Routine Rate Thread

How does it look, IST?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I do this six days a week.

    • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    is good

  3. 2 years ago

    kek what the frick is this bro
    you've somehow managed to make starting strength even lower volume than the base program and added a bunch of cardio

  4. 2 years ago

    Frick it
    Like 8 dips
    4x12 band dips
    3x8 inclined bench press
    2x15 close grip bench press
    3x10 db pullovers
    3x10 1x15 skullcrushers
    3x12 db tricep extensions
    4x15 db kickbacks
    4xfailure pullups
    4xfail chinups
    Couple series with bands
    4x15 db row
    3x10 pullovers
    3x10 reverse bb curl
    3x10 db side curl
    3x15 inclined db curl
    4x15 hammer
    4 series of bb OHP with decreasing weight (starting with 8 reps with max weight and increasing reps each series)
    3 series of bb squats, same as ohp
    3 series of bb deadlift, same
    4x15 lateral db raise
    3x10 bb shrugs
    3x10 hip thrust
    Abs every time

    • 2 years ago

      It seems to me if you're doing multiple variations of one exercise you should spread them out in the workout or just choose one every day rather than doing three types of curls for huge volume.

    • 2 years ago

      >3 sets of squats
      >13 sets of curls

      U wat

  5. 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    I prefer something like 8, 5, 3 adding weight each time, backing down to you 8rep weight for a couple sets of 5, then switching to a harder variation for 3x8, like if you're squatting go to front squats, deads to deficits, bench to pause or slow eccentric bench. More volume and hitting weak points will do more for you than 15 reps and going to failure. You should only go to failure on single joint exercises like curls, tri ext, or other small lifts. Id also recommend swapping one cardio movement for upper back work, switch between pulldowns and rows for 4-5x10

  7. 2 years ago

    PPLPPLX (The excersises that have ''/'' is the ones I rotate each workout)

    BB Bench Press 4x5
    Hi-to-low crossover 3x10
    OHP 3x5
    BB Waiter Curl 3x10
    Skull Crushers 3x8
    Side laterals 3x12
    Rotator Cuff Ext. Rot. (Each arm) 3x15

    Deadlifts 3x5
    Machine Chin Down 4x10/Machine Pulldowns 3x10
    Machine Rows 3x8
    Straight Arm Pushups 3x10
    DB Gorilla Rows 3x12 (Each side)
    DB Curls 3x10 (Each side)
    Face Pulls 3x15

    BB Squat 4x8/Leg Press 4x8
    Seated Calf Raises 3x20 (Each Leg)/Calf Press 3x15 (Each Leg)
    DB Lounges 3x10 (Each Leg)
    DB RDL 3x12 (Each Leg)
    Leg Extensions 3x12
    Some calf+thigh excersise that I don't know its name 3x10

    • 2 years ago

      *Skull Crashers are 3x10

    • 2 years ago

      You're doing rotator cuff with face pulls careful with fatigue

    • 2 years ago

      Any recommendations of how could I put some abs workouts??

  8. 2 years ago

    add face pulls/reverse flyes instead of lateral raises for better push-pull balance

  9. 2 years ago

    worst routine moron reporting in.

    Monday: off
    Tuesday: T-bar rows 10x20
    Wednesday: off
    Thursday: Floor press 10x10
    Friday: Core focused bodyweight (jack knife situps, bicycle crunches, mountain climbers, planks, side planks, etc)
    Saturday: OHP 10x10
    Sunday: Hex bar deadlifts 5 x 10

    • 2 years ago

      This moron is unironically one of the best looking people on this board despite that shit routine.

    • 2 years ago

      fricking based, I remember the thread in which you mogged everyone depsite this routine.

  10. 2 years ago

    sets reps 3x5-8:

    chinup superset bulgarian split squat
    dips superset single leg deadlift
    row superset incline bench press

    core triplet at the end 3x8-12:
    hanging knee raises - cable palloff press - reverse hyperextensions

    • 2 years ago

      forgot to mention, three times a week, 90s rest between sets, 60s rest for core triplet

  11. 2 years ago

    ill probably do something like this. Just edited some Power hypertrophy 5 day routine idk

    • 2 years ago

      best routine itt

    • 2 years ago

      Is this PHAT? Also what does speed mean, you do the reps faster?

  12. 2 years ago

    >another novice trying to reinvent the wheel
    go back

  13. 2 years ago


    I do one heavy day (3-5 reps, 90% RPE), and then one day focusing on volume (8-12 reps, 80% RPE). Sometimes I split the D day. One deload week (~60% RPE) every two months or so.

