quitting the devils trifecta of addiction


has anybody in the history of humanity ever managed to do that?

day 12 nofap here
day 2 nosoda
day 1 noweed

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  1. 10 months ago

    This shit aint nothing to me (cocaine tho...)
    Sparkling water only...I quit the energy drinks habit thank god.
    Here and there , once a week might be...twice...

  2. 10 months ago

    Do I look like a fat frick?
    Have sex

    gg ez

    • 10 months ago

      >Do I look like a fat frick?
      You look like a IST post unless you post body.

    • 10 months ago

      >Do I look like a fat frick?
      You look like a IST post unless you post body.

      No body posted confirmed fat frick larper

  3. 10 months ago

    only at parties, and get togethers which aren't too common anymore
    Got my first soda in 18+ years yesterday don't think I'll want another.
    I don't bother with hardcore stuff for the most part just pictures of solo naked ladies. Always horny always cooming been rock-hard for 25+ years or whenever I started getting morning wood.

  4. 10 months ago

    My only addictions are sugar and porn, working to get rid of them.

  5. 10 months ago

    Yeah, and the biggest one for me was dropping white monster energy, I swapped it out for caffeine tablets, started on 100mg am and 100mg around 1300, now working down 5g each day.

    I tried one can of monster after a fortnight just to see what it did to me, and I felt awful, whatever is in that stuff it's not the caffeine doing it. I'm not sure I believe the ingredients list.

  6. 10 months ago

    20 year old
    >No weed
    Never had issues with it as it is too strong for me
    >No nicotine
    Never had issues with it despite a strong affinity, will smoke a cigar maybe once every 2 months
    >No porn
    Did struggle in my early mid teens with abusing it's frequency severly but, never too degenerate of content. I've now pulled back to max 3 times a week 90% female solo stills. Getting a girlfriend and my libido calming significantly helped. The two days leading up to seeing my gf I make it a point to never jerk off.

    • 10 months ago

      Oh soda is for apes I maybe have a root beer or ginger ale once a year or two

  7. 10 months ago

    nosoda is pretty easy, just stop drinking it for a long enough time and even a sip after makes you feel like shit

    • 10 months ago

      I seriously can't understand how people can drink it so much....people who buy like 4-7 different bottles for the house slash to drink....
      nothing tastes as good as skinny feels slash cold water slash eating ice lmao

  8. 10 months ago

    I quit vaping this year
    It was awful for 3 days
    Now 2 months in I look back at my several years of vaping like former junkie see his past self
    Loathing and relived he is no longer addicted

    • 10 months ago

      Did you notice any other changes in behavior after you quit nic?
      I swear these chinese e chemicals have made me more lazy and moronic but I cant stop inhaling

      • 10 months ago

        Not really other than snacking
        It’s a problem that’s hasn’t effected my weight yet but will if it gets out of hand
        I drink water instead now.
        I have become less irritable ironically
        Since I probably was just making self made to get a excuse to vape
        I still get irritated like a any other person
        But when I do at least
        I am not panicking looking for my vape

  9. 10 months ago

    Holy shit. Do people really struggle with this? It’s really very easy not doing from all of the things you listed

    • 10 months ago

      I don't react well to weed, so I don't smoke
      Redpill me on zero sugar energy drinks.
      I really like that shit.
      Watched it maybe three or four times in the last six weeks or so.

      >Holy shit. Do people really struggle with this?
      >It’s really very easy not doing from all of the things you listed
      It's simple, but is it easy?

  10. 10 months ago

    Never smoked it in my life
    Quit ten years ago
    Quit two years ago

    My biggest struggle is sweets, I have a hell of a sweet tooth. Cakes, cookies, candies, and especially ice cream. I don't eat them daily, but every two weeks or so I get cravings where I literally can't stop thinking about a particular type of sweet for days, and go to a bakery to get it.

