QTDDTOT: Form + Function edition

> QTDDTOT: Didn't see one on the catalogue so here we go.

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  1. 1 year ago

    How do i build bigger, stronger glutes?

    Can't do low bar squats because of fricked up disks, so I only squat high bar.
    Isolations are inconsistent because the hip thrust station and machine are literally always occupied by thots.

    What are 2 or 3 exercises that I can slot into my workouts?

    • 1 year ago

      I've been doing pic related for the past 3 months, but would like to mix in more calisthenics. Is the following hybrid routine a good upgrade or moronic:

      Workout A:
      >3x8 pull-up
      >2x5, 1xAMRAP barbell squat
      >3x8 dip
      >1xAMRAP deadlift
      >3x8 bodyweight rows
      >3x8 push-ups

      Workout B:
      >3x8 pull-up
      >2x5, 1xAMRAP barbell squat
      >2x5, 1xAMRAP overhead press
      >1xAMRAP deadlift
      >3x8 bodyweight rows
      >2x5, 1xAMRAP bench press


      Hip thrusts

      • 1 year ago

        what's this app?

      • 1 year ago

        Not enough experience to say for certain, but it looks like you need more volume.
        Try SL 5x5 BBB addition.
        Follow the weekly progression on your compounds, but then tack on 3-5x10 at 50-60% of your max training weight for that session

        The pull ups are a good addition though, but it might be better to do a dedicated series of sets for them too.

    • 1 year ago

      Db Bulgarian split squats

    • 1 year ago

      High-ish rep RDLs are pretty good for hammies and glutes

    • 1 year ago

      Barbell hip thrust into oblivion. Lunges. Kickback machine if there's one. Wide legged leg presses on machine. Deep Pistol squats.
      >source stretch marks in inner thighs and asscheeks

      • 1 year ago


        High-ish rep RDLs are pretty good for hammies and glutes

        Db Bulgarian split squats


        I've been doing pic related for the past 3 months, but would like to mix in more calisthenics. Is the following hybrid routine a good upgrade or moronic:

        Workout A:
        >3x8 pull-up
        >2x5, 1xAMRAP barbell squat
        >3x8 dip
        >1xAMRAP deadlift
        >3x8 bodyweight rows
        >3x8 push-ups

        Workout B:
        >3x8 pull-up
        >2x5, 1xAMRAP barbell squat
        >2x5, 1xAMRAP overhead press
        >1xAMRAP deadlift
        >3x8 bodyweight rows
        >2x5, 1xAMRAP bench press


        Hip thrusts

        Based. Thank you kings

    • 1 year ago

      cycling is one of the best ways to build glutes that no one talks about. Every gym has bikes, and many are often not being used, even when it's crowded. I'm not gunna post a pic of my ass or abs, but I've been told they are perfect in /cbts.

    • 1 year ago

      Kettle bell swings

    • 1 year ago

      I like lunges, they hit my glutes pretty hard and require a lot less weight than squats

    • 1 year ago

      If the cable machines are free you can try with pull throughs, do them while kneeling to isolate the glutes even more.

    • 1 year ago

      This is the best glutes guide in the world: https://rpstrength.com/glute-training-tips-hypertrophy/
      This is the hub https://rpstrength.com/hypertrophy-training-guide-central-hub/ and this is the key which explains all the vocab words https://rpstrength.com/training-volume-landmarks-muscle-growth
      There are 20 exercises named which can induce glute growth, they are also in this youtube playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyqKj7LwU2RtZnGDmtpyhDdvUHFvVyZnA
      Additionally, you may bennefit from some reading on strength training in addition to muscular hypertrophy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strength_training
      Pic related is the sample guide.


      I've been doing pic related for the past 3 months, but would like to mix in more calisthenics. Is the following hybrid routine a good upgrade or moronic:

      Workout A:
      >3x8 pull-up
      >2x5, 1xAMRAP barbell squat
      >3x8 dip
      >1xAMRAP deadlift
      >3x8 bodyweight rows
      >3x8 push-ups

      Workout B:
      >3x8 pull-up
      >2x5, 1xAMRAP barbell squat
      >2x5, 1xAMRAP overhead press
      >1xAMRAP deadlift
      >3x8 bodyweight rows
      >2x5, 1xAMRAP bench press


      Hip thrusts

      Your routine can also benefit from the above links, but I'm not sure what your exact specific goal is.


      >Weighed hip thrusts are the only exercise that activates glutes more than 35%

  2. 1 year ago

    What can I do to boost my libido?
    I can do it with my wife once a day, but I used to be able to do it 3-4 times a day when we were dating.

    • 1 year ago

      I can't say if it will work for you, but cardio 3-4x per week helped me.
      >Vitamin b6
      >Vitamin b3
      >Tribulus Terrestris

      • 1 year ago

        Already taking the placebo supplements.
        Any recommended cardio?

        • 1 year ago

          >Power walking, jogging, cycling, boxing, rowing

          Essentially a lot of lower body or full body work to improve circulation and blood flow.

          Jogging and rooning did it for me.

        • 1 year ago

          couch to 5k to build your endurance then you switch to some HIIT

    • 1 year ago

      Zinc and not jacking off

    • 1 year ago

      You could always try edging, semen retention, and checking out fap hero on /h/

    • 1 year ago

      >but I used to be able to do it 3-4 times a day
      I mean, if that was chronic enough that there in could have lead to your current problem now

    • 1 year ago

      You should donate to Ukraine. You’ll feel like a lion afterwards and frick like a bull.

    • 1 year ago

      Zinc bro. Every time I take that shit I walk around bricked up 75% of the day and coom absolute fricking buckets.

  3. 1 year ago

    How to lower body fat %? already at deficit.
    just cardio and HIIT?

    • 1 year ago

      Track your macros and yes more cardio.
      You only need HIIT 2x per week, but you can do LISS or Zone 2 cardio 2-3x per week.

      The main thing is tracking your macros though.
      Really dial in your carb and fat intake, and ensure your protein intake is high enough.

      • 1 year ago

        >Track your macros and yes more cardio.
        What do you suggest to track macro?
        I just eye ball my calories, since most of what I eat can't be logged in common apps.
        Also what cardio? roooooning?

        • 1 year ago

          Whatever cardio you can stick with.
          I roon even though I utterly hate it.
          If you prefer swimming or playing Black personball, do that, but be consistent with it. For LISS you can do rowing for 30-45 minutes or walking at a brisk pace for 45-60mins every other day

          As for calorie tracking myfitnesspal works well for me. I refuse to give the digitalisraelite my money though, so I use the free version without the barcode scanner.
          If you can, use a kitchen scale to weigh your food. If not, use the package weights on your foods.

          • 1 year ago

            Would routinely switching my pull-up grip (supinated, pronated, neutral) between workouts be beneficial or detrimental?

            FYI Cronometer is great alternative and the free version includes a barcode scanner

          • 1 year ago

            >If you can, use a kitchen scale to weigh your food. If not, use the package weights on your foods.
            Most of my food is from restaurants, or stuff that I don't know how to calculate the calories of it because too much stuff in it.
            Like cheese and pita bread.
            Or too many ingredient, like gravy and rice.

            • 1 year ago

              ...stop eating that garbage goyslop fatty.
              Learn to cook for yourself.
              It's really not hard.
              If you can't cook for yourself, eat lean single ingredient prepared foods. Restaurant foods are high in fat and carbs. You're basically playing yourself my man.

              • 1 year ago

                I don't live in burgerland, my goyslop is shawarma or falafel.

              • 1 year ago

                That's still pretty bad.
                If you're getting shawarma get the grilled chicken.
                Alsoy point about the high fat content still stands. Why can't you just be responsible for your own food?
                Serious question.
                Are you unwilling or present incapable of it?

              • 1 year ago

                >shawarma get the grilled chicken
                I don't know about shawarma in your area.
                But here it look like this with samoon.
                >Are you unwilling or present incapable of it?
                Can't because of my work.
                I wake up at 5:30 am, don't have time to have breakfast, so I already make something previous night with cheese and samoon, or dinner left over, or just skip breakfast.
                Lunch at work is rice cooked with too much oil and pita bread.
                Dinner is literally goyslop.
                So I have to order out.
                Can't wiener and bring with me since I don't have way or place of storing it, sometimes I just bring fruits like apple or banana.
                And be back at home something like 9 pm, by then I'm too tired so I just heat frozen stuff.

        • 1 year ago

          cronometer is a good tracker and you can create custom shit on it, HIIT twice a week is all you need if your already fairly low on bf%

    • 1 year ago

      LISS is better as it doesn't spike your cortisol

      • 1 year ago

        what's that?

        • 1 year ago

          Low intensity steady state cardio.
          Tbh, I'm not sure exactly where your HR Zone is supposed to be for LISS. Is it Zone 1 or Zone 2?

          • 1 year ago

            thanks king

          • 1 year ago

            My coach in high school always told me to run at a conversational pace for most of my runs, and to focus on building up weekly mileage slowly over time instead.

      • 1 year ago

        Doesn't all exercise spike your cortisol? Should we just stop exercising for minimum cortisol production? Should I just stay in bed today? Because I'll fricking do it

  4. 1 year ago

    Can I use my gf as a weight when squatting? We're going home to my family for 2 weeks and I'd like to do some exercise while there. I'll have to adjust the reps as she's slightly heavier than what I usually squat but she's nowhere near my PR so it shouldn't be a problem, right?

    • 1 year ago

      I would say yes, but it's more cumbersome and less efficient than you think.
      I've squatted my wife a few times. The ROM is shit, and the technique is different because of how the weight is distributed.

      You're better off investing in resistance bands and doing higher volume.
      Like 4-5*10-15.

      Also try deadlifting your gf, either the typical way (her lying on her side with arms and ankles crossed), or DL with resistance bands.

      Resistance bands are not as good as weights obviously, but they're alright if you've got nothing else. Get a good range of resistances too.

      • 1 year ago

        >Resistance bands
        We're leaving for bumfrick nowhere in a couple of hours, don't think I have time to pick them up unfortunately.

