train? im like 1,000,000% sure that SS would be better due to the fact that it has cleans or snatches or something like that, which would be way more useful for explosiveness

              • 6 months ago

                >wrong. youre missing a horizonal pulling (rowing) movement and a vertical pushing movement for shoulders and the same for the second except you have a vertical pushing movement but not a horizonal. do you even know the six main compound movements?
                If you mean horizontal/vertical push/pull, knee flexion and hip hinge then yes but I think it's a meme. How do my muscles know I'm rowing and not pulling up? Both use the same muscles.

                >>DB pullover trains triceps
                >they do not
                I start with my elbows bent and straighten them before I raise my arms.

                >you have deadlift x squat xxxx. do you see the issue with spacing?
                I suppose but it works better for me atm. Before cutting I was doing something like:
                >A: squat/power clean/bench/pullup
                >B: deadlift/front squat/OHP/pullup
                I think you'll agree this is more balanced as it has a hip hinge and knee flexion exercise on each day. But I can't get through the power cleans on day A or front squats on day B atm due to fatigue from cutting. I still have 4-5 kg to lose.

              • 6 months ago

                >How do my muscles know I'm rowing and not pulling up?
                the same way you know theyre different when you feel them deliberately? put your arms straight out then pull them in and squeeze your shoulder blades together. now put your arms straight up in the air and pull your elbows down to your sides. they are different movements are target your back muscles differently.
                >I start with my elbows bent and straighten them before I raise my arms.
                seems ineffective as isolation. why not do bench (or variation) 2x a week and proper isolation like skull crushers or tricep extensions?
                >A: squat/power clean/bench/pullup
                >B: deadlift/front squat/OHP/pullup
                this is a lot better but then you might as well just go with a push/pull like
                A: squat/bench/ohp
                B: deadlift/pullup/row/cleans (only do deads every other B worthout/once a week)

                AxBxAxBx etc

              • 6 months ago

                You don't want it badly enough. I hated going out into public and being around strangers in the gym. I felt uncomfortable every second around them, but I went 4 times a week anyway, because I wanted to get stronger. Btw headphones and some music or podcast can help you zone out and ignore people around you while you lift.

                If you want to lose weight and you eat more than one meal a day, you don't really want to lose weight.

          • 6 months ago

            I can't get to the pool on weekdays but HIIT isn't the same as cardio
            What about the lifting days?

            and for what its worth, im sure bodybuilding.com and webmd have no idea what theyre talking about and you guys know more than them.

            • 6 months ago

              >im sure bodybuilding.com and webmd have no idea what theyre talking about
              You are correct
              Cardio = aerobic exercise
              HIIT is anaerobic


              • 6 months ago

                >full body twice a week since you have so few exercises
                I am doing full body. Squat/bench/pullup and deadlift/OHP/pullup both train full body.

                >push press AND OHP
                OHP for strength, push press for explosiveness.

                >bicep isolation but not tricep
                DB pullover trains triceps

                >the spacing between the deads and squats is moronic and they should be swapped around.
                What do you mean? I spaced them apart because I find it too fatiguing to do more than one lower body compound in a day (I'm on a cut) and my form breaks down on the second one.

                >it 'seems' like this is specific to a certain sport?
                Not exactly. The two main compound days are training for strength, the power clean/push press day is training explosiveness to help with swimming and for martial arts (I don't take classes atm but I practice to keep the skills I learned) and the isolations are for hypertrophy/filling in gaps left by the explosiveness exercises.

                why not ask your coaches then? i didnt read that article yet but,
                dang you sure showed me. anyways i cant respond your long post atm.

  19. 6 months ago

    Rate routine ples

    >Monday / Thursday:
    Pullup, 4x8-10
    Weighted Dip, 4x8-10
    Bent Over Row, 4x8-10
    Incline Bench Press, 4x8-10
    Single Standing Calf Raise 4x8-12
    Lateral Delt Raise, 4x8-10
    Klokov Press, 4x8-10

    >Tuesday / Friday:
    Barbell Curl, 4x8-10
    Standing Skullcrusher, 4x8-10
    Incline Hammer Curl, 4x8-10
    Tricep Kickback, 4x8-10
    Single Seated Calf Raise, 4x15-20
    BtN Forearm Curl, 4x8-10
    Deadhang, 4x30-60sec

    >Wednesday / Saturday:
    Running (10km)
    Front Squat, 4x8-10
    Romanian Deadlift, 4x8-10
    Hanging Oblique Knee Raise
    Weighted Crunch

    Been getting good results so far
    >5'10, 220lbs
    >about 5 years lifting experience
    >chest 49", arms 17", forearms 15", quads 29", calves 17", waist 33.5"

  20. 6 months ago

    I want to add ONE excersie for abs, ONE for forearms and ONE for calves(maybe). Which ONEs should i do?

  21. 6 months ago

    you know the muscle/tendon(?) right at the groin that you can feel with your hands/pinch up a little? you can also actually see it when you're spreading your legs. what is it called?

    • 6 months ago

      >when you're spreading your legs
      the OP tendon

  22. 6 months ago

    Is it true that if you're trying to focus on building your glutes, it's best to stop the squat just before your legs are ground level and go up from there? In other words, are you supposed to start going up before you hit the point where you would start deepening the squat below the knees?

  23. 6 months ago

    Anyone tried doing a day for different aspects of fitness/athleticism?
    >mon - strength - 3x5 bench, OHP, deadlift, squat, pullup
    >wed - hypertrophy - 3x8-15 curl, tri ext, leg curl, leg ext, leg raise, back ext, cable flys, lateral raise
    >fri - explosiveness - ?x? power clean, plyo pushups, ...
    >sat - HIIT - hill sprints
    >sun - SSC - 5-10K run
    or is it pointless and you should just do mesocycles?

    • 6 months ago

      Yep absolutely pointless. I've done stuff like this and spun my wheels for years. You have to sacrifice things, you can't train everything at once. Only once I started doing that did I start making gains.

  24. 6 months ago

    Do Lyle McDonald's theories about mtor and "effective reps" hold significant merits to the joke that is natty lifting? I was thinking about running Doggcrapp over winter to see what happens. I'm just nervous I'm trying something so atypical and seems too good to be true and if it was demonstrably real you could hypothetically even make calisthenics work with proper loading.

    • 6 months ago

      This is just basic human physiology, so yeah, it works. Your physiology doesn't change because of steroids, just your capacity for recovery and the fact steroids will activate hypertrophic pathways 24/7 while you're juicing, making you grow from nothing.

      The idea that natties need to do more volume and frequency and do it far from failure is one of the dumbest total lies in lifting culture. It's not even a myth, it's just a lie. The older guys might have not known why, but their dropsets, rest-pause, holding contractions to failure shit they all tried were all much more "scientifically" valid than the modern "hard reps are bad :~~*" shit you see on youtube.

      • 6 months ago

        Criticize at least one of Lyle's positions so I can take you seriously. I know he's usually right but he's also crazy and human so he can't always be right.

  25. 6 months ago

    should a homie go to the gym tonight? no cap

  26. 6 months ago

    >Eat like shit all weak
    >Sleep like shit all week
    >Stress from work and interpersonal problems all week
    >Friday comes, can't lift previous week's load

    Is it all in my head that my shit weak is making me perform shit? I got decent sleep and carbed up today but I feel so out of it. I'm still pushing through the workout even if it's half assed, I assume that's probably still productive?