    • 10 months ago

      I used to be like you. It legit took me six months before I stopped having thoughts about sweets and that only happened because I was serious about counting calories

    • 10 months ago

      sweets craving is a lack of magnesium and another critical micro nutrient from memory, will post if i remember but i take certain supplements now and barely crave sweets now. its your body not generating enough seretonin.

      • 10 months ago

        BAHAHHAHAH you are so backwards ITS OVER MAN, you can maximally increase your serotonin by drinking a gallon of canola oil, you fricking moronic goy

        • 10 months ago

          Some people are just completely moronic, they fell for seed oils serotonin and low carb, it’s over for them

    • 10 months ago

      Same those fricking crumbl cookies are like meth for me. Once I get the craving for them its fricking hell

    • 10 months ago

      I like to chew sugar free gum when I get sweet cravings

  11. 10 months ago

    havent smoked weed in 6-7 years, i've had second hand highs but those were 2-3 years ago now.
    barely drink soda, last one was a month ish ago
    havent watched porn since dec 31st 2022

  12. 10 months ago

    I dont drink soda and I can go a while without fapping, but I ain't giving up weed

  13. 10 months ago

    Soda is nothing like the others. Soda increases testicle size and testosterone, just have to make sure it's not hitting your teeth.

  14. 10 months ago

    only morons smoke it
    i dont like sweet stuff
    mike adriano porn is just like heroin :3

  15. 10 months ago

    I like being addicted, I'm gonna be addicted till I'm 100.

    I'm gonna be smoking, drinking beer, eating bacon, and shit at 100 years old, and laughing.

    How do other people not want that?
    Your gonna avoid all the good shit, and then probably get hit by a car.
    Is that a good life?

    • 10 months ago

      >Being a slave to my vices is a good life lmao
      >Imagine wanting to be free
      >I totally choose to be addicted btw you wouldn’t get it.

    • 10 months ago

      You'll find out what a good life is when you understand that there's no joy to be found in all those things you've mentioned.

  16. 10 months ago

    my only addictions are the bible, jesus, and doing good deeds.

    • 10 months ago

      he should have stoned the prostitute

  17. 10 months ago

    >No weed - 10 years
    >No soda - I break that maybe once a month or less. Needed the sugar as I didn’t eat for 20 hours and started to get a headache. Frick cooking for people you all suck.
    >No fap - Either I frick my wife atleast once or twice a week (preferably much more, but kids are a thing) or atleast once a week i break this. That or i feel like i’m getting kicked in the nuts every few minutes, the loads are insane though.

  18. 10 months ago

    i dabbled for a very short period. had a horrible trip. don't know what the frick it was. never again.
    haven't drank since i was a kid. coffee on the other hand. also coffee isn't a problem for me.
    my biggest demon. been battling this one for nearly a decade.

    • 10 months ago

      >i dabbled for a very short period. had a horrible trip. don't know what the frick it was. never again.

      >my biggest demon. been battling this one for nearly a decade.

      my brother, we are one.

  19. 10 months ago

    Pro tip go to a shitty dentist and when they frick up your teeth, it'll hurt to eat or drink so you'll cut back on garbage.

  20. 10 months ago

    about to slam a monster and hit the vape before this sick leg sesh,

    I won't be using porn though that's gay

  21. 10 months ago

    last drank 3 hours ago
    last watched 17 minutes ago

  22. 10 months ago

    Just stop

  23. 10 months ago

    >quitting the devils trifecta of addiction

    You forgot the one number addiction. Technology/internet.

    • 10 months ago

      It's over.

    • 10 months ago

      this is why I limit myself to one hour of internet a day. and 10 minutes of 4 chan.

    • 10 months ago

      You got me thinking. Maybe I should larp as if I'm living in the 80s with no internet and live out my retro fantasy

  24. 10 months ago

    Still drinking?


