>Sam Soolek is so big becaue he's on shit ton of steroids!

>Sam Soolek is so big becaue he's on shit ton of steroids!
>when your on sterons you build muskle without lifting!
>he's taking 10g test, 30g T R E N, eych gee eych and ORALS
>he is as strong as Larry Williams!
>hurr durr TREN hurr durr HGH

Meanwhile, in reality:
>1st video from Sam Sulek
>"I'm 230 lbs"
Seven fricking months of abusing steroids, inluding "TREN and HGH" "and orals!", later
>full day of eating video
>"I'm somewhere between 247 and 249"
>19 lbs gained in 7 months
>2.7 lbs per month while ABUSING steroids (tren and hgh and orals, don't forget that)

The only difference in his appearence besides longer hair and no more acne is that he looks bit watery compared to day 1. You can clearly see that his midsection is tighter and there are prominent delt striations.
Don't forget that taking steroids will make you hold more water and make you look puffy/soft so after dropping all compounds back to cruise dose he will probably look identical as on 1st day.
Keep in mind that the bigger and heavier you are the more water you can hold and the bigger weight fluctuations are. Someone who is 250lbs can easily drop 15lbs within one week of restricting carbs.
If steroids build muscle even without lifting then why Sam didn't gain jack fricking shit in 7 months? Where is your god now natties?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Because he trains like a moron lmao

    • 9 months ago

      stay mad.

    • 9 months ago

      Doesn't matter when u pin, u can train like shit and make gains in short time that most natties will never get even with years of constant lifting, however as a natty I full ROM and take it easy I know my muscles aren't gonna get much bigger my best bet is to slowly induce gains by squeezing and stretching as much as possible it makes the fibers grow in size according to Mentzer

  2. 9 months ago

    OP please have a nice day there's already one thread on him.

    also post body you fat frick i bet you've never even stepped inside a gym

    • 9 months ago

      I seriously have no fricking clue why you got so upset and why you are calling me a fat nonlifter. Are you fricking natty or something?

      • 9 months ago

        >doesn't refute post
        >doesn't post body


      • 9 months ago

        I don't see you posting body DYEL

  3. 9 months ago

    What do you gain from shilling being a roidtroony?

  4. 9 months ago

    hes maxed out. He reached his ceilling

    But his frame is tiny and he is short, so even though he weighs 240 he gets dwarfed by a lanky nonlifting zoomer

    • 9 months ago

      >hes maxed out. He reached his ceilling
      But natties are saying that he is abusing gear and HGH and this is the recipe to break through the ceiling. Are you trying to tell me that natties don't know anything about steroids?

      • 9 months ago

        if he actually is 240, then hes already 90 pounds more than his frame can support

        look at his before pics when he was a swimmer, his frame is like an 8 year old child

      • 9 months ago

        he absolutely is abusing roids, are you fricking moronic?

        • 9 months ago

          >he absolutely is abusing roids
          No, he is not. He is making same progress as a natty so he is natty. Steroids are magic and will put muscle on you without getting your ass off the couch. Read the study


          reminder that testosterone + no training builds greater muscle than natty + training.

          There was even one outlier in this group that gained 30 lbs of muscle, as much muscle as a natty would gain in 10-15 years of lifting in the span of a few months

          Guy is natural and you have hard proof, posted by himself in a form of 177 youtube videos.

          • 9 months ago

            he's already 40lbs over his natty limit you fricknig imbecile. you don't get that mass without copious amounts of steroids

          • 9 months ago

            >least moronic IST poster

          • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        you do realize that there's a limit to how big you can get even with steroids right.
        You don't just take gear and then grow infinitely.
        Otherwise everybody who takes steroids would look like mister olympia.
        There's a genetic limit when you're natty and there's also one with steroids

        • 9 months ago

          No bro you don't get it bro there's an infinite amount of mass out there bro you just have to juice hard enough to grasp the mass bro please bro I'm begging you to believe me just up the dose bro you will get bigger so bigger bro please there's always more mass bro im begging you nattys on suicide watch right know bro they don't know about the dedication bro we just have to pin more test and train like morons bro please please please the acne is worth it to be infiteley huge bro we will grow forever

      • 9 months ago

        Professionals athlets constantly increase the dose until they retire.
        What you have described is the exact reason why many roiders look small. You need a proper management of roids or sarms. Otherwise your body offsets the receptors and treats elevated levels like a new norm. So his muscles now don't respond to roids they used to do. Same way as heroin addict wont get high from the dose that gave him high for the first time.

