SARMs for the first cycle

Is there even any point in blasting conventional roids when more advanced substances, that selectively target androgen receptors in the muscles, already exist? With SARMs, and maybe some test for the base, the traditional sides, like finasteride-resistant hair loss, nuking natural test production, organ damage, etc. appear to be so severely limited, which, combined with higher anabolic potential, really makes traditional roids seem completely moronic. It's almost too good to be true, is there a catch?

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  1. 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago

    so, from a cursory reading of the one study i could find, it appears ligandrol (that's the proper name of the compound in your chart) is a pretty weak ass sarm

    its less effective than any proper oral
    it does cause hpta shutdown at doses that produce results
    but it does not elevate liver enzymes, which is good.

    the conclusion is the same as for all other sarms: avoid it
    and especially avoid solo'ing it.

    if you're gonna frick with your hormones, at least do it properly, in a safe manner, and in a manner that will yield results commensurate with the risks you are taking
    just pin some fricking test.

    after you're done with your first cycle, we can talk about adding more shit on top for next time
    and spoiler alert, ligandrol would not make the cut, you'd be much better off taking some var even. nevermind a proper proper oral like dbol or adrol.

    • 9 months ago

      You’re crazy. Lgd is based. But in my experience you have to inject it. Right now I’m only on ment and lgd for my cruise and it’s great.

      • 9 months ago

        So you are on an actual steroid lmfao
        >nah bro I don't roid I use sarms like tren and dbol...

        • 9 months ago

          I’m only taking about 10mg trest ace per week for the estrogen. My primary androgen is lgd.

          • 9 months ago

            10mg of trest is equivalent to a 300mg cruise of test or more bro
            You would feel like shit without it

            • 9 months ago

              No the frick it’s not lmao. I’ve run both and 10mg trest is like 100mg test tops. And when you mix it with a sarm, it hyper aromatizes because it already wants to and the sarm out competes it to every single receptor.

              You have no idea what you’re talking about.

          • 9 months ago

            >I’m only taking about 10mg trest ace per week for the estrogen
            redpill me on trest ace

            • 9 months ago

              Its an illegal steroid and you are underage do i doubt you can cop it kid

            • 9 months ago

              Not for beginners. As much as I think test is a dogshit roid, it’s good for beginners.

              I love trest because my blood work improves on low doses compared to test, and I’m also a massive sexual deviant so I enjoy it’s progestogenic effects.

              • 9 months ago

                >I’m also a massive sexual deviant so I enjoy it’s progestogenic effects
                what do progesterone levels have to do with being a sexual deviant?

              • 9 months ago

                >As much as I think test is a dogshit roid, it’s good for beginners.
                Test is the steroid with the highest amount of side effects. Like if you take too much it can literally make you grow breasts and go bald.
                And many of the side effects of other steroids are largely due to stacking it with testosterone. The other steroids out compete testosterone for the receptor so you end up with excessive free testosterone floating around converting into estrogen and DHT.
                A lot of body builders of the 60s to 80s didn't really use testosterone that much. Like Mike Menzter mainly did large doses of deca with some dianabol, kept all his hair, and gave his body that look. Arnold did dbol and primo.
                That's why scientists created all the other steroids, because they quickly realized that testosterone had way too many side effects and was shit and useless to treat people for various diseases, and they were trying to make a superior form of testosterone. Then to improve on steroids they started on SARMS.

              • 9 months ago

                Lol this guy has never even done one cycle in his life guaranteed. Test has more sides than Tren or Deca or Anavar or Winstrol. LofrickingL

      • 9 months ago

        check your BP
        as in, right the frick now.

        • 9 months ago

          My bp is better on low dose trest+sarm than on my trt dose of test

        • 9 months ago

          Looking good

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              my diastolic is always 78 on the dot, but my systolic is all over the place 110-160. what does it mean? I'm not roiding yet

              • 9 months ago

                >not roiding yet
                Lose weight, fatty.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm like 14% BF tops

              • 9 months ago

                ngl, that is concerning
                are you doing any cardio?
                if yes, you should probably see a doctor..
                if not, do some cardio.

