redpill me on carbohydrates

redpill me on carbohydrates

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  1. 1 year ago

    you need them. this has been a redpill on carbohydrates.

  2. 1 year ago

    Their delicious

  3. 1 year ago

    Keeps you out of ketosis (which causes hair loss)

  4. 1 year ago

    Gives energy to lift
    liftin tears muscle
    protein repairs muscle
    simple as

  5. 1 year ago

    They’re a macronutrient that gives your body energy. There are simple and complex carbs. Complex carbs burn long simple carbs burn fast. Think of how you feel after eating rice vs skittles. Eat rice. Don’t eat skittles

    You want carbs in your diet, regardless of what women’s health magazines will tell you. Eat your fruits and whole grains, but cut out the sugary stuff (most simple carbs are sugary crap. Sodas, candies, normie slop)

    The whole “don’t eat carbs” thing started when a few dumbass women got together and decided to try keto, a diet originally made for people who couldn’t eat carbs because they had fricking seizures, and now because they weren’t eating a bunch of excess calories in the form of sugar and copious amounts of bread, they for sure though it was the carbs that did it.

    If you don’t believe me, just try a caloric deficit with lots of complex carbs (fruits, whole grains, rice, etc.) as a staple for about 6-12 weeks. You’ll lose weight like normal.

    The ratio between carbs and fats in a diet is always b***hed about, but it really doesn’t have an effect as long as you’re getting your essential fats. Think of carbs as a sort of “filler” for your caloric needs when constructing a diet. Your body needs certain fats to function properly, and protein intake is essential for muscle protein synthesis. Carbs *do* give you the energy to do that stuff, but so does that stuff.

    20% protein
    55% carbs
    25% fats

    That’s a fine spread. Honestly, the fats could be higher, but this will still beef you.

    • 1 year ago

      >20% protein
      >55% carbs
      >25% fats

      I'm all for carbs but a guy on 2500 calories would only be getting 125 grams of protein, much of that from non animal sources since the fat is only at 25%. Seems like a terrible way to split macros. I guess you could chug down a bunch of protein shakes and make that the main source of protein.

      • 1 year ago

        This, using percentages instead of grams is dumb because people have different caloric needs. If you use grams you'll definitely over or undershoot your protein needs, and you'll probably end up not getting the right amount of fat either. Instead of percentages, you should set up your macros by choosing the amount of protein, hitting your minimum fat intake, and then dividing the remaining calories between carbs (depending on activity level) and fat+protein (as desired)

      • 1 year ago

        Professional athletes were found to have optimal recovery on 1.0-1.4g of protein per kg body weight. You do not need more protein that a professional athlete you will do just fine on 125g. When I was a poor student I made solid gains off of 70g of protein a day and hit 255lbs bench and be OHP at 160lbs at the time.

      • 1 year ago


        Professional athletes were found to have optimal recovery on 1.0-1.4g of protein per kg body weight. You do not need more protein that a professional athlete you will do just fine on 125g. When I was a poor student I made solid gains off of 70g of protein a day and hit 255lbs bench and be OHP at 160lbs at the time.

        Regardless, eating more protein won’t hurt. Honestly as long as you hit your necessary protein intake for muscle protein synthesis, more won’t hurt.

        I used the above because that’s what I gained a lot of muscle off of.

    • 1 year ago

      what's the deal with saturated fat? if i burn it through cardio exercise will it still shred my arteries?

      • 1 year ago

        As long as you’re not chugging butter by the bucket you’re fine. Stick to more unsaturated fats if you can, but saturated fats won’t kill you. Trans fats will. Frick those things.

        When you burn fat with cardio, you’re just burning fat. Plain and simple. Don’t overthink this.

    • 1 year ago

      Very well written anon, saved me from having to write the same thing

  6. 1 year ago

    I like bananas and peanutbutter sandwiches and ice cream and rice and beans. And potatoes.

  7. 1 year ago

    Taters is definitely the king of carbs

    • 1 year ago

      Interesting way to spell rice, must be a dialect

      • 1 year ago

        nta but potatoes are superior to rice in ever way. Better nutrition profile and more satiating, and taste better with less work or ingredients.

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