    Squat 3x3-5
    BP 3x3-5
    Box Squat 3x8
    45º DB Press 3x10-12
    Quadriceps Curl 3x12
    Floor Press 3x8

    Row 3x3-5
    OHP 3x3-5
    Weighted Pull Up 3x10
    Arnold Press 3x10
    T-Bar Row 3x10
    DB Fly 3x12

    DL 3x3
    SL Trap Bar DL 3x10
    Hamstring Curl 3x12
    BP 3x10-12
    45º DB Press 3x12
    Close Grip BP 3x8-12

    Squat 3x8-10
    Hack Squat 3x8-10
    Quadriceps Curl 3x12
    Row 3x8-10
    OHP 3x8-10
    One Arm Row 3x8-12
    Arnold Press 3x10-12

  14. 2 years ago

    Any thoughts on the Golden 6 routine?

    Full body workout so every day is the same:

    squat 4x10
    wide grip bench 3x10
    chin-up 3xfailure (I do assisted chin-ups for this because I'm dyel)
    behind the head press 4x10
    barbell curl 3x10
    crunches 3xfailure

    • 2 years ago

      Not bad but I'd switch back and forth between chins and rows, find a different ab exercise, and a different curl. Bb curl will prob wear your wrists out. And I'd go nuts with the same rep range every time. Probably do 4*10, the. 4x8, 4x5 over the course of a week

    • 2 years ago

      It's okay but if I were to run this routine, I'd do it ramp-up sets and replace some exercises.

      wide grip bench for db bench press
      behind the neck press for overhead press
      chin-ups for rows
      barbell curl for ez barbell curls

    • 2 years ago

      It's nice for a while but gets boring after a few months.

  15. 2 years ago

    Here's my full body split super fast workout for a busy guy like myself.

    • 2 years ago

      here mine

      Thank you anons
      All you other Black folk with your 5 hour every day workouts with 20 different dumbbell curl and bench press variations. I don't have the time for that shit.
      I used to, but then I realized it was making me dread the gym and not go because I don't enjoy gymming for that long.
      Nowadays I only do 4 exercises a workout, maybe 6 at most if I feel it, and superset them. Usually do 5 sets per exercise, to 10-15 reps for hypertrophy. Kinda improv it but it feels nice and I'm gaining. Wanna iron things out however, which is why I'm here.
      Here's an example from today:
      >Back squat 4x10

      >OHP 4x10
      >Pec Fly 4x12

      >DB Skullcrushers 3x12
      >BB Preacher Curl 3x15
      They're grouped together by what I superset.
      As I said normally 5 sets but in a rush

      • 2 years ago

        Oh and I go every day except weekends. If I'm cheating I'll do every other day including weekends.

    • 2 years ago

      So you alternate between a full body week and a split week?

  16. 2 years ago

    3x per week

    weighted chinup 5 x 3-5
    overhead press 5 x 3-5
    goblet squat heel elevated 5 x 15+

  17. 2 years ago

    4 day push/pull, focused on upper body hypertrophy
    Push A
    4x8+ BB Bench
    3x6+ Front Squat
    3x8-12+ DB OHP
    3x8-12+ Overhead Tricep Extensions
    3x12-15+ Lateral Raises
    Pull B
    3x6+ Deadlift
    3x10+ BB Bent-over Row
    3x8-12+ EZ Bicep Curl
    3x15-20+ Reverse Flies
    3x10-20+ DB Shrugs
    3x8-12+ Knee Raises
    Push C
    4x8+ BB OHP
    3x8-12+ some variation of split squats (currently normal in-place lunges)
    3x8-12+ DB Bench
    1xF Dips
    3x8-12+ Skull Crushers
    3x12-15+ Neck Extensions
    Pull D
    3x6+ Chin-ups
    3x8+ RDL
    3x8-12+ DB Bicep Curl
    3x15-20+ Face Pulls
    3x10-20+ Shrugs
    3x8-12+ Knee Raises

    LISS: lots of walking
    HIIT: rowing machine, however much I feel like

    Pls give recommendations for other ab exercises, especially uncheatable ones. Getting the form right on knee raises is so hard like goddamn.
    Also will probably add pull-ups on Pull B, want big lats and V-taper as fast as possible

    • 2 years ago

      Standing cable crunches, dragon flags, suitcase carries. Do leg raises with a tempo, 2s up, 3s down for overload

  18. 2 years ago

    This is based of NH's gentlemans split. Ignore the orange parts they're just running days. Getting into training a bit more after taking a short break and this program feels pretty nice but idk since it is my first time programming. (The curl weigts are excluding ez bar since idk the weight of it)

  19. 2 years ago

    What is a good routine if I want to be lean and look good? I'm considering PPL or PHUL