        >Also try deadlifting your gf, either the typical way (her lying on her side with arms and ankles crossed)
        Hmm, this sounds like a better solution to my problems. Do I just grab her arm and thigh like if she was a barbell?

        • 1 year ago


          Bear in mind it's not going to be comfortable for her, so don't be surprised if she doesn't want to do it.

          • 1 year ago

            Looks good. She's no quitter so it should be fine, this will be fun.

    • 1 year ago

      sure, but i'd only do that as a "look at me how strong i am" way to impress her
      it'll get old for her, so instead work on step ups (they're a lot fricking harder than they seem at higher elevation), single leg deadlifts, and hip flexor strengthening

    • 1 year ago

      do bulgarian split squats, if you don’t have dumbbells load something into a backpack. in the same situation and was smoked after 2x15 with 50lb dbs

    • 1 year ago

      roman kondrachov on youtube did a whole series of gf exercises including squatting during covid

  5. 1 year ago

    >been lifting weights and watching calories
    >weight self
    >still same weight
    Please fricking help me, I'm really fricking disheartened bros, I thought I was making progress but apparently all I did was maintain weight

    • 1 year ago

      You might be building muscle by lifting weight and losing fat. Muscle is denser than fat, so your weight might not be going down but you will be recomping your body.

      Case in point, my weight has been 83~85kg for the last 8 years, I look very different now than I did at the same weight 4 years ago.
      If you're not seeing a big enough change yet, clean up your diet a bit and do more cardio.

      Again, find your TDEE, eat in a deficit between -300to -600cal, and dial in your macros.

      The real key is consistency with your diet and your exercise.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks man, I have my fitness pal and entered all my stuff so I have something I can use.
        I have been going to the gym mostly 6 days a week, so that could be true; also I usually drink 1-2 liters of water a day. I do need to do a lot more cardio though, my stamina is shit

        • 1 year ago

          >been lifting weights and watching calories
          >weight self
          >still same weight
          Please fricking help me, I'm really fricking disheartened bros, I thought I was making progress but apparently all I did was maintain weight

          To add to anon's suggestion, if your gym has a treadmill, adding 15-30 minutes of 15-degree incline at 3mph at the end of a workout should be more than enough to burn extra calories. You many not even need to increase your deficit

          • 1 year ago

            >adding 15-30 minutes of 15-degree incline at 3mph
            That's roughly 300 cal.

        • 1 year ago

          For cardio there are lots of options.
          Start easy and work your way up.

          A friend of mine was a lardy pajeet just a year ago. He started off just walking for 1hr, 3x per week.
          He's now running 5ks for fun.

  6. 1 year ago

    I want to change my split from PPL to
    1. chest & back
    2. triceps & biceps
    3. shoulders and legs
    but I am scared that my triceps will be fricked, i would basically train them every day (on 1st day from bench, on 2nd from isolation and on 3rd from ohp). Won't that be an overkill? I really want to have an arm day in my split but I see no solution to this.

    • 1 year ago


      You can do shoulder ISOS***(isolations) with arms

  7. 1 year ago

    good aftrrnoon anons
    In need of some advice here. .
    Everytime I bench almost no matter what weight I'm using the first rep is much weaker and slower for some reason, almost like I get stronger the more reps I do... vidrel i took its very clearly visible, would really appreciate some help on this..

    • 1 year ago

      your grip is too narrow, your arms are bending inwards each rep. Looks painful

      • 1 year ago

        I feel the most comfortable with that grip, but I have tried wider grips aswell and the issue I described still exists with wider grips ...

        • 1 year ago

          Then the issue is that you either aren't warming up properly or lifting too heavy with incorrect form. If you have trouble with a wider grip, lower the weight.

    • 1 year ago

      My guess would be that you're not warming up properly. Either that or you're doing some sort of minor form deviation that's not all that visible on video.

    • 1 year ago

      This happens to me too and I can’t figure it out either, when I go really heavy I struggle to lower the bar down. But after that I can do 7 or so more reps. Bumping for advice

    • 1 year ago

      Retract your shoulder blades back and down, squeeze, keep it squeezed and glued to the bench during each rep.

  8. 1 year ago

    How do I stop muscle shaking.

    I violently shake after every exersise. If it's light or I go hard doesn't matter.

    Nothings wrong with my blood work, I drink electrolytes in moderation. Potassium and magnesium levels are good.

    If there a way to stop this? Ice bath? Post workout mediation? Massage? Ive tried these with little success. Doesn't hurt but its annoying and discourages me from exercising, I look like a Parkinson patient after lifting.

    • 1 year ago

      Massage pistol on the muscles that shake BEFORE going to the gym worked for me. I used to shake a lot after doing calf exercises.

      • 1 year ago

        Thankyou I'll try it! I'm very frustrated it doesn't matter if it 5lbs or 50lbs I shake.


        I do get salt and eat an diet with animal proteins and veggies/fruit berries. I don't eat a ton of carbs, I'm not a keto schitzo but generally don't eat bread, pasta, rice, getting carbs from fruits, vegetables, beans or oats.

        I thought salt was the problem too and would eat a handful of salted nuts to try to correct the problem but bloodwork says it's not.

  9. 1 year ago

    Getting minor discomfort in my left shoulder when I lift my arm laterally. Happened yesterday when I woke up so I skipped the gym and ran instead. It's still slightly painful but feels like it's getting better.
    Should I skip lifting today, too?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes. Or don't use your arm for a bit. It sounds like an impingement or nerve entrapment.
      I had something similar years ago from overdoing it with a pushups, lat raises, front raises and curls circuit.
      I lost feeling in my left arm and couldn't raise the arm above shoulder height for about 6 months. Rest your shit and work on mobility.

  10. 1 year ago

    what does it mean to squeeze the bicep during a curl? idgi. the word squeeze doesn't make sense to me in this context.

    • 1 year ago

      Basically, take a light dumbbell and flex as hard as you can while curling.

      It's worthless though. Just curl heavy, cleanly at volume

  11. 1 year ago


    >Once a day is ideal
    My wife think it's not.

    • 1 year ago

      Then do more LISS cardio and eat at a surplus

      • 1 year ago

        >eat at a surplus
        I lose my gains.

  12. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        no woman under 45 reads these, always an irrelevant point

        • 1 year ago

          My sister-in-law's sixteen year old sister reads these.

          • 1 year ago

            correction, she jerk offs to them

          • 1 year ago

            she hot?

    • 1 year ago

      huge calves

  13. 1 year ago

    Is it worth while to drop the weight in compound exercise to go from 3x5 to 3x10?

    • 1 year ago

      better solution, don't bother with 10 reps for compound exercises. It's too taxing to hit those higher reps. Do 3x6-8 instead.

  14. 1 year ago

    What's a reasonable strength goal for a newbie? Should it be 2/1.5/1x my bodyweight for deadlift/squat/bench press?

    Am 5'10 and 155-160lb.

    • 1 year ago

      The exact numbers are difficult to pin down, honestly just focus on steadily getting stronger and better than your previous. The actual number doesn't matter that much.

    • 1 year ago

      >What's a reasonable strength goal for a newbie?
      Better than yesterday. Always add more reps (at least one) or a little more weight.
      As you are a newbie, the progression can be linear for about ~1 year, and you should focus on it.


      how to progress on barbell curls? i started at 65 pounds doing sets 10 sets of five. if i couldnt strict curl it i would swing it up and let it down really slow. now i can strict curl it for all 10 sets. do i add more weight or make my sets bigger?

      Don't go beyond 10 reps. Get a higher weight and do x8. When you are able to do every set of 10, change weight. As it is a isolation lift, progression is slow, but gains are made.

  15. 1 year ago

    It’s hard for me to squat without Butt happening. How serious is this? Will it go away with time as I gain more flexibility and stabilizing muscles from squatting ( I’m a total beginner and only squatting 1 plate right now ). Or, will I hurt myself if this persists?

    • 1 year ago

      You mean butt wink? Some people say it matters, some say it doesn't. Biggest thing is to keep a rigid torso and not arch your back, as well as not forcing ROM that isn't there

    • 1 year ago

      You mean butt wink? Some people say it matters, some say it doesn't. Biggest thing is to keep a rigid torso and not arch your back, as well as not forcing ROM that isn't there

      butt wink matters. you just have to be flexible. since hes not doing much weight i suggest doing pause squats. pay attention to your back angle and when you go atg make sure your not winking and your back is straight. it takes time to feel comfortable in the position. just do lots of pause squats.

  16. 1 year ago

    At what point do you add a light squat day to SS? I'm currently squatting 1.3x body weight and my recent workouts have been pretty hit or miss. At this point should I still be able to add 5lbs three times a week with ease or is this a point where more people start adding a lighter day?
    Like, I'm not even sure whether I'm hitting a limit or whether my technique is inconsistent. Two days ago my first working set was terrible; my form actually broke down to the point I'd have to call it a failed set, but then the two sets afterwards were better (albeit only borderline acceptable). Do I repeat the weight today or add weight?

    • 1 year ago

      It sounds like you're reaching the end of noob gains which is common, you're not gonna be adding 5 lbs a session forever. If you can't finish your set, stay at that weight until you can. If you fail your sets two sessions in a row, deload by 20% and work your way back up. If you still can't progress at that point, you're ready to move onto an intermediate routine.

      • 1 year ago

        I'd take that approach if I had failed my last set for example, but my last workout has me confused because the very first set was the shit one (so it has to be because of technique to an extent - not just a physical limit). Would the same rule apply even then?
        I was also looking at a light squat day rather than an intermediate routine, because my other lifts are way behind and still have plenty of noob gain potential. It's probably time to read into post-SS stuff though, I bet that question/problem comes up more often.

        • 1 year ago

          Yes, the same technique would apply. If it's a form issue you want to correct it at a lighter weight so you don't risk injury.

