Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread.

try to keep it ISTness related. No relationship shit. PED and roid talk belongs in /fraud/. Read the sticky.

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  1. 7 months ago

    What kind of rest should I consider for calisthenics? Current doing this three days in a row then taking one day off.
    10 sets of
    25 push-ups
    20 lunges
    40 bicycle crunches
    10 8-count body builders

    • 7 months ago

      depends on body weight and other activities
      also whats with the schizophrenic shitting up a bunch of threads lately?

    • 7 months ago

      >currently doing three rest days in a row followed by another rest day

  2. 7 months ago

    on all my compound main lifts i always do one clean rep +5kg above my heavy working set (1x5) which i try to progress on linearly because for some reason, it always feels lighter compared to when i hop into it from working up. is there any reason to for this? like my muscles being primed for a heavier weight after the one heavy rep thus just going down 5kg feeling a lot lighter?

    • 7 months ago

      What you're doing is essentially a 1RM every session. It's very common for people attempting a 1RM to hit their working weight for a set or two.

      depends on body weight and other activities
      also whats with the schizophrenic shitting up a bunch of threads lately?

      it's IST, there's always some schizo on who thinks they're fighting some holy crusade

    • 7 months ago

      what you are doing has a name ..its called potentiation, you potentiate (prepare and prime) your muscles and CNS, which is the reason why you do warmup sets ....doing at least one or two reps of a weight higher than your working set will make the set seem easier because your nervous system expects a bigger stimulus than its getting. which is a good way of prepairing for your working set if you are working thrugh plateus and it makes it easier to focus on technique...it doesnt really have big downsides unless you are doing hypertrophy specifically and it fatigues you enough so you cant do enough volume, or if you risk injury during a cut and such or if your technique is bad or your systemic fatigue is high and you have an injury risk due to soreness etc (especially on heavy compounds)

  3. 7 months ago

    who do people like pic related come to fit to be crabs?

    • 7 months ago

      They come here to humble roidtrannies. They promote nattylifting within reasonable boundaries. Also a healthy mind which is inherently incompatible with roiding.

      • 7 months ago

        Looks like the guy on the right mogs

      • 7 months ago

        This beta is jealous of roiders and frustrated, if he wasn't he would not expend effort talking down other mens lifestyle choices

        • 7 months ago

          post body

    • 7 months ago

      They are misrable homosexuals who want you to be misrable too.

    • 7 months ago

      Should I add this thread to my compilation, you demented homosexual? For how long will I be in your mind 24/7?

      • 7 months ago

        It reads like the dyel got buttblasted

    • 7 months ago

      Reminds me of this redeemable sob

      • 7 months ago

        kek why are browncels like this?

    • 7 months ago

      to watch him seethe even more heres another pic of him kek

  4. 7 months ago

    I'm currently doing intermediate fasting and started to workout at home a bit again daily. Am taking one tablet of magnesium every day to combat the soreness which was quite intense at the beginning, but now I don't get as sore that it would bother me too much. Should I stop taking magnesium now? Only take one if I'm really sore again?

    • 7 months ago

      DOMS only happens towards the start of working out. Once you're back in the routine regularly it just fades away. Unless you're deficient there's really no need to take magnesium supps.

      I'm going to have the entirety of my left arm/shoulder unusable for treatment. What exercises can I do at home to keep in relatively in shape?

      At the point where you're losing the use of an entire limb, I'd just relax anon. Keep active, but don't do anything intense.

  5. 7 months ago


    How often should I lift fullbody if I run 5x a week for 35-45k a week?
    Is 2x enough? Or am I better off doing 3x? And should I run on off days or after my normal runs?

  6. 7 months ago

    >8 posters, 9 replies
    uh oh

  7. 7 months ago

    >8 posters, 11 replies

  8. 7 months ago

    I have tension that randomly comes and goes involving the front of my neck that doesn't seem to reapond to anything. Any ideas before i ask the doctor to check my thyroid (again)?

  9. 7 months ago

    >10 posters, 15 posts
    >2 new questions
    >1 attempt at mocking
    Kek, you are truly mindbroken

  10. 7 months ago

    >10 posters, 18 posts

    • 7 months ago

      thanks i like my body keep posting it

      • 7 months ago

        k, keep me posted, literally, like you already do.

  11. 7 months ago

    maybe you should try lifting instead of being a crab whose one triumph was getting a white troony kek

  12. 7 months ago

    Why are my pull-ups increasing on a bulk? I thought getting fatter was meant to make them harder

    • 7 months ago

      you are progressively overloading with bw brother

  13. 7 months ago

    Why lift when I'm as wide as you lifting + roids?

  14. 7 months ago

    you aren't kek and keep seething i'm still natty

  15. 7 months ago

    You are in most threads about roids and defend roidtrannies. You went so far to type "roidtrannies".
    Besides that I'm constantly in your mind. I hope you'll eventually get over all this.

  16. 7 months ago

    I'm going to have the entirety of my left arm/shoulder unusable for treatment. What exercises can I do at home to keep in relatively in shape?

    • 7 months ago

      DOMS only happens towards the start of working out. Once you're back in the routine regularly it just fades away. Unless you're deficient there's really no need to take magnesium supps.

      At the point where you're losing the use of an entire limb, I'd just relax anon. Keep active, but don't do anything intense.

      Agree on
      >At the point where you're losing the use of an entire limb, I'd just relax anon.

      We don't know what your problem is. Even if you do an exercise with one arm, pressure might go through your whole body. Wait til it heals. Go for a walk, nothing too strenous because of the pressure.

  17. 7 months ago

    only dyels like you seethe about roiders you could prove me wrong but you can't since you are dyel maybe /LULZ/ is more your speed or IST lots of shitskins there too kek

  18. 7 months ago


    Thank you. Brown dyels need to go back to their shitholes.

    • 7 months ago


      >their worst insult is to call another person one of their own kind

      >thinking they are separate

      ok dalit

  19. 7 months ago

    Do you really need affirmation by other anons now? Is it the excess estrogen that makes you so neurotic and agreeable?

  20. 7 months ago

    reminder for everyone to report and ignore schizo posters. Don't reply to them, don't engage with them, don't mention them. enough reports and they get banned and we get our threads back.

  21. 7 months ago

    Is eating red meat and (oven roasted) vegetables only a good idea diet wise? Only using olive oil, pepper and salt

    • 7 months ago

      You'll probably be lacking on carbs, depends on how you respond to a low-carb diet but I would say include some kind of carb, even if it's homemade bread or hell, air-fried potatoes. Experiment first, though, if you're eating enough vegetables it can double for your carbs, though I doubt you'd be able to even things out with just vegetable carb.

  22. 7 months ago

    how would you program a leg day with limited weights? i got dumbbells, ezbar and around 60kg of plates.

    • 7 months ago

      60kg is a very low ceiling for leg days and one of the biggest reasons why I struggle recommending home gyms to anons: legs and back can push a lot of weight even at early stage. An EZ bar is next to worthless for leg movements since you can't mount it on your back or hold it for a deadlift, as well as being too weird for thrusts or shrugs.

      The best thing I can think of to recommend is bulgarian split squats which are motherfrickers of an exercise for some.

      • 7 months ago

        Couldn't he do zercher with the ez-bar? Only did them a few times, for me they were far more taxing for lower back than regular squats and also for the quads.

        • 7 months ago

          He can very well try but I think the EZ bar will hurt more than help in most leg scenarios.

    • 7 months ago

      Depending on how heavy the dumbbells are, Bulgarian split squats and dumbbell RDL are your best bet

      • 7 months ago

        i can load each dumbbell up to 25kg with the plates. ill give bulgarians a try, i just need to work on my balance.

        been also experimenting with bands to add extra resistance to rdl and deadlift but itd probably not optimal since most resistance comes at top position.

  23. 7 months ago

    How do i peform facepulls with proper form? please, nobody ever answers me

    • 7 months ago

      >one foot forward, one back for balance. lean your upper body forward a bit. hold arms out in front. then pull with your thumbs pointing in the direction behind you towards the mid of your face. elbows stay up and don't really move.
      there you go anon. best i could do but i tried

      • 7 months ago

        perfect thank you, seems i've been doing it wrong then no wonder my wrist kept hurting( underhand instead of overhand)

  24. 7 months ago

    please help me IST
    I get insanely sweaty at the gym within about 15 or so minutes of hard workouts. I am a naturally pretty sweaty person. this is incredibly embarrassing and I never ever see anyone else at the gym who is as fricking drenched in moisture as I am and I walk home looking like I ran a 10k or something from just doing 45 minutes of stairs and a 30-40 minute weight set.

    is there a way to get less sweaty doing this? is it normal to have my entire shirt and pants soaked through by the end of a workout?



    • 7 months ago

      how hot is it in the gym? Are you overweight?

    • 7 months ago

      You should be proud of yourself, dummy

  25. 7 months ago

    What's a calisthenics routine I could do every day? I've always had a hard time deciding on routines and how often, not to mention forgetting the frequency I have to do them. I just need a bare bones essentials, functional strength program I can do every day that won't take too long

  26. 7 months ago

    How the frick are safeties supposed to help in the squat? Can someone post a video? I've never seen them in action.

    • 7 months ago

      You either set the bar down onto them or you ditch the bar and let it fall onto them.

    • 7 months ago

      when you fail in the rack with safties they'll catch the bar so your spine or chest doesn't

  27. 7 months ago

    is it healthy to keep fasting as long as i am fat?

    • 7 months ago

      some fatass did a whole year with a multivitamin a day but only a fool would take advice from this thread

    • 7 months ago

      No, eat protein.

  28. 7 months ago

    I bench monday and squat tuesday. My arch isn't that excessive but training to failure can leave my spinal erectors sore the next day, which psychs me out on my squat. Is there a fault in my bench if my erectors are getting sore? I'd rather not squat on monday because I actually hate mondays its unreal.