    • 9 months ago

      >he gets dwarfed by a lanky nonlifting zoomer
      Holy skeleton cope

      • 9 months ago

        nah . saw it in the day of eating video with fouad. some lanky non lifting teen took a picture with sam and absolutely dwarfed sam lmao

    • 9 months ago

      He’s like 5’11

      • 9 months ago

        >sam sulek is 5'11


  5. 9 months ago

    like what is he gonna do compete in mens physique? he wont even make the top 20 in a regional amateur show. He looks like dogshit

  6. 9 months ago

    it's called recomp, you moron.

    The reason why he's jamming donuts into his mouth every chance he gets is because he's having trouble staying in a surplus.

    • 9 months ago

      >it's called recomp, you moron.
      You have no fricking clue what you are even talking about you dumb nonlifter. How in the frick is this supposed to be a recomp if he ended up being only bit heavier but visibly more bloated?
      If the pictures were reversed but he was sitting at same weight in both then you could call this a recomp.
      Just keep your moron homosexual mouth shut.

      • 9 months ago

        >but visibly more bloated?
        Insulin and certain anabolics cause water retention you absolute moron.

        • 9 months ago

          nah hes capped out. wrap it up its over

        • 9 months ago

          He literally just gain bloat in 7 fricking months and nattycucks are crying that he is growing like weed because he is abusing gear. You're the dumb motherfricker who is saying that he "recomped". If there was an acual body recomposition he would look bigger at the same weight as day onr but it's the opposite, he's heavier and softer. You have zero fricking idea what you're even talking about. Stop posting.

          • 9 months ago

            Different photos taken on different days with different pumps. You have no real objective measurement other than what he looks like in the mirror, you do not have muscle biopsies to confirm your hypothesis, you are an illiterate.

          • 9 months ago

            of course he's abusing roids. he's already 40lb over his limit how else is he gonna look like this?

          • 9 months ago

            Okay whatever. He wouldn't be anywhere near the size he is without abusing roids. Why do you roidtrannies get so angry when people correctly attribute gains to roids?

  7. 9 months ago

    KEK his skin was even worse before, and that's saying something

  8. 9 months ago

    The bigger you get the harder it is to get bigger. Even on a shitload of gear especially where he’s at strength wise I’m not sure how much bigger he’s going to get without going full ibbf mode. If your point is that gear doesn’t get you there I agree. I don’t think people get how insane his squatting is.
    >5 pl8
    >high reps
    >no belt
    >narrow stance
    >heels elevated
    >high bar
    >pristine form
    That takes a shitload of hard work and great genetics no matter how much gear you’re on.

  9. 9 months ago

    buy an ad

  10. 9 months ago

    reminder that testosterone + no training builds greater muscle than natty + training.

    There was even one outlier in this group that gained 30 lbs of muscle, as much muscle as a natty would gain in 10-15 years of lifting in the span of a few months

    • 9 months ago

      that study was 12 weeks you massive moron of course the steroid group gained more muscle. if it was a year of natty lifting vs a year of sitting around on test, natty has more gains. dealyed gratification is the name of the game, it takes time to build muscle naturally. i dont know why this is so foreign to moron like you.

      • 9 months ago

        >if it was a year of natty lifting vs a year of sitting around on test, natty has more gains.

        post proof please.

        3 months is clearly enough to see muscle remodeling

        • 9 months ago

          >3 months is clearly enough to see muscle remodeling

          Nta but I don't believe you lift. Just look at your own comparison pictures from 3 months back. The results are there but it's nothing crazy.