          • 1 year ago

            Thanks, will try to mess around a bit then. Admittedly I find it difficult, because it feels like I'm reaching weights where form needs to be dialed in 100%, and that's not easy to replicate with lighter weights.
            My form is good usually, but sometimes you accidentally set up just a tiny bit wider on a working set, and then.. Or the bar is heavier than expected and you end up leaning a bit more forward than intended, causing you to.. I assume a lot of beginners have trouble with that (inexperience, underdeveloped core, etc.), so I'll just have to deal with it. Probably something you get more used to with time.

  17. 1 year ago

    Is 70g of protein too much in one protein shake

    I add one scoop and 400g of greek yoghurt + water

    • 1 year ago

      no, and anyone claiming you can only process 30g of protein per meal or whatever is full of shit.

      >greek yoghurt mixed with water
      dear god man

      • 1 year ago

        >greek yoghurt mixed with water

        Water with a splash of milk and it taste like an Indian Lassi drink.

      • 1 year ago

        >greek yoghurt mixed with water
        >dear god man
        sounds disgusting, but the flavored protein scoop makes it taste great

  18. 1 year ago

    how to progress on barbell curls? i started at 65 pounds doing sets 10 sets of five. if i couldnt strict curl it i would swing it up and let it down really slow. now i can strict curl it for all 10 sets. do i add more weight or make my sets bigger?

  19. 1 year ago

    Is 15 minutes on the stationary bike + 10 minutes on the ellipctical 5 times a week enough? I try to get to 80% of max heart rate.
    Is it ok that I never run or use the treadmill?

    • 1 year ago

      The best cardio is the one you do. Unless you have a specific goal in mind, rooning isn't necessary but is nice as a general aid in day-to-day life

  20. 1 year ago

    Salt craving, Is it normal?

  21. 1 year ago

    I like this cute girl from my local grocery for quite a while, since the summer when we locked eyes. We always make eye contact and she always seemed to be in a b***hy mood with me there or without. But every time there’s eye contact there’s a lot of tension. I suspected she was from my ethnicity but brushed it off until I overheard her talking to someone in my mother tongue/second language. I want to start small chitchat with her but she always seems in a perpetual state of a b***hy mood (she works in a grocery no shit). I’m not an autismo and want to talk but am afraid of the mixed signals. Besides the tension when we lock eyes, one time she followed me throughout the grocery with my parents pretending to get something or return something. But most of the time she’s in a b***hy mood and once she tried to hit on another customer but he didn’t even acknowledge her existence.

    I’m afraid if I try to attempt anything, it’ll be awkward and I won’t be able to show my face at the one place I shop for my groceries and there isn’t any other alternative. Not to mention I’m in a spot where my parents told me not to focus on girls and to focus on my career (graduated with no job since this June, doing freelance since then).

    I don’t watch anime but there is a saying of tsundere or kuudere. She seems very old and b***hy but there’s also the eye contact thing and the instance where she followed me. On the other hand, I don’t want to be humiliated or barred from making groceries because I tried to ask how her day was.

    What do I do anons? My parents told me to not get involved with a girl working groceries because there’s a certain stereotype associated with that, aka: fricking the manager. And the manager is about my age and she’s the only cutie there.

    I’m dyel before you ask, just began my fitness journey last month

    • 1 year ago

      Cold* and b***hy, not old. My bad for the misspelling

    • 1 year ago

      sounds like she thinks you're a shoplifter

      • 1 year ago

        >sounds like she thinks you're a shoplifter
        >wait for an actual piece of advice and get this in response
        Bruh what do I actually do? As for the shop lifting bit it’s impossible and she looks at me as if there’s sexual tension not I’m going to beat you up or you’re sus tension

  22. 1 year ago

    I'm wondering what people think about TalonFitness. He makes tier lists of different food groups, ranking them by how healthy they are. I've been getting my nutritional info from this one guy.

  23. 1 year ago

    how long typically does it take to get conventional deadlift from 400 to 500 lbs

    • 1 year ago

      There is no "typically" when it comes to progress. It depends on a variety of factors.


      How to become addicted?
      I want to draw like there's nothing else in the world. Or to play guitar until my hands are bleeding. Or developing without rest the foldable snow sledge I'm thinking of for years now. Or or or... It doesn’t even matter what, I just want to dedicate my time to sth that has some soul to it.
      I hate myself and this bullshit corporate world and how easy it is to get distracted and complacent. Literally no way out. I always thought at some point I will achieve good things in life I will be proud of when I’m old. But recently I started to feel I am just another midwit drone in this world whose rare energy spikes can be soothed with some crap tv show or some digital shit
      any drugs for this?

      Sorry to hear you're not motivated but this isn't fitness related anon we can't help you


      How do i deal with being horny every single day? I never had sex but since the start of this month until now i have been developing a constant sexual desire and i can only think about sex sex sex sex. Hell, today i bougth a pack of condoms for next year. I jerk off in daily basis (affortunately without any adverses effects as far as im concerned (i dont watch porn videos)) and its still driving me crazy. Also what are some alternatives Oxytocin sources?

      Jerking off daily isn't that unusual. Just sounds like you're a young guy.

      • 1 year ago

        >Jerking off daily isn't that unusual. Just sounds like you're a young gu
        Yeah, 20 years old and counting. Praying to any deity that can hear me out right now and wishing hard to get laid next year

        • 1 year ago

          Girls (or boys, no judgement) can smell desperation like a dumpster filled with rotten meat. The easiest way to get laid is to relax and not try any of that stupid pickup shit. Literally just learn social cues, don't be horrifically ugly, and be willing to lower your bar to your minimum level.

          For what its worth sex isn't that big of a deal as most make it out to be. When I lost my virginity there was this aura of "oh, that was it". It can be really good but your first time will probably be awkward and unmemorable. So don't stress.

    • 1 year ago

      You should easily be able to gain 100lbs on your deadlift if you gain 100lbs of body weight

      It took me 18 months but I was fricking ripping it. I never made such good progress before or after that period of my life

  24. 1 year ago

    What would be better for my off days doing cardio? Usually 3x a week as I'm doing a UL split. Mainly looking to slightly cut but still increase my lifts.

    Hour LISS cardio like 3/3.5 setting with a decent incline or 30 min sprint/interval HITT stuff alternating between 4.0/6.5 setting?

  25. 1 year ago


    Do you have any further reading? I tracked my diet on chronometer and my salt intake was very high but so was fat intake. What's a bare minimum for grams of carbs I need a day? Do you count the carbs in the vegetables?

    Yeah I am a noob, you caught me.

    You seem to be fairly knowledgeable, thanks for replying.

  26. 1 year ago

    How to become addicted?
    I want to draw like there's nothing else in the world. Or to play guitar until my hands are bleeding. Or developing without rest the foldable snow sledge I'm thinking of for years now. Or or or... It doesn’t even matter what, I just want to dedicate my time to sth that has some soul to it.
    I hate myself and this bullshit corporate world and how easy it is to get distracted and complacent. Literally no way out. I always thought at some point I will achieve good things in life I will be proud of when I’m old. But recently I started to feel I am just another midwit drone in this world whose rare energy spikes can be soothed with some crap tv show or some digital shit
    any drugs for this?

    • 1 year ago

      Just do it autistically. You want to play guitar? Dont just play it, taste it, know it, investigate about guitars, watch covers and videos on youtube about guitars and people playing, read books about guitars and novels about guitarrist and musicians, watch movies about the subject. I believe that obsesion is a good source of passion if cultivated in a that can nourish you. The same goes for everything. Of course, this have to be something you trully like, that give you a sense of passion for the matter. Also try to keep it to yourself as much as you can, you dont want to make this into a task and ruin the magic, do it for fun, or whatever feeling can drive you.

      • 1 year ago

        cultivated in a way*

    • 1 year ago

      What you're talking about is a romanticizesd ideal that only exists in very very few cases. That kind of addiction can't be forced as it comes naturally, it is more so a product of a deep need rather than simple motivation.
      The only thing clos to that (or perhaps better) is good old discipline. You just consequently do what you think is right without compromise.
      It is a long and aarduous journey and you will frick up many many times. Being IST can help, I'd advise Nietzsche's "Will to Power" for starters.

    • 1 year ago

      so you basically have no discipline and no routine. Force yourself to do things despite how you feel, stop stopping when it gets difficult.

      I recently had the same sort of dilemma that you did, except it was the opposite for me, i realised that i need to master something, some craft, like you said, art, music, something real. I chose joinery and carpentry because i already know a lot about it, but am not a master yet.
      It inspired me. I now have the motivation and drive to attain this goal. to become a master.
      I have made plans and although i need to focus on work, the ball is already rolling, all i have to do is wake up and pick up some tools. what the frick are you doing when you wake up tomorrow?

  27. 1 year ago

    How do i deal with being horny every single day? I never had sex but since the start of this month until now i have been developing a constant sexual desire and i can only think about sex sex sex sex. Hell, today i bougth a pack of condoms for next year. I jerk off in daily basis (affortunately without any adverses effects as far as im concerned (i dont watch porn videos)) and its still driving me crazy. Also what are some alternatives Oxytocin sources?

    • 1 year ago

      Learning, unironically.

      My wife doesn't put out as much as I would like, so I was furiously horny for a while. I was actually agro horny to the point that I would grind my teeth and my muscles would lock up at night from the sheer desire to frick. I'm not a coomer, so I'd only bust 2x per week to keep my balls and prostate healthy.

      Anyway, I started focusing on upskilling myself for a career change during lockdown Nd I found that channelling my rampant horniness into lifting and learning has actually made me much happier than unsuccessfully waiting for my wife to "be in the mood". Fill your time with more worthwhile challenges. See how that goes.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks for the response man, and sorry to ear about your trouble. Im recently triying to write a novel for pure hobbie to keep my mind busy, as well reading, which is something i just picked up this year and has been absolutely fascinating. I like to draw so probably sooner or later im going to express myself througth that i think lol. Aside from that, im interested in learning HTML. Well, here i go, hope i can land something whichever any projects or any chick. Anyway, thanks lad, and good luck for you too

        Girls (or boys, no judgement) can smell desperation like a dumpster filled with rotten meat. The easiest way to get laid is to relax and not try any of that stupid pickup shit. Literally just learn social cues, don't be horrifically ugly, and be willing to lower your bar to your minimum level.

