Redpill:. >it's not the carbs. >it's not the sugar. >it's not the seed oils


>it's not the carbs
>it's not the sugar
>it's not the seed oils

You're fat because you eat too much. Cope and seethe you utter fricking moron.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    Calories in - calories out = weight loss/gain

    • 7 months ago


      you can''t just make people take responsibility for their actions. They need to blame seed oils

      • 7 months ago

        I would still stay away from seed oils. Look at the french israeli paradox.

        • 7 months ago
          Chadcel Keys

          >decades of evidence pointing towards saturated fat causing heart disease
          >muh french paradox 🙂

          Why is pol so utterly fricking dumb

          • 7 months ago

            >decades of evidence pointing towards saturated fat causing heart disease
            no such thing you dumb moron
            the guy who made that moronic idea popular (lipid hypothesis) and got everyone fat in the 60s literally committed scientific fraud, he didn't like what the numbers said so he dropped the high-fat consuming countries with low cv disease and the low-fat countries with high cv incidence and told a story

            and it was fricking bullshit

            • 7 months ago

              >let me tell you about ANCEL KEYS!!!!!!!

              sorry, I don't listen to diabetic fat people.

          • 7 months ago

            Kek. Give me one non-epidemiological study that is also double blind or shut the frick up. How can our traditional diets cause heart disease but plant based which no traditional society has ever eaten is the truth?

            • 7 months ago

              Not a vegan, cope and seethe

              >how could MUH TRADITIONAL
              stopped reading. Your ancestors died of heart disease moron

              • 7 months ago

                Even vegans die of heart disease. Everyone dies of cancer or heart disease.

          • 7 months ago

            every doctor IS wrong

            • 7 months ago

              >tfw putin eats carbs

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      thermodynamics is white supremacy

      • 7 months ago

        Wont you have to eat your shit in order for that to be true? Sorry, not interested

    • 7 months ago



      I was 80 kilo with my 185 height.
      But after all covid shit I became 110 kilo. Do I eat too much? No I eat the same amount of the same food. I'm just working at home. I don't go anywhere I sit all day in front of my pc.

    • 7 months ago

      Sugar and simple carbs that readily convert to sugar, causing an insulin spike, and insulin response triggers fat storage. So calories being equal, a diet high in sugar in simple carbs is going to make you more fat than one skewed toward proteins and complex carbs.

      • 7 months ago

        >t. megalardo mcfatass
        Stop stuffing food into your mouth you obese fricking Black person

      • 7 months ago

        >Sugar and simple carbs that readily convert to sugar, causing an insulin spike, and insulin response triggers fat storage.
        >calories being equal
        THEY AREN'T , it's a FRAUD.

      • 7 months ago

        Anything with sugar has a massive amount of calories if you bother reading the label

    • 7 months ago

      This is so untrue. I barely eat anything and have been obese my whole life. Genetics are a real thing

      • 7 months ago

        post the contents of your fridge and your last grocery bill

        • 7 months ago

          I only eat fruit and veggies and spend only $200 a month

          • 7 months ago

            fruits have a TON of sugar in them, moron
            you might as well being drinking soda all day long

            • 7 months ago

              There was some vegan b***h that died recently from malnutrition because she only ate weird jungle fruits. I thought I saved the headline but can't find it.

            • 7 months ago

              >fruits have a TON of sugar in them,
              You need to watch these videos below:

              Anyone should view these videos. Some of them are 1.5 hour, some 2.5 hours. Stop your games and p0rn addiction , find 5-6 hours and watch them.
              It'll be the best thing you will ever watch on nutrition.

              >Sugar: THE BITTER TRUTH
              >U Cali, Dr Robert Lustig

              >The SHOCKING BENEFITS Of Quitting Sugar For 30 Days! (How To Live Longer) | Dr. Robert Lustig

              >How to Avoid Insulin Resistance and Why it's Important | Dr. Robert Lustig & Dr. Dom D'Agostino

              >Understand Your CHOLESTEROL PANEL & Metabolic Health Tests - The ULTIMATE Guide | Dr. Robert Lustig

              >"The BIGGEST Lie in the History of Medicine" | Dr. Robert Lustig

              The sugar in fruits ISN'T FOR YOU. It's for your microbiome, for your bacteria. When you eat full fruits , you can't get fat from that sugar. If you drink coca cola with 10 spoons of corn syrup , you'll explode in no time.

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                One more time, fatty:
                >When you eat full fruits , you can't get fat from that sugar.
                > If you drink coca cola with 10 spoons of corn syrup , and a pound of ice cream in 1 seating- you'll explode in no time.

              • 7 months ago

                SAY IT AGAIN SAY IT AGAIN!

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                >The sugar in fruits ISN'T FOR YOU

                Do you think bananas that we are eating are organic and not created by us?

              • 7 months ago

                you know fruits today are not the same as in the past. they have much more sugar now because it sells better

      • 7 months ago

        Fat fricking moron cope

    • 7 months ago

      FPBP. This angers and confuses the Fatty Fat McFatbodies.

    • 7 months ago

      Try putting diesel fuel into a gas engine? Does it run? It should run because of thermodynamics?

    • 7 months ago

      >Calories in - calories out = weight loss/gain
      That's INCORRECT, that's another FRAUDULENT statement that has been debunked for a long , long time.

      Calorie =/= Calorie;

      • 7 months ago

        Timing is important too people act like 2000 calories for one meal is not gonna put more fat on you.

        • 7 months ago

          >2000 calories for one meal
          If you actually eat FOOD, you can't eat 2000 calories in one meal. Fcking try it.
          If you eat pizza, bagels, cakes , drink coca cola, eat a pound of ice cream etc - that's how you can get 2000 calories.
          That isn't food . That is your sugar addiction.

          • 7 months ago

            2 pounds of 80/20 ground beef is about 2200 calories.

          • 7 months ago

            I could eat like a 24 oz steak, 2 potatoes, a medium saute pan of vegetables, butter and sauces because im fancy, like 5 beers while making dinner 2 maybe 3 shots of whisky, and thats if I'm dessertcucking myself.

            • 7 months ago

              Thats almost 3000 right there and i dont do that every day because I'm not rich. Still like 2000 without alcohol but I am a man not a boy.

            • 7 months ago

              2 pounds of 80/20 ground beef is about 2200 calories.

              Neither one of you are going to eat 2 lbs of beef every day.
              You are going to add stuff to it. White bread, etc. Are you adding anything ? What is it that you are eating with your beef?
              A giant bun made out of white flour and sugar?

              • 7 months ago

                Nah bro i could do that easily i have to keep myself from doing it in fact. 2 large burgers in lieu of steaks is a regular meal for me and i couod do that eating a loaf of bread a day too.

                Go to a fancy restaurant and try steak au poivre and tell me you couldnt eat 4000 calories a day.

            • 7 months ago

              >like 5 beers
              That's basically where you drink your sugar.
              >2 maybe 3 shots of whisky,
              Every day?
              AH, here you go. You are an alcohol sugar addict.

              • 7 months ago

                2 or 3 shots of whisky for the session of 5 ~8% beers. I could drink like half a fifth a day without any side effects, and yeah I use it as preworkout right before a large moka pot of coffee.

          • 7 months ago

            Oh so now it's CICO but with an asterisk for carbs and other high density foods? I thought it was unshakable foundational thermodynamics.

            • 7 months ago


              It actually is carbs too. The reason you loose weight while fasting is due to

              >1 First you deplete your blood glucose and any other nutrients from recently eaten food(12 hrs)
              >2 Then your body uses stored glycogen until it runs out. Its stored in the muscles and liver. (3 to 5 days depending on genetics and muscle mass)
              >finally after that is used up, your body switches to buring fat directly through process called ketosis.

              The problem is most religious practices don't entail fasting for long enough and often consume carbs intermittently to keep strenght up(which is the worst thing you can do when fasting). Fasting actually is only good long term if you stick to it for quite a while, as it takes several days to deplete glycogen. Then you need to also continue to consume some protein or your body with cannibalize it's own muscles.

              People who say "it's carbs" or consume less carbs simply advocate for atkins(most often) or keto diet. Which means maintaining the body in the state of ketosis indefinitely until reaching the weight loss goal(burning fat directly).