    • 6 months ago

      Food and sleep are like 80% of muscle growth and maintenance. Stress is also energy-draining, both directly and because it tends to frick up sleep and eating schedules. You probably lost muscle and strength, so you'd have to lift less weight or do fewer reps. I would still do the same exercises if you can, though. It's just a sad fact of life that progress isn't linear and uni-directional because there will always be external hindrances, unless you're a trust-fund baby.

    • 6 months ago

      Wtf are you doing. Of course your lifting will be shit if you don't eat and sleep properly. Sort it out

  27. 6 months ago

    Can I get rid of sciatica

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago


  28. 6 months ago

    How do I make albacore tuna from Costco taste good? It is so fricking dry. I put lemon, salt, black and red pepper on it but it's so fricking dry

    • 6 months ago

      try adding some fat
      like mayo if youre bulking or yogurt if youre cutting
      even fat free yogurt works

      • 6 months ago

        On a cut, so I'll try yogurt next time

        add mayo or hot sauce and diced red onion or pickles. look up tuna salad recipes

        On a cut so I'll try that

        Like canned tuna? Pickles and a little horseradish mustard do the trick for me. As well as a glass of water to help it go down because that shit can be so dry that it gets stuck in your throat.

        Yeah canned, I drained the water, put it in a plate, seasoned and realized this is jawserize 2 bites in

        How to eat tuna on a cut

    • 6 months ago

      add mayo or hot sauce and diced red onion or pickles. look up tuna salad recipes

    • 6 months ago

      Like canned tuna? Pickles and a little horseradish mustard do the trick for me. As well as a glass of water to help it go down because that shit can be so dry that it gets stuck in your throat.

  29. 6 months ago

    Anyone here tried hanging or inversion boots or cuffs? I used to be 6'3" but my spine and hips have become misaligned and now I'm 6'2" i wanna use some of these on my squat rack but I don't wanna get shitty ones.

  30. 6 months ago

    How do you count calories in complex meals like, for example breaded chicken, or rice with tomato sauce?

  31. 6 months ago

    I have a couple
    Is is truth that muscles stop growing if you do the same exercise all the time and only increasing the weight overtime?
    If I want to reach Adonis index, and I'm lazy, is it a good idea to aim to exercise only the important muscles to reach it? (shoulder, back and chest)

    • 6 months ago


  32. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      this is the most feminine pit hair i have ever seen on a guy

      • 6 months ago

        recently trimmed to manage sweat/b.o.

        • 6 months ago

          love it


          looks like girl pubes

          he also has girl nipples. no joke i didn't know men could have nips that round

      • 6 months ago

        recently trimmed to manage sweat/b.o.

        looks like girl pubes

  33. 6 months ago

    Going on a date today and my hands look like this, is that a good or bad thing? It's my second date and on my first one she complimented me on my muscles and asked if I work out

    • 6 months ago

      If you have the choice between rough and smooth hands as a man, rough is the better of the two.

      • 6 months ago

        Alright cool I was thinking that cause rough hands is manly and stuff but most people say I have an "old soul" so I wasn't sure if that was still the idea among people

    • 6 months ago

      It's good, but also show that you care and put some cream on those mitts.

  34. 6 months ago

    Redpill me on MBT programing.
    Is it legit, or just bog standard programs with a tacticool marketing approach?

  35. 6 months ago

    is this leg workout fine? i workout at home with rings/bands.

    4x10 ring assisted pistol squats
    4x10 band hip thrusts
    4x10 band leg curls
    will add ring deadlifts after some research

    also, i dont bother with calves because i already jump rope for 10-15 min 4 times a week so i have joocy calves already.

  36. 6 months ago

    >be me movie character
    >chad buys me drinks all night at the bar cuz he’s a cool dude and the life of the party (does this for everyone)
    >get too drunk and take a light hearted joke too seriously
    >sperg out and text him non stop that night about how he can’t hang with me and my friends anymore
    >thought he was trying to bang this uggo i wanted to plow and he was gonna steal her from me
    >got really jealous and ruined a potentially good friendship for nothing
    >uggo didn’t even bang me. She went home with her friends

    This was a month ago. He just laughed it off and ghosted me. Now he won’t even make eye contact with me at the bar. I’m so fricking stupid why do i do this shit

    • 6 months ago

      >get too drunk

      >I’m so fricking stupid why do i do this shit

      Perhaps you answered your own question.

  37. 6 months ago

    I have hit 1/2/3/4 for 5 while making myself a fat ass in the process, how do I become shredded while maintaining my 1/2/3/4 pass

    • 6 months ago

      Cut while still getting enough protein. Make your protein shakes with water instead of milk.

  38. 6 months ago

    How come Oral-Only is so HATED?

    SURELY being dosed-up on Anavar cannae be THAT bad.

    • 6 months ago

      Very harsh on liver to get same amount of test that a base test + oral would give.

  39. 6 months ago

    Can somebody tell me why hcg is not making my balls big again? I’m taking 250 every three days or 250/500/250 for one week. Nothing has worked so far. My balls are so fricking small that they live in my inguinal ducts permanently. I’m about to stop and pct

  40. 6 months ago

    Anybody else almost get heat stroke in the shower after a workout? I almost threw up/passed out if I didn't turn the shower to ice cold.

    • 6 months ago

      i often faint from hot showers but i have low blood pressure (like average 70/40). check your bp before and after your workout and make sure you're hydrated

  41. 6 months ago

    Gym noob here, working out consistently 4 times a week and currently in my second month. Recently i started adding more weight and lowering my reps and noticed that my stomach is upset after a few sets. Also getting dizzy standing up doesn't seem to go away.

  42. 6 months ago


    I don't really want to do bench and OHP together either, the one I do second suffers.

    What about
    >A: pullup/squat/bench
    >B: deadlift/front squat/OHP
    >C: squat/X/machine row/Y
    X could be a posterior chain exercise like RDL or back extensions that is less fatiguing than conventional deadlifts, while Y could be a pressing exercise like dips or incline press which are also not very systemically fatiguing (and I won't care about the progress as they're not a main lift).

    • 6 months ago

      Meant for

      >How do my muscles know I'm rowing and not pulling up?
      the same way you know theyre different when you feel them deliberately? put your arms straight out then pull them in and squeeze your shoulder blades together. now put your arms straight up in the air and pull your elbows down to your sides. they are different movements are target your back muscles differently.
      >I start with my elbows bent and straighten them before I raise my arms.
      seems ineffective as isolation. why not do bench (or variation) 2x a week and proper isolation like skull crushers or tricep extensions?
      >A: squat/power clean/bench/pullup
      >B: deadlift/front squat/OHP/pullup
      this is a lot better but then you might as well just go with a push/pull like
      A: squat/bench/ohp
      B: deadlift/pullup/row/cleans (only do deads every other B worthout/once a week)

      AxBxAxBx etc

      Also it would be AxBxCxx every week.

  43. 6 months ago

    can I get a form check?

    • 6 months ago

      Looks like your setup is mostly correct but your upper back isn't tight enough. Your hips are initially in the right place but you raise them before you start the pull (making your back angle like a good morning) and you don't control the bar down making you tip forward and ruining your posture for the next rep.
      >keep upper back tight
      >shoulders should move before hips like standing up normally
      >push the ground away with your feet
      >maintain tension until the bar is settled on the ground
      >if you lose balance you have to do the setup again for the next rep
      Also I couldn't tell if you were bracing but bracing is important and form videos often don't say that somehow. Breathe into your belly, hold the air in, and tense your abs before you start the pull. Breathe out at the top, then brace again to lower the bar.

