no Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread thread? Fixing that.

Ask your dumb fitness questions here. But remember:
>If you're new, read the sticky
>Relationship questions are not fitness-related and will be ignored
>Steroid and PED questions go to /fraud/

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  1. 6 months ago

    Tell me
    Is this shit worth for some minor cardio at home?

    • 6 months ago

      It's better than nothing. Whether or not it's worth the investment is up to how often you actually use it. Personally I find exercise equipment at home just takes up too much space when I could just walk outside.

      • 6 months ago

        I just want something to do cardio at home honestly besides having a home gym

    • 6 months ago

      personally I would vote no. Of all cardio machines bike is my least favorite. It's extremely boring and hurts my balls, my ass goes numb, my knee clicks...

      • 6 months ago

        But no because it hurts you though? Not because it doesn't work right

    • 6 months ago

      I bought that exact bike. Shaky and unsteady, then the batteries corroded out only a few months later and now it's unusable.

  2. 6 months ago

    Brehs, I'd like to build an abs routine but I have no idea how many times I should train them per week and how many exercices, reps and set I should be doing. But I want this routine to have the following exerices
    > Hanging leg raises
    > Using the ab wheel
    > Stomach Vacuums
    > Kegels
    Can someone help me build something around these. Obviously I'd like to train my whole core effectively and have more of flat stomach since mine is hanging even tho I'm not fat

    • 6 months ago

      Kegels are more of a sexual exercise, not an abs one. And to my knowledge stomach vacuums are more for show than actually building up the abs. Leg raises are great as are knee raises. I'd add decline crunches and dragonflies to that routine. For my abs I just do them 3xAMRAP at the end of my workouts, 3-4 times a week. Improvements in abs have been great.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah I know, I want to train my peepee's hardness. Not planning on doing them every session, just two to three times a week maybe.
        About stomach vacuums, I read a while ago that it's a legit exercice and even a good one.
        I hate crunches tho.

        • 6 months ago

          Crunches are probably the best way to train ab stability and strength. Avoid the machine because that shit sucks ass, just do actual real crunches without any assistance on a decline bench.

          • 6 months ago

            >Crunches are probably the best way to train ab stability and strength
            if you want core strength crunches are not the way to go

            • 6 months ago

              That's the best way I know to train them in isolation directly. What's your rec?

              • 6 months ago

                for only abs? get an abwheel do 3 sets 10-15reps controlled

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah, honestly I kinda forgot about the ad wheel. That shit's insane. Still though, decline situps/crunches are a great addition.

    • 6 months ago

      You should train them every workout. Since you can't progressively overload most ab exercises very well you should follow a ab progression. Master one exercise then move on to the next.

      Like this:
      >1. month: Planks (2minute)
      >2. month: Candle Raise
      >3.: hollow body hold (1 minute)
      >4.: reverse crunch
      >5.: L-Sit (1 minute)
      >6.: Toes To Bar
      >7.: Cable Crunch
      >8.: Ab Wheel Rollout
      >9.: Dragonflys
      >10.: Weighted Decline Situps

      For obliques do Side Plank Dips and Cable Woodchoppers. Even after six months I still made gains on those. After that you are probably able to do Windshield Wipers.

      • 6 months ago

        planks are a meme.

        • 6 months ago

          Most people just want some lines on their tummies.
          Can't get that without crunching motions

  3. 6 months ago

    how much water do you drink a day?

    • 6 months ago

      just enough to not be thirsty

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Zero. There's no need to drink non-isotonic drinks. All liquids should be tea, milk, juice, or some variation thereof

  4. 6 months ago

    Full-stacked the leg extension machine unilaterally, how do I work my quads now?

    Also, besides bulgarian squats and hip thrusts, what can I do to workout my glutes?

    • 6 months ago

      >how do I work my quads now?
      Leg press/hack squat
      >what can I do to workout my glutes?
      hip abduction, single leg press, almost any single leg exercise really.

      What kind of squat should I focus on if I don't have a power rack? I have 300lbs of weights and a barbell.
      Thinking about clean and front squat but I'm not sure how much I can realistically progressively overload on it?
      Zercher and Hack Squat kind of don't feel so good on my knees and back.

      What do?

      You should still do standard squats, but maybe learn how to bail from a failed squat properly just in-case. You can also buy safeties separately for emergencies.

      • 6 months ago

        >You should still do standard squats
        I did that until I reached 90 pounds. Too scary when you have to behind the neck press to get the weight off.

        • 6 months ago

          Do you not have a bar holder? the frick are you doing?

  5. 6 months ago

    What kind of squat should I focus on if I don't have a power rack? I have 300lbs of weights and a barbell.
    Thinking about clean and front squat but I'm not sure how much I can realistically progressively overload on it?
    Zercher and Hack Squat kind of don't feel so good on my knees and back.

    What do?

  6. 6 months ago

    I never lifted in my life, occasionally lurked here and decided to take the plunge with a full body strength program, not that different than SS. I have one big fricking problem:

    >All the compounds (Squat, Bench or OHP, DL) takes me a full fricking hour. Warming up only takes me 10-15 minutes

    I have NO FRICKING TIME to do accessories and I’m fricking FURIOUS. I don’t want to look like shit, please, what the frick do I do? Dedicated upper and lower periodization? Like days or weeks or months dedicated to certain body parts with accessories and only one compound for strength?

    • 6 months ago

      >full hour
      You will still make progress on 3x5. 5x5 is overkill imo. And you will get faster with time.

      • 6 months ago

        >You will still make progress on 3x5. 5x5 is overkill imo. And you will get faster with time.
        I’m doing 3x5 anon, and I’m well fed and am sleeping well

        • 6 months ago

          Stop distracting yourself between sets obv


          Full-stacked the leg extension machine unilaterally, how do I work my quads now?

          Also, besides bulgarian squats and hip thrusts, what can I do to workout my glutes?

          Uhhhhh squats? Did you forget or what??

          how much water do you drink a day?

          Depends on the day
          In the summer if I'm working outside I'll down well over 1.5 gallons
          In the winter it might be as little as a half gallon


          Tell me
          Is this shit worth for some minor cardio at home?

          I just bought the Walmart recumbent one so I could work and shit post during my LISS

          • 6 months ago

            >Stop distracting yourself between sets obv
            There’s 0 things distracting me, it’s not like we have Victoria secret models walking around

          • 6 months ago

            Yes, squats and deadlifts as main exercises, but what should I use as an auxiliary exercises now that I already full stacket single leg extensions?

    • 6 months ago

      >Warming up only takes me 10-15 minutes
      explain. Warm ups should be 5 minutes at the very most.

      >All the compounds (Squat, Bench or OHP, DL) takes me a full fricking hour
      How long are you resting and what are your sets/reps/weight? If my 3pl8 deadlift only takes 15 minutes your Squat/bench/OHP should take the very most 8 minutes apiece.

      • 6 months ago

        >explain. Warm ups should be 5 minutes at the very most.
        5 minutes low intensity cardio to warm muscles
        5-10 minutes practicing barbell movements with lower weights as everyone does, including riptoe’s 20/40/60/80% protocol

        This isn’t what bothers me. It’s the lifts themselves that take me a lot
        >How long are you resting and what are your sets/reps/weight? If my 3pl8 deadlift only takes 15 minutes your Squat/bench/OHP should take the very most 8 minutes apiece.
        Rest is 5-10 minutes, as prescribed by every fitness influencer and doctor because I’m supposed to be going hard on the lifts that I can properly do with good form to go up in numbers

        This doesn’t account to waiting for people to finish the fricking weights. On a “good” day I “finish” these compounds from an hour to an hour and a half. On a bad day it takes me an hour to 2 hours because I wait. I want to do accessories and cardio, this is taking too much.

        Should I just do PHUL? Or some variation like West side BB 4 skinny bastards?

        • 6 months ago

          1) lift in the morning
          2) rest for 3-5 minutes between sets

          The actual best time to wait between sets depends on your body but basically your heart rate plummets after a heavy set and then when it picks back up, that's when you lift

          You can track this with any basic heart rate monitor
          If you're doing trash volume (light weight babyyy) it's actually better to go when your heart rate is right at it's slowest

          If you take pre-workout, you really want all your big lifts done within 50-60 minutes of ingestion

        • 6 months ago

          ditch the cardio, completely unnecessary.
          >5-10 minutes practicing barbell movements with lower weights as everyone does
          you don't need more than 3 minutes to do this, even less as a beginner.
          > including riptoe’s 20/40/60/80% protocol
          waste of time unless you're pressing heavy. Just do 50%/75%/90% with no rest in-between each of 5/3/2 respectively.

          >Rest is 5-10 minutes
          wayyyyyy too fricking long anon, holy shit. 5 minutes it like the max recommended. For what it's worth, I'm cutting and doing 3x8. Here are my working weights and rest time.
          >Squats 230 3x8 (4 min rest)
          >Bench 82 db 3x8 (3 min rest)
          >OHP 130 3x8 (3 min rest)
          >Deadlift 335 3x5 (5 min rest)

          • 6 months ago

            The squat is what gets me tired. You’re telling me to ditch warming up completely? Including warming up with lighter weight? Because doing 50-90% instead of 20/40/60/80 WILL take me as much time if not longer

            • 6 months ago

              No dude, you're not getting me. First off, warm ups have little to no rest between each "set". Your rest time is the time it takes to change the weights. Here's my routine for warm ups:
              >10 quick reps of just the bar
              >5 reps of 50% working weight
              >3 reps of 75% working weight
              >1-2 reps of 90% working weight
              >rest 3-4 minutes and start first set.

              • 6 months ago

                How do you adjust this for someone’s working weight being the bar?

              • 6 months ago

                If you can only lift the bar just do the movement without the bar for like 10 reps. Honestly until you hit 1pl8 for squats I really feel the 50/75/90 warm ups are unnecessary, most newbies really don't NEED to warm up, the weight isn't heavy enough to cause injury.

              • 6 months ago

                >If you can only lift the bar just do the movement without the bar for like 10 reps
                I’ve been doing 3x5 for 20 and 1x5 for 30 for squats, Ohp, dls, and rows. It didn’t cause me any problems and that’s how I’ve been going up in numbers. When I couldn’t do 20, I did body weight then 10 then 20.

              • 6 months ago

                that routine is moronic
                Why don't you people just do SS. It's literally made for people like you.

              • 6 months ago

                I’m saying I couldn’t do ss with the empty barbell so I had to work my way up anon

              • 6 months ago

                are you literally a skeleton? I've never met anyone who couldn't do the bar.