              See, this post. CICO doesn't always translate directly(indirectly yes) into fat loss.

            • 7 months ago

              CICO, or calories in calories out is a FRAUD,
              It has been debunked many times by actual science. Only fraudulent salesmen and people who don't understand nutrition repeat it.

              We have 10x more beneficial bacteria in our intestine than cells in our bodies. Bacteria needs to eat food, it aslo helps you digest whatever it is that you are eating.

              Now. People bring in various athletes like Michael Phelps as an outlier cases that you don't belong too. Claiming he ate 12K calories etc. and various junk. You will never ever have this much mussle, or will never train 8-10 hours in a day to be like Phelps.
              On the other side there are American Football athletes. They eat like crazy, and then all quickly die as soon as they stop eating. No more excercise ,no more mussle activity supporting / burning calories, no more mitochondria that works correctly in normal people producing energy correctly.

              • 7 months ago

                >American Football athletes. They eat like crazy, and then all quickly die as soon as they stop PLAYING*

              • 7 months ago

                >calories in calories out is a FRAUD

              • 7 months ago

                Go eat 2kg of meat every day and tell me CICO is everything.

              • 7 months ago

                >Go eat 2kg of meat every day and tell me CICO is everything.

                meat doesnt raise your insulin levels, its got nothing to do with calories

              • 7 months ago

                I could eat 3000 calories of bacon in one sitting.

                I could not eat 3000 calories of vegetables in one day.
                >cope and seethe shill

              • 7 months ago

                The bacon needs to have no sugar on it, 90% of bacon at the grocery store is cured with sugar.

              • 7 months ago

                >>I could eat 3000 calories of bacon in one sitting.
                >I am moronic
                >>I could not eat 3000 calories of vegetables in one day.
                >Because you DO NOT NEED 3000 calories of veggies.
                >We don't need 3000 calories of anything, humans fed themselves for hundred thousand years.
                >Males didn't count calories and didn't eat 3000 or 30000 calories and were still stronger than modern day males.
                Are you moronic?

              • 7 months ago

                It's literally just fricking this. I lost 35 pounds in the last 3 months. I didn't start watching my macros or whatever moronation, it's literally just eat less food, stop drinking soda, snack on vegfetables, and cook with less oil

                >I could not eat 3000 calories of vegetables in one day.
                I could

              • 7 months ago

                I gained a solid 5lbs of muscle in 2 months while drinking heavily and eating a lot of fast food. I put a shitload of butter on everything fat is good for you your brain is made of saturated fat and they and salt dictate nutrient absorption.

              • 7 months ago

                >put a shitload of butter on everything
                what could go wrong? Oh.

              • 7 months ago

                /misc/ is the official contarian board.

                Scientists say fruits and vegetables are good for you.

                >ergo, we must eat only meat and LARP as eskimos

              • 7 months ago

                it blows my mind how posters know that every single topic on here has israeli misdirection threads dedicated to it, but somehow diet is different and honest goys just really wabt whats best for you, and arent actively trying to subvert and destroy your health with bad meme diets.

              • 7 months ago

                >science says

                How stupid are you? Scientists and studies are bought by the highest bidder. They aren't some neutral, infallible, post humans.

                >Scientists say fruits and vegetables are good for you.

                Yes? They also say that grains, oats and other micronutrient lacking crops are "good for you". Big agriculture even fooled people into thinking Trans fats were good for you( for almost 50 years). When in fact, trans fats are just industrial farming waste byproducts.

              • 7 months ago

                We must do as the Inuits do

                >NO, I will NOT eat the seed oil
                >NO, I will NOT take the carbs

                From here on, no glucose will parse my lips. Simple as'

              • 7 months ago

                Right, that life span only had to do with diet. There were absolutely no other factors in pre recorded history which could lower your life span.

              • 7 months ago

                Not mentioned in this post:
                >dangers of Inuit locale
                >dangers of hunting
                >living in regularly-frigid climate long-term
                >little-to-no access to medicine
                >alcohol abuse in the Inuit population
                >being deprived of sunlight for long periods of time

              • 7 months ago

                >be vaxxed
                >heart starts to clog up even though you do everything right
                >pfeizer double dips profit on the vax and heart drugs
                >some moron online blames butter and defends pfeizer without ever being the wiser

              • 7 months ago

                nope, all went down long before any vax, tick tock placky

              • 7 months ago

                also your brain can make fat out of anything, and it doesnt need much.

              • 7 months ago

                >Drink coca cola with 10 tea spoons of sugar every day - get fat
                >Drink water and avoid all other sugar - never get fat.
                KYS victim blaming israelite.

              • 7 months ago

                >I am a VICTIM
                Did the sugar jump in your mouth?

              • 7 months ago

                Go eat 2kg of meat every day and tell me CICO is everything.

                >Drink coca cola with 10 tea spoons of sugar every day - get fat
                >Drink water and avoid all other sugar - never get fat.
                KYS victim blaming israelite.

                I have made a thread for you wise anons here on fit



      • 7 months ago


        I dropped 50 pounds. You know how? Strict 2100 calories a day, kept religiously. It works. If it doesn't you're probably cheating with a maybe 2% chance that it's a real metabolic disorder.

    • 7 months ago

      CICO morons are more malnourished than vegtroons.

      >eat normal
      >oh no I have eaten too much
      >keep exercising
      >return to step 1

      • 7 months ago

        I dont want to fit through doors anon im here to put on mass. Ever hit the gym without beer nutrients 20 nuggets and 2 of the gayburgers because thats whats on sale? I refuse to feel any slight amount of hunger.

        It really is the difference between being able to hit the gym twice sometimes to burn out and do more arms vs 4 days a week though, and ofc im not hitting prs intense heavy volume is what im after.

        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            Why can I eat at least twice as much breaded chicken as grilled or seared?

            • 7 months ago

              Because carbs make you overeat

              • 7 months ago

                I mean if i have 16oz of seared chicken i can eat like 24 breaded before it effects my appetite. You often see people complain they have to force feed themselves to gain weight maybe they just cant cook.

      • 7 months ago

        Jews can't have you not eating because then they lose money. Better to keep you close to food at all times so you're more likely to fail.

    • 7 months ago

      It really is that simple. You lost 1 lb for every 3,500 calories burned. If you burn 2,800 calories a day and fast at 800 calories you lose over a pound every two days. It could be muscle and not just fat though. And your metabolism will adjust to burn less in a day so you won’t consistently lose 2 lbs every day but you can always shock it by consuming like 3k calories at random spaced out intervals. Most don’t know how they burn on average or accurately count their calories. They’ll also regress because of a lack of will power. But it really is that easy and carbs are fine in moderation like anything else

      • 7 months ago

        Now include all the calories you shit out

      • 7 months ago

        >It really is that simple
        You know what's easier and cheaper. Not eating for a week or two.

    • 7 months ago

      This. Im addicted to junk food and because of this I have to stay at a permanent calorie deficit and count all my calories. Its stressful, but worth it.

    • 7 months ago

      This is true, but there are addendums.
      Some foods are denser.
      If you're lacking in nutrition you will feel hungrier.
      Sugar enlarges your stomach making you want more.

      All obesity can be prevented simply by eating less calories.
      But some diets make it easier to do than others.

    • 7 months ago

      Yep. I lost 5 kg in exactly 3 months with a 500 calorie deficit. My calories came mostly from carbs and proteins. Also, I had to jog 4-5 times/week to reach the deficit, I didn't starve myself.

    • 7 months ago


      not true anymore, covid can damage the liver and frick up your metabolism

      it can also make it impossible for fat to burn through some unknown mechanism.

    • 7 months ago

      True. But if you ain't doing shit all day a fast may help you out losing weight fast.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Nice of the most obese nation to phone in their opinion and prove me right.

    • 7 months ago

      look at the sheer cope in half of those replies. the fatties seethe at the truth.
      >it must be the g*ysl*p!
      >it must be the s**d oils!
      >it must be the insulin spike from sugars!
      >it must be the high fructose whatever syrup!
      >it must be the <whatever recent fad>
      fricking losers lol

  2. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      t. it's in the carbs

    • 7 months ago

      nah religion got that part right, humans are meant to fast.