        For what its worth sex isn't that big of a deal as most make it out to be. When I lost my virginity there was this aura of "oh, that was it". It can be really good but your first time will probably be awkward and unmemorable. So don't stress.

        I think i missed out a lot of chances of having sex in the past, and i feel is a life stepping stone that i still need to turn, and also something i feel i need to try out. Im not in a desesperate state like i used to (learned my lesson in very hard ways lol) but i still think about it to better my ways. Yeah, probably will or feel amazing or feel "oh ok", but whatever its is, is an experience i trully want more than i have ever wanted before. Those 20 years hits really hard, especially because i started working out at 18 and i've grown in quiet the lion now. Anyway, not stress, got it, i will try what i can

        • 1 year ago

          >Those 20 years hits really hard
          Bro don't feel like 20 is old at all, you're not even finished growing yet. Your brain is still developing until 25. You're still really young and have way more opportunities ahead of you and life gets better the longer you're here.

          >t. turning 30 in a few days and loved my late 20s way more than my early 20s

          • 1 year ago


            Thanks for the response man, and sorry to ear about your trouble. Im recently triying to write a novel for pure hobbie to keep my mind busy, as well reading, which is something i just picked up this year and has been absolutely fascinating. I like to draw so probably sooner or later im going to express myself througth that i think lol. Aside from that, im interested in learning HTML. Well, here i go, hope i can land something whichever any projects or any chick. Anyway, thanks lad, and good luck for you too

            I think i missed out a lot of chances of having sex in the past, and i feel is a life stepping stone that i still need to turn, and also something i feel i need to try out. Im not in a desesperate state like i used to (learned my lesson in very hard ways lol) but i still think about it to better my ways. Yeah, probably will or feel amazing or feel "oh ok", but whatever its is, is an experience i trully want more than i have ever wanted before. Those 20 years hits really hard, especially because i started working out at 18 and i've grown in quiet the lion now. Anyway, not stress, got it, i will try what i can

            Anon is correct. I hit 33 next year, and I can honestly say the past 3 years >>>>> all of my 20s, and I consider them the best years of my life. This is coming from someone who DID sleep around in college.
            Sex when young sucks. It's all hormones and insecurity. Your fantasies don't play out like you think they will. Sex is messy and you are ALL up in your head about it. If you managed to have sex tomorrow, you might think the skies will turn blue and your insecurity/depression will go away, but in all honesty, it wont change how you feel about life. I know, because I did that: had sex in college, and the next day I was still insecure and depressed and socially awkward. Sex didn't change that anymore that masturbation did. I learned to fix myself and start being comfortable in my own skin. It took most of my 20s, and let me tell you my 20s sucked dick.
            I've been with my GF for nearly 10 years now, started off horn-dogs then it sort of fizzled out with life and stress and work. Thanks to finally being far into my career and making actual money and being comfortable in my skin (and her in her skin), we actually had a sexual renaissance recently and have been non-stop fricking like hormonal teenagers, it's actually incredible and about 10x better than our horniest, earliest selves, easily. We both constantly talk about what we want to try out in bed, what we definitely don't want to try out, what we might be open to- the budget for toys is kinda incredible. Sex is absolutely, infinitely better in my 30s, and I wouldn't miss my previous experiences at all since they pale in comparison.
            I say this to dispel the weird notion that "it's over" after high school/college. You probably have this idea of balding fat dads who hate their wives as the typical 30s, but it's waaaay far from the truth. My GF and I can afford to travel, we own a house, we are both fit, she's honesty prettier now than before, it's awesome.
            Don't think it's even CLOSE to over.

            • 1 year ago

              Dude sex in your late 20s is the fricking best, you finally know what your doing and your partners are all horny freaks. It's literally just a challenge to see who can make the other orgasm faster. Goddamn I love being almost 30.

        • 1 year ago

          >im interested in learning HTML.
          HTML is incredibly easy. Use one or two days of your Christmas break to learn it. Once I learned it, I felt like I was moronic for thinking it would be difficult.

          ifunny is unironically based

          I assume the watermark is added to be ironic usually.

          can calorie deficit affect your erection ? i'm having trouble getting hard is it because of the diet or other stuff?

          Yeah, if you lack enough energy I suppose your dick might not rise. On the other hand, I feel like your calorie deficit won't be that large. It's probably another dietary issue.

      • 1 year ago

        Amazing how a presumably young, fit and ambitious man will just accept having a dead bedroom. Does the idea of spending the rest of your life with a woman that doesn't even like fricking you not sound horrifying to you?


        Ok so I was squatting earlier, and not long ago as I was resting in bed I stretched my leg out and got a terrible cramp above my knee. The whole muscle seemed to lock up but what's weird is it just stayed that way. There's no way to "unlock" it and it looks really swollen and I have limited mobility with it. It's kinda hard to take a photo of but hopefully you can see the swelling and even the weird dent there. Has anyone experienced something like this? When I googled it there's something called bursitis which sounds kind of similar but I'm not sure if it is that or if I've really fricked something here.

        Suggest you have someone bring you some crutches and drive you to a doctor

        • 1 year ago

          Of course a dead bedroom bothers me, but right now I've got bigger fish to fry. My focus is on acquiring skills and improving my wealth earning potential. I'm still healthy, my dick is strong and I'm not super ugly, so I have sexual prospects, I just need more assets.

          For now, I'm holding out until I get citizenship in her country for those sick free movement in the EEA gains.

          After that...well
          Pic related.

      • 1 year ago

        >waiting for my wife to "be in the mood"
        that was your second mistake, your first was marrying a girl who's not turned on by you.
        You don't wait for women, you turn them on, you learn their buttons and push them just right.

  28. 1 year ago

    ifunny is unironically based

    • 1 year ago

      Funny enough, I actually saved that image from a IST thread months ago.

  29. 1 year ago

    How do people "lol just go back and finish the set"? I fail a set of squats and no matter how long I rest I'll be too exhausted and lightheaded to get the same weight up again. Maybe if it was just two reps or so, but another full set of five? Do those people just immediately drop the barbell rather than waste energy trying to get the bar back up for a few seconds?
    Hell, even subsequent exercises feel significantly more difficult as a result. Is that normal?

    • 1 year ago

      What? If you fail a set you don't redo it. it sounds like you're lifting way too heavy.

  30. 1 year ago

    Any suggestions for training to be able to lift and carry women long distances?

    Apart from impressing women, I have family who loves being picked up and carried places

    • 1 year ago

      Push ups. Also there this excersise i do with a single heavy iro dumble that i pick up at on side and start lifting apliying pressure to my chest, working on my biceps, that really developed my functional stregth.

  31. 1 year ago

    Ok so I was squatting earlier, and not long ago as I was resting in bed I stretched my leg out and got a terrible cramp above my knee. The whole muscle seemed to lock up but what's weird is it just stayed that way. There's no way to "unlock" it and it looks really swollen and I have limited mobility with it. It's kinda hard to take a photo of but hopefully you can see the swelling and even the weird dent there. Has anyone experienced something like this? When I googled it there's something called bursitis which sounds kind of similar but I'm not sure if it is that or if I've really fricked something here.

    • 1 year ago

      Try slowly stretching it
      Sounds like your run-of-the-mill cramp


      Any suggestions for training to be able to lift and carry women long distances?

      Apart from impressing women, I have family who loves being picked up and carried places

      Deadlifts, squats, hip thrusts, farmers carries

      How do people "lol just go back and finish the set"? I fail a set of squats and no matter how long I rest I'll be too exhausted and lightheaded to get the same weight up again. Maybe if it was just two reps or so, but another full set of five? Do those people just immediately drop the barbell rather than waste energy trying to get the bar back up for a few seconds?
      Hell, even subsequent exercises feel significantly more difficult as a result. Is that normal?

      Failing happens. Just do better next time
      My squat varies wildly so I don't fret about it. I squatted lmao4pl8z?! About a month ago, then the last few weeks, 3pl8s has even felt really heavy and then today I go in and rock 385 ezpz

      I fail, then just immediately start loading for deads.


      How do i deal with being horny every single day? I never had sex but since the start of this month until now i have been developing a constant sexual desire and i can only think about sex sex sex sex. Hell, today i bougth a pack of condoms for next year. I jerk off in daily basis (affortunately without any adverses effects as far as im concerned (i dont watch porn videos)) and its still driving me crazy. Also what are some alternatives Oxytocin sources?

      If you don't watch porn, you're totally fine


      How to become addicted?
      I want to draw like there's nothing else in the world. Or to play guitar until my hands are bleeding. Or developing without rest the foldable snow sledge I'm thinking of for years now. Or or or... It doesn’t even matter what, I just want to dedicate my time to sth that has some soul to it.
      I hate myself and this bullshit corporate world and how easy it is to get distracted and complacent. Literally no way out. I always thought at some point I will achieve good things in life I will be proud of when I’m old. But recently I started to feel I am just another midwit drone in this world whose rare energy spikes can be soothed with some crap tv show or some digital shit
      any drugs for this?

      You just do it. Wtf are you talking about?
      You do the beginner stuff and add in stuff to keep you interested
      You have to learn self discipline. It's part of growing up.


      Do you have any further reading? I tracked my diet on chronometer and my salt intake was very high but so was fat intake. What's a bare minimum for grams of carbs I need a day? Do you count the carbs in the vegetables?

      Yeah I am a noob, you caught me.

      You seem to be fairly knowledgeable, thanks for replying.