    • 6 months ago

      Are you surfing 4chinz/IG during your break between sets?
      Get a simple kitchen timer. Set it for 90 seconds between sets break. Don't look at your phone at all. Guarantee you'll "find" an extra 15 minutes in your 1.5 hours at the gym.

  7. 6 months ago

    What are some good clothes for ISTzens? Compression shirts, oversize shirts... what kind of pants? What about jackets? What other clothes are nice to lifters?

    • 6 months ago

      wear what you want. If you want to show off gains, get something that shows skin. If you honestly don't care, just get a white t-shirt.

    • 6 months ago

      It's most important to be comfortable and confident in whatever you wear
      Women are more attracted to a dude being himself in Walmart clothes than some fricking try hard being insecure in his $200 vest or whatever

      Just look nice and be nice
      You'll likely never be big enough to be mean anyway

  8. 6 months ago

    My GF is pretty hefty. Is it bad that I don't really care?

    • 6 months ago

      Women are like money
      More is more
      Skinny women can only jiggle so much while fricking
      Thiccer girls can jiggle everywhere in every way depending on the position
      I don't know how you'd frick a skinny girl for 50 years of marriage tbh

  9. 6 months ago

    I’m 6foot and down to 200lbs doing keto. I rock climb twice a week and calisthenics one or twice a week. Should I stay and keto and try to lose more or start trying to do body recomp. I’m not all fat from since I have had semi physical jobs but I’m not very built either. Would it be easier to get skinny the bulk back up building muscle or to start now. I just want to look good I don’t care about being a power shitter.

    • 6 months ago

      keto's just another way to be in deficit. I like carbs too much to do keto, but either way as long as you lose weight and get enough protein you'll be fine. Start lifting now as opposed to later.


      will gaining more weight make me more hungry?
      If I do gomad and gain 25lb will my body be hungry enough to keep those lb on?

      I mean just count calories for a few weeks to get a feel for the new weight, then just slip out of it to maintain. The adjustment is habit, not the weight itself.


      I am pretty new to the gym and still kind of freestyling with no set routine. Is it generally smarter to start a workout with free weight stuff and finish on the machines? Currently on leg day I'm trying to finish with weighted lunges but after going to failure on leg extension, abductor, etc I'm shaky af and have terrible form on the lunges. Program issue or just skill issue?

      It doesn't matter when you do machines, all that really matters in programming for a routine is to do the more intense heavy lifts first and lighten up as you go, ending with isolations whether they're free weights or machines. And a real program will help you progress faster.

      • 6 months ago

        I under stand gaining weight is cico but I was just wondering if gain weight with gomad is a good way to increase hunger. I really feel full easy and want to find a way to increase my hunger in genera.

        • 6 months ago

          Probably not, it's liquid calories as well. If anything it'll just make you get really sick of drinking milk. IMO eat more often in smaller amounts.

          • 6 months ago

            good to know thanks

      • 6 months ago

        >t doesn't matter when you do machines, all that really matters in programming for a routine is to do the more intense heavy lifts first and lighten up as you go,

        Should I be doing squats and deadlifts first?

        • 6 months ago

          Preferably yeah. Heavy compounds should be at the top of your lift and descend in difficulty through the workout.

  10. 6 months ago

    will gaining more weight make me more hungry?
    If I do gomad and gain 25lb will my body be hungry enough to keep those lb on?

  11. 6 months ago

    I am pretty new to the gym and still kind of freestyling with no set routine. Is it generally smarter to start a workout with free weight stuff and finish on the machines? Currently on leg day I'm trying to finish with weighted lunges but after going to failure on leg extension, abductor, etc I'm shaky af and have terrible form on the lunges. Program issue or just skill issue?

    • 6 months ago

      Run a real routine
      You have zero knowledge about programming
      You're only hurting yourself

  12. 6 months ago

    My girlfriend has lost her sex drivr almost entirely. She says she doesn't even jerk off anymore. If I got her to start lifting, would her libido come back? Idk how female libido works dudes.

    • 6 months ago

      she's cheating on you

      • 6 months ago

        Why does no one answer questions straight

    • 6 months ago

      Lifting increases testosterone, high test women tend to be more aggressive and eventually more sexual, but depends on the person.
      Also, she's cheating.

  13. 6 months ago

    Do microplastics, like synthetic clothes and plastic bottles, affect gains?

    • 6 months ago

      Probably. To what extent we don't really know yet.

      How do I restore empathy loss from porn and fap addiction?

      ask a therapist. Not fitness related.


      I didn't see a beginner gen so I'll post here.

      help me lads, I'm a new lifter, 26 yo 5'8" 160 lbs. bf is about 30%. somewhere between skellymode and straight up skinnyfat.
      I've been doing Greyskull LP (picrel) for about a month and yesterday I stalled my bench. I've been adding 5 lbs every time I bench, I loaded up 120 today and literally couldn't do it, had to do the roll of shame. I then went back down to 115 which I did 3 x 5 last time, and couldn't do that either. Fully demoralized I deloaded to 90% (about 105 lbs) like the plan suggests and finished my sets.

      Isn't a month of lifting way too soon to be stalling already? I looked it up and a lot of people were suggesting adding tricep accessories, and another common advice was to focus on hypertrophy to get bench to go up. Apparently bench is highly dependent on size and not strength. could my skelly arms be the reason I stalled so fast? In any case I'm not sure if I can continue linear progression. I have microplates, should I just resume at 105 and increment by 2.5 lbs per workout rather than 5 lbs?

      You're doing fine, that area is typical for newbies to get stuck around. +5 lbs per week has a natural stopping point for everyone, it's when you find your true working weight. So now your goal is to hit at-least 5 reps for bench on your final set twice in a row, then move up weight and repeat.
      > I looked it up and a lot of people were suggesting adding tricep accessories, and another common advice was to focus on hypertrophy to get bench to go up
      That's advice for people who are genuinely stuck for weeks on end, not during a bump in beginner gains. none of the other shit you posted is relevant as you're weak everywhere and that's why you're lifting in the first place.
      >I have microplates, should I just resume at 105 and increment by 2.5 lbs per workout rather than 5 lbs?
      Again, you're getting to the point where you won't be able to up the weight every single session. But yeah, you should be increasing by 2.5 instead of 5 for more consistent linear progression.

  14. 6 months ago

    I didn't see a beginner gen so I'll post here.

    help me lads, I'm a new lifter, 26 yo 5'8" 160 lbs. bf is about 30%. somewhere between skellymode and straight up skinnyfat.
    I've been doing Greyskull LP (picrel) for about a month and yesterday I stalled my bench. I've been adding 5 lbs every time I bench, I loaded up 120 today and literally couldn't do it, had to do the roll of shame. I then went back down to 115 which I did 3 x 5 last time, and couldn't do that either. Fully demoralized I deloaded to 90% (about 105 lbs) like the plan suggests and finished my sets.

    Isn't a month of lifting way too soon to be stalling already? I looked it up and a lot of people were suggesting adding tricep accessories, and another common advice was to focus on hypertrophy to get bench to go up. Apparently bench is highly dependent on size and not strength. could my skelly arms be the reason I stalled so fast? In any case I'm not sure if I can continue linear progression. I have microplates, should I just resume at 105 and increment by 2.5 lbs per workout rather than 5 lbs?

    • 6 months ago

      It could be a form problem, or a fatigue problem.
      You could try deloading to 80% of your 5x5 (why? because that's the weight you should, in theory, generate most power at), and do a day or 2 of speed sets (still 5x5, but keep at that lower weight and focus on moving the bar FAST)

  15. 6 months ago

    How do I restore empathy loss from porn and fap addiction?

  16. 6 months ago

    I started running a ULPPL routine (more specifically PLPxULx) and I feel like my front delts are completely fried after my first two compounds on push day, forcing me to do less weight than I normally would. should I drop an exercise? should I do them in a different order? current workout order is:

    DB Bench 3x8-12
    DB OHP 3x8-12
    DB Incline Bench 3x8-12
    DB Upright Rows 3x8-12
    Cable cross over myoreps
    lateral raises myoreps
    Tricep extension 3x8-12
    Tricep Pushdown 3x8-12

    I've tried doing upright rows before incline bench and it didn't really make a difference.

    • 6 months ago

      You're doing 3 main pushing workouts one after the other, 9 sets of pushing... ok, it's around 10 reps and it's dumbbells, so it's not as heavy as 9x5 barbell bench or something, but you're still going to feel it.
      Why aren't you doing those exercises with a barbell tho?

  17. 6 months ago

    is there any difference between a workout that is split between upper and lower body on a day 1-day 2 schedule and a program that works the whole body every second day? i assume if you're only going to the gym every second day that the amount of rest etc would be the same regardless except that the second workout would just make your whole body sore rather than half

    • 6 months ago

      IF the workouts are the same, same percentages, same reps, same rest times:
      no difference. It's been shown plenty of times, train however the frick you want, count the sets and reps at the end of the month.
      BUT, are you going to train the same? If it's all compound lifts for high volume, systemic fatigue is going to hit you hard, and even if you COULD do it, you might not WANT to. Check the Texas Method, mondays are killer and people quickly split that bear of a workout into squats on monday and bench on tuesday, because frick doing both on the same day for a challenging 5x5.
      But maybe you're moving things around the week, so that you're doing heavy squats with some upper body isolations, and the massive benching with speed pulls or something, that will let you train 100% on all your lifts, that would work fine.

  18. 6 months ago

    Does Planet Fitness even do the pizza night thing anymore? Seems like inflation would have killed it off.

  19. 6 months ago

    After two years of stalling I'm switching from kettlebells to a barbell, Can I get away with just this or do I really need to get a power rack cage like ripplebreasts wants me to?

    • 6 months ago

      Should be fine

  20. 6 months ago

    The sides of my hips and above it is gaining a lot of muscle for some reason, it's making me look fricking weird.

    I am doing good morning, which I desperately need. Is that blowing these muscles up as well?
    I also can't find what muscles they are.

    • 6 months ago

      Are you doing a ton of abs too?
      Don't train abs, compound lifts are enough for them.

      • 6 months ago

        I'm a fricking moron and left out that the muscles are in the back.

        • 6 months ago

          Oh, ok. Spinal erectors then.
          You ARE directly training them with dem gud mornings, so... are you sure you need good mornings? What for, exactly, since you don't want the extra spinal erectors? Maybe there are other exercises that would work better, but you gotta say what you actually want.

          • 6 months ago

            But they are so far to the sides, can't possibly be the erectors. I feel those already like two pillars.
            These muscles act like lovehandles almost, building up an unnatractive look.

            I have a bad back and good mornings have been perfect with great results.

  21. 6 months ago

    How many exercices, sets and reps are needed to train abs dailly and effectively?