      • 7 months ago

        Fasting is literally the daylight saving of a past era. Do you think anyone was fasting before the abrahamic religions? Maybe when there was no food. It's sedentary lifestyle combined with nutrient deficient foods.

        • 7 months ago

          >Do you think anyone was fasting before the abrahamic religions?
          >Maybe when there was no food.
          right. Feast or famine has been the norm up until this century. your body is built to fast

    • 7 months ago

      You have a fatty worm infested brain, poo.

      • 7 months ago

        Carbs are insanely good for your brain

    • 7 months ago


  3. 7 months ago

    that's exactly it

    • 7 months ago

      There actually is a way to substantially increase your resting metabolic energy consumption that they missed - being cold. If you're cool enough to be shivering, it almost doubles the energy expended to maintain your body temperature.

      • 7 months ago

        For how long should I freeze per day to stop being a fatbody?

  4. 7 months ago

    oh just shut the frick up

    • 7 months ago

      >I ate high calorie junk food
      >I am now fat
      >SEED OIL!!!

      • 7 months ago

        drink 2 of these a day for a week gaylord

    • 7 months ago

      i get one of these every day on my way to work

      • 7 months ago

        insulin is like 30 bux in the us moron

    • 7 months ago

      >266 grammes of puro
      Sugar spice and everything nice

    • 7 months ago

      What the hell i straight up dont consume this much sugar in a month

    • 7 months ago

      calories in calories out gays would argue that your body will somehow absorb all of these calories. Especially when the people eating this are still eating other food throughout the day. Its insane to think that you could eat 6k calories from mostly sugar/carbs would be the same as 6k calories from mostly fat.

    • 7 months ago

      2310 calories for only 30 grams of protein is absolute trash

  5. 7 months ago

    The same people telling you to fast also think it's a good idea to cut your penis.

    I'm starting to think it's the carbs

  6. 7 months ago

    Remember: Fasting means zero nutrients, zero protein. Do it for too long and you'll lose muscle fast.

    • 7 months ago

      T. Landwhale

      • 7 months ago

        >T. Landwhale
        No. Do a cut to lose weight. Aim for 1.6-2.2g protein per pound of body weight. 500-1000 calories cut per day. For some people this means reducing carbs only, but for most this means reducing both carbs+fat.

        • 7 months ago

          Except training in fasted state preserves muscle and starvation mode never existed.

          • 7 months ago

            Does it really? Eating as soon as you wake up starts your metabolism fasting lowers your calorie requirements.

    • 7 months ago

      Studies from the 60s said up to 72 hours and you can still build muscle while fasting. No studies have been done beyond that. My guess is after 96 hours most of the benefits you are getting are beginning to stagnate. Unless you have really bad arthritis or cancer I wouldn’t do more than 72s 2x a week until you skinny then once a week for the rest of your life.

    • 7 months ago

      Just do one meal a day and make it 90% meats, healthy fats and veggies. Watch the weight drop homosexuals

    • 7 months ago

      No, fasting for more than 3 days causes hgh to spike preventing muscle wasting, fasting and starving aren't the same thing

      • 7 months ago

        >hgh to spike preventing muscle wasting

        lol, lmao. You really think any hormone alone is enough to prevent wasting, all it does is slow down by a negligible margin. The HGH(along with other spikes such as cortisol and test) are your bodies response to the environmental stress of starving. It serves to heighten your performance in critical conditions in order to secure food. In other words, it's an autonomic process and has nothing to do with preventing wasting.

        The only way to prevent wasting is muscle protein synthesis. It's that simple, you need to eat protein.

        • 7 months ago

          Yea but up to 72 hours is not detrimental.

        • 7 months ago

          Fasting is not the move i was a shit brick house in middle school and i dont remember being hungry i had the shoulders of a man at like 13. Going hungry is terrible for growth in any fashion.

          • 7 months ago

            If you do a pure fast, then yes it's bad for your muscles because of autophagy(wasting). But for long term health overall, you should take full advantage of autophagy effects. Also you can just comsue small ammounts of protein(maintenance) during fast. If you time it right then it will not break ketosis. (Technically not a real fast, but still you are reaping most of the benefits other than autophagy)

            • 7 months ago

              Startimg your metabolism earlier makes yoh hungry sooner, fasting lowers your calorie requirements. If i were trying to lose fat id eat early then just have protein and some carbs before lifting.

        • 7 months ago

          >lol, lmao. You really think any hormone alone is enough to prevent wasting
          >what's testosterone? is that the thing they give to AIDS patients to prevent them from dying of muscle wasting?

          • 7 months ago

            >what's testosterone? is that the thing they give to AIDS patients to prevent them from dying of muscle wasting?

            Are you moronic? Do you think any of those patients are fasting? Even in comatose, they are on the IV drip. All those hormones won't do anything unless they have substance to work with. To build muscles(protein/rna) you need protein/rna. Your body can't build something from nothing.

            How much protein you think the average enhanced lifter eat? Hint, it's not normal.

            • 7 months ago

              Again i grew up fat and didnt even hit puberty early but i was an absolute unit, aint no way fasting boosts test. In fact, people who want trt will purposely sleep worse and eat less to lower their test.

              • 7 months ago

                Fasting doesn't boost test or hormones. It spikes it temporarily.

  7. 7 months ago

    It's the carbs you fricking moronic fat fricktard. Buy a scale.
    Eat meat and vegetables for every single meal.

  8. 7 months ago

    Hey dumb dumb - do you understand that fasting is a lot easier if you're not constantly spiking your blood sugar with refined carbohydrates ?

    • 7 months ago

      >not eating is a lot easier if you arent eating food

      what an insight thanks for the post

      • 7 months ago

        The drink water one is stupid too, then your pissing constantly and getting a craving for salt to replace what you pissed out, the gand excuse is a funny one too, yeah your fat ass is magicly gaining mass for no fricking reason, problem is their memory is shit if they forget ingesting 3000kcals

        • 7 months ago

          >The drink water one is stupid too, then your pissing constantly and getting a craving for salt to replace what you pissed out

          like a spider waiting for a fly to hit its are halfway to the truth. I haven't eaten any solid food for 61 hours at time of posting, just a mixture of distilled water, freshly squeezed fruit smoothies, cups of tea, and master cleanse (lemon/maple syrup/cayenne pepper) drinks to break up the boredom and because the MC drink taste pretty good anyway. doing this to give any alcohol time to be washed from my system after several weeks of constant guzzling my homebrew.

          tomorrow I may do distilled water only to get my piss as clear as I can before beginning an indeterminate fasting period of distilled water and 3 glasses of my own piss a day. any toxic substances in our bodies are removed via the breath, the skin and the anus, what leaves via the urine can be considered a holographic template of your avatar, there are excess minerals, hormones, vitamins etc that were a part of your blood only a short time previous to being expelled as piss.

          your piss is also sterile, you can gargle it if you feel a sore throat coming on, put it in your eyes and ears, snort it to cleanse the sinuses and massage it into your skin. you spent most of the first 9 months of your life in an amniotic sack full of your own piss. your piss helped create you.

          to get back to your comment...if you drink a glass of your piss (3 glasses a day is the target) you are putting only goodness back into your body that can be used immediately as the body already processed everything the first time, putting it back in leaves the body to free to utilise saved energy elsewhere to focus on other things. you would be on a salt loop, apparently the more you recycle your own piss the clearer and purer it gets.

          I'll be drinking my first glass in a couple of days, probably stir in a spoonful of tumeric golden paste to sneak it past my throat.

  9. 7 months ago

    I'm currently on day 4 of my dry fast

    • 7 months ago

      That guy gets no b***hes on his dick. He looks unhappier after the fast.

      • 7 months ago

        >That guy gets no b***hes on his dick.
        i really hate the way you Black folk speak. it's so infuriating

        • 7 months ago

          Get used to it 'cause the future is brown.

          • 7 months ago

            I will recolonize africa and reinstitute slavery in america.

            • 7 months ago

              You have my vote fuhrer.

    • 7 months ago

      just be careful when you break it, take it slow and dont consume an insane amount of one thing your body cant brake down due to being fasted of the other stuff you need to digest it leading to liver/kidneys failure
      here laugh at the stupidity of some dumb c**t who over did it

    • 7 months ago

      >Cut for 3 months
      >Take picture and lable it After
      >Eat high salt foods and lots of carbs for a week
      >Drink tons of water for maximum bloat
      >Take picture and lable it Before

    • 7 months ago

      >natty limit
      you will not lose this fast. I saw a guy on youtube lost 12 lbs in 7 days though.