  44. 6 months ago

    what bf% to start noticing face gains?
    Also, what is the most accurate way to measure bf%?

    • 6 months ago

      >what bf% to start noticing face gains?
      Highly individual. I noticed it around 15-17%.

      >what is the most accurate way to measure bf%?
      At home, calipers if you know how to use them (mine say 25% but I can see my top abs). I believe medical imaging (MRI?) and underwater weighing are the gold standards.
      My renpho scale seems good enough, it says 17.5% which is much more plausible than 25.

  45. 6 months ago

    Is there a performance equivalent to PPL, like a 3 day split where you train strength, cardio and maybe mobility and repeat that twice a week?

    • 6 months ago

      Dynamic mobility exercises make good warmups, and static stretches can be done at the end so you don't need dedicated days for mobility. Light/steady state cardio sessions are probably best done on the day after resistance training (even if you will train again the next day) because the increased blood flow helps recovery. You can do as many sessions of low impact, low intensity cardio (like cycling at a reasonable pace or swimming breast stroke) a week a you want pretty much. You can do high intensity cardio or HIIT after lifting sessions or on their own day.
      If you have mixed lifting goals as well (more than one of strength, hypertrophy, endurance and explosiveness) you can easily work two or more on the same day so they aren't spaced out as they would be if you tried to do one day for each. E.g. start with heavy compounds for strength, then follow up with high rep sets of the exercises you want to use for hypertrophy or endurance.
      This is what I would do as and suggest for a noncompetitive lifter. Competitive athletes use periodised training, e.g. they may spend 4-12 weeks (called a mesocycle) building cardio and endurance, another mesocycle on strength and explosiveness, another one on technique for the sport. I don't know much about it but presumably they continue training the previous mesocycles' skills with less frequency, since you lose fitness and strength quite quickly when you stop training them.

  46. 6 months ago

    >technogym dual adjustable pulley performance

    Does anybody know whats the fricking pulley ratio of this machine? There is literally no info about it online

  47. 6 months ago

    Are you supposed to start going up before you hit the point where you would start deepening the squat below the knees? If you want to focus on glutes, I mean.

    • 6 months ago

      Normal front and back squats will never be a glutes exercise, just do BSS or hip thrusts.

      • 6 months ago

        I'm just asking because I seem to be quad-dominant, so that's why I want to focus on glutes. So, is it true?

        • 6 months ago

          No I was lying
          You should add glute ham raises or another posterior chain exercise, assuming you already do deadlifts

          • 6 months ago

            I can't do glute ham raises since I work out at home, but I do donkey kicks with a band. and deadlifts of course.

  48. 6 months ago

    How sick is too sick to workout?

  49. 6 months ago

    Could I take PCTs as a supplement, even if I don't do steroids?
    What would be the pros and cons for it?

  50. 6 months ago

    how do i like force myself to go to the gym and like not hate it? i hate people, i hate sweaty, half naked moaning dudes, i hate public spaces, i hate the reek of the sweat, i hate how tightly packed the machines are, I'm self conscious as frick, I FRICKING HATE BEING AROUND PEOPLE but I'm a fat fricking pig and i would like to get in shape, id get a personal trainer but holy shit gyms are so unappealing or even they make me want to stay fat just so i don't have to be in a place like this. id love a private gym but don't have the space in my apartment and the complex doesn't have one either

    • 6 months ago

      i know how awful social anxiety can be, especially when you hate yourself, but theres really nothing for it except to knuckle down and barrell through it
      that said maybe consider a different gym or a program that doesnt require one

    • 6 months ago

      1. get a home gym, even a bare minimum one if you live in an apartment
      2. move to a place that has a private gym
      3. just go to gym even if you hate it, consider it your punishment for getting fat

    • 6 months ago

      Well, 90% of weight loss is a diet.
      But if you want to get somewhat fit, even calisthenics will work. Unless you're anxious about doing exercises outside too. (assuming you can't do pushups/pull-,ups in your apt)

    • 6 months ago

      You don't want it badly enough. I hated going out into public and being around strangers in the gym. I felt uncomfortable every second around them, but I went 4 times a week anyway, because I wanted to get stronger. Btw headphones and some music or podcast can help you zone out and ignore people around you while you lift.

  51. 6 months ago

    I want to lose about 30-40 pounds, in like 6 months.

    What daily/weekly routine do i need? I think i can only work out like 4-5 days a week.
    And i should spend the other days either doing chores and junk, or resting.

    So in a day, wake up time...7am or 10am?
    We'll assume 9am, and go home/sleep time will be 7pm or 10pm? We'll assume 8pm.
    So basically about 11 hours. Plus 1-2 meal times about 30mins to an hour. Maybe replace one meal with some fiber bar and water or protien shake?

    And then more important, what type of exercise? I was thinking walking many hours, non stop, or light jogging with some walking for breaks.

    Any suggestions on what i said?

    • 6 months ago

      There's a sticky for a reason.

  52. 6 months ago

    troony here
    i started doing bodyweight stuff a few months ago and i can now do a pushup but that also made my shoulders wider so what bodyweight stuff can i do for my lower body to make my hips wider to balance it out

    • 6 months ago

      Coss-ack squat

  53. 6 months ago

    >be fat
    >run a 5k today
    >do better than before, look up stats
    >realize men do way better than women, the entire run I was thinking "beat these girls around my age near me with big asses"
    >realize it's no accomplishment because men run miles way faster statistically
    >research this more and realize gym bro guys who date gym rat women are just cheating because they're mogging their gfs forever and always which probably turns them on

  54. 6 months ago

    At what weight should I switch from strength training to body building?

    • 6 months ago

      IMO, when you reach 1pl8 on the main lifts.

  55. 6 months ago

    I can't sleep and (technically) yesterday had DOMs from squatting heavier than usual since I hate squats.
    I'm having today as a rest day and lifting/running/boxing on weekdays. How bad would a night on no/little sleep affect my recovery?
    Outside of me feeling like shit all day I might

  56. 6 months ago

    what I thought was a pimple on my head was a mole I think I literally peeled a mole off my head will this give me cancer?

  57. 6 months ago

    I bougth some pre workout and it has creatine in it. I did not want creatine so I'm going to buy some without. What do I do with the tub that has creatine in it? Do I just toss it?

    • 6 months ago

      Snort it

  58. 6 months ago

    As a beginner
    Should you do maintenance phases of a month, after eating at a surplus / deficit for the last 6-8 weeks?

  59. 6 months ago

    When swimming in a pool, how badly am I fricking over my body's temperature regulatory systems whenever I get out of the regular pool and sit my ass off in the warm (34-35 celsius) water
    ...only to go back to the regular pool to swim some more
    I'm a wimp who can't really handle the cold for too long, but I'm also easily swayed by people saying something's bad for me

  60. 6 months ago

    Having weekends as rests days makes sunday boring. Is there anything I can do that won't impede on tomorrow's push day and my cardio?