          >post proof please.

          I'm pretty sure there are no studies on that, the opposite is also true for you, you're both just pulling shit out of your ass.

      • 9 months ago

        1 year of good roiding > lifetime natty gains

        • 9 months ago

          maybe in 1.5 or 2 years, not a single year. there is no such thing is cruising for an entire year and calling it 'good roiding' but thats besides the point.

          • 9 months ago

            plenty of people have blasted for years at a time. lurk more fitness forums what can i say

            • 9 months ago

              plenty of people are moronic and ruin their health, whats your point

              • 9 months ago

                that's beside the point, moron, my point goes back to my original comment

              • 9 months ago

                post proof moron, i was making a point which you conveniently ignored

              • 9 months ago

                your point is "it's unhealthy" which is completely irrelevant to whether you can blast for years, yes you can. and yes, moron, steroids are not healthy lol holy shit

        • 9 months ago

          absolute fricking bulshit, you can't force growth with steroids and this thread proves it

          • 9 months ago

            how does it prove it? the guy is already 40lb above his genetic limit? what an idiot you must be

          • 9 months ago

            >steroids won't make me a pro bodybuilder so they don't work

    • 9 months ago

      >natty moron doesn't even know what glycogen is

      • 9 months ago

        post body. wanna see what you're roiding for

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          Not glycogen but a lot, probably the vast majority, of the FFM gain in those studies is water retention which is common with testosterone. People like Jeff homierd don't seem to understand this.

        • 9 months ago

          One of the main benefits of high testosterone (higher than natty levels) is increased glycogen storage. It means that your muscles can store more fuel and as result appear slightly bigger compared to your natty self.
          Human body is mainly made out of water. Your muscles are water, if you are holding more water in muscles it means that your muscles are bigger.
          That moronic gay ass study only shows that people who didn't train gained the initial glycogen but natty morons think it was actual fricking tissue (that absorbs water). When you drop back to natty levels you will no longer hold the same amount of glycogen, which means that your "muscle" will dissapear just like it appeared out of nowhere.

          • 9 months ago

            How would you have done the study differently?

            • 9 months ago

              It's fricking moronic by default. How can you compare "lean mass gained" when you gain "lean mass" the same day you've pinned your ass with test? Even if subjects would drop test after a period of gaining mass it still would be pointless because the recovery time will vary and some people might lose more or less size before their natural test production will start.

          • 9 months ago

            Interesting reasoning and partially true, but only partially.
            Mice have been given hugh doses of test and the number of nucreas in muscle fubres increased by a lot. Even though they weren't given any more test for weeks, after they started training, they had 40% higher increase in muscle mass than a control group.
            Or look at varbies. They don't train their jaw or beck muscles, but they get huge, and it's not water since it stays after they end amavar cicle. Those muscles just respond the best to anabolic steroids.
            So you theory falls apart almost totally.

            • 9 months ago

              Are you this fricking moronic or just pretending? You just reek of a natty.
              Not only you are comparing mice to fricking humans but you're also comparing women who, compared to men, lack testosterone so badly their bone are simply brittle. Women do "explode" after introducing exogenous testosterone because their androgen receptors are not used to this kind of boost.

              How come only natties who never took gear think that they know better? Just hop on gear, don't lift, come off and see for yourself.

  11. 9 months ago

    it's obvious, moron. he's already 40lb over the natural limit. of course he's not gonna be gaining muscle as much

  12. 9 months ago

    is he balding like me?

    he looks like his heart will give out any second now

  13. 9 months ago
  14. 9 months ago

    1.5kg of muscle a month is a shit ton if youre already big you dyel moron

    • 9 months ago

      Except he looks like he only put bloat. I gain way more than 20lbs within first month of blasting gear.

      • 9 months ago

        post body

  15. 9 months ago

    I think most people on this board are just in their first year or two of lifting and don't realize how hard it is to actually gain muscle, even with gear. A lot of guys guys here legitimately think 500mg of test will turn you into Jay Cutler.