  20. 2 years ago

    Upper A
    Bench press 3x2-5
    OHP 3x6-10 + Weighted chin-ups 3x6-10
    Incline Bench press 3x8-12 + Dumbbell rows 3x8-12
    EZ Bar curls 3x6-10 + EZ Bar French press 3x6-10
    DB Lateral raises 3x10-15

    Upper B
    OHP 3x2-5 + chin-ups amrap
    Bench press 3x6-10 + Dumbbell rows 3x8-12
    Close grip bench press 3x6-10 + EZ-Bar Skullcrushers 3x6-12
    Dumbbell Hammer curls 3x6-10 + Lateral Raises 3x10-15

    Lower A
    Squats 3x2-5
    RDL 3x6-10 + Weighted Pull ups 3x6-10
    Rack pull 3x6-10 + Neck curls 3x15-20 + Knee raises AMRAP
    Barbell Calf raises 3x15-20

    Lower B
    Deadlifts 3x2-5
    Pause squats 3x4-8 + Neck curls 3x20-25
    Barbell Lunges 3x8-12 + Pull-ups amrap + Knee raises AMRAP
    Seated Calf raises 3x20-30

    • 2 years ago

      If your goals is to get natural hypertrophic response then i approve it

      • 2 years ago

        It is, is natural hypertrophys sheiko inspired upper/lower routine, with a few modifications.

        • 2 years ago

          i think there is to much pull ups in tbh

          • 2 years ago

            Yh i noticed im doing like 23 sets of back compared to everything else thats in the 9-12 range. He always preaches that your back can take the beating but idk, i feel pretty beat up all the time in general. Might just go down to 1 set of each across the 4 days instead of doing them everytime i lift.

            • 2 years ago

              i would be beat the frick up from that as well. I do weighted pull ups once a week and reps for the other day. He can probably do it because he quarter reps on pull ups. Going down to 1 set a day or reducing it to 2 times per week is probably wise

            • 2 years ago

              >He always preaches that your back can take the beating
              It can. The back is like the equivalent of the legs in the upper body. It's the biggest musculature and can take a lot of volume for growth.
              The problem with NH's upper/lower Sheiko is that it would be doing too much pull ups. Your rotator cuff and tendons can only take so much on pull ups. There should be varying ways to hit your back so that there's less fatigue.
              I do it like

              i would be beat the frick up from that as well. I do weighted pull ups once a week and reps for the other day. He can probably do it because he quarter reps on pull ups. Going down to 1 set a day or reducing it to 2 times per week is probably wise

              said with 1 day having weighted pull ups for 3x5 while the other day having bodyweight pull ups for 3x8-12
              Then fill in the gaps with horizontal pulling and diagonal pulling exercises that are less stressful like chest supported rows, pullovers on Nautilus/Hammerstrength machines/cables, seated cable rows, etc.

              • 2 years ago

                i would be beat the frick up from that as well. I do weighted pull ups once a week and reps for the other day. He can probably do it because he quarter reps on pull ups. Going down to 1 set a day or reducing it to 2 times per week is probably wise

                Would it be better to do Weighted pulls/chin-ups on my lower b day since that ends the week and then pull/chin-ups amrap on lower a which is right before a rest day? Just since im already doing rows on both upper days already.

                Also, idk if it was intentional or not but you two only mentioned pull ups. Are they just overall better compared to chin-ups, or is that just the style you prefer?

              • 2 years ago

                >Would it be better to do Weighted pulls/chin-ups on my lower b day since that ends the week and then pull/chin-ups amrap on lower a which is right before a rest day? Just since im already doing rows on both upper days already.
                Sounds good.

                >Are they just overall better compared to chin-ups, or is that just the style you prefer?
                For me, it just slipped my mind. Personally I'd go neutral grip pull ups >>> chin ups >>> pronated grip pull ups. But that's just me since my TOS gets triggered when doing pronated grip pull ups. Neutral grip is overall the safest way to do it.