    • 6 months ago

      once you've done squats, pulls from the floor, and some pull ups?
      they're already being trained effectively.

    • 6 months ago
  22. 6 months ago

    Can I do push-ups every day?

    • 6 months ago

      How many push ups can you do?
      If you can do like 10, no, you need to rest.
      If, as normal, you can go for however long you like, but doing them quickly or with extra weight would be a serious workout, then yeah, you can go crazy. But it would be kinda worthless, do more difficult variations like plyometric, weighted, or handstand push ups.

      • 6 months ago

        >How many push ups can you do?
        60. Failed on 61 last time. I want to get up to 100 in a row, and then I'll try some harder stuff. Been doing this in addition to my other lifts.

        • 6 months ago

          You can do however many push ups you want, it's not even cardio at this point, it's almost walking. or wanking.
          Do jumping push ups/one arm/decline/handstand/weighted instead, something that can challenge you in a few reps.

  23. 6 months ago

    Why on earth do I get super horny a day after I eat mayonnaise? It's so dumb

    • 6 months ago

      It's because you don't eat enough fat in general
      Can't make test without fat

      • 6 months ago

        whoops i did not know that. thanks anon

  24. 6 months ago

    Is there a good 2 day a week program? I work a lot.

    • 6 months ago

      Full body
      Work heaviest compound to lightest then accessories
      Also, wake up earlier so you can lift everyday


      yes or no? Read it's good for joints. Also skin and hair growth.

      Every shop is a scam unless you have a legitimately diagnosed condition


      bf% estimate?


      is it okay/advisable to do hammer and isolated bicep curl in the same routine?

      How many times a week do you hit arms?
      I do slow controlled straight out hammers and usually another bicep movement twice a week

      • 6 months ago

        Going to try, I already wake up at 4:30am and don’t get home till 5pm, 6 days a week but I get off early saturdays. If I’m doing two full body work outs a week and I do one Saturday what day should I do the other. Wednesday?

        • 6 months ago

          Cont. I don’t have time to the gym in the morning but I can get up at least 30 minutes earlier so I can do abs everyday I think, Is that a good plan along with a 2 day full body?

  25. 6 months ago


    yes or no? Read it's good for joints. Also skin and hair growth.

  26. 6 months ago

    bf% estimate?

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        that's what i thought, 15-20
        can't wait for sub 12 and then doing the most demonic bulk of my entire life


        yeah i'm based like that

        • 6 months ago

          Dude, I genuinely think cutting isn't what you should be doing. You should at bare minimum do recomp but you're so smol you should r

          • 6 months ago

            1. i wanna see if i have abs whilst barely working them (it would be funny if i did)
            2. i want those jawline gains

  27. 6 months ago

    is it okay/advisable to do hammer and isolated bicep curl in the same routine?

  28. 6 months ago

    Anyone taking L-Glutamine as a supplement?
    What's your experience so far?

    Eric Berg says it's good against sugar and alcohol cravings but it's apparently also good for muscle growth?

  29. 6 months ago

    how do I lose body fat percentage? I want to go for the pic related look. anytime I've tried i end up losing pounds but the percentage stays the same. Right now I'm 180 lbs and about 19% bf

    • 6 months ago

      eat at caloric deficit while lifting heavy
      repeat until desired results.
      luckily you'll lose more fat than muscle

      • 6 months ago

        >while lifting heavy
        can i substitute with calisthenics? do a shit ton of pulls ups and dips and such?

        • 6 months ago

          Eating at deficit, at some point, will cause catabolism.
          Lifting heavy signals your body to preserve muscle mass. The less intensive, the less stimulus, the greater risk of catabolism.
          Maybe your body gets enough from calisthenics. I'd lift heavy, but the risk is up to you.

          ive just done 5 reps of 90kg squats
          how in the hell are people doing twice that much weight for reps? holy shit

          Doing things right over time. And genetics.

          • 6 months ago

            how long until someone without drugs can squat double his own bodyweight?
            im very jealous of those people

            • 6 months ago

              Progress is very subjective. When you do everything right, the best you get is a "better chance". According to diminishing returns, the when your progress is slowing, will be even slower later.

              Should you be doing high volume lifting during a cut? or more something akin to 5x5?

              Typically, you should train in the same fashion, however too much volume could interfere on your recovery.
              Let's say you're following a basic strength focus program with some accessories at the end, when recovery is getting more difficult, adjust those accessories fist then reevaluate.

          • 6 months ago

            >Eating at deficit, at some point, will cause

            No, volume is the enemy of a cut. If anything, you want to reduce overall volume by like 25%.

            It'll be dependent on a bunch of genetic factors and their programming. Some people are built to squat. Some people are built to bench. Some people are built to be weak at everything.

            catabolism will only happen if he's not getting enough protein + not exercising. A simple cut won't cause that.
            >catabolism will only happen if he's not getting enough protein + not exercising. A simple cut won't cause that.
            Catabolism starts a few hours after your last meal. Muscle is basically protein storage for your heart and lungs which never go catabolic.

            This is why eating a protein dense meal when you wake up is so important, and why intermittent fasting is bad for your health (and good for weight loss).

            • 6 months ago

              I'd like to see a single source backing this claim up because it sounds like bullshit.

              • 6 months ago

                Source is biochem degree. But yeah muscles store protein for your heart and lungs the way your liver stores glucose. Just look into what is necessary for protein synthesis in the body, google mtor, google halflife of protein in muscle vs heart (it's minutes vs hours), etc. Muscle sysnthesis is active for only a few hours after a meal any other times the muscles are losing nucleic acids to supply the rest of the body.

              • 6 months ago

                I was asking for a scientific source, not "I'm a doctor trust me bro"

              • 6 months ago

                K. So I googled for you..

                Read "Assessing the Role of Muscle Protein Breakdown in Response to Nutrition and Exercise in Humans, J. Sports Medicine" and the first few referenced papers, specifically "The underappreciated role of muscle in health and disease. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition", and "Excercise induced changes in protein metabolism"

                See above, less than a minute late
                >verification not required

              • 6 months ago

                K. So I googled for you..

                Read "Assessing the Role of Muscle Protein Breakdown in Response to Nutrition and Exercise in Humans, J. Sports Medicine" and the first few referenced papers, specifically "The underappreciated role of muscle in health and disease. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition", and "Excercise induced changes in protein metabolism"

                Not gonna pretend I'm a doc and can read through all the science jargon, but I'm not really seeing how either of these articles back up your claims of "You need to eat protein first thing in the morning" and "IF is bad for you".

                From "Assessing the Role of Muscle Protein Breakdown"
                >We simply do not know enough about the response of various individual proteins to exercise of various types. Moreover, we know next to nothing about how various nutrition interventions impact the degradation of particular proteins. Therefore, it may be a mistake to attempt to limit MPB with nutritional interventions following exercise.

                and from "Excercise induced changes in protein metabolism"
                >Much of the disagreement in the results of studies on the response of whole body protein metabolism to exercise may be attributed to the limitations of the available methods. Even if the methodology accurately reflects whole body metabolism, this may not reflect changes in the protein metabolism of muscle.
                >While it is clear that muscle protein synthesis and protein breakdown increase in a qualitatively similar manner following exercise, the mechanisms of stimulation have yet to be determined.

                I don't get what either of these articles have to do with catabolism or IF being bad.

              • 6 months ago

                Short answer:
                MPS=Muscle Protein Synthesis
                MPB=Muscle Protein Breakdown
                MPS>MPB=anabolism, muscles are growing
                MPB>MPS=catabolism, muscles are shrinking

                eating inhibits MPB due to insulin for 1-2 hrs
                eating inhibits MPB due to amino acids for 4-5 hrs
                eating increases MPS due to interactions with amini acids for ~5hrs via leucine pathway / mtor

                there's more there but to clarify it's not necessarily "bad". IF is "bad" for optimal muscle gain but good for losing weight. IF puts additional stress on your heart but so does running so make of it what you will. IF can also be good for people with insulin disregulation.

              • 6 months ago

                I mean, exactly how much is the breakdown? Are we talking enough to undo progress, or something on a level that is virtually unnoticeable? Obviously optimal scenarios are hard to achieve so we shouldn't hold ourselves to some perfect scenario that's more trouble than it's worth. I just don't want newbies to see this and think "HOLY SHIT I NEED TO DRINK PROTEIN THE MINUTE I WAKE UP"

              • 6 months ago

                Do you really think you can get swole on OMAD? Obviously extremes are bad and everything in the middle is practically the same.

              • 6 months ago

                >Do you really think you can get swole on OMAD?
                I never said that I thought that. I wouldn't doubt that one could make strength gains on OMAD, maybe even gain muscle. If you eat in a surplus, how is it possible for MPB to outweigh MPS? It seems like the article supports these conclusions.

              • 6 months ago

                >I just don't want newbies to see this and think "HOLY SHIT I NEED TO DRINK PROTEIN THE MINUTE I WAKE UP"
                No, but I do want them to think "my first (and last) meal of the day should include a good amount of protein"..

              • 6 months ago

                >Moreover, we know next to nothing about how various nutrition interventions impact the degradation of particular proteins. Therefore, it may be a mistake to attempt to limit MPB with nutritional interventions following exercise.
                This is important too - how do we know the proteins that are being broken down are functional and not waste?

                The article does say that much more is known about protein synthesis than breakdown. Eating only increases protein synthesis and inhibits breakdown for a few hours so IF or skipping breakfast gives less time that your muscles are growing and more time they are shrinking. I'm not going to look for a study on IF and muscle gain in strength training but if you find anything post it.

              • 6 months ago

                I mean this is purely anecdotal but I rarely ever eat breakfast and I haven't experienced any major loss in strength or muscle mass from what I can tell. I just don't buy into the idea that this is anything worth worrying about for the average person

              • 6 months ago

                >anything worth worrying about for the average person
                agree. It's probably worth worrying about if you are an athlete tho. I don't think any trainers have people skipping breakfast.

                >Do you really think you can get swole on OMAD?
                I never said that I thought that. I wouldn't doubt that one could make strength gains on OMAD, maybe even gain muscle. If you eat in a surplus, how is it possible for MPB to outweigh MPS? It seems like the article supports these conclusions.

                >how is it possible for MPB to outweigh MPS? It seems like the article supports these conclusions
                Agree, this is mostly a question of optimal vs sub optimal

              • 6 months ago

                Source is biochem degree. But yeah muscles store protein for your heart and lungs the way your liver stores glucose. Just look into what is necessary for protein synthesis in the body, google mtor, google halflife of protein in muscle vs heart (it's minutes vs hours), etc. Muscle sysnthesis is active for only a few hours after a meal any other times the muscles are losing nucleic acids to supply the rest of the body.