  61. 6 months ago

    >do a 4 month cut and lose 7-8kg of bf%
    >start first real bulk
    >eat pretty much the same as on a bulk but add "fun" calories to be in a surplus
    >strength/lifting stats increase dramaticly over the last 3 weeks after being the same in the last 4 months on the cut
    >bodyweight pretty much stays the same or guys down
    this is my first real bulk. am I actually recomping here? I lift 6x per week and do 4x 20 minute cardio sessions per week. I feel like I am not really bulking, just recomping here. my bench went from 100kg for 5 to 110kg for 5 in just 3 weeks, I obviously do something right here but not sure.

    • 6 months ago

      you are actually bulking

  62. 6 months ago

    I squat 150kg, at what weight roughly should i start doing Good mornings for 10 reps?

    • 6 months ago

      just start off with the bar. Give your body a chance to adapt to the movement, especially if you intend on doing these to parallel. Then just add 5 to 10lbs every session and you'll be using appreciable weight in no time.

  63. 6 months ago

    I've been fat most my life and now I've finally got down to this size. Problem is I didn't build enough muscle mass during the weight loss. Now I'm wondering if I should bulk or cut? I feel like cutting isn't gonna do anything anymore but I'm worried about adding more calories and getting fat again.

    • 6 months ago

      Just lift.
      If you need a target, hit your maintenance calories, and eat an extra steak if you feel weak

    • 6 months ago

      Continue cutting but don't do it the brainlet muh calculators method that everyone uses because that is basically playing spin the wheel and assuming the calorie count you landed on is accurate (protip it's not)
      Here is the 200IQ method (I came up with it and I am a high IQ gigachad)
      >count calories without trying to control your diet for a week
      >work out the average over the week
      >subtract 100
      >that is your calorie intake for the next week
      >if you are losing weight keep going
      >if not subtract 100 again the following week
      This is the gigabrain method because your brain actually knows exactly how much to eat to maintain weight (homeostasis is one of its jobs and it's extremely good at it), TDEE calculators are for arrogant fools who think they can guesstimate better than a system developed by billions of years of natural selection

  64. 6 months ago

    How the frick do I get rid of dandruff? Maybe this is just reaping what i've sown by shampoo and conditioner every day when I was younger but frick me i'm so tired of seeing goddamn table salt all over my hair whenever i do anything to jostle it

    • 6 months ago

      ketoconazole shampoo twice a week fixed it for me after a lifetime of trying other anti-dandruff shampoos

    • 6 months ago

      The small flakes are normal dead skin, not dandruff, so dandruff shampoo won't do anything (real dandruff is a fungal infection)
      Your problem is you don't clean your scalp vigorously enough when you wash your hair, so the dead skin just stays where it is and gradually works its way out
      You fix this by:
      >rubbing your scalp vigorously when you wash your hair
      >making sure you wash all the shampoo out (use the high pressure mode if your shower head has it)
      >brushing/combing your hair at least twice a day and making the teeth scrape your scalp
      Since learning that I almost never see white flakes in my hair or on my clothes


      Haven't been at the gym all week.
      I was initially going to go back tomorrow for shoulder/legs but I'm tempted to go today to do some bodyweights exercices to get back into it. Should I?
      I want to build a minimalist abs routine that I can do at the end of each workout. Mandatory exerices are
      > Ab wheels
      > Leg raises
      > Stomach Vacuum
      Anyone to help me build a solid session with these/other exerices to train my core?

      It's ok to switch between different training methods but since you haven't been to the gym for a week (apparently without a good excuse) you just sound lazy and like you're going to start fricking around
      Go to the gym homosexual

      • 6 months ago

        your hair at least twice a day and making the teeth scrape your scalp
        Doesn't this harm the follicles or some shit?

        • 6 months ago

          I haven't gone bald so far.
          I didn't mean dig them in anyway, it shouldn't hurt. To me it's like scratching an itch.

  65. 6 months ago

    I have what I think is a shoulder impingement and tennis elbow in my left arm. I feel pain when I bench and OHP. I don't want to pay $1k for a doctor visit because I don't have insurance. WIll this heal on it's own or are there stretches specifically for should impingement that could help?

  66. 6 months ago

    Been doing callisthenics for 3 months now, 4 days a week. Progress so far
    >pullups 3 to 7 at a time
    >chin ups 3 to 8 at a time
    >squats normal to pistol squats (8 in a set, 3 sets)
    >also doing a few other exercises like pike pushups, incline sit ups
    I have gotten much stronger and feel much better in general but my arms look even thinner than I started (even though I am getting measurably stronger consistently).
    I knew I wasn't going to look like a normal gym going person even before I started doing callisthenics but I never thought the change would be this minor. I do look slightly more "athletic" but that's about it.

    • 6 months ago

      You probably heard all of this a million times over but
      >are you sleeping enough?
      >are you calm and not stressed all the time?
      >do you drink enough water?
      >is your diet balanced?
      >are you at a surplus or at least maintenance?
      Also you didn't post many details about your routine, but while 4day/week is fine I'd try to increase volume so either sets or difficulty of exercises. You are the ultimate judge: before going to bed do you feel like you could have done more? If yes, do more. If you don't do this, start immediately (does not go just for lifting btw). Also keep in mind it takes a few months to see progress, especially if you are on the taller side - this is true for both calisthenics and lifting. Your starting point also plays a role. If you start skelly, it might not seem much to you but it might actually be quite significant.

  67. 6 months ago

    Gave wall isolated dumbbell curls a try and it turns out I can do about half the volume of normal curls. Are wall isolated curls just harder or do I really cheat so much when doing normal curls? I thought my form was good enough...

  68. 6 months ago

    anyone have any adjustable bench recommendations? One i have now is pretty wobbly so i need to replace it. Preferable something under $200 if possible.

  69. 6 months ago

    Haven't been at the gym all week.
    I was initially going to go back tomorrow for shoulder/legs but I'm tempted to go today to do some bodyweights exercices to get back into it. Should I?
    I want to build a minimalist abs routine that I can do at the end of each workout. Mandatory exerices are
    > Ab wheels
    > Leg raises
    > Stomach Vacuum
    Anyone to help me build a solid session with these/other exerices to train my core?

  70. 6 months ago

    What's the best workout plan if one would like to lift 3 times a week but can't lift heavy (for all these 5x5 routines).
    I fricked up my shoulder years ago and I really don't think I can go heavy on shit like bench press.

    • 6 months ago

      what did you do to your shoulder?
      something like SL is probably fine as long as you're mindful of your injury and do enough supplemental rehabilitation work. Although if it was years ago it should be in a good spot now unless you've done nothing to strengthen it. Do machine work if you're seriously that fricked.

  71. 6 months ago

    Looks like i've sprained one of my ab muscles and i've been out of lifting for a month already. Anyone got any experience with such an injury? Can I do less ab-intensive exercises with lighter weight to at least do something and not just wait? I have no idea how fast it'll heal and get back to normal.

  72. 6 months ago

    Will daily finasteride and occasional onions protein kill my dick? I need to avoid norwooding and I like baking protein sweets, but whey bakes like shit and casein is prohibitively expensive where I live.

  73. 6 months ago

    Is around 130g of protein enough at 5"8 to bulk?

    • 6 months ago

      The hell does your height matter? It's all about your body weight.
      1.6-2.2g/kg of body weight spread over 3+ meals a day is optimal for muscle gain, and of course you should be in calorie surplus too.