  21. 2 years ago

    How about a late novice/early intermediate PPL? With a little bit of everything (bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman, weightlifting, calisthenics, prehab)

    Pull 1 (deadlift + upper back focused day ):
    Deadlifts: 5/3/1
    Chest supported rows: 3x8-12
    Shrugs (any kind): 3x12-15
    Reverse hyper: 3x8-12
    Bicep curl variation: 2x8-12
    Hammer curl variation 2: 2x8-12
    Face pulls: 5x15

    Push 2 (Bench day):
    Bench press: 5/3/1
    Incline DB press: 3x8-12
    Dips: 3x10
    Tricep pushdown: 3x8-12
    Cable flyes: 3x8-12
    Lu lat raises: 3x8-12

    Legs 1 (Squat day):
    Squat: 5/3/1
    Barbell hip thrusts: 3x8-12
    Lunges: 3x8-12
    Nordic leg curls: 3x8
    Standing calf raises: 3x8-12

    Pull 2 (Power clean + lats day):
    Power clean: 3x5
    Weighted pull ups: 3x5
    Seated cable row: 3x8-12
    Cable pullover: 3x8-12
    Bicep curl variation: 2x8-12
    Hammer curl variation 2: 2x8-12
    Face pulls: 5x15

    Push 2 (OHP day)
    OHP: 5/3/1
    Incline DB press: 3x8-12
    Dips: 3x10
    Tricep pushdown: 3x8-12
    Skullcrushers: 3x8-12
    Lu lat raises: 3x8-12

    Legs 2 (Squat day):
    Squat: 5/3/1
    Barbell hip thrusts: 3x8-12
    Lunges: 3x8-12
    Nordic leg curls: 3x8
    Standing calf raises: 3x8-12

    Then abs and conditioning work on alternating days:

    Day 1 (abs):
    Hanging leg raises: 3x8-12
    Planks: 3x failure

    Day 2 (conditioning):
    Slam balls: 3x10

    Day 3 (abs):
    Weighted crunches 3x8-12
    Ab roller: 3x8-12

    Day 4 (conditioning):
    Sled pull: 3 sets

    Day 5 (abs):
    Farmer's walks: as much as you can

    Day 6 (conditioning):
    Box jumps: 3x10

    Or is this an advanced PPL?

    • 2 years ago

      similar to me.
      I run 5/3/1 BBB on top of a Upper lower split 3x a week so a total of 6 days.

  22. 2 years ago

    How's mine:
    Bench Press 5/3/1
    Pendlay Rows 3x8
    Incline Bench 3x8
    Lat Pulldown 3x12
    Tricep Pushdown 3x12
    Barbell Curl 3x12
    Upright Rows 3x15

    Low Bar Squat 5/3/1
    RDL 3X10
    45 deg Leg Press 3x10
    Seated Hamstring Curls 3x12
    Adductor machine 3x20
    Seated Calf raise 3x15
    Pec fly 3x20

    OHP 5/3/1
    Chin-ups 3x10
    Close Grip Bench 3x10
    Dumbbell Seal Rows 3x12
    Tricep Overhead Extension 3x15
    Hammer Curl 3x15
    Cable lateral raise 3x12

    Deadlift 5/3/1
    High bar Squat 3x10
    Leg extension 3x15
    Good mornings 3x10
    Adductor machine 3x20
    Seated Calf raise 3x15
    Facepull 3x15

  23. 2 years ago

    Monday: Upper Body/10 minutes jogging
    Tuesday: Lower Body
    Wednesday: 45 minutes cycling
    Thursday: Upper Body/10 minutes jogging
    Friday: Lower Body
    Saturday: 30 minutes jogging
    Sunday: tennis

    • 2 years ago

      are you a woman

      • 2 years ago

        No and I resent the question

  24. 2 years ago

    Can any of you post body?

    • 2 years ago

      sure I am always willing to post body, this is mine

      worst routine moron reporting in.

      Monday: off
      Tuesday: T-bar rows 10x20
      Wednesday: off
      Thursday: Floor press 10x10
      Friday: Core focused bodyweight (jack knife situps, bicycle crunches, mountain climbers, planks, side planks, etc)
      Saturday: OHP 10x10
      Sunday: Hex bar deadlifts 5 x 10

  25. 2 years ago

    How do you do LISS on a rower?

  26. 2 years ago

    >hitt on top of heavy lifts
    ??? are you trying to get no gains

    • 2 years ago

      ackchyually doing hiit immediately after big lifts means big muscle gains AND big heart gains because you're still entering rest mode after you're done
      only during rest or active recovery days that hiit is verboten so it doesn't frick up your recovery window

  27. 2 years ago

    What do we think about NH's gentleman split?

  28. 2 years ago

    Strength in morning.
    Volume at night.

    Hour walk with dog everyday.

  29. 2 years ago

    Some background. I have a home gym of sorts. Kettlebells from 4 to 32 kilos, a bench, some resistance bands, a shitty pull-up bar and some adjustable dumbbels with not enough plates atm. I'm getting back to fitness after injury, deppression and getting fat. I've been doing a xAxAxAx xBxBxBx type of full body program of my own invention with pretty basic excercises. I'm now toying with the idea of a ABxABxx program to save a bit of time.