                K. So I googled for you..

                Read "Assessing the Role of Muscle Protein Breakdown in Response to Nutrition and Exercise in Humans, J. Sports Medicine" and the first few referenced papers, specifically "The underappreciated role of muscle in health and disease. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition", and "Excercise induced changes in protein metabolism"

  30. 6 months ago

    ive just done 5 reps of 90kg squats
    how in the hell are people doing twice that much weight for reps? holy shit

  31. 6 months ago

    Should you be doing high volume lifting during a cut? or more something akin to 5x5?

    • 6 months ago

      No, volume is the enemy of a cut. If anything, you want to reduce overall volume by like 25%.

      how long until someone without drugs can squat double his own bodyweight?
      im very jealous of those people

      It'll be dependent on a bunch of genetic factors and their programming. Some people are built to squat. Some people are built to bench. Some people are built to be weak at everything.

      Eating at deficit, at some point, will cause catabolism.
      Lifting heavy signals your body to preserve muscle mass. The less intensive, the less stimulus, the greater risk of catabolism.
      Maybe your body gets enough from calisthenics. I'd lift heavy, but the risk is up to you.

      Doing things right over time. And genetics.

      catabolism will only happen if he's not getting enough protein + not exercising. A simple cut won't cause that.

      • 6 months ago

        Progress is very subjective. When you do everything right, the best you get is a "better chance". According to diminishing returns, the when your progress is slowing, will be even slower later.

        Typically, you should train in the same fashion, however too much volume could interfere on your recovery.
        Let's say you're following a basic strength focus program with some accessories at the end, when recovery is getting more difficult, adjust those accessories fist then reevaluate.

        Thanks lads will cut by volume when on that spring cut

  32. 6 months ago

    I've never really had frequent bowel movements but since I've began bulking (300-350 kcal over maintenance) I've been shitting daily, sometimes twice a day, and my weight hasn't really changed in the last 3 weeks. Am I shitting out all my gains?

    • 6 months ago

      did you only change your calorie intake or also your diet (aka have you altered what foods you ate and the nutritional makeup of your diet). I personally shit daily and always have done. I rarely eat anything for breakfast, have a mild lunch and a big evening meal and always shit 10-20minutes after I finish said meal like fricking clockwork. Whenever my diet changes, like if I have drinks, eat junkfood or do something else out of the dietary ordinary, all hell breaks loose with my shitting habits for at least 48hours and it 100% effects my weight gain/loss. Dietary changes can have wider reaching effects than we're ready for.

    • 6 months ago

      A healthy male with high testosterone should be shitting 2-3 times a day

  33. 6 months ago

    Can you get a chick to wax your dick and balls instead of a dude? How normal is it?
    I want to be waxed but I don't want a dude touching my junk.
    No I don't want anything sexual and I'm quite sure I won't pop a bone. I just don't want a dude

  34. 6 months ago

    How long will it take to tell if I have good genetics? I'm a month in, started off more or less untrained. I can bench 110x5, squat 165x7, rdl 185x7, curl 35lbsx7, dumbbell row 60x7.

  35. 6 months ago

    How long do protein powder mixed with water last in room temperature? I want to bring a shaker to work but i'll be there for around 8 hours before im able to drink it

    • 6 months ago

      Oh, i should mention i mix it with cold coffee instead of water and also mix creatine in it

  36. 6 months ago

    How did you fix your schedules to start being organized and balance hobbies-work-exercise and the extra stuff that always comes up? I feel like everything is crumbling down and I haven't even done most of the stuff I want to

    • 6 months ago

      God, I'm such a frick up atm
      And the pathetic part about all this is I'm not even enjoying myself when I'm not being in line with my discipline. I don't have a lot of friends or time to see the ones I got, I'm not goint to parties, I don't even read or play video games and I feel anxious for nothing at all. WTF
      Fricking neurotic dyel

    • 6 months ago

      "stuff i need to do" for me is studying, and I've found that if I just go to bed at the same time every day (21:00) and wake up at the same time (05:00) it's a lot easier to get shit done.

      My alarm goes off and I immediately sit down on my desk which i cleaned and prepared the night before and I just start working. Getting into a flow state right after waking up is surprisingly easy. I get around 2-4 hours of solid work done before uni even starts

      What are you trying to get done?

    • 6 months ago

      Lift first thing in the morning
      It'll give you drive to do everything else

  37. 6 months ago

    Should I be gaining muscle if I don't meet calorie intake but meet protein intake? Calories confuse me a lot because according to various calorie calculators I should be consuming copious amounts that I don't remember doing even once in my life but I maintain weight (about 5 kg of wiggle room) and I do notice some muscle growth.

  38. 6 months ago

    My goals for 2024:
    >lose weight
    >reduce blood pressure
    >get healthier in general
    >gain stamina
    >control adhd/depression

    For that, I intend to:
    >stop smoking
    >drop caffeine to a minimum
    >no sugar, zero
    >reduce salt
    >reduce size of portions
    >increase protein, reduce carbs, increase vegetables
    >start running/lifting 3x a week
    >start taking magnesium, omega 3, perhaps other supplements

    I'm 31, 1.80m (~6ft), 88kg (194lbs).

    How the frick do I achieve this without going mad trying to battle sugar cravings, cigarette cravings, no-coffee headaches, etc all at once? I need to fix my life for good.

    • 6 months ago

      That's a huge set of goals anon. Let me give you some advice.
      >stop smoking
      honestly i dunno, I've never smoked. I know it's a b***h to quit cold turkey. I guess just get people to hold you accountable and don't replace it with another vice?
      >drop caffeine to a minimum
      1 cup black coffee will sate you
      >no sugar, zero
      Not really necessary, a bit of sugar is harmless and found naturally in fruits. Just don't let it get excessive.
      >reduce salt
      You don't need to do that. Sodium is completely harmless unless you megadose it, and even then that's easily counter acted by just drinking more water.
      >reduce size of portions
      get a food scale and count calories.
      >increase protein, reduce carbs, increase vegetables
      no need to reduce carbs or go low-carb. Low-carb diets are net-negatives, you gain none of the benefits of keto and are low energy. Either enjoy carbs or cut them out completely and go keto.
      >start running/lifting 3x a week
      If you're a beginner do SS or SL. For running, avoid C25k, it ramps up way too quickly for your average person. Just jog slowly for 10 minutes, then 12, and so on until you can start going faster or a certain amount of miles.
      >start taking magnesium, omega 3, perhaps other supplements
      Omega 3 is a scam that doesn't do shit, and you don't need supplements if you aren't deficient in them. Taking extra does nothing.

      • 6 months ago

        I was not very clear, I guess it's alright to have it on a fruit, but I'm cutting on all sweets like soda, icecream, chocolate, etc.

        My problem is with high blood pressure and I tend to put more salt on my food than normal, I gotta stop that.

        >no need to reduce carbs or go low-carb. Low-carb diets are net-negatives, you gain none of the benefits of keto and are low energy. Either enjoy carbs or cut them out completely and go keto
        Interesting, I didn't know about it.

        Thanks for other tips, anon.

  39. 6 months ago


    >Use nair or magic shave powder at home.
    I tried. I did it first for the recommended 5 minutes. Then 10, then 20.
    I have super pubes that are immune to hair delapodaters

    • 6 months ago

      Did you trim first? You're not supposed to put it on long hairs, just stubble.

      • 6 months ago

        Yup. Trimmed it down to 1 on my Trimmer head. I also tried sugar waxing myself too. That was just a mess. I think I need a professional.

  40. 6 months ago

    Does lifting heavy necessarily translate to better muscle growth? I'm a weak skelly looking to gain mass and so far I've been doing a hypertrophy routine with weights that get me close to failure, but they sure are some light weights. If I build up strength first, will it allow me to bulk up more efficiently?

    Also, noticed that my grip strength becomes nonexistent after a workout, literally got stuff falling out of my hands, is it a bad sign? I'm not overtraining, am I?

    • 6 months ago

      >I'm a weak skelly
      >I've been doing a hypertrophy routine
      So the deal with high volume is to inch past your limits. As a beginner your limits are enormous, and you aren't going to benefit from the extra volume. Stick to something simple like SS or SL for a few months to build up strength and basic muscle, then move on to a higher volume routine.

      Would I be weighing at actually frozen or should I still let it dethaw first?

      Like the other anon said, if it's meat sold frozen, it might be pumped full of brine. If it's fresh meat that you froze, as-is.

      I spent the past 6 months in the dark in a place very far away from the equator, so I got prescribed a "shock" dosage of vitamin D3 to bring up my normal levels. I have to take 50000 IU per day for a week, and then just one every 2 weeks to maintain.
      My problem is that they told me "be sure to supplement K3 too!" but with zero instructions. Should I take K2 daily even if I'm taking a 50000 IU D3 dose biweekly? My logic tells me that I can take the 50000 D3 and it will "top up" my reserves and then take a normal K2 pill daily to redirect that calcium to the bones and it should work, but I'm no doctor.

      Just take the amount recommended on the bottle.

      Can someone PLEASE tell me how long it takes to recover from muscular endurance activities like circuit training? Not to be confused with cardiovascular endurance.

      Can I do muscular endurance routines on my rest days while I’m doing a strength program? Ie Strength x Musc Endurance x Strength x Musc Endurance x Strength x Musc Endurance x rest then repeat? Or do muscular endurance routines require as much rest as strength and hypertrophy ones?

      Circuit training is momshit done to fool normies into thinking they're getting a great workout. In reality it's glorified cardio with a smattering of light weights involved.
      >muscular endurance routine
      That's literally just exercise.

      What are the advantages and disadvantages of cutting my rest between sets down from 3 minutes to 90 seconds?

      Depends on the lift. For isolations, probably no real disadvantages. For heavy compounds, failure. You need 2 minutes bare minimum for heavier lifts. Once you get into the actual heavy shit it can be upwards of 5.

      • 6 months ago

        >You need 2 minutes bare minimum for heavier lifts. Once you get into the actual heavy shit it can be upwards of 5.
        but wouldn't that just mean I reach failure in less reps so getting the same gainz with 6 reps instead of 10 while minimising wear and tear?

        • 6 months ago

          What? No. If you could potentially do 4 additional reps instead of failing on your 6th, how would failing be better? Failing a lift isn't like getting a bonus on a slot machine, it's stopping your set early. And I hope you aren't doing 10 reps for compounds because that's often way too high of volume for people who aren't specifically training and lightweight/high volume.

          • 6 months ago

            But the goal is to reach muscle failure and when I reach it with 6 instead of 10 reps isn't that better?