    • 7 months ago

      Flex your abs when benching and do cat/cow and LISS cardio after benching

      What's a calisthenics routine I could do every day? I've always had a hard time deciding on routines and how often, not to mention forgetting the frequency I have to do them. I just need a bare bones essentials, functional strength program I can do every day that won't take too long

      >Go to gym
      >Lift full body 3x/week
      Ur welcum

      please help me IST
      I get insanely sweaty at the gym within about 15 or so minutes of hard workouts. I am a naturally pretty sweaty person. this is incredibly embarrassing and I never ever see anyone else at the gym who is as fricking drenched in moisture as I am and I walk home looking like I ran a 10k or something from just doing 45 minutes of stairs and a 30-40 minute weight set.

      is there a way to get less sweaty doing this? is it normal to have my entire shirt and pants soaked through by the end of a workout?



      Less caffeine, less fapping, more cardio

      Is eating red meat and (oven roasted) vegetables only a good idea diet wise? Only using olive oil, pepper and salt

      Need carbs but otherwise really good

      reminder for everyone to report and ignore schizo posters. Don't reply to them, don't engage with them, don't mention them. enough reports and they get banned and we get our threads back.


      I have tension that randomly comes and goes involving the front of my neck that doesn't seem to reapond to anything. Any ideas before i ask the doctor to check my thyroid (again)?

      I get pec tightness that I can stretch by looking up
      Feels like heart tension or some crazy shit
      Might be irritated nerves from moving ribs or bad squat form or something else

      • 7 months ago

        kys first schizo-supporting troony

  29. 7 months ago

    Tips on escaping skelemode?

    • 7 months ago

      have u tried eating more?

    • 7 months ago

      i was 182cm 54kg and now 84kg about a year later
      eat more and if youre desperate make protein shakes with 800+ calories and drink those every day
      try to eat red meats over chicken/fish etc
      potatoes>most other carbs

  30. 7 months ago

    Is it better to eat hard boiled eggs or oatmeal for breakfast? I'm too lazy to make oatmeal in the morning.

    • 7 months ago

      oatmeal has carbs and eggs don't. If you need energy earlier in the day, I'd do oatmeal. Otherwise it doesn't matter.

  31. 7 months ago

    >can do ring assisted pistols squats full depth for sets of 10+ reps
    >im pretty fricking sure im not pulling a lot
    >can barely get half down without falling over when i try them unassisted
    is this normal? do i just need to start transitioning to unassisted pistol squats at some point?

  32. 7 months ago

    Would it be dumb to walk around with weights in a pack?
    I got into a habit of walking for about an hour every day but these days I'm busier and I need to increase the intensity

    • 7 months ago

      >Would it be dumb to walk around with weights in a pack?
      yes. Cardio and resistance training don't mix well, only leads to injuries.

      • 7 months ago

        Wouldn't it just be as if I was packing on a few more pounds of weight?

  33. 7 months ago

    Is 26% bodyfat at 288.1lbs @ 6'1 an indication I have a decent base of lean mass once I lose it all?

  34. 7 months ago

    Why do i gain weight if I don't eat?

    • 7 months ago

      You don't.
      >but I do!
      you think you do. You don't. You don't get excluded from the laws of thermodynamics.


      Is 26% bodyfat at 288.1lbs @ 6'1 an indication I have a decent base of lean mass once I lose it all?

      What scan is this? Those numbers don't add up. If you're 12 lbs shy of 300 I really doubt you're only 26% bodyfat. For reference I'm 5'11" and my heaviest at 25% BF was 219 lbs. You can add roughly 6-8 lbs per inch of height and you should be around 231-236 for those numbers. At the very most, 250 for a heavily muscled build.

      • 7 months ago

        It's an Evolt scan. I heard it's roughly 97% accurate at worst, but who knows maybe I'm in the 3%.

        • 7 months ago

          Ehhhh...looking up it I don't buy the hype. I think the number it gave isn't accurate.

  35. 7 months ago

    I'm doing good mornings with bands to strengthen my bad back. It's going great so far.
    But I'm wondering if there's any benefit to curve your back rather than keeping it stiff and straight. Or are the erectors getting enough work already?

    • 7 months ago

      curving your lower back during ANY exercise is bad for it. i cant really think of any exceptions to this. first off, your vertebrae arent aligning and supporting each the way they are supposed to. basically the 'corners' will be very close to touching and any decent force (deads for example) will have them rubbing and pushing into each, possible cracking them or damaging the tissues in-between. the issue with curving your back during good mornings, band or with a barbell are the same. another issue is when you curve your back, the erectors rub against the vertebrae which causes them to be sore.

      • 7 months ago

        Huh, that wasn't something I thought of, thanks.

  36. 7 months ago

    Asked last thread but got no response, how much strength can I realistically build with an adjustable dumbbell or two

    • 7 months ago

      How do you think strength is measured?

      • 7 months ago

        Well for hypertrophy for instance my planning is to take a weight I can do 8 clean reps with, when Im strong enough to do 12 clean reps I up the weight until I can only do 8 again and repeat

        • 7 months ago

          Sure, and once you have maxed out the weight of the dumbbell and can do it for more than 12-15 reps, how are you getting stronger? Point is, the limitation of the strength you can build is the maximum weight you have available to move.

  37. 7 months ago

    Can you grow your ankles?
    t. anklelet
    It sucks having very skinny ankle, I want them to be normal
    (Even kid have bigger one than me)

  38. 7 months ago

    How shit is my current routine?
    I do cardio other two days (martial arts)

    Am 34 yo

    • 7 months ago

      my dude what's even your goal? you don't even do isolation for legs wtf is that
      also too much shoulder too little tri and bi

    • 7 months ago

      I'm just confused more than anything


      Is 26% bodyfat at 288.1lbs @ 6'1 an indication I have a decent base of lean mass once I lose it all?

      If it's accurate, it's good
      I'm 6'4 and at my peak had around 250lbs of lean mass but it's super difficult to measure accurately without a dexa scan

  39. 7 months ago

    What's an actual approved IST workout program if people here clown on Starting Strength and any variation of it.

    • 7 months ago

      For a beginner? Any simple strength focused routine based around the main lifts is great (yes, that includes SS). SS has it's issues but I don't think it really matters, you're trying to learn the lifts, build a strength base and make some mass gains on the way. It will do all that. You milk the strength gains until you stall, and then you reassess your situation, e.g. I'll do a deload and get back on SS, or a similar program, or something completely different. You're not married to a program. You do it until you stop making gains or notice an imbalance, then take the according measures. Basically, it doesn't fricking matter in the long run, because you only do it for a tiny fraction of your lifting ""career"", you do it as long as it works and if it stops working you make adjustments, whatever they may be.

    • 7 months ago

      Starting Strength is a great routine, people clown on it because saying SS is bad is a meme within itself. It comes from when people would just do SS and bulk for like 3 years straight and get a terrible body. For beginners it's still the best overall starter routine.

  40. 7 months ago

    How do Imake pre wokourt not give me the sharts?

  41. 7 months ago

    how long does it take on average to bench 1pl8

    • 7 months ago

      too many things can contribute to give a good number.
      if you're a lifelong fatass that's never done any real amount of physical activity it could take well over a year, if not 2. If you played a decent amount of sport or had an active life but haven't done strength training before, could only be a few months. Genetics complicates it further.

    • 7 months ago

      As long as you do everything correctly and get the form down and aren't a hungry skeleton, most people should reach bench within a few months, maybe a year max. The form is really important.

      How do Imake pre wokourt not give me the sharts?

      get PWO without caffeine. Caffeine dilates blood vessels and ups heartrate, both things that accelerate der pooper.

      Can you grow your ankles?
      t. anklelet
      It sucks having very skinny ankle, I want them to be normal
      (Even kid have bigger one than me)

      You probably want to grow your calves, your ankles are mostly just bone with a thin layer of muscle.

      Asked last thread but got no response, how much strength can I realistically build with an adjustable dumbbell or two

      Entirely depends on weights, frequency, diet, routine, and a variety of other factors that you didn't mention.

    • 7 months ago

      Less than a second. More if you're tried and at the end of a set, maybe.

  42. 7 months ago

    I have a couple of questions;

    1) Assuming you actually have gyno and aren't just a fatty, is surgery REALLY the only option to get rid of it?

    2) My biceps don't seem to grow. I generally hit them with 10x3sets of hammer curls and barbell curls. Should I be spamming more volume with lower weight?

    3) Neck training; is there any exercises I can do to yoke up my neck without looking like an absolute fool in the gym?

    • 7 months ago

      1. To my knowledge, legitimate gyno usually needs surgery.
      2. how often are you hitting them? 3 sets of 10 twice a week is very little volume for biceps. You should be hitting them at least 3-4 times a week, with at-least 2 isolations per session.
      3. No and I genuinely believe neck training is a meme.

      • 7 months ago

        >1. To my knowledge, legitimate gyno usually needs surgery.
        Oof, well here's to hoping I'm just a fatty then (am sitting at 22%).
        Don't even think my health insurance covers gyno surgery as that falls under cosmetics
        >2. how often are you hitting them? 3 sets of 10 twice a week is very little volume for biceps. You should be hitting them at least 3-4 times a week, with at-least 2 isolations per session.
        Interesting. Yes, I only hit them twice a week. I could incorporate them into basically all my workouts throughout the week, though that means more time in the gym when I'm not doing a day to focus on biceps.
        >3. No and I genuinely believe neck training is a meme.
        So am I forever stuck with a pencil neck unless I'm willing to make a fool of myself?

  43. 7 months ago

    What do you guys think about this simple brosplit? I feel like tiring the muscles with chest/back means the other ones don't need that many sets so I can fit it all in one session.

    Day 1
    Chest, triceps, delts

    Day 2
    Back, biceps, forearms

    Day 3
    Legs, abs

    • 7 months ago

      I do this 6 days a week (except forearm shit lmaooo)
      Deadlifts, barbell rows and other heavy back work should be more than adequate for forearms
      T. Can double overhand over lmao4pl8z?!