  25. 10 months ago

    weed is easy to quit idk how people struggle with that
    i decided i needed to take a break like six months ago and smoked twice since because i was with people and i'm fine with doing it as long as it's not habitual
    caffeine was harder to quit but also easy
    i drink like five sodas a year
    porn is hard though i only look at 2d so i lie to myself and pretend it isn't so bad but i would hate to be without all my cute 2d waifus
    the matrix looks like anime to me and if it didn't idk what i would replace it with
    porn absolutely harms my motivation and i have zero desire to shoot my shot at 3dpd girls although i have had sex when they've come onto me and i really hate the headache of women ngl plus i get super paranoid about stds even after being tested

  26. 10 months ago

    The only thing I never went cold turkey with was porn. I’ve gone cold turkey with the rest and also coffee, tobacco, and alcohol. I actually use the latter three now but have a healthy relationship with it.

    • 10 months ago

      so you didnt quit anything

  27. 10 months ago

    Idk I have like 3 a year
    IST is fine

  28. 10 months ago

    Just quit porn recently. So far my plan is to jerk off anytime I get the urge, but to just not watch any porn. I'm hoping that it will be easier to quit if I don't combine it with no fap.

    • 10 months ago

      I tried that and it didn’t work for me, the urges just led me back to porn. I’d recommend just going cold turkey and limiting as much access to social media as possible (that was my trigger). I can now go a month quite regularly with out jerking off and I haven’t viewed porn in a long time. Also becoming Catholic helped me with it too

  29. 10 months ago

    day 8395 of no weed
    day 2190 of no soda
    minute 50 of not jerking off

    • 10 months ago

      update minute 0 of no fap

      • 10 months ago

        stop it brah

  30. 10 months ago

    >day 1 noweed
    lmao I can tell you're going through a psychotic period OP, good luck with your relapse

  31. 10 months ago

    I am 100% sober and don't eat sweets or drink soda, haven't in years. I jerk off 1-5x a day though. Is it over lads?

    • 10 months ago

      sadly, yes. it is (if you dont quit).

  32. 10 months ago

    No porn is hard, no sofa is piss easy and weed is for homosexuals

  33. 10 months ago

    >nofap make your life better
    Well, this is bullshit
    >be me
    >decide to quit porn and stop fapping
    >proceed 3 years
    >still horny and nofap
    >get to know a girl
    >too horny to realize she has bad personality and emotional baggage
    >also being too horny made me fail to see she's fatso
    >somewhole got married too her
    >now 1 year into marriage, wife doesn't fulfill my sexual needs
    >rebound into fapping
    I never smoked in my life but now I smoke just to care less about the whale, that I must return too everyday.

    • 10 months ago

      lmao, what guys don't understand is that nofap is not a miracle cure for whatever assburgers your suffer from. It's fine to wank one off once in a while, just don't make it something you do all day or for prolonged periods of time. Case in point here, anon could have avoided getting suckered if he had the benefit of post nut clarity, I can attest for myself that I would have gotten suckered by b***hes more than a couple of times if I didn't wank one of to clear my head from being horny and wanting to frick.

  34. 10 months ago

    Quitting soda is easy.

    Just drink coke zero.

  35. 10 months ago

    these are mine so far. porn is at the top and it's at 1 day and 17 hours so far, but I feel closer than I ever have been to fully quitting it and I think this is it. porn is really fricked up and the hardest to quit

    • 10 months ago

      It is insane that porn is free and everywhere. People are going to look back on porn they way we look at casual smoking in the 1950s

      • 10 months ago

        >It is insane that porn is free

        You pay with your soul

        • 10 months ago

          you pay with your future

      • 10 months ago

        >People are going to look back on porn they way we look at casual smoking in the 1950s
        They won't and it's always gonna be there like smoking still is and people still fall for it.

        • 10 months ago

          Yes people still smoke, but not nearly as often as before, and it is far from socially acceptable in most situations now.

          Porn is going to follow the same path.