            • 6 months ago

              >But the goal is to reach muscle failure
              It shouldn't be. If you're doing sets in any conventional manner, the goal is to reach the amount of reps in your sets. Repeating the same sentence over and over again isn't going to make it true.

              and again, if you're a beginner 10 reps is too much for compounds. Stick to 6-8 max. Preferably 5 if you're a total beginner.

  41. 6 months ago

    So if you measure out food, are you supposed to measure before or after you cook it?
    The nutrion label for a frozen chicken breast says like 22g of protein in 4 oz. Thats supposed to be based on the product as packaged right?
    So if I cook my chicken, and it ends up weighing 4 oz afterward, theres actually more protein in it than the 22g that the label advertises?

    • 6 months ago

      Before, yes, yes.

      • 6 months ago

        Would I be weighing at actually frozen or should I still let it dethaw first?

        • 6 months ago

          Depends on where you live/how shitty your chicken is, some shitty vendors here pump meat full of saline salution so it all leaks out during thawing. I'd still weigh mine after thawing even though any meat would lose at least some moisture, it's better to be safe than sorry.

  42. 6 months ago

    I spent the past 6 months in the dark in a place very far away from the equator, so I got prescribed a "shock" dosage of vitamin D3 to bring up my normal levels. I have to take 50000 IU per day for a week, and then just one every 2 weeks to maintain.
    My problem is that they told me "be sure to supplement K3 too!" but with zero instructions. Should I take K2 daily even if I'm taking a 50000 IU D3 dose biweekly? My logic tells me that I can take the 50000 D3 and it will "top up" my reserves and then take a normal K2 pill daily to redirect that calcium to the bones and it should work, but I'm no doctor.

  43. 6 months ago

    My nipples are puffy. I don't have gyno but I'm at 25% body fat. Is it expected that I'd have puffy nipples or should I be worried about T levels?

    • 6 months ago

      Nipple/areola size is genetic, the more you lose bf it’ll be less pronounced. Gyno by definition is having a gelatinous sack under your nipple that produces or mimics mammary glands of women, some extreme cases guys have their middle nipple protude out of the nip. Just focus on getting bf down, and stop being insecure. Girls don’t care about it and a minority go crazy for big nipples on men

  44. 6 months ago

    Bros I'm pretty much gonna give up strength lifts and use DBs/Machines, what are the closest equivalents that give you the strong nervous system feels of a nice BB row, squat, or deadlift?
    I did pic related as a kid and now my back is also pic related(MRI I finally got after throwing my back out for the hundredth time)
    I've gone to physios and physical therapists for extended periods twice literally starting back from lifting just the bar and monitoring form and bracing but now I frick it up from lighter weight everytime, basically the consensus is there is some mechanical/degenerative weakness from my first injury and it's best to avoid heavier weights
    Anyway what lifts do any of you with fricked backs like that still feel strong?

  45. 6 months ago

    Can someone PLEASE tell me how long it takes to recover from muscular endurance activities like circuit training? Not to be confused with cardiovascular endurance.

    Can I do muscular endurance routines on my rest days while I’m doing a strength program? Ie Strength x Musc Endurance x Strength x Musc Endurance x Strength x Musc Endurance x rest then repeat? Or do muscular endurance routines require as much rest as strength and hypertrophy ones?

  46. 6 months ago

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of cutting my rest between sets down from 3 minutes to 90 seconds?

  47. 6 months ago

    Loading or Maintenance for creatine starters?
    Heard loading may be dangerous for people with heart issues but that it gives same results faster.

    • 6 months ago

      just take 5g a day every day for the rest of your life.

  48. 6 months ago

    If I max out on a squat but lose knee stability aka my knees cave in but still get up does it count?

    • 6 months ago

      It means you're in the wrong foot wear and your foot position isn't correct

      Loading or Maintenance for creatine starters?
      Heard loading may be dangerous for people with heart issues but that it gives same results faster.

      When I cycle back on, I load. It reduces the bowel movements/pain later


      Bros I'm pretty much gonna give up strength lifts and use DBs/Machines, what are the closest equivalents that give you the strong nervous system feels of a nice BB row, squat, or deadlift?
      I did pic related as a kid and now my back is also pic related(MRI I finally got after throwing my back out for the hundredth time)
      I've gone to physios and physical therapists for extended periods twice literally starting back from lifting just the bar and monitoring form and bracing but now I frick it up from lighter weight everytime, basically the consensus is there is some mechanical/degenerative weakness from my first injury and it's best to avoid heavier weights
      Anyway what lifts do any of you with fricked backs like that still feel strong?

      You can still lift with a bulging disc
      I would just belt up every time until I didn't have the pain shocks
      (I've injured my spine numerous times)

      My nipples are puffy. I don't have gyno but I'm at 25% body fat. Is it expected that I'd have puffy nipples or should I be worried about T levels?

      25% is a little high.
      I would cut down to 15-18 and reassess
      When you get above 20%, too much of your test aromatases into estrogen in your fat cells

      My goals for 2024:
      >lose weight
      >reduce blood pressure
      >get healthier in general
      >gain stamina
      >control adhd/depression

      For that, I intend to:
      >stop smoking
      >drop caffeine to a minimum
      >no sugar, zero
      >reduce salt
      >reduce size of portions
      >increase protein, reduce carbs, increase vegetables
      >start running/lifting 3x a week
      >start taking magnesium, omega 3, perhaps other supplements

      I'm 31, 1.80m (~6ft), 88kg (194lbs).

      How the frick do I achieve this without going mad trying to battle sugar cravings, cigarette cravings, no-coffee headaches, etc all at once? I need to fix my life for good.

      I wouldn't cut caffeine until the very end
      You can use caffeine as a crutch through the rest and then once you know you can handle it, just taper down
      You can completely cycle off caffeine in a few days so it's not like it's a big deal anyway

      Should I be gaining muscle if I don't meet calorie intake but meet protein intake? Calories confuse me a lot because according to various calorie calculators I should be consuming copious amounts that I don't remember doing even once in my life but I maintain weight (about 5 kg of wiggle room) and I do notice some muscle growth.

      Generally no
      You need fat and carbs to make the testosterone to synthesize the protein (that's testosterone's main job, males make more because that synthesized protein is supposed to be used to make sperm, but does everything else too)
      So when you're at a deficit, you aren't making enough testosterone to synthesize the protein you're eating assuming you're eating your usual protein synthesis maximum

      To find that, find your lean body mass(weight minus estimated fat weight) and take that times 0.8.
      That's the maximum number of grams of protein you, unenhanced, can synthesize in a single day assuming you're eating a well balanced diet at maintenance or surplus with bioavailable protein

      This whole relationship is why it's always better to just eat well rounded meals with whole meat as your protein and never piss with protein powder garbage or anything like that

  49. 6 months ago

    5”8, 130 lbs, currently maintaining. I did alot of boxing and running to get rid of excess fat. I am lifting now and also got an anterior pelvic tilt that I’ve been working on fixing. I’m thinking core, chest should be focused on but any anons got advice on what I should do to shape up.

    • 6 months ago

      >currently maintaining
      maintaining...what, exactly? I see almost zero muscle on you.

  50. 6 months ago

    What dumbbells should I buy?

    • 6 months ago

      the ones that look like a standard 45lb olympic barbell

      • 6 months ago

        I already own a barbell

        • 6 months ago

          The ones that can use the plates you already have for your barbell then

  51. 6 months ago

    Does anybody else freeball it at the gym?
    My underwear keeps riding up during squats and it's uncomfortable. I always wear tracksuit pants, as my father told me that shorts are for young boys - men wear trousers.

    • 6 months ago

      wear better fitting underwear gay

  52. 6 months ago

    how do you progressive overload obliques? i dont want them lagging behind the rest of my core

  53. 6 months ago


    I'm looking for a YouTube video of 3 black guys in a park doing a pushup battle with a bunch of people watching. YouTube buried it and now it's impossible to find dispute having millions of views. Thx

  54. 6 months ago

    you frickers. i am clean bulking for the first time in my life. ive gained so much weight and i feel like it all went to my stomach. ive such a huge fricking gut. im prolly gonna continue this out, but just reassure me the cut will make it all worth it. right?

    • 6 months ago

      Are your lifts improving? are you lifting till failure? If the answer is no, you're not building muscle, just getting fat. Train harder.
      Quick weight gaining may indicate you're eating TOO much, especially if you're clean bulking.
      My brother here getting fat on chicken and broccoli, how the frick is that possible.

  55. 6 months ago

    I need simple snacks and foods to replace the junk I reach for when I'm stressed/bored. Any recs? Luckily I don't drink any soda or fruit juice, only water and coffee (whole milk + coffee + sugar)

  56. 6 months ago

    how 'far along' are you if you can do an L sit hold for 10-15 sec? and this carrying over from wall assisted handstand push ups and not training the L sit at all.

  57. 6 months ago

    signed up to a gym and they gave me a personal trainer. what are some good signs the program they've given me is actually good and not just some meme tier stuff? i think it's fine since it seems to work the whole body out but i don't really know a whole lot. just don't want to start developing bad habits that i'll need to correct later on

  58. 6 months ago

    Do we have any deworming people here? I pulled this out of my ass (and another one too not pictured) and washed it off. Is it a worm or what? Imgur included so you don't have to look at it if you don't want to (it's kind of nasty and no spoiler tags on IST).


  59. 6 months ago

    5x5 or 3x8 when cutting?

    I can do 1/2/3/4 5x5 but I'm fat (210 lbs 5'9")

    • 6 months ago

      I've always been told you want less volume while cutting. 3x5 on lifts where you normally do 5x5 for example.

  60. 6 months ago

    Does creatine cause hair loss?

  61. 6 months ago

    >living in city temporarily for 6 months
    >sign up for gym in july
    >get month to month plan
    >5 months later
    >cancel membership
    >Whoopsie! You have to pay for the next 3 months and a cancellation fee. But you can keep coming! Also, our billing department is some completely other fricking company, not us! Good luck!
    why are gyms the kikiest Black person israelites of them all

    • 6 months ago

      this is why u get a bench and 2 adjustable dumbbels. home gym is cheapest and most time efficient

      • 6 months ago

        How am I supposed to be doing heavy compound lifts when I'm limited by how heavy can my dumbbells go?

        • 6 months ago

          u dont need maximum weight for hypertrophy. u dont need these meme compound lifts. u can get just as good muscle growth with lower weight. look at the section "Training intensity: how many reps should you perform per set?" here: https://mennohenselmans.com/optimal-program-design/

        • 6 months ago

          Long term you need to be doing heavy lifting consistently to get consistent growth (unless you're roiding)
          This is why a gym membership is a must for 99% of people


          Should I bother running my homemade yogurt through a cheesecloth to make it "Greek?"