    • 7 months ago

      people will say the phoenix protocol is impossible because 'you will day after 3 days without water'. they know this because they saw it repeated on discovery channel shows and whatnot. meanwhile, in reality

  10. 7 months ago

    It's the carbonated soda that causes a lot of this shit. But corps like C a C work together with other industry corps to control diet fads. When you eat naturally, your body creates digestive gases, it's these gases that make you feel full, then stop eating. Carbonated soda disrupt these gases, in one way or another, which prevents you from feeling full. It's as simple as that.


    • 7 months ago

      I have never once thought about digestive gases and I'm not obese

      I simply don't overeat.

    • 7 months ago

      I don’t think there is one simple thing. But make your own bread and eat meat and potatoes. Try and get fat eating Whole Foods. Don’t eat seed oils either.

      • 7 months ago

        American flour has added bromine which makes you gain weight like a cow and competes with iodine. Mercury toxicity is another one that makes you sensitive to sugar and it's the cause of insulin resistance.

        • 7 months ago

          Where is the mercury coming from?

          • 7 months ago

            Vaccines, car exhaust, amalgams, broken thermometers

            • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Don't need to try. I did it.

  11. 7 months ago

    this is the top reason but you still need protein, omega balance and sun(vitamin D) while intermittent fasting or you will develop various chronic inflammation diseases anyway

    I haven’t had breakfast or lunch in over 8 years and eat and drink a ton of alcohol every night and have never felt better

    • 7 months ago

      >I haven’t had breakfast or lunch in over 8 years and eat and drink a ton of alcohol every night
      it's easy to skip breakfast and lunch when you are hungover in bed until 3 p.m, leaf

    • 7 months ago

      You are having a break fast every day

  12. 7 months ago

    Fasting is the best but seed oils contributing to inflammation doesn't help with losing weight

  13. 7 months ago

    Yes and no. You can eat a decent amount of food if you want, but it needs to be in one go. Like eat like a pig only once a day and then fast for the rest of the day drinking only water and eating nothing, and repeat the day after at the same hour. You will lose more weight if you eat actual food in moderate amounts though.
    t. lost 20kg only by fasting recently.

    • 7 months ago

      >You can eat a decent amount of food if you want, but it needs to be in one go.

      I simply don't overeat.

      • 7 months ago

        It's hard for fatties to go from 100 to 0. They relapse really easy. I know because i used to be one.
        The main problem is that they eat a little all the time, like once every half an hour they go back to the fridge and that's the fricking worse you can do. If you want to eat a lot, at least do it all at once and give your body some rest..

        • 7 months ago

          I don't care about that.

          I simply don't overeat.

  14. 7 months ago

    I love zogslop. Without it there wouldn't be all these fat women to frick and enjoy

  15. 7 months ago

    It's the carbs, sugar and seed oil, and you eat too much of it

  16. 7 months ago

    If you are super obese like feminist size the easiest way to drop weight is to cut out dairy and sugar as much as possible, switch all snacking to salads and popcorn. Buy an exercise bike to watch tv. Should drop minimum ten pounds every 2 to 4 weeks.
    Just wake up and get it out of the way, make a huge tub of salad with no fat dressing to pick at during the day. Really is no excuse, doesn't matter what happened to you or what you did to others.

    • 7 months ago

      > easiest way to drop weight is to cut out dairy
      That's just something I simply cannot do. I fricking love cows milk.

      • 7 months ago

        Reminder that your breasts are directly related to your dairy consumption from all that mammalian estrogen

        remember to not blame the seed oils next time you cope and seethe over that fact

        • 7 months ago

          A cow is a mobile food factory that you can consume once it stops giving dairy. Seethe lactose intolerant plant eater.

          • 7 months ago

            Those manbreasts of yours, they are your own making.

            • 7 months ago

              My chest sticks out from pectoral muscle due to strenuous work and ample protein and dairy intake. Go eat rice Black person.

        • 7 months ago

          I'm a woman and I've been drinking cows milk since I was 3. I've been a B cup my whole life. I only gained C cup breasts after I got pregnant and breastfed.

          • 7 months ago

            Can you post your junior high pics

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah, let me just use the wayback machine and look up myspace profile.

  17. 7 months ago
    Chief Disinformation Officer of NPNW

    Nice flag but I got to 5% bodyfat (tested via hydrostatic weighing) without fasting.
    >train hard 7x/week
    >eat balanced diet of meat, tubers, grains, legumes, and vegetables, with minimal no-calorie seasoning
    >eat the same meals in the same quantities every day
    >if you're not losing weight fast enough, reduce the amount in each meal
    >if you want to gain weight and you're not eating enough, add discretionary calories or increase calories/meal but keep most of your diet autistically consistent across days
    Been doing this for almost 6 months now, hit the 5.5% in mid-August and have slowly ramped my calories to now when I'm, I think, VERY SLOWLY but consistently gaining weight.

    Getting lean also killed my hedonic urges, including my sex drive, which was great because I'm incel, but sucks because now that I'm eating more they're all coming back. Still the easiest 4 months of nofap of my life. God I fricking hate women tho.

    • 7 months ago

      Certified incel post.


      >it's not the carbs
      >it's not the sugar
      >it's not the seed oils

      You're fat because you eat too much. Cope and seethe you utter fricking moron.

      I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. There's no need for any diet bullshit nor gym incel bullshit. Just live life. Be happy, stay away from stress, have fun. Incels make their whole lives about pleasing others and never themselves.

  18. 7 months ago

    Fasting is just a fancy name for starvation, if you wanna lose weight just eat beef and eggs only a few months, impossible to over eat and they got all you need. Lol at telling people to starve themselves thinking it’s good advice.

    • 7 months ago

      >just eat beef and eggs
      No thanks

      I'll just not overeat, therefore, not be obese

  19. 7 months ago

    Certain carbohydrate intake causes inflammation, which causes your body to operate less effectively, resulting in a loss of activity.

  20. 7 months ago

    Cutting carbs definitely works. I have a friend who used to be 120kg, 194 cm. He stopped eating bread and he lost 30 kilos over a few months without any additional effort

  21. 7 months ago

    Fasting works because it forces your body into lipolysis, which is the fat burning state for energy.
    When you eat food, particularly carbs, it is broken down into strings of glucose called glucagon that is carried in the blood and provides immediate energy. This glycolysis inhibits the fat burning because it is mainly triggered by carbohydrates that would be scarce for half of the year and therefore allows you to build your fat reserves until winter, where carbs will be rare or non existent.
    As soon as you realise that our bodies haven’t even adjusted to agriculture yet, let alone 24/7 globalist goyslop, it starts to make more sense.

  22. 7 months ago

    I've had the best results with:
    >[1.] low carb, high meat, high fat
    >[2.] fasting
    >[3.] light exercise
    It doesn't even take that much. Just eat healthy, do some calisthenics, and skip breakfast. I only drink one cup of black coffee and then water with a little ginger or chamomile tea for the rest of the day. If you want to really go nuts, then go for a twenty hour fast a couple times a month. Go for a walk once in a while. It's really quite easy once you get used to it.

  23. 7 months ago

    You have to actually fricking do shit to not be fat.
    I've been hovering at 190 and eating like a pig for the last decade because I lift heavy shit every day.

    • 7 months ago

      You have a scat fetish?

  24. 7 months ago

    if you want to eat and loose weight do carnivore
    i lost 1kg/week from 88to80kg, its sucks with the range of food but it does work

  25. 7 months ago

    Actually it is because of the carbs you fat, moronic homosexual. You can not eat carbs and have the same outcome as fasting.

    • 7 months ago

      Lmao 2014 wants it's diet back.

      • 7 months ago

        It seems dated because everyone who did it lost weight and didn’t need to talk about dieting anymore.
        Keto and fasting work on the same principle: lipolysis. See my other post

        Fasting works because it forces your body into lipolysis, which is the fat burning state for energy.
        When you eat food, particularly carbs, it is broken down into strings of glucose called glucagon that is carried in the blood and provides immediate energy. This glycolysis inhibits the fat burning because it is mainly triggered by carbohydrates that would be scarce for half of the year and therefore allows you to build your fat reserves until winter, where carbs will be rare or non existent.
        As soon as you realise that our bodies haven’t even adjusted to agriculture yet, let alone 24/7 globalist goyslop, it starts to make more sense.