      • 6 months ago

        So around 150g then hmm
        That seems a lot to me as in protein rich foods that'll be satiating

        • 6 months ago

          Chicken thighs 1 pound is overn120g of protein right there

          • 6 months ago

            I'm trying to eat less meat

      • 6 months ago

        >he thinks protein matters on a bulk

        Fricking moron

        • 6 months ago

          >link has protein requirements for bulking
          Do you have brain damage?

          • 6 months ago

            1.6-2.2g/kg is fricking moronic

            • 6 months ago

              Let's see what you've linked then.
              >Intense or prolonged activity causes an increase in muscle protein breakdown, which is typically followed by an increase in muscle protein synthesis over the next 24 hours. The consumption of high-quality protein during this period enhances this process – accelerating the recovery process and stimulating skeletal muscle growth. While 1.6-2.0 g/kg/d should be used as the base recommendation on days with prolonged cardio exercise, additional protein can be added to the diet post-exercise to improve recovery.
              You total fricking imbecile.

              • 6 months ago

                No fricking argument

              • 6 months ago

                Your source literally supports my claim and directly contradicts yours, the embarrassment you're feeling right now is totally fricking justified.

              • 6 months ago

                >with prolonged cardio exercise
                So it doesn't

  74. 6 months ago

    I have been wanting to add pullups to my routine for a while. I have vertical bars as reinforcement/railing of my stairs like picrel, would they work the same as pullups with an horizontal bar? I already tried and the biggest problem was that unless i grip with gorilla strength I start slipping, but aside from that and being a bit more bicep heavy will it be fine? It'll be a bit before I can get and mount a proper one, so if they are fine I'd also like some suggestions to reduce slipping, would gloves help?

  75. 6 months ago

    i have 3 questions
    when should i take electrolytes when going weight training?
    when should i take dextrins when going weight training?
    and is there actually something about the "you can only aborb 30 grams of protien per meal" myth? or is it actual bogus

    • 6 months ago

      to add on the the secound Q
      and how much dextrin?

    • 6 months ago

      >when should i take electrolytes when going weight training?
      >when should i take dextrins when going weight training?
      >or is it actual bogus
      its fact but more a range of 20-40g

      • 6 months ago

        simple carbs to have more energy throughout workout

        >its fact but more a range of 20-40g
        how am i suppost to get in 200grams a day, i am not able to eat 7 times a day lol

        • 6 months ago

          200 is way way too much start with around 120 imo
          >simple carbs
          also during id say

          • 6 months ago

            the 200 grams are referring to what

            The hell does your height matter? It's all about your body weight.
            1.6-2.2g/kg of body weight spread over 3+ meals a day is optimal for muscle gain, and of course you should be in calorie surplus too.

            said, also not new to lifting, been at it for couple years, just want to get more serious about it now

            • 6 months ago

              yes imo gertting 200g of protein foods will satiate you a lot thus leaving meals on the plate

              • 6 months ago

                yeah, thats true i guess, meals dont wanna go down very easy at times when i have to eat so much, even when its real protien heavy.
                i will try to spread it out more throughout the day,
                and thanks, i will try making some electrolytes and carb shake to take to the gym

              • 6 months ago

                imo carbs matter a bit more
                for energy throughout the workouts
                for me, i take small packages of gummibears to the gym
                if i feel kinda meh halfway through

  76. 6 months ago

    what if I get a lil random with my workout days?
    at least one day between monday-wednesday, thursday 100%, and two days between friday and sunday

    still 4 times a week
    would it kill my gains?

    • 6 months ago

      It will be harder to gauge your progress.
      You'll have some shit days that you won't know if are caused by less days of recovery, and great days that you won't know if they're caused by an extra day.

      • 6 months ago

        I had the latter yesterday, it was good
        but I understand the angle you are pitching
        its just that my wfh schedule has changed and I'm exploring avenues as I hate gym time between 6-8 PM

  77. 6 months ago

    Ran 20K yesterday for my weekly long run.
    Feeing slightly stiff. Today is supposed to be leg day. Is it dangerous to be squatting lmao3pl8 on shaky legs from a long run?

    • 6 months ago

      Why are you rooning the day before squats?
      Invert the order, squats first, run the day after.

      • 6 months ago

        I do a PPLPPL split with Saturday as my “rest” day where I do a long run and don’t lift.
        I throw in rest days as needed and so my schedule led to leg day being Sunday.
        I ended up going, it was tougher than usual but I finished the workout and did my 30 minute recovery roon immediately after. Now I’m going to eat a 3,000 calorie meal

  78. 6 months ago

    i am
    >doing nsuns 4day mostly compounds
    am i gonna make it on a slight bulk

  79. 6 months ago

    yo guys is it weird if I wanna get sexy underwear just for myself? I ain't got a gf or anything but I saw some shit that made me think "Damn, I'd look good in that". Frankly idek if chicks even like that kind of stuff but I think I'd look good in em

    • 6 months ago

      just do it, but keep it secret. or maybe keep it around and if you get a gf or guest, tell them you got it for them.

      ngl it's kinda fun to put on the lingerie I bought for my gf

  80. 6 months ago

    Gone from 127kg to 106kg, just lifting 5x5 as per the sticky and a bit of a diet tidy up (No large chai lattes, skip dessert etc). I actually look pretty trim despite the heavy weigh (tall and broad frame), but I can't seem to get rid of my chin fat and it makes me look skinnyfat basedmode. Do I just need to cut my diet further, or are there specific lifts I can do to get rid of this pudgy under-the-chin stuff?

    • 6 months ago

      I went from 95 to 78 and mine literally went away
      maybe lose 5-7kgs more and see where it takes you? otherwise its impossible to target your neck and face of all places, but on the flip side, its also one of the easier places to have cryo-something done

      I havent done it but a buddy of mine did it and while it didnt work miracles I'd say it looked visibly sharper

    • 6 months ago

      I went from 95 to 78 and mine literally went away
      maybe lose 5-7kgs more and see where it takes you? otherwise its impossible to target your neck and face of all places, but on the flip side, its also one of the easier places to have cryo-something done

      I havent done it but a buddy of mine did it and while it didnt work miracles I'd say it looked visibly sharper


      • 6 months ago

        I'm xxx31
        1.78, age 28

        • 6 months ago

          Damn 1.76 currently at 76kg and trying to gain weight
          Still skinnyfat but frick it
          On how many calories are you cutting?

          • 6 months ago

            I'm not cutting, I guess I could call what I'm doin is living a decent, balanced life.
            I'm on vibes most of the times, but I cut processed food and alcohol so much and consume protein heavy healthy meals, so I burn fat

            just do it, but keep it secret. or maybe keep it around and if you get a gf or guest, tell them you got it for them.

            ngl it's kinda fun to put on the lingerie I bought for my gf

            no gaylord he was talking about expensive sexy boxers or something
            I think? lel

            • 6 months ago

              >no gaylord he was talking about expensive sexy boxers or something
              Yeah this, sans expensive, they're actually really cheap but yeah, sexy boxers. Didn't even know they made that type of underwear for guys, and I kind of wanna get a pair though just for the hell of it, but idk if it's weird to have that kinda stuff when I don't even have anyone to show it off for but myself.

