Redpill me on dosage

I want to take test but I dont want my balls to shrink, is there a dosage thats low enough to not do that?

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  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    Also you have to do a crazy amoint of post cycle terapy to not feel like a depressed b***h

    And - side effect risks are so big you will wish you did at least 500ml.
    You never know if you will be fine or you will develop crazy acne or some mental problem.

    • 5 months ago

      God forbid people take morons on fit like this one serious

    • 5 months ago

      You have never done a cycle in your entire fricking life.
      >Noooo you can't do a 500 mg a week cycle you will hecking become infertile, get cystic acne, roid rage and you have to le heckin take clomid for a year straight or you'll hecking die.
      Frick off Ronald Reagan

  3. 5 months ago

    HCG stops your balls from turning off and shrinking.

  4. 5 months ago

    no fricking moron

  5. 5 months ago

    >i want to take test
    oh do you now?
    >but I dont want my balls to shrink
    >is there a dosage thats low enough to not do that?
    no. any dosage of exogenous anabolic androgenic hormone is going to suppress you and given a long enough time will shut you down entirely.

    now if you did your research your question would be this;
    >I want to take test and know that HCG prevents my balls from shrinking, how much HCG do I take with my test? I will of course have an aromatase inhibitor on hand, as well as my SERM for PCT in case something goes wrong and i have to stop immediately.

    so do you want to try again?

    • 5 months ago

      I want to test and ...and know that HHC prevents my balls from ..uhh.. it prevents balls. And I want to know now, how much BBC do I take? I will of course have an .. agromabase difilitor on hand, as well as my sperm for PCT in case something goes wrong.

    • 5 months ago

      Thank you, what are the side effects of HCG?

      • 5 months ago

        big balls

      • 5 months ago

        No, but you can just take HCG alongside Testosterone to keep your balls from shrinking. Have been roiding for years and cycle off occasionally, my natural test levels are still ~ 600 ng/dL

        hmg is better in all regards but does cost more

        • 5 months ago

          What's dat HMG?

      • 5 months ago

        Many people, like me, have strong aromatizingeffect (ie. angry nipples, bloat,etc.). Those that do have these effects need to us an AI. HCG tricks your leydig cells to continue producing testosterone. There are risks such as possibly desensitizing your leydig cells and therefore needing to use HCG for life. But I've only heard of this happening when taking large amounts of HCG over a long period of time. Some docs have suggested no more than 100mg of HCG per day but most will take 250-1000mg prior to or on opposite days as their testosterone injections. Hope this helps.

    • 5 months ago

      Isn’t HCG used in PCT? why use a SERM?

      • 5 months ago

        Hcg is just an analogue for lh, it stimulates your testicles to produce test again but does nothing for your hypothalamus and pituitary - in fact it actually keeps them suppressed so it's a bad choice for pct and it's better used during your cycle or shortly before coming off.

  6. 5 months ago

    It is a bad idea to frick around with your endocrine system using industrially manufactured human hormones. This is a chemical product from a factory that someone is trying to sell for profit, and your post might even be an ad to be honest.

  7. 5 months ago

    If i am low test and my doctor injects me testosterone, what is the difference? Then nobody is going to say how bad testosterone is. How come everybody in this thread is so against it now?

    • 5 months ago

      Because low test causes several health problems, but so does (unnaturally)high test

    • 5 months ago

      because the range is actually wide. Granted the accepted range doesn't really take age into account properly but the fact of the matter is there is no real "normal". Someone can be a chad on what seem like kinda shit numbers. Some people can have "high T" and be s0i as frick. What's happening is people literally deliberately crashing their T or making horrible life style decisions with no attempt to change, then being shilled into hoping onto permanent life changing medication. The shit ages you horribly. There is a reason men live shorter than women test literally ages the frick out of you but people are biting the bullet so they don't have to take responsibility for their pathetic lives. There's a whole bunch of things at play but mostly I'm seeing fat s0i homosexuals desperately trying to inject chad genes into themselves.

    • 5 months ago

      Most drugs have medical applications. There is nothing wrong with using them for their intended purpose to deal with health problems. When you use drugs for other reasons than to deal with health problems, it's called abuse and that's what people give you shit for

  8. 5 months ago

    No, but you can just take HCG alongside Testosterone to keep your balls from shrinking. Have been roiding for years and cycle off occasionally, my natural test levels are still ~ 600 ng/dL

  9. 5 months ago

    Your HPTA axis works on a negative feedback loop.
    >Body sees there is already testosterone
    >Body stops making LH/FSH
    >Testicles stop making testosterone and shut down

    Any dosage of testosterone causes your body to shut down, same for any testosterone-derivative (steroids AND SARMS).