        • 7 months ago
          Chadcel Keys

          >everyone who did it lost weight
          They were doing real good until the Attack of the Carbs in 2014

          They're still trying to recover to this day.

  26. 7 months ago

    Cico is a truism of course calories in equals to calories out, however calories in changes calories out and higher calories out demands more calories in or you feel like shit and potentially permanently reduce your metabolism. Really you gotta be brain-dead to repeat the cico mantra

  27. 7 months ago

    If you eat little but all you eat is shit saturated in fat and full of sugar, sure, you're going to be skinny, but that doesn't mean you're healthy. If a person really wants to lose weight to take care of their health, it is not only important that they eat less, it is also important that they consume foods of higher nutritional quality.

    • 7 months ago
      Chadcel Keys

      >all you eat is shit saturated in fat and full of sugar
      pol is an incel board.

      Therefore, saturated fat good

  28. 7 months ago

    why does he hide his flag?

  29. 7 months ago

    Genghis Khan ate only meat.

    • 7 months ago

      And horse blood and dairy milk.

  30. 7 months ago

    It is carbs
    It is sugar
    It is seed oils
    It is lack or exercise
    It is also lack of fasting

    • 7 months ago

      You just posted the solution to fat loss. I'd just add that exercise is more useful for gaining muscle than losing weight. You gain more calories in 5 minutes by eating a Zinger from KFC than you burn from exercising for an hour. Work out for muscle, eat like a Somalian for weight loss. Its just way fricking easier to not eat 500 calories than to burn them. And if you're fat you shouldn't be concerned with muscle, you should be concerned with losing the fat first.

  31. 7 months ago

    its true just eat less

    • 7 months ago

      Most people would have greater benefit from working harder, not restricting food intake. Actual laborious work.

      • 7 months ago

        >Most people would have greater benefit from working harder
        Any exercise doesn't help overeating

        Carbs are insanely good for your brain

        Not even the best energy for the brain.

        • 7 months ago

          The more you work, the more you can eat. In the height of summer I can eat with absolute wild abandon. Metabolism is like a fire. It's easily smothered at first, but once you're stoked and burning hot, you can't consume enough food to be fat. If you're getting fat, you're not working hard enough.

  32. 7 months ago

    Calories in calories out is one of the biggest israeli lies no one talks about

    • 7 months ago

      That study does not contradict CICO. PUFA consumption lowers your metabolic rate. That is literally changing the "calories out" half of the equation.

  33. 7 months ago

    >You're fat because you eat too much.
    No, this is a fraudulent position. It's victim blaming. It's a FRAUD that you are israeliteing the food.

  34. 7 months ago

    >it's not the carbs
    >it's not the sugar
    >it's not the seed oils
    you shouldn't eat that shit even when you aren't fasting you fricking reductionist moron

  35. 7 months ago

    OMAD 5 days a week, 1-2 hour eating window.

    2-3 months you will lose belly fat, there's no other way than fasting.

    You have to stop eating and let the body burn the fat. This can't happen when any food is in you, starts burning fat around 16-18 hours into fasting.

    With OMAD and 1 hr eating window, I fast 23 hours a day.

  36. 7 months ago

    It's the carbs you stupid lying israelite.
    Eat meat, Eat anyone who says you have to eat bugs (cook them really well like any other pig).
    Read Atkins and Taubes, not some jackass israelite with a meme flag and an idiotic meme.
    Eat JUST meat and Body takes fat you eat and and turns it into ketones. Any excess ketones are pissed out. Don't eat too much protein or your body will convert that protein to carbs.
    Eat carbs makes you fat. They feed cows grain to make them fat. No way you can "fast" that off, as your body will consume your own muscle for protein.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      I think you can literally just eat different meats and you would get even the vitamin c if you eat animal liver (haven't tried it but you would have to cook it only a little because heat starts destroying vitamin c). Then there's also eggs and cheese which contain only protein and fat. It would take effort to simply eat protein and fat for excess. Iirc some nuts also have little to no carbs, just read the nutrition info for stuff which should contain <1g carbs per 100g. I eat an apple or something like that every now and then because I can't be bothered to larp 0g of carbs but it's close to that now.

      • 7 months ago

        Different meats would include red meat, chicken, fish and so on.

      • 7 months ago

        >le heckin' based and PRIMAL-*ACK*

        • 7 months ago

          Got to eat the liver to live.

          • 7 months ago

            I tried looking it up tho that you can't eat liver too much to load on vitamin C or you will overdose on vitamin A.

        • 7 months ago

          Vitamin c is the only thing you have to keep an eye on with all meat / all animal based diet, but I already wrote that you can get vitamin c from a liver but I haven't tried it yet so I just eat a fruit sometimes.

  37. 7 months ago

    it's both, you moron
    you're fat because you eat too much, but you eat too much because all you eat are fricking carbs. you should fast, AND when you're not fasting you should be eating fewer carbs
    no fasting+too many carbs: obese
    no fasting+no carbs: fat
    fasting+too many carbs: skinnyfat
    fasting+no carbs: fit

    • 7 months ago

      >no fasting+no carbs:
      Is the same as
      >no fasting+no carbs:
      The common thing is sugar / corn syrup and processed shit - white flour , white rice etc.

      • 7 months ago

        Whats so bad about sugar from corn honestly. It tastes worse for the most part thats about it, and thats not the case with eating just corn. Tortillas are good too corn is way better, adding charcoal or ash or whatever is what makes it good for you.

        • 7 months ago

          >Whats so bad about sugar from corn honestly.
          It is 1. Addictive and 2. Poison. and 3. It isn't food.
          Watch some of the videos from my post:

          Anyone should view these videos. Some of them are 1.5 hour, some 2.5 hours. Stop your games and p0rn addiction , find 5-6 hours and watch them.
          It'll be the best thing you will ever watch on nutrition.

          >Sugar: THE BITTER TRUTH
          >U Cali, Dr Robert Lustig

          >The SHOCKING BENEFITS Of Quitting Sugar For 30 Days! (How To Live Longer) | Dr. Robert Lustig

          >How to Avoid Insulin Resistance and Why it's Important | Dr. Robert Lustig & Dr. Dom D'Agostino

          >Understand Your CHOLESTEROL PANEL & Metabolic Health Tests - The ULTIMATE Guide | Dr. Robert Lustig

          >"The BIGGEST Lie in the History of Medicine" | Dr. Robert Lustig

        • 7 months ago

          >Whats so bad about sugar from corn honestly.
          Put simply, it's cheap. Humans like sugar. When something has sugar in it, we want to eat it. We like the taste of it. Too much of it is bad, but that used to not be a problem because sugar was expensive. Most foods only had a little bit of sugar in it. An ear of corn, for example, contains about 3 grams of sugar. If you wanted white sugar, for baking or putting in your coffee, it was quite expensive. You had to refine it from sugar cane or sugar beets, both temperamental crops with mediocre yields. People just couldn't afford too much sugar: it was a luxury to be used sparingly. The sugar problem was self-limiting.
          Then, in about 1970, everything changed. Richard Nixon's government introduced a radical plan to end hunger in America: the corn subsidy. Farmers were encouraged to grow endless fields of corn and sell it off dirt cheap. It worked like a charm: America was not only free from hunger, it now had vast excesses of corn. They had more corn than they knew what to do with, and it was unbelievably cheap. So cheap, in fact, that it became economical to render it down for that 3 grams of sugar and use it to produce High Fructose Corn Syrup. With corn syrup, sugar was no longer a luxury. Any company that made food could dump in an ungodly amount of sweet, addictive sugar for virtually no cost. The result was rampant addiction and obesity as the sugar content of food ballooned massively out of control. Contrast that 3 grams of sugar in an ear of corn with the 39 grams in a can of coke. 32 in a twinkie. 47 in a chocolate bar. They even started adding it to things that never had any sugar before. This is far, far more sugar than humans were ever able to consume before. It's no surprise everyone got fat. Too much of a good thing becomes a problem, anon.