      For your protein intake, you want to eat 0.8g of protein for every pound of LEAN mass. The only people who dispute this sell protein powder or roid(they can actually process more). Multiple studies surrounding diet composition have found excess protein depletes testosterone which is the most important factor for gains/fullness/leanness/performance/strength etc etc

      I experimented for 10 years or so with diet and found that taking your protein grams times 2 is very close to the amount of carbs you need to adequately process that protein AND power your body. Sugar DOES NOT COUNT. It doesn't work like bread/pasta/potato/rice carbs, occupies the liver, increases insulin (which drops test) and other bad things.
      Depending on your cardio and job, you might need more, you might need less. Tweak and track.
      Then the rest of your calories come from fat. You need more fat than most people think but less than ketotards think.
      Salt intake is proportional to how much you sweat, how many carbs you eat and how much water you drink. I eat a ton of salt. When I'm low, I just can't perform

      When I'm training for a comp, I straight up don't eat any sugar of any kind, never ever drink alcohol and do 30minutes of liss or more a day.

      As a beginner,you should be focused on getting as strong as possible.

      • 1 year ago

        >Multiple studies surrounding diet composition have found excess protein depletes testosterone
        source? This sounds like bs

        • 1 year ago

          It's never what the study is about, they just stumble on it while looking for something else. Some anon posted 2 different studies a few threads back that corroborated it. That dude's a fricking champ because I don't know how to find them even tho I've read them

          I think one is about maximum protein processing per meal and another is about just general diet composition regarding something

      • 1 year ago



        Do you have any further reading? I tracked my diet on chronometer and my salt intake was very high but so was fat intake. What's a bare minimum for grams of carbs I need a day? Do you count the carbs in the vegetables?

        Yeah I am a noob, you caught me.

        You seem to be fairly knowledgeable, thanks for replying.

        The other anon in this thread who ran SS and is squatting 1.3x his bodyweight for reps could transition into a repeating 3 day (6 day) split and get fricking huge with just 18 months of properly programmed lifting along with a trainload of the proper food and plenty of cardio.

        When you can tax out your CNS and dump a bunch of volume on top of it, your body just freaks out and builds mass trying to stop the abuse.
        When you start doing too much volume to get stronger, your body just doesn't feel that same pressure and will never be impressive. This issue is why so many people roid. They have the wrong program, the wrong diet, but the right insecurities. This is also why there's so much absolutely garbage information flowing through the industry.

        Keep your head down, get as strong as you possibly can at all costs, then jump on a high intensity (heavy) moderate volume, high frequency split and get huge

        • 1 year ago

          >When you can tax out your CNS and dump a bunch of volume on top of it, your body just freaks out and builds mass trying to stop the abuse.
          This sounds like broscience

          • 1 year ago

            Regardless of why it works, the stronger you are when you start training volume, the bigger you can get.
            You'll never be impressive if your first program is high volume.

            • 1 year ago

              Anon I don't really believe this unless you have a study to back it up.

              • 1 year ago

                Then be unimpressive. I don't care.
                I'm just trying to save you years of spinning your wheels like I did.

                I stopped pissing around, focused on strength and then jumped back into volume and exploded.

                I'm 6'4. On my wedding day in 2018, I weighed 274lbs and measured myself at under 8% bf with calipers.
                I can squat 4pl8s and dead 5 any day of the week.
                Believe me, don't believe me, it's your life. Go nuts

              • 1 year ago

                if you boast about shit like that you are legally required to post body or stop posting forever.

              • 1 year ago

                I only bring it up when people just straight up refuse to listen to what I say.

              • 1 year ago

                >called out for posting bullshit
                >won't post body

              • 1 year ago

                I've been paid to give my advice to newbies for the better part of a decade (personal trainer).

                They only don't listen to you if you don't make a convincing case for why they should.

                If you tell a newbie that routine doesn't matter, and they just need to hit each body part twice per week, there are a dozen guys with the newbie's ideal body on social media who said that doing the wrong exercise is killing their gains, so they have no reason to believe that you're right, and the other guys are wrong.

                Instead of telling people that they just need to do some lifting, try telling them that any beginner routine is a good way to build lifting habits that will allow them to gain some muscle, lose some fat, and practice movements that they'll need later. When the newbie gets more advanced, they'll naturally get exposed to more ideas that can be tried out to see if they work well, but the important part is to start with a foundation that allows for a baseline of learning.

              • 1 year ago

                That guy was bragging about being 6'4" 8% BF and 274 lbs as of only 4 years ago. Anon called him out and asked for proof. Other anon didn't deliver, therefore was a liar and a gay.

                I completely agree with your advice though.

              • 1 year ago

                Mr 8% bodyfat loves to mention it in every thread and never post proof lol

              • 1 year ago

                Like why even bring it up? This is the QTD thread, not the larp thread. Post good advice and get out. Once they start trying to sound impressive without any proof it just digs deeper into the "I'm getting called out and have no evidence I better just do a standoff" shit.

                tiny egos on anonymous image boards. lol.

              • 1 year ago

                well.... this actually is what will give you the best results. https://rpstrength.com/hypertrophy-training-guide-central-hub/

                There is a Training Volume Landmarks article that explains all the vocabulary words you need to know https://rpstrength.com/training-volume-landmarks-muscle-growth

                There is a full article on every muscle group:
                Front Delts
                Side Delts
                Rear Delts

                Pic related is the sample workout from the Quads article.

              • 1 year ago

                Are you new to lifting? Volume is effective for building mass if the weight is 70-80% of your 1rm but if you are still lifting novice weight then progressive overload is more important than high reps.

              • 1 year ago

                I was talking about the whole
                >When you can tax out your CNS and dump a bunch of volume on top of it, your body just freaks out and builds mass trying to stop the abuse.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah that's bro science, volume training with an already "taxed CNS" is a waste of time and won't lead to special muscle gains.

              • 1 year ago

                The stronger you are when you start training volume, the bigger your natty potential is.

              • 1 year ago

                And I agree. I think once a natty lifter hits intermediate+ weight on their lifts, they should start doing heavy volume training, like doing sets of 10+ reps of 80% of their 1rm.

      • 1 year ago

        It was actually just a cramp. Still sore but I put some ice on it and it's loosened up a bit. I had some pain in my other knee when last squatting and thought frick it I'm getting some support, so I got some knee sleeves and a belt and I ended up being able to squat about 10kg more than ever today. Guess my legs weren't used to that jump though.

        • 1 year ago

          You don't to use ice you want to use heat for that kind of stuff. At least according to my physical therapists.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks again anon but I'm autistic as hell, can we make this into a math equation? I'm really bad at listening to my body. I've gotten myself in trouble in the past, passing out in 90+ degree heat before.

        >I experimented for 10 years or so with diet and found that taking your protein grams times 2 is very close to the amount of carbs you need to adequately process that protein AND power your body. Sugar DOES NOT COUNT.

        Protein grams x body weight x 2 = needed carbs.

        >Salt intake is proportional to how much you sweat, how many carbs you eat and how much water you drink.

        Same here, 1hr sweating + normal carb intake = some value we'll call "x"

        X × 2 = measurement of salt you should consume.

        I value your years of experience and am willing to give it a go.

        >Keep your head down, get as strong as you possibly can at all costs

        That's the plan. I don't mean to continue to b***h about it but the shaking sucks. It won't make me give up, nothing will.

  32. 1 year ago

    I do bodyweight exercises.

    Am I resting too much between sets? Generally I rest 2 mins sometimes up to 5. Is that too long for pushup, pullups, squat centred workouts.

    • 1 year ago

      yes, don't rest for more than 90 seconds in between bw exercises. The lack of intensity affects hypertrophy.

      • 1 year ago

        With pull ups my numbers go down significantly

        If I do 5x8 pullups I need to rest 2/3+ mins
        If I don't I think my numbers would be more like 8, 6, 5, 3, 3

        Would lower numbers like that be better for hypertrophy?

        • 1 year ago

          It's normal not to be able to do the same number of reps per set with exercises that are actually hard like pullups. Resting 2/3 minutes between sets is fine.

        • 1 year ago

          honestly pullups are an intense compound movement, so 2-3 minutes of rest between sets will net you more reps during that workout, but your max reps might plateau. It's common to hear about people's pull-up max plateauing at 10-12 reps for years, and training with intensity and higher rep tempo can help break that.

          • 1 year ago

            also the advice that increasing rep tempo and lowering rest time to increase max reps was advice given to me by an actual marine that does 80 reps per workout.

    • 1 year ago

      What’s your weekly routine? I’ve been trying to find a solid one since I can’t get to an actual gym for a while.

      • 1 year ago

        I mix it with some dumbell stuff

        -5x15 dips
        -5x15 pushups (steady paced each set approx 60 sec)
        -5x8 standing shoulder press
        -100 burpees (3 sets, 40/30/30)

        -5x8 pullups
        -5x6 hammer pullups
        -5x10 bent over db rows

        -5x20 pushups (slow/steady)
        -5x9 Arnold press
        -5x8 standing lateral raises
        -100 burpees (40/30/30)

        >Fri (used to do 5 sets but do 3 sets higher reps now)
        -Pull ups (15/10/10) (used to be 5x8)
        -Chin ups (8/8/8) (used to be 5x6)
        -Hammer grip pull ups (8/8/8) (used to be 5x6)

        -5x50 squats
        -5x20 ab stuff

        On Tues/Thurs/Sat I do 30 mins cardio on an exercise bike after

  33. 1 year ago

    Any thoughts on a separate GPP day during a 4 day upper lower split? Something like muscle ups, farmers walks, power cleans + maybe hit arms to make it worthwhile.

    • 1 year ago

      It would only make sense if you'd do ULULGxx or something
      Sounds like hell

      • 1 year ago

        I'd do xLULUGx since the GPP has farmers walks and power cleans which hit the lower back and I'd do them on Saturday.

        yeah i do added arm day on saturday. just don’t go overboard with it so it doesn’t frick your recovery

        Cool. Thanks.

    • 1 year ago

      yeah i do added arm day on saturday. just don’t go overboard with it so it doesn’t frick your recovery

  34. 1 year ago

    After a few years of 3, 4 sometimes 5 Im finally back to training 6 days a week for lat 2 weeks. 3 days of boxing and cardio and 3 days or weights with run at the end, alternating day to day.