              • 6 months ago

                well I mean the confidence itself can propel your chances of showing it to someone
                100% go for it if its not gonna cause financial inconvenience

              • 6 months ago

                Yea it's all stuff that's on sale so I can get a few pairs for like 15 bucks, so I think I'm just gonna pull the trigger on it

      • 6 months ago

        188cm/106kg. I'm the neckchub guy.

        • 6 months ago

          32 years old.

    • 6 months ago

      Supposedly there are muscles you can work in the chin/jaw area (masseter I guess) that pull on the neck skin and make the fat less noticeable.

  81. 6 months ago

    I'm looking for a cardio mapping app that doesn't require you to create a god damn fricking account just to use it.
    I used to use Noom Cardio Trainer.
    Something to track my pace, distance and route as well as a log of workouts, that's all I really want.

  82. 6 months ago

    (android btw)

  83. 6 months ago

    Is it alright to eat a tub of Skyr everyday?

    • 6 months ago

      I eat some as dessert everyday
      not a tub tho lel

  84. 6 months ago

    So what gives you motivation to be in the gym? Been struggling lately dragging my ass to the gym recently.

    • 6 months ago

      Fear of being flabby and unattractive

    • 6 months ago

      >what gives you motivation to be in the gym
      I'm 6 months in but so far:
      >lifting is fun
      >it's nice to somewhat switch my brain off and focus on my body for an hour
      >I notice parts of my body looking better every so often
      I'm thinking of joining competitions next year for powerlifting and swimming

  85. 6 months ago

    I'm on day 4 of DNP and I'm not feeling any heat even though I lost an inch off my waist, is it bunk or is this normal? I took an extra pill today and I still feel nothing. I opened up the capsule and the yellow powder in it stained my fingers yellow so unless they went through a lot to fake this it seems legit.

  86. 6 months ago

    Crazy cravings for healthy food wtf I just had ate 4 bananas and half watermelon, do I have a lack of vitamins or something? I want so much to eat veggies and fruit, I'm not cutting bodyweight has been they same for weeks

  87. 6 months ago

    just pulled the trigger on a set of nuobells. 5% off on bellsofsteels website plus the veterans discount they came out to the same price as from the smrtfit website's current $100 off deal. got them in blue. looking to pick up a rogue echo bike too but I need to make some room in my basement. I have a shitty old bar that's only ever acted as a liquor cabinet so I think that's going to be the move

  88. 6 months ago

    is there some AI for creating diets plans and workouts?

  89. 6 months ago

    >165 lbs
    >235 bench
    >140 ohp
    >280 squat
    >355 deadlift
    >feel like shit
    >feel skinny
    >feel fat
    >feel weak

    bulk or cut guys. I feel awful about my build rn. I have small ass arms (14-14.5 inches) and I have a slight gut. A cut will make me look like an uber twink. I'd have to cut below 155 or so. Bulking anymore will make me look like the fattest, softest, smallest homosexual in the gym.

    solution? I can't kill myself.

    • 6 months ago

      6' 165lbs, cutting should not even cross your mind. You sound like you're still on the skinny side of skinnyfat. I can probably bet money that you have self image issues more than anything else.

      >eat slightly above maintenance
      >train hard
      >track your progress in writing, both for lifts and body measurements
      >shut the frick up because you probably look fine

    • 6 months ago

      how the frick do you have skinny arms being at 1/2+ for ohp/bench? body dysmorphia much?

  90. 6 months ago

    Is that westside for skinny bastards thing worthwhile or are there other better programs?

  91. 6 months ago

    Whenever I try and "bulk" I just get fat. I spent the last 2 years training almost everyday and eating well with protein but my lifts are pathetic. I'm talking a 75kg bench. I'm 183cm tall and started at 64kg so definitely under weight but now I'm 79kg and just look fat with no real muscle. Is it possible it's just low T or am I fricking up my eating? I've tracked it before and got 2500+ cal with ample protein. Is it the workout just not doing enough?

  92. 6 months ago

    I've been getting a pretty uncomfortable clicking in my biceps while overhead pressing for half a year now. It happens on the way down in BOTH arms, only happens when I use a barbell, and happens just when the bar passes by my chin, very close to the start position. I've found that taking an extremely wide grip makes it less painful but it still doesn't go away completely. If I only use the bar I don't have an issue but that seems pointless. I've also tried to avoid the exercise for months at a time, but as soon as I try again I get the same issue on the very first rep back. Now getting really annoyed because this lift is lagging significantly behind all my others as I can't stand to do the exercise consistently. Today I tried it again, could only do 85 lbs for 4 reps since I'm so out of practice, and got mogged by a woman doing the same lift in the rack next to me...
    Anyway, what the frick is wrong with me and why is this happening in my biceps of all places?

  93. 6 months ago

    Is there a point to dry fasting?

    I tried it a year ago, my goal was a 72 hour dry fast yet I only lasted 48 until my body couldn't stop shaking and I was weak/limp.

    Apparently it's a healthy practice. Should I keep doing it? Should I do wet fasts instead? It's not like in trying to lose weight. I just do it under the assumption it's healthy and good for you twice a year.

    • 6 months ago

      >Apparently it's a healthy practice
      No the frick it isn't

      • 6 months ago

        What? Seriously? Since when?

        • 6 months ago

          >since when is going without water for 3 days unhealthy

          • 6 months ago

            But what about all those traditions across the world all kids of people for thousands of years saying fasting is how to lose weight and get healthy?

            • 6 months ago

              You can fast, but don't water fast. Go without food. Without water you'll frick yourself up.

  94. 6 months ago

    What should I change about my routine if I'm gonna start eating at a deficit?

  95. 6 months ago

    I have a question. Does IST always shit the bed this time of day for you guys, or is it my ISP?

  96. 6 months ago

    How do I stop my anus from itching so much from doing cardio?

    • 6 months ago

      wipe better

  97. 6 months ago

    Im moronic when it comes to sweeteners. Which ones have calories? Tried googling but got so many answer saying it has or not. Does stevia have kcal?

    • 6 months ago

      You also gotta check which ones acts insulin-like, or spike insulin. It's a whole mess, you're better off doing without.
      If you need a flavour, add some salt (no-salt if you want better electrolytes, it's what plants crave) to whatever, not sugar.

  98. 6 months ago

    im sick and havent been working out should i still keep up my protein intake or is it going to waste? does it help maintain muscle?

    • 6 months ago

      It's not going to waste, and might help recovery.
      But right now vitamins, c in particular, are even more important than that.

  99. 6 months ago

    What is the female equivalent of

  100. 6 months ago

    Anyone have thinning upfront that reversed once they did fin and min?

  101. 6 months ago

    So having bodyfat aids with building muscle how?

  102. 6 months ago

    >lift -> stretch -> cardio
    >lift -> cardio -> stretch

    • 6 months ago

      Static stretch always goes last.
      Dynamic can go anywhere.

      Optimally you should do dynamic stretches>warm up>workout>cardio>static stretches.

      Static stretches before workout can lead to less strength and injuries.

  103. 6 months ago

    What does it feel like to wear an oxygen mask while running on a treadmill, does your stamina last longer due to the supplemental oxygen allowing you to breathe more easily

  104. 6 months ago

    My tooth fell out last night. I'm 27 with no dental insurance. My friends and Google say it could get infected if I don't see a doctor soon. Does anyone here know how much time I have?