  44. 7 months ago

    Doing 5x5 program, as per the sticky. I'm up to squatting 60kg and the lifts are starting to actually feel heavy. How do I safely squat if I'm worried about failing a rep? I don't want to get stuck under the bar - is there a good video about how to have those rail things catch the weight that somebody could recommend?

    • 7 months ago

      have the safeties just under where you would normally be so If you think you wont make it just sit down and you will be fine.

      • 7 months ago

        Cheers bro.

  45. 7 months ago

    Are hand pains common even if you've been "lifting" for a while?

  46. 7 months ago

    im a novice (a little bit over a year into lifting) and all my lifts go up, some slowed down a lot (ohp/bench) but still progress. however my squat is stagnating, no matter how long i try, once i approach 90kg, the weight just feels so incredibly heavy and it doesnt get any easier, my form suffers, something about my abs and/or upper back losing tightness, it feels like the bar is pushing my back down, and my hips rise too fast, my legs are never the limiting the factor it feels like
    i squat high bar btw
    anyone got recommendations on what to do? should i just stick to a certain and maybe up the rep range to get the technique down more under somewhat heavy load? maybe go for heavy singles with good for, sth like 5x1 at 105% of my good-form-5rm? try and get some clean reps in so im not as "afraid" of higher weights?(not even 2pl8 lmao)
    i try to tuck my elbows, tighten up my lats and brace my core and it feels good usually but at a certain point i just cant maintain good form, no matter what i do

    • 7 months ago

      You should obviously use a belt if you're not already
      For me doing heavy singles/doubles/triples was always the answer to breaking through plateaus

      • 7 months ago

        >You should obviously use a belt if you're not already
        a-anon im not even squatting 2pl8 as a grown normal sized man.. no way this is is supposed to be the solution

        • 7 months ago

          >Black person can't brace
          >refuses to use the one thing that'd solve the issue
          Sure, do core workouts 6 days a week for 6 months then and you might see some slight improvement

  47. 7 months ago

    I started SSRIs recently. Less than a week in, I feel better but I have 0 motivation or care to do anything aside from sleep and eat. I managed to force myself to do a few sets of pushups and pullups yesterday but I haven't touched a weight.
    Does this eventually go away or do I need to double my mental effort while on this shit? It's keeping me sane but it's weird not even caring to lift or cook like I normally do.

  48. 7 months ago

    I like doing deadlifts and squats, big fan, always do my leg day. I have two questions though:

    1) What is the leg press even for? Like, I do standing and sitting calf raises and squats, so not sure what I should be using it for.

    2) People keep going off about deadlifts in other threads, saying they're useless, DYEL shit. Why is that? I was advised to do them and took a class for a bit to ensure my form is okay. I find I get a good burn in my legs and it feels good.

    Going up slowly in weight for both so I don't visit snap city. My goals are pretty much aesthetics and hypertrophy. Any advice would be appreciated!

    • 7 months ago

      >1) What is the leg press even for?

      • 7 months ago

        Thank you for the hot take

        • 7 months ago

          tom platz had it all figured out

  49. 7 months ago

    Can quality of shits or quantity be an indicator to gains at all or just your diet?
    > inb4 poop fetishist claims
    Just like with sleep we are all recommended 8 hours of sleep and apparently it's 1-2 shits a day. I know damn well some people in here don't shit for days while others are shitting like rabbits.

  50. 7 months ago

    >old ex athlete takes me under his wing when I started lifting
    >days that he's there when I am he'll come and spend a few minutes coaching me
    >intelligent guy, can clearly tell I lack confidence and have a lot of anxieties
    >constantly tells me I'm doing well and always ends his pep-talks with "alright mate rip in aye"
    >always seem to lift better when he tells me to 'rip in'
    >he hasn't been there for a few weeks
    Motivation levels are decreasing, bros. Does anybody else have a gym sensei that always gets the best out of them?

    • 7 months ago

      believe in the you that he believes in

  51. 7 months ago

    be honest fit, how good is a 2 plate squat? atg high bar

    • 7 months ago

      yer on yer way, there, laddy
      gooder than yer was yesterday
      keep on chugging along, little choo choo train

  52. 7 months ago

    How do I improve the number of pull ups I can do? I am on a cut trying to get down to 15% bf. I have been doing negatives for a while and now can do 2 or 3 full ROM pull ups before failure. I have started doing 5 sets til failure 3 times a week with accessory dead hangs. Should I stay the course or is their an issue?

  53. 7 months ago

    What frickery is going on in Canada?
    Why is extra lean ground turkey almost 2 bucks cheaper per pound than medium ground beef?
    Extra lean ground chicken breast is also cheaper per pound than normal chicken breast.
    I'm starting to think the pricing is arbitrary and doesn't reflect reality.

  54. 7 months ago

    Can a large amount of B12 be dangerous at all? I take the suggested amount of a supplement every morning, somewhere decently over 100% DV. I never drink energy drinks but just had a sugar free Red Bull with a similar amount of B12.

    • 7 months ago

      wow you're such a gay
      but anyway, just remember A, D, E, K are the vitamins that get stored in fat, over time superdosing them can cause poisoning
      other vitamins are water soluble aka you just piss them out so unless your kidneys are seriously fricked you should be fine

      • 7 months ago

        I might be a gay, but thank you.

  55. 7 months ago

    Whats the best way to start training to run a mile without stopping? Was never able to do it as a kid since i was fat, sitting around 20% BF now and its something ive always wanted to do.

  56. 7 months ago

    Ow frick why does it hurt so much when the plates pinch my fingers when I'm putting them back?

  57. 7 months ago


    >get off them
    I was not functioning correctly, I'd rather take meds than feel that way again.

  58. 7 months ago

    What do I eat to last longer and coom harder multiple times in a row?

    • 7 months ago


  59. 7 months ago

    glute ham developer. worth using or nah?

  60. 7 months ago

    I have spent 3 weeks with an average daily surplus of 300 kcal and gained 2 kilograms. Since 6300 kcal is not enough to gain even one kilogram of fat, should I assume I'm mostly gaining lean mass? I know this sounds very optimistic but I'm a DYEL and I've been dieting for a long time and lost quite a bit of muscle in the proccess.

  61. 7 months ago

    Is it ok to wake up early to lift and then go to sleep afterward? Like sleep at 10pm, wake up at 2am, lift till 4am, then sleep until 7am

    • 7 months ago

      Sure, why not?

      I eat 250gr of oatmeal
      1l of Milk
      200gr of nuts/raisin mix
      500gr of Quark / cottage cheese

      Every day with a random meal everyday.

      I'm experiencing brain fog, fatigue, and some nausea.

      I do sleep too little because of my child.

      Any recommendations?

      • 7 months ago

        It's kind of impossible to tell from here. "One random meal", an unknown amount of nuts and raisin, and an unknown type of milk. It leaves to much up on the air for anything like an accurate diagnosis.

      • 7 months ago

        Too little sleep probably.

    • 7 months ago

      Should be fine. It's a bit odd and something more conventional might make more sense but 4 and 4 with a small break is more natural to us than 8 hours continuous.

  62. 7 months ago

    I'm having a trip soon and won't be able to take my creatine with me but I'll keep doing exercise and won't be able to buy it for some time. Can I just take higher amounts daily or will that frick me up? Want to finish the one I have right now

    • 7 months ago

      Realistically, just take the L and be a bit flat for a few days. Trying to do make up work, especially by approximation, will frick the plan up. Stick to the plan as best as possible. Taking more now and none later will have the same basic long term effect as just having a gap in your intake but without a period of excessive creatine. Too much is worse than not enough, especially for a non-essential nutrient (it's a supplement after all).

  63. 7 months ago

    >went 1000kcal over yesterday
    Do I day today and try to make up lost ground or eat and stick to the plan? I don't take rest days.

  64. 7 months ago

    I have a winged scapular and as I understand it's because the muscle is underdeveloped. Of course, I went to physical therapy but prior to this I have been lifting for a while, it doesn't cause me any pain, so I was wondering if I could just keep lifting and it would return to normal. Thoughts?

  65. 7 months ago

    I eat a lot, rest 8 hours a night, lift 5 times a week close to failure and I barely get stronger, are my genetics just shit?
    my test is 350ng/dl btw

    • 7 months ago

      lift heavier and lift less often

    • 7 months ago

      What's your spread look like? Also, do not take the week pill. Trying to program around a 7 day rotation is a waste.

      • 7 months ago

        not that anon but i prefer having specific days for specific workouts e.g. tuesday is always heavy bench, wednesday always heavy squat etc
        wish i wasnt so autistic

    • 7 months ago

      Diet and protein intake? Those could be the issues. You could also lift less and heavier like anon said. Also it does take time I would do a couple rotations.

  66. 7 months ago

    My lower abs and adonisbelt is shit. If I do Russian Twists and Hanging Leg Raises everyday till failure, will I then make it?

  67. 7 months ago

    How do I stack supplements? Do I just take them all at once everday?

  68. 7 months ago

    I want to do wide grip pullups but can do zero. I know about negatives but what about grips? Supinated along with pronated with negatives?

  69. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Are you uncut? Do you feel back the skin?

      • 7 months ago

        No I am circumcised, I mean the piss splashes back from the toilet onto my legs

  70. 7 months ago

    Bros. I need more energy. I feel so tired and sleepy every single day. I've been dependent on coffee but the crashes are getting to be too much to handle.

    What are some foods I can eat and supplements I can take to have more energy?

    • 7 months ago

      Stop with caffeine.
      Start with vitamin d, like 5000iu.
      You'll see results in like 3months.

      • 7 months ago

        caffeine withdrawal is one of the worst things ever for like a week


        Bros. I need more energy. I feel so tired and sleepy every single day. I've been dependent on coffee but the crashes are getting to be too much to handle.