    Am asking if this is seriously a good way to develop strength while also gaining speed and endurance? Have never done both at the same time so am curious to see the results.

  35. 1 year ago

    Do I need to add lateral raises to get bigger shoulders. I do shoulder press and reverse flies but think I should be doing laterals for the middle part of my shoulder. Concur?

    • 1 year ago

      Banded face pulls

  36. 1 year ago

    What is the difference between supplements and steroids? Or good food?
    You put X chemical into your body to make it function better but if you put Y chemical into your body it functions TOO much better and that is wrong?

  37. 1 year ago

    whats that website where you put in your lifts and it tells you what level strength you are?

    • 1 year ago

      Has anyone here had a tightness that feels like a tendon issue behind the knee? I started feeling it during RDLs but there's no other symptoms of sciatica like no back pain, etc. so I suspect some hamstring tendon issue. If so what did you find helped/how long to recover?

      Symmetric strength but it seems to be down right now

      • 1 year ago

        >Symmetric strength

  38. 1 year ago

    Is it a good idea to take melatonin? It seems to vastly improve sleep with no side effects, and sleep = gains

    • 1 year ago

      melatonin fricks up your natural sleep schedule in the long term, you shouldn't rely on it.

  39. 1 year ago

    Do people really remember their old coaches?

  40. 1 year ago

    Are there any common causes for upper back rounding on the very last part of the deadlift? When I hip hinge my tight hamstrings seem to be at full stretch by the time the bar reaches my knees, which in turn makes bending my knees quickly difficult. At that point the weight just pulls me down (the last few centimeters), despite my back being straight for 9/10s of the lift. I have no idea whether tight hamstrings could cause this and I also haven't really found any people with the same issue. It happens with pretty much any weight.

  41. 1 year ago

    I use these shoes for everything and they are my only pair of shoes.
    I got a treadmill from a friend for $50.
    Can I use these to run or will it frick up my ankles or something?

    • 1 year ago

      i've jogged in boots occasionally and if anything it doesn't feel great on the knees, ankles were fine. try it and see how it feels.

      • 1 year ago

        boots are both heavy and usually solid in the soles. You really want something softer for running with some cushion to it. Invest in some cheap running or tennis shoes.

        okay thanks
        when I was like 14 I had some new balances that were okay.
        Are they still okay or do I need to get an adidas or nike?
        which one supports Kanye?

        • 1 year ago

          idk i'm a gay and run in vibram shoes.

          • 1 year ago

            oh those toes-shoes look cool. They're not that much more expensive than other shoes.
            I'm a big boy like 220 lbs so I'm not trying to blow out my knees

            • 1 year ago

              running in them takes some getting used to, but they are the best walking/hiking shoes i've ever owned (unless there is a lot of sharp stones)

              • 1 year ago

                I'll look into it, thanks.

    • 1 year ago

      boots are both heavy and usually solid in the soles. You really want something softer for running with some cushion to it. Invest in some cheap running or tennis shoes.

  42. 1 year ago

    Just went on my first bulk and gained 2kg in 2 weeks. Wtf? Eating around 2500 cal so nothing crazy.. Should I keep going and see if it keeps going up this much?

  43. 1 year ago
  44. 1 year ago

    I have 25k in savings and I’m done with life I think

    Is it possible to stay perpetually drunk for a long time before I die? I want to buy just really expensive booze and go on a super long bender. Alcohol is the only thing that ever made me happy but I’ve never done anything other than a few drinks at night.

    • 1 year ago

      Wrong board, just off youself and save everyone the hassle.

    • 1 year ago

      go abroad and bang hookers for a while

  45. 1 year ago

    I'm a extremely tall (6'7) fat frick too lazy and demotivated to exercise. After years of lounging around I got a physical job and have a few weeks before I start.

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask but anyone got tips for exercises that work for tall guys? Doing 25 pushups seems undoable and i'm not even obese, despite doing about 25 Dumbbell Shoulder Presses of 2x8kg weights, 25 dumbbell curls & 25 lateral raises.

  46. 1 year ago

    I can get twice to the gym and do fullbody workout but can also do dummbell routine at home.

    How can I program this?

    • 1 year ago

      Full body all workout days.
      At the gym do heavy compounds and specialty isolation work like leg press, leg extensions, cable work etc.
      At home either a full body dumbbell circuit or, a full body workout.

      Aim for 3-4 training days. 2 in gym, 1-2 dB work at home.

      Example of a full body dB routine:
      Lower body: Choose any 3
      DB squats 4 x 8-12
      DB Bulgarian split squats 4 x 8-12
      DB lunges 4 x 12-15
      DB RDL 4 x 12-15
      DB Single Leg DL 4 x 8-12 (each leg)

      Chest: Choose any 3
      DB floor press 4 x 12-15
      DB incline press 4 x 8-12
      DB fly 4 x 12-15
      DB front raise (supine grip) 4 x 8-12

      Back: Choose any 3
      DB reverse fly 4 x 12-15
      DB bent over rows 4 x 12-15 (supinated or pronated grip position)
      Single arm DB row 4 x 12-15

      Pull ups 4 X AMRAP

      • 1 year ago

        Arms is a no-brainer with DBs.

        Standing Curls 5 x 8-12
        Concentration Curls 5 x 8-12
        Hammer Curls 5 x 8-12

        Skull crushers 5 x 12-15
        Tricep extension 5 x 12-15
        Tricep kickback 5 x 12-15

      • 1 year ago

        Thank you so much, Anon!

  47. 1 year ago

    How in the Lord's name do I grow my pecs? The rest of my body blew the frick up after a year but my chest is FLAT when not on a pump. Started throwing in incline bench and pec flies a few months back in addition to normal bench but the gainz are barely noticeable.
    Do chest muscles really grow that slow or did I lose the lottery?

  48. 1 year ago

    How do I make my fat frick wife lose weight

    • 1 year ago

      Tell her she's fat. You two have kids?

    • 1 year ago

      Divorce her and send her to me

    • 1 year ago

      >How do I make my fat frick wife lose weight
      Get in the best possible shape yourself and/or put yourself in a position to get attention from other women--it all comes down to sexual market value (SMV) disparities and competition anxiety. If you're a 6 and she's a 6, then she'll feel no competition anxiety or concern, but if you become an 8 while she's still a 6 (and better yet an 8 who gets noticed by other women), then one of two things is going to happen: (A) She'll get anxious and start doing things to boost her SMV (i.e. get in shape) or (B) She'll start going out of her way to please you more (do things for you, BJs/Anal, etc.)

      Also, you have to understand that part of the reason American women are such bloated harpies who feel no need to self improve is mainly because they get large unending amounts of validation on a daily basis. A 25 year old fat mess of a girl can go on Tinder and instantly receive frick tons of validation from men who are arguably too hot for her (even a dude who's an 8 will gladly dumpster dive and frick a 5). Even you probably give your wife way too much validation relative to the realities of who she is. Your wife is probably fat ass basic b***h, but you treat her like a princess.

      • 1 year ago

        Who the frick thinks the cutting board with sausage legs on the left looks good?

    • 1 year ago

      unironically would frick your wife. thinking of face fricking her rn; and making her suck on my left nut while she looks me in the eye and I jerk my smelly cum out of my dick onto her face. honestly would be dope because I'd frick her in a multitude of ways but not have to be seen with her in public and date because she has a husband (you).

  49. 1 year ago

    Does being at 25% bf hinder gains when im still in novice territory?
    Im eating at a surplus right now.

    • 1 year ago

      You should cut. Especially if novice territory you can gain on a deficit

      • 1 year ago

        Im 92kg at 189cm doing the following lifts x5
        bp 72,5 kg
        squat 70 kg
        deadlift 90 kg
        pendlay row 72,5kg
        overhead pres 40 kg
        pull up 5 x bw
        i had a knee issue so i only recently began squatting.
        i dont care about aesthetics right now. Is a cut still sensible just from the perspective of gains?

  50. 1 year ago

    How bad is it to have fatty liver disease at 19 y/o, how fricked am I?

    • 1 year ago

      not good.

  51. 1 year ago

    What is a cheap source of protein?

    Currently I'm eating 9 tins of kidney beans a day to meet my daily protein requirements. It's really cost efficient, a mere £3 for 162 grams of protein. Now the only problem I'm having is that downing 9 tins of kidney beans blended up with a few raw eggs and a couple of veggies every morning is rather unappetising; but it's so cheap, quick and, easy that I'm really struggling to think of any alternatives. Any thoughts?

    • 1 year ago

      protein powder; whole milk; cottage cheese are my go tos as well as frozen chicken breast because it is cheap - but annoying to thaw in advance

  52. 1 year ago

    how do I into neck gains? I already do the barbell shrugs, however it feels like I dont target them too much. Also my grip is failing, and I never had problems with deadlifts whatsoever. Should I use a strap (on)?

  53. 1 year ago

    12 weeks into SL
    squat 80 kg x5(stalled for 4 weeks, can't do 5x5)
    ohp 50kg x5
    bench 62.5 x5
    deadlift 80x5(stalled on this a lot and ofted did a rld 60x5)
    pullup x8
    dips x10
    question is, i sometimes feel overtired and i think to tranself to upper lower 4 days or just another fullbody 3 days with more accessory work
    or just to stick to SL for month or two

  54. 1 year ago

    my two lower days look the following

    Split squats
    hip thrust
    leg curl SS abwork
    calf raise SS abwork
    back ext

    DB reverse lunges
    calf raise SS abwork
    back ext SS abwork

    no machines available, is this exercise selection ok? i swapped to this cuz i was doing 2x DL and 2x SQ a week which i think combined with bad form built up massive fatigue i was barely able to recover from

  55. 1 year ago

    I was spotting a gymbro during his bench today (225lbsx8). When I asked him about his routine/progress, he suggested doing 3x3 with a higher weight instead of 3x5.

    Is this recommended while I am still in newbie gains?

    • 1 year ago

      >I was spotting a gymbro during his bench today (225lbsx8).
      he needed a spot for a warm up?