    • 6 months ago

      how the frick did it fall out anon? how bad is your diet

      • 6 months ago

        It's not that bad. I don't really eat like shit. I'm already IST so I was eating candy when it happened, but I don't eat candy every day. It was just a treat. I brush everyday and try to remember to floss. I genuinely don't get what I did to deserve this shit man. Like how is it possible for this to even happen

  105. 6 months ago

    How much strength can I realistically build with adjustable dumbbells?

  106. 6 months ago

    Anyone got a good calisthenics routine? Something for maybe five or six days a week

    • 6 months ago

      sadly reddits RR "Recommend Routine"
      good for 3 days a week

  107. 6 months ago

    I need help with squat progression.
    I can squat 80 with good form for all my reps/sets.
    I can also squat 100 for all reps/sets but I feel like my form isn't good, ass sticking out too much, what do i do?

    • 6 months ago

      forgot to mention, on 80 it doesn't hurt my back too much but on 100 It's very heavy and I tire quick just by holding it, also i feel like im going to failure on each set, much more power than when i do 80

  108. 6 months ago

    Nausea at the end of my workout what can cause it?
    Just had a normal leg day, but at the last exercises I started getting the feeling of vomiting. I haven't really changed anything, I drank the same amounts of water as I always do in the gym.
    My last solid meal was roughy 4 hours before the workouts, but I've done thet multiple times without getting nausea

    I really had to go home and lay down it was that bad

  109. 6 months ago

    what the FRICK are you supposed to say when a woman asks what are you thinking about when you're just sitting there completely still just watching your eye floaters? are you supposed to be constantly be thinking of a specific thing 24/7?

    • 6 months ago

      Say you were thinking about how much you miss the pre-9/11 NY Skyline.
      >but I'm a zoomer who wasn't old enough to remember 9/11
      even better

      • 6 months ago

        i do think about this quite a bit. nyc has always been recognizable, but for the past 20 years, the skyline is unrecognizable. i don't even think foreign people would know what city it was from a picture anymore

  110. 6 months ago

    What y'all taking for PWO. Shitty c4 keeps clumping

  111. 6 months ago

    What variation of the landmine press is the best for shoulder development?
    Standing/kneeling - one handed/two handed?

  112. 6 months ago

    my knees have started crunching like crazy when I squat. Am I fricked? No pain or anything, the sound is vomit inducing though

    • 6 months ago

      IST turns 30

  113. 6 months ago

    Wtf am I supposed to do on my rest day (today)? I plan to go for an easy walk with my dogs. But is it fine to eat pasta

    T. PplPPLRest new moron

    • 6 months ago

      I think you don't get what "rest day" means. It's not some sort of sacred holiday that limits what you can do, it just means don't do any intense exercise. Light cardio is fine, swimming is fine, shit hiking and other stuff is fine. As long as you're keeping your calorie intake consistent day-to-day it literally doesn't matter what you eat.

      • 6 months ago

        But the carbs?

        • 6 months ago

          what about them

          • 6 months ago

            Should I eat them on the rest day or will they turn to fat and destroy my progress

            • 6 months ago

              lmao no, you don't understand how food works. Carbohydrates are just easily-digestible form of energy. They make up the majority of the human diet by a large margin.

              The body doesn't just randomly decide "I'm going to turn this food directly into fat"; your body uses energy for all functions, right? Those are calories. Now, if you eat exactly as many calories as your body burns in a day, your weight will remain identical. But if you eat more than how many calories you need in a given day, your body will convert the excess to bodyfat. It doesn't care if these excess calories are carbs, fat, or even protein: it all gets turned into bodyfat and stored for future use.

              So if you don't want to gain fat, worry about your calorie intake, not your macros.

            • 6 months ago

              lmao no, you don't understand how food works. Carbohydrates are just easily-digestible form of energy. They make up the majority of the human diet by a large margin.

              The body doesn't just randomly decide "I'm going to turn this food directly into fat"; your body uses energy for all functions, right? Those are calories. Now, if you eat exactly as many calories as your body burns in a day, your weight will remain identical. But if you eat more than how many calories you need in a given day, your body will convert the excess to bodyfat. It doesn't care if these excess calories are carbs, fat, or even protein: it all gets turned into bodyfat and stored for future use.

              So if you don't want to gain fat, worry about your calorie intake, not your macros.

              additionally fat doesn't turn to muscle and vice versa: they are entirely different processes that do not impact each other.

  114. 6 months ago

    >Been doing hip thrusts
    >Noticed my glutes growing
    >Noticed thr gym thotties were catching a peak at my posterior
    Any other great glutes exercises? I'm starting to mog the normie prostitutes at my gym who do nothing but butt exercises. I want them to be filled with envy as I a male surpass their flabby asses with my superior glutes

    • 6 months ago

      Deadlift and deadlift variants

      Are BCAAs a meme?

      If you eat a varied diet and enough protein, they're a total meme

  115. 6 months ago

    would incline hammer curls be good? i found regular incline curls awkward bc the strength curve feels weird in my biceps, would it work better for brachialis?

    • 6 months ago

      honestly I feel like not everyone is built for every exercise: incline curls were always painful for me unless I went so light to the point I didn't even feel the exercise. I'd just recommend finding a different curl exercise that doesn't hurt or feel awkward.

  116. 6 months ago

    I think I may be over training bench. I've lost weight while working out and although I have a flat stomach, my pecs are so huge compared to my body I look like a girl. I know I might have mild gyno but is it a good idea to just stop focusing on strength push and do cardio push instead to maintain some kind of tricep tone?

    • 6 months ago

      >reduce chest volume
      >increase delt and trap volume
      >you probably look fine

  117. 6 months ago

    I'm confused on how much amino acids are in gold standard whey protein. It says 5.5 BCAA's and 11 EAA's but I am still confused?

  118. 6 months ago

    Are BCAAs a meme?

    • 6 months ago

      on a bulk or maintenance, mostly a meme. On a cut I've noticed a considerable difference in recovery if I take them on heavy leg days. So, I'd recommend them for heavy days on a cut.

    • 6 months ago

      They're basically just in every protein shake, so even if they have serious health benefits (supposedly independent of protein they do) they just end up lumped with your benefits of any regular protein shake. I will say the benefits of shakes over regular meat seem good pretty often.

  119. 6 months ago

    Realised one of my legs is massively stronger than the other and I'm sure it's the culprit for my dogshit squat progression, anything I can do to target that leg without screwing over my gains on the other?

  120. 6 months ago

    How long do doms last because this is too much for me to handle. I'm on my third day now. Help

  121. 6 months ago

    Idk, this might actually deserve its own thread, but I travel for work a lot and today I realized I can probably use the little 3ft and 5ft hotel swimming pools for workouts even though there's rarely deep enough to actually even swim. What are the best workouts in the pool?

  122. 6 months ago

    I think I tweaked/hurt my back last Monday deadlifting.

    Doesn't hurt for some lifts where my back is supported, but it hurts when I sit/twist. Also it hurts when I don't have proper back support.

    Do I forgo lifting or take it easy for the next couple of weeks? I don't wanna lose my gains!!!

  123. 6 months ago

    what’s the straightest way to achieve my semen protein goals?

  124. 6 months ago

    despite squats and deadlifts my glutes are weak as hell, to the point where I've gotten wobbly just ascending stairs. What are your favorite glute targeting exercises?