          • 7 months ago

            An ear of corn has way more than 3 grams of sugar its definitely preservatives that are bad, then again you can go ahead and make your own fruit jam or whatever for homemade toaster strudel and it takes forever to go bad.

            I honestly think people just try to save money on food before anything else and disregard their health. Hm i would rather have real sugar coke and top shelf whisky not gonna lie but i dont actually think its more healthy for me.

  38. 7 months ago

    Anyone should view these videos. Some of them are 1.5 hour, some 2.5 hours. Stop your games and p0rn addiction , find 5-6 hours and watch them.
    It'll be the best thing you will ever watch on nutrition.

    >U Cali, Dr Robert Lustig

    >The SHOCKING BENEFITS Of Quitting Sugar For 30 Days! (How To Live Longer) | Dr. Robert Lustig

    >How to Avoid Insulin Resistance and Why it's Important | Dr. Robert Lustig & Dr. Dom D'Agostino

    >Understand Your CHOLESTEROL PANEL & Metabolic Health Tests - The ULTIMATE Guide | Dr. Robert Lustig

    >"The BIGGEST Lie in the History of Medicine" | Dr. Robert Lustig

    • 7 months ago

      I love you , guys, don't take my humor too serious.
      But do bookmark these videos, they will change your life and your understanding of food.

      • 7 months ago

        But they are all complete bullshit.

        • 7 months ago

          Of course they are. Sugar is the best thing ever , and corn syrup is too.
          Calories are also all the same.
          Safe and effective.

          • 7 months ago

            >oy vey facts aren't real listen to israelites!

  39. 7 months ago

    Faster option would be to pay some doctor to suck the fat outta ya. You can then use your fat to make some soap. Resourceful

  40. 7 months ago

    Just stop being fat, lardass.

  41. 7 months ago

    hahaha sort of based
    the problem with something like seed oils is that it's gunking up your body in a way which fricks bodily processes over time which then leads to various disease
    I agree with the rest though

  42. 7 months ago

    It actually is carbs too. The reason you loose weight while fasting is due to

    >1 First you deplete your blood glucose and any other nutrients from recently eaten food(12 hrs)
    >2 Then your body uses stored glycogen until it runs out. Its stored in the muscles and liver. (3 to 5 days depending on genetics and muscle mass)
    >finally after that is used up, your body switches to buring fat directly through process called ketosis.

    The problem is most religious practices don't entail fasting for long enough and often consume carbs intermittently to keep strenght up(which is the worst thing you can do when fasting). Fasting actually is only good long term if you stick to it for quite a while, as it takes several days to deplete glycogen. Then you need to also continue to consume some protein or your body with cannibalize it's own muscles.

    People who say "it's carbs" or consume less carbs simply advocate for atkins(most often) or keto diet. Which means maintaining the body in the state of ketosis indefinitely until reaching the weight loss goal(burning fat directly).

  43. 7 months ago

    Sure but your goal shouldn't be just to lose weight, it should be to increase muscle and reduce fat. If you want to lose weight you need to eat less than your daily calorie expenditure. Trying to do so while getting enough protein and healthy fats and vitamins and fiber leaves no space for sugar and simple, unhealthy carbs

    So yeah, fasting is great but only if coupled with low carb, high protein diet at times when you DO eat. It sucks but if you want to be beefy without being fat you need to severely restrict carbs and completely eliminate sugars, alcohol etc. Of course, if your goal is to be a pathetic, unhealthy lanklet then feel free to live a CICO high carb diet that corn syrup is not gonna slurp itself

  44. 7 months ago
  45. 7 months ago

    arabs are fatfricks tho

  46. 7 months ago

    don't get me wrong fasting is great and all but the keto/carnivores do seem to have a point when it comes to the fat loss benefices, in that ketones kinda kill the hunger signal in your brain
    and seed oils will make you fat hungry AND give you cancer(olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, butter or bacon/meat fat, the rest is cancerous trash)

  47. 7 months ago

    Another Catalan with yet another dumpster-tier post.

    >ingested (read: supplementary) carbohydrates are typically immediately processed by the liver & stored in fat as glycogen
    >stored fat cannot be used for nutrients until stored glycogen runs dry
    >stored glycogen can only be burned 16 hours after ingestion due to the complexities of digestion
    >fasting depletes stored glycogen as the liver has no supplementary carbohydrates to digest
    >body returns to using endogenous glycogen and enters ketosis (using stored fat)

    If one were eating only fatty foods, we wouldn't be able to keep it long enough to get fat. We'd start burning it immediately during the digestion process. Fasting is simply a tool to deplete excess glycogen and repurpose the energy used in digestion. People who eat high-carb diets continue to do so largely out of ignorance. They mistake their "hunger" response for indicating when they're hungry, but in reality this response is a hormonal one. Ghrelin is the hormone that triggers the "hunger" feeling, but is produced by low blood-sugar. This is due to a delay between depletion of stored glycogen & the endogenous production of it.

    Eat more protein, feel fuller, longer. Eat more carbs, feel hunger faster.

    I'm curious. Post a pic of you on a scale, OP.

    • 7 months ago

      Any way that can somehow deal with diabetes? I've heard that fasting for most of the day can help get rid of it but I need more sources.

      • 7 months ago

        From what I understand, it can only reverse acquired (read: type 2) diabetes if caught soon enough. After a long enough period (I'd say anything after 6 months but I'm not a doctor), attempting to reverse this condition will have a higher potential for fatality than reversal. Obviously this is exponential as well. The longer the wait, the more likely fatality becomes.

      • 7 months ago

        Depriving your body of carbs to reset the insulin resistance can only do so much. Maybe during earlier stages of insulin resistance or symptomatic then it can reverse. But when you have full blown type 2 then your body is already too damaged. There should be more studies but I doubt it can be remedied by that alone.

    • 7 months ago

      >People who eat high-carb diets continue to do so largely out of ignorance.

      Not necessarily, you are right that 99% of people on high carb diets are unhealthy. But for higher level athletes(and especially strength athletes) carbs are good for performance. You perform better in strength test and you are a bit stronger and recover faster while your muscles have glycogen. Your blood pressure is also higher overall and you have "carb high" due to the bodies ability to process carbs for energy faster. The only real issue is blood glucose crash(like sugar crash).

      Also, you are able to both use and maintain more glycogen stored with more muscle mass. So eating a more carbs while you have higher muscle mass and do more energy consuming activities is less detrimental. Because most fat/unhealthy people also lack muscle mass, this isn't the same for them.

      • 7 months ago

        While you're not wrong, you seem ignorant of the long-terms costs of carb-loading regularly. Glycogen does get used for energy easier & faster, but is essentially junk food for the brain. It is the equivalent of running a standard passenger vehicle on diesel. The brain is used to glycogen in limited quantities, primarily from endogenous production in the liver. Prolonged brain exposure to glucose has been linked to Alzheimer's. As well, prolonged carbohydrate ingestion has also been linked to cardiovascular disease as it enflammes numerous bodily tissues.

        • 7 months ago

          Obviously nothing in excess is good, im not saying its a good thing that they stay on the carbs for as long as they do. Athletes should just cycle off and on ketosis/glucose semi regularly. Like lifters should go on keto/atkins when cutting. Staying on Ketosis for too long is also not good either. Because if you aren't eating at maintenance, then you will eventually fall below healthy BF% lvls(too skinny).

          Also neither addresses the problem of constant caloric surplus or maintenance(even if only slight). It doesn't allow for autophagy which is essential for long term health. People should fast more often then they do. Because the body eats its own damaged/metastasizing or simply non essential cells first. This can also help with excess skin after fat loss, because the spare skin is eaten by the body.

          >Glycogen does get used for energy easier & faster

          I was talking about blood glucose, but you are incorrect in assuming glycogen isn't processed faster(at least during carb /calorie deficiency) because it's basically the bodies storage of it.

          • 7 months ago

            >Staying on Ketosis for too long is also not good either. Because if you aren't eating at maintenance, then you will eventually fall below healthy BF% lvls(too skinny).
            I wouldn't worry about that.