          Is eating four apples a day bad? It's the only thing I ever snack on.

          >verification G0YSS

          The fiber in the apples might accidentally be regulating your bowels
          If you drop them I would sub some extra veggies at lunch n dinner

          >Do you really think you can get swole on OMAD?
          I never said that I thought that. I wouldn't doubt that one could make strength gains on OMAD, maybe even gain muscle. If you eat in a surplus, how is it possible for MPB to outweigh MPS? It seems like the article supports these conclusions.

          I personally don't believe natties can gain LEAN mass if they have over a 16 hour fasted window and even that is damn near impossible

          I assume it has something to do with over loading parts of the intestines at different times but I really don't know. I spent years fricking around with every diet under the sun and nothing will ever beat 4-6 small meals a day for bodybuilders.
          Powerlifting has its own restraints, Im not strong enough to make claims about what's optimal for strength gains

          I mean this is purely anecdotal but I rarely ever eat breakfast and I haven't experienced any major loss in strength or muscle mass from what I can tell. I just don't buy into the idea that this is anything worth worrying about for the average person

          You have to take your meals (and non -meals) in context with the rest of your diet. If I eat late at night, I won't eat breakfast the next morning but an early dinner? Daddy's making 6 eggs LEGGOOOO

          I moved some boxes (way too heavy), now my back hurts.

          Is there anything I can do so I won't get so sore tomorrow?

          Just make sure to move around so it doesn't get worse
          Every new neuroscience shit says movement drastically increases recovery

          What stretches

          Thanks I'll see to that

          Dynamic stretches to warm up and then you can do anything that pulls on it
          It really depends where the pain is

  62. 6 months ago

    I drink every day but have been seeing huge strength gains despite the alcohol. I can bench like 335. How much stronger would I get if I just stopped drinking? Need some reason or motivation to stop.

  63. 6 months ago

    >girlfriend b***hes that I don’t get her flowers often enough to the point where we have arguments about it
    >finally get her flowers as it’s her
    >oh I don’t actually like these
    >also b***hes about not giving her enough compliments (especially about her appearance) or when I do give her compliments they are apparently too generic
    Our 2 year anniversary is coming up, but I’m on the brink of dumping her. It’s as if she reeks of insecurity. It sucks because I love her family and friends. What do IST?

    • 6 months ago

      Sounds like a very insecure person, lot of Cluster B traits. Ger out while you still can, anon.

    • 6 months ago

      Sit down and talk to her about it

      • 6 months ago

        I have. Multiple times. I think our styles of receiving and giving love are incompatible tbh

        • 6 months ago

          shes a dumb b***h. nothing u can do than leave.

  64. 6 months ago

    What are the positives and negatives of using one of these for squatting?

  65. 6 months ago

    I just read you're only supposed to workout upper and lower body twice a week so what should I do on Wednesday if I go to the gym every weekday?

    • 6 months ago

      >you're only supposed to workout upper and lower body twice a week
      Not really.
      Volume-matched programs pretty much give the same results, with slightly (and by slightly I mean we're using sleight-of-hand levels of statistical analysis) better results for 4 days/week.
      You just gotta decide how many sets you'll do per week.

  66. 6 months ago

    Would i be a c**t if i let all the cake and stuff that my mom bought for me rot away?
    i went on a tirade about how i hate sugar and didnt want her to buy sugary food as it can be too tempting if its in the house, and she said she wouldnt buy stuff.
    the next day she literally buys a whole cake and a bunch of chocolate bars and biscuits etc. for me
    would i be a c**t if i just let it rot? what about if i threw it in the bin?

    • 6 months ago

      btw im 18 and going to college next year, decided to take a year out because i didnt know what i wanted to do

      • 6 months ago

        Go give the stuff to the homeless people who beg for money on the street

        Should i be getting into Cali as a tall (6 ft 5) skeleton?
        Im guessing it eil be more difficult because the range of motion is longer.
        Or should i just stick to weights and machines?

        You need to lift and eat
        Your goal body weighs well over 250, closer to 280
        Calisthenics are basically just cardio

        My forearms got really tight and tense when I was doing barbell curls last workout which made me stop a set early, should I hit forearms a bunch to prevent it or was it a caused by a wrong grip?

        You're not eating enough
        Lack of electrolytes and carbs cause calves and forearms to cramp

        • 6 months ago

          >You're not eating enough
          If anything I'm eating too much and I drink a lot, that said maybe the one time it happened that was the case, thanks

  67. 6 months ago


    >I dunno, CAN you??
    Anon, he is correct. He is literally asking if it is possible, not for permission.. As in can he (without being injured, etc). Not may he or should he...

  68. 6 months ago

    Should i be getting into Cali as a tall (6 ft 5) skeleton?
    Im guessing it eil be more difficult because the range of motion is longer.
    Or should i just stick to weights and machines?

  69. 6 months ago

    My forearms got really tight and tense when I was doing barbell curls last workout which made me stop a set early, should I hit forearms a bunch to prevent it or was it a caused by a wrong grip?

  70. 6 months ago

    I've been lifting for about two months now and eating proper to fix skellymode (6'4", was 155lbs now 176lbs), and I've seen some great beginner gains in that process. When I flex my arms, there's a big gap between the elbow and the bicep (is that an insertion?). How do I make that gap smaller, is there any particular technique or will it just come in time?

  71. 6 months ago

    How do I prevent wrist pain after low bar squats?

  72. 6 months ago

    Sup /doctors/. Do I have fricking asthma and never knew?

    >Not completely out of shape, and trying to lift/cardio more
    >Once my breathing starts to speed up, I quickly start to wheeze on exhale
    >20-30 minutes of lifting hard and I will struggle to catch my breath for 15 minutes

    I always just managed it by working out less once I can't get my breath should I get an inhaler or something? Any IST anons with asthma wanna weigh in maybe give me some tips on how to not let it frick my routine so bad?

    >I'm 32 but I've always been like this, I just never cared because I could just stop and I'd recover after a while but now that I'm older the recovery takes longer and it's fricking my gains

    • 6 months ago

      Go to the doctor

    • 6 months ago

      Asthmatic here. You should see a doctor to check that out and be sure, but it does sound like an asthma thing. A few key points to make me say that are the difficulty to exhale (it's like you can't empty the whole lung ever) with wheezing and also if you have trouble sleeping or if you wake up earlier than you'd like (triggered by disguised shortness of breath).

      When I was diagnosed I was prescribed two inhalers and one anti-inflammatory pill. The pills and one of the inhalers were used daily for 30 days only, the other inhaler I used before and after work outs or anything that demanded a little more effort (like, if I went out on a walk, I'd hit it). This second one opens the airways, is cheaper, no need for prescription and I refilled it many times, though now I don't use it anymore (I forget and it's not so bad now).

      As far as I know you can't cure asthma, but you can have times of crisis and times in which you barely notice it. The obvious: no smoking. On exercise: go swimming, it's the best for asthma by far. But even if not, do cardio often and progress slowly, go easy but keep training your lungs. Make sure you don't have rhinitis too, it's essentially the same thing but on your upper respiratory ways and one leads to the aggravation other, so wash inside your nose with saline water everyday.

    • 6 months ago

      Sounds like "excercise induced asthma", your doctor can tell you for sure and give you an inhaler.

      What works for me is warming up slowly with cardio. I can go hard after 15-20 min of cardio but if I try to go hard too early then my lungs will close up.

      It will also get better as you do cardio because your body will get better at removing or dealing with whatever is causing the inflation.

      Could also be a heart problem...

      • 6 months ago

        I don't think it would be a heart problem, been the same way since I was younger it's part of what kept me from keeping with the sports I'd start. But I appreciate the info I'll look more into it. I do not have a primary care physician since I've never been a hospital so it's a whole ordeal to get it all set up.

        Asthmatic here. You should see a doctor to check that out and be sure, but it does sound like an asthma thing. A few key points to make me say that are the difficulty to exhale (it's like you can't empty the whole lung ever) with wheezing and also if you have trouble sleeping or if you wake up earlier than you'd like (triggered by disguised shortness of breath).

        When I was diagnosed I was prescribed two inhalers and one anti-inflammatory pill. The pills and one of the inhalers were used daily for 30 days only, the other inhaler I used before and after work outs or anything that demanded a little more effort (like, if I went out on a walk, I'd hit it). This second one opens the airways, is cheaper, no need for prescription and I refilled it many times, though now I don't use it anymore (I forget and it's not so bad now).

        As far as I know you can't cure asthma, but you can have times of crisis and times in which you barely notice it. The obvious: no smoking. On exercise: go swimming, it's the best for asthma by far. But even if not, do cardio often and progress slowly, go easy but keep training your lungs. Make sure you don't have rhinitis too, it's essentially the same thing but on your upper respiratory ways and one leads to the aggravation other, so wash inside your nose with saline water everyday.

        Also some useful information, thanks.

  73. 6 months ago


    I've had RSI issues in my wrists, how do I warm my wrists up?

    I have. Multiple times. I think our styles of receiving and giving love are incompatible tbh

    That's a shame but oh well, there's no point keeping a relationship going if there are issues like that, I know, I kept one going when I knew it wasn't going anywhere and no good came of it.

    • 6 months ago

      Can't really help on pre existing conditions. Better talk to the relevant specialist.

      A stupid friend injected himself with a single dose of 250 ml of testosterone and never did it again, he had placebo effects that made him feel like Superman lol, I know this single injection is insignificant but could it affect his natural hormone production?

      Testosterone injections go from less than 1 ml up to 2-3ml.
      Injecting a quarter liter (250ml) of anything - except maybe saline or blood - can be very dangerous.
      How many ml and what was the concentration (mg/ml)?

  74. 6 months ago

    Putting aside diet for a moment, what exercise routine should someone follow if they want to get as lean as possible?

    • 6 months ago

      2+ hours of cardio a day

      Sup /doctors/. Do I have fricking asthma and never knew?

      >Not completely out of shape, and trying to lift/cardio more
      >Once my breathing starts to speed up, I quickly start to wheeze on exhale
      >20-30 minutes of lifting hard and I will struggle to catch my breath for 15 minutes

      I always just managed it by working out less once I can't get my breath should I get an inhaler or something? Any IST anons with asthma wanna weigh in maybe give me some tips on how to not let it frick my routine so bad?

      >I'm 32 but I've always been like this, I just never cared because I could just stop and I'd recover after a while but now that I'm older the recovery takes longer and it's fricking my gains

      You could try one of the OTC inhalers
      If they help noticeably, go get a real one

      How do I prevent wrist pain after low bar squats?