          • 10 months ago

            >Yes people still smoke, but not nearly as often as before,

          • 10 months ago

            like the anon who replied to you, smoking has only changed form. From the tar filled rollies, we went to vaping or whatever methods stoners are making these days. Same with porn. And I wont elaborate on inhaling stuff being present in many cultures for many years because you can get the idea. In a similar manner, porn only changed forms, from drawings in caves to AI gfs, it will only change form. Sure, some people will look down on both these days since it's trendy or we have more information available to form a verdict but there will always be a significant part of the population that will indulge in both (along with other vices) whether they know the downsides or not. And you know why?
            1. These vices feel very fricking good
            2. There's a lot of money in those

          • 10 months ago

            have you ever went to a bar or a show or anywhere like a social gathering in the past 5 years? vapes are everywhere and people still smoke cigs quite regularly

      • 10 months ago

        Just have other hobbies it ain't hard.



        has anybody in the history of humanity ever managed to do that?

        day 12 nofap here
        day 2 nosoda
        day 1 noweed

        I think the last time I smoked was 6 years ago. Honestly it'd probably be good for pain relief at this point but I'm too cheap
        I occasionally have it when I eat out or at a party, but I like water
        I just rub one out every day or so, then spend an hour or two with the gf in the evening and im fine. Addictions are caused by other problems. You're bored or sad. Fix that. People can do blow without getting hooked you can drop fricking soda

    • 10 months ago

      what app is that

      • 10 months ago

        I wanna know too

      • 10 months ago

        I wanna know too


  36. 10 months ago

    was never into it
    I'll have one after a hard workout when my sugar levels are low and I have sweat it all out
    I haven't watched porn in years ever since I got tinder and get girls from there to video sexchat with

  37. 10 months ago

    Always found it strange that addiction theory is beat into people; the entire world is completely addicted to money and perceived wealth such that it is an unquenchable pursuit. People turn into narcissists and sociopaths for more money losing their humanity - sounds like a drug issue to me.

    Mandated greed addiction. And you wonder why this world is going down the drain.

  38. 10 months ago

    smoked from 18 until 31. Easiest to cut past a certain age
    Guilty of drinking 1-2 per gym day and replaced the rest with regular sparkling water
    Hardest one to cut along with nicotine
    I'll add
    Developed a bad habit of drinking heavily for 1.5 years and quit it almost a year ago
    >cocaine & other drugs
    The withdrawal was a pain in the ass and coke is possibly the only one i kind of miss tbhwy
    >screen time
    Right there with porn and smoking/vaping. Still getting too much of it

  39. 10 months ago

    was a daily user in uni. kicked the habit for about 10 years and relapsed ~6 months ago. started smoking once a month, then twice, then weekly. currently on day 6 of a daily use binge. we'll see how this plays out.

    easy. water is the goat.

    I got a wife but we have kids so only frick like once a week or two but I have a significantly higher sex drive so porn maybe 2-3 times a week.

    • 10 months ago

      >currently on day 6 of a daily use binge. we'll see how this plays out.

      oof, better ween off/cold turkey now before it becomes too much

  40. 10 months ago

    don't smoke weed anymore, boring shitty high smoked for 20 years. Don't drink goysyrup haven't had a coke or soda in years, last time was probably when I drank jack and diet coke at a work party a few years back. I fap every day though, will never give up my daily milking. I never understood the reasoning behind no fap. How different is that if you frick some fat b***h every day, for multiple times a day? aren't you dopamine chasing then? Don't men turn into effeminate homosexuals when they get hitched?

    • 10 months ago

      read and learn

  41. 10 months ago

    never had a problem, eventually got kinda bored of it
    have 1 or 2 a week as a treat. mostly drink water or some kind of bubble water for free at work
    been fapping to porn pretty much every day since like 13. ive done some nofap breaks, but always come back to it. decided i would really pull back for july and have been mostly successful. fapped twice and still would look at porn, but not the borderline goon sessions that i would do regularly.