    There are two types of cells in your testicles: Leydig and Sertoli Cells. Leydigs respond to LH and create testosterone. Sertolis respond to FSH and create sperm.
    You can trick your Sertoli cells into not shutting down by also taking hCG which is a LH mimetic. However long term TRT use (years) is long enough that they will still shutdown/die and your nuts will shrivel up.

    • 5 months ago

      >You can trick your Sertoli cells into not shutting down by also taking hCG which is a LH mimetic. However long term TRT use (years) is long enough that they will still shutdown/die and your nuts will shrivel up.
      source: none

  10. 5 months ago

    Fast and/or mid-day naps.

  11. 5 months ago

    No, but the shrinkage isn't really a big deal. Mine still look normal, just smaller than they used to be. I've been bncing for about 3 years now. At some point I might try taking some hcg just to see what effect it has on ball size.

  12. 5 months ago

    Why would you use it if you aren't hypogondal or if your balls got chopped off because of some medical condition?

    • 5 months ago

      high energy
      high recovery
      more intense gym sessions
      if you love lifting some heavy ass weight, you will love it even more on test

  13. 5 months ago

    Been on since 24, 31 now, came off for 3 months and took hcg to get fiance preggers. Back on. What's the big deal. I'll do this again for kid #2

    • 5 months ago

      >"I had to stop putting needles in my butt and take another drug so I could get a girl pregnant, I'll have to do it again. What's the big problem?"
      ROFLOLMAOing at your life

  14. 5 months ago

    250 test 100 primo

  15. 5 months ago

    Depends on your goal but take ac262 to keep your prostate healthy

  16. 5 months ago

    >I dont want my balls to shrink, is there a dosage thats low enough to not do that?
    I've never used test, just anavar, ligandrol and injectable LGD 4033, but no, doses lower than you natty test will shut you down regardless, so you'll efectivelly lower your testosterone. if you're worried about your balls you could take HGH with test (though it has its own set of potential issues and afaik it isn't proven it protects from the long-term effects exogenous test has on your balls and it could just artificially make your balls bigger temporarly), or, if you're just interested in building muscle, just don't take test at all, and instead take anavar, or some other DHT derivative (it won't be as hairsafe), or even sarms and use enclomiphene as PCT or still on cycle, as soon as you notice any shutdown.
    if you aren't lowtest and want to use it just for gains, test is one of the worst things for beginners, despite what r/steroids tourists claim. it has 1:1 androgenic to anabolic ratio (e.g. it's about 1:10 for anavar), so you get a plethora of androgenic side effects for the muscle gained and it shuts you down so hard, you'll lose most of your gains by the time you're done with the PCT

    • 5 months ago

      why did u take anavar with no test base wtf

      • 5 months ago

        because test base is a meme in most cases and the reason why most of the gains are lost during PCT. old school bodybuilders managed just fine on DHT derivatives and no test base. you are nuking your natural test production that would otherwise be very easily recoverable. anavar barely shut me down and I just added 12.5mg enclo (probably an overkill anyway) in the second half of the cycle, continuing for some days afterwards. I came out with much higher natural test post cycle than before. I applied Pantostin on my scalp when on enclo, in addition to my usual hairloss routine, just in case, because low estrogen can sometimes negatively affect hair follicles

  17. 5 months ago

    >caring about your balls
    No one cares about balls not even gay dudes. Don't even shrink that much, only 30% .I'd say inject that shit, life is short

    • 5 months ago

      I want to be fertile, im not gonna take it if it messes with my nuts

  18. 5 months ago


  19. 5 months ago

    I'll never get why people are so secretive over things like this or drugs in general, like nah dude its much better to get to know old dave who never finished highschool and has ties to gangs if you wanna try test, I've gotta gatekeep something that is entirely your decision

    And don't get me fricking started on acid/mushroom people who treat the whole thing like some secret club and I can't join because I actually tuck my shirt in for my high paying job and arent a hippy dropkick

    • 5 months ago

      It's just because people like feeling special. If someone at the gym asks me about gear I just outright tell them what I'm on and if they ask about sources I just give them the url for the guy I use.

    • 5 months ago

      >And don't get me fricking started on acid/mushroom people who treat the whole thing like some secret club and I can't join because I actually tuck my shirt in for my high paying job and arent a hippy dropkick
      that's kind of on you bro, don't try to mingle with homosexuals? There's literally no reason to involve anyone else in your drug use at all at this point. Itd like being mad because you want to drink wine with your meal and homeless alcoholics don't think you can hang. Who gives a frick lol

  20. 5 months ago

    your balls will get demolished from any dose.

  21. 5 months ago

    First time cutting on cycle. 350 test e, what's the biggest deficit should i do for quick results and not losing muscle. 6'3 height, 95 kg weight about 20% bf

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