              • 9 months ago

                cardio it is then

    • 9 months ago

      >just pin some fricking test.
      why not both? I can counteract the drop in test levels caused by SARMs and use less test, avoiding excessive aromatization, 5ar, blocking etc. while still having great anabolic effects from the SARM.

      • 9 months ago

        >why not both
        that would be acceptable, but i'd still recommend a proper oral instead
        or, better yet, a second injectable alongside test
        from the study i read (the one linked on wikipedia), and the single compound experience thread i found on r/steroids, i was less than impressed
        i mean, if you wanna try it (alongside test ofc), by all means
        but imo just fricking pop some dbols, they'll blow it out the water easily. and at less than half the price too.

        • 9 months ago

          is there some form of test other than injectable? I was injecting something the doctor prescribed for the radial nerve damage myself, because I was too lazy to leave the house every few days to go to the nurse, and it's just too much hassle, would never bother to do the injections for any extended period of time.

          • 9 months ago

            >is there some form of test other than injectable?
            gels, patches, and im pretty sure there's oral too
            but really, grow a pair and learn to inject
            if you get test undecanoate, you can get away with once a week, even once every 2 weeks if you really wanna push it.

          • 9 months ago

            Gel and I think patches.

            • 9 months ago

              >is there some form of test other than injectable?
              gels, patches, and im pretty sure there's oral too
              but really, grow a pair and learn to inject
              if you get test undecanoate, you can get away with once a week, even once every 2 weeks if you really wanna push it.

              >gels, patches
              I heard about them but I wonder how much test can really gen absorbed this way compared with injections
              >but really, grow a pair and learn to inject
              I already mentioned that I did (well, not really, but managed to inject myself with a prescribed medication many times and not die), but it's incomparably more tedious than just popping a pill or applying a patch. I couldn't even keep up with applying minoxidil spray (twice a day became once a week at best) and it's way less bothersome than injections

              • 9 months ago

                >it's incomparably more tedious than just popping a pill or applying a patch
                try injecting delts, its much less annoying

              • 9 months ago

                >it's incomparably more tedious than just popping a pill or applying a patch
                What the frick
                It takes as much time as popping a pill
                Alcohol wipes on IM are a waste just get out of shower jam it in ass there under 10 seconds lol?

          • 9 months ago

            > is there some form of test other than injectable
            Endogenous moron

  3. 9 months ago

    >cuts your HDL in half
    >LDL through the roof
    >still suppresses you
    >oral/hepa toxic
    >extremely limited human studies
    >long term effects are unknown
    >so accessible and so much misinfo youll fail to manage estrogen or pct
    Yeah literally no downside!

  4. 9 months ago

    SARMS are pretty good, my favorite one is called trenbolone.

  5. 9 months ago

    Zoomerhomosexuals deserve their fricked up body down the road

    • 9 months ago

      >everyone smart enough to look for something more advanced than outdated test analogs must be a zoomer
      and taking anything affecting the hormones before 35 y.o., even finasteride, is moronic

      • 9 months ago

        35 here. Absolutely. I have had many conversations with guys in their 50s about T injections or steroids. No Man needs to screw with his chemicals until at least 40.

      • 9 months ago

        35 here. Absolutely. I have had many conversations with guys in their 50s about T injections or steroids. No Man needs to screw with his chemicals until at least 40.

        Nothing more homosexual than two gays getting high on their own fart. I love that it triggers you that people take substances when they haven't reached your arbitrary gatekeeping age that you set for yourself. You guys keep preparing for other people's bodies getting messed up down the road whatever that means. Or that someone roided at 34 years 364 days old. Crotchety old morons is what you both sound like but ur probably actually late 20s

  6. 9 months ago

    Took a mild ostarine cycle and minimum LGD cycle 4 years ago. Checked my test levels 4 months ago and the were in the 200s. Got on TRT felt amazing, back to my old self.
    Just use test, especially if you're a grown man.

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