  42. 10 months ago

    I’m quitting porn because while looking at porn on a seemingly normal pornsite it redirected me to one with illegal imagery and gave me a pop up saying my data was being analysed by the Australian Cyber Security Centre. I’m sure the pop up was fake but it specifically mentioning the ACSC spooked me and now I’m going to give it up altogether.

  43. 10 months ago

    Don't smoke it
    Stopped drinking it over a decade ago
    5 months without it since meeting this chick

    So far going good.

  44. 10 months ago

    Look unto yourself and find the root of your addictions. Fix that, and you will find yourself free - sure, you will still struggle, but escape will be feasible. The alternative will be untenable to you.

    • 10 months ago

      This, but less estrogen
      Quit all, and reap the benefits. See the light, then there will be no struggle. Once you see how good things can be, you'll never turn back.

  45. 10 months ago

    I did it for 6 weeks once. For 42 days I was perfect. Zero drugs + NoFap.

  46. 10 months ago

    been trying to ween off over the past year. it's really easy to go without it during the week, but frick, the weekend rolls around and its damn near impossible. I don't even enjoy getting high anymore, I always end up regretting it later in the night or the day after. Trying a micro dose of mush this weekend, as I find the afterglow I get is infinitely better than the stupor weed puts me in. I hate mixing drugs, so hitting the pen won't even be an option. wish me luck
    My job has a fridge filled with water bottles and a bunch of soda. it's hard to resist when they run out of water. quitting next week
    nofap for over 2 months now.
    Easy as shit after the first 2 weeks or so.
    The difference is real. Better sleep, more motivated, more creative, and for the first time in my life I am actually trying to achieve some sort of relationship. Good shit is coming

    • 10 months ago

      >The difference is real. Better sleep, more motivated, more creative, and for the first time in my life I am actually trying to achieve some sort of relationship. Good shit is coming

      2 weeks here too, there really is a difference

  47. 10 months ago

    I used to smoke every single day for ten years. I recently decided to take a long break. Today is 3 months without weed and I honestly think I won't go back. It feels great to have kicked the habit. All that said, I still think weed is safer and better to use over alcohol.
    this is the hardest for me. I like to have 1 soda every day or two. I just love the taste. I do drink a lot more water tho.
    Only christgays push this nofap nonsense. Are you going to push total abstinence from sex, too? You can't demonize fapping and not also demonize regular sex.

    • 10 months ago

      God created sex and the most intense feeling of sex is within marriage and growing old with someone you love. If you do it out of context, you'll miss out on a really deep and meaningful life

  48. 10 months ago

    Never smoked weed nor done any recreational drug of any type.
    Quit drinking coke when I was 16.
    Failed day 4 of nofap. But I was still looking at porn even on days I didn't fap. It's degenerate and I need to quit.

  49. 10 months ago

    Pick one at a time and stick with it, i'm not joking. Dropping 2 addiction at once is super hard, 3 would be fricking a herculean task.

    • 10 months ago

      yeah i smoked half a doobie last evening in order to fall asleep comfortably, lets see how it goes today lol

  50. 10 months ago

    Hate it
    6 years clean
    e-eight hours clean...

  51. 10 months ago

    I don't watch porn, don't smoke weed or drink alcohol, don't do hard drugs. Feeling a lot better than ever. I still drink coffee, sometimes, and in healthy moderation. I also make tang sometimes, which has sugar as well as vitamin c, but I don't drink too much sugary drinks.

    I'm well aware that this site has NSFW content, but you don't have to go on those boards, and you have to be 18 to use this website. Nobody truly needs porn, it's mental poison that enslaves your mind for profit. It subverts your natural drive to reproduce, and can strain relationships.