      • 1 year ago

        Post body homosexual

      • 1 year ago

        post wound troony

  56. 1 year ago

    Why do spergs walk the way they walk? I walk with a ramrod straight back and I don't sway much at all. That's what's comfortable for me. It sounds stupid, but why the frick don't normies do this?

  57. 1 year ago

    I've added an arm day to my split. In the arm day I have 2 tricep and 2 bicep movements and I also do lateral raises cause why not. I also do 2 tricep movements and 2 bicep movements each on another day during the week. That equals a total of 12 sets of direct bicep and 12 sets of direct tricep work per week.

    Is that generally enough for an early intermediate? I was thinking the supplemental work from rows and presses would make it so that it's enough but im wondering if i should sprinkle in another 3-6 sets for triceps and biceps per week just in case. I could also add another movement for each during the arm day

  58. 1 year ago

    Are calves/traps/forearms the ultimate look big in the shortest amount of time with the least bit of work?

    • 1 year ago

      calves take a frickton of work unless you were obese as a kid

    • 1 year ago

      if you have good genetics for those bodyparts, then yes. if you don't, then know. the same is applicable to any part of the body

  59. 1 year ago

    Fellas I rarely drink soda, but I'm just wondering : what's the consensus on coke zero and all that aspartame stuff? I want to know in case I ever want to drink something in the cinema or with friends or whatever. Which would be the 'best choice' so to speak?

    • 1 year ago

      Water is almost always going to be the best choice, but realistically there's almost no strong evidence to support alot of the broscience concerns about artificial sugars being bad for you. For alot of us, soda is a guilty pleasure and if you have the choice between 40+ grams of sugar or a diet soda, I'd go with diet soda every time.

      • 1 year ago

        Alright then, I thought exactly about that since it's a much 'healthier' choice between the two. Just wondering if all those claims relating cancer and aspartame stuff was something to worry about
        Cheers lad, merry Christmas

    • 1 year ago

      its fine

    • 1 year ago


      Water is almost always going to be the best choice, but realistically there's almost no strong evidence to support alot of the broscience concerns about artificial sugars being bad for you. For alot of us, soda is a guilty pleasure and if you have the choice between 40+ grams of sugar or a diet soda, I'd go with diet soda every time.


  60. 1 year ago

    As far as service go anyone have experience with bells of steel? They are offering free shipping and much lower price than a few more well known places but I have not heard of them until today

    • 1 year ago

      garage gym reviews and gluck reviews both say their stuff is good

  61. 1 year ago

    Good afternoons Black folk, I have been lifting for almost a year and got away with a shitty diet thanks to consistency and noob gains. Now I want to dip my toes in a bulk/cut cycle. I'm a moron so I want to keep things very easy, this is the plan:

    >Eat around 25-50% more of what I currently eat for 4 months
    I already eat enough protein and this diet keeps me around at 15% bodyfat, if I increase what I eat daily I should put on mass.
    >go back to the old (current) portions until I go back to my old (current) bodyweight
    The added mass should leave me with a lower bodyfat percentage at the end of the cycle.

    What do you think IST? Is it a good plan?

    • 1 year ago

      I should have posted a thirst bait, sorry for shitting up the thread a little bit I would like to hear more opinions. Thanks to the anon that answered by the way.

  62. 1 year ago

    I want to curl 25lbs for my bicep but since the last 2 months I have been stuck on 20 lbs and I can only get 6 proper reps whenever I try 25. How do I increase my reps for this weight. Do I take an alternative approach and add more sets for my 20lbs ?

    • 1 year ago

      I'm assuming you're talking dumbbells. 20 lbs is kinda low weight for not even hitting 8 reps, it sounds like you're lifting too heavy. If you can't hit 8-12 reps consistently for curls you need to lower the weight.

      • 1 year ago

        No I can hit 12 reps with 20, but I can't hit 8 with 25, only 6 for now. I want to increase to 25 while hitting a minimum of 8 (yes I'm talking dumbbells)

        • 1 year ago

          Do more reps with the 20's until you can hit 8 on the 25's. Bums me out more places don't have in-between weights like 22.5's and such.Actually just bought clip-on microplates for my gym since they don't have in-between weights either.

          • 1 year ago

            So more sets with the 20s or more reps? Right now I can do 4*12 with 20

          • 1 year ago

            For curls I say anymore than 3 sets of 12 is just burning energy for the hell of it, keep it to 3 sets for now. Try to go for 3x13, then 3x14, and so on. If you can hit 15 semi-consistently try to move up again.

    • 1 year ago

      try 30s or 35s next workout

  63. 1 year ago

    Will drinking one beer today affect my gains? Im working out rn and i plan to drink one later

    • 1 year ago

      If it's just today it won't

    • 1 year ago

      a single beer? No. A single beer every day? Yes.

    • 1 year ago

      Arnold used to crush beers; u should be good bro

  64. 1 year ago

    Weird question but does anyone else not feel anything?

    What I mean is that I don't feel any different taking supplements (ashwaganda, tong kat, creatine, caffeine, zma).

    I also never really get tired. For example: if I fast, do errands, lift, run, walk an hour, dance, rollerskate, and do all my other rituals in one day - I don't feel sleepy in the evening. In fact, I'd do all of the above again if there was day light.

    Background: 30 year old male. 6'1. Used to be really fat. Pretty slim now. Started lifting seriously three months ago. Before I started lifting, I had around 700 test. My gf, an actual athlete, is weirded out by this and doesn't understand it. I can outlast her in anything we do together.

  65. 1 year ago

    My GF watched Dragon Maid and thought it was funny, but she was mildly annoyed that they spent so much time focusing on breasts.
    I swear, some of you guys have never actually talked to a woman.

    • 1 year ago

      >some of you guys have never actually talked to a woman
      what gave it away?

  66. 1 year ago

    My squat is abysmal and I don't know what to do anymore. Best I've ever done was 275 3x5 lowbar when I was doing SS but that have me really bad tendonitis. I hurt my back about 3 months ago and didn't squat or DL heavy for that time. Got better and started doing 5/3/1 with high bar squats instead and I can barely squat 2pl8s now.

  67. 1 year ago

    Should I just increase number of reps if the dumbbells I have at home are close to a plateau stage? Can't really afford buying new and heavier ones at the moment. I've started adding some body weight exercises to my 3x full body workout to help with this issue.

    • 1 year ago

      yup. Max out at 15 as you won't get much out of more reps than that.

      • 1 year ago

        Thank you, anon. I've been doing 3x12 but some exercises feels like they're so easy I could go for even 3x50.

        • 1 year ago

          what weight are the dumbbells you have? If you're able to hit 50 reps it's wayyyy too light.

          • 1 year ago

            Very light, not higher than 20kg.

    • 1 year ago

      You can slow the reps down, too. Time under tension.

  68. 1 year ago

    Any advice to help my gf lose belly fat? She gained like 50 lbs during pregnancy, lost like 20 post partum, and is pretty much back to where she was before giving birth 6 months ago. For reference she drinks too much, and has bad eating habits when drinking, but otherwise has a low sugar, low fat diet. We go to the gym together very infrequently to do cardio, but we have trouble making it there because of her work schedule and having to find a babysitter, so any at home exercises would be really helpful. Her core is weak as frick, cant plank for even 30 seconds, can barely do a situp unassisted.

    • 1 year ago

      Nothing you can do to target fat loss, just have to lose weight in general, which means implementing and maintaining a caloric deficit until it's gone

    • 1 year ago

      Fat is not about exercise, it's about diet, she needs to clean it up. If you are struggling to make time to go to the gym and need to pay a babysitter you might consider investing in a home gym. Also to train abs legs raises are enough. Congrats on the kid btw.

    • 1 year ago

      In addition to what the other anons said, the best thing to do is start counting calories. Exercise will never cancel out a bad diet so the best and easiest thing to do is fix up the diet first.

  69. 1 year ago

    Just what I need right now

    I didn't eat enough protein while working out and now my muscles are weaker. Can I just chug some protein and wait for my muscles to heal, or is that loss semi-permanent?

    >semi-permanent because even if it's permanent I'm just going to lift again and fix it

    • 1 year ago

      You don't need to consume protein while working out, the anabolic window is a horseshit myth.
      >now my muscles are weaker
      what makes you think that?
      >an I just chug some protein and wait for my muscles to heal, or is that loss semi-permanent?
      What are you talking about dude? Protein isn't like gasoline or oil where you need to constantly refuel it or everything shuts down. If you missed one day of hitting your protein goal you'll still be fine. Even if you ate 0 protein for a single day, your muscles would still be fine. It's if that becomes commonplace that it becomes an issue.

      • 1 year ago

        >anabolic window is a horseshit myth
        What's the anabolic window?

        >what makes you think that?
        Can't do as much exercise, even after rest days.

        >if that becomes commonplace
        >it becomes an issue
        Yes. I think that's the issue. Can I just catch up by getting more protein later?

        • 1 year ago

          >What's the anabolic window?
          The idea that you need to eat protein in a small window of time after working out in order to have muscle growth. It's complete bs and has been disproven many many many times. As long as you have some kind of protein with about 24 hours of working out you'll be fine.

          Ignoring that though, you kinda gave us no info to work off, I need more info. I'm not convinced your issue is protein-centered.

          It sounds like you're new so post your routine like so
          >Day A
          >Exercise Sets x Reps
          >Exercise Sets x Reps
          >Exercise Sets x Reps

          Then also post your weight/height/gender and your current calories intake along with your daily protein goal.

          • 1 year ago

            >The idea that you need to eat protein in a small window of time after working out in order to have muscle growth. It's complete bs and has been disproven many many many times. As long as you have some kind of protein with about 24 hours of working out you'll be fine.
            >with about 24 hours of working
            So uh, intensively working out with about 20x20 per day, and meeting my protein goals for about 2-3 days would probably be bad right?

            How bad would that be?

            >weight/height gender
            190ish, 6', and male.