        What are some foods I can eat and supplements I can take to have more energy?

        u better stay strong when u follow this anon

  71. 7 months ago

    I've just been observing my body and I keep thinking
    "Huh it's almost like the muscles that I've worked out daily are bigger" ie right arm, traps
    So I'm thinking about trying nucleus overload using calisthenics and reducing the weight training to 2x per week. Thoughts?

  72. 7 months ago

    I’m doing GZCLP but feel like I’m not getting enough lats work. Is it okay if I do barbell toes on the days I do OHP and pull-ups on the day I bench?

    I also do assisted dips on the bench day and am slowly decreasing the support weight.

    On OHP days I also do chin-ups.

    • 7 months ago

      When I ran gzclp I always supersetted the main lift with bw pullups for sets of 5 to get the lats primed, didn't affect the main lift that much

  73. 7 months ago
    Dalton McGuinty

    had 600mg of caffeine, 48mg of ephedrine, 10mg of THC in gummies, 10 rum and coke, a moderately sized chicken shawarma, 2 chocolate bars, and 2L of water over the course of 10 hrs.

    how much did I hurt my body

  74. 7 months ago

    Can I go from 15%bf to 10% in 3 weeks?

    • 7 months ago

      current weight, height, years of working out, ffmi ect

      • 7 months ago

        144lbs, 5'9, 1, idk, probably shit I can only bench my own weight

        • 7 months ago

          thats roughly 6 pounds of fat you want to lose plus you'll lose some muscle you could do it if you fast rolling 72s but at your weight and size i'd keep steady and wait to cut till you gain some more muscle

  75. 7 months ago

    Are there any exercises that will strengthen my sphincter?

    Asking unironically.

    • 7 months ago

      Just tense your butthole over and over untill it gets too tiered to keep doing it like 3 times a day. Idk if that would work but it is the same concept as keagles or how ever you spell that chick pussy tightener shit.

  76. 7 months ago

    what are the top 5 fruits, and vegetables? what's a good way to get most of my vitamins without eating every kind of vegetable and fruit that exists?

    • 7 months ago

      blueberries, although because of the amount of antioxidants it could be antianabolic, cause it reduces inflammation. But I guess you'd have to eat a lot of them.

      Broccoli, also because of anticarcinogen and sulfur (also good for hair).

      • 7 months ago

        So I'd probably be good with a bag of Berry Medley, and Stir Fry Mix made into a smoothie maybe twice a week?

  77. 7 months ago

    Would you rather have a braphog or a femboy

  78. 7 months ago

    getting back into exercising but i have weak knees
    I'm 6'4"/240lbs/28yo and when I do squats, my knees make a clicking noise, no pain but i don't want to blow them out like my dad did
    i understand you can't strengthen ligaments like you can muscles, but any good leg/glute exercises that aren't so knee-focused, or techniques for regular exercises that don't strain the knees?

    • 7 months ago

      All my joints pop
      I would play with stance width and foot position so you can squat without popping during the movement
      You also might need to stretch and roll knots out

      Would you rather have a braphog or a femboy

      Depends on age
      Young? Either
      30? Braphog

  79. 7 months ago

    what are the other high calorie burn ways other than running. I'm trying not to run every day.

    According to cronometer, calisthenics are equal to running 6.7mph. Cronometer also says chopping wood burns a frick ton of calories.What other activities burn a ton of calories?

    Also is sledgehammering a tire the same intensity as chopping would when the rates are matched? while using a heavier sledge?

    • 7 months ago

      Skipping, weighted walking, incline treadmill fast walk, stair master.

  80. 7 months ago

    I have an ab wheel, 2x 15kg dumbells, a mat and one medium hand gripper. Mainly training core and arms at home. Is there any type of home gym equipment I should buy? I was eyeballing small rowing machines. I guess the cheap ones are flimsy, probably destroy them with my gorilla autism

  81. 7 months ago

    Let’s say I’m aiming for 3 sets of somewhere between 8 - 12 reps, but mainly trying to go for failure to build muscle

    Am I better off doing the workout with a level of weight where on the last few reps of each set I have to pause in between the reps until I reach failure,
    or am I better off using a lighter weight that allows me to still reach failure but with consistent pacing and not pausing in between the last few reps?

    • 7 months ago

      You are basically talking about doing miro reps, which is actually considered to be going beyond failure.

      I would not recommend doing this regularly, maybe once per month to get a PR as it is very taxing on your body and could lead to injury or fatigue that will inhibit your ability to push as hard the next session.

      Going to failure normally is enough in most case but even that too often isn't the best idea.

      You are clearly pushing yourself so well done and keep that mind set, but allow your body good time to recover and don't push so hard you frick yourself.

  82. 7 months ago

    I've been doing SS for around 2 months, gains had just about started to appear. However due to reasons beyond my control, I'll have no access to gym equipment for a month. How do I cope? Also, when can I start adding custom exercises to SS routine? Such as something for a bigger ass and bogger forearms?

  83. 7 months ago

    As a newbie, the skin on my hands starts to hurt in many workouts such as pull ups and anything with a barbell really. Do they make gloves for this kind of thing? What kind of product am I looking for?

    • 7 months ago

      They do make gloves but I advise people to never use them.

      You go to the gym to get stronger not softer. Your hands will grow caluses and you will get used to any pain they don't protect you from. For your heavier barbell work you will end up using wraps anyway which will have the same effect of protecting your hands as gloves.

      As for pull ups, they still hurt my hands after several years, deal with it. As Long as they aren't bleeding, blistering or bruising nothing bad is happening to your skin.

      • 7 months ago

        I just want beautiful hands man I don't think women would appreciate callouses ( or me when jacking off )

        • 7 months ago

          women like callouses

        • 7 months ago

          They care far less than yiu think about your hands, my wife never complained

  84. 7 months ago

    How do I conquer the fear of getting fat on a bulk? Was fat most of my life, lost weight too successfully, need to gain some back but I want to stay lean so I still obsess over calories and keep my surplus so low I sometimes doubt whether it's even effective.

    • 7 months ago

      Just keep an eye on yourself and only be in a reasonable cal surplus. Keep doing cardio so you don't feel like shit. You'll be fine, just stop when you reach your goal and slowly cut back down. The extremes are what frick people, don't be afraid to cut and bulk because some internet midget with body dysmorphia sold you a fear bait scam about maintaining.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm currently eating at a 300-350 calorie surplus over my sedentary TDEE, should I somehow bring exercise calories into the equation? I work out for about an hour a day 5 days a week, haven't got the slightest idea how much additional calories that burns off and I've been really suspicious about counting exercise calories in the first place ever since my fat days. No idea how I'd be counting cardio calories either.

        • 7 months ago

          There are tones of calorie calculators online that take into account the kind of exercise you do and your weight height age etc.

          It is up to you if you use them, I did as a beginner in order to release how little I actually ate (was a "hard gainer" thinking I ate 4000cal per day but turned out to be more like 1800cal).

          What I do now to go up or down weight is add or reduce food intake for a week and see if my weight changes (record daily), if it does in the right direction then I stick at it untill I reach my goal or it stops, if it does stop then I adjusted by adding more food again, in moderation ofcourse.

          Keep the protein high, I tend to only adjust carbs.

          • 7 months ago

            I count calories religiously so I'm pretty certain about how much I consume, however I'm paranoid as frick about overestimating calories burned during exercise. Like look at this shit:
            If my hour of weight lifting can be classified as "general", I burn off an extra 200 calories so my daily surplus is a tiny 100-150 calories, and if it's "vigorous" (it sure feels vigorous), I burn 400 and I'll be actually losing weight, not gaining? There's no way this is true.

            • 7 months ago

              Hence why I stopped counting and just look at the weekly average results in weight gained or lost. It's just the next stage on the journey bro, let the counting go, it's holding you back.

              • 7 months ago

                I can't, not yet anyway, my sense of satiety is all fricked up because I've been losing weight for so long, can't trust myself to not overeat. But my scales are old and imprecise and my weight often fluctuates so it would take me literal weeks to establish a trend of whether I'm gaining or losing or stalling.

              • 7 months ago

                You know what you must do, pull the cord when you are ready bro. The gains await.

              • 7 months ago

                Thank you, anon. WAGMI.

  85. 7 months ago

    I lost ten kilos and feel like it finally time to step up and go to gym, but I never went to one before. What do I do when I go in? Just go straight to the counter and apply membership? Pay a one session fee and go to the nearest equipment? Should I go the instructors there for anything before I use any of the equipments?

    • 7 months ago

      Ask a staff member to show you around so you know what they have there.

      PT staff tend to give meh advice, not the worst but as a beginner you can do better for free.

      What are your goals in the gym?
      Set goals (Gain muscle/loose fat/ increase Cardiovascular fitness/increase mobility/train for a specific sport or competition etc)

      How much time do you have to dedicate to the gym?

      Either find or write a program that will help you achieve your goals with the alloted time you are able to commit too. (Bare in mind you can spend too much time in the gym)

      You have a program and sre ready to start?
      Get at it, stay consistent, plan to do this for the rest of your life not just a few weeks.

      Be flexible, don't be afraid to change your routine based on new better information or to something that works better for you. Just don't fall into the trap of changing things every week just because some youtuber said a new lift/exercise is better. Consistent training beets inconstant optimisation every time.

      • 7 months ago

        Oh sorry I should have mentioned more specifically to what you asked also.

        Payment is up to you and how the gym works. More corporate or commercial gyms tend to have a lowish monthly price plan but be aware of contracts that lock you in for several years, you might end up moving or finding a better gym.

        Some more "private" or smaller gyms tend to have a system where you can pay daily, weekly or monthly. The longer the cheaper usually and mostly you can dip out and not keep paying if needs be.

        Just ask at the desk about how their plans work and pick basically, just don't let somone pressure you into a 24month plan, it's a gym not a car.

        Thanks anon

    • 7 months ago

      Oh sorry I should have mentioned more specifically to what you asked also.