    Day A would be mainly lower body and some accessories. Legs are a b***h to train at home. Day B would be the upper body. Increasing resistance happens through increasing reps after succesful full sets. After 5 additional reps I usually add a new set. When that's done I move up in weights.

    Warmup: Bodyweight squats to get the blood flowing. Kettlebell halos with lighter weight to activate the shoulders and warm up the upper body. Finished with a couple of hindu push-ups. These limber my back nicely.

    5x 10+ Bulgarian split squats (per leg)
    5x 20-25+ KB swings. One armed with 28kg, both hands 32kg.
    3x 20+ KB or DB front squat.
    3x AMRAP Whatever curl I fancy that day
    3x AMRAP abwork

    4x 10+ KB or DB bench press. I did KB floor presses and havent tried using a KB with the bench. Might not be feasible. More DB plates coming.
    2x AMRAP push-ups
    4x AMRAP Pull-ups. Slow and assisted because I'm still a fatty.
    ^These can be replaced with 4x10 KB one armed rows.
    3x 10+ KB upright row
    3x 10+ KB overhead press
    2x 20+ KB standing flies

    Cardio at least once a week, hopefully twice : Jogging, HIIT runs, path running, cycling, long walks, hiking, marching with a weighted rucksack etc. I've started walking to work too. Whatever tickless my fancy. I'd love to get back to running at least once a week.

    Please be gentle IST.

  30. 2 years ago


    Friday is optional because I used to be fat so legs are kinda eh. I also walk 20k steps a day, and try to bike 3 times a week for 14 miles.

    Fixes Encouraged. I wanted to swap Tricep pressdown for JM press but idk

    I'm also on a suicide cut, so this is high as frick volume tbh. Might swap to 2x??

  31. 2 years ago

    here mine

    • 2 years ago

      Simple is beautiful.

  32. 2 years ago

    Looks like shit

  33. 2 years ago

    A ULPPL routine I made a few months ago, what can I change ?

  34. 2 years ago

    Just trying to build general strength and size before switching to a PPL after I stop seeing fast improvement

  35. 2 years ago

    Why the FRICK does everyone hate volume now!? Frick you lazy FRICKS!

  36. 2 years ago



  37. 2 years ago

    Day 1-Chest and Back
    Bench Press 3x8-10
    Incline Bench 3x8-10
    Cable Fly- 3x8-10
    BB Row 3x8-10
    Lat Pulldown 3x8-10
    Cable Pullover 3x8-10

    Day 2- Legs
    Deadlift 3x5
    Squat 3x5-8
    Leg Press 3x8-10
    Hip Thrust 3x8-10
    Calf Raises 3x25
    Leg Extension 3x10-12
    Leg Curls 3x10-12

    Day 3- Shoulders, Arms and Abs
    OHP- 3x8-10
    Lat Raises 3x10-12
    Reverse Fly 3x 10-12
    Tri Pulldown 3x10-12
    Dips 3x10-12
    Bicep Curls Var 1 3x10-12
    Bicep Curl Var 2 3x10-12
    Sit ups 3x10
    Leg ups 3x10
    Twists 4x10

    Each one twice a week, sundays off.

    • 2 years ago

      I do something kind of like this. Every time I begin to jerk off I imagine my waifu placing her hand on the hand Im jacking off with and moving it off my crotch while giving me a sad-concerned look. It unironically works better than you think it does.

  38. 2 years ago

    I just do regular full body 3x a week and it's working great

    Everything 3x10

    Shoulder press
    Lat pulldown
    Leg press/extension

    • 2 years ago

      >no hinge
      >no back extension

  39. 2 years ago

    trying to cobble together an actual routine instead of just freeballing it (which has been pretty good so far surprisingly). What is the best alternative for pullups? I'm homegym with dbs and a bar w/ plenty of weights but don't have/want a pull up bar at the moment for various reasons.

  40. 2 years ago

    Warm up: 2 mile, pullups 5 sets of max, push-ups 5 sets of max

    Workout A:
    Weighted pull ups 4x8
    Weighted push-ups 4x8
    Bench press dumbbell 4x8
    Ohp dumpbell 4x8
    Deadlift 1x5
    Snatch 1x5
    Pull down 4x8
    Muslim prayers 4x8
    Lateral raise 4x8

    Warm down:
    Pull-up max 1 set
    Push-up max 1 set
    .5 mile run

  41. 2 years ago

    Will post legs in a minute

  42. 2 years ago

    >ctrl f progression
    >0 result
    you guys know nothing about programming lmao, you won't just magically get stronger after every workout, you can't just do the same shit and get stronger after beginner phase.
    You need something that includes progression.

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