  52. 10 months ago

    its actually helping me quit all the other vices, whenever I smoke weed my desire to play videogames or watch porn diminishes

    to see if you are addicted to weed try going one month without it, if you get all pissy and anxious you lost your weed privilege, weed is only for those who can handle balance

    just jack off without porn, if you dont use it you lose it m8

    just dont buy it lmao

    I stopped vaping when I noticed a downgrade in cardio, it made me angry that I would damage myself like that for no benefit so I quit

  53. 10 months ago

    WTF is the thing on the bottom left?

    • 10 months ago

      Whats the black thing in the corner? Are the golden strips inside for charging? Is it supposed to be a reference to technology as in the creator of this image quit using the internet a lot? Pls explain, i don't have this vice. :T


  54. 10 months ago

    I tried 2 gummies of THC for depression and ended up stoned for 2 weeks and suicidal
    i quit all sugar and caffeine drinks and stopped being so anxious and on edge after a few days of intense headaches
    currently doing nofap but it's really difficult cos im extremely lonely

  55. 10 months ago

    I quit it all cold turkey before I started college. No drugs here because I live in a dog shit town an see what that does to you wastrels. Lasted all the way up until my mental breakdown, who would have thought a lack of friendships, and a family that reveals in neglecting their kin, and actively sabotaging them during times of success, could lead to mind shattering anxiety attacks and depressive episodes, without an unhealthy vice to help cope.

  56. 10 months ago

    Was my drug of choice, I was a stoner, couldn’t smoke a bit occasionally it was always all day every day. 2.5 months clean.
    Not a problem, never buy them.
    Not a problem, rarely watch it, I jerk off to imagination.

  57. 10 months ago

    Even if you're not using any of the addictive substances in the op, as long as you're drinking coffee you're still degenerate

  58. 10 months ago

    No goyslope instead of no soda. And I would argue that mindless scrolling is more addictive, prominent and (possible) more damaging than weed.

    I feel like a moron wasting my time on the phone instead of doing my projects bros..

  59. 10 months ago

    Are 0 calorie soda/energy drinks just as bad?

  60. 10 months ago


    Funnily enough, I don't have as much problem with the PC.

    Probably because it's a lot more comfy to mindless scrolling in the bed than in the living room

  61. 10 months ago

    Nothing wrong with fizzy drinks unless it’s corn syrup

  62. 10 months ago

    Had my worst weed withdrawal yet last night, eventually got over it...then I got a good night's sleep for the first time since I quit. Feels legit incredible bros, don't drink soda because it's terrible for you. Damn what a good day bros let's fricking go

    • 10 months ago


  63. 10 months ago

    gives me panic attacks if its not taken with alcohol/benzos, not rly into it
    i drank coke a week or so ago, not an issue. havent drank in months before that
    this is hard af to beat, for me its not even the horniness its just that i think its my go-to soothing mechanism, like fatties eat or like other isnject heroin or drink this is it for me

  64. 10 months ago

    >day 900 no caffiene
    >day 8000 no weed
    >day 8000 no nicotine
    >day 400 no porn
    I really like fentanyl though

  65. 10 months ago

    I'm in hell

  66. 10 months ago

    Everything but porn. tbh I don't see the big deal, everything in moderation. If you are jerking off more than once a day you have a problem though

    • 10 months ago

      >everything in moderation
      Yeah, just moderately lie and moderately steal and moderately fornicate and moderately kill people.

      "But I would never kill people" some would say; but they often think abortion isn't butchering an innocent baby to bits and pieces then selling the parts of the murdered child's corpse.

      What crime has the unborn child committed? We don't even put murderers to death all the time, but killing an innocent child made in the image of God who has committed not one single crime in their lives, not against man's laws nor against God's Laws; how are they worthy of death? The mother or father doesn't want to be inconvenienced by the consequences of their actions? They don't like responsibility? What's the problem? Give the child to a family member or put them up for adoption if you must, but murdering someone is worse than rape, so don't pull that lame ploy.

      They say "it's a choice" as if it's as menial as choosing which color of shoes to wear or what shirt to wear or what to eat for lunch; since when did taking someone's life become a "choice".