      Payment is up to you and how the gym works. More corporate or commercial gyms tend to have a lowish monthly price plan but be aware of contracts that lock you in for several years, you might end up moving or finding a better gym.

      Some more "private" or smaller gyms tend to have a system where you can pay daily, weekly or monthly. The longer the cheaper usually and mostly you can dip out and not keep paying if needs be.

      Just ask at the desk about how their plans work and pick basically, just don't let somone pressure you into a 24month plan, it's a gym not a car.

  86. 7 months ago

    I pulled a hammy doing sprints. It initially felt like a small tear but it healed much faster than a tear would (2weeks and the pain was completely gone).

    However 6 weeks later and I am getting craps in the hammy I pulled when I do heavy leg press. I was getting pain from deads and squats up untill last week but that has gone now.

    Will the cramps go away? Should I push through them or will that risk re injury?

    I am still lifting relatively light on legs and cutting short my leg days l. Also not done sprints since the injury.

  87. 7 months ago

    Really, who comes up with this bullshit?

    • 7 months ago

      224 calories for an hour of walking sounds reasonable to me. About 100 more than at rest.

      • 7 months ago

        I thought these calculators were supposed to estimate calories burned through exercise only, without considering BMR? Also, at 140 lbs I absolutely don't burn 120 calories per an hour of rest, that would mean daily BMR of 2880 calories while my actual BMR at this weight is 1600.

        • 7 months ago

          Unless it says, who knows. But including BMR at least makes the numbers make more sense. I've always assumed BMR is for when you're awake, and that you need to consider a lower sleep rate when calculating daily burn.

          I don't speak american sorry lol

          • 7 months ago

            >I've always assumed BMR is for when you're awake
            I thought it was the average for simply existing for 24 hours. Multiplying it by 1.2 for a day of sedentary lifestyle makes sense to me, but adding another 20% for a mere hour of walking certainly doesn't.

            >I don't speak american sorry lol
            Me neither but when in Rome. My weight is around 62-63 kilos.

  88. 7 months ago

    I keep a pair of 3kg dumbbells in my office and do front, rear and lateral raises when I have downtime during the day. Usually end up with about 100 reps of each kind. Is there any reason why this would be a bad habit?

  89. 7 months ago

    >Go to sleep
    >Wrap my arm around my smol gf and caress her cheek
    >Wake up
    Jesus Christ, I feel like dying when these stupid dreams happen. How do I make them stop?

    • 7 months ago

      get a gf

  90. 7 months ago

    Black Friday, what you got IST? I grabbed a set of 80lbs nuobells from bells of steel for the 5% discount and their military discount for about $715 shipped. Also got a $100 Amazon gift card from work as a thanksgiving gift so I grabbed a set of the gymreaper resistance bands and one of those vortex shaker bottles. I'd like to pick up an air bike and a curl bar but just can't talk myself into spending the money right now.

  91. 7 months ago

    I have had a crush on this girl for a long time. Problem is, I’m an autist and and I don’t really know how to text women without coming across as a perpetual ISTner. We can go 3-4 weeks without texting (I usually send the last message) and then she’ll eventually just respond with a “how, how’s everything” or “hey, how’s it going” basically ignoring the previous convo and starting a new one. Is it because the conversation was boring?
    I also lead a very depressing and tragedy ridden life and I don’t feel like we’ve reached a level of friendship where I can respond truthfully and not give her the “ick” so i typically tell her something like “Yeah, doing good” or “Everything’s pretty good, how about you” and then we text for probably 5-6 days, cycle repeats.

    We worked together for about a year and would talk all the time, hung outside of work a couple times, and seemed to get a long great. She kind of seemed into me but she is generally nice to everyone so im not sure.

    im confused my homies

    • 7 months ago

      I'm on a beginner hypertrophy program that has katana extensions and French press OR skullcrushers for tricep isolation.

      I do not like the French press nor skullcrushers. What would be a good alternative?

      No point guessing the reason why she would stop messaging. But the fact that she eventually reaches out again and maintains contact for a few days suggests that she is interested in you (whether platonic or otherwise).

      You can give reveal more about yourself and general day to day without revealing all the tragedy in your life. It's okay to share the not-so-great things in life, start small and if they seem engaged/empathetic, share more. Everyone is lonely or struggling in some way, being vulnerable helps foster connection. Just be careful to not overshare until there's more rapport between y'all (this takes time). Or share the small wins you've had. Did you hit a new PR at the gym? Have you read an interesting article lately that sparked a new thought or curiosity? Maybe you watched something entertaining or emotionally evocative? Whatever it is, give something specific about your life besides a generic "everything is good". This could go a long way to facilitate more engaging texting/conversation.

      Finally, suggest going out somewhere. Clearly she wants to get to know you. Go on eventbrite or check out local attractions that you would be interested in doing and ask for her company.

      Do this enough times and you'd have hopefully built enough rapport that being more honest/transparent about your life is okay. If you're still crushing on her, you can reveal that too. Maybe she likes you back, maybe she doesn't. Either way, it's okay, you have a solid friendship to help you wade through life together.

      Good luck, anon. Wagmi.

      • 7 months ago


        I ran IST's Greyskull LP variant for a couple months. The routine I am running is basically the same except additional accessory exercises, mix use of cables and calisthenic movements, and higher rep ranges. Would you recommend anything different? My understanding is that all "beginner/novice" routines worth their salt are essentially the same since this shit really isn't that complicated until maybe 3-5+ years of consistent lifting.

        My understanding of muscle building can be summed up as: progressive overload is king. That is, be consistent, work hard (meaning working to or just shy of failure), hit target muscles approx. twice/week, and gradually increase demand/stimulus via weight, volume, or technique. Couple that with good nutrition and ample recovery/sleep and you will grow. Anything beyond that is dependent on idiosyncratic differences and best learned by putting in the work and understanding/adapting to the uniqueness of your own body.

        Am I missing anything?

  92. 7 months ago

    I'm currently trying to bulk at around 2lbs a month. I don't exactly count calories but I pretty much eat the same things every day and I have a good idea of how much I'm eating. A few days ago I noticed I was gaining kinda fast and would end the month at over 4 lbs if I kept going so I dialed back on my eating. My question is, is it dumb of me to eat at around maintenance till the end of the month or should I just accept the extra weight and continue with the bulk. I wanna continue making gains but I really want to minimize the amount I have to cut. The plan is to bulk till around March then cut at a pound a week for at least 10 weeks.

  93. 7 months ago

    I’m so sick of my workout routines not yielding any results.
    Post a good split routine pls and thx

  94. 7 months ago

    Does my protein consumption matter on days that I’m not working out or recovering?
    Ex. If I go to the gym, then spend a day recovering, and then don’t make it back to the gym for another three days- does my protein consumption on those last three days matter?
    shit is fricking expensive man 🙁

    • 7 months ago

      Protein intake amounts being regular is extremely important. You should be getting roughly the same amount (make sure it's enough) every day regardless of if you're training or not.

      • 7 months ago

        Well shit, alright.
        New stupid question- is it more important for my protein intake to be regular or for it to be high?
        For instance, is it more important for me to eat 180g of protein after working out, or 100g of protein every day?
        In an ideal world I will not have to choose, but I am curious.

        • 7 months ago

          Depends on how much you're getting on the other days. If you're getting 180g on workout days, but 20g on other days, then no, that's far worse than 100g every day. It's not hard to just slam two scoops of powder every day if you need to guarantee you're getting enough protein, and it really shouldn't be that expensive either unless you live somewhere totally fricked

    • 7 months ago

      You only need 0.8g/lb of lean mass on lifting days and less on off days
      Just eat pork/Chicken/turkey or get a freezer and buy 1/4 cow at a time

  95. 7 months ago

    How to get rid of beer belly?
    Started a calorie deficit a few weeks ago and started the gym a week ago. Was just trying to get used to the feeling of lifting weights and cardio and shit again and am planning to start an upper lower split routine today.
    Is there anything specific I should focus on to cut out my beer belly? It’s really bugging me and I’m afraid I’ll end up with a really ugly midsection if I don’t tackle this right
    t. former ipa drinker every night

    • 7 months ago

      From a lifting perspective, not really. You obviously have to eat at a deficit if you want to get rid of it.

      • 7 months ago

        Sounds good. I will stick with a defecit for now. Other than the obvious foods to avoid, what are some foods I should be gravitating towards? I’ve also noticed my appetite has skyrocketed since I started exercising again, so I’m shooting for around 2k cal a day. Is this reasonable? Currently 5’10 at 215lbs

        • 7 months ago

          just drink a lot of water, eat a lot of protein and fiber (legumes are your friend). those things fill keep you feeling full. don't eat simple starches/sugars, don't eat excessively fatty things because they are just very calorically dense and not great if you want to cut.

  96. 7 months ago

    Never exercised before. Always been auchwitz mode, I find it really hard to put on weight. Doctors have me on an antidepressant which stimulates appetite as a side effect, now it’s piling on pretty quickly. At what point do I start exercising? I’m 6’2, weighing 174lb. Not looking to be some monster, I’d just like to be fit and healthy and attractive after a life of being a skellington.

    • 7 months ago

      If you don't start exercising as soon as you start gaining weight, you will only gain fat. Start working out as soon as possible, you're already normal BMI but if you have the lean mass of a skelly, it means you're probably skinnyfat.

  97. 7 months ago

    I'm going to be teaching my cousin the basic barbell lifts over the next few weeks and get him started lifting. He says his goal is to stop being tired all the time (and that he doesn't want to get too bulky (lmao)). Anything I should look out for? I'm already planning to focus on form, use the safeties, increase the weights very gradually, and have him stop and tell me the second anything feels painful while lifting.

  98. 7 months ago

    1. stan effording says switching to his diet, body comp of hafthor and brian shaw changed for the better, but isnt that only due to the massive amounts of steroids they are taking?