      Wider grip
      I fricked my wrists and rotator cuffs up for years before just moving my hands out towards the plates

      >You're not eating enough
      If anything I'm eating too much and I drink a lot, that said maybe the one time it happened that was the case, thanks

      Not eating enough looks the same as drinking too much

      Guys, I am capable of biokinesis. Should I just gain muscle to the max?

      I wish I was this moronic

      • 6 months ago

        >I wish I was this moronic
        You don't believe I'm capable of it?

    • 6 months ago

      Minimal number of sets, low reps, high weight, don't get hurt, don't get weaker.
      And then cardio and complexes.

  75. 6 months ago

    Guys, I am capable of biokinesis. Should I just gain muscle to the max?

  76. 6 months ago

    >take 2 days off from gym in addition to usual rest days
    >have done nothing but sit on my ass and play vidya
    >absolutely fricking starving
    >eat meal, hungry again in two hours
    Am I dying?

    • 6 months ago

      Laziness increases the hormone that tells you you're hungry lmaoooo
      Just make sure you're eating well rounded meals, whole, non-processed ingredients with plenty of fiber

      >I wish I was this moronic
      You don't believe I'm capable of it?

      If you were, you would have done it already
      I've been changing my eye color with my mood since I was like 6. It doesn't mean I can just manifest lean mass onto my frame
      I got frickhuge because I ate so much real food, lifted so many lifts so often and I figured it tf out

      A stupid friend injected himself with a single dose of 250 ml of testosterone and never did it again, he had placebo effects that made him feel like Superman lol, I know this single injection is insignificant but could it affect his natural hormone production?

      Kek probably not
      Some guys don't have issues riding long term
      Others need to cycle off at least a week per month
      It really depends

  77. 6 months ago

    A stupid friend injected himself with a single dose of 250 ml of testosterone and never did it again, he had placebo effects that made him feel like Superman lol, I know this single injection is insignificant but could it affect his natural hormone production?

    • 6 months ago

      This is an anonymous image board your "friend" doesn't have to care about asking.

  78. 6 months ago

    Did push day
    Bench, incline , dips, side raises, ohp, dumbbell tricep extension

    Right shoulder hurty when raising arm above head
    What do

    • 6 months ago

      Rest it. Heat it. Ice it. Take an ibuprofen. Try not to go as quickly and focus more on your movements than you are on hitting your # of reps to make sure you don't hurt yourself next time.

    • 6 months ago

      Stretch obv

      • 6 months ago

        What stretches

        Rest it. Heat it. Ice it. Take an ibuprofen. Try not to go as quickly and focus more on your movements than you are on hitting your # of reps to make sure you don't hurt yourself next time.

        Thanks I'll see to that

  79. 6 months ago

    I moved some boxes (way too heavy), now my back hurts.

    Is there anything I can do so I won't get so sore tomorrow?

    • 6 months ago

      Hot bath or heating pad on the sore area, take a long bath or something, then try holding on to something and letting your back relax so that your spine decompresses. It won't be a cure all, but it should help you some and help with tomorrow.

  80. 6 months ago

    Should I bother running my homemade yogurt through a cheesecloth to make it "Greek?"

    Is eating four apples a day bad? It's the only thing I ever snack on.

    >verification G0YSS

    • 6 months ago

      4 apples is like 60g of sugar anon

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah, gotta not eat so many. I just subconsciously grab one as I'm walking by them, without even realizing it.

  81. 6 months ago

    I work out at night, so have a protein hit after that, say about 3-4 hours prior to going to bed
    However on days that I don't do a session I don't eat and generally try to fast after my evening meal to the next morning to spike natural hgh levels.
    However I find evening that I don't work out and get the protein I find it really hard to get to sleep, which to me sounds counter intuitive, because I would have thought if you're hungry the body would want to sleep the asuage the hunger
    I have felt a lot healthier since I've started doing this even though I am definitely getting less sleep overall. But it seemss no ideal to me.
    Anyone any ideas?

    • 6 months ago

      >and generally try to fast after my evening meal to the next morning to spike natural hgh levels.
      That's not going to do shit anon. The spike in a normal human of HGH or Test is so small that you won't notice it. Pretty much the only way to notice it is to actually inject gear.

      Either eat less in your evening meal or spread your protein throughout the day to even out the distribution. Sometimes I get a stomach ache if I have a big protein shake right before bed.

  82. 6 months ago

    Just started working out 2 weeks ago, I’m 5’5 and 155 pounds. I don’t want to get any fatter I just want to be lean, should I continue to eat at maintenance and then eventually eat at a slight surplus depending if my lifts are going up or not? I’m doing PPL right now. 6 days a week.

    • 6 months ago

      if you don't care about gaining muscle and just want to lose fat, cut now. If you care about growing muscle, you'll need to bulk eventually. For the time being you'll like make beginner gains no matter what you do, so I suggest cutting and eating 80g+ of protein per day.

  83. 6 months ago

    Is this a good routine?

    • 6 months ago

      For musclebuilding paired with 6-8hrs/week of cardio

    • 6 months ago

      terrible routine for a beginner, too much volume. Weird set amounts too.

      • 6 months ago

        NTA but I'm a beginner and my routine is similar in volume, ~20 sets of 8-12 reps per day. Is it really too much? I thought newbies have it easier with recovery because the weights are lower.

        • 6 months ago

          You'd be better off with 5s as a beginner, to get the fastest strength gains, you can work on different rep ranges later.
          The basics of your workout are 3ish sets of squats, pulls, and pushes, that's 9 sets. Getting to 20 with isolations is a bit much, and if you're doing other compound exercises you should just increase the sets on the main 3 instead, and rotate them by day or week

          • 6 months ago

            5s are optimal for strength training afaik, and I should've mentioned that I train with adjustable dumbbells at home so I kinda don't want to gain strength too quickly because I'll just outgrow them. I'm mainly aiming to gain mass anyway so 8-12 range should work fine for me but I'm curious if the total amount of sets being too high might actually impede me somehow.

            • 6 months ago

              You could do twice as many sets, and still recover and grow.
              The points are
              >you can't do that for long, but if you're increasing the number of sets week by week, and eventually deloading back to a baseline, it works
              >right now you're always doing the same number of sets each week, so you're working on your baseline, it can't be too high because you want to stay there as long as possible
              >it's not really worth it to do multiple exercises for a single muscle group on one day, just do more sets of one exercise, you'll be just as tired, but better warmed up, and you'll be drilling your technique

              • 6 months ago

                Sorry anon, I don't entirely understand. How much is too much for a baseline? And should I stay there as long as possible (what exactly determines whether it's possible or not?) or try increasing then deloading?

  84. 6 months ago

    dropped from 250lb to 190 this year. chest and back flabby, excess skin. really want to have definition / get rid of gut. possible by building muscle or am i fricked?

    • 6 months ago

      It's possible. You should have been exercising from the get go, but it's never too late to start.

      what's everyone favorite calorie tracking app and why?

      Used to be myfitnesspal. Since they went full moron I've been with LoseIt, though I know a lot of anons like chronometer.

      • 6 months ago

        how they went full moron? im really liking loseit but seen chronometer be used and was wondering why people like it

  85. 6 months ago

    what's everyone favorite calorie tracking app and why?

    • 6 months ago

      my brain
      It gives me 100% pure columbian dopamine.

  86. 6 months ago

    Anyone recommend any routine to get out of a lifting funk? I hit 1/2/3/4 for reps recently and I honestly stopped giving a shit. I would just do one compound for the day and a bunch of random accessories but I get bored. Honestly I’d like to do cool useless body weight stuff now like one arm pull-ups or front levers or planche push-ups. Maybe I should start doing clean and press all the time. Just like moving a lot of heavy weight above my head honestly.

    • 6 months ago

      >Hit 1 for reps
      Do a focus month on the ohp.
      5/week, 3 times just do like 2 sets, on the other 2 days do 4/6/8/10 sets (increase by 2 per week).
      If you need an indication of reps and weights, grab Prieplin's table.
      Then deload (aka do your normal bench-centric routine) for a week, and test your max.

  87. 6 months ago

    There's a guy in my gym that spends his entire time on machines, doing like 1/16 range of motion. Been doing this for *years*. Literally just moves the weight up and down in ~1-2inch motions. He's like 50 and built like a high schooler. What exactly is going on in his head??

  88. 6 months ago

    Is it possible to put on 5 lbs lean-ish in about 2 weeks?
    I lost a lot of my gains during finals but began bulking up since early december, was ~164 lbs, got up to 175 in 3 weeks with little fat and im aiming for 180 ASAP to start cutting.

    • 6 months ago

      >Is it possible to put on 5 lbs lean-ish in about 2 weeks?
      lol no. Not even remotely close. Theoretical max is like .5lb of muscle per week. Anything more is 100% going to be fat

    • 6 months ago

      >Is it possible to put on 5 lbs lean-ish in about 2 weeks?
      without steroids that'll be a good ~95% fat. Not even kidding, anon. Muscle does NOT grow that fast


      I can't stay motivated for more than 2 weeks at a time anymore. How do I fix this?

      my motivation is "I don't wanna be a fat piece of shit" and it works every time

    • 6 months ago

      >was ~164 lbs, got up to 175 in 3 weeks with little fat
      >with little fat
      lol. lmao, even. Congrats anon you gained 10lbs of fat. I don't think you realize how stupidly slow muscle builds. Unless you're on gear, you maybe... MAYBE put on ~.5-1lb of muscle in those 3 weeks. Probably closer to the lower end of that estimate

      • 6 months ago

        that'd be moronic, i'm only on a +500 calorie surplus, counting everything, macros included. shit would be thermodynamicly impossible.
        probably was just depleted of everything, glycogen, water and flabby from not even using the muscle, i've heard of similar cases where bouncing back after a layoff takes less amount of time.

        • 6 months ago

          >that'd be moronic, i'm only on a +500 calorie surplus
          >11 pounds in 3 weeks
          You are either very bad at math, or very bad at counting calories. Or you're a liar. 500 surplus is only 1 pound/week, which means you should've only gained 3 pounds in 3 weeks, not 11 pounds in 3 weeks. You fricked up, own up to it.

        • 6 months ago

          >claims 500 calorie surplus
          >which equals 3500 surplus in a week
          >which equals 1lb surplus in a week
          >gains 3+ pounds every week
          Do you see where you fricked up, anon?
          >shit would be thermodynamicly impossible.
          Yes, you are right. If you gained ~11 pounds in 3 weeks, that means you ate at a 1500+ calorie surplus, not a 500. Which means you either counted your calories WAY wrong, or you severely overestimated your TDEE. You're supposed to only gain 1 pound a week, not 3.