      Amoral Godless society. It sickens me. How can any of you stand it all?

  67. 10 months ago

    Your seed is the most powerful force of all.
    Woman are there to bear your seed and bring life into the world only you can create.
    Focus that energy into anything else and you eill succeed. That is why porn is so accessible now they want you to be weak and complacent. Mike Tyson did semen retention for 9 years and was an absolute monster, Nikolai Tesla made infinite energy but they decided you are not allowed to live a good life. Nietzsche discovered many meaning to life but there is always suffering, Lao Tzu discovered to live in the moment and not eorry a out the past or future.
    Don't let them take away your energy. Become strong for their time will come, but we won't be able to act if we are weak.

    • 10 months ago
  68. 10 months ago

    never used weed. Quit soda. Now only porn is left, but it's a huge challenge. I'm in a bit of a conundrum, I'm too scared to get a girl because I'm a porn addict and my erections suck, I'm unable to quit porn because I don't see any prospect with girls.
    Weird situation.

  69. 10 months ago

    >dont smoke
    >dont drink, not even alcohol
    >TRY to quit porn but god damn its really fricking hard

    i think this might actually be an addiction. it doesnt really destroy your life and it doesnt have withdrawal symptoms but holy shit it is difficult to stick with it

    • 10 months ago

      it does have withdrawal symptoms and they're nasty. insomnia especially

  70. 10 months ago


    >Smoked weed twice. Hated the feeling of being high.
    >Haven't had a drop since my 4th can if cherry coke on my 13th birthday. Turned 20 this year.
    >Still fap, but only use my imagination. It's all you need.

  71. 10 months ago

    I smoke it on occasion usually on weekend nights or at a party but I'm not a big stoner
    I don't drink soda but I do drink a ton of pineapple juice
    Have sex regularly but I'm guilty of using it to improve my craft
    I drink about every six months since I'm in college but I don't like alcohol
    >cocaine & other drugs
    I'm a huge fan of natural psychedelics such as shrooms. Nicotine however is second to coffee for me. I like its nootropic attributes but I feel guilty about it because I have used Cigarettes, Cigars, Nicotine pouches, and an occasional vape. I have taken long breaks from it so I'm not that addicted
    >screen time
    We're surrounded by screens all the time unfortunately even at work. I like to take breaks to do hobby stuff, day trips, and going to the gym

  72. 10 months ago

    nicotine is the hardest for me, i just love the pouches and gum too much
    life honestly feels pointless without nicotine

    • 10 months ago

      Same here I love those little zyn and velo pouches. They help me study, helps me de-stress, and make me super charismatic. I just can't get over the stigma and my family history of smoking. I don't really care what people think of me but it paints a huge target on your back

  73. 10 months ago

    You're gonna mk it bro but if you don't quit all often that one next time don't try all at once. Quit one and then when you barely miss it do another

    • 10 months ago

      thx bro
      >day 14 nofap
      >day 4 nosoda
      >day 1 noweed

  74. 10 months ago

    for me it's kratom

  75. 10 months ago

    I stopped smoking cigs 8 months now
    I stopped drinking soda for I don't know how long
    I don't drink coffee since a couple of months
    I don't drink alcohol since 8 months
    I'm not on social media
    I don't watch porn
    I haven't jerk offd in 2 weeks
    My diet is really healthy
    I go to the gym 4-6 times a week
    I save money and put it into crypto
    I read a ton (audiobooks too)
    I have a shit job though, but I'm persevering because of the next bullrun
    When btc goes to new aths I'll be at my peak. I'm 30 btw.