    I listen to Fouad's podcast and they're extremely complimentary when an ifbb pro manages to increase his stage weight by 10lbs in a year. It looks to me like Sam's chest and bis have gotten a bit bigger, and considering it's only been six months and what he doing has clearly worked so far, he's probably making normal progress.

    • 9 months ago

      gaining a large amount of muscle mass and gaining enough muscle mass to compete with other genetic freaks are two different things.

      The people you are referencing are likely highly type 2 fiber dominant, so they are going to both respond and grow differently than the normal person who is on average about 60-70% type 1 fiber dominant.

      blasting 500mg of test is going to grow muscle on your body, a lot more than you would have without it. Does this mean you'll get out of dyel mode? no, it means that you will have more muscle than you would have otherwise.

      Your reasoning is so moronic. Show me a natural that is bigger than jay cutler or chris bumstead. If you can, then your argument makes sense.

  16. 9 months ago

    moron freak can't even show his face

  17. 9 months ago

    This is one of the worst and most stupid threads I have seen here in years, my IQ is literally crashing and I fear its getting closer to 0 as I keep reading this mess of a thread.

  18. 9 months ago

    I don't get it. Are you saying he's natty? I'd never heard of this dude before today but he's obviously juiced. If he were 30 and looked like that I'd say there's .1% chance he's natty with Ronnie Coleman genetics, but that look at 21 plus massive acne is obvious steroids.

    • 9 months ago

      "Ronnie Coleman genetics" morons actually believe he was natty and winning olympias kek. Arnold also claimed he was natty or low doses, the same tricks with every roider too ashamed to embrace it

  19. 9 months ago

    none of you have the guts to admit that this guy trains like a moron, eats like a moron, and still makes gains just cuz of the roiding.

    • 9 months ago

      Eats like a moron sure but he gets enough protein
      Trains like a moron absolutely not, his intensity is through the roof and his training frequency and volume is falling under same range that le science would support

  20. 9 months ago

    >acne covered manlet roid monkey
    Shit physique. Shit skin. Shit face. Imagine destroying your endocrine system at such a young age just to look like complete dogshit.

  21. 9 months ago

    imagine caring this much about someone getting attention. did your parents not love you OP?

  22. 9 months ago

    this is a maxxed out natural human being with absolutely blessed .0000001% genetics at their absolute peak.

    He wouldn't even be on the stage in any competition where drugs are allowed

    • 9 months ago

      this guy roids 10 months every year, and stops right before testing is done

      nice try though you dumbfrick low iq natty homosexual

    • 9 months ago

      and here is a maxxed out roider with absolutely blessed .0000001% genetics at their absolute peak

      absolutely no comparison

      • 9 months ago

        and this is likely what at least 50% of the male population will be able to achieve natty at their best.

        NH is a very good example of what the average person would look like if they became autistic about lifting and maxxed out because he doesn't have good genetics

        • 9 months ago

          >this is bad genetics
          boy you kids are delusional

          • 9 months ago

            i matched his prs 1 year after lifting he doesn't have good genes this is 10 years of lifting for him btw

        • 9 months ago

          This is social media bad genetics, ie he’s ‘only’ in the top 1-5% as opposed to the top 0.00001%

    • 9 months ago


      and here is a maxxed out roider with absolutely blessed .0000001% genetics at their absolute peak

      absolutely no comparison

      Who even gives a frick about gay bodybuilding comps?


      and this is likely what at least 50% of the male population will be able to achieve natty at their best.

      NH is a very good example of what the average person would look like if they became autistic about lifting and maxxed out because he doesn't have good genetics

      This is more sufficient, to any normal person this body looks extremely fit and athletic. The bloated bodybuilder look is just freakish and bizarre. Doesn't even look athletic or strong, just weird and disproportionate.

  23. 9 months ago

    >simping for a fraud
    Its liver king all over again.

  24. 9 months ago

    It's like op starting having a stroke mid post.

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