        • 6 months ago

          >i'm only on a +500 calorie surplus
          >was ~164 lbs, got up to 175 in 3 weeks
          lol fricking classic. I'm never gonna get tired of these rookie mistakes

  89. 6 months ago

    i tried OHP for the first time today, my gym only has 5kg, 10kg, etc plates in this section so my question is roughly how many reps with 5 a side (30kg) should I be able to do before attempting 10 a side (40kg) for lets say 5 reps?

  90. 6 months ago

    Is it better to coom before or after workout?

  91. 6 months ago

    I can't stay motivated for more than 2 weeks at a time anymore. How do I fix this?

  92. 6 months ago

    What are good supporting exercises.

    • 6 months ago

      wtf even is a supporting exercises

  93. 6 months ago

    I know enough about fitness but not enough to reply to posts
    kinda hurts as I'd like to give back more

    but giving shitty advice is worse than staying silent

    • 6 months ago

      you're online, give shitty advice and someone more knowledgeable will come by and correct it.
      Or maybe not, if your advice isn't really all that bad.

  94. 6 months ago

    I legitimately have no fricking idea how to count calories and have never seriously tried. How do I?

    • 6 months ago

      Cook every meal yourself.
      Weight the ingredients before you use them.
      Weight oils and condiments too, but you don't need to weight shit like a pinch of salt, or spices.
      Unless you're indian and are using like 100g of spices every time (trace amounts of calories add up), or think that onion and garlic are spices, that shit has carbs.

      • 6 months ago

        >look at nutritional labels on packaging
        >says serving size and amounts per serving
        >measure out servings
        >measure out *everything*, even stuff you think is negligible
        You'll need measuring cups/food scale (protip: put saran wrap over your food scale, makes for easier cleaning). It's actually pretty easy, but VERY fricking tedious. After a while you get used to eyeballing stuff. Only the complete psychos measure out EVERYTHING for EVERY meal throughout the year

        I think I'm too lazy for this

        • 6 months ago

          You could just meal prep on sunday, and have meals for the whole week.
          Then you can just weight things as you use them, to find the total calories of the batch you made, and divide the total by however many portions you make out of it.
          But then you end up eating reheated chicken, not the best meal.

        • 6 months ago

          Honestly yeah I did it for like a week before getting too annoyed with it. Like I said just do it for a bit to get used to eyeballing things. Better than just throwing shit in a bowl and saying frick it

    • 6 months ago

      >look at nutritional labels on packaging
      >says serving size and amounts per serving
      >measure out servings
      >measure out *everything*, even stuff you think is negligible
      You'll need measuring cups/food scale (protip: put saran wrap over your food scale, makes for easier cleaning). It's actually pretty easy, but VERY fricking tedious. After a while you get used to eyeballing stuff. Only the complete psychos measure out EVERYTHING for EVERY meal throughout the year

    • 6 months ago

      an easier way is, count every calorie heavy ingredient of a dish, and add 100 calories per portion
      for example I'll be cooking some minced meat with tomatoes tonight
      I wont be counting oil and tomatoes and other stuff, but I'll count minced meat's calories, and add 100 kcal to a portion

      its gonna end up in an acceptable -+8% error zone

  95. 6 months ago

    If a workout states
    >2-3 sets, 8-12 reps
    For example, does that mean minimum-maximum? Should you get past the lower amount of reps and push to get as many as you can?

    • 6 months ago

      no need to go less than 3 sets
      if you can do 3x12 you need to increase the weight
      if you cant do 3x6 you need to decrease the weight

  96. 6 months ago

    Any recommendations on how to buy pants that fit well?

    My thighs are not even that big (26") and it's hard for me to find anything that fits the thigh without looking way oversized everywhere else.

    • 6 months ago

      buy pants that fit then go to a tailor and pay 10$ for them to fix it.

  97. 6 months ago

    What should I use to mix my unflavoured protein powder? Currently, I am mixing it in water with honey for taste. I've tried using milk but it gives me gasses.

  98. 6 months ago

    Got the first signs of a cold/flu, what can I do to be healthy the soonest?

    • 6 months ago

      Megadose ZINC, now, it's the only known thing that shortens the time it takes to recover from a cold and only works if taken within the first 24h.
      Then megadose vitamin C, but that "only" gives you a better quality recovery, not any faster.

      • 6 months ago

        Ok, thanks

  99. 6 months ago

    3 questions, don't know how quick or not quick they are:

    1. Any neck workouts you guys do that are safe and effective? I want to work out my neck and jaw, trying meaning a little.

    2. You guys have a probiotic you think is good? Or is it better to eat certain foods? Been reading about the important on gut flora.

    3. Blood test says I have elevated inflammation, doc wants me to do better heart health stuff. Cardio and weightloss I know will help, any input from you guys?

  100. 6 months ago

    Redpill me on HIT/Heavy Duty. Was Mike Mentzer right? I'm not a bodybuilder, my main goal is to build strength and cardio endurance. Is HIT right for me? I'm 20 and have been lifting for ~8 months, currently doing Stronglifts 5x5

    • 6 months ago

      Lol no, don't get memed into that shit.

      • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      You can absolutely be hiking in a bad mood in the military. I've done it about a million times.

  101. 6 months ago

    i want bigger biceps

    currently running phul
    ive got arm work twice a week on upper days but my biceps dont get as pumped as they used to.

    is it a good idea to do more volume on (relatively) lower weights or keep pushing the weight higher?

    • 6 months ago

      just progress. have set an rep ranges. start at the lowest. up the reps. then add sets until you can do all those reps. then add weight and start at the lowest rep and set range again.

    • 6 months ago

      Keep the high weights you're doing, but also add a few lighter sets.
      Then more. And more.
      Chase the pump, BE the pump.

  102. 6 months ago

    Still need an actual routine for and figure how to do the diet stuff.

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago



    • 6 months ago

      Is there any reason you aren't on Starting Strength?
      What do you ask from a routine, anyway, and what issues do you have with your diet? It's not so hard to find what macros you need, then it's just a matter of eating the right combinations of (actual real) food.

      • 6 months ago

        I think I’m gonna try PPL although idk if I should start with the full 6 days or start with just 3. Would particularly depend on my schedule next semester but I think 6 with 8 hours of sleep would be doable.

    • 6 months ago

      unironically read the sticky

      3 questions, don't know how quick or not quick they are:

      1. Any neck workouts you guys do that are safe and effective? I want to work out my neck and jaw, trying meaning a little.

      2. You guys have a probiotic you think is good? Or is it better to eat certain foods? Been reading about the important on gut flora.

      3. Blood test says I have elevated inflammation, doc wants me to do better heart health stuff. Cardio and weightloss I know will help, any input from you guys?

      1. neck workouts are a meme. Like, actually. Do not work out your neck. Jaw workouts are even more of a meme, jaw muscles are not built like others are not meant to be grown. Worst case scenario you can seriously injure your jaw for literally nothing.
      2. Probiotics, and any supplement really, is not necessary unless you have a need for it. If you are deficient in something or had gut flora wiped out due to an antibiotic or something, then yeah go for it. But having it just for the sake of it is a waste of money.
      3. Doc's on the money. Also lay off the greasy fast food and try to integrate more veggies and fruit into your diet.

      I think I'm too lazy for this

      It's annoying for like 2 weeks. After that it becomes routine. Depends on how badly you want your goal: inconsistent diet is the practice of failure.

      how would heavy shrugs help with the grip tho? Should i do them with dumbells or bar?

      You're gripping the bar in the exact same way you would a deadlift and holding it for like 20+ seconds at a time. It's basically just a deadlift for the traps.

      Could long-term use of doxycycline affect gains?

      I mean no antibiotic should be used long-term, that's pretty terrible for your health. You only want to use it for the amount of time prescribed.

      • 6 months ago

        It’s for acne. Wait what? I’ve had no prescribed period. Wtt? I’m stopping.

        • 6 months ago

          Oh maybe I misread

          tbh just ask a doc.

          • 6 months ago

            Well I’m thinking about stopping it because I don’t think it’s necessary anymore. I have occasional fairly bad acne flare ups but I don’t think the medication affects it at all. I’m honestly just paranoid that there’ll be something stalling progress and it’ll take a year or more to find out.

  103. 6 months ago

    how do you guys avoid knee pain after running? I'm a bit overweight and my knee fricking hurt for days because of running..

    • 6 months ago

      It's a common problem for ovwrweight people to risk putting too much stress on their joints when doing intensive cardio. I would recommend you don't do it, but stick to walking and biking.

  104. 6 months ago

    Is $350 for 2x45, 2x35, 4x25, 4x10, 4x5, 2x2.5, rack, and a 5ft bar good?

    • 6 months ago

      diameter of the plates and barbell? if it's 5", and the rack is something decent with safety bars and can hold at least 200kg (250 or 300 would be better) snatch it up yesterday.

      • 6 months ago

        Ah shoot I'm sorry, I meant a plate rack. I'm thinking of buying a 7ft bar as well and using them both for different exercises

  105. 6 months ago

    when my grip is failing me in deadlifts from lifting more, do i switch up the hand position? Been using overhand grip, tried mixed but doesnt feel right. Also tried using straps but i feel like they dont really do anything, i prefer having chalked hands and more grip on it than with the straps. Currently do some dead hangs after workouts and grippers

    • 6 months ago

      You want to train your grip then, dead hangs is great for that. Add in stuff like hanging knee raises for a double whammy for abs and grip. Heavy shrugs too.

      • 6 months ago

        how would heavy shrugs help with the grip tho? Should i do them with dumbells or bar?

  106. 6 months ago

    Why is it so hard to lose weight on antidepressants

    • 6 months ago

      walk 10 miles a day and report back

      • 6 months ago

        I already do for work

  107. 6 months ago

    Could long-term use of doxycycline affect gains?

  108. 6 months ago

    Are there shitty brands for plates I should be on the lookout for? I see good deals but I've read about certain brands being shit/uneven

  109. 6 months ago

    Is it a bad idea to make weighted pull ups the main exercise on a pull day of PPL instead of deadlifts or barbell rows?

  110. 6 months ago

    A food scale really isn’t a must is it? I can’t afford to cook much nor do I have the space as a full time college student living in a dorm, plus I have a meal plan. Food scale is not very practical.

    • 6 months ago

      Food scale is the best way to accurately count calories and measure servings, but people managed to lose weight before they were a cheap commodity.

      • 6 months ago

        I’m not trying to lose weight though. I’m skinny fat and weigh 175lbs and can’t even do a single pushup.

        • 6 months ago

          You'll need to lose weight at some point. If you're just trying to gain basic strength you can just eat at maintenance and focus on getting in protein.

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