Redpill on NMN?

Saw from the David Sinclair JRE episode that NMN is supposed to help prevent aging and give you more energy. Anyone had any experiences with this?
Anyone had side effect?

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  1. 1 year ago

    If professional athletes aren't doing it, its not worth doing.

    • 1 year ago

      its not for performance, its supposed to reverse aging and keep your energy levels more stable throughout the day

      • 1 year ago

        Anything that advertises a miracle effect doesnt work full stop. If it had miracle effects you'd know and it'd be made prescription only by med companies.
        Like how viagra is a medicine every man should take due to it reducing chances of heart disease by 40% and reduce the chance of organ disease in general by a decent amount and yet its now for boners only and regulated

        • 1 year ago

          Viagra does have possible side effects with hearing loss. That said i take a tiny dose everyday for all the shit it's meant to be good for.

  2. 1 year ago

    That one you posted that’s sold on Amazon is garbage. Not real nmn.
    I bought some legit stuff and started taking it and giving it to my dog as well. Ended up stopping cause it’s pretty expensive, didn’t notice any differences while on it. I’d probably do it regularly if it was cheaper and easily available

  3. 1 year ago

    >Shilling Joe Rogan "supplements"

    bro cmon

    this is like televangelist levels of dishonesty

    • 1 year ago

      >I saw it on x therefore it cant be real
      you are not immune to propaganda

      • 1 year ago

        >you are not immune to propaganda
        The irony of this statement is so fricking moronic that it has to be satire. I refuse to believe you are so up your own arse in contrarianism

  4. 1 year ago

    just started taking this 1 month ago, along with some other anti aging stuff. Hard to assess the effect without getting some bio markers done. The NMN in particular gives you a lot of energy if you take above a certain amount. Someone smarter than me can tell me if i am wasting money on NOVOS CORE

  5. 1 year ago

    NMN is present in a lot of fruits and vegetables.

    Literally just add a few of those to your diet if you want NMN alongside all the other vitamins and minerals instead of wasting hundreds of dollars on supplements

  6. 1 year ago

    it raises NAD in your blood
    NAD is the fuel for a lot of processes in your body related to energy and repair

    from my experience its like night and day taking it. I feel inexhaustible.

    Be careful with how you take it since NAD is part of your circadian rhythm. Always take it in the morning right after waking up otherwise you'll frick your sleep

    The dosage is very important, i suggest you taper up to your target dosage slowly starting with a quarter. This is because your body has to produce enzymes to help break it down so when you first start taking it it will absorb more slowly and you might end up simulating a dose far above what you desire once your body aligns itself.

    The first time i took it i felt nothing from 500mg so i took another 500mg the next day and i didnt sleep at all that night.

    Havent noticed any other sides other than the sleep.

    • 1 year ago

      I take niacinamide 3 capsules a day and it increases nad levels.

      Is it like nmn?

      • 1 year ago

        That one you posted that’s sold on Amazon is garbage. Not real nmn.
        I bought some legit stuff and started taking it and giving it to my dog as well. Ended up stopping cause it’s pretty expensive, didn’t notice any differences while on it. I’d probably do it regularly if it was cheaper and easily available

        just started taking this 1 month ago, along with some other anti aging stuff. Hard to assess the effect without getting some bio markers done. The NMN in particular gives you a lot of energy if you take above a certain amount. Someone smarter than me can tell me if i am wasting money on NOVOS CORE

        Niacinamide and NMN are a shit and toxic version of Niacin. Niacin unlike the other two salvage NAD+ precursors ending with -mide doesnt require methylation to clear and and does so via kidneys. Also not a liver toxin like the other two. Just fricking take immediate release niacin NO OTHER FORMS.

        • 1 year ago

          Niacin is in multivitamins. So... do you really need extra?

          • 1 year ago

            The amount they put in SOME multivitamins are at a horribly low dose, and are also usually niacinamide (usually 50mg. Need 500mg-1000mg for a therapeutic/maintenance dose).

        • 1 year ago

          just eat some eggs for the choline for methyl

    • 1 year ago

      You're just susceptible to suggestion frankly. I take NMN but it doesn't cause a single thing you said, it's not fricking addies.

  7. 1 year ago

    He takes 1 gram a day. It probably helps, but good luck affording 1 gram a day if you can even find real stuff to begin with.

    • 1 year ago

      Theres a company on amazon selling 1g servings but its $100 every 30 days.
      I would imagine until you start reaching about 30-35 you dont need that much, so I have some time. Ill probably start soon with 250 every other day.

      Its not a bad deal even now, $100 a month to feel much better and stay alive longer?

  8. 1 year ago

    Let me guess some shitty rat model study when we already know the rats they use have better telemeres in studies, and most scientific studies are fricking moronic in how they conduct them.

    • 1 year ago


  9. 1 year ago

    My anti-aging stack:

    Vitamin k2
    Omega 3

  10. 1 year ago

    I'm doing my PhD in one of Sinclair's spinoff labs and I don't take it. Shit's expensive, I'd probably take it if it cost as little as other common supplements like fish oil but as it is nah, I don't see enough benefit for the cost especially since I'm 50+.
    As far as I know no one else in the lab takes it but I haven't asked. Quite a few people seem to fast during the day though

    • 1 year ago

      how does the benefit not outweigh the cost? If its $50 - $100 a month in supplements to be biologically younger, you don't think its worth it? If you were to die tomorrow and you had the option to pay $100 a month to stay alive you'd say its a great deal.

      • 1 year ago

        >since I'm not 50+.
        What I meant to say

        • 1 year ago

          Oh okay makes sense. Im only 20, Im probably going to start taking 250mg every other day next month and see if theres any noticeable results.

          • 1 year ago

            It should be stored properly and make sure you get it from a reputable supplier or it'll already be degraded by the time you get it.

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