Sam Sulek Meetup Ropefest


>Sam Sulek meetup in Cali
>1k+ people show up
>it's literally all skinnyfat or obese mestizos
>they're all shorter than Sam who is already only 5'9
>all ugly as frick too
>not a single white person in the entire video besides Sam and a few of the organizers
Do people actually want to live in this shithole of a country?

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  1. 6 months ago

    They go on this board

    • 6 months ago

      They advertise Sam on this boqard every day, with impunity.
      asiaticmoot must be getting financial kickbacks

    • 6 months ago

      The only bad thing I have to say is the video editing is OKAY and the music is totally garbage ( that YouTube music shit... for christ sake.)

      He defently should get some sharp PR that will take care of him opinion.

  2. 6 months ago

    sam sulek is not an educator or a guide maker he's a lolcow freakshow circus clown turning his life into goyslop reality tv then putting it on social media for the masses to consoooooom
    why would anyone who actually lifts seriously watch that? his audience is basically the audience for any other nonsense goyslop on TV but younger cause its the internet

    • 6 months ago

      Obviously, but the thing I'm concerned for is that some good kids will actually be coerced into eating like shit and roiding because they think Sam is actually worth listening too because they're gullible teens. But that begs the question whether or not they're worth saving seeing as they're obviously incapable of critical thought.

      • 6 months ago

        I do pity the more easily manipulated/peer pressured kids, but it's not simply a sam sulek issue, they have the whole wide world of social media and endless short video doomscrolling to contend with.
        For young zoomers life is like playing Takeshi's Castle and you're trying to just walk on the straight and narrow but theres two dozens schizophrenic foreigners flinging shit at you and trying to knock you into an ocean of shit

        • 6 months ago

          >Takeshi's Castle
          Man that was an amazing fricking show. Does anybody know if the reboot is any good?

      • 6 months ago

        Everyone is worth saving but you can't blame sam for some people because of their nature will make dumb choice, you can't blame sam for exemple if a moronic kid with an hearth condition take steroid and die because he wanted to be like sam, there will always be dumb homies you can't do shit, it would be sam fault if he encouraged people to do things like him but i don't think he does

        • 6 months ago

          I don't know. Why save them if they can't be entrusted with taking care of themselves in the first place?

          • 6 months ago

            some one who can take care of themselves doesn't need saving

    • 6 months ago

      This. I don't know why OP assumes that people who tune in daily to watch this guy slowly kill himself before the age of 30 would be smart or well-adjusted.

  3. 6 months ago

    same energy
    love sam

  4. 6 months ago

    These are the people saying
    >WE GO JIM
    Who would call their mom to say they benched 225 and post it with some cringe audio and anime edit.

    Idk why people are so weird about lifting. Or why they think it’s a bragging point or their life… It should just be another thing you do to take care of yourself like brushing your teeth.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't get it either it's like people pick it up as a trend only to ruin it completely and turn it into an absolute cringefest. Same way for anime. I watched a couple of the classics but now that every shitskin under the sun cosplays and makes cringy videos with anime audio overlays I wouldn't be want to caught dead watching anime.

      • 6 months ago

        Oh I get it and will explain. They’re all hyper obsessed with what everyone else thinks and how “cool” they look to others.
        Spend time around normies and you will see this.
        I had a friend who was your most average soiboy normie posterchild. I’m using the word friend loosely. I was a genuine friend at first and he turned out to be a massive scumbag so I played dumb to use him back in various ways, one of those ways was to observe all I could to ensure I never unknowingly have a scheming piece of shit close to me again and can see all the bullshit coming from a mile away. But I also observed from him, and serval others in the social circle, that they’re insanely obsessed with what others think of them. As in, this pathetic moron would spend his free time researching and looking up various subjects that were popular so he could discuss it and shit on anyone with a differing opinion on it.
        What I mean is they have no original thought or opinion on this shot they just parrot what others have said and you can tell from the way they present these things (whether it’s about an artist being the best in music or an anime character being the strongest etc). They don’t even ENJOY these things. And it’s vastly different to know about something because you went out of your way to learn about it to be able to socialize VS knowing about it because you genuinely enjoy it. The stuff they said is very disingenuous and even their tonality sounds off when they present it. It’s very shallow and just meant to look cool to others.
        The guy I mentioned above, I did more than observe this I’ve looked through his search history multiple times and it’s exactly what he’s done. Like full blown redditor tier. He would do this, get people he knew were legitimately into certain subjects and claim to know all about it but parrot shit he read hours earlier. Shit like sampling music claiming to be a sample hunter, animes, authors, artists, etc