    2. im not vegan/vegeterian but should i only count quality protein as in meat, eggs, dairy when reaching for at least 1.5g per kg? not including protein (but still including the calories ofc) from stuff like oats, grains etc? or does that not matter too much?

    3. ppl say heating up sucralose above 100°C might cause havoc for gut bacteria, does that mean i should stop doing my microwave oat-whey mugcake i prepare to eat at work every day? not sure how hot stuff gets in the microwave lmao

    • 7 months ago

      I can only comment on question 2: basically ignore the protein quality bullshit. all that matters is that you have enough amino acids of various kinds available in your body so your muscle construction processes aren't held up by missing building material. Your body doesn't care where the amino acids came from, dairy, onions, oats etc. So even if you believe in the 1.5g/kg total protein thing all you need to do is hit the total protein. What you should consider is that bioavailability may be lower if the proteins are coming with fibres because those fibres can't always be broken up. so 100g protein from oats aren't 100g amino acids that are taken up in your blood stream.

    • 7 months ago

      2. Oats and grains are not complete proteins, but they still contain most amino acids, they just lack some or have them in low amounts. But you can get a surplus of those amino-acids from your complete protein sources (quality sources that you listed) so as long as you get most of your proteins from those, combining them with incomplete sources is very much a thing. There's a reason beans and rice are such a popular combo in cuisines across the world, it's a good example of two incomplete proteins having a complete combined amino acid profile.

      3. Is your mug cake drier than the Sahara desert? I assume not, so don't worry about it being anywhere near the boiling point of water.

  99. 7 months ago

    Okay guys I wanna go to the gym today. Is it okay to do a push/pull routing that includes the legs? Like not a dedicated leg day (I'm cycling a lot) and only do like leg curls or deadlift on the pull day and split squats or box jumps on the push day?

  100. 7 months ago

    Why do so many people eat insane amounts of calories (3000+) on a bulk? I get that it's probably faster for lean mass gain, but won't they have to spend even more time cutting because of all the fat they put on?

  101. 7 months ago

    gym is very close to me but my workout time is usually cut very short which means i only have time for
    3x5 heavy vertical/horizontal push compound
    3x5 heavy vertical/horizontal pull compound
    5x5 opposite of heavy push compound
    3x8-12 lighter pull compound opposite to heavy

    on my upper days, would adding just an arm day at the end be any harmful or should i cut down on exercises?
    atm i go ULxULxx , i would add the arm day after the second lower day so ULxULAx and mostly train bi/tri/side delts.
    would that mess with my recovery for the next upper day too much or should it be fine if i dont completely annihilate my triceps?

  102. 7 months ago

    Sets of 15 for OHP yay or nay

    • 7 months ago

      as long as you go close to failure go for it

      Why do so many people eat insane amounts of calories (3000+) on a bulk? I get that it's probably faster for lean mass gain, but won't they have to spend even more time cutting because of all the fat they put on?

      Those people prioritize maximizing their lean body mass and yes their diet is yo-yoing all over the place.

  103. 7 months ago

    I’m sick of the shitposting back and forth.
    What’s the best diet to lose weight if you work out? Is Keto/Carnivore a gimmick or should I just do cico?

    • 7 months ago

      keto is self-torture without any real world benefits.

    • 7 months ago

      what you should do is not try to find the latest "dieting" fad but develop a sustainable lifestyle and habits that work for you long-term. Also don't just try to diet for the looks, also do it for better performance and pick up some form of endurance or team sports like running, cycling, volleyball etc.

    • 7 months ago

      With as clean of calories as you can. Plus or minus maintenance depending on your goals. That’s literally it. That, and discipline to hit the gym three days a week no matter what and you will be shredded in 1-2 years max

    • 7 months ago

      cico, exercise more

    • 7 months ago

      Cico isn't the full story.
      Mouse studies have shown that mice A and B on the same caloric intake will acheive different bodyfat %s depending on the type of oil in their diet, i.e. vegetable oil or olive oil.
      Vegetable oils make you fat and mess you up.
      Calories out refers to metabolism, and seed oils cause metabolic dysfunction. People are so eager to jump on the calories in (via mouth) and calories out (exercise, BMR) they forget that there's an entire system in between the ass and mouth that the food affects.

      Cut out sugars and vegetable oils, then do whatever other diet you get peer pressured into to do.

  104. 7 months ago

    how do I keep my shitty joints from hurting? glucosamine and omega-3 aren't helping

  105. 7 months ago

    Pre or post-workout fap?
    I’m serious.

    • 7 months ago

      Post, but use an onahole or vibrator if your arms are too tired. Ideally one of those 20lbs of pussy and ass things. Or a gf.

      • 7 months ago

        Tch, fine.
        Should I go lift or running for this post-thanksgiving sesh?

    • 7 months ago

      Post workout. Fapping helps you relax which is beneficial after a workout and detrimental before one. The one exception would perhaps be if you're very stressed or have trouble letting go of work or some shit.

      • 7 months ago

        It fricks with your recovery


        >He should unironically be doing cardio, not weight lifting
        >So make sure you do LISS after lifting
        Thanks for the reply. Part of the issue is that I have to meet him where he is, and he's willing to try weightlifting after his regimen of wandering around the neighborhood when he feels like it didn't work to fix his problem. He's also never worked out in his life so I figure that putting on a basic amount of muscle can't hurt and would probably help anyway.
        I'd never actually heard of LISS before your post but that's what I did for years just to burn calories. I was considering not putting him on the treadmill since he's not fat and doesn't overeat and we'd like to change his diet as little as possible, but I think I'll have him try it now.

        You can sell the LISS as recovery help
        It does wash out lactic acid and keep your bowels moving when you're not eating enough

      • 7 months ago

        It fricks with your recovery

        You can sell the LISS as recovery help
        It does wash out lactic acid and keep your bowels moving when you're not eating enough

        Fapping makes semen, semen is full of vitamins and minerals and jizz. Those don't materialize out of thin air. Unless your diet is impeccable (and imbibing extra of things, like zinc, which is fat soluble and not water so if you get too much it's bad (copper deficiency, etc.)) then you're hampering your recovery because depletion, completely ignoring things hormones and whatnot.

        why does everytime i post the thread dies

        you have the big gay

        dyel moron here, I can currently bench 50kg for 8, how safe is it gonna be to attempt 60kg (1pl8?) with no spotter? the bench is one of those ones with a high rack and low rack that both lean forward a bit then fall back into position when you let go of it. If I fail is it normal to still be able to re-rack it on the lower one?
        im sure this sounds pathetic but I am kinda worried I usually go to the gym when it's pretty empty

        I never use a spotter.
        You probably won't die.
        If you're really that worried about it, just make sure your will is up-to-date.

  106. 7 months ago

    I have skinny legs and arms but a fat stomache. I don't want to gain muscle I just want to lose the fat. What do anon's suggest for an exercise?

    • 7 months ago

      Running. Lots of it.
      Cut back on eating too.
      Lots of water.

    • 7 months ago

      CICO. Weigh everything, count everything, stick to a constant deficit, make it your new lifestyle and stick to it. We'll be seeing you at /fat/.

  107. 7 months ago


    >He should unironically be doing cardio, not weight lifting
    >So make sure you do LISS after lifting
    Thanks for the reply. Part of the issue is that I have to meet him where he is, and he's willing to try weightlifting after his regimen of wandering around the neighborhood when he feels like it didn't work to fix his problem. He's also never worked out in his life so I figure that putting on a basic amount of muscle can't hurt and would probably help anyway.
    I'd never actually heard of LISS before your post but that's what I did for years just to burn calories. I was considering not putting him on the treadmill since he's not fat and doesn't overeat and we'd like to change his diet as little as possible, but I think I'll have him try it now.

  108. 7 months ago

    I started taking medication for premature ejaculation. I went from cumming in 10 seconds to a few minutes

    But every time I cum my foreskin really hurts, like I tore it or something. It wasnt a problem when I only lasted seconds, but now it’s very obvious. I also barely have any precum now
    Am I doing something wrong? Is there a proper technique, or do I need to lube myself or some shit?

    • 7 months ago

      It might just be stretching pain
      When it's not hard long, it doesn't get fully hard/stretched
      Otherwise it might be a symptom of low-key phimosis or dry skin or anything really
      Moisturize and keep on

      • 7 months ago

        >It might just be stretching pain
        >When it's not hard long, it doesn't get fully hard/stretched
        What? This is a thing?

        • 7 months ago

          Can be
          My dick is biggest after 2 long sex sessions

          How much does sheer volume matter versus just going harder for higher reps in a set (but still under 12 reps)? For instance 3 sets of 10 versus 4 sets of 8 with same weight. I'm doing more volume with 4 sets of 8 but I'm also resting more and for the first few sets it doesn't feel like effort, it feels like I'm stopping right as the REAL effort was about to start. But again, if I do that I am lifting more in the end. So is that better or worse?

          Likewise if I can lower the weight and then do 3 sets of 12 that results in a higher weight lifted volume than an increased weight where I can only do 3 sets of 7, should I do the lower weight? This is strictly under the 12 rep range talk. I'm not asking about higher volume while doing 60 reps with tiny weights.

          You should be failing/almost failing the last couple reps
          Until you're late intermediate, you should be working to failure regardless of set/rep scheme
          The most important part of building mass is testosterone
          Doing hard things is the #1 thing that boosts test outside of eating a high fat, high carb, moderate protein diet
          All the studies that say more reps are better regardless of weight only go for 6 weeks or so
          Long term, more heavy sets will always yield more mass for natties assuming you're eating properly at a surplus

          At my peak I was doing 5-10 sets of 5 of the heavy barbell compounds, then sets of 8, then sometimes some trash volume to mix it up
          The only thing I've ever found to really benefit from more than 8 reps are shoulders from lateral shoulder flies
          You can meme it up every once in awhile but progression in strength and endurance together will yield the most mass gains

          I ran IST's Greyskull LP variant for a couple months. The routine I am running is basically the same except additional accessory exercises, mix use of cables and calisthenic movements, and higher rep ranges. Would you recommend anything different? My understanding is that all "beginner/novice" routines worth their salt are essentially the same since this shit really isn't that complicated until maybe 3-5+ years of consistent lifting.