  125. 6 months ago

    >cleaning ears
    >zero ear wax in right ear
    >lots of ear wax in left ear
    >it's been like this for months now
    What gives? I know I used to produce ear wax in my right ear in the past. And my right ear is always feeling clogged

    • 6 months ago

      its your skull and possibly environmental changes. I got jaw problems, TMJ, and my ear canals are unusually tight which leads to massive ear wax. air pressure might be messing with it, you might be sweating more and producing more wax as a result. during the summer months I need at least one ear cleaning per month or else my hearing gets messed up

  126. 6 months ago

    At what point should I be worried about heart palpitations? It's been a week and my heart keeps skipping a beat every minute or so. My chest aches and I'm always a little short of breath. I don't consume caffeine.

  127. 6 months ago

    Gonna be working out at home for a while and I want to get some heavy-duty bands to do compounds with. Any recs?

  128. 6 months ago

    obviously for cardio this is shit. but how does this work for burning calores
    >run 1.5 miles in morning and 1.5 miles in evening
    >run 3 miles straight
    pacing is the same obviously. is there is the second better for burning calories even though the amount of work does is de facto the same?

    • 6 months ago

      Literally the same, if there is some difference, its marginal and you wouldnt notice it.

  129. 6 months ago

    I'm going to have the entirety of my left arm unusable for treatment. What exercises can I do at home to keep my TDEE the same? I'm doing SL for newbies btw.

  130. 6 months ago

    Creatine monohydrate makes me have to shit and piss constantly when I take it is there some way to avoid this, I'm literally constipated rn, anyone experienced this, how'd you deal with it?

    • 6 months ago

      Have it pre workout with beta alanine.

  131. 6 months ago

    How relatively effective are front raises for upper pecs, i dont really need extra work for front delts, but as im working with limited weights at home, im trying to get the most out of the chest and i guess raises and flies feel more challenging.

    • 6 months ago

      do you have access to rings? for me what gave me the most activation is the tuck to tuck shoulder stand position with the end goal of a ring handstand. here's someone doing it

      you can also do it on the floor or with parallettes. The reason why I'm suggesting it is that the way you maintain a stable verticle position is via pec & shoulder activation, think of the tension you have in the end position of a fly when your hands are in front of you. in the beginning just get used to the feeling of activating your pecs & shoulders while you balance on your hands and bring your knees to your chest. The more you activate your chest & shoulders the more stable you are. Save the part where you lean forward for later, that's a controlled movement for when you're certain you can maintain absolute rock solid tension you'd bet your neck & shoulders on.

  132. 6 months ago

    How the frick are safeties supposed to help in the squat? Can someone post a video? I've never seen them in action.

    • 6 months ago

      they're for bailing a 1rm attempt without fricking up the gym

    • 6 months ago

      >fail to get out of the hole on a 1rm
      >sit down
      >don't die

      • 6 months ago

        Post a video of this or it didn't happened. The only time I've seen someone die failing a squat was because the spotter prevented him from dropping the weight.

  133. 6 months ago

    Very long story short: got hypermobility and weak joints, can't get professional medical advice or a personal trainer.
    Assuming that I wear wrist braces, what should I absolutely avoid? And what are substitutes for exercises I must avoid?

  134. 6 months ago

    would you still do full body if frequency doesn't matter when weekly volume is equated? why do you shit on brosplits then?

    • 6 months ago

      Because most exercises hit different groups anyway, and I don't want to be at the gym so long every day.

  135. 6 months ago

    Been stagnant on the bench for a while again. Currently at 62.5kg hench for 7 reps as my max (i try to start a new weight at 6 reps and try to progress on it with reps till i can comfortably do 8 reps), been two weeks now that i'm sitting on the same weight of 62.5kg. but progress is slow. Should i do more volume, like add a few sets heavy machine exercises? It's what my gut is telling me to do. I rewlly don't want to deload back to 57.5kg and focus on form. Feel like that will only negstively impact my strength since 1 plate bench is already newbie weight for most people. I want to reach 65kg for 6 reps before i try to deload to 60kg and focus primarly on form. So.. adding extra sets of machine, or maybe incline db press, good idea?

    • 6 months ago

      That gives you a calculated 3rm of 71.
      Wanna bet you cannot do 3 reps with 70?
      Because you aren't used to moving heavy weight.
      Work in the 4 to 6 reps range instead of the 6 to 8, you'll see better improvements.

  136. 6 months ago

    Started developing pain in the back of my hands from lifting. Is this normal? On my right hand its the wrist, and on my left hand it's the metacaples around the ring and middle finger.

  137. 6 months ago

    Is it my parents fault that I have severe egg allergy?

    • 6 months ago

      yes, but forgive them for it wasn't something they had control over. DNA and Genetics are a b***h.

      I recently learned to forgive my parents for making me black. My race wasn't in their control.

  138. 6 months ago

    >can do ring assisted pistols squats full depth for sets of 10+ reps
    >im pretty fricking sure im not pulling a lot
    >can barely get half down without falling over when i try them unassisted
    is this normal? do i just need to start transitioning to unassisted pistol squats at some point?

  139. 6 months ago

    i look like pic related. can i get out of this by cico and calisthenics?

  140. 6 months ago

    When people talk about 1/2/3/4 , do they mean that as a 1RM or as a working weight ?

  141. 6 months ago

    Coming out of a long ass period of sedentary lifestyle. Ballooned up to 295 over Covid and getting a work from home job. Been eating right and doing IF for about a month and down to 282. My exercise goals got fricking shafted since I came down with some kind of pancreatic infection causing massive pain anytime I fricking move but its starting to clear up.

    I want to start working out but is SS really the best beginner's choice? I've dabbled in it before but I always feel like I've gonna shatter my knees with how heavy I already am before even adding weight to a squat. I'm mostly just looking for alternatives or if I should just set up on machines until I've built up some basic strength and lost a little more weight. I've got a Peloton bike sitting ready to go once I can fully move again so that'll help with cardio gains for sure.

  142. 6 months ago

    if i already do overhead press is there any reason to include lateral raises because the ohp already trains the full shoulder?

    • 6 months ago

      they are curls and tricep extensions for the shoulders. you use them to develop your shoulders more. the exception are the rear delts which need to be targeted deliberately.

  143. 6 months ago

    >start putting protein powdet in my weekday batch if dinner
    >feel full as frick

    So more protein really makes you feel more full?

  144. 6 months ago

    how would you program a leg day with limited weights? i got dumbbells, ezbar and around 60kg of plates.

    • 6 months ago

      bulgarian split squats and lunges
      you basically double the resistance on your legs

  145. 6 months ago

    is it true reverse cable flyes at 45 degree angle is better for the rear delts?
    personally i feel them better

  146. 6 months ago

    Assuming I want to /thiefmaxx/, would this skill progression work?
    1. Muscle ups, uphill sprints, swimming, and 10 mile hikes w/ a 20 lb pack 2x a week.
    2. Rockclimbing & BJJ.
    3. Judo & Wrestling.
    4. Boxing & Parkour.
    5. Muay Thai & Pinking.
    6. Airsoft & Lockpicking.
    7. Land Navigation & Melee Weapon Fighting.
    8. Kayaking & Off-road Motorcycling.

    Goal is to be able to scale a building at night to rob, kidnap, rape trust fund kids, escape into woods on motorbike, and float down a river in a camouflaged kayak with my loot.

    • 6 months ago

      * plinking, not pinking.

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