        • 6 months ago

          Here’s an example of that moron
          >new earl sweatshirt drops
          >spends the week reading up on all the lyrics and peoples breakdowns and explanations
          >has us all hang, few people from out of state visiting who make music are there, “guys let’s listen to earl I haven’t listened to his new stuff yet”
          >line about a biblical reference
          >WAIT… HOLD ON *pauses it, rewinds, pauses again*
          >doesn’t elaborate ignores everyone
          >nah I gotta look this up wait guys it can’t be
          >looks up the exact pslam numbers
          >ask him “I thought you were israeli, you’ve read the Bible”
          >u-uh of course dude what the frick?
          >weeks later Christian guy hangs with some of us at party
          >this guy shys out of the convo saying he’s never read the Bible
          >later on talks shit about Christianity and reiterates how he’s never even read the bible
          This is how they are. Anything current and popular they try to claim and take part in, even if they have no real interest. It’s all for attention and it’s absolutely pathetic. Something else these people would do is if someone presented new info about a subject(ex an anime) they were unfamiliar with they’d talk shit on it say it’s garbage despite knowing nothing about it. You can’t make this up.
          Ex: IPPO
          >nah uh IPPO is so unrealistic they do moves that wouldn’t work in boxing like the Dempsey roll! Anyways let’s watch black clover (doesn’t know a thing about boxing btw)
          Is an actual thing I’ve heard

          Sounds like an absolute piece of shit holy frick I kinda feel sorry for you anon for having to "deal" with that.

          • 6 months ago

            Oh don’t be mistaken man after finding out he was a scumbag I took great joy in observing these things. Insufferable and obnoxious, yeah. But the fact I can detail these things, that in and of itself is funny to me. You wouldn’t see a breakdown of the average normie like that anywhere. Plus the main goal being complete, I will never have to worry about scumbags or schemey people again. I’ll always see them coming from miles away
            I could, and maybe will, write a book about some of this stuff.

            • 6 months ago

              Well glad you could learn something, anon.

            • 6 months ago

              He's a narcissist, perhaps even a failed sociopath

        • 6 months ago

          you ever consider you're a weirdo? you sound like a weirdo

      • 6 months ago

        Oh I get it and will explain. They’re all hyper obsessed with what everyone else thinks and how “cool” they look to others.
        Spend time around normies and you will see this.
        I had a friend who was your most average soiboy normie posterchild. I’m using the word friend loosely. I was a genuine friend at first and he turned out to be a massive scumbag so I played dumb to use him back in various ways, one of those ways was to observe all I could to ensure I never unknowingly have a scheming piece of shit close to me again and can see all the bullshit coming from a mile away. But I also observed from him, and serval others in the social circle, that they’re insanely obsessed with what others think of them. As in, this pathetic moron would spend his free time researching and looking up various subjects that were popular so he could discuss it and shit on anyone with a differing opinion on it.
        What I mean is they have no original thought or opinion on this shot they just parrot what others have said and you can tell from the way they present these things (whether it’s about an artist being the best in music or an anime character being the strongest etc). They don’t even ENJOY these things. And it’s vastly different to know about something because you went out of your way to learn about it to be able to socialize VS knowing about it because you genuinely enjoy it. The stuff they said is very disingenuous and even their tonality sounds off when they present it. It’s very shallow and just meant to look cool to others.
        The guy I mentioned above, I did more than observe this I’ve looked through his search history multiple times and it’s exactly what he’s done. Like full blown redditor tier. He would do this, get people he knew were legitimately into certain subjects and claim to know all about it but parrot shit he read hours earlier. Shit like sampling music claiming to be a sample hunter, animes, authors, artists, etc

        Here’s an example of that moron
        >new earl sweatshirt drops
        >spends the week reading up on all the lyrics and peoples breakdowns and explanations
        >has us all hang, few people from out of state visiting who make music are there, “guys let’s listen to earl I haven’t listened to his new stuff yet”
        >line about a biblical reference
        >WAIT… HOLD ON *pauses it, rewinds, pauses again*
        >doesn’t elaborate ignores everyone
        >nah I gotta look this up wait guys it can’t be
        >looks up the exact pslam numbers
        >ask him “I thought you were israeli, you’ve read the Bible”
        >u-uh of course dude what the frick?
        >weeks later Christian guy hangs with some of us at party
        >this guy shys out of the convo saying he’s never read the Bible
        >later on talks shit about Christianity and reiterates how he’s never even read the bible
        This is how they are. Anything current and popular they try to claim and take part in, even if they have no real interest. It’s all for attention and it’s absolutely pathetic. Something else these people would do is if someone presented new info about a subject(ex an anime) they were unfamiliar with they’d talk shit on it say it’s garbage despite knowing nothing about it. You can’t make this up.
        Ex: IPPO
        >nah uh IPPO is so unrealistic they do moves that wouldn’t work in boxing like the Dempsey roll! Anyways let’s watch black clover (doesn’t know a thing about boxing btw)
        Is an actual thing I’ve heard

        • 6 months ago

          Your fault for listening to israeli produced music

    • 6 months ago

      I don't get it either it's like people pick it up as a trend only to ruin it completely and turn it into an absolute cringefest. Same way for anime. I watched a couple of the classics but now that every shitskin under the sun cosplays and makes cringy videos with anime audio overlays I wouldn't be want to caught dead watching anime.