          My understanding of muscle building can be summed up as: progressive overload is king. That is, be consistent, work hard (meaning working to or just shy of failure), hit target muscles approx. twice/week, and gradually increase demand/stimulus via weight, volume, or technique. Couple that with good nutrition and ample recovery/sleep and you will grow. Anything beyond that is dependent on idiosyncratic differences and best learned by putting in the work and understanding/adapting to the uniqueness of your own body.

          Am I missing anything?

          That's not a bad understanding tbh
          Stress/cortisol management is the big factor beyond that


          Thoughts on my workout plan? I just workout at home with some dumbbells and any extra I walk to my apartment's gym

          I would recommend going somewhere with barbells for the heavier sessions

          • 7 months ago

            >I would recommend going somewhere with barbells for the heavier sessions
            which lifts would benefit most from barbells? Obviously the bench press

  109. 7 months ago

    I've recently had a j-pouch surgery. I take it any sort of martial arts training is permanently out of the question for me even after my surgery wounds heal?

  110. 7 months ago

    why does everytime i post the thread dies

    • 7 months ago


  111. 7 months ago

    >You can sell the LISS as recovery help
    Yeah that's my plan, plus it ties into his failed attempt to do his own cardio before. This way we can actually measure speed, incline, time on the treadmill, calories burned, etc. And as a bonus it'll make him a bit more hungry so I can get him to eat more protein during the day. Wins all around.

    If it actually helped his bowels I'd fall to my knees thanking god. He's a picky eater and gets essentially zero daily fiber intake.

  112. 7 months ago

    How much does sheer volume matter versus just going harder for higher reps in a set (but still under 12 reps)? For instance 3 sets of 10 versus 4 sets of 8 with same weight. I'm doing more volume with 4 sets of 8 but I'm also resting more and for the first few sets it doesn't feel like effort, it feels like I'm stopping right as the REAL effort was about to start. But again, if I do that I am lifting more in the end. So is that better or worse?

    Likewise if I can lower the weight and then do 3 sets of 12 that results in a higher weight lifted volume than an increased weight where I can only do 3 sets of 7, should I do the lower weight? This is strictly under the 12 rep range talk. I'm not asking about higher volume while doing 60 reps with tiny weights.

  113. 7 months ago

    Thoughts on my workout plan? I just workout at home with some dumbbells and any extra I walk to my apartment's gym

  114. 7 months ago

    havent done squats in like a year because I switched over to bulgarian split squats. did 8x reps today with two 32,5kg db's. so basically 65kg. what would the equivalent be in squats. I understand that you cant just double the number just because you do it on one leg instead of two.

    • 7 months ago

      Nothing carries over to barbell
      Sry bruv. Squat for real to reestablish your baseline

      >I would recommend going somewhere with barbells for the heavier sessions
      which lifts would benefit most from barbells? Obviously the bench press

      Squat, dead, bench, row, press, hip thrust

      hows this for a push routine
      incline db bp
      pec flys
      shoulder press
      lat raises

      2 hour routine. are you a mr.olympia contender and on moronic amounts of test?

      He's right
      When I was national level bber I did

      Bench 10 sets of 3-6
      Bench slightly closer grip 4x8
      Sometimes The Press™®© 3x5
      Bench accessory 3-4x12-15
      Heavy tricep iso 7x5
      Lighter tricep iso 4 x 8-15

      Twice a week

      I worked up to this over months of slowly adding more sets, more calories and more cardio

  115. 7 months ago

    hows this for a push routine
    incline db bp
    pec flys
    shoulder press
    lat raises

    • 7 months ago

      2 hour routine. are you a mr.olympia contender and on moronic amounts of test?

      • 7 months ago

        Isn't a push routine supposed to be long? You gotta do 3 body parts

  116. 7 months ago

    What is THE best exercise for shoulder stability? I'm talking DEEP, DEEP stability on a fricking micro-tendon level? I want my ball joint to be fricking SNUG with tendon and tissue. Also what supps the best for it too.

    • 7 months ago

      Unironically the Press©®™, heavy weight low reps to failure
      Moving as much weight as possible will always recruit the most muscle fibers
      A 1rm activates the entire musculature, lightweight DOES NOT

      • 7 months ago

        You.mean the shoulder press machine?

  117. 7 months ago

    dyel moron here, I can currently bench 50kg for 8, how safe is it gonna be to attempt 60kg (1pl8?) with no spotter? the bench is one of those ones with a high rack and low rack that both lean forward a bit then fall back into position when you let go of it. If I fail is it normal to still be able to re-rack it on the lower one?
    im sure this sounds pathetic but I am kinda worried I usually go to the gym when it's pretty empty

  118. 7 months ago

    Is it possible to eat something and it goes through your digestion system too fast to not properly absorb all the calories?
    I'm a thin guy, but in addition to normal food, I ate an entire (store bought) apple pie today. The pie itself was 1800 calories, and I'm just thinking "wtf".
    An hour or two after I ate it I had a massive shit, like well above two inches past the water. It wasn't a single log so just stiff but I mean like cow patty, just curled up like the cartoon style poop. Just wondering if I somehow just rapidly absorbed a 2k calorie excess or something.

  119. 7 months ago

    Is a 3x12 225 bench with good form considered good?

  120. 7 months ago

    How do I put in running into cycling with my routine?

  121. 7 months ago

    >been eating at a surplus for a month
    >2 kilos gained, not too shabby
    >ended up eating very littleyesterday, woke up and weighed myself
    >1 kilogram less than expected
    So does this mean half of my purported gains were just water weight? Should I increase my surplus?

    • 7 months ago

      I fluctuate between 90 and 95 kilograms over any given week. You cant measure weight like this

      • 7 months ago

        My weight fluctuates too so I simply pay attention to the lowest results only. I was 58 kilos at my lowest, was getting 60 after a month of bulking but got 59 today. Guess I should eat more.

  122. 7 months ago

    I can't stop having the urge to sit, or lie down, with my feet crossed or foot over the knee. I feel it putting stress on the outer part of the knee tendons and it gets sore during workout.

    I can't catch myself all the time. How do I stop?

  123. 7 months ago

    Where do I get poison that tastes like nothing and only requires tiny quantities? Asking for fitness related purposes

  124. 7 months ago

    Greetings and Salutaions fitters
    So I'm a complete noob/dyel been going gym for the past 2 months whilst also cutting (aiming to lose 10kg) and have been making progression in both the whole time. Will the time come where i will no longer be able to go up in weight whilst im still cutting?

    • 7 months ago

      Hey, no more bumps unless it's to answer my question, thank you for your patience.

  125. 7 months ago

    two questions regarding fish oil omega 3 and collagen. not interested in science based answers or studies, utube is full of that shit. I want first hand experience from people using that stuff. is it actually worth it. I bought me some collagen protein in hope it speeds up and help recovery in my shoulder. Fish oil basically as an addition because of its inflammatory properties. Does that stuff work from your personal experience? Also how good is collagen protein in terms of building muscle, at the end of the day its also just a protein.

  126. 7 months ago

    Hello frens,
    Just trying to lose fat, maybe gain some muscle but I feel like when I try to buy healthy foods I end up not using them and wasting money.

    Anyone know a good resource for a few meals I can just buy in bulk that are generally pretty healthy, or a really cheap thing that’s still good for you?

    Ideally it would be somewhat low-prep but any suggestions help


    • 7 months ago

      Whole meat+ bread+veggies
      It straight up sounds like you're just moronic. You have to change your habits to change your life

      Whole ham + bread + veggies is the easiest meal as you can get the ham precooked for cheap

      two questions regarding fish oil omega 3 and collagen. not interested in science based answers or studies, utube is full of that shit. I want first hand experience from people using that stuff. is it actually worth it. I bought me some collagen protein in hope it speeds up and help recovery in my shoulder. Fish oil basically as an addition because of its inflammatory properties. Does that stuff work from your personal experience? Also how good is collagen protein in terms of building muscle, at the end of the day its also just a protein.

      Collagen protein is overblown
      It's not a complete protein
      Fat supplements are moronic because it's like taking protein pills. To get enough benefit to make a difference, you have to shovel that shit in but then it's wayyyy too expensive
      Supplements are generally garbage

      You just need a diet rich in fish and fresh olive oil (and more fat in general) to get the benefits you're seeking
      Even just cheapass olives out of the jar will benefit you more than those stupid fricking pills

  127. 7 months ago

    How do you body recomp effectively? I have protruding lower belly fat, but skinny toned everywhere else (training on/off for a year). I want bigger arms and legs but absolutely hate the belly fat and stopped previous bulking attempts because of it.

    If I ate maintenance calories and kept carbs and fat low, like 25% and 20% respectively, would this be a good approach?

  128. 7 months ago

    Not sure if I just slept wrong or fricked up my shoulder yesterday but my left shoulder is insanely stiff. It was in pain in the morning but seems to have subsided a little bit. If I had pulled a muscle or injured myself I would I have felt it sooner than this morning? I’m a little worried but it’s just my left shoulder so I’m wondering if it’s cause that arm isn’t my dominant so it’s just a little extra stiff. On the barbell rows I couldn’t quite get my back straight and I’m not sure if that’s what might have caused it. I am very new to this shit.

    • 7 months ago

      When that happens, you need to dynamically stretch and warm allllll the way up slowly

      Between stretching and super light reps, you can usually completely reset something like this
      Also, check your traps for knots

      How do you body recomp effectively? I have protruding lower belly fat, but skinny toned everywhere else (training on/off for a year). I want bigger arms and legs but absolutely hate the belly fat and stopped previous bulking attempts because of it.

      If I ate maintenance calories and kept carbs and fat low, like 25% and 20% respectively, would this be a good approach?