            Keto is proven Safe and Effective™

          • 7 months ago

            This is why I advocate for paleo diets, which are ideally tailored to your ethnicity. It's more evenly balanced than not, favouring what you would have access to in a pre-agriculture world. Of course, this is becoming more difficult by the day in Western countries with the "progress" of the food market & governments controlling the distribution & availability of various foods.

            I did not assume, in fact I agreed with you. Another issue in the long-run for high-caloric diets in general is the hard cap on lifespan vs caloric intake. Numerous studies have shown that almost every form of life has this kind of cap. As far as I know, humans are the only ones left unstudied in this theory (beyond basic metabolic studies regarding aging vs caloric intake.

            • 7 months ago

              >It's more evenly balanced than not, favouring what you would have access to in a pre-agriculture world.

              The problem is that isn't always the right way to go either. Because firstly, not all people are Pure blooded of any specific subrace(within separate races) anymore. So the acclimated base isn't as concrete. Also, diets can change over time, further messing with the acclimatization and selection. For example, the staple diets for most peasant peoples regardless of civilization was very high in carbs.

              The only way is super autistic and expensive. You would have to measure micronutrient type intakes specifically and get bloodwork/urine done regularly. To see which are more efficiently processed or discarded. In order to modify intake levels, which will effect your diet in general).

            • 7 months ago

              >I did not assume, in fact I agreed with you. Another issue in the long-run for high-caloric diets in general is the hard cap on lifespan vs caloric intake. Numerous studies have shown that almost every form of life has this kind of cap.

              I assume what your talking about is the set milage on specific organs functions? It would be no different than constantly keeping your heart rate low to increase heart life span lol. I think the life span gains would be negligible regardless. The only real hope is advancing technology to where transplants are both cheap and safer. IE, cloning organs or advancing surgical methods/tools.

              • 7 months ago

                This is about the line where my current knowledge dries up tbh. I need to look into it more, but my understanding is that lifetime caloric intake has been linked to metabolic aging, which may or may not be attributed to organ failure

              • 7 months ago

                Yes this is exactly what I'd assumed. The fact of the matter is that having a slower metabolism is generally unhealthy for humans. Limiting your calories is only good if you are unhealthy/overweight. As you gain more muscle mass, your maintenance will rise. Are you really going to live your entire life like a half sloth to maybe get another ten years(at your worst because you are already super old).

                This simply isn't the way forward. To solve aging directly is the only real solution. Instead of doing the equivalent of penny pinching and make yourself miserable.

              • 7 months ago

                Honestly, my goal is to just not die prematurely before my grandchildren are teenagers. I have no intention on staying in clown world longer than absolutely necessary. It's just a balancing act for me, no extremes of desperation. Besides, I played soccer for 1/3 of my total lifetime alone so far, not counting all other physical activities I have & are currently engaged in.

                Likewise, not afraid of death particularly. More afraid of the consequences of my death for my family.

              • 7 months ago

                My big fat belly makes living miserable, every day. I can't move right. When I tie my shoes, my fat gut is in the way between me and my feet. It is ugly and unhealthy.

    • 7 months ago

      >Another Catalan with yet another dumpster-tier post.
      Yep. I gotta start writing down when these morons come online and start bombarding the board with their idiotic drivel.

      • 7 months ago

        Despite the catalan gay being insufferable in general. He is 99% right in his post. Unless you want to deny basic biology.

        • 7 months ago

          Nah, it's a moronic post created to waste time with idiotic discussions.

          • 7 months ago

            Oh wait my bad, I thought the Canadian you quoted actually had catalan flag. Nvm, you are right. He is completely oven worthy.

  48. 7 months ago

    If you're actually serious about losing weight you should do 4 things:
    1. Intermittent fasting (4 hours eating window) or OMAD (one meal a day)
    2. No processed carbs (i.e. pasta, bread, etc.)
    3. No vegetable or seed oils
    4. No sugar

    Have been doing this for 1 month now and actually ost close to 8 kilo's so far. It's actually insane how effective this is. The sensation for craving also goes away after 2 weeks whilst fasting. Your body adjusts.

    Also check this guy out, he goes into detail about ketosis and the fat burning stage you get into.


  49. 7 months ago

    I take olanzapine to treat my bipolar schizophrenia.

    All it does is slow down my metabolism with the expectation that it will slow down my behavior.

    I feel like a autistic sloth all the fricking time because it makes me gain weight.

    • 7 months ago

      >Recent clinical studies and reviews have indicated that chronic olanzapine treatment is often associated with severe metabolic side effects, such as obesity, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance (IR), which increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and noncompliance in schizophrenia patients.
      Damn, that's tough anon. Isn't there something you could do to maybe force your body to burn some of the fat like fasting only 12 hours a day and exercising? After consulting your doctor about it first ofc...

      • 7 months ago

        I basically have to exercise twice as hard as I would need to if I wasn't on my meds.

        It always urks me anytime I hear take your meds schizo.

        It's not like there's a cure, just ducktape for your brain.

  50. 7 months ago

    I've lost 70lbs since May from just eating less and moving more. I still eat nothing but trash but I can finally see my ribcage when I suck my gut in. you can do it fatbros, I believe in you.

  51. 7 months ago

    People cope with their depression by eating a lot

    • 7 months ago

      >gotta stay trim!
      >oh boy ill look so good at the beach
      Or food tastes good and most people are belomg in a psych ward.

  52. 7 months ago

    Don't eat less, exercise more.
    Fasting is gay, real athletes eat like 8 meals a day

    • 7 months ago

      >Fasting is gay, real athletes eat like 8 meals a day
      said like a true sperg, godspeed

  53. 7 months ago

    1 gram of carbs = 4 cal
    1 gram of protein = 4 cal
    1 gram of fat = 9 cal

    There are no other macronutrients to care about for calories. Once you know this balancing your meals and work out is easy.

  54. 7 months ago

    >it's not the seed oils
    While I agree with the sentiment of your post, seed oils definitely contribute to obesity. They effectively paralyze insulin among other things.

    • 7 months ago

      and insulin resistance from excessive fast-carbs.

  55. 7 months ago

    just throw up, it's literally eating your cake and having it too

  56. 7 months ago

    your stupid

  57. 7 months ago

    Can confirm that this is true. I halved the amount of food I eat daily and I've lost like 25kg in 7 months

  58. 7 months ago

    >Start with CICO
    >Slowly improve nutrition (track macros, eat real food, etc)
    Losing weight isn’t hard when you’re not a big, fat tard.

  59. 7 months ago


    >entire post of disinformation
    >still obese


  60. 7 months ago

    Take it to /x/

  61. 7 months ago

    I think the reason that fasting is way less effective and more dangerous in the west, is because the general baseline of healthy nutrition is so low. When the body goes into depletion-mode, there are no micro-nutrients to work with.

    • 7 months ago

      >Americans are too moronic and beholden to israelites to eat vegetables
      >think bacon is a superfood

      Not my problem.

    • 7 months ago

      Micronutrient deficiency is independent of caloric intake for the most part. Because micro nutrients themselves have next to zero calories. It's just people eating calorie dense food with crap micro spreads. They would have the same problems off and on fasting because the deficiency levels wouldn't change much. They should just take multivitamins, supplement minerals(even while fasting)

      • 7 months ago

        Yes, they will lose weight but it will be more stressful. People seem more likely to pass out or get some kind of liver failure (especially when dry fasting).

        It’s almost dangerous to recommend people to take cold showers here, because of how dysfunctional their bodies are.

  62. 7 months ago

    But when you stop eating carbs you stop being hungry and naturally fast. You subhuman meme flag shill piece of shit.

    >Pic related is your boss

  63. 7 months ago

    It’s genetics.

    Me and bro ate exact same food, exact same activities, I was always fat, he was a rail.

    I grew to 6’ 2 him 5’11

    How is that not genetics?

    • 7 months ago

      >Me and bro ate exact same food, exact same activities
      No you didn't, moronic Black person.

      • 7 months ago

        Literally did. This was before snacks, pop in the house, eating out. Same breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Played soccer and road bikes, no video games.

        I was bigger from 4 yo on, he was two years older

    • 7 months ago

      >law of thermodynamics doesn't exist
      >source: anecdotal account

      very impressive

    • 7 months ago

      That just means you need to eat less than him. Pretty simple stuff here. Or you are lying like all addicts lie.

