redpill me on sleep, how i fix it. t.4 years insomnia

redpill me on sleep, how i fix it

t.4 years insomnia

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    Do you got outside?

    • 2 months ago

      i do

      Get a kitchen job and ask for 12 hour doubles on consecutive days
      You'll be healed before your first paycheck

      that's what i did, i ended up taking estrogen after a brainrot induced by porn.

      Confess your sins and start walking down the path to salvation

      i'm trying

  2. 2 months ago

    Get a kitchen job and ask for 12 hour doubles on consecutive days
    You'll be healed before your first paycheck

    • 2 months ago

      >Get a kitchen job
      I can't tell you how many times i've been working shifts on 24-48 hours of no sleep.

  3. 2 months ago

    Confess your sins and start walking down the path to salvation

  4. 2 months ago

    Take JYM ashwagandha supplement trust me, I fall asleep for like 10 hours and then get really horny

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        It's Indian, not israeli you frickwit

  5. 2 months ago

    take collagen supplements unironically.
    also take nac
    and finally adequate vitamin C
    melatonin is an antioxidant first and foremost, if you are limiting your other antioxidants it goes away too quickly for it to do its job.

    The collagen helps keep your glycine levels elevated, that alongside nac help create glutathione which keeps your antioxidant levels stable.
    vitamin c is self explanatory as an antioxidant.

    Careful on the collagen supplements, treat them literally as just a supplement. Excessive glycine usage can cause premature drowsiness and therefore erratic sleep cycles if it doesn't align with melatonin release.
    Add more cardio
    drink more water
    fricking stretch, i swear frickers on IST don't stretch enough. Stretching has a 98% correlation with blood pressure reduction.

    t. insomnia 8 years
    you can make it better, it rarely goes away.

    • 2 months ago

      >Careful on the collagen supplements, treat them literally as just a supplement. Excessive glycine usage can cause premature drowsiness and therefore erratic sleep cycles if it doesn't align with melatonin release.
      interesting, never heard about this. i do get a bit sleepy after taking gelatin (would recommend over collagen supps as its about 3x cheaper for the same thing)

      i do have a glycine supplement that i take before bed occasionally if i'm wanting for better sleep quality

      • 2 months ago

        don't take glycine before bed or the gelatin before bed. you're somewhat missing the point of what I am telling you before doing so.
        You can take gelatin that's fine, I do collagen powder and just add it to my coffee in the morning and in the evening.

        The reason I say this is you want all of this running throughout the day, already circulating and doing their jobs. That way the antioxidant glutathione is already being produced before bed.
        Evening time will be fine though, as long as it's before bed. Don't utilize glycine specifically for sleep though, it will become like melatonin supplements if you take it right before bed and you'll lose the benefits.

        • 2 months ago

          interesting, thanks for the explanation. for reference, was taking glycine based on it improving sleep quality here:

          didn't know about the timing, i.e. not taking it right before bed

  6. 2 months ago

    I look like this but with slightly less beard. Insomnia really.does destroy you.

  7. 2 months ago

    >bright blue/white lights and most importantly daylight in the first 8 hours of the day
    >as much daylight as possible as early as possible i.e. get the frick outside as soon as you wake up for at least 20 minutes
    >gradually reduce light exposure into the final 8 hours of the day
    >no overhead or bright/blue lights in the 2-3 hours before bedtime
    >spend the same 8 hour block in bed every night, no exceptions
    >bedroom is exclusively for sleeping, sex, and getting dressed
    >no phones or screens in the bedroom
    >no phones or screens in the evening without a blue light filter and brightness dimmer
    >no phones or screens in AT LEAST the final hour before bedtime
    >blackout blinds/curtains
    >cold exposure (ice baths, cold showers) early in the morning ONLY
    >heat exposure (hot baths, hot showers, cozy heating/blankets) in the evening ONLY
    >exercise in the morning
    >no exercise in the evening
    >no food within 2 hours of waking
    >no food within 4 hours of sleeping
    >protein/fat for first meals, carbohydrates for final meals
    >no alcohol/cannabis/anything that disrupts sleep quality, even if it helps you get to sleep
    >no melatonin supplements (body makes all it needs and even supplemented levels are nuked to zero after bright light exposure)
    >no caffeine within 2 hours of waking
    >no caffeine within 10 hours of bedtime
    >no napping, replace with waking meditation if needed
    >consume electrolytes, ideally from food, especially magnesium

    There you go. You can now sleep.
    >b-but that doesn't work! My ~~*medically confirmed insomnia*~~ is real and I am special!
    Yes it does work. No you are not special. Insomnia is a made up disease. It is a symptom of poor sleep hygeine and nothing more.

    • 2 months ago
      Cult of Passion

      You are SOOO STARVED for meaning your life....




      • 2 months ago

        >nonsensical reply within 53 seconds
        bot spotted

    • 2 months ago

      Fricking thing looks like a wizard's wand.

  8. 2 months ago

    get a job
    when you HAVE to wake up regularly your sleep will come naturally

    • 2 months ago

      I'm not OP but I don't think you understand how insomnia works.
      Source: Have had sleep problems for literally as long as I can remember.

    • 2 months ago

      I have insomnia and having a job hasn't cured it. I just end up going to work really sleepy every day.

  9. 2 months ago

    I thought I had insomnia for years or some other type of sleep issue. I think I might have Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, where my circadian rhythm makes me sleepy around 2AM and later. I've been a late sleeper and early riser since my teen years.

    I would finally fall asleep at 2am, after rolling around in bed from 11:00pm ore earlier just trying to fall asleep. No screens, no lights, just trying to fall asleep. I would then go to the gym at 5am after 3-4 hours of sleep. I tried this for a week. I simply cannot fall asleep before 2am at the earliest. I've tried everything, sun exposure at 5am, melatonin, no screens an hour before bed, consistent schedule, nothing really works.

    Ultimately, you are constantly fighting how you are naturally wired. With societal norms of being an early bird is virtuous, people force themselves to run off very little sleep for decades before ending up in an early grave. If you have been diagnosed with ADHD, it is a common comorbidity.

  10. 2 months ago

    stay awake until u cant, sleep, wake up, repeat

  11. 2 months ago

    Use a blue light filter after the sun sets

  12. 2 months ago

    spend some time in the day in total darkness, like meditating in a pitch black room, taking a bath in total darkness, etc.

    stop eating three hours before bed, stop drinking two hours before bed.

    take magnesium, take sodium, take potassium.

    do you physically have a hard time falling asleep? or do you avoid going to bed until yopu pass out becuase you dont' want to be alone with your thoughts?

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