      To recomp, you have to have quite a bit of lean mass to begin with
      But most people need to track their calories and weight for a few weeks to find their general TDEE and then all you need to do is keep eating that much and then increase your activity
      So wake up, do 40min LISS, lift, LISS at night etc
      You might need to even eat a bit more to do this effectively
      You need to manage stress and make sure you're getting A BUNCH of fat to keep test up through a deficit

      • 7 months ago

        Any stretches you’d recommend? I skipped cardio cause I was short on time, but that’s what I usually do before a workout.
        I won’t be doing upper again until Monday but I have lower today, not sure if there’s better stretches to do depending on what I’m working that day.
        After a bit more moving around I think it’s just very stiff also. I can feel a very similar soreness in the tricep as well so I think my left arm is just much weaker than my right (I don’t do any real heavy lifting for work but when I do certain things I know my right arm gets more work)

        • 7 months ago

          If it's super stiff, you might have pulled something
          If that's the arm you fap with, that's the problem

          Basically you want to try a bunch of stretches until you feel it
          Then, see if you have knots anywhere near the effected area and push on them until they pop
          Then, if you're still feeling it, do 5minutes of cardio or something to push nutrients through
          Then do a bunch of warmups to retighten it
          If it's your traps, put that arm across your back and tilt your neck away for 30seconds, you might need to pull with your other hand
          Also, stretch your neck the opposite way after for less time to make sure you don't have a less noticeable l, similar issue on the other side

          • 7 months ago

            It feels like it’s right on the back of my shoulder. Like almost upper back kind of. And also yeah, I do beat off with my left but I don’t have a massive wiener or anything so I always figured it wasn’t enough work to make a difference.
            I felt for knots but not sure if I can feel anything. I also was just thinking and it might be that I’m not drinking enough water either, I barely had any yesterday besides like a liter during my workout

  129. 7 months ago

    Is the cut gonna go crazy or am I just moronic?

    Thinking of my diet for the next two months on a daily basis literally just being:
    Two to three cups of cup ramen - ~700 to ~1200 calories
    Scoop of whey protein powder - ~130 calories
    Scoop of creatine - ~40 calories
    2-4 scoops of optimum nutrition amino energy - ~40 calories

    So around 1410 calories consumed daily max, while running 5/3/1 Boring But Big will presumably leave me at a caloric deficit.

    The issue is, I'm fricking moronic when it comes to nutrition, so will doing this for 2 months kill my gains and my body or am I fricking goated?

    • 7 months ago

      Protein powders don't have all the nutrients that whole meat has
      Aminos hurt pretty much everyone that isn't on gear. They use up your testosterone without actually gaining you anything
      Your diet should be 3egg omelette in the morning
      1/2lb burger at night
      Add veggies

  130. 7 months ago


    >When you reach that point, you need to bulk
    >It's infinitely easier to cut with mass than to cut right off
    >Even chubby boys should bulk slowly when they start to make sure they don't frick their endocrine system and to make sure it's the easiest path to their goals
    As a 'chubby boy' whos been slow cutting 2 months ( lost 2 kg) when should i bulk? I still want to lose 10 more kg before I'm happy to start the cut/bulk cycles

    • 7 months ago

      Most people have misconceptions about weight and their goal body
      Basically, when you aren't getting stronger and gaining endurance, you need to bulk


      I need a bigger neck, but not doing fricking head bobbing reps
      does constantly wearing a weighted helmet a home help it grow?
      t. chicken neck

      Just deadlift heavier more often
      You also need to be gaining weight overall to gain mass obv

      Any harm in eating this exact breakfast every day?

      5 eggs cooked in 5g butter + salt, pepper + paprika +
      20g red bell peppers
      20g green bell peppers
      30g cheddar cheese + 50g tomato +38g spinach

      That's pretty ideal tbh
      I'm 6'4 and do 6 eggs and ham and cheese and toast

      It feels like it’s right on the back of my shoulder. Like almost upper back kind of. And also yeah, I do beat off with my left but I don’t have a massive wiener or anything so I always figured it wasn’t enough work to make a difference.
      I felt for knots but not sure if I can feel anything. I also was just thinking and it might be that I’m not drinking enough water either, I barely had any yesterday besides like a liter during my workout

      You likely have bad fapping from and bad general posture
      Fix it

      I’m gonna start cutting, should I keep taking creatine or stop?

      Never stop creatine
      I cycled off for the first time in awhile and all my lifts are abysmal
      You would lose weight but it wouldn't be far and your lifts (and therefore confidence) would tank

  131. 7 months ago

    I need a bigger neck, but not doing fricking head bobbing reps
    does constantly wearing a weighted helmet a home help it grow?
    t. chicken neck

  132. 7 months ago

    UKgay here, who sells a good mid-range lifting belt? I bought one from MyProtein yesterday as they were like £14 but I didn't predict the quality to be so fricking abysmal.

    The belt leather was ripped at the back, the metal was rusted completely with a poor application of shitty, flaky black paint to hide it. I would've definitely went to Snap City if I relied on that fricking rubbish.

  133. 7 months ago

    Any harm in eating this exact breakfast every day?

    5 eggs cooked in 5g butter + salt, pepper + paprika +
    20g red bell peppers
    20g green bell peppers
    30g cheddar cheese + 50g tomato +38g spinach

  134. 7 months ago

    I’m gonna start cutting, should I keep taking creatine or stop?

  135. 7 months ago

    Would it be better/easier for me to squat bare feet as somone with flat?

    • 7 months ago

      flat feet

  136. 7 months ago

    Is training only 3 days a week if I want to take lifting a bit more seriously? I do arms on monday, chest and back on wednesday and legs on friday. I started with this program because I started lifting at home with dumbells and some basic callisthenics with absolute zero lifting backround backround. Last month I joined a gym and have kept the same split since. I really don't care about having the most optimal lifts possible, it's okay if I see gains a bit more slowly. If I wanted to hit every muscle group twice a week, how would I do it with a 4 day split?

  137. 7 months ago

    Do I need to take creatine every single day or only after workouts?

  138. 7 months ago

    I'm suffering an extreme bout of existential dread/nihilistic meaninglessness, how do I push through it?
    Going outside and to the gym just makes it worse, and it's killing my gains and general mental state.

  139. 7 months ago

    I'm doing SS, but I can only go to the gym twice a week. I have dumbbells, a chin-up bar and resistance bands at home. What's the best i can do with these?

  140. 7 months ago

    should I cut from 72kg at 5'9? been lifting since Feb but stalled at not particularly impressive weights (eg 132 bench for almost 5x5). I feel worse than when I started and just look fatter; at least when I was thin I had abs. just want to look attractive again

    • 7 months ago

      Just do more cardio
      Ideally, you'd never drop caloric intake as your metabolism should increase as you gain mass and test production

      I'm doing SS, but I can only go to the gym twice a week. I have dumbbells, a chin-up bar and resistance bands at home. What's the best i can do with these?

      Why can you only go twice?
      Sounds like cope.

      I'm suffering an extreme bout of existential dread/nihilistic meaninglessness, how do I push through it?
      Going outside and to the gym just makes it worse, and it's killing my gains and general mental state.

      Eat more obv
      Also, high test feel like euphoria+ existential dread so you're halfway there

      Do I need to take creatine every single day or only after workouts?

      You want to keep it above a certain level in your system or you'll frick with your bowels
      You can do an glutamine on and off if you really don't want to take a supplement everyday


      Is training only 3 days a week if I want to take lifting a bit more seriously? I do arms on monday, chest and back on wednesday and legs on friday. I started with this program because I started lifting at home with dumbells and some basic callisthenics with absolute zero lifting backround backround. Last month I joined a gym and have kept the same split since. I really don't care about having the most optimal lifts possible, it's okay if I see gains a bit more slowly. If I wanted to hit every muscle group twice a week, how would I do it with a 4 day split?

      Look up PHUL
      Optimally you want to hit everything twice a week

      You could also run SS + accessories+ cardio for a 3day

      Would it be better/easier for me to squat bare feet as somone with flat?

      Absolutely not
      Get some heeled lifting shoes
      I have flat feet and struggled with squats forever
      Make sure your knees and hips end up as far forward as you can go while keeping the weight mid foot

      • 7 months ago

        >Absolutely not
        >Get some heeled lifting shoes
        >I have flat feet and struggled with squats forever
        >Make sure your knees and hips end up as far forward as you can go while keeping the weight mid foot
        Oh, I thought it would be easier because I can easily squat atg barefooted (no weights) but in the gym i wear trainers with a slight heel lift and i find myself going too fowards during my squats. Maybe its jusy my form

        • 7 months ago

          The most efficient squat has your knees and hips forward
          Squat wider in the shoes
          There's some crazy lateral shear forces on your ankles when you squat flat footed
          As long as the weight is mid foot, your knees can be as far forward as you're able to

  141. 7 months ago

    Is doing legs and shoulders on one day a good idea. Rn in my ppl I do chest + shoulders + triceps and it takes way too long so I wanna move shoulders to the leg day

    • 7 months ago

      works for me. I am doing chest+tri/back+bi/legs+shoulder. moved shoulders to leg day because of the same reason. leg day is only 12 sets in total, so there is room for shoulders. chest+tri day on the other hand is like 15 sets, putting shoulders there seems like an overkill.

    • 7 months ago

      If you're going to press, you should do it with bench. On PPL6day, that'll make sure you're triceps and front delta can recover to bench again
      Shoulders really only need press and lateral flies (leaned forward a bit)
      So a push day would look like
      Bench var
      Heavy tri
      Tri var
      Shoulder flies

  142. 7 months ago

    >no LGBT in image

  143. 7 months ago

    This is the coffee I usually drink. What would be a step up? I usually brew in 200g boiled filtered water and 11g worth of its grounded coffee beans in my aeropress

    • 7 months ago

      Single Origin has the best coffee I've ever had

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