  76. 10 months ago

    I was tripping on weed the entire time I did Uni and never again. Even at the point where I can’t be friends with people who do anything with weed. It’s so doomed from the start. I had a god complex in my last year of uni bc I saw a video of someone saying, “THC. Heh yea that prepares your mind for acid!!” Then said ok acid and mushrooms please. Proceeded to waste a lot of time with that stuff. So far I stayed clean from them for the summer and I’ll say it again will never again.
    Everything in my brain just says water and caffeine. So coffee exists Yerba Matte exists even energy drinks. My easiest and brightest solution I’ve come up with yet: caffeine pills and water. Oh and cranberry mango juice.
    No way you just said porn to me. I have been very lost as to why I’m doing anything with porn. A year ago I was pulling off pirated porn best porn 2 hour midnight binges. A month ago I’d get off on random e thots. I’ve never once paid for any breasts on my screen. Now I just wanna stop all that and be happy with fuking girls, all kinds. The only thing holding me back though is this little app called Snapchat. Nothing but respect to the geniuses who worked on snap.

    • 10 months ago

      It's amazing how they've engineered these apps. Sometimes I open youtube on private mode to search for some stuff just so it doesn't alter the algorithm on my main account (mostly music). As soon as I open that main page random videos pull at my attention and I find myself after 1 minute forgetting what I even wanted to search for.

  77. 10 months ago

    Was a daily user of dude weed for the last year and a half up until 2 months ago. My irritability is manageable now and I'm more motivated to go to the gym more consistently. Also I dream at night again which is cool.
    Haven't drank soda in years.
    This one's a b***h but I've managed to kick it pretty easily in the past when I wasn't single. Your cravings for porn disappear when you have pussy in your life. At least for me it did.

  78. 10 months ago

    quitting soda is easy unless you're american or a sad fricking sack obese of shit with no brain or self respect.

    • 10 months ago

      This. There are real human beings going into debt for soda

  79. 10 months ago

    I'm 3 years clean from heroin and fettucine. I take 24mg suboxone, 50mg adderall, and inhale 50mg nicotine juicy daily.

    • 10 months ago

      and youre abstinent on humor we can see

    • 10 months ago

      and youre abstinent on humor we can see

      nvm i thought u were trolling

  80. 10 months ago

    never into it. i tried it over 15 years ago
    nope. any soda i have is with certain drinks at the bar. otherwise my fluid intake is literally water and black tea
    good thing about aging is that your libido levels off. in my early 20s neet phase i would jerk off 5+ times a day. i feel for the guys who have trouble with that shit.

    i feel only contempt and disgust for those "addicted" to weed and sugary shit

  81. 10 months ago

    >fap up to 4 times a day
    >even a mildly sexually suggestive pic can trigger an edging session
    >fast forward until today, pretty sure sexo coming next week
    >decide to nofap 4 days ago
    It was difficult for the first few hours, then my sex drive went to 0. I literally stopped thinking about sex whatsoever.
    Is this normal? or did I break my dick over the years and didn't even notice

    • 10 months ago

      it fluctuates

  82. 10 months ago

    Weed is annoying asf to get where I live, so I never smoke anyways.
    Do monster energy drinks count? If yes, then no.
    Porn addiction has been my white whale since adolescence. I would say I have an above average libido and this, coupled with my below average face makes it impossible to not get pent up. There is no alternative to jacking off and jacking off just isn't as exciting when it isn't coupled with porn. What's more, it is impossible to not encounter porn or other erotic content when you surf the internet. I was thinking about this the other day - the average human nowadays probably experiences several times the amount of sexual stimulus in their lifetime compared to their ancestors. In response, the average human nowadays is expected to exert several times the sexual restraint. I hate modernity.

    • 10 months ago

      energy counts as soda yes and with the porn thing the best advice is get a gf / wife as quickly as possible

  83. 10 months ago

    Quit. Still jerk off once a week, though.
    Unironically, I don't see the reason. I drink 1 (one) diet energy drink a day. I haven't seen convincing studies that the artificial sweeteners cause any significant harm, especially for a 16 oz. can. I don't drink them for caffeine because I'm a non responder, I just like having something to sip on after work.

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