            >current calories intake along with your daily protein goal
            Around 2000cal and 100g, with the average protein intake being pretty hard to say, except on my 4-5 rest days my protein intake was lower. Wasn't really too conscious until recently, since then around 70g average on workout days and maybe 10-30g on rest days.

            Also I took some vitamins just in case I was just short on macros

            • 1 year ago

              you still aren't posting what I'm asking for. 20x20 means nothing if I don't know the exercise and how heavy you're lifting. 20 sets seems very excessive for anything weighted. Missing your protein goal for a few days is not terrible as long as you're still getting like 60g in. Don't make a habit of it.

              Based on your answer I take it you aren't counting calories or weighing portions. Start. "Around 2000 calories" isn't good enough, you need to know exactly how much you're consuming otherwise you're just guessing.

              >Also I took some vitamins just in case I was just short on macros
              Vitamins are micros, not macros. Macros are fat, protein, and carbs.

  70. 1 year ago

    can calorie deficit affect your erection ? i'm having trouble getting hard is it because of the diet or other stuff?

  71. 1 year ago


    >That looks fine anon. What are your sets x reps like?
    squats 4x5-8, DL 3x3 +1 amrap
    split squats/reverse lunges/RDL 4x8-10
    hip thrusts 4x12-15
    rest 3x12-20

    • 1 year ago

      cut out the AMRAP on deadlifts, that's a bad idea. AMRAP encourages poor form and deadlifts are the last thing you want to risk bad form on. Everything else looks peachy.

      • 1 year ago

        alright. problem with my deadlifts currently is that after my first set (used to be x5 every set) i get a bit of sweaty hands and my grip is becoming the limiting factor or the callouses? rather. i use double overhand grip, at 90kg so a pretty low weight. should i consider switching to alternate grip at some point? i lift at home and i dont have any chalk or whatever and i would feel p stupid for using chalk with such a low weight

        • 1 year ago

          Sounds like you're gripping incorrectly. You should be using your fingers and not your palms. If you're getting callouses it's because your grip is too high at the start and the weight of the bar pulls the skin down as it settles into your fingers. It should be resting on the joint that connects your fingers to your palms.

  72. 1 year ago

    I did RDL 2 days ago for my OHP day, and my hams are still sore
    today is high-rep squat day: should I rest another day, skip squats or add 5 minutes to warm up?

    • 1 year ago

      push through it

      How do I get flexible enough to do Yoga?


      I ate heavy yesterday even though Im on a cut. I didn't lift heavy then but I should lift heavy today correct?

      accept you fricked up and just continue normally. Don't do it again.

      • 1 year ago

        stretch what?

  73. 1 year ago

    I ate heavy yesterday even though Im on a cut. I didn't lift heavy then but I should lift heavy today correct?

  74. 1 year ago

    How do I get flexible enough to do Yoga?

    • 1 year ago

      some people just aren't. depends what kind of work outs you do, certain things will make you stiffer/less flexible. although i do not have the answers.

  75. 1 year ago

    Honestly I don't care about looks. I lift because it helps me feel good.

  76. 1 year ago

    I'm getting lower back pain while squatting, I'm pretty new to lifting (only two months) I also had random assorted pains earlier that have since gone away (a bit of calf, then a week later hip flexor pain, now it's lower back). How do I know if my form blows or if this is just my body adjusting? I filmed my own form as recommended and it looked alright.

    • 1 year ago

      Post a video. Realistically it could be a million things from mobility issues to form issues to stance with to muscle imbalance.

    • 1 year ago

      >I'm getting lower back pain while squatting
      Probably form but can come anyways without you doing anything wrong. I can't bother with this myself so I moved to leg press.

  77. 1 year ago

    >2.5 plaet squat
    >max out both of my gyms leg extension machines
    I'm so confused. These are very well engineered machines by good companies, why is it so easy? I objectively don't have strong quads

    • 1 year ago

      Try to do full rom. RPE has a good video about it. T. Squat 4,5p8lmao but leg press 160kg full rom. If your sack isn't poking out at the bottom position with a short pause, no bouncing, you are doing the moron magnets machines bidding

      • 1 year ago

        I'm talking about leg extension, not leg press. I already do the RP style leg press incidentally anyways though lol

  78. 1 year ago

    So I'm supposed to weigh myself in the morning after the piss+shit for consistency, right? Do you guys find it's easier to weigh yourself every morning with a boner (making yourself horny if you don't have morning wood) or weighing yourself flaccid (making the morning wood go away when before weighing)?

    • 1 year ago

      >So I'm supposed to weigh myself in the morning after the piss+shit for consistency, right?

      >Do you guys find it's easier to weigh yourself every morning with a boner (making yourself horny if you don't have morning wood) or weighing yourself flaccid (making the morning wood go away when before weighing)?
      I usually wear pants.

      • 1 year ago

        >I usually wear pants.
        But what if you get a boner in the pants? Then your dick is bigger and weighs more, which messes up the consistency.

        • 1 year ago

          The amount of blood in your dick is just changing location. It doesn't have a meaningful impact on the scale's measurement.

          • 1 year ago

            Bro literally it gets bigger. There's no way it doesn't weigh more, especially since I'm a grower not a shower

            • 1 year ago

              You’re trying to weigh you body. Your dick is part of your body. Your blood is also part of your body.

              Just recreate similar conditions every day to the best of your ability. Pick a set of conditions and stick to them.

  79. 1 year ago

    If I'm working on making ab muscles bigger while trying to lose weight, and my waist measurement gets bigger while my neck measurement shrinks, am I actually gaining ab muscle or am I miscounting my calories badly?

  80. 1 year ago

    Technically I'd have to workout on Sunday with today and tomorrow being rest days, but I won't be able to (and neither will I be able to catch up on Monday). I kinda feel like doing something quick and easy tomorrow instead. Would it actually be beneficial to just do working sets at 80% weight and maybe add some reps or are there no gains in that? SS by the way.

  81. 1 year ago

    My hair is dry and flaky, constant dandruff, 24/7, been like this for a year and has gotten worse, and my hair has been thinning
    even tried to use head and shoulders zinc
    is there something I should try before seeing a dermatologist?

  82. 1 year ago

    the message is good, but the example is fricking stupid, women can get great bodies, but they cant lift to get massive breasts.

  83. 1 year ago

    has anyone read "The Art and Science of Lifting" by Omar Isuf and Greg Nuckols? Is it worth it?

  84. 1 year ago

    is it ok to have a lower libido while being sick
    got a fricking covid/flu on thursday and haven't had a boner since then

  85. 1 year ago


    >If you stall 2 sessions in a row, deload that exercise by 20% of the weight and work your way back up 5 lbs a week. How much are you resting in-between sets?
    i did it
    i'm resting beetween squats for like 5 minutes sometimes even more
    it' always first and second sets that i can't do 5 and 3-4 are ok and fifth go bad as well
    and i'm warming up for like 5-6 sets
    yesterday i've done 5 sets of 6 with 70 kg no problem

    • 1 year ago

      >warming up for 5-6 sets
      That sounds a bit excessive.

  86. 1 year ago

    >friends want to go on a three month backpacking trip across europe
    >kind of want to go for the experience
    >kind of don't because I don't want to lose strength and muscle
    Am I autistic? Should I just go and put the physique I spent 4 years on to use and hope I can frick a foreigner chaser?

    • 1 year ago

      you know we have gyms here right? and that they offer day passes? lifting 3 times per week for an hour will be more than enough to maintain what you have. just buy premade protein shakes and shit to up your protein intake.

      • 1 year ago

        true but I'll be travelling on a really tight budget, I have enough money saved to pay for hostels the whole time for sure but I'm basically gonna be eating really cheap shit the entire team (bread, canned stuff, sandwiches) and day passes might unironically keep a meal out of my mouth

        • 1 year ago

          whats even the point of travelling if you dont have the money to do anything in the places you're at? you go to france, italy etc and cant afford to eat the food? seems moronic

          • 1 year ago

            I'm not a fat c**t who only cares about food for one
            I want to see new places and meet new people, take in scenic views that I don't get to see in a suburban hellhole of america
            I don't even like eating food here, I just do it for sustenance


            You can try some isometrics and calisthenics to maintain. It's free

            that was my first line of thinking
            I know I can frick off to a park for pull ups and chins and then do push-ups and bodyweight split squats to cover most muscles
            my only concern at that point is volume since I don't really do straight calisthenics, any time I do pull-ups or chins or dips I always do weighted

            • 1 year ago

              lol it isnt like the us here, you dont just meet people randomly in the street. it's usually doing some sort of activity that requires money. also trying to frick in a hostel is worse than fricking in a car so enjoy that i guess

              • 1 year ago

                I'm autistic but not autistic enough that I'm incapable of sitting outside a cafe and starting a conversation with a stranger
                I've been to europe before for a week and was able to talk to people with no issue
                playing into the whole "ignorant american" thing is usually enough to excuse violating social taboos as long as you don't act like you're actually moronic

        • 1 year ago

          You can try some isometrics and calisthenics to maintain. It's free

        • 1 year ago

          Will be the biggest regret of your life if you don’t go, I promise you that anon.

          • 1 year ago

            NTA but why do you say that?

  87. 1 year ago

    anyone here is self taught in power cleans? Any resources to learn the movement?

  88. 1 year ago

    Any ways to break a plateau without eating more? Ik it’s all about consistency but is there a way to build muscle without getting fat

  89. 1 year ago

    are skull crushers any good? do they work any muscles that dips don't? i tried doing them a few times and i felt it in my elbows maybe my form was bad

    • 1 year ago

      Skullcrushers are a great exercise but a lot of people have elbow pain from them if they use an ez curl bar or straight barbell. I personally can't do it with either and use dumbbells with a neutral grip. You could also look into the JM press which is similar and apparently doesnt make the elbows feel so shitty.
      >do they work any muscles that dips don't?
      It's just another tool in the toolbox for hitting your triceps in a different way/position

  90. 1 year ago

    How the frick do I actually get into position for this movement? It's fricking impossible to pull the ropes to shoulder height when you go heavy

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