  64. 7 months ago

    Calories in calories out has been debunked multiple times...

    • 7 months ago

      Who are these debunkers and why haven't they >posted body?

  65. 7 months ago

    But I eat normal amounts of very high quality food. No g-y slop. And I am still fat. I even do intermittent fasting. Ten weeks of doing intermittent fasting and still no weight loss. So, looks like you are wrong, op.

    • 7 months ago

      Try extended fasting instead, intermittent fasting is a meme. For weight loss at least, it can help improve and spike your hormone profile. You will just loose muscles unless you commit to ketosis for long periods. Buy Ketone strips to monitor levels.

  66. 7 months ago

    True. But it's kind of a blasphemy to suggest one fasts to diet.

    One fasts for penance, to detox, to meditate, so you net some calorie loss and lose a kilo is just an added benefit.

    Also I do think goblinos are a product of their food but it's not just because they eat too much. Think of it this way
    >Was that food made with passion or love like grandma's cooking or a chef who takes pride in his work?
    >Did it come from a real animal that lived a good life or from the vibrant soil that is the essence of all life? No? It's some prepackaged goy chow in a box or wrapped in plastic?
    >Does it bring fond memories of childhood if goy chow? Lucky charms are for babies you say?
    >Well surely you enjoy it right? It tastes amazing... Not really? You eat out of boredom or you're just hungry and want something quick?

    Well no fricking wonder

    • 7 months ago

      Kys israelite

  67. 7 months ago

    Not eating carbs is pretty much fasting. The body can only take so much protein and fat, but one has to really cut all sugar, no milk no cheese no fruit, etc.

  68. 7 months ago

    I was losng 1-1.5kg a week(2.2-3.3 pounds) while fasting AND avoiding carbs. Remove all enjoyment from food and alcohol for half a year and you're good for life. Seriously replace carbs with steak/grilled chicken, also replace alcohol with weed and life isn't bad. Its not that hard to eat one good dinner for 180 days in a row.

    • 7 months ago

      Alcohol makes you hungry confirmed test booster, go do 20 sets sober. Beer hydrates you better than water.

      • 7 months ago

        Youre right but its also very caloric(the thing that makes you fat). After I got to the weight I wanted I started drinking again. I'm just saying lose the fat then start drinking while maintaining. I love doing pull ups or lifting drunk in my garage, even though I'm literally operating heavy machinery

        • 7 months ago

          Nothing better than 3 shots of whisky, coffee, weed, a beer, then a big ass thermos of stiff beer for going to the gym. You can eat carbs to cut weight you just have to eat an hour before your workout thats how you can optimally maintain muscle on a cut. Shit i put weight on some lifts and lost like 10lbs recently just dont overdo volume.

      • 7 months ago

        >Beer hydrates you better than water.

        • 7 months ago

          The posts that moron makes should be hanged on a wall with his flag beside it.

  69. 7 months ago

    I tried fasting but felt really sick doing it

  70. 7 months ago

    you thought the seed oils were about making you fat?

  71. 7 months ago

    People didn't eat refinery made sunflower oil 200 years ago.
    All recipes from pre industrial meals here when oil is concered are either really small quantities of nut oil or olive oil.
    Bread made from white industrial flour is like cocaine compared to old style watermill flour bread.
    Refined sugar to plain fruit is like concentrated cocaine comapred to chewing a coca leaf.

    Eat 4K calories of good healthy clean food and burn 5K calories.
    You will be strong and musculine.
    Frick that gayshit low bodyfat homosexualry.
    Real man can have some energy reserve, just dont be fat.

  72. 7 months ago

    doubly laveled water studies show that hunter gatherers getting 15k steps burn the same amount of calories as amerislop couch potatoes. Its called constrained energy expenditure. Exercise basically diverts energy away from inflammation. Hunter gatherers never fast or do omad. They eat lean game, organs, 60 percent potatoes + 15% of total calories from honey alone. No meme diets there, and they never get western diseases.

    • 7 months ago

      >They eat lean game, organs, 60 percent potatoes + 15% of total calories from honey alone.
      That's not /misc/-approved.

      You need at least 30% of calories from saturated fat to get our Based and Redpilled™ seal of approval.

      • 7 months ago

        theres nothing based about ketard/carnitard/faileo. More like bald and impotent.

    • 7 months ago

      >hunter gatherers never fast

      It's called fricking starving moron. Prior to agriculture or husbandry, food supply was not stable. So they obviously didn't fast purposefully.

      >60 percent potatoes
      >prior to agriculture

      How stupid are you? First of all, potatoes were not widley introduced to all parts of the world until much later.

      Even if you were to replace potato with any other staple crop. There simply wasn't enough naturally prior to agriculture. Gathering only gets you so much. Carbs in general were much rarer prior to agriculture.

      • 7 months ago

        Hadza eat 60 percent wild tubers, which are? Yes they a fibrous potatoes. You are emotionally addicted to your cult diet like a woman

        • 7 months ago

          >Hadza eat 60 percent wild tubers, which are? Yes they a fibrous potatoes.
          >some moronic abbos in the middle of nowhere supposedly eating this much
          >that means every other pre agriculture humans did

          Peak moron, even if we assume they did eat that much(they didn't, because its made up)then that doesn't account for basically every other environment who lacks natural sources of abundant carbs(read, 99% of all pre human/agriculture environments).

      • 7 months ago

        hadza food supply is very stable, they never fast, its completley alien to them. You are emotionally attached to comfy meme diets like a woman.

  73. 7 months ago

    It is literally impossible, unless youre dead, to not eat but remain at the same weight. If youre alive, youre burning energy and mass every second from all of your bodily processes such as breathing and blood flow and blinking. If you eat more than you burn then you gain weight, if you eat less, you lose weight. This is just simple logic. To say you can remain at the same weight while barely eating is like saying you can pour water out of bottle but the bottle will stay the same weight.

    • 7 months ago

      The people who share that type of sentiment are all simply ignorant of the bodies natural processes and how they work in dpeth. They are correct in assuming it's harder to loose weight depending on genetics and circumstance. But wrong to assume it's enough to prevent effective loss. Usually, the people who promote this sentiment(not the laymen) are huxters looking to sell you a product or service. When in reality, all you have to do is put down the fricking fork.

  74. 7 months ago

    Fasting for faith does not do anything. Many of those countries that have populations of people that fast have rising issues with obesity. 30% to over 40% of men and women in the middle east have become obese. Most countries where they're thinner are just poorer and lack nutrition.

    • 7 months ago

      >fast for 10 days
      >eat 60 days of food in 20 days
      Its not the fasting thats the problem

    • 7 months ago

      sandBlack folk guzzle sugary soda like its water, massive rates of beetus

  75. 7 months ago

    I'm on day 7 of no-calorie fasting (water, vitamins, black coffee, zevia, tea, thats it) and I've dropped from 265 to 250 already. I know half of that is just water weight that will be regained shortly after breaking my fast, but I feel so good I want to keep going another 2 weeks. Frick, might even do a whole month. Using my extra free time to volunteer and learn to draw.

    • 7 months ago

      dumbasses find a thing thats healthy three times per year and think more is always better. You are increasing your risk of intestinal cancer, ALS, and your gallbladder will get fricked up sooner or later idiot. Nobody fasts that much outaide of weird online cults.

  76. 7 months ago

    how about if I cope, not seethe, and order a pizza?

  77. 7 months ago

    I have been practicing rules of Orthodox Christian fasting for almost year now. Perfectly balanced my weight while I eat pretty much what ever I want on non wasting days.

  78. 7 months ago

    Kms, instant weight loss

  79. 7 months ago

    morons, if you eat actual nutritious goods you'll be full quicker and longer than if you eat deep fried bread

  80. 7 months ago

    You're only in ketosis when you're fasting whether you live on LFHC, HFLC, or CICO.

    • 7 months ago

      everybody on the planet goes into mild ketosis overnight when sleeping, but guzzling butter and coconut oil is moronic

      • 7 months ago

        Agreed. It's a fad. In this fad they have gradations of purity in fat consumption. Why have olive/coconut oil, or butter, when you can buy animal fats from a butcher. Why eat greens when you can eat 7 different kinds of meats for every meal. It's not clear what the long term results might be.

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