      >normies ruin everything they touch
      no shit sherlock

  5. 6 months ago

    All those idiots are going to injure themselves trying to train like that smelly roid monkey. They spout the same npc response when roids are brought up "he is honest and never claimed to be natty he is wholesome" HE HAS NEVER ONCE SAID HE IS ON ROIDS you stupid fricking zoomers

    • 6 months ago

      Does it even have to be said? Just fricking look at him.

  6. 6 months ago

    These are the guys spamming fit with threads about him.

    • 6 months ago

      Never watched any videos but better than Boogie spammers. No clue who that guy is either.

  7. 6 months ago

    Sam is white now?

    • 6 months ago

      isn't he pollack? I mean not by the aryan sense, but close

  8. 6 months ago

    these are the people you share this board with by the way

  9. 6 months ago

    he's speaking to people starting out. nothing wrong with that, he's motivating others to improve

  10. 6 months ago

    did they play pinata music?

  11. 6 months ago

    it’s california

  12. 6 months ago

    Why do non whites worship their white overlords so much?

  13. 6 months ago

    Fricking hispanics man unfortunately there’s a lot in my area.. not nearly as bad as Black folk but “goblinos” sums them up perfectly

  14. 6 months ago

    Sam seems like a cool guy unironically

  15. 6 months ago

    holy shit is that kim jong un?

  16. 6 months ago

    is it true that he smells like shit?

  17. 6 months ago

    Yes this is the new face of America, especially California and any southern states. It's OVER.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't see the problem care to explain?

      • 6 months ago

        Spotted the unemployed drug addicted trannie beaner democrat voter

  18. 6 months ago

    Not gonna lie Hispanic females are pretty friendly imo. I like them better than black females who are a bit loud. Sure theres a lot of frisge built goblinas but theres also some hot petite and fit Hispanic women

  19. 6 months ago

    I know he's an e-celeb, but I can't hate the guy, man. He's genuinely a nice dude. I know someone who's only half his size who encountered him in public, and he (Sam) stood around for like 40 minutes talking training. Hardly anyone around and no phone recordings.

  20. 6 months ago

    >it's literally all skinnyfat or obese mestizos
    >they're all shorter than Sam who is already only 5'9
    Are you fricking moronic? He lives in America, that’s how people look like there,

  21. 6 months ago

    They are good kids. A bit autistic like the users of this board but still good kids.

    • 6 months ago

      literal non lifter mogs sam sulek lol
      the absolute state of fitness influencers

  22. 6 months ago

    >meetup is in Cali
    >OP is surprised when it's full of short brown people
    that's just how it is in California these days

  23. 6 months ago

    >in Cali
    Here’s your answer why

  24. 6 months ago

    He looks huge in photos and then he stands next to your average DYEL and looks the same size.

    • 6 months ago

      Lmfao. You’re small. Even I mog u and i don’t even lift.

  25. 6 months ago

    Don't forget Stinky Sam literally stunk up the entire venue with his rancid bacteria sweat

    • 6 months ago

      no way

    • 6 months ago

      contemplate the effervescence

  26. 6 months ago

    >it's literally all skinnyfat or obese mestizos
    >they're all shorter than Sam who is already only 5'9
    >all ugly as frick too
    Post face, physique and skin color right now.

    • 6 months ago

      >post face
      C'mon you do better than that
      >post physique and skin color
      Alright here you go. Pic related is yesterday post workout

      • 6 months ago

        You’re a big guy….

        Aren’t you the homie running that IG page? I remember your moles.

        • 6 months ago

          Unfortunately no. I don't run any IG pages.
          >you're a big guy
          Y-you too no homo

      • 6 months ago

        Imagine roiding for this LMAO

        • 6 months ago

          I don't even use creatine because I don't wanna go bald. I'd never fricking touch roids for this exact reason either.

  27. 6 months ago

    california will burn

  28. 6 months ago

    there were some cute white zoomerettes

  29. 6 months ago
  30. 6 months ago

    It’s over, isn’t it? Even after roiding and daily training Sam Sulek is still an Incel, his followers are all losers too. Sad.

  31. 6 months ago

    Rope fest. Kek. This are just kids getting into lifting.

    • 6 months ago

      Honestly, lifting wouldn't save most of these kids even if they took it seriously. And if they are actually serious about it they need to tune out of Sam's shit asap because he's basically doing an early death speedrun.

  32. 6 months ago

    They should’ve followed Andrew rate instead.

  33. 6 months ago

    > 100% rugged cotton
    > Loose fit
    > Shows off you thick legs
    > Easy to take on or off
    > Comfy
    > Worn to submit lesser men on the mats
    > Look like a barbarian's trousers

  34. 6 months ago


    Is there like an incel hangout (not on IST) where all these genetic deadends come up with these homosexual incel words and lingo?

    • 6 months ago

      No man, that would be wherever u go.

    • 6 months ago

      Watching white girls twerk is so weird. Too much leg and not enough hips

  35. 6 months ago


    No shit OP

  36. 6 months ago

    I will outlive every person in that video.

  37. 6 months ago
  38. 6 months ago

    I never understood fawning over e-celebs, these guys resemble a bunch of women.

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